Given the BBC’s current pro-Hamastan viewpoint and it’s hysteria over the Commonwealth Games, and the prevailing good weather, I have cut back on my consumption of bias but extend an offer for you to detail what you see here!
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Why the ‘recovery’ is not as good as you might think.
Of course GDP is a meaningful figure, and so is the growth rate, however they are not the only metrics, and they present a very misleading picture.
Income per capita and GDP per capita are equally important, and they unfortunately aren’t anything like as healthy.
So how have the Tories managed to achieve this seeming impossibility?
Simples ! immigration is the answer, and since the banking crisis the population has grown by a whopping 2 million!
It still has a positive effect on the figures if nearly all of them claim benefits, and shows one of the reasons why immigration is so popular for politicians.
It’s a short term gain of course but that’s how politicians think. Last year alone Camoron allowed in 550 000 immigrants. The more he lets in the better the figures appear without any meaningful benefit to the country as a whole.
This is why most people are not seeing any rise in living standards, because the growth has simply been spread over more people.
Don’t trust the Tories or the figures, because they’ve been deliberately engineered to mislead.
‘Income per capita and GDP per capita are equally important, and they unfortunately aren’t anything like as healthy.’
So the BBC have been saying all day.
You are Toenails Robinson and I claim my £5
Funny but I typed all this before it appeared on the BBC.
Now even Labour have admitted that this is the cause, but not that this is a very attractive policy for politicos as it gives them easy results for a short while, and stuff the consequences later down the track.
Spot on and still the population is not waking up to damage being reaped upon us. Talk about sleepwalking to our death.
To all the bBC clones out there (You know who you are Agent Smith) where is the condemnation and protests over this;
Ramadan Death Count
Have to hurry thou, only 3 days left for Allah’s favourite peoples to continue on their month of peaceful thoughts. Then I suppose its back to normal.
I have to admit it Pounce, I seriously didn’t think they’d make it this year but they have proved me wrong, 7 thousand and counting!
Wonder what the BBC will make of the divorce and property empire of this great anti-capitalist hero.
They won’t report it.
No. The divorce is less important than the fact that Moore had spent years acting the anti-capitalist folk hero, and yet he owns nine properties worth $50 million.
Stinking hypocrite.
And in other news (from a FoB, so I merely report, with occasional analysis)…
‘There’ll be some frantic re-cutting today’
And possibly some archive re-jigging in time.
Must be fun wondering which ‘regime’ you belong to, and whether it is ‘in’, or ‘out’. Still beyond the stress counselling, at least vast quantities of licence fee payer cash is assured to ease any career bumps as various market rates play empire building games.
‘All four posts are graded SM1 – the top band of BBC pay.’
Is there any other?
‘Lord Hall and his batman, James Purnell, have so far played the issue fairly cool – the licence-fee system is, they say, pretty good, and with a few tweaks should stay.’
A shame really Mandy Rice Davies was not on the committee to comment on the value of insights being offered, plus expenses.
The Greek artillery tweet battle referred to later is also interesting (clearly not feeding others of a different mind a lesson not learned chez Aunty, where time and money are not issues of concern if seeking to win by attrition) . I thought all things Greek ended in tragedy, mind. Sadly, at time of writing, on Mr. Heath’s blog, it seems no one cares enough to even bother arguing. I predict a closing soon.
As an aside, one for the ‘shocked I tell you, shocked’ files:
‘Heath (York University and three years as a Labour party researcher)’
Must have brought a warm glow to such as Ben Bradshaw on the DCMS inquiry.
The next episode from Sack ‘o Rats’ Daily is eagerly awaited.
Just have to hope they don’t run out of limitless non-programming dosh too soon, or they may need to raid the pot again.
Emily Maitlis on Newsnight, interviewing Mark Regev after Israel has deliberately shelled a UN school containg children (according to her).
Why doesn’t she climb off the fence and tell us what she really thinks.
Regev, for his part, was brilliant and extended far more patience and courtesy than Maitlis deserved.
A seriously unprofessional performance from her. It’s OK for Israel, she said, they’ve got Iron Dome to protect them, but the Palestinians are paying with the deaths of their children.
Sounds to me like she wants more Israeli children to die, to even things up a bit. Perhaps they could turn off the Iron Dome system for a few days and stop Israelis from going to bomb shelters.
Perhaps they should turn
ITV ,CH4 and others are reporting the fact that several Hamas rockets/missiles impacted the area at the same time as the school incident.
Yes, Regev kept trying to mention that, but he might as well as well have talked to the trees because Maitlis was having none of it.
I had a look at an image of damage in front of a school – with comments that there was no sign of any rocket.
Well pardon my ignorance but had that been an Israeli shell fused to explode on impact there would have been a crater several feet deep. The blast pattern has all the hallmarks of a air explosion set off a foot or so above the ground. the blast is too regular.
FYI an impact at speed on the ground causes a shockwave to travel through the ground disturbing it. If the explosion happens above the surface then the shockwave gets reflected.
A few years ago there was piece on the BBC with a reporter being shown around Gaza by a man. The man showed our hero where a family of little girls had been killed by evil Jewish bombs (complete with blood stains but strangely no burning – the non incendiary type of bomb perhaps). He also showed a place where he said an Israeli phosphorous shell had landed and, low and behold on the cleared ground was a piece of metal with squiggles on it that we were assured was Hebrew. Now the fact that the area had been swept clear it was just obviously good luck that the piece of Israeli metal just happened to be there in the middle of the floor with no other rubble around it to hide it from view. A serendipitous finding obviously.
Our BBC hero accepted all this in good faith and just didn’t seem to notice that it was all obviously staged. I wonder why?
I once saw a piece of new live from Gaza where the cameraman turned to a hole in a wall just as an Arab man was placing a little girl though it from the other side to stand in front of the hole and rubble. The man looked up startled and pulled her back quickly as the camera quickly panned away. They never did repeat that report in any future news reports
Have you seen the anti-Jewish and anti-Christian propaganda in the school text books ? By that I mean the pledge to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map.
Have you seen the pix of Pally kids posing with their AK47s ?
Hamas are a bunch of brutal Islamonazi butchers who would use THEIR OWN children as pawns in a warped propaganda war, so don’t thnk the Pallies are so blameless.
The bBC propaganda machine at work again:
Gaza crisis: Toll of operations in Gaza
The bBC give us the stats on Gaza and one of their charts/presentations is this one:
Looking at the Palestinian death toll, can somebody clarify what Others represents?
On the bBC do give an explanation (of sorts) but it left me even more confused than the time the bbC referred to those London Suidice bombers as misguided criminals. Maybe some nice gentleman who has a penchant for picking up others for their comprehension ,grammar and spelling could elucidate.
It’s muddled BBC thinking. Those killed taking part in hostilities (you mean combatants?) and those the BBC cannot determine were taking part.
