Delingpole is a better writer than he is a speaker. He performs poorly on TV. He was on with Owen Jones, who, despite his repugnant marxist views, knows how to appear on TV. He knows what to say, when to say it, how to play the presenter, and his fellow guests if there are any. I’ve only seen him semi-flustered once, with Andrew Neil (Neil let him off the hook when he had him on the ropes, which was poor on his part).
Delingpole really needs to up his game, as he comes across as timid, whiny, and geeky, rather than authoritative. By contrast, Jones really believes in what he’s saying and that the audience will agree with him once he’s made his case rather than semi-apologising whenever he opens his mouth.
Young Shoutie’s m.o. is to argue on the back of statistics and surveys which ‘prove’ his ‘argument’: statistics and surveys that no-one can gainsay as the little shit makes them up as he goes along.
Heh heh. That’s the one. The little tw*t says that income and assets are the same thing. Wonderful. I imagine his tax laywers have since put him right on that one…
Oh, I’m not saying people fall for it – simply that he’s good at saying what he wants to say (above clip notwithstanding that I highlighted) – even though it’s a load of marxist claptrap.
How come when ever I watch/hear the little boy speak, I want to tell him that it is way past his bed time and that he needs to go home and let his mum change his nappy and powder his bum. H e can the watch In The Night Garden and go to sleep. Bye the way if you watch this programme, which I often do with my grand-daughter you will never need to take any halocinginic drug.
Agree bar the photogenic, even in this superficial ‘face for radio’ age. And rather than ‘for the right’ I’d be happy just for being on the side of right.
Get a Churchill with all those other qualities (well, a Churchill), and people will listen… and applaud.. and be persuaded.. and act.
Especially when what is being faced is pretty clear to most outside the politico-media bubble.
Bill O’Reilly, Fox News. It doesn’t come much better. That’s why liberals hate him. He calls them out on who they are in a straight “show me where I’m wrong” manner. Such class. This is why BBC News is so poisonous. It prevents the development of honest real journalism. No-one can earn a living being honest. The money is available only for the choir of the Guardian-reading left. No BBC journalist wakes up with a clean sheet, they just open the Guardian to see what line they should take. Pure evil.
I think that because Owen feels Islam is being maligned, that we should all kindly club together and send him on a flight to Mosul, to see first hand how Islam feels to those who live it 24/7 as dictated by the Caliphate.
he tries to pretend that their oppression comes from poverty and this is caused by Austerity?
Does that little shit really not realise that Islamic living means a deliberate pursuit of austerity? Does he think that the middle class Muslims of the UK are selling their BMWs and playstations, ipads, mobile phones etc… to go to fight for IS, because they are angry at being poor?
The lad is a delusional appologist and appeaser of brutal gang rape and murder.
Have to agree Delingpole, very muted as was D Murray only the other week … the Al BBC effect?
Seems Mr D was only interested in the burying (sorry 😀 ) V Westwood over fracking.
Sadly looks like something is obviously agreed before hand.
no issues o r aproblem at other times
here is my bit pre transmission sunday — don t hold anything fragile 😀
“SMLive – BBC1
BBC asks “Is multiculturalism working?” only a question the BBC pipe dreamers would ask?
As they scramble, for the pontificating latte luvvies, to wordsmith the excuses.
Another attempt to straw man to divert from Islam and Rotherham?
The public vote should once again be worth watching and the po faced panel reaction.
Unnecessary Pakistani … “heritage”, or “Asian”, or any of the multitude of deceitful round robins, any questions about the ahem, “diversity” intermediaries in Rotherham, the interrelated Muslims who got themselves powerful levers by being in power in local government?.
Vivienne Westwood – Fashion designer/activist, Owen Jones – Guardian columnist, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Journalist and broadcaster,(shakes head!), Jagraj Singh – Basics of Sikhi blog?,(should relay all about the longstanding Sikh issue with Islam over exactly this issue … but won t of course), oh and Levi Roots? (sorry folks, who is he?)
Political leaders, commission heads, policy heads, journalists, writers, institutes etc etc
A. Merkel … No, utterly failed
D. Cameron … No, failed
Head Commission for Racial Equality, called for an official end to multicultural policy
Why Europe is turning away from multiculturalism – CS Moniter
The Failure of British Multiculturalism – Gatestone Institute
Multiculturalism the big lie,
The myth of multiculturalism.
On and on it goes, the British public have had no say, are opposed to it, failed by all parties.
Helpfully the BBC reports from a happy dippy multiculti airyfairy
music festival just to cloud the issue
labour defacto, through their actions, effectively legalised brutal, racist and religiously motivated gang rape of white and non-Muslim children by Muslim men.
BBC Look North’s new communites correpsondent began work today. A Muslim man of Pakistani origin (who RTs stuff about Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza). Just sayin’.
‘These are my views and not the ones of who I work for’
(funny how those he works for get crammed in first).
It just gets oddly predictable as to what gets the wave and what may not.
One imagines that a BBC ‘Look North’ will see or miss as much in that area as an entire BBC crew in Gaza, or hear as much as the astoundingly uncurious top floor along the whispering corridors of sack-of-rats central.
Well I’m a committed atheist so I speak from an impartial point of view on this, but I can’t seem to find any BBC journos with their background set as, for example, a crucifix, or a nice pic of the Vatican.
Why? Not very ‘balanced’. Wonder what would happen to any BBC employee who did? Never mind British Airways back in the day.
All in the spirit of two rights, I’d have to wonder at the reaction from colleagues, superiors and of course communities living in a constant state of outrage, should a fellow BBC correspondent celebrate their new beat with, say, a cross of St. George.
Might be worth pointing out that you would see it in Arab Christian churches too. It’s no more and no less than the Arabic word for God, cognate with the Hebrew Elohim.
Well worth pointing out what might be seen where, in places of faith and worship.
As to BBC employee ‘views my own (unless the one I work for tells me they are not… shades of Orwe… lack of Self-control there)’ site banners, it would be interesting to see if one of these crops up and what happens:
Sinniberg wrote: “Can abybody tell me why this story(the sick boy “abducted”) is still top-billing and has been for 3 days now?.”
Do you think it might be to divert attention away from…Pakistani rape gangs. P.S The old bill have nicked 28 Pakistani men only 12 years after it was first reported by the then Labour MP for Keithley.
Yes my feeling to is that this story was pumped to divert from the Rotherham issue. It would be nice and simple you had a cute dying kiddie , a deadline plus weirdo religious types and they AREN’T Muslims.
Trouble is since then this one has spun out of control since we now appear to have educated parents wanting more high tech treatment than the sainted NHS can offer. To make things worse for the elites the parents are talking directly to the public via YouTube so the carefully spun lies to fed to the MSM earlier as exposed.
Political Plod isn’t going to like this one bit and I bet will be issuing Euro arrest warrants all week until they manage to shut the family up and get the story back under control.
Spending over 10 minutes of it on every news bulletin means you don’t have time to run any other stories such as muslim child predators. muslim violence Iraq etc..etc… People who won’t resign in Rochdale. The biggest surprise to me in the King non story is that they found a parking space in Southampton General to remove him.
I suspect the BBC must have given Harriet’s husband an easy ride due to Labour Spin Machine making it a condition for him to appear on Newsnight:
Imagine the call from Labour HQ went something like:
” so long Ian as Laura does not mention the relevance of Dromey and his wife were senior executives of National Council for Civil Liberties when they were facilitating and giving succor to PIE.”
Cannot think of any other reason as certainly the obvious link is there when talking about Pakistani Pedophiles, Labour run Council, Labour MP for the Borough, Labour Police Commissioner, Labour Home Office Minister receiving reports in 2002 etc.
My Full Complaint:
You interviewed Jack Dromey, Labour Shadow Minister about the report on Pakistani abuse of underage girls in Rotherham and the current Labour PCC not resigning.
You did not however report relevant facts of close involvement of ‘Pedophile’ alliances ‘conflict of interest’ of the interviewee and his wife, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who were both facilitators and giving succor to Pedophile Information Exchange when they themselves were involved with the National Council for Civil Liberties at senior levels many years ago.
One could not imagine Newsnight not taking the opportunity to raise this relevance had it been a Conservative interviewee.
Indeed you managed to ‘out’ a non-pedophile Conservative ex-donor, (McAlpine) who you had to compensate for your error.
Why do you selectively do this, giving one the distinct impression you are omitting relevant facts for political reasons?
Hope you get a satisfactory reply. The only times I have complained to the BBC i just kept getting fobbed off by some supercilious woman and eventually gave up.
I noted on parliamentary sub committee on the future of the BBC that even if Ofcom get the task of overseeing the governance of the BBC they , Ofcom, don’t really want to get involved in dealing with complaints about the BBC until the BBC process has been exhausted. I expect therefore that the BBC will just keep adding internal layers to their complaints procedure so that all but the most determined complainant throws in the towel long before their complaint reaches Ofcom.
Do they ever get to Ofcom? I notice the Ofcom site has this note.”Ofcom shares responsibility for the regulation of BBC TV and radio programmes with the BBC Trust. You can find out more about this here.
If your complaint is about accuracy, bias or references to brands (with the exception of product placement) in programmes this falls outside Ofcom’s remit. Please submit your complaint to the BBC.
If your complaint is about something else you’ve seen or heard in a BBC programme, please complete our complaint form.” As the complaints I have are exclusively about them lying being biased or inaccurate, I assume Ofcom wouldn’t want to play.
The parameters are quite clearly laid out, so it can surprise how many in the media and politics still cheerfully cite OFCOM as the final oversight in the areas most issues arise.
They do not. In almost any case it stays internal within the BBC, and in secret, often with BBC claiming BBC FOI exclusions to ensure this.
Welcome to David Cameron’s Britain.
The U.K. government worked with Islamic supremacists that it deluded itself into thinking were ‘moderates,’ allowing them to gain immense influence over the government and media.
It funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood, allowing them to propagate throughout the country their narrative that opposing jihad terror amounted to ‘racism’ and ‘bigotry.’
It completely internalized that narrative, ignoring for years an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools and the victimization of thousands of British girls by Muslim rape gangs, so as to avoid accusations of “racism.”
It hounded and demonized foes of jihad terror and banned Pamela Geller and me from the country for pointing out that Islam had a doctrine of violence.
This is the Britain the UK elites have made.
… And now they have to live in it”.
R Spencer
… lets pontificate about citizenship? or passport?
how can we assist? … erm aid in re assimilation, talk to the families, relocation out of London, ahem consider funding another “interfaith dialo ……………… BOOOMMMM!
(shattered glass/screams/car alarms/smoke/debris) …. second … BOOOOMMM!
hastily call another press conference
a shaky D Camoron speaks …
we must all remember … all of the good, all of the
1000s of acts of kindness Islam brings to those in need
above all never forget …
Islam is religion of … … BOOOOMM!
(shattered glass/screams/car alarms/smoke/debris)
“The SAS has moved part of its anti-terror team to a forward base near London, amid concerns that a prolonged attack may be staged in that city. MI5 also referred to the Mumbai atrocity of 2008 as a comparison”
There must be wise heads in the security services who have become used to there being certain truths which our Government doesn’t want to hear. For instance, how to identify returning jihadists without infiltrating mosques and Islamic charities, profiling and co-operating with the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian regimes. Good luck to the career security services’ chaps who try and sell those ideas.
Infiltrating mosques is a overarching priority, it hasn t been, why? … in much the same vein, as Rotherham
all this “over the internet” palava … sheesh! …
indoctrinated since childhood, the very same texts as every islamonazi quotes from.
they are the bullets the bombs, all that’s needed is a catalyst.
haven t they seen undercover mosque? times that by
10 000 there your issue
I’m livid, that it will have to take the murder of hundreds of people before the political elite finally wake up to the fact that IS-lam is anything but fucking peaceful and must be stamped down on hard. I wonder how many leftwing cocksuckers will be dragged out of their homes by Mobs and lynched Livingstone, Galloway, Abu Bowen, to name a few. Hopefully the vast majority will fuck off back to Pakistan and such. The only problem is, some fucker will try to have a go at me.
” beheading of US reporter Steven Sotloff by Islamic State group”.
… “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4). …
hmm I think one of the 109 verses Grand Mufti Camoron
“The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.
note – Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter”
While Russian and Ukrainian troops fight and kill each other in Eastern Ukraine. While a minimum of 1400 children in Rotherham were raped by Muslim paedophile gangs as the police, media and council looked away. While even the PM now recognises that several hundred home grown jihadi terrorists might be a threat (remember Mumbai?). While the EuroZone economies stagnate. While all this goes on the lead story on the BBC R4 news headlines is still the international criminals parents who took their son abroad for medical treatment in defiance of their local hospital.
Technically, According to how the law is worded, and the actual language that the law is written in (yes it looks like english and has english words, but they have different meanings in legalese) The state DOES own your children.
When you registered their birth, you became the parent of the child, but the state accepted your request (application) to comply (submit) to transferring ownership (register) the birth (berthing the “person” at the court’s agency) It is all legalese. They can take their possesions from your care anytime they like.
If there was any doubt before, it is now clear that the State (including the BBC) is now run by Socialist Marxists of Orwellian stature.
We belong to the State, our children belong to the State. How long will it be before our children are moved to State institutions to ensure that they are raised with correct social values; you know Christianity is evil, women, gays, ethnic minority rights trump everything.
When can we expect to be micro-chipped or be tattoed with a serial number.
What has emerged is that the Civil Service has been infiltrated by Labour and our country is managed by the same Civil Service. Politicians have lost control!
.. To the extent that they appear keen to revise things such that in future it will be deemed ‘Selfian stature’ (not to be confused with gurning poses with right arm outstretched out at a Nuremberg upward angle… Oh, hang on…).
I see the bBC is reporting on the clampdown of bogus taxis drivers in the centre of London. But for some strange reason they don’t mention just who the vast majority of these people are. Black cab ‘hit squads’ target illegal London minicabs
A few years ago, Mrs Pounce and I went into town and afterwards walked down Piccadilly in which to catch a cab home. Outside the Le Meridien we caught a cab . However we we got in, this Pakistani man accused us of damaging his car and started making a scene. So much so the Taxis driver asked us to leave. Well this man was screaming and shouting and demanding £200 for damages, we politely stated that lets call the police , but he was having none of this and continue jumping up and down and basically making a huge din at around 2am. By now he had started swearing and I told him twice to refrain as there were ladies present , but he was having none of this and continued. I took my jacket off and handed it to Mrs Pounce , who did say “Don’t hit him” and I walked over to him. He quickly got in his car and drove off. The two door men at outside the Hotel (Le Meridien) where we caught out Cab started laughing and congratulated me . Apparently he does that act all the time and usually people who are drunk pay up. Problem was, I was stone cold sober and knew we never touched his car and guess what, he was an unlicensed taxis driver.
Pounce mentioned the BBC article re clampdown on taxi drivers, but you would have to have eagle vision to find this this story on the B-BBC – the mayor of one of England’s biggest towns standing down this week, for writing a strong reference for his friend (a serial rapist) to become a taxi driver.
i think that bbc news seems to have forgot,and we should not,that 10 years ago on this day 338 innocent people including 189 children got butchered by islamist terrorists in the beslam school siege in russia,what that got to do with us some say.quiet alot i say,these same islamist butchers live amongst us and would not think twice about laying siege to any school in are country and butchering the innocents all in the name of this religion called islam,are russian brothers deal with these terrorist with a iron fist,we should do the same,the failure to do that as we are on a severe threat of a terrorist attack could result in a beslam like islamist terrorist attack in are country.
