There was a little gem from Rithula Shah on The World Tonight on Tuesday, near the end.
A former military chief had been making the case for strong national defence, citing a Roman saying about preparing for war in order to live in peace. The opinion piece, which even included a brief opposing comment from “Gorgeous George” Galloway about the redundancy of NATO in today’s world, ended and the presenter, unable to contain her disagreement with it, said that it was “… a PERSONAL view …” with a fairly heavy emphasis on the word which I have capitalized.
She could have kept quiet and privately disagreed, of course, but she seemed to want to signal to listeners that they could safely discount what had been said, as it was his “personal” view and not the correct BBC-standard one.
Anybody else pissed off with the 24/7 coverage of the poor parents of that poor child from the bBC. Now before I go on, I am over the moon they have been released and back with their child.
My gripe, is the bBC was first off the block in demonising these parents and now they openly parade them as…victims.
In fact something similar transpired in Rotherham, where the bBC for years castigated anybody who exposed this as racist and must be silenced.
I noticed the complete volte farce [sic] as the BBC jumped to put itself on the side of the angels once it was overwhelmingly clear that the parents weren’t the international criminals which the European man hunt suggested.
Still, it did help stop a head of steam building about events in Rotherham. That story now doesn’t even feature on the BBC news website home page. On the England page there’s just a link to a Rotherham related story but where the BBC is trying to make the focus of the story the police, not the offenders.
I know a bit of your background Pounce. Don’t you think Rotherham voters will be voting UKIP in droves just to turf Labour out? Provided there aren’t too many postal votes to be weighed that is.
Flex wrote: ” Don’t you think Rotherham voters will be voting UKIP in droves just to turf Labour out?”
I’ve lived in Germany and I couldn’t help but notice that the Eastern half was extremely racist and I wondered why. It transpired that during the communist era, Blacks browns were encouraged to come to live,work,train,learn in the East without once asking the locals. When the wall came down their ugly racist views came to the fore. Now I’m not saying all East Germans are evil racist bigots, but there’s a bloody lot.
And then I saw the same thing happening in the UK.
Its a disgrace that in trying to stamp out racism, the left build the perfect conditions for it to grow.
Yorkshire and the Humber Region Declaration of local result for the Rotherham local counting area, 2014 EU vote
Party name Number of votes
An Independence from Europe 1207
British National Party 1799
Conservative Party 7472
English Democrats 829
Green Party 2826
Labour Party 23299
Liberal Democrats 1343
NO2EU 220
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 27949
Completely uterrly dis-interested Every time this story is on I turn over. The Hypocrisy of the BBc is indeed stunning in relation to the Rotherham (and other cases). From the reports you would think the BBc had just found out about this story.
BBC Biased readers, there will come a time when there will be an enquiry into the BBC, its Trustees and all its activities and I have no doubt, that this website will be sourced for its historical posts for evidence. Therefore it would be good policy to keep all your posts to true and factual statements.
News where you are…. (or – more accurately – the public sector socialist noticeboard).
BBC London tv news. Yesterday it was ‘figures obtained by the BBC say there’s not enough teachers.
This morning it is Limp Dem Sarah Teather’s turn straight to air… ‘landlord licencing’ is the BBC top headline for London.
How does the conversation go, I wonder – hello, yes, BBC newsroom here… tell me, how many public sector jobs does this news story seek to create? That many? Hold the front page, here’s our headline report!
Cameron Lying on the Today program this morning, that Jihad, and anyone indulging in it is ‘perverting the religion of Islam’ which is a fine good and peaceful religion !
He did nearly catch himself out with the lie when he went through some of the worlds Jihadi trouble spots. All those millions of people misinterpreting Islam !
The leader of ISIL has a PhD doctorate in Islamic studies I wasn’t aware that Cameron has been educated to an even higher standard than this in his chosen field – Islamic perversion!
Because he and all the authorities have to keep the lid on. If the real truth be known and the people started asking questions and demanding solutions then the government would have a real problem on their hands.
After every Islamic atrocity in this country out they come scared stiff of a reaction against the ROP.
I switched fonts temporarily. It’s a bug in Chrome on Windows that was causing the crazy font. It’s still not quite perfect on Chrome but the problem is affecting quite a few sites (which use Gill Sans font) so it should be fixed soon.
Are you surprised?
Mr D Cameron PM has “form” on this, he hasn t a clue what s going on even in the UK, where the most dangerous “5th column” threat becomes ever bolder, in Bradford, in Rotherham, even in T Hamlets, his position of wilful and complete ignorance is astounding
someone asked about this yesterday.
“how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ”
We have had, a young soldier attacked, his head virtually sawn off, in the UK, on a Woolwich street, the muslims who did it giving a phone lecture, with blood still on their hands …
that should have been the “straw that broke the camels back” … “the line in the sand” … should!”
David Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt re Woolwich
Dave mate:
Until you accept there is a problem then the chances of defeating that problem do not exist.
Quote from my simpletons Ancient book of Charlatans
simple quotes 2014
I do like you – inasmuch as you are trying your best to right the catastrophe that was Labour Governance – but you losing this muzzies problem.
For the BBC. Cameron, Ch4 News etc
“Moderate Islam isn’t what most Muslims believe. It’s what most liberals believe that Muslims believe.
The new multicultural theology of the West is moderate Islam. Moderate Islam is the perfect religion for a secular age since it isn’t a religion at all.
Take Islam, turn it inside out and you have moderate Islam.
Take a Muslim who hasn’t been inside a mosque in a year, who can name the entire starting lineup of the San Diego Chargers, but can’t name Mohammed’s companions and you have a moderate Muslim.
Or more accurately, a secular Muslim.”
D Greenfield
BBC eh! on and on the overt Islamic protectionism goes.
One last hopeless dose of VD before she departs
5Live News … sighs, intakes of breath as she hears
that poverty, disenfranchisement, foreign policy and lack
of opportunity … does not make Islamic mass murderers.
Wanting to murder the non Islamic, going to the Islamic state, to join with Islamic Jihadi s, get closer to the Islamic texts, becomes obsessed with the Islamic imperative,
… a clue anyone?
The ruling elites in the UK keep trying to play down the connection between, the ever growing list of atrocities committed at home and abroad by Muslims, and the religion of Islam, because they fear widespread civil unrest at best, and outright civil war at worst, in the UK, if the native Brits decide that they have had enough and turn on the Muslims. The BBC is a key player in passifying the Brits because it is so dominant it can keep control of the news agenda and create a mindset which accepts this policy of multiculturalism. The last thing the rulers want is for us to be told the truth about what multiculturalism is doing to our country. And they will do everything possible to prevent anyone saying that the future is bleak.
Unfortunately the elite don’t have any plan for how to defuse this ticking bomb. Perhaps they believe that if they can keep the lid on things the problem will eventually solve itself. Lee Rigby , the girls in Rotherham and elsewhere, those who died n 2005 in London , are a necessary price in their eyes in order to prevent a confrontation between the two communities.
But their strategy doesn’t seem to be working. The Muslims rather than being integrated and accepting British values and settling down to live peacefully in our midst are going their own way and setting up Islamic parts of the UK. This in turn spawns radicals who totally reject our values and believe that the imposition of fundamentalist Islamic values on our society is their mission from God.
Someone needs to find a way defusing this bomb or it will surely detonate in the future and then we will all be badly affected.
This generation of Islamic adherents are more “radical”
than their parents, this past 5years the ante has been increasing expedientially.
All we have heard from our Government/lame stream media is catastrophic appeasement and denial …
The main problem for the BBC is not per se that Muslims fail to integrate, but that more and more people find the real world to be at odds with what the BBC tells it.
“Reflecting on the beheading of US hostage Steven Sotloff by Islamic State thugs, pious BBC ‘World Affairs’ editor John Simpson announced grandly on Radio 4: ‘One day that man who is cutting people’s heads off will be in jail in The Hague and that will be a great moment for people like me.’
An even greater moment for the victims’ families one imagines.”
I’m looking to see his broken body lying in a ditch beside a road in Syria with a pi-dog cocking its hind-leg over the corpse.. Pour encourager les autres etc.
Talking of which – I hear that running round in a flatbed Ford with a heavy machine gun welded to the rear has become less popular with the ‘fighters’ following the drone attack snuff videos released by the CIA showing how badly that game can end.
I’ve never met a ‘moderate muslim’. I’ve spoken with westernised young muslims born in the UK who have professional careers relying on British commerce and industry.
