Hi everyone. Time for a new Open Thread to see us into the week. Please keep your comments on topic – BBC bias. Please keep your comments polite and do ensure that a combination of civility, wit and perspicuity will ensure this remains THE premier site for detailing the appalling bias of the State Broadcaster. Clear? Off you go – the floor is yours!
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I go to sleep unsurprised but profoundly depressed by the near inevitable reaction of such as the BBC and Ch 4 to events their brains can’t process.
That would appear to be, so far, to witter on about their comfort zone topics, only more frantically, as reality crashes down around them
@BBCBreakfast: 0710: Journalist James Foley appears to have been killed in an online video by Islamic State militants. We’re talking to a friend of his.
Bloody hate the bBC, they report on the death of US reporter James Foley
Islamist militants ‘kill reporter James Foley on video’
A very sanitised article if ever there was one. So they just killed him bBC did they? Here is what the bBC (At this time) isn’t telling you, but I can.
Angry ISIS behead US Journalist
“not been independently verified”
“working to establish …. authenticity”
“if genuine”
How much equivocation can YOU fit into 7 short lines of text???
Dirty, filthy BBC scum
How would they report it if it had been Bowen or Lyse?
Warning: graphic Islamofascist murder.
Will the following now stop INBBC/Asian Network from reporting on the Islamofascists of Islamic State as anything other than THE ENEMY?
“Islamic State Beheads Kidnapped American Journalist James Wright Foley as ‘Message to America.’”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/08/islamic-state-beheads-kidnapped-american-journalist-james-wright.html/#sthash.KYTGqA8j.dpuf
No more dangerous INBBC euphemisms such as:- ‘militants’, ‘rebels,’ ‘fighters’.
This is what Islamofascists do to anyone who supports freedom, and a free media. And they will do it HERE.
“Islamic State claims to have American prisoner.
UPDATE: Beheaded.”
There is this:
@ShirazMaher: I’ll be on @BBCr4today at 0730 to discuss the execution of American journalist James Foley by a British members of ISIS.
If you want to see sinister posting behaviour, read what follows (assuming it stays up). Maybe the BBC could look into just who and how many are patrolling the twittosphere now to ensure what they think stays up and what they don’t want stays away?
So, maybe there are other Muslims, now in Britain, such as the Islamic jihadist beheader of American journalist, and INBBC wants to give them airtime?
The Islamic jihad enemy goes on another beheading spree: who will INBBC turn to, to explain this for we ‘infidels’, but a Muslim, of course!
A non-Muslim, Robert Spencer, has this, at ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Islamic State jihadist justifies beheading as ‘100% Islam’”
Cameron does not approve of the beheading. Can I suggest that Cameron and his government, together with the BBC, must share some of the guilt. They have nurtured British Islamo fascists here, protected them with a range of race hate laws, and financed street thugs in the UAF to smash up any attempt to draw attention to their terrorist connections in mosques and local communities.
We are close to a world war. The BBC should be broken up and Cameron removed from office and face a trial for treason. He is not an incompetent politician; like Obama he is a traitor.
Revealing liberal moment on that failing show Newsnight. Discussing the trouble in Ferguson and the fact that the majority population is black.
The consensus was that identity politics should rule that is blacks should vote for blacks. So presumably whites should vote for whites. Although the liberals on view did not advocate this. They wouldn’t would they?
That this is a negation of the democratic tradition did not occur to them. Why should it ? The liberal is not really a democrat. More like a totalitarian in mufti waiting to put in place the undoubted permanent will of the people ( as interpreted by the liberal)
I suppose that is why the left believes in class or colour warfare. Not that the left will admit it.
Earlier today, the BBC published a story titled “NHS boss suspended over Islamic ‘hate’ website”
It was a decent enough report, and probably better than what we’re used to form the BBC considered it reflects negatively on two of it’s favourite things – Islam and the NHS.
Anyway, it seems normal service has been resumed and the article no longer exists!
Here’s proof from Newssniffer that the story was up at one stage:
Both story & tweet vanish? I would dearly love to know what the story behind that is, preferably based on trust and transparency and not redaction and ‘purposes of’ exemption.
It’s been taken off both the Telegraph and Pink News. It would seem there are legal issues.
It is, however, still on Google’s cache.