Is Islam Not BBC (INBBC) interested in this racism?:-
“Netherlands: Muslim protesters scream ‘Death to all Jews'”
[Excerpt, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“Europe, under the influence of its massive influx of Muslim immigrants, seems eager to travel down the same road it took in the 1930′s. We have seen similar genocidal chants recently in France and Germany. Will European authorities at any point put at stop to this, or will they just continue with their policies of appeasement and surrender until it is far too late?”
Will there be similar racist chants on next anti-Jewish demo by ‘left’-Islamic elements in London?
“Million Man Hate March Against the Jews Promised in London This Saturday”
[Excerpt, by Pamela Geller]:-
“Good thing the British authorities banned Robert Spencer and me from speaking against jihad in the UK. They feared we would incite their Muslim population to riot. Good thing they have that all under control”. – See more at:
“Good thing they have all that under control.”
See this film link and catch the dialogue at 2’40”
There will also be a demo outside Parliament tomorrow afternoon, more sparsely attended, for for a for more worthy cause.
The forgotten Christians in Iraq and Syria, currently being given the choices of heavy taxes, death, or conversion to the RoP.
I meant “for a far more worthy cause”.
Lest we forget about the brutal and savage methods of Islamic State – and Hamas is no better.
No such thing, they were either Jordanian Christians or Egyptian Christians before 67′. Pally’s an Arafat invention.
Hamas is a savage ISLAMIST outfit. There is no place for Christians under their rule.
Palestinian Christians are now either paying jizya tax, or they’d been forcibly converted to Islam.
Any with foresight would have emigrated by now.
(Response to troll ‘Todger’, who claimed Pally Christians would not support Israel).
There were only 5,000 Christians left in Pally territory within a year of Hamas taking over.
And similarly with terrorist Islamic jihad savages of ‘Islamic State’:-
“Having captured Mosul and emptied it of Christians, the Islamic State is now driving Christians out of the surrounding areas as well. But Israel cannot be blamed and no Muslims are suffering from outbreaks of ‘Islamophobia,’ so the international community takes little to no notice.”
-from –
“Islamic State now aggressively pursuing Christians in Nineveh Plain”
By Robert Spencer.
Interesting article looking at the lefty liberals’ use of ‘islamist’ as opposed to islamic.
A few month ago, maybe even the end of last year, I was walking past the Lowry Centre in Salford where an Israeli modern dance troupe were due to perform. The far-left nazis were having a demonstration outside. It was dark and suddenly one of the scum moved towards me and Mrs. D. and tried to pass me a leaflet – angered as I was by this time I shouted “fuck off” to them and they backed away. A young copper jumped straight over and told me not to use such language to a woman (to be honest I hadn’t even noticed it was a woman, all I registered was that it was a nazi.) I told him, still in angry voice, that these bastards had already murdered 6 millionand they wanted to do it again. I didn’t apologise and the copper said no more.
Later that night we went back the same way; the demonstration had just broken up and only a few scum were still there, so we wandered into the foyer of the Lowry to see what was coming on. We left, but were still hanging around as the rain had stopped and it was nice to be in the air; when I saw a woman peering out from the theatre (presumably to see who was around.) She and her lady friends walked out and we started chatting, I didn’t mention my earlier outburst but when I said where we were from (not near there) she got suspicious and asked why we were there I said we’d come for the football. That seemed to relieve her and I made sure to accompany them to their taxi (which was actually close) – again I didn’t tell her that I was doing that. I’m no hero but sometimes you have to stand up for what is right, and that was not the Nazis getting wet in the dark in that square.
Demon, sorry to hear you had to experience such .
On a number of occasions, I’ve met these Nazi types.
In Leeds , I walked through a procession over the deportation of somebody. They were going around getting people to sign a petition and I kindly refused. The man (he was white) asked me why (As if it fucking matters) and I said that people with no right to be in the country should be sent home.
He very calmly stated , that people like me (brown skinned) should stick together. I Just walked away.
Another time, CND had a stand and they also had a petition going regards America. I refused and the bloke called me a Facist. I told him I was the wrong colour to be a Facist and he went mental, threatening to fill me in and the like, the thing is as he was screaming all this he was actually backing away from me. I naturally walked in his direction, to see if I could help calm his breathing down, but alas he kept walking away from me. Poor lad. (there’s actually more on this which is worth a laugh for later)
But the one which always puts a smile on my face is the time I walked through town and I was accosted by a Chugger wearing a Nigab. I initially refused and continued walking saying that I was meeting somebody for coffee. She was having none of this and actually walked after me calling me Brother and that I should support AI agaisnt Israel.. I stopped.
I turned round to see the biggest smile.
I said
“Lets get something straight , I’m not your brother”
She wasn’t listening and continued to parrot about all the children killed by Israel.
I said:
“Have you been to Israel?”
She replied no, but there are lots of stories about how evil the Israelis are.
I then quipped, I’ve been.and I was treated better by the jew, than I was by the Arabs in Jordan, Eygpt and Iraq. So how can you stand there and tell me about a place I have been to and you haven’t.
That kind of clicked for her.
I then said, with you wearing that tell me you subscribe to the mores of Islam, if you had followed me down the street screaming like you did in an Islamic country, how would I have treated you?
That got her thinking and somewhat worried.
I then explained I wasn’t a Muslim and that she should think twice before running after people and throwing abuse.
Now she was getting scared.
I was about to walk away, when I noticed this big lanky git from the group had noticed me having a go and he started walking over. I stepped past miggins pointed my finger at the bloke and said
“Take another step and I’ll smash your face it.”
He stopped. I turned round and told the lady, that she should be careful whom she shouts at in future and walked off feeling as happy as I can be.
Oh for Scott.
That wasn’t me losing my temper, it was me taking and controlling the situation. But then unlike you, I live in the real world where people see me as a Paki first . Until I open my gob that is.
You really need to work on your anger management. Seek professional help. You urgently need it.
Apparently, Pounce thinks it’s okay for him to intimidate women to the point at which they are “getting scared”. Wow, what a big man he is.
And to think, on another thread he was preaching about walking away – yet minutes later, is reciting a tale where he doesn’t take his own advice.
But he’s not a hypocrite, oh no. Not a foul-mouthed, abusive, irrationally angry, sanctimonious little hypocrite at all.
Jeez Scotty, you’re looking even more repulsive than normal. Get back to the old avatar, quick!
Ah, there it is: the good old Biased BBC high-minded debate that David Vance wants to protect.
He must be so proud of himself.
Alan Carr’s fuck ugly brother…and that’s saying something.
Well thank you for taking the time out of your career as an international supermodel to give us your opinion.
With deep insight like that, I’m sure it’s only a matter of, ooh, centuries before Biased BBC gains a reputation for intelligent discourse.