I could not agree more
Camera moron, BBC and others pontificating over returning terrorists?
Clive Coleman, BBC Legal Affairs Correspondent bleats on and on
“There is a real and important difference between removing a person’s citizenship and removing their passport”
These mass murdering terrorists, have made their choice.
They are a clear and present danger, by the way, as are any family and community that covered for them.
It is too dangerous to let them return, the risk to the public paramount, and if they do … incarceration, or deportation or both
… citizenship? … passport? ………
immaterial – safety of the public, threat to the public, threat to the nation more important …
No10, Camoron and co … find a vertebrae from somewhere
Isn`t it funny that there always seems to be some Lord or former Government minister who fell foul of Cameron, who is on hand for the BBC whenever there`s any kind of threat to any Muslim who chooses to “come home” , in regard of being allowed free “access all areas”.
Last time I looked-Ming Campbell was a Dads Army old fool who was mocked by all the political elite for being no kind of Party leader.
Blow me if he`s not now a “human rights lawyer and expert”…a grand old man, who we really need to listen to if we want to stay civilised.
So the likes of Ming, Lord Carlile, Dominic Grieeve and Eddy Garnier get free Sanatogen and a Night nurse for telling the BBC what they want us all to hear…that “our boys are coming home” and will be wanting the kettle on , and a map of Rotherham…`t`would be a pity not to show `em that noted Arab hospitality, and fail to leave whetstone out for them.
Only the BBC care about our lads not having a passport…they should all be taken in a flatbed to Tower Hill andstrung up over all our London Bridges as traitors.
Thanks to the BBC/Guardian…we all know now which side is that of the angels,,and which leads to a memorial for Lee Rigby( didn`t see that on the BBC today, if anybody still cares what the BBC thinks)
But we would not be making those vile murderers and rapists “stateless” would we? They have already chosen to change nationality when they decided it would be a jolly good wheeze inshalla if we popped over to Syria and fought for the Islamic State chappies.
They have a state, the Islamic State. They can keep them!
This has already been taken down from YouTube; it’s still on Facebook but probably not for much longer. If anyone has a hotline to an MP, please share it with them:
The BBC have probably already seen it but it won’t make the headlines.
I’ve noticed that tonight the BBC has a programme about the Hamas tunnels in Gaza. I wasn’t going to watch it, but now I might as someone has sent me a story that’s put me in the right frame of mind.
“An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly.
A representative from Israel began: ‘Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses: When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, “What a good opportunity to have a bath!”
Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Palestinian had stolen them!
The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, “What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren’t there then.”
The Israeli representative smiled and said, “And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.”
As they should over a sad case such as this, the BBC and lame-stream media are going bananas over the poor boy whose parents took him from the hospital over treatment disagreements, giving it wall-to-wall coverage. I cannot recall them giving the same weight to the appalling news concerning 1400 girls being viciously gang-raped by Muslim peado gangs in Rotherham. That story has now conveniently (for the BB-Peado-C) slipped down the ratings table.
In this country we have had a case of people deeming the accusation of racism to be of more concern than children being raped by Muslims; and being raped purely because of the colour of their skin and the contempt with which the vile perpetrators view western culture.
We`re really going to have to create another forum , so we can take Channel 4 News bias into account as well.
What the hell has Owen Jones new book about “The Man” got to do with the news…this is Book Talk, and Lefty op-ed crap worthy of Snow himself at his Islington soirees…but it`s NOT news as I know it.
Time to get a site devoted to ALL liberal lies and monopoly…the BBC will totter on its own, but Channel 4 has to be thrown on the suttee pile as well.
Harry Corbett deserves nothing less!
Yes, well said Chris. I’ve wanted to see a forum aimed at reporting the grotesque and revolting far-Left extremism seen on Channel Snore. Not only is it an anti-English extremist Muslim channel its presenters and producers are the epitome of the self-loathing, middle class liberals that plague the west end coffee houses and wine bars of our cities. Jon Snow is a loathsome scum bag who exemplifies everything I detest about the egotistical left-winger; but trust me, if he was to come face to face with an Isis Jihadi, he’d wet himself and hide behind a British soldier. They only have the pants they’re sitting in because of all of those British patriots and allies who fought to fight fascism. Now, they’ve arrogated to themselves the right to give it away. Scum that they are! And don’t get me started on that smug, snooty middle class lefty women Cathy Newman.
we ve had Breitbart uk, and bloody Puff Ho uk
how about Fox news uk
Canada s Sun tv news, uk style
hmm … BBC has got to go … a great viewer poll question for Sunday Morning Live next week
I see that leftie Dave has been gassing about how he’s going to remove the passports from people who have been fighting in Syria / Iraq.
It’s given the BBC the chance to roll on loads of loony left wing lawyers who have shown sickening disregard for the people of this country who might get in the way of any terrorist outrage in the UK as a result.
It’s fair enough to learn about the legal objections which might be raised, international treaties etc etc, as some have done, but there is one set of questions the BBC haven’t bothered or don’t want to ask.
The British government doesn’t even know how many of ‘our citizens’ are out there fighting Jihad, with estimates between 500 and 1500. Note that the BBC always chooses to report the lowest number possible!
If we don’t know how many went, then how on earth are the borders agency going to identify who has & who has not been over there spilling blood?
How many people who have not been fighting are going to be refused entry to the UK?
For a whole slew of reasons Cameron is not going to be able to ever implement this policy, it’s all just talk to fool the public into thinking he’s doing something, and the BBC aren’t about to give the game away.
Just goes to show who the enemy really is in this country: the Left-wing scum have sabotaged the justice system and have an insidious agenda to undermine this country’s identity and traditional cultural values . As a result we now have an illogical situation where lawyers would argue that to keep Islamic fanatical extremists out of this country would be against law. It’s utterly disgusting and treasonous.
My friend Tom is going out with this ethnic law student and she entertains the most appalling left-wing theories on social justice and diversity. The university must be pumping pure cultural Marxist propaganda down her throat. She specialises in gender and ethnicity equality and is currently writing a research paper on imperialist hegemonies and their adverse effect on gender minorities. She’s got lovely tits though so I ignore the lefty crap when I’m down the pub with my mate lol.
But not one of those vile excuses for humanity who have chosen to become vile butchers for ISIS are going be made stateless at all. They have chosen a State. It is the Islamic State, let them keep them, and lets bomb the crap out of them.
Dr Who was its usual tick-box self of PC issues. e.g. Army and soldiers, however well intentioned, were beyond the pale and war criminals all.
Many other PC things, but the most blatant was the Genna Louise Coleman character blatantly holding a rolled-up copy of the Guardian for up to a minute advertising the name of the rag of hate very prominently. It had no prop value whatever, nor had any purpose nor was referred to. All it showed was the actress’s own warped political leanings. Clearly endosed by the BBC of course.
I enjoyed Dr Who. I spotted the very in your face ethnic diversity messages but I think it’s funny and typical of the BBC that the ethnics were near white, black in the way of milk coffee. The BBC doesn’t really like ethnic diversity, just a pale liberal idea of it. The same way female Muslims can be pushed, but only if they’re eye candy. Dr Who says it all = preaching diversity but still with a white old male in the lead, and his sexy young female assistant.
Rumours of attacks in London do not have to be true to have a devastating impact.
Another reason for the indigenous remaining in that city to get the hell out. And they will mark my words.
Then the impact on business and commerce will start. Shire people will stop visiting. Those who can get jobs out of the city will do so. Slowly by degrees London will be left to itself. A capital city where the old people of the land no longer live or visit. The liberal will have achieved his aim . A multicultural city without the dominant national culture present.
And as goes London will go other cities. This is how a country implodes and it was always avoidable.
I hope it is not too late but this country cannot go on like it is.
I have just listened to a live broadcast on the World Service, the program is “World have your say” I rarely listen to it as its usually on a subject I couldnt care less about. However, today it was live form Rotherham about you know what, you can probably find it on iplayer.
It was broadcast from the “United Mult-cultural centre” no I didnt make it up, apparently its a charity. There was an invited panel from the “community”. As its radio I cant be certain as to the make-up of the panel, but I think it was a total of 12, 3-4 of them being white, 2 of the white guests a couple were I would say oaps and obviously not used to this kind of thing.
Most of the others were connected to local ngos. charities, local govt jobs, so all having an interest in keeping there positions and deflecting blame.
One of the whites was a women whose title is Anti-trafficing officer, so probably on the govt payroll. She was hopeless and made no point relevant to the case, but came up with banal statements such as “we should take the negatives and turn them into positives” . I havent a clue what she meant by that, and doubt if she does either.
The lady conducting the interview was not bad, she even gave examples how she felt intimidated walking to the show by guys driving slowly past her hanging out of the window, but people were allowed to deviate from the subject.
The main thing for me that came out of it was the failure of the Pakistani Rotherham community to accept any culpability for what happened in their mist. We heard that it was all the fault of the council (one person said it the council didnt provide suitable services for their community), the police, the internet, etc.
They tried to say that these rapists were just the same as the likes of Rolf Harris and Jimmy S. One of the panel even tried to claim it was racism because the police didnt arrest these men!
Unfortunately you have to conclude that Muslim Pakistani community hasnt really learnt anything from all of this and is not doing enough to put its house in order.
Part of the problem is the age old one of government corruption and the non accountability of public sector employees.
It goes far deeper than the surface major screw up and don’t lose your job though.
If you are unfortunate enough to come across a public sector incompetent making a crazy decision which adversely affects you, then where are you going to turn?
It used to be possible to go to the Ombudsmen but since BLiar they have been another façade where less than 2% of complaints are upheld, and those that do are not binding on the council.
Or you could go to court and waste £50K on a judicial review, which you might lose, and have to carry the other sides costs (£100K) or you might win and find that because of state corruption costs cannot be awarded against them.
Worse still you might just find that the public body you have the issue with has Crown Immunity and cannot be sued.
What ever happens though you can be safe in the knowledge that no matter how inept confused incompetent or downright corrupt the public official, there is no way they will ever be held to account.
That is unless they break some kind of Political Correctness law when they’ll be out on their ear before you can say javid Robinshah.
The Rotherham branch of Unison – motto ‘speaking up for public services’ – has not spoken up at all lately, with nothing posted on its website or Twitter for the last two weeks Any guesses why not?
Not going to … they might lie about it, as a puff piece, but are
so f-cking arrogant I doubt it.
Look its a small area, 3 small wards in Rotherham, which tells you everything about the scale, and insidious complicion, of this interrelated bunch.
The “discrimination” lever was obviously being used to silence critics, muslims who got themselves into advantageous positions
in local government, are actually stated as putting “barriers” in the way of the report.
Expose? … On the BBC tomorrow morning?
… no I didn t think so either.
Neither have the local labour authority, who are still appeasing racist gang rapists of white working class children by Muslim perverts, for their own political idealistic purposes. They really cannot see how their own devotion to to the vile political philosophy of multiculturalism has allowed that evil to flourish under their own active protection.
They cannot accept that people who do not have white skin, can be so overtly supremacist and exclusive, to the degree that they believe that all non-Muslims, (idoloters and non-believers), are the lowest and worst of beasts, so have no rights as humans and can be raped and killed by Muslims with Impunity.
The “religion” of Islam is every bit as supremacist as the ideology of the KKK, Nazis or any other supremacist cult, but labour idiots and the BBC and other “liberal progressive” low lifes just cannot accept it. I do not know how many more people have to have their heads cut off in this country, or how many more tens of thousands of children have to be raped, before the likes of the BBC will finally accept that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, but a vile, prejudicial, supremacist ideology of the most brutal hate.
What’s the point? The people of this area are so brain dead that they’ll just vote another Liebour cover up artist into office to do the same again.
After talking to one Liebour car carrying member who told me that he would still vote Liebour if they were going to torture him to death & sell his grandchildren into sexual slavery.
The people who vote these people into office deserve everything they get.
Nah, UKIP will get in there next year….They did awfully well in this years council elections before this story broke….Here’s a blog on Rotherham that’s got it’s head screwed on..
Any mention of Labour?…the “culture of disbelief?”….that useful meme given them by last CPS Labour quisling…now Labour Party candidate, and adviser re crime and justice for the next election…Keir Hardy-Starmer?
After Savile-doctoring the footage of the Queen and those phone-ins, after Ross and Brand?…safe to say that the BBC exemplify the culture of disbelief…who the hell still believes a single word they say?
Obviously the main point about Pakistani perpetrators was well made.
The secondary points, as expected from any BBC production nowadays, were hardly touched upon, since they all come under the ineptitude of 13 years of Labour:
Many thousands of victims could have been saved if it had not been for policies and inactions of:
Labour Government
Local Labour MP
Local Labour Councillors
Labour run Council (officials)
Labour members of local Police Authoritiy
Labour Police Crime Commissioner
Labour multiculturalism
Labour immigration policy
All were aiders and abettors of these horrendous crimes.
There’s a pattern there somewhere, the BBC and MSM can’t quite see it…is it that all those jobs listed weren’t made available to enough minorities? Or that Tory cuts were making all those people lose focus?
A good analogy for who did what in this sordid and sick example of 16 years of labour betrayal of thousands of white working class children is a bank robbery.
The Pakistani Muslim perverts were the ones who went into the bank and robbed it.
The labour party run officialdom, from local council through to the police authority, were the getaway drivers.
The local tories were witnesses who were too scared of being called racist to speak out and so they turned a blind eye.
The BNP were the one official witness to speak out and Nick Griffin was arrested for it.
UKIP were relaxing on the golf course in the south east at the time.
The labour party spent years actively protecting the rapists.
“Masterson, of Kensington, worked for the Department of Work and Pensions and as a MANAGER AT THE BBC, but was now a full-time carer for a friend, the court heard”.
Hmmm, his “broken jaw” appears to have miraculously healed. Not now mentioned as an injury – merely he is BELIEVED to have suffered broken ribs (yeah, right) and a bruised face.
clearly as he was ex BBC and by attacking GG it means they must have been fair in all their past reporting of Israel and got it about right…or something.
BBC series ‘Who do you think you are’
“Actress and national treasure Julie Walters follows her roots back to rural Ireland”
“Actor Brian Blessed has always loved his unusual name but has no idea where his Blessed ancestors came from.”
“Tamzin Outhwaite journeys into her Italian past”
“[Irish]Brendan O’Carroll ditches his alter ego Mrs Brown to turn detective, as he attempts to discover [the Brits] who murdered his [Irish] grandfather.”
Anyone spot a theme here? The only chap with boring British ancestry doesn’t get them even mentioned. It’s much better to have exciting Italian or Irish ancestry.
Just watched a bit on the iPlayer. O’Carroll clearly disappointed and upset to find out that the IRA didn’t kill the man alleged to have killed his grandfather.
INBBC’s CASCIANI: stiil representing the views of Islamic jihadists.
Casciani’s language reveals his political hand, e.g.:-
Where does Casciani get his evidence for the following?
From Islamic jihadists only?
He doesn’t say-
“There are many Brits who went to fight in Syria with no intention of joining violent extremists like ISIS.”
Note Casciani finds it easy to use the word “Brits”, but hard to use the words ‘Islamic jihadists’. Similarly, he uses the euphemistic word “fighters” rather than ‘enemies of the West.’