Update to the above, I googled the issue and found that BBCLondon tweeted the following about the story “NHS boss Shahid Sardar suspended over Islamic ‘hate’ website, reports @EdDavey1”
It appears that this tweet now no longer exists either!
For INBBC to consider reporting, after censoring out the first word of the page 1 headline below?-
‘The Times’ (£) Wednesday front-page:-
“Muslims told to ‘vote for mayor or be damned’”
By Dominic Kennedy, Investigations Editor.
“Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor has been accused in the High Court of exerting unlawful “spiritual influence” over voters, who were allegedly told that it was their religious duty to vote for him. Electors were told that they could hope for rewards in the afterlife if they voted for Lutfur Rahman, but might be punished in the next world if they supported his Labour rival, documents filed at the court claim. Trials for spiritual influence were prominent in Victorian Ireland, but there has been none in recent history. Mr Rahman, an independent social democrat, was elected in May by 3,000 votes over John Biggs, of Labour, to be the executive mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London. There are 65,000 Muslims in the borough. A cross-party group of four voters has filed a petition asking the court to declare his election corrupt and invalid. A trial is expected this year.”
Dave Nellist is still a militant and i don’t remember him or his wife killing anyone in the streets of Coventry.
Come on BBC tell us why he didn’t or is their a difference between militants and terrorists in every ones book except the BBC’s
For INBBC to investigate further?:-
The masked Islamofascist of Islamic State who beheaded the American journalist had a British accent.
The Islamofascist ENEMY within Britain, indeed.
A black journalist on the Wall Street Journal says that blacks are more worried about being shot by blacks than by cops :
….and he says the intervention by Eric Holder’s Justice Department to hold a parallel investigation in Ferguson – there are 50 people sent there ! – is very odd – purely for Obama’s political optics
She’s back! An article on the BBC website about “Youth mental care being in the Dark Ages” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-28851443) features a stock photo of a young girl facing away from the camera. It obviously appeals to someone within the BBC as they have used the same image more than 20 times in the past 7 years for stories about domestic abuse, child prostitution, autism e.g. see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6960232.stm, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-11778125, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-26791893, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-26135095 etc The unknown pinup girl of the BBC!
Probably a good day for this good news not to be buried:
@mediaguardian: Letter to BBC and other broadcasters: actors and writers call for action over diversity http://t.co/lf61zrnqpI
With all the wonderful diversity currently on display, the BBC will likely propel this beyond anything that really doesn’t need to be news for longer than absolutely necessary ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
The BBC getting on this morning with a bit of propagandising that the USA is a country racist to the core.
Hot on the heels of the shooting of ‘an unarmed black man’ another black man has shot – which must be a racially motivated killing mustn’t it?
Despite the fact that the guy was committing a crime, and was armed, and had got within feet of the cops, with obvious intention to kill or cause serious injury the BBC feel it’s unreasonable to have shot him, and obviously more fuel for the fire.
The interviewee tells them something they obviously don’t want to hear, that black people are able to tell the difference between someone blatantly involved in crime who deserved what he got, and someone whose death is a little less clear cut.
The racist here is the BBC who clearly believed that black people are too dim to be able to discriminate between the need for the Police to protect themselves and a potential racist incident.
They are absolutely determined to pin this tag on the white US despite having very flimsy evidence, and due to the meaningless nature of the bully word ‘racism’ it’s just as easy to show that the corporation are in fact the real racists themselves !
What about “AfroAm on AfroAm” violence ? I’m sure the annual death toll runs into the tens of thousands.
A quick glance at US websites reveals that it is the Right sites that continually bring up this fact, and they are lambasted for disingenuousness in doing so. They are accused of “Squirrel!” for introducing the subject of the comparative rarity of the incidence of YBM’s (“young black males”) dying at the hands of police as compared to at those of other YBM’s. They are accused of not REALLY caring about the lives of YBM’s except insofar as those lives can be used as a bludgeon to smite Obama, Holder et co for perceived (not ACTUAL) hypocrisy.