It’s bad enough your verbal diarrhoea without seeing a picture of your ugly mush. Look Scotty, none of us here fancy you, ok. If you’re looking to pick someone up might I suggest the outdoor lavvies of your hometown or maybe, Broadcasting House.
It’s bad enough your verbal diarrhoea without seeing a picture of your ugly mush
And here we go. The cream of Biased BBC debate: schoolboy personal insults. Pity David Vance – he wants to be so respectable, but all he’s doing is cultivating a kindergarten.
Poor “Doyle”. You think throwing out playground insults makes you a better person? Think again. You think they upset me? Think again. All it means is that there’s one more alias on this site (in all probability, belonging to one of the other usual suspects) that is owned by an immature little idiot who hasn’t learned how to behave like an adult.
Think I struck a nerve there. 1-0 to Doyle.
Think I struck a nerve there. 1-0 to Doyle.
You really are sad enough to think you’re actually scoring points, aren’t you. Go you. Not a display of pathetic behaviour at all!
I think I’ve detected your problem: there’s been a build up of spunk in you knackers. It’s making you irascible and irrational. To this end I thought I’d help you out with a lonely heart.
Ugly dweeb, clever dick, know-it-all, no sense of humour wltm John Inman type for pointless arguments and long walks on Hampstead Heath. Scotty c.o. Biased BBC.
I met these people in Manchester and got my black mate to speak out against them. They looked stunned and didn’t know what to say, they just stared back. We walked away giggling like kids
Actually thinking back the policeman did reply when I said about them murdering 6 million “I know but..” Poor lad, he was doing his best.
Sometimes, you have to feel sorry for the police “service”. I know that they have long lost the common sense policing attitudes that were prevalent in my childhood, but it is not the fault of individual officers that their training now consists largely of multi-cultural tolerance, gender equality and the bizarre notion that the perceptions of an alleged, self-proclaimed “victim” now define the commital of an offence. The truth is that the modern policing agenda is imposed from above by representatives of the liberal elite and its media cronies, and to stray from that path is to destroy your own career in policing for ever.
Well then, very simple….do not join the Police…..but many do, for all the wrong reasons.
I have to say it. Hard talk with Stephen Sackur was good. An enlightening interview with the Hamas chief in exile.
Probably as probing as you will get with the BBC. Sackur shows up the rest of the BBC interviewers though.
Maybe unintentionally Sackur’s questions did compel the Hamas leader to make it clear that neither civilian deaths nor Israeli actions will deflect Hamas from it’s goal. The elimination of Israel.
Also it is crystal clear that Israel cannot negotiate in the old sense of the word. Only concessions leading to destruction will suffice as Hamas made clear. . Whether Sackur intended this is debatable but it was interesting. and shows that it is possible ask the harder questions even if the answers are not what one might expect.
The Egyptians proposed a no-conditions Gaza ceasefire a week ago. Israel accepted, Hamas refused (with BBC idiots accepting the ridiculous Hamas claim that they did not know about it properly) The BBC did not clearly report at the time the Hamas refusal.
During the week – several short-run ceasefires were proposed to allow evacuation of civilians from battle areas – civilians that should have been evacuated days earlier but Hamas prevented it. The BBC failed to report this. Far better to carry on demonising Israel for its attacks on the Hamas terror-tunnel infrastructure.
Now the idiot John Kerry has proposed a 7-day ceasefire “hoping it will be in place for Eid” – but he has tacked on conditions that favour Hamas, like relaxing border controls designed to stop suicide bombers. The Israeli cabinet has rejected this nonsense by unanimous vote. So we can now expect the BBC to swivel round, suddenly accuse Israel as the party resisting any calls for peace.
The Israelis now know how extensive the tunnel system is – dozens of tunnels extending kilometers into Israel, designed to allow a mass Mumbai-style cowardly attack on villages and kibbutzes close to the border.
It is now absolutely imperative that Israel continues for some days to discover and destroy these tunnels. (And some would argue that Israel should be pushing further into Gaza City to find other tunnels used for Hamas rocketry and Hamas HQs and command centres – especially because the Iron Dome rocket-defence system can soon be beaten by newer types of rockets).
The BBC has been lambasting Israel day after day after day. Never any real attacks on Hamas – who they let get away with brazen lie after arrant lie on air and in print.
The BBCs climate change activist masquerading as a journalist Roger Harrabin showing his non understanding of science by claiming CO2 is a pollutant.
When Tallbloke calls him a liar, good ole ‘arrabin the ‘orrible from the Clan McMoonbat blocks him on twitter. One would think Harrabin would be threatening to sue after being called a liar, his reputation as a world class BBC journalist being libelled, but obviously, Harrabin is a liar and he knows it
no wonder the above mentioned moonbat got a job at Al Jabeeba. From his wiki page
“*Harrabin was born and raised in Coventry, England where his father Hubert ran a building firm with his wife Sylvia and brother Harry. He attended Stivichall Primary School and King Henry VIII School. He then studied English at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where he was president of the Junior Common Room. He started a college newspaper.
He began his career on the Coventry Evening Telegraph, where he gained a reputation for bringing fresh topics to the news agenda. He developed a specialism reporting on the city’s ethnic minority population, who were previously largely ignored in the media. He won a prize in the British Press Awards in 1980 for a series of features tracing the roots of Coventry Asians back to Pakistan and India.”
Hilarious…of course this is just the standard BBC debating style in regard to climate change… ‘STFU Lawson!!!!’
A career promoting ethnic minorities. Qualifies him for nothing exept possibly President of the USA?
In his answers in this single interview, Col Richard Kemp gives a clear account of the military situation in Gaza and the threat of the terror tunnels. More info in a single page than the BBV has given us over weeks of waffle.
The famously impartial Richard Kemp? Oh, I’m sure it must be very enlightening.
Yes it is. Try reading it before making stupid drive-by comments
Just been reading a short article which has given me food for thought, about the conflicts and destabilisation of regemes just outside Europes borders by the EU, sometimes with the help of the USA, to the extent that the Nobel peace prize looks like a sick joke. It should have been given the Tony BLiar prize for starting wars & continuing conflicts.
The history of its meddling is a long one with France as a particularly noteworthy offender. Lets not forget that this was the home in exile of Ayatollah Khomeini and frequented by such salubrious types as Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein.
So we have France turning at least a blind eye to the Iranian revolution and the creation of one of the most belligerent trouble causing nations on earth. Acquiring such desirable allies as Syria, Libya, and North Korea.
Then there’s the Iran Iraq war which France supplies Iraq with billions of dollars worth of advanced military equipment. The UK unbelievably provided Sodium Cyanide for chemical weapons.
Demands for payment led to the invasion of Kuwait and the first Gulf War.
