BBC Sunday Morning Live
Aquil Ahmed is obviously still smarting from the public rocking the narrative AGAIN last week.
“Are Christian assemblies in schools ‘meaningless’?”
… what is this drivel? … how about should we allow any Islamic teaching in our school system, seeing that it has a proven detrimental, to
the children s cohesive wellbeing,
a dangerous platform for radical subversion.
instils a agenda of segregation
causes discrimination in food, PE, science, RE and other subjects … why not that? eh?
is that not more pressing, more relative to recent news
much more ethical/moral and important due to the imminent dangers?
The BBC is getting worse everyday. I have noticed a terrible rise in the amount of Islamic propaganda as well as Labour advertising. It is out of control. This website will buckle under the strain of bias that is dribbling from the BBC’s putrid carcass.
He has a point insofar as the Fascist left teachers have decided in certain schools to break the law, and not to hold an assembly of Christian values.
If the BBC were fair minded and unbiased, it would perhaps do an expose on schools which break the law, and those teacher training colleges which have also decided that the law doesn’t matter.
Good news everyone! BBC1 has a 90 minute drama by Jimmy McGovern attacking the laws on ‘joint enterprise’ tonight with a follow up documentary tomorrow, called ‘Guilt By Association’.
Sunday Morning Left blubbering on about conscientious objectors, not just the sort refusing to fight but those who were completely unwilling to lift a finger in order to help the allied war effort. The BBC call them ‘principled’ men. I however, think that if this country is facing a threat and your brethren have to go off to fight whilst you sit and do nothing, then it is wrong. But, like every socialist today who simultaneously shouts through the megaphone at the evil capitalists whilst using their dole money to buy dope or a few lagers down the local after a uncut or occupy march, these parasites are happy for others to do the work whilst they sit and do nothing….
I had one ‘friend’ whom I hadn’t seen for many years and we found each other through other friends on facebook etc. He was always intelligent but very lazy in his teenage years, never getting a job and smoking loads of cannabis etc and reading poetry and listening to far-out music. Sadly, I had to delete him as a friend a few days ago because of all of his socialist trash he was spouting BUT whilst claiming every benefit under the sun. His outspoken sense of entitlement was the epitome of Leftism: “Thou shall fund my indolence whilst I criticize your means of making money” etc. This sense of me, me , me sums up the New Left: “it is this country’s duty to support my lifestyle, whatever that may be, in any way.” But, what they fail (or wish not) to realize is this: that life is not fair, and that we have a responsibility to choose our own path and walk on our own two feet as much as possible without willfully taking from others. Yes, if we lose our jobs welfare should be there to help us. But welfare should not be used as an income or way of life.
There endeth my rant 🙂 I’m off for a walk and then a few real ales in the village pub. Happy Sunday.
The BBC seem awful fond of “celebrating” any granny who packed a soldiers packed lunch…any dog who barked at a Zeppelin…but wilfully chooses to negate the thousands upon thousands of ordinary boys and their dads/work colleagues who went to war and never came back.
These would be the plebs, grunts and poor deluded white trash who did NOT become Muslims at Gallipoli…and so put back the cause of the Caliphate by a few unnecessary years.
The BBC despises them-and any royal connections to their cause…witness BH today trying to remove the names of royalty, toffs or any reference to their coats of arms etc…but hoping we`ll rename them all after Julian Assange or Hillary Clinton.
Hope they`ll ask Anjem Choudhury first though…the Choudhury Chowder Majlis maybe?
‘And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’—John F.Kennedy, inauguration address, January 1961
Probably reminding everybody what exactly the BBC and the liberal Guardian types thought about Geoffrey Dickens MP whilst he was still alive.
A northern fat chubster who wanted hanging and flogging brought back, and a Thatcher type of Tory, uncouth and irrelevant would appear to be the gist of it.
If I remember rightly, he wrote for The Sun…along with Joe Ashton of Labour.
And if he didn`t-he certainly put his pieces into the likes of the Sun and the News of the World.
So then-we can now expect a compassionate review of Geoffrey Dickens MP-without ant efforts to wonder why the BBC and Guardian spent so much time in mocking and ridiculing him at that time.
Let alone the valuable role that the Murdoch press played in raising these issues at that time.
Whilst the BBC and Guardian at the same time did absolutely NOTHING…maybe PIE and their legal teams/Labour co-ordinators and union types had some links with Maxwell and Farringdon Road at the time.
Still-there`ll be no serious Panorama on THAT one will there?
Geoffrey was my next door neighbour & I got to know him quite well.
Like everyone else he wasn’t perfect, and having been so close to the way the media works it’s easy to see them either ignore the negatives, or exploit them mercilessly.
Those who experience this can rarely defend themselves through the courts if what is said is true.
Geoffrey was larger than life, and an easy target. He didn’t help himself when he claimed he had a solution to the middle East conflict, nor when he split from his wife Norma.
But his heart was in the right place and despite the negatives he did make a positive contribution to his party and his government. He was popular amongst his constituents and was re-elected at least twice. His successor was Chris Davies, later MEP who I also know. After this the hopeless Phil Woolas, known locally as Phile useless, because he simply cared more about his career and himself than his constituents. While drinking with a friend at a local pub, two lads came in who had been beaten up by Asian thugs in a racist attack. When it was drawn to his attention, he downed his pint and left without saying a word – a typical Labour solution.
