“Anger at BBC wasting £10MILLION sending licence fee threat letters to nearly every home in Britain – despite only 5% evading the payment.
The BBC sent almost 25.1 million enforcement letters last year.
At 20p per letter, the minimum cost over the two years is nearly £10 million, equivalent to the licence fee paid by 70,000 homes.
Last year the number of cautions and convictions for failure to pay the TV licence fell to 153,369.
Andrew Bridgen, the Tory MP, said ‘the BBC is the biggest criminaliser of people in the UK.'”
These figures can’t be right! A second class stamp costs 53p and even with discount there’s no way you could even come close to the figure of 20p !
Automatically generated letters probably cost around 5p each plus pre printed postage, but that doesn’t include any admin required to action those letters.
The television licence is a tax, like any other tax, and until it is abolished, which those on this site hope it will be then we have to pay it.
5% of homes avoid paying it – a staggering number, and looked at the other way, it is the fault of the evaders not the corporation who have to collect the tax.
I wonder if you complain to your local council about the amount it spends collecting unpaid council tax? Personally I think those people caught should be made to pay the extra costs rather than them being lumped on me.
It’s the same for people avoiding and evading tax – if you enter a scheme for mitigating your tax, and it turns out to be illegal, as happened recently, then it should be the people involved who pay all the costs, and not me and the rest of the innocent tax payers.
Someone I have never heard of wins a medal for something I have never heard of before but the BBC decides we should all know about it. Why you ask? Because she is a woman..
An Iranian woman who lives and works in America and who doesn’t cover her head or wear a sack. To be fair to the BBC the first, anything is news.
The BBC did mention Elon Lindenstrauss the first Israeli winner of the Fields Medal. It may have slipped our attention because it only appears in BBC Vietnamese.
I looked quickly to see who the judges were for the award of this medal as I am in awe of anyone who can win anything in a maths based subject.
I felt that the judges themselves must be in line for some kind of gong to be able to come up with such a judgement, but sadly there doesn’t seem to be anything either on that or on the criteria on which a winner is judged (at least in the time that I had available).
Not even the envy of the journalistic world could enlighten me on that point which is hardly a surprise, given their track record.
On BBC tonight at the European Championships, I heard the BBC commentators (including Messrs Cram and Foster, if I am not mistaken) constantly refer to two of Mo Farah’s opponents as ‘Ethiopians’, or ‘Ethiopians competing for Turkey’.
This, in the same breath as commenting on Mo Farah being ‘British’ – i.e. not Somalian (where he was born), or ‘American’ (where he now resides and has declared his income in order to avoid paying any taxes in Britain), or ‘Somali running for Britain’, etc., etc.
The BBC cracked the “from” origin denial long ago. When the second wave of London bombers appeared, originally from Somalia, the BBC declared they were from whatever their last address was, somewhere in London made them Londoners. Suddenly, black is white, up is down, angel dancing on a pins head. They are not of Somali origin (plain English) One fled to Somalia dressed in a burqua. They are “British” according to the BBC because the traitorous Home office gave them “indefinite right to stay” (to save the expense of denying asylum and deporting them, your Government, working for you)
LibLabCon go away, your time is over.
Not so funny when you consider that the BBC respect Turks as an ethnic group, thus an Ethiopian is not Turkish. Britons however are denied the right to an ethnicity , being according to the BBC and Peecee Globalists, just a nation of ‘mongrels’. Who are the racists?
Talking about female mathematicians – I don’t recall the talking/viewing BBC mentioning the death of Katherine Ollerenshaw a few days ago. Being English and – horrors – a Conservative and friend of Mrs T is enough to banish you to the BBC equivalent of Siberia.
Her house is not far from mine and I bumped into her when walking the dog a couple of years ago. She had been sweeping up leaves outside her house and was having difficulty moving the wheelie bin she had just filled so I offered to move the bin for her. I didn’t know who she was. She thanked me and introduced herself. I said “Dame Katherine Ollerenshaw, the famous mathematician ?” I think she was surprised that I had heard of her.
We had a chat for 15-20 minutes during which she told me about her childhood and how her parents instilled the virtue of hard work and not to expect to get anything without it. She told me that she had designed her house and supervised its construction.
Although she was little frail in body, her mind was a sharp as a tack.
She was a very inspirational lady.
Far from randomness, climate models are very specific – the more CO2 in the atmosphere, the warmer the planet gets, with assumed positive feedback – another very specific feature – built in to magnify the problem x-fold (where x is ‘an effing huge number’).
I hope that is a joke, Fishy, because CO2 does not heat the environment, (constantly increasing CO2 levels have resulted in the earth cooling over the last 20 years), the positive feedback loop has been disproved (partly by the fact that CO2 levels used to be 1000 times higher than present). “Randomness” is the only defence the warmists have for their flawed theories at this stage!!
No one talks about the assumed Positive feedback anymore, as Negative feedback is now a proven fact for any formula. That means that the increase of black absorption lines in increased CO2 do correlate with cooling moving to the lower part of the upper atmosphere, but on the ground, the warming would move a few inches closer to the ground with warming to your feet and cooling to your head, but there is no change to the amount of heat involved in either case. But the calibration of carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century is estimated to be about 0.007 Kelvin for the 0.1 millibar increase in CO2, using the Unified Theory of Climate which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars. An answer that was not possible with the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect, as well as proving that carbon dioxide warming is around one hundredth that assumed by the IPCC. The Unified Theory of Climate also explains how a fall in the Earths average surface temperature of 16 Kelvin in the last 50 million years correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure of almost one bar, the higher temperature would explain why there was also a much higher ratio of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to the Oceans then, than now.
I have had a bit of a debate about that with Piers Corbyn, who seems to be the only British scientist who has any knowledge about this, but he does think that the cooling in the upper atmosphere is more important than the 0.007 Kelvin warming on the surface.
‘No one talks about the assumed Positive feedback anymore…’
Nobody in their right mind does and I don’t think in the sceptics’ camp they ever have accepted it.
However – and correct if I’m wrong – but I’m pretty sure all the climate models which are used as ‘proof’ of the outlandish Warmist claims and forecasts which infest the BBC and most of the press, still have positive feedback built-in as an assumption. Until the Warmists accept it is wrong then nothing much in the global warming debate will change as it is mainly positive feedback (as far as I know) that gives them their ridiculously high temperature projections.
Negative feedback and a changeable Albedo are facts that computer programmers have not been yet been informed about by Climate scientists due to the inevitable disastrous collapse in political funding that it would cause for Climate science and the IPCC, in their attempts to solve a problem that does not exist. Therefore the computer model forecasts are not ‘proof’ or ‘Fraser Steel facts’ because there are some basic errors in all Computer models accepted by the IPCC. But any computer models that predict the coming mini ice age using all known facts including those being pioneer by Ian Wilson show that Climate science is progressing in relative secrecy, especially when it comes to the BBC.
Also among the winners was Prof Martin Hairer from the University of Warwick, UK. I don’t think he is a Brit but perhaps the British Broadcasting Corporation could have given a researcher at a British university more than an also. He didn’t come in at 2nd place.
To be consistent shouldn’t he have been described as an Austrian?
In the grand tradition of not ascribing to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence could the answer to all the criticism be that some low level BBC drone who knows even less about mathematics than I do have simply recycled a press release?
It ticks a few BBC boxes. Had it not I expect it would have been ignored as with most Fields medalists. Not exactly prize-winning journalism.
Maths is under reported but you are right that if it was a man it would be ignored. Funny that there is no mention of her being a Muslim. Has she made a decision which would be dangerous to reveal?
I wondered that myself. Her first name is Maryam which is the Arabic version of Miriam the sister of Moses and of Mary the mother of Jesus. Not necessarily conclusive but she may be Christian or Jewish.
We should not forget that there are still many Iranians who could be described as modern secular Muslims, although they have been suppressed by the Mullahs. The fact she, a female, studied Maths in Iran may be a sign she is one of them.
The BBC does not seem to understand highlighting the first time a woman this….or a women that is patronising. Just the same as women’s football or having Mishal Hussein on the Today programme because she is a woman (I guess that Lord Hall forgot about Sarah Montegue because she is so hopeless).
I don’t see anything wrong with a report about the very first woman to win the Fields Medal for mathematics since that prize was first instituted in 1936, nor do I think that it is being reported by the BBC because of some hidden agenda of theirs. Surely the BBC and the media in general should report much more than they do on scientists and mathematicians who often produce work which has important applications for the human race particularly in the medical field. This wonderful achievement for Maryam Mirzakhani has been widely reported in the media and so it should be rather than the usual tosh about talentless celebrities! She and other very talented people like her, male and female, are terrific role models for the younger generations and should be lauded as such. By all means attack the Beeb for its many failings but not when it’s doing what it should be doing.
I have a degree in physics, which involves some seriously hard sums, but a glance at some of Maryam Mirzakhani’s work makes my head spin. I think she’s richly deserved her Fields Medal. Maths doesn’t get much attention in any general media but advances there underpin new discoveries in science and developments in engineering. That she is the first woman to win is remarkable in a male-dominated field so it’s a news angle. Obviously as a mathematically-minded woman I’d rather it wasn’t remarkable or newsworthy, but anything that gets some exposure for maths is a good thing, surely?
Hardly a sign of left-wing bias anyway. Even the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail think it worth covering:
BBC Scotland is renowned for being appallingly pro-SNP and last night’s referendum live debate on BBC 2 Scotland, was testament to this bias. The puerile and un-costed socialist utopia being prophesied by the YESNP secondhand car salesmen (and which is being hysterically praised and eaten up by ant-English SNP foot soldiers), has been blown out of the water by every credible economic think-tank, theorist and economist; it all falls apart in light of the currency union being rejected by the rUK. But last night, with a biased host James Cook, and a hostile pro-SNP audience together with that pillock Ken Scott and the SNP’s Angus Robertson, the YESNPers and their hefty contingent in the audience booed and heckled anybody who merely mentioned that there will be no currency union. I cannot believe the BBC are allowing the SNP away with this garbage: the whole Independence movement is anti-English; that’s its very core. They don’t care about the economy – they just want rid of the dreaded, oppressive English (however, they want to take the pound, the royal family and the shipbuilding contracts with them!).
Please stop moaning. For once BBC bias is actually helping achieve something useful , getting rid of the socialist Scots and their Labour MPs.
Of course I agree with you that the Yes campaign has no economic policy which holds up to a moments scrutiny and that the BBC should test this rigorously if it is to do what its charter demands. But the BBC is siding with the Yes campaign because it knows that if the Scots do vote yes then those who opposed them, or were honestly impartial , as the BBC should be, will be taken to task. But if the Scots vote no, then more powers will be devolved to Holyrood and the SNP will be able to hand out positions of influence and power to those who helped them. So supporting the Yes campaign makes perfect sense for the BBC, even if it is against their charter, which of course they have ignored for years anyway and got away with it.
I hope the Scots vote Yes not only to get rid of their socialist MPs but also because if they stay and get more devolved powers the West Lothian Question will need to be answered and, knowing politicians, their answer will be an English parliament and more jobs for the boys, more government , more taxes , more waste etc etc. So lets hope the Scots leave and we can still have just one layer of government.
Don’t be too quick to tar all north the border with the same brush; don’t forget, there are millions of loyal Scots who are proud to serve the UK, by blood if necessary. The majority are not moaners and are diehard unionists. As an Englishman, I agree that the Scots get more than their fare share, and that the nationalists never stop moaning, are anti-English and are basically a pain in England’s ass. But, the British Scot is the salt of the Earth and they have done much for the Union over the last three hundred years, and I, for one, would be proud to stand by my fellow British Scots if I needed to.
Yeh good comment Alex… I got Scottish blood on my mum side. my grandfather is from stenhousemuir and was tough as they come. he was also a soldier and is fiercely proud of being british as well as scots. he’d bloody knock you out for wantin to get rid of scots lol. he hates salmond.
I want Scotland to stay in the Union, but I’m getting tired of having to bribe them every year.
I notice that the BBC didn’t report Salmond’s interview with the Queen during the Commonwealth Games. He wanted to get an agreement on how Scotland should be titled if it voted for separation. His first suggestion was that it be called a Kingdom and he would be the King. The Queen rejected that. He then suggested that it be a Principality and he be the Prince. The Queen rejected that. She then looked him up and down and said “We shall call it a Country”.
Thanks Alex. I would like to think I came into your category – 2 grandfathers WW1 Royal Artillery & Black Watch, and father WW2 Merchant Navy North Atlantic. All my family vehemently anti-SNP.
The ‘no’ vote wins, but there is a substantial ‘yes’ vote.
Yet more powers are devolved to Scotland, including more of their own tax-raising.
The Barnett Formula doesn’t change.
The ‘West Lothian’ question remains buried in the long grass so Scottish Labour MPs continue to vote on English-only legislation and, worse, give Labour a majority in Parliament.
Result: the English continue to get a shite deal which is even shiter than the deal they get now.
Yes, England gets a shite deal and should have its own parliament; but blame the morons in the liblabcon, not loyalist Scots. It was Tony Blair’s bloody devolution settlements that led to the rise of the SNP; the exact opposite to what it was intended to achieve.
Blair was only following EUSSR orders, breaking the UK into manageable devolved areas.
Sadly, for him and Lard Two Shags, the regional assembly idea was holed below the waterline when the voters actually had a say……and said NO!
We English don’t another parliament. We were happy with the one we had before devolution and don’t want another layer of government to waste our money. So if countries want devolution they should leave the union and leave England on its own.
What’s this ‘We’ business? Do you now represent the general opinions of 55 millions people? You can speak for yourself. The evidence suggests that most English WANT their own parliament. The current situation IS NOT FAIR to England.
“BBC spends £35,000 of licence-fee cash on PR agencies – despite employing more than 140 in-house communications staff.
Four agencies used over the past three years, it has been revealed.
The corporation admitted that it had spent £34,323 on external companies.
It revealed it also has 141 in-house communications staff in post.
BBC criticised for outside spending while employing ‘legion of PR staff.'”
Would the Asian Network report on pro Israeli protests? Will it ever interview officers of boycotted companies rather than give a voice over? Will it explain what possible connection MacDonalds (UK) has with Israel? Will they ask how 2 Billion Muslim consumers (most below the poverty line) will reach Britain to affect Tesco’s profit? Will they mention that MacDonald’s (Israel) is owned by one of the most dovish Israelis and refuses to open branches in a ‘settlement’? Protests over Gaza
Do the licensing goons really turn up in their own cars? Seems a foolhardy thing to do but the goon’s protectiveness over having the car filmed suggests that it is his.
And he didn’t exactly give the member of the public much time to check his ID. Is it possible the whole thing is a setup to discredit licensing enforcement?
I can understand your scepticism Roland, but it is very unlikely this was a set up. In the 6/7 years I’ve been writing about TV Licensing I have seen probably a dozen of occasions where TV Licensing goons have hit out.
Goons are employed by Capita and do have to use their own vehicles. An increasing number of them now park well away from the address they are visiting and make sure no-one is filming before they get back into their car.
As the blog article says, it is perfectly legal for anyone to film goons in a public place. TV Licensing rules also acknowledge that fact.
There are many of these now on the net (I was going to say Youtube, but it seems the BBC lawyers do roam wild and free on this too).
I was (with some grudging admiration) going to admit that it is pretty effective, as a kind of live action reverse trolling. And like trolls anywhere, when they get back what they are trying to dish out, it can be very funny.
Clearly these are the Lincoln’s Inn of barrack room lawyers at play (who the heck has a video ready to roll at a moment’s notice?), but there are some simple facts in mitigation.
For a start, TVL’s fun bois are the ones trying to gain entry, often with some of the doziest, ill-informed rozzers I have ever been appalled enough to witness.
So… so long as legal, gloves off, and hats off to these citizen journos.
It also astounds me how often these Capita clowns clearly self-incriminate… on camera.
The police should be knocking on their doors as soon as these things are aired.
And finally, where the heck are the BBC’s finest investigative outrage squads with all this institutional threatening (how much spent on how many knowingly unnecessary letters monthly?), assault and battery going on by their finance collection department?
Monthly threatograms knowingly sent out to the innocent on a ‘see what scares up a sale’ basis. Thugs in sneakers and anoraks lobbing up at doors and making up the law. Or, often, breaking it? And magistrates convicting en bloc without judging cases on merit.
Farcical. Unique, but farcical.
Couldn’t have put it any better.
The worrying thing is that the BBC knows fine well how TV Licensing (Capita in particular) operate when they visit people’s homes. Despite this awareness they deny there are any problems and refuse to follow up complaints.
‘Despite this awareness they deny there are any problems and refuse to follow up complaints.’
Somewhat of an institutional failing at present.
It would be interesting if this formed part of witness testimony at a coming ‘Future of the BBC’ inquiry session, beyond the current ‘how do we secure our funding and oversight immunity in perpetuity?’.
The ‘man in the green shirt’ fake video from Gaza was shown on the Beeb last night – about a week after it was soundly denounced as a fake. They still broadcast it as if it was true –
‘They still broadcast it as if it was true’
Beyond past precedent, such as the Wictor analysis is compelling.
I was going to say in devil’s advocacy that I have not seen it confirmed as fake, but who could be trusted to do so?
Hamas will have swept it all away. The guy if still alive won’t be for long, or any relatives who recognise him. Anyone from the UN(reliable acronyms) to the MSM can be trusted about as far as most Hamas rockets get to (vague) target.
Hence it is likely at best tainted, erring on dubious, at least until some of the points raised by seasoned Pallywood spotters are countered.
Yet the BBC still runs with it?
That notion of ‘watertight oversight’ they claim seems to list ever more each time it is deployed on one predictable side but avoided on the other.
As a technical novice myself, just a couple of points – there is a sound of a ‘shot’ and the green shirt runs past the camera. There is a cut in the video and the man is lying there in the area that the camera was covering a second earlier. Also, there are people in yellow jackets standing around gormlessly watching the filming, not at all as if someone standing near them has just been shot before their eyes. The anorexic ‘British girl’ with the headscarf in the news last night was smiling during her testimony – no sign of shock or horror etc.
For background info, Google for ‘pallywood’.
I am sure that I saw ‘green t shirt’ at the start of a BBC bulletin, walking across the street, about a couple of days after he shot dead by Israeli snipers.
If that was the same report I saw, then the report was about investigations now taking place into incidents during the escalation which may or may not have been genuine.
The Israelis are investigating. So it certainly wasn’t ‘broadcast it as if it was true ‘, in fact its veracity was the whole point.