It would not occur to the BBC, or any news outlet invested in a “Narrative,” to inquire as to whether there are brute facts that must be dealt with in a candid fashion before any preachiness takes place. Leaving aside the question of nature-v-nurture, ARE YBM’s more violent, statistically, than any other demographic? Would such a fact arguendo it IS one, comprehend ALL OF the incidence of black-on-black violence resulting in fatality, and the seeming difference in how YBM’s are perceived by police, and the YBM’s perceived greater likelihood to resist arrest, a move which may escalate into the taking of their lives?
It will not do to try to sweep this under a carpet with such facile sociological psychobabble as “The YBM’s are merely internalizing the cheap value put on their lives by the hegemonic white society!” One would then have to ask, as do the Right sites, to what extent does the Left hold ALL human life less dear, but specifically that of the so-called oppressed minorities; this question is evaded at every turn by Left sites.
Another blatantly sexist propaganda item about how women are all victims of male violence, along with carefully-chosen stock images that perpetuate the myth they’re going for. Shame the statistics show a completely different story.
It’s about time the BBC was charged with inciting hatred.
If James Foley has been murdered by ISIS thugs then Cameron here in the UK will step up his appeasement of moslems. The Twitter Stasi will go into overdrive, Tell Mama will be reporting on offences against moslems and reported by the BBC as accurate news, and expect a statement from Cameron and Clegg, with quotes from the Koran, to the effect that the murder by ‘militants’ has nothing to do with Islam.
It’s time for the political worm to turn, although there’s plenty of them around. They’re called Members of Parliament.
Better perhaps on the ‘Troll’ thread, sadly dropped off the roll, but given the BBC angle interesting to see a familiar style of counter comment arrive here..
… with an object lesson of them then being handed their tush in the process.
Islam Not BBBC (INBBC) censors the truth and describes the beheader of American journalist as a mere “militant.”
INBBC cannot be trusted to report on any issues Islamic.
For our own safety, we should actively distrust it.
“Executioner ‘with a British accent’ beheads US journalist in the name of ISIS:
Mother of slaughtered American calls on Islamist group to cease killing and pays tribute to her ‘extraordinary son'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2729287/ISIS-beheads-journalist-James-Wright-Foley-warning-US.html#ixzz3Av49ykUa
“Islamic State vows to ‘break the American cross’”
Not for the first time one wonders how the BBC would define a terrorist.
Presumably it must be someone who votes for UKIP?
Will INBBC’s investigative journalists attempt to identify the ‘British’ Muslim Islamic jihadist (aka INBBC ‘militant’) who beheaded American journalist?
“Isis terrorist who beheaded American journalist likely to be British, Foreign Secretary confirms.
“Philip Hammond said it was not ‘news’ to the Government that British nationals were carrying out ‘atrocities’ in Iraq.”
(inc video clip.)
The beheading Muslim jihadist’s voice must be identifiable by some Muslims, probably in the London area. What are they going to do about it?
He’s definitely from London, probably south. He’s not middle eastern, but of afro-caribbean origin. Which will mean he’s almost certainly a convert.
The ability to commit atrocity is clearly not restricted to any ethic group or faith, as those wonderful people who brought you Bergen Belsen demonstrated.
Not too noble, but they at least sussed bragging about it as well wasn’t going to play too well at Nuremberg, and tried to keep the info sharing to a minimum, even at the start, when they were on top of pretty much everything.
What does amaze, and appall, is the new breed (in perhaps more than one sense) who do seem to have managed a genetic mash-up that not only allows them to do such things, but head straight to the upload system while or as soon as they have completed their new day job.
And somehow parts of the UK seem to be capable of producing a disproportionate number of these sorry hybrids.
Maybe the near historical and current politico-media establishment could be prevailed upon to explain why and how this sorry state of affairs may have come about and, evidently, be going the opposite direction to improving.
I may soon give the kitchen utensil counter a miss as much as public transport if the rucksack situation doesn’t look promising.
Speaking about the beheading and the attraction of ISIS Frank Gardner reports that it is not about religion, they are psychopaths. Phew. And I thought they were muslims, creating a Caliphate and all that. Cue to Cameron to follow it up with a few kind words about the muslim community here in the UK and how they benefit us.
