I can see there’s not much BBC-NUJ news coverage of Islamic State, Boko Haram, Rotherham, and of Le Pen in France.
Oh, that’s before the BBC-NUJ strike starts.
I spotted this (obscurely published, of course) on the bbbc news website……
‘A violent extremist video was shown to pupils in a Birmingham state school’.
Link :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29028960
……….I thought the bbbc have been telling us that islam is the ‘religion of peace’.
If ever there was a piece of damning evidence then this is it. However, due to the bliar and brown policy of ‘mass immigration just so that they might vote for us’, the problem of the ‘religion of peace’ is now firmly set in this country and, with the aid of the bbbc we will all be living under sharia law in 20 yrs (or less).
An English Gentleman wrote: “‘A violent extremist video was shown to pupils in a Birmingham state school’.
I had to go to Birmingham News to find that the film was a Jihad recruiting film. But what makes this even more damning is in the run up to the reports being published the bBC afforded so much airtime to the people in the spotlight in which to allow them to plead their innocence and that they were victims of….Islamophobia.
The bbBC even allowed Tahir Alam, the former chairman of the Park View Educational Trust to vent his spleen about how he was forced out and how this was…politically motivated’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-28440759
Yet the bBC didn’t mention this about the Pakistani Muslim:
“Tahir Alam, chairman of governors at Park View school in the city, called for “girls [to] be covered except for their hands and faces”, advocated gender segregation in some school activities, and attacked a “multicultural approach” to collective worship.He described how state schools must be changed to “take account of Muslim sensitivities and sensibilities with respect to sexual morality” with “girlfriend/boyfriend as well as homosexual relationships” treated as “not acceptable practices according to Islamic teachings”.Mr Alam’s document says that aspects of the National Curriculum, such as dance, should be ignored as “not consistent with the Islamic requirements for modesty”. It adds that “dance performances before a mixed-gender audience may be objectionable”.
Ah Pounce, this goes much deeper and further back than you think, and Tahir Alam is not the source, merely quoting government PC policy.
It was a Fatwah issued by the Muslim Council of Britain as far back as 2007 and enthusiastically adopted by the Liebour controlled department of education which issued it as guidance.
We can now in the light of recent events see the extremism which has been allowed by the Liebour party to affect the education of millions of non Muslim pupils, and that is all part of the lefts move towards a Fascist ideology which they can’t bring themselves to recognise.
It wasn’t done because the Nu Liebour Fascists thought Muslims would vote for them, they had a policy of mass immigration because they wanted to ‘rub the Tories noses in diversity’.
Along the way it became clear that there is a very short term boost to the economy which quickly turn into a massive drag. A huge and continuing net immigration is needed to avoid the downturn, hence Scameron maintaining the mass immigration program.
Of course despite the guy being supposedly intelligent he is so monumentally selfish that he is only thinking of his own ministerial term.
Interestingly someone on the right (maybe Carswell) recently said that the Tories have no Political aims or Policies, other than to gain power and to hold onto it at any price.
This is why the strange actions happen. He’s never going to tell the truth about Muslims because he daren’t lose a single vote !
Totally self serving and morally bankrupt leftie Dave fits the stereotype of the greedy grasping Tory very well.
“The private school jihadist: As PM unveils new terror crackdown, a Scots girl incites bloody massacre on British streets.
“Glasgow-born Aqsa Mahmood, 20, was educated at top private school.
“She left university last year to fight in Syria, now married and living there.
“Tweets Islamic State propaganda praising ‘brothers from Woolwich.’
“In June she wrote: ‘If you cannot make it to battlefield, bring it to yourself.’
“Police and security services have confirmed they are aware of Mahmood .”
The chief constable of South Yorkshire Police has told MPs the BBC put his force in “a very difficult position” over a planned search of Sir Cliff Richard’s home
“My concern was that if we showed the BBC the door, the very clear impression which had been left with my staff in the media department was that they were likely to publish the story. That would have impeded our investigation.”
Why weren’t they arrested for interfering with Police investigations?
For any “Pakistani Heritage” … “Asian” … “witch hunted” , “men” who have “nothing to do with Islam” paedophiles that Beebot s
religious thought police try so painstakingly to protect.
Psychologist on Muslim rape gangs.
Psychology of sexual abuse is ingrained IN THEIR RELIGION and culture
“There are several reasons for this. The FIRST IS ISLAM.
It is a fact that its founder and prime role model liked to rape small children.
Mohammed, the prime example for Muslims, married Aisha when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine. Besides, according to the Quran (4:24), Muslims are allowed to have sex with females slaves — which is exactly what their young victims are.
Uncovered women are in many Muslim cultures seen as a kind of prostitute, and if a man is aroused by such a female, then — partly due to the corrupted logic of responsibility within Muslim psychology — the female is blamed for being raped (and will therefore often face execution).”
Nicolai Sennels – Translated from the Danish
“This absurd idea is based on the British government’s fundamental and unshakable assumption that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and that jihad terrorists are misunderstanding and misinterpreting it. So all that needs to be done is teach them the true, peaceful Islam, and all will be well, right?” … UH OH!
R Spencer
With that report in mind, here s another for the BBC to ignore, concerning … UKs returning jihadi s – what to do?
Dr Nicolai Sennels – Psychology:
De-radicalizing Muslim terrorists
Will Cameron ask Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL to set up courses for such Islamic jihadists?
(By the way, where is the ‘diversity’, except non-British ‘diversity’, in the BBC’s apartheid ‘Asian Network’ radio station?)
Now that the sick boy story about weird fundamental Christian parents is juddering to an awkward stop what will the BBC spin next to keep attention off Ukraine and Rotherham?
Anyone think the EU deserves a Peace Prize for its tireless contributions in Ukraine? Are police raids with BBC helicopters planned for Rotherham paedos or are their crimes less serious or substantiated than Sir Cliff’s?
So Antonio Gramsci constitutes a “Great Life” in the opinion of “Dr” Tom Shakespeare…disabled, disability rights long-term advocate; doing rather well on account of his “issues”.
The BBC seem to love him.
Similarly I recall Chris Hitchens championing Leon Trotsky a few years back.
Clearly these Lefty gonks and cuddly toys of Leftern Privilege have had their impact on ex-Commies and Trots…and there are plenty Lorry Taylor-types who`ll use big words in support of these Che poster boys…the LSE is full of such apologists for Stalins Gulags and Maos Laoghis, and the BBC love to pay them.
But-any chance we`ll get Enoch Powell, Ayn Rand or such like to champion “right wing” causes, by way of balance?
Maybe they have done so…but, knowing the BBC; they won`t have.
To be fair, they did something on Ray Honeyford yesterday that showed the Lefty `tards for what they are…and was reasonably fair to Ray and the few who dared to help him.
PS Brillaint programme on education (The Educators) yesterday, featuring Ken Robinson,,,can only pray that Montague learned something for her Montessori Open Days.
Wonder if the Beeb put this out knowing that Goves Drones were all made to attend the Company Song Days, they call INSET?
Had any teacher heard Ken, they`d probably grow pair and tell the State to f*** off out of education. Gove has done all we could hope for…so break loose you Blunkett Trumpets!
Last week the ‘Great Life’ being profiled (and nominated by Ray Mears no less) was that of Field Marshall Irwin Rommel. Yes, a prominent Nazi was being feted for his ‘genius’ by Paris, Mears and some academic historian put there, no doubt, to reassure doubting listeners that The Great Field Marshal was fully-deserving of the many accolades coming his way.
It was concluded that all things considered and Holocaust notwithstanding, Rommel was almost certainly an all-round ‘good egg’ who ‘probably’ had his velvet-gloved fingers over a conspiracy to kill Hitler (although he never admitted as much during his lifetime). Because he was forced to take his own life by Hitler he was thus elevated to one of those ‘good’ Nazis. You know the ones. The type the BBC tacitly approve of.
Why the quotes around “Dr”? It’s customary to grant the honorific Doctor to those who have completed a period of original research and written a thesis which passes the assessors. Which Tom Shakespeare has done so he’s unambiguously entitled to it.. Although as a Quaker eschewing styles and titles I believe he doesn’t use the honorific himself. He’s also a third baronet and this part of the English gentry; he doesn’t use that either.
I don’t know that many politians or polital theorists have been featured (Winston Churchill and STanley Baldwin certainly have) but there’s been plenty of establishment figures. Field Marshall Slim, Florence Nightingale, Bertie Denning, Pope John Paul II and the Duke of Wellington have all been subjects: none of them exactly rabid Trotskyites.
instead of waffling all that bollox, why didnt u just say he’s got a doctorate in philosophy?
His doctorate is in sociology though, not really worth the paper it is printed on, but thick ppl need qualifications too so they can work for idiot organisations like the BBC, thats why they study sociology and other useless subjects like Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Just listening to Simon Hayes on PM as I write, as he “welcomes” the news that the EAW has been removed from the King family.
He seems to still be the Police Commissioner for Hants…won`t ask about the vote this nonentity got, but hey…
Is this the same Simon Hayes who was defending the EAW yesterday on the Toady Show after the 8am news?
You betcha!
If ever there was a case of a double minded quisling nomark with two sets of matching buzzwords to suit both his cases-depending on what`s happened, and who`s winning…it`ll be Hannibal Haze here.
At least it was only 333 hours ago…so that`s a long time to the well padded mealy mouthed bureaucrat…pity that some of use get used to the same old names.
To whit…Howard Davies flutters up on the Toady dungheap this morning to give us all his two cents on Boris Island, and the third runway.
He`s something in Airports!
I know that name-wasn`t he the Audit Commission smoothie/baldy chops not a few years ago…and then the smoothie/baldy chops who went, after the LSE was found buying degrees for Gadhaffis elder son?
Gawd…talk about recycling nonentities? How many rolled caps does Sir Howard have…more or less than Chris Smith?…Sue Slipman?…Suzie Leather?…Lisa Jardine?
is there an index?…and who exactly lets these nomarks slither from one non-job to another as we stump up?
A question Owen Jones won`t be addressing in his new book…these are the “Good ” Establishment, unelected, unaccountable…oh, so Leftish huh?
Anyway BBC, now you ve filled 2 days with a sick child non story, that “small area, 3 small wards in Rotherham, which tells you everything about the scale, the danger, and insidious complicion, of this interrelated bunch.
The “discrimination” lever was obviously being used to silence critics, muslims who got themselves into advantageous positions
in local government, are actually stated as putting “barriers” in the way of the report.”
A erm … “Expose?” … On the BBC tomorrow morning?
… no … I didn t think so either.”
George “Judenfrei” Galloway … despite his “broken jaw”? and being battered and bludgeoned for over 3 minutes, by a “bat out of hell “madman … looks surprisingly well
While PM brings on Pam Ayres to make the case for powerful vacuum cleaners Roger Harrabin tells us that it just another of those EU ‘bent banana’ stories.
His web article tells us: “According to the European Commission, the new rules will help combat climate change and reduce energy costs by saving 19 terawatt-hours every year by 2020. That amounts to the electricity produced by more than four nuclear power plants for 5.5 million households.”
I’ve just done my own annual energy audit and find that 8.3% comes from electricity, 26.4% from gas and 65.3% from diesel.
Clearly vacuum cleaning isn’t a ‘planet killer’!
