Hi all. Here’s a Joey Barton endorsed Open Thread for you to complete. And to think some claim Question Time has been deliberately dumbed down. Next week, Wayne Rooney?
An easy mistake to make, but the weekend is often a rich seam of unusual headlines, especially those really pressing ones rushed out by email…. Turkish police tears gas protesters
Turns out it was not a bunch of pensioners unhappy about the eco-tariff on their Swalec bill.
This was interesting: http://www.thedrum.com/news/2014/05/30/bbc-iplayer-creator-society-only-beginning-digital-revolution? “I believe the public has a naive expectation that someone somewhere is keeping an eye on things, and will be very disturbed to find out when it is too late that they should have paid more attention to the terms and conditions we all agree to every day without ever reading them.”
Given the BBC’s history with TVL/Capita, and their apparent moves to plug the gap in the live broadcast parameter for broadcast vs. online vs. cacthup, it is indeed possible that many who discover the BBC has been handed a unique funding model of ‘pay up no matter what’, could be disturbed even if they do read the BBC’s government-backed t&cs.
EU Election Results Newark and Sherwood -Vote 2014
Vote Share
An Independence from Europe 473 1.53
BNP 445 1.44
Conservative 9641 31.19
English Democrats 279 0.90
Green 1513 4.89
Harmony 42 0.14
Labour 6601 21.36
Lib Dem 1889 6.11
UKIP 10027 32.44
A more than welcome e-mail alert from the BBC arrives in my in-box: Sudan death row woman ‘to be freed’
Mother facing death penalty in Sudan for abandoning religious faith to be freed in few days – senior Sudan official
However this was promptly, if a bit confusingly, and depressingly, followed up by this one, from a rival: UK leaders tell Sudan: lift Meriam’s death sentence http://www.channel4.com/news/sudan-save-meriam-death-sentence-prison?msg_id=DM954&nl_bid=70126916 ‘A senior Sudanese official told the BBC that Ms Ibrahim would be freed in a few days, but her lawyer said that this was not true and that the family has not been told of any prospect of release.’
Now it may be a matter of minutes and things can change, but as this is, literally, a matter of life and death, I can’t help but feel that rushing to share can serve sensible ‘news’ provision poorly.
I find myself wishing the BBC to be correct in this case.
Britain gives millions to Sudan and other dodgy countries in foreign aid.
I propose now, that we the people of Great Britain, spend all foreign aid to help people in this our country .
So, Mr Cameron, Mr Miliband & Gleg , “Charity Begins at Home ” put that one up for a referendum and see what the result would be.
‘I find myself wishing the BBC to be correct in this case’
Oh dear, first the BBC says she is to be freed, but now appears a little less certain that what they get told by folk with a fair history of telling porkies to be swallowed easily by willing £4Bpa ‘news’ monopolies may actually be accurate or sincere:
—- BBC World News
1 hr · The husband of a woman sentenced to death in Sudan “not told” of possible release.
Reports on Saturday said a Sudanese official had confirmed that Meriam Ibrahim, who gave birth in custody, would be freed in a few days. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-27655842
This is from FaceBook, which allows comments.
Many appear a little less than impressed with the BBC’s ability to get things right, and seem divided on whether this down to agenda or ineptitude.
Luckily most in the audience appear to be from overseas, so it is only those in the UK uniquely funding such… ‘reporting’.
Maybe, if professional embarrassment, an attack of integrity or simply a gander at audience figures provokes a little self-assessment, the BBC could see merit in not rushing out the first press release of what they like the sound of, because combined with suppressing anything they don’t fancy it really does make them look like a bunch of censorship-addicted propagandists.
These are your so-called vastly-funded ‘reports’ BBC, in writing, and they continually get shown up to be worthless or, worse, misleading.
Two of Beeboid-Guardianista political ‘heroes’, Snowden and Greenwald, suitably rebuked by Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Snowden’s friend and ally Glenn Greenwald is a useful idiot for the jihad, a supporter of Hamas-linked CAIR and other Islamic supremacist groups. That casts their whole enterprise into suspicion as to their motives and intent.”
Snowden the poster boy of the anti-US left finds refuge in Putin’s Russia. Now turns out to be an embarassing choice of host for Snowden’s supporters.
Much like Assange fighting extradition to face sex charges in that well know illiberal and corrupt fascist state of Sweden.
“There is a high threat from terrorism. There are active terrorist groups throughout Turkey. These include domestic religious extremist and ideological groups, and international groups involved in the conflict in Syria. Attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners. See Terrorism”
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the provinces of Hakkari, Sirnak, Siirt and Tunceli. You should be especially vigilant when travelling in other provinces in south eastern Turkey and in areas close to the Syrian border. See Terrorism and Local Travel – Syrian border.
The Court was clearly troubled by the situation in Turkey. However, it paid
particular regard to the 1999 report of the Special Rapporteur to the United
Nations Commission on Human Rights (source 67 of the October 2000 CIPU
assessment on Turkey). That report stated that the situation in Turkey was
improving and that, whilst the practice of torture remained widespread, the severity
of the methods used had decreased and the practice could no longer be regarded
as approved or tolerated by the Turkish Government.
So widespread torture by government officials, terrorism rife, and the illegal invasion and occupation of another EU country and the three main parties are wanting this country to join the EU?
“In a separate further and significant development, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party) were both among a number of organisations proscribed in March 2001 under the United Kingdom’s Terrorism Act 2000. The proscribing of these organisations makes Membership, inviting support for and funding them a criminal offence in the United Kingdom.”
Well that makes it even worse !
The Financial Times has noted that a Byzantine bureaucracy and a reputation for corruption have won Turkey the dubious privilege of being ranked the fourth least transparent economy in the world.
It gets better !
Turkey is understood to have a very large black economy that underpins the real economy.
Just great ! They’ll fit in well here !
Human Rights Watch 2001 report observed that the Turkish Government made almost no progress on key human rights reforms in 2000.
What does that matter to the liberal left when it’s your culture though?
In fact the whole report makes some pretty depressing reading. It’s difficult to imagine why the EU and the three main parties who are all the same entity anyway would want to allow Turkey to join.