It was Guerin that was promoting it, with a straight face, as “evidence of Israeli war crimes” . Every night for several weeks now I have had her ugly face staring out of the tv and spouting her biased shite at me and I am totally sick and tired of it !
50 years to the day since Britain’s last hanging (no mention of the particularly nasty nature of the murder – they split his head open – or the fact they were caught red-handed) so BBC Radio Manchester are asking whether it should be brought back.
Cue guest Eric Allison, Guardian Prison Correspondent, a man who can speak from experience … he’s a sticky fingered ex-con who did 15 years for thievery.
Naturally, our Eric is agin it and from the sound of it so is the peroxide sink sat next to him. Following this there are lots of reasonably intelligent people against it and lots of complete imbeciles for it.
Another day of bias at the beeb in other words.
A criminal record as long as your arm isn’t the usual prerequisite for a job at The Guardian – but then the paper hasn’t previously employed a prison correspondent.
This week it revealed that former career criminal Eric Allison had got the job. Allison, 60, has served a total of 15 years in prison, mainly for theft, including spells at Strangeways, Durham, Wormwood Scrubs and Wandsworth.
He says he began writing as a way of protesting about injustices in the prison system and applied for the prison correspondent’s job after seeing it advertised in The Guardian. Allison has co-written a book about the 1990 Strangeways prison riot.
He said: “Once I started protesting through writing, I built up a network of people and the screws had to be careful, because I had backing on the outside. They’ve driven people to suicide. But they’d never drive me to suicide, because I wanted to know what was going to happen next.”
Ah yes, that’s our dear old Auntie, alright. A de facto version of the old NUS ‘no platform’ policy for alleged right-wing extremists and their inflammatory rhetoric, but a career criminal gets VIP treatment.
I only heard one report from Iraq on Today this morning, though admittedly I didn’t spend long listening to the programme.
Thankfully despite all the ‘displacement’ of the ‘fleeing’ Yazidis none so far have died – well, at least there was no mention of deaths.
And I can only assume that Christians in the region are being treated well by the IS, as there was no mention of them either.
At last we’re seeing the human side of ‘Islamic Militants’! Thanks for this encouraging report, BBC. Let’s hope the Israelis follow suit and show more restraint and compassion in the defence of their beleaguered country.
You missed the irony of my post, which was that unlike every other news source Today have so far not mentioned any deaths.
I read one article at the weekend which described the dead amongst the Yazidis stranded on the mountain – the overpowering stench and bodies being eaten by wild animals. It is truly staggering that in all the reports and eyewitness accounts we have heard from the BBC, many from that mountain, that this horror has somehow been ‘missed’.
BBC reports that Cameron is to return from his hols to chair a Cobra meeting on Iraq. Watch out for arrests of people who make hostile or Islamophobic comments on Twitter about the atrocities committed by ISIS terrorists (sorry, activists). Warning to the EDL, don’t upset muslims here over Iraq, Cameron is back.
This Cobra meeting going to have a few Lib Dems vetoing away, one presumes? http://order-order.com/2014/08/13/libdems-back-rocket-man-david-ward/ ‘the LibDems have cleared David Ward of bringing his party into disrepute after he said he would fire rockets at Israeli civilians were he a Palestinian. Impotent Chief Whip Don Foster bleats that he will take no action:
“David has subsequently repeated his apology and placed it and his explanation on his website”‘
Bet the BBC will be all over the value of such an apology, if treading on eggshells given how that all works in their little secret places.
I wonder if a ‘get it about right’ or ‘please don’t make us look bad… again’ is being penned by one of the 147 about now…? http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/08/13/BBC-Tries-To-Interview-Jihadi-About-Jumanji
Full marks to this chap though… dsic @dsic @samjudah @mujahid4life why not ask Abu Hamza about Hook?
They want our views.
The tweet in question does seem to have vanished, mind. Well, other than across the internet.
Is it a spoof?
Glad I added that last, as #1stcasualty rules may be applying
Don’t read the DM unless linked, but in scoping about look who popped up from 2 days ago (so I am well behind the curve there too)… http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/hello-would-you-be-happy-to-speak-to.html
Better yet, a name, at least, from the past that is welcome to see.
As to the BBC, at the very least it seems motivations still being explored as uniquely as ever.
Yes I commented at the other place saying how I missed DPs comments here, especially when things happen in the US in the hope we could get his return but I think it is unlikely.
Pretty obvious. In the words of Christopher Wren, look around. Wall to wall racism, bigotry, Misogyny; unlimited support for the extreme right; anyone disagreeing immediately attacked and demonised by a bunch of inadequate losers who find this is the last place anyone will hear them.
No wonder he left. Who on earth would want to be associated with a group led by David Vance, the saddest loser of all!
Well, it is known where he is now. Maybe the Whinge Commander can try a few of his less kind, gentle, mature, sorties there to drive him off too, as I recall happening, That is, if not too committed trying to crash, if then burn, here.
BBC Trending
#BBC trending in Istanbul
Has Turkey’s Prime Minister made a Twitter turnaround?
BBC Magazine
Isis: A thoroughly modern caliphate
“Isis and what it means to be modern”
BBC Mag – Rise of the Islamic State
most despicable
BBC, “Asian”? Network, (for any little “Asian” Beebots out there)
Caliphate: Searching for the Islamic State? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p024fzdl
How many times do you think “Islamic Terrorist mass murderers” gets a mention?, or “Muslim Terrorist killers” ? …
any idea?
yep … that’s not “conservative”, or “rebel”, or “militant”, or “radical”?
A rather clunky quote: ‘“As human freedoms go, the freedom to take your custom elsewhere is not a grand or noble one – but neither is it one that we should abandon without a fight.”
It’s linked from the FT and a registration wall I can’t be bothered to penetrate, but the title refers to monopolies.
Thinking of one of the biggest monopolies around, it is worth noting (if this wasn’t the point of the piece) that the fight with the BBC is over before it has begun, courtesy of governments of all hues for decades past.
Galloway on R2 this afternoon, ranting and insulting a prof before they had even spoken…..prof expresses his amusement and wonder at the ignorant MP…… i really do think the scottish twerp is mentally ill, he should seek help. By the way, in view of his pledge to keep Bradford an Israeli, read Jew, free zone, would any food chain, chain store etc.. that despises his racism and behaviour like to go national and ban the bastard from their stores/firms etc….should be a winner.
”i really do think the scottish twerp is mentally ill”
George Galloway craves the limelight and attention, he gets off on it, remember him dressed in lycra, pretending to be a cat on Big Brother. I think I’m going to be sick.
With reams of empty space to fill, and a certain… ahem… ideological bent, I was unsurprised to see what had captured the interest of and catapulted up the priority lists of those trendy online Beeboids worldwide, via FaceBook. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-28754371
Yes, it’s a petition they like… with a twist!
No mention on the likely rift (caused by an RPG though the window) in the family should a young Gazan return the compliment…
I think we may be hearing more of young Josh, mind, as any adverse reaction has so far appeared to have avoided even errant meat products. In writing this, I do note the unfortunate fates that can befall young folk the BBC promote and then forget about.
I for one would swap all those muslim trouble maker immigrants swarming in london and bradford with those poor persecuted Christians and Yazidis in Iraq. Why don’t we do a swap? get the isis/hamas vermin scum off our streets and replace them with christians?
Ah… but… you see, the thing is… Jezza, Orla, Wyre, Jon, Jon, Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, Titch, Bob, Carol, Ted & Alice… didn’t see nuffink,
And, what’s more, they had a red carpet treatment.
So, no see, didn’t happen. See?
The comments so far are… ‘robust’.
Yet another incident in the US where a black yob gets shot, presumably by a white police officer, after he tried to grab the officer’s gun. Naturally there are loads of witnesses, some anonymous, and all black, who give a totally different version.
Unsurprisingly the BBC are bigging the following up something large:
A writer for the National Review, Charles Cooke, quite rightly points out how unpleasant many blacks in the US actually are. He actually quotes what one child shouts out at him.
“‘Hey, hey craaaaaacka! Cracka!White devil! F*** you, white devil!’ The guy looks remarkably like Snoop Dogg: skinny enough for a Vogue advertisement, lean-faced with a wry expression, long braids. He glances slyly from side to side, making sure his audience is taking all this in, before raising his palms to his clavicles, elbows akimbo, in the universal gesture of primate territorial challenge. Luckily for me, he’s more like a three-fifths-scale Snoop Dogg, a few inches shy of four feet high, probably about nine years old, and his mom – I assume she’s his mom – is looking at me with an expression that is a complex blend of embarrassment, pity and amusement, as though to say: ‘Kids say the darnedest things, do they not, white devil?'”
Of course the BBC are all over this. Naturally they rush to the New York Magazine where one hack, Johnathan Chait, well known for being riven by his left liberal, white guilt angst has loftily declared that for Cooke to draw attention to this is “Racist”
So there you have it. BBC points out that conservatives are misguided for pointing out that the problem with blacks in the US are the blacks themselves.
did you listen to richard bacons interview today with that black gangster rapper jah rule who has just been released from doing a 2 year stretch in prison,my god,if you want to hear white liberal empathy for criminals and druggies in the american prison system just listen to richard bacons ultra liberal views and self hatred of his own skin colour,i suggest when bacons leaves radio 5 live who goes over to america and joins the black panthers judging by his interview with jah rule today.
who was that other prat who used to think he was black, westwood or something. he was a middle class mummy’s boy who put on this stupid accent like, yeah bruv, you know de good stuff man and word up homie you my bruv innit.
You should have heard the prat 10 minutes earlier. Nothing but left wing opinion, trying to correlate a relationship between the ‘have nots’ and the prison population…going on at length about those from Eton and Harrow not getting sent down.
The idiot has lost the plot completely…or he’s making the most of his remaining weeks before he ceases to be a drag on the licence blackmail payers.
A poll the BBC may not be trumpeting*, at least in any of their ‘tell-it-often-enough’ associations with the word ‘trust’ (or ‘Trust’): http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/technology/jamiebartlett/100014091/why-you-probably-trust-wikipedia-more-than-the-bbc/
Not too sure who this ‘you’ is, but while I do confess that Wikipedia is a source I have and do use, it is only as part of a selection, given its less than stellar reputation beyond the factual. And even then….
The BBC however I would place slightly lower than a rheumy-eyed trustafarian drop-out nursing a half of Carling in the boozer trying to crash in on you and your mates’ conversations, not to be relied upon for anything at all. And demanding payment for doing so.
*rather betting the 147 will be out in force, mind. Maybe even another few hundred thou into the black ops freelance kitty if it endures.
“This of course makes the challenge vastly bigger than many people may have thought. The problem is that a whole generation — perhaps several — has been taught to hate. What is notable, though, is that in a country such as Britain, most Muslims are descended from the Indian sub-continent. What is “Palestine” to them? It should have been nothing, or at least no more concern of theirs than anywhere else. But they do care differently about it. Perhaps it is part of the anti-Semitism that one British Muslim recently admitted to being “rife” and “the dirty little secret” among British Muslims.
What seems clear is that these otherwise ‘”integrated” people hate Israel and Jews because they have been taught to. They have been trained to carry over a bigotry and a bias that they may not even be aware of. It is a lot of hate to tackle, but it needs to be tackled, and it is important to start. The best place might be by tackling the lies and defamations that are allowed to go on underneath everyone’s noses, such as the wholly frivolous — and false — accusations of Israeli “genocide,” “war-crimes” and the like. It is going to require a lot of work, leadership, and the realization that the problem is worse than anyone had thought.”.
– Douglas Murray
As has been noted many times here before the BBC appears to adopt a policy of never mentioning Muslim/Islam in a ‘bad news’ story if it can help it. This is an approach that our politicians, of all parties, also seem to approve of.
Regardless of the fact that the British are notoriously undemonstrative, (cf French farmers and their spontaneous tractor protests over the years), our establishment gives every appearance of being fearful that we all rise up and slaughter Muslims in their beds etc., ‘Islamophobia’ must never raise its ugly head.
However thousands of years of in-breeding and natural selection of our ‘island race’ virtually ensure that this fear is completely unfounded. The same is not true of our ‘new Britons’, Clegg’s ‘modern Britain’. It is they that our establishment should be really worried about; they have already been ‘radicalised’ from birth.
For this reason, as Douglas Murray points out, the BBC and our politicians should be very wary of “accusations of Israeli “genocide,” “war-crimes” and the like.”
the ppl defusing the ordanance were probably doing so to get the explosives from it. They can then make an ied out of it or put it in one of their own missiles.
Only 90% of bombs/missiles work, so there will be a lot of duds for the terrorists to recycle
Six people were killed in the Gaza Strip when an Israeli missile exploded amid attempts to dismantle it.
The dead included two journalists – an Italian and a Palestinian – and a number of bomb disposal officers.
MMmmmm 6-2 = 4 if my school days serve me well.
Why ‘a number’?
But this makes the first time that the BBC actually report Gazan TERRORISTS being killed.
I doubt too it was an Israeli missile but it might be worthwhile for them to send in some more duds.
Kill active terrorists and their media enablers at the same time.
The 10 pm BBC is talking of an extension of the cease fire but somehow failed to mention that it had already been broken by the usual suspects. Thanks Deegee.
Follow the link above, and the B-BBC are still showing that obviously fake video of the man in the green shirt, headlined as “Allegations of war crimes in Gaza-Israel”.
‘BBC are still showing that obviously fake video’
I’ll play Devil’s Advocate and suggest ‘unproven’ at present.
However, this thing comes doused with doubt, along with vast precedent (the moving stiffs vid being a real giggle on t’intynet).
That the BBC is still pushing this on a ‘we know it’s probably BS, but it’s BS that we liked from the start, so we’ll run it over and over as part of our war porn series (‘Salam (?) was shot…’ says British activist Rima..’ Ms. Guerin’s commentary could hardly be less objective. Littered with edits, selected vox pop claims and naked doubts on any IDF counter) ..’ shows just what value their watertight oversight claims have.
If this thing is proven fake, Ms. G should have her press pass revoked as a reporter she is not.
I notice too that around 1:45 into the video, exactly as Guerin is talking about “Israel claims Hamas uses civilians as human shields, but one that there has been no proof”, the video shows a small truck driving by with quite a few men in it, as well as 2 very young boys among them.
The Japanese Nanjing massacres of Chinese and Himmler’s Final solution were the definitive acts of pure evil in the 1930s and 1940s.
But had Facebook and Twitter existed at the time, I doubt if the Japanese at Nanjing or the Nazis at Auschwitz would have broadcast such horrific acts of blood lust over the social networks.
ISIS are even worse than Himmler’s SS, and that really is saying something.
INBBC’s deceitful language on Islamic State has disastrous political outcome.
INBBC mis-describes the mass murdering Islamic jihadists of the Islamic State (ISIS). It wrongly calls them variously, ‘rebels’, ‘militants,’ fighters’. These are not words which Christian, Kurdish, Yazidi victims use about their utterly brutal tormentors. By using such euphemistic words, INBBC is lessening both the reality of the Islamic nature of the ISIS motivation, and the extreme violence which those Islamic jihadists use against their victims. And INBBC knows it.
Most of the other Muslim countries in the region are also opposed to ISIS’ barbarity, so perhaps the MSM are hoping for an Arab coalition, aided by the Turks, to take on the ISIS menace.
That would be less risky than bringing the West into the conflict, though time is not on the side of ISIS’ opponents.
Given that ISIS are an extreme puritanical branch of Islam, the likes of Qatar and Dubai might start getting worried, given their wealth and (relative) decadence.
Mark wrote: Given that ISIS are an extreme puritanical branch of Islam, the likes of Qatar and Dubai might start getting worried, given their wealth and (relative) decadence.
Never happen, for a start Saudi Arabia is next door. Inside SA, there are currently over 30,000 Pak troops on the border with Iraq ready for ISIS. Eygpt has sent troops also, but I don’t know the number.
UAE troops are an unknown quality, however, I’d say they are of a higher calibre than Iraqi troops.
(When American pulled out, they wanted to continue running the training of Iraqi troops, however Maliki wanted them out. On taking absolute power, he cut back on the training, got rid of the Sunni and Kurd elements, by using trumped up charges agaisnt them and arresting them and placed Shia muslims in control of the military as only Muslims do with their own (Nepotism)
That is why so many Muslims in the Sunni Areas of Iraq have sided with ISIS, better to side with people of your own ilk, than with people of another faith. (Sunni and Shia split)
Lastly while the army of the UAE is of an unknown quality, they actually own more Modern French tanks than the French themselves.(Leclerc)
However, the UAE airforce is seen as the best in the region . Not only that but they operate the most modern versions of what they use in the World.
Mark wrote: Most of the other Muslim countries in the region are also opposed to ISIS’ barbarity, so perhaps the MSM are hoping for an Arab coalition, aided by the Turks, to take on the ISIS menace
Never going to happen, for a start ISIS are Sunni Muslims and as we have seen in the Uk, while Muslims will protest in their millions when Jews and non Muslims fight back agaisnt Muslims, when Muslims are doing the killing, then its nothing. I mean have we seen any support to Iraq from any Islamic country other than Iran which is Shia Islam.
Turkey the major power in the region could have wiped out ISIS in days, they didn’t why, becasue last Sunday it was an Election for the presidency and nobody could be seen harming the hair of a Muslim, becasue it would have resulted in a loss of votes.
All this shows is we cannot trust Muslims in the Middle East never mind in the West.
The Allies in the First Gulf War, under Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, were able to cajole an Arab coalition into liberating Kuwait from Saddam. Sadly, the enemy is very different now. We need the intelligence resources to intercept ISIS’ social media and covert ops to take out the most dangerous cancer cells, especially Baghdadi himself.
Mark in 1990, the west not only had the will to fight, but they had the means to do so. Yes the Arabs were brought in, but for all their might, what fighting did they actually do? The main thrusts were by the Yanks, Brits and French, the Arabs were consigned to follow up action.
As for sending covert ops in to take out ISIS, no what is needed is the will to actually openly wipe out these thugs to the man (And women) leave no stone unturned. Fuck the human rights lawyers, when faced with true evil, you have to become evil. The thing is we in the West have become too soft. Why the hell do we spend more money on looking after those who hate us, with homes, benefits etc, when our own are homeless,hungry.
The left have ruined this country with their so called human rights. and because of them ‘the streets of London’ never mind the World is a lot more dangerous.
Agreed. Back in the 80s and up to about 1990, political correctness was seen as Loony Left, but the Islamonazis within were beginning to stir things up.