Will this be on the BBC News, perhaps? The latest ICM poll re ISIS. Second question down. By my reckoning, that equates to 4,550,000 people in the UK who have a favourable view of Islamic terrorist army ISIS. The figure for France is even worse, perhaps unsurprisingly:
Click to access New%20EU%20Members-Combined-July%202014-V3.pdf
Will this make UKIP even more politically unpopular with Beeboids?:-
It will make UKIP unpopular until Farage makes an apology saying it was only a slip of the tongue intending no offence to Islamofascists
Why are all my comments vanishing into thin air?
Something to do with my usual email address, it would seem.
bBC news @ 1 The wife and baby daughter and 3 kittens of a Hamas leader were killed today by an Israeli airstrike.
What makes us human?
Well Bill Oddie on Jeremy Vine [1:30] seems to go along with halal slaughter.
Apparently cruelty to animals is all down to Christianity and its wicked bible. Aren’t those Italians that take pot shots at song birds all Roman Catholics? Islam gives us a better deal, halal slaughter of humans, halal slaughter for animals.
Anyone catch Philip Hammond on this morning’s Today programme referring to “moderate jihadists”?
Dellers did, in his usual style.
I have a special bookmark: LBP, for just such pontifications.
It stands for ‘Little Bit Pregnant’ as is swelling daily as too many in politics and media try and avoid black and white, but in trying to get what they feel is a warm, safe grey only manage to produce skid mark brown, every time.
‘Moderate Jihadi’ is a keeper.
but..but…”jihad” is nothing to do with war and killing and sawing off heads and stuff. It’s a personal struggle. You know, like trying to resist having just one more steak bake from Greggs, or, if you’re a Beeboid, only doing a single line of coke tonight; that sort of thing.
At least, that’s what they teach kids in school.
While Beeboids seem prepared to leave the security of British non-Muslim people up to what Muslims say-
“Ex-SAS officer warns ‘army could be seen on UK streets’ if British jihadis return from war”
See also the very wise ex-SAS Commander Michael Rose comments. A most enlightening piece and I agree with every word Michael Rose has written:
‘what we are witnessing is the terrible consequences of the so-called Arab Spring, so naively celebrated by our leaders just a few months ago’
A fair few of the media variety as I recall celebrating from the comfort of their Tahir Square balconies, even as a few lasses were being given hands-on updates on reality in the streets just down the way.
Luckily not seen by Jon, Paul, George and Huw in true astoundingly uncurious BBC style, and hence could not have happened.
Short of a curfew, I am at a loss to imagine what the army could do on our streets, even then not much.
Jihadis do not seem too worried about what happens after they have ‘performed’.
So unless there’s a sniper on every rooftop trained and backed to take out anyone waving anything at anyone, the deed will be done before Dave, Theresa and Phil can get out to croon ‘but these were the wrong kind of enrichers on the line… again’.
Beeboid News, editorial meeting?:- ‘Let’s not report this’-
“Muslims demand breakaway Islamic nation in Norway or another 9/11 threatened”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/08/muslims-demand-breakaway-islamic-nation-norway-another-911-threatened.html/#sthash.oJgKcrrb.dpuf
The BBC, by continuously stirring up resentment and hatred amongst black and muslim communities (Lawrence/Duggan/Trayvon Martin/Michael Brown/Gaza/Iraq/Aghanistan) is fomenting a war.
Perhaps they think we’ll all just roll over and submit, come the revolution?
Why the hell do they keep putting their noses in where it is not required, totally unaware of implications and possible severe repercussions.
For obvious reasons the murderous ISIS campaign dominates today’s headlines, but the other most dangerous world crisis in Ukraine, with over 2,000 dead, tens of thousands injured and hundreds of thousands displaced, is smoldering away and starting to have further repercussion implications on the EU/NATO interference and sanctions.
This has potential to draw us into an apocalypse if we are not careful:
Although one accepts you cannot wholly trust the Russian media, the following RT article on EU repercussions of sanctions has been corroborated by the Western media, like the Guardian:
Eastern Ukraine has close legitimate real estate ties to Russia.
NATO and EU should not be pouring petrol on the flames:
It was only in 1953 that Khrushchev autocratically gifted Crimea to Ukraine, and only 6 years before that when the Potsdam and Yalta Agreements moved the Western Ukraine border into Polish territory.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO and EU have broken agreements not to impinge onto traditional Russian territory, (Ukraine being prime example under this category):
Just wish these morons that get us into these areas we should not be in could be brought to account themselves – (Blair now swanning around making his millions, Bush apparently doing a Picasso and the EU President and Commissars acting as though they have millions of votes in their pockets – but in reality have not got a single one).
