Hi all. Here’s a Joey Barton endorsed Open Thread for you to complete. And to think some claim Question Time has been deliberately dumbed down. Next week, Wayne Rooney?
To be fair, I could see what Barton was trying to say when he made those remarks, as indeed could the next questioner from the audience who seemed to agree with the point but dis-associated himself from the analogy.
The key point though (it seemed to me) was that Dimbleby gave him such a ridiculous introduction, almost setting him up for failure. I didn’t understand some of the words Dimbleby used in that introduction, and certainly couldn’t relate them to a footballer.
For me, the only footballer who has come close to being satisfactory on Question Time has been Clarke Carlysle (sp?) who has an intellect and level of articulation on a range of subjects far superior to Barton or most of his kind.
Let’s not forget also that Barton is a convicted criminal and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. Quite why the BBC chose to invite him onto the QT panel was quite beyond comprehension and it was the second time yesterday that I heard the BBC entertaining a criminal on a high profile show, the first being on Drearyshire’s 5Live programme when she seemed to be interviewing a self-confessed nigerian scammer. (I couldn’t quite understand why she wasn’t just calling the police during that interview!)
‘a convicted criminal and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. Quite why the BBC chose to invite him onto the QT panel was quite beyond comprehension’
As you go on to allude, Mrs. Merton may be able to pose a ratings-based question of BBC producers to gain an insight into the attraction.
Luckily for them, the purposes of being too embarrassed/not wanting to answer will allow them to claim exemption.
I suspect some will ask the question in through official channels, and the BBC will provide an answer.
I don’t believe that people who have criminal convictions are excluded from having their voices heard. This is the nature of living in a democracy.
‘I suspect some will ask the question in through official channels, and the BBC will provide an answer.’
Suspicions and beliefs duly noted.
We’ll just have to see if the BBC does or doesn’t answer.
Though on the former proof of a negative can be tricky and work in their favour.
But your belief in BBC trust and transparency is laudable given their record.
“I don’t believe that people who have criminal convictions are excluded from having their voices heard.”
That depends on whether their convicted of thought crimes or real ones .There’s a whole industry devoted to silencing the first group and another to understanding the second .
The BBC plays a leading role in both.
Quite a large number of people with criminal convictions appear on the BBC, starting with a couple of ex government ministers. One hopes that opponents would have the bottle to call those out who have been convicted for giving false evidence.
The BBC consider it is their duty to assist in the rehabilitation of criminals, and to teach law abiding citizens the errors of their intolerance, yet they attack the Christian Church with unceasing and increasing venom. This is because they see all this as solely the role and responsibility of the state. There is no room for independent thought and action.
I’d sooner listen to Joey Barton, and agree with his description of the parties, i’m sick of seeing the likes of the wretched Shirley Williams, Heseltine, Clarke, Bragg et al.
Reckon that they hope that the likes of Barton will one day grow up to bandy big words like Russell Brand…or tell the BBC what the working class chappie with the accents what`s to be done, now the Clapham Omnibus is under threat due to the Toricutz.
Joey-with help from Dr Doolittle over at mid-Staffs-may yet be able to fit his bigger cap so Billy Bragg can pass it on for that (working chap who always voted Labour but can now read his own Guardian).
Wonder which of Joeys mingers has accepted Lord Rennards apology then…I find it easier to conflate the BBC nonsense stories , for my own amusement…so f*** off Scott!
Oh good Lord,
TWATO and its Shaun Ley mithering all over Alex Carlisle as he tries to give context to Rennards case.
But Channel 4 and Shaun have found him guilty of course, so Carlisles efforts to explain are in vain…and the BBC have one of his PTSD “victims of abuse” to demand the death penalty or the lack of a brioche…whichever`s worse.
Desperate crap all this-but, like Joey-if it deflects from Harriet/PIE and the rise and rise of UKIP-then job done.
Another lavender trail for the BBC foxes and hares to trail-can`t tell one from another anymore-but the Cause demands the hunt, then the witch trial afterwards…fat white “Lord”-poor liberal poppets camping out in Cyril Smiths Y-fronts?….what could possibly go wrong?
What drives families to kill their daughters?
The stoning to death of a pregnant Pakistani woman by her own family has thrust the issue of so-called honour killings into the spotlight: http://bbc.in/SXba9I
At least the unbiquitous BBC “quotes” on the honour of killing in such a way was avoided and even a ‘so-called’ introduced.
However the article seems ruthlessly neutral, erring on not going certain places, including some possibly pertinent facts, with that renowned BBC ‘analysis’ or one-degree-of-separation selective call-out curiously absent.
Not a one.
The pakistani woman is one example, the woman in South Sudan is another.
I noticed that the first item on 10.00 News last night was a piece about under-age marriage in Mali which didn’t seem to me to be a news item as such, more of an opinion/ campaigning piece put together by Fergal Keane.
Fergal is It Sharkey ?usually pops up when Paddy`s or even Plastic Paddy`s need it a bit of a leg up . One day he is in darkest Africa , the next, he has been “beamed down ” to Dale Farm.going on about the poor Irish pikey`s, er traveller`s being evicted .
And the dumbass was saying that the EU is a non-issue.
Despite the Bosmann rule crap that allowed this mediocrity to kick lumps out of others in Marseilles on his fat salary.
Lives in Kew now he says-does he still get Scouse elocution lessons c/o Winifred Robinson and Laurie Taylor, as he promenades to Hampton Wick?
UKIP had three controversial figures (plus two former members)
Conservatives 1 and Independent 1 (granted that is Lutfer Rahman – controversial is a gentle euphemism in his case).
But did you notice something quite striking? Yep, that’s it, not one single Labour candidate could be deemed controversial. Nor a Green for that matter. Nor a Lib Dem.
Nope, just your evil racist Kippers and Tories (and dear ole’ Lutfer, natch)
This seems an ideal moment to get into a deep semantic discussion with a Flokker on what ‘controversy’ may actually mean, deep down, according to the BBC Editorial ‘whatever we say it i… er… Guidelines’, as updated by Jasmine whilst ‘resting’.
Wonder if they’ll pull the same stunt come the GE.
Lib Dems may be tricky as most are by now dealing with ‘controversy’ (Huhne, Hancock, etc). and are off the ballot and hence direct radar.
Labour, though? Guessing Ms. Abbott will be deemed either too boxtickalicious to even go near or simply ‘Just Diane being Di… a racist community divisive sh*t-stirrer’.
And since the court found her innocent, such as our Caroline could in no way, whatsoever, even so be felt the teensiest bit controversial. Eau neu.
I had noticed that too. a BBC, bait and switch. A baited headline which suggests some balance at the BBC which would get people clicking on it, to see what tories and labour and liberal candidates may have said that was just as offensive… Then the switch to show that OH hang on… it was UKIP that was offensive after all….
No mentoin of the racist, sexist or homophobic scandals by labour and tory candidates.
Unfortunately it got deleted in the duplicated thread, but I think it’s probably important enough to merit it’s own thread, the ICM research for the BBC complaints system:
The Daily Mail says that she had to give birth with her legs chained, and may well get flogged/lashed within the month.
When are we Christians going to do something to save the likes of her from the evils of Islamic Sharia in hellholes like Sudan?
The Lords Resistance Army look our best bet at the moment-so how bad have things got between the Islamic Saitanix and the flabby, useless craven Christian Church in the West?
I myself would have Lee Rigbys murderers ready to die if they as much lift a toothpick to this poor woman!
And where are the BBC and the lefties?….I`d arm the Salvation Army over there…no ifs or buts.
Sorry, Islam is clearly higher up the politically correct hierarchy of entitlement than #EverydaySexism and #Feminism. Islam combines having to show religious tolerance with anti-racism, so that is political correctness squared. The only thing that can beat that, is a black pansexual hemaphrodite in a wheelchair. If that black pansexual hemaphrodite was also Muslim, we would have to appoint it God.
Perhaps someone might suggest putting the issue on the agenda for one of the many Interfaith Councils and Committees that have sprung up in our culturally enriched cities. You know – We are Walthamstow, Jews, Christians, Muslims and gays
I merely share for your amusement and delectation, innit… BBC News
· The campaign period for Scottish independence referendum has begun, but who’s campaigning? Here, we answer the important questions – in 60 seconds http://bbc.in/SXtS0G
The BBC has launched a new website, “Referend-erm?” where youngsters can ask about #indyref: http://bbc.in/1o4WzCx
‘Erm indeed.
Maybe Joey Barton can field a phone in?
This was bolted on as ‘related news’: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/tv-radio/equity-slams-bbc-for-failing-to-cast-unknown-actors-9442286.html
Have to say, I thought ‘the list’ was already getting pretty long thanks to Lenny Henry, Danny Cohen & Assorted Wrinkly White Wimmin, but no, we now have ‘unknown’ too.
The distinction between this and ‘unemployable due to no discernable talent’ will be an interesting one to see oozed past possibly less forgiving audiences. And the lawyers.
Mind you, somewhere in the Market Rate Infirmament, a talent’s agent just felt a shivver down their spine.
Whilst Equity, like many unions, has a less than delightful record on working on behalf of its members it is not wrong here. The BBC has both the money and the broadcasting space to give unknown, if not untried, actors the opportunity to showcase their abilities and further their careers. In fact as a national public broadcaster I would say it has a duty to.
What the BBC tends to do is stick with its trusted knowns. How are these people chosen? Who knows but I’d guess at nepotism and patronage.
So one is a daily newspaper with a circulation around 3 million, the other is a small regional corner of the BBC news website, readership around zilch.
IIRC and IAQPTAIMBW (!!) wasn’t there an issue in the 1990s with BBC phone in votes to Radio One exposed when a song called something like ‘Boing’ topped a poll because someone had twigged how to send multiple phone in votes via the same telephone line? Again IIRC the BBC stated at the time that they were putting in a system to detect multiple calls to stop this happening again.
Either they didn’t, they did but don’t use it anymore or, my personal favourite, they did, they do use it but only exclude those opinions they don’t like.
Boston Islamic jihad massacre:
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): censors out ‘Muslim’, presumably in INBBC’s political interest in furthering its ‘left’-Islamic alliance.
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“U.S. charges Muslim in Boston with hindering Marathon jihad bombing probe”
“He is charged with destroying records. He also brought dinner to the bombers on the night of the attack. If the charges are true, he clearly approved of what they had done. What could have motivated him to support the mass murder of innocents? Could it be the belief system and ideology that no one dares examine?”
At least 2 recent videos made by Palestinian Arabs showing fake shootings at demonstrations have fooled the BBC to broadcast the news that Israeli’s are shooting Palestinian Arabs. (Note, that there was no blood on the bodies and the so-called “victims” fell forward using their hands to break their falls.)
Now here’s a video, shot from the same camera and angle, which shows a 3rd attempt to libel the Jewish State. This time, however, the script writers messed it up completely!
You can read into this Met Office report as you will. The fact is the only reason why it is the *Hottest* (Hottest?) is because of the mean night time temperatures have baulked up the overall average mean caused by increased overnight cloud thus keeping up average 24 hour temperatures. No overnight below zero temperatures you see. Is this Climate Change or Global Warming? Not a chance. Speak to the most of Europe about their winter temperature averages for the last 6 months!
