David opened this new thread, the instant I had posted this on the old one, so I have taken the liberty of reposting it here.
Anders Thomasson commented, yesterday, on the skewering of Alastair Darling on NN, observing that it must have been something of a dilemma for the BBC to attack a Labour politician.
The BBC’s activists have, though, for some considerable time been further to the left than even Miliband’s Labour Party (evidenced by the continual appearances Marxists and Trots like Owen Jones on al of their platforms) so at the end of the day it is no surprise that the BBC would break cover and align themselves with who they believe will deliver the ‘greatest social justice’ for Scotland (i.e. YES). Note how Social justice just rolls off the BBC’s teleprompters pixels as the key imperative in this debate, North of the border it’s the only game in town – no talk of mixed economies in Scotland and the balance that brings prosperity and real self determination (and independence) to men and women…it’s just not the Socialist way. That’s not a debate that the BBC want to have with the left wing protagonists up there.
And it’s no surprise that was reflected in the ‘Scotland Decides’ debate last night with an unbalanced panel of:
The Scottish Green Convener Patrick Harvie (impeccable left wing CV)
Sturgeon (Left wing SNP)
Galloway (Left wing – from some party or other)
Ruth Davidson (Tory)
Using the QT format, it was disturbing, if not unsurprisingly that the BBC failed to select a question from the youth of Scotland about the issue that is at the heart of the independence debate: The currency.
I do not believe for a single moment that not one, not one, of the kids there asked what currency an independent Scotland would choose. Which begs the question why was it omitted? Perhaps, as this guy (in the video below – HT to Seth via GF) brilliantly points out – it is so fundamental and is in reality the only thing that matters. And it is the SNP’s achilles heel – it’s where all of their bluster falls apart.
Perhaps this astonishing omission might also have something to do with this character, the BBC’s Glasgow based Executive Editor of the programme, former (?) Communist Nicolai Gentchev – he of Question Time.
Listening this morning to a Five Live trailer, using a stirring ‘Braveheart’ soundtrack and seeing the BBC, last night, avoid the elephant in the room…I sense that the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ have finally taken a position and wouldn’t mind seeing the establishment of a Scottish Socialist Republic.
And I wonder how many of the buggers have already written their requests to transfer up to Glasgow?
I never thought I would agree with Galloway but his dismissal of the whole thing as fantasy economics made sense.
He knows the currency is at the heart if the matter. The failure to concentrate on this by the moderator was lamentable.
It is for this reason alone that I am sure the vote will be No.
Galloway must have been a surprise to them. He is an old unreconsructed left winger with odious views on Israel but does understand reality when money is involved. The liberal is unable to cope with reality any time so the whole fantasy over the Scottish currency is no surprise.
The Yes view is that the pound is as much Scottish as English . Fair enough but that means the Bank of England sets rates etc. Why is this not continually pointed out? It is the crux of the matter as you say. .
Did any of the kiddywinks ask why someone, Egregious George, who has been accused of stealing 19 million barrels of oil from the people of Iraq was even *on* the panel.
The answer, unfortunately, had nothing to do with BBC as the ever reliable Harry’s Place testifies. The Better Together mob chose him as one of their 2 spokesperson’s.
I am sick of hearing ” Why should Scotland be subject to a Government it has not voted for.” Well England has been stuck with disastrous Labour Governments who on each time they were in power, ruined our economy and radically altered and it must be said, diminished our way of life and yet we NEVER voted for them. It was the Scottish vote which imposed them on us.
“Why should Scotland be subject to a Government it has not voted for.” becomes Lewis Carrollesque when you realise that the SNP want to ‘break’ from London but stay in the EU. Surely the gold standard of Governments not voted for?
Sorry, I was a supporter of “No” and I wanted the Union to stay together, but since Brown’s intervention and the knee-jerk panic of Cameron and Miliband in accepting the plan from a part-time back-bench opposition MP, I now hope Scotland vote Yes.
Yes the Yes campaign spouts a gargantuan amount of unadulterated bovine excrement and I do feel dirty siding with them, but since the liblabcon have adopted a federal solution in the event of a “no” vote, the Union is already dead. They have basically said, do what you want, have what you want, but please allow us English to keep paying for it. We will be tied to the SNP’s credit card without any influence over their spending.
Please Scotland vote Yes. The Liblabcon have destroyed the union for you, now kindly go away.
Thank you for posting the link to Roger Scruton’s excellent comments. I was pleased that the dreadful MacPherson Report was naled to the Rotherham scandal.
Today two rival movements will demonstrate in Rotherham; the EDL, and the UAF with their brothers in the TUC, who will blame the authorities for covering up the scandal, demand that racists (those who claim that muslims were involved in the rapes) must not be allowed to disturb or split the vibrant multicultural community that is Rotherham.
Yes, surely the bbc could have spared just one of their 8,000 or so highly trained journalists, to cover a peaceful demonstration against muslim rapists and their apologists in Rotheram. A look at the UK news page and its regional links on the bbc web page, shows apparently not !
Yes I was expecting the BBC to,as usual, give a platform to the UAF counter-demonstrators who all of a sudden want justice for the victims ,but only it seems if it does not compromise community cohesion But apparently only 4 turned up in London whereas the EDL march was much better attended than expected and like Britian first’s (?) march last week was swelled by ordinary members of the public joining as it went along
Now admittedly this view is based only on emails and videos that have been forwarded to me from EDL ‘sympathisers’ and is therefore highly partial .But,as you say, it would be nice if our £4.5 billion state broadcaster could report the facts so that we might make up our own minds
Oh Dear, the so called ‘thinkers’ and opinion formers just aren’t seeing just how deep the rot goes.
This isn’t anything to do with Political Correctness, it has instead everything to do with the resurgence of Fascism and the establishment of a new underclass, the white untermensch.
People reading my posts might have seen the references to Fascism and not believed what they were reading, but just take a look at Wikipedia, because this trend was identified as long ago as the 1960s
The other side of the coin is the establishment of the ‘supermen’ or the Ubermensch who are allowed to do what ever they please to the untermensch with impunity.
This wasn’t a few white people cowed and scared to act in the face of rampant political oppression, it was rather active assistance in allowing criminal behaviour by a favourite group with no care at all for the victims because of their race and culture.
There’s too much left wing dogma & theory to go into here, but be very aware that this is much more sinister than simple fear of name calling.
One of those child victims of the Islamic Jihad rape, now an adult, has confronted her still free attacker. She was not violent, although she was angry and aggressive.
The Police arrested her for race hate crimes. He is STILL free.
What on earth has labour done to this country. The de facto legalisation of child rape is on Labour’s hands.
The concept of “Fraser Steel Facts” would prove that the Editorial Complaints Unit of the BBC is even more extreme to the left than the rest of the BBC, which is proven by:
(1) Steel overruled the BBC’s head of news programmes, Lord Lawson called this decision quasi-Stalinist.
(2) The BBC management denied that it should or would in future follow Steels advice that it should have censored Lord Lawson, or that it would censor Lord Lawson or any other politician who is not a scientist, in the future. This effectively means that Frazer Steel would only allow Peter Lilly and Graham Stringer, as the only Politicians who are Scientists to talk about Climate Change on the BBC, but because these two politicians are the most extreme sceptics when it comes to Climate Change, they have already commented about being censored from appearing on the BBC, so censorship also includes all parliamentary scientists as well.
(3) This issue is similar to a conflict that the Editorial Complaints Unit had with Mensa members two years ago, where it was found that a more serious error was provided to members by the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit than the error to which the complaint was made about in a BBC science documentary. In this case the “Frazer Steel Fact” was that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact”; the IPCC using an assumption says ‘likely’ and the BBC, which claims to be impartial, said that it was a ‘fact’. This also does not come from the Royal Society, even though the society has been corrupted by its quasi-Stalinist President.
If the poetry expert moron at the BBC who thought up the “Frazer Steel Fact” is reading this. The environmental activists in the Green Party told you to treat the assumption as a fact, not to say that IT IS A FACT YOU IDIOT.
But then if a “Fraser Steel Fact” can be legally proven to mean that the BBC really has gone it alone in the world, when it comes to “Scientific facts“, then the BBC could be done for scientific fraud.