Racism used to be so simple. It just meant not liking other races. Now it means wanting to leave the EU, criticising Islam or wanting to control immigration. It doesn’t mean public calls for more a particular race to be featured on TV, or to have music awards and police associations to represent a particular race. Is it just me that’s confused?
Even that is too strong really. You can dislike other races just along as you don’t treat them disfavourably solely on the grounds of their race and for no other reason.
The term … racism has turned into a joke
Its genuine definition, which should be held in high regard as protection against genuine bona fide abuse, simply because of colour of skin or nationality.
It has been cheapened to such an extent
it is now absurd … preyed upon by those of the “victim/offence” industry.
The most apparent, is with Islam, and its enablers like the BBC/Ch4 and incompetent imbeciles like
those on No10.
The biggest joke of all, is that Islam is not even a “religion” per se, that is the “get out of jail free” card especially in the West.
It is a totalitarian ideology like fascism or communism, and the most dangerous
(and the most GENUINELY racist), in the world today.
Racism also means not being aware of the specific cultural needs attached to various ethnic identities. Hence the police – post MacPherson – can be accused of institutional racism if they attempt to treat all people as being equal under the law, without regard to their culture. Paradoxically, Martin Luther King who called for the equality of all, would have to be branded as a racist.
Rather like the word ‘torture’. Deliberately widened through a campaign by a politically motivated Amnesty International to bring in ‘western nations’ because they considered it ‘unfair’ that torture was confined to the more extreme totalitarian regimes. So standing someone against a wall for a few hours became ‘torture’.
BBC-NUJ (the Party for Mass Immigration) gives its political support to illegal immigrants, and to unlimited, continual mass immigration into E.U and U.K.
Several disturbing facts in this story.
First, why is the BBC involved in selecting who will be head of the BBC Trust? We can understand why they’d just love to have that power on top of all that they already have, but to actually be doing it.
Then the obvious one, Hall using his wife’s company to headhunt somebody for that position.
The ‘insult to injury’ analogy is boys pissing through a letter box, then knocking on the door and asking how far up the wall it went.
What is it with top tier BBC types and nice little sidelines shaping the way the place is staffed and run?
As I recall, when Chris Patten was making such a great job of ending up with George Entwistle, it was discovered that on top of the hundreds of thousands committed to securing his services from down the corridor, a nice little earner was winging its way to a headhunting firm in which the good Lord had another sticky finger dipped.
The BBC does seem to have a market rate talent for the lucrative stitch up.
Lucky they are currently still unaccountable.
Yes let’s go with ‘sick building syndrome’.
Maybe it’s more psychological, with the small remaining shred of integrity they possess knowing what they will be part of once they trip over that revolving door, cram into the inadequate escalators and head for the insufficiently microwave-stocked tea-rooms to under-warm a baked spud before trawling the Graun to add the BBC’s unique spin on news for the day?
According to the report, the ‘offensive floor…’:- B3 is the lowest basement floor, with studios for BBC World News, BBC London, Newsnight and The Andrew Marr Show.
Seems the entire BBC estate is strewn with first world hazards to spoil the day of even the most hardy reporter. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/electric-dreams.html
In passing, one might wonder what it was about this purpose-built edifice that rendered so many BBC staff incapable of using that mode of transport so many of those they lecture are told is essential to an acceptable low carbon future: public.
What is it that makes so many career and aspiring main stream politicians so afraid of UKIP?
They haven’t supported terrorism like Sinn Fein did.
They haven’t started wars against foreign countries which were no threat to us like Labour did.
They don’t support a racist immigration policy which favours mostly white Europeans like the Conservative – Liberal coalition does.
They haven’t had a ‘criminal’ record like Billy Bragg has, or got the conviction of Joey Barton!
What makes UKIP so dangerous?
“What is it that makes so many career and aspiring main stream politicians so afraid of UKIP?”
They threaten the careers of the established politicians who hail from all political parties – The politicians who have totally ignored and not listened to the people of this great county of ours for far too long.
You mean like elder ”statesman” Sir Malcolm Rifkind ? he was on SKY this morning wittering on about how Qatar shouldn’t haven gotten the World Cup because it might be a corrupt deal between them and FIFA !!!
I welcome the ‘diversity’ of views of those invited onto QT. ‘Diverse’ in the way that that CofE vicar on the BBC described a 95% Muslim area of Birmingham as one of the most diverse in the country.
For some reason this lead story from the BBC house newspaper fails to make the R4 News or prominent position on the BBC website
Ed Miliband is facing a backbench revolt over immigration policy as senior Labour MPs publicly warn of catastrophic consequences for the party unless he seeks constraints on the free movement of EU workers.
And yet, the subject on non-EU immigration, Liebour are staying quiet. Could it be to do with the fact that Bangladeshis are more certain to vote Labour than Poles ?
BBC Breakfast this morning presented by some eminently forgettable soft-spoken male sofa non-entity (presumably passed the BBC job interview with flying colours having revealed his yen for wimmins soccer) alongside Naga Munchetty (who looks like some form of 1970s package holiday gift dolly brought back alongside the sombreros and straw donkeys)….
So we come to ‘the papers’. For some reason best known to the editor we have highlighted for us a minor article headlined “Nice but Dim”
This is about Ed Miliband and concerns polling of us some time Licence Payers who also think David Cameron is “Nasty but Clever”.
Cue Beeboids to weigh in with with ‘Oh no he isn’t!’ – Miliband that is. Apparently the inside track is that Miliband Minor is not Dim… No such rebuttal for the PM
Seems Labour’s job before the next election is to convince us about Ed because ‘The Tories’ are going to attack Ed.
That is the mission – should you wish to accept it (as they used to say in that old TV show just before the tape recorder self-destructed) – and you can bet your bottom dollar that the BBC will – accept the mission – or self-destruct in the process.
Great video of Caroline Glick senior editor with the Jerusalem Post. http://tinyurl.com/campx8q
Do take the the time to watch..She puts some very powerful arguments/ facts to the audience. As not reported by the BBC.
If Israel was a Muslim state instead of a Jewish state who doubts that the BBC would constantly bombard us with tales of how this represented what Islam is, not Syria, Libya, Pakistan, etc etc.