I really must emphasise the wording in this BBC report. The Met Office quite rightly uses the term *Mild* in it’s own winter weather bulletin, it is the BBC that has chosen to use the word *Hottest*, which is simply a falsehood.
Old Bloke: Brilliant, I did not know that, is it on the Weatheraction website? it fits in with an increase in low cloud cover over the Arctic, caused by an increase in Cosmic Rays, which caused the Arctic to continue to warm when the rest of the planet stopped warming.
In both cases the average temperature increases at night due to trapped heat input, and this with thermal inertia is holding up Global average temperatures until the drop in temperatures that will accelerate from 2018 into a mini-ice age.
This and the upper oceanic thermal lag are the cause of a delay to a Global cooling trend.
To be fair to Barton, asking him to reproduce his Guardian tropes using no ghost writer was only “setting him up to fail” as we public sector saps are trained to parrot.
And his views on UKIP are as needless and as relevant as Ed Milibands on whether Barton was an asset or a liability as he strutted around Ford Open Prisons B team in 2008.
And at least the BBC DID ask young Joey…and he must have felt quite clever for a few hours.
And hopefully we`ll see no more of him in the Premier League, once he`s shown up to be a thuggish has-been who`ll be needing his “undercover footballer” gig for the Guardian to earn a crust.
The BBC were already well already about Barton’s qualitities:
“Barton tweets on subjects far beyond the banal concerns of the usual modern footballer.
He has debated the ideological underpinnings of the Big Society, revealed a fondness for the lyrics of the Smiths, expressed an admiration for the engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and shared aphorisms by Virgil, Seneca and Nietzsche.
GQ magazine noted approvingly that he had used “echelons” and “persona non grata” in the same 140 characters.”
Joey Barton: What’s behind his Twitter philosophy? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14662175
As a QPR supporter naturally my opinion of Joey Barton is somewhat different and more nuanced, a “thuggish has been” is somewhat unfair, his effort this season that resulted in Rangers promotion, was exceptional. He has also been an inspiration for the rest of the team. Therefore next season in the Premier League , you will be seeing and hearing quite a lot about him. I gather that he is currently doing a philosophy degree. I didn’t see his appearance on Question Time, but he is not stupid. This observation from 2011, is one of the more sympathetic and thoughtful ones:
“It’s easy to mock, says Simon Kuper, the Financial Times columnist and author of The Football Men. But Barton should be applauded for going against the anti-intellectual grain of English football culture, he argues.
Barton may have 10 GCSEs but English footballers – unlike their Scottish, Dutch and German counterparts – have any aspirations of learning knocked out of them once they arrive at their clubs, Kuper argues.
In effect Barton is an autodidact, educating himself. And if he gets the odd thing wrong, so what, says Kuper. “It’s inspiring he wants to share his learning. Many of us did that in the uni bar, confidently expressing things we may not have completely understood. He is doing the same to many more followers on Twitter.”
Ta Peter.
I`ve had a year off from football, having given David Moyes a year to get it right for my team. He didn`t get that, and my knowledge of Joeys efforts was based on his costing my team the League in 2012. So sorry for that.
You`re also right about his self-education. I`ve no problem with that, but it`s the BBC patronage of him that gets me.
His ignorance on UKIP was Guardian lite thinking, so he`s unexceptional in all that he said.
In the light of what you say I can only wish him well next year…always had a soft spot for QPR, seeing I was born at Hammersmith…and be good if Harry can keep them up.
Sorry for my own “autodidactism” re Joeys efforts for the team. We United fans are nothing if not arrogant and all to certain( despite this years meltdown).
After the ginger goblin, we are to have Butt-Head as our new manager, from all accounts, mad as a box of frogs, BUT a bit of a footballing mastermind.
Hopefully, Moyes has not destroyed us totally, but I believe the coming season will be a challenge to say the least, certainly in the acquisition of the world class replacements we will need for Rio, Nemaja, Carrick and our wide men who are not a patch on players we have had in those positions before (apart from Karel Poborsky)
‘More than 10 people died in Wednesday’s gun and grenade attack on the Notre Dame de Fatima church, which is in a mainly Muslim neighbourhood. Interim President Catherine Samba Panza described it as a “terrorist act”.’
Version 2 :
‘More than 10 people died in Wednesday’s gun and grenade attack on the Notre Dame de Fatima church, which is in a mainly Muslim neighbourhood. In a nationwide address on Friday, interim President Catherine Samba-Panza promised that those responsible would be punished. “Inter-community hatred is being exploited shamelessly by the enemies of peace,” she said.’
‘BBC stealth edit care of Newsniffer…’
Those ‘tweaks’ do give a fascinating insight into the hierarchical thought and corrective processes that exist and kick in when they’ve all scooted off to the pub and some poor sap minding the store fails to read the manual properly before posting.
Interesting the balance provided on a titfer basis para by para, but it seems those Christian youths sacking and barricading are failing to provide the ‘people dying’ (that odd BBC euphemism for getting slaughtered) levels that appear achievable by those who have access to guns and grenades, with the will to use them.
AN amazing programme on Radio 4 about BBC expansionism into China. I have no doubt in the tradition of the BBC they will totally F… it up and end up losing millions of our money. Never mind they can always increase the TV tax to cover it. They’re probably too left wing for the Chinese government anyway!
“Paul Jackson investigates the TV industry in China and the British producers trying to tap this enormous market. As China reaches out to the West for new formats, how are those ideas changed to reflect Chinese tastes and cultural sensitivities and which shows become winners with the audience? Paul also discovers how programme makers within China are trying to create original content and bring it to our screens too.”
Why doesn’t BBC-NUJ stand in the General Election as the Party for Mass Immigration, which is what it uses its broadcasting power for daily?
Latest: the Libya to Italy illegal ‘victims,’ represented by Beeboid, sotto voce.
You can take the propagandist out of the Middle East, but you can’t…. http://bbcwatch.org/2014/05/30/bbcs-jon-donnison-promotes-bds-misinformation-on-twitter/
Unless he’s popped back for a bit of R&R (Rant & Rumble) in his old stomping ground, I was under the impression that JD was roaming the outback penning hit pieces on anyone not Julia Gillard to endear the UK with our elected Commonwealth cousin governments.
Sort of a male Jasmin Does Downunder on the ‘sideways workplace until the dust settles’ gig.
I see he grants ‘Simon’ that he has raised a valid question, but in true BBC style it appears to remain unanswered. Had to love the ‘don’t blame me… I just shunt out what I like from others who could be totally wrong’.
Rather sums up the BBC Editorial operation in most areas.
As another poster points out: David Jack Smith @davidjacksmith May 29 Tweets are “mine” is such baloney. You represent the BBC. Period. And BBC is a shrill anti-Israel advocate @JonDonnison @BillGates #tcot
How he remains on the BBC payroll, much less as a roving twitter disaster, might be a question for Mary Hockaday, if she’d care to chip in.
BBc 18:00 news running sob sob story on illegal immigrants yet again. Sorry it was worded as immigrant who illegally.Off to the latest atrocity in India the reporter said woman, 14 & 15 year olds are in our world called children.
On a brighter note the labour dim wits have just posted a leaflet through our door, I didn’t answer as it looked like they were looking to tarmac my drive on our cctv, with a freepost address on it. the printer has been printing envelopes all afternoon.
Once again the BBC tries to push it’s own agenda on Global Warming and Climate change when the facts actually show something different. The U.K. Met Office compiles its own data and distributes its data to parties around the world. On this very blog there are very knowledgeable people concerning the physics of meteorology and just plain weather watchers who have a better understanding of what is really happening out there, unlike our BBC. The BBC only tells us what it wants to tell us concerning the release of the *winter data* for 2013-2014 but please view the following link: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/2014/2
It is clear as the ba**s on a bulldog that, since 2002 the average Global Temperature have been falling, in other words the Earth is cooling. This then flies in the face of the Hockey Stick graph. Co2 increase causing Global Warming leading to Climate Change was a Hypothesis. Unfortunately for the believers in this Hypothesis, the above link proves that the Hypothesis is/was, in this case wrong and why we have not had any Global Warming for 17.5 years now.
So am I a Climate Change sceptic? No, because I understand that the nature of Climate is somewhat akin to the Chaos theory. What I am though is a realist, and the definition of a realist is:
[Realists have a firm grip on reality and can see things for what they are, not what they are told they are. Realists have their own views and do not fall victim to propaganda, misconception, or titles!]
So what does that make those at the BBC??
Eddie Mair was trailing today’s ‘More or Less’ with its host, Tim Harford. Harford explains how on one of the topics he will reveal the numbers like ‘peeling the layers of an onion’. Mair asks ‘Will it make me moist?’ Harford falters with his reply, an embarrassed half-laugh – the conversation recovers.
What the hell was that all about? And would a heterosexual presenter have gotten away with saying the same thing to a female colleague on air?
‘Will it make me cry?’ would have been more appropriate and slightly funnier.
A bit of mischief on Mair’s part? I guess we’ll never know…
In a similar vein: Much hilarity and stifled giggles on the sofa yesterday when discussing ‘Springwatch’. Presenter A asked presenter B ‘will the beavers be out today?’.
“Tariq Ramadan, a Geneva-based lecturer on Contemporary Islamic issues at Oxford University in Britain, speculated on Tuesday that the slaying of four people last week at the Jewish Museum of Belgium was a deliberate attack on Israeli secret agents.”
Just watched the bBC article about the coloured guy in Kent who is suing the Lawn Tennis Association claiming discrimination. Now lets be honest here, how many people actually get discriminated agaisnt nowadays for being black?
Then lets look at Tennis, is it a sport for pint swilling tattooed council estate scum, or is it a sport played by liberal middle class people? yes there are racists, I’ll not deny that. But in this day and age somebody would have spoken out if this guy was getting a bumrap. I mean its not like a tennis ladder is a closed shop. But you know what, this will now be seen by other teams and fearing the liberals, they will promote second class tennis players simply becasue they are coloured.
OBTW, isn’t the second ranked British female player …….coloured (Heather Watson)
Actually, she got sacked from The One Show, and not for the remark, but for refusing to apologise. She was back appearing on other BBC shows a few days later.
Typical of the fascists of the BBC to try to link some lone mentally disturbed white boy with the evil of Islam.
No one ‘radicalised him’ because there’s no such thing other than in the Fascist mind, to excuse the excesses of their favourite brown eyed boys.
Worse still this is a boy charged with terrorism and the Jury failed to reach a verdict, yet the BBC are going to act as judge jury and executioner, because the jury clearly ‘got it wrong’
It’s yet another example of trying to paint white people as similar to Jihadist terrorists when they clearly are nothing like them. It doesn’t matter to them whether they are guilty or not, or even if their mental capacity is all it should be, the BBC doesn’t mention it, because it has good propaganda value without.
An unusually good Any Questions tonight in that the slimy Jonathan Dimbleby was toasted in his liberal inclinations.
