I happened to catch a BBC report on the imminent findings of the investigation into the Islamification of certain schools in Birmingham this morning just after 7am. BBC only managed to find parents and schoolchildren who PRAISED the schools they attended and who were shocked, yes shocked, at this outrageous slur that they were being Islamified. One pupil helpfully pointed out that in her school, the Muslim population attending the school was around 99.9% “there are a few others” she added. Funny how the BBC miss a story within the story, isn’t it? It struck me that this was the BBC getting a pre-emptive strike in ahead of the official report which comes out next week. The meme is that we have little to worry about with State schools that are almost 100% Muslim and which are much loved by the parents and pupils. Clear?

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  1. George R says:


    “Islamism in Birmingham schools:
    how the BBC is selectively reporting the ‘Trojan horse’ plot.”
    By Andrew Gilligan
    “But the Beeb’s record on the story has been mixed. It has done some real reporting on it – that is, making the effort, like us, to gather actual evidence of its own. But on other occasions it’s been too ready to take at face value the obviously self-serving denials of obviously interested parties – such as governors of the schools concerned, or in this case Birmingham City Council.”



    • DP111 says:

      The Guardian and BBC – Pat Condell


    • Atheistinbrum says:

      Andrew Gilligan record on the story has also been mixed. He has not investigated the origins of the document, as an investigative reporter he should have been pursuing that line of enquiry. Neither has the BBC, fot that matter.
      He has also taken at face value the denials of some of the involved parties, namely the head and the governors of one of the schools, as it does not suit his line of reporting.
      “Another of the 21, Adderley, has officially confirmed that its head, a moderate Muslim, and others have been subjected to “malicious and targeted campaigns to remove them”. ”
      This newsletter (ISSUE NUMBER 20) from the school’s website says it all. Please have a look. Is that moderate?


      • Stewart says:

        “Is that moderate?”

        positively progressive- for a Maktab

        thanks for link


        • Atheistinbrum says:

          Thanks. Had to Google Maktab, though. If this is a school in fear of a religious take over, a state community school which already has built luxurious separate facilities for boys to pray and study on Fridays, what should we expect from the not so “moderate” ones? And it is all online for all the Telegraphs and BBCs to see.


          • Stewart says:

            “And it is all online for all the Telegraphs and BBCs to see. ”
            Yes ,makes you wonder what the worlds ‘biggest new gatherer’ spends our £4.5 bill a year on
            Monitoring the twatosphere for gaffs by any one remotely connected with UKIP I guess.


      • Atheistinbrum says:

        It should read: …as it suits his line of reporting.
        “Another of the 21, Adderley, has officially confirmed that its head, a moderate Muslim, and others have been subjected to “malicious and targeted campaigns to remove them”. ”
        From: ‘Telegraph’“Islamism in Birmingham schools: how the BBC is selectively reporting the ‘Trojan horse’ plot.” By Andrew Gilligan


      • atheistinbrum says:

        Adderley school has now removed the above mentioned newsletter from its website, so the link no longer works.
        The HTML cached version is still available when you search “Adderley Times newsletter 20” and click on the little arrow and select “cached”.


    • DP111 says:

      The BBC has consistently ignored the opinions of the people on islam, immigration, and many social issues. Any other broadcaster that received such a deluge of criticism, would have to change, or its revenue would dry up, and it busts.

      Not so the BBC. It is immune from public censure, and thus can merrily go its way in subverting the country.


  2. George R says:

    ” The Trojan horse – Islamism is a strategy, not an abberation by individuals”

    By Martin Parsons.



  3. Guest Who says:

    Totally the wrong thread I know, but the notion of Trojan Horses resonates elsewhere.
    The BBC is getting very excited by a certain 11th hour conversion.
    They are not alone.

    @Channel4News: A prominent British Asian supporter of Ukip, who appeared on #c4news in September, has announced that she is leaving the party

    Good to see such continuity in the priorities of national media when they see common cause in what needs to be played up or, as in the thread topic, down.


  4. flexdream says:

    Here’s a thought for the BBC. Don’t speculate on, query or undermine a report which is due out soon. Wait for the report to be published. Just a suggestion.


    • JimS says:

      BBC ‘news’ is Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia!


    • London Calling says:

      Standard PR.

      Announce what a report will shortly say
      Announce what the published report says
      Announce reactions to a recently published report.

      Media coverage three fold.

      It’s textbook.


      • mo says:

        London Calling. Superb revalation of BBC threefold tactic.
        They are facist liars and propogandists. Pure and simple


      • deegee says:

        Can’t agree.
        1) Announce what you want a report to shortly say,
        2) Cherry pick those parts of the report that fit your agenda,
        3) If the report confirms your agenda interview supporters ‒ if the report rejects your agenda interview critics.


  5. #88 says:

    I heard that report too. It was very odd indeed. The BBC sent someone to Birmingham to cover this and seemed to be going out of its way to dampen down the story and tell us that it was all a waste of time.

    Very strange.