When the subject of 9/11 is introduced in conversation, there’s a moments pause and either no comment or something about Bush being involved or something non-descript and bland. But never any condemnation.
The Imams in Britain have spoken of their disapproval of ISIS/IS and their caliphate. What they mean is that events are moving too fast and could inhibit the Imams greater political control of Britain. This has been progressing very nicely for the Imams over the past 15 years.
The last thing the Imams want is for the rise of a new and strong British government in the wake of ISIS that could end their comfortable status-quo.
‘David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which panellists are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they are able to smuggle past their opponents.’
‘Despite recent promises to restore public trust in the wake of the Savile scandal, and having spent millions of pounds of public money on various inquiries which have so far shone only a dim light on its secretive workings, the BBC has chosen to become enmeshed in a spider’s web of half-truths and non-denial denials best described as a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up.’
BBC-NUJ represents the interests of putative immigrants, while it erases the interests of 60 million indigenous British people. Of course, there’s the daily inflow of illegal immigrants (BBC-NUJ’s mis-described, ‘migrants’) into U.K via Calais, plus the ceaseless inward flow from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, etc.,etc.
Beeboids are unconcerned with the negative impact which their enabling of the colonisation of Britain has on indigenous British people.
I heard some beebmonger the other day saying that Aysha King needs £90,000 for his “protein bean treatment”.
By my reckoning, if we sell the house of Simon Hayes, take his salary and go through the chain of command of the NHS and the Hampshire Police “Service”…the CPS and useful tools who questioned the Kings actions…the Southampton Uni Trust and Jim Naughtie(for urging an I-Spy on the Kings car whilst in France last Friday am)…that surely would be a few million that could finally be put to a decent use.
And not letting these bottom feeders suck off the public teat that we are forced to provide for them all.
We need to learn from the IDF…bulldoze the houses, drain the swamps…then the Common Purpose graduands and gauleiters might then know to tell the truth, and stop the jackboots.
I`ve had a “Brimful of Asha!”…shake down £90,000 from the pimps of Labours creating…then let`s get the rest of them systematically.
BBC News Watch as a super-articulate nine-year-old argues with the deputy PM over his school meals policy.
“At my school the meals are very unhealthy,” complains Rohan from his south London school.
Nick Clegg was answering questions in his weekly LBC phone-in programme with Nick Ferrari.
Since 1. the attack happened in broad daylight with multiple witnesses and yet 2. there is a total media black-out of any physical description of the attacker, it seems to me to be a fair working hypothesis
Currently everyone and anyone rushing about saying what it is not… probably, with luck…. god willing…
However one is sure communities living in fear are cranking up the TellMama alert to 11, and another Newsnight roving reporter is off to emote and empathise.
Even if, as all seem sure, it is nothing to do with anything. Just a simple head severance incident in a leafy suburb of this green and ever more unpleasant land.
At some point the poor victim may be accorded some interest too. We shall see.
Mrs S was just showing me a report from the scene (sky news I think)
Chief inspector plod goes through a long list of things he doesn’t know, was the women intend victim -don’t know- did she know the killer- don’t know- was he local -don’t know- where there any other victims – don’t know- were there any witnesses – don’t know (they only know the decapitated body is dead because a doctor told apparently) But one thing he absolutely sure of – ‘this is not a terrorist event ‘
Then Mr S points out some thing interesting no crowds of neighbours and/or rubber- neckers, with the usual ,he /she was a lovely boy/girl- loved their mum – nothing like this happens around here quotes
Apparently the victim was a Afghan lady with 2 sons (3 and 7)
It appears the man was seen attacking an animal before the murder. (Cat or dog)
Actually in light of how the Police are now asking people to solve their own crimes, I’m surprised they turned up and then plod broke his wrist. I take it the lid of the donut box closed on his fat piggy.
British Police just as bad as the bBC
‘South Yorkshire Chief Constable David ‘Dismal’ Crompton… in his commentary, says that BBC reporter Dan Johnson twice stated that his information about an investigation into Sir Cliff Richard came from Operation Yewtree. That’s in direct contradiction of Dan’s boss, newsgathering head honcho Jonathan Munro”.
So, who can you trust, the police or the national broadcaster?
“Apparently the victim was an Afghan lady with 2 sons (3 and7)”. Well, the latest news has said the poor woman was 82 years old, so someone’s getting their wires crossed. A 25 year old “man” has been arrested.
All you islamophobic bigots assuming this could have anything to do with the Religion of Peace. When over 90% of the population are not Muslim the chance of a second beheading in London also being by a Muslim is tiny … oh hang on a mo’
” Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.” “Catering worker Freda Odame, 30, said she heard a commotion and pulled back her curtains and saw a black man aged in his mid 20s.” (
Never in a million years would I have suspected that the Religion Of Peace would have made an appearance in this sad affair. I am shocked, I tell you, shocked………
Does that make it a racist killing (that we’ll be hearing about on the BBC for the next twenty years) or religious hatred? Tough one for the BBC so no doubt they won’t bother to explore either angle.
So the hostage held by the Islamic scum in Syria is a Scotsman.
Suppose there`s no chance of the Scottish leader in waiting Alex Salmond giving us HIS plans to liberate his fellow-national!
Or-given his Al Magrahbi compliance in 2009-is it fair to say that Salmond will weasel out of this one,and blame Cameron for whatever happens.
Power without responsibilty-gestures, wristbands and showpony crapola, unthreatened by the BBC…”no questions yer honour”.
Salmond personifies the Lefts entitlement with easy pickings…without a hope that he`d ever do anything about this awful situation.
West’s political ‘leaders’ (and INBBC) are still in denial about the Islamic nature of the Islamic State, despite the overwhelming and obvious evidence:-
“Islamic State justifies atrocities by citing Muhammad”
BBC gettign very agitated about ‘hate crimes’ against eastern European families in Belfast.
Their bias is clear when they attempt to blame Loyalists for them, based only on the argument that more (not all) of these ‘crimes’ have been in Loyalist areas.
Perhaps the fact that Poles are Catholics restrains the Catholic population, but I doubt they welcome the invasion from Eastern Europe, any more than Prods do!
Where not some eastern europeans literaly burnt out of Dublin a couple of years ago?
I seem to remember ‘i’ll give you a slap’ Nolan tiptoeing around it very gingerly
Hats off to the BBC it allowed Milliband to provide his full prospectus for securing a No vote – an energy price freeze & an increase in the minimum wage. ITV interrupted him before his full range of goodies were laid out. FFS!! 300 year union to end for a saving of a few quid on the gas bill?
The man from the CPS throws Guardian light on Rotherham. Its very complicated, not religion or ethnicity but class plays a part, and the fact that some people work in the night time economy. Our man from the CPS successfully prosecuted the Rochdale rape gangs, so I guess he knows best. But something about Rochdale still leaves a nasty taste: given the number of rapes, the amount of trafficking, how come only a dozen or so were taken to court?
I suggest that Biased BBC contributors weigh up this article carefully, it could become the BBC line.
hmm … would you buy a, “used” story from this man?,
… a man called Nazir Afzal, finds no religious basis for
MUSLIM paedophile gang rape in Rotherham?
hmmm … so crime stats .
Somali, Moroccan, Afghan, Paki, Iraqi, Bangladeshi, any link between them?, any ideas?.
91% of the offences attributed to “Asian” muslims
4% of the UK population muslim
Therefore statistically 200 times more likely to commit this offence.
Infiltration at the highest level from local gov, to upper eschelons
of gov/law.
remember this guy (below) … same hymn sheet …
Only one recourse, anyone in denial of the glaring reality.
Remove all those officials from office; council officials, police chiefs, senior social services.
With a recommendation they NEVER hold public office again – dereliction of duty, and make sure they face a prison term.
Noggin, I watched the video and heard the crap about learning lessons and looking to the future from the Banardo man. He should be sacked immediately. If this was Iraq there would be a case for sending the army in until democratically controlled and responsible officials were installed.
It will become the standard liberal line without any doubt. One thing I noticed .This bit about the nighttime economy being dominated in these towns by ethnic and Muslim men Thus the problems he seemed to be suggesting were a result of this.
One would expect a mirror image of abuse in the towns where the night time economy is dominated by whites.
Is there? Do we have figures? And if not then the first case looks to be very different.