Claire Fox and Trevor Kavanagh did rather well in the lions den, and clearly discomfited Dimbore-as did the europhile French commentator on the panel too.
Best ones were the pretensions over Mice and Men…but Billy Bragg got the last word at the end, seeing as he was the favoured son of the Tribune.
Still-Fox put him in his place(Northanger Abbey)-and Kavanagh skewered Dim with his bogus “show of hands bit”-where Trev again dealt with his lazy view on the results over Michael Goves popularity.
There`ll be an inquest no doubt, but the thinkers won tonight-for once.
HIGNFY as anti UKIP as ever, how wonderful it will be if Helmer could squeeze it next week so the stock smug retort by Hislop and co “…and they haven’t even got any MPs” will become redundant.
I didn’t note his exact words, but Hislop acknowledged that Farage had won the election in spite of the program’s best efforts to prevent it. The BBC blatantly electioneering again under the guise of ‘satire’.
Yes, isn’t left-wing humour just so unfunny? Humour in Britain used to be politically incorrect, a genuine product of hard times and eccentric. Now it’s about one-dimensional smart-arse egotistical rich-kid types who are simply not funny; because of the self-imposed PC straitjacket, all they can slag off nowadays are the right-wing, Christianity, the America and the Daily Mail. It’s become a self-congratulatory club for the Steve Coogan-types who seem to experts on what we should laugh at, when in fact they’re complete middle-class dicks.
It will be a shot in the arm for our democratic tradition if UKIP win Newark. In the longer term it might even save it.
Not that the established parties understand this. Too wrapt up in their own problems.
To try to tell them that UKIP is the best hope for our democracy is wasted on them.
The Tory majority at Newark was huge, I doubt if they can be toppled. Odds are 5 to 2 against UKIP winning – and widening a bit – but there are still a few days to go. Hopefully the BBC will be slagging off UKIP all over the weekend and into the by-election, so that might help.
Topline figures with changes since the general election are CON 36%(-18), LAB 27%(+5), LD 5%(-15), UKIP 28%(+24). This is the first poll we’ve had of Newark, and unless Lord Ashcroft also has one in the works it’s probably the only one.
Actually R.J., UKIP probably did get more than the average coverage both on TV and Radio, but that was not to cover UKIP policies, but for the BBC to take advantage of their position as state/public funded broadcaster, and try as they might to discredit UKIP. Their plan A failed so they used plan B which was the same as plan A. As a result you saw much of UKIP while the BBC tried their damnedest to smear this political party and thus taking up much air time to do so. It spectacularly failed!!
So Farage got too much coverage on the BBC? This is like saying that a man who is beaten up every night is getting too much attention. What a crazy, credulous world it is over at planet CIF.
It’s an old trick. During the miners’ strike the NUM used to complain that Arthur Scargill was not given enough airplay. They stopped after it was pointed out that Scargill alone was on the BBC more than all other parties involved combined.
If the BBC had ignored UKIP and only mentioned them once the left would still have complained but with less effort than this orchestrated action.
It’s like the nonsense idea that because the BBC gets criticism from the left and the right it must be balanced.
Further to my post on “The People Have Spoken, the Bastards …” a few days ago, with perfect timing our old friend, the noble Lord Mandelson of some of the less salubrious parts of Brighton has seen fit to do his bit to rub our noses in it. I’ve just seen this on another blog:
“Writing for the ultra-socialist Spectator, Mandelson recently announced his plans to rent a farm in Wiltshire and spend his declining years shearing cows and milking sheep. Good idea!”
Well!! As my dear old dad would have said, “A case of who’d o’ thought it”.
Still, it makes a change from milking the rest of us, I suppose.
Now, you would think, would you not, that he might prefer to live somewhere more “vibrant” and “diverse”.
Once again, a very Orwellian headline here from the BBC, because it sounds like the Kiev junta in Ukraine will wage war only until they achieve peace. So fighter jets, helicopter gunships, shelling schools, hospitals, killing civilians who recently took part in a referendum, is how to attain peace?
“Ukrainian forces will continue their offensive against rebels until peace and order are restored in the east, the interim defence minister has said.”
Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief, must be very happy, ‘the state is asserting its monopoly on violence’, but how many Europeans are actually happy with EU foreign policy right now?
I know this a site about the disgusting bias of the BBC, but Christ, has anyone noticed how appalling the left-wing bias is on the Muslim Channel 4? It’s blatantly anti-English/British, aggressively Left-wing and anti-Tory/Ukip etc. Also it aired Muslim call to prayers which I thought was revolting beyond words.
Oh, yes – Channel 4 is often worse than the BBC. Probably because it’s a spin-off. Jon Snow and that awful Guru-Murthy, plus the uber-feminist Cathy Newman are a complete leftwing cabal in themselves. There is an inability these days, it seems, for any media broadcaster to actually broadcast untainted, unbiased news any more -there is always and ideology, an agenda just below (and often at) the surface. Shame the majority of listeners/watchers are either disinterested or gullible, or both.
Excellent piece from American Thinker blog at http://tinyurl.com/przn7dy
Muslim Council and Electoral Corruption in the UK
It’s quite hilarious really: a Guardian (can’t remember this being reported by the BBC) article about election fraud throughout the UK lists all the places in which such fraud has been a serious problem. All those places have large Muslim populations. The problem is that the Guardian, of course, never once mentions that fact. After all, facts and realities are secondary (or even dangerous) to International Socialists (or “progressives”). Obscure theories and righteous causes, on the other hand, are primary. And if facts get in the way – then such people simply reject them because the (self) righteous cause (underwritten by ideology) demands that they should do so.
So what, exactly, did the Guardian say? The following:
“Officers in Manchester, Bradford, London and Birmingham have begun inquiries after receiving complaints about ‘ghost’ voters, false statements by candidates and multiple attempts to vote by a single person.
“As well as Birmingham and Bradford, they include Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley Calderdale, Coventry, Derby, Hyndburn, Kirklees, Oldham, Pendle, Peterborough, Slough, Tower Hamlets, Walsall and Woking.
“West Yorkshire police, whose officers serve Bradford where former councillors have been imprisoned for electoral fraud, said they had received 21 allegations of electoral irregularities.
“Police across the UK have been asked to investigate more than 50 allegations of electoral fraud related to Thursday’s elections in areas previously identified as vulnerable to vote-rigging, new figures show.”
What Labour in The Representation of the People Act 2000 achieved was a deliberate, massive expansion in voting by envelope. Since nearly every government minister of that time started off as a party activist, they must have known the potential for abuse that such a switch entailed, but they pressed on regardless; we reap what they sowed….
Some of the worst frauds have made their way to the courts. In a case in Birmingham, in 2005, Judge Richard Mawrey likened our postal vote-heavy system to that of a banana republic. The same judge is reported this week as saying that postal voting fraud remains rife.
It’s not the cases that get to court that matter, though. It is sufficient for us all to be aware of the ongoing violation of the secret ballot’s sanctity, for a mockery to be made of our entire democratic process. Postal vote fraud is widespread; we all know this; the effect is corrosive.
All Beeb currently reporting that they received 1900 complaints about excessive coverage of UKIP and criticism of Labour during the recent election. Putting aside the likelihood that the complaints were orchestrated by Labour, Al Beeb’s excessive coverage was designed to trip up UKIP – and it failed, spectacularly!
“Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
Two catchphrases from the Channel 4 comedy Father Ted – a fairly blunt satire on the Irish Catholic Church much enjoyed by viewers and resulting in – as far as I know – no known real life casualties.
“Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
Those phrases seem oddly appropriate for this morning’s BBC Breakfast presentation of the case of Meriam Yehya Ibrahim….
‘…. has been sentenced to death for ‘apostasy’, or refusing to renounce her Christian faith. Meriam is imprisoned with her newborn baby girl and her 20-month-old son.’
‘Meriam has also been sentenced to 100 lashes for being married to a Christian man. She is a prisoner of conscience.’
Now the BBC are prepared to attribute her barbaric medievel treatment in Sudan to ‘a Sharia Court’.
The BBC seem able to tell us that she has changed her faith to one of Christianity.
But when it comes to explaining what was her former faith – or what is the faith of Sudan or what faith it is that Sharia Courts enforce – well, “Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
I’m afraid I don’t know why this censorship is happening. But there is now absoloutely no denying that it is happening.
Is it the National Union of Journalists?
Is it BBC payroll Left-wingers interpreting the Blairite tweaks to the BBC Charter?
Maybe direct nagging from the damp so-called Tory Cameron and his Limp Dem arse huggers?
I am required to stump up for a national broadcaster – but not trusted with the truth, the whole truth etc….
“He said: ‘This is OUR AREA ? … and we feel we are being pushed out by these new Roma people. There will be a riot here very soon. I fear that this place might blow up like an inferno”
I remember the carefully photogenic tiny PC with a helmet three times too large for him (Indoors!!!!) looking very worried after being tapped on the shoulder by the SB hard man who was there defend the minister and being told to sort it out.
These violent thugs have no place in our country. Thanks to successive sandal-wearing Marxists (who refuse to acknowledge the problem until it affects them) our country has become a cesspit heading for war within the next fifty years. That slimy, rotten, worm-ridden piece of filth Blair and his bunch of minions should be tried for treason. Oliver Cromwell and Churchill will be turning in their graves.
So when white people like Gillian Duffy ask questions about immigration, Labour slander them as Racist, but when the Muslims complain about the Roma, the same Labour party order the Roma to fit in with local ways
Couple with the attitude that London is somehow more cultured and cosmopolitan, purely because they voted Labour over UKIP, just proves they are still as out of touch as ever.
I hope they keep this up. They will get wiped out at the elections
You really would wonder how they had the cheek, wouldn’t you.
After all, would you go to Pakistan and do that? Apart from anything else, it’s appallingly bad manners.
It’s rather depressing really, since if that kind of nonsense is widespread, we are heading for civil war and it won’t be pretty. Happily, that prat and his mates will lose, but it will do an awful lot of damage first.
Given the BBC perpetual worries about personality clashes-and especially when aimed at the hated Michael Gove-I`m surprised to see that the BBC haven`t leapt like a pink salmon to tell us more about this.
You know-grill Hunt, call for mockery and scorn over the pretentious, arrogant-and apparently thick Tristram( now imagine if a Tory was called Tristram!)
Hope that UKIP complain about the hopelessly unfunnt Now Show.
Yet AGAIN-despite Suzanne, Louise etc telling the BBC at every chance-UKIP have NOT said that Londoners were too clever to vote UKIP…Mishal Husain said that to Suzanne Evans by way of a “question”.
UKIP need to get complaining and demanding retractions…the BBC can`t keep getting away with lying about the main political party in this country since last weekend.
Come on UKIP-drag them down, the lying scum…and the Now Show is a sitting duck house of privilege.
Trevor Kavanagh please?
As well as the BBCs continuing to tell us that UKIP find the London electorate too clever to vote for them…the BBC are persisting with the lie that Gove wants “Mice and Men/Mockingbird” “removed from English Lit syllabi.
Not true -any more that Londoners are too clever to trouble UKIP.
These BIG Lies have GOT to be strangled at source, and the BBC forced to stick to what is said…NOT what they want us to think of UKIP or Gove.