Manifestos all deserve minimal coverage as they are nothing but a book of lies.
This has been confirmed by speeches in the House of Lords that no one should take them seriously.
Where was Mass Immigration, Political Correctness, or countless wars in Liebours Manifesto?
Or Gay marriage, and continued political correctness in the Tory Manifesto?
“A number of Jewish suspects have been arrested over the murder of Palestinian teenager…”
Not Israelis, not ‘men’, “Jewish” – so when it suits them the BBC can be specific about those suspected of heinous crimes. Of course, they’re not so candid about those who murdered the Israeli teenagers.
Of course there are simply stats, darn stats, and what the BBC believes is right, but this seems significant.
Not least because the BBC appears to have fallen back on saying something else that suits better, repeated over and over in hope that credible alternatives will not see the light of day.
This tried and untrustworthy approach may once have worked, but the ComRes poll would suggest the British public are a lot less enamoured of the BBC and its unique funding model than the BBC claims.
And numbers like this can get political spines stiffened.
Bloody Brazilians going on about the loss of Neymar!
WE ought to be in the semis-and had we not lost the services of Gary Lewin in those crucial early stages, I reckon we would be.
Will he be fit for the Euro 2016 campaign?…and can I take a bet on him being voted “Best Physio Copa Mondiale 2014”?..I`m getting good odds from that nice Cameroonish chap!
Do I book my “residential workshop” on Painting with Rolf Harris at Wandsworth for the coming autumn?
Or do I try to anticipate which open top jail he might next be sent to?
In any case, I reckon there`s a money spinner here for Chris Grayling…Ford Open in early October?…see you there!
And I hope to get into a few prison pantos for this Christmas…quite a few star names to choose from, a golden era of the Prison Panto surely!
Comments you`ll NOT be hearing on the Now Show…gutless tarts!
Like the first one Chris, Islam needs to be mocked at every opportunity, especially at Ramalamadingdong.
It is after all absurd, if not for brainwashing its sad flock
into mass killing at every opportunity, or for its insane dress sense, it needs to be gone … long gone.
Be ironic if Norm pulls a BBC Lord knows stance and becomes a well paid overseer who can’t remember or was astoundingly uncurious about stuff.
Professional courtesy may see the BBC suddenly stepping very carefully lest precedents get set that they have so far uniquely avoided.
Ah,….countryfile…some new blonde bimbo…( what’s happened to Ellie Harrison? ) has just informed us from the Peak District, that only 1% of the visitors there come from ethnic minorities.
Errr….really? So fuckin what?
Who gives a fuck if they never use it except for jihadi training skills in Wales.
Until today. i thought i had heard it all.
God help us.
It was an innocuous piece about people who don’t normally experience the beauty of the countryside on their doorstep learning to do so.
But I guess if it raised the blood pressure of the sort of racist who sees brown skin and immediately starts effing and blinding about “Jihadis”, that’s an unexpected plus.
Bless. What about doing a piece about white trash who don’t normally experience the beauty of the countryside on their doorstep learning to do so.
Maybe it doesn’t tick as many boxes.
If this raises the blood pressure of the sort of person who finds would be jihadis “kinda hot”, that’s an unexpected plus.
And yet you’re perfectly happy with Dysgwr_Cymraeg comparing all people of ethnic minority with “jihadis”, choosing instead to attack me with the sort of comment that always surfaces when Biased BBC commenters want to divert attention from the poor behaviour of site regulars. Bully for you.
…maybe the BBC thought it worth featuring a group which existed and had an interesting story, rather than scrabbling around to find a group which wouldn’t offend the sensibilities of sad little racists on the Internet?
Scott I asked you if you would provide a list of those programs produced by the BBC which you see as being favourites by the public, which they like to see repeated, or buy on DVD.
Guest Who showing his complete lack of ability to grasp the point again, I see. Maybe he and “Thoughtful” are the same person – there’s certainly a commonality in the assumption that posting from behind the cowardice of a pseduonym gives them carte blanche to act as if they’re more important than anyone else.
‘Maybe he and “Thoughtful” are the same person’
I always have tried to embrace a more feminine side, but there are limits.
And it seems only yesterday that pondering who might be who else amounted to all sorts of mental disorders. Maybe it’s uniquely OK when some do it but not others? ‘posting from behind the cowardice of a pseduonym’
Now that is really not going to make you popular round the cubicles, in the office at least. Plus some qualification-bedecked new posters will be twitching not to weigh in on educational standards, too. ‘carte blanche to act as if they’re more important than anyone else’
And there you go again. You are truly on a roll today.
Keep smiling.
And never let slip of the high ground.
Too often.
Best, Gusset.
Ah, being patronised by someone who’s so deluded about his own self-importance that he believes anybody who disagrees with him is doing so as part of some BBC-orchestrated plot.
Now that is really not going to make you popular round the cubicles, in the office at least.
I’ve always been honest in my preference for all people to post with their real names. Some people have their reasons – and given the abuse I’ve received from Biased BBC regulars, I can quite understand why others who want to stand up to the prejudice and bigotry displayed on this site may wish to remain anonymous.