No invite for HER by Esler or Sackur.
This woman would make mincemeat of the BBC…so thanks for letting us know of her Jackde.
BBC sure as hell won`t be telling us about her-which is why we need to know of her.
Why would Beeboids want to disturb their ‘left’-Islam political alliance by investigating this?:-
“The British Bin Laden: Former House of Fraser trainee unmasked as sadistic Al Qaeda killer.
“Ismail Jabbar, 22, is waging bloody jihad with ‘Unit Bin Laden’ in Syria.
“He also incites fellow Muslims to murder soldiers and police back in UK.
“The ex-House of Fraser trainee disappeared from Britain nine months ago.
“Smuggled himself into war-torn country as Kalashnikov-wielding jihadist.
“MI5 and police are monitoring his movements via extreme online posts.
“Parents have begged him to return to UK – but he wants to die a ‘martyr.'”
Not in Beeboids’ political interests to dwell on this?:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“‘Stolen election’ in the heart of London.
“Andrew Gilligan reports from Tower Hamlets, where the borough’s extremist-linked mayor Lutfur Rahman has been elected for a second term”
“Jewish leaders hail arrest of alleged Brussels gunman.
Call for more focus on preventing further attacks, monitoring of residents radicalized in Syria”
Notice how the MSM are falling over themselves to describe the suspect as “a Frenchman”. He may indeed be living in France. He may even have been born there. But he won’t be wearing a beret and a hooped t-shirt, or have a bag of onions and a baguette about his personage. Not with a name like “Mehdi” – sounds more like a colonist than a Frenchman.
Ridiculous isn’t it. If we fail to integrate or express objections to our communities being flooded by other cultures we get called racists and all sorts of names by smug, sanctimonious big jessies like Scott and the Left. However, when Muslims kill, maim or preach violent Jihad it gets ignored or given the kid-glove treatment.
Why isn’t there copious amounts of analysis examining the violence and supremacism that is seemingly intrinsic to Islam?
1. Some people are also in favour of immigration for racist reasons (rubbing our noses in it).
2. It’s not just about employment, it’s about not wanting our country turning into somewhere else without informed consent.
I like Soubry. She makes my choice of who to vote for at the next election much easier. A prime example of why people are not supporting those inside the westminster bubble. They just do not/will not understand what the ordinary people want or experience in their day to day lives. There is, these days on the news a full catalogue of muslim inspired violence all over the world.
Of course, this morning we were also told again that people who vote UKIP are older, usually white and ‘not as well educated’…….This is absolutely pathetic. I just hope (forlorn, I think) that UKIP can grab the Newark seat
The Newark by-election is obviously very important. Indeed crucial.Normally the BBC would be full of discussions about what is happening there. But on Radio 4 I have heard very little. Why ?
Earlier on this thread someone posted a link to an article about Newark in the Express. I liked one of the comments on the article discussing the young Tory candidate:
“,Jenrick, a director of Christies, has two homes in London worth £4.5 million and a listed mansion in Hertfordshire bought in 2009 for £1.1 million. He and his American wife earn half a million between them, so in the true Tory tradition of Toffs-r-Us, the “peasants” as Boris Johnson calls UKIP voters, can go to hell !!
Get your pitchforks out folks, and VOTE UKIP”
Only caught the second part of “A good man in Rwanda”( Radio 4, 1.30p.m 1/6/14).
If only the BBC would stick to stuff like this, we`d not need the likes of Scott to come here…more BBC, more!
Yes, a very good programme about a very brave and humane soldier during all the horror of Ruanda. No political point-scoring, no overblown praise for the UN. That is what used to be meant by the BBC’s original remit – “Inform, educate, entertain”.
Interesting Sunday read:
Found this very truthful article on Guido, penned by the Labour ‘drunk and disorderly’ , ex-military MP Eric Joyce.
Although referring to the media in the article, it is not about the BBC, but I could not help making this analogy:
“I’ve noticed recently that some………….. are prepared to simply lie – or give no value at all to the truth – in pursuit of their apparent aims.”
Labour’s Wonganomics and Tory cuts have left the NHS in ruins: only UKIP can restore Newark’s A&E
As a doctor who has worked in the NHS for nine years, the sight of Ed Miliband in Newark hospital telling everyone that Labour would deliver for the NHS was a sight too sore. Labour was a disaster for the NHS in Nottinghamshire yet there was no walk of shame from the Labour leader, more a conceited swagger and an assertion that the NHS is the Left’s territory and will stay that way.
We have heard for weeks that UKIP will privatise the health service (news to UKIP!), charge NHS patients GP fees (a LibDem policy) and fees to stay overnight in hospital (actually a Labour policy). Labour’s obsession with PFI and booking instant wins on the back of ever higher debt spending was part of the macho casino culture we all saw under their administration.
It left Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust with a £320m hospital in Mansfield (actually a £66m hospital with a 400% cost overrun but that doesn’t sound quite as sexy) that will take a total of 40 years to pay back £950m at credit card rates of interest . Add to this a 1.2billion pound service contract and under Labour patients in Newark end up paying 2 billion pounds for a £66m hospital. That’s what the record investment was all about: record debt on record waste.
While the Tories wring hands and Labour waves fists over a less than 1% pay rise for nurses neither rush to tell the voting public these juicy service contracts are RPI linked. In other words, while NHS workers pay is eroded by inflation, these corporate deals are inflation proofed for decades.
Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust was one of the 13 most dangerous in the country under Labour. In these 13 trusts alone there were 14000 excess deaths over 5 years, almost half the population of Newark. While NHS managers buried whistleblowers, Labour and its dysfunctional regulators buried bad news while the public buried their relatives.
Andy Burnham, the former Secretary of State for Health slated the A&E at Newark for closure, and the Tories were happy enough to waive this closure through.
While bureaucrats in Brussels are chauffeured around, patients in Newark are taken by the local bus company to A&Es many miles away. Since the A&E closure deaths in Newark have soared yet ambulances are driving to Grantham and back for patients having heart attacks and pneumonia. When people in Newark wonder why eight minute emergency response times aren’t being met it maybe, just maybe, due to the fact the ambulances are facing an eighty minute round trip to the next county.