Just what has the BBC got against either justice and/or Oscar Pistorius. A black woman judge and due process. But listening to the Radio 4 6pm news, Friday was a diatribe about the leniency being shown. The whole report screamed that the court had come to the wrong decision. Now if I had been Craig at the Other Place he would have recorded and typed out tand dissected he whole piece. But I can assure the bias is all there. Why? The only reason I can think of is that Oscar is a white man in a Black Country.
It’s South Africa so it has to be ‘about’ something.
The judge made it clear: the State had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt.
It can be a difficult test to pass. It has nothing to do with the usual modern psychobabble crap about how people feel, or the ‘mood’ in the country etc
Simply, Pistorius is a white South African who are still regarded as the most evil people in the world (after Israelis) by the left. This trumps his disability and the fact the learned judge is a black woman.
The BBC hates it when things don’t go their way, and likes nothing better than to see a successful white man brought down, the further down the better.
A simple fact of law – “Murder” involves intent and premeditation. The prosecution has to prove that and they failed, probably because almost everyone will agree that whatever happened, it was a spur of the moment thing, and was not premeditated, even if he intended to shoot to kill through the door. So if the judge had pleased the B-BBC by finding him guilty of murder then he would have got off on appeal. So she found him guilty of culpable homicide. This is a serious charge, and it is going to be a tough sentence – none of this only serving half your sentence, none of this “open prisons” stuff, none of this “weekends out to re-integrate into society” etc. Oscar may enjoy slightly better conditions than average on account of being disabled and well known, but it is going to be really tough, believe me.
I wait with interest to see how the B-BBC handles the Dewani trial, a trial where there is ample proof of premeditation, planning and the cold-blooded abandonment of a young woman sentenced to death by the accused – for some reason the B-BBC is staying very open-minded about this case, do they favour him because he is not white, or because he is guilty?
M’Learned Judge Masipa laid the foundations for the state to appeal due to her reasoning and her misinterpretation of “Dolus Eventualis”. She said that even though Pistorius fired four shots through the toilet door, he could not be expected to have foreseen the possibility of his act killing whoever was standing behind it. She also seemed to say that not being able to see the person being shot at cannot justify a charge of murder thereby laying the foundations for murder defences in future. She also contradicted herself on a number of occasions, most notably in saying Pistorius was an unreliable and evasive witness, yet believing his account and dismissing the accounts of prosecution witnesses.
It seems the media have highlighted Masipa’s detailed reasons for her verdict – previous case law, stated cases, etc. – yet failed to mention her many contradictions and inaccuracies in describing witness accounts. She couldn’t even say “Dolus Eventualis” properly.
How she can say that Pistorius couldn’t have foreseen that firing four dum-dum bullets through the door of a one metre square cubicle would kill someone is beyond reason.
Masipa may have previously had a good reputation in South Africa but she dropped the ball when considering the fine details of this case.
More on England’s ‘diverse’ present and future for INBBC not to report?:-
“EXCLUSIVE: London children as young as ten being ‘trained to be junior jihadis,’ warns Deputy Mayor, as extent of extremist threat in the capital is revealed”
Watching Mastermind tonight. I’ve noticed recently that when quiz shows like University Challenge or Mastermind have questions on politicians, it’s usually on Labour or Lib Dems ones. Tories only feature in questions on negative events such as scandals. I told my wife my theory earlier (she thinks I’m mad) while watching Mastermind tonight. Damn me a question comes up asking who the Secretary of State for education was from 1970 to 1974, the answer of course Margaret Thatcher. OK, I’m embarrassed. And then John Humphries saves the situation by answering ‘Thatcher’ in a vitriolic way, then adds ‘Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher’ to drive home the point. Can you imagine him saying ‘Blair, Blair, war starter’?
Well they’re at it again with the proms, a couple of knowledgeable people this week. A usual older male and the usual eye candy female.
It would appear that as women get older they know less and less and audiences become increasingly unable to accept that an older woman knows anything at all.
It wouldn’t bother me quite so much if the bullying fascists actually practiced the crap they bully the rest of us with constantly.
If they can’t live up to their own fascist crap then why do they expect any of the rest of us to?
They have form for this, with Countryfile firing off a woman because she became too old for their eye candy requirements in fact the BBC dropped 4 female presenters in their 40s & 50s not just Miriam O’Reilly.
Just to remind readers that the BBC was not just found guilty of age discrimination, it was also found guilty of victimisation which is where the employer actively attacks the claimant because of their claim. The damages for this are unlimited and punitive, – intended to punish the employer.
But hey what does that matter when you have a bottomless pit of money to call on, and it’s only licence payers money anyway?
The BBC has learned nothing and likely never will, but aside from all the Fascist bias we can add hypocrisy as well, and bullying. Because attacking others for failing what you yourself refuse to do is nothing short of both.
The Beebs absolute hypocrisy is everywhere all the time. It’s flagship Strictly Come Dancing ditched an older lady to replace her with a younger model. Similarily while a geriatric Sir Bruce was acceptable, he was accompanied by a suitably nubile leggy blonde woman. Even the agit-prop writers of Dr Who cast an old male actor to play the lead but assisted as ever by an easy on the eye young woman. It’s everywhere.
Anyone get the feeling that lefties are desperate for independence, in order for Scotland to be the new fantasy utopia, to replace Sweden (which incidentally is about to vote in another high spending, welfare loving, politically correct government)?
Just marvelling at Kirsty Wark’s ‘Newsnight’ mini-panel discussing Britishness in the wake of David Grossman’s piece on the alleged failing of such identity to play a big part in the referendum debate –
Ken Loach (“Britishness has no political point without common ownership of the means of production…Empire has sullied it beyond redemption” etc) and Okwo Eshun (“It’s all about individuals coming from all over the world, being welcomed, seizing opportunities”)
(ie Hobshawm vs Blair)
Thank you for inviting me to join you all for last orders, Mr Katz. You really have made sense of the world for silly dim little me.
I suspect that viewing figures for Newsnight will be briefly bolstered by those who have a morbid curiosity into how low it can sink. Thereafter it may just become a memory.
Is Sweden still existing. ? I am surprised. No doubt the new government will vote to cease to exist as a nation as soon as possible. . They could move the entire population of Syria and Iraq in . That should do the trick.
I am sure tha average Swedish liberal ( aren’t they all ) can hardly wait.
Yes, I have just heard Ken Roache spouting the usual, leftist platitudes about Britishness on Newsshite. Apparently, Britishness is synonymous with Imperialism, Colonialism and the Oppression of Freedom Loving Peoples all over the world. No wonder that loons like Roache, Benn, Corbin, BBC types support the IRA as a progressive anti-imperialist force and detest Paisley as an agent of reaction. Thank God the “traditional British way of life” and its unpleasant jingoism and xenophobia will soon be destroyed by mass immigration.
Does Loach not realise the role Britain played in ending Slavery wherever we held power? And does he not realise that there exists today 72 million black slaves across Islamic countries, who still, to this day, practice slavery?
Sorry, that must make me a racist for bringing the topic up.
Just catching up with the first episoade of the Stonehenge project from BBC2 last night. All was going swimmingly – this is after all the kind of thing the BBC does very well – until 16 minutes 48 seconds in when this pearl was unexpectedly cast before me:
“Then around eight thousand two hundred years ago, climate change had a dramatic impact on the destiny of the Stonehenge landscape…”
To be fair there was a massive climate change with the Earth coming out of the last ice age, however this is part of a continuing cycle and not something allegedly influenced by mankind.
“Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres. By this definition, we are in an interglacial period – the holocene, of the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.
“There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth’s past (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.”
So, the natural state of the Earth is to be ice free, and at this time we are coming out of an ice age period. Trying to preserve it is like King Knut trying to turn back the tide.
This is all true, however in days of yore the seas rising and causing Britain to become an island would have been attributed purely to the ending of the ice-age. The use of the term ‘climate change’ seems at best forced.
“So, the natural state of the Earth is to be ice free” The last million years or so, the earth has mostly been in ice ages. It’s the interglacials which are rare.
Of course, that’s the logic that goes straight above their little air-heads. There was, as Thoughtful points out a number of ice ages, a number of mini-ice ages and periods of much warmer global climate. This was happening before man existed and when mankind was in its infancy as in the example you quote. There has always been climate change and man’s influence on it has been nought to negligible. Making that point shoots their man-made crap out of the water, one can call it an own goal to mix metaphors.