More recent years have seen EU meddling in Algeria, and the actively participating in the so called ‘Arab Spring’ in Libya.
Thankfully in Egypt the EU broke ranks and each country pursued its own national interest much to the chagrin of NATO secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer after all, if there’s going to be a fuck up let it be an EU one !
Then there was the destabilisation of Syria and the desperation of lefty Dave to send the troops in, spoiled by the Millipede, but generally supported by the populace.
The continued war has seen the creation of ISIS and the takeover of Iraq.
Then there’s Ukraine & Crimea which they actively destabilised and promoted revolution, washing their hands of the consequences when they came, and blaming everyone else.
I’m sure there’s a whole thesis to be written if a doctorate student would be allowed to research it given the number of lefties in our universities.
” The UK unbelievably provided Sodium Cyanide for chemical weapons.”
Unbelievable is about right, I have never come across this allegation before and the link it offers doesn’t appear to mention it either.
It sounds like some guardian reader has got over excited when editing the page.
If I’m right about the science here – and I am more than happy to stand corrected – you need hydrogen cyanide to make sodium cyanide in sufficient quantities, but hydrogen cyanide is far easier to make – ask IG Farben. The main use of sodium cyanide is in the extraction of minerals from their ores. In other words, just where is the story here?
Thank you John.
I have left a note on the wiki page asking for it to be substantiated. we will see what they come up with.
Cannot help thinking it is more white liberal guilt and wishful thinking
Thank you Todger but having followed your advice I can still not see any connection between the UK and Sodium cyanide delivery to Iraq.
Yes, thoughtful, the disciples of Howard Kirk are well and truly established in our schools and ‘universities’, pouring out their hateful bilge about jews and fascists, indoctrinating the next helpless generation, perpetuating hate and envy and agitation. Their results can be seen in the demonstrations of late, horrible, vile people calling for the deaths of jews, and making saints of the ‘palestinians’…….
Harrabin has just polluted my room by throwing his toys out of his pram.
ask him if he is so concerned about climate change why is he not campaigning to ban the World Cup, the Olympics, Commonwealth Games and formula 1 all of which must contribute to upsetting the ‘Climate Change Fairy’ with the 1000s of people and tons or equipment traversing the globe, let alone all the Co2 emissions from all that construction work.
I learned some news on today’s edition of The News Quiz. It seems that during the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games John Barrowman kissed another man as a protest against the policies that the majority of countries in the Commonwealth have on homosexuality.
Doesn’t this equate to racist white imperialism; as we tell them that they are still uncivilised because they haven’t adopted our cultural standards.
I don’t object to a debate, but such a gesture in the ceremony to open the Commonwealth Games doesn’t give any right of reply, and appears to be an emphatic statement of “us right, you wrong”..
Yes. We have the right to enforce our trendy liberal right-on lefty agenda on all nations….
No. We do not have the right to impose our agenda if it impinges on other cultures long-established blah blah blah…
The definition of a liberal-leftist should include “having the ability to hold two or more mutually contradictory opinions at the same time, without embarrassment or the application of any logical thought processes”.
Since when was being gay left wing trendy agenda?
There are no gay liberals or tories?
No gay Asians, Africans or Indians?
Or is the truth that it is just a few sad men worried that they may be gay posting here!
Men? A sexist little worm, aren’t you?
Peter Tatchell was a supporter of both gay rights and Militant Tendency back in the 1980s.
At around the same time, it was Labour “Loony Left” councils who were the first to include the “sexual orientation” clause in their equal opportunities statements when they were advertising job vacancies.
…and now the corporate world has caught up, recognising that demonising employees or potential employees because of their gender or sexual orientation is bad for business. Those horrible socialist, um, capitalists!
It’s only a few outliers who still believe that discriminating against gay people is justifiable. There’s still prejudice and ignorance out there, though, but every year the number of people who think that their not being LGBT confers the right to discriminate against those who are diminishes.
Except, of course, among the ‘vibrant’ communities which you, no doubt, also regard as a vital contribution to the richness of life in this country.
And they say it’s Americans who don’t ‘get’ irony…
Except, of course, among the ‘vibrant’ communities which you, no doubt, also regard as a vital contribution to the richness of life in this country.
Why hide behind euphemisms? State something clearly, and with facts to back it up, rather than being vague enough to avoid dabbling with those annoying things like facts and truth.
Of course, that way you’re less likely to get the rest of Biased BBC’s “we believe it, so who cares if it’s true or not” community on board… and if you’re too truthful, David Vance may take umbrage. But you never know, you may end up being man enough to be honest, and he may end up being adult enough not to reach for the delete button. Stranger things have happened.
But aren’t the “we believe it, so who cares if it’s true or not” community on board…” actually morally better because they actually have a belief, whereas you take the “it’s true but I’ll constantly deny it’ line instead, knowing that it’s an outright lie.
Interesting philosophical question – is an inherent liar in a position to claim morally superiority over another liar?
I’ll leave that to someone like you, who has direct practical experience of such a conundrum.
Oh dear Scotty boy, did I touch a nerve?
I notice you don’t deny the position I raise – the ‘it’s true but I’ll constantly deny it’ approach, whereas I actually admitted to deliberately using factually correct, but incomplete statements. You’ve never admitted to anything other than your hatred of this site, it’s owners and it’s (non BBC approving) contributors.
If it helps you sleep Scotty boy, just remember that you ARE superior in a couple of ways. I think you probably know more words to the songs in The Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz, and you probably look better in a sequined jumpsuit than I do, but other than that I’m stumped if I can think of anything else.
I actually admitted to deliberately using factually correct, but incomplete statements.
As I’ve said repeatedly – you are a liar. It’s taken a while for you to admit it, though – you were too busy trying to smear me with your lies than actually admit what you were doing.
Forgive me if the rest of the tripe that you’re coming out with isn’t worth listening to. When you accuse me of anything, I hope everybody else remembers this: “Disgusted of Essex” admits lying to try and smear me. Anybody who therefore believes anything else you say should think long and hard.
Biased BBC: the refuge of weak, anonymous liars who have to fabricate evidence to suit their own prejudiced beliefs. And then believe that they have any place in any argument. Never mind, though: Vance and Alan, neither of whom is exactly a stranger to the “lie to bolster a line of bigotry” argument, will provide you shelter.
Yes Scott, it’s all about you. Glad we got that one sorted.
Oh Joy ! – Jon Donnison is back in the Middle East, reporting from the West Bank. Before he left Sydney I don’t think he had time to file a report about the OZ jihadi holding aloft 2 human heads
If Beeboids reported on Canada, and on negative Islamic events, it might have included this:-
“Canada: Muslim arrested after flight escorted back to Toronto — said on plane, ‘I just want to bomb Canada’”
Just a reminder for all that Dr. Taj Hargey, the Imam of Oxford, has launched an online petition to ban the burka.
