did anyone catch R4 “Toady”, I drove back around
8.30 ish, to hear, much badgering, and hectoring of a spokesman to get …
“Israel response is disproportionate” …. not forthcoming, so … its not proportionate, you don t think its proportionate … so its disproportionate etc….
hmmm desperate.
Closely followed by Radio 4 equating, hatred driven brainwashed muslims, rushing all over the world to mass murder … with a erm ……”seen as heroes?” …
volunteers who fought against fascism in the Spanish civil war? … there is no equivalence … one islamofascist, others supposedly fighting against it.
(with lots of helpful bullsh-t from the London School of Extremists) ,,, astounding
Heard Philip Hammond being “grilled” by Sarah Montague-for that 9a.m News Soundbite they`d all been working for since 6am.
Sarah had nothing highlighted on her script but “proportionate/not/disproportionate…but sadly 9am went without the golden graham of a soundbite necessary to please the Camel Corps and Ragtags there at the BBC.
Imagine they`ll be ringing lower down the food chain to get that phrase inserted into an MPs wide mouth by TWATO Time.
And Humphrys letting Balls get away with crap earlier…just another day in BBC Paradise!
Where`s Evan when you need him?…at least he might KNOW something about what Balls did to our economy 1997-2010…if not dare to say it.
“Hamas’ main command bunkers located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war”
but the boneheads at the Al BBC, are still
head burying
BBC – UN ‘warned Israel 17 times’
BBC – Terrible scene’ in Gaza UN school
BBC – death tolls are mounting
Three IDF soldiers were killed on Wednesday in Gaza in an explosion at a … booby-trapped UNRWA health clinic that was found to have housed the opening of a terror tunnel
And she followed up by saying that she`d be “talking to someone from UNICEF later on in the programme”.
As if this would be a surprise or an inducement to “hang on in with the programme”.
Only a Radio 4 liberal oaf would stay listening, just in case the BBC went off piste with their well-worn opinions on Gaza.
Remind me again-is it 56 Islamic “states” that do their thing at the United Nations?…as opposed to one Jewish one?
And as for all those Palestinian refugees getting abused in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt as we speak?…no mention yet from the BBC about number of civilians, women and children killed in THOSE attacks on “Palestinian Refugees”.
Not even “how many of them turn out to be soldiers”!
Only wish that Israel would remove the BBC from Gazas 24/7 Hospital Radio-peddling anti Semitism (final) solutions now since 2006.
The volunteers who went to fight in the Spanish civil war (a mere 78 years ago!) went to fight fascism. ‘British’ muslims volunteering to fight in Syria and Iraq are fighting FOR fascism. Typical of the left/BBC not to mention this rather crucial difference.
Yeah, what on Earth have Jew hating totalitarian expansionist Muslims have in common with Hitler, or what could National Socialists and Bolshevik Nationalistic Socialists possibly agree about?
Both the above examples fight over the same ground, rivals not opposites, the same mentality attracting the same people. Their enemy is a free society, and those who would defend it.
In the fight for a free society the BBC are on the side of its enemies. A free society is everything the BBC is against.
1) The BBC is not a monolithic structure, various reporters have various tendencies, notably in News.
2) But there must be a common ground agreed with the government regarding fundamental matters.
3) My impression is that such common ground is a) avoid irating Muslims, we need their oil and/or gas. b) Irated Muslims may instigate even worse acts of violence within our territory.
The same has been observed concerning ideologies. Tolerate certain dictatorial regimes, like some in Latin America, for they call themselves’ socialists’. Never mind that those regimes use the term with false credentials and actually want a class war and apply Stalinist methods while deceiving the entire world.
I believe that this extreme laissez faire attitude, together with other signs of populism, will eventually spell the dawn of European culture.
The Long view on Radio 4 “Through the prism of history, Jonathan Freedland considers our attitudes towards young people who volunteer to fight in foreign wars.”
The BBC attempting to link the Jihadists in Syria with the Communists idiots who went to fight the Spanish Civil war.
It’s another attempt to normalise Jihad and reduce the horror of the religion they follow.
Often the greatest far left bias of the BBC is in the programs they choose not to make as well as the ones they do. So how about a program which examines the past Jihads of the last century, how the Muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East.
There’s never a mention of how the state of Palestine before the state of Israel allied itself through it’s leader, allied itself with the Nazis, and began terrorist action against the British.
None of this can be examined because as we know, it’s Labour party policy that ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do”.
‘how the muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East’ … and not forgetting this lot who fought for us – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marocchinate
The Goumiers were also known amongst their fellow Allies for their habit of collecting ears by the sackful. Choppy-choppy does seem to be a recurring pattern right down to the present..
Freedland (a notorious Leftist) certainly produced a pile of disingenuous garbage with his exercise in false moral equivalence.
The Left has tried to sanctify the dupes who went to fight in the Spanish Civil War, presenting the eventual victors as unalloyed evil and Franco’s opponents as romantic heroes. Never do they dare consider what a Stalinstic hell-hole Spain would have turned into, had Franco lost!
The BBC mythologises the ‘useful idiots’ of the International Brigade and ignores the incalculable damage done to the country by the subversive returnees, who went on to burrow into the woodwork, wreaking slow havoc throughout the country – not least at the BBC, where so many of them wound-up.
Freedland’s programme did offer a cursory mention of the returning Soviet agents and social saboteurs but, as ever, glossed-over their impact, which is still felt today (not least in the very existence of cultural Marxist claptrap like Freedland’s programme!).
A more adult analysis would have examined the true damage to the country caused by ex-International Brigade returnees and might well have drawn the conclusion that returning jihadis should be refused re-entry to this country for the rest of their miserable lives.
“…how the Muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East…”
That kind of historical fact won’t resonate with the BBC. In the same kind of way that a reading of the Hamas Charter reminds one of an earlier violently anti-semitic tract by a certain angry Austrian ex-corporal (except that the modern Hamas Charter is far less coy and far more explicit about its intentions towards the Jews than Hitler ever was in his interminable tome), so the involvement of Islam on the side of the Nazis in WWII has simply been erased from the BBC’s historical consciousness.
It’s lying by omission, of course, but when you’ve been at it as long as the BBC have it hardly matters any more.
It’s the same with slavery. If you never did independent research, and relied on the BBC for your historical perspective, you may think that the Americans and British only enslaved blacks.
You would not be aware that there has been a thriving world slave trade centered in the middle east for centuries before the British and Americans were involved. You would not be aware that there were more white slaves in America than Black slaves. That most of the white slaves were Irish immigrants and that the Black slaves were valued more than white slaves, insofar as a black slave typically cost 20 dollars, whereas a white slave would cost about 6 dollars.
You would not be aware that black slaves from African inferiour tribes were enslaved by other more senior black tribes and then sold by those black tribal slave traders to various international slave traders, including the British.
The BBC always present slave history as black = victim and white = vile oppressive racist.
Trying to conflate a banks policy to ban a group of Burlesque dancers from operating an account with them, to three Mosques including Finsbury Park. Again it’s like trying to compare chalk with cheese, one being entertainers, the other suspected terrorists, but to the BBC even terrorism is OK as long as it’s Muslims, and they aren’t the victims!
Andy Burnham on Newsnight last night. Peston interviewing.
Burnham giving it large on how it’s got to be “patients before profits”.
Nice soundbite. Not too helpful for the thousands of poor innocents who died of dehydration and maltreatment whilst on Burnham’s watch, but a nice soundbite.
Truly the man has no shame.
But surely Peston challenged him over these despicable happenings? You bet he didn’t.
Beeboid Leftist Politico PESTON wants BBC to politically distance itself further from the ‘Daily Mail’, but not from ‘The Guardian,’ with which it is politically cheek by jowl-
“Robert Peston: BBC follows the Daily Mail’s lead too much.”
This seems to be the BBC and the Left’s theme and message at present. As they realise people are understanding that the BBC is biased to the Left, they come out with ‘it’s too right wing’. Same with Israel/Gaza story, with the BBC biased in favour of Hamas and others, they try put it about that the BBC is too pro-Israel.
What is so endearing about our leftwing heroes of the media is that they actually believe the drivel they write or speak.
Mass delusion by the worker bees of the hive. In la la BBC land 2 plus 2 does equal 5 and that is just how the hive likes it.
Pointless discussing anything with them any more and as for complaining forget it.
Ebola virus a threat to UK, Philip Hammond warns
Now why would that be? The bBBC manages, as usual, to ignore the giant grey pachyderm in the corner, the vast numbers of ‘migrants’ being encouraged to come here with little or no scrutiny or health checks. ‘BBC global health correspondent’ – no, me neither – Tulip Mazumdar isn’t going to tell us, for sure.
Look! Don’t you realise what a wonderful vibrancy tropical diseases bring to this country? You should be happy to participate with our coloured cousins their suffering.
Lets hope some of them are working or visiting Broadcasting House ,& the Manchester outpost. That`s most of Bbc taken out in one go , you know how much they love non Hideously White people, does that include the disease`s they bring with them ? You can see the panic & mass evacuation from those places ,if one of them had it .It would be an interesting situation , & lots of shouts of, “Don`t Panic “.
And why the hell is someone called ‘Tulip Mazumdar’ the BBC’s correspondent in that benighted dump, in the first place?
How are we ever supposed to get properly objective reporting from a stream of BBC reporters who carry cultural and national identity along with them in their work (as everyone does)?
Do AFP, NBC and the rest of the world’s media recruit British journalists to report on and analyse British affairs? No, they do not. And rightly so, too.
How many men are paedophiles?
After a load of waffle, a bBBC reporter concludes that it is between 0 and 5% of the population.
Amongst the Roman Catholic clergy, the figure may be 2%.
Amongst BBC ‘celebrities’ … strangely, the report doesn’t mention them.
A fair report to my mind. Balanced between reporting the large turn out of crowds who seemed to enjoy the event, but pointing out the lack of relevance, or indeed reverence for the Great War anniversary.
Queue BBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty mounting her giant puppet high horse – on Titter, obviously….
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
Why would we not applaud Art that gets hundreds of thousands out on to the streets to share peacefully @GiantSpectacle #Liverpool
Why would we not applaud Art that gets hundreds of thousands out on to the streets to share peacefully @GiantSpectacle#Liverpool
Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs! Interesting as a BBC insight. Funny how when the progressive doesn’t want to address the real issue under debate (relevanve and reverence) the name calling starts. See how she demands the other side of the argument ‘check your priviledge’. Southern softy know-nothing toff! Our Shelagh is, of course, northern, by gum, not a snob – zut alors! pretentious oui, but not a snob. Calm down, calm down.
Her Titter pals, naturally, point out that the Guardian had a much more sympathetic and acceptable report on the event.
So, your basic BBC presenter type is a chippy gritty but rather refined northerner woman-of-the -people but with elitist north-London-style arty outlook and ingrained left-liberal views. Bringing innane rootless ‘culture’ to the plebeian masses.
And one more thing.
Our Shelagh wasn’t actually there in Liverpool to witness the event.
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
So sad not to be seeing @GiantSpectacle in Liverpool but working in London. Family sending lots of pics #homesick
So sad not to be seeing @GiantSpectacle in Liverpool but working in London. Family sending lots of pics #homesick
Humphrys “interviewed” Balls – after a 30 second anti-capitalist rant by the child-soldiers of “Occupy” (a Labour front organisation by the way) – on, among other things the large bonuses paid by the banks to a few of their employees. The message from Labour? Balls & Co when in power were fooled by the opposition, the City and everybody else about the banks and how the tax system works and thus allowed the “rich” to keep more than half of their marginal income. Balls (whose next policy announcement is that the alphabet is to be reduced to 25 letters since “T” is now officially redundant) applauded the latest measure by Mark Carney concerning bank bonuses as being what Labour wanted all along.
Nowhere do we hear – ever! – that the continuation year after year of what look like inordinate profits being earned and – to an extent – paid in turn as bonuses to bank employees may be signals of either inordinate risks being taken and/or (more likely) the existence of a monopoly in those areas of banking. Interesting and apolitical points for genuine journalism would be to find out if such risks are actually being run and if indeed monopolies or quasi-monopolies exist where such profits are earned. Unfortunately the BBC is not on a “mission to explain”: “learning by the BBC” doesn’t extend to disinterested exploration of issues and their causes. Rather, the BBC is on a mission to propagandise. Accordingly, demonising the banks and lobbing easy questions for Balls to give his rehearsed responses to pass for “journalism” on Today.
Consequently, Today failed to explore this issue or even pose a question to Balls about how these profits arise. God forbid, a straightforward answer might indicate that statism as espoused by Labour particularly (but the other main parties as well) might actually benefit, to an extent, the bonus earners in the City but at an enormous and avoidable cost to the rest of us. FWIW my opinion is that monopolies exist because of unsuitable regulation which makes entry into the markets concerned more or less impossible to any person or company outside a few enormous financial institutions and/or those favoured by the state. No wonder banks “can’t fail” if on one hand they’re handed monopoly profits by the state or, on the other, the state stands ready to bail them out through direct injections of cash or through money printing quanitative easing when state-induced monopoly profits fail to materialise.
All true plus they never mention how many of Labour’s top brass are living it large on the SS Big Law. It’s not like Justine Milliband’s £250K pa is a huge secret.
Add in Legal Aid as a permanent, open-ended, bail out for the Uman Rites sisterhood and the average citizen may note that a distinct whiff of pots and kettles.
Israel Knesset yesterday voted to abolish the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the compulsory TV licence fee. The Kol Israel broadcasting will cease and be replaced by new broadcasting channels. Israeli broadcasting like the BBC is unrelentingly leftist, the new Authority may just be a recycling of the old personnel but one can only hope there will be a complete change of policy.
So folks how about doing the same at the BBC ?? Abolish the licence fee and privatize the BBC news channels.
Following from Al BBC s…
hectoring for “Israel response is disproportionate” ….
not forthcoming, so … its not proportionate, you don t think its proportionate … so its disproportionate etc
with Hammond … no dice so, now bleat goes on to :-
UN officials accuse Israel of launching a deadly attack on a UN-run school housing thousands of refugees in Gaza despite repeated warnings.
BBC ‘Tank shells’ at Gaza school”
BBC News invites in Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn to ensure that HSBC are identified as the villains following their decision to withdraw banking facilities from several Muslim entities. I think Christian Voice failed to find a supporting voice at the BBC when the Co-operative Bank closed their account after their display of “homophobia” in objecting to the portrayal of Christ in “Jerry Springer – the Opera”. Ironic as I suppose these Muslim bodies could display a similar level of homophobia should Corbyn or the BBC be interested to discover it
Al-Aqsa TV gave CBeebies a run for its money, but The Evil Jooz have now, ahem, ‘shut it down’. Unfortunately, the big, homicidal chicken that tells children they must kill Jews was himself killed in the blast. Shame…will they be wearing black armbands on Childrens BBC, now?
Anybody able to tell me why Sarah Montague can refer to the likes of Can and Kraftwerk as “Krautrock” on her Toady Show this morning?
But the likes of the Last Poets aren`t able to be called “niggermusic”…despite them being proud of that term for themselves and others at that time?
