I tuned into the BBC Today programme this morning before 7am. I was informed that the savage murder of the three young Israeli boys “may” have been “an unauthorised kidnapping” that “went wrong” and thus is no reflection on the good name of Hamas. This is EXACTLY how the BBC responded to the IRA’s bombing of Canary Wharf if you will recall – they instinctively default to the position that any terrorist act carried out is somehow a rogue one, not planned and most certainly not authorised. Just wait for this story to develop when Israel responds to the Hamas barbarism and John Humphrys can sigh about how this “sets back the peace process”.
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They are up against experts in pr manipulation, given the softest of rides by statesweasels the calibre of Hague and Obama, and full propaganda facility by most global media like the BBC, but I hope the Israelis can again temper the internal political need to respond with an appreciation of who is provoking this and why.
These kids were targeted deliberately. Male, two on the cusp of adulthood. But still kids. Whoever did this wants a reaction.
They’ll be thrilled that such as POTUS and the BBC have already skipped past what happened to perceived causes in excuse.
As with the drip-drip of the Grads & Katushyas, they will have seen the immunity slow creep can build up.
And enough will inevitably be enough.
I just hope the response is delivered cold, targeted and in time rather than offering a convoy of BBC emoters another excuse to head over there to offer propaganda services to evil old men happy to see children die to meet their aims.
BBC to their eternal shame … muted on this since the beginning.
As a supposed purveyor of truth, (no, no … impossible for the BBC) ….
how about just a couple of facts, like this …
and if not … WHY NOT!
“Palestinians” celebrate teen kidnapping”
Yep! happy Ramadan eh!
“I’d like to send my sincere greetings to everyone observing the Holy month of Ramadan. This is a month which demonstrates the true spirit of Islam”
Muslims/Ramadan … peace and self discipline, self sacrifice, generosity, giving hope etc etc
What a cunt.
had BBC5live news on as I ve driven back this morning.
… hey ho! …
THIS story has muted right down.
however … inflating a dubious story about a Palestinian perceived kidnapping … AND the Israelli response to this atrocity … expect “response” to evaporate
as … “poor” Palestinian narrative is established.
Do British political leaders make public announcements for major holidays of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, etc?
Just asking.
It’s apportioned now on the basis of a very sophisticated mathematical calculation based on percentages of population, community contribution, etc.
With, perhaps, the teensiest neck-baring, vote-trawling, BBC-appeasing tilt to any who would kick of at the merest hint off a sleight as others simply get on with their lives.
And if one is not to hand, easily created or provoked.
Nice one Dave.
More a Canute (appreciating that the guy actually knew holding back the tide with muttered words was not going to work and sought only to demonstrate this to his idiot courtiers).
They don’t even do one for Christmas …
Ed’s at it too!
And Clogg. Especially brown nosing the way he uses an Arabic accent when saying Ramadan.
Similarly some Beeboids say
MoHUMMed with an overstressed middle.
Ramadan Bombathon 2014 Scorecard
Day 4 of Ramadan, results in so far:
In the name of The Religion of Peace:
Terror Attacks = 28
Dead Bodies = 183
Wounded = 323
In the name of ANY Other Religion:
Terror Attacks = 0
Dead Bodies = 0
Wounded = 0
By ‘Islamo-Phobes’:
Terror Attacks = 0
Dead Bodies = 0
Wounded = 0
If you think all religions are the same, then you haven’t been paying attention.
It never fails to amaze me how the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse to tell the story about these poor boys, so please allow me to tell you at no cost what the so called impartial Multi billion bBC won’t:
Eyal Yifrach, 19, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, and Gil-ad Shaar, 16, the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found on Monday, realized very quickly that they had been abducted on the night of June 12.
The three teens were waiting at Geva’ot Intersection, west of the settlement of Alon Shvut in the Etzion Bloc south of Jerusalem, soon after 10:15 p.m, looking to catch a ride heading west on Route 367 toward Beit Shemesh and from there to locations in central Israel where each of them lived.
The prevailing assessment within the defense establishment is that the kidnappers, at least at first, only saw one of the hitchikers, perhaps Yifrach, who did not know Shaar and Fraenkel. Only once the kidnappers’ Hyundai i35 came to a stop did the kidnappers realize that they would be outnumbered by their hostages within the small confines of the car. This may be what changed the nature of the crime from kidnapping to murder, security sources suggested.

Inside the Hyundai, Israel alleges, were Hamas terrorists Amer Abu Aysha and Marwan Kawasme.