Because somebody on the previous Open Thread voiced suspicion I just want to clarify a few things.
I can understand your suspicions.
However the petition site is a government website, and I doubt any personal information is shared. Also I don’t give a shit who knows that I want the burka, as well as much of the dhimmi pandering to radical Islam, to end.
As for Dr. Taj Hargey he is one of the best Muslim voices I’ve heard in this country, especially for an Imam.
He is the same man who appeared on the Jeremy Vine show, together with the head of the NSPCC sexual abuse programme, following convictions of the Muslim sex gang in Oxford. Dr Taj made it very clear that the reasons this kind of abuse was able to be perpetrated for so long was because of the ‘pussyfooting around’ and failure to call ‘a spade a spade’ by those who should have dealt with this abuse a lot sooner than they did.
The NSPCC guy was a typical left wing moron who will never break out of his mindset to deal with this problem. When you hear the excuses he comes out with, even arguing with the Imam – the EXPERT in front of him, rather than have to acknowledge the particular Muslim mindset and the PC mentality that allowed this scum to continue their foul deeds for so long.
You can hear the clip here.
Please sign the petition and spread the word – 100,000 needed by next March to force the government to debate the issue.
Yes Taj is on the side of the angels.
As is Maajid Nawaz, Khalid Mahmood, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Irshad Manji.
Support these people…they`re in more danger than we are at the moment.
Totally agree Chris.
But it needs a hell of a big push to get it out into the mainstream, only 315 signatures at present.
Preston council support Hamas/Palestine by flying their flag outside the council offices… Disgusting…
Pally rag removed in council U-turn.
They lied….
That is an outrage……pull that flag down and burn it, the palestinians are calling for the deaths of all jews, the council should be removed en masse.
Bradford now displaying pally flag over council building.
Pandering to the (fraudulent postal) Muslim vote no doubt, to guarantee permanent Liebour rule.
The Israeli ambassador to the US tears CNN off a strip for false and incomplete reporting on the Friday school incident in Gaza – everything he says about CNN applies in spades to the BBC :
This is off topic but I feel it is very important.
A letter has been sent to the president elect of the EU by Sense about Science, urging him to reject the call of anti-scientific NGO’s such as Greenpeace to abolish the post of Chief Scientific Advisor. You can add your name by clicking on the link at the bottom.
I dunno, the UK has a history of deep-green whacko chief ‘scientific’ advisors: May, King, Beddington, Walport. One of them even claimed that soon, due to global warming, the only habitable continent would be Antartica. Get rid of the lot I say: it’s not for politicians and their cronies to make pronouncements about science. The market should decide.
this in your face 24/7 blanket coverage on commonwealth games on radio 5 live and bbc channels which is just a 3rd rate version of the olympic games has bored me to tears already,can you name one famous athelete in who bothered to turn up on this competition,i thought not,even stephen nolans show has been knocked of the air to cover this crap for 2 weeks,the bowls final is on tonight,i am so excited about that.ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My television is switched off for the next two weeks.
”3rd rate version of the Olympic games has bored me to tears already.”
So you’re not interested in hop scotch, the egg and spoon race and shuffle board then ?
Scotch egg & spoon race – lest our saltire-waving English-haters be offended
Racist, in my opinion.
If you’re in the habit of eating with your fingers, you can’t expect to compete in an egg-and-spoon race, can you.
“even stephen nolans show has been knocked of the air to cover this crap ”
And you say that like it’s a bad thing!
he is a bit of a has been now,he could not even be bothered to run in the 100 metres because even he is not taking these games seriously.
The Wall Street Journal, amongst some other publications, exposes just exactly why Usain Bolt will Hates running in Britain. It’s because he would, like any other visitors to our shores, normally have to comply with our tax laws.
He got an exemption from paying taxes at the last Olympic Games and another for the Commonwealth Games. I don’t remember the BBC, in all of the shenanigans as Mr Bolt arrived in the UK, mentioning he’s only here because he got an exemption from paying taxes.
But let’s be under no illusion whatsoever – despite all appearances, Usain Bolt is driven by greed. Can you imagine the BBC lumping Mr Bolt in with these ‘greedy’ bankers, industrialists and those who legally set up their tax affairs to minimise their tax payments (such as those ‘greedy’ people with ISAs) ?
And can you imagine the BBC giving Margaret Hodge (Labour) a hard time about not exposing Mr Bolt, whilst hypocritically she and her family had apparently arranged all of their financial affairs to minimise tax payments ?
Thought not.
And wile we’re at it, the BBC didn’t make much of a brouhaha when a certain Mr Mo Farah moved all of his affairs to the US – again, in order to avoid paying taxes in the country which took him in and basically provided him with all the opportunities he now has to earn huge amounts of money. Hypocritically, he was closely involved last year in a left-wing campaign complaining about businesses and individuals not paying enough taxes in the UK…. just before he swanned off to the US to avoid taxes in the UK. But (until he decided he didn’t want to run in the Commonwealth Games), he was still the poster boy for the BBC advertising campaign for the competition).
BBC – only half the information, and only some of the time.
The Commonwealth Games is a real dog and pony show. The three normal civilised countries are Australia, New Zealand and Canada, the rest are dysfunctional Third World basketcases like Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Britain !! ( Thanks Tony )
Orla Guerin back in the Middle East to report on current events there. Yes THE Orla. Moved to Africa after the Balen Report about possible (probable I reckon) bias against Israel (though as Joe Public is not allowed to read the 30,000 word report that we paid for and the BBC paid hundreds of thousands of pounds of our money stopping us from reading and one can assume has got “lost” like many controversial reports of public interest- whose to know?). But yes she’s back. However I’m sure this ex-Irish-Labour Party MP married to a Palestinian working for the BBC will maintain absolute impartiality.
As did Polly Toynbee when she was the BBC’s Social Affairs Editor I’m sure.
By the way some fool at the BBC Trust ( I can’t remember his name but these are exactly the words used) said that BBC News staff “leave their politics at the front door”… Anyone daft enough to believe Polly ever did? So why should I believe Orla?
Mods – I hit report by mistake. I meant to hit Reply and state this:
I never knew that about the Oily Gherkin, it explains an awful lot.
So did I. I’m always inadvertently hitting “report”.
Surely it would be a relatively simple task to move the buttons apart, and whilst at it, allow post editing, like most of the other sites do.
”has got “lost” like many controversial reports of public interest.”
The dog ate it, the same one who ate the Sir Cyril Smith and Geoffrey Dickens files.
Quite right. Add The Hillsborough Police VHS tape going walkabouts and Blairs’ expenses shredded (by dog) apparently and of couse the unobtainable Balen Report. Suspicious of police, politicians and the BBC’s integrity? I’d be mad to be.