Using the EU Commissions figures the savings amount to 0.04 kWh per person per year. They seem to assume that the savings amount to one twentieth of an individual’s electrical energy use. As an aside why can’t these people use real figures instead of ambiguous units of generation, (nuclear power plant), and consumption, (households)?
Perhaps it is to hide the fact that 19 terawatt-hours equates to 19,000 Megawatt-hours. Divide that by 8760 (hours in a year) gives 2.17 Megawatt. Divide that by four to produce the per ‘nuclear power plant’ figure yields 0.54 Megawatt! There are ‘bird mincers’ bigger than that! Heysham 2 nuclear power station is rated at 1250 Megawatt i.e. 2,300 times bigger than an EUC nuclear power plant! Plenty of capacity for our 2.2 kW vacuum cleaners there then.
In a few years’ time when Harrabin is on his arthritis-riddled knees, sweeping the floors of his oh-so humble abode because vacuum cleaners have been banned completely, and when he is trying to read by flickering candlelight the latest article in ‘Nature’ on why man-made CO2 has caused the new mini- ice age, he might, just might, reflect on where he went wrong.
Whoops! As you were. The floor sweeping and candles will be for the rest of us – he will be safe and warm in his diesel generator-powered Islington Gated Mansion Community for Retired Climate Change Visionaries (chief benefactor UN World Eco-Government, President A. Gore).
Harrabin will be on smart meters, like the rest of us.
The difference will be that when there isn’t enough power to go around the rest of us will be remotely disconnected while our leaders and ‘opinion formers’ will stay connected.
Be smart, don’t opt for smart metering. The whole point of them is to bring in UN-inspired rationing.
I wish some of the next generation used even a fraction of the electricity they are calculated to use on vacuuming. But the power they use on charging their computers, their phones, their cameras etc. and why hasn’t the EU insisted we return to analogue cathode ray TVs with a 15″screen to save energy I don’t know.
To be fair the Wattage of vacuum cleaners does not translate into performance at all, in much the same way as American gas guzzlers with huge engines are.
I own one of the most powerful vacuum cleaners on the market, and yet it only draws 600 Watts. The problem is that there isn’t a readily available spec for the amount of air moved and the power of the vacuum. Manufacturer are increasing the power consumption in an effort to convince people that theirs is the better vacuum.
There are approx. 26.4 million households in the UK, assuming they each have the more powerful 2KW models then it’s over 50 megawatts. Get it down to 500W (and there’s no good reason why they can’t) and you save 37.5 MW !
There’s another problem which goes hand in hand with this, and that’s the level of peak time demand, and vacuuming unfortunately adds to that.
Without a doubt it’s a heavy handed sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it isn’t as bad as the EU banning clocks on appliances like Microwaves ! Now as a result people have buy another device which uses even more electric, and no longer have automatic timing to switch the oven on & off so the owner can come home to a hot meal. The amount saved can be measured in milliwatts !
“I own one of the most powerful vacuum cleaners on the market, and yet it only draws 600 Watts.”
If you own one, it’s already happening, so why do we need more legislation? Electricity isn’t dished out free; nobody wants to buy more than they need to.
Some people need a shop vac in the garage. Nobody in their right mind is going to use a £200 Dyson or similar for DIY mess. Wouldn’t last long.
How would you know which is powerful and which is not when the only measurement quoted is the power consumption?
The one I have is quite old so it’s not a new thing.
I agree that the EU would have been better legislating to give customers the choice over the performance, instead of depriving them of choice.
What makes me wonder though is they can legislate about a vacuum cleaner, but why don’t they ban cars with cc over 3 Liters? Why does someone need a car with a 7 liter engine?
Well that would deprive the apparatchiks of their flashy 6.0L Mercedes & BMWs, and Roll Royces, Bentleys, etc etc and while they can do it to a housewife they don’t want the same to apply to them & their mates.
It’s relatively easy to get a feel for a vacuum cleaner’s static pressure (ie: ability to lift, as opposed to simply create a strong draught – not the same thing) and some manufacturers do have this information available, particularly for professional customers.
Domestic customers with dogs need decent vacuum cleaners. A revolving brush head helps but the cleaner has to be able remove the dog hair from the brush once it has picked it up so a decent amount of power is needed.
But don’t you use up as much electricity by having to go over the same area to clear the stuff the less powerful Hoover didn’t clear in the first place?
Beeboids are incapable of political self-criticism on the destructive role they have played, and still play, by-
a.) enforcing their very dangerous belief in ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ on issues ranging from mass immigration into U.K , to widespead sex abuse by Pakistani Muslim gangs on English white girls;
b.) deferring to Islamic interests only, not to majority non-Muslims, on the nature of Islam; and Beeboids daily censor the reality of Islam in practice.
In order to preserve a bit of political impartiality on the part of the BBC, I think he should twice use the epithet “wanker” when talking about Ed Milliband.
I’m surprised no-one has noticed this yet: Africa’s farmers face ‘failed seasons’ risks Many small-scale farmers across Africa face the threat from “failed seasons”, a report has warned.
The 2014 African Agriculture Status Report says the vital food producers face a risk of being overwhelmed by the pace and severity of climate change.
Still, never mind, they’re only African. Let’s all keep on wasting as much energy as we can, put our fingers in our ears and sing la-la-la-la-la-it’s-nothing-to-do-with-me-and-it’s-all-a-leftie-plot.
‘The report warned that changes to the climate could result in the number of malnourished people in sub-Saharan Africa increasing by 40% by 2050 – from 223 million people to 355 million people.’
That would be what those failed models keep telling them – the ones that didn’t predict 18 years of flat temperatures. Still, the BBC are happy to keep on reporting ‘scientists’ who keep on using them, the same BBC caught with its pants down sucking off its 28gate eco-mates.
‘The results were puzzling. Although the simulation produced a number of pronounced droughts lasting several decades each, these did not match the timing of known megadroughts. In fact, drought occurrences were no more in agreement when the model was fed realistic values for variables that influence rainfall than when it ran control simulations in which the values were unrealistically held constant.
“The model seems to miss some of the dynamics that drive large droughts,” says study participant Jason Smerdon, a researcher at Lamont-Doherty who studies historical climate patterns.’
American journalist Steven Sotloff beheaded by member(s) of ISIS. Video of the beheading circulating across media and internet. It will be interesting to see how the BBC cover this.
Last night’s Panorama, that was critical of the police’s (non) handling of the Rotherham paedo gangs was produced by Ms Karen Wightman. She was also the producer of the Panorama, some ten years ago, that went undercover and infiltrated the BNP. You must remember Nick Griffin, being secretly recorded, warning his cohorts of the dangers of Muslim men grooming young white girls. And what did the public spirited Ms Wightman do with this information? She passed it onto the police. It’s a bloody conspiracy.
BTW you can see the original if you go to you tube and put in BBC, Panorama, secret agent.
If the new programme was meant to be some sort of mea culpa apology for her vindictiveness last time – it ain’t good enough. She ought to resign – now THAT would be an OK apology.
Interesting. Well spotted jeff.
Who is surprised though?
Unfortunately it is just what one now expects from the BBC stuffed to the rafters with Guardian recruited left wing placements, supporting a Labour agenda that got us into this serious god dam awful Muslim mess here and overseas.
The Labour ineptitude over 13 years in every department of state has impoverished this once proud beacon of world democracy, common sense and decency that was once in the premier league of most respected nations.
No longer can we be that great example and possibly we will never recover our former tolerant pleasant land put through the mincer almost to destruction by the last Labour administration.
It will take at least a tortuous generation to just put the finances right and hopefully integrate and cope with the infrastructure of the mass Labour initiated immigration.
We really need to work at it now.
As I remember it turned out that the BBC had filmed over a hundred hours of secret footage of their agent provocateur trying to illicit the desired evidence, which they then creatively edited down to a few minuets ( and still failed to find the evidence they wanted )
During all that time they must have become aware of he accusations of the nature and scale of these war crimes,
Even if they didn’t follow them up (investigative journalists that they are) they (the BBC) must have been aware of them throughout .Which makes their previous, long standing , censorship of these atrocities even worse.
(P.S. while I don’t use the term myself , I can understand how some might feel that this behaviour earns the epithet Scum)
I keep ringing out the alarm bells and no one seems to be listening !
If Liebour and their cohorts are prepared to actively cover up the worst crimes possible to commit – child rape and exploitation (that means forced prostitution for those who don’t know)! Then what else are they covering up which isn’t quite so outrageous that it makes the headlines.
During the nu Liebour years a blind eye was turned to Pakistani drug dealing and it was openly and blatantly carried out. Young Pakistanis were driving some very expensive cars whilst not having any apparent means to support that. When the Tories got in that changed to some extent.
It must run through every department of the public sector including education and planning and even disabled badges, where Pakistanis are allowed to break any law they please with impunity !
To emphasise INBBC’s political position on Islamic State, the only words used in INBBC report as a sub-heading are ‘Arrogant policy’; those words do not refer to any Western criticism of Islamic State, but are INBBC’s highlighted words of the Islamic State which criticise the West!
Thanks for that, Gardner and INBBC! Whose side are you on? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29038217
And the poor lads mother is played on The World Tonight…as she pleads for her sons life.
What the f*** was the thinking behind playing this plea, now the boys been hideously murdered?
My guess is that it`s only so the BBC can pretend to “emote” about the murder…and hope that they play us in the same way like a tuning fork.
You notice that the BBC always likes to emote-get the victims soundbites, preferably with tears-before asking an expert what ISIS/Rotherham Muslims actions “mean”…what “the message was”.
Bastards-they wallow in white blood, and soften up the nation to be endless victims and mourners for the coming Kallifate!
THAT`S why they played the desperate last plea from a mother to spare her sons life…to make us weak and weepy, with absolutely no allowance for revenge…
Funny that it`s a Ritalah Shah asking the questions…wonder what HER allegiance may turn out to be.
Among the others, to the mother, somewhat insensitive having Shah asking the questions.
Completely orchestrated, I agree and sinks to the lowest
cheapest standard of the “reality” tv pap we have to endure far to much of today, where some talking head chips in among emotional bullet points.
A second beheading appearing almost expected and run of the mill – how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ‘YES this is everything to do with Islam and we are going to have to deal with it’
Anyone else’s thoughts?
A second beheading, and the left is in denial, as they are over the rape and torture of 1400 British children – with more details to follow. Poverty, lack of equality, US and UK foreign policy, and all are replacing Islam as the central issue. Just bloody well wait unti they carry out an execution of the British hostage and see Cameron on his BBC explaining that it has nothing to do with Islam.
“how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ”
We have had, a young soldier attacked, his head virtually sawn off, in the UK, on a Woolwich street, the muslims who did it giving a phone lecture, with blood still on their hands …
that should have been the “straw that broke the camels back” … “the line in the sand” … should!
David Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt of Woolwich Muslim Murder attack
Also thought about this. IMO, sooner or later there will be a massacre involving many victims along the lines of Beslan, and civil unrest will kick off. Only then will a UK government act with appropriate resolve. It might not be tomorrow, or the day after, and it might even be in another European country, spreading to the UK.
Without diminishing the seriousness of Lee Rigby’s murder, I don’t think that individual murders will do it, unless part of a clear sequence. Might be wrong about that though.