If I were A German, I`d go for the racist stereotypers like Montague…offensive, in my Buch.
The ‘putting wedge’ BBC interviewer dissembles: ‘Of course, many people will think, well, it’s occurring in West Africa a long way away, we’re perfectly safe here, what do you say to those people who think we don’t have to worry?’
Sorry ‘putting wedge’, but the ‘many people will think’ phrase is an attempt to mask your own BBC disinformation. Quite clearly, in a country with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and borders that are not properly controlled, it’s a fair guess that most people would think that we are NOT ‘perfectly safe’. The question could have been put more honestly: ‘We are aware that deadly diseases such as ebola can be transferred by people travelling between countries. Many countries have poor health standards and endemic diseases and this is obviously a worrying development for people in this country. What would you say to those people who think we don’t have to worry?’
Unfortunately, Hammond’s platitude of a response, amounting to ‘we should listen to scientific evidence and advice and then make decisions about precautions’, is just as dissembling considering the government’s (and the BBC’s) record in the field of ‘climate science’.
I approve of Dawkins logic.
His anti-Christian bluster and nastiness over these last few years may yet prove to be fruitful if he trashes the Muslim Womens Temple and rents in twain the liberal burkas and Cyclops-like weirdness over gang rapes, FGM and what ISIS is doing to Christians in Iraq and Syria.
Dawkins may yet find Jesus at this rate!
Dawkins is definitely an atheist but was conspicuously absent from the list of ‘atheist great and the good’ who signed a letter refuting that Britain was a ‘Christian’ country. He has also openly criticised his fellow liberals’ complete failure to critique Islam for fear of being labelled racist. The conservative atheist Peter(?) Hitchens was another not afraid to poke the Religion of Peace. Dawkins strikes me as very Anglican in his atheism.
I think you may be confusing the Hitchens brothers. Peter regularly admits he is devoutly Christian. His late brother Christopher was the atheist ans was of a left wing political slant. Indeed it was he who criticised Islam.
Cue for INBBC, INBBC Arabic, and INBBC Asian Network to step up their political campaigns for the burqa:-
” Landmark burqa ban in Spain.
“Pressure is mounting across Europe against Sharia-inspired practices such as the wearing of the burqa. The latest move in Spain is another significant development.”
Scoping the FaceBook page, a bouquet and a brickbat from the BBC World News feed: BBC World News a Women in Turkey posting smiling selfies.
It’s in response to the country’s deputy prime minister saying that women should not laugh out loud in public. http://bbc.in/1s1Gph9
#kahkaha #direnkahkaha
Actually the BBC didn’t do too much, but I did like the story.
Better yet, I really liked the comments that it prompted.
Unfortunately an early Mo slammed in with the usual and it didn’t go well in the replies, not least given the complementary nature of the story that he seemed to have missed. Got a lot of likes though. Maybe some just click without thinking or reading on BBC threads too?
Then there was this one:
BBC World News “Children were killed as they slept next to their parents” #Gaza conflict http://bbc.in/1s3iw86
Israel has shelled a UN school sheltering more than 3,000 people. At least 19 people were killed and 90 others injured.
The United Nations said they gave Israel repeated warnings that civilians were sheltering in the Gaza school.
What troubles me here is that call-out quote.
Very biblical.
The comments to the posting are… typical, so hardly worth bothering with. How the BBC finds promoting such an inevitable slugfest serves anything bar racking up the tensions defeats me, but then one simply needs to think of the Vine Show.
The linked piece is an interesting example of reporting, starting with the unquoted ‘claim’ and ending with the actual claimant at end. Israel attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, the UN has said.
I was also hoping for clarification on how children were killed but not their nearby parents, which sounded as unlikely as it does awful.
However, under the picture in the piece that was also used with the FaceBook ‘killed as they slept’ header, the caption says: ‘Children were said to be among the wounded in the school strike’
I am therefore intrigued how the BBc on its own pages get from a definitive fact and manner of death to ‘said to to be wounded’. Which is it?
The ‘killed’ quote comes later, from Chris Gunness who appears to count military assessment amongst other skills.
Bob Turner of the UN is also confident of blame, but clearly not sure enough to say so without a weasel.
Frankly, the whole ‘set’ raises a bunch more questions about who is propagandising, who is ‘reporting’, where, and how they are working in concert or tripping each other up.
OT(-ish, as BBC does get a hat tip for its ‘contributions’), but the other day the Prescott got unleashed on Gaza and even on home turf in The Mirror came down like the Hindenburg.
This is a worthy critique of the calibre of commentator dominating the politico-media infirmament here in the UK. http://www.thecommentator.com/article/5129/lord_no_brain_piles_in_against_israel
The man is a national disgrace, and embarrassment.
Maybe explaining the unusual BBC bargepole thus far for their usual go-to gob.
Bet Katz is tempted, mind.
This one must have popped a few skulls around the Flokker mess tent today: http://order-order.com/2014/07/30/sandi-toksvigs-very-offensive-not-funny-joke-about-miliband/
On the one hand there is a BBC stalwart, and ladee taboot, providing rare ‘balance’ on the political humour front (though Miliband does seem to be viewed as a weak link to the BBc master plan).
However, there have been some who feel entities who host forums, vs. paying staff, where dodgy comments get made should be closed down.
Of course others have been around to say that there is no outrage on the BBC unless the BBC uses the word.
Maybe there’s a ‘views my own’ that gets some a pass on this?
Funny old world.
A question has been posed: 151. Dangerous Brian says: July 30, 2014 at 12:57 pm
I wonder if she will get (Carol Thatchered)
Answers to ‘You’re ‘avin a larf’, BBC, WIA.
You know this gag is going to be cited endlessly for the next 18 months as proof of balance, right?
But let’s check out the joke itself: the message is the Red Ed is kind of a loser right? It’s not nice but it’s hardly criticism of the left in general in the same way the right gets criticised. Consider Sandy Toxic’s line about the Tories putting the ‘N’ in ‘Cuts’.
It’s the usual balls. These people slander conservatives constantly as Nazi lunatics but then they do a gag about Ed Balls blinking a lot and that meant to be balance.
The dire Thinking Allowed has yet another go at destroying our ‘non-existent’ nation, culture and race… Race & consumption – Laurie Taylor talks to Ben Pitcher, Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, about the ways in which racial meaning is produced in everyday acts of consumption. From the depiction of ‘red Indians’ by children’s authors to the wearing of Bob Marley T shirts and the enthusiasm for ‘ethnic’ street food; our ideas of race are made and re-made across the terrain of contemporary culture. They’re joined by Lola Young, Crossbench Peer and former Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Middlesex.
The programme comes up with some gems such as the (non-existent) ‘Whites’ having to look to Nordic Noir for their culture as their own (St. George) is tainted by ‘racism’. Apparently these Whites are attracted by the ‘social democratic’ model that these series depict. (I thought they were about gruesome killings, in bleak tree-less surroundings, involving remarkably ugly people).
Garden programmes are also suspect because they talk about ‘native plants’ (no such thing of course). Mind things have got better because once there was a call to get rid of rhododendrons, which aligned with the rise of ‘right-wing’ groups. Now of course we accept their vibrant cultural diversity (or not)
What fools we are not to realise that there are no biological racial differences (sickle cell anaemia) anyone? How sad that we still hanker after the ‘fragile’ nation state.
Are these entropists sick in the head?
England’s Saint George was of the Greek race, Scotland’s Saint Andrew was of the Jewish race, but Wales Saint David was of the British race and so was Irelands Saint Patrick.
So according to the BBC, if I was a racist I would prefer Saint Patrick, because I am a mixture of the British and Irish races.
That could put some racial meaning into Laurie Taylor’s BBC brain.
Actually St. George is more a mix of ‘Greek’ and Turk/ Syrian/Palestinian; his father was a Greek Christian but from the centre of what is now Turkey. He (George) was born in what is now Lebanon/Israel (Roman Palestine = Roman Syria and Roman Judea) where his mother was from.
Since Ian Katz took over, Newsnight has finally entered the twilight zone. At least Paxman had a bit of gravitas, his replacement by the giggling Gaylord must signal the end of this clapped out format.
Israel attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, the UN has said.
UN spokesman Chris Gunness said “the world stands disgraced” by the attack, in which 15 died and dozens were hurt.
The Israeli military said an initial inquiry suggested soldiers responded to mortar fire. It says it is now holding a partial, four-hour humanitarian ceasefire.
Some 1,200 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have been killed in the conflict.
Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians.
Now I have no idea of the real circumstances of these deaths but a certain logic makes these claims suspicious, besides various omissions show a clear bias.
Israel is well aware that it is getting demonized by much of the world media for being responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza. It is clear that there is little or no blame for Hamas for using civilian areas to launch attacks against Israel, knowing full well civilians will be in the firing line.
Israel does it’s best to warn civilians to flee areas that will be targeted by a variety of means. In fact the BBC does show one picture to this effect, but no explanation of the import in relation to this, or any other of their articles.
So it’s clear that Israel has to respond to attack, but is doing all it can to avoid innocents suffering. The very fact that they put troops on the ground, which creates a higher death toll to their own soldiers, rather than fire missiles from planes, is all part of this effort.
So it’s unlikely that knowing civilians, particularly children, are sheltering in a school, Israel would fire on them.
So how does the UN ‘know’ that it was the result of Israeli fire that killed these civilians?
They ‘know’ that 3 times now they have already found Hamas rockets on the premises.
They know that Hamas fired first at Israeli troops from the area.
Anybody with a modicum of intelligence would also know that the only kind of ‘success’ that Hamas can hope to reach with their aggression is to demonize Israel in the eyes of the world. They certainly have nowhere near the weaponry they would need to seriously threaten Israel in a war.
Therefore Hamas needs these civilian deaths, and besides stopping civilians from fleeing areas that Israel has warned will be hit, making sure there will be casualties, it wouldn’t surprise me at all, given their mindset, that they will purposefully kill their own people to make sure that children will be hit.
Plain common sense!
Given that the UNRWA are very aware that Hamas have used their schools to conceal rockets, shows they’re well aware of the disregard Hamas has for it’s own people.
The BBC also seems to have no problem stating ‘most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians’.
But no mention of any figure that might indicate just how many were terrorists, or ‘militants’ as the BBC refers to them.
If Israel was so disregarding of human life in Gaza, as the BBC want to present, NONE of the BBC journalists would have enough guts to remain there. They do so because they know that short of some unexpected accident, like a Hamas rocket landing short, as a lot of them do, they will be safe and secure.
Near the end of the article the BBC reports
In other developments:
The UN on Tuesday revealed that a cache of rockets had been found at one of its schools in Gaza – the third case of its kind – and condemned it as a “yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises”
So there’s no question they too are well aware of this flagrant disregard for civilian life by Hamas, but prefer not to show it in any meaningful way.
One can read nearly every line in their article, as well as news reports, that it is pure spin that is being spread, will little or no logic or common sense.
Who to believe, eh? http://bbcwatch.org/2014/07/30/bbc-smokescreen-for-terrorists-use-of-human-shields-reaches-new-low/
Based on referenced fact vs. BBC-traded emotion, and more than a few examples of BBC reporting that doesn’t add up and testimony as to what does or does not attract their interest, the only certainty is that if there was ever a media limbo contest, the BBC would pass easily under the bar.
Worth reading one of the cited sources: http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/07/media-cover-up-of-hamas-crimes-starting-to-unravel/
At the very least, I would be interested in the BBC’s astounding uncuriosity at editorial level too, in at least checking these alternative stories for veracity.
At the very least there appear to be a lot reporters reporting who suddenly withdraw what they originally claimed to have seen, heard, or been told.
Which is, at best, odd.
No mention of this at all on the BBC news website. Isn’t part of the job of the BBC to hold politicians to account when the break the rules?
Former Cabinet Minister Ms Harman is advertising for a trainee caseworker in her Camberwell and Peckham office in south London on a salary of £17,000 a year.
Interesting that a crusader for workers’ rights and a living wage pays her own employee a wage that is terrible for London. Even Rodney Trotter probably makes more than that! LOL!
Here is a former member of Hamas describing the evil philosophy of Hamas – stuff that is wierdly different from our Western outlook. BBC staff KNOW about this difference, and how it drives Hamas and the Palestinians, so it should be part of their reporting. They should be explaining these sick attitudes and beliefs to us.
But no – they hide these important facts from the audience.
and i watch the news again on bbc and itv channel 4 etc tonight and its all pro hamas propaganda about nasty israel and the idf killing little kiddies and innocent civilians,i am getting sick of this anti israeli propaganda,just sick of it,in a week where isis released a video of 1700 innocent boys and old men getting beheaded and shot to death and dumped in mass graves in iraq we have had no coverage of this.500 nigerian christians have been butchered by boko haram islamists in the past 2 weeks and nothing on the bbc or the media about this.not to forget those 300 christian schoolgirls kidnapped by boko haram and the media seems to have forgot about there plight.just forgot about,see what i mean about anti israeli bias,it is rampant not only on the bbc but with the rest of the so called media.just sickening.
Jon Snow and his Hamas Hummus Co-Op referred to the Israelis being “hysterical” about the rockets falling on their country.
This was Channel 4 NEWS( not the Jews on Trial)-and how dare this squit tell us all that Israel is being hysterical.
S`pose no Wimmins Group will take on his sexist description of Israel will they?
Nah-course not.
Mind you, Snow was “interviewing” some Hamas spokesman from the safety of Beirut…well, it`s more “on the ground” that is Doha or Qatar!
Brave,brave Hamas-leaving the wives and kids behind to die for the henna dye and beard trimmers…
Last time Mason (Channel 4) interviewed a Hamas representative in a hospital, he was wearing a flak-jacket and helmet as if to suggest he was in imminent danger. Does he wear his armour all the time or just put it on for interviews? No armour for interviews in Israel, suggesting a fearful Israel overreaction. In Israel, does he seek out a shelter when the alarm sounds?
Jon Snow is the Kim Jong-un of British broadcasting. Unaccountable and blatantly biased, Snow has now been Supreme Leader of the state-owned People’s Republic of Channel 4 News for over 25 years.
North West Tonight has a long segment about opposition to proposed changes to the NHS is Manchester, including an interview with a spokesman from the group leading the opposition, someone called Ian McCartney.
But who is this disinterested advocate of good health care?
This was the creep that had to defend the manhandling of Walter Wolfgang at Labours Night Rally in 2005.
The old bloke had the nerve to call out something about Jack Straw, and his Iraqi shambles…so he had to go didn`t he?
Poor McCartney-makes Prescott seem like Oscar Wilde.
After Nick Griffins acquittal for inciting racial hatred by a jury for saying islam is a cruel and wicked faith, McCartney as a member of the labour government said when asked about the verdict, “well we’ll just change the law then”
McCartney is a disgusting little man
Consequently, Labour tried to make any criticism of islam a criminal offence, bounced it through the commons with its majority but thank god for the house of lords, they through it out as undemocratic
I have to admit that hearing this is a refreshing change especially from a Labour council. I never thought I would hear a politician utter
“this council cannot support those who seek to bring this conflict into our city and drive wedges between communities whose home is not the Middle East but is here in Manchester.”