Scott we agree — there is big pseudo appearing on GITHUB (an online dating agency) shows how a huge grotesque pseudo ‘lush’ with a ‘bow-tie’ hopes to impress other GIT members (one day over ten years) and the ‘carté blanch’ has an accent on the é) for commonality in that assumption of yours above. So fame at last on GITHUB.
(2) Then a similar ‘neurotic lush’ pseudo appears with your name claiming to be a ‘Drama critic’. Could this be the same person selling ‘discount’ Theatre tickets I wonder?
Poor Philip. Still smarting from being caught out lying about the content of the Lunacek report, are we? So instead of explaining why you lied about the report, you Google my name. Yay, what a big man you are.
Congratulations – in the weekly Biased BBC “who can be the most stupid troll” competition, you’ve taken an early lead.
Before you know it, they’ll be bussing foreigners out to the countryside, and paying them to stay a while, whilst they photograph them “enjoying” themselves, roasting the little baa-lambs on their barbecues, whilst running a mile from any piggywigs they encounter, not forgetting to worship a few cows on the way. Then a stop at a convenient local roadside mosque on the way “home” to cleanse themselves from the shocks they’ve just encountered.
Bbc Countryfile has decided ,the countryside & locals who live there are too “Hideously White ” & Mugabe style must be removed ,forthwith so lets get them out of their white community homesteads ,& more diversity immediately. They are all Tories, most probably & therefore scum , so we need more effnicks in, to de Anglo -Saxonise them .
An interesting article, telling us what we already know except look at the date it was published, proving that Liebour party members knew of the issue and that the media hushed it up.
No surprise after it looks like they hushed up the child sex thing with the BBC and its presenters.
Screw the Bolshie BBC, screw Islam and its indoctrination in schools, screw the soft left Government waiting to replaced by a hard left Labour. Screw the NHS with its odd priorities and the prevailing view of its sanctity, screw the bullshitting warmists and their ever changing lies. Screw all those enforcing the Frankfurt doctrine on our beautiful Islands
I hope in my lifetime Texas secedes as I would be there like a shot.
Why, just why do the BBC and the politicians and civil servants of this country want to destroy it?
I pity the current thick as horseshit generation and the brainwashed youth following it. They will never know the beauty and tolerance and creativity and joy of being British/English/Welsh etc.
When this country finally crumbles either as a state within a Federal Europe or a smouldering husk as some Jihadi loon presses the button I hope, really hope the effing BBC are the first ones against the wall!
Those at the BBC will indeed be the first against the wall. They will have served the purpose and we all know what happens when something is surplus to requirements don’t we? Trouble is, those liberal Lefties at the BBC are so fracking thick, they think they have friends where there aren’t any.
Do Beeboids bid for Tour de France TV viewing contract, or have they decided cycling is insufficiently popular with British people?
“Tour de France: Yorkshire stages watched by 2.5m”
We Definitely don`t want the BBC covering the TDF , ITV picked it up when nobody else wanted it , a wise investment , & it has payed off them big time , The coverage actually comes from France 2 & 3 tv channels , it is all their camera`s on motorbikes , with them probably hiring 2 or 3 choppers from England , ITV get the feed from France & put their commentators on plus ,their own pre stage & post stage coverage . As sport is a commercial business ,then it should be on a commercial channel . News 24 did still try & get their snouts into ITV `s coverage though by doorstepping them with a few nonce reporters .
Yes, one can image the Beeboids’ ‘leftist’ coverage:
-searching out any non-white competitors for special interviews;
-concern for the safety of spectators;
-distaste for the pollution of team cars;
-demands for Tour to include stages in Islamic countries, etc.
For INBBC to report on intensification of Islamisation of U.K:-
“Twin Girls Flee UK To ‘Join Syria Militants.’
Police say two 16-year-olds crept out of their bedrooms and flew to Istanbul before making their way to Syria.”
“It is understood the girls travelled to the war-torn country after an elder brother, believed to be an Jihadi fighter, went there.”
The original piece seems to have been changed, it now says:
“The twins, thought to be originally from Somalia, are believed to be ‘religious’ Muslims ”
The earlier account described them as very religious and gave the distinct (and correct) impression that religious fervour was linked to Jihad, and thus inextricably the two are linked.
No wonder the left leaning MEN, part of the Mirror group changed it.
More and more torpedoes thud into the carcase of the Global Warming cult – Huge increase in Antarctic sea ice and aggregate polar ice, plus it appears that lots of US weather station temperature records have been fiddled.
10 to 1 that neither story is reported by the BBC.
@FrankRGardner: Leader of #Iraq militant group that kidnapped 5 UK hostages (only 1 survived) gives BBC iview. Ill be discussing on Today prog at 0830.
Coming from Generation Apple, I was startled to read that an apparently murderous terrorist had been engaged to give the BBC ‘iview’ on his merry band’s activities, thinking this was perhaps a venture into analysis too far.
But it probably means ‘interview’ (Frank has an unfortunate way of dealing with available space to convey things accurately).
Which is so much different.
And totally fine.
Meanwhile, again showing the clear, insightful, mature engagement that can be expected from the BBC’s top kindergarten editor..
@BowenBBC: @pop_goes_the no things have moved on. Keep up.
He’d do well as a Flokker. Claim based on BBC belief, zero fact to clarify and a snark.
Nice one Jezza.
Makes Michael White seem like a reporter of calm integrity.