On a recent visit to Scotland when the subject of the impending referendum was raised and I pointed out that most people in England now no longer really care a damn about the outcome , it was surprising that those who intended to vote ‘yes’ for independence were the first to take great umbrage at this and were seriously offended .
Those who, on the other hand intended to vote ‘no’ in order to continue the union just shrugged, and one or two even expressed sympathy with this view .
Where will I go Pounce? There is already no place for me in Salmond’s Fo(u)rth Reich and I’m repeatedly demonised because I used to vote Tory………apparently all Scotland’s troubles are my fault and the other 15% who voted Conservative.
I was being sarcastic , it would be most hypocritical for me to support such a stance as my parents came from a newly independent India during the 50s.
I really do want the Uk to remain together, but it makes me so angry how the Nationalist side has used open racist hostility towards the English in which to build their case.
Al Beeb reports ‘The mayor of the northern French city of Calais has threatened to block the port unless Britain does more to control the number of illegal migrants.’ How is this Great Britain’s fault ? The French are responsible for their own border control. Furthermore, I thought ‘asylum seekers’ had to claim that right in the first country that they set foot in ?
How is this Great Britain’s fault ?”
BBC version
“The mayor complained that British immigration policy made the UK be seen as “an Eldorado” by immigrants.”
Else where today I read that he said it was our benefits system that made Britain an ‘Eldoradao, Which makes more sense of the allusion. ( you know streets paved with gold)
But that would contradict the BBC,s narrative on why asylum seekers cross multiple safe countries to get to the UK
Friend of mine was posted to Sierra Leone he told me the locals know two things about Great Britain:
1) Manchester United
2) They give you houses for free.
AL Beeb continues to report ‘desperate’ immigrants in Calais – desperate to get into Great Britain! How many of these ‘desperate’ immigrants are potential terrorists ?
This starts to get fun about from this point:
@bbcnickrobinson: @TimMontgomerie If only the UK had such high quality fair & balanced broadcast journalism
It’s possible though BBC’s top political editor may have been better advised to err on thinking things rather than resorting to twitter
Nick ‘Le Slaphead’ Robinson came out with a classic when reporting on The Messiah’s gracing of the valleys, today: ‘People in this country like Obama because he is patient, because he likes to weigh up his options before embarking on any course of military action…’ Nothing to do with his skin colour, I guess? As far as I can see, he is the most useless president in a long time… but because the Left will NEVER criticise a minority, they still view his Excellency as the Holy Man who’s come a-wanderin’ down from those lofty mountains where wisdom grows on sacred branches.
The BBC love to find those eager to justify Obama’s dithering…
Obama is ruthless in pursuing what he sees as narrow US interest. Witness his stamping on BP, support for Argentina’s demand for negotiation over the Falklands, pressing for sanctions on Russia which will damage Europe but not the US, assassination by drone with attendant civilian casualties and reneging on his pledge to close Guantanamo. The BBC loves him. Funny how the BBC don’t ever show him smoking or golfing.
I posted a comment a couple of days ago about a single event causing unrest to kick off. I’m not claiming any credit for it because it wasn’t all that clever, frankly. There’s no sign of our so-called leaders getting a grip though. In today’s DT we have Eric Pickles (the fat fool who was Chair of Bradford’s Education Committee or something at the time of Ray Honeyford’s sacking) lecturing us about ‘tolerance’, and daring to mention ‘thugs’ invading a few mosques following the murder of Lee Rigby. Diddums. In some respects, this is the most obnoxious article I have read for some time.
Now we have more vibrancy awaiting importation from Calais. Only the French seem to understand why this is happening.
Our leaders don’t even seem to understand the problem. We’re in the late 1930s again, with the essential difference that the fascist invasion is already in progress.
I watched ‘Terminator’ last night and the similarities with the current situation are incredible. Go watch it. The lone voices warning of the imminent danger yet the politicians with the help of the media & the police shutting down any dissent or warnings. Skynet is Islam. Where is our John Connor?
Grief just watched “so you think you can drive?” Cheap and nasty TV at it’s cheapest. Well when I say watched it I just couldn’t be bothered to turn over as I’m doing some work on the PC. It’s so felt like a day time TV I wonder if some one at the BBc got confused with 11 in the morning and 11 at night.
I note the “beheading” in London got no coverage on the 22:00 news terrorist related or not. I I now see on this edit the Sun appears to have let the rat out the bag on this.
Nothing other than the trade sanctions against Russia has yet been decided it appears, but one hopes our NATO leaders in South Wales will come up with policies that will keep us all safe.
This East European crisis is such a dangerous game, which could easily escalate with disastrous consequences. In my view it could have been easily avoided.
NATO and EU have both prodded the Russian Bear without necessarily thinking through the end game, just like Bush & Co with Blair did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This East European incursion was not directly threatening our security until we decided to go against agreements made when the Berlin Wall came down.
What was the point of going further than mutual beneficial trading partnerships with traditional ex-Russian lands, (for example Kiev was the first East Slavic State capital – Kiev Rus – and Crimea was only handed over to Ukraine by Khrushchev in 1954).
It is certainly asking for trouble with Russia psyche if one is going against agreements made as the Berlin Wall came down, that ‘NATO would not move a centimetre to the east’.
In my view Putin’s strong defensive actions in Ukraine were so predictable, after Georgia and Chechnya .
We would have been much wiser keeping our noses well out of it since our security was not at stake and the EU MEPs were crazy to stoke the fire by going on the street demonstrations in Kiev last year giving false hopes.
Now we are thinking of WW 3 scenarios building another Iron Curtain along the Polish/Baltic States line.
A very good comment. Russia will not allow Nato and the EU to sit on it’s borders if it involves the Ukraine.
Our stupid politicians and media don’t get this at all. It would not matter who runs Russia this would be a constant of Russian policy.
Well Dave, the Russians are a tad homophobic aren’t they? Islamophobic too, I’m told, although God knows what reasons they can possibly have for that. Personally I think that Vlad’s a gynophobe and I’d like the BBC to liaise with local police and send a helicopter to spy through his windows. Truth is, when it comes to the point, Vlad is plainly and unforgivably masculine … although he does look good on horseback … and now we’ve become a liberal nation (thanks be to Atheism for our divine enlightenment) we just don’t want to live next door to a hideously white nation like Russia any more. Long live multiulturalism, Labour, CamCon and the BBC, that’s what I say!
Where is my sword of desire … oops, sorry, my hands are a little slippery this morning. Allahu akhbar!
At Sky I can see the headlines of today;s papers :
Metro – Beheaded on a London street
Mirror – Gran, 82, beheaded in her back garden
Sun – ‘Muslim convert’ beheads woman in garden
Telegraph – Woman, 82, beheaded by man with machete
BBC’s 5.35am review of the papers on the Today programme – no mention whatsoever of any of these headlines that run across half the British press !
Easily explained, one presumes, by clearly being ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady?
At least, as far as the world’s most trusted and transparent state media blackout appears concerned.
Proving negatives are notoriously tricky, and there’s nothing an FoI exclusion can’t suppress, but these editorial omissions are becoming rather noticeable by their absence, and frequency.
Propaganda backed by censorship has poor historical precedent.
Also a wee bit tucked away is the little local difficulty between the Dalai Lama and Aunty’s fave African nation.
Probably wise. Nobody going to come out of that well either.
At this rate, if a turtle is not skateboarding soon, one will need training up pronto as the 24/7 schedules will struggle to fill itself with dead celebs.
Must be quite a sight all those 8,000 cubicle garden dwellers sitting on their hands awaiting orders.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has STILL censored out the Islamic connection to the beheading in Edmonton.
In this Beeboid political, online preview headline of U.K newspapers, there are THREE examples (1, 2, & 3) of Beeboid political bias in one headline! Viz-
Beheading ‘horror’ (1);
UK ‘gearing up for war’ (2);
and Calais ‘besieged’ by migrants(3).
By Beeboid Andy McFarlane.
On (1) -the Islamic connection is censored out;
on (2.)- no mention of Islamic state enemy ‘gearing up for war’;
on (3) – ‘illegal immigrants’ censored out.
I think that the BBC policy of avoiding mention of ‘mens’ ethinicity or religion has become counter productive. The longer they don’t mention names or ethinicity of a suspect or someone arrested for a crime , the more people think that the perpetrators must be Muslim. Also the more people realise that the BBC is trying to manipulate the news.