Labour’s toxic contempt of good financial planning and patient care has left Newark’s NHS crippled by debt while Tory reorganisations and cuts to frontline staff mean only UKIP can hope to restore Newark’s A&E and deliver the healthcare the town deserves by cutting waste, clamping down on health tourism and putting patients before targets.
Skimming twitter, as the US fires up for the day, I have noticed a certain story to be polarising slightly.
All things considered, it seems a bit tucked away here, especially by the BBC, where this seems the latest and biggest, under ‘Asia’. Taliban’s Mullah Omar celebrates prisoner-swap ‘victory’
Yes, that’s just the best line one could imagine getting taken.
The BBC seems to be keen to play down other aspects surfacing, popping this at the end: ‘The circumstances of his capture remain unclear’
Perhaps making their choice of headline an odd one.
Of course Mullah Omar has every right to feel a but chuffed, as it seems possible (unconfirmed), a deserter to the Taliban has been returned in exchange for several top Taliban commanders.
This is as interesting militarily as it is politically.
On the latter, the BBC has this to offer: ‘The BBC’s David Loyn, in Kabul, says the Taliban leader’s words will enrage President Barack Obama’s Republican opponents, who see the decision to release the detainees as giving way to terrorists.’
As opposed to….?
I saw Farage v Andrew Marr today on the BBC flagship ‘Andrew Marr Show’.
Farage was the clear winner.
Farage was asked much the same questions inflicted upon him in the last three weeks of media v Farage. Farage was composed, eloquent and in fighting form. Marr had met his match.
Shame the contest was in the last five minutes of the show.
The BBC is studiously avoiding the darker side of the release of Bowe Bergdahl from ‘captivity’ in Afghanistan.
Last night it struck me as a bit odd that he was only able to speak in Pashtu and was struggling to use English.
So what Details are the BBC withholding?
Well quite some important details concerning how Bowe Bergdahl came to be in the Taleban’s company, and the story is that he might well have defected. Wikipedia manages to carry this data in quite a long paragraph: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowe_Bergdahl
Then there’s the performance of the Obamessiah who released 5 Guantanamo terrorist prisoners for his release. This is reported, but not the fact that US law states that the President must inform Congress at least 30 days in advance of any transfers at Guantanamo Bay, no notice was given.
Half the story has been reported, and some very important details have been deliberately left out !
It’s a wierd one.
Thanks to my treating the MSM as more a dubious adjunct to topical news I first read about all this online, and hence was immediately privy to the whole story.
Only later did I start reading MSM ‘versions’ and notice vast, pretty relevant chunks missing.
Do the pols and editors in question really think this will serve their messaging well in the long run?
Hard to see how.
Even folk still glued to the dead tree press or BBC version of things will surely come to be aware of these omissions at a critical time and feel manipulated?
Wow – the MSM against UKIP is now nuts – we think the BBC bad – but this is shear fantasy news story at an attempted smear by Huffington Post (the lefty on line Newsrag) :
Not the BBC of course, but they do have a uniquely selective way of quoting other media, often those with very niche ABC ratings if it will serve.
It will be interesting to see how the less than helpful associations and commentary from media-designated ‘super fans’ of other topical political outfits get ported up to being the basis of stories.
The precedent set could be impressive.
BBC Breakfast send their Geordie lass up to Edinburgh to stand on some high point and tell us how lovely it all looks. The Tourist Board will be pleased.
Then a bizarre puff piece for Bank of Scotland’s ‘mobile bank van’ on the Isle od Arran.
Gosh, but that must have saved BOS – and cost ITV – a bundle in advertising expenses.
And the payoff line at the end of the Taxpayer subsidised pretty pictures…..
‘Independence or no independence – it will be business as usual for us at BOS’
What’s going on at the BBC?
Just, maybe, this is all a counter to these reports…
‘Why Lloyds is banking on a ‘No’ vote for Scottish independence or there could be trouble ahead for the bank’
I find the BBC’s coverage of the issues at stake here biased. Rather than seeking out facts the BBC seems to confine itself to opinion and sentiment. Not good enough for the money.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
An easy mistake to make, but the weekend is often a rich seam of unusual headlines, especially those really pressing ones rushed out by email….
Turkish police tears gas protesters
Turns out it was not a bunch of pensioners unhappy about the eco-tariff on their Swalec bill.
This was interesting:
“I believe the public has a naive expectation that someone somewhere is keeping an eye on things, and will be very disturbed to find out when it is too late that they should have paid more attention to the terms and conditions we all agree to every day without ever reading them.”
Given the BBC’s history with TVL/Capita, and their apparent moves to plug the gap in the live broadcast parameter for broadcast vs. online vs. cacthup, it is indeed possible that many who discover the BBC has been handed a unique funding model of ‘pay up no matter what’, could be disturbed even if they do read the BBC’s government-backed t&cs.
UKIP Express storming into Newark town for next Thursday’s by-election:
From a no-where the new kid’s on the block predict a good chance to win:
You have to look at the Daily Express – UKIPers storming the Comments section (99% in favour):
EU Election Results Newark and Sherwood -Vote 2014
Vote Share
An Independence from Europe 473 1.53
BNP 445 1.44
Conservative 9641 31.19
English Democrats 279 0.90
Green 1513 4.89
Harmony 42 0.14
Labour 6601 21.36
Lib Dem 1889 6.11
UKIP 10027 32.44
A more than welcome e-mail alert from the BBC arrives in my in-box:
Sudan death row woman ‘to be freed’
Mother facing death penalty in Sudan for abandoning religious faith to be freed in few days – senior Sudan official
However this was promptly, if a bit confusingly, and depressingly, followed up by this one, from a rival:
UK leaders tell Sudan: lift Meriam’s death sentence
‘A senior Sudanese official told the BBC that Ms Ibrahim would be freed in a few days, but her lawyer said that this was not true and that the family has not been told of any prospect of release.’
Now it may be a matter of minutes and things can change, but as this is, literally, a matter of life and death, I can’t help but feel that rushing to share can serve sensible ‘news’ provision poorly.