Besides-both Mice and men and Mockingbird BOTH have the word “nigger” repeatedly used in them…do you think the BBC NOW think they should be removed for inciting racial hatred?
Over to the BBC scum police to give us a decision.
Oh-and in all these stories out of Sudan and Pakistan re abuse and violence done/threatened to women…do count how often these words are used.
Islam, Muslim, Shari`a, Koran….a good test of the lying apologists for Islam there at the BBC.
Anybody seen Scott?…out of those bushes lad!
You wouldn’t mind so much if the bourgeois left weren’t the biggest book banners going.
Some times think most of Islington heated by book burning Aga’s .
Dogs walked. Children awoken. Wife placated with a bit of DIY magic…. time to invest a few moments responding to Mr. Piers’ questions by first re-(speed, hence E&OE)reading 68 pages of BBC-commissioned research.
Meantime, a wee nugget from within… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/distance-running.html ‘a timetable for the process (or “charade”, as it will be known if Lord Coe turns up)’
How dare he impugn the solemn process of stitching up a placeman like this.
However, we wish Ms. Coyle well at such a difficult time.
ChrisH, yesterday I confronted a left leaning soul who was banging on about the fact that Mr Gove has suggested that the books “Mice and Men/Mockingbird” were to be withdrawn from academia and that this was an insult to democracy etc etc. He banged on about these books being banned by the Tories etc etc. but again I pointed out that they were not going to be banned per see but withdrawn from academia. He then said they shouldn’t be withdrawn at all..blah blah blah. I then informed our group that the books contained the word *nigger* and did they think it appropriate that these books should be held up in academia bearing in mind what happened recently to a BBC Radio Devon broadcaster when he inadvertently broadcast a record containing the word “nigger”? Our little group fell silent as the realisation of the information presented sank in. I looked at my lefty friend and asked of him “Are all lefties thick?” He left the table and wasn’t seen again that evening.
A butterfly of truth flutters its wings somewhere…and a Lefty giant redwood gets just a little more terminal woodrot!
Splendid oldbloke….may well count up how many times the nigger word crops up in the school editions of these books-with the commentary too being “guilty of inciting racial hatred”.
The sound of hands clapped over the ears as they rush to the Weekend Guardian op-eds….sounds like the gentle roar of tumbleweed!
Time for US to apply to get onto that curriculum huh?…can`t be any worse than Maya, Toni or Bonnie can it?
“Gentle roar of tumbleweed”…hope that upsets Scott…bound to confuse him anyway!
Billy Bragg on any questions talking his usual great understanding of the British people.
If he realy understood he would be in the thick of it and not living in the Dorset out back.
No I wont have that sir!
Near old Billys drum, there was a geriatric reggae band who`d been allowed to come with Matron down to Wessex last bank Holiday.
Memories of Rock Against Racism/ANL stuff I used to frequent-and some old members of Aswad and Steel Pulse DO need a pension stream.
White Stripe on sale-bad dreadlock wigs and awful whitey dancing in the grey drizzle…rainbow jumpers?…and all on the rates.
Members of the Beat-Ranking Roger, son and other fillers-charged lots of money to moan about the lack of the talent in the band…but this might be racist, so went unsaid.
Yes, another day in Jerry Dammers paradise…if I still had a racist friend, I`d tell him this lot were white liberal guilt-tripping enforcers of the multiculti dream…and we ratepayers subsidise the rizlas.
Since Mr Farage has attacked the Electoral commission as being totally unfit for purpose, it might be an idea to refute this by looking at the Commisisoners.
Alasdair Morgan, a former SNP MP and MSP; and Bridget Prentice, a former Labour MP and Minister have been recommended by Parliament as new Commissioners for the Electoral Commission.
Chair: Jenny Watson
Jenny Watson joined us in January 2009 as our second Chair.
She was the last Chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission prior to the creation of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, and is a past Deputy Chairman of both the Banking Code Standards Board, and of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management. She has also worked in a number of human rights organisations, including Liberty and Charter88.
Max Caller has served as Chief Executive and Returning Officer in three London boroughs and was the London Regional Returning Officer for the 1999 European Parliamentary elections;
Anna Carragher is a member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and a Commissioner for the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. She is also a member of the Board of the Arts Council for Northern Ireland and a Trustee of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. She has worked as a journalist and producer for the BBC in London and Northern Ireland on programmes including Today, Newsnight, Question Time and Any Questions, and as Editor of European and Correspondent Programmes.
With a background in engineering and project management, followed by a long and varied career at senior executive and board level in mainly the drinks industry, Gareth Halliwell has extensive experience in developing and delivering leading-edge business strategies with multi-million pound profit and loss responsibility in international companies based in UK and abroad.
Tony Hobman joined us in January 2010. He has held a number of senior appointments within the financial services arena. He spent twenty years with Barclays Bank, holding a number of key roles in marketing, project and change management and customer services.
John Horam has been a Minister in both Conservative and Labour Governments with responsibilities for Transport, Health, the Civil Service and Science and Technology. He was the Conservative MP for Orpington from 1992 to 2010, and was previously MP for Gateshead West (Labour, 1970 to 1981, SDP, 1981 to 1983). He has fought 10 general elections.
David Howarth was MP for Cambridge until 2010, having previously served as Leader of Cambridge City Council and as a local councillor for 17 years. He was Liberal Democrat Shadow Secretary of State for Justice from 2008-10, and, previously, a member of the Commons’ Constitutional Affairs and Justice select committees.
John McCormick is our Commissioner with responsibility for Scotland. He was Secretary of the BBC and subsequently Controller of BBC Scotland. He has been Chair of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and of the Edinburgh International Film Festival and is currently Vice-Chair of Scottish Opera, and a Director of the Irvine Bay Regeneration Company.
A nice selection of worthy and distinguished members indeed.
What makes you think any of the above are fit for purpose? They will all have an agenda as they are not independent of any political process. The only one that might have an unbiased input could be Tony Hobman. Just because they are, in your words “worthy and distinguished” doesn’t mean they might be any good at their job!
The local Labour MP suggests that it could be muslims or the EDL or far right groups. Dawn raids for the EDL, a cosy chat between the local police authority and the muslim community leaders. Cameron will call for a crack down on far right activities. Can UKIP be blamed for it?
If this had been a remark from a Ukip/Tory member, goons from the One Media Outlet with Three Names(BBC/Guardian/Channel Snore) would be running through the streets brandishing their sandals!
“Niger: First-ever slavery conviction for ‘fifth wife'”
By Robert Spencer.
“This article epitomizes the willful ignorance and self-imposed blindness of the British intelligentsia regarding Islam. The BBC says below that ‘men in Niger are allowed to have four wives under a local interpretation of Islamic law.’ A local interpretation of Islamic law? Oh, so the Qur’an is local to Niger, now? The Qur’an says: ‘And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline to injustice.’ (4:3)
“So the idea that a man can have as many as four wives is not some ‘local interpretation of Islamic law’ that they dreamed up in Niger, but is stated in what Muslims believe to be the word of Allah himself. The BBC doesn’t want to acknowledge that, because then it would have to confront unpleasant questions about Muslims in the UK — and it’s easier to condemn ‘Islamophobia’ and pretend that all is well.”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Can you imagine if good old Joey, what a cad, had made the same remarks to a member of the sisterhood.
To be fair, I could see what Barton was trying to say when he made those remarks, as indeed could the next questioner from the audience who seemed to agree with the point but dis-associated himself from the analogy.
The key point though (it seemed to me) was that Dimbleby gave him such a ridiculous introduction, almost setting him up for failure. I didn’t understand some of the words Dimbleby used in that introduction, and certainly couldn’t relate them to a footballer.
For me, the only footballer who has come close to being satisfactory on Question Time has been Clarke Carlysle (sp?) who has an intellect and level of articulation on a range of subjects far superior to Barton or most of his kind.
Let’s not forget also that Barton is a convicted criminal and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. Quite why the BBC chose to invite him onto the QT panel was quite beyond comprehension and it was the second time yesterday that I heard the BBC entertaining a criminal on a high profile show, the first being on Drearyshire’s 5Live programme when she seemed to be interviewing a self-confessed nigerian scammer. (I couldn’t quite understand why she wasn’t just calling the police during that interview!)
‘a convicted criminal and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. Quite why the BBC chose to invite him onto the QT panel was quite beyond comprehension’
As you go on to allude, Mrs. Merton may be able to pose a ratings-based question of BBC producers to gain an insight into the attraction.
Luckily for them, the purposes of being too embarrassed/not wanting to answer will allow them to claim exemption.
I suspect some will ask the question in through official channels, and the BBC will provide an answer.
I don’t believe that people who have criminal convictions are excluded from having their voices heard. This is the nature of living in a democracy.
‘I suspect some will ask the question in through official channels, and the BBC will provide an answer.’
Suspicions and beliefs duly noted.
We’ll just have to see if the BBC does or doesn’t answer.
Though on the former proof of a negative can be tricky and work in their favour.
But your belief in BBC trust and transparency is laudable given their record.
I note your belief also.
Ah, but, do you have a special little notebook?….
“Don’t tell ‘Im, Mitch!”
“I don’t believe that people who have criminal convictions are excluded from having their voices heard.”
That depends on whether their convicted of thought crimes or real ones .There’s a whole industry devoted to silencing the first group and another to understanding the second .
The BBC plays a leading role in both.
Quite a large number of people with criminal convictions appear on the BBC, starting with a couple of ex government ministers. One hopes that opponents would have the bottle to call those out who have been convicted for giving false evidence.
The BBC consider it is their duty to assist in the rehabilitation of criminals, and to teach law abiding citizens the errors of their intolerance, yet they attack the Christian Church with unceasing and increasing venom. This is because they see all this as solely the role and responsibility of the state. There is no room for independent thought and action.
How many times have the BBC interviewed Chris Hunhe? Or any of the Labour MPs who have been imprisoned for expenses fraud?
The ex Mrs Huhne has also been on QT recently, not forgetting her new bloke is also a jailbird….
Denis McShane was on Newsnight last night giving us his unchallenged opinion on some political issue or other.
Rehabilitation complete – nice one, BBC.
Lord ( the Jooos) Ahmed.
I’d sooner listen to Joey Barton, and agree with his description of the parties, i’m sick of seeing the likes of the wretched Shirley Williams, Heseltine, Clarke, Bragg et al.
I wouldn’t pick the last of the 4 browns in the dance hall either.
Reckon that they hope that the likes of Barton will one day grow up to bandy big words like Russell Brand…or tell the BBC what the working class chappie with the accents what`s to be done, now the Clapham Omnibus is under threat due to the Toricutz.
Joey-with help from Dr Doolittle over at mid-Staffs-may yet be able to fit his bigger cap so Billy Bragg can pass it on for that (working chap who always voted Labour but can now read his own Guardian).
Wonder which of Joeys mingers has accepted Lord Rennards apology then…I find it easier to conflate the BBC nonsense stories , for my own amusement…so f*** off Scott!
Oh good Lord,
TWATO and its Shaun Ley mithering all over Alex Carlisle as he tries to give context to Rennards case.