What`s all this crap about these jihadi nutters being “our boys coming home” as suicide psychos?…but somehow Britain breaking some UN/EU/BBC laws and guidelines re “making vulnerable young men STATELESS”.
Stateless?…haven`t the BBC been banging on for weeks now about them fighting for the ISLAMIC state?
Let them think it a State…and make them stay there in a case of “nation building”…surely it`s a drain to take such talented western-educated lads away from an exciting new opportunity to be at the start of building a nation….what`s Arabic for Kibbutz?
Reading between the lines it has seemed for some months now that the Government is expecting a Mumbai style attack, probably in London, probably by ‘British’ with maybe other ‘European’ jihadists involved using a mix of guns, bombs and even knives. None of that would be a surprise to the US.
Given that the Government daren’t use racial profiling infiltrate mosques or Islamic charities for fear of giving offence, and has made public that it wont co-operate with some countries which could help with intelligence (i.e. Russia, Syria, and Iran) and has poor relations with Israel how likely is it that the 500+ British jihadists would be identified? Given the difficulty in tracking or detaining the handful of already identified jihadists then how will 500+ be tracked or detained? The legal aid bill alone would be crippling 😉
Previous attacks have shown the Government response is to excuse British foreign policy and Islam from any blame (despite what the 7/7 bombers, Lee Rigby killers and Islamic State say) and to warn against Islamophobia and a backlash. Wrapped in that bubble of unreality maybe the Government is softening up public opinion to be ready for a Mumbai attack but not blame Government foreign policy or Islam, and accept it as the work of a few extremists. Extremists by the way who have sympathisers in the media including the BBC, foreign intelligence services and embassies, and foreign airlines and import businesses (the last few can help get weapons in the country). There are also clear links between Irish republicans and sympathy for the Palestinian cause and ‘armed struggle’, including Hamas.
No doubt the BBC is investigating all this, along with Rotherham and Ukraine. Let’s hope the BBC doesn’t get distracted by a story like a black man being shot in the US, or a couple in the UK taking their child abroad for treatment.
Please tell me it isn’t true that when a Home Office researcher flagged up concerns over Muslim child-rape gangs, he was told to never mention it again and forced to go on a diversity training course… read it on the BNP website but I know some on here don’t approve of the BNP so won’t paste a link. Whatever you think of the BNP (and I am a full supporter) it was Nick Griffin who first shed light on this hideous abuse. And what did the BBC do? They tried to get him arrested! Tells you all you need to know.
If Nick Griffin said the sky is blue, the grass is green, the Earth is round. The London media industrial complex has so much hatred for the BNP they would have to say the exact opposite. That’s where we are.
Right. So I watched Panorama and have calmed down a bit.
First impressions. By BBC’s admittedly deplorably low standards, an almost-decent attempt. The cleverest part of this production was that it left the viewer with a feeling that Rotherham cannot have occurred as a result only of hypersensitivity to the fact that the perpetrators were Pakistani muslims. The sheer number of incidents that were reported over such a long period of time left you thinking “This had to be a concerted cover-up. Senior people in the Council and police had to be either involved in the abuse, or closely connected to those who were.”
Second impressions. On reflection, I think that the programme was carefully crafted to suggest a conspiracy, as a diversion from the real issue of PC gone mad. There was no mention that I could recall that this was a Labour Council. There was certainly no mention that this took place under the Blair Labour government. There was no mention of the media’s (including, especially the BBC’s) coy reporting of the original (and only) Rotherham offenders and subsequent similar cases. By coy, I mean, of course, the media’s tendency to describe the offenders as merely “men”, to ignore the fact that they were muslims entirely and also to ignore the fact that the victims were white. These three factors, Labour Council, Labour government, media coyness were, to me, major, glaring omissions. This is because it served to seriously down-play the political atmosphere that the police and council officers were working in at the time. An atmosphere of celebrating diversity, throwing the gates open to newcomers, and a completely fake fantasy of melting-pot, kum-ba-ya, happy-clappy-land. A time when it was simply impossible to criticise muslims. [To be completely fair, there was ONE dynamite moment, when one of the officials who tried to highlight the abuse was ordered by a Council mandarin that she must NEVER again use the word “Asian” and was ordered to attend a 2-day mind-reprogramming diversity training camp. But without being set in its proper context of PC-everything raining down from the Labour government, eagerly enforced, no doubt by the Labour Council, it just looked like an isolated, bonkers response from a lone Council officer, rather than something that was symptomatic of a much deeper malaise].
By just totally omitting the overall political climate at the time, the BBC managed to boost the sense of conspiracy and downplay the responsibility of its favoured left-wing culture. It’s been said before, but if this had happened at a Tory Council under a Thatcher government, there would have been no doubt that the BBC would have tried and convicted Mrs T personally for the failings of the people on the ground.
And of course, does it need to be said? No mention of “muslim”. No mention of the numerous other cases of muslim paedophile rape gangs all over the UK. No questioning of islam, or just what it is about muslims that is causing this. Is it cultural jihad? Is it Mo-Ham-Head’s liking for little girls? Is it just part of the “culture”? Nothing, nada, zip. And the obligatory shot of women-in-headscarves-round-a-table-we’re-victims-too-you-know.
So, on the whole, it contrived to give a good impression, but actually, because of what it left out, it created a distorted, dare I say perverted, impression of bureaucratic conspiracy whilst side-stepping the all-pervading PC culture, which persists to this day.
Don’t ever think, or give the impression that this was anything other than the logical outcome of Political Correctness, nothing gone mad about it !
Calling it a name such as ‘gone mad’ gives the excuse that this was caused by over zealous people with some kind of left wing mission. It wasn’t. It was run of the mill Labour activists, implementing run of the mill Labour policies, and I expect that we will see this happening all over the country.
in addition just because this was a cover up of the worst kind of sexual abuse, and it makes media headlines, what else are the Police covering up which isn’t making the headlines or sparking an investigation?
We all saw the reaction of Birmingham council to the Trojan Horse plot covering up and refusing to admit to the truth, It somehow got lost in the alternative reports which did tell the truth.
And if they’re prepared to lie about child abuse, what about that planning permission that the Pakistani gets which no one else would ever be allowed, or the information leaked about who objected (as happened to me).
This was not PC gone mad, it was just PC plain & simple.
I almost switched Panorama off after 5 minutes because of all the references to the abuse being carried out by “older men”. However, once they got down to interviewing the people who had flagged up the problem from 2002 they had to mention the “ethnic” dimension because their interviewees were very clear who the criminals were.
To be fair to the BBC a running theme was abuse by a particular person who hasn’t been charged (yet). They showed his photograph several times and it was very clear that he isn’t “White British”.
For me the most glaring omission was in the introduction, where there was no mention of the McPherson Report, which left the police terrified of accusations of institutional racism. Without that the police’s refusal to respond to what were clearly repeated instances of statutory rape made no sense. The lack of response is still unforgivable but was/is part of a larger problem.
You would think that on the tenth anniversary of the Beslan School massacre by Islamist Terrorists, the BBC would cover the story. Where they do (of years past) the word Islamist has been dropped for favour of Chechen Separatists. So, the BBC would like us to forget who the real perpetrators were, but let us not forget, other World news agencies have correctly reported them as Islamists.
flexdream, as the missus does ‘family history’ I can declare that we all have interesting histories and some of them are none-too-cheerful- how our forefathers/mothers managed to survive in pretty meager timers is a lesson in itself; that life is forever unpredictable and surprising. Even so it’s a bit too sentimental for me to follow and I don’t much care for celebrities although I still find it irks that Boris Johnson was from ennobled German ancestry whilst dear old Brian Blessed was traced back to English life of strife like many of us it can be pot luck or lucky break. Still under BBC ‘Marxism’ all families will cease to exist (or be traceable) under new EU birth certificates the name of the mother and father will be removed to comply with gay agendas making all families illegal eventually without an elite birth tax disk.
It seemed to me the BBC is very keen to push the idea that most British have recent immigrant ancestry. Which is not true. And it also has a political agenda as with O’Carroll You think RTE would do a programme about sectarian murders by the IRA and its murder of unarmed Catholic police during the War of Independence? I remember David Tennant being embarrassed to find an ancestor who was an Ulster unionist and being relieved that there seemed to be some compensating socialism to atone for it.
Just wait till 2016 and the chance for the BBC to celebrate the centenary of the Easter Rising.
They can I suppose but they will loose ratings in the TV war with ITV that offers much the same thing. ‘Long Lost family’ does it slightly better than the BBC (in tracing adopted children and reuniting them). But as the BBC gets it’s new shiny Tax License in 2016 it’s bound to be a bit biased towards its leftie (so called) comedians.
The last thing the BBC wants is to find somebody whose ancestors go back generations on English land and have always lived quiet English lives and remained loyal to England without question.
We are all immigrants- the lying cry of the liberal.
My Catholic Southern Irish ancestor chose to remain loyal to the Royal Navy, and live in England. Some other relative, was a founder member of the Irish Navy. So even some Southern Catholic Irish could be as loyal to the UK as the Ulster Unionists, only now does the republic recognise Catholic Loyalists, with the president laying a wreath at a British war cemetery in Belgium. Democracy and Federation would have kept all Ireland in the UK, as it would keep the UK together today.
Today we have a disfuntual Constitutional fossil of a Union, with an ever growing undemocratic House of Lords, and provincial MP,s voting on issues that only effect England. A federal Union with unequal powers for each province, and none for England, as England is still the only province in a full Union, as the Parliament in Edinburgh has been restored, and Cameron wants to strengthen the Union by giving even more powers to Edinburgh, but he has given a lot of powers to Brussels as well, so if he gave any more powers away, then obviously Scotland might as well vote for Independence, otherwise the Scottish MP’s in Westminster would mainly deal with only England, and effectively become just like the elected members of the House of Lords.
Gordon Brown attended David Tennant’s wedding, you don’t get more lefty than that.
I really enjoy Dr Who, but when he was on it and the show runner was the gay bloke, every episode had something it in that made me cringe at the awfulness of it.
The link I posted on the last thread on the BBC Bollywood dancing extravaganza ident didn’t work, so here it is, ramming the odious cancer of multiculturalism down your throat.
Which Director General of which U.K broadcaster is a big propagandist for ‘DIVERSITY’ ?
– Of course, it’s none other than Mr Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL, D.G of BBC.
‘The whole concept of citizenship is about the right of abode – the right to come back to where you live. If you’re going to suspend that – even on a temporary basis – I think you run into some legal difficulties.’
And that ‘whole concept of citizenship’ was from a different time…..
The predators have changed their tactics are and now targeting Eastern European teens and trafficking them into the region for sex, the M.E.N. can reveal.
The suspects are largely Asian men, it is understood.
It should be noted that these aren’t children, but they are young adults promised work and then forced into prostitution.
It seems that rape is deeply ingrained in the Pakistani Psyche, and if they get stopped from exercising their culture here, they’ll look further afield to do it.
I’m not sure what was more amazing: the almost industrial scale of what seems to be a cultural phenomenon in that part of the world or the fact that Channel 4 made the programme.
Didn’t Google say last year that gay sites were the most searched for in Pakistan? I suppose some got to such sites by mistake, you know, searching for chutney or ferrets and pillows biters etc.
I wouldn’t mind betting the trafficking is being done by Eastern Europeans – they simply spotted a business opportunity to satisfy the needs of a different ‘cultural community’.
‘What a wonderful example of co-operation between communities in multicultural Britain, ladies and gentlemen.’
BBC TV The One Show tells me about the reintroduction to the countryside of a rare species. Nice little nature item. But this is the BBC and there’s always an agenda somewhere – right?
Yes, ospreys, it seems, are recovering from having been ‘persecuted’. I kid you not. Historic grievance alert. Impending guilt trip.
How could we have been so cruel to our feathered friends, eh?
I guess we’re just evil.
I notice across the BBC there is now a consistent style narrative of anthropomorphism. Poor old Johnny Morris was sidelined by the Beeb for putting a voice to the giraffes and tigers, inviting them over for tea and a slice of sponge cake – and naming them with suburban English names like Gerald and Edith. That would never do.
So much wlid life – but which will be the most vulnerable in society?
Perhaps it’ll be asylum-seeking lesser-spotted north African and middle eastern moths – save them from the naked flame – it’s just their nature – they’re just in search of a better life.
Sky has had the news that the Labour Party have suspended 4 members of Rotherham council as breaking news for the last hour. As yet not a word on BBC website or on BBC news app. Amazing – usually when labour issue a statement the BBC are all over it !
I can assure you that the BBC will want to distance the Labour party as much as they possibly can from the events in Rotherham. I’ve heard the story on the Today program earlier today, so they have probably reported it sooner than Sky did.
Remember though that the cover up of child rape by the Labour party was the tip of the iceberg and there will be a whole load of other crimes they’re covering up which aren’t quite as newsworthy.
However, much skill will required in the edit to play up the good new narrative aspects and de-enhance any awkward aspects from history that in fact led to this point.
So they were biased for not covering it, and when it turns out they did cover it, and were doing so since early morning….it will be biased any way in the way its covered. You must be psychic too.
BBC “your call” … 5Live
asks … what about returning “home” jihadi s
a waste of an hour, a worse bunch of callers who cannot see the glaring reality of genocidal islamic killers coming home to do it here.
An hour no one can put two and two together, Islamic – Jihadi – following directions of their own Islamic book …. the actions of their so called Islamic prophet, to form an Islamic state, to rule by Islamic law … motive? … eeerrr! now let me think.
Appears to be a position of wilful and unique ignorance?
Not so, as usual orchestrated to the hilt, I spent a while with the inquisition and the usual lie., really, honestly, its not even worth wasting your time.
… on at least three occasions … by muslim callers
“but … what about Palestine”
“The controversial borough paid ex-BBC journalist Kim Catcheside £250-an-hour to coach mayor Lutfur Rahman for an interview with her former colleague, Panorama’s John Ware.”
Does anyone actually believe Dave when he tells us that the men who have been “visiting family” or “holidaying” in Syria and Iraq for the past few months won’t be welcomed back to dear old tolerant Blighty?
You do?
Psst. I’ve got a time share for Buckingham Palace, cash only, fancy it?
Ever notice how R4 Today, if there is a story that is political uncomfortable for them they never, ever, do a piece in the prime 7 – 7.30 slot. So you’ll get the headlines at 7am. One of the main headlines will be Christians and Yazidis being slaughtered by the Religion of Peace, or Jimmy Savile, or as today, a follow-on from last night’s Panorama with the story that the Home Office researcher who was reprimanded by the Council reported her concerns on up to the Home Office but was ignored. You then wait for more detail on the story and ….. nothing. You get the business news, the women’s sport news, Thought for the Day. Everything, except the story Labour, sorry, the BBC doesn’t want you to hear. Usually, it makes an appearance somewhere after 8 am, when most people will be either at, or have left for, work. This morning, Rotherham was shoe-horned into the graveyard slot between TftD and the 8am news.
So when the story is eventually run, for some reason, the BBC decided to disappear the disgraceful revelation from Panorama that the Home Office researcher was told to “never use the word “Asians” again” and was also sent on a 2 day equality and diversity training course. Today thought that you didn’t need to know this. They also thought that you didn’t need to know that it was Rotherham’s LABOUR council that the researcher had reported her findings too and that had then sought to cover up. Today also reported that the researcher, getting no joy from the [Labour] council, had then relayed her concerns to the “Home Office”, who initially made supportive noises, but then swept it under the carpet. The “Home Office”, Today reported – giving the impression of continuity from when the cover-up happened – are investigating the claims. Today didn’t think that you needed to know that Tony Blair’s LABOUR government were in power when the researcher’s concerns were reported to the Home Office in 2002.
