I was surprised to see further down the article that there had been a third election and the place had been won by a conservative. Surely the news story was conservative wins seat in Tower Hamlets council. But then the bBC is writing the headline and the rule ‘only Labour will get good press’ takes precedence.
UK airports on higher alert over growing jihadist threat,
Islamic inbreds batter two non muslims with baseball bats
for being … non muslim.
UK islamic inbreed teen charged with funding aiding jihad terror.
FGM in UK now a “national scandal” 130, 000 child victims
UK muslim jihadi inbreed, violent jihad “obligatory” for every muslim..
UK more rushing over to jihad in Syria or Iraq … will they return the same here?
UK muslim teens “willing to die” in violent jihad ..urge all other muslims do the same
Euro terror groups UK now a hub … from London spreads out, now to Denmark … arrests in Bham terrorism charges.
Does there appear to be a pattern emerging?
any link at all? ….
… anyone
BBC … one of the very few opportunities for any public voice over its narrative … 94 yep that 94% vote muslims are complacent over extremism, hilariously after overwhelming votes that muslims are NOT demonised, and ARE deliberately easily offended.
Totted up objectively, the build up of this news is astonishing, and are? … the publics wishes and views reflected at the BBC?
As adage, the BBC are trumpeting that 100 imams
have signed a letter “supposedly” opposing going over
to Syria and Iraq? … its now got a dose of VD on 5Live
with lots of V Drearybyshire airtime,
why so muted? … why has it taken so long?
Over 500 immediately opposed gay marriage, in an ejector seat protest not long ago?
… propaganda and priorities?
I am absolutely SICK to the back teeth of hearing and seeing the words muslim, islam, islamist, jihad etc.. etc..
every time I wake up. There is no escape from the constant impinging of this hideous cult into my personal space day in day out. Will this living nightmare never end?????
It will only end when the last one has left our country, and probably only when they have all left our continent. But for that to happen the socialists will have to go because they are preventing normality from returning to public life.
That’s exactly how I feel. You can’t get away from the nightmare because, like a contagious disease, it infiltrates every form of media – the internet, the radio, the papers and the TV. In time, it will take us from being sick to the back teeth to anarchy; the powers that be and the bBc surely cannot expect us all to put up with it indefinitely, can they?
As the returnees from their jihad in Syria and Iraq return here, the violence will reach levels unseen here. The media are honing their skills of obfuscation and deception in readiness for what they fear may happen.
The costs to honesty and truth are a price worth paying for their objective in what they see as community cohesion, or in other words proving their social experiment of multi culti a success.
We turn the news over when anything about Islam or Muslims comes on. There is nothing they can tell me that I don’t already know. My wife exclaimed two nights ago “I’m sick to fuc*ing death of Muslims on the news, it’s all we ever bloody hear!”
All I could tell her was she’d better get used to it, as it’s going to get worse in the coming years.
Timing is all.
Having invested a bit of time in a wee fisk consigned to the rump of the Wednesday thread, excuse me if I port here:
A couple more ‘Future of the BBC’ transcripts have appeared since the last I shared. Here’s he next one: http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/culture-media-and-sport-committee/future-of-the-bbc/oral/8476.html ‘Q281 Mr Bradshaw: The reason I asked that question is we have heard from a number of other witnesses that what surprised them of what has happened since your report is that the fragmentation has not been as dramatic as they or the report envisaged and that an amazing number of people are still sitting down and watching the television in their living room in a traditional way, consuming television in that way, particularly in the context of the debates we are having on the licence fee.’
Is it perhaps possible that ‘the traditional way of watching TV’ has been maintained a fair bit by the threat of fine or jail for not doing so? ‘…if you have two organisations that are overlapping in perceptions and in terms of description and so on, as there are between a corporation and a trust, you constantly run up against ambiguity about people’s roles and relationships. We have seen over the course of the 10 years that problem has figured too often.’
Rather explaining, if not excusing, overpaid rats in a sack pointing at each other or feigning astounding uncuriosity and/or selective Alzheimers. ‘That speaks volumes about the ambiguity of a process that you can describe the chairman of the regulatory body as the chairman of the body that is regulated.’
‘Richard Hooper: Let us bring it up to date. The fact is, Lord Burns is completely right, you cannot be a regulator and a cheerleader at the same time.’
No argument. However… ‘Currently, the BBC Trust does accuracy and impartiality and it is not done by Ofcom. Now, I think it is in the BBC’s interests for that to move to Ofcom because when the rightwing press say the BBC is full of lefties and the BBC Trust has to adjudicate that, there is always a difficulty because you have the Mandy Rice-Davies issue of, “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” Whereas if you give it to Ofcom, which does fairness and privacy and does harm and offence—those are the six horsemen of the Apocalypse: fairness and privacy, harm and offence, and accuracy and impartiality—then Ofcom’s judgment on whether the BBC is full of lefties would have some independent power.
Nicely impartial. Not.
I sense OFCOM in the frame for oversight again today.
Also the means of funding vs. the fact it should be imposed other than by choice: ‘I am chairman of the Broadband Stakeholder Group so I know very well that the licence fee is used for the rollout of broadband.’
At least they are less cool on loading it covertly on to our council taxes. Simply the means anyone communicates globally these days… plus UK ‘unique’ tax.
All overseen by… ‘Lord Burns: I could easily envisage a situation where what is now the Trust becomes in a sense a part of Ofcom’
…the same people? Uh-huh. ‘Philip Graf: It is funny, I would be slightly more concerned about the fact that the issues that you are going to be dealing with in many cases are hugely complicated, journalistic issues, for example, about impartiality in terms of the way BBC covers stuff like the Middle East, all that type of work.
On current, ongoing evidence, not funny at all. ‘They are spending whatever it is, £3 billion a year’
He got that, whatever it is, from a BBC press release? ‘Richard Hooper: I think there are three strands in the next two years. One is governance, which we have talked about. One is funding, which is an absolutely critical issue. The third one is this difficult issue of what constitutes public service broadcasting. The problem we have, and I do not think any of us have yet said it, is the BBC is a great, formidably wonderful institution, which we should in this country be proud of.
Nicely objective panel they have here.
Mr. Hooper, in his glorification of the BBC, suggests three core issues: governance, funding and what is PSB?
What he rather neglects, as do they all so far, is what about the fourth option? Whether it needs to exist as a public funded model at all, because all governance to date has failed and it is not an honest, accurate or trustworthy organisation with all it it gets handed. ‘Philip Graf: I would just add that the people we have to be careful to get to exercise their view are the licence fee payers.’
Yes, Phil, and about just more than how the BBC keeps its cash fountain. Having mentioned the poor punter, they then dive off into the smoke-filled room again… ‘Lord Burns: Could I just say my feeling is that the charter is a very, very useful device for avoiding political interference in the BBC between these periods, where you get a good run at it in terms of the design of the charter and then a period of when the BBC use it.
Shame the BBC keeps breaking the thing with impunity then.
Angie Bray (who was shut down before by the chair trying to go to actual performance, citing 28Gate) at last gets to chip in. She and Lord Burns conduct a merry old dance here, with the latter saying a lot by actually coming out with nothing.
Richard Hooper then weighs in to cut across her again. ‘Philip Graf: The other question you have is the whole question of news plurality. This is an enormous, fantastically brilliant news machine, really good, very important.’
Say it often enough, Bub… ‘Angie Bray: Final question—
Chair: We are going to have to move on, I think, because we are running out of time’
Now, when did I hear that before?
Back to the how of funding vs. the ‘why at all’? ‘‘Philip Graf: It is an issue where subscription becomes part of the discussion as well, because it moves you more towards an optional world, away from a compulsory world by definition. Long-term sustainable funding for the BBC is important…’“The licence fee is the worst form of BBC funding except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” There is a serious issue in two years’ time—but I think subscription has to be looked at, voluntary subscriptions.’
Phew… but… ‘looked at’… and..? Sounds like a Yes, Minister script in the making. ‘Q307 Mr Leech: You say that we should not rule out subscription, but do you think there are that many people who have a problem with paying the licence fee?
Philip Graf: I think we have to find that out. The danger is that we sit here and we can say yes or no. That is why I think that is one of the pieces of work. We need to find that out. We need to understand that question and I don’t have the answer to that.’
Half a million already have opted out, despite clear penalties to viewing options and uncertainty on law. Maybe there is an answer inherent in that number? ‘Lord Burns: I don’t want to go too deeply into it this time round..”
I bet none of you do. Nicely kicked into the long, ‘too late’ grass, Good Lord.
This gets interesting… ‘Lord Burns: You don’t have to have a licence to watch Netflix on your iPad. At the moment we say that you require a licence for whatever you watch on television, whether it is the BBC or whatever. When you start saying that the licence should cover your iPad, what does that include on the iPad? Is it just the BBC or is it also ITV or Netflix or the television that is now produced by some newspapers? This takes you into a world where it seems to me that if you want to go down the compulsory route, it is going to have to be a much wider charge that will more clearly be a general tax, and to me that opens a number of quite disturbing challenges.’
Not to me. Don’t like it; want it, don’t have to pay for it.
But what’s this…. a disturbance in The Farce? ‘Q309 Mr Bradshaw: A household broadcasting tax?
Lord Burns: It is not a broadcasting tax any more, is it? It is a—
Chair: It could be a hypothecated tax.
Lord Burns: It could easily be a hypothecated tax.
Q310 Mr Bradshaw: Based on the household rather than the income?
Lord Burns: Yes. Once you say it is a tax, of course—
Mr Bradshaw: Levy.
Lord Burns: —there are many different ways in which taxes can be constructed and people face income tests. The immediate challenge you have when it is a household tax—and those of us with not even that long memories remember the poll tax situation—is what happens to poor people. We have this with other utilities. There are people who won’t pay but there are also people for whom it is a struggle to pay. Do you have a separate level for them? This is a fun world that you enter.’
Eeeks! This looks less rosy! John…John…stop it…quick! ‘Chair: I think we are going to have to draw a halt.
Well, maybe let’s not end quite there on not being a compelled fee at all, but rather how: ‘Q311 Mr Leech: Can I ask one more question? Assuming that the licence fee does not disappear, how should we calculate what the licence fee should be going forward?
That was close.
If I get time I’ll have a go at the rest , and the other transcripts later.
This one does little to reassure me that a major stitch-up is not already in place, especially as Angie Bray has so far been the only one to question performance but gets shut down by the chair each time, and no public witnesses yet even in sight, despite submissions.
Only old boys arguing how the club stays private and paid for by those excluded.
None of this waffle indicates to me that The Select Committee, Ofcom or anyone in authority is listening to the public who are increasingly angry about the BBC. Nor do they give a hoot for those imprisoned for not paying the TV Poll Tax.