That’s just about laying it on the line as hard as is possible in the UK today – the equivalent of ‘Muslims behave yourselves’! despite the fact that they can’t (or won’t) see they’re doing anything wrong!
Don’t believe a word of it. Not a single word. it is for public consumption .He might be sincere but this is England 2014 and no place anymore for Jews. Time to leave . Particularly the young.
In 1933 there was still time to leave Germany.
The sheer level of media encouraged hatred now is all the evidence you need. I have never heard such loathing as I hear now .
As the conflict continues the BBC’s outrage at Israel, its repeated scenes of wailing Pallies, interviews with doctors, and unchecked quotes from Hamas sources, increase. Tonight’s piece, linked here, tells of anger mounting from the UN and US, with condemnation from the UK added. Stronger language here plus warnings of graphic images (but nothing like images from ISIS or Boko haram).
Here is a question: is this the work of the regulars, Bowen et al, with a reputation for Islamic support, or is the BBC dancing to someone else’s tune – the Government, perhaps? It does seem that the BBC is going a bit too far, even allowing for its anti Jewish bias. And we know Cameron and Obama’s shared views on Islam. Are we not seeing the BBC, and much of the US media, attacking Israel with the knowledge that their respective governments are applauding them? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28573674
I confess to be very despondent regarding the situation. We seem to have entered some alternative universe where sense has gone out the window and we are apparently intent on ensuring our own doom. Every utterance by the Palestinians is treated as Gospel whilst any statement from Israel is “Israel claims”. There is clear evidence that schools, hospitals and UN shelters are being used for military purposes yet no-one sees a problem with this: it becomes Israel’s fault when something happens to any civilians. In fact I’ve yet to hear that Israel has killed anyone who isn’t a civilian and no-one finds this improbable.
This was brought home to me tonight when Mrs D and I had words. She thought it “disgusting” what Israel had done. Even when I asked just what else Israel is supposed to do she wouldn’t change her mind. The relentless bias in reporting has rendered her unable to accept that Israel can be anything other than at fault here and you can bet this is being repeated in households all over the country – and probably the world.
I just feel Israel is being hung out to dry and fear where this is leading.
Stand firm. There is a sickness in the land. Reason is lost and emotion runs riot. This is what happens to a people when they allow reality to be put to one side and forgotten . When they indulge their desires and emotions at the expense of truth and what is right. When they reject the very notion of truth and right.
That most dreadful of generations that we call the 68ers has been all too successful in corrupting a nation and corrupting themselves.
You cannot reason with them.
These lost people need the destruction of Israel in some bizarre way. I cannot understand it .
All we can do is pray that the world does not descend into war and the most terrible barbarity.
To be perfectly frank, I couldn’t give a stuff about the “poor Palestinians”. They have brought this on themselves. Young children are brainwashed from an early age to hate Israel and Jews in general. The lessons they learn in school and on childrens’ TV shows make the Jew baiting of Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher seem tame by comparison. There is plenty of evidence, even from the Palestinian Authority itself showing photographs of children dressed in suicide bomber belts or pointing AK 47s at the camera. Who can forget the scenes of Palestinians dancing in the streets when the Twin Towers were brought down on 9/11?
It’s obvious the Palestinian leadership don’t want peace with Israel when they’ve deliberately sabotaged previous attempts to create a two-state solution. The best chance was when Clinton brought both sides together at Camp David and the Israelis gave in to 95% of the Palestinian demands but at the last moment Yasser Arafat broke off negotiations on the advice of his associate at the meeting, Mahmoud Abbas, current President of the Palestinian State.
When the Palestinian people make a hero out of a barbaric murderer who cuts the throat of a Jewish baby in its crib, then as far as I’m concerned they are beyond redemption.
Usually there is a split in public opinion within Israel, and international pressure and criticism helps the “left” push for ceasefires – before the job is done.
But this time round it looks entirely different. The left in Israel have been the most openly critical of the US as it wobbled towards the Hamas/Qatar/Turkey axis. Polls are showing that some 90% of Israelis want the IDF to continue – they have been horrified at the revealing of the extent of the terror-tunnels and what they were planned fpr, plus the extended range of rocket fire from Gaza.
This unusual consensus suggests that the IDF actions will continue, regardless of international criticism which is often so woefully uninformed (or BBC-skewed). As someone said a few days ago – you may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
I don’t see things ending for quite some time yet. Yes, civilian casualties are tragic, but Hamas bears the primary responsibility, and Hamas is not backing down. The UN, the BBC, and of necessary the US administration can go stuff themselves.
Add the EU and Turkey to the list. Israel is well aware of the massacres and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated on their doorstep, in Syria and Iraq, by Nato-financed ISIS (Al Quaeda). Every country the globalist coalition has ‘liberated’ has become a murderous killing field … but the BBC can’t be bothered.
It does seem to have seeped into homes across the land. Mainly via social media such as FB, but still with the MSM at its core.
I mentioned that I was unfollowing a few friends who were blindly sharing utter propaganda, and my wife asked why.
I explained that I felt they were ill informed and did not feel personal feeds were appropriate to engage as it seldom ends well. Best to withdraw contact at least to cut off the flow.
We then got into a discussion.
My concern was with the terrible calibre of reporting on current events. She was more interested in historical causes.
At the end we saw where each other was coming from better. Then later she sent me this link: http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/why-dont-i-criticize-israel
She does see historical iniquities but now accepts that what has been done is done and arguing over such things really serves little purpose in face of current antics and geo-political realities.
Yet these are just what the supposed pros in the BBC, MSM and too many foreign offices are twatting about with.
What is interesting is the adverse reaction to being ill or mis-informed once the BBC’s clear bias, and indeed blatant skewed propagandising (lies broadcast; awkward facts and evidence suppressed) is laid out. Such as BBC Watch is excellent in damning them with their own reporting.
Until now she has viewed my concerns with the BBC’s malign power and influence as a tolerable hobby-horse; now she is seeing just how corrupting it can be and the danger it presents.
There are some very simple minds in the nation, and when the BBC speaks to them with half or bent stories, it takes little to set them off.
It’s one thing some dinner table warriors getting upset by misinformation on victims of Pally missile shortfalls, but we now have large tranches of diversity who need little excuse to go on the rampage when served fauxtography raw and unchecked by the national broadcaster.
It would be ironic if certain market rate coffee bistro second job indulgences were caught up in the consequences of the BBC’s failure to report fully and/or accurately.
My fear is it has lead to a point where confrontations are inevitable, with the BBC more than complicit.
She has just shared this with me: http://davidbyrne.com/gaza-and-the-loss-of-civilization
Interesting for the two viewpoints, but also the rare willingness to listen and share and maybe compromise.
Sadly concession is a mindset Western liberals can get their heads around, and work with. It all falls apart when you grasp that for some, total dominance is the only acceptable outcome. I’d include some in Israel here, which explains if not excuses some excesses that have led to massive PR setbacks. However, simply looking at a map shows what’s at stake. I live in an area of bucolic calm in the UK countryside. If I was in Cardiff I’d be very worried now, especially if prone to the odd summer beverage experience.
If you are surrounded by 3rd world nihilistic nutters bent on destruction at the beck and call of old men with zero conscience, maybe you’d be a bit more focused and firm in defence too.
She’s also now shocked at the apparent publication of a ‘we are watching’ list of Israel-supporting actors and musos. I asked if the twittosphere inhabited by such as the BBC would be giving voice to the publishers of such a list…. to understand their motivations.
Maybe wristbands for them, and if they dominate, they can enforce yellow stars on those they don’t like.
Nice one Dave, Theresa…
In the world of entertainment, it takes some guts to stand up and be counted when the media and its mobs are in full cry. Meanwhile even on the most supposedly niche of forums the notebooks are without irony out, proud and dripping with threat… ‘Don’t tell ’em, Pike!’
Comments are not pretty. Frankly with such topics on FaceBook they never are, as the BBC’s various feeds can show.
Just hope the BBC professional reporting staff don’t get inspired to any ‘innocent face’ RT’s requiring further learning of lessons, as a history they clearly have not learned from repeats.
Good link; I think Peter Schwartz’s reply a full and fair account although there will always be the nay sayers (one of the comments below pretty much blaming Israel for being attacked in 67 and 73!
‘Peter Schwartz’s reply a full and fair account’
Agree. Though noting, like any pol ‘critique’ of the BBC that has to start ‘National treasure’, it has to lay groundwork acknowledging the FUBAR behind Israel’s creation, which at best still seems hotly contested depending on who wants to sample which slice of which history as the foundation of the case.
While it all has a bearing and is context, I am more concerned with now.
Israel exists, isn’t going anywhere and is full of folk determined to protect what they have carved out of the desert.
It is surrounded by a vast numerically-superior collection of folk who mostly state they wish to obliterate every man, woman and child, already rendering risible tit-for-tat moral equivalences from the likes of Mishal Hussein & John Prescott idiotic militarily. When you are outnumbered you can’t afford to lose a soul. Here Hamas has no issue throwing its people into the mincer, simply for PR gain. It’s a no lose; if the Israelis baulk at response then Hamas simply creeps forward anyway. ‘one of the comments below pretty much blaming Israel for being attacked ‘
Comments on such forums (esp. BBC World News) range from meaningless drivel from Yummy Mummies to psycho venom from too many with too much time to trawl all such places and trot out what they have been told to.
This place is not always perfect, but usually sees great shares and opinion with the odd (possibly false flag) wind up to provide the drive-by merchants sparse nourishment.
Glad to see few examples of late, which may explain the absence of the Staffel. See what the weekend brings.
Wednesday 11pm BBC News 24, Ian Pannell’s report showed toys amongst the rubble at the UN school. But why was the yellow ball amongst the rubble bright and shiny, without a hint of dust?
Who can forget the reporter played by Stephen Tompkinson in Drop The Dead Donkey who fabricated his reports from war zones around the world? He always carried a teddy bear with him which he would drop into a pile of burnt bricks and do a “Feargal Keane” report full of pathos about the last moments of the “child” who owned the teddy. Watch any episode of the series with Tompkinson and you’ll see where reporters like Doucet, Donnison, Bowen get their inspiration.
Hands up those who heard about the violence in Cardiff on Sat when Muslims (yes Muslims) protesting about Gaza attacked people having a lazy drink in the sun. According to the bBC the attackers are all white and so by default the victims must be..Islamic. Here is the photo the bBC show the police want to interview:
and here are a number of photos of the actual attack across the road from John Lewis:
F-ing Islamic rabble rousers, nothing from them after 170,000 muslims killed in Syria, nothing when thousands are killed in Syria,Nigeria,Yemen,Libya,Pakistan.
But when a terrorist org gets its arse kicked for starting a war thinking that Israel will stop due to Liberal pressure and they protest in their thousands.
To any Muslims reading this, want to explain the hypocrisy here.
That report URL pretty much lays it all on some violent thugs attacking the peaceful marchers, who appeared to have gathered en masse and by coincidence had a ready collection of minders ready to respond to unprovoked aggression with overwhelming force (acceptably it would appear in this case, so irony not a strong point to at walesonline and those it quotes) to defend themselves.
Maybe there are further realities yet to emerge?
Interesting Dave, Theresa and their acolytes in the judicial police system felt this march could proceed for the public good and safety, but two folk popping in to speak at a series of conferences needed banning in case things kicked off.
May need to add Cardiff to a growing list of UK cities our political establishment has turned into a tribal war zone.
the 10pm news last night was a disgrace and showing injured children and painting the Israelis as evil but watching it it made me realise the left have won with this one as how can anyone fight against pictures of dying children. They have pushed and pushed for terrorists and not exposed their methods so I am hoping the Israelis really do wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth and just ignore the crap spouted by the lying Western media
My faith in them is now completely gone and will never recover
Hamas’ main command bunker?
located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City?
… is anybody out there?
Third rocket arsenal found?
in a UN school in Gaza?
… come on! … anyone?
how about
Jerusalem imam: Egypt should annex Gaza, lead armies to annihilate the Jews
Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
14 ways Hamas weaponizes – women, children, animals against Israel
Italian reporter confirms: Hamas rocket killed children on playground.
Hamas Mortar hits school not IDF
Civilians beaten by Hamas for leaving, after bomb warning
… no picture? , no narrative? emerging
Hillary Clinton:
Hamas uses human shields because, “Gaza pretty small”
grrrr … off switch!
“Hillary Clinton:
Hamas uses human shields because, “Gaza pretty small””
She really came out with that? And is in line for next Loon in Chief?
Any critical analysis of sniper tactics given her vast experience.. when not a bit tired?
I am currently wondering how well D-Day would have gone had the Allies phoned up Rommel and asked him to pop back to Normandy to organise the evacuation of the locals as they were planning to come over when the weather was nice.
Tx for the share.
Have to say that while this analysis of hers was pretty clunky (on top of her unalloyed fears), I would not say it was too fair to say she was pushing this primarily as an excuse much less a legitimate one.
She was pretty fair and balanced (no equivocation on who started it all, and kept on pushing and provoking) on the current geo-political situation, IMHO, especially given the bonkers level of liberal media propaganda that must rattle any politician trying to do what is right vs. popular.
Which may explain if not excuse her steering clear of ‘no-go’ areas on a bunch of inconvenient facts to the whole sorry shambles.
Such as these blooming, concrete-guzzling tunnels. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/07/31/uk-mideast-gaza-idUKKBN0FV04D20140731?
What were/are they really for?
Where did/do they start?
Where to?
If to bring in humanitarian aid, why heading out to Israeli villages, with weapons ready to use for what now?
And given a honking great border with Egypt, why are they needed at all?
Now it looks like there is the possibility the Israelis may seen be concluding their ground ops to neutralise these offensive incursion threats and may pull back.
Which may present Hamas with a bit of a problem on the PR front, despite the best efforts of the likes of Jon, Jezza, Orla, etc.
So one supposes they will just go back to the daily rocket assault, and Israel will be expected to rely on Iron Dome and bunker dashes every time to avoid provocation claims by targeting launch sites deliberately positioned in creches.
Even Hills has grasped that one.
Meanwhile the UN has shot all credibility it didn’t have on this one.
There is an article in the Telegraph with the headline’Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children’. Then we get a list of those who condemn it including Mr Ban Ki-Moon of the UN. Just remind me, how much condemnation was there when the Fogle family children were slaughtered in their sleep by muslims? I’m sorry to say I can’t work up any empathy for muslims while they are mass-killing Christians all over the muslim world.
AsIseeit wrote: ‘A weightlifter competing at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games is to stand trial for an alleged sex attack on another man in a supermarket toilet.’
I heard it was somebody from the bBC who asked a little boy if he would help him in the toilet as he wasn’t allowed to lift anything heavy.