But Channel 4 and Shaun have found him guilty of course, so Carlisles efforts to explain are in vain…and the BBC have one of his PTSD “victims of abuse” to demand the death penalty or the lack of a brioche…whichever`s worse.
Desperate crap all this-but, like Joey-if it deflects from Harriet/PIE and the rise and rise of UKIP-then job done.
Another lavender trail for the BBC foxes and hares to trail-can`t tell one from another anymore-but the Cause demands the hunt, then the witch trial afterwards…fat white “Lord”-poor liberal poppets camping out in Cyril Smiths Y-fronts?….what could possibly go wrong?
BBC World News
What drives families to kill their daughters?
The stoning to death of a pregnant Pakistani woman by her own family has thrust the issue of so-called honour killings into the spotlight: http://bbc.in/SXba9I
At least the unbiquitous BBC “quotes” on the honour of killing in such a way was avoided and even a ‘so-called’ introduced.
However the article seems ruthlessly neutral, erring on not going certain places, including some possibly pertinent facts, with that renowned BBC ‘analysis’ or one-degree-of-separation selective call-out curiously absent.
Not a one.
The pakistani woman is one example, the woman in South Sudan is another.
I noticed that the first item on 10.00 News last night was a piece about under-age marriage in Mali which didn’t seem to me to be a news item as such, more of an opinion/ campaigning piece put together by Fergal Keane.
Is there a campaign narrative brewing?
Fergal is It Sharkey ?usually pops up when Paddy`s or even Plastic Paddy`s need it a bit of a leg up . One day he is in darkest Africa , the next, he has been “beamed down ” to Dale Farm.going on about the poor Irish pikey`s, er traveller`s being evicted .
Joey Barton can speak French, it’s like Inspector Clouseau.
And the dumbass was saying that the EU is a non-issue.
Despite the Bosmann rule crap that allowed this mediocrity to kick lumps out of others in Marseilles on his fat salary.
Lives in Kew now he says-does he still get Scouse elocution lessons c/o Winifred Robinson and Laurie Taylor, as he promenades to Hampton Wick?
Here’s a little gem from the BBC website;
Controversial candidates: How did they do?
Now study it hard. I mean, real hard.
So, what did you find?
UKIP had three controversial figures (plus two former members)
Conservatives 1 and Independent 1 (granted that is Lutfer Rahman – controversial is a gentle euphemism in his case).
But did you notice something quite striking? Yep, that’s it, not one single Labour candidate could be deemed controversial. Nor a Green for that matter. Nor a Lib Dem.
Nope, just your evil racist Kippers and Tories (and dear ole’ Lutfer, natch)
Biased? Yeah, just a fuckin little bit…..
This seems an ideal moment to get into a deep semantic discussion with a Flokker on what ‘controversy’ may actually mean, deep down, according to the BBC Editorial ‘whatever we say it i… er… Guidelines’, as updated by Jasmine whilst ‘resting’.
Wonder if they’ll pull the same stunt come the GE.
Lib Dems may be tricky as most are by now dealing with ‘controversy’ (Huhne, Hancock, etc). and are off the ballot and hence direct radar.
Labour, though? Guessing Ms. Abbott will be deemed either too boxtickalicious to even go near or simply ‘Just Diane being Di… a racist community divisive sh*t-stirrer’.
And since the court found her innocent, such as our Caroline could in no way, whatsoever, even so be felt the teensiest bit controversial. Eau neu.
Controversy = Non-groupthink.
I had noticed that too. a BBC, bait and switch. A baited headline which suggests some balance at the BBC which would get people clicking on it, to see what tories and labour and liberal candidates may have said that was just as offensive… Then the switch to show that OH hang on… it was UKIP that was offensive after all….
No mentoin of the racist, sexist or homophobic scandals by labour and tory candidates.
Just more biased bait and switch clickbait.
Yoiu should know by now that everything everyone at UKIP says contributes to the Grand Unified Theory of UKIP Extremism.
Meanwhile, for certain other people, it’s always a one off:
Unfortunately it got deleted in the duplicated thread, but I think it’s probably important enough to merit it’s own thread, the ICM research for the BBC complaints system:
Click to access icm_mystery_shopping2014.pdf
Not the report we might have hoped for as it avoids all the questions we might have liked to have been asked.
This story makes me more livid, the more I read it.
The Daily Mail says that she had to give birth with her legs chained, and may well get flogged/lashed within the month.
When are we Christians going to do something to save the likes of her from the evils of Islamic Sharia in hellholes like Sudan?
The Lords Resistance Army look our best bet at the moment-so how bad have things got between the Islamic Saitanix and the flabby, useless craven Christian Church in the West?
I myself would have Lee Rigbys murderers ready to die if they as much lift a toothpick to this poor woman!
And where are the BBC and the lefties?….I`d arm the Salvation Army over there…no ifs or buts.
Sorry, Islam is clearly higher up the politically correct hierarchy of entitlement than #EverydaySexism and #Feminism. Islam combines having to show religious tolerance with anti-racism, so that is political correctness squared. The only thing that can beat that, is a black pansexual hemaphrodite in a wheelchair. If that black pansexual hemaphrodite was also Muslim, we would have to appoint it God.
Perhaps someone might suggest putting the issue on the agenda for one of the many Interfaith Councils and Committees that have sprung up in our culturally enriched cities. You know – We are Walthamstow, Jews, Christians, Muslims and gays
I merely share for your amusement and delectation, innit…
BBC News
The campaign period for Scottish independence referendum has begun, but who’s campaigning? Here, we answer the important questions – in 60 seconds http://bbc.in/SXtS0G
The BBC has launched a new website, “Referend-erm?” where youngsters can ask about #indyref: http://bbc.in/1o4WzCx
‘Erm indeed.
Maybe Joey Barton can field a phone in?
This was bolted on as ‘related news’:
Have to say, I thought ‘the list’ was already getting pretty long thanks to Lenny Henry, Danny Cohen & Assorted Wrinkly White Wimmin, but no, we now have ‘unknown’ too.
The distinction between this and ‘unemployable due to no discernable talent’ will be an interesting one to see oozed past possibly less forgiving audiences. And the lawyers.
Mind you, somewhere in the Market Rate Infirmament, a talent’s agent just felt a shivver down their spine.
Whilst Equity, like many unions, has a less than delightful record on working on behalf of its members it is not wrong here. The BBC has both the money and the broadcasting space to give unknown, if not untried, actors the opportunity to showcase their abilities and further their careers. In fact as a national public broadcaster I would say it has a duty to.
What the BBC tends to do is stick with its trusted knowns. How are these people chosen? Who knows but I’d guess at nepotism and patronage.
Have I missed this story on the BBC?
At least he could in no way be deemed controversial.
But credit the BBC staff who, after just 6 months and vetting just 16 times, got suspicious.
A typical Beeboid ‘phone-in’?
Well yes;
And it came about because the BBC uncovered this story;
Both stories given extensive air time to on BBC Radio Stoke and local TV news.
So one is a daily newspaper with a circulation around 3 million, the other is a small regional corner of the BBC news website, readership around zilch.
Yeh, good comparison (not).
IIRC and IAQPTAIMBW (!!) wasn’t there an issue in the 1990s with BBC phone in votes to Radio One exposed when a song called something like ‘Boing’ topped a poll because someone had twigged how to send multiple phone in votes via the same telephone line? Again IIRC the BBC stated at the time that they were putting in a system to detect multiple calls to stop this happening again.
Either they didn’t, they did but don’t use it anymore or, my personal favourite, they did, they do use it but only exclude those opinions they don’t like.
Boston Islamic jihad massacre:
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): censors out ‘Muslim’, presumably in INBBC’s political interest in furthering its ‘left’-Islamic alliance.
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“U.S. charges Muslim in Boston with hindering Marathon jihad bombing probe”
2.) INBBC:-
“Kyrgyz man ‘lied’ to Boston bombing investigators”
Robert Spencer, from above piece,’Jihadwatch’-
“He is charged with destroying records. He also brought dinner to the bombers on the night of the attack. If the charges are true, he clearly approved of what they had done. What could have motivated him to support the mass murder of innocents? Could it be the belief system and ideology that no one dares examine?”
At least 2 recent videos made by Palestinian Arabs showing fake shootings at demonstrations have fooled the BBC to broadcast the news that Israeli’s are shooting Palestinian Arabs. (Note, that there was no blood on the bodies and the so-called “victims” fell forward using their hands to break their falls.)
Now here’s a video, shot from the same camera and angle, which shows a 3rd attempt to libel the Jewish State. This time, however, the script writers messed it up completely!
Meanwhile, from the “worse than we thought” files…
UK weather: Spring set to be the ‘third hottest on record’, Met Office says
In fairness, it does no more than state the facts*. But how long before another article linking it to Man Made Climate Change?
*facts per the Met Office. Possibly to be trusted.
You can read into this Met Office report as you will. The fact is the only reason why it is the *Hottest* (Hottest?) is because of the mean night time temperatures have baulked up the overall average mean caused by increased overnight cloud thus keeping up average 24 hour temperatures. No overnight below zero temperatures you see. Is this Climate Change or Global Warming? Not a chance. Speak to the most of Europe about their winter temperature averages for the last 6 months!
The word used should not be *hottest* but mildest. The educationally challenged BBC would not know the difference.
I really must emphasise the wording in this BBC report. The Met Office quite rightly uses the term *Mild* in it’s own winter weather bulletin, it is the BBC that has chosen to use the word *Hottest*, which is simply a falsehood.
Hottest spring, don’t know where they took their readings, but we’ve had our heating on for a while now.
Old Bloke: Brilliant, I did not know that, is it on the Weatheraction website? it fits in with an increase in low cloud cover over the Arctic, caused by an increase in Cosmic Rays, which caused the Arctic to continue to warm when the rest of the planet stopped warming.
In both cases the average temperature increases at night due to trapped heat input, and this with thermal inertia is holding up Global average temperatures until the drop in temperatures that will accelerate from 2018 into a mini-ice age.
This and the upper oceanic thermal lag are the cause of a delay to a Global cooling trend.
Richard, please view the Official Met Office report as per link above.
‘But how long before another article linking it to Man Made Climate Change?’
Which means more lies.
Joey Barton’s remark is now being called sexist by the Telegraph. Loose Women anyone……
He writes a load of leftwing cliché stuff for the Big Issue so that is probably why he was he was on there
To be fair to Barton, asking him to reproduce his Guardian tropes using no ghost writer was only “setting him up to fail” as we public sector saps are trained to parrot.
And his views on UKIP are as needless and as relevant as Ed Milibands on whether Barton was an asset or a liability as he strutted around Ford Open Prisons B team in 2008.
And at least the BBC DID ask young Joey…and he must have felt quite clever for a few hours.
And hopefully we`ll see no more of him in the Premier League, once he`s shown up to be a thuggish has-been who`ll be needing his “undercover footballer” gig for the Guardian to earn a crust.
The BBC were already well already about Barton’s qualitities:
“Barton tweets on subjects far beyond the banal concerns of the usual modern footballer.