TAXES WITHOUT PRESENTATION brings on revolutions. Well they would do if we were not so besotted with watching TV.
Oh, but “Taxes without presentation” would be such a fun campaign: every licence payer should be entitled to present at least one programme in their lifetime. Or if they evade payment, they should be subjected to presenting You and Yours…
Agree on both counts.
Can happen.
And not a ‘you lot’ in sight:)
But like some geo-political bodies at the moment , I tend to be cautious with ‘make nice’ or joshing overtures from any whose history suggests caution advised, lest they revert.
I stand ready to be won over.
Addressing the issue would be a good start.
Please compile a list of those BBC programmes which you regard as ‘classics’. Those which the public have a great love for and would like to watch again, or remember with a degree of fondness?
‘None of this waffle’
It takes some wading through, doesn’t it?
Plus a bit of finding.
I wonder how many of the public have the time or inclination to even try.
I rather get the impression few in the media, even those covering the broadcast beat do or will either.
Maybe that’s what all involved are relying upon.
I doubt many here bothered with my cut-down above.
I just downloaded the next inquiry transcript; it runs to 90 pages of A4.
Not sure I have the will to wade. See how the weather turns out.
Three Israeli boys are kidnapped. BBC reports are late and very limited.
Hamas congratulates whoever did the kidnapping. BBC fails to report this.
Palestinians – young and old – celebrate the kidnappings. BBC fails to report this
Israeli boys are eventually found, murdered. BBC reports that Hamas denies any involvement – but BBC does not report that Hamas had previously led wider Palestinian rejoicing at the kidnappings.
Palestinian boy is kidnapped and found murdered. BBC immediately blames Israelis, does not carry any suggestion that there are family feuds and the family has records of run-ins with the police. BBC carries long absurd rants by Palestinians, one of them even suggesting that the killing of one Palestinian boy is prelude to getting rid of about 5 million Palestinians..
BBC reports that Palestinian youths are damaging their own neighbourhood. Does not report that there was no street violence among Israelis after the original kidnappings. Does not report that there is no widespread rejoicing among Israelis at the death of the young Palestinian – that there is almost universal Israeli regret at the death.
Meanwhile the BBC has not been reporting the steady stream of rockets from Gaza exploding in Israel.
There was a photofit sort of thing in the Mail yesterday, a horribly white looking yoof in a hoodie…police want to talk to him as he is seen o cctv “near” where the incident happened…nothing further though.
Yes – it’s quickly disappeared hasn’t it? They obviously couldn’t pin it on a ‘ far right’ type, even though they were creaming their pants at the prospect, so all quiet on the BBC front.
Lots of these stories just evaporate. I imagine , it’s no longer of that much interest to the public I noticed the white victim stabbed to death which was partially linked with this crime got considerably less coverage. I can think of a couple of stories that have disappeared off the radar along with several that never made it to transmission.
Got to laugh. Fast forwarding through Question Time I enjoyed the black Britons in the audience asking for a referendum on the EU, especially the chap saying let’s put the ‘Great’ back in ‘Great Britain’. Was BBC audience selection caught out by it’s lazy racism that assumes blacks can be taken for granted to be on message?
That Croydon black man at the back of the hall was surely that UKIP bloke who tried the ” Black UKIP Carnival” idea before the Euro elections-to the glee of the lefty media and embarrassment of Farage.
McKenzie wasn`t it?
Anyhoo-delighted that eh got his point in-and the fact that the Left and the BBC don`t seem to have recognised him( all this being 6 weeks ago or so) can only give us great encouragement re their goldfish brains and tendencies.
Don`t tell the Lefties though eh?..if it leaves this site, we`ll know who Deep Throat is won`t we gyz`n gals?
Ukip carnival??? What was that about??? As the BBc complaints department tell me the “fake Romanian” rent-a mob roadshow was only shown in the London area and I don’t live in the London area. I would have no idea what the UKIP Carnival in Croydon would be about as obviously myself and my partner would not have been able to see the report. Would we?
We got full details of the (admittedly embarrassing) steel drum bands and Farage not showing up down here in Wessex.
Clearly a Michael Crick creaming moment from Channel 4 with the BBC in full partybag mode too.
You were right to complain about it being used to mock UKIP-they`d not do the same for the other equally crappy gesture crap served up by the main parties to show THEIR “non-racist” credentials.
“I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’. We have checked and can only find two reports broadcast on BBC television on 20 May about this. These were broadcast on the BBC London regional news programme at 6.30pm and 10.25pm. Neither of these featured an interview with ‘a Romanian woman’ or anyone claiming to be one and we can only assume that you saw this report elsewhere.” Is Wessex near London? No that’s sarcasm I do know where Wessex is.
Anyone else think that last night’s QT was yet another predictably left-wing load of crap? Specifically, I think it’s a disgrace that ethnic socialist/occupy types, who clearly hate this country, are allowed to shout aggressively out from the audience… the claps are always loudest and right on cue for Labour panelists and similarly the boos are almost rehearsed to perfection for the lone Tory/right-winger who dares to suggest that Labour-imposed immigration might be to blame for housing shortages, NHS infrastructural collapse and Muslim terror. In fact, when Peter Hitchens cited immigration as a factor in the shortage of affordable housing the militant ethnic socialist on the front row hurled angry retorts. QT continues to be a pantomime of Labour propaganda.
PHitchens has a cash cow in the form of QT because he enjoys mocking the Tories more than the other parties. Hence why he is asked to appear on a semi-regular basis.
He`s correct about the Tories…but when he doesn`t trash the liberals and labour equally, I think he`s missing a trick.
His sneaking admiration for the likes of Miliband and Brown does bother me-but Peter is a decent cove who deserves a hearing.
Sensed he was a bit stunned to be back on, as a late replacement.
I’m afraid I just can’t watch Question time these days. I watched about a minute of it and turned over. Nice to see I’m getting value for money from the BBc.
Noting Posh Ed Stourton lining up the TWATOs to pigplie in over Coulson and Harris this lunchtime.
And who better to hold forth on it all but Harris`s victims and Joan Smith of the Indie?-who, in a sense . is equally a victim.
And NO mention of her Hacked Off, militant atheist agendas…why it`s as if Johann Hari never happened!
But I digress-and Ed is drawing the BBC boat very close to trouble with his egging on of compo for Harris` victims.
Who employed Rolf, providing materials and luxury berths , power sockets and dressing room curtains for him to do his worst?…aren`t the BBC due a few lawsuits now to follow the Savile ones we` surely will be seeing-they gave the paedos the cover they needed didn`t they?
Ignorance is no excuse-if they all knew about Savile but did zippo…what of Rolf and his Pets 4 Paedos circus then?
As for hacking and Coulson…the BBC ought to be very careful surely…Piers Morgan and the higher grades at the Indie, Guardian and BBC surely know of it-and (who knows) might have benefitted at second-or even first-hand?
Typical Lefty Common Room aeration by Ed and his liberal chums-may well cost THEM- not us this time-the BBC is not long for this world , hopefully.
Still no finer sight that the BBCs Gadarene swine in a feeding frenzy as they go running up that hill…a Biblical allusion…so the BBC will not get it.
Least of all posh Ed…TWATO!
The BBC. Not content with wearing blinkers, manages to weld them on for good measure.
Global warming is an indisputable fact, apparently, even though there hasn’t been any for seventeen years, and ten months – nor is there likely to be in the near future. However, the BBC will NOT allow anyone to tell them (and inevitably the listeners and viewers) that, because those who know and espouse the true facts won’t be given a voice, as they are, allegedly, “cranks”:
Odd who the Tel’s purges have removed and who is left (as it were).
She appears to be an able addition to Mr. Lean, filling Ms. Gray’s shoes well.
Down to her grasp of science.
Liked this comment: avataruk Mick Norris She supposedly writes about science, yet from this article she would probably have difficulty knowing which end of the rubber pipe on a bunsen burner to plug into the gas main!
Joking aside, she hasn’t done her homework and writes as if simply quoting from an autocue written by the BBC.
(Had to pop that in to avoid an OT).
The Telegraph is now finished as a serious newspaper of the conservative Right. Which won’t stop the BBC and its pundits perpetuating the lie that the Right controls the media.
Chukka is the ultimate lightweight, but given the lefty view of the world which values style over substance and ‘feelings’ over facts, he’s got to be a strong favourite to lead the liebour party. That is, once Ed’s utter crappy uselessness overwhelms him.
Is that Heinz`s 57 varieties ? For your next pub quiz , there are only 46 US States , including Hawaii & Alaska , 4 ( of the 50 ) are actually commonwealths . Massachusetts , Kentucky ,Pennsylvania ,& Virginia . Bet Lardy Mardell ,& other al bbc staff , don`t even know that . If Chucky thinks he is in Wichita , maybe “The Good Ole Boys” should pay him a visit, & he won`t ever be seen again, in either Wichita or Worcester , if the “Linesman” has his way .
Have you seen the obligatory dig at the Conservatives:
“David Cameron appeared on the David Letterman Show in America in 2012 and gave the wrong name for the composer of the music to Rule Britannia, naming Edward Elgar instead of Thomas Arne. Edward Elgar was from Worcester.”
Really scraping the bottle of the barrel. I had to read it several times just to understand what it says.
I suppose this is the consequence of the official requirement for impartiality, which just reinforces that the impartiality rules need to be abolished.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Drilling through it, excavating below the cellar and tunneling to China more like.
It was always simply a silly season gaffe-teaser (having just visited the mighty Worcester Boosh, apparently), but those who live by the taunt must suffer by it too.
However it seems the BBC could not let their brown-eyed boy share the spotlight alone.
Struggling to pronounce… ‘Worcester’ and getting ‘Wichita’ takes some doing, beyond the geography.
But dragging in a ‘Worcester-related faux-pas’ (one for the ‘Islamic Benediction’ O’saurus) in balance is really quite special.
I’m also not sure English Cities and American state-swaps quite compares to conjuring up the name of the household name composing legend that is Thommo.
As a Classic FM listener (bar its risible news), ‘Rule Brittania’ rarely if ever comes up, but while I’d have guessed it wasn’t the boy from Broadheath, I fear Mr. Arne was not tip of tongue either.
As it appears de rigeur to try and explain stuff in the last line, Mr. Mason was coming from a special place just behind Toenails in the Labour fundament.
“The BBC contacted the mosque to speak to the imam, who refused to give an interview but said he completely denied the allegations.” …
Oh, well, 😀 then it’s OK. After all, with hundreds of Muslims from Britain now waging jihad in Syria and Iraq, it is absolutely inconceivable that any imams in any mosques encouraged them … right?”
Lord Carlile … “most important partners” in preventing young Muslims from being radicalised were the “Muslim communities themselves”. ROFL 😀
… yep! … good luck with that one
That’s about as helpful as VD, and her 5live cosy muslim talk to muslim , (is this supposed to be debate?)
where we have to endure drivel about …
no, no … its not “Holy War” so we can t condone it.