If you are sceptical of man made climate change you should be pleased that the BBC is reminding viewers that climate change has always happened and is not new. I don’t know if man made climate change is happening (AGW) but the climate is changing.
Nigel Farage was on LBC Breakfast phone-in show with Nick Ferrari Breakfast this morning (Friday) and a number of callers made some good points all honestly answered by Farage. This is refereshing to hear a poltician who shares our concerns without bluster. He changed my mind on the Scottish referendum which I thought would be good to get ‘rid’ of the expense of ‘Scotland but Nigel Farrage has stated what would actually happen is that the EU would then seek to undermine a UK union by offering Scotland the only other Euro ‘deal’ which would mean accepting the plummeting Euro (with the same conditions as similar states such as Greece or Portugal i.e. with full austerity measures. So Scotland would be worse off outside the UK for sure. As the falling Euro will have to be propped up for another predicted 20+ years the EU wankers will continue austerity until it breaks – this means an over reliance on Germany. Scotland will therefore find itself in worse state than being in tandem with England. It won’t have any more independence than Greece once had or any other small states once QVM starts this November under Lisbon Treaty it’s surrender or nothing. Scotland v EU is no contest as Ireland had found whn it tried to vote ‘against’ the EU.
The LBC radio show can be heard below, it was worth a listen.
(Phone Farage – 12 Sep 14 ) LBC Talk radio.
Farage strikes a chord with the ordinary folk. Odd in a refreshing way to hear on LBC two separate callers referring to the UK as a Christian country and not being challenged. I don’t recall anyone ever getting through onto the BBC’s Any Answers and saying anything like that.
Norway and Iceland, both function as soveriegn states without membership if the European Union, as does Switzerland which is surrounded by EU countries. Denmark, another country with population as small or smaller than that of Scotland, functions within the EU yet not using, nor restrained by, the euro.
Why is it assumed that if independent from the United Kingdom Scotland would need to join the EU. and Euro currency ?
Scotland could well seek business and financial alliances with these other countries, specifically Norway, which may give to the country greater autonomy than being ruled from Westminster.
Salmond has said that after a Yes vote Scotland would seek to join the EU. And the EU has already made it clear that any new members must join the Euro.
“Why is it assumed that if independent from the United Kingdom Scotland would need to join the EU. and Euro currency ?”
Because SNP policy is to stay in the EU. The rest of the UK wouldn’t agree a currency union with an independant Scotland, so Scotland would be stuck with the Euro.
But there is no reason to suppose that in the event of an independence vote, Scotland will be governed by the SNP. Indeed, the SNP will have fulfilled its purpose and be no longer relevant. Do you think that the existing mainstream parties in Scotland will cease to exist because they didn’t get their way on independence? They will be putting up candidates for the Scottish parliament in the usual way in the elections which follow hard upon independence, even if as seems more sensible the elections are held before formal independence so that a government can take charge from Day One.
Salmond will have the rules changed as soon as a ‘Yes’ vote goes through probably inventing some presidential post for himself and like Hitler in the 30’s start molding the country in his own Marxist image. The police force has now been all centralized to one organisation (Just like the SA) and he’s even written his own ‘Wee Blue Book’ complete with Nazi eagle emblem to rival Mao’s little red book.
Thank you for your answer to my question.
I do not understand why any country would seek independence from one dominant state to then immediately relinquish that independence to yet another
semi-democratic authority, the EU which is run by a non democartatic Commission.
Suggestion has been written of the idea of a partnership with non EU states, from where this originates i do not know; a politiacl party or other ?
for example ; “The potential to be partners in the North Sea with Norway one of the most solvent Nations in Europe. Opening the door to rebuilding Scotland’s heavy industries. ” http://www.oilofscotland.org/
Back in the 1920’s it was realised that the UK only needed one steel maker but labour politics prevented the rationalisation process; who to choose Scotland, South Wales or North East England.
In the 21st century there is not a hope of setting up steel making or coal mining in Scotland and sell the products to the world, even supposing that Salmond’s ‘friends’ in the EU would allow it.
Similarly steel fabrication work on a large scale makes no sense, the raw materials needing to be brought in from the other side of the world and then, presumably shipped back? Small scale fabrication to supply a diminishing North Sea oil industry might be possible but that would only be viable for items that were expensive to ship or if extensive automation, (i.e. minimal employment), was used.
A major part of this ‘independence’ fantasy seems to be that ‘England’ or more precisely ‘Westminster’ is the enemy and that the rest of the world will be falling over itself to be friends with Scotland, putting aside their own interests to keep Salmond smiling. Dream on!
Scotland used to be noted for its canny prudence but it looks to have been taken over by the bonkers, bingo, buckfast, benefit, bail-out generation. Hardly the sort of people that foreign ‘friends’ would want to deal, employ or invest with.
Yes, it is ridiculous for Salmond to claim “independence” and then make Scotland utterly subservient to the EU and policies that accompany the Euro. Well spotted.
Maybe it’s not the true intention to join the EU ?
Every thing here is a second guess, and who can be sure that each player is showing an open hand ?
Everyone speaking from their own bias, either for or against, but who know what the real nature of the game is ?
‘The BBC faces accusations of anti-independence bias after its political editor, Nick Robinson, produced a report that wrongly claimed Alex Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference.
Calling into question the impartiality of the publicly-owned broadcaster, the veteran BBC correspondent edited out Salmond’s lengthy answer, in which the First Minister claimed the BBC had skewed facts and colluded with the Treasury to undermine the “Yes” campaign.’
Al Beeb at it again! – Deliberate negative portrayal of UKIP in Scotland on the news this evening. They did not learn the lesson that they were taught during the Euro Elections. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Newsnight tonight and who better to talk about Britishness than Ken fucking Loach and a Ghanian. For Loach, Britishness was ‘oppression and slavery’ … Echo waffled on about immigration and progressiveness. I mean, what could be more progressive than negro’s machine-gunning each other in our streets.
If Chris Morris ever changed sides he couldn’t have satrised ‘Newsnight’ better than they did themselves tonight. Shame they couldn’t find a trendy-but-radical Imam at short notice to complement the other two by stressing the “law and order” flavour of Sharia.
I still feel Mr. Paxman could, during his glory days, have used his skills better to fillet all needing to be held to account equally, but here he does come out better as a wiser head than Mr. Katz; now more and more becoming the story than the storyteller.
When wearing no clothes, if unattractive naked it’s best not to court the limelight.
I remember that hillarious polemic “The power of nightmares” the three-part documentary claiming no such thing as Islamic terrorism…
When I think of the lefties (self-labelled liberal progressives) who are increasingly taking more and more blatant control over the BBC, I am reminded of the part about radical and extreme Islamic terrorists in (I think it was) Algeria, whose pursuit of ever more pure devotion to Islam led to them all killing each other as each of them were seen to be less pure than they should be.
When even the likes of Paxman leave Newsnight, because the liberal progressives are like children pushing a dream of liberal purity, we can all look forward to the pretence of impartiality being blown apart more and more and the BBC eating itself from the inside.
I have just watched Newsnight for the first time in a long while. In fact my first exposure since Mr Katz took over. They had a piece about Rev Paisley that was as scathing as you would expect from this programme. Then they moved on to the referendum and invited hard left film director Ken Loach to pontificate. Now I was prepared for him to speak leftist rubbish but I was amazed by the nonsense he came out with. He felt that Scotland could set up a new socialist state where everyone would be better off and the state could seize back control of major industry . He was full of sadness at the 80’s when British Rail, British Steel , the Coal Board etc were privatised, and the role of the state much reduced. He felt that this has led to a loss of British identity and consequent loss of community. ( He conveniently forgot that those were the most inefficient tax subsidised industries that cost the country billions in subsidy) His views were not challenged by Ms Wark nor by his co interviewee. Basically he was given a free run to spout this leftist dreamland rubbish.
Whilst I don’t object to the BBC having a aged member of the looney left spouting silly stuff not heard for decades, I do object that there was no one to contest and challenge what he was saying. Where is the balance? Is Newsnight exempt from the need to be impartial? Do we ever see a member of the far right ,as characterised by the BBC , being given a free run to spout their brand of rubbish? No we don’t, we just get a leftist view on everything. Why doesn’t anyone in government take the BBC to task on their never ending leftist bias?
I quite enjoyed it. Loach is living in a world quite detached from reality and makes the average liberal seem sensible.