Furthermore, Today also didn’t think that you needed to know who the Home Secretary was in 2002. Today did not seem to think that it was in the least odd that, having at first received a positive and supportive response to the report of her concerns, the researchers concerns were then ignored. Today did not seem to think that it was remotely possible that [Labour] politicians in the Home Office might have ordered NFA on the researcher’s findings in order to avoid embarrassment to their multi-cultural, mass immigration social engineering policy.
So, back to the mystery Home Secretary, whom the BBC thought no-one need know about. Who was it? I sure as heck couldn’t remember, but thanks to the wonder of t’interweb, the answer is easily found. Serving from 8 June 2001 to 15 December 2004, step forward Mr David Blunkett, Labour MP for Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough in SOUTH YORKSHIRE, direct next-door neighbour to the constituency of ………. Rotherham.
Seems like there’s a good story, there, eh? Mass rape by Pakistani gangs discovered by Home Office researcher in 2002. She reports this to the Labour Council, but is reprimanded, changes ordered to her report and nothing done. She reports her concerns back to the Home Office who at first make encouraging noises, but then ignore her concerns. By a curious coincidence, the Home Secretary is from the very same area as his mates, from the same party, who covered up the first report. Maybe, just MAYBE, there’s a hint of a political cover-up going right to the top of government. Well, if there was, you ain’t gonna hear it from the BBC.
Oh, and to complete the “Full House” of bias, in the “and finally” slot just before the 9 am news, there was a ludicrous piece about solidarity between striking miners and gay activists and how someone has written a stupid bloody play or book or something (I’m the son of a “striking miner” myself and nothing hacks me off more than middle-class toss-pots draping themselves in left-wing credibility with the cloak of the “striking miners”). Well, from being terribly shy about identifying the political colour of a previous government or any named individuals, SUDDENLY the BBC recovers it’s bravery, and we’re reminded that it was “Margaret Thatcher’s government” blah bah blah.
Twice in the last week, when I have been listening, Today have covered Rotherham, both times after 8:45 (as you say, dumped at the back end of the programme).
In one interview, however, Blunkett did ‘appear’ and defended the police, saying that the CPS had questions to answer. The CPS headed, of course by Labour’s Starmer who in an earlier interview on the Rotherham rapes managed 10 minutes without mentioning P******** men or even Asian men…or even ‘those men’ – quite a remarkable achievement even for a left wing multiculturalist like him.
What Blunkett planted under the BBC’s noses (and they ignored)is the probability that there was conspiracy at the highest levels of the Bliar government. The same conspiracy that has allowed FGM to take hold in Britain and a blind eye shown the mutilation of 1000’s of girls and young women
Perhaps Alan might want to give this story a slot of it’s own…with so much doom and gloom about we all need a good laugh.
I’m not quite sure what world Joan Bakewell is living in (I am actually, it’s with her like-minded elite from the left wing BBC bubble) but her comment in Sunday’s Telegraph is worthy of a good ‘Fisking’.
You may remember that Bakewell showed her lefty credentials being mightily impressed with Eddie Mayor when he told Boris Johnson that he was a ‘nasty piece of work. ‘Eddie nearly crossed the line there’ said Bakewell, corpsing into laughter on the Marr show a few weeks later. Oh how she loved the nasty Tory getting a kicking.
The BBC might hold Bakewell in the highest regard, she is after all one of their own. I don’t. In her piece she displays all of the patronising, inward-looking contemptuous arrogance of someone out of touch with a modern pluralistic Britain. Someone who knows what she thinks is best for us all and is very much on BBC message and part of the BBC problem.
If, though, her piece was riling, there was comfort from the comments section; from real people who have had enough of being spoon-fed and controlled by he BBC group thinkers.
Bakewell’s comment shows the size of the establishment mountain that there is to climb if we are to liberalise broadcasting in Britain. Bakewell has become a cliché in her own lifetime. It’s time to put her and the BBC out to grass
As interesting is the top, if OT (well, she might wonder why the BBC’s reputation for blatant censorship is so widely known and despised), comment:
Shlomo_Karmdown you couldn’t make this up. The BBC’s Sunday Morning Live ran an online and text poll at 10amm today asking ‘Is Multicuturalism Working?’
the web is alive with result – 95% NO! Guess what’s on the BBC’s website for the result?…..
‘Is multiculturalism working?
We are sorry; this vote is now closed.
The results of this vote are not available to the public at this time.’
Let me repeat that – ‘The results of this vote are not available to the public’! So until the ‘public’ vote correctly, the result will never be published. Maybe they’ll repeat the poll each day until we get it right!
The Parliament Clerk recruitment row is also connected to Tony Hall’s wife head hunting company, Saxton Bampfylde, (where she earns a six figure salary).
” Tory MP Philip Davies, of the Commons media select committee – ‘And if they are going to hire headhunters, you’d think they’d be able to find a firm that didn’t have the Director General’s wife working for it.’
‘I don’t see why they need to hire headhunters. It’s a catastrophic waste of public money – this is a job that people can apply for. “
By sheer coincidence, when looking for the 54-day DG they ended up locating just down the corridor, a fairly large wedge went anyway to the headhunters guess who had an unconflicted interest in?
Five Live up to their old tricks on their Scots Independence special, simulcast on BBC News channel and BBC Two and introduced by the odious Victoria “Ummm… Errrrr…” Derbyshire.
Last year’s radio only version of this farrago managed by the end to engineer a win for yes within their “scientifically” “selected” audience, with a very, very high number of undecideds choosing yes. .
This time round the basic premise was the same: the audience divided into blocks of yes, no and undecideds. Towards the end Derbyshire asked those in the undecided camp to stand to discover if they had reached a decision based on the show. A middle aged man named Len stood and revealed himself to now be a yes voter. So far, so par for the Five Live course.
There was more. Derbyshire asked him at what point today did he decide? This apparently undecided voter suddenly “passionately” believed in the yes vote, to the degree, he sheepishly revealed, that he had already voted yes by postal ballot due to an upcoming “vacation”.
Cue much derision from parts of the audience and the obvious question of how many other yes plants did the BBC allow into the apparently undecided section of the audience?
I didn’t watch it but am assuming that the nationalists got to give uninterrupted cod Braveheart rants about freedom and ‘Tory cuts’ whilst those against independence were talked over. Am I right?
The Scots Nuts did manage to dig up a braindead scottish millionaire sleb who bored for britain about his socialist dream of living wage, social justice, and trade unions back to their 1970s strength.
Because having trade unions running the country worked so well in the 70s.
Needless to say he was cheered to the rafters by an audience none of whom was alive in the 70s or have ever heard the words ‘Austin Allegro’
I assumed these Victoria Derbyshire programmes were all part of the bBBC’s anti-British campaign. “If you don’t all vote for independence, we’ll give you another dose of VD”.
Question ?
Would Al Beeb and the police pursue Ashya King’s parents with the same alacrity as those parents that take their children abroad for FGM ? A law for one and a law for another. Political Correctness my friends, Political Correctness.
But when media start making calls on ‘stories’ based less on finding out the full one, and the facts, but mor on what a few in the newsroom find ratings-sexy ‘weird’, what you tend to get is what the BBC appear to now deem trusted, objective, guilty-until-the-mob-has-their-pitchfolks ‘news’.
Either way few people seem disturbed by the fact that parents who want the best treatment for their child can be arrested because they dodn’t want their kid treated by the NHS.
go against the establishment and the nhs, police and media all come crashing down on you.
The media and politicians only changed their tune once they realised that the public were on the side of the public and not falling for the lies spouted from the MSM. I usually say how stupid the general public are but things like this say to me they aren’t as stupid as I think and are willing to stand up for what is right against our liberal establishment
WOW call you & yours and its callers is not pulling any punches, squarely laying the blame for Rotherham at the door of Pakistani young men.
When a Pakistani man phoned in saying that he was sickened by the abuse, as were all his friends, and that it wasn’t right that the Pakistani community was being singled out. Winifred Robinson asked him – we’re journalists and we have to report the truth that these men all came from a Pakistani background, what do you want us to do? Lie to cover it up?
I get the impression that, whilst there is still in general an Establishment attempt to gloss over all of this, there are some from whose eyes the scales have at least loosened .
The establishment will try to cover up or downplay anything that looks like affecting it’s agenda.
Knowing that unfettered immigration was an establshment attempt to alter England forever makes this imperative.
We have always suffered from a vicious vindictive establishment that never once really liked the ordinary people of England. Originally a Norman tyrrany it has changed over time continually taking in new blood but with the same mission. Join us they say and power and wealth will follow.
It has always been like this. Rotten to the core and one of the main reasons many of our ancestors got out and went.
The United States, Australia etc are a direct result of this.
Now we have nowhere left much to escape from this elite that hounds us.
Watch how they are really more afraid of us than Isis and all the rest.
A fine people foully served by their rulers. Sometimes they needed us to fight their wars but now we are a bit surplus to requirements.
A vote for any of the three parties is a vote for this discredited elite.
In Norman times we knew our oppressors and hated them. Today it is less easy to spot them but they are there.
Virgin Media is doing its bit to nurture up and coming talent via its Virgin Shorts series, available at a cinema near you.
Looks like the BBC will have no trouble finding new film makers that suit its agenda. A Favour matches a white middle class family at breakfast with an asian family, clearly identified as muslim.
The hero obliges wicked whitey by calling a mobile number for him. Minutes later our hero is stuck in a traffic jam caused by a bomb, ‘probably detonated by a mobile phone’. But whose phone? Our ‘British’ hero appears very concerned that ‘our’ values might have been violated.
Aren’t there enough sick minds in the left-wing media without encouraging more?
‘questions the assumptions of characters and audience alike’ or alternatively – turns all logic and experience on its head to produce what is, essentially, a lie.
The Muslim world gives a very high priority to producing this type of propaganda and much more like it and have plenty of funds that have been diverted from humanitarian causes for this purpose..
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Er…..can’t think of anything…….just nice to be first…..sorry…
Let me try then Bob
I read this on Breitbart
As I’m completely boycotting BBC product ,I didn’t see the program I just wondered how well young Mr Delingpol fared against The delightful Owen Jones and the massed ranks of the liberal inquisition.
Did any one have the strength of will to watch it?
More on that
Delingpole is a better writer than he is a speaker. He performs poorly on TV. He was on with Owen Jones, who, despite his repugnant marxist views, knows how to appear on TV. He knows what to say, when to say it, how to play the presenter, and his fellow guests if there are any. I’ve only seen him semi-flustered once, with Andrew Neil (Neil let him off the hook when he had him on the ropes, which was poor on his part).
Delingpole really needs to up his game, as he comes across as timid, whiny, and geeky, rather than authoritative. By contrast, Jones really believes in what he’s saying and that the audience will agree with him once he’s made his case rather than semi-apologising whenever he opens his mouth.
Young Shoutie’s m.o. is to argue on the back of statistics and surveys which ‘prove’ his ‘argument’: statistics and surveys that no-one can gainsay as the little shit makes them up as he goes along.
Heres a funny video of shouty owen jones getting owned by Andrew Neil. Note the sniggers on the faces of Alister Campbell and Michael Portillo
Heh heh. That’s the one. The little tw*t says that income and assets are the same thing. Wonderful. I imagine his tax laywers have since put him right on that one…
I guess Jones being a great orator and all is why the viewers voted against the little creep 20:1…….
Send the little Gimp to Syria or Iraq, I cannot stand that Cupid Stunt. Makes me want to Gizzard Puke .
Oh, I’m not saying people fall for it – simply that he’s good at saying what he wants to say (above clip notwithstanding that I highlighted) – even though it’s a load of marxist claptrap.
How come when ever I watch/hear the little boy speak, I want to tell him that it is way past his bed time and that he needs to go home and let his mum change his nappy and powder his bum. H e can the watch In The Night Garden and go to sleep. Bye the way if you watch this programme, which I often do with my grand-daughter you will never need to take any halocinginic drug.
I agree – Dellers isn’t a great live performer. Too much ‘umm’, ‘ah’ and ‘er’ ‘s and always seems a little awkward.
We need a confident, photogenic, informed, unflustered, TV-friendly spokesperson on our side to speak for the right on these matters.
Agree bar the photogenic, even in this superficial ‘face for radio’ age. And rather than ‘for the right’ I’d be happy just for being on the side of right.
Get a Churchill with all those other qualities (well, a Churchill), and people will listen… and applaud.. and be persuaded.. and act.
Especially when what is being faced is pretty clear to most outside the politico-media bubble.
Bill O’Reilly, Fox News. It doesn’t come much better. That’s why liberals hate him. He calls them out on who they are in a straight “show me where I’m wrong” manner. Such class. This is why BBC News is so poisonous. It prevents the development of honest real journalism. No-one can earn a living being honest. The money is available only for the choir of the Guardian-reading left. No BBC journalist wakes up with a clean sheet, they just open the Guardian to see what line they should take. Pure evil.
I think that because Owen feels Islam is being maligned, that we should all kindly club together and send him on a flight to Mosul, to see first hand how Islam feels to those who live it 24/7 as dictated by the Caliphate.
he tries to pretend that their oppression comes from poverty and this is caused by Austerity?
Does that little shit really not realise that Islamic living means a deliberate pursuit of austerity? Does he think that the middle class Muslims of the UK are selling their BMWs and playstations, ipads, mobile phones etc… to go to fight for IS, because they are angry at being poor?
The lad is a delusional appologist and appeaser of brutal gang rape and murder.
Raheem Kassam at Breitbart, who himself is from Muslim immigrants, takes Dan Hodges apart for spouting similar rubbish.
Leftie Journo Demands Public Inquiry into UK Muslim Failure to Integrate, Blames Everyone But Muslims
Have to agree Delingpole, very muted as was D Murray only the other week … the Al BBC effect?
Seems Mr D was only interested in the burying (sorry 😀 ) V Westwood over fracking.
Sadly looks like something is obviously agreed before hand.
no issues o r aproblem at other times
here is my bit pre transmission sunday — don t hold anything fragile 😀
“SMLive – BBC1
BBC asks “Is multiculturalism working?” only a question the BBC pipe dreamers would ask?
As they scramble, for the pontificating latte luvvies, to wordsmith the excuses.
Another attempt to straw man to divert from Islam and Rotherham?
The public vote should once again be worth watching and the po faced panel reaction.
Unnecessary Pakistani … “heritage”, or “Asian”, or any of the multitude of deceitful round robins, any questions about the ahem, “diversity” intermediaries in Rotherham, the interrelated Muslims who got themselves powerful levers by being in power in local government?.
Vivienne Westwood – Fashion designer/activist, Owen Jones – Guardian columnist, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Journalist and broadcaster,(shakes head!), Jagraj Singh – Basics of Sikhi blog?,(should relay all about the longstanding Sikh issue with Islam over exactly this issue … but won t of course), oh and Levi Roots? (sorry folks, who is he?)
Political leaders, commission heads, policy heads, journalists, writers, institutes etc etc
A. Merkel … No, utterly failed
D. Cameron … No, failed
Head Commission for Racial Equality, called for an official end to multicultural policy
Why Europe is turning away from multiculturalism – CS Moniter
The Failure of British Multiculturalism – Gatestone Institute
Multiculturalism the big lie,
The myth of multiculturalism.