I’ve not seen the video, don’t think I could stomach such a barbaric act, but according to BBC Radio 2 3pm news this ‘British’ ISIS jihadist only ‘appeared’ to behead James Foley.
Did he, or did he not?
Yes he did, I refuse to watch these videos now, having seen enough to last me a lifetime. But still shots have also been published showing the head laying on the torso in typical posed fashion.
What’s more, the bbc will have seen those stills and viewed the vid, therefore they are deliberately deceiving the public, as per fucking usual.
Breaking news BBC reports that the police are saying that attempts to view/share the video of the beheading may constitute an offence.
There might be a sensible reason, but methinks it could be Cameron’s initial attempt to deal with the problem, by forbidding people from actually seeing that Islam is not a religion of peace.
(and please note its the instant he left ISLAM! , not Jihad)
“The latter change was relatively sudden.
It was a total revaluation, which was made possible because I didn’t bother to confirm to already established beliefs anymore.
Actually, from the moment I left Islam I stopped being an anti-semite, homophobe and mysogynist in an instant. The hate SIMPLY DISAPPEARED. The revaluation of values was radical but liberating.”
This Islamic Foley Murderer.
“Will Theresa May ban this chap from Britain?
Or would that be “Islamophobic”?
And meanwhile, is anyone looking into where he learned his understanding of Islam, and where this understanding is being spread in Britain?
Or would such an inquiry impair “community cohesion”?”
R Spencer
The BBC cannot confirm or refute the authenticity of the video until the have a verbal statement from Hamas. Whereupon, the facts will become unassailable. A mere video recording of an event could be deceptive (well, the BBC would know, I guess…), whereas the word of a Hamas spokesman? There is no greater truth than that.
Exhibit A;
The Today programme this morning, circa 7 am.
Foley story: video “purportedly” showing killing. White House investigating video’s authenticity etc (narrative: it’s nasty, but who knows? maybe it’s a fake?)
Gaza: Hamas says wife and child of a Hamas leader killed by Israeli airstrike (narrative: FACT. Hamas says, so it’s true. no-one looking into authenticity of claims, investigating circumstances or anything. Just Hamas says. Therefore true.)
Is the BBC obsessed about the USA? Because an event includes their favourite interests of race, guns and violence the BBC can’t get enough of it. It was even the lead story last night on the BBC World Service Business News! Give it a rest. And the phrase ‘unarmed,black,teenager’ has become a mantra for the all too obvious reasons. Why is this headline news in the UK for days, while the war in East Ukraine gets no mention? I suppose the possibility of Ukraine and Russia fighting is not as important as a shooting of one person in the USA?
Is John Humphrys tiring of the BBC editorial line? This morning on R4 Today the headlines about the ISIS murder video were full of weasel words like ‘purports’,’seems to’,’appears’ etc. Is the BBC worried ISIS’ lawyers will sue for defamation? Humphrys was explicit – the video shows a man with an English accent murdering a hostage. I get the impression that when it wants to the BBC can find evidence easily convincing, or find evidence very dubious. So the BBC can state as a fact that hundreds of Imams have condemned ISIS, but can’t state as a fact that a Muslim terrorist group has videoed its’ murder of a hostage.
Thank goodness the public filmed the murderers of L Rigby,
and note similar accents, eh!
That said the Islamophile BBC, continue to pander around the odious scum, when reporting them, likewise here.
and … while I m here, R.5Live reports first, “Pallywood” estimates of casualties, of Israel targeting Hamas in Gaza … only then followed by Hamas has launched however many rockets since the “ceasefire talks broke down”.
hmmm … Evasion of the facts, lying by omission? just another day at the BBC
Bank of England committee sat today to determine rates……two members wanted the rate to rise……just a thought, wonder if the others stalling a rise have BTL portfolios? We should be told, these bandits have distorted the market entirely, get preferential treatment by the govt over savers and first-time buyers, and get the rent paid by local councils if the tenant qualifies, thus putting a burden on us home-owners. The whole financial system is riddled with corruption and greed.
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