But what a mistake to put him on. Newsnight is supposed to be serious. Loach turned it into a comedy show for geriatrics.
Wark looked bemused as well she might be.
The other guy, a modern liberal leftie (views predictable) , also looked bemused.
Comedy gold and an object lesson in how not to have a discussion about a serious matter.
Put Newsnight out of it’s misery please.
The Newsnight nomenklatura see Loach’s views as being so self-evidently reasonable that I doubt it even crossed their minds that any decent person could take issue with them. Like Wedgewood-Benn, it seems he has been appointed a progressive National Treasure.
Such is the uniformity of purblind opinion, the closed group-think, the partisan loyalty to the chosen ‘narrative’ displayed by the beeboids that you could be forgiven for thinking they were some in-bred community wilfully cut off from reality.
Imagine yourself walking down a leafy, ‘hideously white’ street in Barnes, west London, a secure, privileged enclave away from all that ‘diversity’, that enforced ‘enrichment’. Suddenly you hear twangy music, two instruments being played, perhaps, as if duelling with each other, reminiscent of a scene from the film ‘Deliverance’. You look up, & there on the branch of a tree are two rather odd looking men, not perhaps the finest specimens of humanity, but they seem content, absorbed, even. They are wearing straw hats, & bib ‘n’ brace overalls of a rather superior cut covered in student badges. They are playing banjos. A repetitive, rather unimaginative tune, a loop going around & around. It soon gets tedious.
Walking away, you can’t help thinking they look familiar. Surely one of them does that politics show on the BBC on Sunday mornings. And that scrawny little fellow, he fronts programmes extolling the virtues of mass immigration. So what’s he doing round here? White flight? Now, they’ve started singing, duetting; call & response. Something about how ‘Mah homegrown jihadist sweetheart girl left me to be an IS doctor & broke mah goddam heart. Left me with nothin’ but mah fossil guilt.’
Then it clicks. Randy Marr & Evan ‘Swampy’ Davis; two ‘good old boys’ revelling in a bit of ‘quality time’, having a bit of a hoedown. Nah, can’t be. You’re hearing things. Trick of the light bouncing off the water. Happens a lot down here by this part of the Thames. Down here by the big sanctuary houses. The Fabian cocoons.
I note that the BBC are showing distinct signs of alarm about what happens after the Scottish referendum . They are realising that a No means that the Scots get another great slice of Labour sponsored devolution but that there are no firm plans for what happens in England, Wales and NI.
Labour and the BBC hope to a) keep the full quota of celtic socialist MPs in Westminster b) that these MPs retain the right to vote on English matters that they can’t vote on in their own constituencies, c) that their plan to ‘devolve’ a few meaningless powers to cities and regions in England will keep the English quiet. But they sense that the English won’t have this.
A Labour spokesperson said that there had been no demand for English devolution and that when tried the voters had rejected regional parliaments. The BBC suggested to John Redwood MP that devolving minor powers to the English regions would be sufficient to meet the wishes of the English. He quite rightly said that was insulting to the English and that only an English Parliament, with powers equivalent to those of the Scottish one, and possibly to the one that will soon be offered to Wales, could possibly be offered to the English. The English are realising that they are being shortchanged and have a MASSIVE democractic deficit opposite their celtic neighbours. The BBC will no doubt do all it can to suppress what they will characterise as English nationalism, a brand they hate, in marked contrast to the Scottish, Welsh and Irish versions. So lets sit back and watch how Labour and the BBC try to turn logic on its head and suppress the calls for an English Parliament whilst promoting Devo max in the celtic fringe.
Perhaps we English should regard Mr Salmond as the architect of the revival of our Nation.
It’s also dawned on Dan Hodges what a no vote will lead to for labour, given a no vote and further devolution and that that will lead to an English insistence that we get rid of the Scottish MPs involvement in English affairs. What a complete clusterfuck this is, but nobody can say the next few years are going to be boring. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/author/danhodges/
“John Prescott, the Labour war horse, was trapped in a Glasgow cafe for an hour. Not everyone will be brimming over in sympathy.”
Not everyone possibly knew about it. Unlike when roughly the same happened to a pol the BBC is less keen on.
One thing this ‘campaign’ highlights is just how selective the BBC ‘reporting’ machine is when trying to ensure a very enhanced narrative.
Take a look at the BBC’s papers blog, link below. Can anyone explain why a photo of the UAF’s anti UKIP (say no to Racism) poster has been inserted next to a photo of Nigel Farage?
Well spotted Llareggub. The simple answer is because the bbbc is biased. I honestly do think that they are now incapable of presenting factual news. Every single item/remark or presentation they produce has some kind of minority agenda item running subliminally within it. Just today I briefly scanned through the bbbc website (I am afraid that’s all I can manage these days before it makes me feel annoyed). I noticed that invariably the pictures accompanying reports relating to the Scottish referendum that the placards pictured even have the ‘Yes’ showing in much bigger text than the much smaller ‘No’ pictures. How an organisation such as the bbbc can function in this way is a mystery. Surely, people would respect their news casting more if they just produced factual reports.
I truly believe the bbc are as significant an enemy of the State as the islamic fundamentalists
Remember that twat pretending, Farage ignored his question
… turned out he was a distance away, and Farage was being interviewed by someone else
… bullsh-tter!
“…pretending Farage ignored his question
… turned out he was a distance away, and Farage was being interviewed by someone else..”
Such things can only be deliberate, and in getting repeated a very poor trend.
Often the tonality of a legitimate failure, or deliberate decision, not to respond can be easily perverted by all too precious, partial ‘reporters’ to turn something of innocence into a potent negative..
Mr. Robinson does it too often.
Not to say others are immune, and often I LoL when some tinpot Pultizer wannabee from the local rag or radio huffs that a person with possibly much better things to do, doesn’t feel the need to dance to their precious tune. Especially any with a habit of asking loaded questions, not asking questions but making points, and with an edit suite on standby to enhance whatever they get any way that suits.
Jim Sillars knows the way to a Beeboid’s heart. Interviewed this morning on “Today” (8.35ish)about his strong anti-business statements yesterday he quickly disarmed his interviewer by claiming that suggestions of nationalisation of BP were only said to produce an orgasm at the Daily Mail. Beeboid sniggered & from then on it was plain sailing. Two years notice of redundancy etc – no problem
“The great thing about Pride is that it shows that Margaret Thatcher had it wrong when she said, famously, that there was no such thing as society, just individuals. This is the exact opposite of that terrible remark – it shows our longing to be part of something greater than ourselves, and what big things small acts of kindness can achieve,” concludes Nighy.
…and concludes this anti-Thatcher, pro-LGBT rights movement article, which doesn’t even make an attempt at balance.
When reading it, I wondered if author ‘Emma Jones’ is really Matthew Merryman.
the movie, which documents the true story of how Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups became the biggest financial supporters of the miners,
Remarkable how that has been a very little known fact all these years, but I don’t suppose anyone at the TUC would now bother to challenge that claim.
Old Bill ‘anyone’s for an Argos cheque’ Nitty seems to have missed another quote from Thatcher at that time and strangely so has his new pink wash film ?
, “My reaction is one of anger at what this had done to a family of a person only doing his duty and taking someone to work who wanted to go to work.”
Truly amazing the film missed out the feel good potential and reforming loveliness of the murder of David Wilkie by two of the new wave glee club miners who actually were going to drop Corsages on to the taxi but picked up the wrong sack !!
Does anyone know who finances cr*p like this ? I mean its obvious this film isn’t financially viable. Are we looking at some kind of a tax fiddle or is this our old friend public money (via a quango) at work ?
I think you may find that this piece of cinematic agitprop was financed (in part or in whole) by the Lottery Fund. They have form for financing British films that no one wants to see.
The interesting thing about “Pride” is that the film’s trailers shown on TV mention nothing about the miners’ strike and its gay supporters. They make it look more like a whimsical Rom-Com. Even the film’s poster artwork makes no mention of its subject. Do you think its publicists know the subject won’t find widespread popularity among the cinema-going public?
No doubt the film will win plaudits from BBC News’ film critics and Gavin Esler.
Haven’t seen any TV spots, but every film trailer of Pride I’ve seen – and all the other publicity that surrounds the release of a film these days – have left viewers and readers in do doubt as to the subject matter.