I find myself wishing the BBC to be correct in this case.
Britain gives millions to Sudan and other dodgy countries in foreign aid.
I propose now, that we the people of Great Britain, spend all foreign aid to help people in this our country .
So, Mr Cameron, Mr Miliband & Gleg , “Charity Begins at Home ” put that one up for a referendum and see what the result would be.
‘I find myself wishing the BBC to be correct in this case’
Oh dear, first the BBC says she is to be freed, but now appears a little less certain that what they get told by folk with a fair history of telling porkies to be swallowed easily by willing £4Bpa ‘news’ monopolies may actually be accurate or sincere:
BBC World News
1 hr ·
The husband of a woman sentenced to death in Sudan “not told” of possible release.
Reports on Saturday said a Sudanese official had confirmed that Meriam Ibrahim, who gave birth in custody, would be freed in a few days.
This is from FaceBook, which allows comments.
Many appear a little less than impressed with the BBC’s ability to get things right, and seem divided on whether this down to agenda or ineptitude.
Luckily most in the audience appear to be from overseas, so it is only those in the UK uniquely funding such… ‘reporting’.
Maybe, if professional embarrassment, an attack of integrity or simply a gander at audience figures provokes a little self-assessment, the BBC could see merit in not rushing out the first press release of what they like the sound of, because combined with suppressing anything they don’t fancy it really does make them look like a bunch of censorship-addicted propagandists.
These are your so-called vastly-funded ‘reports’ BBC, in writing, and they continually get shown up to be worthless or, worse, misleading.
Oops. Pub time!
Here you go Scott, a couple to play with this evening while the rest of us are out (sadly they all involve the actual topic of the BBC/performance, so you may need to steer clear and concentrate on perfecting the role of a cat lady with Tourettes):
Two of Beeboid-Guardianista political ‘heroes’, Snowden and Greenwald, suitably rebuked by Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Snowden’s friend and ally Glenn Greenwald is a useful idiot for the jihad, a supporter of Hamas-linked CAIR and other Islamic supremacist groups. That casts their whole enterprise into suspicion as to their motives and intent.”
Snowden the poster boy of the anti-US left finds refuge in Putin’s Russia. Now turns out to be an embarassing choice of host for Snowden’s supporters.
Much like Assange fighting extradition to face sex charges in that well know illiberal and corrupt fascist state of Sweden.
Take a look at the ‘best’ rated comments, and decide if there hasn’t been an organised and orchestrated campaign to do this.
Is there anything which would end BBC-NUJ’s political support for the entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U?
“Turkish police tear gas protesters”
“69% of Germans against Turkish accession to the European Union”
Never mind the BBC and the media reports, take a look at what the UK Governments foreign office have to say about the country:
“There is a high threat from terrorism. There are active terrorist groups throughout Turkey. These include domestic religious extremist and ideological groups, and international groups involved in the conflict in Syria. Attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners. See Terrorism”
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the provinces of Hakkari, Sirnak, Siirt and Tunceli. You should be especially vigilant when travelling in other provinces in south eastern Turkey and in areas close to the Syrian border. See Terrorism and Local Travel – Syrian border.
Or perhaps a report from the United Nations?
Click to access 3df0e6552.pdf
The Court was clearly troubled by the situation in Turkey. However, it paid
particular regard to the 1999 report of the Special Rapporteur to the United
Nations Commission on Human Rights (source 67 of the October 2000 CIPU
assessment on Turkey). That report stated that the situation in Turkey was
improving and that, whilst the practice of torture remained widespread, the severity
of the methods used had decreased and the practice could no longer be regarded
as approved or tolerated by the Turkish Government.
So widespread torture by government officials, terrorism rife, and the illegal invasion and occupation of another EU country and the three main parties are wanting this country to join the EU?
“In a separate further and significant development, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party) were both among a number of organisations proscribed in March 2001 under the United Kingdom’s Terrorism Act 2000. The proscribing of these organisations makes Membership, inviting support for and funding them a criminal offence in the United Kingdom.”
Well that makes it even worse !
The Financial Times has noted that a Byzantine bureaucracy and a reputation for corruption have won Turkey the dubious privilege of being ranked the fourth least transparent economy in the world.
It gets better !
Turkey is understood to have a very large black economy that underpins the real economy.
Just great ! They’ll fit in well here !
Human Rights Watch 2001 report observed that the Turkish Government made almost no progress on key human rights reforms in 2000.
What does that matter to the liberal left when it’s your culture though?
In fact the whole report makes some pretty depressing reading. It’s difficult to imagine why the EU and the three main parties who are all the same entity anyway would want to allow Turkey to join.
A relevant read for Beeboids?;-
“Labour’s mixed up views on race and diversity are driving voters away”
By Ben Cobley.
“Why the liberal-Left gets racism wrong”
Racism used to be so simple. It just meant not liking other races. Now it means wanting to leave the EU, criticising Islam or wanting to control immigration. It doesn’t mean public calls for more a particular race to be featured on TV, or to have music awards and police associations to represent a particular race. Is it just me that’s confused?
“It just meant not liking other races.”
Even that is too strong really. You can dislike other races just along as you don’t treat them disfavourably solely on the grounds of their race and for no other reason.
The term … racism has turned into a joke
Its genuine definition, which should be held in high regard as protection against genuine bona fide abuse, simply because of colour of skin or nationality.
It has been cheapened to such an extent
it is now absurd … preyed upon by those of the “victim/offence” industry.
The most apparent, is with Islam, and its enablers like the BBC/Ch4 and incompetent imbeciles like
those on No10.
The biggest joke of all, is that Islam is not even a “religion” per se, that is the “get out of jail free” card especially in the West.
It is a totalitarian ideology like fascism or communism, and the most dangerous
(and the most GENUINELY racist), in the world today.
Racism also means not being aware of the specific cultural needs attached to various ethnic identities. Hence the police – post MacPherson – can be accused of institutional racism if they attempt to treat all people as being equal under the law, without regard to their culture. Paradoxically, Martin Luther King who called for the equality of all, would have to be branded as a racist.
