Yesterday I saw that Diane Coyle had thrown her hat into the ring and applied for Patten’s old job.
This morning on R4 I heard that the application process had been extended due to the lack of quality of the applicants…they didn’t mention Coyle had applied funnily enough.
Not sure a person who has helped preside over the failing BBC Trust should then be appointed to lead it.
BBC Trust post struggles to woo top applicants
The deadline for candidates to apply to be the next chairman of the BBC Trust has been extended by a week amid concern about the calibre of those seeking the role.
It is understood that few applicants deemed to be of sufficiently high quality had applied to Saxton Bampfylde, the firm of headhunters hired to lead the search for a replacement for Lord Patten, before Friday’s deadline.
The only figure publicly to declare her interest is Diane Coyle, who has been acting chairwoman since Patten stepped down because of poor health last month.
Can I do it from my laptop in Wetherspoons?
I’m afraid that would make you over-qualified.
Well she certainly has the requisite look of a BBC babe.
I guess most suitable people would rather work in the free world where enterprise, iniative and freedom is the way.
And I imagine most of them wouldn’t touch the BBC with a barge pole.
The BBC is such a Left Wing, mind-numbing monster that most normal, logical thinking people would have the life sucked out of them working to it.
Yes, I wonder why they’re struggling to find applicants.
I assume taxpayers money is used to pay the headhunters. Why? Can’t the BBC do it from it’s own vast resources they keep on about.
Yet another sign this pathetic lot are heading for the breaker’s yard.
It’s that BBC diversity again. The Catholic Church is bigoted for not being down with gay priests but the BBC top brass doesn’t include a single person who even knows someone who voted UKIP.
Nothing about the Islamic views on gay imams then.
As poisoned chalices go, in terms of legacy benefits it’s not looking good.
But the money… think of the money!
‘has told colleagues of her intention to go for the £110,000 a year job’
One has to feel a bit sorry for Mrs. Rory; no sooner does she graciously throw her hat in the ring it gets pretty much stomped on by not even the faintest of praise.
‘THE deadline for candidates to apply to be the next chairman of the BBC Trust has been extended by a week amid concern about the calibre of those seeking the role.
It is understood that few applicants deemed to be of sufficiently high quality had applied ‘
Still, ‘not good enough’ in BBC terms is usually market rate, so she’s in with a chance.
‘she is not seen [by whom, now?] as political, she knows how the BBC is run [see below] having been a trustee since 2006 and, according to a report in the Sunday Times [see above], David Cameron is “determined” that Patten’s successor should be a woman.
Especially with that woman thing going for her.
Had to love this:
‘She is married to the BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones.
Coyle and the BBC Trust declined to comment.
A shortlist of candidates is due to be interviewed from late July
I would dearly love to know how that middle sentence got sandwiched between the other two, as it has zero relevance.
Maybe the media is so used to the BBC refusing to comment they just stick it in anyway?
Five comments from CIFers… some quite tart ones too. Such as:
“In order for Dianne Coyle to be taken seriously as a candidate she needs to
answer some serious questions.
She was an important figure at the Trust before Patten.
She needs to explain why £100m of public money was not monitored correctly
by the Trust as part of the DMI initiative. Much is made in this article
about her value as an economist.
She was Vice Chair of the Trust and also should have seen all the press
cuttings in early 2012 about the decision to drop the the Newsnight Savile
exposure in favour of tributes.
She was consulted about the payoff to Entwhistle on the eve of his
departure. The only public comment that she made was to explain that it
disturbed her evening viewing of Strictly.
She would also have been consulted and ruled on the fact that Pollard failed
to correct his report , despite compelling evidence, and that was acceptable
She was part of the Trust during the last fee settlement and had every
opportunity to resist the covert and hurried settlement by Jeremy Hunt and
Mark Thompson. She did not and failed to represent the public that deserved
much better.”
For starters.
But wait, what’s this….
And what’s it with barely capable, conflicted bozos with zero ability and no time being put in the frame for oversight of one of the most powerful policy shaping monopolies in the land?
Plus all the eye-watering wonga to ‘headhunters’ who seem to do zero except give the appearance it wasn’t a stitch up.
I recall the last fiasco with George Entwistle involved Lord Patten’s nice little sideline getting a fair wedge for him strolling down the corridor and ignoring procedure.
I wonder how many doors down from Lord Pantone our Diane’s office is?
It is understood that few applicants deemed to be of sufficiently high quality? That has never been a bar to being appointed to anything at the BBC previously.
Perhaps she is Dave’s choice – as a Europhile, like Dave
From todays STANDARD: Former BBC chairman Sir Michael Lyons has urged that Lord Patten’s successor must be someone “who can protect its independence especially from Government”.
> That is code for any RIGHT WING government. Labour are right behind the BBC (literally and figuratively bent over each other).
‘The hunt comes at a crucial time as the BBC prepares to negotiate with Whitehall over the renewal of the licence fee in 2016. Labour warned David Cameron not to pick a political “stooge”. > But it is clear (to us) that working for the BBC is very similar to joining the Lib/Lab coalition party for EU socialist junket. Patten is famous for refusing to take any responsibility for ‘fiddling’ director pay awards to parliament so his replacement will have to be someone completely devoid of accepting any criticism or changing any political bias pro EU… (crisis what crisis?)