The hounding of Ray Honeyford was a forewarning of the “Trojan Horse” fiasco in primary schools, and the reaction of Islamic hotheads to “The Satanic Verses” was the beginning of self-imposed Muslim apartheid in our cities
Similar to the thirties, where the current enemies within might have spoken of Nazi activists allegedly trying to establish a Third Reich in parts of Europe, under attack from war mongering Jews in a ghetto in Warsaw. Mr Hitler, a moderate Nazi leader democratically elected by the German electorate, is negotiating for peace with Prime Minister Chamberlain who insists that British boots will not be on the ground in Europe. Calls for the far right extremist, Winston Churchill, to be denied access to the BBC
LLareggub wrote: Similar to the thirties
Good point, during the 30s Hitler was seen as somebody to emulate. The only country which actively saw through him was the British (people and not MPs) Mosely and his Black shirts were seen off in East London.
Churchill until he took power (And after) was seen as a war monger.
Even after the Fall of France, Parliament under Chamberlain enacted a threeline whip denying MPS from verbally disparaging ‘Herr Hitler’ Due to the so called ‘Never again crowd’ the UK had a very poor army and airforce. The only reason we had the Spitfire (Actually it was the Merlin engine which was the war winner) was because Mitchell took no notice of the War ministry who initially refused the plane and funded the plane himself until he won the contract.
Lets look at today:
Lets downsize our military say the do-gooders
Don’t call terrorists terrorists as it may offended them
Damn the Jew
Sell out people in need after his first meeting with Herr Hitler, Chamberlain addressed the British people “How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel that has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war”
Sound like any current British Prime Minister we know, who while happy to attack a country and destroy its military when the Leader decided to attack a city of rebels (who could escape to the East), has baulked at hitting Islamic terrorists murdering their way through as many Christians and other non Muslims as they can. Why?
Is it because , after years of propaganda from the likes of the bBC anybody who harms the hair on an Islamic terrorist can only be a racist.
we have become scared shit of questioning Islam, anybody who does is silenced like the British parliament was after the fall of France.
‘Woman cleared of smuggling money for Syria in underwear’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28778232
.. so nothing to see here, except if you read later in the article you get “Amal El-Wahabi, 27, who was accused of trying to get her to smuggle the money, was found guilty of funding terrorism.”
How bizarre to headline the article with just the finding of innocence of one suspect, and no mention of the finding of guilt of the other. And yet how unsurprising.
I was glad to see Breitbart London call the BBC and Guardian for this blatant disinformation. They have set out to make it look as if this was a non-story when, in fact, there clearly was a plot to smuggle money to jihadi terrorists.
As usual when the BBC is caught red-handed, the usual cowardly trolls (Scott, Albaman etc) are nowhere to be seen.
One obvious question that I hope the police will clear up is – where does a student get £20k to post to hubby? Wherever the money came from, I would expect the source of the cash to enjoy a spell at her majesty’s pleasure.
Can you suggest any right-wing comedians? I’d like to give them a fair hearing if I get a chance. Clive James used to be a regular on the BBC; he’s not really a comedian and he may not be right-wing to BBBC regulars though he is a professed climate change sceptic. I cheerfully suggest that his views are well to the right of mine (wouldn’t life be dull without plurality?) but I have always found him very funny.
Also, it is a protest site, as its title makes very clear. Accordingly, it is unreasonable to come here and expect the wide range of opinions on the BBC that you might expect to find elsewhere.
For fans of the BBC who don’t like it, the solution is obvious. And unlike the BBC, they’re not obliged to pay for it.
Certain Beeboid trolls should stop F**kin’ moaning, stop inviting abuse in retaliation for the non-stop abuse and condescension of their posts and just piss off to other blog sites if they don’t like it. Why someone who constantly complains about the content of this site seems to obsessively return to it perhaps only a psychiatrist could explain.
Anyway mention of a certain jug eared member of the Lavender Mafia’s name on here is certain to flush him out. Please don’t mention his name or waste time replying to his posts which are now becoming monotonous in their abuse and exceedingly boring.
He may still appear on this site and throw out abuse (the creep can dish it out but he can’t take it) but ignoring him and leaving his posts hanging in mid-air is probably the best option. Replying to him feeds his ego and prejudices. Don’t do him any favours.
Here is an example of the feeble attempt at propaganda on Al Beeb news text service at 1:10 …
‘Fresh strikes follow Gaza truce deal – Israel has launched air strikes on Gaza after being targeted by rocket fire, just as agreement had been reached on extending a truce by five days …’
So readers, who exactly broke the truce? Answers on a postcard…
Childish propaganda, but while too often clear in intent, notoriously hard to pin down.
This, however, seems pretty clear: http://bbcwatch.org/2014/08/14/bbc-news-promotes-tariq-alis-lies-and-disinformation/
And I don’t just mean letting a favoured gob sound off unrestricted, and even fed easy ones to knock out the park.
The BBC is getting pretty notorious for also letting, or even setting up placard wavers as backdrops to ‘interviews’.
But at least usually they can claim (if with tongue in cheek) they have no control of passers by who get in to the shot they have framed… by pure coincidence.
But letting some twerp cycle cards like a reprise of a Dylan video…. pull the other one.
Clear evidence of not just passive complicity but active coordination. Stuart Hughes would be proud.
MPs and the CPS are either on hols for the same duration as most of the BBC top floor, or working on cancelling arms supplies to anyone attacked by those with relatives who can swing votes or sway UK media coverage.
‘The US says it is unlikely to launch a mission to save Iraqis trapped by Islamist fighters on Mt Sinjar as there are fewer people there than expected.’
I hope that the BBC will be looking critically at this inaction, and asking the Obama administration how many lives need to be on the line before it’s worth launching a rescue mission.
Obama recently pulled out all the stops to get a traitor back, so why is he unwilling to help out the innocent victims of Islamist extremists?
Seems an extraordinary policy to announce and then report in such a manner. Gratefully noted in extermination Central.
Maybe Mishal Hussain can be brought in to share her expertise on satisfactory numbers of deaths in ME conflicts?
Is he really? Your evidence for this? For example, is he known to take time out to pray at the appropriate times of day? All this grasping at straw arguments doesn’t help me to take seriously the potential validity of charges against the BBC contained within this blog.
My understanding is that there are two copies of Epstein’s bust of Churchill; one belonging to the British embassy in Washington which had been on loan to George W Bush and was returned to the embassy; the other a gift to Lyndon Johnson that remains in the White House.
‘All this grasping at straw arguments doesn’t help me to take seriously the potential validity of charges against the BBC contained within this blog.’
On the contrary. You have grasped at one straw argument and left alone the overwhelming evidence of the BBC’s refusal to report anything Islam in a bad light. I’ve yet to hear them announce a single death attributable to IS, yet during the Gaza conflict every single news programme reported deaths as they happened, with the accompanying, tasteless ‘scores on the doors’.
But if you’re about to take on all those other posts with your bias-killing arguments, my apologies.
Blimey, this little blog no one reads (if some fight like fury, daily, to circumvent restrictions of access) is now tasked with the unenviable role of helping DOTIs stuck in their own diversion dogma dugout to ‘take things seriously’ (in, one presumes, a form they define)’?
Pity sloppy checking of the potential validity of a whole bunch of stuff seems SOP for the astoundingly if selectively uncurious paid BBC editorial staff to impose on actual news articles and broadcasts, yet this appears no cause for concern.
I’ll take genuine debaters seriously if they engage across all topics, as opposed to earning cherry vulture stripes within a few outings.
‘No one takes this blog or its contents seriously’
And yet here you are, on station, instantly, in various incarnations, 24/7, to keep saying that, and little else, often enough.
Wonder where the evidence points, along with that counter up there?
Various incarnations? Reminds me of the story of the election in Alabama in the days of the Dixie Democrats.
A counter finds a Republican vote and takes the ballot to the sheriff. “Just set it aside,” says the sheriff. “We’ll deal with it later”.
A while afterwards another counter finds a Republican ballot and takes it to the sheriff. “Thought so,” says the sheriff, tearing up both ballots and setting light to the pieces with his cigar. “Goddamn son-of-a-bitch voted twice”.
‘Various incarnations? Reminds me of the story of the election’
If someone posting as Tester and Teste2 within 5′ reminded you enough of such a long, off-topic story, one might suspect you are probably here to act in distraction more than debate. Along with more than a few others.
But your suspicions would be uinfounded wouldn’t they? For a debate to happen there has to be two sides to an argument but I don’t get the feeling two-sided debate is very welcome here. I do like to come here, it amuses me and I like to see what the other side is thinking. It’s sad when people only want to hear what they want to hear though, as if they need their convictions shored up with lots of reassurance.
I suspect Di is another renamed Flokker. The style of writing is strangely familiar. Now who was it that regularly demanded evidence for claims made by regulars to this site? I suspect Di will disappear shortly when the new names are given out by his/her controllers, although the new names now come complete with a short back story.
Amazing what you do find the time and inclination for getting sniffy on. After a full thesis on Scottish geneaology it was precious, mind.
As provision of evidence, or rather lack of, troubles you so, any thoughts on the BBC’s all too frequent resort to ‘purposes of…’ and/or full FOI exclusions?
Or does the distain extend only to the opinions of fellow blog posters vs. a public information and education body so uniquely funded yet so often coy on where its sources are or how it conducts its ediotrial?
See you at the new open thread maybe? If not too busy.
I see that the story about Obama abandoning the people stranded on a mountain has been relegated on the BBC news website, so it’s now not even in the top 10 items.
Maybe if Barry grabbed the WH daily presser mic and belted out ‘We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday’ as he heads to Marine One for another tough tour round the back nine?
ps: Love the edit countdown – I feel like I’m defusing a UXB. And 10, 9, 8…
It seems likely that there is deeply entrenched resentment of the British/French carve-up of the old Ottoman Empire after WW1. This doesn’t excuse abominable behaviour but it may help to explain why it’s not something out of the blue.
“Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923”
Book, by Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh.
Extract from Daniel Pipes’ review]:-
“‘Empires of the Sand’ shreds the main reason for Europeans to feel guilt-ridden toward the Middle East. If Sykes-Picot was not a ‘breach of faith,’ and if the British and French generally behaved with at least as much honor as their Middle Eastern counterparts, might not the British, the French, and other Europeans begin to rethink their stock responses to the issues that currently bedevil the region?
“And why stop with Europeans? Arab Middle Easterners have long sought comfort in the notion of their victimization at the hands of the perfidious, conspiratorial West. By coming instead to accept that they themselves largely created their own destiny and made their own history in the 20th century, they might persuade themselves they can do the same in the 21st – only this time by throwing off their habitual sense of grievance, reigning in their autocratic rulers, reforming their moribund economies, and overcoming their radical ideologies.”
Funny, I didn’t think there was any excuse for murder, ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing, beheadings, butchering, executions, rape, kidnapping, enslavement, forced conversion on threat of death, burying people alive etc.
As for ‘abominable behaviour’ – isn’t that what naughty schoolkids get up to?
ISIS would happily butcher all of the Left just because they are Christians or non-believers (includes atheists).
And this applies to all other Islamic extreme groups ; of which there are many.
As pointed out earlier, where are all the other Arab states with regard to IS or ISIS? Where is their support to help stop them? The west helped liberate Kuwait back in the early 90’s. Sadam was a baby-sitter by comparison.
I hear the sound of British boots on the ground…..
Could we perhaps not get a coalition of all the bleeding heart hand-wringing lefties, celebs, cabinet ministers, apologists, George Galloway, Warsii, SWP, Hope & Hate, etc, etc to go and negotiate with ISIS and listen to all their demands?
Wonderful, imagine, live on TV, Galloway offering his hand and praising the Isis’s indefatigability, then seeing him yanked to a block, having his head struck off, and held aloft. A fitting end to a heinous individual.
Following on a Today item concerning increased anti-Jewish acts in Britain, Evan interviewed the Chief Rabbi. This wasn’t a particularly sympathetic interview. Evan implied that the Jews were asking for it (as prima facie supporters of Israel and therefore one step removed from being involved in child murder) and, among other things, demanded that the Chief Rabbi apologise for the intemperate language of Joan Rivers’ (an American showbiz nobody).
Contrast this with the sympathy and horror which swept through the BBC when a couple of isolated incidents of anti-Moslem feeling occurred post the Lee Rigby murder. BTW, according to the Guardianista/BBC theme, anti-Jewish incidents are perpetrated by an unholy alliance of “extreme” Moslems and “right-wingers”. Am I to conclude that all those “Free Gaza” demo-boards labelled with “Socialist Workers Party” (lovingly drooled over by BBC cameramen) are fakes?
A transcript of the conversations would be interesting, too.
Especially near the end where I presume the chortle was in fact in the local lingo a wail of anguish?
At 5am on the BBC World Service one of the juvenile-sounding presenters went to a guy in Gaza who was described as “an independent journalist”.
First – why not go to a BBC reporter, surely they have enough of the dhimmies out there ?
Second – it must have been plain even to the BBC juvenile presenter that the Arab “journalist” was simply spouting Hamas talking points. Including the demand, wholly unrealistic, for free movement between Gaza and Israel, before there can be a real end.. No supplementary challenges.
Thus are the BBC’s listeners force-fed Hamas propaganda.
Going direct to a BBC reporter would not stop the BBC audience being force-fed Hamas propaganda. This force-feeding is having its effect. Last night, in a fairly civilised discussion concerning Gaza and its effect on UK politics, my friendly and reasonable neighbour – a LibDem voter but, hey, we all have our eccentricities – got very heated. During the discussion I mildly observed that if French missiles were flying over Muswell Hill I wouldn’t care what the government did to stop them even if it meant that French civilians suffered. Responding to this, my neighbour called me a “Jew lover” and implied (like Evan) that any supporter of Israel (and Jews – by definition – are included therein) is, perforce, an accomplice to child murder. It was salutary, although on reflection not surprising, that what I had considered a general point in favour of self-defence morphed into an excuse for an anti-Jewish rant.
Yes the towelheads had much better results sending suicide bombers onto israeli buses and restaurants than they have ever had with their (cue droid neologism) qassam rocketswhichlandharmlesslyinfields.
The useful idiots of the brain-dead left are keen on free movement too – and for the same reason.
After Scotland’s triumph in hosting the Commonwealth Games, the bBBC is now giving us wall-to-wall European Games, very excited that ‘our’ Jamaicans/ Nigerians/ Somalis/ etc are doing better than France’s Moroccans/ Algerians/ etc etc.
What sort of competitors would you like to see competing for Britain? Those you mention, most of whom would regard themselves as British having been born here, choose to compete for this country rather than Jamaica/Nigeria/Somalia so doesn’t that say something about where their loyalties lie?
“most of whom would regard themselves as British having been born here”. Really? I would argue most not born here, in both the British and French teams… but I would love to see the fact and analysis if you have it??
LOL no Di Blanchard!
It says that if they are good enough to get into the British team it is more prestigious than the Jamaican Somalian or Nigerian team.
It also means that they will benefit from more money being poured into their training.
We throw millions at other countries athletes.
They move here, and win medals.
It adds to our prestige as a country on the world stage.
Whatever Di Blanchard says, most of the medal winners are privately educated or foreigners. That, sadly includes the Football, rugby and cricket teams.
I blame the Biased BBC, who took sport off the TV on a Saturday and replaced it with old John Wayne movies, so kids lost their exposure to the glorious sport that our civilisation was built on. Then blamed Sky, naturally!
The Commonwealth Games were great and well covered. I’m not interested in the European Games. Maybe that’s just me, but I’m happy for British athletes to do well whatever their ethnicity.
Why do the BBC athletics commentators feel it necessary to constantly provide excuses for poor performances by GB competitors (e.g. the poor dear is shagged out from having to perform again so soon after last month’s Commonwealth Games)? Is it because being on the public teat makes them immune from criticism?
Well in earlier versions they described her as coming from “Rumanian and Polish” parentage. Then this misleading reference was curiously deleted, apart from a mystifying reference about her retaining her mother’s name, Perske.
Why? Well obviously because she was Jewish on both sides and the stinking BBC thought it unwise to tell their readers about this. It seems to me the overpaid hacks who populate the world’s largest extortion and pimping racket simply cannot bear to admit that a talented, beautiful woman was Jewish. Best to either mask it, or censor it entirely.
Bacall’s Jewish identity, as her many biographies make clear, was an important part of her self-image and deeply affected her professional career. So the BBC’s dismissal is of editorial and journalistic significance.
Why does the BBC have such a problem with Jews? Would it really have been so hard to include the line “Raised in a New York Jewish household, Bacall….”
But no. These facts were deemed inadmissable. Why? Who knows? Maybe they feared it would annoy leftist and Muslim sentiment? Maybe they just believe she couldnt be Jewish because she was pretty and talented? Anyone got any other ideas?
It is hard to convey the full extent of one’s suspicion, contempt and hatred for this vile organisation.
It’s a big jump from not specifically mentioning her Jewishness to suspicion, contempt, hatred and vileness, isn’t it? A lot of Jewish people work for the BBC, perhaps they don’t think of it as something exceptional. I don’t think many obits of Robin Williams drew attention to his Christian upbringing.
Given the prominent role on Jewish people in the film industry, especially in cinema’s golden age of the 1940s when Hollywood was full of refugees from Europe with some of the most creative minds in the world, it’s probably more noteworthy that Howard Hawks, the director who made Bacall’s career, wasn’t Jewish!
Why would they mention R Williams religion of birth I mean did he practice his religion? no, but she was very active in her religion so to ignore it was wrong !
Last week the BBC saw fit to dedicate nearly the whole of one of their 7.25 Today sports news slots to Moeen Ali and how his religion inspires him to play cricket ‘to give something back’ and what a wonderful, spiritual person he is all because of his religion and how caring he is towards his fellow man because of his religion and how he thinks so deeply about things because of his religion and…..and….you get the picture.
You could almost see the rest of the studio nodding and smiling at each other in knowing appreciation.
Even by BBC standards of Islam-prostration, it was pukefying.
He didn’t half play well in the last Test though. A match-winning performance for England by the lad from a bog-standard Birmingham comprehensive school, not helped by the wayward bowling of his colleagues! I say good on the lad 😉
Funny, I felt proud of him too – just as I do when I see black players playing for England because it shows there might still be hope for integration. So – a Muslim who on the face of it felt free to practice his religion and at the same time show allegiance to the country of his upbringing – wow, how rare and what a role model.