Notwithstanding CPS, who are supposed to be totally independent, the intervention of the PM to get the European Arrest Warrant annulled in the Ashya King’s case has to be applauded. That poor sick lad has now got his parents by his hospital bedside exactly where they should be.
Again what can we expect from CPS after there has been a Labour partnering placement, Human Rights Barrister. Kier Starmer in charge for so long:
You get exactly what you pay for – criminal Pakistani Muslim gangs roaming all over our land practicing their Pedophilia with little chance of a response from the partnering Labour backed Councils, Councillors, MPs, Ministers of State and PC Council Officers.
I have noticed that those on the right are getting bolder. Good. The liberal illusion is just that- an illusion and it is time it was dispelled and new men and women start to come to the fore.
The liberal elite is discredited. Rotherham has been the last straw. Failure to protect the nation’s vulnerable young is an offence that cannot be forgiven.
The three old parties need to go. Quickly if the land is to be renewed and restored.
I despise them all. Our here in my shire that is now the normality of people’s views
As for the chief media voice of the liberal elite – the BBC .
It is worthless.
I also hope that “Blackburn is the last Straw” in view of D. MacShane’s revelations about pressures on him to hush up the Muslim gang rapes by the former Foreign Secretary and Blackburn MP.
dave s ….
You are right, because of the brutal nature of Muslim atrocities and criminal poison within our land and around the world, the Liberal left appeasement conspiracy can no longer be hidden.
The Labour diversity multiculturalism agenda, to rub the right noses in it for ‘left power and votes’, can no longer be hidden and indeed has come back to bite them ferociously due to the fundamental medieval fault lines within the religion of peace .
The BBC following the Liberal left agenda are now well implicated within the reality blame game now being played out.
Good question. Rather clearly not, dragging us back again into BBC ‘unique’ territory.
Clarifying when views are ‘own’ or ‘pwn’ under BBC management non-interference or interference rules may make for an entertaining FOI attempt, at least until an exemption ‘for the purposes of can’t answer so don’t have to’ gets whipped out quicker than Hugs can intone ‘holding power to account’.
So you can tweet what you like about Israelis, the British, UKIP, Bush and any other favoured BBC political punchbag but you can’t say there are too many Pakistanis in the country?
How many does it take, then, before the BBC consider it ‘too many’? And who the hell do they think they are that they see themselves fit to arbitrate?
Proof, if proof were needed, that when it becomes to ‘views their own’, employees still have to don the BBC-approved PC straitjacket.
The BBC – just another bunch of hypocritical socialist country-wrecking bastards
What goes around, comes around. Michael Scheuer ex CIA & old bin Laden hand was highly critical of Bush’s Iraq adventure and therefore became a go to guy for the BBC. Today the World Service calls him up again, but now it is the Beeboid who is extolling the benefits of American bombs falling (on IS) on Iraq. Scheuer, no fan of Obama’s military posture, wants none of it but prefers withdrawal to Fortress America in the hope that Sunni & Shia fight each other to a standstill.
BBC London tv news – or should I say left-wing notice board ‘come and pin up any old tosh and we’ll call it today’s headline….’
This morning it’s the turn of the TUC who rush into the newsroom with a scrap of paper purporting to be ‘research’ that says unemployment is up and naturally the BBC oblidge by sticking it prominently in our face. Thank goodness the brothers and sisters don’t have to pay for their political advertising campaigns.
It’s BBc Breakfast and a report from Bridgewater on works to combat rising sea levels and climate change……Yea right. Followed by an interview with an “environmental campaigner”….yea right. High point is when local resident takes off his hard hat and when says well I don’t think the sky is going to fall on me or be hit by a car as they stand on the wetlands with a JCB visible in the far distance.
The imposition of ‘DIVERSITY’ rules on British people extend from diktats of Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL at BBC, to British Film Institute (BFI)-
“Films must ‘tick boxes’ on diversity to win funds:
BFI sets targets for number of female, gay and ethnic minority actors and crew.”
Britain’s and European Union’s political class (inc BBC) decided that Western Europe must be colonised by mass immigration from unlimited millions of people from mainly Asia and Africa, not least from poorer Islamic countries; once resident in Western Europe, such people have not been expected to integrate into indigenous European society, but have been given preferential economic and cultural treatment.
The irreversible colonisation of Britain is well under way, and the BBC continues to play its full part in this, not least by its imposition of HALL’s ‘diversity’ rules on British people.
Just another reminder the Labour/BBC ‘love-in’ continues.
Talk about jobs for the boys:
Quote from your link:
“As a senior civil servant at the Department of Culture Media and Sport, Davey was parachuted into the supposedly independent ACE to bring it in line with government thinking. His Secretary of State at DCMS was James Purnell.
Purnell is now Director of Strategy and Digital at the BBC, right-hand man to the Director General, Tony Hall.
The shadowy head-hunter who has nominated Davey for the Radio 3 vacancy is Nicky Oppenheimer, a Cabinet Office official under Tony Blair.
These old New Labour networks think they are still running the country.
Perhaps they are.”
I watched “Who Do You Think You Are”, the other day, and, yet again, it was obsessed with Ireland and the ira. It’s pretty obvious that the beebyanka are tailoring this series for sale to any remaining Yanks who can (a) understand English and (b) haven’t yet defected to isis.
Somebody called Brendan O’Carroll, of whom I’d never heard, a resident of Dublin, where they get beeboidtv for free, wanted to know who had murdered his grandfather. Now, there is no disputing that his grandfather was, indeed, murdered and a plausible case was made (but not one that would stand up in any court of law, outside Strasbourg) that a British officer was the murderer.
What really grated was the use of the words “executed” and “execution”, to refer to cold-blooded murder, committed by both sides, without any kind of judicial process. This goes along with the abolition of the word “terrorist” from beebyanka terminology.
Steven Sotloff, RIP, was murdered by isis terrorists. According to the beeboids, his death was by “beheading” by “militants”. Yes, he was beheaded, but the way the beeboids referred to his murder that way made it sound like a surgical procedure, rather than an abominable crime. Furthermore, the word “militant”, which the spineless Telegraph also routinely adopts, usurps the proper place of “terrorist” – yet again.
We know that the beebyanka is keeping the word “terrorist” in a cupboard, spick and span, for the day when it can, however tenuously, associate an atrocity with Republicans, the Tea Party, Conservatives, Ukip, or Aussie Liberals.
For now, if you only get your seven year-old to wave the decapitated head of someone you never knew, someone you butchered on behalf of barely understood texts, someone who, unlike you, could actually read the koran in Arabic, that makes you no more than a “militant”.
There’s a lot of tailoring going on, and some of it is not too subtle.
Hot on the heels of beheading Christians (that’s them doing it, not as victims, which has happened in reality, lately… not much?), taking out retreating aliens, etc, the latest laying on with a trowel appeared on my screen in the form of the ‘new’ series of ‘New Tricks’.
Even the old one was a trial, but as Top Gear’s India adventure needed kicking into touch pronto by being… sh*t… I was left with few other options.
Seems like half the cast I recall must have died or retired, but they still had an #ardasnailsheartofgold peroxide blonde with a few too many miles on the clock in charge, so Danny Cohen must have been happy.
However the plot… oh, my days. Back to the glory of Greenham Common. It had the lot… betrayed protesters, betrayed betrayers of protestors. A few ‘all they wanted was peace’ quotes. A suicide bombing that wasn’t and seemed to dodge even the dimmest bulb, or plot supervisor in CSI:WIA. Even a plaster cast paperweight of… you don’t want to know.
I stayed to the bitter, dire end as it really was so bad it was actually entertaining.
BBC Response to my complaint about their coverage of the Police shooting in the USA of teenager Michael BROWN in Ferguson.
My complaint was that the BBC said that the police had shot him whilst he was merely walking down the road. They failed to mention the robbery at the store and the fight with a police officer.
Their response is both contradictory and dismissive.
This is the BBC’s response:-
Reference CAS-2881604-SZXW92
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News Website.
“[Michael Brown] was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson.”
You state this “was not the case and is obviously anti-police”.
We appreciate your concerns. However, this simply reflects the fact that Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said in a press conference that “Brown was walking down the middle of the street stopping traffic”. As investigations into the shooting are underway, there are of course differing accounts of what happened before Mr Brown was shot and we have reported this (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29018911 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28924099).
We have reported extensively on the shooting and the events which took place in Ferguson across our news site. We believe our reporting has been fair, impartial and accurate.
All complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
‘We believe our reporting has been fair, impartial and accurate’
The principle of lifting a section out of fuller coverage is of course long and dishonourably established, especially by the semanticists at the BBC, plus of course dodgy theatre posters.
Yes, Roland. They watered down even further his actions as:
”’The 18-year-old was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson”’
.. and didn’t ‘teen and pre-teen girls’ used to be ‘children’ and the ‘men’ who raped them used to be ‘paedophile rapists’? Still, what’s in a word eh?
A couple of pointers
Psychology: Deradicalizing Muslim terrorists
Dr Nicolai Sennels
“As a prison psychologist I have dealt with more than a hundred criminal Muslims.
Based on my professional experiences and conclusions, I have written extensively about the psychology of the Muslim mentality and violence, including being involved in the court case against the killer and Guantanamo prisoner Omar Khadr”.
Sennels is a former prison psychologist in Copenhagen, Denmark. He told Arutz Sheva that his clients were of the same social-economic background and age but different along religious lines.
“The Danish were brought up to feel that anger was negative. Muslims were brought to feel that anger was a way to show strength,” Sennels stated. “The concept of honor made Muslims insecure. In the Western concept, there is an inner locus of control, while in Muslim societies, there is an outer locus of control, meaning, they feel their lives are mainly controlled by outside factors.” Sennels also said that in his studies, the Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.
Nicolai Sennels has worked in Copenhagen’s youth prison, where 70% of the prisoners have a Muslim background.
goodness – violence, anger, victim mentality, identity, honour culture, tolerance, regret … sheesh! … think the Rotherham report was damning?
Sennels is a former prison psychologist in Copenhagen, Denmark. He told Arutz Sheva that his clients were of the same social-economic background and age but different along religious lines.
“The Danish were brought up to feel that anger was negative. Muslims were brought to feel that anger was a way to show strength,” Sennels stated. “The concept of honor made Muslims insecure. In the Western concept, there is an inner locus of control, while in Muslim societies, there is an outer locus of control, meaning, they feel their lives are mainly controlled by outside factors.” Sennels also said that in his studies, the Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.
I don t think he will be aired on BBC anytime soon
I must have watched one too many swords and sandals epic, as it was my… clearly incorrect… notion that ‘honour’ was the bedrock of the whole sorry cluster-FUBAR, to the extent they have tried (and with the BBC succeeded) in porting over the notion of a bunch of dickless male relatives murdering a defenceless female as an ‘honour killing’. White stallions and desert oases of civilisation notable by absence.
‘Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.’
I hear that a lot. Just not sure on what basis and from where they get this notion. For the last millennium they have created about zip, and when engaged in anything vaguely competitive, like a few wars with a minute state with a small population bazillions of them surround, they had their tushes handed them.
Anyone might think there was a small element of inadequacy, low self esteem and unresolved frustrated bully impulses at play.
About all I can see is a fair few sit on top of a bunch of oil other people pay a small elite a king’s ransom for to extract and take elsewhere, and very little of that cash goes much further than Thai brothels, London casinos or German car dealerships.