Sarah Montague has been on a mission against Israel all through the Today programme this morning – including replaying bits of yesterday’s interview where she was repeatedly trying to trap Philip Hammond into saying that the IDF is acting disproportionately. Luckily at 8.10 there were 2 Israel people who tried to put her right on the morality of what is happening and why Israeli opinion is – this time – so united in feeling that the Hamas threat must be dealt with, whatever the synthetic views abroad. But Montagues’s tone was antagonistic and critical all through – Israel is bad, bad, bad, ie illegal and immoral.
Never does the BBC try to criticise and harry the Arabs in this manner.
It seems that the BBC has no moral fibre. In the current situation, hypocrites there have no right to yammer on about a “blockade” of Gaza as some sort of evil – when tight control of the border into Israel was made essential by massive Hamas suicide bombing attacks after Gaza was did-occupied back in 2005. People like Montague – and the entire BBC team – have no right to moralise about IDF actions when it is very clear that the IDF is taking extreme measures to try to avoid civilian casualoties whereas Hamas is actually seeking them. It is immoral of the BBC to keep harping on about UN facilities – when we and they know that such facilities have been used to store Hamas rockets and as tunnel entrances, and when the UN is part of the whole problem of Palestinian/Hamas corruption and moral blindness.
The BBC seems determined to deny that this is a just war, and that the IDF is acting as far as it can in a just and humane manner, even when this increases the risk to its own soldiers.
The key moral difference, which the BBC is determined to avoid, is that Hamas WANTS to act in an evil manner – it seeks to kill civilians including children. The IDF does not seek to kill civilians including children.
I am at the stage now where I wish for just one hour the IDF unleashed everything at Gaza (especially where the journalists are holed up) and showed the world what it would really be like if it was the “genocide” they were accused of…….
Me too, getting sick of this faux outrage from the bBC. Report the news by all means , but don’t do it while noshing off the local Iman and parroting his hate the jew line every chance you get.
At the end of the day: Hamas started the ball rolling, they have to pay the price.
I keep searching the social media for clips of Israeli children being given candy to celebrate the deaths of Gaza children – as the Palestinians did over the Fogle family and others. Nothing so far.
The BBC/liberal media has lost any conception of right and wrong. Meaningless words to them now. This is what happens when over educated elites forget that reality exists and that empathy and moral equivallence are no substitutes.
Justin Webb, arch Beeboid-Leftoid mutant was this morning laughingly trying to equate the £160k which a Russian woman has donated to the Tories for a tennis match with our Boris to the many millions donated by the unions to buy ZaNuLaB policy. Grayling politely pointed out that the ‘Russian’ woman was in fact British and was married to a Russian who had been thrown out of Putin’s government ten years ago whereas there was a very clear correlation between the pronouncements of our union leaders and subsequent ZaNuLaB policy.
Great for Justin to get his bias out there to Al Beeb’s most listened-to news programme!
Funny, that. Normally, lefties are falling over themselves to describe immigrants with recently-acquired British citizenship as being “just as British as you or me”.
I generally agree with your view that Justin Webb is a left-leaner. The one thing I say in his favour is that he seems to have been the only person on the Today programme (and perhaps the whole of the BBC) to have questioned a BBC Gaza correspondent on the balance of their reporting. I have heard twice in the past fortnight, Webb pointing out (albeit obliquely, tentatively and with an apologetic tone) that the BBC’s reporting is in effect controlled by Hamas, so how can we be sure it is correct. On both occasions, I got the distinct impression that Webb would have liked to question the BBC correspondent’s reporting more closely, but felt constrained by the clear BBC editorial policy on Israel and Gaza. It’s a small light in the dark, deceitful tunnel of the BBC.
I am waiting to hear a journalist put the following question to a member of Hamas;-
“Look, I hate those sons of dogs and pigs just as much as you do, but why when there is plenty of open space in the Gaza Strip do you launch your rockets near to mosques, and schools?
It cannot possibly be that you regard a few dozen dead Gazans as just as useful as a dead Jew?
Lol given that the USSR through the KGB basically ran the Labour party for decades why are they now so upset at an ex KGB man ? oh yes the money dried up !
the BBC got its revenge over the Belgrano though. It informed the Argentines that 2 Para was about to attack Goose Green, giving the argies time to reinforce it, and that the Argentine Air Force were releasing their bombs too low for them to arm. A quick fix by the argies meant they started killing our people and sinking our ships
Shouldnt someone at the BBC be tried for treason or at least aiding the enemy
In his autobiographical account of the Falklands War, Admiral Woodward blamed the BBC World Service for disclosing information that led the Argentines to change the retarding devices on the bombs. The World Service reported the lack of detonations after receiving a briefing on the matter from a Ministry of Defence official. He describes the BBC as being more concerned with being “fearless seekers after truth” than with the lives of British servicemen. Colonel ‘H’. Jones levelled similar accusations against the BBC after they disclosed the impending British attack on Goose Green by 2 Para.
Rubbish! UKIP took a seat in a bi-election last week. They took it from Labour in a Doncaster ward with a 20% swing vote. Doncaster being Miliband’s backyard. Labour are in a lot of trouble too!
You have to look at the bigger picture , council seats go all over the place to various parties . Before Ukip it was the Ratepayers Party in local elections , a sort of disgruntled Tory, local council party . The Bbc are wanting you to vote Ukip so , Millipeed will come through the middle & win . Its part of their Masterplan , mark my words.
The ‘bigger picture’ is the EU. If we don’t fix that everything else is fiddling with the petty cash. And the one thing we can be certain of is that the Conservative party has no intention whatsoever of ending our subservience to the EU.
Likewise, the BBC. The Tories simply have no desire to reform it.
They’ve had decades to do both these things and yet haven’t.
Until people wake up and admit to themselves what is perfectly plain – that the difference between the Tories, Labour and the LibDems is marginal – this country will continue to spiral down into complete insignificance.
UKIP may not be ‘the answer’ but something has to break the Left-liberal stranglehold on this country (perpetuated around the clock by the BBC) and so far, UKIP is our best chance,
Check their IRA/Sinn Fein sympathies, and their need to rush to support any of the terrorist muslims at Gitmo, and breathless reporting on any even alleged ‘abuse’ by British servicemen in the desert wars. THEY SUPPORT THE ENEMY OF GREAT BRITAIN IN EVERY CASE.
Israel is losing its own soldiers, because it is trying to protect civilian life, (would be a lot easier to sink to an Islamic mindset, they have the firepower to do so).
There is no moral equivalence
Hamas is an anti-Semitic Islamic genocidal terrorist outfit, the fact that they got “voted in?” says a lot more about the ahem … “want peace Palestinians” and the fake religion they follow, than Hamas.
PESTON certainly has the ‘politically correct’ credentials for ‘diverse’ DirGen HALL and ‘Guardian’-
“Robert Peston: which BBC role will he collar next?
Is the economics editor’s tie-less stint on Newsnight the prelude to him taking on another role at the corporation?”
In other news…
First, let’s lighten the mood: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/signing-on.html
I am not a fan of petitions. even before online versions made them meaningless. Which is about when the BBC decided they really liked some as they ignored others.
However, it was funny that when it comes to whipping up the masses for a good firing, there appears a 62:1 ‘split’ on Adrian Chiles getting the chop vs. Jezza.
And now, more sober fare. Actually not funny at all. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/paddock-empties.html
This is a vital role of oversight, and no one wants it. Which means who gets it will be a fanatic, placeperson or both.
Meaning the licence fee payer is even more screwed.
Not sure quite why Ms. Coyle is nixed by the author.
Ticks a lot of boxes and really, really, wants it, despite being deemed unqualified, which is seldom an issue at the BBC.
Surely the BBC haven`t run out of self-loathing liberal Jews have they?
Is that why Orla Guerin has been sent to peacenik events in Jerusalem to get those soundbites?
Why else would Sarah Montague be given two “former” Jews in the media and the law to try and bash the Israelis(Today 8.15 this morning)?
Because both Jewish speakers were informed and excellent, telling me stuff I`d not be hearing from the BBC…and Sarahs efforts to howl down the flow of information was her typical Montessori Marm act-and it failed dismally…”fell short of the target” as it were.
Learned more from those two than I`ll ever learn from the whole BBC slurried output….maybe their hacks need to stop sucking up to Hamas “exiled” spokesmen in Beirut or Abu Dhabi-and actually ask some real people why Israel is doing what it is.
Poor Sarah-two days running and no soundbite re “proportionality”…God knows, she even repeated her Hammond interview from yesterday, to prime our Jewish speakers…how often does a Tory get e repeat fee on Today then?
David Schneider or Krusty the Clown still to come, I expect!
The rest of Israel and the diaspora seem to be wising up to the BBCs assault on their nation.
This mosque must have been taken over by “Islamofauxbes” !.
and … to think they were just thinking, about getting ready for, Friday “hate hour” to pray for peace.
IDF find yet, another terror tunnel, under Gaza mosque. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/07/idf-finds-jihad-terror-tunnel-in-gaza-mosque
R Spencer
” Will there be an international outcry against the desecration of this “sacred space”?
Will the UN and Obama thunder denunciations?
Maybe at the Israelis for entering it so as to destroy the tunnel? … But not against the “Palestinians” for constructing the tunnel in the first place.”
The “desecration of mosques” schtick is no longer fashionable. I have not heard a peep about all the mosques the Israelis have blown to bits, nor for that matter the ones levelled next door in Syria. It just doesn’t cut it anymore…I think the cat’s out of the bag on the mosque front.
Another bit of BBC ‘wouldn’t fit’ ‘Semantic ‘R Us’ cubicle-garden subbing on the homepage at present:
LOCAL NEWS LONDON London mayor raises Palestinian flag
Blimey, Boris, that’s a blinder!
Actual linked story and headline: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-28580023 Tower Hamlets mayor raises Palestinian flag over town hall
Ah, so it was a mayor of a London borough rather than the Mayor or London, as may have been imagined. http://www.google.co.uk/#q=London+Mayor
Sorry for the confusion. Or not. “gesture politics of the worst kind””
Interesting who can often RT such things and then learn lessons later, whilst working with supposedly objective media monopolies. “This is a man who exercises human rights to refuse to answer questions at local council meetings.”
And this forum deals with a broadcaster that exercises FOI exemptions to not answer any questions about anything they say or do.
One can see why the complement so well.
Now there’s an interesting thing.
Still on the home page, only now…
LOCAL NEWS LONDON Local mayor raises Palestinian flag
Think someone noticed? Or got tipped off?
Page grabs of course now stored in the Cloud.
You can’t be too careful.
They are all at it the Preston Council Leader sis exactly the same. I asked him if his next trick was to raise the Black Flag of Al-Qaeda on the Town Hall for Remembrance day. This his part of his response.
“We don’t support Hamas. We have tried to show empathy to the people of Gaza (Christian as well as Muslim) who have had disproportionate force used against them. This isn’t about supporting Hamas which we have condemned for its insane policy of sending its rockets into Israel; but over a thousand people have been killed in Gaza through shelling and bombing by the IDF…
“Surely we all want a stop to the bloodshed I would echo the call of President Obama and the UN who have called for an immediate ceasefire. Preston may not count for much in the grand scheme of international affairs but many of our residents pay attention to what is happening in the outside world and feel strongly about it…”
Where does he get his mandate from to do this as leader of the local council? Shouldn’t he be spending his time fixing the cesspit that is Preston?
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Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
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pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
For Beeboids, of course, Muslims’ ‘rights’ trump any security threat to British non-Muslim people.
“HSBC closes some Muslim groups’ and individuals’ accounts”
By Dominic Laurie
For Beeboids: the real world we live in-
“Islamist Insurgency Fueled by Global Finance Web”
By Jeffrey Young.
did anyone catch R4 “Toady”, I drove back around
8.30 ish, to hear, much badgering, and hectoring of a spokesman to get …
“Israel response is disproportionate” …. not forthcoming, so … its not proportionate, you don t think its proportionate … so its disproportionate etc….
hmmm desperate.
Closely followed by Radio 4 equating, hatred driven brainwashed muslims, rushing all over the world to mass murder … with a erm ……”seen as heroes?” …
volunteers who fought against fascism in the Spanish civil war? … there is no equivalence … one islamofascist, others supposedly fighting against it.
(with lots of helpful bullsh-t from the London School of Extremists) ,,, astounding
Heard Philip Hammond being “grilled” by Sarah Montague-for that 9a.m News Soundbite they`d all been working for since 6am.
Sarah had nothing highlighted on her script but “proportionate/not/disproportionate…but sadly 9am went without the golden graham of a soundbite necessary to please the Camel Corps and Ragtags there at the BBC.
Imagine they`ll be ringing lower down the food chain to get that phrase inserted into an MPs wide mouth by TWATO Time.
And Humphrys letting Balls get away with crap earlier…just another day in BBC Paradise!
Where`s Evan when you need him?…at least he might KNOW something about what Balls did to our economy 1997-2010…if not dare to say it.
old news to those with … “eyes”
“Hamas’ main command bunkers located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war”
but the boneheads at the Al BBC, are still
head burying
BBC – UN ‘warned Israel 17 times’
BBC – Terrible scene’ in Gaza UN school
BBC – death tolls are mounting
more, you want more then 😀
Three IDF soldiers were killed on Wednesday in Gaza in an explosion at a … booby-trapped UNRWA health clinic that was found to have housed the opening of a terror tunnel
“The international media will probably report this as a craven Israeli assault on a health clinic”
Yes, I heard that, and was a little annoyed. Even my significant other was surprised at the persistence.
And she followed up by saying that she`d be “talking to someone from UNICEF later on in the programme”.
As if this would be a surprise or an inducement to “hang on in with the programme”.
Only a Radio 4 liberal oaf would stay listening, just in case the BBC went off piste with their well-worn opinions on Gaza.
Remind me again-is it 56 Islamic “states” that do their thing at the United Nations?…as opposed to one Jewish one?
And as for all those Palestinian refugees getting abused in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt as we speak?…no mention yet from the BBC about number of civilians, women and children killed in THOSE attacks on “Palestinian Refugees”.
Not even “how many of them turn out to be soldiers”!
Only wish that Israel would remove the BBC from Gazas 24/7 Hospital Radio-peddling anti Semitism (final) solutions now since 2006.
The volunteers who went to fight in the Spanish civil war (a mere 78 years ago!) went to fight fascism. ‘British’ muslims volunteering to fight in Syria and Iraq are fighting FOR fascism. Typical of the left/BBC not to mention this rather crucial difference.
Muslims in the Spanish Civil War fought for Franco and his fascists not the communists.
War often spawns unexpected alliances :
Bulgaria and Turkey on the same side in WWI, 40 years after a bloody Balkan war
The Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939-41 until Barbarossa
Italy switching sides from Axis to Allies in 1943
Yeah, what on Earth have Jew hating totalitarian expansionist Muslims have in common with Hitler, or what could National Socialists and Bolshevik Nationalistic Socialists possibly agree about?
Both the above examples fight over the same ground, rivals not opposites, the same mentality attracting the same people. Their enemy is a free society, and those who would defend it.
In the fight for a free society the BBC are on the side of its enemies. A free society is everything the BBC is against.
1) The BBC is not a monolithic structure, various reporters have various tendencies, notably in News.
2) But there must be a common ground agreed with the government regarding fundamental matters.