AR: “We answer them by giving them the evidence that we’ve tried to put the other side as often as we can.”
And if the evidence doesn’t suit, or what they try isn’t what happens, a bank of FoI exclusion lawyers awaits to ensure the BBC gives nothing away, for the purposes of that all too unique journlalism they selectively practice.
Read carefully between all the ‘anger’ about this and ‘some campaigners say that’ and you may notice Bacon’s boss quoted as stating 5 Live is now to be more Salford-centric. So Dicky boy must have refused to leave the capital.
And meanwhile over at The British Social Engineering Broadcasting Corporation..
‘Wall (BBC 5 Live controller Jonathan Wall) admitting the station “needs to do more on black and Asian talent”.’
So just to be clear : it’s not about how you sound, it’s about how you look – on the radio.
Anyone who listens to Five Live for more than say, four seconds, will have noticed they are never shy in reading out texts and tweets on a range of topics. Well, up to a point.
This morning circa 7.15 the topic was Scots independence and two older ladies representing each side put their views up for consideration to an increasingly bored population.
The “no” lady was rather pleasant, with nothing to be said that hasn’t been said many thousands of times before, but the Nat was in full “I like the English but…” mode, including that old favourite “Coming up here, taking our jobs.”
Strangely not a single text, tweet or email has been read out about that interview. It appears to have been airbrushed from history. It seems it didn’t quite fit the Five Live independence narrative, which perhaps unsurprisingly, is a subtle “vote yes”.
It’ll be interesting to see if it gets to iPlayer.
With managed media, like in the old Soviet bloc, you have to read between the lines and read what isn’t said.
For instance with crimes on the BBC, if race is known but not stated then it means the perps were non-white. Similarily ‘Asian’ does not mean ‘asian’ as the maps would have it. Depending on the spin on a story someone up to 17 can be described as a ‘child’. A muslim ‘conservative’ is the same as a muslim ‘radical’. So it goes on ..
The Welsh local news on bbc breakfast this morning has led every item with the words:
‘ the leader of a Shia Moslem group in Iraq has told the bbc the government didnt do enough to save the lives of a Welsh Hostage abducted while protecting an IT expert ‘
Errrr….excuse me? Some 7th fuckin century savages capture and kill a western hostage and it’s our fuckin fault?
Fuck off BBC.
AlBeeb are anti British and always err on the enemies side as much as they can in almost every broadcast they make. Their end is neigh and its their own doing
taffmanFeb 26, 00:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Flotsam The whole energy supply price is a con ! These islands of Great Britain are sitting on beds of…
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JonathanRFeb 25, 23:46 Midweek 26th February 2025 Politicians lie We know they do but is there a more blatant liar than this man?
atlas_shruggedFeb 25, 23:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Time to start deporting judges: Albanian People Smuggler Deemed “Valuable Member of Society” Can Stay in UK
ZephirFeb 25, 22:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Elsewhere on the web: “I live above one commercial high street building and also next to a pub. Both of…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:36 Midweek 26th February 2025 And yet, the starmer mob have overruled this: “England: Planning rules on air source heat pumps to be relaxed. Following…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 And the noise… The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland: “Heat pumps too loud for home, study says UK Ministers…
FlotsamFeb 25, 22:26 Midweek 26th February 2025 Let’s put things straights, Heat Pumps are a con, they do not save energy and reduce CO2, they cost a…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:11 Midweek 26th February 2025 The Campaign Against Antisemitism also expressed outrage over the broadcaster’s coverage of Hamas handing over the remains of killed hostages,…
A report on R4 news this morning on government plans to spend millions improving Wi-Fi speed on trains.
Intrepid BBC reporter claims ‘Most people will have experienced the frustration of trying to use Wi-Fi on trains’.
Life in the BBC bubble, eh?
BBC Sunday Morning Live
Aquil Ahmed is obviously still smarting from the public rocking the narrative AGAIN last week.
“Are Christian assemblies in schools ‘meaningless’?”
… what is this drivel? … how about should we allow any Islamic teaching in our school system, seeing that it has a proven detrimental, to
the children s cohesive wellbeing,
a dangerous platform for radical subversion.
instils a agenda of segregation
causes discrimination in food, PE, science, RE and other subjects … why not that? eh?
is that not more pressing, more relative to recent news
much more ethical/moral and important due to the imminent dangers?
The BBC is getting worse everyday. I have noticed a terrible rise in the amount of Islamic propaganda as well as Labour advertising. It is out of control. This website will buckle under the strain of bias that is dribbling from the BBC’s putrid carcass.
He has a point insofar as the Fascist left teachers have decided in certain schools to break the law, and not to hold an assembly of Christian values.
If the BBC were fair minded and unbiased, it would perhaps do an expose on schools which break the law, and those teacher training colleges which have also decided that the law doesn’t matter.
Good news everyone! BBC1 has a 90 minute drama by Jimmy McGovern attacking the laws on ‘joint enterprise’ tonight with a follow up documentary tomorrow, called ‘Guilt By Association’.
See, no agenda at all there!
An updated Craig & Bentley case?
BBC-NUJ has this:-
“Lord Brittan ‘interviewed over historical rape allegation'”
But, ‘Daily Mail’ has this:-
“Labour Lord’s ‘sex attacks on 12 children’: ‘Horrific’ allegations include rape and serious sexual assaults MoS reveals”
Read more:
-As noted by Rufus on here, today, 9:54 a.m.