Are there any cinemagoers who see only TV spots and choose films accordingly? I would have thought those spots act more as reminders to people who’ve already heard about the film, and would know what it is about anyway…
Of course, it *is* a rom-com. As well as being a film rooted in social history, and one which accurately reflects the tenor of the times.
Thanks for the info Andy I thought it had to be something like that. Glad to hear those Islington luvvies involved in the film don’t mind taking their earnings from the lower rungs of society who think they are giving a few quid to charity (as in a real charity) when they buy their Lotto tickets.
Its heavily advertised in posters and on public transport in these parts (Northern town) but you are right about the posters which make it look like a Carry On film.
I’ve already seen it, and it’s a really good film – heartwarming, funny and moving. The cinema we were in was full, which would suggest it’s a little more financially viable than you seem to want to believe.
The BFI Film Fund contributed £1m to the film in 2013 and a further £50,000 in 2014, according to their website. I don’t know how that funding works and how much money the film has to make before the BFI gets its money back, but even if it doesn’t get back every penny, it’s supporting an industry which employs hundreds of people whose craft and skills generate revenue for the UK by virtue of international filmmakers coming to this country to take advantage of their expertise.
I probably won’t have time to see the film, but I hope it shows something like the demonstration of miners passing through our town shouting to the women ‘Show yer tits for the lads’. It might even include a section shouting ‘Show yer bums to the lads’ . I do like history recorded in popular films.
(Print, save as PDF; it runs to 25 sides and the relevant section is on pp 16-17)
She went on: “It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, because there is no such thing as an entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation”.
I come from the South Staffordshire coalfield (closed mainly by Harold Wilson’s government but in decline since before World War 1) and it was this mutual assistance that bound communities together, not the Welfare State.
The mining community was so strong it split and led to the creation of the Union of Democratic Mineworkers because of the actions of Scargill and his Barnsley storm troopers. I suppose the film shows nothing of the violence and intimidation used against those miners wanting to work at the time. Nothing about dissident miners homes being trashed by Scargill’s thugs. As for embracing the gay community, my wife, who was born in Killamarsh a Derbyshire mining village near to the border with Sheffield told me she remembers a gay who was forced out of the area due to the homophobic intolerance shown by local miners. This was around the time of the 1984 pit strike.
Is the film a romanticised re-writing of history? The majority of miners I came across in the 1980s were virulently homophobic, but then again, Scargill and his mob were grubbing around and trying to obtain funds from anyone at the time who could cough up the lolly. I can remember them visiting Gaddafi and holding out the begging bowl, and I know they obtained suitcases full of cash from the KGB at the Russian Embassy in London.
I come from the most working class town in Britain (according to the Guardian) and back when the miner’s strike was on, rampant homophobia was the absolute norm. Did this film ever have the words:
– Backs to the wall lads?
– Queer
-Shit stabber
-arse bandit
-turd burgler…..?
All were in common and normal usage as I recall back in the 1980s. There is no way most Miners would have accepted openly homosexual support. They would accept the money, so long as they could hide where it came from.
As a bisexual man who had a homosexual best-man at my wedding (sporting a massive black eye as he had been beaten up for being gay), I was very familiar with the overt and utterly normalised homophobia of the times.
Does this film accurately portray the homophobia as being a normal thing back then?
More loony left re-writing of history. The truth is that the NUM had blackmailed successive governments for years for massive pay increases, culminating in the notorious Saltley coke depot siege in 1972 by the NUM and the AUEW. The result was that the mining industry along with so many other failed industries in Britain were allowed to bleed the country to bankruptcy. That is until Margaret Thatcher took over and turned the country around
In March 1984 Scargill’s Barnsley boot boys swaggered into Nottinghamshire with their thug tactics confident that they’d close down all the Notts pits. They went home with their tails between their legs.
Whats really hysterical is the trendy fake metro sexuals who will faun and flop all over this p%^& weak fantasy about the poor miners, are the same lot who so love greenpeas and frauds of the earth both who ironically would have destroyed the same mines these bed wetters from Hampstead whine about loosing !
Sometimes the Beeb starts out with full coverage then their ‘reporter’ discovers the real (non PC) truth about an incident. When this happens a story can go from being the lead item on my local BBC radio station news one hour and then never be mentioned again.
As the BBC rushes around not finding out anything lest it lead in directions the BBC doesn’t feel comfy with, as the DM also seems not to have mentioned, I was also wondering where this gun came from, as post Dunblane & Hungerford I thought they were not easy to get hold of.
“Alromisse became a Community Safety Officer for Uttlesford District Council in Essex”
Possible a few questions to ask of those held in accountable power?
Perhaps if the past and present governments, whatever their political colour, had taken more notice and listened to the ‘man in the street’, ‘the taxi driver’ or even ‘the man in the pub’, we would be a far better nation in looking after our own people? Take immigration, defence, crime and punishment, human rights, Al Beeb, the European circus and indeed the Scottish fiasco.
UKIP is our only salvation.
Ah but the point is that the “elite” know best and have no need to talk to proles.
Interestingly what the Scots, and dare I say it old smart Alec, hve proved is that the political establishment sh*t themselves when they are pushed in to a corner and will do anything to keep the status quo.
However, how dirty do we think the BEEB and the three main parties will play if we have a referendum on the EU? Even if Camoron gives us a referendum (he won’t) it will be so stacked that a “lets leave” vote will lose and we, like the Scots, will never have a chance again.
Only UKIP will give it a positive go with a referendum and we know that they ain’t going to get in power very soon. However Ill not play the “vote UKIP get Milliband” game. If I’m to be f**cked over by any of the big three I’d rather just say No , vote UKIP and at least have the self-respect in knowing I didn’t vote for a party that wanted to erase my nation and my generally decent countrymen by stealth.
Yep – you can bet your bottom dollar this Apostasy of the poor murdered girl’s mother will definitely not be published by the those Quisling, appeasing cowards in the BBC!
They will follow their Labour masters aiding and abetting the Muslim nightmare we are being sleep walked into by again attempting to hide the truth from us, so we do not put pressure on our leaders to do something about it.
They will learn nothing from the Rotherham Jay report or the same offences being committed in Rochdale, Nottingham, Oxford and all the other mainly Labour run councils overseeing mostly Pakistani Muslims raping and abusing underage non-Muslim girls.
FFS!, When first read of that case, it was presented more as a sort of “father’s for Justice” angle and the religion of peace was not mentioned at all.
Puts it all in a whole new light.
Mother rejects Islam… That is Apostacy, which according to Islam is punishable by death.
And Beeboids seem politically coy about Muslima jihadist Aqsa Mahmood and this:-
“How British jihadist ‘madams’ are running Isis brothels full of thousands of kidnapped Iraqi women.
“Al-Khanssaa brigade is female-only militia set up by Isis in Raqqa, Syria.
“3,000 women and girls have been taken captive from the Yazidi tribe.
“It’s believed they’re being forced into sex slavery in brothels for fighters.”
Interesting as much for who is on station on this blog too on immediate deflection duty, and also with very little persuasive firepower.
“As usual, what the BBC did not tell us was that this refers only to their full “capacity”, when the sun is shining. But official figures show that the actual output of this environmental eyesore would only average a 10th of that”
I find it astounding that pr tripe such as ‘capacity’ is still routinely churned out as reporting over credible actual delivery. To promote such smoke and mirrors, if not fraud should be actionable.
I guess the develoved BBC License payers won’t be too cough up now they know the truth about the BBC…
Sundays Telegraph; (Nick Robinson has a local difficulty with the locals):
‘Hundreds of pro-independence supporters turn out at BBC’s Glasgow HQ, chanting ‘you can stick your license fee up your a***’
Salmond said, “If the BBC were covering, in my estimation, any referendum, in any democracy, anywhere in the world, they would cover it impeccably, in a balanced fashion. “What they don’t understand is they’re players in this.”
I would suggest ‘his estimation’ is as warped as the ‘balanced, impartial’ bBC. For example, one only has to look at coverage of the past two US Presidential elections to see how bizarre this statement is.
Such is the barbarity of the Islamic jihadists of the Islamic, Islamic State that NO British aid workers nor British aid should go anywhere near Islamic jihadists: they are our ENEMY, they are at war with us, as BBC-NUJ must make clear.
Right. Seperationism is the only answer. All contact and that means all contact with ME states should cease.Build an iron frontier on the Greek, Italian and Spanish borders.