The last two items on BBC News(Radio 4, 8am) were about Gary Barlows tax affairs being discussed on Twitter, and the notion that Oxford and Vienna Universities have jointly discovered that cockatoos train each other in using sticks to get discarded seeds.
Presumably,the cockatoos pay tax on their bounty.
Bloody hell-OXford Uni?..Vienna?..Gary Barlow?
Welcome to the end of the news….we pay for this tosh.
I wonder how many in the UK really know about one of their MPs involvement with Muslim terrorist organisations:
I bet quite a few on here will be surprised about the extent of terrorist organisations connections of this ex-16 years Labour MP (until he got kicked out):
I’m sure reading on will explain, but currently intrigued as how an illegal immigrant can refuse to leave a country. Maybe resolved by asking extra nicely? Or is there one of them thar courts lurking again, replete with well-funded, drag-out lawyers?
Re the threat to the British hostage from ISIS.
What`s to stop us taking Anjem Choudhury and nine others like him into “protective custody” right by the old gallows in Wormwood Scrubs…the BBC will worry about it being a bit grubby, but you can`t have everything.
And should anything happen to the British hostage-well the likes of Lee Rigbys murderers get a chance to sleep with 72 virgins, or eat 72 grapes that bit early…a voluntary suicide for the BBC to fuss over, but ISIS will at least get the point.
Has anybody told the “Islam for Dunnies” nutters that the Koran isn`t clear that they`ll be FEAMALE virgins by the way…if they`re male, that`ll only please them, I`d guess.
Is anybody keeping a tab on just how often ex-Labour stooges get the chance to discuss events that they long lost any right to speak on.
Just heard Tessa Jowell blurting on Steve Howletts “Media Show”.
Didn`t she leave “office” in 2010…so why, four years later are we paying her phone bill as she sounds off about how great the BBC is…and this new private sector woman for the BBC Trust may well be a problem.
Not being a union bod, Guardian shill; or (of course) A Guardian reader by nature.
Who decides that we meed to ask Tessa Jowell about probity-didn`t her ex do all the accounts with Berlusconi, so that paid-off mortgage of hers was a mystery to her…her being female and not doing numbers and stuff( Vicky Pryce defence c/o Womans Hour).
Utter crap from Howlin`..as ever…with only Guardian Trusties like Peter Preston to use as echo chambers, we all now know that this private sector lady bothers the Trusties…who`d rather enjoyed a Patten to guard for Saviles…not this girlie!
The BBC are odiuos-who is keeping count of their choice of guests…all Labour, despite that particular party having been out of office for the last four years.
Not out of power though-and the BBC insist that this continues…tossers!
Back to Savile and this article (below) by Miles Goslett in ‘The Oldie Magazine’. In it he makes clear that the BBC is still covering up the Savile cover up.
It beggars belief that the BBC;
– continue to refuse to disclose or admit who pulled the Newsnight investigation into Savile.
– are standing by the flawed Pollard review – even though Pollard himself says that he wrongly omitted testimony from Helen Boaden on ‘who knew what’
– That Patten (the representative of the licence fee payer) and three other BBC Trust Members colluded in the cover-up, meeting and deciding that the ‘Pollard confession’ / omission did not change the Pollard review and that the report could not be altered.
Patten has gone (thank God). The very first thing that his replacement should do is find out who those other three ‘Trustees’ were AND SACK THEM.
The BBC and the so-called Trust cannot be trusted.
‘Lets be blunt-somebody was either lying or seriously misinformed over what the BBC said to the South Yorkshire police about the investigation into Cliff Richard and the members of the Home Affairs Committee seemed pretty clear it wasn’t the BBC at fault.
‘The Committee Chairman Keith Vaz offered an immediate verdict that the BBC had acted ‘perfectly properly’ in this affair.
Uh-oh. Vaz? Immediate verdict? Nothing to see here.
When the BBC broadcast an interview of three people in the street, and all three happen to support the BBC’s narrative, does the BBC delete all those who didn’t agree when interviewed??
It’s very easy for a street interviewer for instance to speak to 15 passers-by and submit the recordings for editorial ‘culling’, i.e. delete those whose views clash with that of the BBC
Such interviews have the ability to change public opinion and can be dangerous if misused.
Does this happen?
I would like disclosure of what ALL the passers-by the BBC interviewed have to say on a subject. This would ensure objective balance, clarity and transparency…
Wait a minute…this is the BBC. They don’t have to do that.
The police though, have to disclose all their interviews to the defence and ultimately the Criminal Court for scrutiny.
In an early episode of Jonathan Creek the magician painted a number on his chest, hid it under his jumper than asked people in the street to name a number between 1 and 50. Everyone who gave the wrong number was thanked and allowed to move on. When someone gave the “right” number the magician lifted his jumper to show the same number painted on his chest. Cue applause.
BBC News isn’t too proud to learn from the Drama Department.
Dave repeating old QI’s last night and Fry asked, ‘what’s the biggest joke to come out of Alaska?’* Quick as a flash, BBC fave and dumpy Dane Sandy Toxic chipped in with, ‘Sarah Palin’. Que much audience mirth and panel hysteria. I reckon she’s just jealous cos Palin’s a good looking woman and she’s a ugly, squat, lard bucket who’s about as funny as an outbreak of ebola in an orphanage.
*some dude in Alaska filled a volcano with tyres and fireworks and set them off to con people into thinking there was an eruption. I wish someone would chuck Toxic into a volcano, preferably an active one.
i feel a bit sad today,god knows why, shes gone,after 15 years at radio 5 live shelagh fogarty has been given the big heave ho,thats that,but it does not finish there,next week vicky derbyshire is going,and richard bacon,i wonder, just wonder if we will miss them,not sure,just not sure.
Fogarty was tolerable if a bit keen to titter on at her own jokes.
The other two are Radio 5 Live assembly-line brain-deads.
Bacon, albeit it from my very limited experience of his programme, can’t go five minutes without dropping enormous ‘hints’ about his future blah blah Los Angeles blah blah TV opportunities.
In his absolute dreams – he gets work in the UK because Droid Broadcasting operates producer capture – it believes it exists to provide work opportunity for its employees not entertainment/ education for us.
American television will have zero interest in Bacon, not even a Mexy cable channel sitting at no. 237 on your channel changer.
BBC – J Biden – Chase ISIS to gates of hell?
how about … J Kerry said “it was the United States’ Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change,” including to protect “vulnerable Muslim majority countries.”
sheesh! … act crazy somewhere else, we re all out here!
Lets have some sanity … always a pleasure …
bad news and badder attitude
wonderful combination
Pat Condell – Rotherham
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Will this latest BBC-NUJ strike be held during Tory conference so as to maximise BBC-NUJ anti-Tory, pro-Labour Party political effect?
“NUJ ballot sees three quarters of voters agree to BBC News strike action”
I can see there’s not much BBC-NUJ news coverage of Islamic State, Boko Haram, Rotherham, and of Le Pen in France.
Oh, that’s before the BBC-NUJ strike starts.
I spotted this (obscurely published, of course) on the bbbc news website……
‘A violent extremist video was shown to pupils in a Birmingham state school’.
Link :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29028960
……….I thought the bbbc have been telling us that islam is the ‘religion of peace’.
If ever there was a piece of damning evidence then this is it. However, due to the bliar and brown policy of ‘mass immigration just so that they might vote for us’, the problem of the ‘religion of peace’ is now firmly set in this country and, with the aid of the bbbc we will all be living under sharia law in 20 yrs (or less).
An English Gentleman wrote:
“‘A violent extremist video was shown to pupils in a Birmingham state school’.
I had to go to Birmingham News to find that the film was a Jihad recruiting film. But what makes this even more damning is in the run up to the reports being published the bBC afforded so much airtime to the people in the spotlight in which to allow them to plead their innocence and that they were victims of….Islamophobia.
The bbBC even allowed Tahir Alam, the former chairman of the Park View Educational Trust to vent his spleen about how he was forced out and how this was…politically motivated’
Yet the bBC didn’t mention this about the Pakistani Muslim:
“Tahir Alam, chairman of governors at Park View school in the city, called for “girls [to] be covered except for their hands and faces”, advocated gender segregation in some school activities, and attacked a “multicultural approach” to collective worship.He described how state schools must be changed to “take account of Muslim sensitivities and sensibilities with respect to sexual morality” with “girlfriend/boyfriend as well as homosexual relationships” treated as “not acceptable practices according to Islamic teachings”.Mr Alam’s document says that aspects of the National Curriculum, such as dance, should be ignored as “not consistent with the Islamic requirements for modesty”. It adds that “dance performances before a mixed-gender audience may be objectionable”.
Schools should “try to avoid scheduling swimming lessons during Ramadan”, the document says, to avoid Muslim pupils accidentally swallowing water and breaking their fast. “School balls, discos and fashion shows that might inadvertently exclude pupils from the Islamic faith background” should be avoided, it adds.
Ah Pounce, this goes much deeper and further back than you think, and Tahir Alam is not the source, merely quoting government PC policy.
It was a Fatwah issued by the Muslim Council of Britain as far back as 2007 and enthusiastically adopted by the Liebour controlled department of education which issued it as guidance.
in 2010 the BBC reported it as “Schools advised against swimming lessons in Ramadan”.
We can now in the light of recent events see the extremism which has been allowed by the Liebour party to affect the education of millions of non Muslim pupils, and that is all part of the lefts move towards a Fascist ideology which they can’t bring themselves to recognise.
It wasn’t done because the Nu Liebour Fascists thought Muslims would vote for them, they had a policy of mass immigration because they wanted to ‘rub the Tories noses in diversity’.
Along the way it became clear that there is a very short term boost to the economy which quickly turn into a massive drag. A huge and continuing net immigration is needed to avoid the downturn, hence Scameron maintaining the mass immigration program.
Of course despite the guy being supposedly intelligent he is so monumentally selfish that he is only thinking of his own ministerial term.
Interestingly someone on the right (maybe Carswell) recently said that the Tories have no Political aims or Policies, other than to gain power and to hold onto it at any price.
This is why the strange actions happen. He’s never going to tell the truth about Muslims because he daren’t lose a single vote !
Totally self serving and morally bankrupt leftie Dave fits the stereotype of the greedy grasping Tory very well.
Will this get beyond the BBC-NUJ picket line?:-
“The private school jihadist: As PM unveils new terror crackdown, a Scots girl incites bloody massacre on British streets.
“Glasgow-born Aqsa Mahmood, 20, was educated at top private school.
“She left university last year to fight in Syria, now married and living there.
“Tweets Islamic State propaganda praising ‘brothers from Woolwich.’
“In June she wrote: ‘If you cannot make it to battlefield, bring it to yourself.’
“Police and security services have confirmed they are aware of Mahmood .”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2740268/The-private-school-jihadist-As-PM-unveils-new-terror-crackdown-Scots-girl-incites-bloody-massacre-British-streets.html#ixzz3CAe5pTVC
The Labour Party has suspended 4 senior councilors at Rotherham. Oddly enough, I have not heard this news on the BBC.
The chief constable of South Yorkshire Police has told MPs the BBC put his force in “a very difficult position” over a planned search of Sir Cliff Richard’s home
“My concern was that if we showed the BBC the door, the very clear impression which had been left with my staff in the media department was that they were likely to publish the story. That would have impeded our investigation.”