So my advice to the BBC is to keep on trying to cover up the facts because it only undermines your organisation’s credibility in the eyes of the British people, which is a necessary first step to getting rid of the corporation altogether.
The police have not named him yet, but the bias lies in in the fact that the bBC have completely avoided the Sun’s front page last night and this morning.
Sky showed it last night, other than being pro Islam I don’t see the problem (with disclaimers) in the bBC reporting on the Suns front page.
Unless the BBC’s ‘journalists’ are completely bloody useless they would have had a name and nationality (Nigerian BTW) by 3pm yesterday.
Reports state, a convert to the “religion of pieces”
and within 12 months beheading a pensioner with a machete.
(and it could have been anyone non Muslim).
tick, tick, tick!
“Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.
However, detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.”
“WHAT! … On what grounds? Why? …
denial and wilful ignorance, of course”
R Spencer
Terrorism eh!,
… have they ruled out Islam?
… If they only examined the evidence eh?
oh I forgot, sorry … its the Met
Edmonton MP Andy Love said: “I am absolutely horrified and stunned by what has happened in my constituency.This is a relatively solid community with relatively good relations”
“Relatively?” … active Muslim community?
The Daily Politics today ran a segment on twenty people inventively doing a Jarrow to London march to campaign against ‘privatisation’ of the NHS. If we organised twenty one people to march on BBC bias would we get on the DP?
They have got excited by such things before, commented upon here.
There were some unemployed ‘yoof’ on a ‘march’ that attracted a full BBc crew and gush-commentary that accidently allowed a wide shot to reveal fewer than you get on a walking bus from the BBc creche to cello practice.
They really have too many staff with too little to report upon (topic decisions selective but FoI exempted).
Give that man a one way ticket to Syria … so he can explain his
position of abject, complete and utter ignorance, to ISIS and then…
# bring back our jihadi s … with new ipads, and a few playstation games.
is he on Al BBC this weekend?
“UK’s Telegraph: Boredom, not Islam, motivates Islamic State’s Western converts”
By Robert Spencer.
“Here’s the scenario: a welfare state brings in a massive influx of immigrants who hold to a belief system that tells them they have a responsibility to wage war against and subjugate those who don’t believe in that belief system, and that the non-believers have the responsibility to pay them tribute. Many of these immigrants thus happily go on welfare in that welfare state, and spend their time working on ways to wage war against unbelievers both abroad and at home. When the situation approaches crisis point, the welfare state’s learned analysts, anxious to cover for the immigrant’s belief system, which they do not accept but nevertheless believe must be protected at all costs, decide that that couldn’t be what is motivating them to fight. It must be because, in that welfare state that provides for all their needs, they have nothing to do, and the devil finds work for idle hands.
“Indeed so, and the work that the devil has found for Tim Stanley of the Telegraph is the task of writing a serious piece about a risible idea, as part of his publication’s attempt, and British society’s attempt, to perpetuate the willful ignorance that blankets British society, and to pretend that the source of their problem is anything — anything! — other than what it really is.”
Are these DT kids trying to outdo each other in their stupidity, or what?
They should step back for a few minutes before pressing the ‘publish’ button, and ask themselves “How will this come across to a normal, post adolescent person?”
Watched around 30 minutes of BBC news on TV this lunchtime. No mention of the beheading. Coverage in detail of new finger scanning security measures for Barclays customers and the Green Party conference. Fascinating stuff.
Perhaps the BBC are hoping that something will turn up to let them off the hook – maybe it will turn out to be a bad Flymo accident, or Putin will nuke Washington, something like that.
Pity anyone pitching a remake of the Scarlett Pimpernel, Six Wives of Henry 8 or Tale of Two Cities.
“I say, Nigel, maybe if we substituted some Enforced De-Radicalisation seminars for those dodgy scenes, every wet idealist from David Cameron to Tim Stanley would surely approve?”
Meanwhile any allegories or metaphors in fictions that adhere to the BBC narrative doubtless stay free of the cutting room floor.
BBC a bit damned all ways but really, by too often erring only one, deserve it.
Yes, and that coupled with Commissar HALL’s directives on the compulsory enforcement, which may as well be applied restrospectively, of his ‘DIVERSITY’ rules on all Beeboid productions, could have Oliver Cromwell portrayed as black, and the 17 century English Civil War as being fought out by unlikely non-beheading (!) Sunnis and Shia Muslims.
Will Beeboid Harrabin and co, now don scuba diving gear (the thought) to take direct action against this fracking?:-
‘The Times’ (£)-
“North Sea fracking ‘will earn £300bn for Scotland’”
Very strange indeed seeing as clear family links to drugs trade, and one being the ex owner of a Rham taxi firm, (taxis at school gates/night time economy etc), another being in charge of scrutiny of childrens services!, previous denial of any problem, charged with violence etc … and family links to Yorks police who also carry blame.
Goodness … should have been the first place, to have tv cameras, virulent press pack, and radio reporters demanding answers on camera .. not some strange alternate universe, where for some reason, they re at the very back of the queue.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
There was a little gem from Rithula Shah on The World Tonight on Tuesday, near the end.
A former military chief had been making the case for strong national defence, citing a Roman saying about preparing for war in order to live in peace. The opinion piece, which even included a brief opposing comment from “Gorgeous George” Galloway about the redundancy of NATO in today’s world, ended and the presenter, unable to contain her disagreement with it, said that it was “… a PERSONAL view …” with a fairly heavy emphasis on the word which I have capitalized.
She could have kept quiet and privately disagreed, of course, but she seemed to want to signal to listeners that they could safely discount what had been said, as it was his “personal” view and not the correct BBC-standard one.
Its interesting how the peace dividend only works until the next dictator comes along.
In 1939 it was Hilter
In 2014 its…Putin.
Putin is no threat to us or anyone else ,these problems in the Ukraine are a direct result of the EU politbureau interfering in that country.
Anybody else pissed off with the 24/7 coverage of the poor parents of that poor child from the bBC. Now before I go on, I am over the moon they have been released and back with their child.
My gripe, is the bBC was first off the block in demonising these parents and now they openly parade them as…victims.
In fact something similar transpired in Rotherham, where the bBC for years castigated anybody who exposed this as racist and must be silenced.
I noticed the complete volte farce [sic] as the BBC jumped to put itself on the side of the angels once it was overwhelmingly clear that the parents weren’t the international criminals which the European man hunt suggested.
Still, it did help stop a head of steam building about events in Rotherham. That story now doesn’t even feature on the BBC news website home page. On the England page there’s just a link to a Rotherham related story but where the BBC is trying to make the focus of the story the police, not the offenders.
I know a bit of your background Pounce. Don’t you think Rotherham voters will be voting UKIP in droves just to turf Labour out? Provided there aren’t too many postal votes to be weighed that is.
Flex wrote:
” Don’t you think Rotherham voters will be voting UKIP in droves just to turf Labour out?”
I’ve lived in Germany and I couldn’t help but notice that the Eastern half was extremely racist and I wondered why. It transpired that during the communist era, Blacks browns were encouraged to come to live,work,train,learn in the East without once asking the locals. When the wall came down their ugly racist views came to the fore. Now I’m not saying all East Germans are evil racist bigots, but there’s a bloody lot.
And then I saw the same thing happening in the UK.
Its a disgrace that in trying to stamp out racism, the left build the perfect conditions for it to grow.
Yorkshire and the Humber Region Declaration of local result for the Rotherham local counting area, 2014 EU vote
Party name Number of votes
An Independence from Europe 1207
British National Party 1799
Conservative Party 7472
English Democrats 829
Green Party 2826
Labour Party 23299
Liberal Democrats 1343
NO2EU 220
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 27949
Completely uterrly dis-interested Every time this story is on I turn over. The Hypocrisy of the BBc is indeed stunning in relation to the Rotherham (and other cases). From the reports you would think the BBc had just found out about this story.
“Freelance who exposed BBC Savile scandal accuses corporation of triple cover-up”
By William Turvill.
BBC Biased readers, there will come a time when there will be an enquiry into the BBC, its Trustees and all its activities and I have no doubt, that this website will be sourced for its historical posts for evidence. Therefore it would be good policy to keep all your posts to true and factual statements.
UK anti-semitic incidents peaked in July, Jewish charity says:
This is a headline in the news website. No doubt some nefarious triangulation.
This will be so they can big-up any anti-Muslim incidents and call it fair.
News where you are…. (or – more accurately – the public sector socialist noticeboard).