Sunday Morning Left blubbering on about conscientious objectors, not just the sort refusing to fight but those who were completely unwilling to lift a finger in order to help the allied war effort. The BBC call them ‘principled’ men. I however, think that if this country is facing a threat and your brethren have to go off to fight whilst you sit and do nothing, then it is wrong. But, like every socialist today who simultaneously shouts through the megaphone at the evil capitalists whilst using their dole money to buy dope or a few lagers down the local after a uncut or occupy march, these parasites are happy for others to do the work whilst they sit and do nothing….
I had one ‘friend’ whom I hadn’t seen for many years and we found each other through other friends on facebook etc. He was always intelligent but very lazy in his teenage years, never getting a job and smoking loads of cannabis etc and reading poetry and listening to far-out music. Sadly, I had to delete him as a friend a few days ago because of all of his socialist trash he was spouting BUT whilst claiming every benefit under the sun. His outspoken sense of entitlement was the epitome of Leftism: “Thou shall fund my indolence whilst I criticize your means of making money” etc. This sense of me, me , me sums up the New Left: “it is this country’s duty to support my lifestyle, whatever that may be, in any way.” But, what they fail (or wish not) to realize is this: that life is not fair, and that we have a responsibility to choose our own path and walk on our own two feet as much as possible without willfully taking from others. Yes, if we lose our jobs welfare should be there to help us. But welfare should not be used as an income or way of life.
There endeth my rant 🙂 I’m off for a walk and then a few real ales in the village pub. Happy Sunday.
The BBC seem awful fond of “celebrating” any granny who packed a soldiers packed lunch…any dog who barked at a Zeppelin…but wilfully chooses to negate the thousands upon thousands of ordinary boys and their dads/work colleagues who went to war and never came back.
These would be the plebs, grunts and poor deluded white trash who did NOT become Muslims at Gallipoli…and so put back the cause of the Caliphate by a few unnecessary years.
The BBC despises them-and any royal connections to their cause…witness BH today trying to remove the names of royalty, toffs or any reference to their coats of arms etc…but hoping we`ll rename them all after Julian Assange or Hillary Clinton.
Hope they`ll ask Anjem Choudhury first though…the Choudhury Chowder Majlis maybe?
‘And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’—John F.Kennedy, inauguration address, January 1961
Sadly I think we all have an ex-schoolmate in that category…………..
While INBBC celebrates ramadan, in France, unreported by INBBC:-
“July 9 protest against ramadan”
Remembering Islamic jihadists’ massacres in London , 7 July, 2005?
How much attention will Beeboids give to this on Monday?
Click to access 1087.pdf
BBC gives free publicity to a book on feminism by a feminist –
I hope they give the same amount of gushing publicity to the next book by Rod Liddle, James Delingpole or Peter Hitchens.
Yep, all true but here’s a broadcaster that keeps tut-tutting about supposed sexism on twitter giving a tongue-bath to a misandrous hag.
Probably reminding everybody what exactly the BBC and the liberal Guardian types thought about Geoffrey Dickens MP whilst he was still alive.
A northern fat chubster who wanted hanging and flogging brought back, and a Thatcher type of Tory, uncouth and irrelevant would appear to be the gist of it.
If I remember rightly, he wrote for The Sun…along with Joe Ashton of Labour.
And if he didn`t-he certainly put his pieces into the likes of the Sun and the News of the World.
So then-we can now expect a compassionate review of Geoffrey Dickens MP-without ant efforts to wonder why the BBC and Guardian spent so much time in mocking and ridiculing him at that time.
Let alone the valuable role that the Murdoch press played in raising these issues at that time.
Whilst the BBC and Guardian at the same time did absolutely NOTHING…maybe PIE and their legal teams/Labour co-ordinators and union types had some links with Maxwell and Farringdon Road at the time.
Still-there`ll be no serious Panorama on THAT one will there?
Geoffrey was my next door neighbour & I got to know him quite well.
Like everyone else he wasn’t perfect, and having been so close to the way the media works it’s easy to see them either ignore the negatives, or exploit them mercilessly.
Those who experience this can rarely defend themselves through the courts if what is said is true.
Geoffrey was larger than life, and an easy target. He didn’t help himself when he claimed he had a solution to the middle East conflict, nor when he split from his wife Norma.
But his heart was in the right place and despite the negatives he did make a positive contribution to his party and his government. He was popular amongst his constituents and was re-elected at least twice. His successor was Chris Davies, later MEP who I also know. After this the hopeless Phil Woolas, known locally as Phile useless, because he simply cared more about his career and himself than his constituents. While drinking with a friend at a local pub, two lads came in who had been beaten up by Asian thugs in a racist attack. When it was drawn to his attention, he downed his pint and left without saying a word – a typical Labour solution.
Heads up on the UKIP manifesto, due to be agreed tomorrow. The BBC won’t like it when it’s published (their beloved department for Energy and Climate Change is for the chop)- it’ll be interesting to see how they report it, if indeed, they bother:
Coverage of UKIP has been infinitesimal since the Euro elections.
Why, anyone might think the BBC had something against the party.
Manifestos all deserve minimal coverage as they are nothing but a book of lies.
