The BBC has produced a report that looks to the future…the present not being too hot.
It essentially says the BBC should be seeking to grab more audience for its digital output…‘towards 500 million’ not surprisingly.
And it’s not, obviously, 500 million in the UK…despite UKIP predictions…it’s worldwide.
So your licence fee is going to be funding the Good News around the globe…in the service of MI6 and Western Democracy.
The Spectator doesn’t think this is a good use of the money:
Why should the licence fee payer fund the BBC’s cultural imperialism?
The report states that Auntie, despite its vast budget and massive staff, is ‘punching well below its weight in the digital world.’
That was what Sir Howard Stringer’s report, published today, found. The fact that Buzzfeed gets 10 million more pageviews than the Beeb every month seems to be a particularly sore point:
‘Given Buzzfeed, for example, was only founded in 2006, this raises the question of why the BBC’s global digital reach is not more significant. It is impossible to escape the conclusion that the BBC is punching well below its weight in the digital world.’
Stringer’s report was flooded with ‘bold’ and ‘innovative’ plans so that the BBC can ‘reach’ an online audience online of half a billion people around the world.
What Mr S can’t work out is why the licence fee payer should fund this cultural imperialism? Aren’t there improvements to be made closer to home that, you know, might benefit the licence fee payer? And why does the BBC feel compelled to compete with Buzzfeed? An organisation, which, I might add, has won global success by using nothing more than private money and popular support; no levies and court threats for them.
These questions never even enter the minds of executives at the BBC. To them Mr S says this: the clue’s in the corporation’s name.
It’s clever but is it dumbing down?
The BBC’s new report suggests:
Stringer says the current BBC News digital approach – which is in large part based on the traditional hard news values of newspapers – needs to offer something different to these young, mobile readers. So the traditional 500-word write-up of a story that people could easily find elsewhere could be under threat,
“The young aspiring classes are more interested in softer, or ‘near news’ content which has social currency, such as entertainment, technology trends, health, and accessible business stories. The publishing cycle should be continuous and the writing of the stories should be punchy and concise, reflecting the way the audience reads stories on mobile,” says Stringer.
Stringer is at pains to say that “this is not about dumbing down”, but about making stuff people will enjoy, adding more character to its reports and artitcles.
In other words……Something for everybody…’s something for our very own Scott….
In his conclusion, Stringer says the BBC’s cultural dominance is at stake.
For many years, it was dominant in a world of analogue broadcasting on radio and television. The biggest challenge the BBC faces is whether it has the capacity to evolve from being an analogue behemoth into a corporation agile enough to respond with speed and dexterity to the demands of the digital world.
Yes…wouldn’t want the oxbridge Tristrams to lose a grip of the narrative and let us decide the way we want to live and who we want to live next door to.
Yep, they’re all about the diversity, except when it comes to broadcasting where a broadcasting hyperpower must be allowed to act unilaterally to impose its worldview.
Then again, isn’t it the BBC that insists there’s no such thing as a ‘British culture’ just the aggregate cultures of whoever is passing through Britain at the time? They keep telling us that anyone who says there’s anything unique about Britain and worth fighting for is some kind of nutty extremist, but when it comes to shaking down the public they make the average UKIP member look like Nick Clegg as they give tear-jerking speeches about the need to protect the purity of our cultural essence from alien influences, such as programs that don’t suck.
Not entirely on the subject here but in line with BBC PC bias and dogmatism.
The panel for tonight’s QI
JANET STREET PORTER, Sandy Toksvig and Johhny Vegas.
Vegas some may remember on an earlier QI and much to the incredulity of Fry and the rest,claimed that you gained weight after having a sh1t!
With Fry, whom I like, and Toksvisg will the BBC in order to achieve quota balance need to have 99 straight blokes and 99 non lesbians on the panel as well.
The BBC is indeed a global ‘cultural’ organisation, with a biased political agenda, claiming to serve the interests of the world’s non-British people, but paid for by British people’s compulsory broadcasting tax.
“Radio Pyongyang?
BBC News should broadcast in North Korea, says the man who wrote the report on its future.”
This is the politically absurd outcome which Beeboids want to impose on British licence-payers.
End the BBC tax on British people, NOW.
We have to accept that the BBC Museum piece is not ‘fit for purpose’ despite massive injection of cash to ‘modernise’ itself it has had the opposite effect. Culturally insensitive, myopic, intentionally biased and foolish optimistic claims of ‘value for money’ that on any commercial scale, should not exist. It predates the EU for contempt of all England, Scotland and Ireland. It is foreign to the point of Treason. And lets not forget Eurovison pointlessness to absurdity of ‘value for money’ claims is just icing on the cake for a political elite employed by the BBC grandees to indulge at whim political games.
well there was plenty of oxbridge type tristrams on the question time panel and in the audience tonight,question time is garbage.absolute leftist biased garbage judging by tonights latest anti ukip hatefest,it was obscene the attacks on ukip again tonight on question time with all this ganging up against neil hamilton of ukip,you are garbage bbc and your anti ukip biased question time with your left wing activist hand picked audiences every week just sickens me to the pit of my stomach.look,would these white leftist panelists and lefty posh student type toffs in that audience ever call the black and asian ukip canditates racist to there faces.the answer to that is no because they are leftist gutless cowards,
Your so right stuart, it turned my stomach last night.
The real stomach churner is that the questionmeister is on £800k p.a. plus expenses no doubt and that wont be premier inns.
You’d think because this site is called Biased BBC, you might know a little about the subject.
BBC Worldwide? BBC.Com? You know these aren’t funded by the licence fee right? That’s another post best deleted Al. Only 9 of us will notice anyway.
The best thing to do is just to cease from watching anything to do with news or politics on BBC Mr Vance does the job for us we don’t need to watch too much of it! The Beeb is going to get nastier and more left-wing than ever now it’s best to avoid it!