He has debated the ideological underpinnings of the Big Society, revealed a fondness for the lyrics of the Smiths, expressed an admiration for the engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and shared aphorisms by Virgil, Seneca and Nietzsche.
GQ magazine noted approvingly that he had used “echelons” and “persona non grata” in the same 140 characters.”
Joey Barton: What’s behind his Twitter philosophy?
As a QPR supporter naturally my opinion of Joey Barton is somewhat different and more nuanced, a “thuggish has been” is somewhat unfair, his effort this season that resulted in Rangers promotion, was exceptional. He has also been an inspiration for the rest of the team. Therefore next season in the Premier League , you will be seeing and hearing quite a lot about him. I gather that he is currently doing a philosophy degree. I didn’t see his appearance on Question Time, but he is not stupid. This observation from 2011, is one of the more sympathetic and thoughtful ones:
“It’s easy to mock, says Simon Kuper, the Financial Times columnist and author of The Football Men. But Barton should be applauded for going against the anti-intellectual grain of English football culture, he argues.
Barton may have 10 GCSEs but English footballers – unlike their Scottish, Dutch and German counterparts – have any aspirations of learning knocked out of them once they arrive at their clubs, Kuper argues.
In effect Barton is an autodidact, educating himself. And if he gets the odd thing wrong, so what, says Kuper. “It’s inspiring he wants to share his learning. Many of us did that in the uni bar, confidently expressing things we may not have completely understood. He is doing the same to many more followers on Twitter.”
Ta Peter.
I`ve had a year off from football, having given David Moyes a year to get it right for my team. He didn`t get that, and my knowledge of Joeys efforts was based on his costing my team the League in 2012. So sorry for that.
You`re also right about his self-education. I`ve no problem with that, but it`s the BBC patronage of him that gets me.
His ignorance on UKIP was Guardian lite thinking, so he`s unexceptional in all that he said.
In the light of what you say I can only wish him well next year…always had a soft spot for QPR, seeing I was born at Hammersmith…and be good if Harry can keep them up.
Sorry for my own “autodidactism” re Joeys efforts for the team. We United fans are nothing if not arrogant and all to certain( despite this years meltdown).
After the ginger goblin, we are to have Butt-Head as our new manager, from all accounts, mad as a box of frogs, BUT a bit of a footballing mastermind.
Hopefully, Moyes has not destroyed us totally, but I believe the coming season will be a challenge to say the least, certainly in the acquisition of the world class replacements we will need for Rio, Nemaja, Carrick and our wide men who are not a patch on players we have had in those positions before (apart from Karel Poborsky)
No team has a God-given right to everlasting success, as Liverpool discovered some while ago….
We need a whole team, Chop!
“No, no, no…. we don’t care that she is a female president… and african…. we still can’t quote her as linking Muslims with the word Terrorism….”
BBC stealth edit care of Newsniffer…
Version 1 :
‘More than 10 people died in Wednesday’s gun and grenade attack on the Notre Dame de Fatima church, which is in a mainly Muslim neighbourhood. Interim President Catherine Samba Panza described it as a “terrorist act”.’
Version 2 :
‘More than 10 people died in Wednesday’s gun and grenade attack on the Notre Dame de Fatima church, which is in a mainly Muslim neighbourhood. In a nationwide address on Friday, interim President Catherine Samba-Panza promised that those responsible would be punished. “Inter-community hatred is being exploited shamelessly by the enemies of peace,” she said.’
Now that’s much more on-message.
‘BBC stealth edit care of Newsniffer…’
Those ‘tweaks’ do give a fascinating insight into the hierarchical thought and corrective processes that exist and kick in when they’ve all scooted off to the pub and some poor sap minding the store fails to read the manual properly before posting.
Interesting the balance provided on a titfer basis para by para, but it seems those Christian youths sacking and barricading are failing to provide the ‘people dying’ (that odd BBC euphemism for getting slaughtered) levels that appear achievable by those who have access to guns and grenades, with the will to use them.
AN amazing programme on Radio 4 about BBC expansionism into China. I have no doubt in the tradition of the BBC they will totally F… it up and end up losing millions of our money. Never mind they can always increase the TV tax to cover it. They’re probably too left wing for the Chinese government anyway!
“Paul Jackson investigates the TV industry in China and the British producers trying to tap this enormous market. As China reaches out to the West for new formats, how are those ideas changed to reflect Chinese tastes and cultural sensitivities and which shows become winners with the audience? Paul also discovers how programme makers within China are trying to create original content and bring it to our screens too.”
Spain: -and how an INBBC headline about ‘militant’ morphs into the reality of an Islamic jihadist-
INBBC headline:
“Spain arrests militant suspects in Melilla”
-but this becomes, in confuse INBBC text-
“He was also suspected of attending a training camp run by Mali’s Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (Mujao).
“In March, Spanish and Moroccan police detained seven men whom they accused of running a militant cell spanning both countries.”
Why doesn’t BBC-NUJ stand in the General Election as the Party for Mass Immigration, which is what it uses its broadcasting power for daily?
Latest: the Libya to Italy illegal ‘victims,’ represented by Beeboid, sotto voce.
As INBBC concurs:-
“EU and UK: Stabbing and beheading while praising Allah is not ‘religiously inspired terrorism.'”
You can take the propagandist out of the Middle East, but you can’t….
Unless he’s popped back for a bit of R&R (Rant & Rumble) in his old stomping ground, I was under the impression that JD was roaming the outback penning hit pieces on anyone not Julia Gillard to endear the UK with our elected Commonwealth cousin governments.
Sort of a male Jasmin Does Downunder on the ‘sideways workplace until the dust settles’ gig.
I see he grants ‘Simon’ that he has raised a valid question, but in true BBC style it appears to remain unanswered. Had to love the ‘don’t blame me… I just shunt out what I like from others who could be totally wrong’.
Rather sums up the BBC Editorial operation in most areas.
As another poster points out:
David Jack Smith @davidjacksmith May 29
Tweets are “mine” is such baloney. You represent the BBC. Period. And BBC is a shrill anti-Israel advocate @JonDonnison @BillGates #tcot
How he remains on the BBC payroll, much less as a roving twitter disaster, might be a question for Mary Hockaday, if she’d care to chip in.
BBc 18:00 news running sob sob story on illegal immigrants yet again. Sorry it was worded as immigrant who illegally.Off to the latest atrocity in India the reporter said woman, 14 & 15 year olds are in our world called children.
On a brighter note the labour dim wits have just posted a leaflet through our door, I didn’t answer as it looked like they were looking to tarmac my drive on our cctv, with a freepost address on it. the printer has been printing envelopes all afternoon.
Once again the BBC tries to push it’s own agenda on Global Warming and Climate change when the facts actually show something different. The U.K. Met Office compiles its own data and distributes its data to parties around the world. On this very blog there are very knowledgeable people concerning the physics of meteorology and just plain weather watchers who have a better understanding of what is really happening out there, unlike our BBC. The BBC only tells us what it wants to tell us concerning the release of the *winter data* for 2013-2014 but please view the following link:
It is clear as the ba**s on a bulldog that, since 2002 the average Global Temperature have been falling, in other words the Earth is cooling. This then flies in the face of the Hockey Stick graph. Co2 increase causing Global Warming leading to Climate Change was a Hypothesis. Unfortunately for the believers in this Hypothesis, the above link proves that the Hypothesis is/was, in this case wrong and why we have not had any Global Warming for 17.5 years now.
So am I a Climate Change sceptic? No, because I understand that the nature of Climate is somewhat akin to the Chaos theory. What I am though is a realist, and the definition of a realist is:
[Realists have a firm grip on reality and can see things for what they are, not what they are told they are. Realists have their own views and do not fall victim to propaganda, misconception, or titles!]
So what does that make those at the BBC??
A truly bizarre moment on ‘PM’ last night.
Eddie Mair was trailing today’s ‘More or Less’ with its host, Tim Harford. Harford explains how on one of the topics he will reveal the numbers like ‘peeling the layers of an onion’. Mair asks ‘Will it make me moist?’ Harford falters with his reply, an embarrassed half-laugh – the conversation recovers.
What the hell was that all about? And would a heterosexual presenter have gotten away with saying the same thing to a female colleague on air?
‘Will it make me cry?’ would have been more appropriate and slightly funnier.
A bit of mischief on Mair’s part? I guess we’ll never know…
I have never liked this smarmy git. There are too many similar comments by him for it to be a ‘happenstance’.
He always reminds me of a teenager in his attitude. The last ¼hour of each Friday PM is dire.
In a similar vein: Much hilarity and stifled giggles on the sofa yesterday when discussing ‘Springwatch’. Presenter A asked presenter B ‘will the beavers be out today?’.
So glad this slimy sh-tbag is advising D. Camoron, aren t you?
“Tariq Ramadan: Victims of Brussels Jewish Museum shooting were Israeli agents”
“Tariq Ramadan, a Geneva-based lecturer on Contemporary Islamic issues at Oxford University in Britain, speculated on Tuesday that the slaying of four people last week at the Jewish Museum of Belgium was a deliberate attack on Israeli secret agents.”
Just watched the bBC article about the coloured guy in Kent who is suing the Lawn Tennis Association claiming discrimination. Now lets be honest here, how many people actually get discriminated agaisnt nowadays for being black?
Then lets look at Tennis, is it a sport for pint swilling tattooed council estate scum, or is it a sport played by liberal middle class people? yes there are racists, I’ll not deny that. But in this day and age somebody would have spoken out if this guy was getting a bumrap. I mean its not like a tennis ladder is a closed shop. But you know what, this will now be seen by other teams and fearing the liberals, they will promote second class tennis players simply becasue they are coloured.
OBTW, isn’t the second ranked British female player …….coloured (Heather Watson)
Racism is used far too often in the UK for the most trivial things.
Oh and here are the stats for the young man
and here are the stats for the last man to beat him who is also 2 years younger than him.
and who is almost 150 place higher than him.
I seem to recall Carole Thatcher got sacked by the BBC for innocently comparing a French tennis player to a logo used by a famous jam company……
”comparing a French tennis player to a logo used by a famous jam company.”
” French” man Gael Monfils.
Actually, she got sacked from The One Show, and not for the remark, but for refusing to apologise. She was back appearing on other BBC shows a few days later.
Jo Brand was the one who snitched on her.
Evil comedienne !
I wouldn’t go so far as to describe her as that. Evil certainly, comedienne never.
comedienne ?
If the Ukraine goes pear shaped Putin will need her back driving a tank.
Are we still allowed to say that?
Does the BBC still use language to differentiate?
Well, only when it comes to nationality or religion – but that’s only a guess….
Ed Balls not allowed to enter the Bilderberg Conference by the police.
I hope he called them a bunch of fucking plebs.
“How did Michael Piggin become radicalised?”
Typical of the fascists of the BBC to try to link some lone mentally disturbed white boy with the evil of Islam.
No one ‘radicalised him’ because there’s no such thing other than in the Fascist mind, to excuse the excesses of their favourite brown eyed boys.