BBC London tv news. Yesterday it was ‘figures obtained by the BBC say there’s not enough teachers.
This morning it is Limp Dem Sarah Teather’s turn straight to air… ‘landlord licencing’ is the BBC top headline for London.
How does the conversation go, I wonder – hello, yes, BBC newsroom here… tell me, how many public sector jobs does this news story seek to create? That many? Hold the front page, here’s our headline report!
Teather, now there’s a female Lib Dem that passed the Rennard test. But how ?
Cameron Lying on the Today program this morning, that Jihad, and anyone indulging in it is ‘perverting the religion of Islam’ which is a fine good and peaceful religion !
He did nearly catch himself out with the lie when he went through some of the worlds Jihadi trouble spots. All those millions of people misinterpreting Islam !
The leader of ISIL has a PhD doctorate in Islamic studies I wasn’t aware that Cameron has been educated to an even higher standard than this in his chosen field – Islamic perversion!
I was not surprised when unprompted the PM trotted out his defence of Islam. Why was that even necessary? Perhaps the laddie doth protest too much?
Because he and all the authorities have to keep the lid on. If the real truth be known and the people started asking questions and demanding solutions then the government would have a real problem on their hands.
After every Islamic atrocity in this country out they come scared stiff of a reaction against the ROP.
yippee! normal font back!
And for me.
How did that happen?
I suspect someone amongst the contributors trying to make changes to the html template without knowing what they were doing.
I switched fonts temporarily. It’s a bug in Chrome on Windows that was causing the crazy font. It’s still not quite perfect on Chrome but the problem is affecting quite a few sites (which use Gill Sans font) so it should be fixed soon.
Are you surprised?
Mr D Cameron PM has “form” on this, he hasn t a clue what s going on even in the UK, where the most dangerous “5th column” threat becomes ever bolder, in Bradford, in Rotherham, even in T Hamlets, his position of wilful and complete ignorance is astounding
someone asked about this yesterday.
“how bad an atrocity or act would need to happen for the UK & US governments to finally say ”
We have had, a young soldier attacked, his head virtually sawn off, in the UK, on a Woolwich street, the muslims who did it giving a phone lecture, with blood still on their hands …
that should have been the “straw that broke the camels back” … “the line in the sand” … should!”
David Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt re Woolwich
Likewise across the pond – Obama could not even bring himself to use the word “Islamic” yesterday when discussing ISIS.
Obviously consulted with grand mufti John Kerry:
‘The Real Face Of Islam Is A Peaceful Religion’
Dave mate:
Until you accept there is a problem then the chances of defeating that problem do not exist.
Quote from my simpletons Ancient book of Charlatans
simple quotes 2014
I do like you – inasmuch as you are trying your best to right the catastrophe that was Labour Governance – but you losing this muzzies problem.
Cameron gets tough with returning be-headers. They will attend a -de-radicalisation (or diversity ) programme.
If only we had done that with the Nazis; it would have saved us from having to fight in WW2.
For the BBC. Cameron, Ch4 News etc
“Moderate Islam isn’t what most Muslims believe. It’s what most liberals believe that Muslims believe.
The new multicultural theology of the West is moderate Islam. Moderate Islam is the perfect religion for a secular age since it isn’t a religion at all.
Take Islam, turn it inside out and you have moderate Islam.
Take a Muslim who hasn’t been inside a mosque in a year, who can name the entire starting lineup of the San Diego Chargers, but can’t name Mohammed’s companions and you have a moderate Muslim.
Or more accurately, a secular Muslim.”
D Greenfield
BBC eh! on and on the overt Islamic protectionism goes.
One last hopeless dose of VD before she departs
5Live News … sighs, intakes of breath as she hears
that poverty, disenfranchisement, foreign policy and lack
of opportunity … does not make Islamic mass murderers.
Wanting to murder the non Islamic, going to the Islamic state, to join with Islamic Jihadi s, get closer to the Islamic texts, becomes obsessed with the Islamic imperative,
… a clue anyone?
The ruling elites in the UK keep trying to play down the connection between, the ever growing list of atrocities committed at home and abroad by Muslims, and the religion of Islam, because they fear widespread civil unrest at best, and outright civil war at worst, in the UK, if the native Brits decide that they have had enough and turn on the Muslims. The BBC is a key player in passifying the Brits because it is so dominant it can keep control of the news agenda and create a mindset which accepts this policy of multiculturalism. The last thing the rulers want is for us to be told the truth about what multiculturalism is doing to our country. And they will do everything possible to prevent anyone saying that the future is bleak.
Unfortunately the elite don’t have any plan for how to defuse this ticking bomb. Perhaps they believe that if they can keep the lid on things the problem will eventually solve itself. Lee Rigby , the girls in Rotherham and elsewhere, those who died n 2005 in London , are a necessary price in their eyes in order to prevent a confrontation between the two communities.
But their strategy doesn’t seem to be working. The Muslims rather than being integrated and accepting British values and settling down to live peacefully in our midst are going their own way and setting up Islamic parts of the UK. This in turn spawns radicals who totally reject our values and believe that the imposition of fundamentalist Islamic values on our society is their mission from God.
Someone needs to find a way defusing this bomb or it will surely detonate in the future and then we will all be badly affected.
This generation of Islamic adherents are more “radical”
than their parents, this past 5years the ante has been increasing expedientially.
All we have heard from our Government/lame stream media is catastrophic appeasement and denial …
…. it won t be long
The main problem for the BBC is not per se that Muslims fail to integrate, but that more and more people find the real world to be at odds with what the BBC tells it.
Army take over, soon – I hope.
More proof of Guardian Rotherham cover-up:
Another Rotherham? Spot the missing link:
Maybe it is somehow related to this:
Best keep these things quiet hey?
Yorkshire is full of “Rotherhams”. The photo accompanying this article shows a pair of white cuffed hands, but we all know damn well what the provenance of the “28 men arrested in Keighley grooming gang probe” is. Similar investigations are being carried out in Bradford, Leeds and other parts of West Yorkshire and Calderdale.
“Yorkshire is full of “Rotherhams”
Capital of Yorkshiristan, Bradfordibul?
“Reflecting on the beheading of US hostage Steven Sotloff by Islamic State thugs, pious BBC ‘World Affairs’ editor John Simpson announced grandly on Radio 4: ‘One day that man who is cutting people’s heads off will be in jail in The Hague and that will be a great moment for people like me.’
An even greater moment for the victims’ families one imagines.”
Read more:
Meh don’t give him the oxygen of publicity.
I’m looking to see his broken body lying in a ditch beside a road in Syria with a pi-dog cocking its hind-leg over the corpse.. Pour encourager les autres etc.
Talking of which – I hear that running round in a flatbed Ford with a heavy machine gun welded to the rear has become less popular with the ‘fighters’ following the drone attack snuff videos released by the CIA showing how badly that game can end.
As Islam Not BBC (INBBC) knows, and won’t permit:-
“When you challenge Islam, you are attacking multiculturalism”
By Robert Spencer.
Excellent, Mr Greenfield always cuts through the fog of obfuscation.
I’ve never met a ‘moderate muslim’. I’ve spoken with westernised young muslims born in the UK who have professional careers relying on British commerce and industry.
When the subject of 9/11 is introduced in conversation, there’s a moments pause and either no comment or something about Bush being involved or something non-descript and bland. But never any condemnation.
The Imams in Britain have spoken of their disapproval of ISIS/IS and their caliphate. What they mean is that events are moving too fast and could inhibit the Imams greater political control of Britain. This has been progressing very nicely for the Imams over the past 15 years.
The last thing the Imams want is for the rise of a new and strong British government in the wake of ISIS that could end their comfortable status-quo.
I don’t know why, but I found this rather amusing…
….in light of this….
‘David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which panellists are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they are able to smuggle past their opponents.’
‘Despite recent promises to restore public trust in the wake of the Savile scandal, and having spent millions of pounds of public money on various inquiries which have so far shone only a dim light on its secretive workings, the BBC has chosen to become enmeshed in a spider’s web of half-truths and non-denial denials best described as a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up.’
Beeboids: forever campaigning for Mass Immigration into Britain, as currently. in the case of Afghan Sikhs-
“Why are Afghan Sikhs desperate to flee to the UK?”
By Melanie Abbott.
Number of immigrants, and limits to immigration are censored by Beeboids.