3) My impression is that such common ground is a) avoid irating Muslims, we need their oil and/or gas. b) Irated Muslims may instigate even worse acts of violence within our territory.
The same has been observed concerning ideologies. Tolerate certain dictatorial regimes, like some in Latin America, for they call themselves’ socialists’. Never mind that those regimes use the term with false credentials and actually want a class war and apply Stalinist methods while deceiving the entire world.
I believe that this extreme laissez faire attitude, together with other signs of populism, will eventually spell the dawn of European culture.
Newsflash: Stalin was a Socialist.
The Long view on Radio 4 “Through the prism of history, Jonathan Freedland considers our attitudes towards young people who volunteer to fight in foreign wars.”
The BBC attempting to link the Jihadists in Syria with the Communists idiots who went to fight the Spanish Civil war.
It’s another attempt to normalise Jihad and reduce the horror of the religion they follow.
Often the greatest far left bias of the BBC is in the programs they choose not to make as well as the ones they do. So how about a program which examines the past Jihads of the last century, how the Muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East.
There’s never a mention of how the state of Palestine before the state of Israel allied itself through it’s leader, allied itself with the Nazis, and began terrorist action against the British.
None of this can be examined because as we know, it’s Labour party policy that ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do”.
‘how the muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East’ … and not forgetting this lot who fought for us –
The Goumiers were also known amongst their fellow Allies for their habit of collecting ears by the sackful. Choppy-choppy does seem to be a recurring pattern right down to the present..
Freedland (a notorious Leftist) certainly produced a pile of disingenuous garbage with his exercise in false moral equivalence.
The Left has tried to sanctify the dupes who went to fight in the Spanish Civil War, presenting the eventual victors as unalloyed evil and Franco’s opponents as romantic heroes. Never do they dare consider what a Stalinstic hell-hole Spain would have turned into, had Franco lost!
The BBC mythologises the ‘useful idiots’ of the International Brigade and ignores the incalculable damage done to the country by the subversive returnees, who went on to burrow into the woodwork, wreaking slow havoc throughout the country – not least at the BBC, where so many of them wound-up.
Freedland’s programme did offer a cursory mention of the returning Soviet agents and social saboteurs but, as ever, glossed-over their impact, which is still felt today (not least in the very existence of cultural Marxist claptrap like Freedland’s programme!).
A more adult analysis would have examined the true damage to the country caused by ex-International Brigade returnees and might well have drawn the conclusion that returning jihadis should be refused re-entry to this country for the rest of their miserable lives.
“…how the Muslims fought for Franco, and for Hitler both in Europe and the Middle East…”
That kind of historical fact won’t resonate with the BBC. In the same kind of way that a reading of the Hamas Charter reminds one of an earlier violently anti-semitic tract by a certain angry Austrian ex-corporal (except that the modern Hamas Charter is far less coy and far more explicit about its intentions towards the Jews than Hitler ever was in his interminable tome), so the involvement of Islam on the side of the Nazis in WWII has simply been erased from the BBC’s historical consciousness.
It’s lying by omission, of course, but when you’ve been at it as long as the BBC have it hardly matters any more.
It’s the same with slavery. If you never did independent research, and relied on the BBC for your historical perspective, you may think that the Americans and British only enslaved blacks.
You would not be aware that there has been a thriving world slave trade centered in the middle east for centuries before the British and Americans were involved. You would not be aware that there were more white slaves in America than Black slaves. That most of the white slaves were Irish immigrants and that the Black slaves were valued more than white slaves, insofar as a black slave typically cost 20 dollars, whereas a white slave would cost about 6 dollars.
You would not be aware that black slaves from African inferiour tribes were enslaved by other more senior black tribes and then sold by those black tribal slave traders to various international slave traders, including the British.
The BBC always present slave history as black = victim and white = vile oppressive racist.
Today program
Trying to conflate a banks policy to ban a group of Burlesque dancers from operating an account with them, to three Mosques including Finsbury Park. Again it’s like trying to compare chalk with cheese, one being entertainers, the other suspected terrorists, but to the BBC even terrorism is OK as long as it’s Muslims, and they aren’t the victims!
Andy Burnham on Newsnight last night. Peston interviewing.
Burnham giving it large on how it’s got to be “patients before profits”.
Nice soundbite. Not too helpful for the thousands of poor innocents who died of dehydration and maltreatment whilst on Burnham’s watch, but a nice soundbite.
Truly the man has no shame.
But surely Peston challenged him over these despicable happenings? You bet he didn’t.
We we are talking about Robert Peston son of the Labour Peer Maurice Peston?
Peston is not behaving as an Economics editor, but as a Leftist Politico.
Beeboid Leftist Politico PESTON wants BBC to politically distance itself further from the ‘Daily Mail’, but not from ‘The Guardian,’ with which it is politically cheek by jowl-
“Robert Peston: BBC follows the Daily Mail’s lead too much.”
Re-write headline|:-
‘ BBC follows the Guardian’s lead too much’
This seems to be the BBC and the Left’s theme and message at present. As they realise people are understanding that the BBC is biased to the Left, they come out with ‘it’s too right wing’. Same with Israel/Gaza story, with the BBC biased in favour of Hamas and others, they try put it about that the BBC is too pro-Israel.
What is so endearing about our leftwing heroes of the media is that they actually believe the drivel they write or speak.
Mass delusion by the worker bees of the hive. In la la BBC land 2 plus 2 does equal 5 and that is just how the hive likes it.
Pointless discussing anything with them any more and as for complaining forget it.
Ebola virus a threat to UK, Philip Hammond warns
Now why would that be? The bBBC manages, as usual, to ignore the giant grey pachyderm in the corner, the vast numbers of ‘migrants’ being encouraged to come here with little or no scrutiny or health checks. ‘BBC global health correspondent’ – no, me neither – Tulip Mazumdar isn’t going to tell us, for sure.
Look! Don’t you realise what a wonderful vibrancy tropical diseases bring to this country? You should be happy to participate with our coloured cousins their suffering.
Otherwise you’re just a wayciisst !
Lets hope some of them are working or visiting Broadcasting House ,& the Manchester outpost. That`s most of Bbc taken out in one go , you know how much they love non Hideously White people, does that include the disease`s they bring with them ? You can see the panic & mass evacuation from those places ,if one of them had it .It would be an interesting situation , & lots of shouts of, “Don`t Panic “.
Just awaiting the monstrous hype accorded previous non-forthcoming pandemics, and the anticipated pointless panic from the “government”.
And why the hell is someone called ‘Tulip Mazumdar’ the BBC’s correspondent in that benighted dump, in the first place?
How are we ever supposed to get properly objective reporting from a stream of BBC reporters who carry cultural and national identity along with them in their work (as everyone does)?
Do AFP, NBC and the rest of the world’s media recruit British journalists to report on and analyse British affairs? No, they do not. And rightly so, too.
How many men are paedophiles?
After a load of waffle, a bBBC reporter concludes that it is between 0 and 5% of the population.
Amongst the Roman Catholic clergy, the figure may be 2%.
Amongst BBC ‘celebrities’ … strangely, the report doesn’t mention them.
Two pictures of Christians priests but no representatives from the ‘religion of peace’ – whatever happened to BBC multiculturalism?
The founder of the RoP had a 9-year-old bride. Go figure.
Not Gaza, the NHS or the EU
Want to really hone in on BBC bias? Read about the Great War Liverpool Giant Puppet contretemps
The Telegraph’s Dominic Cavendish produced this report
A fair report to my mind. Balanced between reporting the large turn out of crowds who seemed to enjoy the event, but pointing out the lack of relevance, or indeed reverence for the Great War anniversary.
Queue BBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty mounting her giant puppet high horse – on Titter, obviously….
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
Why would we not applaud Art that gets hundreds of thousands out on to the streets to share peacefully @GiantSpectacle #Liverpool
But what was it about the Telegraph report which so upset our Shelagh?
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
“Grubby faced urchins”? Snob! I played in that park as a child, speak fluent French, and loved @GiantSpectacle http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/theatre-reviews/10992669/Memories-of-August-1914-Liverpool-inspiring.html …
Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs! Interesting as a BBC insight. Funny how when the progressive doesn’t want to address the real issue under debate (relevanve and reverence) the name calling starts. See how she demands the other side of the argument ‘check your priviledge’. Southern softy know-nothing toff! Our Shelagh is, of course, northern, by gum, not a snob – zut alors! pretentious oui, but not a snob. Calm down, calm down.
Her Titter pals, naturally, point out that the Guardian had a much more sympathetic and acceptable report on the event.
Lucky they didn’t read this write up and opinion…
So, your basic BBC presenter type is a chippy gritty but rather refined northerner woman-of-the -people but with elitist north-London-style arty outlook and ingrained left-liberal views. Bringing innane rootless ‘culture’ to the plebeian masses.
And one more thing.
Our Shelagh wasn’t actually there in Liverpool to witness the event.
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
So sad not to be seeing @GiantSpectacle in Liverpool but working in London. Family sending lots of pics #homesick
That Ebola virus frightens me, time to screen every African that comes in to the Country.Off topic I know, but this is worrying.
See above…
That Ebola virus frightens me…
It’s a worry alright but don’t let it eat you up…
Perhaps we could re-fit some old cruise liner into a quarantine ship off the West African coast.
Humphrys “interviewed” Balls – after a 30 second anti-capitalist rant by the child-soldiers of “Occupy” (a Labour front organisation by the way) – on, among other things the large bonuses paid by the banks to a few of their employees. The message from Labour? Balls & Co when in power were fooled by the opposition, the City and everybody else about the banks and how the tax system works and thus allowed the “rich” to keep more than half of their marginal income. Balls (whose next policy announcement is that the alphabet is to be reduced to 25 letters since “T” is now officially redundant) applauded the latest measure by Mark Carney concerning bank bonuses as being what Labour wanted all along.
Nowhere do we hear – ever! – that the continuation year after year of what look like inordinate profits being earned and – to an extent – paid in turn as bonuses to bank employees may be signals of either inordinate risks being taken and/or (more likely) the existence of a monopoly in those areas of banking. Interesting and apolitical points for genuine journalism would be to find out if such risks are actually being run and if indeed monopolies or quasi-monopolies exist where such profits are earned. Unfortunately the BBC is not on a “mission to explain”: “learning by the BBC” doesn’t extend to disinterested exploration of issues and their causes. Rather, the BBC is on a mission to propagandise. Accordingly, demonising the banks and lobbing easy questions for Balls to give his rehearsed responses to pass for “journalism” on Today.
Consequently, Today failed to explore this issue or even pose a question to Balls about how these profits arise. God forbid, a straightforward answer might indicate that statism as espoused by Labour particularly (but the other main parties as well) might actually benefit, to an extent, the bonus earners in the City but at an enormous and avoidable cost to the rest of us. FWIW my opinion is that monopolies exist because of unsuitable regulation which makes entry into the markets concerned more or less impossible to any person or company outside a few enormous financial institutions and/or those favoured by the state. No wonder banks “can’t fail” if on one hand they’re handed monopoly profits by the state or, on the other, the state stands ready to bail them out through direct injections of cash or through
money printingquanitative easing when state-induced monopoly profits fail to materialise.All true plus they never mention how many of Labour’s top brass are living it large on the SS Big Law. It’s not like Justine Milliband’s £250K pa is a huge secret.
Add in Legal Aid as a permanent, open-ended, bail out for the Uman Rites sisterhood and the average citizen may note that a distinct whiff of pots and kettles.
Israel Knesset yesterday voted to abolish the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the compulsory TV licence fee. The Kol Israel broadcasting will cease and be replaced by new broadcasting channels. Israeli broadcasting like the BBC is unrelentingly leftist, the new Authority may just be a recycling of the old personnel but one can only hope there will be a complete change of policy.
So folks how about doing the same at the BBC ?? Abolish the licence fee and privatize the BBC news channels.
Knesset approves law to dismantle IBA
The Israeli IBA is much smaller than the BBC but the same question always comes up. What about the workers? Most IBA (and BBC workers) don’t earn huge salaries. If a huge industry and employer is forced to close shouldn’t we have a paln?
Following from Al BBC s…
hectoring for “Israel response is disproportionate” ….
not forthcoming, so … its not proportionate, you don t think its proportionate … so its disproportionate etc
with Hammond … no dice so, now bleat goes on to :-
UN officials accuse Israel of launching a deadly attack on a UN-run school housing thousands of refugees in Gaza despite repeated warnings.
BBC ‘Tank shells’ at Gaza school”
… anything to do with this? … because this business is being reported time and again? … and not in Al BBC report?
“There needs to be an investigation of the UNRWA over this. How? could it really keep happening without any UN officials knowing what was going on? The problem is, who can investigate the United Nations? ”
It’s about time dear old Auntie was put to rest once and for all.
Turn off her life support and lets see if she lives or dies.
BBC News invites in Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn to ensure that HSBC are identified as the villains following their decision to withdraw banking facilities from several Muslim entities. I think Christian Voice failed to find a supporting voice at the BBC when the Co-operative Bank closed their account after their display of “homophobia” in objecting to the portrayal of Christ in “Jerry Springer – the Opera”. Ironic as I suppose these Muslim bodies could display a similar level of homophobia should Corbyn or the BBC be interested to discover it
Al-Aqsa TV gave CBeebies a run for its money, but The Evil Jooz have now, ahem, ‘shut it down’. Unfortunately, the big, homicidal chicken that tells children they must kill Jews was himself killed in the blast. Shame…will they be wearing black armbands on Childrens BBC, now?
Not on the BBC, I wonder why?
Are Beeboids missing something under their feet in London?:-
“VIDEO: Al Qaeda and Islamic State flags in London’s tunnels “- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/07/al-qaeda-islamic-state-flags-londons-tunnels.html/#sthash.gELfm8fj.dpuf
Anybody able to tell me why Sarah Montague can refer to the likes of Can and Kraftwerk as “Krautrock” on her Toady Show this morning?
But the likes of the Last Poets aren`t able to be called “niggermusic”…despite them being proud of that term for themselves and others at that time?
If I were A German, I`d go for the racist stereotypers like Montague…offensive, in my Buch.
In the light of a recent ‘near miss’ in transmission of the deadly ebola disease from Liberia to the USA, I found the following BBC interview with Phillip Hammond very disingenuous.
Ebola virus a threat to UK, Phillip Hammond warns
The ‘putting wedge’ BBC interviewer dissembles: ‘Of course, many people will think, well, it’s occurring in West Africa a long way away, we’re perfectly safe here, what do you say to those people who think we don’t have to worry?’
Sorry ‘putting wedge’, but the ‘many people will think’ phrase is an attempt to mask your own BBC disinformation. Quite clearly, in a country with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and borders that are not properly controlled, it’s a fair guess that most people would think that we are NOT ‘perfectly safe’. The question could have been put more honestly: ‘We are aware that deadly diseases such as ebola can be transferred by people travelling between countries. Many countries have poor health standards and endemic diseases and this is obviously a worrying development for people in this country. What would you say to those people who think we don’t have to worry?’