No tourism , no air traffic or any other. minimal diplomatic contact. No trade at whatever cost to the West.
It will not happen of course but it is the only way to preserve our civilisation and way of life.
It will even suit Isis and let them recreate the 7th century in the hellholes they are building.
Then maybe after several centuries we can start to resume contact.
Which just leaves the small issue of dealing …
those who enable, subvert, threaten, kill,, behead, child rape here, their motives aims and goals.
Said Camoron:
“We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes.” …
Everything, that is, except study and understand their motives and goals, and tell the truth about those motives and goals.”
Call Me Dave is so on the wrong side of reality he may almost be coming up around the other side.
Saw a great tweet earlier that said by his claimed logic (and that being pursued by the BBC) any peadophile priests caught in the spotlight of their activities are, despite their own claims and lifestyles, not Catholic.
Seems a whole new set of uniques being invented by the establishment to plaster over rather than confront the problem, and this never ends well.
Completely agree George R. We need politicians and government who will look into proposals for a cordon sanitaire around these countries, no trade, no visits, no immigration either way. Too severe? Then wait until it really hots up in Europe.
BBC News, in its coverage of the murder of David Haines, has just wheeled out a Muslim – some woman from the Islamic Society of Britain or some such – to tell us that Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. Well, quelle su-fucking-prise.
Seems to me the ‘Muslim Community’, however that is actually defined, needs to have a bit of a crisis conflab of their own, and pronto, as hiding being semantic designations and exceptions, even with the help of Call Me Dave and the National Disgrace, is not going to make the bleedin’ obvious go away on this one any time soon.
The could always hire a bunch of IP lawyers to demand IS/IS/IL rebrand.
Not sure I’d fancy delivering the cease & desist order though.
“Face of a killer: Father who shot his seven-year-old daughter dead when her mother rejected Islam then killed himself is pictured for the first time.”
The BBC trying intellectualise Jihad, again… I can provide an explanation for their foul violence and ethnic and religious cleansing: you’ll find it in the pages of a certain book and the mindset of a particular religion’s devotees.
I know this is history but it is still important to know that the BBC was intellectualising evil hatred over 10 years ago eg when they gave an anarchist Moslem rap artist a platform so that his hatred sounded rational and promoted his DVD which before they gave him a voice was banned in the UK. See http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html
Maybe he might be moved to campaign on realities to prevent further dismantlings by fellow… who again? That will really swing things so the youth settle down and get on with life in the lucky country. And each other.
On 2.) above, the question arises: why doesn’t INBBC emphasise in its broadcasting to non-Muslim British people, that it was a Muslim Islamic jihadist barbarian with British connections who beheaded David Haines?
Is INBBC trying to sell ‘diversity’ or ‘social cohesion’ with the Islamic jihadist barbarians in our midst to we British non-Muslims?
I can live without emphasis, but as pertinent context sensible objective reporting will suffice and is professionally responsible.
Going into blue funk mode, saying anything but what’s in front of noses, or wheeling out the sorriest collection of cred-blown dissemblers and apologists… Not so much.
A Islamic “view”, is the last thing required here, for one it proven time and time again to be duplicitous.
The public do not and will not trust it, as having any validity at all …
The BBC have been shown clearly by the public who fund their propaganda, time and again,(in the few opportunities that they get).
They want nothing from Islam, it has nothing to offer, it is a throwback retrograde and dangerous ideology.
In true “Bradfordistan” style, they don t want more Mosques, more Halal, or more Muslim schools, more traitors, terrorists
or the Muslim view on anything
Palmira Silva was beheaded in Edmonton a couple of weeks ago. That’s Edmonton in London, not some obscure post colonial ghetto in Iraq or Syria.
Minimal coverage after the initial (mainly tabloid) outburst, no Cobra meeting, move along now.
ISIS, or whatever it calls itself this week, claims it is going to destroy the British state. How would it do that exactly – B52s over Birmingham? No, it would have to do it from within. That’s the problem we need to address, Mr Cameron.
The BBC draws attention to the Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust.
Perhaps it might dissuade many muslims from denying that the Holocaust took place, and others, including leftist supporters of Hamas, from demanding another one. I will not forget anti-Israel banners in London calling for the re-opening of the gas ovens. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-29083878
Perhaps the BBC needs to look at Haj Amin Al Husseini one of the architects of the holocaust.
There’s no denying it when you go to Germany to inspect the concentration camps, including Auschwitz Birkenau and report back your approval to the Muslim world.
Just look at the cover up job the BBC did of the Balkan war which exploded after communism took the lid of simmering resentment of 50 000 Muslims who joined Hitlers SS during the war.
Or perhaps the thousands that joined the SS in Palestine to fight the British !
Husseini really does need more publicity for the things he did and the legacy he left behind.
Even in an article about a world leader speaking out against anti-Semitism, the BBC still manages to negtively portray Israelis/Jews. Check out the pictures and subtle/not-so-subtle difference in the wording of the accompanying captions.
1) ‘The Palestinians’, labelled as ‘protesters’, apparently calmly standing by, with a sign accusing Netanyahu of war crimes.
2) ‘The Israelis’, labelled as ‘demonstrators’, focused on a woman aggresively, shouting and pointing.
Not an article which, it seems, INBBC is capable of producing-
“Sexually enslaving kids: A Muslim-world problem.
If you thought the terrible sex-slave scandal in the English city of Rotherham was an exception you’d be sadly wrong. Muslim groups all over the world have been committing similar atrocities, ignored by mainstream media.”
It always makes me wonder what on earth a UK hostage is doing to get themselves captured by a group like ISIS, and more often than not, it turns out it’s because of their rose tinted idiocy.
The surviving British captive is there because he stupidly decided to take part in an ‘aid convoy’ which crossed from Turkey into Syria, soon after doing so he was captured.
The UK should be telling their idiots that if they do choose to take part in these convoys of ignorant rose tints that should the inevitable happen they are on their own. We should not be hearing anything about them on the media, nor should there be any reaction when they are inevitably decapitated.
It is the publicity ISIS wants, to spread its terror and the media are helping the to do that. You try to help them, they try to kill you !
Funny though that the BBC et al never want to tell the story of how these fools came to land up where they are, probably because that might spoil the rose tinted illusion.
Freedom is the right to say 2 plus 2 equals four’
ISIS has nothing to do with Islam Winston. Look into my eyes and say ‘Isis has nothing to do with Islam’.
Winston replies that ISIS is Islamic, and is hit with an electric shock.
This happens over and over again. Finally, Winston pleads with his educator saying, “How can I say anything but ISIS is Islamic?” His educator says, “Yes, sometimes ISIS is Islamic. But sometimes it’s not, and sometimes it’s both at the same time.” Winston is confused. How can this be? The answer he is given is that reality exists only in the mind and the BBC controls the mind. If it is in the BBC’s best interest for ISIS not to be Islamic then it is not.
Once again we are reminded what strange and surreal times we live in. The idea of ‘truth’ takes another savage beating at the hands of political correctness and a cowardly aversion western democracies have towards the Religion of Special Pleading.
I’ve just watched the brother of the latest victim of an Islamic State beheading give a statement on BBC news. In the clearly ‘prepared’ statement (and I urge you to go seek it out for yourselves) this unfortunate man, evidently grieving for the loss of his sibling at the hands of savages, tells us that his brother’s death ‘was nothing to do with Islam’. He then reads out a couple of Quranic verses.
By these new definitions of ‘truth’ this is now a universe in which the Inquisitions were ‘nothing to do with’ Christianity, in which the Crusades were ‘nothing to do with’ religion.
This is where liberal progressive cowards and dissemblers have led us to. And ‘truth’, whatever that once was, now lies in a bloodied heap, just another victim of Islamic State.
We are through the looking glass, people – tumbling helplessly down a bottomless rabbit hole. A chill runs over the grave of Orwell. 1984 was a warning not an instruction manual.
One can only sympathise with the poor soul, and if that is what he believes and offers comfort, so be it.
I will search the statement out, but usually these stage-managed relative read outs are either cringeworthy or so stage-managed credibility is stretched past breaking.
It always amazes me that a close family member coming to terms with the loss of a loved one is asked and/or agrees to one these media bun fight spectacles. I’d just want to lock myself away.