???? … you literally, could not make it up
scrap the BBC … as soon as possible
Islamic apologists, (excusing the most abhorrent, dangerous cult on this planet), and liars on the climate
to boot. scrap the BBC, and sack the f–kin lot of them
INBBC’s Frank Gardner, apparently spokesperson for ‘the religion of peace,’ in his latest subservient piece, is concerned for imams in relation to violent Islamic jihadists. Gardner acts, apparently, as a near Islamic intermediary between Imams and Islamic jihadists who operate between U.K and Syria.
Gardner seems concerned that such jihadists could make difficulties for imams attempting to portray a nice image of Islam .
Gardner appears less concerned with the direct threat which these Islamic jihadists and their Muslim supporters are to we mere ‘kafirs’.
Alternative analysis, Robert Spencer (banned from U.K), ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“’The BBC contacted the mosque to speak to the imam, who refused to give an interview but said he completely denied the allegations.’ Oh, well, then it’s OK. After all, with hundreds of Muslims from Britain now waging jihad in Syria and Iraq, it is absolutely inconceivable that any imams in any mosques encouraged them, right? We know that they’re all ‘moderate,’ and that only greasy Islamophobes, happily banned from the country, would dare suggest otherwise, right?”
“UK: Father of a teen who joined jihad in Syria believes his son was ‘radicalized’ by imam at a mosque”
OOps it now turns out that ‘any questions’ and the host Jonathan Dimbleby attributed a quote about Fracking to Chris Bryant (Tory) which he never made, and appeared to contradict his present position.
Fair enough the BBC apologised, but not before they had embarrassed the minister on the program.
Seems odd how these mistakes only happen when they disadvantage the Tories.
Maybe it was one of these ‘only in to visit my cousin for a week’ researchers who dropped Jonathan in it, with a wee bit of enhanced narrative BBC-style to assuage her activist ‘anything that serves’ conscience?
However there appears to be little on the web about this mess, but I did find this rather astonishing admission by the BBC that Question Time is biased !
The BBC is more than prone to rumour as news when it suits, so they really can’t complain if others join in. http://order-order.com/2014/07/04/rumour-bbcs-james-harding-to-replace-lionel-barber-at-ft/
If true…. I’d love to see the FOI exchanges for the glass palace of solace he was apparently having constructed to be near, but not too near, the troops, which I gather was costing architect hairlines (and doubtless more).
Phil Makie on Radio 4 is complaining that even though the Trojan Horse plot has turned out to be real, the investigation has upset Muslims so much that there’s a risk of ‘radicalisation’.
Amazing that he hasn’t been able to find a white person to blame, but the whole report, including an interview with a Muslim girl was another perfect example of turning Muslim misbehaviour into their being victims again.
saying Trojan horse causes radicalisation?
foreign policy causes radicalisation?
not treating Islam as a simpering victim causes radicalisation?.
not making Islam a “protected” class causes radicalisation?
… strangely enough reading the “out of context”
“contradictory”, the NOT a “hate manual” that’s full of fascist instructions to subdue/kill/maim and rape
yep! the Islamic “book of peace” …. does not??????
…. ow queer!
Birmingham killing – not a shooting but a stabbing. Cops made a mistake, now back to maintaining cohesion in this vibrant community. Link to BBC report here. But local newspapers are more descriptive; the fatal stabbing was in the neck. Now is this a familiar pattern or is it not? Just saying.
There was a nice Freudian slip on Radio 3 this morning as Clemmy Burton-Hill read out the headlines (for some reason we tend to hear what the Guardian or The Independent think about any topic) but it went “Labour report…er…The Guardian reports that Labour…”
Don’t watch it for Christ’s sake! It’s brainwashing Marxist propaganda. It’ll soon be called Jihadi-night because all we ever see and hear on the BBC is whining Muslims!
Notice how the BBC has been banging on about that strange Imam letter that, as far as I can tell, doesn’t criticize jihadis or distance the imams from the vile scum that have gone out to commit violence. Yes, that’s a paltry 100 imams out of thousands and thousands of them living in the UK, hardly any! Each mosque has several imams and there are 2000 or so heathen factories here so you work it out… yet again the gutless middle-class bum lickers at the BBC are groveling to the mad mullahs trying to paint a picture that the moderates (ain’t no such thing honey!) are distancing themselves from the loathsome jihad filth that are threatening our very existence.
The BBC is waging its own repugnant jihad on the UK through Muslim bum licking and subtle indoctrination. It’s a disgusting and vile institution that is now part of the enemy. War is coming to these streets within the next hundred years… you better have your pitch forks ready because this will make the English Civil War seem like a game of Street Fighter II!
Some of the shows featuring Harris there were probably more:
Animal Hospital 1994-2004.
Rolf’s cartoon time 1988-1992
Rolf On Art 2001-2007
Star Portraits with Rolf Harris 2004-2007 http://www.tv.com/shows/the-rolf-harris-show/
Already with a death sentence, for being born into that totalitarian, dangerous “pseudo” religion.
Already a slave to Allah … it is the poison of Islam that makes this an issue.
BAN the black out curtain here, anywhere in public.
Leave that abhorrent shroud, to the mosque, or the home … but show the light to women here, firmly.
If is as the threat, women are then imprisoned in the home, then the law can deal with it, firmly.
BBc stating in their “letter” item that the cult will be hoping the publicity will soon go away, or words to that effect. Yea I bet they do. Also BBc picking up on fake letters may now have been sent out by other lenders besides Wonga. Not like letters being sent out trying to sound like you are being taken too court, like for example bbc license fee threat letters to houses that don’t have a TV. I’m sure I’m not in London whilst I’ve been watching this.
the Daily Mail tells us that Zydrunas Laurinavicius
a 38 year old builder was killed after refusing to hand over his bag to robbers armed with knives. the Daily Mail tells us …
“Pranas , (his father) told friends they were jumped by a gang of black youths, who tried to steal a bag his son was carrying.”
meanwhile the bbc london page simply states that “A man has been stabbed to death during a suspected street robbery in north-west London.
Police have arrested two men and two girls after the attack in Hendon on Thursday afternoon.”
The BBC minimalist report was last updated at 11.55, yesterday, 4th July. The Mail’s in-depth story was published at 2.10am this morning. The BBC has had at least 8 hours to catch up. The initial report is already sliding down the web page, lurking amongst the small print one-liners.
I can’t be the only one to be re-assured by the speed with which our national broadcaster is really going after this horrific story. A story that illustrates so lucidly the depths to which we are being dragged.
Thank you, BBC. Thank you for giving us the 25% of the news that you consider fit for our consumption.
Gavin Estler on Dateline just now came out with a massive misrepresentation regarding the Imams and their supposed disapproval of the scum going out to fight in Syria: he said that despite the imams in the UK voicing their objection to jihadis going off to fight radicalisation is still happening (understatement of the year me thinks!). Anyway, there you have a typical BBC misrepresentation, folks: “The Imams”, as if to say that all of the UK’s imams object! As I said above, it is only a tiny fraction of UK Imams who have voiced a type of weird apprehension about potential jihadis, but NO clear protests as usual from the majority. 100 imams out of thousands and their superficial dissatisfaction is not enough in my book… just like after every other Muslim-inflicted atrocity, the Mosque masses never come out and march in protest. Is this because deep down they agree that western values are incompatible with their medieval ideology?
The BBC SYMPATHISE with these loathsome Jihadis… they are effectively a Muslim news agency who coerce all of us into funding it. Even the Americans now think we are turning a blind eye to the cancerous problem. We are weak and gutless.
It is true, the BBC really cannot help themselves.
Left bias is so ingrained throughout the organisation that we all know and can predict as a matter of course, that every time they mention Coulson, they will almost certainly get a CAMERON mention in within the first few lines: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28160626
“Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has been jailed for 18 months for conspiracy to hack phones.
The 46-year-old, who rose to become director of communications for Prime Minister David Cameron, was found guilty at the Old Bailey last week. ”
Contrast that with the BBC career Peados reporting like Harris, who is the current flavour of the month from our State broadcasters sexual crimes storeroom which is overflowing with them.
Here for example this morning, I cannot find mention of the BBC where Harris, like almost all the other now infamous sex STARS were bred: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28173294
What a way to rub our noses in it, we who who pay their scandalous public servant inflated salaries, quite a lot of
them avoiding paying PAYE like the rest of us have to pay. If there is a God please do us some justice and give us a choice so we do not have to pay for this which goes against the grain of the majority of mlost of the citizens of this land they are supposed to represent.
The Today Programme “We’re waiting for more toilets”.
Evan Davis hears how preparations for the start of the Tour de France have been going in Yorkshire.
The comments thus far have been impressed with the key dilemma of the event.
Maybe a local heath or nearby cottage could offer relief in the interim?
Evan Davis will be needing pink guide wheels…and , no doubt, a helping hand from something lithe in fetching lycra to hold his saddle as he tinkles his bell!
Innuendo and smut r Us!
Enjoying the Tour de France ,everyone is Hideously White ,thank God it is on ITV , if al bbc were covering it ,think of all the parachuted effniks, who would suddenly pop up as “experts” like that one on the Olympic`s , Trevor Nelson , I think, who could get down ,rap n bike, wiv dem kids .
Also noting the “hideously white” audience for Tour de France my thoughts drifted back to “shareramadam” Could it be that maybe this invitation to share culture was maybe a one way street?
It`ll be hideously white for the same reasons that yachting and rowing are…equestrian events too!
It`s too expensive to start with-all that technology and costly horse kit etc.
Maybe so-let the Equality and Diversity Lobbies continue to squauk this.
But how come Muslims and Arabs don`t win the long jump with all that sand available to leap into.
And all that oil-yet it doesn`t seem to occur to them to get the 3 in 1 oil onto the chain to pedal as fast as our lads.
BBC Sports on 5 Live awaits my incisive and pertinent analysis…can`t be any worse that Gary Richardson or Clarke Carlisle now can I?
I love any sport that`s “Hideously White” , think I may take up train spotting , if it became an Olympic sport . But TDF, it was fantastic to see all those lovely Whitey`s having a good time in the dales, with their fellow indigenous Yorkies .
Awww….c’mon guys, aint you ever heard of Mo Farrah?
He’s the absolute proof of all that diversity, enrichmrnt, cultural improvement an’ all doncha know?
Another irritating addition to the ever growing BBC Muslim film collection to be found on their Muslim-loving webpage… They just love giving those Jihadi-be-baddies airtime:
Incompetent, lying, grasping, shills who put their own ideologue tory wet dream, before the country.
Camoron and the No 10 Tory “firesale” boys strike again.