Then it all went pear-shaped when I read of his ‘free Gaza’ wristbands….
I wear a wristband that says “Quakers – Let your life speak”. Is that a problem for you? Quakers (not me I’m afraid) have a long record of going unarmed into the battlefield to bring out the dead and wounded, and trying to get people together to resolve their differences without shooting each other. They work quietly in the background and though it’s not always easy or even successful in most cases the intervention makes things less bloody than they might have been. Yes, they are interceding between the Israeli government and Hamas, amongst other things. Note that there are is a significant body of Jewish Quakers. Morality is never proved by violence; any resolution from violence only demonstrates superior fire-power.
Mo Ali’s wristbands read “Save Gaza” and “Free Palestine”, not “Support Hamas”! I suspect that, like myself and many others, he has no love for Hamas, just concern for the poor bloody sods on both sides who get caught in the crossfire and used as pawns.
So why doesn’t he wear one wristband saying “Free Gaza from the Hamas fascists” and one saying”Free Israel from all the Hamas rockets aimed at civilian areas”
In a temporary fit of culcha I read 6/700 pages each of biographies of Allen Ginsberg and Tennessee Williams. Sweet Jesus – every other page. I thought. give it a rest lads, keep your zippers up.
No homophobe me tho’. In fact I was once up on a charge of sodomy. Luckily I had a very good brief. Got it reduced to ‘Following Too Closely Behind’.
BBC Maffs always intrigues.
I certainly loved their semantics of 100 to 1 readership horror at the Graun 10:10 video backfire review was described as views as being ‘split’.
Speaking of the BBC, numbers and the Graun, this was also an eye-opener: http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/look-whos-started-at-newsnight.html
Actual data and explanations are but a ‘purposes of..’ FOI exclusion away, but really the BBC may struggle to explain how its (supposed) premier news magazine appears to be speaking to the people pretty much by hiring solely from one, very small ABC niche of the print world.
It’s also possible that the rats in sacks at Aunty are attracting the variety bailing a very sinking ship under Captn. Rushbridger’s command.
Hey, those 8,000 cubicle dwellers and their 8,000 iEverything-on-the-licence-payers need to crank out something to justify their London weighting. And it will not always turn out to be Shakespeare. ‘”You’ve got to see this,” said a Twitter user.”
Wowsers… HOLD. THE. FRONT. PAGE!!!!!!
Meanwhile, on Ariel: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ariel/26818207 ‘…Someone just searched dino porn! What the hell are they trying to find out?…’
Maybe there’s a map for that?
Tee-hee. Or, Hugs…
It must have taken a lot of intimidation of journalists to make the Foreign Press Association come together and issue a statement attacking “the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month”.
Has the BBC reported this statement ? I have heard nothing. It is surely important. information for the BBC audience.
It is perhaps tha acid test of BBC bias on Gaza that its journalists should deny any intimidation by Hamas, and that they should have ALL failed to report rocket luanches by Hamas from within civilian areas. Bloody liars, the lot of them. A shameful performance by the BBC – and broadcast round the world in our name and at our expense.
Not really. The BBC has become indistinguishable from the Left, Pali, AGW, CND, CAIR, anti-Western, anti-Capitalist, Anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-(real)-Liberal, anti-(proper)-intellectual, anti-armed forces, anti-American movements plus any others you care to add, simply because all these ‘isms’ have been de rigeur in modern higher education for long enough to infect the entire system. The BBC has thus become a self selecting clique, where only the “correct” views will get you through the door.
‘A couple in their 70s have been found shot dead in Herefordshire in what police believe was either a murder and a suicide or a suicide pact.’
The BBC will, apparently, report these snippets…
‘”At this stage of our investigation there is no evidence of any third party involvement and we can confirm we are not looking for anyone else in connection with the shootings.”‘
‘Paying tribute to the couple, Ms Seabright said: “The community in Bosbury is deeply shocked by the death of this couple as they were well known locally, not least as plant growers and supporters of many events in the village.”‘
But due to the BBC’s inate – what some might call -“censorship” on behalf of certain “groups” (whom Leveson, Lefties, The Guardian and BBC are all so keen to “protect”) we will no longer have details such as these…
This was front page news in the Telegraph paper edition this morning. The possible connection between the suicide and the local council’s indulgence to its gypsy clientele was front and centre.
“But due to the BBC’s inate – what some might call -”censorship” on behalf of certain “groups” (whom Leveson, Lefties, The Guardian and BBC are all so keen to “protect”)”
Like Jewish people, perhaps? Those groups have done much to support Jewish people in the past when they were ostracised. Blackballed at the golf club, that sort of thing.
Oh well, it may have depended on where you lived. When my family moved to a leafy part of Hertfordshire when I was eleven in 1965 (work it out) I’d never though much about Jewish people before – I knew they existed but I didn’t think I’d ever met one – but suddenly in my new school I encountered a flood of scintillating jokes like “How does a Jew commit suicide? Jumps off his wallet”. Ho ho! And I didn’t understand them so I got bullied for that. You should have heard the abuse at the time of the Six Day War too. This in a community without a black or brown face in sight.
I do remember a sense of admiration of the Israeli victory in the ’73 war, and the shared sense of outrage at the murder of Israeli atheletes in ’72. The vivid description of the holocaust in the World At War series. So I guess NW England was more tolerant then than SE England.
Same goes for my part of the West Midlands, despite it’s rather higher proportion of residents of a certain faith.
Sort of confirms my irrational, reactive and entirely unsubstantiated view that the South-East of England is not representative of England as a whole.
Sorry, Di Blanchard, I fail to see much connection betwixt and between ‘Jewish people’ and my reference to through-the-back-door press regulation ie censorship on behalf of certain Left-wing approved groups? Do explain.
Dear Di, you are living in a world of delusion or you are a troll, and just enjoy winding people up. The Biased BBC have been firmly against the Jews since 1939 when they campaigned against Jewish people coming to the UK to escape Hitler. The BBC supported Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement, referred to Jewish refugees as ‘troublemakers’ and censored Churchill as a ‘warmonger’, specifically refusing to report Churchill’s words right up until Chamberlain resigned.
Then how do you account for so many Jewish people being employed at the BBC?
They are a tiny ethnic minority but heavily over represented at the BBC, more so than Muslims, despite the BBCs love of Muslims.
The only group the BBC is biased against is ethnic British, they love all minorities, Blacks, Poles, Muslims and Jews too.
I can believe that the BBC employs a disproportionate number of Jews. The problem is that they are of the self-loathing “wej” variety like the vile SWP cheerleader Michael Rosen.
The bBBC thinks the most important ‘news’ in the world today – the lead item on the 1 o’clock BBC1 ‘news’ and heading their website – is that one of Cliff Richard’s houses has been searched in connection with an alleged ancient sex offence.
Pity they weren’t so keen on reporting sex offences when they were giving Jimmy Savile the run of their premises to commit his fould deeds.
It’s still the lead item on R4 PM news. Unbelievable. The gist is one man has made a claim about another man doing something thirty years ago. Good to see the police and BBC on top of things.
Meanwhile in other news …
Of course it’s the lead story and rightly so. One of the most successful entertainers of the past 50 odd years involved in a police sex inquiry is big news. Plus of course Cliff is an very avowed Christian. A lot of people, myself included, are horrified that his name has come up for the past year as being involved in this mess. The reason this search is being reported is that Cliff’s super injunction doesn’t cover this allegation.
If you haven’t followed the recent events http://www.exaronews.com/ is the best source of stories from genuine journalists.
This story is dynamite for anyone over 50. Which outs me anyway!
‘Of course it’s the lead story and rightly so. http://www.exaronews.com/ is the best source of stories from genuine journalists.
This story is dynamite for anyone over 50′
If you say so.
I’ll take your word for it on the last.
I thought that too…………it’s not as if he would keep a detailed diary of his activities??? I suspect it’s looking for suspect magazines or websites on his computer perhaps to show his predilections.
All likely true.
But getting back to the BBC, it does rather highlight the odd way they can feel such things ‘were from a different time’ one moment, and start cranking up the Hueys the next.
Somewhat mixed commitment at best.
Is he guilty already? He may be but judging by the way the BBC has reported it with crews outside his house and helicopters flying over, I’m guessing they’ve made their minds up.
I see the Daily Mail is leading with some oh so original photographs of photogenic young women jumping in the air waving their A-level results letters. Like you do.
Any Private Eye readers will be aware of the liking of the Daily Telegraph for pictures of young fillies celebrating their exam results. It’s one of the signs that summer is here.
‘Daily Mail is leading’
Are you on quota?
If not, pointing out what other media are doing just as part of the media cycle on a site discussing BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity (with editorial by omission being explained away by A. Newsroom Tealady too often as what’s ‘not news’) or integrity will rather add to the notion distraction over debate is the intention.
Like you are.
BBC Watch continues its forensic tour de force.
If they have ever been sensibly answered, or countered on fact, I have yet (if so, they are batting well above BBC levels) to see it. http://bbcwatch.org/2014/08/14/how-the-bbc-made-missile-fire-from-the-gaza-strip-almost-disappear/
These BBC story evolutions are more accurately to be viewed as contortions.
But why?
Why is it so hard for them to simply stick to the facts.
What, or who, is it continually running news material through the spin-filter to come out with what they do?
It is clear what is actually seen, heard and felt is not deemed to fit the narrative and needs ‘enhancing’.
But it is so blatant, and so now easily captured in all its descending spiral of integrity, they can only be getting assured from on high that they are immune from being sensibly, tangibly held to account. In other words, what we witness in the evolvement of this report is a clear case of facts obviously known to the BBC being tailored to fit editorial policy.
And that… is not news.
You are so right. BBCWatch has been conducting a devastating line-by-line / video-clip by video clip analysis of the BBC’s coverage of Gaza. Dozens of specific BBC reports and most of the BBC’s reporters have been examined.
It all adds up to a searing indictment of the BBC’s craven bias in favour of Hamas and the “Palestinians”, and the BBC’s animus against Israel and what it has been doing to defend itself.
There is enough material there already on the current conflict to fill a book.
From the beginning of this current round of conflict the World Service joined the Hamas propaganda machine with practically no resistance at all. Lyse Doucet kicked it off with a report that was not simply one sided but actively chose to deceive listeners by quoting a Gaza resident claiming there were no tunnels in his area and that they were an invention of the Israelis to “justify” their actions. There was no objection from Doucet and no other opinion canvassed.
That set the tone for the “human interest” stories that The World Service “journalists” have pumped out endlessly, never mentioning Hamas fatalities or rockets in abject obedience to their Hamas masters.
I wrote a polite email to a seriously senior individual at the World Service, quoting from Doucet’s report and pointing out that it hardly differed from a Hamas press release. He responded by claiming that Doucet’s TV report had been balanced. I replied that I was not complaining about the TV report, not having seen it, but about the World Service report. That’s where the communication ended.
‘That’s where the communication ended’
Replying to matters not raised is SOP from the manual. That’s the BBC one, not Hamas’.
As is then closing discussion out of any attempt made to bring them to where they know they dare not be led.
Yes, they are known for pretending not to grasp the point of a complaint.
While a number of reporters have admitted, when safely out of Gaza, that they censored themselves out of fear of Hamas, the BBC will never admit that. It’s “reporters” simply follow Hamas rules, probably without even having to be told:
*Never cover Hamas funerals or even speculate on Hamas fatalities.
*Strive to create the impression that all Gaza deaths are civilian and all are caused by Israel.
*Never mention Hamas missiles falling short and Hamas “work accidents,” as that would suggest that not all civilian casualties in Gaza are due to Israeli fire.
*Keep reports on the tunnels and rockets to an absolute minimum; preface such reports with “Israel says…”
*Never apply the word “terrorists” to Hamas and Islamic Jihad members. “Militants” and “fighters”are acceptable.
*At every opportunity mention the small number of Israeli civilians and far greater number of IDF soldiers who have died. When reporting on Palestinian deaths, just describe them as “Palestinians” or “mostly civilians.”
Never report that Hamas has rejected or broken ceasefires. Cast doubt and muddy the waters to make it appear that Israel alone is guilty of breaking or rejecting them.
*Never report that the Hamas Charter calls for death to Israelis and other Jews.
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“Anger at BBC wasting £10MILLION sending licence fee threat letters to nearly every home in Britain – despite only 5% evading the payment.
The BBC sent almost 25.1 million enforcement letters last year.
At 20p per letter, the minimum cost over the two years is nearly £10 million, equivalent to the licence fee paid by 70,000 homes.
Last year the number of cautions and convictions for failure to pay the TV licence fell to 153,369.
Andrew Bridgen, the Tory MP, said ‘the BBC is the biggest criminaliser of people in the UK.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2723687/Anger-BBC-wasting-10MILLION-sending-licence-fee-threat-letters-nearly-home-Britain-despite-5-evading-payment.html#ixzz3AGVBmuxp
Isn’t that about right for the BBC though, pandering to the minority and spouting forth to ‘the other 95%’ about it?
These figures can’t be right! A second class stamp costs 53p and even with discount there’s no way you could even come close to the figure of 20p !
Automatically generated letters probably cost around 5p each plus pre printed postage, but that doesn’t include any admin required to action those letters.
The television licence is a tax, like any other tax, and until it is abolished, which those on this site hope it will be then we have to pay it.
5% of homes avoid paying it – a staggering number, and looked at the other way, it is the fault of the evaders not the corporation who have to collect the tax.
I wonder if you complain to your local council about the amount it spends collecting unpaid council tax? Personally I think those people caught should be made to pay the extra costs rather than them being lumped on me.
It’s the same for people avoiding and evading tax – if you enter a scheme for mitigating your tax, and it turns out to be illegal, as happened recently, then it should be the people involved who pay all the costs, and not me and the rest of the innocent tax payers.
Umm, but you don’t have to pay it. For example if you don’t have a TV or watch catch-up TV.
Someone I have never heard of wins a medal for something I have never heard of before but the BBC decides we should all know about it. Why you ask? Because she is a woman..
An Iranian woman no less – it’s a BBC jackpot.
As a BBC bonus she is good-looking.
But not as good-looking as Carol Vorderman or Rachel Riley !
An Iranian woman who lives and works in America and who doesn’t cover her head or wear a sack. To be fair to the BBC the first, anything is news.
The BBC did mention Elon Lindenstrauss the first Israeli winner of the Fields Medal. It may have slipped our attention because it only appears in BBC Vietnamese.
I looked quickly to see who the judges were for the award of this medal as I am in awe of anyone who can win anything in a maths based subject.
I felt that the judges themselves must be in line for some kind of gong to be able to come up with such a judgement, but sadly there doesn’t seem to be anything either on that or on the criteria on which a winner is judged (at least in the time that I had available).
Not even the envy of the journalistic world could enlighten me on that point which is hardly a surprise, given their track record.
Doesn’t that make her an American woman? Or does that only work when people come to live in Britain?
On BBC tonight at the European Championships, I heard the BBC commentators (including Messrs Cram and Foster, if I am not mistaken) constantly refer to two of Mo Farah’s opponents as ‘Ethiopians’, or ‘Ethiopians competing for Turkey’.
This, in the same breath as commenting on Mo Farah being ‘British’ – i.e. not Somalian (where he was born), or ‘American’ (where he now resides and has declared his income in order to avoid paying any taxes in Britain), or ‘Somali running for Britain’, etc., etc.
Funny that !
The BBC cracked the “from” origin denial long ago. When the second wave of London bombers appeared, originally from Somalia, the BBC declared they were from whatever their last address was, somewhere in London made them Londoners. Suddenly, black is white, up is down, angel dancing on a pins head. They are not of Somali origin (plain English) One fled to Somalia dressed in a burqua. They are “British” according to the BBC because the traitorous Home office gave them “indefinite right to stay” (to save the expense of denying asylum and deporting them, your Government, working for you)
LibLabCon go away, your time is over.
Not so funny when you consider that the BBC respect Turks as an ethnic group, thus an Ethiopian is not Turkish. Britons however are denied the right to an ethnicity , being according to the BBC and Peecee Globalists, just a nation of ‘mongrels’. Who are the racists?
Talking about female mathematicians – I don’t recall the talking/viewing BBC mentioning the death of Katherine Ollerenshaw a few days ago. Being English and – horrors – a Conservative and friend of Mrs T is enough to banish you to the BBC equivalent of Siberia.
Her house is not far from mine and I bumped into her when walking the dog a couple of years ago. She had been sweeping up leaves outside her house and was having difficulty moving the wheelie bin she had just filled so I offered to move the bin for her. I didn’t know who she was. She thanked me and introduced herself. I said “Dame Katherine Ollerenshaw, the famous mathematician ?” I think she was surprised that I had heard of her.
We had a chat for 15-20 minutes during which she told me about her childhood and how her parents instilled the virtue of hard work and not to expect to get anything without it. She told me that she had designed her house and supervised its construction.
Although she was little frail in body, her mind was a sharp as a tack.
She was a very inspirational lady.
She did get a mention on the six o’clock news on Radio 4 last night.
I did smile at this bit lower down the article:
“Also among the winners was Prof Martin Hairer from the University of Warwick, UK, whose work on randomness could prove useful for climate modelling.”
Most of their climate predictions appear quite random to me. 🙂
(Before anyone says anything, I do actually have a reasonable understanding of the concept of randomness in maths/stats.)
Far from randomness, climate models are very specific – the more CO2 in the atmosphere, the warmer the planet gets, with assumed positive feedback – another very specific feature – built in to magnify the problem x-fold (where x is ‘an effing huge number’).
I hope that is a joke, Fishy, because CO2 does not heat the environment, (constantly increasing CO2 levels have resulted in the earth cooling over the last 20 years), the positive feedback loop has been disproved (partly by the fact that CO2 levels used to be 1000 times higher than present). “Randomness” is the only defence the warmists have for their flawed theories at this stage!!
The sarcasm was obviously too subtle, though having re-read it then yes, you could take it as a serious pro-AGW post.
Having said that, if you’d seen my many previous posts on ‘climate change’ then you’d know where I was coming from.
No one talks about the assumed Positive feedback anymore, as Negative feedback is now a proven fact for any formula. That means that the increase of black absorption lines in increased CO2 do correlate with cooling moving to the lower part of the upper atmosphere, but on the ground, the warming would move a few inches closer to the ground with warming to your feet and cooling to your head, but there is no change to the amount of heat involved in either case. But the calibration of carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century is estimated to be about 0.007 Kelvin for the 0.1 millibar increase in CO2, using the Unified Theory of Climate which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars. An answer that was not possible with the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect, as well as proving that carbon dioxide warming is around one hundredth that assumed by the IPCC. The Unified Theory of Climate also explains how a fall in the Earths average surface temperature of 16 Kelvin in the last 50 million years correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure of almost one bar, the higher temperature would explain why there was also a much higher ratio of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to the Oceans then, than now.