Unfortunately, Hammond’s platitude of a response, amounting to ‘we should listen to scientific evidence and advice and then make decisions about precautions’, is just as dissembling considering the government’s (and the BBC’s) record in the field of ‘climate science’.
And if you think access to NHS services is bad now, just wait until London’s third worlders are hit by an ebola outbreak…
So much for the enrichment of society from unlimited immigration.
For Beeboids:
Dawkins, the political left, Muslims and feminists-
I approve of Dawkins logic.
His anti-Christian bluster and nastiness over these last few years may yet prove to be fruitful if he trashes the Muslim Womens Temple and rents in twain the liberal burkas and Cyclops-like weirdness over gang rapes, FGM and what ISIS is doing to Christians in Iraq and Syria.
Dawkins may yet find Jesus at this rate!
Dawkins is definitely an atheist but was conspicuously absent from the list of ‘atheist great and the good’ who signed a letter refuting that Britain was a ‘Christian’ country. He has also openly criticised his fellow liberals’ complete failure to critique Islam for fear of being labelled racist. The conservative atheist Peter(?) Hitchens was another not afraid to poke the Religion of Peace. Dawkins strikes me as very Anglican in his atheism.
I think you may be confusing the Hitchens brothers. Peter regularly admits he is devoutly Christian. His late brother Christopher was the atheist ans was of a left wing political slant. Indeed it was he who criticised Islam.
I was confusing the Hitchens boys, thanks for that. Christopher did recant his left wing extremism.
Peter Hitchens also admits he was a Trotskyist in his younger days until he “grew up”.
Cue for INBBC, INBBC Arabic, and INBBC Asian Network to step up their political campaigns for the burqa:-
” Landmark burqa ban in Spain.
“Pressure is mounting across Europe against Sharia-inspired practices such as the wearing of the burqa. The latest move in Spain is another significant development.”
“Sharia Somalia: Islamic supremacists murder woman for not wearing a veil”
INBBC* (* censoring out any negative Islamic headline):-
“Somali woman killed for not wearing veil, relatives say”
Scoping the FaceBook page, a bouquet and a brickbat from the BBC World News feed:
BBC World News a
Women in Turkey posting smiling selfies.
It’s in response to the country’s deputy prime minister saying that women should not laugh out loud in public. http://bbc.in/1s1Gph9
#kahkaha #direnkahkaha
Actually the BBC didn’t do too much, but I did like the story.
Better yet, I really liked the comments that it prompted.
Unfortunately an early Mo slammed in with the usual and it didn’t go well in the replies, not least given the complementary nature of the story that he seemed to have missed. Got a lot of likes though. Maybe some just click without thinking or reading on BBC threads too?
Then there was this one:
BBC World News
“Children were killed as they slept next to their parents” #Gaza conflict http://bbc.in/1s3iw86
Israel has shelled a UN school sheltering more than 3,000 people. At least 19 people were killed and 90 others injured.
The United Nations said they gave Israel repeated warnings that civilians were sheltering in the Gaza school.
What troubles me here is that call-out quote.
Very biblical.
The comments to the posting are… typical, so hardly worth bothering with. How the BBC finds promoting such an inevitable slugfest serves anything bar racking up the tensions defeats me, but then one simply needs to think of the Vine Show.
The linked piece is an interesting example of reporting, starting with the unquoted ‘claim’ and ending with the actual claimant at end.
Israel attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, the UN has said.
I was also hoping for clarification on how children were killed but not their nearby parents, which sounded as unlikely as it does awful.
However, under the picture in the piece that was also used with the FaceBook ‘killed as they slept’ header, the caption says: ‘Children were said to be among the wounded in the school strike’
I am therefore intrigued how the BBc on its own pages get from a definitive fact and manner of death to ‘said to to be wounded’. Which is it?
The ‘killed’ quote comes later, from Chris Gunness who appears to count military assessment amongst other skills.
Bob Turner of the UN is also confident of blame, but clearly not sure enough to say so without a weasel.
Frankly, the whole ‘set’ raises a bunch more questions about who is propagandising, who is ‘reporting’, where, and how they are working in concert or tripping each other up.
OT(-ish, as BBC does get a hat tip for its ‘contributions’), but the other day the Prescott got unleashed on Gaza and even on home turf in The Mirror came down like the Hindenburg.
This is a worthy critique of the calibre of commentator dominating the politico-media infirmament here in the UK.
The man is a national disgrace, and embarrassment.
Maybe explaining the unusual BBC bargepole thus far for their usual go-to gob.
Bet Katz is tempted, mind.
This one must have popped a few skulls around the Flokker mess tent today:
On the one hand there is a BBC stalwart, and ladee taboot, providing rare ‘balance’ on the political humour front (though Miliband does seem to be viewed as a weak link to the BBc master plan).
However, there have been some who feel entities who host forums, vs. paying staff, where dodgy comments get made should be closed down.
Of course others have been around to say that there is no outrage on the BBC unless the BBC uses the word.
Maybe there’s a ‘views my own’ that gets some a pass on this?
Funny old world.
A question has been posed:
151. Dangerous Brian says:
July 30, 2014 at 12:57 pm
I wonder if she will get (Carol Thatchered)
Answers to ‘You’re ‘avin a larf’, BBC, WIA.
It is an offensive joke but it is also very funny. Made me laugh anyway.
You know this gag is going to be cited endlessly for the next 18 months as proof of balance, right?
But let’s check out the joke itself: the message is the Red Ed is kind of a loser right? It’s not nice but it’s hardly criticism of the left in general in the same way the right gets criticised. Consider Sandy Toxic’s line about the Tories putting the ‘N’ in ‘Cuts’.
It’s the usual balls. These people slander conservatives constantly as Nazi lunatics but then they do a gag about Ed Balls blinking a lot and that meant to be balance.
For Beeboid Obama supplicants, re- Islam:-
Robert Spencer on:-
“Obama’s Muslim Founding Fathers”
The dire Thinking Allowed has yet another go at destroying our ‘non-existent’ nation, culture and race…
Race & consumption – Laurie Taylor talks to Ben Pitcher, Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, about the ways in which racial meaning is produced in everyday acts of consumption. From the depiction of ‘red Indians’ by children’s authors to the wearing of Bob Marley T shirts and the enthusiasm for ‘ethnic’ street food; our ideas of race are made and re-made across the terrain of contemporary culture. They’re joined by Lola Young, Crossbench Peer and former Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Middlesex.
The programme comes up with some gems such as the (non-existent) ‘Whites’ having to look to Nordic Noir for their culture as their own (St. George) is tainted by ‘racism’. Apparently these Whites are attracted by the ‘social democratic’ model that these series depict. (I thought they were about gruesome killings, in bleak tree-less surroundings, involving remarkably ugly people).
Garden programmes are also suspect because they talk about ‘native plants’ (no such thing of course). Mind things have got better because once there was a call to get rid of rhododendrons, which aligned with the rise of ‘right-wing’ groups. Now of course we accept their vibrant cultural diversity (or not)
What fools we are not to realise that there are no biological racial differences (sickle cell anaemia) anyone? How sad that we still hanker after the ‘fragile’ nation state.
Are these entropists sick in the head?
England’s Saint George was of the Greek race, Scotland’s Saint Andrew was of the Jewish race, but Wales Saint David was of the British race and so was Irelands Saint Patrick.
So according to the BBC, if I was a racist I would prefer Saint Patrick, because I am a mixture of the British and Irish races.
That could put some racial meaning into Laurie Taylor’s BBC brain.
Actually St. George is more a mix of ‘Greek’ and Turk/ Syrian/Palestinian; his father was a Greek Christian but from the centre of what is now Turkey. He (George) was born in what is now Lebanon/Israel (Roman Palestine = Roman Syria and Roman Judea) where his mother was from.
There were no Turks in what is now called Turkey back then. They were all still in Central Asia, riding their little horses and killing each other.
Cheers Rob, yep, in fact most places back then aren’t what they are now: the was just so people could ‘place’ the geography.
Peston is on Newsnight again tonight. But guess who’s on for the Friday edition? None other than Lyse Doucet. Not sure I want to watch that or not?
Doucet’s accent could strip paint. I cannot think of a single reason why she is employed by a British broadcaster.
Oh, wait. Yes I can…
Since Ian Katz took over, Newsnight has finally entered the twilight zone. At least Paxman had a bit of gravitas, his replacement by the giggling Gaylord must signal the end of this clapped out format.
Yesterday again, for the third time, an arsenal of rockets were found on an UNRWA school premises. No doubt these too will be handed over to Hamas, making the UN complicit in war crimes.
Still no article by the BBC that highlights the import of this news.
Their biggest news however, both on their Middle East page as well as their Home page, is this article:
Gaza conflict: UN accuses Israel over Jabaliya attack
Israel attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, the UN has said.
UN spokesman Chris Gunness said “the world stands disgraced” by the attack, in which 15 died and dozens were hurt.
The Israeli military said an initial inquiry suggested soldiers responded to mortar fire. It says it is now holding a partial, four-hour humanitarian ceasefire.
Some 1,200 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have been killed in the conflict.
Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians.
Now I have no idea of the real circumstances of these deaths but a certain logic makes these claims suspicious, besides various omissions show a clear bias.
Israel is well aware that it is getting demonized by much of the world media for being responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza. It is clear that there is little or no blame for Hamas for using civilian areas to launch attacks against Israel, knowing full well civilians will be in the firing line.
Israel does it’s best to warn civilians to flee areas that will be targeted by a variety of means. In fact the BBC does show one picture to this effect, but no explanation of the import in relation to this, or any other of their articles.

So it’s clear that Israel has to respond to attack, but is doing all it can to avoid innocents suffering. The very fact that they put troops on the ground, which creates a higher death toll to their own soldiers, rather than fire missiles from planes, is all part of this effort.
So it’s unlikely that knowing civilians, particularly children, are sheltering in a school, Israel would fire on them.
So how does the UN ‘know’ that it was the result of Israeli fire that killed these civilians?
They ‘know’ that 3 times now they have already found Hamas rockets on the premises.
They know that Hamas fired first at Israeli troops from the area.
Anybody with a modicum of intelligence would also know that the only kind of ‘success’ that Hamas can hope to reach with their aggression is to demonize Israel in the eyes of the world. They certainly have nowhere near the weaponry they would need to seriously threaten Israel in a war.
Therefore Hamas needs these civilian deaths, and besides stopping civilians from fleeing areas that Israel has warned will be hit, making sure there will be casualties, it wouldn’t surprise me at all, given their mindset, that they will purposefully kill their own people to make sure that children will be hit.
Plain common sense!
Given that the UNRWA are very aware that Hamas have used their schools to conceal rockets, shows they’re well aware of the disregard Hamas has for it’s own people.
The BBC also seems to have no problem stating ‘most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians’.
But no mention of any figure that might indicate just how many were terrorists, or ‘militants’ as the BBC refers to them.
If Israel was so disregarding of human life in Gaza, as the BBC want to present, NONE of the BBC journalists would have enough guts to remain there. They do so because they know that short of some unexpected accident, like a Hamas rocket landing short, as a lot of them do, they will be safe and secure.
Near the end of the article the BBC reports
In other developments:
The UN on Tuesday revealed that a cache of rockets had been found at one of its schools in Gaza – the third case of its kind – and condemned it as a “yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises”
So there’s no question they too are well aware of this flagrant disregard for civilian life by Hamas, but prefer not to show it in any meaningful way.
One can read nearly every line in their article, as well as news reports, that it is pure spin that is being spread, will little or no logic or common sense.
Apparently there is also another UN building with signs of a tunnel entrance.
You can’t believe a word said by the UN people in Gaza – starting with Chris Gunness, ex-BBC.
Who to believe, eh?
Based on referenced fact vs. BBC-traded emotion, and more than a few examples of BBC reporting that doesn’t add up and testimony as to what does or does not attract their interest, the only certainty is that if there was ever a media limbo contest, the BBC would pass easily under the bar.
Worth reading one of the cited sources:
At the very least, I would be interested in the BBC’s astounding uncuriosity at editorial level too, in at least checking these alternative stories for veracity.
At the very least there appear to be a lot reporters reporting who suddenly withdraw what they originally claimed to have seen, heard, or been told.
Which is, at best, odd.
John – I don’t believe a word of most of the UN representatives – period.
Excellent link Guest
He probably holds the door open for them.
EXCLUSIVE: Labour under fire as it emerges Harriet Harman ‘underpays’ her trainee – http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/493486/Harman-underpays-trainee
No mention of this at all on the BBC news website. Isn’t part of the job of the BBC to hold politicians to account when the break the rules?
Former Cabinet Minister Ms Harman is advertising for a trainee caseworker in her Camberwell and Peckham office in south London on a salary of £17,000 a year.
Interesting that a crusader for workers’ rights and a living wage pays her own employee a wage that is terrible for London. Even Rodney Trotter probably makes more than that! LOL!
Here is a former member of Hamas describing the evil philosophy of Hamas – stuff that is wierdly different from our Western outlook. BBC staff KNOW about this difference, and how it drives Hamas and the Palestinians, so it should be part of their reporting. They should be explaining these sick attitudes and beliefs to us.
But no – they hide these important facts from the audience.
It is all in the Hamas Charter. All that the hive need to do is read it. They won’t or can’t. Why?
Reality is too hard to face.
and i watch the news again on bbc and itv channel 4 etc tonight and its all pro hamas propaganda about nasty israel and the idf killing little kiddies and innocent civilians,i am getting sick of this anti israeli propaganda,just sick of it,in a week where isis released a video of 1700 innocent boys and old men getting beheaded and shot to death and dumped in mass graves in iraq we have had no coverage of this.500 nigerian christians have been butchered by boko haram islamists in the past 2 weeks and nothing on the bbc or the media about this.not to forget those 300 christian schoolgirls kidnapped by boko haram and the media seems to have forgot about there plight.just forgot about,see what i mean about anti israeli bias,it is rampant not only on the bbc but with the rest of the so called media.just sickening.
Jon Snow and his Hamas Hummus Co-Op referred to the Israelis being “hysterical” about the rockets falling on their country.
This was Channel 4 NEWS( not the Jews on Trial)-and how dare this squit tell us all that Israel is being hysterical.
S`pose no Wimmins Group will take on his sexist description of Israel will they?
Nah-course not.
Mind you, Snow was “interviewing” some Hamas spokesman from the safety of Beirut…well, it`s more “on the ground” that is Doha or Qatar!
Brave,brave Hamas-leaving the wives and kids behind to die for the henna dye and beard trimmers…
Last time Mason (Channel 4) interviewed a Hamas representative in a hospital, he was wearing a flak-jacket and helmet as if to suggest he was in imminent danger. Does he wear his armour all the time or just put it on for interviews? No armour for interviews in Israel, suggesting a fearful Israel overreaction. In Israel, does he seek out a shelter when the alarm sounds?
Jon Snow is the Kim Jong-un of British broadcasting. Unaccountable and blatantly biased, Snow has now been Supreme Leader of the state-owned People’s Republic of Channel 4 News for over 25 years.