Recognizing, too late, that the car was not an innocent Israeli vehicle, one of the teens called the police at 10:25 p.m. and whispered, “We’ve been kidnapped.” The call was transferred immediately to a senior female officer, who continued to ask questions but received no reply. The call lasted for 2:09 minutes and was then cut off. The officer called the number eight more times, but received three busy signals and reached voicemail five times. The kidnappers, apparently realizing that a call had been made, shot the three teens dead soon afterwards in the backseat of the car, military sources said.Early assessments by some regarding the professionalism of the terrorists appear to have been misplaced: the killers seem to have panicked. The three teens did not fulfill the role Hamas sought for them, security officials indicated, to serve as bargaining chips that would free thousands of Palestinians prisoners and promote the Hamas brand throughout the West Bank.
The killers then drove a further 10 minutes or so before switching vehicles. They abandoned the Hyundai i35, a relatively new vehicle, and set it on fire. They transferred the bodies to the second vehicle, and drove close to the field in the Halhul area where the three corpses were ultimately discovered, bound, partially buried, and in what eyewitnesses said was “in not good condition,” on Monday afternoon. The land where the bodies were found belongs to the Kawasme family, Channel 2 news reported.Unbeknownst to the killers, the emergency call had not prompted an alert by Israel’s security forces. The senior officer did not pass on the information to her superiors or listen to the recording for further evidence, concluding that it was a prank call. The security forces realized there had been a kidnapping, and began what became an 18-day search operation, only some seven hours later. Assuming that they were being hunted down right away, the kidnappers quickly abandoned the three bodies, and made their escape. Hamas is denying the murders because it was a botched operation.
The goal was to kidnap a soldier or a “settler” to bargain for the release of prisoners. Hamas has made no secret of that desire, and even published handbooks on how to best accomplish a kidnapping.
The appearance of two more teens, the panicking over the phone call, and the murders in the backseat (from where it would have been nearly impossible for them to escape or fight back) were not planned. I’m not sure that the torching of the stolen car was planned either.
The named kidnappers are associated with Hamas, as are their families. It is clear that they felt they were being pursued, they got rid of the bodies as quickly as they could – in lands belonging to one of their families – and they hightailed it out of the area as fast as possible, no doubt at the behest of their Hamas handlers. They could have waded to Jordan by the time the Israeli police recovered from their serious errors of judgment regarding the phone call.
The discovery afterwards that two of the victims were children and even some Arabs might object to murdering minors ensures that Hamas will not take credit for this attack, even though it was clearly planned by them. Hamas is already on thin ice with Egypt accusing it of being a terror group and the unity government not working out very well.
If they had successfully kidnapped a soldier, or a Jewish adult, Hamas would have unlimited prestige and it would gain the protection of the PLO and Fatah, which have made the exchange of prisoners a major platform. Two dead children would not engender the amount of sympathy Hamas required from its erstwhile partners in “unity.” Right now, with the outrages by Islamists in in Syria and Iraq, Hamas does not want to be associated in anyone’s minds as another version of ISIS.
So why can I bring you this news while the bbC can’t?
I think we ALL know the answer to that one…
‘So why can I bring you this news while the bbC can’t? ‘
Is it possible that the answer to that little conundrum has something to do with the fact that BBC man Alan Johnston is happily ensconsed in Rome, bringing us reports such as this recent offering….
‘Footage from the Italian coastguard shows the boat in which 30 bodies were found, as the BBC’s Alan Johnston reports’
Yes that’s right, that Alan Johnson, the BBC journo who was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists – who let him go for, apparently, absolutely no favour in return…..
‘The BBC said in a statement that they were “delighted and extremely relieved” that Johnston had been freed safely, and thanked “all of those who worked tirelessly – here and in the wider Middle East – to secure his freedom.”
‘David Miliband described abductions as “an abhorrent crime” and recognised the role of Mahmoud Abbas, Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas in achieving Johnston’s freedom.’
‘A senior aide to Abbas, Yasser Abd Rabbo, described the release as having been staged by Hamas and the Army of Islam as a public relations exercise’
‘Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev expressed solidarity with Johnston’s family, saying that Israel knew “how difficult it has been for his family and friends”, and expressed hope that Gilad Shalit* would similarly soon be freed.’
*Hamas held him captive for over five years, until his release on 18 October 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal.
Do you have a link for that, Pounce?
It’s worth remembering these child-killing Hamas types next time some naive ‘showbiz celeb’ puts on a bracelet and publicly supports these homicidal maniacs (and in doing so implicitly supports more such gruesome crimes enacted by Hamas).
As for the BBC..? What else did any of us expect? The cowardly, unprincipled, partisan BBC will always find a way to avoid confronting the cold stone facts about its favourite terrorist organisation (and god alone knows it has so many to choose from these days).