As to ‘the Establishment’, political and compliant media both, I’m getting a wee bit tired of what things are not, and a marked reluctance to inform the public what they are then.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Create one with this level of delusional band-aiding and what fills it may not be to their tastes at all.
My heart goes out to this gentleman s family at this time of their tragic loss.
Phil I have not seen or heard the report to which you refer.
Objectively, these Islamic murders appear to have been committed at the same place, probably at the same time, the cruelty starkly evident of this technique of terror, lasting out the anguish, and (for ISIS) the media coverage.
Snatched from an Islamic charity camp … the reality, no non muslim citizen from UK should even be there, it is too dangerous for them.
They are simply targets, the Islamic charity system that is proven to be, time and again. not trust worthy.
In the end it is foolhardy, gives Islamic groups the opportunity to gain perceived advantage for their insane ideology, and heartbreak for the workers own loved ones and family, the most upsetting … it was and is in the end, unnecessary.
One that has caught my eye is the spat betwixt the SNP (and its very… ‘passionate’… supporter base, who seem to own the social media estates of twitter and FaceBook) and the BBC, often in the specific form of Nick Robinson.
Part of me sees this taking a dark turn with no winners, but it is also interesting to see the BBC staring down the barrel of a very organised bloc of folk with the power to make things uncomfortable where it hurts. It won’t take long to see anger with perceived bias translate into cancelled licence fees.
It’s also hard not to see the BBC as very much as architects of their own pickle here.
Having initially toyed (and in some student union studios still playing the Braveheart meets Wolfie card) with sticking it to Westminster, the realities of what happens to their BFF’s South of the border and, in turn, their nice little gravy train in perpetuity, they have rather swung mainly into being the voice of the establishment.
No matter that many of the arguments are rational, sound and deserve being covered, but like a lover spurned, now the SNP is not feeling the love it expects, and demands, it’s all going a bit bunny boiler.
I’d be mainly grabbing the popcorn to enjoy two (actually more, as Labour’s finest hypocrites are treating such as a poster (they don’t like) as the end of free speech and democracy as we know it… plain daft. It’s a poster. Like those the BBC covers all the time being waved by ideological chums they can live with) entities I have little fondness for knock spots of each other, but I have a nasty feeling this will drag me and mine in, and down, too.
The collapse of the Rana Plaza clothing factory in Bangladesh was the deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry. It brought about a series of recriminations, alliances, promises and calls for change.
With Bangladesh’s clothing industry, predicted to quadruple in size over the next twenty years, a New York based private equity firm has come up with an idea to make Bangladesh’s factories sustainable and efficient – as well as profitable. With backing from the Soros family, Tau Investment Management’s plan is a bold one. They aim to provide a capitalist solutions to capitalism’s failures.
The Guardian’s Sarah Butler travels to Dhaka to meet Tau’s owners and asks whether the Bangladesh factory owners need their help.
The BBC is now using Guardian staffers as reporters now?
She asks a Western principle who is insisting on raising standards if he isn’t just dome form a modern colonialist !
It’s amazing! Only a hard left nutter would even think of such a thing! Most people would think that they guy is bringing jobs and badly needed income in one of the poorest countries in the world, but for the Fascist leftie, the self loathing is too great and out it all spills.
Then there’s the swipe at Primark who had the temerity to increase their profits following the collapse of the Bangladeshi garment factory. She sounded genuinely disappointed that the company would give an interview, and it was obvious what would have happened if they had!
Total bias, nothing much positive about her, and capable of turning every positive initiative into some kind of ‘Waycist’ colonialism.
“The BBC are using a lot of Guardian staffers”
As this goes beyond jelly-nailing areas of editorial decision to hard fact, it might be worth asking what guides the national broadcaster to engage so many staff from a very small, unrepresentative member of the press sector in such frequent and predictable ways.
Though the answer will doubtless deemed another of their little secrets.
Yep he’s a typical patrician class brat, loyal foot-soldier of the liberal inquisition still,even now after everything that has come out,putting his twisted concept of community cohesion above all else.
Like Ive said before no blood sacrifice of other peoples children is to great a price to pay to achieve their multicultural utopia.
I have just watched Cameron on the BBC news telling me that IS is evil, but guess what, ……….and how could I be so unenlightened and none progressive…they have nothing to do with Islam because Islam is a peaceful religion…yea right Dave got it……how could I be so stupid!
Well now Dave, here is a little bit of advice old lad. Some of us have minds of our own and have been around a bit. I am 66 and have always voted conservative, but congratulations Dave you have finally convinced me to vote UKIP at the GE. Don’t continue to insult my intelligence you spineless pr bullshitting clown………Islam…religion of peace my arse……….and one final observation Dave, I am pretty sure that thousands like me will have today reached the same conclusion.
Spot on Bob.
I first supported the Conservatives at the 1951 general election, delivering leaflets for my mam in a strong Labour area.
I too am sickened listening to the claptrap spouted by all politicians.
”We will not be defeated, we will not be cowed into submission by these militants”
Pardon? Aren’t they a couple of thousand untrained rabble, who waste half their ammunition shooting into the sky to show how tough they are.
I would guess the UK alone, outnumber them by several million to one.
That’s apart from facing the best trained army on the planet, in the unlikely event that they dare venture out of the desert.
Why do our stupid politicians, particularly Cameron, give them so much creedence.
Just watch and wait. The liberal establishment bus is out of control. The brakes have failed and that wall called reality is just ahead.
The crash when it comes is going to be all the more final. Many of us have kept trying to warn but have been derided and vilified.
Cameron is way way out of his depth as are most of them.
The liberal really believed that unreal idealism was a substitute for the first duty of a governor. That is to maintain the security of the nation at all costs and to protect the culture of the people as it is handed down the generations.. That is a governor’s function. The rest is play.
A BBC spokesperson said: “We believe our coverage has been fair and impartial and has adhered fully to the requirements of our Editorial and Referendum Guidelines.”
I think I live in a different world to those at the BBC. I am sure the weatherman on Countryfile remarked on the warm weather we have been having in September. Well having debated whether to return to the winter duvet and very possibly a hot water bottle as well I can only conclude I live in a parallel universe.
Just following on from the Scottish biased BBC demo and the ‘We Believe’ response, I complained to the BBC trust about this and they fired the complaint back to the complaints department telling them that ‘we believe’ is not an acceptable response. This was months ago and as yet I am yet to receive a reply, probably because they can’t manage to get past the mountain of supporting evidence I sent in.
Today I received another predictable response about the product placement of the Guardian on Doctor Who explaining that they aren’t allowed to do this unless there was some kind of context in the story – “we believe there was”.
Of course it’s a ridiculous response and many months ago I warned that this was a new tack the complaints department were taking. It is unacceptable as the Trust have told them, but they’re not listening.
Black is white – we believe it is.
Up is down – we believe it is
A circle is a square – we believe it is.
If you receive a response along these lines then re complain and tell them that the Trust has found this to not be acceptable and that they need to provide a proper explanation.
Interesting, the bBC reports on the German President stating:” Fighting anti-Semitism is German duty” and they publish two photos from the pro and anti -Israel camp. Want to guess which one looks the most intolerant:
Pro-Palestinian protesters were reported to have shouted anti-Semitic slogans during rallies in July
Pro-Israel demonstrators took to the streets in July as well, facing up to pro-Palestinians in Berlin
If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Jews are the one throwing the abuse here.
The bBC, the biggest promoter of anti-Semitism in the West , a fifth column and the traitors within our midst
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
David opened this new thread, the instant I had posted this on the old one, so I have taken the liberty of reposting it here.
Anders Thomasson commented, yesterday, on the skewering of Alastair Darling on NN, observing that it must have been something of a dilemma for the BBC to attack a Labour politician.
The BBC’s activists have, though, for some considerable time been further to the left than even Miliband’s Labour Party (evidenced by the continual appearances Marxists and Trots like Owen Jones on al of their platforms) so at the end of the day it is no surprise that the BBC would break cover and align themselves with who they believe will deliver the ‘greatest social justice’ for Scotland (i.e. YES). Note how Social justice just rolls off the BBC’s teleprompters pixels as the key imperative in this debate, North of the border it’s the only game in town – no talk of mixed economies in Scotland and the balance that brings prosperity and real self determination (and independence) to men and women…it’s just not the Socialist way. That’s not a debate that the BBC want to have with the left wing protagonists up there.