Why weren’t they arrested for interfering with Police investigations?
Why aren’t they being arrested now?
‘The ante has been raised by Director of News James Harding, writing to the police – and sharing the letter with the press’
Popcorn duly grabbed. I wonder if/when this exchange is ready to view/
Is this security action an additional political pretext for Beeboids to oppose nuclear power?:-
“France upholds ban on Muslim engineer from nuclear sites for his links to ‘jihadist networks’; his lawyer cries ‘Islamophobia.'”
For any “Pakistani Heritage” … “Asian” … “witch hunted” , “men” who have “nothing to do with Islam” paedophiles that Beebot s
religious thought police try so painstakingly to protect.
Psychologist on Muslim rape gangs.
Psychology of sexual abuse is ingrained IN THEIR RELIGION and culture
“There are several reasons for this. The FIRST IS ISLAM.
It is a fact that its founder and prime role model liked to rape small children.
Mohammed, the prime example for Muslims, married Aisha when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine. Besides, according to the Quran (4:24), Muslims are allowed to have sex with females slaves — which is exactly what their young victims are.
Uncovered women are in many Muslim cultures seen as a kind of prostitute, and if a man is aroused by such a female, then — partly due to the corrupted logic of responsibility within Muslim psychology — the female is blamed for being raped (and will therefore often face execution).”
Nicolai Sennels – Translated from the Danish
following on from No10, Camoron, and the BBCs head scratching
“This absurd idea is based on the British government’s fundamental and unshakable assumption that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and that jihad terrorists are misunderstanding and misinterpreting it. So all that needs to be done is teach them the true, peaceful Islam, and all will be well, right?” … UH OH!
R Spencer
With that report in mind, here s another for the BBC to ignore, concerning … UKs returning jihadi s – what to do?
Dr Nicolai Sennels – Psychology:
De-radicalizing Muslim terrorists
Cameron is mad, he wants returning hard nosed Jihadis to go on a Diversity Sensitivity training course.
Will Cameron ask Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL to set up courses for such Islamic jihadists?
(By the way, where is the ‘diversity’, except non-British ‘diversity’, in the BBC’s apartheid ‘Asian Network’ radio station?)
Fine, so long as this Diversity Sensitivity course is run by the SAS, in a remote part of Iraq.
Now that the sick boy story about weird fundamental Christian parents is juddering to an awkward stop what will the BBC spin next to keep attention off Ukraine and Rotherham?
Anyone think the EU deserves a Peace Prize for its tireless contributions in Ukraine? Are police raids with BBC helicopters planned for Rotherham paedos or are their crimes less serious or substantiated than Sir Cliff’s?
So Antonio Gramsci constitutes a “Great Life” in the opinion of “Dr” Tom Shakespeare…disabled, disability rights long-term advocate; doing rather well on account of his “issues”.
The BBC seem to love him.
Similarly I recall Chris Hitchens championing Leon Trotsky a few years back.
Clearly these Lefty gonks and cuddly toys of Leftern Privilege have had their impact on ex-Commies and Trots…and there are plenty Lorry Taylor-types who`ll use big words in support of these Che poster boys…the LSE is full of such apologists for Stalins Gulags and Maos Laoghis, and the BBC love to pay them.
But-any chance we`ll get Enoch Powell, Ayn Rand or such like to champion “right wing” causes, by way of balance?
Maybe they have done so…but, knowing the BBC; they won`t have.
To be fair, they did something on Ray Honeyford yesterday that showed the Lefty `tards for what they are…and was reasonably fair to Ray and the few who dared to help him.
PS Brillaint programme on education (The Educators) yesterday, featuring Ken Robinson,,,can only pray that Montague learned something for her Montessori Open Days.
Wonder if the Beeb put this out knowing that Goves Drones were all made to attend the Company Song Days, they call INSET?
Had any teacher heard Ken, they`d probably grow pair and tell the State to f*** off out of education. Gove has done all we could hope for…so break loose you Blunkett Trumpets!
Last week the ‘Great Life’ being profiled (and nominated by Ray Mears no less) was that of Field Marshall Irwin Rommel. Yes, a prominent Nazi was being feted for his ‘genius’ by Paris, Mears and some academic historian put there, no doubt, to reassure doubting listeners that The Great Field Marshal was fully-deserving of the many accolades coming his way.
It was concluded that all things considered and Holocaust notwithstanding, Rommel was almost certainly an all-round ‘good egg’ who ‘probably’ had his velvet-gloved fingers over a conspiracy to kill Hitler (although he never admitted as much during his lifetime). Because he was forced to take his own life by Hitler he was thus elevated to one of those ‘good’ Nazis. You know the ones. The type the BBC tacitly approve of.
Why the quotes around “Dr”? It’s customary to grant the honorific Doctor to those who have completed a period of original research and written a thesis which passes the assessors. Which Tom Shakespeare has done so he’s unambiguously entitled to it.. Although as a Quaker eschewing styles and titles I believe he doesn’t use the honorific himself. He’s also a third baronet and this part of the English gentry; he doesn’t use that either.
I don’t know that many politians or polital theorists have been featured (Winston Churchill and STanley Baldwin certainly have) but there’s been plenty of establishment figures. Field Marshall Slim, Florence Nightingale, Bertie Denning, Pope John Paul II and the Duke of Wellington have all been subjects: none of them exactly rabid Trotskyites.
instead of waffling all that bollox, why didnt u just say he’s got a doctorate in philosophy?
His doctorate is in sociology though, not really worth the paper it is printed on, but thick ppl need qualifications too so they can work for idiot organisations like the BBC, thats why they study sociology and other useless subjects like Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Just listening to Simon Hayes on PM as I write, as he “welcomes” the news that the EAW has been removed from the King family.
He seems to still be the Police Commissioner for Hants…won`t ask about the vote this nonentity got, but hey…
Is this the same Simon Hayes who was defending the EAW yesterday on the Toady Show after the 8am news?
You betcha!
If ever there was a case of a double minded quisling nomark with two sets of matching buzzwords to suit both his cases-depending on what`s happened, and who`s winning…it`ll be Hannibal Haze here.
At least it was only 333 hours ago…so that`s a long time to the well padded mealy mouthed bureaucrat…pity that some of use get used to the same old names.
To whit…Howard Davies flutters up on the Toady dungheap this morning to give us all his two cents on Boris Island, and the third runway.
He`s something in Airports!
I know that name-wasn`t he the Audit Commission smoothie/baldy chops not a few years ago…and then the smoothie/baldy chops who went, after the LSE was found buying degrees for Gadhaffis elder son?
Gawd…talk about recycling nonentities? How many rolled caps does Sir Howard have…more or less than Chris Smith?…Sue Slipman?…Suzie Leather?…Lisa Jardine?
is there an index?…and who exactly lets these nomarks slither from one non-job to another as we stump up?
A question Owen Jones won`t be addressing in his new book…these are the “Good ” Establishment, unelected, unaccountable…oh, so Leftish huh?
The, “cartel” at work?
Anyway BBC, now you ve filled 2 days with a sick child non story, that “small area, 3 small wards in Rotherham, which tells you everything about the scale, the danger, and insidious complicion, of this interrelated bunch.
The “discrimination” lever was obviously being used to silence critics, muslims who got themselves into advantageous positions
in local government, are actually stated as putting “barriers” in the way of the report.”
A erm … “Expose?” … On the BBC tomorrow morning?
… no … I didn t think so either.”
George “Judenfrei” Galloway … despite his “broken jaw”? and being battered and bludgeoned for over 3 minutes, by a “bat out of hell “madman … looks surprisingly well
wherever is that cctv,, phone vid, ipad etc?
sure it would be helpful.
Man denies assaulting MP Galloway BBC
And the perpetrator has been refused bail.
While PM brings on Pam Ayres to make the case for powerful vacuum cleaners Roger Harrabin tells us that it just another of those EU ‘bent banana’ stories.
His web article tells us:
“According to the European Commission, the new rules will help combat climate change and reduce energy costs by saving 19 terawatt-hours every year by 2020. That amounts to the electricity produced by more than four nuclear power plants for 5.5 million households.”
I’ve just done my own annual energy audit and find that 8.3% comes from electricity, 26.4% from gas and 65.3% from diesel.
Clearly vacuum cleaning isn’t a ‘planet killer’!
Using the EU Commissions figures the savings amount to 0.04 kWh per person per year. They seem to assume that the savings amount to one twentieth of an individual’s electrical energy use. As an aside why can’t these people use real figures instead of ambiguous units of generation, (nuclear power plant), and consumption, (households)?
Perhaps it is to hide the fact that 19 terawatt-hours equates to 19,000 Megawatt-hours. Divide that by 8760 (hours in a year) gives 2.17 Megawatt. Divide that by four to produce the per ‘nuclear power plant’ figure yields 0.54 Megawatt! There are ‘bird mincers’ bigger than that! Heysham 2 nuclear power station is rated at 1250 Megawatt i.e. 2,300 times bigger than an EUC nuclear power plant! Plenty of capacity for our 2.2 kW vacuum cleaners there then.
The BBC brings you the facts.
In a few years’ time when Harrabin is on his arthritis-riddled knees, sweeping the floors of his oh-so humble abode because vacuum cleaners have been banned completely, and when he is trying to read by flickering candlelight the latest article in ‘Nature’ on why man-made CO2 has caused the new mini- ice age, he might, just might, reflect on where he went wrong.
Whoops! As you were. The floor sweeping and candles will be for the rest of us – he will be safe and warm in his diesel generator-powered Islington Gated Mansion Community for Retired Climate Change Visionaries (chief benefactor UN World Eco-Government, President A. Gore).
Harrabin will be on smart meters, like the rest of us.
The difference will be that when there isn’t enough power to go around the rest of us will be remotely disconnected while our leaders and ‘opinion formers’ will stay connected.
Be smart, don’t opt for smart metering. The whole point of them is to bring in UN-inspired rationing.
I have read that these smart meters will in fact give the power generators’ the ability to ‘manage peak demand’ In other words ration supply.
I wish some of the next generation used even a fraction of the electricity they are calculated to use on vacuuming. But the power they use on charging their computers, their phones, their cameras etc. and why hasn’t the EU insisted we return to analogue cathode ray TVs with a 15″screen to save energy I don’t know.
To be fair the Wattage of vacuum cleaners does not translate into performance at all, in much the same way as American gas guzzlers with huge engines are.
I own one of the most powerful vacuum cleaners on the market, and yet it only draws 600 Watts. The problem is that there isn’t a readily available spec for the amount of air moved and the power of the vacuum. Manufacturer are increasing the power consumption in an effort to convince people that theirs is the better vacuum.
There are approx. 26.4 million households in the UK, assuming they each have the more powerful 2KW models then it’s over 50 megawatts. Get it down to 500W (and there’s no good reason why they can’t) and you save 37.5 MW !
There’s another problem which goes hand in hand with this, and that’s the level of peak time demand, and vacuuming unfortunately adds to that.
Without a doubt it’s a heavy handed sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it isn’t as bad as the EU banning clocks on appliances like Microwaves ! Now as a result people have buy another device which uses even more electric, and no longer have automatic timing to switch the oven on & off so the owner can come home to a hot meal. The amount saved can be measured in milliwatts !