On and on it goes, the British public have had no say, are opposed to it, failed by all parties.
Helpfully the BBC reports from a happy dippy multiculti airyfairy
music festival just to cloud the issue
labour defacto, through their actions, effectively legalised brutal, racist and religiously motivated gang rape of white and non-Muslim children by Muslim men.
BBC Look North’s new communites correpsondent began work today. A Muslim man of Pakistani origin (who RTs stuff about Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza). Just sayin’.
‘RTs stuff about Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza’
An RT of course does not imply endorsement.
‘These are my views and not the ones of who I work for’
(funny how those he works for get crammed in first).
It just gets oddly predictable as to what gets the wave and what may not.
One imagines that a BBC ‘Look North’ will see or miss as much in that area as an entire BBC crew in Gaza, or hear as much as the astoundingly uncurious top floor along the whispering corridors of sack-of-rats central.
Interesting script on a black background on the top banner image, too. I wonder what it says?
It says Allah in Arabic caligraphy. You will see something similar in most (every?) mosque.
Ta very much.
That’s nice.
Still, probably lucky he didn’t work for British Airways when it was another time.
Well I’m a committed atheist so I speak from an impartial point of view on this, but I can’t seem to find any BBC journos with their background set as, for example, a crucifix, or a nice pic of the Vatican.
Why? Not very ‘balanced’. Wonder what would happen to any BBC employee who did? Never mind British Airways back in the day.
All in the spirit of two rights, I’d have to wonder at the reaction from colleagues, superiors and of course communities living in a constant state of outrage, should a fellow BBC correspondent celebrate their new beat with, say, a cross of St. George.
Might be worth pointing out that you would see it in Arab Christian churches too. It’s no more and no less than the Arabic word for God, cognate with the Hebrew Elohim.
Well worth pointing out what might be seen where, in places of faith and worship.
As to BBC employee ‘views my own (unless the one I work for tells me they are not… shades of Orwe… lack of Self-control there)’ site banners, it would be interesting to see if one of these crops up and what happens:
BBC journos to strike. Think anyone will notice?
They will notice if it stops Strictly Come Dancing from being broadcast.
If only it was permanent….!.
Can abybody tell me why this story(the sick boy “abducted”) is still top-billing and has been for 3 days now?.
And once again, in among it all the BBC tried to stick the boot into the Police….
Maybe to distract attention from other news. It does seem to be a BBC obsession not shared by the Telegraph for instance.
Sinniberg wrote:
“Can abybody tell me why this story(the sick boy “abducted”) is still top-billing and has been for 3 days now?.”
Do you think it might be to divert attention away from…Pakistani rape gangs. P.S The old bill have nicked 28 Pakistani men only 12 years after it was first reported by the then Labour MP for Keithley.
Yes my feeling to is that this story was pumped to divert from the Rotherham issue. It would be nice and simple you had a cute dying kiddie , a deadline plus weirdo religious types and they AREN’T Muslims.
Trouble is since then this one has spun out of control since we now appear to have educated parents wanting more high tech treatment than the sainted NHS can offer. To make things worse for the elites the parents are talking directly to the public via YouTube so the carefully spun lies to fed to the MSM earlier as exposed.
Political Plod isn’t going to like this one bit and I bet will be issuing Euro arrest warrants all week until they manage to shut the family up and get the story back under control.
Spending over 10 minutes of it on every news bulletin means you don’t have time to run any other stories such as muslim child predators. muslim violence Iraq etc..etc… People who won’t resign in Rochdale. The biggest surprise to me in the King non story is that they found a parking space in Southampton General to remove him.
A liberal finally begins to understand what they have been appeasing for far too long… CNN. I am still waiting for the BBC to catch up.
My latest COMPLAINT went in today after watching Newsnight with Jack Dromey.
I suspect the BBC must have given Harriet’s husband an easy ride due to Labour Spin Machine making it a condition for him to appear on Newsnight:
Imagine the call from Labour HQ went something like:
” so long Ian as Laura does not mention the relevance of Dromey and his wife were senior executives of National Council for Civil Liberties when they were facilitating and giving succor to PIE.”
Cannot think of any other reason as certainly the obvious link is there when talking about Pakistani Pedophiles, Labour run Council, Labour MP for the Borough, Labour Police Commissioner, Labour Home Office Minister receiving reports in 2002 etc.
My Full Complaint:
You interviewed Jack Dromey, Labour Shadow Minister about the report on Pakistani abuse of underage girls in Rotherham and the current Labour PCC not resigning.
You did not however report relevant facts of close involvement of ‘Pedophile’ alliances ‘conflict of interest’ of the interviewee and his wife, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who were both facilitators and giving succor to Pedophile Information Exchange when they themselves were involved with the National Council for Civil Liberties at senior levels many years ago.
One could not imagine Newsnight not taking the opportunity to raise this relevance had it been a Conservative interviewee.
Indeed you managed to ‘out’ a non-pedophile Conservative ex-donor, (McAlpine) who you had to compensate for your error.
Why do you selectively do this, giving one the distinct impression you are omitting relevant facts for political reasons?
Hope you get a satisfactory reply. The only times I have complained to the BBC i just kept getting fobbed off by some supercilious woman and eventually gave up.
I noted on parliamentary sub committee on the future of the BBC that even if Ofcom get the task of overseeing the governance of the BBC they , Ofcom, don’t really want to get involved in dealing with complaints about the BBC until the BBC process has been exhausted. I expect therefore that the BBC will just keep adding internal layers to their complaints procedure so that all but the most determined complainant throws in the towel long before their complaint reaches Ofcom.
You expect correct.
They have the money and the people to add as many layers as it takes to kill even, or especially, the most legitimate complaint.
And should any persevere, and the BBC runs out of ways to drag it out, they can always ban them for persistence. Uniquely.
Do they ever get to Ofcom? I notice the Ofcom site has this note.”Ofcom shares responsibility for the regulation of BBC TV and radio programmes with the BBC Trust. You can find out more about this here.
If your complaint is about accuracy, bias or references to brands (with the exception of product placement) in programmes this falls outside Ofcom’s remit. Please submit your complaint to the BBC.
If your complaint is about something else you’ve seen or heard in a BBC programme, please complete our complaint form.” As the complaints I have are exclusively about them lying being biased or inaccurate, I assume Ofcom wouldn’t want to play.
You assume correctly.
The parameters are quite clearly laid out, so it can surprise how many in the media and politics still cheerfully cite OFCOM as the final oversight in the areas most issues arise.
They do not. In almost any case it stays internal within the BBC, and in secret, often with BBC claiming BBC FOI exclusions to ensure this.
It’s as bent as it gets.
Welcome to David Cameron’s Britain.
The U.K. government worked with Islamic supremacists that it deluded itself into thinking were ‘moderates,’ allowing them to gain immense influence over the government and media.
It funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood, allowing them to propagate throughout the country their narrative that opposing jihad terror amounted to ‘racism’ and ‘bigotry.’
It completely internalized that narrative, ignoring for years an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools and the victimization of thousands of British girls by Muslim rape gangs, so as to avoid accusations of “racism.”
It hounded and demonized foes of jihad terror and banned Pamela Geller and me from the country for pointing out that Islam had a doctrine of violence.
This is the Britain the UK elites have made.
… And now they have to live in it”.
R Spencer
… lets pontificate about citizenship? or passport?
how can we assist? … erm aid in re assimilation, talk to the families, relocation out of London, ahem consider funding another “interfaith dialo ……………… BOOOMMMM!
(shattered glass/screams/car alarms/smoke/debris) …. second … BOOOOMMM!
hastily call another press conference
a shaky D Camoron speaks …
we must all remember … all of the good, all of the
1000s of acts of kindness Islam brings to those in need
above all never forget …
Islam is religion of … … BOOOOMM!
(shattered glass/screams/car alarms/smoke/debris)
“The SAS has moved part of its anti-terror team to a forward base near London, amid concerns that a prolonged attack may be staged in that city. MI5 also referred to the Mumbai atrocity of 2008 as a comparison”
David Cameron revives powers to relocate terror suspects to combat jihadist threat.”
There must be wise heads in the security services who have become used to there being certain truths which our Government doesn’t want to hear. For instance, how to identify returning jihadists without infiltrating mosques and Islamic charities, profiling and co-operating with the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian regimes. Good luck to the career security services’ chaps who try and sell those ideas.
Infiltrating mosques is a overarching priority, it hasn t been, why? … in much the same vein, as Rotherham
all this “over the internet” palava … sheesh! …
indoctrinated since childhood, the very same texts as every islamonazi quotes from.
they are the bullets the bombs, all that’s needed is a catalyst.
haven t they seen undercover mosque? times that by
10 000 there your issue
I’m livid, that it will have to take the murder of hundreds of people before the political elite finally wake up to the fact that IS-lam is anything but fucking peaceful and must be stamped down on hard. I wonder how many leftwing cocksuckers will be dragged out of their homes by Mobs and lynched Livingstone, Galloway, Abu Bowen, to name a few. Hopefully the vast majority will fuck off back to Pakistan and such. The only problem is, some fucker will try to have a go at me.
D Camoron speaks …
“we must all remember …..… all of the good, all of the 1000s of acts of kindness Islam brings to those in need…………”
Anybody got any examples ???!!!!!!!
” beheading of US reporter Steven Sotloff by Islamic State group”.
… “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4). …
hmm I think one of the 109 verses Grand Mufti Camoron
“The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.
note – Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter”
Like these acts of kindness perhaps
You can’t accuse the BBC of inconcistency.
While Russian and Ukrainian troops fight and kill each other in Eastern Ukraine. While a minimum of 1400 children in Rotherham were raped by Muslim paedophile gangs as the police, media and council looked away. While even the PM now recognises that several hundred home grown jihadi terrorists might be a threat (remember Mumbai?). While the EuroZone economies stagnate. While all this goes on the lead story on the BBC R4 news headlines is still the
international criminalsparents who took their son abroad for medical treatment in defiance of their local hospital.The BBC, ‘getting it about right’ again.
Ah but these parents have defied the Establishment and done what THEY think is in THEIR son’s best interest, and worse they are Christians!!!!!!
How Very Dare They
Surely serried ranks of social workers and grauniad commentators should have made the decision?
Maybe Rotherham should take the child into ‘care’.
Yup: It now seems that not only is any money you might have ACTUALLY “on loan” from the state, but your children belong to it as well.
Technically, According to how the law is worded, and the actual language that the law is written in (yes it looks like english and has english words, but they have different meanings in legalese) The state DOES own your children.
When you registered their birth, you became the parent of the child, but the state accepted your request (application) to comply (submit) to transferring ownership (register) the birth (berthing the “person” at the court’s agency) It is all legalese. They can take their possesions from your care anytime they like.
If there was any doubt before, it is now clear that the State (including the BBC) is now run by Socialist Marxists of Orwellian stature.
We belong to the State, our children belong to the State. How long will it be before our children are moved to State institutions to ensure that they are raised with correct social values; you know Christianity is evil, women, gays, ethnic minority rights trump everything.
When can we expect to be micro-chipped or be tattoed with a serial number.
What has emerged is that the Civil Service has been infiltrated by Labour and our country is managed by the same Civil Service. Politicians have lost control!
.. To the extent that they appear keen to revise things such that in future it will be deemed ‘Selfian stature’ (not to be confused with gurning poses with right arm outstretched out at a Nuremberg upward angle… Oh, hang on…).
I see the bBC is reporting on the clampdown of bogus taxis drivers in the centre of London. But for some strange reason they don’t mention just who the vast majority of these people are.
Black cab ‘hit squads’ target illegal London minicabs
A few years ago, Mrs Pounce and I went into town and afterwards walked down Piccadilly in which to catch a cab home. Outside the Le Meridien we caught a cab . However we we got in, this Pakistani man accused us of damaging his car and started making a scene. So much so the Taxis driver asked us to leave. Well this man was screaming and shouting and demanding £200 for damages, we politely stated that lets call the police , but he was having none of this and continue jumping up and down and basically making a huge din at around 2am. By now he had started swearing and I told him twice to refrain as there were ladies present , but he was having none of this and continued. I took my jacket off and handed it to Mrs Pounce , who did say “Don’t hit him” and I walked over to him. He quickly got in his car and drove off. The two door men at outside the Hotel (Le Meridien) where we caught out Cab started laughing and congratulated me . Apparently he does that act all the time and usually people who are drunk pay up. Problem was, I was stone cold sober and knew we never touched his car and guess what, he was an unlicensed taxis driver.
Anyway here are a few more stories of unlicensed Taxis drivers:
Pounce mentioned the BBC article re clampdown on taxi drivers, but you would have to have eagle vision to find this this story on the B-BBC – the mayor of one of England’s biggest towns standing down this week, for writing a strong reference for his friend (a serial rapist) to become a taxi driver.
Biased BBC managed to put this article under the Beds-Herts-Bucks section, but it never made the main news :
BTW, he was a LibDem – just ensuring that involvement with sexual offences stay in Nick Clegg’s party.
To be fair, BBC 3Counties Radio is all over this….
To be fair, BBC 3Counties Radio is all over this….leading story yesterday and again today
i think that bbc news seems to have forgot,and we should not,that 10 years ago on this day 338 innocent people including 189 children got butchered by islamist terrorists in the beslam school siege in russia,what that got to do with us some say.quiet alot i say,these same islamist butchers live amongst us and would not think twice about laying siege to any school in are country and butchering the innocents all in the name of this religion called islam,are russian brothers deal with these terrorist with a iron fist,we should do the same,the failure to do that as we are on a severe threat of a terrorist attack could result in a beslam like islamist terrorist attack in are country.
I could not agree more
Camera moron, BBC and others pontificating over returning terrorists?
Clive Coleman, BBC Legal Affairs Correspondent bleats on and on
“There is a real and important difference between removing a person’s citizenship and removing their passport”
These mass murdering terrorists, have made their choice.
They are a clear and present danger, by the way, as are any family and community that covered for them.
It is too dangerous to let them return, the risk to the public paramount, and if they do … incarceration, or deportation or both
… citizenship? … passport? ………
immaterial – safety of the public, threat to the public, threat to the nation more important …
No10, Camoron and co … find a vertebrae from somewhere
Isn`t it funny that there always seems to be some Lord or former Government minister who fell foul of Cameron, who is on hand for the BBC whenever there`s any kind of threat to any Muslim who chooses to “come home” , in regard of being allowed free “access all areas”.
Last time I looked-Ming Campbell was a Dads Army old fool who was mocked by all the political elite for being no kind of Party leader.
Blow me if he`s not now a “human rights lawyer and expert”…a grand old man, who we really need to listen to if we want to stay civilised.
So the likes of Ming, Lord Carlile, Dominic Grieeve and Eddy Garnier get free Sanatogen and a Night nurse for telling the BBC what they want us all to hear…that “our boys are coming home” and will be wanting the kettle on , and a map of Rotherham…`t`would be a pity not to show `em that noted Arab hospitality, and fail to leave whetstone out for them.
Only the BBC care about our lads not having a passport…they should all be taken in a flatbed to Tower Hill andstrung up over all our London Bridges as traitors.
Thanks to the BBC/Guardian…we all know now which side is that of the angels,,and which leads to a memorial for Lee Rigby( didn`t see that on the BBC today, if anybody still cares what the BBC thinks)
But we would not be making those vile murderers and rapists “stateless” would we? They have already chosen to change nationality when they decided it would be a jolly good wheeze inshalla if we popped over to Syria and fought for the Islamic State chappies.