BBC-NUJ represents the interests of putative immigrants, while it erases the interests of 60 million indigenous British people. Of course, there’s the daily inflow of illegal immigrants (BBC-NUJ’s mis-described, ‘migrants’) into U.K via Calais, plus the ceaseless inward flow from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, etc.,etc.
Beeboids are unconcerned with the negative impact which their enabling of the colonisation of Britain has on indigenous British people.
Still waiting for my reply as too why the BBc avoided using the word illegal in this case of the Sikh illegal migrants.
I heard some beebmonger the other day saying that Aysha King needs £90,000 for his “protein bean treatment”.
By my reckoning, if we sell the house of Simon Hayes, take his salary and go through the chain of command of the NHS and the Hampshire Police “Service”…the CPS and useful tools who questioned the Kings actions…the Southampton Uni Trust and Jim Naughtie(for urging an I-Spy on the Kings car whilst in France last Friday am)…that surely would be a few million that could finally be put to a decent use.
And not letting these bottom feeders suck off the public teat that we are forced to provide for them all.
We need to learn from the IDF…bulldoze the houses, drain the swamps…then the Common Purpose graduands and gauleiters might then know to tell the truth, and stop the jackboots.
I`ve had a “Brimful of Asha!”…shake down £90,000 from the pimps of Labours creating…then let`s get the rest of them systematically.
Just saw this on FB:
BBC News
Watch as a super-articulate nine-year-old argues with the deputy PM over his school meals policy.
“At my school the meals are very unhealthy,” complains Rohan from his south London school.
Nick Clegg was answering questions in his weekly LBC phone-in programme with Nick Ferrari.
Oddly, no mention of the (possibly paranoid… who knows… it’s not like the BBC ever would stoop to waving through or facilitate a highly articulate vox popper cum activist ringer is it?) high-profile reaction from the DPM, that is clearly ‘not news’ (© A. Newsroom Tealady)
Various news agencies reporting a beheading in a back garden in london, what timing.
It will be interesting to see what the ethnicity of the culprit is…
If he was white, the BBC would have told us by now….
Since 1. the attack happened in broad daylight with multiple witnesses and yet 2. there is a total media black-out of any physical description of the attacker, it seems to me to be a fair working hypothesis
BBC has removed footage of Police statement.
Daily Mail has stopped comments on it.
Media lockdown on this one.
Mail allowing comments again, must’ve looked too suspicious, but they are all “moderated in advance”.
Currently everyone and anyone rushing about saying what it is not… probably, with luck…. god willing…
However one is sure communities living in fear are cranking up the TellMama alert to 11, and another Newsnight roving reporter is off to emote and empathise.
Even if, as all seem sure, it is nothing to do with anything. Just a simple head severance incident in a leafy suburb of this green and ever more unpleasant land.
At some point the poor victim may be accorded some interest too. We shall see.
Rest assured the community where this murder took place is vibrant and multicultural
Beeboids, with their usual political selectivity, will tell us how the female victim was killed, but not the ethnicity of her male killer.
Of course, this is not Beeboids reporting now, the way they reported on Ferguson.
The BBC should hire Keith Vaz.
From his instant on the scene analysis at the Cliff inquiry he’d have this one cleared up before you can say ‘watertight oversight’.
But then, that was a different time. And situation. And…
Mrs S was just showing me a report from the scene (sky news I think)
Chief inspector plod goes through a long list of things he doesn’t know, was the women intend victim -don’t know- did she know the killer- don’t know- was he local -don’t know- where there any other victims – don’t know- were there any witnesses – don’t know (they only know the decapitated body is dead because a doctor told apparently) But one thing he absolutely sure of – ‘this is not a terrorist event ‘
Then Mr S points out some thing interesting no crowds of neighbours and/or rubber- neckers, with the usual ,he /she was a lovely boy/girl- loved their mum – nothing like this happens around here quotes
Apparently the victim was a Afghan lady with 2 sons (3 and 7)
It appears the man was seen attacking an animal before the murder. (Cat or dog)
Actually in light of how the Police are now asking people to solve their own crimes, I’m surprised they turned up and then plod broke his wrist. I take it the lid of the donut box closed on his fat piggy.
British Police just as bad as the bBC
‘British Police just as bad as the bBC’
Coincidentally, in other news….
‘South Yorkshire Chief Constable David ‘Dismal’ Crompton… in his commentary, says that BBC reporter Dan Johnson twice stated that his information about an investigation into Sir Cliff Richard came from Operation Yewtree. That’s in direct contradiction of Dan’s boss, newsgathering head honcho Jonathan Munro”.
So, who can you trust, the police or the national broadcaster?
Maybe… neither is the best bet?
“So, who can you trust, the police or the national broadcaster?
Maybe… neither is the best bet?”
Neither, IMHO. I read the BBC website mainly, and then come here to get the real news (and the news behind the news).
BBC’s take on things is extremely slippery.
“Apparently the victim was an Afghan lady with 2 sons (3 and7)”. Well, the latest news has said the poor woman was 82 years old, so someone’s getting their wires crossed. A 25 year old “man” has been arrested.
That’s the good thing about this website , its first with the breaking news ! I hope that Rona Fairhead reads it .
All you islamophobic bigots assuming this could have anything to do with the Religion of Peace. When over 90% of the population are not Muslim the chance of a second beheading in London also being by a Muslim is tiny … oh hang on a mo’
” Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.” “Catering worker Freda Odame, 30, said she heard a commotion and pulled back her curtains and saw a black man aged in his mid 20s.” (
Never in a million years would I have suspected that the Religion Of Peace would have made an appearance in this sad affair. I am shocked, I tell you, shocked………
I am also shocked. Truly.
Nothing further about that on the BBC website yet, however there will are two possible outcomes:
1) The guilty party’s religion will be deliberately omitted;
2) It will all be the fault of everyone else who is not a muslim for making him feel ostracized from society etc.
Does that make it a racist killing (that we’ll be hearing about on the BBC for the next twenty years) or religious hatred? Tough one for the BBC so no doubt they won’t bother to explore either angle.
So the hostage held by the Islamic scum in Syria is a Scotsman.
Suppose there`s no chance of the Scottish leader in waiting Alex Salmond giving us HIS plans to liberate his fellow-national!
Or-given his Al Magrahbi compliance in 2009-is it fair to say that Salmond will weasel out of this one,and blame Cameron for whatever happens.
Power without responsibilty-gestures, wristbands and showpony crapola, unthreatened by the BBC…”no questions yer honour”.
Salmond personifies the Lefts entitlement with easy pickings…without a hope that he`d ever do anything about this awful situation.
West’s political ‘leaders’ (and INBBC) are still in denial about the Islamic nature of the Islamic State, despite the overwhelming and obvious evidence:-
“Islamic State justifies atrocities by citing Muhammad”
The BBC helpfully advising us on “Five tips for solving your own crimes.”
I love a good piece of satire. Oh wait…
“France: Socialist President Hollande ‘Hates the Poor’ Says Ex Valérie Trierweiler”
– censored by ‘socialist’ Beeboids.
“Rottweiler bites back: Lover Hollande destabilised me deliciously, writes dumped First Mistress in book that stuns France.”
Read more:
BBC gettign very agitated about ‘hate crimes’ against eastern European families in Belfast.
Their bias is clear when they attempt to blame Loyalists for them, based only on the argument that more (not all) of these ‘crimes’ have been in Loyalist areas.
Perhaps the fact that Poles are Catholics restrains the Catholic population, but I doubt they welcome the invasion from Eastern Europe, any more than Prods do!
Where not some eastern europeans literaly burnt out of Dublin a couple of years ago?
I seem to remember ‘i’ll give you a slap’ Nolan tiptoeing around it very gingerly
Hats off to the BBC it allowed Milliband to provide his full prospectus for securing a No vote – an energy price freeze & an increase in the minimum wage. ITV interrupted him before his full range of goodies were laid out. FFS!! 300 year union to end for a saving of a few quid on the gas bill?
The man from the CPS throws Guardian light on Rotherham. Its very complicated, not religion or ethnicity but class plays a part, and the fact that some people work in the night time economy. Our man from the CPS successfully prosecuted the Rochdale rape gangs, so I guess he knows best. But something about Rochdale still leaves a nasty taste: given the number of rapes, the amount of trafficking, how come only a dozen or so were taken to court?