Yes, the BBC is a morally bankrupt media outfit; but it’s been that way for so long now it’s simply become a default position for the thoroughly discredited Corporation. Personally, I don’t listen to them any more: whatever it is they are peddling these days, it hasn’t been truthful or intellectually defensible for a good years…
“Israel air force bombs jihad terrorist bases in Gaza, blasts ‘Palestinian’ kidnappers’ Hebron homes”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/07/israel-air-force-bombs-jihad-terrorist-bases-gaza-blasts-palestinian-kidnappers-hebron-homes.html/#sthash.HB46Aesx.dpuf
It could only be better if the Egyptians also participated on Israel’s side. They have long been fighting Gaza-supported terror in Sinai. Has the BBC reported this?
Wouldn’t it be splendid if the cowardly Hamas would finally succeed in uniting Israelis and Arabs against them?
It may happen, but perhaps not soon.
……apparently the new Egyptian regime are ruthlessly closing down all the tunnels into Gaza. They see Hamas as a direct enemy. And there is likely to be lots of cooperation with the Israeli security forces.
Now is as good a time as any for Israel to annex the entire West Bank as being part of the historic Jewish homelands. The “Palestinian” Arabs inside the area would be better treated by an Israeli Government than they are by the PLA and now Hamas.
Has the BBC on any occasion these past weeks reported that the “Palestinians” were celebrating the “kidnappings” ? I have not seen or heard a single mention of this – censored out by Jeremy Bowen and the creeps who work with him ?
It was the same on the day that those savage Islamic murderers tried to behead Lee Rigby. The left media, especially the BBC tried very hard to avoid the “Islamic angle” in spite of the fact that the two killers were shouting Allahu Ackbar as they tried to cut his head off.
I also received a lot of flack on various forums that afternoon as I was called a racist for associating that act with Islam, before the facts were known. Actually I knew the facts as I had already seen eyewitness tweets that the two killers had screamed Allahu Ackbar.
Then we had the whole, “This is not a reflection of Islam” lies. Well correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the killers were not saying the Lord’s prayer or screaming “Jesus is Love” when they butchered that soldier on a London street in broad daylight as children were leaving the nearby school.
It may sound harsh but I would like to see a carefully placed missile wipe the likes of Bin Bowen and his fellow hate filled liars off the face of the earth.
Harsh, yes, but Bowen and his fellow travelers are giving succour to terrorists and potential terrorists in the UK by justifying the acts of terrorist organisations and fuelling hatred towards Israel.
How many people have already died as a result of Bowen and the BBC.
How many more innocent people have to die before someone with a sense of decency closes Al Beeb down for good.
If you folks think the BBC is bad, you should tune in to James O’Brien on LBC.
The guy is totally off with the fairies in lefty land. I don’t think he likes Israel very much…
The impression I get is London is a den of lefty multicultural ****wits and so he is probably playing up to his audience. The off switch is the answer. At least we don’t have to pay for his witterings unlike the state broadcaster (propaganda machine)
James O’Brian has the smartest mouth ever. Socialism is free schools and free hospitals. Stalin and Chairman Mao were not socialist. (they murdered too many) Today it was not socialism but anti- Israel. When cornered he asks impossible questions of the caller. I can’t stand the man.
O-Brien had a prosperous upbringing, and is himself now very prosperous. Which makes it so false of him to speak with such a slovenly Estuarine “accent”. A thoroughly nasty piece of work. He starts each segment talking to himself for about 5 minutes – and quickly shuts down anyone who disagrees with his leftie bollox. He especially hates being challenged on matters of plain fact – prejudice and supposition is his gig.
Wow, what a suprise that is about O’Brien.
Clearly, this cannot have been a Hamas operation. They only take part in good, honest terrorism, such as firing rockets at civilians.
I heard a story about a well-known Hollywood A-list couple the other day. Let’s call them Grad Bitt and Engelina Kolie. They went to the movies to watch “Munich” about the aftermath of the 1972 Olympic massacre and “Grad” noticed that “Engelina” was crying, so he put his arm round her. Only to be greeted with a frosty glare and a hiss of “I’m crying for the Palestinians!“
I suppose in the eyes of the bbc, the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes was also a botched kidnapping by muslims. Or Entebbe, or the murder of the wheel-chair bound Leon Klinghofer on the Achille Lauro cruise ship. Maybe the Twin Towers was a bungled muslim kidnapping too. Who knows; because according to the bbc policy, muslims are peaceful and only react to things that are done to them by horrible Christians, Jews, Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs and other muslims. They don’t have a violent bone in their bodies, if the bbc is to be believed.