This has been confirmed by speeches in the House of Lords that no one should take them seriously.
Where was Mass Immigration, Political Correctness, or countless wars in Liebours Manifesto?
Or Gay marriage, and continued political correctness in the Tory Manifesto?
Heads up on the UKIP manifesto, due to be agreed tomorrow. The BBC won’t like it when it’s published (their beloved department for Energy and Climate Change is for the chop)- it’ll be interesting to see how they report it, if indeed, they bother:
No idea how I managed to post twice. But I suppose good news is welcome as many times as it can be published…
“A number of Jewish suspects have been arrested over the murder of Palestinian teenager…”
Not Israelis, not ‘men’, “Jewish” – so when it suits them the BBC can be specific about those suspected of heinous crimes. Of course, they’re not so candid about those who murdered the Israeli teenagers.
Of course there are simply stats, darn stats, and what the BBC believes is right, but this seems significant.
Not least because the BBC appears to have fallen back on saying something else that suits better, repeated over and over in hope that credible alternatives will not see the light of day.
This tried and untrustworthy approach may once have worked, but the ComRes poll would suggest the British public are a lot less enamoured of the BBC and its unique funding model than the BBC claims.
And numbers like this can get political spines stiffened.
Bloody Brazilians going on about the loss of Neymar!
WE ought to be in the semis-and had we not lost the services of Gary Lewin in those crucial early stages, I reckon we would be.
Will he be fit for the Euro 2016 campaign?…and can I take a bet on him being voted “Best Physio Copa Mondiale 2014”?..I`m getting good odds from that nice Cameroonish chap!
Do I book my “residential workshop” on Painting with Rolf Harris at Wandsworth for the coming autumn?
Or do I try to anticipate which open top jail he might next be sent to?
In any case, I reckon there`s a money spinner here for Chris Grayling…Ford Open in early October?…see you there!
And I hope to get into a few prison pantos for this Christmas…quite a few star names to choose from, a golden era of the Prison Panto surely!
Comments you`ll NOT be hearing on the Now Show…gutless tarts!
Ah yes, they can run an ‘it’s a knockout meets Rolf ‘ .
Enjoy this story whilst you can, before Judge Leveson comes a knockin`.
Disrespectful to the jihad apparently…oh dear!
And-to quote the brilliant Jimmy Cricket!…there`s more!
Like the first one Chris, Islam needs to be mocked at every opportunity, especially at Ramalamadingdong.
It is after all absurd, if not for brainwashing its sad flock
into mass killing at every opportunity, or for its insane dress sense, it needs to be gone … long gone.
INBBC News TV channel: tonight, 9:30 pm-
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) accompanies Muslims on journey from Bolton to Syria tgo give aid to Muslims.
When will INBBC accompany Christians from England going to Syria to give aid to Christians under violent attack from Islamic jihadists there?
Will INBBC be checking closely on the Islamic purposes to which ‘zakat’ will be put?:-
“UK Government freezes the assets of 25 Muslims and 26 Islamic charities linked to jihad groups”
– See more at:
“Muslim writer: zakat (Islamic almsgiving) may not be given to non-Muslims or to build hospitals or orphanages, but can go for jihad warfare”
anyone else noticed the bbc’s temporary and partial crush on lord Tibbett?
I’m half expecting a story extolling Tebbit’s enthusiasm for cycling.
Be ironic if Norm pulls a BBC Lord knows stance and becomes a well paid overseer who can’t remember or was astoundingly uncurious about stuff.
Professional courtesy may see the BBC suddenly stepping very carefully lest precedents get set that they have so far uniquely avoided.
Ah,….countryfile…some new blonde bimbo…( what’s happened to Ellie Harrison? ) has just informed us from the Peak District, that only 1% of the visitors there come from ethnic minorities.
Errr….really? So fuckin what?
Who gives a fuck if they never use it except for jihadi training skills in Wales.
Until today. i thought i had heard it all.
God help us.
All that, plus a barely-described promo for another one of their crappy shows. No advertising on the BBC, right?
Oops – best make that ‘barely disguised’.
It was an innocuous piece about people who don’t normally experience the beauty of the countryside on their doorstep learning to do so.
But I guess if it raised the blood pressure of the sort of racist who sees brown skin and immediately starts effing and blinding about “Jihadis”, that’s an unexpected plus.
Bless. What about doing a piece about white trash who don’t normally experience the beauty of the countryside on their doorstep learning to do so.
Maybe it doesn’t tick as many boxes.
If this raises the blood pressure of the sort of person who finds would be jihadis “kinda hot”, that’s an unexpected plus.
Ah yes, have a go at me instead of the man who described a group led by a Hindu woman as “jihadis” just because of their skin colour.
Defend the racism from behind your pseudonym if you want. Just don’t pretend that you’re doing anything other than sticking up for a bigot.
WTF are you on about?
I am married to a black woman.
I am not defending racism. You are the bigot.
“I am not defending racism…”
And yet you’re perfectly happy with Dysgwr_Cymraeg comparing all people of ethnic minority with “jihadis”, choosing instead to attack me with the sort of comment that always surfaces when Biased BBC commenters want to divert attention from the poor behaviour of site regulars. Bully for you.
It was an innocuous piece about people who don’t normally experience the beauty of the countryside on their doorstep learning to do so.
