BBC Trending seems to have a habit of picking ‘trends’ that are in some way damaging to Israel. The latest is this:
#BBCtrending: Schoolboy’s Facebook photo divides Jewish South Africans
A Jewish schoolboy from South Africa has posted a photo, and message of support, for Palestinians living in Gaza – highlighting a rift in the country’s Jewish community.
Last week, Joshua Broomberg uploaded a picture of himself and two friends to Facebook. All were wearing Palestinian scarves, and it was accompanied by a message reading “Team South Africa… show our opposition to the human rights violations being carried out against the people of Palestine”.
Can’t imagine why the BBC would like to showcase that but not a video that could expose Palestinian duplicity and lies.
We’ve mentioned before that BBC Trending dodged examining the video that alleged that an ‘Israeli sniper killed a Palestinian civilian’… frequently does look at the possibility that many photographs and videos on social media may not be all they purport to be…but not in this case despite the video almost certainly being a fake.
However such possibilities didn’t prevent the fearless Orla Guerin, who previously made a totally false claim that the Israelis had massacred Palestinians in Jenin, from deciding that a war crime has probably been committed, as ‘evidenced’ by that video….she expresses absolutely no doubts at all about the video….nor about the claims of a Palestinian who said he was shot in his home by an Israeli officer….a claim backed up by no evidence at all other than the Palestinian’s word….
Gaza conflict: Allegations of war crimes
I’ve no idea what ‘#BBCtrending’ is. Or, indeed, ‘trending’ itself. Something to do with The Facebook, I suppose – whatever that is.
It appears to be a means of re-rehashing stuff people they like, like using secret selection processes for the purposes of…. ‘Journalism’.
Try proving different.
Social media users are a totally unrepresentative sample of the population but because they represent the BBC’s world view (all buttons duly pushed) they are portrayed as exemplars of public opinion.
Anyone else find Radio 4 becoming suffocatingly minoritist of late to the near exclusion of any other voices?
Social media users are a totally unrepresentative sample of the population but because they represent the BBC’s world view (all buttons duly pushed) they are portrayed as exemplars of public opinion.
Yes but, yes but, doesn’t this mean that if one deluded, er, I mean highly principled, Jewish schoolboy is against the, er, nazi apartheid state of Israel and the, er, brutal massacre of the Palestinian people then all Jewish people should be against it and, er, push for the establishment of Free Palestine and er, fight global warming and wacism and stuff, er like wot that George Galloway and Baroness Warsi and Nick Clegg have said, wot with them being moral leaders and stuff? PS I haven’t received by £10 beer money for demonstrating outside the Israeli Embassy last week, can someone at the BBC look it into it please, it’s not easy being a student you know.
You woz robbed. We all got £20.
I got £12.37, a bag of “Big D” and a flag.
I got abused by a Leeds supporter.
There is nothing in Guerlin’s report that suggests any doubt in her mind about the sniper video or any acknowledgement that it has been accused of being a fake, despite great discussion on the Internet and in other MSM.
She allows the accusation to be made that the man in the hospital was shot by an IDF officer but doesn’t ask why he was shot in the arm and not in the stomach or head. Is she suggesting that the officer missed at close range?
The no ‘evidence’ remark that Hamas is shooting from civilian buildings or using human shields is risable. The IDF has released videos of rockets from civilian areas 12 Examples of Hamas Firing Rockets from Civilian Areas the document IDF: Hamas War Tactics Attacks from Urban Centers.
She is under no obligation to blindly accept anything the IDF says but is under an obligation be aware of the purported evidence and refer to it. If Guerlin was any kind of a journalist and not just a shill she would.
The waste ground used 10 days ago claim serves to suggest that if Hamas is using civilian areas it doesn’t happen often and it’s a matter of opinion how close is too close.
Even the ‘Allegations of war crimes’ title is misleading. Not only does she not give Israeli allegations equal time but she reduces them to two. Criminals call for Court counts eleven separate classes of war crimes committed by Hamas. That’s nine more than Guerlin even hints at.
I posted this in a different thread, but I think it makes more sense here. Apologies for the double posting.
Until 1977 Israel was governed by Labour politicians, so the British Establishment/BBC supported Israel. In 1977 a Likud government was elected, where upon the Establishment/BBC changed sides and supported the Palestinians. Democracy is only allowed if the people vote the “right” way. The more Israel asserts its right to exist the stronger is the BBC’s support for the Palestinians and the less critical it becomes of the terrorists.
It is true that Israel was a darling of the Left from its re-establishment in 1948, as socialism and collectivism played such an important role in its early existence. But much of the disillusionment stems from the 1967 Six Day War, when Israel was transformed from “socialist-and-victim” to “capitalist-and-aggressor” in the eyes of the Left. Thereafter it begins to be portrayed as a Western colonialist entity and as a proxy for American interests. Skilful Palestinian propaganda and Arab oil-based pressure after the 1973 Yom Kippur war then further create the conditions for the change in attitudes that were possibly reinforced by the election of Likud as alluded to above.
Yes. Comintern changed sides, started supporting (perhaps created) the PLO and bien-pensant Westerners followed like sheep.
The loss by labour sent (sir ) Gerald Kaufmann mad. Still is, a raving self hating Jew, useful idiot, and, I had better not continue.…hamas=isis
Looking at that ‘sniper’ video again:
1. Where could the sniper have been?
2. He (or she!) would have had to have been very close as the area was built up
3. How could an Israeli soldier with a rifle get that close?
4. How did he (or she!) miss a head shot?
5. How did the sniper escape?
Apologies if these irritating thoughts of mine have been aired before!
Not much of a sniper if he took three bullets (two at an immobile target) for the kill.
“It’s OK to mention anti-Semitic attacks – but not who commits them.
“Just pretend for a moment that of, say, 200 anti-Semitic attacks in the UK, a study discovered that 198 of them had been committed by Methodists…”
By Rod Liddle.
george galloways under police investigation over his comments about israel,russell boring druggie and junkie leftist jumping on the bandwagon brand has become all of a sudden a anti semite calling for a boycott of israel, i say turn the tables on these anti semites hamas supporters and boycott all muslim and arab shops and busineses and buy only israeli goods and shop with only israeli busineses and banks etc,how do you that you galloway and brand and all you leftists and islamists.
I would so love to smack Russel Brand in the face with a baseball bat as he jumps onto the next bandwagon just like his mentor Milliband. Oops Russel did you miss that one, well there is always another you useless piece of champagne socialist scum.
Asian grooming gang equals, Muslim child rapists and has nothing to do with their ethnicity. The main stream media should be ashamed for hiding this fact and tarring Asians with this lie by omission.
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