You missed a group from your list – those nasty Buddhists in Burma who for some strange reason object to being massacred.
Radio 2, JV trying place the blame on anybody but Hamas. What the bBC doesn’t mention , is they are all….Muslims.
Vine is disgusting today with pro-muslim guest always shouting over the top of any other point of view then demanding ‘let me finish let me finish’
It’s not even debatable in the real world. Hamas did it. The Israelis know it and will act. Maybe the top leaders in Hamas didn’t sit down and say ‘Right, let’s kidnap and murder these Israeli youths’ but that’s not how they operate is it?
Al bbc ,10 days of mourning for Gerry Conlon ,10 seconds for the Israeli boys . The evil bastards .
Great news on all of the news outlets. As last the European Court of Human Rights has come out with a sensible decision which the vast majority will agree with
Even the bBC had to report it impartially but they did include a handy guide, for the benefit of the kaffirs, of the different types of muslim headdress.
Does this mean we can impose the ban without any interference from the European meddlers.
Not from the European meddlers but from our Ramadam celebrating Prime Minister and his street thugs in the UAF who will protest at the slightest offence to the ROP, with a sympathetic report from the BBC
The probability of a similar ban here must be close to zero, as things stand.
Not going to happen. Too wet.
We need 3 things – a burqa ban, a ban on men wearing nightshirts in the streets, and a ban on either type receiving unemployment benefit as this drastically reduces their chances of employment – often deliberately.
And there should be especial focus on preachers claiming benefits. If you are a preacher – let your flock pay for you. We don’t let CofE vicars or Methodist Ministers sign on – they are regarded as being unavailable for work, they already have a job. The same rule should apply to all the Muslim preachers, hate-preachers or otherwise.
How strange to hear that “great inquisitor” John Humphries-fearless seeker after truth, sceptical scourge of the weasel word of Tories yada, yada-go all trusting, gushing and in need of firm evidence when it came to the murder of those three poor Israeli boys.
Humphries did grill the Israeli Ambassador though-where`s the proof then?…you`ve started aerial strikes in retaliation without evidence etc…all unsubstantiated hogwash…and the Israeli Ambassador surely must know the level of bile and hostility when HE is on trial and in the dock ;when three of his own fellow citizens-teenage lads have been butchered.
By Hamas?…well they deny it…so who are we to question it!
If only IDS or Osborne could be taken on their good word as easily!
An utter disgrace of an interview-Hamas have promised hell have they?…nothing new to what they are perping to the poor sods in Israel who have to fight terrorism on the doorstep…as opposed to hoping that Israel will just buy some water wings, and drown itself in the Arabian Gulf.
Sorry folks-the BBC is biased and hates Israel…is ignorant and condescending as well as evil at times like these.
Only a Beeboid would take Hamas at its forked word…and question whether these lads were murdered as opposed to diminishing manslaughter due to a bad day during Ramadan.
F888 Off Humph-hope Israel really make Hamas pay for this…
Kidnapping is a known modus operandi for Hamas. They have form.
Did Humphrys mention that ?
Who would you believe? Hamas or the Israeli ambassador?
The BBC really do make me sick.
This mornings Today show told me that children( defined as up to 18) were getting stopped and searched…quelle horreur…stop this kind of thing an`all, being the message( as if you`d not have guessed).
Yet when Hamas murder three teenage boys, we don`t hear too much about them being children at all-even when two of them are 16, the other 19.
Not at all-legitimate targets according to the BBC, let`s hope the damn Jews go quieter to the gas ovens this time around seeming to be the message.
I hope to God that Israel plant Hamas up Media Citys smug Jew-hating fundament.
These scum hate Israel and its people-when are we going to take them on?
God Bless Israel. I pray for her tonight.
but this alliance betreen the terrorists of hamas and the liberal left is just sickening,i just had a peep at george galloways twitter feed,no sympathy at all for these 3 young lads murdered by the hamas terrorists,just one big hatefest of isreal by this joint alliance of leftists and islamic radicals on galloways twiiter feed,this alliance betreen the jew hating left and the islamists is as dangerous as the alliance betreen the jew hating hitler and mussolini in world war 2,its just frightening.
Just caught the tail end of some BBC Party Political Broadcast on behalf of Hamas.
The likes of Baroness Valerie Amos and David Anderson ( the tool who wants Mau Mau compo and the like) tell me that Hamas should get charitable benefits from the USA…the Americans really need to look again at this ” no funding for terrorists” type of discrimination and judgementalism, being the message.
Only the BBC could put this insensitive, amoral and liberal shit on, the very day after the bodies of three teenage boys were found-murdered by Hamas.