Below is an extract from a letter of complaint to a News at 10pm from the past where Orla accused Israel of killing a deaf mute Palestinian “just for looking”
On Sunday 3rd October, both main evening TV news had Orla Guerin reporting. Are we going to hear further emotional stories against Israeli’s now which will incite the general population to hatred of the Jewish state and violence against Jews in the UK as was seen in Paris.
The main focus was on a “story” – one that sounded invented – of a deaf mute. She said he was “killed only for looking”. I protest strongly that this was a clear accusation that the Israeli army had killed a civilian just for watching their operation. In other words she was accusing the Israelis of murder. The BBC should apologise for this totally unsubstantiated remark.
Actually you are wrong there. The lovely Orla was asked to leave Israel by the government after one of the most sickening reports I have ever seen.
A three minute piece. 2 min 40 seconds about Israel knocking down houses and 20 seconds about the 20 Israelis (including children) killed on a bus by a suicide bomber.
The perfect BBC CV.
Here is a thinly disguised advert for the BBC:
Again, and somewhat suspiciously, the most popular comments read as if they were written by the BBC’s own PR department. Some loons are criticising BSkyB for having a monopoly (sic). Another head in the sand (or is it clouds) drone bemoans the fact that you pay your licence fee and then have to pay again to watch BSkyB. Read for yourself, I am not making this up.
I wonder if the BBC/lefties, so obsessed with the “evil Murdoch empire”, have ever actually watched Sky. If they had, they would see that, nowadays, Sky News, far from being “right wing”, is often no more than a pale imitation of BBC News. The crucial difference remains, of course, that I’m not forced to pay for Sky News.
To paraphrase Henry Ford: “You can have any colour you like, as long as it’s black”. The true monopoly in the media is the total domination of left-wing, globalist, guilt-ridden, race- and gender-obsessed, global warming fantasists whose political views and world understanding haven’t progressed since they were in the 6th form. Sky were a founding member of the Creative Diversity Network (see Take a look at this document; it’s the sort of thing that could have been put together by the BBC News team or the CBeebies team – Perhaps the BBC don’t like Murdoch because he’s a renegade – presumably he no longer has the bust of Lenin that he had when he was at Oxford.
…. 10 minutes
“Feedback received complaints about the overly combative atmosphere during a debate on ‘Just War and Gaza’. Roger asks whether the moral complexities of the argument were drowned out by what one listener described as “childish squabbling”.
Gaza and Israel eh! … Any guesses, the ahem … leaning
of the carefully chosen BBC complainants
hmmm Doesn t sound like a thinly disguised hatchet job on Mel Philips does it. What next, “its not conducive to the public good” to have her on?
The Al BBC blurb doesn t state that Ms Philips, simply tried to prevent the well worn Islamic tactic, of talking louder and longer spouting propaganda, as a self advertisement.
If you listen to it, that is exactly what she did, or attempted to do.
… Bias wot Bias
You have it exactly. Typically, if a Hamas or other Islamist – or often simply Muslim – spokesman is asked a question, they never give an answer. They give a speech. Like the Stephen Sackur interview the other evening – the man was outright lying about Hamas using schools etc. And Sackur was letting him get away with it, not pursuing the question.
In the Moral Maze programme, they were doing the same thing – and so was Giles Fraser the loony priest. All Melanie Phillips was doing was calling them out on it, not letting them get away with their usual crap.
Therefore the Moral Maze prog was actually more useful than much of the BBC stuff – because it was more direct..
There is a pattern here. If an Israeli spokesman is on, the BBC presenter throws woolly phrases around – disproportionality, high death rates, many children dying etc. It is the Israeli who tries to bring it back to facts – to join the dots. Usually pointing out the bias or ignorance of the BBC interviewer. Whereas if it is a Hamas spokesman they waffle in undefined propoganda phrases like “siege” and “open our borders” and “occupation” and deliberately avoid the specific about their war crimes. And the BBC lets them evade the real issues.
Another pattern. The BBC is adept at bringing on Jewish critics of Israel like the hysterical Mira Bar Hillel. Usually an emotional rant, adding nothing to the debate. But they do not bring on Arab critics of Hamas. Egyptian TV is currently full of fierce criticism of Hamas, some really juicy stuff to match any other rants, but this is not reflected in the BBC coverage.
A couple of examples of critics of Hamas on Egyptian TV –
“Hamas makes all these demands – they must be lunatics”, “whoever foils the Egyptian initiative will be responsible for Palestinian blood” – and of course Hamas refused the Egyptian ceasefire, Israel accepted it
Several Egyptians attack the cowardice and venality of Hamas leaders :
Why is the BBC not bringing us these Arab criticisms of Hamas ? – by people who refuse to swallow the Hamas propaganda of victimhood and vainglorious jihad. Who really kinows the situation – these Egyptian guys, or the likes of Emily Maitlis and the Today team ?
It seems sites can get closed down for all number of reasons, including not responding quickly enough on top of ‘at all’.
Must make navigating the fine line between free speech and poorly worded, selectively-enforced law a nightmare for owners or editors.
Luckily for the BBC, the powers that be appear currently content to let them deal with regulation themselves, from modding to defending their abilities in this regard, with the BBC internal, secret and FOI excluded complaints whitewashing system ready and able to make anything go away after looking like it has been addressed.
Interestingly, the BBC-facilitated FaceBook pages appear to have got a little feisty even for them, when they post inflammatory propaganda and seem surprised that once the lead is provided, it is willingly taken and developed.
So, they can on occasion take a leaf from Hugs’ book and really lay down the law…
BBC World News We welcome and encourage your comments. But please be respectful with your language and tone. Thank you
Now, how has that worked out?
After just a few posts scrolled through…
Harun Algoni we African nations, always pray for Gaza to have a power and desroy Israel
Probably not a BBC World News reporter having a day off from twitter, but who these days knows?
Apols. Here’s a URL to accompany the on-topic comment and quotes:
Looking forward to seeing a few new friends here over there demanding the BBC get shut down, or at the very least trying a few daft guilt by not disassociating trips. Though the venues for pithy comment seem as selective as the topics chosen, or ignored.
Ignore the troll
Arguing with a troll is like wrestling with a pig in shit. After a while, you realise the pig is enjoying it.
Unfortunately, with trolls like “Just Sayin'”, “Chop” and “Big Dick”, they take silence as a victory for their juvenile behaviour. And it’ll carry on like that until David Vance grows up and acts upon behaviour like theirs, instead of trying to ban anyone who criticises his administration of this site and his encouragement of some people’s appalling, abusive behaviour.
Chances of David Vance doing that, though? Practically nil.
Oh, do go away. Your post is the first I’ve seen this morning, Spotty, and it isn’t pleasant. By the way, is your avatar the “new” you?
*What a lovely day here in France! I must go and log onto a website-of-the-unhinged discussing the public broadcasting system of a country I don’t even live in*
Thought no one EVER!