They have a state, the Islamic State. They can keep them!
This has already been taken down from YouTube; it’s still on Facebook but probably not for much longer. If anyone has a hotline to an MP, please share it with them:
The BBC have probably already seen it but it won’t make the headlines.
I’ve noticed that tonight the BBC has a programme about the Hamas tunnels in Gaza. I wasn’t going to watch it, but now I might as someone has sent me a story that’s put me in the right frame of mind.
“An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly.
A representative from Israel began: ‘Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses: When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, “What a good opportunity to have a bath!”
Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Palestinian had stolen them!
The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, “What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren’t there then.”
The Israeli representative smiled and said, “And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.”
The Panorama topic was changed to Rotherham. I watched it but I’m too angry to write a coherent comment.
A reprise:
“Can we trust the BBC on immigration?”
By Ed West.
( 60 pages. pdf)
Click to access bbc_immigration_report.pdf
As they should over a sad case such as this, the BBC and lame-stream media are going bananas over the poor boy whose parents took him from the hospital over treatment disagreements, giving it wall-to-wall coverage. I cannot recall them giving the same weight to the appalling news concerning 1400 girls being viciously gang-raped by Muslim peado gangs in Rotherham. That story has now conveniently (for the BB-Peado-C) slipped down the ratings table.
In this country we have had a case of people deeming the accusation of racism to be of more concern than children being raped by Muslims; and being raped purely because of the colour of their skin and the contempt with which the vile perpetrators view western culture.
We`re really going to have to create another forum , so we can take Channel 4 News bias into account as well.
What the hell has Owen Jones new book about “The Man” got to do with the news…this is Book Talk, and Lefty op-ed crap worthy of Snow himself at his Islington soirees…but it`s NOT news as I know it.
Time to get a site devoted to ALL liberal lies and monopoly…the BBC will totter on its own, but Channel 4 has to be thrown on the suttee pile as well.
Harry Corbett deserves nothing less!
Yes, well said Chris. I’ve wanted to see a forum aimed at reporting the grotesque and revolting far-Left extremism seen on Channel Snore. Not only is it an anti-English extremist Muslim channel its presenters and producers are the epitome of the self-loathing, middle class liberals that plague the west end coffee houses and wine bars of our cities. Jon Snow is a loathsome scum bag who exemplifies everything I detest about the egotistical left-winger; but trust me, if he was to come face to face with an Isis Jihadi, he’d wet himself and hide behind a British soldier. They only have the pants they’re sitting in because of all of those British patriots and allies who fought to fight fascism. Now, they’ve arrogated to themselves the right to give it away. Scum that they are! And don’t get me started on that smug, snooty middle class lefty women Cathy Newman.
we ve had Breitbart uk, and bloody Puff Ho uk
how about Fox news uk
Canada s Sun tv news, uk style
hmm … BBC has got to go … a great viewer poll question for Sunday Morning Live next week
Reminds me of Anne of Cleves does Newman…and not in a good way!
I could not agree more. Channel 4 News is another programme I just can’t watch any more.
I see that leftie Dave has been gassing about how he’s going to remove the passports from people who have been fighting in Syria / Iraq.
It’s given the BBC the chance to roll on loads of loony left wing lawyers who have shown sickening disregard for the people of this country who might get in the way of any terrorist outrage in the UK as a result.
It’s fair enough to learn about the legal objections which might be raised, international treaties etc etc, as some have done, but there is one set of questions the BBC haven’t bothered or don’t want to ask.
The British government doesn’t even know how many of ‘our citizens’ are out there fighting Jihad, with estimates between 500 and 1500. Note that the BBC always chooses to report the lowest number possible!
If we don’t know how many went, then how on earth are the borders agency going to identify who has & who has not been over there spilling blood?
How many people who have not been fighting are going to be refused entry to the UK?
For a whole slew of reasons Cameron is not going to be able to ever implement this policy, it’s all just talk to fool the public into thinking he’s doing something, and the BBC aren’t about to give the game away.
Just goes to show who the enemy really is in this country: the Left-wing scum have sabotaged the justice system and have an insidious agenda to undermine this country’s identity and traditional cultural values . As a result we now have an illogical situation where lawyers would argue that to keep Islamic fanatical extremists out of this country would be against law. It’s utterly disgusting and treasonous.
My friend Tom is going out with this ethnic law student and she entertains the most appalling left-wing theories on social justice and diversity. The university must be pumping pure cultural Marxist propaganda down her throat. She specialises in gender and ethnicity equality and is currently writing a research paper on imperialist hegemonies and their adverse effect on gender minorities. She’s got lovely tits though so I ignore the lefty crap when I’m down the pub with my mate lol.
But not one of those vile excuses for humanity who have chosen to become vile butchers for ISIS are going be made stateless at all. They have chosen a State. It is the Islamic State, let them keep them, and lets bomb the crap out of them.
Dr Who was its usual tick-box self of PC issues. e.g. Army and soldiers, however well intentioned, were beyond the pale and war criminals all.
Many other PC things, but the most blatant was the Genna Louise Coleman character blatantly holding a rolled-up copy of the Guardian for up to a minute advertising the name of the rag of hate very prominently. It had no prop value whatever, nor had any purpose nor was referred to. All it showed was the actress’s own warped political leanings. Clearly endosed by the BBC of course.
I enjoyed Dr Who. I spotted the very in your face ethnic diversity messages but I think it’s funny and typical of the BBC that the ethnics were near white, black in the way of milk coffee. The BBC doesn’t really like ethnic diversity, just a pale liberal idea of it. The same way female Muslims can be pushed, but only if they’re eye candy. Dr Who says it all = preaching diversity but still with a white old male in the lead, and his sexy young female assistant.
I think the thinks inside Daleks add far more to the ethnic diversity.
Sorry, hit the report button!!! Fat fingers!
She was supposed to be an English teacher – do you think they read anything other than a Grauniad?
While reading about the self styled Independents latest piece of Jew bashing on Guido’s site I came across this
I wonder if Nigel Farage read it- Or the BBC for that matter
Rumours of attacks in London do not have to be true to have a devastating impact.
Another reason for the indigenous remaining in that city to get the hell out. And they will mark my words.
Then the impact on business and commerce will start. Shire people will stop visiting. Those who can get jobs out of the city will do so. Slowly by degrees London will be left to itself. A capital city where the old people of the land no longer live or visit. The liberal will have achieved his aim . A multicultural city without the dominant national culture present.
And as goes London will go other cities. This is how a country implodes and it was always avoidable.
I hope it is not too late but this country cannot go on like it is.
I have just listened to a live broadcast on the World Service, the program is “World have your say” I rarely listen to it as its usually on a subject I couldnt care less about. However, today it was live form Rotherham about you know what, you can probably find it on iplayer.
It was broadcast from the “United Mult-cultural centre” no I didnt make it up, apparently its a charity. There was an invited panel from the “community”. As its radio I cant be certain as to the make-up of the panel, but I think it was a total of 12, 3-4 of them being white, 2 of the white guests a couple were I would say oaps and obviously not used to this kind of thing.
Most of the others were connected to local ngos. charities, local govt jobs, so all having an interest in keeping there positions and deflecting blame.
One of the whites was a women whose title is Anti-trafficing officer, so probably on the govt payroll. She was hopeless and made no point relevant to the case, but came up with banal statements such as “we should take the negatives and turn them into positives” . I havent a clue what she meant by that, and doubt if she does either.
The lady conducting the interview was not bad, she even gave examples how she felt intimidated walking to the show by guys driving slowly past her hanging out of the window, but people were allowed to deviate from the subject.
The main thing for me that came out of it was the failure of the Pakistani Rotherham community to accept any culpability for what happened in their mist. We heard that it was all the fault of the council (one person said it the council didnt provide suitable services for their community), the police, the internet, etc.
They tried to say that these rapists were just the same as the likes of Rolf Harris and Jimmy S. One of the panel even tried to claim it was racism because the police didnt arrest these men!
Unfortunately you have to conclude that Muslim Pakistani community hasnt really learnt anything from all of this and is not doing enough to put its house in order.
Part of the problem is the age old one of government corruption and the non accountability of public sector employees.
It goes far deeper than the surface major screw up and don’t lose your job though.
If you are unfortunate enough to come across a public sector incompetent making a crazy decision which adversely affects you, then where are you going to turn?
It used to be possible to go to the Ombudsmen but since BLiar they have been another façade where less than 2% of complaints are upheld, and those that do are not binding on the council.
Or you could go to court and waste £50K on a judicial review, which you might lose, and have to carry the other sides costs (£100K) or you might win and find that because of state corruption costs cannot be awarded against them.
Worse still you might just find that the public body you have the issue with has Crown Immunity and cannot be sued.
What ever happens though you can be safe in the knowledge that no matter how inept confused incompetent or downright corrupt the public official, there is no way they will ever be held to account.
That is unless they break some kind of Political Correctness law when they’ll be out on their ear before you can say javid Robinshah.
The Rotherham branch of Unison – motto ‘speaking up for public services’ – has not spoken up at all lately, with nothing posted on its website or Twitter for the last two weeks Any guesses why not?
Please can anyone enlighten me on what the BBC World Service is for and what are its aims ?
To spread democracy, liberty and social revolution…ironic really…as here in the UK they spread Islamist ideology and Marxism.
To piss off Britains abroad by steadfastly refusing to have any content relating to Britain.
Not going to … they might lie about it, as a puff piece, but are
so f-cking arrogant I doubt it.
Look its a small area, 3 small wards in Rotherham, which tells you everything about the scale, and insidious complicion, of this interrelated bunch.
The “discrimination” lever was obviously being used to silence critics, muslims who got themselves into advantageous positions
in local government, are actually stated as putting “barriers” in the way of the report.
Expose? … On the BBC tomorrow morning?
… no I didn t think so either.
Neither have the local labour authority, who are still appeasing racist gang rapists of white working class children by Muslim perverts, for their own political idealistic purposes. They really cannot see how their own devotion to to the vile political philosophy of multiculturalism has allowed that evil to flourish under their own active protection.
They cannot accept that people who do not have white skin, can be so overtly supremacist and exclusive, to the degree that they believe that all non-Muslims, (idoloters and non-believers), are the lowest and worst of beasts, so have no rights as humans and can be raped and killed by Muslims with Impunity.
The “religion” of Islam is every bit as supremacist as the ideology of the KKK, Nazis or any other supremacist cult, but labour idiots and the BBC and other “liberal progressive” low lifes just cannot accept it. I do not know how many more people have to have their heads cut off in this country, or how many more tens of thousands of children have to be raped, before the likes of the BBC will finally accept that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, but a vile, prejudicial, supremacist ideology of the most brutal hate.
Two cheers for Panorama’s “Stolen Childhoods: The Grooming Scandal”
A pretty good analysis of this dreadful story but far too much ‘tippytoeing’, lack of ‘spade calling’ and avoiding ‘un-PC’ language.
If offer the following translations for the benefit of those who haven’t watched it yet…
“grooming” = “attempted child rape”
“sexual exploitation” = “child rape”
“abused by older men” = “abused by Pakistani Muslims”
“Asian men” = “Pakistani Muslims”
“This is a warning to ALL communities” = “This is a warning to all communities with a large Pakistani Muslim population”
Still, not a bad effort by the BBC unlike the ridiculous Guardian with it’s endless procession of absurd apologist articles.
Here’s something worth signing after watching Panorama….The odious Nick Lowles is refusing to do so, therefore it must be worth doing….
What’s the point? The people of this area are so brain dead that they’ll just vote another Liebour cover up artist into office to do the same again.
After talking to one Liebour car carrying member who told me that he would still vote Liebour if they were going to torture him to death & sell his grandchildren into sexual slavery.
The people who vote these people into office deserve everything they get.
Nah, UKIP will get in there next year….They did awfully well in this years council elections before this story broke….Here’s a blog on Rotherham that’s got it’s head screwed on..
Yes, but the rest of us don’t!
Did the M word even get a mention?
I am shocked. Truly.
Any mention of Labour?…the “culture of disbelief?”….that useful meme given them by last CPS Labour quisling…now Labour Party candidate, and adviser re crime and justice for the next election…Keir Hardy-Starmer?
After Savile-doctoring the footage of the Queen and those phone-ins, after Ross and Brand?…safe to say that the BBC exemplify the culture of disbelief…who the hell still believes a single word they say?
Not a bad try by Panorama.
Obviously the main point about Pakistani perpetrators was well made.
The secondary points, as expected from any BBC production nowadays, were hardly touched upon, since they all come under the ineptitude of 13 years of Labour:
Many thousands of victims could have been saved if it had not been for policies and inactions of:
Labour Government
Local Labour MP
Local Labour Councillors
Labour run Council (officials)
Labour members of local Police Authoritiy
Labour Police Crime Commissioner
Labour multiculturalism
Labour immigration policy
All were aiders and abettors of these horrendous crimes.
There’s a pattern there somewhere, the BBC and MSM can’t quite see it…is it that all those jobs listed weren’t made available to enough minorities? Or that Tory cuts were making all those people lose focus?
…and the people who voted the councillors in again and again even when their incompetence was clear for all to see.
A good analogy for who did what in this sordid and sick example of 16 years of labour betrayal of thousands of white working class children is a bank robbery.
The Pakistani Muslim perverts were the ones who went into the bank and robbed it.
The labour party run officialdom, from local council through to the police authority, were the getaway drivers.
The local tories were witnesses who were too scared of being called racist to speak out and so they turned a blind eye.
The BNP were the one official witness to speak out and Nick Griffin was arrested for it.
UKIP were relaxing on the golf course in the south east at the time.
The labour party spent years actively protecting the rapists.
Ah well … Every cloud :-D,
George “Jew free zone” Galloway eh!, how s his face doing?
Man denies assaulting MP Galloway
In these days of mobile phone cameras and cctv where is this incident?
“Masterson, of Kensington, worked for the Department of Work and Pensions and as a MANAGER AT THE BBC, but was now a full-time carer for a friend, the court heard”.
Hmmm, his “broken jaw” appears to have miraculously healed. Not now mentioned as an injury – merely he is BELIEVED to have suffered broken ribs (yeah, right) and a bruised face.
Looks like it may be another claim that got ushered through the vetting system without much watertight oversight.
clearly as he was ex BBC and by attacking GG it means they must have been fair in all their past reporting of Israel and got it about right…or something.
BBC series ‘Who do you think you are’
“Actress and national treasure Julie Walters follows her roots back to rural Ireland”
“Actor Brian Blessed has always loved his unusual name but has no idea where his Blessed ancestors came from.”
“Tamzin Outhwaite journeys into her Italian past”
“[Irish]Brendan O’Carroll ditches his alter ego Mrs Brown to turn detective, as he attempts to discover [the Brits] who murdered his [Irish] grandfather.”
Anyone spot a theme here? The only chap with boring British ancestry doesn’t get them even mentioned. It’s much better to have exciting Italian or Irish ancestry.
Just watched a bit on the iPlayer. O’Carroll clearly disappointed and upset to find out that the IRA didn’t kill the man alleged to have killed his grandfather.
INBBC’s CASCIANI: stiil representing the views of Islamic jihadists.
Casciani’s language reveals his political hand, e.g.:-
Where does Casciani get his evidence for the following?
From Islamic jihadists only?
He doesn’t say-
“There are many Brits who went to fight in Syria with no intention of joining violent extremists like ISIS.”
