Our new friend ‘Hendy’, who also posts comments under the names of Rodrigo, Leonard, Marvin, Benji and Harvey, amongst many others, posts this bold claim:
Alan, you become more and more ludicrous with each post.
You must be the only one left defending Farage’s comments. Even the man himself isn’t anymore. You must be really, really tired in that case!
No one is defending Farage’s comments you say Hendy(et al)?
Romanian Mariana Gordan came to the UK 30 years ago as a refugee. Known left-wing sympathiser and Channel 4 interviewer Jon Snow “cut to the quick” and asked Ms. Gordan, who escaped imprisonment under Romanian tyrant Ceausescu, “How would you feel if somebody told you you would have to live next door to Nigel Farage?”
Gordan replied, “I would say he wasn’t far wrong about his… you know… I wouldn’t want to live next door to a bunch of unruly Romanians myself, whether in England or in Romania.”
“So to some extent he’s right?” probed Snow.
“Of course,” said Gordan, “…he was right, Romania is not a civilised country… this is not a race issue, I do not think Nigel Farage is racist. I think he’s learned something from this influx of Romanians, some of them because are mixed up with gypies… it’s just politically incorrect to call them gypies anymore… you can’t… we can’t even tell them apart. They have bad habits of exploiting their women and children and they are unruly”.
Challenged again by Snow, who was clearly seeking a different response, Gordan said: “My argument is not about race, it is about right and wrong. Britain is the most civilised country in the world and if people come here they should be civilised.”
‘Hendy’….you’re right…as always.
The real problem is ‘Hendy’ that you don’t understand the role of this site….it is after all called ‘Biased BBC’.
This isn’t about defending Farage per se, it’s about drawing attention to the contempt the media and political elite has for the Public….and the BBC has played a large role in the demonisation of UKIP and vilification of Farage…if only by staying quiet and not exploring the issues…such as O’Brien’s aggressive and dishonest interview.
That interview has achieved what O’Brien wanted…labelling Farage racist regardless of the facts and will now be part of the leftwing iconography allegedly providing proof positive that UKIP is a racist party.
The BBC should provide a balanced view of the parties but instead has joined in with the general vilification of UKIP.
The BBC is no longer capable of a balanced view as has been shown concerning the UKIP. It is clearly incapable of showing balanced views on many other newsworthy items. As such it has failed to do what it is supposed to do when taking money (a contract) with those that subscribe to the BBC and broken the *Sales of goods and services act* and as such should be heavily fined or better still, put out of business.
Hendy is totally incorrect as the more time goes by and the MSM agenda unravels more and more people agree with Farage (including any decent Romanians!
i watched that inteview with that nice decent romanian woman hendy on channel 4,then popped up that anti white racist dianne abbott who by the way had to apologise for her racist comments about white people which i found very hurtfull and offensive when she said that white people like to divide and rule which that racist still stands by her racist comments like the racist labour mp she is,notice that dianne abbott did not attack hendys very strong comments about her distrust about having her fellow romanians living next door to her but dianne abbott chose to ignore that and attacked nigel farage for his quiet rational comments about romanians,the trouble with the left and labour mps like dianne abbott is that they are the race stirrers and race baiters who always look for a scapegoat to attack like nigel farage and ukip because they caused all these problems with immigration in the first place with there open door no borders policy to let everybody in from the third world and now folk from poor eastern european countrys, that is what they like to hide and not be exposed for and we should never let them ever get into power ever again god willing.
More on that car crash interview
Apparently the interview proved that Snow was right all along
I guess , like your name shifting stalker, he comforted by the certainty that can only come from true faith.
‘Apparently’ seems to be like ‘Snow’ in Eskimo, as there appear to be so many different meanings, with this joining the Hislop HIGNFY bolt-on that confers blanket legal immunity. Or BBC staff twitter disclaimers.
Er… apparently.
ukips community spokeswoman on lbc iain dales show at 7pm,question and answer special.tune in.
Surprise surprise, Iain Dale is asking very anti-UKIP questions and getting matters of FACT wrong. But Suzanne Evans is in a different league to dim Dale, swiping his attacks aside. ALL the callers so far have been anti-UKIP – how representative is that ?
could not agree with you more john,dale was anti ukip and heh ho all his callers just by coincidence happened to be anti ukip,biased crap just like the bbc.
Jon Snow is the quintessential Left-wing, smug middle class prat. Anti-English and still lost in his sixties student years, this variety of lanky lefty is most often spotted in trendy, west-end coffee houses where the Guardian is read, iPads are on show and pecan pastries accompany the idle chit chat of arts and humanities students who live off their wealthy parents who most probably enjoy aleatoric dance.
I’ve never understood how a white man (English) can be accused of racism for criticising other white men (Romanian). Can any one explain this?
Oh yes, and when did sectarianism become racism too?
It’s only racism to those with a vested interest in seeing our country flooded with useless filth. The socialist scum don’t believe in borders, nationality or patriotism. The brainwashing of the stupid middle-classes was a scheme drawn up by Frankfurt Marxists in the sixties; the brightest of the siblings went to university to study medicine or science and could think for themselves, whilst the thick one studied a crappy arts degree and joined the socialist student union and was amenable to commie propaganda.
I see that the BBC’s Jasmine Lawrence has the usual impartiality running through her genes…
“Desperate, farcical Guardian at it again against UKIP”
“There were a total of 2,437 arrests of people from Germany across those four years. The number for Romanians was 27,725. This latter figure included 1,370 suspected burglaries and 142 alleged rapes, by the way, just to flesh the stats out with a bit of detail.