I have had a bit of a debate about that with Piers Corbyn, who seems to be the only British scientist who has any knowledge about this, but he does think that the cooling in the upper atmosphere is more important than the 0.007 Kelvin warming on the surface.
‘No one talks about the assumed Positive feedback anymore…’
Nobody in their right mind does and I don’t think in the sceptics’ camp they ever have accepted it.
However – and correct if I’m wrong – but I’m pretty sure all the climate models which are used as ‘proof’ of the outlandish Warmist claims and forecasts which infest the BBC and most of the press, still have positive feedback built-in as an assumption. Until the Warmists accept it is wrong then nothing much in the global warming debate will change as it is mainly positive feedback (as far as I know) that gives them their ridiculously high temperature projections.
Negative feedback and a changeable Albedo are facts that computer programmers have not been yet been informed about by Climate scientists due to the inevitable disastrous collapse in political funding that it would cause for Climate science and the IPCC, in their attempts to solve a problem that does not exist. Therefore the computer model forecasts are not ‘proof’ or ‘Fraser Steel facts’ because there are some basic errors in all Computer models accepted by the IPCC. But any computer models that predict the coming mini ice age using all known facts including those being pioneer by Ian Wilson show that Climate science is progressing in relative secrecy, especially when it comes to the BBC.
Also among the winners was Prof Martin Hairer from the University of Warwick, UK. I don’t think he is a Brit but perhaps the British Broadcasting Corporation could have given a researcher at a British university more than an also. He didn’t come in at 2nd place.
To be consistent shouldn’t he have been described as an Austrian?
In the grand tradition of not ascribing to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence could the answer to all the criticism be that some low level BBC drone who knows even less about mathematics than I do have simply recycled a press release?
It ticks a few BBC boxes. Had it not I expect it would have been ignored as with most Fields medalists. Not exactly prize-winning journalism.
If you want to know more about Prof. Hairer In Noisy Equations, One Who Heard Music is a good start.
Maths is under reported but you are right that if it was a man it would be ignored. Funny that there is no mention of her being a Muslim. Has she made a decision which would be dangerous to reveal?
I wondered that myself. Her first name is Maryam which is the Arabic version of Miriam the sister of Moses and of Mary the mother of Jesus. Not necessarily conclusive but she may be Christian or Jewish.
We should not forget that there are still many Iranians who could be described as modern secular Muslims, although they have been suppressed by the Mullahs. The fact she, a female, studied Maths in Iran may be a sign she is one of them.
Iranian, so probably born Muslim, but married to a non Muslim. Like many scientists very likely atheist.
Why would someone born Muslim not want to be known as an atheist eh?
The BBC does not seem to understand highlighting the first time a woman this….or a women that is patronising. Just the same as women’s football or having Mishal Hussein on the Today programme because she is a woman (I guess that Lord Hall forgot about Sarah Montegue because she is so hopeless).
I’m not sure that’s the only reason Mishal Hussein is on the Today programme.
I did like this just below
‘Also among the winners was Prof Martin Hairer from the University of Warwick, UK, whose work on randomness could prove useful for climate modelling ‘
And don’t those fckrs need some help with their maths. Perhaps one days they’ll come up with something that isn’t complete wishful thinking bllx.
‘randomness could prove useful for climate modelling’. I rest my case..
I don’t see anything wrong with a report about the very first woman to win the Fields Medal for mathematics since that prize was first instituted in 1936, nor do I think that it is being reported by the BBC because of some hidden agenda of theirs. Surely the BBC and the media in general should report much more than they do on scientists and mathematicians who often produce work which has important applications for the human race particularly in the medical field. This wonderful achievement for Maryam Mirzakhani has been widely reported in the media and so it should be rather than the usual tosh about talentless celebrities! She and other very talented people like her, male and female, are terrific role models for the younger generations and should be lauded as such. By all means attack the Beeb for its many failings but not when it’s doing what it should be doing.
You’ve never heard of Mathematics?
I have a degree in physics, which involves some seriously hard sums, but a glance at some of Maryam Mirzakhani’s work makes my head spin. I think she’s richly deserved her Fields Medal. Maths doesn’t get much attention in any general media but advances there underpin new discoveries in science and developments in engineering. That she is the first woman to win is remarkable in a male-dominated field so it’s a news angle. Obviously as a mathematically-minded woman I’d rather it wasn’t remarkable or newsworthy, but anything that gets some exposure for maths is a good thing, surely?
Hardly a sign of left-wing bias anyway. Even the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail think it worth covering:
BBC Scotland is renowned for being appallingly pro-SNP and last night’s referendum live debate on BBC 2 Scotland, was testament to this bias. The puerile and un-costed socialist utopia being prophesied by the YESNP secondhand car salesmen (and which is being hysterically praised and eaten up by ant-English SNP foot soldiers), has been blown out of the water by every credible economic think-tank, theorist and economist; it all falls apart in light of the currency union being rejected by the rUK. But last night, with a biased host James Cook, and a hostile pro-SNP audience together with that pillock Ken Scott and the SNP’s Angus Robertson, the YESNPers and their hefty contingent in the audience booed and heckled anybody who merely mentioned that there will be no currency union. I cannot believe the BBC are allowing the SNP away with this garbage: the whole Independence movement is anti-English; that’s its very core. They don’t care about the economy – they just want rid of the dreaded, oppressive English (however, they want to take the pound, the royal family and the shipbuilding contracts with them!).
Please stop moaning. For once BBC bias is actually helping achieve something useful , getting rid of the socialist Scots and their Labour MPs.
Of course I agree with you that the Yes campaign has no economic policy which holds up to a moments scrutiny and that the BBC should test this rigorously if it is to do what its charter demands. But the BBC is siding with the Yes campaign because it knows that if the Scots do vote yes then those who opposed them, or were honestly impartial , as the BBC should be, will be taken to task. But if the Scots vote no, then more powers will be devolved to Holyrood and the SNP will be able to hand out positions of influence and power to those who helped them. So supporting the Yes campaign makes perfect sense for the BBC, even if it is against their charter, which of course they have ignored for years anyway and got away with it.
I hope the Scots vote Yes not only to get rid of their socialist MPs but also because if they stay and get more devolved powers the West Lothian Question will need to be answered and, knowing politicians, their answer will be an English parliament and more jobs for the boys, more government , more taxes , more waste etc etc. So lets hope the Scots leave and we can still have just one layer of government.
Don’t be too quick to tar all north the border with the same brush; don’t forget, there are millions of loyal Scots who are proud to serve the UK, by blood if necessary. The majority are not moaners and are diehard unionists. As an Englishman, I agree that the Scots get more than their fare share, and that the nationalists never stop moaning, are anti-English and are basically a pain in England’s ass. But, the British Scot is the salt of the Earth and they have done much for the Union over the last three hundred years, and I, for one, would be proud to stand by my fellow British Scots if I needed to.
Yeh good comment Alex… I got Scottish blood on my mum side. my grandfather is from stenhousemuir and was tough as they come. he was also a soldier and is fiercely proud of being british as well as scots. he’d bloody knock you out for wantin to get rid of scots lol. he hates salmond.
I want Scotland to stay in the Union, but I’m getting tired of having to bribe them every year.
I notice that the BBC didn’t report Salmond’s interview with the Queen during the Commonwealth Games. He wanted to get an agreement on how Scotland should be titled if it voted for separation. His first suggestion was that it be called a Kingdom and he would be the King. The Queen rejected that. He then suggested that it be a Principality and he be the Prince. The Queen rejected that. She then looked him up and down and said “We shall call it a Country”.
Thanks Alex. I would like to think I came into your category – 2 grandfathers WW1 Royal Artillery & Black Watch, and father WW2 Merchant Navy North Atlantic. All my family vehemently anti-SNP.
A prediction:
The ‘no’ vote wins, but there is a substantial ‘yes’ vote.
Yet more powers are devolved to Scotland, including more of their own tax-raising.
The Barnett Formula doesn’t change.
The ‘West Lothian’ question remains buried in the long grass so Scottish Labour MPs continue to vote on English-only legislation and, worse, give Labour a majority in Parliament.
Result: the English continue to get a shite deal which is even shiter than the deal they get now.
Yes, England gets a shite deal and should have its own parliament; but blame the morons in the liblabcon, not loyalist Scots. It was Tony Blair’s bloody devolution settlements that led to the rise of the SNP; the exact opposite to what it was intended to achieve.
Completely agree with you. Blair the country-wrecker – in more ways than you can shake a stick at.
Blair was only following EUSSR orders, breaking the UK into manageable devolved areas.
Sadly, for him and Lard Two Shags, the regional assembly idea was holed below the waterline when the voters actually had a say……and said NO!
For anyone unaware of this not oft-repeated fact, check Tony “Jock” Blair’s wikipage….
“Blair was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 6 May 1953”
Does the picture start to come into focus now…..?
We English don’t another parliament. We were happy with the one we had before devolution and don’t want another layer of government to waste our money. So if countries want devolution they should leave the union and leave England on its own.
What’s this ‘We’ business? Do you now represent the general opinions of 55 millions people? You can speak for yourself. The evidence suggests that most English WANT their own parliament. The current situation IS NOT FAIR to England.
I hope for a yes vote too- that will be four million less pro-europe votes come the referendum.
And no more whingeing Scottish Labour MPs.
Or Scottish MPs, as they are known.
“BBC spends £35,000 of licence-fee cash on PR agencies – despite employing more than 140 in-house communications staff.
Four agencies used over the past three years, it has been revealed.
The corporation admitted that it had spent £34,323 on external companies.
It revealed it also has 141 in-house communications staff in post.
BBC criticised for outside spending while employing ‘legion of PR staff.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2723700/BBC-spends-35-000-licence-fee-cash-PR-agencies-despite-employing-140-house-communications-officers.html#ixzz3AGgJWjCK
That’s got to be the largest in-house PR team of any company in Britain hasn’t it? (barring police and NHS).
Along comes a spider:
Alex? Alex! Get back in your web…
INBBC ‘Asian Network’: already politically selling the CALIPHATE.
A non-Muslim, non-INBBC Asian Network reminder on CALIPHATE-
” Return of the caliphate ”
By Daniel Pipes.
Would the Asian Network report on pro Israeli protests? Will it ever interview officers of boycotted companies rather than give a voice over? Will it explain what possible connection MacDonalds (UK) has with Israel? Will they ask how 2 Billion Muslim consumers (most below the poverty line) will reach Britain to affect Tesco’s profit? Will they mention that MacDonald’s (Israel) is owned by one of the most dovish Israelis and refuses to open branches in a ‘settlement’?
Protests over Gaza
‘Catrin Nye asks why the concept of a Caliphate resonates with some young Muslims today’
Now let’s guess:
Because they hate every other religion on the planet?
Because there is no room in the world for non-believers?
Because they totally hate the concepts of democracy, free speech and tolerance?
Because they love the violence, brutality, butchery and death of jihad?
Because they really do believe there are 72 virgins waiting to reward their martyrdom in heaven?
Or because they feel marginalised and excluded by Western society?
If they were excluded by Western society, they wouldn’t be reminded on how to claim benefits.
Camera footage shows BBC TV Licensing enforcer striking out at member of the public
I agree that the member of the public isn’t entirely innocent in this, but the facts remain that he was struck as he went about his lawful business.
Camera footage included, so make your own minds up.
Do the licensing goons really turn up in their own cars? Seems a foolhardy thing to do but the goon’s protectiveness over having the car filmed suggests that it is his.
And he didn’t exactly give the member of the public much time to check his ID. Is it possible the whole thing is a setup to discredit licensing enforcement?
I can understand your scepticism Roland, but it is very unlikely this was a set up. In the 6/7 years I’ve been writing about TV Licensing I have seen probably a dozen of occasions where TV Licensing goons have hit out.
Goons are employed by Capita and do have to use their own vehicles. An increasing number of them now park well away from the address they are visiting and make sure no-one is filming before they get back into their car.
As the blog article says, it is perfectly legal for anyone to film goons in a public place. TV Licensing rules also acknowledge that fact.
That’s interesting to know, thanks. Something of an Achilles heel, I’d have thought, which allows a little redress in the intimidation stakes.
There are many of these now on the net (I was going to say Youtube, but it seems the BBC lawyers do roam wild and free on this too).
I was (with some grudging admiration) going to admit that it is pretty effective, as a kind of live action reverse trolling. And like trolls anywhere, when they get back what they are trying to dish out, it can be very funny.
Clearly these are the Lincoln’s Inn of barrack room lawyers at play (who the heck has a video ready to roll at a moment’s notice?), but there are some simple facts in mitigation.
For a start, TVL’s fun bois are the ones trying to gain entry, often with some of the doziest, ill-informed rozzers I have ever been appalled enough to witness.
So… so long as legal, gloves off, and hats off to these citizen journos.
It also astounds me how often these Capita clowns clearly self-incriminate… on camera.
The police should be knocking on their doors as soon as these things are aired.
And finally, where the heck are the BBC’s finest investigative outrage squads with all this institutional threatening (how much spent on how many knowingly unnecessary letters monthly?), assault and battery going on by their finance collection department?
Monthly threatograms knowingly sent out to the innocent on a ‘see what scares up a sale’ basis. Thugs in sneakers and anoraks lobbing up at doors and making up the law. Or, often, breaking it? And magistrates convicting en bloc without judging cases on merit.
Farcical. Unique, but farcical.
Couldn’t have put it any better.
The worrying thing is that the BBC knows fine well how TV Licensing (Capita in particular) operate when they visit people’s homes. Despite this awareness they deny there are any problems and refuse to follow up complaints.
‘Despite this awareness they deny there are any problems and refuse to follow up complaints.’
Somewhat of an institutional failing at present.
It would be interesting if this formed part of witness testimony at a coming ‘Future of the BBC’ inquiry session, beyond the current ‘how do we secure our funding and oversight immunity in perpetuity?’.
The ‘man in the green shirt’ fake video from Gaza was shown on the Beeb last night – about a week after it was soundly denounced as a fake. They still broadcast it as if it was true –
Do you have a link to where it was shown to be fake?
Try http://www.thomaswictor.com/fake-atrocity-video-from-gaza/
Pounce did a pretty comprehensive debunking at one stage.
‘They still broadcast it as if it was true’
Beyond past precedent, such as the Wictor analysis is compelling.
I was going to say in devil’s advocacy that I have not seen it confirmed as fake, but who could be trusted to do so?
Hamas will have swept it all away. The guy if still alive won’t be for long, or any relatives who recognise him. Anyone from the UN(reliable acronyms) to the MSM can be trusted about as far as most Hamas rockets get to (vague) target.
Hence it is likely at best tainted, erring on dubious, at least until some of the points raised by seasoned Pallywood spotters are countered.
Yet the BBC still runs with it?
That notion of ‘watertight oversight’ they claim seems to list ever more each time it is deployed on one predictable side but avoided on the other.
As a technical novice myself, just a couple of points – there is a sound of a ‘shot’ and the green shirt runs past the camera. There is a cut in the video and the man is lying there in the area that the camera was covering a second earlier. Also, there are people in yellow jackets standing around gormlessly watching the filming, not at all as if someone standing near them has just been shot before their eyes. The anorexic ‘British girl’ with the headscarf in the news last night was smiling during her testimony – no sign of shock or horror etc.
For background info, Google for ‘pallywood’.
I am sure that I saw ‘green t shirt’ at the start of a BBC bulletin, walking across the street, about a couple of days after he shot dead by Israeli snipers.
If that was the same report I saw, then the report was about investigations now taking place into incidents during the escalation which may or may not have been genuine.
The Israelis are investigating. So it certainly wasn’t ‘broadcast it as if it was true ‘, in fact its veracity was the whole point.
It was Guerin that was promoting it, with a straight face, as “evidence of Israeli war crimes” . Every night for several weeks now I have had her ugly face staring out of the tv and spouting her biased shite at me and I am totally sick and tired of it !
50 years to the day since Britain’s last hanging (no mention of the particularly nasty nature of the murder – they split his head open – or the fact they were caught red-handed) so BBC Radio Manchester are asking whether it should be brought back.
Cue guest Eric Allison, Guardian Prison Correspondent, a man who can speak from experience … he’s a sticky fingered ex-con who did 15 years for thievery.
Naturally, our Eric is agin it and from the sound of it so is the peroxide sink sat next to him. Following this there are lots of reasonably intelligent people against it and lots of complete imbeciles for it.
Another day of bias at the beeb in other words.
From Press Gazette:
A criminal record as long as your arm isn’t the usual prerequisite for a job at The Guardian – but then the paper hasn’t previously employed a prison correspondent.
This week it revealed that former career criminal Eric Allison had got the job. Allison, 60, has served a total of 15 years in prison, mainly for theft, including spells at Strangeways, Durham, Wormwood Scrubs and Wandsworth.
He says he began writing as a way of protesting about injustices in the prison system and applied for the prison correspondent’s job after seeing it advertised in The Guardian. Allison has co-written a book about the 1990 Strangeways prison riot.
He said: “Once I started protesting through writing, I built up a network of people and the screws had to be careful, because I had backing on the outside. They’ve driven people to suicide. But they’d never drive me to suicide, because I wanted to know what was going to happen next.”
Seems to fit the Guardian mould – a victim of the prison system.
Ah yes, that’s our dear old Auntie, alright. A de facto version of the old NUS ‘no platform’ policy for alleged right-wing extremists and their inflammatory rhetoric, but a career criminal gets VIP treatment.
I only heard one report from Iraq on Today this morning, though admittedly I didn’t spend long listening to the programme.
Thankfully despite all the ‘displacement’ of the ‘fleeing’ Yazidis none so far have died – well, at least there was no mention of deaths.
And I can only assume that Christians in the region are being treated well by the IS, as there was no mention of them either.
At last we’re seeing the human side of ‘Islamic Militants’! Thanks for this encouraging report, BBC. Let’s hope the Israelis follow suit and show more restraint and compassion in the defence of their beleaguered country.
When you say ‘none have died’, I presume you have not seen these articles?
You missed the irony of my post, which was that unlike every other news source Today have so far not mentioned any deaths.