Note Casciani finds it easy to use the word “Brits”, but hard to use the words ‘Islamic jihadists’. Similarly, he uses the euphemistic word “fighters” rather than ‘enemies of the West.’
At least he resisted the urge to append the jaunty term ‘plucky’.
Even Dom has limits.
Interesting the comments still open given how well they are going again for the BBC narrative.
What`s all this crap about these jihadi nutters being “our boys coming home” as suicide psychos?…but somehow Britain breaking some UN/EU/BBC laws and guidelines re “making vulnerable young men STATELESS”.
Stateless?…haven`t the BBC been banging on for weeks now about them fighting for the ISLAMIC state?
Let them think it a State…and make them stay there in a case of “nation building”…surely it`s a drain to take such talented western-educated lads away from an exciting new opportunity to be at the start of building a nation….what`s Arabic for Kibbutz?
Reading between the lines it has seemed for some months now that the Government is expecting a Mumbai style attack, probably in London, probably by ‘British’ with maybe other ‘European’ jihadists involved using a mix of guns, bombs and even knives. None of that would be a surprise to the US.
Given that the Government daren’t use racial profiling infiltrate mosques or Islamic charities for fear of giving offence, and has made public that it wont co-operate with some countries which could help with intelligence (i.e. Russia, Syria, and Iran) and has poor relations with Israel how likely is it that the 500+ British jihadists would be identified? Given the difficulty in tracking or detaining the handful of already identified jihadists then how will 500+ be tracked or detained? The legal aid bill alone would be crippling 😉
Previous attacks have shown the Government response is to excuse British foreign policy and Islam from any blame (despite what the 7/7 bombers, Lee Rigby killers and Islamic State say) and to warn against Islamophobia and a backlash. Wrapped in that bubble of unreality maybe the Government is softening up public opinion to be ready for a Mumbai attack but not blame Government foreign policy or Islam, and accept it as the work of a few extremists. Extremists by the way who have sympathisers in the media including the BBC, foreign intelligence services and embassies, and foreign airlines and import businesses (the last few can help get weapons in the country). There are also clear links between Irish republicans and sympathy for the Palestinian cause and ‘armed struggle’, including Hamas.
No doubt the BBC is investigating all this, along with Rotherham and Ukraine. Let’s hope the BBC doesn’t get distracted by a story like a black man being shot in the US, or a couple in the UK taking their child abroad for treatment.
We should look at it as emigration – and surely they will be taking their families with them .
Please tell me it isn’t true that when a Home Office researcher flagged up concerns over Muslim child-rape gangs, he was told to never mention it again and forced to go on a diversity training course… read it on the BNP website but I know some on here don’t approve of the BNP so won’t paste a link. Whatever you think of the BNP (and I am a full supporter) it was Nick Griffin who first shed light on this hideous abuse. And what did the BBC do? They tried to get him arrested! Tells you all you need to know.
Yup, it’s true.
Don’t know if this’ll work, but:
If Nick Griffin said the sky is blue, the grass is green, the Earth is round. The London media industrial complex has so much hatred for the BNP they would have to say the exact opposite. That’s where we are.
It was reported in the Telegraph this morning.
Right. So I watched Panorama and have calmed down a bit.
First impressions. By BBC’s admittedly deplorably low standards, an almost-decent attempt. The cleverest part of this production was that it left the viewer with a feeling that Rotherham cannot have occurred as a result only of hypersensitivity to the fact that the perpetrators were Pakistani muslims. The sheer number of incidents that were reported over such a long period of time left you thinking “This had to be a concerted cover-up. Senior people in the Council and police had to be either involved in the abuse, or closely connected to those who were.”
Second impressions. On reflection, I think that the programme was carefully crafted to suggest a conspiracy, as a diversion from the real issue of PC gone mad. There was no mention that I could recall that this was a Labour Council. There was certainly no mention that this took place under the Blair Labour government. There was no mention of the media’s (including, especially the BBC’s) coy reporting of the original (and only) Rotherham offenders and subsequent similar cases. By coy, I mean, of course, the media’s tendency to describe the offenders as merely “men”, to ignore the fact that they were muslims entirely and also to ignore the fact that the victims were white. These three factors, Labour Council, Labour government, media coyness were, to me, major, glaring omissions. This is because it served to seriously down-play the political atmosphere that the police and council officers were working in at the time. An atmosphere of celebrating diversity, throwing the gates open to newcomers, and a completely fake fantasy of melting-pot, kum-ba-ya, happy-clappy-land. A time when it was simply impossible to criticise muslims. [To be completely fair, there was ONE dynamite moment, when one of the officials who tried to highlight the abuse was ordered by a Council mandarin that she must NEVER again use the word “Asian” and was ordered to attend a 2-day mind-reprogramming diversity training camp. But without being set in its proper context of PC-everything raining down from the Labour government, eagerly enforced, no doubt by the Labour Council, it just looked like an isolated, bonkers response from a lone Council officer, rather than something that was symptomatic of a much deeper malaise].
By just totally omitting the overall political climate at the time, the BBC managed to boost the sense of conspiracy and downplay the responsibility of its favoured left-wing culture. It’s been said before, but if this had happened at a Tory Council under a Thatcher government, there would have been no doubt that the BBC would have tried and convicted Mrs T personally for the failings of the people on the ground.
And of course, does it need to be said? No mention of “muslim”. No mention of the numerous other cases of muslim paedophile rape gangs all over the UK. No questioning of islam, or just what it is about muslims that is causing this. Is it cultural jihad? Is it Mo-Ham-Head’s liking for little girls? Is it just part of the “culture”? Nothing, nada, zip. And the obligatory shot of women-in-headscarves-round-a-table-we’re-victims-too-you-know.
So, on the whole, it contrived to give a good impression, but actually, because of what it left out, it created a distorted, dare I say perverted, impression of bureaucratic conspiracy whilst side-stepping the all-pervading PC culture, which persists to this day.
“the real issue of PC gone mad”
Don’t ever think, or give the impression that this was anything other than the logical outcome of Political Correctness, nothing gone mad about it !
Calling it a name such as ‘gone mad’ gives the excuse that this was caused by over zealous people with some kind of left wing mission. It wasn’t. It was run of the mill Labour activists, implementing run of the mill Labour policies, and I expect that we will see this happening all over the country.
in addition just because this was a cover up of the worst kind of sexual abuse, and it makes media headlines, what else are the Police covering up which isn’t making the headlines or sparking an investigation?
We all saw the reaction of Birmingham council to the Trojan Horse plot covering up and refusing to admit to the truth, It somehow got lost in the alternative reports which did tell the truth.
And if they’re prepared to lie about child abuse, what about that planning permission that the Pakistani gets which no one else would ever be allowed, or the information leaked about who objected (as happened to me).
This was not PC gone mad, it was just PC plain & simple.
You’re right. I recant. It’s not PC gone mad. It’s just PC. Good shout.
I almost switched Panorama off after 5 minutes because of all the references to the abuse being carried out by “older men”. However, once they got down to interviewing the people who had flagged up the problem from 2002 they had to mention the “ethnic” dimension because their interviewees were very clear who the criminals were.
To be fair to the BBC a running theme was abuse by a particular person who hasn’t been charged (yet). They showed his photograph several times and it was very clear that he isn’t “White British”.
For me the most glaring omission was in the introduction, where there was no mention of the McPherson Report, which left the police terrified of accusations of institutional racism. Without that the police’s refusal to respond to what were clearly repeated instances of statutory rape made no sense. The lack of response is still unforgivable but was/is part of a larger problem.
At least there won’t be 1400 Labour votes in Rotheram.
You would think that on the tenth anniversary of the Beslan School massacre by Islamist Terrorists, the BBC would cover the story. Where they do (of years past) the word Islamist has been dropped for favour of Chechen Separatists. So, the BBC would like us to forget who the real perpetrators were, but let us not forget, other World news agencies have correctly reported them as Islamists.
Yes. Trust INBBC to censor it out.
“3 days in hell: Russia mourns Beslan school siege victims 10 years on”
Presumably INBBC will be forced to remember 9/11 in 10 days time.
They did a write on the 5 year anniversary that does not mention the M word or the I word…how odd.
flexdream, as the missus does ‘family history’ I can declare that we all have interesting histories and some of them are none-too-cheerful- how our forefathers/mothers managed to survive in pretty meager timers is a lesson in itself; that life is forever unpredictable and surprising. Even so it’s a bit too sentimental for me to follow and I don’t much care for celebrities although I still find it irks that Boris Johnson was from ennobled German ancestry whilst dear old Brian Blessed was traced back to English life of strife like many of us it can be pot luck or lucky break. Still under BBC ‘Marxism’ all families will cease to exist (or be traceable) under new EU birth certificates the name of the mother and father will be removed to comply with gay agendas making all families illegal eventually without an elite birth tax disk.
It seemed to me the BBC is very keen to push the idea that most British have recent immigrant ancestry. Which is not true. And it also has a political agenda as with O’Carroll You think RTE would do a programme about sectarian murders by the IRA and its murder of unarmed Catholic police during the War of Independence? I remember David Tennant being embarrassed to find an ancestor who was an Ulster unionist and being relieved that there seemed to be some compensating socialism to atone for it.
Just wait till 2016 and the chance for the BBC to celebrate the centenary of the Easter Rising.
They can I suppose but they will loose ratings in the TV war with ITV that offers much the same thing. ‘Long Lost family’ does it slightly better than the BBC (in tracing adopted children and reuniting them). But as the BBC gets it’s new shiny Tax License in 2016 it’s bound to be a bit biased towards its leftie (so called) comedians.
The last thing the BBC wants is to find somebody whose ancestors go back generations on English land and have always lived quiet English lives and remained loyal to England without question.
We are all immigrants- the lying cry of the liberal.
IIRC Parkinson was turned down for WDYTYA because all of his ancestors were too ‘boringly English’.
My Catholic Southern Irish ancestor chose to remain loyal to the Royal Navy, and live in England. Some other relative, was a founder member of the Irish Navy. So even some Southern Catholic Irish could be as loyal to the UK as the Ulster Unionists, only now does the republic recognise Catholic Loyalists, with the president laying a wreath at a British war cemetery in Belgium. Democracy and Federation would have kept all Ireland in the UK, as it would keep the UK together today.
Today we have a disfuntual Constitutional fossil of a Union, with an ever growing undemocratic House of Lords, and provincial MP,s voting on issues that only effect England. A federal Union with unequal powers for each province, and none for England, as England is still the only province in a full Union, as the Parliament in Edinburgh has been restored, and Cameron wants to strengthen the Union by giving even more powers to Edinburgh, but he has given a lot of powers to Brussels as well, so if he gave any more powers away, then obviously Scotland might as well vote for Independence, otherwise the Scottish MP’s in Westminster would mainly deal with only England, and effectively become just like the elected members of the House of Lords.
Gordon Brown attended David Tennant’s wedding, you don’t get more lefty than that.
I really enjoy Dr Who, but when he was on it and the show runner was the gay bloke, every episode had something it in that made me cringe at the awfulness of it.
The link I posted on the last thread on the BBC Bollywood dancing extravaganza ident didn’t work, so here it is, ramming the odious cancer of multiculturalism down your throat.
UK government and BBC-NUJ on ‘racism’:- ‘pot and kettle’.
Which Director General of which U.K broadcaster is a big propagandist for ‘DIVERSITY’ ?
– Of course, it’s none other than Mr Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL, D.G of BBC.
The Home Office’s repressive political line on ‘diversity’ is similar to that imposed at the Beeboids’ so-called ‘College of Journalism.’ how the bbc totally ignored this protest
yep! … not the BBC news
This is currently causing the vapours in France. Facebook has removed all the ‘racist’ comments:
Ahh, those poor old terror suspects; remember, we mustn’t demonise the poor innocent Muslim community:
‘The whole concept of citizenship is about the right of abode – the right to come back to where you live. If you’re going to suspend that – even on a temporary basis – I think you run into some legal difficulties.’
And that ‘whole concept of citizenship’ was from a different time…..
“New front in fight against the sex groomers as traffickers target Eastern European teenagers ”
The predators have changed their tactics are and now targeting Eastern European teens and trafficking them into the region for sex, the M.E.N. can reveal.
The suspects are largely Asian men, it is understood.
It should be noted that these aren’t children, but they are young adults promised work and then forced into prostitution.
It seems that rape is deeply ingrained in the Pakistani Psyche, and if they get stopped from exercising their culture here, they’ll look further afield to do it.
“…It seems that rape is deeply ingrained in the Pakistani Psyche…”
And how. Last night’s was a pretty amazing expose of just how ingrained the casual sexual abuse of very young boys is across the country of Pakistan.
I’m not sure what was more amazing: the almost industrial scale of what seems to be a cultural phenomenon in that part of the world or the fact that Channel 4 made the programme.
Didn’t Google say last year that gay sites were the most searched for in Pakistan? I suppose some got to such sites by mistake, you know, searching for chutney or ferrets and pillows biters etc.
I wouldn’t mind betting the trafficking is being done by Eastern Europeans – they simply spotted a business opportunity to satisfy the needs of a different ‘cultural community’.
‘What a wonderful example of co-operation between communities in multicultural Britain, ladies and gentlemen.’
BBC TV The One Show tells me about the reintroduction to the countryside of a rare species. Nice little nature item. But this is the BBC and there’s always an agenda somewhere – right?
Yes, ospreys, it seems, are recovering from having been ‘persecuted’. I kid you not. Historic grievance alert. Impending guilt trip.
How could we have been so cruel to our feathered friends, eh?
I guess we’re just evil.
I notice across the BBC there is now a consistent style narrative of anthropomorphism. Poor old Johnny Morris was sidelined by the Beeb for putting a voice to the giraffes and tigers, inviting them over for tea and a slice of sponge cake – and naming them with suburban English names like Gerald and Edith. That would never do.
So much wlid life – but which will be the most vulnerable in society?
Perhaps it’ll be asylum-seeking lesser-spotted north African and middle eastern moths – save them from the naked flame – it’s just their nature – they’re just in search of a better life.
Sky has had the news that the Labour Party have suspended 4 members of Rotherham council as breaking news for the last hour. As yet not a word on BBC website or on BBC news app. Amazing – usually when labour issue a statement the BBC are all over it !
Such things need a line to take as they are ‘internal’.
It’s possible someone senior enough to sign off will arrive on their Brompton any time soon.
24/7 ‘news’ BBC style. More 8/24, less 2hrs for lunch (about the time an adverse HYS stays up).
Its here, not sure when added says last updated 7.57 GMT
Virgin Queen – you must have prompted them – 08.57 see this:
“Meanwhile, Labour has suspended four members in the town, three of them councillors.”
“Meanwhile, on a website page far, far away…”
I wonder what has been propelled to the top of the broadcast schedules?
I can assure you that the BBC will want to distance the Labour party as much as they possibly can from the events in Rotherham. I’ve heard the story on the Today program earlier today, so they have probably reported it sooner than Sky did.
Remember though that the cover up of child rape by the Labour party was the tip of the iceberg and there will be a whole load of other crimes they’re covering up which aren’t quite as newsworthy.
Their biggest crime seems to be being caught !
So reassured.
However, much skill will required in the edit to play up the good new narrative aspects and de-enhance any awkward aspects from history that in fact led to this point.
So they were biased for not covering it, and when it turns out they did cover it, and were doing so since early morning….it will be biased any way in the way its covered. You must be psychic too.