Rather like the word ‘torture’. Deliberately widened through a campaign by a politically motivated Amnesty International to bring in ‘western nations’ because they considered it ‘unfair’ that torture was confined to the more extreme totalitarian regimes. So standing someone against a wall for a few hours became ‘torture’.
BBC-NUJ (the Party for Mass Immigration) gives its political support to illegal immigrants, and to unlimited, continual mass immigration into E.U and U.K.
Several disturbing facts in this story.
First, why is the BBC involved in selecting who will be head of the BBC Trust? We can understand why they’d just love to have that power on top of all that they already have, but to actually be doing it.
Then the obvious one, Hall using his wife’s company to headhunt somebody for that position.
The ‘insult to injury’ analogy is boys pissing through a letter box, then knocking on the door and asking how far up the wall it went.
‘Conflict of interest’ row as BBC boss’s headhunter wife seeks its new chairman
Headhunter Cynthia Hall, wife of Director General, earns six-figure salary
Her firm Saxton Bampfylde being paid thousands to replace Lord Patten
MPs have blasted set up as a ‘catastrophic waste of public money’
What is it with top tier BBC types and nice little sidelines shaping the way the place is staffed and run?
As I recall, when Chris Patten was making such a great job of ending up with George Entwistle, it was discovered that on top of the hundreds of thousands committed to securing his services from down the corridor, a nice little earner was winging its way to a headhunting firm in which the good Lord had another sticky finger dipped.
The BBC does seem to have a market rate talent for the lucrative stitch up.
Lucky they are currently still unaccountable.
Hearing that BBC staff are complaining that their new headquarters is making them ill makes me feel like there is some justice in the world.
BBC’s new £1bn HQ a ‘toxic waste pit that is making staff sick’ claims presenter Peter Dobbie after contracting a vomiting bug that left him needing treatment in intensive care
Yes let’s go with ‘sick building syndrome’.
Maybe it’s more psychological, with the small remaining shred of integrity they possess knowing what they will be part of once they trip over that revolving door, cram into the inadequate escalators and head for the insufficiently microwave-stocked tea-rooms to under-warm a baked spud before trawling the Graun to add the BBC’s unique spin on news for the day?
According to the report, the ‘offensive floor…’:-
B3 is the lowest basement floor, with studios for BBC World News, BBC London, Newsnight and The Andrew Marr Show.
What goes around….
Seems the entire BBC estate is strewn with first world hazards to spoil the day of even the most hardy reporter.
In passing, one might wonder what it was about this purpose-built edifice that rendered so many BBC staff incapable of using that mode of transport so many of those they lecture are told is essential to an acceptable low carbon future: public.
After the UKIP landslide, the BBC on Monday got two elder ”statesmen” Heseltine and Bliar to slag off UKIP.
Then on Question Time and Any Questions, the BBC got two working class ”geezers” Bragg and Barton to slag off UKIP.
Hmm, strange, you’d think it was planed !!
What is it that makes so many career and aspiring main stream politicians so afraid of UKIP?
They haven’t supported terrorism like Sinn Fein did.
They haven’t started wars against foreign countries which were no threat to us like Labour did.
They don’t support a racist immigration policy which favours mostly white Europeans like the Conservative – Liberal coalition does.
They haven’t had a ‘criminal’ record like Billy Bragg has, or got the conviction of Joey Barton!
What makes UKIP so dangerous?
“What is it that makes so many career and aspiring main stream politicians so afraid of UKIP?”
They threaten the careers of the established politicians who hail from all political parties – The politicians who have totally ignored and not listened to the people of this great county of ours for far too long.
”the established politicians ”
You mean like elder ”statesman” Sir Malcolm Rifkind ? he was on SKY this morning wittering on about how Qatar shouldn’t haven gotten the World Cup because it might be a corrupt deal between them and FIFA !!!
No shit Sherlock ? this guy’s a genius !!
Qatar where the temperature is 1,000 centigrade, a great place to play football in the summer !!
David, a recent BBC “Climate Change” computer model shows that when the World Cup gets played in Qatar, the temperature will be 2,000 centigrade.
joey essex next to be invited on question time.even he has to be more intelligent than joey barton
I welcome the ‘diversity’ of views of those invited onto QT. ‘Diverse’ in the way that that CofE vicar on the BBC described a 95% Muslim area of Birmingham as one of the most diverse in the country.
For some reason this lead story from the BBC house newspaper fails to make the R4 News or prominent position on the BBC website
Ed Miliband is facing a backbench revolt over immigration policy as senior Labour MPs publicly warn of catastrophic consequences for the party unless he seeks constraints on the free movement of EU workers.
And yet, the subject on non-EU immigration, Liebour are staying quiet. Could it be to do with the fact that Bangladeshis are more certain to vote Labour than Poles ?
Tower Hamlets, anyone ?
Dumb but Biased
BBC Breakfast this morning presented by some eminently forgettable soft-spoken male sofa non-entity (presumably passed the BBC job interview with flying colours having revealed his yen for wimmins soccer) alongside Naga Munchetty (who looks like some form of 1970s package holiday gift dolly brought back alongside the sombreros and straw donkeys)….
So we come to ‘the papers’. For some reason best known to the editor we have highlighted for us a minor article headlined “Nice but Dim”
This is about Ed Miliband and concerns polling of us some time Licence Payers who also think David Cameron is “Nasty but Clever”.
Cue Beeboids to weigh in with with ‘Oh no he isn’t!’ – Miliband that is. Apparently the inside track is that Miliband Minor is not Dim… No such rebuttal for the PM
Seems Labour’s job before the next election is to convince us about Ed because ‘The Tories’ are going to attack Ed.
That is the mission – should you wish to accept it (as they used to say in that old TV show just before the tape recorder self-destructed) – and you can bet your bottom dollar that the BBC will – accept the mission – or self-destruct in the process.
The BBC for Labour campaign for GE 2015 shifts up a gear.
BBC-NUJ report:
“UK ‘threatens to quit EU over presidency’ – Der Spiegel”
-But BBC-NUJ will increase its enthusiastic support for political E.U federalist, Juncker.