“This is what is behind the Cameron government’s utterly supine response to Islamic supremacist aggression and intimidation in the school system and elsewhere:
He has to create a hospitable environment for Sharia as part of his plan to make London a global capital of Islamic finance.
And if the freedom of speech and equality of rights for women and non-Muslims have to go, so be it.”
Gotta keep that Saudi and Qatari money flowing into the UK sharia compliant finance industry, and indeed into an entire floor of the ****** ******* Hotel where they keep a load of Russian prostitutes permanently. Handy for their visits to London this time of year.
And in other news… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/lend-hand-would-you.html
At least these chaps and chappesses were not unpaid interns, as that would be wrong. And worthy of much huffing and puffing.
Nor were they like those poor souls stranded under a bridge for a while during the Limpix. Worthy of more huffing and puffing.
This was a gig, and good ‘un too. So all’s well. And saved a bit of dosh giving others paid employ.
Though some staff seem unhappy.
The rest of that Ariel thread is a treat too.
The BBC blog thread linked is a hoot.
Two comments before closing, separated by a week.
One flogging green gear; the other modded out.
I bet there were still twenty staff running the page throughout from the green room behind the pyramid stage.
All volunteers, natch.
INBBC still doesn’t seems too concerned with Baghdadi and Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ extreme violence, and murderous intent against non-Muslims, and non-Sunnis globally.
Is INBBC still out to repress the anti-Islamic jihad English Defence League as it main political enemy instead?
“Iraq: Islamic State destroys Shi’ite mosques, occupies cathedrals, replacing crosses with black flag of jihad”
Hmm… I wonder what the background is of these ‘youths’ who are causing violence in Birmingham? I wonder why the BBC is giving us a detailed report? Could a certain religion of peace be involved?
I wonder how the BBC will play this one (as if I don’t know already!
Kanye West was booed by festival-goers on Friday night after he launched into an extraordinary ’20-minute rant’ in the middle of his Wireless set.
The Yeezus rapper caused confusion when he paused his performance at the London music event, held at Finsbury Park, to preach to the crowd about discrimination within the fashion industry.
Don’t discriminate against me ‘cos I’m a black man making music.
And it would seem the move didn’t go down too well with the crowd, with audience members reportedly deserting the al fresco gig in droves.
Hundreds of people left the park early because they were so bored of his long rant.
‘There was serious booing towards the end of the speech, as people got so fed up and just wanted to hear him perform.’
This isn’t going to play well with the Fascist left who thought they had thoroughly indoctrinated the young with ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ and anti ‘Waycism’.
You can bet that the BBC will pick up on what was said and how dreadful everything is, whilst trying to ignore the booing and people deserting the concert.
If they have to address if then they certainly won’t be drawing the conclusion that people are pissed off to the back teeth with Political correctness.
It was a breath of fresh air to see a good old lady with fake boobs put these talentless and useless layabouts to shame at Glastonbury the other night. These modern R’n’ B/rap artists are a load of talentless garbage in my opinion and are poisoning the minds of our youth.
I see this poison with my young teenage nieces when my brother visits… when they visit they are like, uncle do you listen to Kanye West, Tiny Temper and Rhianna etc? Trying to speak in slang: ‘You get me?’ and ‘Get with it bruv’ and all that crap. The BBC and the media have totally pushed this rap crap and it’s totally lowered standards (both musical and literary) in my opinion. Give me B.B. King and Miles Davis any day!
Ah, they couldn`t handle the truth could they?
More money to counter this in schools please.
And more for radio 1 Xtra, with some re-education camps led by Billy Bragg and Lenny Henry.
Might suggest this one for Tolpuddle in a few weeks time.
Oh-Billys not on the programme….WHAT!?
Found this interesting video on Guido about Elm Guest House in Barnes South London – re the missing Peado files lost by Leon Brittan or staff, (Home Secretary at that time).
You would think the guys who made this would be in the libel court by now, (or found in the woods with a penknife), if there was not some credence in what this video ascertains:
“Lebedevs pump almost £100m into Independent titles and Standard.
“Accounts give strong warning over newspapers’ dependence on funding by father and son media magnates.”
The combined effect of the Evening Standard (free) and the Metro (free) is considerable – probably more influential than the ownership of the Indy.
The editorial slant of the Standard and the Metro is very leftie – and has been vitriolically anti-UKIP. With well over a million of these papers free each day, this probably had a sizeable effect in the London vote.
Nobody wants newspapers anymore. Only Russian oligarchs will do it because they have money to burn. Lebedev has said that he will sell the Indie if somebody offers the right price:
Oh dear, The Independent, the BBC’s second favourite left-wing rag, is losing £5million a year. Wouldn’t it be a shame if it went bust and there were no more lectures from Alibai-Brown on the beeb telling us how racist, sexist and islamophobic we all are.
It wouldn’t be the British Broadcasting Corporation if it wasn’t daily exhorting us Licence Payers to be… well, to be less British.
‘I know that endless tussles with the EU play well at home, but the EU’s view of Britain might be that we’re always yelling in a corner about chips…’
Of course this is not a plea directly attributable to the BBC – more of a platform given to certain people with certain views…. just an example of what the BBC call ‘A Point of View’
‘Understanding other people’s opinions of us is a good thing, says AL Kennedy.’
AL Kennedy?
‘I was a community arts worker….’
Wiki: ‘Alison Louise “A. L.” Kennedy (born 22 October 1965) is a Scottish writer of novels, short stories and non-fiction and stand-up comedian’
So obviously we have to take seriously the thoughts of a person we used to call ‘a comic’. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating : these days it seems the BBC are all wannabe children of Ben Elton.
She knows the best thing about Britain is the alternative comedy, especially Saint EU Eddie….
‘the world thinks we’re funny. We make them smile. Not just Monty Python or Eddie Izzard – Freddie Frinton. Scandanavia adores Freddie Frinton.’
Well that’s the main thing, isn’t it – be sure the Scandinavian’s love your comedians.
As a born Scot now living in London I’m surprized there is no Scottish/English differentiation in her view of the British – odd that.
Naturally Ms Kennedy is a Guardianista – her take on the Scottish situation pops up here.
‘Point Of View’, Sundays, R4 0845, is now almost exclusively a left-wing or at least a left-leaning platform. The producers did, however, forget themselves on one recent occasion, and allowed Roger Scruton (a true compassionate human) to pollute the airwaves, but that was obviously an oversight.
The recent court cases of children’s presenters who were the face of 1970s children’s television, has led to a ‘groomed generation’.
‘We need to change their childhood experience, and memories’
Oh dear! Looks like that’s me heading for the re-education camps. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more sinister announcement on the BBC, because we all know what’s being proposed by the Fascists.
And now we have a complaint of the few pubs left being named after the aristocracy. So it’s off on a hunt for pubs named after Communists, or other left wing hero’s such as the leaders of the peasants revolt.
And of course the people interviewed all just happen to be anti monarchist republicans
Unbelievable bias everyday. I don’t understand why the Tories put up with this vile mafia organisation. It’s a disgrace. Every minute of every day there is pro-Labour, pro-Muslim and pro-Palestinian bias. My blood pressure cannot handle much more!
1/ They believe that the public likes and admires the BBC to such an extent that they dare not attack it.
2/ Many in the current Conservative Party could cross the floor of the House and merge seamlessly into the Labour and Lib Dem ranks. They are in agreement with much of the liberal elite nonsense broadcast by the Corporation. In so far as they disagree with it at all, they think a few ‘adjustments’ are all that is needed.
They have mentioned this on the news, and that the allegations are truly shocking, but they also said that although he has been questioned by the Police, he has not been arrested.
I’m quite sure that if they did another McAlpine there would be criticism from everyone.
Wait until the man is charged & then complain if they don’t report it.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Why not mention the conservatives. I was looking to see what had happened in the caliphate of Tower Hamlets. The article was http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-28156664
I was surprised to see further down the article that there had been a third election and the place had been won by a conservative. Surely the news story was conservative wins seat in Tower Hamlets council. But then the bBC is writing the headline and the rule ‘only Labour will get good press’ takes precedence.
Top story is Andy Coulson sentenced to jail
Second is Rolf Harris about to be sentenced
I wonder which will be top story at the end of the day?
UK airports on higher alert over growing jihadist threat,
Islamic inbreds batter two non muslims with baseball bats
for being … non muslim.
UK islamic inbreed teen charged with funding aiding jihad terror.
FGM in UK now a “national scandal” 130, 000 child victims
UK muslim jihadi inbreed, violent jihad “obligatory” for every muslim..
UK more rushing over to jihad in Syria or Iraq … will they return the same here?
UK muslim teens “willing to die” in violent jihad ..urge all other muslims do the same
Euro terror groups UK now a hub … from London spreads out, now to Denmark … arrests in Bham terrorism charges.
Does there appear to be a pattern emerging?
any link at all? ….
… anyone
BBC … one of the very few opportunities for any public voice over its narrative … 94 yep that 94% vote muslims are complacent over extremism, hilariously after overwhelming votes that muslims are NOT demonised, and ARE deliberately easily offended.
Totted up objectively, the build up of this news is astonishing, and are? … the publics wishes and views reflected at the BBC?
As adage, the BBC are trumpeting that 100 imams
have signed a letter “supposedly” opposing going over
to Syria and Iraq? … its now got a dose of VD on 5Live
with lots of V Drearybyshire airtime,
why so muted? … why has it taken so long?
Over 500 immediately opposed gay marriage, in an ejector seat protest not long ago?
… propaganda and priorities?
I am absolutely SICK to the back teeth of hearing and seeing the words muslim, islam, islamist, jihad etc.. etc..
every time I wake up. There is no escape from the constant impinging of this hideous cult into my personal space day in day out. Will this living nightmare never end?????
It will only end when the last one has left our country, and probably only when they have all left our continent. But for that to happen the socialists will have to go because they are preventing normality from returning to public life.
That’s exactly how I feel. You can’t get away from the nightmare because, like a contagious disease, it infiltrates every form of media – the internet, the radio, the papers and the TV. In time, it will take us from being sick to the back teeth to anarchy; the powers that be and the bBc surely cannot expect us all to put up with it indefinitely, can they?
It is only just beginning, I fear.
As the returnees from their jihad in Syria and Iraq return here, the violence will reach levels unseen here. The media are honing their skills of obfuscation and deception in readiness for what they fear may happen.
The costs to honesty and truth are a price worth paying for their objective in what they see as community cohesion, or in other words proving their social experiment of multi culti a success.
We turn the news over when anything about Islam or Muslims comes on. There is nothing they can tell me that I don’t already know. My wife exclaimed two nights ago “I’m sick to fuc*ing death of Muslims on the news, it’s all we ever bloody hear!”
