“A BBC journalist has been scolded by his employer after a tweet he wrote appeared to reference the conspiracy that a Jewish elite are puppet masters, gifted with vast control. Producer Anish Shaikh said: “Attacking David Ward is a strategy to divert focus from real issue #Gaza politicians have no soul as they can be bought & sold by u know who.” He had also been referring to Liberal Democrat David Ward’s tweet,in which the politician said that he would fire rockets to Israel if he lived in Gaza. Mr Shaikh has since deleted his account and has been reminded “of his responsibility to uphold” BBC guidelines, the broadcaster said.
Meanwhile, I am worried that Jeremy Bowen may be going blind..
“I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields” writes @BowenBBC
‘Mr Shaikh has since deleted his account and has been reminded “of his responsibility to uphold” BBC guidelines, the broadcaster said.’
Another lesson not learned there then.
I’d be interested in discovering what % of the BBC’s cubicle garden blog, twitter and/or FaceBook warriors who get cut slack on published efforts that other staff did not with private conversations, do not have surnames like Thatcher.
“Anish Shaikh” He isn’t a Methodist then I assume.
no a strange name, and an insecurity obsession with
the jooo s hmmm any ideas, a clue
BBC- Devotional Sounds, Islamic religious music with Anish Shaikh sitting in for Zeb Qureshi
Say, is this BBC any relation to the BBC that lead the lynch mob when FA Chief Richard Scudamore’s made naughty comments about wimminz in private e-mails?
“I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields” writes @BowenBBC
I keep asking my Hamas guides/guards to show me a human shield but they refuse. When I asked them to translate my question, “Have you been a human shield?” into Arabic the bodies in the morgue refuse to speak up.
Poor Jeremy, all that pulling of Percy to please the Hamas boys, has as the Catholics say sent him blind. Hamas boasts of its use of civilian shields. Who to believe? Percy pulling Jeremy or media manipulating Hamas. As the dumb Yanks say it’s a ‘s no brainer’.
The BBC seems to have problems with it’s staff. Not at all surprised. I would imagine that finding any of them prepared to give a fair hearing to Israel is impossible.
Gaza is the great cause for the liberal tendency. I wonder what happens to any dissenting voices.
The same shrill sound from the “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers”
Bowen saw “no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields” because…
Journalists threatened by Hamas for reporting use of human shields
I don’t believe J.B. needed threatening.
I agree. With Bowen it’s more a case of him receiving instructions from Hamas and him complying willingly.
‘Uphold BBC guidelines’. What? The unwritten ones: ‘Dont make your bias too obvious’. If the BBC upheld it’s charter it would sack patently partisan players like this masquerading as journalists.
He produces a music programme apparently – devotinal hymns.