Great video of Caroline Glick senior editor with the Jerusalem Post. http://tinyurl.com/campx8q
Do take the the time to watch..She puts some very powerful arguments/ facts to the audience. As not reported by the BBC.
If Israel was a Muslim state instead of a Jewish state who doubts that the BBC would constantly bombard us with tales of how this represented what Islam is, not Syria, Libya, Pakistan, etc etc.
No invite for HER by Esler or Sackur.
This woman would make mincemeat of the BBC…so thanks for letting us know of her Jackde.
BBC sure as hell won`t be telling us about her-which is why we need to know of her.
That is a superb video clip. Caroline Glick is one of the few voices of sanity in the Middle East – and a real scholar and journalist.
Why would Beeboids want to disturb their ‘left’-Islam political alliance by investigating this?:-
“The British Bin Laden: Former House of Fraser trainee unmasked as sadistic Al Qaeda killer.
“Ismail Jabbar, 22, is waging bloody jihad with ‘Unit Bin Laden’ in Syria.
“He also incites fellow Muslims to murder soldiers and police back in UK.
“The ex-House of Fraser trainee disappeared from Britain nine months ago.
“Smuggled himself into war-torn country as Kalashnikov-wielding jihadist.
“MI5 and police are monitoring his movements via extreme online posts.
“Parents have begged him to return to UK – but he wants to die a ‘martyr.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2644895/The-British-Bin-Laden-House-Fraser-trainee-unmasked-sadistic-Al-Qaeda-killer.html#ixzz33NK2XwLL
Not in Beeboids’ political interests to dwell on this?:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“‘Stolen election’ in the heart of London.
“Andrew Gilligan reports from Tower Hamlets, where the borough’s extremist-linked mayor Lutfur Rahman has been elected for a second term”
French jihadist arrested over the Brussels Jewish Museum murders according to BBC R4. No mention of the M word. How queer.
“Jewish leaders hail arrest of alleged Brussels gunman.
Call for more focus on preventing further attacks, monitoring of residents radicalized in Syria”
Read more: Jewish leaders hail arrest of alleged Brussels gunman | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-leaders-hail-arrest-of-alleged-brussels-gunman/#ixzz33OBxOlg7
“Suspect arrested in Brussels Jewish Museum shootings is MUSLIM, allegedly linked to Syrian jihadists”
And where was the suspect arrested, INBBC?:-
“French City with 40% Muslim Population is the Most Dangerous City in Europe”
(Jan 2014).
Notice how the MSM are falling over themselves to describe the suspect as “a Frenchman”. He may indeed be living in France. He may even have been born there. But he won’t be wearing a beret and a hooped t-shirt, or have a bag of onions and a baguette about his personage. Not with a name like “Mehdi” – sounds more like a colonist than a Frenchman.
Ridiculous isn’t it. If we fail to integrate or express objections to our communities being flooded by other cultures we get called racists and all sorts of names by smug, sanctimonious big jessies like Scott and the Left. However, when Muslims kill, maim or preach violent Jihad it gets ignored or given the kid-glove treatment.
Why isn’t there copious amounts of analysis examining the violence and supremacism that is seemingly intrinsic to Islam?
The Tories are no better. Still digging:
Anna Soubry: Some people with immigration concerns are ‘frankly racist’
What she doesn’t seem to get:
1. Some people are also in favour of immigration for racist reasons (rubbing our noses in it).
2. It’s not just about employment, it’s about not wanting our country turning into somewhere else without informed consent.
I like Soubry. She makes my choice of who to vote for at the next election much easier. A prime example of why people are not supporting those inside the westminster bubble. They just do not/will not understand what the ordinary people want or experience in their day to day lives. There is, these days on the news a full catalogue of muslim inspired violence all over the world.
Of course, this morning we were also told again that people who vote UKIP are older, usually white and ‘not as well educated’…….This is absolutely pathetic. I just hope (forlorn, I think) that UKIP can grab the Newark seat
The BBC will love this:
The Newark by-election is obviously very important. Indeed crucial.Normally the BBC would be full of discussions about what is happening there. But on Radio 4 I have heard very little. Why ?
Earlier on this thread someone posted a link to an article about Newark in the Express. I liked one of the comments on the article discussing the young Tory candidate:
“,Jenrick, a director of Christies, has two homes in London worth £4.5 million and a listed mansion in Hertfordshire bought in 2009 for £1.1 million. He and his American wife earn half a million between them, so in the true Tory tradition of Toffs-r-Us, the “peasants” as Boris Johnson calls UKIP voters, can go to hell !!
Get your pitchforks out folks, and VOTE UKIP”
Only caught the second part of “A good man in Rwanda”( Radio 4, 1.30p.m 1/6/14).
If only the BBC would stick to stuff like this, we`d not need the likes of Scott to come here…more BBC, more!
Yes, a very good programme about a very brave and humane soldier during all the horror of Ruanda. No political point-scoring, no overblown praise for the UN. That is what used to be meant by the BBC’s original remit – “Inform, educate, entertain”.
Interesting Sunday read:
Found this very truthful article on Guido, penned by the Labour ‘drunk and disorderly’ , ex-military MP Eric Joyce.
Although referring to the media in the article, it is not about the BBC, but I could not help making this analogy:
“I’ve noticed recently that some………….. are prepared to simply lie – or give no value at all to the truth – in pursuit of their apparent aims.”
From the blog of Jon Stanley, NHS Doctor on:
Labour’s Wonganomics and Tory cuts have left the NHS in ruins: only UKIP can restore Newark’s A&E
As a doctor who has worked in the NHS for nine years, the sight of Ed Miliband in Newark hospital telling everyone that Labour would deliver for the NHS was a sight too sore. Labour was a disaster for the NHS in Nottinghamshire yet there was no walk of shame from the Labour leader, more a conceited swagger and an assertion that the NHS is the Left’s territory and will stay that way.
We have heard for weeks that UKIP will privatise the health service (news to UKIP!), charge NHS patients GP fees (a LibDem policy) and fees to stay overnight in hospital (actually a Labour policy). Labour’s obsession with PFI and booking instant wins on the back of ever higher debt spending was part of the macho casino culture we all saw under their administration.