Apart from you. Lonely much?
Oh no another pro BBC monkey to Scotts organ grinder! couple of things the BBC is a international broadcaster so anyone in any country it shoves it’s nose can say what they like about it’s workings two sorry but wouldn’t you define
‘ paying £145 under threat of fine or imprisonment to the BBC to then run about online to defend their multi billion £ corporation who’s employees and management have a history and convictions for lying, faking, sexism ,ageism, sexual harassment, pedophilia, complicity in 2 suicides waste, theft , ,expenses fraud, criminalizing thousands of the poor and underprivileged each year to pay for it’s taxis and champagne lunches plus many many more ‘
as the height of unhingery? me I just think your beyond stupid an help if you do !
Ol’ Green Eyes is back. Lonely? Not me, mate. Enjoy battling trolls? Indubitably, however crass they may seem.
If the website is that unhinged, one wonders what you are doing here, merely contributing jealous bile, and not much else. I love it here (in France, that it is, and also partaking in this website), and I have all the time in the world to say what I think, and to whom, and laugh at the jolly stupidity you and others so readily display.
Where I live certainly has no bearing on my opinion, which I feel free to express, and if it irritates the likes of you, ^T^ (strange name), so much the better.
Now, nearly time for my déjeuner, which I will take with a little chablis by the pool.
Good day, troll.
If the website is that unhinged, one wonders what you are doing here, merely contributing jealous bile, and not much else.
As is so often the case, I started off by expressing an opinion, founded on fact, on a couple of threads. The usual Biased BBC people then started attacking me. I stood up for myself. And then David Vance started trying to ban my IP address.
As usual, you blame me for Biased BBC’s instrinsic problems: there are people on here who contribute nothing but bile, day in, day out. But because I or others are the subjects of their attention, everybody turns a blind eye. And Vance tries to ban the people he doesn’t like, while never lifting a finger to people who really should be admonished. They’re the ones bringing this site into further disrepute: contirbuting nothing but personal attacks under a succession of fake names.
You carry on telling yourself that I, or ^T^, or any others are the problem if you like. Won’t make it true. If you carry on ignoring the rotten apples at the heart of Biased BBC, though, things are only going to get worse.
Don’t feed the attention-seeking troll. It “contributes nothing but bile, day in, day out” and “nothing but personal attacks”
Just curious, John – have you actually read some of the comments that were sent in my direction over the weekend? Do you think that the comments made by “Chop”, “Big Dick”, “just sayin'” and others constitute acceptable behaviour?
Why is it you ignore their trolling? What is it about them that makes their abuse acceptable?
I know Ive asked you this question before, and time and time again you’ve steadfastedly refuse to answer. I would dealry love to know what lies at the heart of your hypocrisy.
Scott, I’m mildly interested in your apparent concern for the well being and proberty of ‘this website’. So, back to basics, cards on the table, do you reckon that the BBC is ever (and I mean is ever, or has ever been – as former DG did recently acknowledge) just a little bit biased to the left-hand side of anything at all?
dont be pathetic scott, you give abuse, its all you do here, yet you cant take the constructive criticism of your abusive posts
Trolls set out to attract attacks – so they deserve no sympathy. They love the attention – their aim is to disrupt the site – in this case by attacking EVERYONE who uses the site. Whinge, whine, throw around casual insults while complaining if others respond in kind – typical troll behaviour, a textbook case. Utterly boring, useless , unpleasant, – but obsessive.
Trolls ought not to be fed.
As someone who tried this site for a bit but quickly realised it is pointless can I ask what you hope to achieve by your contributions? It is perfectly clear to anyone reading this site that it is a joke. What passes for evidence is so laughable as to render the whole edifice pointless. The fact that it has been going on for over a decade shows the futility of the site. Yet it persists.
But what does that tell you? This is not a site that is interested in debate or argument. It isn’t even about the BBC. It is an echo chamber where people come on for affirmation of their views. It exists to make the small coterie of regular contributors, seemingly predominantly male and old, feel good about themselves.
To that end your valiant attempts to introduce the truth or an counter-point are, however grounded in fact, doomed to fail. You assume the arguments here are susceptible to logic and facts.
I quickly realised the futility of argument on this site and seldom post. Instead I come on for gentle amusement.
There are some very unsavoury characters on here and I am glad I don’t know any in real life, but they are essentially harmless. Let them rant amongst themselves. By engaging with them you merely feed their mis-placed delusions of relevance.
We all know who will be among the first to comment on my reply, I only wonder how long it will take.
Oh do tell!…was it me?
If so, what were the odds?…and where do I get my winnings.
God Bless and keep you both!
The like-from me!
Was I right Danny?
Cracking open that first bottle ever earlier in the day. Drunk.
Ignore the boring sanctimonious troll
Have you seen Orla Guerin, or Goering as she was known on these pages, is back reporting in Jerusalem after, she says, a nine year gap. What’s wrong orla, was Egypt too violent and dirty for you?
“Goering”? Don’t you think it’s a bit crass to compare a journalist to a mass murderer?
Well, possibly. Then again, if she is regarded as an apologist for mass murderers, perhaps it’s not such a bad call.
You’re right…should have been Goebbels….but Guerin…Goering…no????? Not funny??? Go and have a drink and cheer up.
Mardell is probably more a Goering…………..
It’s lefty movements like this one I found on facebook which the BBC loves to embrace…
One of my friends was sharing one of their offensive and foul mouthed rants and I deleted him but not before saying ‘Grow up and get a job you useless overgrown commie prat!’
Something about Christianity and Jesus in a modern multiculty vibrant community that should appeal to the BBC. Yes. Its Black Jesus for the 21st Century.
Christianity and Black Jesus in a multiculty vibrant 21st Century community. The BBC will love it.
sorry for the repeat – this post should have gone in at the end, but it disappeared and returned .
Also as some on this site are changing their profiles can I change mine to PollyannaHenriettaMildredElizabethVictoriaToynbee?
Al Jazeera is advertising a program called Head to Head, with world leading Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen, at the Oxford Union, recorded in March of last year, on his view that concern about global warming is alarmist nonsense. The program seems to be a repeat of series one, but the program seems to be censored by the BBC owned DTV Services Ltd on the Al Jazeera English freeview channel 83, at the advertised times. I suppose that means investigations into communications between DTV Services Ltd and the BBC will help the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry into the Future of the BBC. It also seems that only BBC Parliament is immune from censorship by Lord Hall’s gang of enviroMENTAL loonies.
A few short of the predicted million for Gaza in London today. Around 15000 is the estimate. Complaints on Twitter of absence of BBC coverage, but this might be due to the fact that many BBC employees were wearing headscarves and chanting with their Socialist Worker comrades.