“I own one of the most powerful vacuum cleaners on the market, and yet it only draws 600 Watts.”
If you own one, it’s already happening, so why do we need more legislation? Electricity isn’t dished out free; nobody wants to buy more than they need to.
Some people need a shop vac in the garage. Nobody in their right mind is going to use a £200 Dyson or similar for DIY mess. Wouldn’t last long.
How would you know which is powerful and which is not when the only measurement quoted is the power consumption?
The one I have is quite old so it’s not a new thing.
I agree that the EU would have been better legislating to give customers the choice over the performance, instead of depriving them of choice.
What makes me wonder though is they can legislate about a vacuum cleaner, but why don’t they ban cars with cc over 3 Liters? Why does someone need a car with a 7 liter engine?
Well that would deprive the apparatchiks of their flashy 6.0L Mercedes & BMWs, and Roll Royces, Bentleys, etc etc and while they can do it to a housewife they don’t want the same to apply to them & their mates.
It’s relatively easy to get a feel for a vacuum cleaner’s static pressure (ie: ability to lift, as opposed to simply create a strong draught – not the same thing) and some manufacturers do have this information available, particularly for professional customers.
Domestic customers with dogs need decent vacuum cleaners. A revolving brush head helps but the cleaner has to be able remove the dog hair from the brush once it has picked it up so a decent amount of power is needed.
Seriously off-topic now.
Wanted to add, but missed the edit deadline:
Good point about cars. No consistency, as you say.
Presumably Mercedes and BMW have more influence than Dyson and Vax.
But don’t you use up as much electricity by having to go over the same area to clear the stuff the less powerful Hoover didn’t clear in the first place?
Beeboids are incapable of political self-criticism on the destructive role they have played, and still play, by-
a.) enforcing their very dangerous belief in ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ on issues ranging from mass immigration into U.K , to widespead sex abuse by Pakistani Muslim gangs on English white girls;
b.) deferring to Islamic interests only, not to majority non-Muslims, on the nature of Islam; and Beeboids daily censor the reality of Islam in practice.
Coverage of the London airports farce on Vine at lunchtime. Boris was interviewed, then the Airports Commission chappie.
All fine and dandy, no apparent BBC agenda.
Then on comes the BBC’s political correspondent to add his 2 penn’orth, during which he twice uses the word ‘blond’ when talking about Boris.
WTF was that all about?
In order to preserve a bit of political impartiality on the part of the BBC, I think he should twice use the epithet “wanker” when talking about Ed Milliband.
I’m surprised no-one has noticed this yet: Africa’s farmers face ‘failed seasons’ risks
Many small-scale farmers across Africa face the threat from “failed seasons”, a report has warned.
The 2014 African Agriculture Status Report says the vital food producers face a risk of being overwhelmed by the pace and severity of climate change.
Still, never mind, they’re only African. Let’s all keep on wasting as much energy as we can, put our fingers in our ears and sing la-la-la-la-la-it’s-nothing-to-do-with-me-and-it’s-all-a-leftie-plot.
‘The report warned that changes to the climate could result in the number of malnourished people in sub-Saharan Africa increasing by 40% by 2050 – from 223 million people to 355 million people.’
That would be what those failed models keep telling them – the ones that didn’t predict 18 years of flat temperatures. Still, the BBC are happy to keep on reporting ‘scientists’ who keep on using them, the same BBC caught with its pants down sucking off its 28gate eco-mates.
‘The results were puzzling. Although the simulation produced a number of pronounced droughts lasting several decades each, these did not match the timing of known megadroughts. In fact, drought occurrences were no more in agreement when the model was fed realistic values for variables that influence rainfall than when it ran control simulations in which the values were unrealistically held constant.
“The model seems to miss some of the dynamics that drive large droughts,” says study participant Jason Smerdon, a researcher at Lamont-Doherty who studies historical climate patterns.’
American journalist Steven Sotloff beheaded by member(s) of ISIS. Video of the beheading circulating across media and internet. It will be interesting to see how the BBC cover this.
By James Delingpole.
Last night’s Panorama, that was critical of the police’s (non) handling of the Rotherham paedo gangs was produced by Ms Karen Wightman. She was also the producer of the Panorama, some ten years ago, that went undercover and infiltrated the BNP. You must remember Nick Griffin, being secretly recorded, warning his cohorts of the dangers of Muslim men grooming young white girls. And what did the public spirited Ms Wightman do with this information? She passed it onto the police. It’s a bloody conspiracy.
BTW you can see the original if you go to you tube and put in BBC, Panorama, secret agent.
Good spot. Hypocrisy or what ?
If the new programme was meant to be some sort of mea culpa apology for her vindictiveness last time – it ain’t good enough. She ought to resign – now THAT would be an OK apology.
Interesting. Well spotted jeff.
Who is surprised though?
Unfortunately it is just what one now expects from the BBC stuffed to the rafters with Guardian recruited left wing placements, supporting a Labour agenda that got us into this serious god dam awful Muslim mess here and overseas.
The Labour ineptitude over 13 years in every department of state has impoverished this once proud beacon of world democracy, common sense and decency that was once in the premier league of most respected nations.
No longer can we be that great example and possibly we will never recover our former tolerant pleasant land put through the mincer almost to destruction by the last Labour administration.
It will take at least a tortuous generation to just put the finances right and hopefully integrate and cope with the infrastructure of the mass Labour initiated immigration.
We really need to work at it now.
As I remember it turned out that the BBC had filmed over a hundred hours of secret footage of their agent provocateur trying to illicit the desired evidence, which they then creatively edited down to a few minuets ( and still failed to find the evidence they wanted )
During all that time they must have become aware of he accusations of the nature and scale of these war crimes,
Even if they didn’t follow them up (investigative journalists that they are) they (the BBC) must have been aware of them throughout .Which makes their previous, long standing , censorship of these atrocities even worse.
(P.S. while I don’t use the term myself , I can understand how some might feel that this behaviour earns the epithet Scum)
I keep ringing out the alarm bells and no one seems to be listening !
If Liebour and their cohorts are prepared to actively cover up the worst crimes possible to commit – child rape and exploitation (that means forced prostitution for those who don’t know)! Then what else are they covering up which isn’t quite so outrageous that it makes the headlines.
During the nu Liebour years a blind eye was turned to Pakistani drug dealing and it was openly and blatantly carried out. Young Pakistanis were driving some very expensive cars whilst not having any apparent means to support that. When the Tories got in that changed to some extent.
It must run through every department of the public sector including education and planning and even disabled badges, where Pakistanis are allowed to break any law they please with impunity !
” New Islamic State video purports to show beheading of US reporter Steven Sotloff”
-Tell us, INBBC: what will your ‘militants’, ‘fighters’, ‘rebels’ of the ISLAMIC, Islamic State do next?
To emphasise INBBC’s political position on Islamic State, the only words used in INBBC report as a sub-heading are ‘Arrogant policy’; those words do not refer to any Western criticism of Islamic State, but are INBBC’s highlighted words of the Islamic State which criticise the West!
Thanks for that, Gardner and INBBC! Whose side are you on?
And the poor lads mother is played on The World Tonight…as she pleads for her sons life.
What the f*** was the thinking behind playing this plea, now the boys been hideously murdered?
My guess is that it`s only so the BBC can pretend to “emote” about the murder…and hope that they play us in the same way like a tuning fork.
You notice that the BBC always likes to emote-get the victims soundbites, preferably with tears-before asking an expert what ISIS/Rotherham Muslims actions “mean”…what “the message was”.
Bastards-they wallow in white blood, and soften up the nation to be endless victims and mourners for the coming Kallifate!
THAT`S why they played the desperate last plea from a mother to spare her sons life…to make us weak and weepy, with absolutely no allowance for revenge…
Funny that it`s a Ritalah Shah asking the questions…wonder what HER allegiance may turn out to be.
Among the others, to the mother, somewhat insensitive having Shah asking the questions.
Completely orchestrated, I agree and sinks to the lowest
cheapest standard of the “reality” tv pap we have to endure far to much of today, where some talking head chips in among emotional bullet points.
A second beheading appearing almost expected and run of the mill – how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ‘YES this is everything to do with Islam and we are going to have to deal with it’
Anyone else’s thoughts?
A second beheading, and the left is in denial, as they are over the rape and torture of 1400 British children – with more details to follow. Poverty, lack of equality, US and UK foreign policy, and all are replacing Islam as the central issue. Just bloody well wait unti they carry out an execution of the British hostage and see Cameron on his BBC explaining that it has nothing to do with Islam.
“how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ”
We have had, a young soldier attacked, his head virtually sawn off, in the UK, on a Woolwich street, the muslims who did it giving a phone lecture, with blood still on their hands …
that should have been the “straw that broke the camels back” … “the line in the sand” … should!
David Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt of Woolwich Muslim Murder attack
Also thought about this. IMO, sooner or later there will be a massacre involving many victims along the lines of Beslan, and civil unrest will kick off. Only then will a UK government act with appropriate resolve. It might not be tomorrow, or the day after, and it might even be in another European country, spreading to the UK.
Without diminishing the seriousness of Lee Rigby’s murder, I don’t think that individual murders will do it, unless part of a clear sequence. Might be wrong about that though.
Notwithstanding CPS, who are supposed to be totally independent, the intervention of the PM to get the European Arrest Warrant annulled in the Ashya King’s case has to be applauded. That poor sick lad has now got his parents by his hospital bedside exactly where they should be.
Again what can we expect from CPS after there has been a Labour partnering placement, Human Rights Barrister. Kier Starmer in charge for so long:
You get exactly what you pay for – criminal Pakistani Muslim gangs roaming all over our land practicing their Pedophilia with little chance of a response from the partnering Labour backed Councils, Councillors, MPs, Ministers of State and PC Council Officers.
-Not a concept Beeboids find easy to grasp:-
“Ukip’s rise is fuelled by failure to back British interests.
Anger is mounting at the political establishment.”
By Leo McKinstry.
I have noticed that those on the right are getting bolder. Good. The liberal illusion is just that- an illusion and it is time it was dispelled and new men and women start to come to the fore.
The liberal elite is discredited. Rotherham has been the last straw. Failure to protect the nation’s vulnerable young is an offence that cannot be forgiven.
The three old parties need to go. Quickly if the land is to be renewed and restored.
I despise them all. Our here in my shire that is now the normality of people’s views
As for the chief media voice of the liberal elite – the BBC .
It is worthless.
“Rotherham has been the last straw”. Let’s hope.
I also hope that “Blackburn is the last Straw” in view of D. MacShane’s revelations about pressures on him to hush up the Muslim gang rapes by the former Foreign Secretary and Blackburn MP.
dave s ….
You are right, because of the brutal nature of Muslim atrocities and criminal poison within our land and around the world, the Liberal left appeasement conspiracy can no longer be hidden.
The Labour diversity multiculturalism agenda, to rub the right noses in it for ‘left power and votes’, can no longer be hidden and indeed has come back to bite them ferociously due to the fundamental medieval fault lines within the religion of peace .
The BBC following the Liberal left agenda are now well implicated within the reality blame game now being played out.
Truth will always out.
Great article by Rod Liddle relates.
“Keeping up with the Joneses”
Al Beeb playing the ‘PC’ card again …..