All I could tell her was she’d better get used to it, as it’s going to get worse in the coming years.
Ignorance or deliberate contempt? Who knows? But I’m guessing this guy won’t be sent to sensitivity training.
Timing is all.
Having invested a bit of time in a wee fisk consigned to the rump of the Wednesday thread, excuse me if I port here:
A couple more ‘Future of the BBC’ transcripts have appeared since the last I shared. Here’s he next one:
‘Q281 Mr Bradshaw: The reason I asked that question is we have heard from a number of other witnesses that what surprised them of what has happened since your report is that the fragmentation has not been as dramatic as they or the report envisaged and that an amazing number of people are still sitting down and watching the television in their living room in a traditional way, consuming television in that way, particularly in the context of the debates we are having on the licence fee.’
Is it perhaps possible that ‘the traditional way of watching TV’ has been maintained a fair bit by the threat of fine or jail for not doing so?
‘…if you have two organisations that are overlapping in perceptions and in terms of description and so on, as there are between a corporation and a trust, you constantly run up against ambiguity about people’s roles and relationships. We have seen over the course of the 10 years that problem has figured too often.’
Rather explaining, if not excusing, overpaid rats in a sack pointing at each other or feigning astounding uncuriosity and/or selective Alzheimers.
‘That speaks volumes about the ambiguity of a process that you can describe the chairman of the regulatory body as the chairman of the body that is regulated.’
‘Richard Hooper: Let us bring it up to date. The fact is, Lord Burns is completely right, you cannot be a regulator and a cheerleader at the same time.’
No argument. However…
‘Currently, the BBC Trust does accuracy and impartiality and it is not done by Ofcom. Now, I think it is in the BBC’s interests for that to move to Ofcom because when the rightwing press say the BBC is full of lefties and the BBC Trust has to adjudicate that, there is always a difficulty because you have the Mandy Rice-Davies issue of, “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” Whereas if you give it to Ofcom, which does fairness and privacy and does harm and offence—those are the six horsemen of the Apocalypse: fairness and privacy, harm and offence, and accuracy and impartiality—then Ofcom’s judgment on whether the BBC is full of lefties would have some independent power.
Nicely impartial. Not.
I sense OFCOM in the frame for oversight again today.
Also the means of funding vs. the fact it should be imposed other than by choice:
‘I am chairman of the Broadband Stakeholder Group so I know very well that the licence fee is used for the rollout of broadband.’
At least they are less cool on loading it covertly on to our council taxes. Simply the means anyone communicates globally these days… plus UK ‘unique’ tax.
All overseen by…
‘Lord Burns: I could easily envisage a situation where what is now the Trust becomes in a sense a part of Ofcom’
…the same people? Uh-huh.
‘Philip Graf: It is funny, I would be slightly more concerned about the fact that the issues that you are going to be dealing with in many cases are hugely complicated, journalistic issues, for example, about impartiality in terms of the way BBC covers stuff like the Middle East, all that type of work.
On current, ongoing evidence, not funny at all.
‘They are spending whatever it is, £3 billion a year’
He got that, whatever it is, from a BBC press release?
‘Richard Hooper: I think there are three strands in the next two years. One is governance, which we have talked about. One is funding, which is an absolutely critical issue. The third one is this difficult issue of what constitutes public service broadcasting. The problem we have, and I do not think any of us have yet said it, is the BBC is a great, formidably wonderful institution, which we should in this country be proud of.
Nicely objective panel they have here.
Mr. Hooper, in his glorification of the BBC, suggests three core issues: governance, funding and what is PSB?
What he rather neglects, as do they all so far, is what about the fourth option? Whether it needs to exist as a public funded model at all, because all governance to date has failed and it is not an honest, accurate or trustworthy organisation with all it it gets handed.
‘Philip Graf: I would just add that the people we have to be careful to get to exercise their view are the licence fee payers.’
Yes, Phil, and about just more than how the BBC keeps its cash fountain. Having mentioned the poor punter, they then dive off into the smoke-filled room again…
‘Lord Burns: Could I just say my feeling is that the charter is a very, very useful device for avoiding political interference in the BBC between these periods, where you get a good run at it in terms of the design of the charter and then a period of when the BBC use it.
Shame the BBC keeps breaking the thing with impunity then.
Angie Bray (who was shut down before by the chair trying to go to actual performance, citing 28Gate) at last gets to chip in. She and Lord Burns conduct a merry old dance here, with the latter saying a lot by actually coming out with nothing.
Richard Hooper then weighs in to cut across her again.
‘Philip Graf: The other question you have is the whole question of news plurality. This is an enormous, fantastically brilliant news machine, really good, very important.’
Say it often enough, Bub…
‘Angie Bray: Final question—
Chair: We are going to have to move on, I think, because we are running out of time’
Now, when did I hear that before?
Back to the how of funding vs. the ‘why at all’?
‘‘Philip Graf: It is an issue where subscription becomes part of the discussion as well, because it moves you more towards an optional world, away from a compulsory world by definition. Long-term sustainable funding for the BBC is important…’“The licence fee is the worst form of BBC funding except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” There is a serious issue in two years’ time—but I think subscription has to be looked at, voluntary subscriptions.’
Phew… but… ‘looked at’… and..? Sounds like a Yes, Minister script in the making.
‘Q307 Mr Leech: You say that we should not rule out subscription, but do you think there are that many people who have a problem with paying the licence fee?
Philip Graf: I think we have to find that out. The danger is that we sit here and we can say yes or no. That is why I think that is one of the pieces of work. We need to find that out. We need to understand that question and I don’t have the answer to that.’
Half a million already have opted out, despite clear penalties to viewing options and uncertainty on law. Maybe there is an answer inherent in that number?
‘Lord Burns: I don’t want to go too deeply into it this time round..”
I bet none of you do. Nicely kicked into the long, ‘too late’ grass, Good Lord.
This gets interesting…
‘Lord Burns: You don’t have to have a licence to watch Netflix on your iPad. At the moment we say that you require a licence for whatever you watch on television, whether it is the BBC or whatever. When you start saying that the licence should cover your iPad, what does that include on the iPad? Is it just the BBC or is it also ITV or Netflix or the television that is now produced by some newspapers? This takes you into a world where it seems to me that if you want to go down the compulsory route, it is going to have to be a much wider charge that will more clearly be a general tax, and to me that opens a number of quite disturbing challenges.’
Not to me. Don’t like it; want it, don’t have to pay for it.
But what’s this…. a disturbance in The Farce?
‘Q309 Mr Bradshaw: A household broadcasting tax?
Lord Burns: It is not a broadcasting tax any more, is it? It is a—
Chair: It could be a hypothecated tax.
Lord Burns: It could easily be a hypothecated tax.
Q310 Mr Bradshaw: Based on the household rather than the income?
Lord Burns: Yes. Once you say it is a tax, of course—
Mr Bradshaw: Levy.
Lord Burns: —there are many different ways in which taxes can be constructed and people face income tests. The immediate challenge you have when it is a household tax—and those of us with not even that long memories remember the poll tax situation—is what happens to poor people. We have this with other utilities. There are people who won’t pay but there are also people for whom it is a struggle to pay. Do you have a separate level for them? This is a fun world that you enter.’
Eeeks! This looks less rosy! John…John…stop it…quick!
‘Chair: I think we are going to have to draw a halt.
Well, maybe let’s not end quite there on not being a compelled fee at all, but rather how:
‘Q311 Mr Leech: Can I ask one more question? Assuming that the licence fee does not disappear, how should we calculate what the licence fee should be going forward?
That was close.
If I get time I’ll have a go at the rest , and the other transcripts later.
This one does little to reassure me that a major stitch-up is not already in place, especially as Angie Bray has so far been the only one to question performance but gets shut down by the chair each time, and no public witnesses yet even in sight, despite submissions.
Only old boys arguing how the club stays private and paid for by those excluded.
None of this waffle indicates to me that The Select Committee, Ofcom or anyone in authority is listening to the public who are increasingly angry about the BBC. Nor do they give a hoot for those imprisoned for not paying the TV Poll Tax.
TAXES WITHOUT PRESENTATION brings on revolutions. Well they would do if we were not so besotted with watching TV.
Oh, but “Taxes without presentation” would be such a fun campaign: every licence payer should be entitled to present at least one programme in their lifetime. Or if they evade payment, they should be subjected to presenting You and Yours…
And that’s your contribution?
To be fair it was very slightly amusing. But it would have better if he had addressed the issue.
Agree on both counts.
Can happen.
And not a ‘you lot’ in sight:)
But like some geo-political bodies at the moment , I tend to be cautious with ‘make nice’ or joshing overtures from any whose history suggests caution advised, lest they revert.
I stand ready to be won over.
Addressing the issue would be a good start.
Scott never comments on serious examples of BBC bias.
Ignore the ridiculous troll
Scott, I wonder if you would do something for me?
Please compile a list of those BBC programmes which you regard as ‘classics’. Those which the public have a great love for and would like to watch again, or remember with a degree of fondness?
Would that be possible?
Ahhhh, one can only dream of being ‘guest presenter’ of Today.
‘None of this waffle’
It takes some wading through, doesn’t it?
Plus a bit of finding.
I wonder how many of the public have the time or inclination to even try.
I rather get the impression few in the media, even those covering the broadcast beat do or will either.
Maybe that’s what all involved are relying upon.
I doubt many here bothered with my cut-down above.
I just downloaded the next inquiry transcript; it runs to 90 pages of A4.
Not sure I have the will to wade. See how the weather turns out.
Three Israeli boys are kidnapped. BBC reports are late and very limited.
Hamas congratulates whoever did the kidnapping. BBC fails to report this.
Palestinians – young and old – celebrate the kidnappings. BBC fails to report this
Israeli boys are eventually found, murdered. BBC reports that Hamas denies any involvement – but BBC does not report that Hamas had previously led wider Palestinian rejoicing at the kidnappings.
Palestinian boy is kidnapped and found murdered. BBC immediately blames Israelis, does not carry any suggestion that there are family feuds and the family has records of run-ins with the police. BBC carries long absurd rants by Palestinians, one of them even suggesting that the killing of one Palestinian boy is prelude to getting rid of about 5 million Palestinians..
BBC reports that Palestinian youths are damaging their own neighbourhood. Does not report that there was no street violence among Israelis after the original kidnappings. Does not report that there is no widespread rejoicing among Israelis at the death of the young Palestinian – that there is almost universal Israeli regret at the death.
Meanwhile the BBC has not been reporting the steady stream of rockets from Gaza exploding in Israel.
Balanced reporting ? Yeah, sure.
What happened to the supposed ‘hate crime’ murder of the Saudi student due to her burka?
I’ve been wondering about that one! I suspect it was probably another muslim so is being hushed
There was a photofit sort of thing in the Mail yesterday, a horribly white looking yoof in a hoodie…police want to talk to him as he is seen o cctv “near” where the incident happened…nothing further though.