However, BBC did cover the start of the demonstration. Note the demonstrators collecting their Socialist Worker banners in the background. An interview with a Gaza journo allowed him to reel out the usual propaganda but towards the end he was asked about Pallie rockets, a question he dismissed and went on to talk about his daughter back in Gaza. Unwilling to press him further the interview ended with a remark about the strongness of feelings here today.
Moazzam BEGG, again: for INBBC to report or censor?:-
“UK: Ex-Gitmo detainee and Leftist media darling Moazzam Begg charged with terrorism, attending Islamic State training camp”
By Robert Spencer-
“In the UK, of course, given its wholesale capitulation to Islamic supremacism, Begg has been heralded and lionized, lauded for his criticism of the Guantanamo ‘concentration camp.’ In his off hours, however, he seems to have been up to even more insidious activities.”
Haven’t been here since first thing and this thread is looking kinda disjointed just now: so I’m guessing that our ‘new’ (ha!), Vance-obsessed chum Todger has been chopped off at the knees then ?
Keep going, David, comments like this show the wankers are hurting!
Something must be wrong with my browser, it’s redirecting me to what appears to be Scott’s personal web site again.
I could save myself time and go straight to The Guardian.
If folk keep feeding trolls they take over.
“There is no such thing as a middle-class laugh.
It’s a very dangerous path that the BBC Trust is going down.”
By David Lister.
“BBC boss who left radio star wife for presenter Victoria Derbyshire is sacked over claims he sexually harassed a staff member and a probe into his expenses ”
Read more:
News not found on the BBC of course.
“How ageist BBC has erased me from history: Miriam O’Reilly accuses corporation of deliberately cutting her out of Countryfile tribute to co-presenter John Craven after she launched age discrimination case”
Read more:
Thanks for linking to that, George – even though I know you only did it because you spied the “anti-BBC” vibe and thought that’d be enough.
I was the “Another [tweeter]” mentioned in the article (see It would have been better if the “…it was appalling” had been credited to another tweeter instead of being tacked onto mine, giving the false impression that I’d written that too, but hey, it’s the Mail Online. Accuracy is not a particularly strong suit of theirs.
But then, what do I know. I’m just a troll, apparently. Unlike those who turn up on threads just to say “zzzz” and never to engage in convrsation, who make up aliases to make homophobic comments towards me, who make comments about my appearance and contribute nothing to a debate, who disparagingly dismiss “the left”, gays, Muslims and other groups as homogenous blocks who act in unison while getting all huffy when there’s a suggestion of a prevailing worldview on this blog.
Or, indeed, who link to fact-free opinion pieces masquerading as news stories with equal weight (but greater quantity) than he links to reputable sources, who who ignores any link that runs counter to his own prejudice, and who never contributes anything other than a linkdump to a debate.
But hey. At least you’ve got David Vance and his delete button handy to save you from people like that… haven’t you?
Yup, just like that. Thank you, my little stalker, for demonstrating so ably what little your contributions bring.
P.s. you are about as appealing to look at as a discarded veruca sock in the foot pool of Oldham swimming baths.
Wow. Biased BBC’s top debaters are appearing en masse today.
Nice to see the sort of people that David Vance is so desperate to protect. Why, it’s almost as if he wants his precious site to be seen as a haven for freaks and losers…
scotty, you look like a freak, your avatars say it all, and what a loser you are, thought about booking anymore hotel rooms lately cos you cant handle life again
maybe if you was a decent person you wouldnt get so depressed
Bless. Poor little “just sayin'”, not man enough to put his real name to his comments. Just hiding behind a pseudonym, because he hasn’t got the guts to show the world who he really is.
What a coward you are.
Thank you for reminding me that however low any of us get, we will all be able to look down and see you snivelling far, far below.
Ignore the miserable whining troll
Scotty`s new photo , & he looks rather ill , is he trying to tell us something ?
To Scott – I like the fact you come on here but when you call everyone who comes on here scum it lessens your cause. I’m not homophobic(often drink in a gay pub by Charing Cross as it’s somewhere you can get a seat!) or racist either but this blog seems to be the exact opposite to the world you live in…ie entrenched opinions but the difference is that we are forced to pay for the liberal BBC whether we want to or not.
You can’t deny the leftwing leanings of the BBC and if the TV tax disappeared then this blog would disappear overnight
and I have just read the abuse thrown Scott’s way so I am just going to give up!
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“As jihadis advance upon Tripoli, U.S. evacuates embassy in Libya”
-typically, censors out Islamic jihad nature of extreme violence there, until near end of piece-
“US evacuates embassy staff from Libya due to militia clashes” (wot no Islamic jihadists?)
Listening to Radio 4’s Any Answers today, one of the callers-in struck me as being particularly crazy. I noted his name and have just checked him out. 10 seconds on Google show Dr James Thring is a bearded-wierdie Holocaust denier, friend of David Duke etc. The BBC’s researchers could have checked that out in 10 seconds – but chose to let him rant away on air, denying any right for Israel to exist.
This kind of incitement to racial hatred by the BBC should be protested to the highest authorities eg in the Home Office ,and even the PM himself. It endangers all of society.
See the glee as the BBC report the flying of the pali flag at Bradford another Labour council along with Preston council which did the same . Absolutely fucking disgrace.
As posted earlier the rise is anti semetic attacks is largely down to the biased reporting of the msm of which the BBC is only to happy to oblige . I truly despair at what this country is coming to , and for the future of our kids .
I’m sure PC Sharon Bezhenivsky’s family aren’t too pleased, seeing as she was murdered by an Islamist Somali degenerate.
If the tables were reversed, and, for instance, some Conservative council were flying the flag for a group designated as terrorists, the BBC would, almost literally and instantaneously, be up David Cameron’s nose with a microphone, demanding that he place his position on record vis-a-vis such actions (expecting instant and total condemnation, a pillory of any and all Conservative Councillors for behaving in such a disgusting fashion, sack-cloth and ashes for a wardrobe for the next few weeks, etc., etc.).
But the BBC putting Labour and its leader on the spot for supporting terrorists….. not so much.
Always worth dipping in every so often to see how the trusted and transparent BBC plies its trade. Looks like the yard playing a blinder here…
Listening to William Crawley on radio ulster…..interviewing 2 legal experts on”Israeli war crkmes in Gaza”, the interviewees obviously hadnt read the script.Crawley tried his darndest to get them to say Israel was guilty, but they were having none of it…..Hamas on the other hand were committing them daily.
Then we had good old John Taylor from the ulster unionists on, moaning about how the nasty jooz were abusing the poor palestinans in a disgraceful manner, and how they were seizing illegally occupied land to build settlements on
of course, Taylor would be an expert in such things, owning a holiday home in ILLEGALY OCCUPIED NORTHERN CYPRUS and generally ass kissing the Ankara regime for years