Worse still this is a boy charged with terrorism and the Jury failed to reach a verdict, yet the BBC are going to act as judge jury and executioner, because the jury clearly ‘got it wrong’
It’s yet another example of trying to paint white people as similar to Jihadist terrorists when they clearly are nothing like them. It doesn’t matter to them whether they are guilty or not, or even if their mental capacity is all it should be, the BBC doesn’t mention it, because it has good propaganda value without.
But, but he’s EDL he must be a wrong ‘un …
An unusually good Any Questions tonight in that the slimy Jonathan Dimbleby was toasted in his liberal inclinations.
Claire Fox and Trevor Kavanagh did rather well in the lions den, and clearly discomfited Dimbore-as did the europhile French commentator on the panel too.
Best ones were the pretensions over Mice and Men…but Billy Bragg got the last word at the end, seeing as he was the favoured son of the Tribune.
Still-Fox put him in his place(Northanger Abbey)-and Kavanagh skewered Dim with his bogus “show of hands bit”-where Trev again dealt with his lazy view on the results over Michael Goves popularity.
There`ll be an inquest no doubt, but the thinkers won tonight-for once.
Trevor Kavanagh reads this blog and quite often uses the content of the bloggers posts to create his leader in the sun newspaper. Hi Trevor!
HIGNFY as anti UKIP as ever, how wonderful it will be if Helmer could squeeze it next week so the stock smug retort by Hislop and co “…and they haven’t even got any MPs” will become redundant.
I didn’t note his exact words, but Hislop acknowledged that Farage had won the election in spite of the program’s best efforts to prevent it. The BBC blatantly electioneering again under the guise of ‘satire’.
Yes, isn’t left-wing humour just so unfunny? Humour in Britain used to be politically incorrect, a genuine product of hard times and eccentric. Now it’s about one-dimensional smart-arse egotistical rich-kid types who are simply not funny; because of the self-imposed PC straitjacket, all they can slag off nowadays are the right-wing, Christianity, the America and the Daily Mail. It’s become a self-congratulatory club for the Steve Coogan-types who seem to experts on what we should laugh at, when in fact they’re complete middle-class dicks.
That just about sums up the Now Show. Comedy? You ‘avin’ a laugh. (Not)
It will be a shot in the arm for our democratic tradition if UKIP win Newark. In the longer term it might even save it.
Not that the established parties understand this. Too wrapt up in their own problems.
To try to tell them that UKIP is the best hope for our democracy is wasted on them.
The Tory majority at Newark was huge, I doubt if they can be toppled. Odds are 5 to 2 against UKIP winning – and widening a bit – but there are still a few days to go. Hopefully the BBC will be slagging off UKIP all over the weekend and into the by-election, so that might help.
More Tory reps than voters, apparently.
That might backfire a little.
Topline figures with changes since the general election are CON 36%(-18), LAB 27%(+5), LD 5%(-15), UKIP 28%(+24). This is the first poll we’ve had of Newark, and unless Lord Ashcroft also has one in the works it’s probably the only one.
BBC receives almost 1,200 complaints over their favourable UKIP election coverage:
Was I watching the same channel?
Some people are desperate for any explanation of UKIP’s success which avoids accepting the validity of its policies.
Actually R.J., UKIP probably did get more than the average coverage both on TV and Radio, but that was not to cover UKIP policies, but for the BBC to take advantage of their position as state/public funded broadcaster, and try as they might to discredit UKIP. Their plan A failed so they used plan B which was the same as plan A. As a result you saw much of UKIP while the BBC tried their damnedest to smear this political party and thus taking up much air time to do so. It spectacularly failed!!
Biased BBC strangely quite on that one.
And they were all wrong of couse. For no other reason that; We says so!
So Farage got too much coverage on the BBC? This is like saying that a man who is beaten up every night is getting too much attention. What a crazy, credulous world it is over at planet CIF.
From Jasmine Lawrence on speed dial .
It’s an old trick. During the miners’ strike the NUM used to complain that Arthur Scargill was not given enough airplay. They stopped after it was pointed out that Scargill alone was on the BBC more than all other parties involved combined.
If the BBC had ignored UKIP and only mentioned them once the left would still have complained but with less effort than this orchestrated action.
It’s like the nonsense idea that because the BBC gets criticism from the left and the right it must be balanced.
Further to my post on “The People Have Spoken, the Bastards …” a few days ago, with perfect timing our old friend, the noble Lord Mandelson of some of the less salubrious parts of Brighton has seen fit to do his bit to rub our noses in it. I’ve just seen this on another blog:
“Writing for the ultra-socialist Spectator, Mandelson recently announced his plans to rent a farm in Wiltshire and spend his declining years shearing cows and milking sheep. Good idea!”
Well!! As my dear old dad would have said, “A case of who’d o’ thought it”.
Still, it makes a change from milking the rest of us, I suppose.
Now, you would think, would you not, that he might prefer to live somewhere more “vibrant” and “diverse”.
Apparently not.
His ‘lifestyle choice’ would make him unwelcome in some areas. But not backward Tory voting rural Wiltshire apparently.
Documentaries you are unlikely to see on BBC :
1. Slavery – Many Cultures, Nations and Religions Engaged in Slavery Over the Centuries. And Still Do.
2. Racism – Many Cultures, Nations and Religions Engaged in Racism Over the Centuries. And Still Do.
3. Sexism – Many Cultures, Nations and Religions Engaged in Sexism Over the Centuries. And Still Do.
Any more?
Ukraine vows to bring peace to east
Once again, a very Orwellian headline here from the BBC, because it sounds like the Kiev junta in Ukraine will wage war only until they achieve peace. So fighter jets, helicopter gunships, shelling schools, hospitals, killing civilians who recently took part in a referendum, is how to attain peace?
“Ukrainian forces will continue their offensive against rebels until peace and order are restored in the east, the interim defence minister has said.”
Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief, must be very happy, ‘the state is asserting its monopoly on violence’, but how many Europeans are actually happy with EU foreign policy right now?
I know this a site about the disgusting bias of the BBC, but Christ, has anyone noticed how appalling the left-wing bias is on the Muslim Channel 4? It’s blatantly anti-English/British, aggressively Left-wing and anti-Tory/Ukip etc. Also it aired Muslim call to prayers which I thought was revolting beyond words.
Oh, yes – Channel 4 is often worse than the BBC. Probably because it’s a spin-off. Jon Snow and that awful Guru-Murthy, plus the uber-feminist Cathy Newman are a complete leftwing cabal in themselves. There is an inability these days, it seems, for any media broadcaster to actually broadcast untainted, unbiased news any more -there is always and ideology, an agenda just below (and often at) the surface. Shame the majority of listeners/watchers are either disinterested or gullible, or both.
There was no need for C4 to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer, as there are tons of Islamic TV channels already on Freesat and Freeview.
Excellent piece from American Thinker blog at http://tinyurl.com/przn7dy
Muslim Council and Electoral Corruption in the UK
It’s quite hilarious really: a Guardian (can’t remember this being reported by the BBC) article about election fraud throughout the UK lists all the places in which such fraud has been a serious problem. All those places have large Muslim populations. The problem is that the Guardian, of course, never once mentions that fact. After all, facts and realities are secondary (or even dangerous) to International Socialists (or “progressives”). Obscure theories and righteous causes, on the other hand, are primary. And if facts get in the way – then such people simply reject them because the (self) righteous cause (underwritten by ideology) demands that they should do so.
So what, exactly, did the Guardian say? The following:
“Officers in Manchester, Bradford, London and Birmingham have begun inquiries after receiving complaints about ‘ghost’ voters, false statements by candidates and multiple attempts to vote by a single person.
“As well as Birmingham and Bradford, they include Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley Calderdale, Coventry, Derby, Hyndburn, Kirklees, Oldham, Pendle, Peterborough, Slough, Tower Hamlets, Walsall and Woking.
“West Yorkshire police, whose officers serve Bradford where former councillors have been imprisoned for electoral fraud, said they had received 21 allegations of electoral irregularities.
“Police across the UK have been asked to investigate more than 50 allegations of electoral fraud related to Thursday’s elections in areas previously identified as vulnerable to vote-rigging, new figures show.”
So the Guardian concludes……
‘What a wonderful multicultural, one-world democracy we are privileged to be living in, ladies and gentlemen’.
Only guessing, mind.
What Labour in The Representation of the People Act 2000 achieved was a deliberate, massive expansion in voting by envelope. Since nearly every government minister of that time started off as a party activist, they must have known the potential for abuse that such a switch entailed, but they pressed on regardless; we reap what they sowed….
Some of the worst frauds have made their way to the courts. In a case in Birmingham, in 2005, Judge Richard Mawrey likened our postal vote-heavy system to that of a banana republic. The same judge is reported this week as saying that postal voting fraud remains rife.
It’s not the cases that get to court that matter, though. It is sufficient for us all to be aware of the ongoing violation of the secret ballot’s sanctity, for a mockery to be made of our entire democratic process. Postal vote fraud is widespread; we all know this; the effect is corrosive.
All Beeb currently reporting that they received 1900 complaints about excessive coverage of UKIP and criticism of Labour during the recent election. Putting aside the likelihood that the complaints were orchestrated by Labour, Al Beeb’s excessive coverage was designed to trip up UKIP – and it failed, spectacularly!
Spot on!
“Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
Two catchphrases from the Channel 4 comedy Father Ted – a fairly blunt satire on the Irish Catholic Church much enjoyed by viewers and resulting in – as far as I know – no known real life casualties.
“Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
Those phrases seem oddly appropriate for this morning’s BBC Breakfast presentation of the case of Meriam Yehya Ibrahim….
‘…. has been sentenced to death for ‘apostasy’, or refusing to renounce her Christian faith. Meriam is imprisoned with her newborn baby girl and her 20-month-old son.’
‘Meriam has also been sentenced to 100 lashes for being married to a Christian man. She is a prisoner of conscience.’
Now the BBC are prepared to attribute her barbaric medievel treatment in Sudan to ‘a Sharia Court’.
The BBC seem able to tell us that she has changed her faith to one of Christianity.
But when it comes to explaining what was her former faith – or what is the faith of Sudan or what faith it is that Sharia Courts enforce – well, “Careful now”,
“That would be an ecumenical matter”
I’m afraid I don’t know why this censorship is happening. But there is now absoloutely no denying that it is happening.
Is it the National Union of Journalists?
Is it BBC payroll Left-wingers interpreting the Blairite tweaks to the BBC Charter?
Maybe direct nagging from the damp so-called Tory Cameron and his Limp Dem arse huggers?
I am required to stump up for a national broadcaster – but not trusted with the truth, the whole truth etc….
Bilderberg Copenhagen 2014 … ?
Wow, some very big names attending … royalty, political world leaders, corporate leaders, bankers, academics … as well as George Osborne, Ed ‘B-word’, and Peter Mandelson. I’m sure the BBC has an in depth report on the meeting … oh …
Zilch …
But Ed Balls never made it. I bet the BBC won’t report this bit of plebby action.
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc !
Mohammed Rashid, 67 expressed typical views
“He said: ‘This is OUR AREA ? … and we feel we are being pushed out by these new Roma people. There will be a riot here very soon. I fear that this place might blow up like an inferno”
kettle – pot? …
ahem muslim patrol anyone?
remember this guy
Muslim immigration – ticking time bomb?