In short: UNRWA is complicit in allowing weapons to be hidden in their schools and must bear responsibility for creating human shields.
North West Tonight has a long segment about opposition to proposed changes to the NHS is Manchester, including an interview with a spokesman from the group leading the opposition, someone called Ian McCartney.
But who is this disinterested advocate of good health care?
This guy:
Don’t be shocked but NWT forgot to mention his previous history as a Labour cabinet minister.
This was the creep that had to defend the manhandling of Walter Wolfgang at Labours Night Rally in 2005.
The old bloke had the nerve to call out something about Jack Straw, and his Iraqi shambles…so he had to go didn`t he?
Poor McCartney-makes Prescott seem like Oscar Wilde.
After Nick Griffins acquittal for inciting racial hatred by a jury for saying islam is a cruel and wicked faith, McCartney as a member of the labour government said when asked about the verdict, “well we’ll just change the law then”
McCartney is a disgusting little man
Consequently, Labour tried to make any criticism of islam a criminal offence, bounced it through the commons with its majority but thank god for the house of lords, they through it out as undemocratic
He IS Jimmy Kranky and I claim my fiver.
Gaza protesters have been warned by the city’s council leader that anti-semitic behaviour will not be tolerated.
Sir Richard Leese claims some of the language used in recent days ‘would not have been out of place in 1930s Germany’.
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting what their brown eyed boys & girls and their left wind fascist mates have been up to?
Almost certainly not.
Will Manchester City Council’s message be taken on board by people in Media City?
I have to admit that hearing this is a refreshing change especially from a Labour council. I never thought I would hear a politician utter
“this council cannot support those who seek to bring this conflict into our city and drive wedges between communities whose home is not the Middle East but is here in Manchester.”
That’s just about laying it on the line as hard as is possible in the UK today – the equivalent of ‘Muslims behave yourselves’! despite the fact that they can’t (or won’t) see they’re doing anything wrong!
Don’t believe a word of it. Not a single word. it is for public consumption .He might be sincere but this is England 2014 and no place anymore for Jews. Time to leave . Particularly the young.
In 1933 there was still time to leave Germany.
The sheer level of media encouraged hatred now is all the evidence you need. I have never heard such loathing as I hear now .
As the conflict continues the BBC’s outrage at Israel, its repeated scenes of wailing Pallies, interviews with doctors, and unchecked quotes from Hamas sources, increase. Tonight’s piece, linked here, tells of anger mounting from the UN and US, with condemnation from the UK added. Stronger language here plus warnings of graphic images (but nothing like images from ISIS or Boko haram).
Here is a question: is this the work of the regulars, Bowen et al, with a reputation for Islamic support, or is the BBC dancing to someone else’s tune – the Government, perhaps? It does seem that the BBC is going a bit too far, even allowing for its anti Jewish bias. And we know Cameron and Obama’s shared views on Islam. Are we not seeing the BBC, and much of the US media, attacking Israel with the knowledge that their respective governments are applauding them?
I confess to be very despondent regarding the situation. We seem to have entered some alternative universe where sense has gone out the window and we are apparently intent on ensuring our own doom. Every utterance by the Palestinians is treated as Gospel whilst any statement from Israel is “Israel claims”. There is clear evidence that schools, hospitals and UN shelters are being used for military purposes yet no-one sees a problem with this: it becomes Israel’s fault when something happens to any civilians. In fact I’ve yet to hear that Israel has killed anyone who isn’t a civilian and no-one finds this improbable.
This was brought home to me tonight when Mrs D and I had words. She thought it “disgusting” what Israel had done. Even when I asked just what else Israel is supposed to do she wouldn’t change her mind. The relentless bias in reporting has rendered her unable to accept that Israel can be anything other than at fault here and you can bet this is being repeated in households all over the country – and probably the world.
I just feel Israel is being hung out to dry and fear where this is leading.
Stand firm. There is a sickness in the land. Reason is lost and emotion runs riot. This is what happens to a people when they allow reality to be put to one side and forgotten . When they indulge their desires and emotions at the expense of truth and what is right. When they reject the very notion of truth and right.
That most dreadful of generations that we call the 68ers has been all too successful in corrupting a nation and corrupting themselves.
You cannot reason with them.
These lost people need the destruction of Israel in some bizarre way. I cannot understand it .
All we can do is pray that the world does not descend into war and the most terrible barbarity.
To be perfectly frank, I couldn’t give a stuff about the “poor Palestinians”. They have brought this on themselves. Young children are brainwashed from an early age to hate Israel and Jews in general. The lessons they learn in school and on childrens’ TV shows make the Jew baiting of Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher seem tame by comparison. There is plenty of evidence, even from the Palestinian Authority itself showing photographs of children dressed in suicide bomber belts or pointing AK 47s at the camera. Who can forget the scenes of Palestinians dancing in the streets when the Twin Towers were brought down on 9/11?
It’s obvious the Palestinian leadership don’t want peace with Israel when they’ve deliberately sabotaged previous attempts to create a two-state solution. The best chance was when Clinton brought both sides together at Camp David and the Israelis gave in to 95% of the Palestinian demands but at the last moment Yasser Arafat broke off negotiations on the advice of his associate at the meeting, Mahmoud Abbas, current President of the Palestinian State.
When the Palestinian people make a hero out of a barbaric murderer who cuts the throat of a Jewish baby in its crib, then as far as I’m concerned they are beyond redemption.
Usually there is a split in public opinion within Israel, and international pressure and criticism helps the “left” push for ceasefires – before the job is done.
But this time round it looks entirely different. The left in Israel have been the most openly critical of the US as it wobbled towards the Hamas/Qatar/Turkey axis. Polls are showing that some 90% of Israelis want the IDF to continue – they have been horrified at the revealing of the extent of the terror-tunnels and what they were planned fpr, plus the extended range of rocket fire from Gaza.
This unusual consensus suggests that the IDF actions will continue, regardless of international criticism which is often so woefully uninformed (or BBC-skewed). As someone said a few days ago – you may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
I don’t see things ending for quite some time yet. Yes, civilian casualties are tragic, but Hamas bears the primary responsibility, and Hamas is not backing down. The UN, the BBC, and of necessary the US administration can go stuff themselves.
Add the EU and Turkey to the list. Israel is well aware of the massacres and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated on their doorstep, in Syria and Iraq, by Nato-financed ISIS (Al Quaeda). Every country the globalist coalition has ‘liberated’ has become a murderous killing field … but the BBC can’t be bothered.
It does seem to have seeped into homes across the land. Mainly via social media such as FB, but still with the MSM at its core.
I mentioned that I was unfollowing a few friends who were blindly sharing utter propaganda, and my wife asked why.
I explained that I felt they were ill informed and did not feel personal feeds were appropriate to engage as it seldom ends well. Best to withdraw contact at least to cut off the flow.
We then got into a discussion.
My concern was with the terrible calibre of reporting on current events. She was more interested in historical causes.
At the end we saw where each other was coming from better. Then later she sent me this link:
She does see historical iniquities but now accepts that what has been done is done and arguing over such things really serves little purpose in face of current antics and geo-political realities.
Yet these are just what the supposed pros in the BBC, MSM and too many foreign offices are twatting about with.
What is interesting is the adverse reaction to being ill or mis-informed once the BBC’s clear bias, and indeed blatant skewed propagandising (lies broadcast; awkward facts and evidence suppressed) is laid out. Such as BBC Watch is excellent in damning them with their own reporting.
Until now she has viewed my concerns with the BBC’s malign power and influence as a tolerable hobby-horse; now she is seeing just how corrupting it can be and the danger it presents.
There are some very simple minds in the nation, and when the BBC speaks to them with half or bent stories, it takes little to set them off.
It’s one thing some dinner table warriors getting upset by misinformation on victims of Pally missile shortfalls, but we now have large tranches of diversity who need little excuse to go on the rampage when served fauxtography raw and unchecked by the national broadcaster.
It would be ironic if certain market rate coffee bistro second job indulgences were caught up in the consequences of the BBC’s failure to report fully and/or accurately.
My fear is it has lead to a point where confrontations are inevitable, with the BBC more than complicit.
She has just shared this with me:
Interesting for the two viewpoints, but also the rare willingness to listen and share and maybe compromise.
Sadly concession is a mindset Western liberals can get their heads around, and work with. It all falls apart when you grasp that for some, total dominance is the only acceptable outcome. I’d include some in Israel here, which explains if not excuses some excesses that have led to massive PR setbacks. However, simply looking at a map shows what’s at stake. I live in an area of bucolic calm in the UK countryside. If I was in Cardiff I’d be very worried now, especially if prone to the odd summer beverage experience.
If you are surrounded by 3rd world nihilistic nutters bent on destruction at the beck and call of old men with zero conscience, maybe you’d be a bit more focused and firm in defence too.
She’s also now shocked at the apparent publication of a ‘we are watching’ list of Israel-supporting actors and musos. I asked if the twittosphere inhabited by such as the BBC would be giving voice to the publishers of such a list…. to understand their motivations.
Maybe wristbands for them, and if they dominate, they can enforce yellow stars on those they don’t like.
Nice one Dave, Theresa…
In the world of entertainment, it takes some guts to stand up and be counted when the media and its mobs are in full cry. Meanwhile even on the most supposedly niche of forums the notebooks are without irony out, proud and dripping with threat… ‘Don’t tell ’em, Pike!’
Comments are not pretty. Frankly with such topics on FaceBook they never are, as the BBC’s various feeds can show.
Just hope the BBC professional reporting staff don’t get inspired to any ‘innocent face’ RT’s requiring further learning of lessons, as a history they clearly have not learned from repeats.
Good link; I think Peter Schwartz’s reply a full and fair account although there will always be the nay sayers (one of the comments below pretty much blaming Israel for being attacked in 67 and 73!
‘Peter Schwartz’s reply a full and fair account’
Agree. Though noting, like any pol ‘critique’ of the BBC that has to start ‘National treasure’, it has to lay groundwork acknowledging the FUBAR behind Israel’s creation, which at best still seems hotly contested depending on who wants to sample which slice of which history as the foundation of the case.
While it all has a bearing and is context, I am more concerned with now.
Israel exists, isn’t going anywhere and is full of folk determined to protect what they have carved out of the desert.
It is surrounded by a vast numerically-superior collection of folk who mostly state they wish to obliterate every man, woman and child, already rendering risible tit-for-tat moral equivalences from the likes of Mishal Hussein & John Prescott idiotic militarily. When you are outnumbered you can’t afford to lose a soul. Here Hamas has no issue throwing its people into the mincer, simply for PR gain. It’s a no lose; if the Israelis baulk at response then Hamas simply creeps forward anyway.
‘one of the comments below pretty much blaming Israel for being attacked ‘
Comments on such forums (esp. BBC World News) range from meaningless drivel from Yummy Mummies to psycho venom from too many with too much time to trawl all such places and trot out what they have been told to.
This place is not always perfect, but usually sees great shares and opinion with the odd (possibly false flag) wind up to provide the drive-by merchants sparse nourishment.
Glad to see few examples of late, which may explain the absence of the Staffel. See what the weekend brings.
Wednesday 11pm BBC News 24, Ian Pannell’s report showed toys amongst the rubble at the UN school. But why was the yellow ball amongst the rubble bright and shiny, without a hint of dust?
Who can forget the reporter played by Stephen Tompkinson in Drop The Dead Donkey who fabricated his reports from war zones around the world? He always carried a teddy bear with him which he would drop into a pile of burnt bricks and do a “Feargal Keane” report full of pathos about the last moments of the “child” who owned the teddy. Watch any episode of the series with Tompkinson and you’ll see where reporters like Doucet, Donnison, Bowen get their inspiration.
Here is an account showing that UNRWA is corrupt to the core. Totally in bed with Hamas. And we pay for it all.
When can we expect a BBC investigation into all this, or interviews that challenge ex-BBC Chris Gunness to explain the corruption ?
Hands up those who heard about the violence in Cardiff on Sat when Muslims (yes Muslims) protesting about Gaza attacked people having a lazy drink in the sun. According to the bBC the attackers are all white and so by default the victims must be..Islamic. Here is the photo the bBC show the police want to interview:
and here are a number of photos of the actual attack across the road from John Lewis:

F-ing Islamic rabble rousers, nothing from them after 170,000 muslims killed in Syria, nothing when thousands are killed in Syria,Nigeria,Yemen,Libya,Pakistan.
But when a terrorist org gets its arse kicked for starting a war thinking that Israel will stop due to Liberal pressure and they protest in their thousands.
To any Muslims reading this, want to explain the hypocrisy here.
That report URL pretty much lays it all on some violent thugs attacking the peaceful marchers, who appeared to have gathered en masse and by coincidence had a ready collection of minders ready to respond to unprovoked aggression with overwhelming force (acceptably it would appear in this case, so irony not a strong point to at walesonline and those it quotes) to defend themselves.
Maybe there are further realities yet to emerge?
Interesting Dave, Theresa and their acolytes in the judicial police system felt this march could proceed for the public good and safety, but two folk popping in to speak at a series of conferences needed banning in case things kicked off.
May need to add Cardiff to a growing list of UK cities our political establishment has turned into a tribal war zone.
Need to deport all this filth.
the 10pm news last night was a disgrace and showing injured children and painting the Israelis as evil but watching it it made me realise the left have won with this one as how can anyone fight against pictures of dying children. They have pushed and pushed for terrorists and not exposed their methods so I am hoping the Israelis really do wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth and just ignore the crap spouted by the lying Western media
My faith in them is now completely gone and will never recover
BBC Radio 4 Today Programme moves ever closer into line with the Guardian…
….by shrinking its audience
‘Radio 4’s Today programme audience fell from 7.06 million to 6.71 million.’
Wade through this self-congratulatory puff about Chris Evans and Radio 6 and you will eventually find the sad admission about the falling listenership
I Don’t buy the guff on Evans either, no one I know can stand listening to the @#£%, still the Sun is the most read UK newspaper…..
Estimating listenership is hardly an exact science is it? I ain’t never been asked and neither has anyone I know….
BBC Toady R4 – “the outcry (from the BBC?) over Israel is getting louder”
booby-trapped UNRWA health clinic?
found to have housed the opening of a terror tunnel?
anyone? …
Hamas’ main command bunker?
located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City?
… is anybody out there?
Third rocket arsenal found?
in a UN school in Gaza?
… come on! … anyone?
how about
Jerusalem imam: Egypt should annex Gaza, lead armies to annihilate the Jews
Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
14 ways Hamas weaponizes – women, children, animals against Israel
Italian reporter confirms: Hamas rocket killed children on playground.
Hamas Mortar hits school not IDF
Civilians beaten by Hamas for leaving, after bomb warning
… no picture? , no narrative? emerging
Hillary Clinton:
Hamas uses human shields because, “Gaza pretty small”
grrrr … off switch!
“Hillary Clinton:
Hamas uses human shields because, “Gaza pretty small””
She really came out with that? And is in line for next Loon in Chief?
Any critical analysis of sniper tactics given her vast experience.. when not a bit tired?