Yes – it’s quickly disappeared hasn’t it? They obviously couldn’t pin it on a ‘ far right’ type, even though they were creaming their pants at the prospect, so all quiet on the BBC front.
Last I heard the police were looking for a man with ‘thick, dark hair and a tanned complexion’.
Lots of these stories just evaporate. I imagine , it’s no longer of that much interest to the public I noticed the white victim stabbed to death which was partially linked with this crime got considerably less coverage. I can think of a couple of stories that have disappeared off the radar along with several that never made it to transmission.
Got to laugh. Fast forwarding through Question Time I enjoyed the black Britons in the audience asking for a referendum on the EU, especially the chap saying let’s put the ‘Great’ back in ‘Great Britain’. Was BBC audience selection caught out by it’s lazy racism that assumes blacks can be taken for granted to be on message?
That Croydon black man at the back of the hall was surely that UKIP bloke who tried the ” Black UKIP Carnival” idea before the Euro elections-to the glee of the lefty media and embarrassment of Farage.
McKenzie wasn`t it?
Anyhoo-delighted that eh got his point in-and the fact that the Left and the BBC don`t seem to have recognised him( all this being 6 weeks ago or so) can only give us great encouragement re their goldfish brains and tendencies.
Don`t tell the Lefties though eh?..if it leaves this site, we`ll know who Deep Throat is won`t we gyz`n gals?
Ukip carnival??? What was that about??? As the BBc complaints department tell me the “fake Romanian” rent-a mob roadshow was only shown in the London area and I don’t live in the London area. I would have no idea what the UKIP Carnival in Croydon would be about as obviously myself and my partner would not have been able to see the report. Would we?
We got full details of the (admittedly embarrassing) steel drum bands and Farage not showing up down here in Wessex.
Clearly a Michael Crick creaming moment from Channel 4 with the BBC in full partybag mode too.
You were right to complain about it being used to mock UKIP-they`d not do the same for the other equally crappy gesture crap served up by the main parties to show THEIR “non-racist” credentials.
“I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’. We have checked and can only find two reports broadcast on BBC television on 20 May about this. These were broadcast on the BBC London regional news programme at 6.30pm and 10.25pm. Neither of these featured an interview with ‘a Romanian woman’ or anyone claiming to be one and we can only assume that you saw this report elsewhere.” Is Wessex near London? No that’s sarcasm I do know where Wessex is.
Anyone else think that last night’s QT was yet another predictably left-wing load of crap? Specifically, I think it’s a disgrace that ethnic socialist/occupy types, who clearly hate this country, are allowed to shout aggressively out from the audience… the claps are always loudest and right on cue for Labour panelists and similarly the boos are almost rehearsed to perfection for the lone Tory/right-winger who dares to suggest that Labour-imposed immigration might be to blame for housing shortages, NHS infrastructural collapse and Muslim terror. In fact, when Peter Hitchens cited immigration as a factor in the shortage of affordable housing the militant ethnic socialist on the front row hurled angry retorts. QT continues to be a pantomime of Labour propaganda.
PHitchens has a cash cow in the form of QT because he enjoys mocking the Tories more than the other parties. Hence why he is asked to appear on a semi-regular basis.
He`s correct about the Tories…but when he doesn`t trash the liberals and labour equally, I think he`s missing a trick.
His sneaking admiration for the likes of Miliband and Brown does bother me-but Peter is a decent cove who deserves a hearing.
Sensed he was a bit stunned to be back on, as a late replacement.
I’m afraid I just can’t watch Question time these days. I watched about a minute of it and turned over. Nice to see I’m getting value for money from the BBc.
Noting Posh Ed Stourton lining up the TWATOs to pigplie in over Coulson and Harris this lunchtime.
And who better to hold forth on it all but Harris`s victims and Joan Smith of the Indie?-who, in a sense . is equally a victim.
And NO mention of her Hacked Off, militant atheist agendas…why it`s as if Johann Hari never happened!
But I digress-and Ed is drawing the BBC boat very close to trouble with his egging on of compo for Harris` victims.
Who employed Rolf, providing materials and luxury berths , power sockets and dressing room curtains for him to do his worst?…aren`t the BBC due a few lawsuits now to follow the Savile ones we` surely will be seeing-they gave the paedos the cover they needed didn`t they?
Ignorance is no excuse-if they all knew about Savile but did zippo…what of Rolf and his Pets 4 Paedos circus then?
As for hacking and Coulson…the BBC ought to be very careful surely…Piers Morgan and the higher grades at the Indie, Guardian and BBC surely know of it-and (who knows) might have benefitted at second-or even first-hand?
Typical Lefty Common Room aeration by Ed and his liberal chums-may well cost THEM- not us this time-the BBC is not long for this world , hopefully.
Still no finer sight that the BBCs Gadarene swine in a feeding frenzy as they go running up that hill…a Biblical allusion…so the BBC will not get it.
Least of all posh Ed…TWATO!
The BBC. Not content with wearing blinkers, manages to weld them on for good measure.
Global warming is an indisputable fact, apparently, even though there hasn’t been any for seventeen years, and ten months – nor is there likely to be in the near future. However, the BBC will NOT allow anyone to tell them (and inevitably the listeners and viewers) that, because those who know and espouse the true facts won’t be given a voice, as they are, allegedly, “cranks”:
And now we have an ignorant, leftie NeoGuardianesque Daily Telegraph “reporter”, who thinks she knows it all:
Odd who the Tel’s purges have removed and who is left (as it were).
She appears to be an able addition to Mr. Lean, filling Ms. Gray’s shoes well.
Down to her grasp of science.
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avataruk Mick Norris
She supposedly writes about science, yet from this article she would probably have difficulty knowing which end of the rubber pipe on a bunsen burner to plug into the gas main!
Joking aside, she hasn’t done her homework and writes as if simply quoting from an autocue written by the BBC.
(Had to pop that in to avoid an OT).
The Telegraph is now finished as a serious newspaper of the conservative Right. Which won’t stop the BBC and its pundits perpetuating the lie that the Right controls the media.
“David Keighley: How the BBC arrogantly censors free speech on climate change”
can’t wait to hear this week’s MtW mercilessly and repetitiously lampooning chukka mebunga `Wichita` gaff.
It will probably cover the way Leon Brittain’s face is as punchable now as it was in the 80s.
That kind of level of humour.
Chukka is the ultimate lightweight, but given the lefty view of the world which values style over substance and ‘feelings’ over facts, he’s got to be a strong favourite to lead the liebour party. That is, once Ed’s utter crappy uselessness overwhelms him.
The US Chuka in the White House has similar problems; he visits all 57 US states.
Is that Heinz`s 57 varieties ? For your next pub quiz , there are only 46 US States , including Hawaii & Alaska , 4 ( of the 50 ) are actually commonwealths . Massachusetts , Kentucky ,Pennsylvania ,& Virginia . Bet Lardy Mardell ,& other al bbc staff , don`t even know that . If Chucky thinks he is in Wichita , maybe “The Good Ole Boys” should pay him a visit, & he won`t ever be seen again, in either Wichita or Worcester , if the “Linesman” has his way .
Have you seen the obligatory dig at the Conservatives:
“David Cameron appeared on the David Letterman Show in America in 2012 and gave the wrong name for the composer of the music to Rule Britannia, naming Edward Elgar instead of Thomas Arne. Edward Elgar was from Worcester.”
Really scraping the bottle of the barrel. I had to read it several times just to understand what it says.
I suppose this is the consequence of the official requirement for impartiality, which just reinforces that the impartiality rules need to be abolished.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Drilling through it, excavating below the cellar and tunneling to China more like.
It was always simply a silly season gaffe-teaser (having just visited the mighty Worcester Boosh, apparently), but those who live by the taunt must suffer by it too.
However it seems the BBC could not let their brown-eyed boy share the spotlight alone.
Struggling to pronounce… ‘Worcester’ and getting ‘Wichita’ takes some doing, beyond the geography.
But dragging in a ‘Worcester-related faux-pas’ (one for the ‘Islamic Benediction’ O’saurus) in balance is really quite special.
I’m also not sure English Cities and American state-swaps quite compares to conjuring up the name of the household name composing legend that is Thommo.
As a Classic FM listener (bar its risible news), ‘Rule Brittania’ rarely if ever comes up, but while I’d have guessed it wasn’t the boy from Broadheath, I fear Mr. Arne was not tip of tongue either.
As it appears de rigeur to try and explain stuff in the last line, Mr. Mason was coming from a special place just behind Toenails in the Labour fundament.
“The BBC contacted the mosque to speak to the imam, who refused to give an interview but said he completely denied the allegations.” …
Oh, well, 😀 then it’s OK. After all, with hundreds of Muslims from Britain now waging jihad in Syria and Iraq, it is absolutely inconceivable that any imams in any mosques encouraged them … right?”
Lord Carlile … “most important partners” in preventing young Muslims from being radicalised were the “Muslim communities themselves”. ROFL 😀
… yep! … good luck with that one
That’s about as helpful as VD, and her 5live cosy muslim talk to muslim , (is this supposed to be debate?)
where we have to endure drivel about …
no, no … its not “Holy War” so we can t condone it.
???? … you literally, could not make it up
scrap the BBC … as soon as possible
Islamic apologists, (excusing the most abhorrent, dangerous cult on this planet), and liars on the climate
to boot. scrap the BBC, and sack the f–kin lot of them
was this imam one of the 100 signatories, to that letter?
… quite possible
Is that not an example of a half truth?
“I did not encourage them to join Jihad in Syria” (unsaid, “I encouraged them to join Jihad here in the UK”)
`The BBC contacted the mosque to speak to the imam ………….` sounds like the start of a Ramadan joke
INBBC’s Frank Gardner, apparently spokesperson for ‘the religion of peace,’ in his latest subservient piece, is concerned for imams in relation to violent Islamic jihadists. Gardner acts, apparently, as a near Islamic intermediary between Imams and Islamic jihadists who operate between U.K and Syria.
Gardner seems concerned that such jihadists could make difficulties for imams attempting to portray a nice image of Islam .
Gardner appears less concerned with the direct threat which these Islamic jihadists and their Muslim supporters are to we mere ‘kafirs’.
Alternative analysis, Robert Spencer (banned from U.K), ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“’The BBC contacted the mosque to speak to the imam, who refused to give an interview but said he completely denied the allegations.’ Oh, well, then it’s OK. After all, with hundreds of Muslims from Britain now waging jihad in Syria and Iraq, it is absolutely inconceivable that any imams in any mosques encouraged them, right? We know that they’re all ‘moderate,’ and that only greasy Islamophobes, happily banned from the country, would dare suggest otherwise, right?”
