A group of Muslim Asians attack and nearly kill two black non-Muslims.
The BBC have so far ignored the sentencing of the racist thugs in this country and are more concerned with the death of a Palestinian in Jerusalem. Can’t imagine them being so slow to report this if it had been a white right wing thug doing the attacking….only whites can be racist and Islam is the religion of peace.
From the Mail:
Racist thugs jailed for 36 years for battering two men almost to death with baseball bats because they weren’t Muslim
The Bradford head teacher who got it right on Islam and education
We should heed Honeyford’s warning, and recognise that what matters to Britain, as a secular nation state, is the extent to which the rising generation of Muslims can become British citizens first, and Muslims second, when it comes to defining their public duties.
I’ve always wondered why the government or even the police haven’t moved to shut down al- beeb.
As I’ve said in a previous post the BBC are inciting and promoting terrorism and inciting racism and and anti semitism with it’s lies and propaganda. They are giving encouragement to jihadis and potential jihadis with their particularly obnoxious filth.
The Spectator article is excellent but makes one glaring mistake. It says that the Church of England is the moral anchor which holds our Christian values together.
The Church of England has followed the dhimmi path of our media and politicians and encourages Islamic extremism as in this clip from a C of E church….promoting Hamas, the butchers, murderers and crucifiers of Christians.
Ironically it taken an Arab to stand up against it.
A couple of things:
The bBC do air a racist story but as Alan points at the nasty evil person is…white and funny enough lives in Australia.
Now I have done a targeted search for this story and the bBC do actually link into the story, A search for Abu Bakr Mansha brings up this next to his one entry
Elsewhere on the web
Racist thugs jailed for battering two men almost to death with baseball bats because they weren’t Muslim
The thing is, the above link from the bBC takes you an American newspaper in Texas, when I know of 5 British newspapers reporting this story.
Food for thought or just plain bBC bias?
Sorry, clip here
And as of 7am Friday morning the bBC has yet to air this story.
The bBC, the whitewasher of Islamic intolerance in the UK, paid for by…..’You’
In the eyes of the BBC racial harmony always takes precedence over the truth.This is the usual liberal left position. It is just another example of the BBC using its standard operating procedure of OSDML, Omit, Suppress, Distort, Mislead, Lie, whenever there is something newsworthy which doesn’t accord with their liberal left views and policies.
You can imagine a Muslim attack on some black people in London is difficult for the BBC present. After all the BBC only a few weeks ago trumpeted the fact London was supposed to be the most racially integrated and tolerant city in the UK, if not the world. Unfortunately not all of those living there seem to have grasped that yet.
Racial harmony takes preference except where there’s a chance to indict the natives. Then there are no limits to how far the BBC will go to try and conjure up an atrocity story.
The BBC just love to give airtime to those Muslim moderates…
Also, another consequence of the Islamisation of Birmingham for INBBC to report?:-
“Violence leaves one dead and two injured in Birmingham”
The report also exemplifies the muslim mentality; when one of the injured was offered water, he declined because he was fasting. ramdam, the month of peace and good will to others, eh?
Via Twitter, I asked Nick Lowles and the idiotic Matthew Collins why I couldn’t find this racist crime on their Hope Not Hate website……I was summarily blocked…
That precisely where the left stand on this incident….it didn’t happen….Move along now nothing to see, and don’t question your superiors..
Via INBBC and Nicky Campbell’s political platform-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“British jihadi: I won’t return to UK until black flag flies over Buckingham Palace. There is nothing in ‘pure evil’ Britain, says Abu Osama who is fighting with jihadists in Syria.”
This morning’s INBBC Radio 5 & Ms Derbyshire hand over the station to only Muslims to decide (incorrectly) what jihad is.
British indigenous people are treated by dhimmi INBBC as mere bystanders and financiers of all this Islamic propaganda.
The Islamisation of Britain, as enabled by INBBC.
Relevant to political ‘left’, inc BBC-NUJ-
“The Dogmatic Islamophilia of Western Islamologists”
by Ibn Warraq
( 2010).
Cracking article-and need I add, that Ibn Warraq has to have a “nom de plume”-he`d be dead if Islam ever got hold of his real name.
Heard Sir Michael Parkinson asking Sir Bob Geldof about just why he`s so forthright on Chris Evans today.
Err…when it comes to Islam he`s not…but when it comes to Catholicism he sure is!
With that in mind, I hereby nominate a fe heroes off the top of my head who call Islam out for what it is…maybe there`s an award here
1. Bernard Lewis
2. Christopher Caldwell
3. Bill Warren
4.Douglas Murray
5.Melanie Phillips
6.Robert Spencer
7. Anne Marie Waters
8.Hirsa Ayaan Ali
9.Geert Wilders
10. Caroline Glick
I know there are others-Pat Condell, a slew of fearless Arab women and US adviser types(often women too!)…tell you what I do notice-a complete absence of Christians with a few noble exceptions like Michael Nazir Ali.
Got to be a scale here…Bill Warren at 100 down to Rowan Williams at -100 maybe?
Thoughts please?
Pamela Geller
I sort of included her along with Robert Spencer…the Sunni and Shi`a of anti-Muhammadist polemics.
The BBC are traitors.
Heard the end of Today this morning.
Much guffawing and salt smelling re some Australian woman and her “racist rant” on a train as she left Sydney…it`s gone viral you know!
But as for recent incidents in Birmingham, and what I`m assuming is a Muslim gang assault on some black lads/men leading to convictions?…good Lord, only threatens social cohesion…so you`ll have to seek such upsetting stuff out for yourselves..and maybe we`ll have the means to prosecute you soon for so doing.
For now thank God for the Internet…
No wonder the Left hate the Internet – and God for that matter. The BBC tells you next to nothing about life in this Country. All they ever seem to do is paint ideological pictures, and the narrative is always the same. A monotonous demonstration of the ignorance, authoritarian arrogance, and bottomless tax funded greed of the [unionized] middle class public sector Left.
Its 24 hours since the Daily Mail reported on the jailing of a racist Islamic gang for attackign two black men for not being Muslims in Bow last September.
As of 04/1826/07/14 the bBC have yet to report this story. I will be putting a complaint into the bBC asking why could I ask others to do the same as the only way we can get the bBC to start reporting the actual news is by reporting such.
In complaining the bBC has to keep a record of what it was about and at the end of the day somebody has to audit it. Enough complaints and somebody’s head will roll.
Well it does employ a large number of Muslims.
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You are Stanley Unwin and I claim my five poundlios.
notice one thing about this case,complete silence from that sectarian muslim group tell mama who hype reports of fake attacks on muslims and so called islamaphobia on there website,complete silence from these muslim groups like the muslim council of britian about the racists and bigots in there community,complete silence from these fake anti racist groups like the falsely named uaf and hope not hate about this case,just complete silence from the lot of them,racism and non muslimaphobia is rampant amongts the muslim community and this case is my view is just the tip of the iceberg and there are many more non muslims out there suffering from this type of racism who never get any justice or support from all these fake anti racist groups like the uaf commies and hope not hate.