‘….it will be biased any way in the way its covered.’
Of course, as this site proves time and again. Welcome, and congratulations on stating the bleeding obvious.
In fact, with the right interviewer, Ed can emerge, blinking, from his bunker, to be shown taking charge as any great leader would.
I think a Laura K ‘like a warrior king Mr. Milliband strode…’ door-entering tweet may be in order.
The hive goes into conclave to determine the spin to be applied. It’s the BBC, they don’t do news, only propaganda.
BBC News Channel and poor old Norman Smith has to wait for Boris Johnson to finish his LBC Radio show before he can interview him about airports.
Off the cuff, the BBC tellyprompter dronette quips : “Norman Smith, we can rely on you to give him a grilling”
Quite. BBC News : No intention of shedding any light on the subject – just “grill” the Tory.
BBC “your call” … 5Live
asks … what about returning “home” jihadi s
a waste of an hour, a worse bunch of callers who cannot see the glaring reality of genocidal islamic killers coming home to do it here.
An hour no one can put two and two together, Islamic – Jihadi – following directions of their own Islamic book …. the actions of their so called Islamic prophet, to form an Islamic state, to rule by Islamic law … motive? … eeerrr! now let me think.
Appears to be a position of wilful and unique ignorance?
Not so, as usual orchestrated to the hilt, I spent a while with the inquisition and the usual lie., really, honestly, its not even worth wasting your time.
… on at least three occasions … by muslim callers
“but … what about Palestine”
Will this change INBBC minds on Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets Council?:-
“Tower Hamlets £120,000 PR and legal bill to fend off BBC investigation.”
It’s all in the game…..
“The controversial borough paid ex-BBC journalist Kim Catcheside £250-an-hour to coach mayor Lutfur Rahman for an interview with her former colleague, Panorama’s John Ware.”
Does anyone actually believe Dave when he tells us that the men who have been “visiting family” or “holidaying” in Syria and Iraq for the past few months won’t be welcomed back to dear old tolerant Blighty?
You do?
Psst. I’ve got a time share for Buckingham Palace, cash only, fancy it?
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Will INBBC provide update on what’s happening with one of its favourite political Muslims, Imran Khan?
A clue-
“Pakistan: Muslim pol and ‘moderate’ cleric booked under anti-terrorist act”
Ever notice how R4 Today, if there is a story that is political uncomfortable for them they never, ever, do a piece in the prime 7 – 7.30 slot. So you’ll get the headlines at 7am. One of the main headlines will be Christians and Yazidis being slaughtered by the Religion of Peace, or Jimmy Savile, or as today, a follow-on from last night’s Panorama with the story that the Home Office researcher who was reprimanded by the Council reported her concerns on up to the Home Office but was ignored. You then wait for more detail on the story and ….. nothing. You get the business news, the women’s sport news, Thought for the Day. Everything, except the story Labour, sorry, the BBC doesn’t want you to hear. Usually, it makes an appearance somewhere after 8 am, when most people will be either at, or have left for, work. This morning, Rotherham was shoe-horned into the graveyard slot between TftD and the 8am news.
So when the story is eventually run, for some reason, the BBC decided to disappear the disgraceful revelation from Panorama that the Home Office researcher was told to “never use the word “Asians” again” and was also sent on a 2 day equality and diversity training course. Today thought that you didn’t need to know this. They also thought that you didn’t need to know that it was Rotherham’s LABOUR council that the researcher had reported her findings too and that had then sought to cover up. Today also reported that the researcher, getting no joy from the [Labour] council, had then relayed her concerns to the “Home Office”, who initially made supportive noises, but then swept it under the carpet. The “Home Office”, Today reported – giving the impression of continuity from when the cover-up happened – are investigating the claims. Today didn’t think that you needed to know that Tony Blair’s LABOUR government were in power when the researcher’s concerns were reported to the Home Office in 2002.
Furthermore, Today also didn’t think that you needed to know who the Home Secretary was in 2002. Today did not seem to think that it was in the least odd that, having at first received a positive and supportive response to the report of her concerns, the researchers concerns were then ignored. Today did not seem to think that it was remotely possible that [Labour] politicians in the Home Office might have ordered NFA on the researcher’s findings in order to avoid embarrassment to their multi-cultural, mass immigration social engineering policy.
So, back to the mystery Home Secretary, whom the BBC thought no-one need know about. Who was it? I sure as heck couldn’t remember, but thanks to the wonder of t’interweb, the answer is easily found. Serving from 8 June 2001 to 15 December 2004, step forward Mr David Blunkett, Labour MP for Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough in SOUTH YORKSHIRE, direct next-door neighbour to the constituency of ………. Rotherham.
Seems like there’s a good story, there, eh? Mass rape by Pakistani gangs discovered by Home Office researcher in 2002. She reports this to the Labour Council, but is reprimanded, changes ordered to her report and nothing done. She reports her concerns back to the Home Office who at first make encouraging noises, but then ignore her concerns. By a curious coincidence, the Home Secretary is from the very same area as his mates, from the same party, who covered up the first report. Maybe, just MAYBE, there’s a hint of a political cover-up going right to the top of government. Well, if there was, you ain’t gonna hear it from the BBC.
Oh, and to complete the “Full House” of bias, in the “and finally” slot just before the 9 am news, there was a ludicrous piece about solidarity between striking miners and gay activists and how someone has written a stupid bloody play or book or something (I’m the son of a “striking miner” myself and nothing hacks me off more than middle-class toss-pots draping themselves in left-wing credibility with the cloak of the “striking miners”). Well, from being terribly shy about identifying the political colour of a previous government or any named individuals, SUDDENLY the BBC recovers it’s bravery, and we’re reminded that it was “Margaret Thatcher’s government” blah bah blah.
BBC: protect the left, damage the right, 24/7
Yes, I noticed that too.
Twice in the last week, when I have been listening, Today have covered Rotherham, both times after 8:45 (as you say, dumped at the back end of the programme).
In one interview, however, Blunkett did ‘appear’ and defended the police, saying that the CPS had questions to answer. The CPS headed, of course by Labour’s Starmer who in an earlier interview on the Rotherham rapes managed 10 minutes without mentioning P******** men or even Asian men…or even ‘those men’ – quite a remarkable achievement even for a left wing multiculturalist like him.
What Blunkett planted under the BBC’s noses (and they ignored)is the probability that there was conspiracy at the highest levels of the Bliar government. The same conspiracy that has allowed FGM to take hold in Britain and a blind eye shown the mutilation of 1000’s of girls and young women
Perhaps Alan might want to give this story a slot of it’s own…with so much doom and gloom about we all need a good laugh.
I’m not quite sure what world Joan Bakewell is living in (I am actually, it’s with her like-minded elite from the left wing BBC bubble) but her comment in Sunday’s Telegraph is worthy of a good ‘Fisking’.
You may remember that Bakewell showed her lefty credentials being mightily impressed with Eddie Mayor when he told Boris Johnson that he was a ‘nasty piece of work. ‘Eddie nearly crossed the line there’ said Bakewell, corpsing into laughter on the Marr show a few weeks later. Oh how she loved the nasty Tory getting a kicking.
The BBC might hold Bakewell in the highest regard, she is after all one of their own. I don’t. In her piece she displays all of the patronising, inward-looking contemptuous arrogance of someone out of touch with a modern pluralistic Britain. Someone who knows what she thinks is best for us all and is very much on BBC message and part of the BBC problem.
If, though, her piece was riling, there was comfort from the comments section; from real people who have had enough of being spoon-fed and controlled by he BBC group thinkers.
Bakewell’s comment shows the size of the establishment mountain that there is to climb if we are to liberalise broadcasting in Britain. Bakewell has become a cliché in her own lifetime. It’s time to put her and the BBC out to grass
heres another take on that story
Edited to correct an omission:
‘The BBC might hold LABOUR PEER Bakewell in the highest regard…’
As interesting is the top, if OT (well, she might wonder why the BBC’s reputation for blatant censorship is so widely known and despised), comment:
you couldn’t make this up. The BBC’s Sunday Morning Live ran an online and text poll at 10amm today asking ‘Is Multicuturalism Working?’
the web is alive with result – 95% NO! Guess what’s on the BBC’s website for the result?…..
‘Is multiculturalism working?
We are sorry; this vote is now closed.
The results of this vote are not available to the public at this time.’
Let me repeat that – ‘The results of this vote are not available to the public’! So until the ‘public’ vote correctly, the result will never be published. Maybe they’ll repeat the poll each day until we get it right!…
and here’s a screenshot of the BBC showing the result live before it was pulled… 95% saying multiculturalism has failed!
Frankly this latest ‘doesn’t suit the narrative’ stunt rather bears a follow up, surely?
Take it to CECUTT and Rona will get to say they got it about right in around a year.
It loolks like the screen shot has been censored as well. If
‘searchlight-germany’ is the link you ment to give ,Yahoo cant find it
But for those that dont believe it’s still on Brietbart
Perhaps some one should try to save that before it to disappears
‘Perhaps some one should try to save that before it to disappears’
Guessing more than a few may have done just that.
Cronyism Gravy Train rolls on.
The Parliament Clerk recruitment row is also connected to Tony Hall’s wife head hunting company, Saxton Bampfylde, (where she earns a six figure salary).
Would you Adam and Eve it?
” Tory MP Philip Davies, of the Commons media select committee – ‘And if they are going to hire headhunters, you’d think they’d be able to find a firm that didn’t have the Director General’s wife working for it.’
‘I don’t see why they need to hire headhunters. It’s a catastrophic waste of public money – this is a job that people can apply for. “
Cronyism Gravy Train rolls on.
By sheer coincidence, when looking for the 54-day DG they ended up locating just down the corridor, a fairly large wedge went anyway to the headhunters guess who had an unconflicted interest in?
Five Live up to their old tricks on their Scots Independence special, simulcast on BBC News channel and BBC Two and introduced by the odious Victoria “Ummm… Errrrr…” Derbyshire.
Last year’s radio only version of this farrago managed by the end to engineer a win for yes within their “scientifically” “selected” audience, with a very, very high number of undecideds choosing yes. .
This time round the basic premise was the same: the audience divided into blocks of yes, no and undecideds. Towards the end Derbyshire asked those in the undecided camp to stand to discover if they had reached a decision based on the show. A middle aged man named Len stood and revealed himself to now be a yes voter. So far, so par for the Five Live course.
There was more. Derbyshire asked him at what point today did he decide? This apparently undecided voter suddenly “passionately” believed in the yes vote, to the degree, he sheepishly revealed, that he had already voted yes by postal ballot due to an upcoming “vacation”.
Cue much derision from parts of the audience and the obvious question of how many other yes plants did the BBC allow into the apparently undecided section of the audience?
I didn’t watch it but am assuming that the nationalists got to give uninterrupted cod Braveheart rants about freedom and ‘Tory cuts’ whilst those against independence were talked over. Am I right?
If Scotland goes `Good Riddance` & the end of Millitwat`s attempt to enslave & bring Socialism again into England .
The Scots Nuts did manage to dig up a braindead scottish millionaire sleb who bored for britain about his socialist dream of living wage, social justice, and trade unions back to their 1970s strength.
Because having trade unions running the country worked so well in the 70s.
Needless to say he was cheered to the rafters by an audience none of whom was alive in the 70s or have ever heard the words ‘Austin Allegro’
Or, a decade earlier and closer to home for him, the farce surrounding the construction of the QE2 at John Brown.
I assumed these Victoria Derbyshire programmes were all part of the bBBC’s anti-British campaign. “If you don’t all vote for independence, we’ll give you another dose of VD”.
Question ?
Would Al Beeb and the police pursue Ashya King’s parents with the same alacrity as those parents that take their children abroad for FGM ? A law for one and a law for another. Political Correctness my friends, Political Correctness.
I can’t help but think they saw it as a parents with weird Christian beliefs depriving their child of lifesaving medical treatment story.
But when media start making calls on ‘stories’ based less on finding out the full one, and the facts, but mor on what a few in the newsroom find ratings-sexy ‘weird’, what you tend to get is what the BBC appear to now deem trusted, objective, guilty-until-the-mob-has-their-pitchfolks ‘news’.
Either way few people seem disturbed by the fact that parents who want the best treatment for their child can be arrested because they dodn’t want their kid treated by the NHS.
Is that now a crime?
go against the establishment and the nhs, police and media all come crashing down on you.
The media and politicians only changed their tune once they realised that the public were on the side of the public and not falling for the lies spouted from the MSM. I usually say how stupid the general public are but things like this say to me they aren’t as stupid as I think and are willing to stand up for what is right against our liberal establishment
Not Bias I appreciate but……
Just listening to Theresa May and Yvette Cooper discussing Rotherham.
Not one mention of the word Muslim. Not one mention of Pakistan.
And thus, it will continue.
NB – and of course, not one mention by Cooper of the Labour Party’s culpability in the whole affair
‘Asian’ is another adjective that has disappeared from the rewritten history. No mention of coverup either.
So it’s now just a case of exploitation and abuse.
Nothing to see here
WOW call you & yours and its callers is not pulling any punches, squarely laying the blame for Rotherham at the door of Pakistani young men.
When a Pakistani man phoned in saying that he was sickened by the abuse, as were all his friends, and that it wasn’t right that the Pakistani community was being singled out. Winifred Robinson asked him – we’re journalists and we have to report the truth that these men all came from a Pakistani background, what do you want us to do? Lie to cover it up?
Worth a listen if it’s on iPlayer.
I get the impression that, whilst there is still in general an Establishment attempt to gloss over all of this, there are some from whose eyes the scales have at least loosened .
The establishment will try to cover up or downplay anything that looks like affecting it’s agenda.
Knowing that unfettered immigration was an establshment attempt to alter England forever makes this imperative.
We have always suffered from a vicious vindictive establishment that never once really liked the ordinary people of England. Originally a Norman tyrrany it has changed over time continually taking in new blood but with the same mission. Join us they say and power and wealth will follow.
It has always been like this. Rotten to the core and one of the main reasons many of our ancestors got out and went.
The United States, Australia etc are a direct result of this.
Now we have nowhere left much to escape from this elite that hounds us.
Watch how they are really more afraid of us than Isis and all the rest.
A fine people foully served by their rulers. Sometimes they needed us to fight their wars but now we are a bit surplus to requirements.
A vote for any of the three parties is a vote for this discredited elite.
In Norman times we knew our oppressors and hated them. Today it is less easy to spot them but they are there.
Virgin Media is doing its bit to nurture up and coming talent via its Virgin Shorts series, available at a cinema near you.
Looks like the BBC will have no trouble finding new film makers that suit its agenda. A Favour matches a white middle class family at breakfast with an asian family, clearly identified as muslim.
The hero obliges wicked whitey by calling a mobile number for him. Minutes later our hero is stuck in a traffic jam caused by a bomb, ‘probably detonated by a mobile phone’. But whose phone? Our ‘British’ hero appears very concerned that ‘our’ values might have been violated.
Aren’t there enough sick minds in the left-wing media without encouraging more?
‘questions the assumptions of characters and audience alike’ or alternatively – turns all logic and experience on its head to produce what is, essentially, a lie.
‘to produce what is, essentially, a lie’
Meanwhile they appear to have obliterated all trace of a poll they instigated that went off piste.
BBC really covering the bases, it seems.
Poor historical precedent.
The Muslim world gives a very high priority to producing this type of propaganda and much more like it and have plenty of funds that have been diverted from humanitarian causes for this purpose..