I read one article at the weekend which described the dead amongst the Yazidis stranded on the mountain – the overpowering stench and bodies being eaten by wild animals. It is truly staggering that in all the reports and eyewitness accounts we have heard from the BBC, many from that mountain, that this horror has somehow been ‘missed’.
We draw our own conclusions.
Sorry Johnny, to be fair irony doesn’t really translate well on a blog sometimes – apologies nonetheless –
No prob at all.
BBC reports that Cameron is to return from his hols to chair a Cobra meeting on Iraq. Watch out for arrests of people who make hostile or Islamophobic comments on Twitter about the atrocities committed by ISIS terrorists (sorry, activists). Warning to the EDL, don’t upset muslims here over Iraq, Cameron is back.
This Cobra meeting going to have a few Lib Dems vetoing away, one presumes?
‘the LibDems have cleared David Ward of bringing his party into disrepute after he said he would fire rockets at Israeli civilians were he a Palestinian. Impotent Chief Whip Don Foster bleats that he will take no action:
“David has subsequently repeated his apology and placed it and his explanation on his website”‘
Bet the BBC will be all over the value of such an apology, if treading on eggshells given how that all works in their little secret places.
I wonder if a ‘get it about right’ or ‘please don’t make us look bad… again’ is being penned by one of the 147 about now…?
Full marks to this chap though…
dsic @dsic
@samjudah @mujahid4life why not ask Abu Hamza about Hook?
They want our views.
The tweet in question does seem to have vanished, mind. Well, other than across the internet.
Is it a spoof?
Glad I added that last, as #1stcasualty rules may be applying
Don’t read the DM unless linked, but in scoping about look who popped up from 2 days ago (so I am well behind the curve there too)…
Better yet, a name, at least, from the past that is welcome to see.
As to the BBC, at the very least it seems motivations still being explored as uniquely as ever.
He comments there occasionally, and mentioned he had felt surplus to requirements here. A shame, because I found his insights very enlightening.
Yes I commented at the other place saying how I missed DPs comments here, especially when things happen in the US in the hope we could get his return but I think it is unlikely.
Why did DP leave?
Pretty obvious. In the words of Christopher Wren, look around. Wall to wall racism, bigotry, Misogyny; unlimited support for the extreme right; anyone disagreeing immediately attacked and demonised by a bunch of inadequate losers who find this is the last place anyone will hear them.
No wonder he left. Who on earth would want to be associated with a group led by David Vance, the saddest loser of all!
Well, it is known where he is now. Maybe the Whinge Commander can try a few of his less kind, gentle, mature, sorties there to drive him off too, as I recall happening, That is, if not too committed trying to crash, if then burn, here.
BBC Trending
#BBC trending in Istanbul
Has Turkey’s Prime Minister made a Twitter turnaround?
BBC Magazine
Isis: A thoroughly modern caliphate
“Isis and what it means to be modern”
BBC Mag – Rise of the Islamic State
most despicable
BBC, “Asian”? Network, (for any little “Asian” Beebots out there)
Caliphate: Searching for the Islamic State?
How many times do you think “Islamic Terrorist mass murderers” gets a mention?, or “Muslim Terrorist killers” ? …
any idea?
yep … that’s not “conservative”, or “rebel”, or “militant”, or “radical”?
A rather clunky quote:
‘“As human freedoms go, the freedom to take your custom elsewhere is not a grand or noble one – but neither is it one that we should abandon without a fight.”
It’s linked from the FT and a registration wall I can’t be bothered to penetrate, but the title refers to monopolies.
Thinking of one of the biggest monopolies around, it is worth noting (if this wasn’t the point of the piece) that the fight with the BBC is over before it has begun, courtesy of governments of all hues for decades past.
Galloway on R2 this afternoon, ranting and insulting a prof before they had even spoken…..prof expresses his amusement and wonder at the ignorant MP…… i really do think the scottish twerp is mentally ill, he should seek help. By the way, in view of his pledge to keep Bradford an Israeli, read Jew, free zone, would any food chain, chain store etc.. that despises his racism and behaviour like to go national and ban the bastard from their stores/firms etc….should be a winner.
Now approaching 15,000 signatures on the petition to prosecute Galloway.
Please supply the link?
Got it – http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/the-crown-prosecution-service-to-bring-about-a-prosecution-against-george-galloway-mp-under-s-5-1-of-the-public-order-act-1986
There it is.
Been beaten to it – please delete the dupe
”i really do think the scottish twerp is mentally ill”
George Galloway craves the limelight and attention, he gets off on it, remember him dressed in lycra, pretending to be a cat on Big Brother. I think I’m going to be sick.
With reams of empty space to fill, and a certain… ahem… ideological bent, I was unsurprised to see what had captured the interest of and catapulted up the priority lists of those trendy online Beeboids worldwide, via FaceBook.
Yes, it’s a petition they like… with a twist!
No mention on the likely rift (caused by an RPG though the window) in the family should a young Gazan return the compliment…
I think we may be hearing more of young Josh, mind, as any adverse reaction has so far appeared to have avoided even errant meat products. In writing this, I do note the unfortunate fates that can befall young folk the BBC promote and then forget about.
I for one would swap all those muslim trouble maker immigrants swarming in london and bradford with those poor persecuted Christians and Yazidis in Iraq. Why don’t we do a swap? get the isis/hamas vermin scum off our streets and replace them with christians?
Seems like a win-win situation to me.
Hey, you know how every time Beeboids denounce something as a crazed right-wing conspiracy theory it turns out to be true?
Ah… but… you see, the thing is… Jezza, Orla, Wyre, Jon, Jon, Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, Titch, Bob, Carol, Ted & Alice… didn’t see nuffink,
And, what’s more, they had a red carpet treatment.
So, no see, didn’t happen. See?
The comments so far are… ‘robust’.
Yet another incident in the US where a black yob gets shot, presumably by a white police officer, after he tried to grab the officer’s gun. Naturally there are loads of witnesses, some anonymous, and all black, who give a totally different version.
Unsurprisingly the BBC are bigging the following up something large:
“Conservatives misguided after Ferguson shooting”
A writer for the National Review, Charles Cooke, quite rightly points out how unpleasant many blacks in the US actually are. He actually quotes what one child shouts out at him.
“‘Hey, hey craaaaaacka! Cracka!White devil! F*** you, white devil!’ The guy looks remarkably like Snoop Dogg: skinny enough for a Vogue advertisement, lean-faced with a wry expression, long braids. He glances slyly from side to side, making sure his audience is taking all this in, before raising his palms to his clavicles, elbows akimbo, in the universal gesture of primate territorial challenge. Luckily for me, he’s more like a three-fifths-scale Snoop Dogg, a few inches shy of four feet high, probably about nine years old, and his mom – I assume she’s his mom – is looking at me with an expression that is a complex blend of embarrassment, pity and amusement, as though to say: ‘Kids say the darnedest things, do they not, white devil?'”
Of course the BBC are all over this. Naturally they rush to the New York Magazine where one hack, Johnathan Chait, well known for being riven by his left liberal, white guilt angst has loftily declared that for Cooke to draw attention to this is “Racist”
So there you have it. BBC points out that conservatives are misguided for pointing out that the problem with blacks in the US are the blacks themselves.
Here’s a guy who tells it like it is.
Good find, lobster. Thanks.
did you listen to richard bacons interview today with that black gangster rapper jah rule who has just been released from doing a 2 year stretch in prison,my god,if you want to hear white liberal empathy for criminals and druggies in the american prison system just listen to richard bacons ultra liberal views and self hatred of his own skin colour,i suggest when bacons leaves radio 5 live who goes over to america and joins the black panthers judging by his interview with jah rule today.
It’s time that genre of African-American noise, along with its lurid graffiti culture, faded away, along with its global imitators.
who was that other prat who used to think he was black, westwood or something. he was a middle class mummy’s boy who put on this stupid accent like, yeah bruv, you know de good stuff man and word up homie you my bruv innit.
Yes it was Westwood. A complete tosser. I once downloaded a CD of his and played it and not one single song was any good.
I basically got the CD for free and still felt cheated.
Yep, i recall someone shooting at Westwood a while back…..shame they missed.
He went by the moniker D.J.Westwood, although his actual first name is Tim. Not exactly great for his street cred.
Nor the fact that his father was a bishop.
You should have heard the prat 10 minutes earlier. Nothing but left wing opinion, trying to correlate a relationship between the ‘have nots’ and the prison population…going on at length about those from Eton and Harrow not getting sent down.
The idiot has lost the plot completely…or he’s making the most of his remaining weeks before he ceases to be a drag on the licence blackmail payers.
For INBBC to report?: a ‘British’ Muslim in Syria-
“UK jihadi poses with severed head: ‘Chillin’ with my homie or what’s left of him.’”
No worries, there’s a 500lb party popper with his name on it sitting under a Hornet’s wings right at this minute.
So get on with it and drop the f***er.
Just kill the bugger.
I’d use napalm in huge quantities on this plague of locusts called Isis.
A poll the BBC may not be trumpeting*, at least in any of their ‘tell-it-often-enough’ associations with the word ‘trust’ (or ‘Trust’):
Not too sure who this ‘you’ is, but while I do confess that Wikipedia is a source I have and do use, it is only as part of a selection, given its less than stellar reputation beyond the factual. And even then….
The BBC however I would place slightly lower than a rheumy-eyed trustafarian drop-out nursing a half of Carling in the boozer trying to crash in on you and your mates’ conversations, not to be relied upon for anything at all. And demanding payment for doing so.
*rather betting the 147 will be out in force, mind. Maybe even another few hundred thou into the black ops freelance kitty if it endures.
What INBBC doesn’t report about Muslims in Europe-
“Are ‘Integrated Muslims’ Integrated?”
by Douglas Murray.
“900 French citizens recruited to Islamic State jihad”
French, my arse.
Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians, more like.
“This of course makes the challenge vastly bigger than many people may have thought. The problem is that a whole generation — perhaps several — has been taught to hate. What is notable, though, is that in a country such as Britain, most Muslims are descended from the Indian sub-continent. What is “Palestine” to them? It should have been nothing, or at least no more concern of theirs than anywhere else. But they do care differently about it. Perhaps it is part of the anti-Semitism that one British Muslim recently admitted to being “rife” and “the dirty little secret” among British Muslims.
What seems clear is that these otherwise ‘”integrated” people hate Israel and Jews because they have been taught to. They have been trained to carry over a bigotry and a bias that they may not even be aware of. It is a lot of hate to tackle, but it needs to be tackled, and it is important to start. The best place might be by tackling the lies and defamations that are allowed to go on underneath everyone’s noses, such as the wholly frivolous — and false — accusations of Israeli “genocide,” “war-crimes” and the like. It is going to require a lot of work, leadership, and the realization that the problem is worse than anyone had thought.”.
– Douglas Murray
As has been noted many times here before the BBC appears to adopt a policy of never mentioning Muslim/Islam in a ‘bad news’ story if it can help it. This is an approach that our politicians, of all parties, also seem to approve of.
Regardless of the fact that the British are notoriously undemonstrative, (cf French farmers and their spontaneous tractor protests over the years), our establishment gives every appearance of being fearful that we all rise up and slaughter Muslims in their beds etc., ‘Islamophobia’ must never raise its ugly head.
However thousands of years of in-breeding and natural selection of our ‘island race’ virtually ensure that this fear is completely unfounded. The same is not true of our ‘new Britons’, Clegg’s ‘modern Britain’. It is they that our establishment should be really worried about; they have already been ‘radicalised’ from birth.
For this reason, as Douglas Murray points out, the BBC and our politicians should be very wary of “accusations of Israeli “genocide,” “war-crimes” and the like.”
Six dead as Gaza disposal team tackles Israeli missile
I am no expert but what sort of idiot gets so close to a missile being defused that if something goes wrong they are in harms way?
Other news organs had identified the journalist as Simone Camilli eight hours ago. To the BBC he is still just Italian journalist.
BTW the Gazans broke the ceasefire with about two hours to go before it was due to expire.
and why should we believe this was Israeli ordnance ? Hamas has a proud record of “workplace accidents”
the ppl defusing the ordanance were probably doing so to get the explosives from it. They can then make an ied out of it or put it in one of their own missiles.
Only 90% of bombs/missiles work, so there will be a lot of duds for the terrorists to recycle
Too late to check. The evidence blew away.
but I thought the BBC checked on stories before publishing ? Yet they call this an “Israeli missile”
Not too late at all. There will be a ‘film’ of the incident later once Pallywood get the props sorted.
With the bodies curiously intact as usual.
Just a reminder about what Pounce revealed nearly 2 weeks ago
The BBC also called this ‘an unexploded Israeli shell’

Palestinians inspect an unexploded Israeli shell on a road in Gaza
Then Pounce showed us this picture of the M302 as supplied by Iran to Hamas

Six people were killed in the Gaza Strip when an Israeli missile exploded amid attempts to dismantle it.
The dead included two journalists – an Italian and a Palestinian – and a number of bomb disposal officers.
MMmmmm 6-2 = 4 if my school days serve me well.
Why ‘a number’?
But this makes the first time that the BBC actually report Gazan TERRORISTS being killed.
I doubt too it was an Israeli missile but it might be worthwhile for them to send in some more duds.
Kill active terrorists and their media enablers at the same time.
The 10 pm BBC is talking of an extension of the cease fire but somehow failed to mention that it had already been broken by the usual suspects. Thanks Deegee.
Follow the link above, and the B-BBC are still showing that obviously fake video of the man in the green shirt, headlined as “Allegations of war crimes in Gaza-Israel”.
‘BBC are still showing that obviously fake video’
I’ll play Devil’s Advocate and suggest ‘unproven’ at present.
However, this thing comes doused with doubt, along with vast precedent (the moving stiffs vid being a real giggle on t’intynet).
That the BBC is still pushing this on a ‘we know it’s probably BS, but it’s BS that we liked from the start, so we’ll run it over and over as part of our war porn series (‘Salam (?) was shot…’ says British activist Rima..’ Ms. Guerin’s commentary could hardly be less objective. Littered with edits, selected vox pop claims and naked doubts on any IDF counter) ..’ shows just what value their watertight oversight claims have.
If this thing is proven fake, Ms. G should have her press pass revoked as a reporter she is not.
They call it ‘subjective truth.’
I notice too that around 1:45 into the video, exactly as Guerin is talking about “Israel claims Hamas uses civilians as human shields, but one that there has been no proof”, the video shows a small truck driving by with quite a few men in it, as well as 2 very young boys among them.
Now where might they be going?
A non-INBBC ‘Newsnight’ report-
‘Fox News’-
“Walid Phares: ISIS is already inside the US”
(5 min video clip)
and ISIS has been in the UK for years. Probably started here with the aid of the Met Police and various governments
Not a Beeboid report-
“Heading for Armageddon?
Islamic State advances in Syria.”
Glenn BECK, not Beeboids, not INBBC ‘Asian Network’:-
“Glenn on ISIS: This is the greatest evil we have seen since the 1930s”
( 8 min video clip).
The Japanese Nanjing massacres of Chinese and Himmler’s Final solution were the definitive acts of pure evil in the 1930s and 1940s.
But had Facebook and Twitter existed at the time, I doubt if the Japanese at Nanjing or the Nazis at Auschwitz would have broadcast such horrific acts of blood lust over the social networks.
ISIS are even worse than Himmler’s SS, and that really is saying something.
BBC TRIES TO INTERVIEW JIHADI ABOUT ROBIN WILLIAMS FILM JUMANJI – http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/08/13/BBC-Tries-To-Interview-Jihadi-About-Jumanji
INBBC’s deceitful language on Islamic State has disastrous political outcome.
INBBC mis-describes the mass murdering Islamic jihadists of the Islamic State (ISIS). It wrongly calls them variously, ‘rebels’, ‘militants,’ fighters’. These are not words which Christian, Kurdish, Yazidi victims use about their utterly brutal tormentors. By using such euphemistic words, INBBC is lessening both the reality of the Islamic nature of the ISIS motivation, and the extreme violence which those Islamic jihadists use against their victims. And INBBC knows it.
Will INBBC suggest that the Arab League take on, and pay for military action against the Islamic State?
Most of the other Muslim countries in the region are also opposed to ISIS’ barbarity, so perhaps the MSM are hoping for an Arab coalition, aided by the Turks, to take on the ISIS menace.
That would be less risky than bringing the West into the conflict, though time is not on the side of ISIS’ opponents.
These arabs are never interested
Given that ISIS are an extreme puritanical branch of Islam, the likes of Qatar and Dubai might start getting worried, given their wealth and (relative) decadence.
Mark wrote:
Given that ISIS are an extreme puritanical branch of Islam, the likes of Qatar and Dubai might start getting worried, given their wealth and (relative) decadence.
Never happen, for a start Saudi Arabia is next door. Inside SA, there are currently over 30,000 Pak troops on the border with Iraq ready for ISIS. Eygpt has sent troops also, but I don’t know the number.
UAE troops are an unknown quality, however, I’d say they are of a higher calibre than Iraqi troops.
(When American pulled out, they wanted to continue running the training of Iraqi troops, however Maliki wanted them out. On taking absolute power, he cut back on the training, got rid of the Sunni and Kurd elements, by using trumped up charges agaisnt them and arresting them and placed Shia muslims in control of the military as only Muslims do with their own (Nepotism)
That is why so many Muslims in the Sunni Areas of Iraq have sided with ISIS, better to side with people of your own ilk, than with people of another faith. (Sunni and Shia split)
Lastly while the army of the UAE is of an unknown quality, they actually own more Modern French tanks than the French themselves.(Leclerc)
However, the UAE airforce is seen as the best in the region . Not only that but they operate the most modern versions of what they use in the World.
Mark wrote:
Most of the other Muslim countries in the region are also opposed to ISIS’ barbarity, so perhaps the MSM are hoping for an Arab coalition, aided by the Turks, to take on the ISIS menace
Never going to happen, for a start ISIS are Sunni Muslims and as we have seen in the Uk, while Muslims will protest in their millions when Jews and non Muslims fight back agaisnt Muslims, when Muslims are doing the killing, then its nothing. I mean have we seen any support to Iraq from any Islamic country other than Iran which is Shia Islam.
Turkey the major power in the region could have wiped out ISIS in days, they didn’t why, becasue last Sunday it was an Election for the presidency and nobody could be seen harming the hair of a Muslim, becasue it would have resulted in a loss of votes.
All this shows is we cannot trust Muslims in the Middle East never mind in the West.