It left Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust with a £320m hospital in Mansfield (actually a £66m hospital with a 400% cost overrun but that doesn’t sound quite as sexy) that will take a total of 40 years to pay back £950m at credit card rates of interest . Add to this a 1.2billion pound service contract and under Labour patients in Newark end up paying 2 billion pounds for a £66m hospital. That’s what the record investment was all about: record debt on record waste.
While the Tories wring hands and Labour waves fists over a less than 1% pay rise for nurses neither rush to tell the voting public these juicy service contracts are RPI linked. In other words, while NHS workers pay is eroded by inflation, these corporate deals are inflation proofed for decades.
Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust was one of the 13 most dangerous in the country under Labour. In these 13 trusts alone there were 14000 excess deaths over 5 years, almost half the population of Newark. While NHS managers buried whistleblowers, Labour and its dysfunctional regulators buried bad news while the public buried their relatives.
Andy Burnham, the former Secretary of State for Health slated the A&E at Newark for closure, and the Tories were happy enough to waive this closure through.
While bureaucrats in Brussels are chauffeured around, patients in Newark are taken by the local bus company to A&Es many miles away. Since the A&E closure deaths in Newark have soared yet ambulances are driving to Grantham and back for patients having heart attacks and pneumonia. When people in Newark wonder why eight minute emergency response times aren’t being met it maybe, just maybe, due to the fact the ambulances are facing an eighty minute round trip to the next county.
Labour’s toxic contempt of good financial planning and patient care has left Newark’s NHS crippled by debt while Tory reorganisations and cuts to frontline staff mean only UKIP can hope to restore Newark’s A&E and deliver the healthcare the town deserves by cutting waste, clamping down on health tourism and putting patients before targets.
Not much on BBC about Newark:
Skimming twitter, as the US fires up for the day, I have noticed a certain story to be polarising slightly.
All things considered, it seems a bit tucked away here, especially by the BBC, where this seems the latest and biggest, under ‘Asia’.
Taliban’s Mullah Omar celebrates prisoner-swap ‘victory’
Yes, that’s just the best line one could imagine getting taken.
The BBC seems to be keen to play down other aspects surfacing, popping this at the end: ‘The circumstances of his capture remain unclear’
Perhaps making their choice of headline an odd one.
Of course Mullah Omar has every right to feel a but chuffed, as it seems possible (unconfirmed), a deserter to the Taliban has been returned in exchange for several top Taliban commanders.
This is as interesting militarily as it is politically.
On the latter, the BBC has this to offer:
‘The BBC’s David Loyn, in Kabul, says the Taliban leader’s words will enrage President Barack Obama’s Republican opponents, who see the decision to release the detainees as giving way to terrorists.’
As opposed to….?
I saw Farage v Andrew Marr today on the BBC flagship ‘Andrew Marr Show’.
Farage was the clear winner.
Farage was asked much the same questions inflicted upon him in the last three weeks of media v Farage. Farage was composed, eloquent and in fighting form. Marr had met his match.
Shame the contest was in the last five minutes of the show.
I bet the BBC does not report that the young Tory candidate in the Newark byelection has been lying about his privileged background and his wealth :
The BBC chattering classes will be worried over this:
They’ll all be choking on their organic muesli!
The BBC is studiously avoiding the darker side of the release of Bowe Bergdahl from ‘captivity’ in Afghanistan.
Last night it struck me as a bit odd that he was only able to speak in Pashtu and was struggling to use English.
So what Details are the BBC withholding?
Well quite some important details concerning how Bowe Bergdahl came to be in the Taleban’s company, and the story is that he might well have defected. Wikipedia manages to carry this data in quite a long paragraph:
And CNN are carrying a story that his comrades go so far as to call him a deserter !
Then there’s the performance of the Obamessiah who released 5 Guantanamo terrorist prisoners for his release. This is reported, but not the fact that US law states that the President must inform Congress at least 30 days in advance of any transfers at Guantanamo Bay, no notice was given.
Half the story has been reported, and some very important details have been deliberately left out !
It’s a wierd one.
Thanks to my treating the MSM as more a dubious adjunct to topical news I first read about all this online, and hence was immediately privy to the whole story.
Only later did I start reading MSM ‘versions’ and notice vast, pretty relevant chunks missing.
Do the pols and editors in question really think this will serve their messaging well in the long run?
Hard to see how.
Even folk still glued to the dead tree press or BBC version of things will surely come to be aware of these omissions at a critical time and feel manipulated?
Wow – the MSM against UKIP is now nuts – we think the BBC bad – but this is shear fantasy news story at an attempted smear by Huffington Post (the lefty on line Newsrag) :
Not a UKIP member, nor UKIP Councilllor but maybe a supporter says!
Not the BBC of course, but they do have a uniquely selective way of quoting other media, often those with very niche ABC ratings if it will serve.
It will be interesting to see how the less than helpful associations and commentary from media-designated ‘super fans’ of other topical political outfits get ported up to being the basis of stories.
The precedent set could be impressive.
BBC Breakfast send their Geordie lass up to Edinburgh to stand on some high point and tell us how lovely it all looks. The Tourist Board will be pleased.
Then a bizarre puff piece for Bank of Scotland’s ‘mobile bank van’ on the Isle od Arran.
Gosh, but that must have saved BOS – and cost ITV – a bundle in advertising expenses.
And the payoff line at the end of the Taxpayer subsidised pretty pictures…..
‘Independence or no independence – it will be business as usual for us at BOS’
What’s going on at the BBC?
Just, maybe, this is all a counter to these reports…
Scottish independence: Lloyds and Barclays say referendum a ‘potential risk’
‘Why Lloyds is banking on a ‘No’ vote for Scottish independence or there could be trouble ahead for the bank’
I find the BBC’s coverage of the issues at stake here biased. Rather than seeking out facts the BBC seems to confine itself to opinion and sentiment. Not good enough for the money.
One for the graveyard thread end…
‘If Jon Snow had a son, he’d loo… well, sound just like this’ KGM looking the next Katz Klub slipway hire?
Shocked, one tells you; shocked!