“UK: Father of a teen who joined jihad in Syria believes his son was ‘radicalized’ by imam at a mosque”
Further alternative analysis, censored by INBBC:-:
“A Picture of Dualism”
OOps it now turns out that ‘any questions’ and the host Jonathan Dimbleby attributed a quote about Fracking to Chris Bryant (Tory) which he never made, and appeared to contradict his present position.
Fair enough the BBC apologised, but not before they had embarrassed the minister on the program.
Seems odd how these mistakes only happen when they disadvantage the Tories.
Maybe it was one of these ‘only in to visit my cousin for a week’ researchers who dropped Jonathan in it, with a wee bit of enhanced narrative BBC-style to assuage her activist ‘anything that serves’ conscience?
Are you sure you meant Chris Byant? Because he is a labour MP.
Yes you’re right, which rather makes my post a little – wrong !
Here’s the offending clip http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006slnx
However there appears to be little on the web about this mess, but I did find this rather astonishing admission by the BBC that Question Time is biased !
The BBC is more than prone to rumour as news when it suits, so they really can’t complain if others join in.
If true…. I’d love to see the FOI exchanges for the glass palace of solace he was apparently having constructed to be near, but not too near, the troops, which I gather was costing architect hairlines (and doubtless more).
I wonder whether the BBC will give us a detailed report on this typical story of Muslim hatred and racist violence?
Phil Makie on Radio 4 is complaining that even though the Trojan Horse plot has turned out to be real, the investigation has upset Muslims so much that there’s a risk of ‘radicalisation’.
Amazing that he hasn’t been able to find a white person to blame, but the whole report, including an interview with a Muslim girl was another perfect example of turning Muslim misbehaviour into their being victims again.
saying Trojan horse causes radicalisation?
foreign policy causes radicalisation?
not treating Islam as a simpering victim causes radicalisation?.
not making Islam a “protected” class causes radicalisation?
… strangely enough reading the “out of context”
“contradictory”, the NOT a “hate manual” that’s full of fascist instructions to subdue/kill/maim and rape
yep! the Islamic “book of peace” …. does not??????
…. ow queer!
Birmingham killing – not a shooting but a stabbing. Cops made a mistake, now back to maintaining cohesion in this vibrant community. Link to BBC report here. But local newspapers are more descriptive; the fatal stabbing was in the neck. Now is this a familiar pattern or is it not? Just saying.
Perhaps someone was cleaning the knife when it went off.
There was a nice Freudian slip on Radio 3 this morning as Clemmy Burton-Hill read out the headlines (for some reason we tend to hear what the Guardian or The Independent think about any topic) but it went “Labour report…er…The Guardian reports that Labour…”
Wow, so you’re the one that listens to Radio 3? Must be nearly all of their audience !
Newsnight has gone hill since they got rid of Paxo…
Don’t watch it for Christ’s sake! It’s brainwashing Marxist propaganda. It’ll soon be called Jihadi-night because all we ever see and hear on the BBC is whining Muslims!
Notice how the BBC has been banging on about that strange Imam letter that, as far as I can tell, doesn’t criticize jihadis or distance the imams from the vile scum that have gone out to commit violence. Yes, that’s a paltry 100 imams out of thousands and thousands of them living in the UK, hardly any! Each mosque has several imams and there are 2000 or so heathen factories here so you work it out… yet again the gutless middle-class bum lickers at the BBC are groveling to the mad mullahs trying to paint a picture that the moderates (ain’t no such thing honey!) are distancing themselves from the loathsome jihad filth that are threatening our very existence.
The BBC is waging its own repugnant jihad on the UK through Muslim bum licking and subtle indoctrination. It’s a disgusting and vile institution that is now part of the enemy. War is coming to these streets within the next hundred years… you better have your pitch forks ready because this will make the English Civil War seem like a game of Street Fighter II!
It would appear that the BBC have airbrushed the BBC out of Rolf Harris, but not air brushed out Coulson with Cameron or News Of the World or Murdoch.
Some of the shows featuring Harris there were probably more:
Animal Hospital 1994-2004.
Rolf’s cartoon time 1988-1992
Rolf On Art 2001-2007
Star Portraits with Rolf Harris 2004-2007
The following is not for INBBC, lest it offend its Islamic lobbyists at its apartheid INBBC radio station, ‘Asian Network’-
“The French ban on the niqab has been upheld. Quite right too.
“And perhaps it is time the British followed suit.”
Already with a death sentence, for being born into that totalitarian, dangerous “pseudo” religion.
Already a slave to Allah … it is the poison of Islam that makes this an issue.
BAN the black out curtain here, anywhere in public.
Leave that abhorrent shroud, to the mosque, or the home … but show the light to women here, firmly.
If is as the threat, women are then imprisoned in the home, then the law can deal with it, firmly.
BBc stating in their “letter” item that the cult will be hoping the publicity will soon go away, or words to that effect. Yea I bet they do. Also BBc picking up on fake letters may now have been sent out by other lenders besides Wonga. Not like letters being sent out trying to sound like you are being taken too court, like for example bbc license fee threat letters to houses that don’t have a TV. I’m sure I’m not in London whilst I’ve been watching this.
Beeboids may only have to mention UKIP and Nigel FARAGE at E.U election time, but fortunately, the ‘Express’ has his weekly column-
“‘UKIP hasn’t gone to Brussels to be placid and inert’ vows Nigel Farage”
the Daily Mail tells us that Zydrunas Laurinavicius
a 38 year old builder was killed after refusing to hand over his bag to robbers armed with knives. the Daily Mail tells us …
“Pranas , (his father) told friends they were jumped by a gang of black youths, who tried to steal a bag his son was carrying.”
meanwhile the bbc london page simply states that “A man has been stabbed to death during a suspected street robbery in north-west London.
Police have arrested two men and two girls after the attack in Hendon on Thursday afternoon.”
there are echoes of the Luke Fitzpatrick ( Dollis Hill ) murder when poor Luke was killed by a gang of black youths.
daily mail story here – with photos of the offending scum
bbc story here – no photos – minimal coverage throughout the trial.
how many more racist murder stories are the bbc going to bury ?????
see more here ;- http://whitegirlbleedalot.com/
The BBC minimalist report was last updated at 11.55, yesterday, 4th July. The Mail’s in-depth story was published at 2.10am this morning. The BBC has had at least 8 hours to catch up. The initial report is already sliding down the web page, lurking amongst the small print one-liners.
I can’t be the only one to be re-assured by the speed with which our national broadcaster is really going after this horrific story. A story that illustrates so lucidly the depths to which we are being dragged.
Thank you, BBC. Thank you for giving us the 25% of the news that you consider fit for our consumption.
Finger Licking Good (Not)
More BBC “secret squirrel” climate change seminars?
Gavin Estler on Dateline just now came out with a massive misrepresentation regarding the Imams and their supposed disapproval of the scum going out to fight in Syria: he said that despite the imams in the UK voicing their objection to jihadis going off to fight radicalisation is still happening (understatement of the year me thinks!). Anyway, there you have a typical BBC misrepresentation, folks: “The Imams”, as if to say that all of the UK’s imams object! As I said above, it is only a tiny fraction of UK Imams who have voiced a type of weird apprehension about potential jihadis, but NO clear protests as usual from the majority. 100 imams out of thousands and their superficial dissatisfaction is not enough in my book… just like after every other Muslim-inflicted atrocity, the Mosque masses never come out and march in protest. Is this because deep down they agree that western values are incompatible with their medieval ideology?
The BBC SYMPATHISE with these loathsome Jihadis… they are effectively a Muslim news agency who coerce all of us into funding it. Even the Americans now think we are turning a blind eye to the cancerous problem. We are weak and gutless.
It is true, the BBC really cannot help themselves.
Left bias is so ingrained throughout the organisation that we all know and can predict as a matter of course, that every time they mention Coulson, they will almost certainly get a CAMERON mention in within the first few lines:
“Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has been jailed for 18 months for conspiracy to hack phones.
The 46-year-old, who rose to become director of communications for Prime Minister David Cameron, was found guilty at the Old Bailey last week. ”
Contrast that with the BBC career Peados reporting like Harris, who is the current flavour of the month from our State broadcasters sexual crimes storeroom which is overflowing with them.
Here for example this morning, I cannot find mention of the BBC where Harris, like almost all the other now infamous sex STARS were bred:
What a way to rub our noses in it, we who who pay their scandalous public servant inflated salaries, quite a lot of
them avoiding paying PAYE like the rest of us have to pay. If there is a God please do us some justice and give us a choice so we do not have to pay for this which goes against the grain of the majority of mlost of the citizens of this land they are supposed to represent.
With the straightest of faces, I merely share:
The Today Programme
“We’re waiting for more toilets”.
Evan Davis hears how preparations for the start of the Tour de France have been going in Yorkshire.
The comments thus far have been impressed with the key dilemma of the event.
Maybe a local heath or nearby cottage could offer relief in the interim?
Evan Davis will be needing pink guide wheels…and , no doubt, a helping hand from something lithe in fetching lycra to hold his saddle as he tinkles his bell!
Innuendo and smut r Us!
Don’t forget facilities for Mr. Whippy…
Haha BBC London-centric bias shone through this morning.
Chris Eakin was in Leeds for the start of the Yorkshire leg of the Tour France.
He asked a woman in the crowd: “Where are you from?”
“Hull” she replied.
“Oh you’re quite local then” he said.
That’s right Eakin, everyone up North are locals who know each other. Especially in the rather small counties in Yorkshire.
Enjoying the Tour de France ,everyone is Hideously White ,thank God it is on ITV , if al bbc were covering it ,think of all the parachuted effniks, who would suddenly pop up as “experts” like that one on the Olympic`s , Trevor Nelson , I think, who could get down ,rap n bike, wiv dem kids .
I was just thinking that the TDF is very white and European.
It is difficult to cycle in religious clothing, and all that lycra and panting is too uncool to appeal to the community rappers.
Probably explains why so many previously disinterested people in Yorkshire are suddenly so enthusiastic about it.
Also noting the “hideously white” audience for Tour de France my thoughts drifted back to “shareramadam” Could it be that maybe this invitation to share culture was maybe a one way street?
I was expecting this. How many diverse Bradfordians, 9 miles from Leeds, are showing any interest, I wonder?
It`ll be hideously white for the same reasons that yachting and rowing are…equestrian events too!
It`s too expensive to start with-all that technology and costly horse kit etc.
Maybe so-let the Equality and Diversity Lobbies continue to squauk this.
But how come Muslims and Arabs don`t win the long jump with all that sand available to leap into.
And all that oil-yet it doesn`t seem to occur to them to get the 3 in 1 oil onto the chain to pedal as fast as our lads.
