In 1970 Apollo 13 had a problem…a serious malfunction due to unexpectedly extreme cold conditions causing massive icing of control systems.
You never heard about that because the media suppressed the news as it ran counter to the growing consensus that was just starting to form amongst scientists that the world, the universe and everything was warming due to man’s emissions.
Naturally that’s not true…in the 70’s we were worried about global cooling, but that’s all over now.
More up to date though the BBC has been rather coy about giving us all the facts. Here they report that an Antarctic research station had to close due to power failure:
Antarctic Halley Station lost power and heat at -32C
All power, including heating, to an Antarctic research station housing 13 people was lost for 19 hours, it has been revealed.
With temperatures as low as -32C (-25F), members of the Cambridge-based British Antarctic Survey (BAS) at the Halley VI Station suffered the power loss on 30 July.
All staff are currently safe and in good health, the BAS said.
The cause of the power loss has not been determined.
They tell us that temperatures were -32C but what does that mean? Where’s the context?
Why does the BBC not tell us that the temps were in fact more extreme…and at record lows?:
Why? Because the BBC favours a context-free ‘style’ that does not present the facts as they are, but leads the unwary reader into thinking that the pre-determined and underlying BBC narrative is, in fact, ‘the way things are’.
I don’t mind that at all, if I had a choice of whether to financially patronise the BBC or not. But alas, I am legally required to subscribe to their left wing dog shite views.
But surely you must understand that record low temperatures are evidence of global warming. Or something like that………….
….and that subscription forced upon the vast majority of homes in this country magically results in the BBC having 70% of the news and current affairs coverage.
Little wonder BBC/Labour/The Guardian/The Left in general don’t want to see the licence fee abolished!
The monopoly is even worse when it comes to the Radio where the BBC must have a near 95%, or even higher, monopoly.
I have thought for some time that the Global Warming / Climate Change pseudo scientists are more than just crackpot alarmists out to earn a dishonest gold plated crust from us tax payers. In my case of course they are stealing from an old pensioner but in general they are doing more harm than good when there are matters thousands of times more important to deal with at the moment.
These useless idiots may attend all the seminars, conferences and forums they like but that will never make them scientists. In fact how on earth (no pun intended) can there be such a thing as a climate scientist when the climate changes every year of its own accord and there is no accurate data going back far enough to be reliable. Using tree rings to determine CO2 levels from thousands of years ago is about as helpful at forecasting the future weather/climate as measuring a mist in the wind. (Or something similar) It’s all just guess work, and they know it. As for computer modelling –“crap in by crap people gives scrap out for crap politicians to spout more crap”! QED.
And will somebody please explain to them that CO2 is absolutely vital for life on earth. The more of it the better, there is only 0.04 % at the moment. Its dangerously low FFS.
In fact the word Alarmist is not strong enough, they are absolutely trying to strike ‘terror’ into us and our children with their wicked nonsense. This of course makes them ‘terrorists’. In my humble opinion the BBC is therefore a terrorist organisation, along with the leaders of the EU and of course the USA.
So will the Caliphate of America now please start to bomb itself. Starting at a certain golf course at Martha’s Vineyard and then on to the HoP and some precision work over the media Palace of Salford would be very helpful please.
Would Tuesday be too early?
No stop wasting time. Now would not be soon enough.
if the bbc stopped broadcasting,the amount of hot air and methane escaping would dramatically reduce overnight,thus reducing global bullsh…..sorry -warming