…but why ethnic minorities? Why not urban poor or something similar?
…maybe the BBC thought it worth featuring a group which existed and had an interesting story, rather than scrabbling around to find a group which wouldn’t offend the sensibilities of sad little racists on the Internet?
Scott I asked you if you would provide a list of those programs produced by the BBC which you see as being favourites by the public, which they like to see repeated, or buy on DVD.
I haven’t seen a response as yet.
a) When did you post that,
b) What on earth makes you presume that it’s appropriate to assume that everyone will jump according to your beck and call?
b) est irony failure ev… so far.
Guest Who showing his complete lack of ability to grasp the point again, I see. Maybe he and “Thoughtful” are the same person – there’s certainly a commonality in the assumption that posting from behind the cowardice of a pseduonym gives them carte blanche to act as if they’re more important than anyone else.
‘Maybe he and “Thoughtful” are the same person’
I always have tried to embrace a more feminine side, but there are limits.
And it seems only yesterday that pondering who might be who else amounted to all sorts of mental disorders. Maybe it’s uniquely OK when some do it but not others?
‘posting from behind the cowardice of a pseduonym’
Now that is really not going to make you popular round the cubicles, in the office at least. Plus some qualification-bedecked new posters will be twitching not to weigh in on educational standards, too.
‘carte blanche to act as if they’re more important than anyone else’
And there you go again. You are truly on a roll today.
Keep smiling.
And never let slip of the high ground.
Too often.
Best, Gusset.
Ah, being patronised by someone who’s so deluded about his own self-importance that he believes anybody who disagrees with him is doing so as part of some BBC-orchestrated plot.
Now that is really not going to make you popular round the cubicles, in the office at least.
I’ve always been honest in my preference for all people to post with their real names. Some people have their reasons – and given the abuse I’ve received from Biased BBC regulars, I can quite understand why others who want to stand up to the prejudice and bigotry displayed on this site may wish to remain anonymous.
What’s your excuse?
Scott we agree — there is big pseudo appearing on GITHUB (an online dating agency) shows how a huge grotesque pseudo ‘lush’ with a ‘bow-tie’ hopes to impress other GIT members (one day over ten years) and the ‘carté blanch’ has an accent on the é) for commonality in that assumption of yours above. So fame at last on GITHUB.
(2) Then a similar ‘neurotic lush’ pseudo appears with your name claiming to be a ‘Drama critic’. Could this be the same person selling ‘discount’ Theatre tickets I wonder?
Poor Philip. Still smarting from being caught out lying about the content of the Lunacek report, are we? So instead of explaining why you lied about the report, you Google my name. Yay, what a big man you are.
Congratulations – in the weekly Biased BBC “who can be the most stupid troll” competition, you’ve taken an early lead.
Before you know it, they’ll be bussing foreigners out to the countryside, and paying them to stay a while, whilst they photograph them “enjoying” themselves, roasting the little baa-lambs on their barbecues, whilst running a mile from any piggywigs they encounter, not forgetting to worship a few cows on the way. Then a stop at a convenient local roadside mosque on the way “home” to cleanse themselves from the shocks they’ve just encountered.
Why are they so obsessed with race that public money is being wasted monitoring the figures in the first place?
Bbc Countryfile has decided ,the countryside & locals who live there are too “Hideously White ” & Mugabe style must be removed ,forthwith so lets get them out of their white community homesteads ,& more diversity immediately. They are all Tories, most probably & therefore scum , so we need more effnicks in, to de Anglo -Saxonise them .
An interesting article, telling us what we already know except look at the date it was published, proving that Liebour party members knew of the issue and that the media hushed it up.
No surprise after it looks like they hushed up the child sex thing with the BBC and its presenters.
Screw the Bolshie BBC, screw Islam and its indoctrination in schools, screw the soft left Government waiting to replaced by a hard left Labour. Screw the NHS with its odd priorities and the prevailing view of its sanctity, screw the bullshitting warmists and their ever changing lies. Screw all those enforcing the Frankfurt doctrine on our beautiful Islands
I hope in my lifetime Texas secedes as I would be there like a shot.
Why, just why do the BBC and the politicians and civil servants of this country want to destroy it?
I pity the current thick as horseshit generation and the brainwashed youth following it. They will never know the beauty and tolerance and creativity and joy of being British/English/Welsh etc.
When this country finally crumbles either as a state within a Federal Europe or a smouldering husk as some Jihadi loon presses the button I hope, really hope the effing BBC are the first ones against the wall!
Rant over.
Those at the BBC will indeed be the first against the wall. They will have served the purpose and we all know what happens when something is surplus to requirements don’t we? Trouble is, those liberal Lefties at the BBC are so fracking thick, they think they have friends where there aren’t any.
Tour de France.
Do Beeboids bid for Tour de France TV viewing contract, or have they decided cycling is insufficiently popular with British people?
“Tour de France: Yorkshire stages watched by 2.5m”
We Definitely don`t want the BBC covering the TDF , ITV picked it up when nobody else wanted it , a wise investment , & it has payed off them big time , The coverage actually comes from France 2 & 3 tv channels , it is all their camera`s on motorbikes , with them probably hiring 2 or 3 choppers from England , ITV get the feed from France & put their commentators on plus ,their own pre stage & post stage coverage . As sport is a commercial business ,then it should be on a commercial channel . News 24 did still try & get their snouts into ITV `s coverage though by doorstepping them with a few nonce reporters .