“too many of them in this country”
“BBC Wales said the original tweet was totally unacceptable”
Approved thoughts only. Still no place on the BBC for a debate on immigration.
Helen Boaden, the BBC’s former Head of News, has admitted that the Corporation’s ‘deep liberal bias’ prevented it from reporting immigration properly
Whatever happened to “Views My Own”? Does it not apply if they are the wrong ones?
‘Does it not apply if they are the wrong ones?’
Good question. Rather clearly not, dragging us back again into BBC ‘unique’ territory.
Clarifying when views are ‘own’ or ‘pwn’ under BBC management non-interference or interference rules may make for an entertaining FOI attempt, at least until an exemption ‘for the purposes of can’t answer so don’t have to’ gets whipped out quicker than Hugs can intone ‘holding power to account’.
So you can tweet what you like about Israelis, the British, UKIP, Bush and any other favoured BBC political punchbag but you can’t say there are too many Pakistanis in the country?
How many does it take, then, before the BBC consider it ‘too many’? And who the hell do they think they are that they see themselves fit to arbitrate?
Proof, if proof were needed, that when it becomes to ‘views their own’, employees still have to don the BBC-approved PC straitjacket.
The BBC – just another bunch of hypocritical socialist country-wrecking bastards
What goes around, comes around. Michael Scheuer ex CIA & old bin Laden hand was highly critical of Bush’s Iraq adventure and therefore became a go to guy for the BBC. Today the World Service calls him up again, but now it is the Beeboid who is extolling the benefits of American bombs falling (on IS) on Iraq. Scheuer, no fan of Obama’s military posture, wants none of it but prefers withdrawal to Fortress America in the hope that Sunni & Shia fight each other to a standstill.
BBC London tv news – or should I say left-wing notice board ‘come and pin up any old tosh and we’ll call it today’s headline….’
This morning it’s the turn of the TUC who rush into the newsroom with a scrap of paper purporting to be ‘research’ that says unemployment is up and naturally the BBC oblidge by sticking it prominently in our face. Thank goodness the brothers and sisters don’t have to pay for their political advertising campaigns.
Yes, and of course, BBC-NUJ brothers and sisters will expect support for their strike from brothers and sisters at TUC.
It’s BBc Breakfast and a report from Bridgewater on works to combat rising sea levels and climate change……Yea right. Followed by an interview with an “environmental campaigner”….yea right. High point is when local resident takes off his hard hat and when says well I don’t think the sky is going to fall on me or be hit by a car as they stand on the wetlands with a JCB visible in the far distance.
The imposition of ‘DIVERSITY’ rules on British people extend from diktats of Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL at BBC, to British Film Institute (BFI)-
“Films must ‘tick boxes’ on diversity to win funds:
BFI sets targets for number of female, gay and ethnic minority actors and crew.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2684301/Films-tick-boxes-diversity-win-funds-BFI-sets-targets-number-female-gay-ethnic-minority-actors-crew.html#ixzz3CEjLamyO
Britain’s and European Union’s political class (inc BBC) decided that Western Europe must be colonised by mass immigration from unlimited millions of people from mainly Asia and Africa, not least from poorer Islamic countries; once resident in Western Europe, such people have not been expected to integrate into indigenous European society, but have been given preferential economic and cultural treatment.
The irreversible colonisation of Britain is well under way, and the BBC continues to play its full part in this, not least by its imposition of HALL’s ‘diversity’ rules on British people.
IINBBC’s Islamic jihadist barbarians of Islamic State are mere “militants” still.
This is INBBC’s politically unacceptable, euphemistic language, and amounts to appeasement of Islamic jihadists.
“’I’m back, Obama’: Islamic State jihad murderer from UK taunts President as he beheads second US journalist”
On INBBC’s Frank Gardner,
“Frank Gardner, Apologist For, And Victim Of, Muslim Arabs, Blots His BBC Copybook”
“politically unacceptable, euphemistic language”
Rotherham, Oxford? … how about Trojan horse?
going back, on and on and … on
Again, criticism of the BBC in unexpected places:
Arts Council loser to head BBC Radio 3?
He must be thrilled to come into the new job with that ringing endorsement to hang on his door.
‘The Arts Council Loser would like to see you in his office’
“The Loser wants to see you in his office”.
“Which one?”
Joshaw…thanks for that link.
Just another reminder the Labour/BBC ‘love-in’ continues.
Talk about jobs for the boys:
Quote from your link:
“As a senior civil servant at the Department of Culture Media and Sport, Davey was parachuted into the supposedly independent ACE to bring it in line with government thinking. His Secretary of State at DCMS was James Purnell.
Purnell is now Director of Strategy and Digital at the BBC, right-hand man to the Director General, Tony Hall.
The shadowy head-hunter who has nominated Davey for the Radio 3 vacancy is Nicky Oppenheimer, a Cabinet Office official under Tony Blair.
These old New Labour networks think they are still running the country.
Perhaps they are.”
Too much ‘head’ and ‘lose’ going on just now
I watched “Who Do You Think You Are”, the other day, and, yet again, it was obsessed with Ireland and the ira. It’s pretty obvious that the beebyanka are tailoring this series for sale to any remaining Yanks who can (a) understand English and (b) haven’t yet defected to isis.
Somebody called Brendan O’Carroll, of whom I’d never heard, a resident of Dublin, where they get beeboidtv for free, wanted to know who had murdered his grandfather. Now, there is no disputing that his grandfather was, indeed, murdered and a plausible case was made (but not one that would stand up in any court of law, outside Strasbourg) that a British officer was the murderer.
What really grated was the use of the words “executed” and “execution”, to refer to cold-blooded murder, committed by both sides, without any kind of judicial process. This goes along with the abolition of the word “terrorist” from beebyanka terminology.
Steven Sotloff, RIP, was murdered by isis terrorists. According to the beeboids, his death was by “beheading” by “militants”. Yes, he was beheaded, but the way the beeboids referred to his murder that way made it sound like a surgical procedure, rather than an abominable crime. Furthermore, the word “militant”, which the spineless Telegraph also routinely adopts, usurps the proper place of “terrorist” – yet again.
We know that the beebyanka is keeping the word “terrorist” in a cupboard, spick and span, for the day when it can, however tenuously, associate an atrocity with Republicans, the Tea Party, Conservatives, Ukip, or Aussie Liberals.
For now, if you only get your seven year-old to wave the decapitated head of someone you never knew, someone you butchered on behalf of barely understood texts, someone who, unlike you, could actually read the koran in Arabic, that makes you no more than a “militant”.
‘the beebyanka are tailoring this series’
There’s a lot of tailoring going on, and some of it is not too subtle.
Hot on the heels of beheading Christians (that’s them doing it, not as victims, which has happened in reality, lately… not much?), taking out retreating aliens, etc, the latest laying on with a trowel appeared on my screen in the form of the ‘new’ series of ‘New Tricks’.
Even the old one was a trial, but as Top Gear’s India adventure needed kicking into touch pronto by being… sh*t… I was left with few other options.
Seems like half the cast I recall must have died or retired, but they still had an #ardasnailsheartofgold peroxide blonde with a few too many miles on the clock in charge, so Danny Cohen must have been happy.
However the plot… oh, my days. Back to the glory of Greenham Common. It had the lot… betrayed protesters, betrayed betrayers of protestors. A few ‘all they wanted was peace’ quotes. A suicide bombing that wasn’t and seemed to dodge even the dimmest bulb, or plot supervisor in CSI:WIA. Even a plaster cast paperweight of… you don’t want to know.
I stayed to the bitter, dire end as it really was so bad it was actually entertaining.
Who on earth write such rubbish? I watched it in disbelief.
You are right. It was so bad it was almost amusing.
BBC Response to my complaint about their coverage of the Police shooting in the USA of teenager Michael BROWN in Ferguson.
My complaint was that the BBC said that the police had shot him whilst he was merely walking down the road. They failed to mention the robbery at the store and the fight with a police officer.
Their response is both contradictory and dismissive.
This is the BBC’s response:-
Reference CAS-2881604-SZXW92
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News Website.
We note you were unhappy our article, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28917255, states:
“[Michael Brown] was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson.”
You state this “was not the case and is obviously anti-police”.
We appreciate your concerns. However, this simply reflects the fact that Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said in a press conference that “Brown was walking down the middle of the street stopping traffic”. As investigations into the shooting are underway, there are of course differing accounts of what happened before Mr Brown was shot and we have reported this (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29018911 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28924099).
We have reported extensively on the shooting and the events which took place in Ferguson across our news site. We believe our reporting has been fair, impartial and accurate.
All complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Thanks again for contacting us.
Kind Regards
Lucia Fortucci
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
‘We believe our reporting has been fair, impartial and accurate’
The principle of lifting a section out of fuller coverage is of course long and dishonourably established, especially by the semanticists at the BBC, plus of course dodgy theatre posters.
Speaking of which, here is one for CECUTT:
Let me get this straight. They are saying “walking down the middle of the street stopping traffic” can be fairly reported as “walking in the street”?
Yes, Roland. They watered down even further his actions as:
”’The 18-year-old was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson”’
It helps to twist the news to their agenda.
Yes, if you’re shot by police you’re an…
‘unarmed black teenager’.
If you rape and brutalise teen and pre-teen girls on an industrial scale in the north of england you’re…
BBC – corrupt.
No other word for it.
and not many mentions of the fact that the poor little lad was 6 foot 4 and weighs 200 pounds.
Nor the claim that he had been punching the policeman who was still in his patrol car, and had wrestled for his gun
and later came charging full tilt at the cop who had got out of his car and ordered him to stop.
BBC – always pimping its lawless agenda.
It is becoming more and more clear that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are giving up any pretence, as they clearly have no need to…
The most blatant jaw-dropper is delivered again and again, secure in the knowledge that they are golden no matter what.
‘blustered into an ad hominem attack … and it was now time to move on.’
Remind you of any trusted media monopolies nearby?
If they are following/reporting all this, it’s with very low profile.
Professional empathy?
.. and didn’t ‘teen and pre-teen girls’ used to be ‘children’ and the ‘men’ who raped them used to be ‘paedophile rapists’? Still, what’s in a word eh?
– Islamic jihadists are waging a global WAR against us, we ‘kafirs,’ even against British people on British streets.
These Islamic jihadists, motivated by Islam, are clearly our ENEMY, and should be described by BBC-NUJ as such.
Will Beeboid anti-frackers protest against this?:-
“‘An abomination’ – plans for Hartlepool to get wind turbines higher than Blackpool Tower”
Will BBC-NUJ investigate this, or merely celebrate it?:-
“Labour’s 101 prospective MPs with links to Unite:
Number has gone up fourfold in the past year”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2741366/Labours-101-prospective-MPs-links-Unite-Number-gone-fourfold-past-year.html#ixzz3CGHEN5Z5
Castro: – politically still endearing himself to Beeboids/Guardianistas with his anti-West, ludicrous rant?:-
“Fidel Castro says Mossad behind Islamic State”
Seeing as Camoron, searches for a soundbite, to add to his last soundbite, or maybe even a hashtag
How will Britain respond to Islamic State hostage threat?
Cameron, failing to develop an effective plan to tackle etc
Cameron pledges, Cameron flounders, Cameron Scameron
Cameron anti terror talk just bluster
A couple of pointers
Psychology: Deradicalizing Muslim terrorists
Dr Nicolai Sennels
“As a prison psychologist I have dealt with more than a hundred criminal Muslims.