The Allies in the First Gulf War, under Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, were able to cajole an Arab coalition into liberating Kuwait from Saddam. Sadly, the enemy is very different now. We need the intelligence resources to intercept ISIS’ social media and covert ops to take out the most dangerous cancer cells, especially Baghdadi himself.
Mark in 1990, the west not only had the will to fight, but they had the means to do so. Yes the Arabs were brought in, but for all their might, what fighting did they actually do? The main thrusts were by the Yanks, Brits and French, the Arabs were consigned to follow up action.
As for sending covert ops in to take out ISIS, no what is needed is the will to actually openly wipe out these thugs to the man (And women) leave no stone unturned. Fuck the human rights lawyers, when faced with true evil, you have to become evil. The thing is we in the West have become too soft. Why the hell do we spend more money on looking after those who hate us, with homes, benefits etc, when our own are homeless,hungry.
The left have ruined this country with their so called human rights. and because of them ‘the streets of London’ never mind the World is a lot more dangerous.
Agreed. Back in the 80s and up to about 1990, political correctness was seen as Loony Left, but the Islamonazis within were beginning to stir things up.
The hounding of Ray Honeyford was a forewarning of the “Trojan Horse” fiasco in primary schools, and the reaction of Islamic hotheads to “The Satanic Verses” was the beginning of self-imposed Muslim apartheid in our cities
How about calling them Satanic butchers ?
The vocabulary of the liberal West has no words for Isis except the conventional ones.
So the reality of what Isis is is lost .
Similar to the thirties, where the current enemies within might have spoken of Nazi activists allegedly trying to establish a Third Reich in parts of Europe, under attack from war mongering Jews in a ghetto in Warsaw. Mr Hitler, a moderate Nazi leader democratically elected by the German electorate, is negotiating for peace with Prime Minister Chamberlain who insists that British boots will not be on the ground in Europe. Calls for the far right extremist, Winston Churchill, to be denied access to the BBC
LLareggub wrote:
Similar to the thirties
Good point, during the 30s Hitler was seen as somebody to emulate. The only country which actively saw through him was the British (people and not MPs) Mosely and his Black shirts were seen off in East London.
Churchill until he took power (And after) was seen as a war monger.
Even after the Fall of France, Parliament under Chamberlain enacted a threeline whip denying MPS from verbally disparaging ‘Herr Hitler’ Due to the so called ‘Never again crowd’ the UK had a very poor army and airforce. The only reason we had the Spitfire (Actually it was the Merlin engine which was the war winner) was because Mitchell took no notice of the War ministry who initially refused the plane and funded the plane himself until he won the contract.
Lets look at today:
Lets downsize our military say the do-gooders
Don’t call terrorists terrorists as it may offended them
Damn the Jew
Sell out people in need after his first meeting with Herr Hitler, Chamberlain addressed the British people
“How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel that has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war”
Sound like any current British Prime Minister we know, who while happy to attack a country and destroy its military when the Leader decided to attack a city of rebels (who could escape to the East), has baulked at hitting Islamic terrorists murdering their way through as many Christians and other non Muslims as they can.
Is it because , after years of propaganda from the likes of the bBC anybody who harms the hair on an Islamic terrorist can only be a racist.
we have become scared shit of questioning Islam, anybody who does is silenced like the British parliament was after the fall of France.
Why even today the bbC writes a sob piece for an Islamic terrorist locked away in America.
Brother: Talha Ahsan kept in ‘concrete tomb of hell’
Yeah poor Islamic terrorist funder Talha.
The record of the BBC in the Gaza conflict has been truly shameful.
And Cameron’s Coalition has not been much better :
How can people with any morals at all side with or equivocate over Hamas and its child shields :
“This BBC protection racket should be shut down.”
By Dan Hodges.
By Oliver Lane.
‘Woman cleared of smuggling money for Syria in underwear’
.. so nothing to see here, except if you read later in the article you get “Amal El-Wahabi, 27, who was accused of trying to get her to smuggle the money, was found guilty of funding terrorism.”
How bizarre to headline the article with just the finding of innocence of one suspect, and no mention of the finding of guilt of the other. And yet how unsurprising.
I was glad to see Breitbart London call the BBC and Guardian for this blatant disinformation. They have set out to make it look as if this was a non-story when, in fact, there clearly was a plot to smuggle money to jihadi terrorists.
As usual when the BBC is caught red-handed, the usual cowardly trolls (Scott, Albaman etc) are nowhere to be seen.
By Raheed Kassam.
One obvious question that I hope the police will clear up is – where does a student get £20k to post to hubby? Wherever the money came from, I would expect the source of the cash to enjoy a spell at her majesty’s pleasure.
Piss off, do, Scott (or impersonator) – either way, just piss off.
Don’t feed the troll. Oh but have you managed to find a right-wing comedian on the BBC yet?
Ignore the troll
Can you suggest any right-wing comedians? I’d like to give them a fair hearing if I get a chance. Clive James used to be a regular on the BBC; he’s not really a comedian and he may not be right-wing to BBBC regulars though he is a professed climate change sceptic. I cheerfully suggest that his views are well to the right of mine (wouldn’t life be dull without plurality?) but I have always found him very funny.
Clive James has a terminal illness, he is evidently concentratin on his poetry for his remaining time.
Yes, he was funny – even to lefties.
Trouble is, most of the leftie “comedians” used by the BBC these days are desperately unfunny.
Does David Vance not qualify? Many of his posts and tweets have a comedic feel and he can often be seen and heard on the BBC.
I think people on this site are very tolerant of dissenting views.
I think they have a problem with dissenting views that come loaded with quite nasty insults.
Also, it is a protest site, as its title makes very clear. Accordingly, it is unreasonable to come here and expect the wide range of opinions on the BBC that you might expect to find elsewhere.
For fans of the BBC who don’t like it, the solution is obvious. And unlike the BBC, they’re not obliged to pay for it.
OOOOHHH! You Bitch!!!!!
Certain Beeboid trolls should stop F**kin’ moaning, stop inviting abuse in retaliation for the non-stop abuse and condescension of their posts and just piss off to other blog sites if they don’t like it. Why someone who constantly complains about the content of this site seems to obsessively return to it perhaps only a psychiatrist could explain.
Anyway mention of a certain jug eared member of the Lavender Mafia’s name on here is certain to flush him out. Please don’t mention his name or waste time replying to his posts which are now becoming monotonous in their abuse and exceedingly boring.
He may still appear on this site and throw out abuse (the creep can dish it out but he can’t take it) but ignoring him and leaving his posts hanging in mid-air is probably the best option. Replying to him feeds his ego and prejudices. Don’t do him any favours.
Spot on, saw it myself ! Blatant childish propaganda. Where the hell are our Members of Parliament and the CPS ?
Here is an example of the feeble attempt at propaganda on Al Beeb news text service at 1:10 …
‘Fresh strikes follow Gaza truce deal – Israel has launched air strikes on Gaza after being targeted by rocket fire, just as agreement had been reached on extending a truce by five days …’
So readers, who exactly broke the truce? Answers on a postcard…
Childish propaganda, but while too often clear in intent, notoriously hard to pin down.
This, however, seems pretty clear:
And I don’t just mean letting a favoured gob sound off unrestricted, and even fed easy ones to knock out the park.
The BBC is getting pretty notorious for also letting, or even setting up placard wavers as backdrops to ‘interviews’.
But at least usually they can claim (if with tongue in cheek) they have no control of passers by who get in to the shot they have framed… by pure coincidence.
But letting some twerp cycle cards like a reprise of a Dylan video…. pull the other one.
Clear evidence of not just passive complicity but active coordination. Stuart Hughes would be proud.
MPs and the CPS are either on hols for the same duration as most of the BBC top floor, or working on cancelling arms supplies to anyone attacked by those with relatives who can swing votes or sway UK media coverage.
The BBC tells us that:
‘The US says it is unlikely to launch a mission to save Iraqis trapped by Islamist fighters on Mt Sinjar as there are fewer people there than expected.’
I hope that the BBC will be looking critically at this inaction, and asking the Obama administration how many lives need to be on the line before it’s worth launching a rescue mission.
Obama recently pulled out all the stops to get a traitor back, so why is he unwilling to help out the innocent victims of Islamist extremists?
Seems an extraordinary policy to announce and then report in such a manner. Gratefully noted in extermination Central.
Maybe Mishal Hussain can be brought in to share her expertise on satisfactory numbers of deaths in ME conflicts?
Well Obama is a muslim so he will only do lip service.
Remember the return of the Churchill bust
Is he really? Your evidence for this? For example, is he known to take time out to pray at the appropriate times of day? All this grasping at straw arguments doesn’t help me to take seriously the potential validity of charges against the BBC contained within this blog.
My understanding is that there are two copies of Epstein’s bust of Churchill; one belonging to the British embassy in Washington which had been on loan to George W Bush and was returned to the embassy; the other a gift to Lyndon Johnson that remains in the White House.
‘All this grasping at straw arguments doesn’t help me to take seriously the potential validity of charges against the BBC contained within this blog.’
On the contrary. You have grasped at one straw argument and left alone the overwhelming evidence of the BBC’s refusal to report anything Islam in a bad light. I’ve yet to hear them announce a single death attributable to IS, yet during the Gaza conflict every single news programme reported deaths as they happened, with the accompanying, tasteless ‘scores on the doors’.
But if you’re about to take on all those other posts with your bias-killing arguments, my apologies.
Blimey, this little blog no one reads (if some fight like fury, daily, to circumvent restrictions of access) is now tasked with the unenviable role of helping DOTIs stuck in their own diversion dogma dugout to ‘take things seriously’ (in, one presumes, a form they define)’?
Pity sloppy checking of the potential validity of a whole bunch of stuff seems SOP for the astoundingly if selectively uncurious paid BBC editorial staff to impose on actual news articles and broadcasts, yet this appears no cause for concern.
I’ll take genuine debaters seriously if they engage across all topics, as opposed to earning cherry vulture stripes within a few outings.
Noone takes this blog or its contents seriously as its been hijacked by a sad group of losers who hate all day long.
What sad lives do you lead!
‘No one takes this blog or its contents seriously’
And yet here you are, on station, instantly, in various incarnations, 24/7, to keep saying that, and little else, often enough.
Wonder where the evidence points, along with that counter up there?
Various incarnations? Reminds me of the story of the election in Alabama in the days of the Dixie Democrats.
A counter finds a Republican vote and takes the ballot to the sheriff. “Just set it aside,” says the sheriff. “We’ll deal with it later”.
A while afterwards another counter finds a Republican ballot and takes it to the sheriff. “Thought so,” says the sheriff, tearing up both ballots and setting light to the pieces with his cigar. “Goddamn son-of-a-bitch voted twice”.
‘Various incarnations? Reminds me of the story of the election’
If someone posting as Tester and Teste2 within 5′ reminded you enough of such a long, off-topic story, one might suspect you are probably here to act in distraction more than debate. Along with more than a few others.
But your suspicions would be uinfounded wouldn’t they? For a debate to happen there has to be two sides to an argument but I don’t get the feeling two-sided debate is very welcome here. I do like to come here, it amuses me and I like to see what the other side is thinking. It’s sad when people only want to hear what they want to hear though, as if they need their convictions shored up with lots of reassurance.
Isn’t his middle name Hussain? That sounds Muslim too me.
I suspect Di is another renamed Flokker. The style of writing is strangely familiar. Now who was it that regularly demanded evidence for claims made by regulars to this site? I suspect Di will disappear shortly when the new names are given out by his/her controllers, although the new names now come complete with a short back story.
“Now who was it that regularly demanded evidence for claims made by regulars to this site? ”
How dare they!!
Amazing what you do find the time and inclination for getting sniffy on. After a full thesis on Scottish geneaology it was precious, mind.
As provision of evidence, or rather lack of, troubles you so, any thoughts on the BBC’s all too frequent resort to ‘purposes of…’ and/or full FOI exclusions?
Or does the distain extend only to the opinions of fellow blog posters vs. a public information and education body so uniquely funded yet so often coy on where its sources are or how it conducts its ediotrial?
See you at the new open thread maybe? If not too busy.
I see that the story about Obama abandoning the people stranded on a mountain has been relegated on the BBC news website, so it’s now not even in the top 10 items.
Maybe if Barry grabbed the WH daily presser mic and belted out ‘We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday’ as he heads to Marine One for another tough tour round the back nine?
ps: Love the edit countdown – I feel like I’m defusing a UXB. And 10, 9, 8…
Hey hey hey – lay of the Golfer-in-Chief.
No way to refer to FLOTUS, I’m sure.
In the FLOTUS’ case,
ces ne sont pas dets mots qui vont très bien ensemble.
James Bloodworth’s vitally important question for political Left-
“Why does Isis hate us so much?
“It’s the question that’s baffling the left. But like the Nazis, it’s impossible to try and explain the thinking behind their extremist beliefs.”
It seems likely that there is deeply entrenched resentment of the British/French carve-up of the old Ottoman Empire after WW1. This doesn’t excuse abominable behaviour but it may help to explain why it’s not something out of the blue.
“Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923”
Book, by Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh.
Extract from Daniel Pipes’ review]:-
“‘Empires of the Sand’ shreds the main reason for Europeans to feel guilt-ridden toward the Middle East. If Sykes-Picot was not a ‘breach of faith,’ and if the British and French generally behaved with at least as much honor as their Middle Eastern counterparts, might not the British, the French, and other Europeans begin to rethink their stock responses to the issues that currently bedevil the region?
“And why stop with Europeans? Arab Middle Easterners have long sought comfort in the notion of their victimization at the hands of the perfidious, conspiratorial West. By coming instead to accept that they themselves largely created their own destiny and made their own history in the 20th century, they might persuade themselves they can do the same in the 21st – only this time by throwing off their habitual sense of grievance, reigning in their autocratic rulers, reforming their moribund economies, and overcoming their radical ideologies.”
Funny, I didn’t think there was any excuse for murder, ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing, beheadings, butchering, executions, rape, kidnapping, enslavement, forced conversion on threat of death, burying people alive etc.
As for ‘abominable behaviour’ – isn’t that what naughty schoolkids get up to?
ISIS would happily butcher all of the Left just because they are Christians or non-believers (includes atheists).
And this applies to all other Islamic extreme groups ; of which there are many.
As pointed out earlier, where are all the other Arab states with regard to IS or ISIS? Where is their support to help stop them? The west helped liberate Kuwait back in the early 90’s. Sadam was a baby-sitter by comparison.
I hear the sound of British boots on the ground…..
Could we perhaps not get a coalition of all the bleeding heart hand-wringing lefties, celebs, cabinet ministers, apologists, George Galloway, Warsii, SWP, Hope & Hate, etc, etc to go and negotiate with ISIS and listen to all their demands?
Wonderful, imagine, live on TV, Galloway offering his hand and praising the Isis’s indefatigability, then seeing him yanked to a block, having his head struck off, and held aloft. A fitting end to a heinous individual.
Or perhaps evacuate everyone and give them their caliphate, then get a nice big nuclear bomb and clean house.
Now, that would be worth watching. Worth paying the licence fee for!
Following on a Today item concerning increased anti-Jewish acts in Britain, Evan interviewed the Chief Rabbi. This wasn’t a particularly sympathetic interview. Evan implied that the Jews were asking for it (as prima facie supporters of Israel and therefore one step removed from being involved in child murder) and, among other things, demanded that the Chief Rabbi apologise for the intemperate language of Joan Rivers’ (an American showbiz nobody).
Contrast this with the sympathy and horror which swept through the BBC when a couple of isolated incidents of anti-Moslem feeling occurred post the Lee Rigby murder. BTW, according to the Guardianista/BBC theme, anti-Jewish incidents are perpetrated by an unholy alliance of “extreme” Moslems and “right-wingers”. Am I to conclude that all those “Free Gaza” demo-boards labelled with “Socialist Workers Party” (lovingly drooled over by BBC cameramen) are fakes?
Speaking of fakes…
A transcript of the conversations would be interesting, too.
Especially near the end where I presume the chortle was in fact in the local lingo a wail of anguish?
At 5am on the BBC World Service one of the juvenile-sounding presenters went to a guy in Gaza who was described as “an independent journalist”.
First – why not go to a BBC reporter, surely they have enough of the dhimmies out there ?
Second – it must have been plain even to the BBC juvenile presenter that the Arab “journalist” was simply spouting Hamas talking points. Including the demand, wholly unrealistic, for free movement between Gaza and Israel, before there can be a real end.. No supplementary challenges.
Thus are the BBC’s listeners force-fed Hamas propaganda.
Going direct to a BBC reporter would not stop the BBC audience being force-fed Hamas propaganda. This force-feeding is having its effect. Last night, in a fairly civilised discussion concerning Gaza and its effect on UK politics, my friendly and reasonable neighbour – a LibDem voter but, hey, we all have our eccentricities – got very heated. During the discussion I mildly observed that if French missiles were flying over Muswell Hill I wouldn’t care what the government did to stop them even if it meant that French civilians suffered. Responding to this, my neighbour called me a “Jew lover” and implied (like Evan) that any supporter of Israel (and Jews – by definition – are included therein) is, perforce, an accomplice to child murder. It was salutary, although on reflection not surprising, that what I had considered a general point in favour of self-defence morphed into an excuse for an anti-Jewish rant.
‘free movement between Gaza and Israel,’
Yes the towelheads had much better results sending suicide bombers onto israeli buses and restaurants than they have ever had with their (cue droid neologism) qassam rocketswhichlandharmlesslyinfields.
The useful idiots of the brain-dead left are keen on free movement too – and for the same reason.
Relevant for understanding INBBC’s position towards Islam:-
“The West’s Prostration to Islam”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
After Scotland’s triumph in hosting the Commonwealth Games, the bBBC is now giving us wall-to-wall European Games, very excited that ‘our’ Jamaicans/ Nigerians/ Somalis/ etc are doing better than France’s Moroccans/ Algerians/ etc etc.
What sort of competitors would you like to see competing for Britain? Those you mention, most of whom would regard themselves as British having been born here, choose to compete for this country rather than Jamaica/Nigeria/Somalia so doesn’t that say something about where their loyalties lie?
It probably says something about where the funding might lie.
Oooh, an edit button!
Quite possibly that too. People striving for excellence going where the best training is. It’s the market, innit!
Or it could be about ‘putting something back’, given his background.
“most of whom would regard themselves as British having been born here”. Really? I would argue most not born here, in both the British and French teams… but I would love to see the fact and analysis if you have it??
LOL no Di Blanchard!
