The day after the Euro elections end the pro-Europe propaganda begins. (H/T Is the BBC biased?)
Mark Easton, the BBC’s very own pro-immigration/Europe Goebbels is back on our screens (23 mins 50) telling us that we all secretly long to be European, that in fact, due to ‘waves of European migrnats landing on our shores over 1000’s of years’ we are a country shaped by Europe.
Conclusion? We should happily accept uncounted numbers of Europeans flooding over our borders without question and embrace ‘Europe’….you just have to ask…is this an opportunity or a threat?
Apparently we are becoming more European in our culture and daily life…he didn’t expand on that….probably because it was bollocks.
Or rather, ‘we’ as in the rich and edumacated…the poor, the tabloid readers, the less well educated who don’t travel, don’t broaden their horizons and don’t have enlightened values thereof..and hence don’t realise what a boon it is to be subsumed by a European bureaucratic empire and swamped by a never ending stream of immigrants taking the housing, jobs, school places and NHS resources, naturally oppose Europe in their ignorance and prejudice.
The fools.
But hang…they don’t travel? My postman has just come back from Mauritius…with brown legs dangling out of his issue shorts to prove it….and just like him millions of working class people have travelled the world….done the old hippy trail, motorbiked around Europe, followed the football around the world, sat on the beaches in Australia, and yes toured the sights and cafes of Europe. They are just as sophisticated, educated and worldly wise as any smug journalist on a BBC expenses junket in a linen jacket…a lot more so in fact.
People like Easton, ignorant, patrician, prejudiced and lying through their teeth, and paid for by my licence fee and using it to talk down to half the people in this country, just like his mates the politicians do, are heading for a fall.
Revolution? UKIP? Yes please. Sign me up.
This was blatant propaganda quite clearly timed to try and counter any ideas you might have that the bandwagon is rolling to exit Europe and thoughts you might entertain of jumping on board.
It is in fact a rehash of Easton’s previous fabrication about identity and immigration that we have looked at before:
Dulce et Decorum est, pro Ipsos MORI?
Easton tried to tell us that we were becoming less ‘national’, less connected to our own country…more a global citizen.
Problem is the stats just didn’t back up Easton’s interpretation…not in that survey, nor in numerous other ones that have been done.
Easton is pro-European and pro-immigration…and his BBC reports are shaped by those prejudices.
There is hardly a word that comes out of his mouth that can be trusted…there is nothing impartial or balanced about his reports.
I would have thought that it was fairly obvious to his bosses that he is totally unsuitable to present any programme about these subjects bearing in mind his clear bias.
Remember Easton is the man who told us the British Crime Survey was a thing of beauty…unchanging, reliable, representative, independent and informative…, it isn’t…it’s just as unreliable and dodgy as any set of stats….its computer system and software change all the time, the people who run it change, of the 40,000 people it boasts of surveying only about 1,400 make it through to the final analysis…and who does the final analysis? A bloke sat at a desk in the Government’s Home Office who decides if each one can be classified as a crime or not…and therefore decide whether crime has gone up or down.
Reliable? Independent? My backside it is. And neither is Easton.
Conclusion? We should happily accept uncounted numbers of Europeans flooding over our borders without question and embrace ‘Europe’
He doesn’t say that at all, of course. The short piece includes the results of a survey that suggests that positive sentiments towards Europe held by some is almost completely balanced out by negative sentiments held by others.
In short, Alan is the one lying. And not for the first time.
I would have thought that it was fairly obvious to his bosses that he is totally unsuitable
While that barb is aimed at Easton for saying something which he didn’t, it’s a comment that can justifiably be aimed at Alan. Even Vance must realise that having the majority of this site’s posts written by a flagrant, repeated liar doesn’t exactly do his own image that much good.
I think most people would come to the conclusion that Easton is selling them something…Europe and’s obvious to any half awake person.
He has a long and less than honourable history of promoting the virtues of both.
Your incoherent, automatic gainsaying of everything on this site and gratuitous jibes to all and sundry make anything you say quite worthless as no one takes you seriously as a genuine commenter as a result.
Suggest you give yourself a talking to.
So in other words, you’ve decided what Easton wanted to say, ignored the actual content of his actual report, and wrote up a post based on your own, fictionalised version.
You’re a liar. You write posts based on your own fabrications. You know you do it. You just don’t have the decency to admit it.
I know Biased BBC commenters and Vance don’t care about telling porkies to reinforce bigotry – so many of them do it themselves, after all – but that doesn’t make it right.
How you can call others for being a liar after the countless dribbling posts you spooge all over this site amazes me. Actually, it doesn’t; you need to take your head out of your arse or whoevers arse its in and read the posts before coming over all a flutter!