BBC Sports on 5 Live awaits my incisive and pertinent analysis…can`t be any worse that Gary Richardson or Clarke Carlisle now can I?
I love any sport that`s “Hideously White” , think I may take up train spotting , if it became an Olympic sport . But TDF, it was fantastic to see all those lovely Whitey`s having a good time in the dales, with their fellow indigenous Yorkies .
Awww….c’mon guys, aint you ever heard of Mo Farrah?
He’s the absolute proof of all that diversity, enrichmrnt, cultural improvement an’ all doncha know?
Mohammed Farrah doesnt count as he has US Residency.
According to the BBC, terrorists who have British Residency are British, so Mo must be American now
Another irritating addition to the ever growing BBC Muslim film collection to be found on their Muslim-loving webpage… They just love giving those Jihadi-be-baddies airtime:
Maybe they find them kinda hot looking? Something has to replace those Che Guevara and Looking Forward to Thatcher’s Funeral posters.
“Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, you will obey me for I am your master!”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): Normalising the Islamisation of U.K through ignoring the expansion of Sharia-finance-
“UK sells $339 million of debut Islamic bonds”
Incompetent, lying, grasping, shills who put their own ideologue tory wet dream, before the country.
Camoron and the No 10 Tory “firesale” boys strike again.
“This is what is behind the Cameron government’s utterly supine response to Islamic supremacist aggression and intimidation in the school system and elsewhere:
He has to create a hospitable environment for Sharia as part of his plan to make London a global capital of Islamic finance.
And if the freedom of speech and equality of rights for women and non-Muslims have to go, so be it.”
just got to finish lying to the UN … keep the car running
Perhaps Cameron should have watched this
Gotta keep that Saudi and Qatari money flowing into the UK sharia compliant finance industry, and indeed into an entire floor of the ****** ******* Hotel where they keep a load of Russian prostitutes permanently. Handy for their visits to London this time of year.
And in other news…
At least these chaps and chappesses were not unpaid interns, as that would be wrong. And worthy of much huffing and puffing.
Nor were they like those poor souls stranded under a bridge for a while during the Limpix. Worthy of more huffing and puffing.
This was a gig, and good ‘un too. So all’s well. And saved a bit of dosh giving others paid employ.
Though some staff seem unhappy.
The rest of that Ariel thread is a treat too.
The BBC blog thread linked is a hoot.
Two comments before closing, separated by a week.
One flogging green gear; the other modded out.
I bet there were still twenty staff running the page throughout from the green room behind the pyramid stage.
All volunteers, natch.
INBBC still doesn’t seems too concerned with Baghdadi and Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ extreme violence, and murderous intent against non-Muslims, and non-Sunnis globally.
Is INBBC still out to repress the anti-Islamic jihad English Defence League as it main political enemy instead?
“Iraq: Islamic State destroys Shi’ite mosques, occupies cathedrals, replacing crosses with black flag of jihad”
Hmm… I wonder what the background is of these ‘youths’ who are causing violence in Birmingham? I wonder why the BBC is giving us a detailed report? Could a certain religion of peace be involved?
I wonder how the BBC will play this one (as if I don’t know already!
Kanye West was booed by festival-goers on Friday night after he launched into an extraordinary ’20-minute rant’ in the middle of his Wireless set.
The Yeezus rapper caused confusion when he paused his performance at the London music event, held at Finsbury Park, to preach to the crowd about discrimination within the fashion industry.
Don’t discriminate against me ‘cos I’m a black man making music.
And it would seem the move didn’t go down too well with the crowd, with audience members reportedly deserting the al fresco gig in droves.
Hundreds of people left the park early because they were so bored of his long rant.
‘There was serious booing towards the end of the speech, as people got so fed up and just wanted to hear him perform.’
This isn’t going to play well with the Fascist left who thought they had thoroughly indoctrinated the young with ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ and anti ‘Waycism’.
You can bet that the BBC will pick up on what was said and how dreadful everything is, whilst trying to ignore the booing and people deserting the concert.
If they have to address if then they certainly won’t be drawing the conclusion that people are pissed off to the back teeth with Political correctness.
It was a breath of fresh air to see a good old lady with fake boobs put these talentless and useless layabouts to shame at Glastonbury the other night. These modern R’n’ B/rap artists are a load of talentless garbage in my opinion and are poisoning the minds of our youth.
I see this poison with my young teenage nieces when my brother visits… when they visit they are like, uncle do you listen to Kanye West, Tiny Temper and Rhianna etc? Trying to speak in slang: ‘You get me?’ and ‘Get with it bruv’ and all that crap. The BBC and the media have totally pushed this rap crap and it’s totally lowered standards (both musical and literary) in my opinion. Give me B.B. King and Miles Davis any day!
Ah, they couldn`t handle the truth could they?
More money to counter this in schools please.
And more for radio 1 Xtra, with some re-education camps led by Billy Bragg and Lenny Henry.
Might suggest this one for Tolpuddle in a few weeks time.
Oh-Billys not on the programme….WHAT!?
Found this interesting video on Guido about Elm Guest House in Barnes South London – re the missing Peado files lost by Leon Brittan or staff, (Home Secretary at that time).
You would think the guys who made this would be in the libel court by now, (or found in the woods with a penknife), if there was not some credence in what this video ascertains:
FMG the only cuts the BBC do not make such a fuss about.
Two contrasting reports on Amir Khan:-
1.) ‘Telegraph’:-
“Amir Khan arrested after allegedly attacking two teenagers as they left a mosque”
2.) BBC-NUJ-
“Amir Khan arrested on suspicion of assaulting two men”
Headline of the week from the BBC:
“Trot through the history of TV news since 1954”
So that would be BBC news only, would it, comrade?
Only headline of the week? I think you’ll find that your comment is the understatement of the week!
Wonder if this interesting story will make onto Sunday Morning Live?
Hardly worth mentioning for BBC-NUJ?-
“Lebedevs pump almost £100m into Independent titles and Standard.
“Accounts give strong warning over newspapers’ dependence on funding by father and son media magnates.”
The combined effect of the Evening Standard (free) and the Metro (free) is considerable – probably more influential than the ownership of the Indy.
The editorial slant of the Standard and the Metro is very leftie – and has been vitriolically anti-UKIP. With well over a million of these papers free each day, this probably had a sizeable effect in the London vote.
Nobody wants newspapers anymore. Only Russian oligarchs will do it because they have money to burn. Lebedev has said that he will sell the Indie if somebody offers the right price:
As he bought it for £1 maybe he would accept £2? That’s a 100 per cent mark-up.
Oh dear, The Independent, the BBC’s second favourite left-wing rag, is losing £5million a year. Wouldn’t it be a shame if it went bust and there were no more lectures from Alibai-Brown on the beeb telling us how racist, sexist and islamophobic we all are.
I hear Alibhai Brown is leaving the Indie to start her own media site called killthewhitebastardscum.com
Stand on her own two feet? You must be joking.
It wouldn’t be the British Broadcasting Corporation if it wasn’t daily exhorting us Licence Payers to be… well, to be less British.
‘I know that endless tussles with the EU play well at home, but the EU’s view of Britain might be that we’re always yelling in a corner about chips…’
Of course this is not a plea directly attributable to the BBC – more of a platform given to certain people with certain views…. just an example of what the BBC call ‘A Point of View’
‘Understanding other people’s opinions of us is a good thing, says AL Kennedy.’
AL Kennedy?
‘I was a community arts worker….’
Wiki: ‘Alison Louise “A. L.” Kennedy (born 22 October 1965) is a Scottish writer of novels, short stories and non-fiction and stand-up comedian’
So obviously we have to take seriously the thoughts of a person we used to call ‘a comic’. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating : these days it seems the BBC are all wannabe children of Ben Elton.
She knows the best thing about Britain is the alternative comedy, especially Saint EU Eddie….
‘the world thinks we’re funny. We make them smile. Not just Monty Python or Eddie Izzard – Freddie Frinton. Scandanavia adores Freddie Frinton.’
Well that’s the main thing, isn’t it – be sure the Scandinavian’s love your comedians.
As a born Scot now living in London I’m surprized there is no Scottish/English differentiation in her view of the British – odd that.
Naturally Ms Kennedy is a Guardianista – her take on the Scottish situation pops up here.
Obviously she is a BBC go to girl.
‘Perhaps an independent England will become a country where the rich prosper, despite repeated scandals, and the poor… well, die’
Fair to say she has all those Marxian assumptions and is firmly on the on the political progressive Left ?
‘Point Of View’, Sundays, R4 0845, is now almost exclusively a left-wing or at least a left-leaning platform. The producers did, however, forget themselves on one recent occasion, and allowed Roger Scruton (a true compassionate human) to pollute the airwaves, but that was obviously an oversight.
BBC radio 4 ‘Broadcasting House’
The recent court cases of children’s presenters who were the face of 1970s children’s television, has led to a ‘groomed generation’.
‘We need to change their childhood experience, and memories’
Oh dear! Looks like that’s me heading for the re-education camps. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more sinister announcement on the BBC, because we all know what’s being proposed by the Fascists.
And now we have a complaint of the few pubs left being named after the aristocracy. So it’s off on a hunt for pubs named after Communists, or other left wing hero’s such as the leaders of the peasants revolt.
And of course the people interviewed all just happen to be anti monarchist republicans
What on Earth are you gibbering about?
Perfectly understandable English. Only thing missing is a reference, so why didn’t you just point that out instead of making an arse of yourself?
There is a pub in Dartford called the Wat Tyler. Only gets a 2 star on Trip Advisor.
Current BBC headline is about Leon Brittan and an alleged rape incident in 1967.
Strangely they don’t seem to mention this story about a Labour peer and 12 alleged cases of rape and child abuse:
Unbelievable bias everyday. I don’t understand why the Tories put up with this vile mafia organisation. It’s a disgrace. Every minute of every day there is pro-Labour, pro-Muslim and pro-Palestinian bias. My blood pressure cannot handle much more!
The Tories put up with the BBC for two reasons.
1/ They believe that the public likes and admires the BBC to such an extent that they dare not attack it.
2/ Many in the current Conservative Party could cross the floor of the House and merge seamlessly into the Labour and Lib Dem ranks. They are in agreement with much of the liberal elite nonsense broadcast by the Corporation. In so far as they disagree with it at all, they think a few ‘adjustments’ are all that is needed.
They have mentioned this on the news, and that the allegations are truly shocking, but they also said that although he has been questioned by the Police, he has not been arrested.
I’m quite sure that if they did another McAlpine there would be criticism from everyone.
Wait until the man is charged & then complain if they don’t report it.
Do you mean Leon Brittan or the peer? They don’t seem to be holding back on making out Brittan is guilty.
Apologies, of course Leon Brittan is a peer too. So Tory peers can be named, but Labour ones can’t.