It says that if they are good enough to get into the British team it is more prestigious than the Jamaican Somalian or Nigerian team.
It also means that they will benefit from more money being poured into their training.
All a bit Soviet.
We throw millions at our athletes.
They win medals.
It adds to our prestige as a country on the world stage
Or even better :
We throw millions at other countries athletes.
They move here, and win medals.
It adds to our prestige as a country on the world stage.
Whatever Di Blanchard says, most of the medal winners are privately educated or foreigners. That, sadly includes the Football, rugby and cricket teams.
I blame the Biased BBC, who took sport off the TV on a Saturday and replaced it with old John Wayne movies, so kids lost their exposure to the glorious sport that our civilisation was built on. Then blamed Sky, naturally!
Athletics can get very dull .Note to The BBC producers. Give it a rest .
The Commonwealth Games were great and well covered. I’m not interested in the European Games. Maybe that’s just me, but I’m happy for British athletes to do well whatever their ethnicity.
Why do the BBC athletics commentators feel it necessary to constantly provide excuses for poor performances by GB competitors (e.g. the poor dear is shagged out from having to perform again so soon after last month’s Commonwealth Games)? Is it because being on the public teat makes them immune from criticism?
‘Team’ GB athletes have been designated as ‘pluckies’ chez moi.
As in ‘a plucky performance there by the british athlete’.
Droid-speak for ‘well out of the medals’.
Anyone catch the BBC’s obit for Lauren Bacall?
Well in earlier versions they described her as coming from “Rumanian and Polish” parentage. Then this misleading reference was curiously deleted, apart from a mystifying reference about her retaining her mother’s name, Perske.
Why? Well obviously because she was Jewish on both sides and the stinking BBC thought it unwise to tell their readers about this. It seems to me the overpaid hacks who populate the world’s largest extortion and pimping racket simply cannot bear to admit that a talented, beautiful woman was Jewish. Best to either mask it, or censor it entirely.
Bacall’s Jewish identity, as her many biographies make clear, was an important part of her self-image and deeply affected her professional career. So the BBC’s dismissal is of editorial and journalistic significance.
Why does the BBC have such a problem with Jews? Would it really have been so hard to include the line “Raised in a New York Jewish household, Bacall….”
But no. These facts were deemed inadmissable. Why? Who knows? Maybe they feared it would annoy leftist and Muslim sentiment? Maybe they just believe she couldnt be Jewish because she was pretty and talented? Anyone got any other ideas?
It is hard to convey the full extent of one’s suspicion, contempt and hatred for this vile organisation.
It’s a big jump from not specifically mentioning her Jewishness to suspicion, contempt, hatred and vileness, isn’t it? A lot of Jewish people work for the BBC, perhaps they don’t think of it as something exceptional. I don’t think many obits of Robin Williams drew attention to his Christian upbringing.
Given the prominent role on Jewish people in the film industry, especially in cinema’s golden age of the 1940s when Hollywood was full of refugees from Europe with some of the most creative minds in the world, it’s probably more noteworthy that Howard Hawks, the director who made Bacall’s career, wasn’t Jewish!
Why would they mention R Williams religion of birth I mean did he practice his religion? no, but she was very active in her religion so to ignore it was wrong !
Last week the BBC saw fit to dedicate nearly the whole of one of their 7.25 Today sports news slots to Moeen Ali and how his religion inspires him to play cricket ‘to give something back’ and what a wonderful, spiritual person he is all because of his religion and how caring he is towards his fellow man because of his religion and how he thinks so deeply about things because of his religion and…..and….you get the picture.
You could almost see the rest of the studio nodding and smiling at each other in knowing appreciation.
Even by BBC standards of Islam-prostration, it was pukefying.
He didn’t half play well in the last Test though. A match-winning performance for England by the lad from a bog-standard Birmingham comprehensive school, not helped by the wayward bowling of his colleagues! I say good on the lad 😉
Funny, I felt proud of him too – just as I do when I see black players playing for England because it shows there might still be hope for integration. So – a Muslim who on the face of it felt free to practice his religion and at the same time show allegiance to the country of his upbringing – wow, how rare and what a role model.
Then it all went pear-shaped when I read of his ‘free Gaza’ wristbands….
I wear a wristband that says “Quakers – Let your life speak”. Is that a problem for you? Quakers (not me I’m afraid) have a long record of going unarmed into the battlefield to bring out the dead and wounded, and trying to get people together to resolve their differences without shooting each other. They work quietly in the background and though it’s not always easy or even successful in most cases the intervention makes things less bloody than they might have been. Yes, they are interceding between the Israeli government and Hamas, amongst other things. Note that there are is a significant body of Jewish Quakers. Morality is never proved by violence; any resolution from violence only demonstrates superior fire-power.
OK, so fair play, Di, your wrist band is not from a terrorist organisation banned in the EU and USA.
Can you see the difference??
Mo Ali’s wristbands read “Save Gaza” and “Free Palestine”, not “Support Hamas”! I suspect that, like myself and many others, he has no love for Hamas, just concern for the poor bloody sods on both sides who get caught in the crossfire and used as pawns.
both sides ?
So why doesn’t he wear one wristband saying “Free Gaza from the Hamas fascists” and one saying”Free Israel from all the Hamas rockets aimed at civilian areas”
‘Save Gaza’ from what?
What is Palestine?
P.S. I didn’t say anything about Quakers. Why did you?
And the bBBC repeated the same item on the 1 o’clock BBC1 ‘news’ today. Not news, of course, but a useful counter to the Muslim barbarism elsewhere.
One for Scott. Sorry, I couldn’t resist, as he often fondly writes about me…
In a temporary fit of culcha I read 6/700 pages each of biographies of Allen Ginsberg and Tennessee Williams. Sweet Jesus – every other page. I thought. give it a rest lads, keep your zippers up.
No homophobe me tho’. In fact I was once up on a charge of sodomy. Luckily I had a very good brief. Got it reduced to ‘Following Too Closely Behind’.
every day?? Think I need to turn gay!
In the words of Bernard Manning – ” I couldn’t be gay. I couldn’t stand blokes turning me down as well as women!.”
A limited edit facility!! When did that arrive? Thank you!
…we now just need to have the “Report” button moved a tad out of harm’s way…
Now we need a ‘god not another bloody troll BBC lover ‘ block button
BBC Maffs always intrigues.
I certainly loved their semantics of 100 to 1 readership horror at the Graun 10:10 video backfire review was described as views as being ‘split’.
Speaking of the BBC, numbers and the Graun, this was also an eye-opener:
Actual data and explanations are but a ‘purposes of..’ FOI exclusion away, but really the BBC may struggle to explain how its (supposed) premier news magazine appears to be speaking to the people pretty much by hiring solely from one, very small ABC niche of the print world.
It’s also possible that the rats in sacks at Aunty are attracting the variety bailing a very sinking ship under Captn. Rushbridger’s command.
Not bias, but as an indicator of how far the BBC has fallen with its journalistic standards, or lack thereof:
‘One Facebook user said: “It looks like a willy tee hee!!”‘
and we are forced to pay for this drivel ?
Hey, those 8,000 cubicle dwellers and their 8,000 iEverything-on-the-licence-payers need to crank out something to justify their London weighting. And it will not always turn out to be Shakespeare.
‘”You’ve got to see this,” said a Twitter user.”
Wowsers… HOLD. THE. FRONT. PAGE!!!!!!
Meanwhile, on Ariel:
‘…Someone just searched dino porn! What the hell are they trying to find out?…’
Maybe there’s a map for that?
Tee-hee. Or, Hugs…
It must have taken a lot of intimidation of journalists to make the Foreign Press Association come together and issue a statement attacking “the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month”.
Has the BBC reported this statement ? I have heard nothing. It is surely important. information for the BBC audience.
It is perhaps tha acid test of BBC bias on Gaza that its journalists should deny any intimidation by Hamas, and that they should have ALL failed to report rocket luanches by Hamas from within civilian areas. Bloody liars, the lot of them. A shameful performance by the BBC – and broadcast round the world in our name and at our expense.
No mention by BBC or indeed any other newspaper. Most curious!
Not really. The BBC has become indistinguishable from the Left, Pali, AGW, CND, CAIR, anti-Western, anti-Capitalist, Anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-(real)-Liberal, anti-(proper)-intellectual, anti-armed forces, anti-American movements plus any others you care to add, simply because all these ‘isms’ have been de rigeur in modern higher education for long enough to infect the entire system. The BBC has thus become a self selecting clique, where only the “correct” views will get you through the door.
Unchecked the BBC behemoth will inevitably soon eliminate independent local press through its unique position over and above the market.
And then when we read stories such as this
‘A couple in their 70s have been found shot dead in Herefordshire in what police believe was either a murder and a suicide or a suicide pact.’
The BBC will, apparently, report these snippets…
‘”At this stage of our investigation there is no evidence of any third party involvement and we can confirm we are not looking for anyone else in connection with the shootings.”‘
‘Paying tribute to the couple, Ms Seabright said: “The community in Bosbury is deeply shocked by the death of this couple as they were well known locally, not least as plant growers and supporters of many events in the village.”‘
But due to the BBC’s inate – what some might call -“censorship” on behalf of certain “groups” (whom Leveson, Lefties, The Guardian and BBC are all so keen to “protect”) we will no longer have details such as these…
‘Mr Knott, a retired director of a Birmingham construction company, had been fighting a planning application for a gypsy settlement near his home.’
“The gypsies down the road had troubled John for some time,” said the neighbour.
“They had applied for planning permission for a residency but both John and I were against this.
“There were lots of objections.”
Not on the BBC there won’t be.
This was front page news in the Telegraph paper edition this morning. The possible connection between the suicide and the local council’s indulgence to its gypsy clientele was front and centre.
“But due to the BBC’s inate – what some might call -”censorship” on behalf of certain “groups” (whom Leveson, Lefties, The Guardian and BBC are all so keen to “protect”)”
Like Jewish people, perhaps? Those groups have done much to support Jewish people in the past when they were ostracised. Blackballed at the golf club, that sort of thing.
I don’t remember the ostracism of Jewish people in Britain, but then my memories only go back as far as the 60s.
Oh well, it may have depended on where you lived. When my family moved to a leafy part of Hertfordshire when I was eleven in 1965 (work it out) I’d never though much about Jewish people before – I knew they existed but I didn’t think I’d ever met one – but suddenly in my new school I encountered a flood of scintillating jokes like “How does a Jew commit suicide? Jumps off his wallet”. Ho ho! And I didn’t understand them so I got bullied for that. You should have heard the abuse at the time of the Six Day War too. This in a community without a black or brown face in sight.
I do remember a sense of admiration of the Israeli victory in the ’73 war, and the shared sense of outrage at the murder of Israeli atheletes in ’72. The vivid description of the holocaust in the World At War series. So I guess NW England was more tolerant then than SE England.
Same goes for my part of the West Midlands, despite it’s rather higher proportion of residents of a certain faith.
Sort of confirms my irrational, reactive and entirely unsubstantiated view that the South-East of England is not representative of England as a whole.
‘This in a community without a black or brown face in sight. ‘
True of most of England in 1965.
Sorry, Di Blanchard, I fail to see much connection betwixt and between ‘Jewish people’ and my reference to through-the-back-door press regulation ie censorship on behalf of certain Left-wing approved groups? Do explain.
Dear Di, you are living in a world of delusion or you are a troll, and just enjoy winding people up. The Biased BBC have been firmly against the Jews since 1939 when they campaigned against Jewish people coming to the UK to escape Hitler. The BBC supported Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement, referred to Jewish refugees as ‘troublemakers’ and censored Churchill as a ‘warmonger’, specifically refusing to report Churchill’s words right up until Chamberlain resigned.
Then how do you account for so many Jewish people being employed at the BBC?
They are a tiny ethnic minority but heavily over represented at the BBC, more so than Muslims, despite the BBCs love of Muslims.
The only group the BBC is biased against is ethnic British, they love all minorities, Blacks, Poles, Muslims and Jews too.
The BBC is not fond of Poles.
They are too white and Christian for them.
I can believe that the BBC employs a disproportionate number of Jews. The problem is that they are of the self-loathing “wej” variety like the vile SWP cheerleader Michael Rosen.
The bBBC thinks the most important ‘news’ in the world today – the lead item on the 1 o’clock BBC1 ‘news’ and heading their website – is that one of Cliff Richard’s houses has been searched in connection with an alleged ancient sex offence.
Pity they weren’t so keen on reporting sex offences when they were giving Jimmy Savile the run of their premises to commit his fould deeds.
It’s still the lead item on R4 PM news. Unbelievable. The gist is one man has made a claim about another man doing something thirty years ago. Good to see the police and BBC on top of things.
Meanwhile in other news …
Of course it’s the lead story and rightly so. One of the most successful entertainers of the past 50 odd years involved in a police sex inquiry is big news. Plus of course Cliff is an very avowed Christian. A lot of people, myself included, are horrified that his name has come up for the past year as being involved in this mess. The reason this search is being reported is that Cliff’s super injunction doesn’t cover this allegation.
If you haven’t followed the recent events http://www.exaronews.com/ is the best source of stories from genuine journalists.
This story is dynamite for anyone over 50. Which outs me anyway!
‘Of course it’s the lead story and rightly so.
http://www.exaronews.com/ is the best source of stories from genuine journalists.
This story is dynamite for anyone over 50′
If you say so.
I’ll take your word for it on the last.
I cannot understand what evidence the police expect to find of what may have been a sexual attack thirty years ago in a different place. Am I naive?
I thought that too…………it’s not as if he would keep a detailed diary of his activities??? I suspect it’s looking for suspect magazines or websites on his computer perhaps to show his predilections.
It was the evidence from the 70s that did for Rolf Harris and some of the other pervs have had references back to the 60s.
If the Kincora Boys Home is looked at again it will be mostly 70s evidence.
All likely true.
But getting back to the BBC, it does rather highlight the odd way they can feel such things ‘were from a different time’ one moment, and start cranking up the Hueys the next.
Somewhat mixed commitment at best.
Is he guilty already? He may be but judging by the way the BBC has reported it with crews outside his house and helicopters flying over, I’m guessing they’ve made their minds up.
Is there a political reason why INBBC has not reported this online?:-
“Spain, Morocco Break Up Suspected Jihadist Network”
Probably because there is much else happening today… so much for Summer being quiet:
A Levels
Quite a lot happening which has news priority.
I see the Daily Mail is leading with some oh so original photographs of photogenic young women jumping in the air waving their A-level results letters. Like you do.
Any Private Eye readers will be aware of the liking of the Daily Telegraph for pictures of young fillies celebrating their exam results. It’s one of the signs that summer is here.
‘Daily Mail is leading’
Are you on quota?
If not, pointing out what other media are doing just as part of the media cycle on a site discussing BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity (with editorial by omission being explained away by A. Newsroom Tealady too often as what’s ‘not news’) or integrity will rather add to the notion distraction over debate is the intention.
Like you are.
BBC Watch continues its forensic tour de force.
If they have ever been sensibly answered, or countered on fact, I have yet (if so, they are batting well above BBC levels) to see it.
These BBC story evolutions are more accurately to be viewed as contortions.
But why?
Why is it so hard for them to simply stick to the facts.
What, or who, is it continually running news material through the spin-filter to come out with what they do?
It is clear what is actually seen, heard and felt is not deemed to fit the narrative and needs ‘enhancing’.
But it is so blatant, and so now easily captured in all its descending spiral of integrity, they can only be getting assured from on high that they are immune from being sensibly, tangibly held to account.
In other words, what we witness in the evolvement of this report is a clear case of facts obviously known to the BBC being tailored to fit editorial policy.
And that… is not news.
You are so right. BBCWatch has been conducting a devastating line-by-line / video-clip by video clip analysis of the BBC’s coverage of Gaza. Dozens of specific BBC reports and most of the BBC’s reporters have been examined.
It all adds up to a searing indictment of the BBC’s craven bias in favour of Hamas and the “Palestinians”, and the BBC’s animus against Israel and what it has been doing to defend itself.
There is enough material there already on the current conflict to fill a book.
BBC Watch is an excellent site. Great pity that it is so poorly supported in the comments section.
From the beginning of this current round of conflict the World Service joined the Hamas propaganda machine with practically no resistance at all. Lyse Doucet kicked it off with a report that was not simply one sided but actively chose to deceive listeners by quoting a Gaza resident claiming there were no tunnels in his area and that they were an invention of the Israelis to “justify” their actions. There was no objection from Doucet and no other opinion canvassed.
That set the tone for the “human interest” stories that The World Service “journalists” have pumped out endlessly, never mentioning Hamas fatalities or rockets in abject obedience to their Hamas masters.
I wrote a polite email to a seriously senior individual at the World Service, quoting from Doucet’s report and pointing out that it hardly differed from a Hamas press release. He responded by claiming that Doucet’s TV report had been balanced. I replied that I was not complaining about the TV report, not having seen it, but about the World Service report. That’s where the communication ended.
The rot at the BBC begins at the top.
‘That’s where the communication ended’
Replying to matters not raised is SOP from the manual. That’s the BBC one, not Hamas’.
As is then closing discussion out of any attempt made to bring them to where they know they dare not be led.
Yes, they are known for pretending not to grasp the point of a complaint.
While a number of reporters have admitted, when safely out of Gaza, that they censored themselves out of fear of Hamas, the BBC will never admit that. It’s “reporters” simply follow Hamas rules, probably without even having to be told:
*Never cover Hamas funerals or even speculate on Hamas fatalities.
*Strive to create the impression that all Gaza deaths are civilian and all are caused by Israel.
*Never mention Hamas missiles falling short and Hamas “work accidents,” as that would suggest that not all civilian casualties in Gaza are due to Israeli fire.
*Keep reports on the tunnels and rockets to an absolute minimum; preface such reports with “Israel says…”
*Never apply the word “terrorists” to Hamas and Islamic Jihad members. “Militants” and “fighters”are acceptable.
*At every opportunity mention the small number of Israeli civilians and far greater number of IDF soldiers who have died. When reporting on Palestinian deaths, just describe them as “Palestinians” or “mostly civilians.”
Never report that Hamas has rejected or broken ceasefires. Cast doubt and muddy the waters to make it appear that Israel alone is guilty of breaking or rejecting them.
*Never report that the Hamas Charter calls for death to Israelis and other Jews.
Should add two important points:
*Never mention Hamas’ use of Gaza civilians as human shields.
*Never mention Israel dropping leaflets and giving other warnings of the locations of impending attacks.