Based on my professional experiences and conclusions, I have written extensively about the psychology of the Muslim mentality and violence, including being involved in the court case against the killer and Guantanamo prisoner Omar Khadr”.
Sennels is a former prison psychologist in Copenhagen, Denmark. He told Arutz Sheva that his clients were of the same social-economic background and age but different along religious lines.
“The Danish were brought up to feel that anger was negative. Muslims were brought to feel that anger was a way to show strength,” Sennels stated. “The concept of honor made Muslims insecure. In the Western concept, there is an inner locus of control, while in Muslim societies, there is an outer locus of control, meaning, they feel their lives are mainly controlled by outside factors.” Sennels also said that in his studies, the Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.
Nicolai Sennels has worked in Copenhagen’s youth prison, where 70% of the prisoners have a Muslim background.
goodness – violence, anger, victim mentality, identity, honour culture, tolerance, regret … sheesh! … think the Rotherham report was damning?
Sennels is a former prison psychologist in Copenhagen, Denmark. He told Arutz Sheva that his clients were of the same social-economic background and age but different along religious lines.
“The Danish were brought up to feel that anger was negative. Muslims were brought to feel that anger was a way to show strength,” Sennels stated. “The concept of honor made Muslims insecure. In the Western concept, there is an inner locus of control, while in Muslim societies, there is an outer locus of control, meaning, they feel their lives are mainly controlled by outside factors.” Sennels also said that in his studies, the Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.
I don t think he will be aired on BBC anytime soon
Interesting insights.
‘The concept of honor made Muslims insecure.’
I must have watched one too many swords and sandals epic, as it was my… clearly incorrect… notion that ‘honour’ was the bedrock of the whole sorry cluster-FUBAR, to the extent they have tried (and with the BBC succeeded) in porting over the notion of a bunch of dickless male relatives murdering a defenceless female as an ‘honour killing’. White stallions and desert oases of civilisation notable by absence.
‘Muslims felt they were inherently superior to non-Muslims.’
I hear that a lot. Just not sure on what basis and from where they get this notion. For the last millennium they have created about zip, and when engaged in anything vaguely competitive, like a few wars with a minute state with a small population bazillions of them surround, they had their tushes handed them.
Anyone might think there was a small element of inadequacy, low self esteem and unresolved frustrated bully impulses at play.
About all I can see is a fair few sit on top of a bunch of oil other people pay a small elite a king’s ransom for to extract and take elsewhere, and very little of that cash goes much further than Thai brothels, London casinos or German car dealerships.
So cluster-FUBAR seems to be about it.
The last two items on BBC News(Radio 4, 8am) were about Gary Barlows tax affairs being discussed on Twitter, and the notion that Oxford and Vienna Universities have jointly discovered that cockatoos train each other in using sticks to get discarded seeds.
Presumably,the cockatoos pay tax on their bounty.
Bloody hell-OXford Uni?..Vienna?..Gary Barlow?
Welcome to the end of the news….we pay for this tosh.
I wonder how many in the UK really know about one of their MPs involvement with Muslim terrorist organisations:
I bet quite a few on here will be surprised about the extent of terrorist organisations connections of this ex-16 years Labour MP (until he got kicked out):
Unstoppable mass immigration into U.K ( favoured by Beeboids): example of CALAIS-
Jean Raspail, author of ‘Camp of the Saints’:
“Our civilisation is disappearing”
In Norway (for BBC- NUJ to report?)-
I’m sure reading on will explain, but currently intrigued as how an illegal immigrant can refuse to leave a country. Maybe resolved by asking extra nicely? Or is there one of them thar courts lurking again, replete with well-funded, drag-out lawyers?
“Norwegians: Outsiders in Their Own Country”
Will Muslim apologist Anjam Choudary be asked about this joke of his the next time he is wheeled onto the BBC or C4?
Re the threat to the British hostage from ISIS.
What`s to stop us taking Anjem Choudhury and nine others like him into “protective custody” right by the old gallows in Wormwood Scrubs…the BBC will worry about it being a bit grubby, but you can`t have everything.
And should anything happen to the British hostage-well the likes of Lee Rigbys murderers get a chance to sleep with 72 virgins, or eat 72 grapes that bit early…a voluntary suicide for the BBC to fuss over, but ISIS will at least get the point.
Has anybody told the “Islam for Dunnies” nutters that the Koran isn`t clear that they`ll be FEAMALE virgins by the way…if they`re male, that`ll only please them, I`d guess.
Is anybody keeping a tab on just how often ex-Labour stooges get the chance to discuss events that they long lost any right to speak on.
Just heard Tessa Jowell blurting on Steve Howletts “Media Show”.
Didn`t she leave “office” in 2010…so why, four years later are we paying her phone bill as she sounds off about how great the BBC is…and this new private sector woman for the BBC Trust may well be a problem.
Not being a union bod, Guardian shill; or (of course) A Guardian reader by nature.
Who decides that we meed to ask Tessa Jowell about probity-didn`t her ex do all the accounts with Berlusconi, so that paid-off mortgage of hers was a mystery to her…her being female and not doing numbers and stuff( Vicky Pryce defence c/o Womans Hour).
Utter crap from Howlin`..as ever…with only Guardian Trusties like Peter Preston to use as echo chambers, we all now know that this private sector lady bothers the Trusties…who`d rather enjoyed a Patten to guard for Saviles…not this girlie!
The BBC are odiuos-who is keeping count of their choice of guests…all Labour, despite that particular party having been out of office for the last four years.
Not out of power though-and the BBC insist that this continues…tossers!
Back to Savile and this article (below) by Miles Goslett in ‘The Oldie Magazine’. In it he makes clear that the BBC is still covering up the Savile cover up.
It beggars belief that the BBC;
– continue to refuse to disclose or admit who pulled the Newsnight investigation into Savile.
– are standing by the flawed Pollard review – even though Pollard himself says that he wrongly omitted testimony from Helen Boaden on ‘who knew what’
– That Patten (the representative of the licence fee payer) and three other BBC Trust Members colluded in the cover-up, meeting and deciding that the ‘Pollard confession’ / omission did not change the Pollard review and that the report could not be altered.
Patten has gone (thank God). The very first thing that his replacement should do is find out who those other three ‘Trustees’ were AND SACK THEM.
The BBC and the so-called Trust cannot be trusted.
Well that’s more than interesting.
Meanwhile, in other news:
Sounds like an equally interesting high-level conflab.
‘Today, we await publication of the emails and text messages between the two parties, which could be fun.’
Fun sounds fun, so risking a modding, I attach a few related URLs to play with:
Leads to a twitter roll worth a gander.
Home Affairs Cttee @CommonsHomeAffs
Police & the media: correspondence in this inquiry is on our website here: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/home-affairs-committee/news/140901-pol-media-ev/ …
‘Lets be blunt-somebody was either lying or seriously misinformed over what the BBC said to the South Yorkshire police about the investigation into Cliff Richard and the members of the Home Affairs Committee seemed pretty clear it wasn’t the BBC at fault.
‘The Committee Chairman Keith Vaz offered an immediate verdict that the BBC had acted ‘perfectly properly’ in this affair.
Uh-oh. Vaz? Immediate verdict? Nothing to see here.
Rule of thumb – if Vaz says they’re innocent, they’re guilty.
Still, whatever else, we know they are all worth it…
Don’t… ‘we’?
‘So which of the remainder could be earning packets elsewhere’
Maybe whipping up a skinny latte of a POETS Friday rakes it in?
When the BBC broadcast an interview of three people in the street, and all three happen to support the BBC’s narrative, does the BBC delete all those who didn’t agree when interviewed??
It’s very easy for a street interviewer for instance to speak to 15 passers-by and submit the recordings for editorial ‘culling’, i.e. delete those whose views clash with that of the BBC
Such interviews have the ability to change public opinion and can be dangerous if misused.
Does this happen?
I would like disclosure of what ALL the passers-by the BBC interviewed have to say on a subject. This would ensure objective balance, clarity and transparency…
Wait a minute…this is the BBC. They don’t have to do that.
The police though, have to disclose all their interviews to the defence and ultimately the Criminal Court for scrutiny.
In an early episode of Jonathan Creek the magician painted a number on his chest, hid it under his jumper than asked people in the street to name a number between 1 and 50. Everyone who gave the wrong number was thanked and allowed to move on. When someone gave the “right” number the magician lifted his jumper to show the same number painted on his chest. Cue applause.
BBC News isn’t too proud to learn from the Drama Department.
its allahs way,lynette,just allahs way.
Dave repeating old QI’s last night and Fry asked, ‘what’s the biggest joke to come out of Alaska?’* Quick as a flash, BBC fave and dumpy Dane Sandy Toxic chipped in with, ‘Sarah Palin’. Que much audience mirth and panel hysteria. I reckon she’s just jealous cos Palin’s a good looking woman and she’s a ugly, squat, lard bucket who’s about as funny as an outbreak of ebola in an orphanage.
*some dude in Alaska filled a volcano with tyres and fireworks and set them off to con people into thinking there was an eruption. I wish someone would chuck Toxic into a volcano, preferably an active one.
QI can be very funny but Stephen Fry plays rather well the role of the confused yet articulate left wing luvvie who wouldn’t ever offend a soul.
Yes, but she’s a left wing, ugly, squat, lard bucket who’s about as funny as an outbreak of ebola in an orphanage. That’s what matters.
Then there’s Jo Brand ……. words fail me.
I suspect the panelists get to hear the questions 24 hours in advance so they have time to think up some witty ad lib.
Or it’s scripted.
i feel a bit sad today,god knows why, shes gone,after 15 years at radio 5 live shelagh fogarty has been given the big heave ho,thats that,but it does not finish there,next week vicky derbyshire is going,and richard bacon,i wonder, just wonder if we will miss them,not sure,just not sure.
Fogarty was tolerable if a bit keen to titter on at her own jokes.
The other two are Radio 5 Live assembly-line brain-deads.
Bacon, albeit it from my very limited experience of his programme, can’t go five minutes without dropping enormous ‘hints’ about his future blah blah Los Angeles blah blah TV opportunities.
In his absolute dreams – he gets work in the UK because Droid Broadcasting operates producer capture – it believes it exists to provide work opportunity for its employees not entertainment/ education for us.
American television will have zero interest in Bacon, not even a Mexy cable channel sitting at no. 237 on your channel changer.
BBC Report:
Muslim girl has become ‘radicalised’
Sorrow of her family.
What does ‘radicalised’ mean in BBC world?
Does it mean that she has become a rebel seeking the truth? And was not Labour founder Keir Hardi a radical?
In my view, a Muslim radical/militant/fighter/insurgent approves of Christians and other non-believers being beheaded.
If it was up to the BBC, we would all become ‘radicalised’ into Left Wing thinking. That’s what ‘radicalised’ means in the peculiar world of the BBC.
BBC – J Biden – Chase ISIS to gates of hell?
how about … J Kerry said “it was the United States’ Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change,” including to protect “vulnerable Muslim majority countries.”
sheesh! … act crazy somewhere else, we re all out here!
Lets have some sanity … always a pleasure …
bad news and badder attitude
wonderful combination
Pat Condell – Rotherham