I suggest that Biased BBC contributors weigh up this article carefully, it could become the BBC line.
hmm … would you buy a, “used” story from this man?,
… a man called Nazir Afzal, finds no religious basis for
MUSLIM paedophile gang rape in Rotherham?
hmmm … so crime stats .
Somali, Moroccan, Afghan, Paki, Iraqi, Bangladeshi, any link between them?, any ideas?.
91% of the offences attributed to “Asian” muslims
4% of the UK population muslim
Therefore statistically 200 times more likely to commit this offence.
Infiltration at the highest level from local gov, to upper eschelons
of gov/law.
remember this guy (below) … same hymn sheet …
Only one recourse, anyone in denial of the glaring reality.
Remove all those officials from office; council officials, police chiefs, senior social services.
With a recommendation they NEVER hold public office again – dereliction of duty, and make sure they face a prison term.
Noggin, I watched the video and heard the crap about learning lessons and looking to the future from the Banardo man. He should be sacked immediately. If this was Iraq there would be a case for sending the army in until democratically controlled and responsible officials were installed.
It will become the standard liberal line without any doubt. One thing I noticed .This bit about the nighttime economy being dominated in these towns by ethnic and Muslim men Thus the problems he seemed to be suggesting were a result of this.
One would expect a mirror image of abuse in the towns where the night time economy is dominated by whites.
Is there? Do we have figures? And if not then the first case looks to be very different.
On a recent visit to Scotland when the subject of the impending referendum was raised and I pointed out that most people in England now no longer really care a damn about the outcome , it was surprising that those who intended to vote ‘yes’ for independence were the first to take great umbrage at this and were seriously offended .
Those who, on the other hand intended to vote ‘no’ in order to continue the union just shrugged, and one or two even expressed sympathy with this view .
My only wish is , if Scotland goes, then when Scotland goes tits up. Then they are denied access to England.
A poster on Guido summed it up nicely –
‘the only thing funnier than a No vote would be a Yes vote.
Where will I go Pounce? There is already no place for me in Salmond’s Fo(u)rth Reich and I’m repeatedly demonised because I used to vote Tory………apparently all Scotland’s troubles are my fault and the other 15% who voted Conservative.
Uncle Bup wrote:
Where will I go Pounce?
I was being sarcastic , it would be most hypocritical for me to support such a stance as my parents came from a newly independent India during the 50s.
I really do want the Uk to remain together, but it makes me so angry how the Nationalist side has used open racist hostility towards the English in which to build their case.
Al Beeb reports ‘The mayor of the northern French city of Calais has threatened to block the port unless Britain does more to control the number of illegal migrants.’ How is this Great Britain’s fault ? The French are responsible for their own border control. Furthermore, I thought ‘asylum seekers’ had to claim that right in the first country that they set foot in ?
How is this Great Britain’s fault ?”
BBC version
“The mayor complained that British immigration policy made the UK be seen as “an Eldorado” by immigrants.”
Else where today I read that he said it was our benefits system that made Britain an ‘Eldoradao, Which makes more sense of the allusion. ( you know streets paved with gold)
But that would contradict the BBC,s narrative on why asylum seekers cross multiple safe countries to get to the UK
If the French can see it, why are we NOT ALLOWED to see it.?
Sky News – The French say its Britain’s fault because of our benefits system !
Friend of mine was posted to Sierra Leone he told me the locals know two things about Great Britain:
1) Manchester United
2) They give you houses for free.
AL Beeb continues to report ‘desperate’ immigrants in Calais – desperate to get into Great Britain! How many of these ‘desperate’ immigrants are potential terrorists ?
Islam will take over the world.
I fear it will. Allah admiral ackbar to you my friend.
This starts to get fun about from this point:
@bbcnickrobinson: @TimMontgomerie If only the UK had such high quality fair & balanced broadcast journalism
It’s possible though BBC’s top political editor may have been better advised to err on thinking things rather than resorting to twitter
Nick ‘Le Slaphead’ Robinson came out with a classic when reporting on The Messiah’s gracing of the valleys, today: ‘People in this country like Obama because he is patient, because he likes to weigh up his options before embarking on any course of military action…’ Nothing to do with his skin colour, I guess? As far as I can see, he is the most useless president in a long time… but because the Left will NEVER criticise a minority, they still view his Excellency as the Holy Man who’s come a-wanderin’ down from those lofty mountains where wisdom grows on sacred branches.
The BBC love to find those eager to justify Obama’s dithering…
“People in this country” for whom he, presumably, thinks he speaks?
Nick rather losing the plot one way or another. Lucky he is backed by just so many uniques at present.
Obama is ruthless in pursuing what he sees as narrow US interest. Witness his stamping on BP, support for Argentina’s demand for negotiation over the Falklands, pressing for sanctions on Russia which will damage Europe but not the US, assassination by drone with attendant civilian casualties and reneging on his pledge to close Guantanamo. The BBC loves him. Funny how the BBC don’t ever show him smoking or golfing.
Will the bBC News Channel paper review include this at 11.30?
Thought so!
Sky included it in their review.
Very worrying. People will start to get scared and scared people are unpredictable. Our government needs to get a grip on this.
Very true.
I posted a comment a couple of days ago about a single event causing unrest to kick off. I’m not claiming any credit for it because it wasn’t all that clever, frankly. There’s no sign of our so-called leaders getting a grip though. In today’s DT we have Eric Pickles (the fat fool who was Chair of Bradford’s Education Committee or something at the time of Ray Honeyford’s sacking) lecturing us about ‘tolerance’, and daring to mention ‘thugs’ invading a few mosques following the murder of Lee Rigby. Diddums. In some respects, this is the most obnoxious article I have read for some time.
The fight against intolerance begins at home
Now we have more vibrancy awaiting importation from Calais. Only the French seem to understand why this is happening.
Our leaders don’t even seem to understand the problem. We’re in the late 1930s again, with the essential difference that the fascist invasion is already in progress.
I watched ‘Terminator’ last night and the similarities with the current situation are incredible. Go watch it. The lone voices warning of the imminent danger yet the politicians with the help of the media & the police shutting down any dissent or warnings. Skynet is Islam. Where is our John Connor?
Grief just watched “so you think you can drive?” Cheap and nasty TV at it’s cheapest. Well when I say watched it I just couldn’t be bothered to turn over as I’m doing some work on the PC. It’s so felt like a day time TV I wonder if some one at the BBc got confused with 11 in the morning and 11 at night.
I note the “beheading” in London got no coverage on the 22:00 news terrorist related or not. I I now see on this edit the Sun appears to have let the rat out the bag on this.
Nothing other than the trade sanctions against Russia has yet been decided it appears, but one hopes our NATO leaders in South Wales will come up with policies that will keep us all safe.
This East European crisis is such a dangerous game, which could easily escalate with disastrous consequences. In my view it could have been easily avoided.
NATO and EU have both prodded the Russian Bear without necessarily thinking through the end game, just like Bush & Co with Blair did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This East European incursion was not directly threatening our security until we decided to go against agreements made when the Berlin Wall came down.
What was the point of going further than mutual beneficial trading partnerships with traditional ex-Russian lands, (for example Kiev was the first East Slavic State capital – Kiev Rus – and Crimea was only handed over to Ukraine by Khrushchev in 1954).
It is certainly asking for trouble with Russia psyche if one is going against agreements made as the Berlin Wall came down, that ‘NATO would not move a centimetre to the east’.
In my view Putin’s strong defensive actions in Ukraine were so predictable, after Georgia and Chechnya .
We would have been much wiser keeping our noses well out of it since our security was not at stake and the EU MEPs were crazy to stoke the fire by going on the street demonstrations in Kiev last year giving false hopes.
Now we are thinking of WW 3 scenarios building another Iron Curtain along the Polish/Baltic States line.
A very good comment. Russia will not allow Nato and the EU to sit on it’s borders if it involves the Ukraine.
Our stupid politicians and media don’t get this at all. It would not matter who runs Russia this would be a constant of Russian policy.
Well Dave, the Russians are a tad homophobic aren’t they? Islamophobic too, I’m told, although God knows what reasons they can possibly have for that. Personally I think that Vlad’s a gynophobe and I’d like the BBC to liaise with local police and send a helicopter to spy through his windows. Truth is, when it comes to the point, Vlad is plainly and unforgivably masculine … although he does look good on horseback … and now we’ve become a liberal nation (thanks be to Atheism for our divine enlightenment) we just don’t want to live next door to a hideously white nation like Russia any more. Long live multiulturalism, Labour, CamCon and the BBC, that’s what I say!