I am currently wondering how well D-Day would have gone had the Allies phoned up Rommel and asked him to pop back to Normandy to organise the evacuation of the locals as they were planning to come over when the weather was nice.
link video
Tx for the share.
Have to say that while this analysis of hers was pretty clunky (on top of her unalloyed fears), I would not say it was too fair to say she was pushing this primarily as an excuse much less a legitimate one.
She was pretty fair and balanced (no equivocation on who started it all, and kept on pushing and provoking) on the current geo-political situation, IMHO, especially given the bonkers level of liberal media propaganda that must rattle any politician trying to do what is right vs. popular.
Which may explain if not excuse her steering clear of ‘no-go’ areas on a bunch of inconvenient facts to the whole sorry shambles.
Such as these blooming, concrete-guzzling tunnels.
What were/are they really for?
Where did/do they start?
Where to?
If to bring in humanitarian aid, why heading out to Israeli villages, with weapons ready to use for what now?
And given a honking great border with Egypt, why are they needed at all?
Now it looks like there is the possibility the Israelis may seen be concluding their ground ops to neutralise these offensive incursion threats and may pull back.
Which may present Hamas with a bit of a problem on the PR front, despite the best efforts of the likes of Jon, Jezza, Orla, etc.
So one supposes they will just go back to the daily rocket assault, and Israel will be expected to rely on Iron Dome and bunker dashes every time to avoid provocation claims by targeting launch sites deliberately positioned in creches.
Even Hills has grasped that one.
Meanwhile the UN has shot all credibility it didn’t have on this one.
AND! … Toady 08.15am repeats Hammond, interview.
whilst linking it to, Al BBC narrative piece.
oh! … away from the Obamanation, and the BBC
Reuters – Thousands rally in New York to support Israel
Unnecessary & Profoundly Useless – United Nations siding with Hamas
There is an article in the Telegraph with the headline’Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children’. Then we get a list of those who condemn it including Mr Ban Ki-Moon of the UN. Just remind me, how much condemnation was there when the Fogle family children were slaughtered in their sleep by muslims? I’m sorry to say I can’t work up any empathy for muslims while they are mass-killing Christians all over the muslim world.
More news from the Mince* Olympics
[*Scots slang : mince = rubbish/nonsense]
‘A weightlifter competing at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games is to stand trial for an alleged sex attack on another man in a supermarket toilet.’
AsIseeit wrote:
‘A weightlifter competing at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games is to stand trial for an alleged sex attack on another man in a supermarket toilet.’
I heard it was somebody from the bBC who asked a little boy if he would help him in the toilet as he wasn’t allowed to lift anything heavy.
Scott? Scott?
Sarah Montague has been on a mission against Israel all through the Today programme this morning – including replaying bits of yesterday’s interview where she was repeatedly trying to trap Philip Hammond into saying that the IDF is acting disproportionately. Luckily at 8.10 there were 2 Israel people who tried to put her right on the morality of what is happening and why Israeli opinion is – this time – so united in feeling that the Hamas threat must be dealt with, whatever the synthetic views abroad. But Montagues’s tone was antagonistic and critical all through – Israel is bad, bad, bad, ie illegal and immoral.
Never does the BBC try to criticise and harry the Arabs in this manner.
It seems that the BBC has no moral fibre. In the current situation, hypocrites there have no right to yammer on about a “blockade” of Gaza as some sort of evil – when tight control of the border into Israel was made essential by massive Hamas suicide bombing attacks after Gaza was did-occupied back in 2005. People like Montague – and the entire BBC team – have no right to moralise about IDF actions when it is very clear that the IDF is taking extreme measures to try to avoid civilian casualoties whereas Hamas is actually seeking them. It is immoral of the BBC to keep harping on about UN facilities – when we and they know that such facilities have been used to store Hamas rockets and as tunnel entrances, and when the UN is part of the whole problem of Palestinian/Hamas corruption and moral blindness.
The BBC seems determined to deny that this is a just war, and that the IDF is acting as far as it can in a just and humane manner, even when this increases the risk to its own soldiers.
The key moral difference, which the BBC is determined to avoid, is that Hamas WANTS to act in an evil manner – it seeks to kill civilians including children. The IDF does not seek to kill civilians including children.
I am at the stage now where I wish for just one hour the IDF unleashed everything at Gaza (especially where the journalists are holed up) and showed the world what it would really be like if it was the “genocide” they were accused of…….
Me too, getting sick of this faux outrage from the bBC. Report the news by all means , but don’t do it while noshing off the local Iman and parroting his hate the jew line every chance you get.
At the end of the day:
Hamas started the ball rolling, they have to pay the price.
I keep searching the social media for clips of Israeli children being given candy to celebrate the deaths of Gaza children – as the Palestinians did over the Fogle family and others. Nothing so far.
The BBC/liberal media has lost any conception of right and wrong. Meaningless words to them now. This is what happens when over educated elites forget that reality exists and that empathy and moral equivallence are no substitutes.
Justin Webb, arch Beeboid-Leftoid mutant was this morning laughingly trying to equate the £160k which a Russian woman has donated to the Tories for a tennis match with our Boris to the many millions donated by the unions to buy ZaNuLaB policy. Grayling politely pointed out that the ‘Russian’ woman was in fact British and was married to a Russian who had been thrown out of Putin’s government ten years ago whereas there was a very clear correlation between the pronouncements of our union leaders and subsequent ZaNuLaB policy.
Great for Justin to get his bias out there to Al Beeb’s most listened-to news programme!
Funny, that. Normally, lefties are falling over themselves to describe immigrants with recently-acquired British citizenship as being “just as British as you or me”.
I generally agree with your view that Justin Webb is a left-leaner. The one thing I say in his favour is that he seems to have been the only person on the Today programme (and perhaps the whole of the BBC) to have questioned a BBC Gaza correspondent on the balance of their reporting. I have heard twice in the past fortnight, Webb pointing out (albeit obliquely, tentatively and with an apologetic tone) that the BBC’s reporting is in effect controlled by Hamas, so how can we be sure it is correct. On both occasions, I got the distinct impression that Webb would have liked to question the BBC correspondent’s reporting more closely, but felt constrained by the clear BBC editorial policy on Israel and Gaza. It’s a small light in the dark, deceitful tunnel of the BBC.
I am waiting to hear a journalist put the following question to a member of Hamas;-
“Look, I hate those sons of dogs and pigs just as much as you do, but why when there is plenty of open space in the Gaza Strip do you launch your rockets near to mosques, and schools?
It cannot possibly be that you regard a few dozen dead Gazans as just as useful as a dead Jew?
I get him confused with Matthew Parris, when he talks.
Must be a BBC cloning device that we`re paying for in Salford.
Lol given that the USSR through the KGB basically ran the Labour party for decades why are they now so upset at an ex KGB man ? oh yes the money dried up !
I really feel if we were being attacked in the same way Israel is and we were defending ourselves the BBC would side with the enemy
Disgusting organisation
They did during the the Falklands. The BBC is still weeping about the Belgrano.
the BBC got its revenge over the Belgrano though. It informed the Argentines that 2 Para was about to attack Goose Green, giving the argies time to reinforce it, and that the Argentine Air Force were releasing their bombs too low for them to arm. A quick fix by the argies meant they started killing our people and sinking our ships
Shouldnt someone at the BBC be tried for treason or at least aiding the enemy
did they really??
In his autobiographical account of the Falklands War, Admiral Woodward blamed the BBC World Service for disclosing information that led the Argentines to change the retarding devices on the bombs. The World Service reported the lack of detonations after receiving a briefing on the matter from a Ministry of Defence official. He describes the BBC as being more concerned with being “fearless seekers after truth” than with the lives of British servicemen. Colonel ‘H’. Jones levelled similar accusations against the BBC after they disclosed the impending British attack on Goose Green by 2 Para.
I never knew that and it is absolutely shocking. There are words to describe the scum in that organisation
Even then the Tories did nothing about the BBC ,they still dont get it.UKIP all the way.
Ukip .won`t do anything ,the next PM , will either be Millipeed or Cameron , & by voting Ukip ,you will ensure its Millipeed , with Harperson & Balls.
Rubbish! UKIP took a seat in a bi-election last week. They took it from Labour in a Doncaster ward with a 20% swing vote. Doncaster being Miliband’s backyard. Labour are in a lot of trouble too!
The Tories have had decades to roll back the BBC, just they have to extricate us from the hateful EU.
Vote Cameron or Millipede and you will get more Statism. That’s not an opinion, it;’s based on hard evidence.
Expecting the Conservative to do anything about BBC bias is delusional.
You have to look at the bigger picture , council seats go all over the place to various parties . Before Ukip it was the Ratepayers Party in local elections , a sort of disgruntled Tory, local council party . The Bbc are wanting you to vote Ukip so , Millipeed will come through the middle & win . Its part of their Masterplan , mark my words.
The ‘bigger picture’ is the EU. If we don’t fix that everything else is fiddling with the petty cash. And the one thing we can be certain of is that the Conservative party has no intention whatsoever of ending our subservience to the EU.
Likewise, the BBC. The Tories simply have no desire to reform it.
They’ve had decades to do both these things and yet haven’t.
Until people wake up and admit to themselves what is perfectly plain – that the difference between the Tories, Labour and the LibDems is marginal – this country will continue to spiral down into complete insignificance.
UKIP may not be ‘the answer’ but something has to break the Left-liberal stranglehold on this country (perpetuated around the clock by the BBC) and so far, UKIP is our best chance,
Dennis Thatcher was not wrong after that edition of Nationwide, when he called the corporation ‘Pinko’s’
Check their IRA/Sinn Fein sympathies, and their need to rush to support any of the terrorist muslims at Gitmo, and breathless reporting on any even alleged ‘abuse’ by British servicemen in the desert wars. THEY SUPPORT THE ENEMY OF GREAT BRITAIN IN EVERY CASE.
Israel is losing its own soldiers, because it is trying to protect civilian life, (would be a lot easier to sink to an Islamic mindset, they have the firepower to do so).
There is no moral equivalence
Hamas is an anti-Semitic Islamic genocidal terrorist outfit, the fact that they got “voted in?” says a lot more about the ahem … “want peace Palestinians” and the fake religion they follow, than Hamas.
… Hamas next Nazi regime?,(well actually no, we already have that … Islam)
PESTON certainly has the ‘politically correct’ credentials for ‘diverse’ DirGen HALL and ‘Guardian’-
“Robert Peston: which BBC role will he collar next?
Is the economics editor’s tie-less stint on Newsnight the prelude to him taking on another role at the corporation?”
Watch and weep you cock sucking bBC arseholes this is what your peace loving Islamic militants have been leaving behind in Gaza:
In other news…
First, let’s lighten the mood:
I am not a fan of petitions. even before online versions made them meaningless. Which is about when the BBC decided they really liked some as they ignored others.
However, it was funny that when it comes to whipping up the masses for a good firing, there appears a 62:1 ‘split’ on Adrian Chiles getting the chop vs. Jezza.
And now, more sober fare. Actually not funny at all.
This is a vital role of oversight, and no one wants it. Which means who gets it will be a fanatic, placeperson or both.
Meaning the licence fee payer is even more screwed.
Not sure quite why Ms. Coyle is nixed by the author.
Ticks a lot of boxes and really, really, wants it, despite being deemed unqualified, which is seldom an issue at the BBC.
Surely the BBC haven`t run out of self-loathing liberal Jews have they?
Is that why Orla Guerin has been sent to peacenik events in Jerusalem to get those soundbites?
Why else would Sarah Montague be given two “former” Jews in the media and the law to try and bash the Israelis(Today 8.15 this morning)?
Because both Jewish speakers were informed and excellent, telling me stuff I`d not be hearing from the BBC…and Sarahs efforts to howl down the flow of information was her typical Montessori Marm act-and it failed dismally…”fell short of the target” as it were.
Learned more from those two than I`ll ever learn from the whole BBC slurried output….maybe their hacks need to stop sucking up to Hamas “exiled” spokesmen in Beirut or Abu Dhabi-and actually ask some real people why Israel is doing what it is.
Poor Sarah-two days running and no soundbite re “proportionality”…God knows, she even repeated her Hammond interview from yesterday, to prime our Jewish speakers…how often does a Tory get e repeat fee on Today then?
David Schneider or Krusty the Clown still to come, I expect!
The rest of Israel and the diaspora seem to be wising up to the BBCs assault on their nation.
The above follows a similar RT case about the aptly-named Harry Fear on RT-who had to stop reporting from Hamas controlled Gaza, when he filmed and commented on their “combatants” firing at Israel…not allowed in this grief season for Islamic propaganda.
This mosque must have been taken over by “Islamofauxbes” !.
and … to think they were just thinking, about getting ready for, Friday “hate hour” to pray for peace.
IDF find yet, another terror tunnel, under Gaza mosque.
R Spencer
” Will there be an international outcry against the desecration of this “sacred space”?
Will the UN and Obama thunder denunciations?
Maybe at the Israelis for entering it so as to destroy the tunnel? … But not against the “Palestinians” for constructing the tunnel in the first place.”
The “desecration of mosques” schtick is no longer fashionable. I have not heard a peep about all the mosques the Israelis have blown to bits, nor for that matter the ones levelled next door in Syria. It just doesn’t cut it anymore…I think the cat’s out of the bag on the mosque front.
Another bit of BBC ‘wouldn’t fit’ ‘Semantic ‘R Us’ cubicle-garden subbing on the homepage at present:
London mayor raises Palestinian flag
Blimey, Boris, that’s a blinder!
Actual linked story and headline:
Tower Hamlets mayor raises Palestinian flag over town hall
Ah, so it was a mayor of a London borough rather than the Mayor or London, as may have been imagined.
Sorry for the confusion. Or not.
“gesture politics of the worst kind””
Interesting who can often RT such things and then learn lessons later, whilst working with supposedly objective media monopolies.
“This is a man who exercises human rights to refuse to answer questions at local council meetings.”
And this forum deals with a broadcaster that exercises FOI exemptions to not answer any questions about anything they say or do.
One can see why the complement so well.
Now there’s an interesting thing.
Still on the home page, only now…
Local mayor raises Palestinian flag
Think someone noticed? Or got tipped off?
Page grabs of course now stored in the Cloud.
You can’t be too careful.
They are all at it the Preston Council Leader sis exactly the same. I asked him if his next trick was to raise the Black Flag of Al-Qaeda on the Town Hall for Remembrance day. This his part of his response.
“We don’t support Hamas. We have tried to show empathy to the people of Gaza (Christian as well as Muslim) who have had disproportionate force used against them. This isn’t about supporting Hamas which we have condemned for its insane policy of sending its rockets into Israel; but over a thousand people have been killed in Gaza through shelling and bombing by the IDF…
“Surely we all want a stop to the bloodshed I would echo the call of President Obama and the UN who have called for an immediate ceasefire. Preston may not count for much in the grand scheme of international affairs but many of our residents pay attention to what is happening in the outside world and feel strongly about it…”
Where does he get his mandate from to do this as leader of the local council? Shouldn’t he be spending his time fixing the cesspit that is Preston?