How typical. A riposte full of nothing substantive, only personal attacks.
Next thing you know, someone will come along blaming me for banquosghost’s inability to be polite. Because of course, Biased BBC commenters can’t be responsible for their own inability to behave like adults.
Scotty, dear heart – you are irrelevant to the national debate now happening.
Is that an insult to your precious soul – or just a statement of fact.
Things have passed you by, kiddie. You are pissing into the wind.
Scotty – the central lie that Mark Easton always pushes is that we are a nation of immigrants. The statisistics over the centuries tell anyone but a bigot like you that this is false. We have never ever had such massive immigration. Never, ever.
Please provide figures to dispute this. Otherwise – you are lying in your defence of Easton and the general BBC propaganda.
So you’re not going to address the fact that Alan lied about this report? You’re going to defend it because it fits in with the Biased BBC narrative, even though it’s a fabrication?
Good for you. You’re defending lies because they fit your prejudice. You must be so proud.
That’ll be a “no” then.
I wasn’t talking about Alan, I was talking about Easton. Can’t you read ?
And if I was not talking about Alan – how was I defending him ? How am I displaying some kind of prejudice ? You really should not try to put words into people’s mouths.
You really are full of illogic – as well as full of tiresome tripe.
“How typical. A riposte full of nothing substantive, only personal attacks”
Oh dear, oh dear. Hoist by one’s own petard yet again.
Now with regard to the lefty Easton, he is nothing more than a propagandist for those whose political views he fervently supports to the detriment of factual evidence.
Yet two sentences later you make a personal attack against the commentators on this site. Fair enough Scott if you do but spare the your hypocrisy.
It could be racist for me to say that I love being a European but hate the EU.
(1) I love being European is racist.
(2) I hate the EU is racist
(3) I hate being European is non-racist
(4) I love the EU is non-racist
So that would mean that a non-racist is someone who loves the EU because he hates being a European, but loves European immigrants, even though they are also evil nasty Europeans who they hate, but only if they are foreign and therefore make a left-wing moron feel culturally superior.
I think I was confused by left-wing idiotology
Of course he doesn’t say that explicitly … if he was honest and stated his desires clearly the gig would be up.
The implication and agenda behind his words is exactly as Alan states.
Ooh. I bet you’re glad you got that of your chest Scott.
Yes I saw this nonsense and was very close to posting a comment. Pure smug metro-trendy elitism that bears no relationship with the hard working-classes.
Mark Easton should try travelling on buses.
A few months ago I was treated to two young ladies describing how they were going to live it up on the town once they came off ‘the tag’. Then they moved on to how their next Balearic trip would be ‘fully catered’ and with ‘air conditioning’.
Even the ‘bedroom tax’ paying, ‘cost of living crisis’, hard-claiming Labour client underclass are ‘European’ now. Some of them are even ‘fully-integrated’ with Somalians too!
“Is Mark Easton biased?”
(Oct 2013).
“Easton Effrontery”
(March, 2014).
Actually, I`m happy for Easton and chums to continue their dollops of horseshit.
After the UKIP victories-the more the BBC scratch that itch and continue to delude themselves with every report…the more preposterous they become.
No-one is listening…it`s mere comedy these days…and we all know that now.
Channel 4 and the Guardian etc-alongside the BBC-busy heaping up the funeral pyres for all they`ve been propagating since 1979.
Why`s Scott so cross?…didn`t the BBC themselves say that they were biased towards the EU consistently? He`ll be telling us that the Balen Report is being withheld by them, for fear or promoting Islam….
“The BBC’s Group-think on Immigration Stinks”
(July, 2013).
Beeboids’ presumptuous, politically interrogative position on Immigration is something akin to:
‘Do you campaign, like us, for unlimited mass immigration into Britain, or are you a racist?’
We should change it around and demand of Beeboids:-
‘Do you think British people should be subjected to this unprecedented rapid colonisation of Britain via continuing mass immigration, campaigned for by the political class (inc BBC), or should the British people put strict limits on immigration now, and strengthen national sovereignty?’
I think its a race between the Government replacing the people before the General Election, and the people replacing the Government in said, General Election.
In the old days it was a race between the Government murdering the people, and a peoples revolution.
In North Korea as in Britain, the Government is at the moment still winning., but things are beginning to look shaky for these two Governments.
Doing catch-up on Ray Mears’ ‘How The Wild West Was Won’ earlier. The references to Europe including the narrator’s ‘I as a European’ were fabricated beyond belief and the airbrushing of England and the English from the first colonies through Independence to the push westwards was a masterclass of BBC historical revisionism.