Yes, one can image the Beeboids’ ‘leftist’ coverage:
-searching out any non-white competitors for special interviews;
-concern for the safety of spectators;
-distaste for the pollution of team cars;
-demands for Tour to include stages in Islamic countries, etc.
For INBBC to report on intensification of Islamisation of U.K:-
“Twin Girls Flee UK To ‘Join Syria Militants.’
Police say two 16-year-olds crept out of their bedrooms and flew to Istanbul before making their way to Syria.”
INBBC’s ‘report’ reads like it’s been written by a committee of imams-
“Greater Manchester Police seeking ‘Syria trip’ twins”
“It is understood the girls travelled to the war-torn country after an elder brother, believed to be an Jihadi fighter, went there.”
The original piece seems to have been changed, it now says:
“The twins, thought to be originally from Somalia, are believed to be ‘religious’ Muslims ”
The earlier account described them as very religious and gave the distinct (and correct) impression that religious fervour was linked to Jihad, and thus inextricably the two are linked.
No wonder the left leaning MEN, part of the Mirror group changed it.
The next step is obvious, I hope the police realise all they have to do is cherchez l’homme
Boyfriend, ‘cousin’….
More and more torpedoes thud into the carcase of the Global Warming cult – Huge increase in Antarctic sea ice and aggregate polar ice, plus it appears that lots of US weather station temperature records have been fiddled.
10 to 1 that neither story is reported by the BBC.
@FrankRGardner: Leader of #Iraq militant group that kidnapped 5 UK hostages (only 1 survived) gives BBC iview. Ill be discussing on Today prog at 0830.
Coming from Generation Apple, I was startled to read that an apparently murderous terrorist had been engaged to give the BBC ‘iview’ on his merry band’s activities, thinking this was perhaps a venture into analysis too far.
But it probably means ‘interview’ (Frank has an unfortunate way of dealing with available space to convey things accurately).
Which is so much different.
And totally fine.
Meanwhile, again showing the clear, insightful, mature engagement that can be expected from the BBC’s top kindergarten editor..
@BowenBBC: @pop_goes_the no things have moved on. Keep up.
He’d do well as a Flokker. Claim based on BBC belief, zero fact to clarify and a snark.
Nice one Jezza.
Makes Michael White seem like a reporter of calm integrity.
Maybe the Jihaddi’s will see Gardner’s wheelchair as the work of Satan and the West
Presenter: “When you get people complaining that they feel one side has been given more air-time or more favour than the other, what do you do?”
AR: “We answer them by giving them the evidence that we’ve tried to put the other side as often as we can.”
And if the evidence doesn’t suit, or what they try isn’t what happens, a bank of FoI exclusion lawyers awaits to ensure the BBC gives nothing away, for the purposes of that all too unique journlalism they selectively practice.
Look, it’s true… really, please believe me…. it says so in the Guardian!
richard bacon @richardpbacon · Jul 5
Boring now, I know. so let’s shut up after this. But if there are any lingering doubts that any of us were axed…. …
Read carefully between all the ‘anger’ about this and ‘some campaigners say that’ and you may notice Bacon’s boss quoted as stating 5 Live is now to be more Salford-centric. So Dicky boy must have refused to leave the capital.
And meanwhile over at The British Social Engineering Broadcasting Corporation..
‘Wall (BBC 5 Live controller Jonathan Wall) admitting the station “needs to do more on black and Asian talent”.’
So just to be clear : it’s not about how you sound, it’s about how you look – on the radio.
Anyone who listens to Five Live for more than say, four seconds, will have noticed they are never shy in reading out texts and tweets on a range of topics. Well, up to a point.
This morning circa 7.15 the topic was Scots independence and two older ladies representing each side put their views up for consideration to an increasingly bored population.
The “no” lady was rather pleasant, with nothing to be said that hasn’t been said many thousands of times before, but the Nat was in full “I like the English but…” mode, including that old favourite “Coming up here, taking our jobs.”
Strangely not a single text, tweet or email has been read out about that interview. It appears to have been airbrushed from history. It seems it didn’t quite fit the Five Live independence narrative, which perhaps unsurprisingly, is a subtle “vote yes”.
It’ll be interesting to see if it gets to iPlayer.
With managed media, like in the old Soviet bloc, you have to read between the lines and read what isn’t said.
For instance with crimes on the BBC, if race is known but not stated then it means the perps were non-white. Similarily ‘Asian’ does not mean ‘asian’ as the maps would have it. Depending on the spin on a story someone up to 17 can be described as a ‘child’. A muslim ‘conservative’ is the same as a muslim ‘radical’. So it goes on ..
The Welsh local news on bbc breakfast this morning has led every item with the words:
‘ the leader of a Shia Moslem group in Iraq has told the bbc the government didnt do enough to save the lives of a Welsh Hostage abducted while protecting an IT expert ‘
Errrr….excuse me? Some 7th fuckin century savages capture and kill a western hostage and it’s our fuckin fault?
Fuck off BBC.
Bad language especially for Scotty.
AlBeeb are anti British and always err on the enemies side as much as they can in almost every broadcast they make. Their end is neigh and its their own doing