Where is my sword of desire … oops, sorry, my hands are a little slippery this morning. Allahu akhbar!
“A very good comment.”
Current Western leaders seem to be a dangerously inept bunch.
At Sky I can see the headlines of today;s papers :
Metro – Beheaded on a London street
Mirror – Gran, 82, beheaded in her back garden
Sun – ‘Muslim convert’ beheads woman in garden
Telegraph – Woman, 82, beheaded by man with machete
BBC’s 5.35am review of the papers on the Today programme – no mention whatsoever of any of these headlines that run across half the British press !
BBC – “hear no Muslim evil, see no Muslim evil”
Easily explained, one presumes, by clearly being ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady?
At least, as far as the world’s most trusted and transparent state media blackout appears concerned.
Proving negatives are notoriously tricky, and there’s nothing an FoI exclusion can’t suppress, but these editorial omissions are becoming rather noticeable by their absence, and frequency.
Propaganda backed by censorship has poor historical precedent.
Also a wee bit tucked away is the little local difficulty between the Dalai Lama and Aunty’s fave African nation.
Probably wise. Nobody going to come out of that well either.
At this rate, if a turtle is not skateboarding soon, one will need training up pronto as the 24/7 schedules will struggle to fill itself with dead celebs.
Must be quite a sight all those 8,000 cubicle garden dwellers sitting on their hands awaiting orders.
For Islamophile INBBC to censor:-
“UK: Woman beheaded in broad daylight by machete-wielding Muslim, police rule out terrorism.”
By Robert Spencer.
“This is denial and willful ignorance on a scale so massive as to spell nothing less than a doomed society.”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has STILL censored out the Islamic connection to the beheading in Edmonton.
In this Beeboid political, online preview headline of U.K newspapers, there are THREE examples (1, 2, & 3) of Beeboid political bias in one headline! Viz-
Beheading ‘horror’ (1);
UK ‘gearing up for war’ (2);
and Calais ‘besieged’ by migrants(3).
By Beeboid Andy McFarlane.
On (1) -the Islamic connection is censored out;
on (2.)- no mention of Islamic state enemy ‘gearing up for war’;
on (3) – ‘illegal immigrants’ censored out.
‘Sky News’ front pages:-
I think that the BBC policy of avoiding mention of ‘mens’ ethinicity or religion has become counter productive. The longer they don’t mention names or ethinicity of a suspect or someone arrested for a crime , the more people think that the perpetrators must be Muslim. Also the more people realise that the BBC is trying to manipulate the news.
So my advice to the BBC is to keep on trying to cover up the facts because it only undermines your organisation’s credibility in the eyes of the British people, which is a necessary first step to getting rid of the corporation altogether.
The police have not named him yet, but the bias lies in in the fact that the bBC have completely avoided the Sun’s front page last night and this morning.
Sky showed it last night, other than being pro Islam I don’t see the problem (with disclaimers) in the bBC reporting on the Suns front page.
Unless the BBC’s ‘journalists’ are completely bloody useless they would have had a name and nationality (Nigerian BTW) by 3pm yesterday.
Could he be a militant Jehovah Witness
Reports state, a convert to the “religion of pieces”
and within 12 months beheading a pensioner with a machete.
(and it could have been anyone non Muslim).
tick, tick, tick!
“Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.
However, detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.”
“WHAT! … On what grounds? Why? …
denial and wilful ignorance, of course”
R Spencer
Terrorism eh!,
… have they ruled out Islam?
… If they only examined the evidence eh?
oh I forgot, sorry … its the Met
Edmonton MP Andy Love said: “I am absolutely horrified and stunned by what has happened in my constituency.This is a relatively solid community with relatively good relations”
“Relatively?” … active Muslim community?
The Daily Politics today ran a segment on twenty people inventively doing a Jarrow to London march to campaign against ‘privatisation’ of the NHS. If we organised twenty one people to march on BBC bias would we get on the DP?
Rhetorical Qu.?
They have got excited by such things before, commented upon here.
There were some unemployed ‘yoof’ on a ‘march’ that attracted a full BBc crew and gush-commentary that accidently allowed a wide shot to reveal fewer than you get on a walking bus from the BBc creche to cello practice.
They really have too many staff with too little to report upon (topic decisions selective but FoI exempted).
Isil’s Western converts are not motivated by Islam.
They are motivated by boredom”
Tim Stanley, Telegraph.
Give that man a one way ticket to Syria … so he can explain his
position of abject, complete and utter ignorance, to ISIS and then…
# bring back our jihadi s … with new ipads, and a few playstation games.
is he on Al BBC this weekend?
“UK’s Telegraph: Boredom, not Islam, motivates Islamic State’s Western converts”
By Robert Spencer.
“Here’s the scenario: a welfare state brings in a massive influx of immigrants who hold to a belief system that tells them they have a responsibility to wage war against and subjugate those who don’t believe in that belief system, and that the non-believers have the responsibility to pay them tribute. Many of these immigrants thus happily go on welfare in that welfare state, and spend their time working on ways to wage war against unbelievers both abroad and at home. When the situation approaches crisis point, the welfare state’s learned analysts, anxious to cover for the immigrant’s belief system, which they do not accept but nevertheless believe must be protected at all costs, decide that that couldn’t be what is motivating them to fight. It must be because, in that welfare state that provides for all their needs, they have nothing to do, and the devil finds work for idle hands.
“Indeed so, and the work that the devil has found for Tim Stanley of the Telegraph is the task of writing a serious piece about a risible idea, as part of his publication’s attempt, and British society’s attempt, to perpetuate the willful ignorance that blankets British society, and to pretend that the source of their problem is anything — anything! — other than what it really is.”
Are these DT kids trying to outdo each other in their stupidity, or what?
They should step back for a few minutes before pressing the ‘publish’ button, and ask themselves “How will this come across to a normal, post adolescent person?”
“Comments are closed”, I see.
Watched around 30 minutes of BBC news on TV this lunchtime. No mention of the beheading. Coverage in detail of new finger scanning security measures for Barclays customers and the Green Party conference. Fascinating stuff.
Perhaps the BBC are hoping that something will turn up to let them off the hook – maybe it will turn out to be a bad Flymo accident, or Putin will nuke Washington, something like that.
“BBC scraps Dr Who beheading scene in wake of ‘recent news’”
-Beeboids’ publicly unstated political thinking:-
‘We can’t include a beheading: the British people would link it to aspects of Islam, and we can’t have that. Censor it out.’
Pity anyone pitching a remake of the Scarlett Pimpernel, Six Wives of Henry 8 or Tale of Two Cities.
“I say, Nigel, maybe if we substituted some Enforced De-Radicalisation seminars for those dodgy scenes, every wet idealist from David Cameron to Tim Stanley would surely approve?”
Meanwhile any allegories or metaphors in fictions that adhere to the BBC narrative doubtless stay free of the cutting room floor.
BBC a bit damned all ways but really, by too often erring only one, deserve it.
Yes, and that coupled with Commissar HALL’s directives on the compulsory enforcement, which may as well be applied restrospectively, of his ‘DIVERSITY’ rules on all Beeboid productions, could have Oliver Cromwell portrayed as black, and the 17 century English Civil War as being fought out by unlikely non-beheading (!) Sunnis and Shia Muslims.
Will Beeboid Harrabin and co, now don scuba diving gear (the thought) to take direct action against this fracking?:-
‘The Times’ (£)-
“North Sea fracking ‘will earn £300bn for Scotland’”
OT, but is this thread gunning for 500 status until the weekend kicks in?
Where is DV: lost in translation in Sweden still?
goodbye Sweden
Rotherham councillors suspended in latest child abuse twist.
Hidden shame of two members of Rotherham’s disgraced council
Sunday/Daily Star
I noted the past couple of weeks, the lack of indepth questioning and indeed airtime, over at least two Pakistani muslim councillors.
Very strange indeed seeing as clear family links to drugs trade, and one being the ex owner of a Rham taxi firm, (taxis at school gates/night time economy etc), another being in charge of scrutiny of childrens services!, previous denial of any problem, charged with violence etc … and family links to Yorks police who also carry blame.
Goodness … should have been the first place, to have tv cameras, virulent press pack, and radio reporters demanding answers on camera .. not some strange alternate universe, where for some reason, they re at the very back of the queue.