‘European colonies’ my arse.
Maybe Scott fancies Easton & wants to date him . Bet Easton is from Scott`s side of the fence anyhow .
For all his daily trawling of this website Scott finds very slim pickings – even then most of his time is spent stamping his feet and shouting insults. A great ambassador for the BBC and The Left in general, in fact.
Scott? Too much time on his hands i fear…..probably a public sector ‘worker’.
No doubt that is why the USA speaks “European”.
I think it is time to rewrite our history. The BBC could get Easton and his chums on the job.
What about the waves of immigrants that arrived in 1132 and the half million that came in 1204 and the 3 million that arrived just in time to see off the Armada.
And what about the 7 million that arrived just in time for the Industrial revolution. No English necessary. Immigrants (much much better at everything ) created this country.
There are no English they do not exist. Repeat after me till your head explodes.
For the record, population was calculated/guessed at 3 million souls in 1500 AD……… in 514 years, it has risen 60 million plus…..sobering eh? 500years is a grain in the sand of the bathfull of sand that represents the sustainable life of this planet………we should be reducing our populations, not increasing them…..
so scott, your leader the weirdo ed millband let the cat out of the bag today when he hinted its back to business with more mass immigration and open borders if he and the labour party get elected in 2015.i admire weirdo eds honesty,but scott, as a ex labour voted and first time ukip voter i would not only stop mass immigration from white poor eastern europeans countrys, but i would stop all mass immigration from poor unstable third world muslims countrys like pakistan,somalia etc, the guardian cant call me racist there can they, but that is the only failure of ukip at the moment,they are only against white eastern european immigration but not from the third world,that policy must change before the next election,as for,mark easton, it seems like he has the same shared ideology as jasmine lawrence the ukip hating editor of the bbc news channel but mark is clever enough not to reveal his hatred of ukip on his twiiter feed like the honest bbc news editor jasmine lawrence.
Al bbc in tears ,the French have got some balls now & breaking up an illegal migrant camp in Calais . Some nasty disease has broken out , & all of them trying to head our way , Maybe Jasmine Lawrence & Easton will put them op in their homes in Henley or Islington .
Yep, Scabies is nasty, i wish it upon all stupid lefties, stuff them. TB is back, thanks to coughing african illegals…..bubonic plague anyone? I’d confine it to Hampstead if i could……
30 years ago the viewing figures for the BBC were many millions. There was very little choice then.
Will the Licence Fee remain the same when there are only 58.8 viewers per programme?
Absolutely on the money Alan.Mark Easton talks out of his arse.
It is a lie to say that English culture is the product of centuries of immigration.
Here’s the truth:
1)From the late part of the first millennium to the mid 20th century the English culture was formed and evolved by a few groups coming from Northern Europe. These groups mixed and post Norman time developed the legal and cultural systems that peaked in Victorian times.
2) Only after WW2 did large numbers of immigrants arrive in Britain and even more so under the last Labour government.
If we’re being stark, the 1st millennium waves of immigration were really invasions. The 2nd millennium overhaul by Norman conquest led to genocide in the North.
It is the stability from the 12th century onwards that led to the great English cultural progress that are indebted to today.
It is truly astounding how the liberal will deny these facts. I will go further and say it was the social capital built up by endless generations of our ancestors that made this the country it was (no longer of course).
BY social capital I mean that English way of doing things that made us the self reliant and self governing people we were.
it is no accident that the Civil war was the result of that idiot Charles attempting to rule as a Continental monarch.
Concerning the BBC and Easton. In a cultural war for this country’s future I can see no point in playing by the liberal’s rules. We ,the conservative people of England, have no right to speak against the liberal..This is really the liberal view.
If we give Easton a hard time for little reason then hard luck. He is not on the side of old England. He is the genius who completely failed to understand why white flight is happenning from the east of London. Ignore every word he says.
“A Nation of Immigrants?
A brief demographic history of Britain.”
By David Conway.
[-made available as a free pdf here, by the worthy ‘Civitas’]
Click to access ANationOfImmigrants2007.pdf
I believe Euston lives the multi-cultural dream in Islington, oddly not Tower Hamlets
Beeboids in denial: misuse word ‘migrants’ , censor words ‘illegal immigrants’, as does ‘Guardian’ today again, of course.
The whole Beeboid report is written from the viewpoint of the illegal immigrants, as usual, not from the viewpoint of people of the colonised nations- France and Britain.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Here we go again: Police surround squalid and germ-ridden Calais camp as they prepare to remove another 800 immigrants waiting to get to Britain”
Read more:
“French police expelling migrants from Calais camps”