I remember the carefully photogenic tiny PC with a helmet three times too large for him (Indoors!!!!) looking very worried after being tapped on the shoulder by the SB hard man who was there defend the minister and being told to sort it out.
“This is OUR AREA”
Fine. Can I have one too please?
These violent thugs have no place in our country. Thanks to successive sandal-wearing Marxists (who refuse to acknowledge the problem until it affects them) our country has become a cesspit heading for war within the next fifty years. That slimy, rotten, worm-ridden piece of filth Blair and his bunch of minions should be tried for treason. Oliver Cromwell and Churchill will be turning in their graves.
So when white people like Gillian Duffy ask questions about immigration, Labour slander them as Racist, but when the Muslims complain about the Roma, the same Labour party order the Roma to fit in with local ways
Couple with the attitude that London is somehow more cultured and cosmopolitan, purely because they voted Labour over UKIP, just proves they are still as out of touch as ever.
I hope they keep this up. They will get wiped out at the elections
I can’t wait for it to kick off. Popcorn munching time!
You really would wonder how they had the cheek, wouldn’t you.
After all, would you go to Pakistan and do that? Apart from anything else, it’s appallingly bad manners.
It’s rather depressing really, since if that kind of nonsense is widespread, we are heading for civil war and it won’t be pretty. Happily, that prat and his mates will lose, but it will do an awful lot of damage first.
Given the BBC perpetual worries about personality clashes-and especially when aimed at the hated Michael Gove-I`m surprised to see that the BBC haven`t leapt like a pink salmon to tell us more about this.
You know-grill Hunt, call for mockery and scorn over the pretentious, arrogant-and apparently thick Tristram( now imagine if a Tory was called Tristram!)
No-under the Persian carpet as ever!
Hope that UKIP complain about the hopelessly unfunnt Now Show.
Yet AGAIN-despite Suzanne, Louise etc telling the BBC at every chance-UKIP have NOT said that Londoners were too clever to vote UKIP…Mishal Husain said that to Suzanne Evans by way of a “question”.
UKIP need to get complaining and demanding retractions…the BBC can`t keep getting away with lying about the main political party in this country since last weekend.
Come on UKIP-drag them down, the lying scum…and the Now Show is a sitting duck house of privilege.
Trevor Kavanagh please?
It will be like Thatcher’s “no such thing as society”. It will be taken out of context and endlessly parroted forevermore.
As well as the BBCs continuing to tell us that UKIP find the London electorate too clever to vote for them…the BBC are persisting with the lie that Gove wants “Mice and Men/Mockingbird” “removed from English Lit syllabi.
Not true -any more that Londoners are too clever to trouble UKIP.
These BIG Lies have GOT to be strangled at source, and the BBC forced to stick to what is said…NOT what they want us to think of UKIP or Gove.
Besides-both Mice and men and Mockingbird BOTH have the word “nigger” repeatedly used in them…do you think the BBC NOW think they should be removed for inciting racial hatred?
Over to the BBC scum police to give us a decision.
Oh-and in all these stories out of Sudan and Pakistan re abuse and violence done/threatened to women…do count how often these words are used.
Islam, Muslim, Shari`a, Koran….a good test of the lying apologists for Islam there at the BBC.
Anybody seen Scott?…out of those bushes lad!
The BBC is reporting a protest about this even though it was only a handful of protesters, and they were only at the DfE for half an hour:
So these protesters are campaigning for a book that has for instance
“Says if anybody sees a white nigger around that’s the one.”
“Do you defend niggers” I asked?
I would have thought that they would want to burn the book, not protest at it not being official text any more.
You wouldn’t mind so much if the bourgeois left weren’t the biggest book banners going.
Some times think most of Islington heated by book burning Aga’s .
I wouldn’t mind them banning one beginning with the letter Q
Dogs walked. Children awoken. Wife placated with a bit of DIY magic…. time to invest a few moments responding to Mr. Piers’ questions by first re-(speed, hence E&OE)reading 68 pages of BBC-commissioned research.
Meantime, a wee nugget from within…
‘a timetable for the process (or “charade”, as it will be known if Lord Coe turns up)’
How dare he impugn the solemn process of stitching up a placeman like this.
However, we wish Ms. Coyle well at such a difficult time.
ChrisH, yesterday I confronted a left leaning soul who was banging on about the fact that Mr Gove has suggested that the books “Mice and Men/Mockingbird” were to be withdrawn from academia and that this was an insult to democracy etc etc. He banged on about these books being banned by the Tories etc etc. but again I pointed out that they were not going to be banned per see but withdrawn from academia. He then said they shouldn’t be withdrawn at all..blah blah blah. I then informed our group that the books contained the word *nigger* and did they think it appropriate that these books should be held up in academia bearing in mind what happened recently to a BBC Radio Devon broadcaster when he inadvertently broadcast a record containing the word “nigger”? Our little group fell silent as the realisation of the information presented sank in. I looked at my lefty friend and asked of him “Are all lefties thick?” He left the table and wasn’t seen again that evening.
A butterfly of truth flutters its wings somewhere…and a Lefty giant redwood gets just a little more terminal woodrot!
Splendid oldbloke….may well count up how many times the nigger word crops up in the school editions of these books-with the commentary too being “guilty of inciting racial hatred”.
The sound of hands clapped over the ears as they rush to the Weekend Guardian op-eds….sounds like the gentle roar of tumbleweed!
Time for US to apply to get onto that curriculum huh?…can`t be any worse than Maya, Toni or Bonnie can it?
“Gentle roar of tumbleweed”…hope that upsets Scott…bound to confuse him anyway!
Billy Bragg on any questions talking his usual great understanding of the British people.
If he realy understood he would be in the thick of it and not living in the Dorset out back.
No I wont have that sir!
Near old Billys drum, there was a geriatric reggae band who`d been allowed to come with Matron down to Wessex last bank Holiday.
Memories of Rock Against Racism/ANL stuff I used to frequent-and some old members of Aswad and Steel Pulse DO need a pension stream.
White Stripe on sale-bad dreadlock wigs and awful whitey dancing in the grey drizzle…rainbow jumpers?…and all on the rates.
Members of the Beat-Ranking Roger, son and other fillers-charged lots of money to moan about the lack of the talent in the band…but this might be racist, so went unsaid.
Yes, another day in Jerry Dammers paradise…if I still had a racist friend, I`d tell him this lot were white liberal guilt-tripping enforcers of the multiculti dream…and we ratepayers subsidise the rizlas.
Yeah, a wop commenting on British identity. The irony!
Since Mr Farage has attacked the Electoral commission as being totally unfit for purpose, it might be an idea to refute this by looking at the Commisisoners.
Alasdair Morgan, a former SNP MP and MSP; and Bridget Prentice, a former Labour MP and Minister have been recommended by Parliament as new Commissioners for the Electoral Commission.
Chair: Jenny Watson
Jenny Watson joined us in January 2009 as our second Chair.
She was the last Chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission prior to the creation of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, and is a past Deputy Chairman of both the Banking Code Standards Board, and of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management. She has also worked in a number of human rights organisations, including Liberty and Charter88.
Max Caller has served as Chief Executive and Returning Officer in three London boroughs and was the London Regional Returning Officer for the 1999 European Parliamentary elections;
Anna Carragher is a member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and a Commissioner for the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. She is also a member of the Board of the Arts Council for Northern Ireland and a Trustee of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. She has worked as a journalist and producer for the BBC in London and Northern Ireland on programmes including Today, Newsnight, Question Time and Any Questions, and as Editor of European and Correspondent Programmes.
With a background in engineering and project management, followed by a long and varied career at senior executive and board level in mainly the drinks industry, Gareth Halliwell has extensive experience in developing and delivering leading-edge business strategies with multi-million pound profit and loss responsibility in international companies based in UK and abroad.
Tony Hobman joined us in January 2010. He has held a number of senior appointments within the financial services arena. He spent twenty years with Barclays Bank, holding a number of key roles in marketing, project and change management and customer services.
John Horam has been a Minister in both Conservative and Labour Governments with responsibilities for Transport, Health, the Civil Service and Science and Technology. He was the Conservative MP for Orpington from 1992 to 2010, and was previously MP for Gateshead West (Labour, 1970 to 1981, SDP, 1981 to 1983). He has fought 10 general elections.
David Howarth was MP for Cambridge until 2010, having previously served as Leader of Cambridge City Council and as a local councillor for 17 years. He was Liberal Democrat Shadow Secretary of State for Justice from 2008-10, and, previously, a member of the Commons’ Constitutional Affairs and Justice select committees.
John McCormick is our Commissioner with responsibility for Scotland. He was Secretary of the BBC and subsequently Controller of BBC Scotland. He has been Chair of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and of the Edinburgh International Film Festival and is currently Vice-Chair of Scottish Opera, and a Director of the Irvine Bay Regeneration Company.
A nice selection of worthy and distinguished members indeed.
What makes you think any of the above are fit for purpose? They will all have an agenda as they are not independent of any political process. The only one that might have an unbiased input could be Tony Hobman. Just because they are, in your words “worthy and distinguished” doesn’t mean they might be any good at their job!
http://www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk/news/court-crime/islamic_area_anti_dog_sign_in_tower_hamlets_park_investigated_by_police_1_3621988….no dogs,no whites,no christians
The local Labour MP suggests that it could be muslims or the EDL or far right groups. Dawn raids for the EDL, a cosy chat between the local police authority and the muslim community leaders. Cameron will call for a crack down on far right activities. Can UKIP be blamed for it?
Labour MP – says it all really.
If this had been a remark from a Ukip/Tory member, goons from the One Media Outlet with Three Names(BBC/Guardian/Channel Snore) would be running through the streets brandishing their sandals!
BBC-NUJ has a political soft spot for Lib Dems, so-
“Lord Rennard Lib Dem row ‘blown up’ – Shirley Williams”
“Fury as friends of ‘sex pest’ Lib Dem peer Lord Rennard call on Clegg to to give him job back”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2644121/Fury-friends-sex-pest-Lib-Dem-peer-Lord-Rennard-call-Clegg-job-back.html#ixzz33JHg90QN
INBBC: misreporting Islam in Africa, as usual-
“Niger: First-ever slavery conviction for ‘fifth wife'”
By Robert Spencer.
“This article epitomizes the willful ignorance and self-imposed blindness of the British intelligentsia regarding Islam. The BBC says below that ‘men in Niger are allowed to have four wives under a local interpretation of Islamic law.’ A local interpretation of Islamic law? Oh, so the Qur’an is local to Niger, now? The Qur’an says: ‘And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline to injustice.’ (4:3)
“So the idea that a man can have as many as four wives is not some ‘local interpretation of Islamic law’ that they dreamed up in Niger, but is stated in what Muslims believe to be the word of Allah himself. The BBC doesn’t want to acknowledge that, because then it would have to confront unpleasant questions about Muslims in the UK — and it’s easier to condemn ‘Islamophobia’ and pretend that all is well.”