So now you really do ‘know the difference’. And according to the UK census of 2011, there are more German nationals living in London than there are Romanians: 44,976 as against 42,151. So your new next-door neighbour is much, much, much more likely to be criminally inclined if he is Romanian than if he is German.”
If Farage criticises his German wife, that could be racism?
Maybe not because he may be allowed to criticise the Queen for being part German, because Anglo-Saxons came from North Germany.
But then Farage sounds like a French surname, so according to the BBC’s politically correct rules, French on German racism may or may not be acceptable?
The BBC would need to organise a conference on racism to sort out this confusion.
Farage is descended from Huguenot refugees.
Farage is descended from Huguenot refugees.
Yes indeed, and this makes him a typical Englishman, with a tradition of accepting people who are willing to settle in this country accept its traditions and work here, not seeking to preserve every aspect of their original identity or scream about the superiority of the culture and politics they left behind, wishing death on our soldiers and running for support from treacherous socialists and neo Nazi anti fascists.
Farage is descended from Huguenot refugees.
And I’m descended from Indian immigrants, but I’m still English and I want to see curbs on immigration also.
BBC Guidelines on reporting Race, Gender and Religion (1997 edition):
“Rule 34 (2) (b) (iii): – All members of UKIP are racist;
Rule 34 (2) (b) (iv): – All members of UKIP are sexist;
Rule 34 (2) (b) (v): – All members of UKIP are homophobic.”
I trust this clarifies the situation.
PS: Anyone know if @journomummy has resurfaced yet?
There are some very real confusions perpetrated by the BBC and by other mainstream media and the established political parties.
One is that nationalism equates to racism. It doesn’t. If an immigrant of any ethnic background comes to this country and avails himself of the local customs and traditions, casts off those practices which grate against those traditions and local laws, then he has every right to call himself a British national and be respected duly as such.
The second is that being anti EU is somehow anti European. It is actually very much the opposite. Europe is not a political construct, it is a group of nations separated from Africa by the sea and Asia by the Urals and the Bosporus. Looking around the European continent at the damage and havoc wreaked across it by the mismanagement of the Brussels elite, and their own local politicians desire to not be ‘left behind’, it is hard not to be concerned for the future of my European friends across the water. They are busy tying themselves to a sinking supertanker.
For the last 10 years, I’ve marked my voting papers “No votes for lying, thieving incompetents.”
I’m going to give Farage a try. He cannot be any worse than the shower of traitors we have in office, but definitely not in power. Almost all effective power emanates now from Brussels.
All three major parties now are committed to surrendering our nation to the EU, which is seen as a step to One World Govt. An authoritarian, non-democratic, Communist dictatorship.
All three parties continue their Punch & Judy pretend slanging matches across the floor of our once Great, Mother of Parliaments, while all three mouth their meaningless ” Improve this Country” verbiage, all three are working instead on the “Cross Party Committee on Global Governance”. Never heard of it? Few have. The Truth is not for the Plebs.
A few questions for your MPs? I think so.
Ha Mr Should Grow Up Snow put in his place!
Channel 4 did a stitch up of UKIP with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen the other week too. So looking forward to the media and political establishment taking a kicking
Are there any Huguenot ghettos in the uk?! Yes we have a terrible political establishment but sadly the public have helped them by voting for them in the past. Amazingly many will return to the fold we can blame the lefties but the public is culpable.
Hi, I’m back!
I feel priviledged Al, I really do.
I too would be concerned if a group of Romanians involved in petty crime, cash machine robbery, arranged marriage of minors and people smugglers moved in next door too. But that’s not what our Nige, our elected representative and person in a position of influence, said, and not the way he said it. He realised he’d made a mistake, and he’s said so. His excuse was that he was tired. What’s yours?
If Farage had said that…fine. But quite a lot of people, some polls suggest 40% , think his party is racist….and his interview didn’t do much to disuage that. You know what I’m talking about.
I do understand the purpose of the site….it is after all called ‘Biased BBC’. You seem to forget that though. I won’t gloat too much but feel compelled to point out your post didn’t mention the BBC once!
Let me remind all of this wonderful piece of logic from your own keyboard:
‘what about O’Brien’s own wife?
Has he questioned and pilloried her for her prejudices against men?
His wife is a feminist Guardian writer who wrote this:
Sometimes it seems hard to be a parent in the UK. Hard to get your kid into a decent state school; hard to be a working mum; hard to be a stay-at-home mum; and hard to protect your children against the paedophile who – according to newspaper headlines – is probably living next door but one. Sometimes it makes me start to panic.
Widely publicised cases involving British children such as the Soham murders or the death of James Bulger have helped us lose trust in one another. Although these incidences are as rare as they are shocking, they have surely influenced child-rearing in our country to a disproportionate degree.
So let’s be clear….Lucy, O’Brien’s wife, has an innate prejudice against male neighbours believing they could be paedophiles, the thought of which makes her panic. She has lost trust in men because of crimes committed by men on children and reported in the Media.
What is the difference?
One is revered by the liberal inquisition a paragon of the true faith and the other denounced as a hieratic and witch .
Enjoying watching the election coverage. The BBC and the reps from the, currently termed, main parties are all being fed a large sh*t sandwich by the UKIP voting public. Great to see the politicos suddenly trying to show concern for the average person as they see so many votes slipping away.