  6. Dave s says:

    The extraordinary thing, as you point out, is that the school is 99% Muslim. That means that there are no Hindus either so it is not just a question of an ethnic minority majority.
    Common sense tells you something is badly wrong with the situation. De facto segregation of children is happening.
    The BBC as with the liberal media generally cannot see this. Why?
    It just does not figure in a liberal’s world view. If you believe in an unreal world then you start to live in it. This is the liberal’s world and it is a fantasy. Fortunately reality can never be denied and it will collapse.
    In the collapse much pain will be caused to all of us. The liberal is responsible but so are we for allowing the liberal to take over our country.


  7. Thoughtful says:

    “BBC only managed to find parents and schoolchildren who PRAISED the schools they attended and who were shocked, yes shocked, at this outrageous slur that they were being Islamified.”

    I have to say David, that it’s bit harsh to blame the BBC for this.
    The Trojan horse plot involved getting all the parents together to oust the head, governors, and teachers they don’t approve of.

    They’re all Muslims and they’re all in the plot together, and even if they do feel it’s not right, this is not a community that people can speak out against for fear of ostracisation, or worse honour attacks.

    It’s difficult for people who are not in this community to understand a way of life so alien to our own, and I don’t believe that the BBC even try, preferring to live in a fantasy world which sees everyone as being similar to them, and thus any attack on them as being wholly unreasonable and motivated by some kind of hate.


  8. Mark says:

    My wife’s cousin’s children go to a state school, which was staunchly secular, without any RE or any mention of Christianity on the curriculum.

    Last year one Muslim pupil enrolled, and all the non-Muslim pupils were obliged to learn about Islam, having learned nothing at all about any religions up until then.

    Soon there’ll come a time when children will be led to believe that Islam is the only religion in the UK.


  9. noggin says:

    ‘No extremism’ says Birmingham School

    ‘No Trojan Horse extremism links’ – Birmingham teachers hear
    … Phil Mackie

    ‘Trojan Horse’: Head teachers’ fears over six schools
    Six??? … what about the other nineteen?
    and the “over 400 complaints”?

    hmmm … BBC trying to push a narrative?


  10. chrisH says:

    Spot on David.
    I too heard Mishal fresh from New Street for the day, and did wonder why she was there…soon became clear that THIS would be the “evidence gathering” exercise required by the BBC to cover the Islamic cause in rose petals.
    What else would a Beeboid do-especially when she`s Mishal Hussain?
    1000% love up for those vulnerable schools…passionate parents, outstanding leadership-won`t SOMEBODY please think of the children(well the boys anyway!)…and if these kids flop in their exams, we will know now who to blame.
    Yes, the media-the hacks…but (of course) the BBC are innocent of all charges like this, not being hacks with an agenda or doorstopping the school gates.
    Utter bollox from the BBC…and no counter voices-just parents(or is that actors) in full agreement with Islamic codes for schools locally.
    Tacky, tacky…taqqiya!…as if the BBC don`t know what they`re doing.


  11. chrisH says:

    Heard today of a kid in school with something called PDA.
    This stands for Pathological Demand Avoidance (syndrome, no less-so it must be true!0.
    Reckon this could do as a catchall for Muslim shills in Birmingham as well as their useful BBC goons and liberal rugrats like the Guardian.
    Blue badges for all-well green ones with black swords on them anyway…if Islam were seen as a mental disability then Anjem Choudhury could keep his JSA…which surely would be good for him.


  12. Pounce says:

    Islam is a gay death cult.
    I should know I was kicked out when I refused to follower the teachings of a Pedophile. In light of so many bBC employersb getting done for raping little children, is it no wonder Islam is revered at the bBC.


  13. Pounce says:



  14. Doublethinker says:

    The BBC is distorting and suppressing the truth as usual. But I am sure that more and more people are beginning to realise that the BBC cannot be trusted on a wide range of issues. The time is fast approaching when it will be generally recognised by the public to to represent the narrow sectional interest of the liberal left and not the views and aspirations of the wider public. The Tories should hasten that process and then they will be able to rid us of the BBC with the minimum of difficulty.


  15. stuart says:

    from the labour leader of birmingham city council sir albert bore, to the chief constable of the west midlands chris simms,this is turning out to be one big trojan horse cover up.these 2 men are still in denial about this trojan horse plot for politacaly correct reasons,albert bore because he is scared of losing the muslim vote,chris simms because he is just plain scared of upsetting the muslim community,as for the bbc, they are a discrace by trying to pre empt the ofsted inquiry by going round these muslims schools asking these muslim children the dumb question are there teachers teaching hatred and extremism in those schools,what did the bbc expect these children to say,oh yea all these teachers are jihadis,these children have been told to shut up and keep queit about what is going on in these muslim schools,that is the truth of the matter and in a few weeks time the real truth will come out and i have heard it will be to pardon the pun explosive stuff.


  16. George R says:

    Islam Not BBC:-

    ‘What Trojan Horse’?:-

    “Pupils shouldn’t swim during Ramadan because swallowing pool water ‘would break the fast’ claims chair of governors at school accused of teaching Islamic extremism in Trojan Horse scandal.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2628050/School-governor-Tahir-Alam-accused-Trojan-Horse-scandal-tells-BBCs-Radio-4-pupils-shouldnt-swim-Ramadan.html#ixzz323ROXb6B