So typical-only hope Britains Jews are aware of what the BBC really think of kidnapping and butchering their children…I myself am angry and ashamed of this trolling bunch of anti-semitic Paedos and weirdies that dare to presume to speak for me and my country.
File On Four tonight being the Hamas PPB tonight(1/7/14…8pm Radio 4).
I detest most about this situation is that anyone in Israel or the right-thinking world would think that I would find these murders excusable just like our national broadcaster or these do-gooder lefties.
The liberal left cannot be other than anti Israel. It has become part of their way of looking at the world. Pointless to argue with them just let one know, when you meet one, how much you despise him or her. . It works.
Not used to a complete rejection of their world view without any argument. They tend to be liberal minded academic types and just cannot cope with it.
Just checked my FaceBook.
This from the BBC:
BBC World News
Israeli police have found the body of a Palestinian teenager who was kidnapped overnight in East Jerusalem. http://bbc.in/1vvcgW8
17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdair was seen being forced into a car early on Wednesday. Within hours, his partly-burned corpse was discovered in a forest.
Israeli police were unable to confirm the motive, but Palestinian sources said it appeared to be a revenge attack for the murder of three Israeli teens. #Israel #Palestine
A terrible thing, and all sympathies to the family.
However, to that last line, the BBC seems to have missed out a few hashtags:
Quite why they allowed comments on this one at present, who knows. But they have their next bunfight nicely brewing. Elliot Carver would be proud.
The very next posting:
BBC World News
Muslim shops and mosque damaged in Myanmar violence: http://bbc.in/1rhixaj
The incident was apparently triggered by a rumour that a Buddhist woman had been raped by Muslim men.
Apparently? Rumour?
Ian Hislop got a subbing gig?
Interesting how their ‘sources’ and their reporting seem a wee bit more equivocal until facts are known.
Oh so typical to tack on the death of a Palestinian teenager onto the death of the three Israeli boys, with no corroborating evidence or purpose to this-other than to diminish the death of the Israelis, by implying that it would be only fair to think it a revenge attack by Jewish settlers.
This was done on the 7a.m and 8a.m news on Today this morning….there would not have been any reason to assume it to be the work of Jews, seeing as Hamas( and antiHamas!) will happily snuff out their own, as do the same to Jewish theology students.
Outrageous typical hopes from the BBC that we`ll all yawn and think the two parties to be as bad as each other…the BBC seem awful fond of putting the democratically elected state of Israel in the same dock as the Hamas barbarians that crucify, send rockets and amputate.
Before of course acquiting Hamas on all charges, before ordering another retrial and conviction of the only bloody (gay friendly, civilised and democratic equal pay) land for thousands of miles in that desert hell hole we call the Middle East and Arabia.
The BBC are despicable-if it turns out NOT to have been Jewish settlers, we`ll not be getting told either.
OT to an extent, but it seems ex-BBC economics editor, Paul ‘it’s all kicking off’ Mason, has certainly not forgotten what he learned from the world’s most trusted twitter news dissemination broadcaster when it comes to RT’ing to the faithful on a broad range of favoured topics.
One is sure he will also modestly refer to his own retraction as gracious.
As nothing yet is actually known, the amount of ‘reporting’ & ‘discussion’ around this seems extraordinary.
Here’s another angle:
The term ‘may’ is used, along with other caveats like ‘suggests’, etc.
I have no clue what the truth is yet and I suspect neither do they.
But given the world’s most hypocritical media monopoly (one government-backed, uniquely-funded and without any sensible oversight) does the same, and worse, it surely is as valid to the brew.
The old men must be pleased indeed.
I’m not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I read quotes yesterday from a retired Israeli police chief who said the murdered teenager’s family were “known” to the police and other authorities for certain activities. Previous kidnap attempts also came into the equation.
I will now go out on a limb and say this: it is *not* the Jewish way to burn victims’ bodies. I may well be wrong in which case I shall return to rectify my comment. *But* this has the hallmarks of Pallywood/convenience killing all over it.
“Peace will come when they come to love their children more than they hate us.” – Gold Meier
‘This is EXACTLY how the BBC responded to the IRA’s bombing of Canary Wharf if you will recall’
No, I don’t recall that at all. But then you only oppose one side of terrorism, your side can carry on with your full encouragement.
“But then you only oppose one side of terrorism, your side can carry on with your full encouragement.” – Kevin
Would you care to back up that comment with some proof, please? I would be most interested to see just when Mr. Vance posted/talked of encouragement to “his side” in any way, shape or form.
Should you fail to post such proof I shall draw my own conclusions of a poster called “Kevin”.
I’m waiting!