And it’s no surprise that was reflected in the ‘Scotland Decides’ debate last night with an unbalanced panel of:
The Scottish Green Convener Patrick Harvie (impeccable left wing CV)
Sturgeon (Left wing SNP)
Galloway (Left wing – from some party or other)
Ruth Davidson (Tory)
Using the QT format, it was disturbing, if not unsurprisingly that the BBC failed to select a question from the youth of Scotland about the issue that is at the heart of the independence debate: The currency.
I do not believe for a single moment that not one, not one, of the kids there asked what currency an independent Scotland would choose. Which begs the question why was it omitted? Perhaps, as this guy (in the video below – HT to Seth via GF) brilliantly points out – it is so fundamental and is in reality the only thing that matters. And it is the SNP’s achilles heel – it’s where all of their bluster falls apart.
Perhaps this astonishing omission might also have something to do with this character, the BBC’s Glasgow based Executive Editor of the programme, former (?) Communist Nicolai Gentchev – he of Question Time.
Listening this morning to a Five Live trailer, using a stirring ‘Braveheart’ soundtrack and seeing the BBC, last night, avoid the elephant in the room…I sense that the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ have finally taken a position and wouldn’t mind seeing the establishment of a Scottish Socialist Republic.
And I wonder how many of the buggers have already written their requests to transfer up to Glasgow?
I never thought I would agree with Galloway but his dismissal of the whole thing as fantasy economics made sense.
He knows the currency is at the heart if the matter. The failure to concentrate on this by the moderator was lamentable.
It is for this reason alone that I am sure the vote will be No.
I agree Dave.
Lets see, over the next 6 days, how many BBC luminaries avoid the question of the currency.
Galloway must have been a surprise to them. He is an old unreconsructed left winger with odious views on Israel but does understand reality when money is involved. The liberal is unable to cope with reality any time so the whole fantasy over the Scottish currency is no surprise.
The Yes view is that the pound is as much Scottish as English . Fair enough but that means the Bank of England sets rates etc. Why is this not continually pointed out? It is the crux of the matter as you say. .
Did any of the kiddywinks ask why someone, Egregious George, who has been accused of stealing 19 million barrels of oil from the people of Iraq was even *on* the panel.
The answer, unfortunately, had nothing to do with BBC as the ever reliable Harry’s Place testifies. The Better Together mob chose him as one of their 2 spokesperson’s.
I am sick of hearing ” Why should Scotland be subject to a Government it has not voted for.” Well England has been stuck with disastrous Labour Governments who on each time they were in power, ruined our economy and radically altered and it must be said, diminished our way of life and yet we NEVER voted for them. It was the Scottish vote which imposed them on us.
“Why should Scotland be subject to a Government it has not voted for.” becomes Lewis Carrollesque when you realise that the SNP want to ‘break’ from London but stay in the EU. Surely the gold standard of Governments not voted for?
Sorry, I was a supporter of “No” and I wanted the Union to stay together, but since Brown’s intervention and the knee-jerk panic of Cameron and Miliband in accepting the plan from a part-time back-bench opposition MP, I now hope Scotland vote Yes.
Yes the Yes campaign spouts a gargantuan amount of unadulterated bovine excrement and I do feel dirty siding with them, but since the liblabcon have adopted a federal solution in the event of a “no” vote, the Union is already dead. They have basically said, do what you want, have what you want, but please allow us English to keep paying for it. We will be tied to the SNP’s credit card without any influence over their spending.
Please Scotland vote Yes. The Liblabcon have destroyed the union for you, now kindly go away.
As Beeboids must know, but don’t say:-
“Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children?
Political Correctness.”
By Roger Scruton.
The answer here is contained in the question.
Thank you for posting the link to Roger Scruton’s excellent comments. I was pleased that the dreadful MacPherson Report was naled to the Rotherham scandal.
Today two rival movements will demonstrate in Rotherham; the EDL, and the UAF with their brothers in the TUC, who will blame the authorities for covering up the scandal, demand that racists (those who claim that muslims were involved in the rapes) must not be allowed to disturb or split the vibrant multicultural community that is Rotherham.
Yes, surely the bbc could have spared just one of their 8,000 or so highly trained journalists, to cover a peaceful demonstration against muslim rapists and their apologists in Rotheram. A look at the UK news page and its regional links on the bbc web page, shows apparently not !
Yes I was expecting the BBC to,as usual, give a platform to the UAF counter-demonstrators who all of a sudden want justice for the victims ,but only it seems if it does not compromise community cohesion But apparently only 4 turned up in London whereas the EDL march was much better attended than expected and like Britian first’s (?) march last week was swelled by ordinary members of the public joining as it went along
Now admittedly this view is based only on emails and videos that have been forwarded to me from EDL ‘sympathisers’ and is therefore highly partial .But,as you say, it would be nice if our £4.5 billion state broadcaster could report the facts so that we might make up our own minds
More on that
MSM including BBC did not report but apparently many turned up in Rotherham yesterday according to this:
Oh Dear, the so called ‘thinkers’ and opinion formers just aren’t seeing just how deep the rot goes.
This isn’t anything to do with Political Correctness, it has instead everything to do with the resurgence of Fascism and the establishment of a new underclass, the white untermensch.
People reading my posts might have seen the references to Fascism and not believed what they were reading, but just take a look at Wikipedia, because this trend was identified as long ago as the 1960s
The other side of the coin is the establishment of the ‘supermen’ or the Ubermensch who are allowed to do what ever they please to the untermensch with impunity.
This wasn’t a few white people cowed and scared to act in the face of rampant political oppression, it was rather active assistance in allowing criminal behaviour by a favourite group with no care at all for the victims because of their race and culture.
There’s too much left wing dogma & theory to go into here, but be very aware that this is much more sinister than simple fear of name calling.
One of those child victims of the Islamic Jihad rape, now an adult, has confronted her still free attacker. She was not violent, although she was angry and aggressive.
The Police arrested her for race hate crimes. He is STILL free.
What on earth has labour done to this country. The de facto legalisation of child rape is on Labour’s hands.
Do we have Donnison on speed dial?
“Evidence Growing that Hamas Used Residential Areas as Cover for Rocket Attacks”
“Hamas admits it DID use schools and hospitals in Gaza Strip as ‘human shields’ to launch rocket attacks on Israel – but claims it was ‘mistake'”
Ho hum. Any word from the BBC on this???
The concept of “Fraser Steel Facts” would prove that the Editorial Complaints Unit of the BBC is even more extreme to the left than the rest of the BBC, which is proven by:
(1) Steel overruled the BBC’s head of news programmes, Lord Lawson called this decision quasi-Stalinist.
(2) The BBC management denied that it should or would in future follow Steels advice that it should have censored Lord Lawson, or that it would censor Lord Lawson or any other politician who is not a scientist, in the future. This effectively means that Frazer Steel would only allow Peter Lilly and Graham Stringer, as the only Politicians who are Scientists to talk about Climate Change on the BBC, but because these two politicians are the most extreme sceptics when it comes to Climate Change, they have already commented about being censored from appearing on the BBC, so censorship also includes all parliamentary scientists as well.
(3) This issue is similar to a conflict that the Editorial Complaints Unit had with Mensa members two years ago, where it was found that a more serious error was provided to members by the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit than the error to which the complaint was made about in a BBC science documentary. In this case the “Frazer Steel Fact” was that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact”; the IPCC using an assumption says ‘likely’ and the BBC, which claims to be impartial, said that it was a ‘fact’. This also does not come from the Royal Society, even though the society has been corrupted by its quasi-Stalinist President.
If the poetry expert moron at the BBC who thought up the “Frazer Steel Fact” is reading this. The environmental activists in the Green Party told you to treat the assumption as a fact, not to say that IT IS A FACT YOU IDIOT.
But then if a “Fraser Steel Fact” can be legally proven to mean that the BBC really has gone it alone in the world, when it comes to “Scientific facts“, then the BBC could be done for scientific fraud.
Just what has the BBC got against either justice and/or Oscar Pistorius. A black woman judge and due process. But listening to the Radio 4 6pm news, Friday was a diatribe about the leniency being shown. The whole report screamed that the court had come to the wrong decision. Now if I had been Craig at the Other Place he would have recorded and typed out tand dissected he whole piece. But I can assure the bias is all there. Why? The only reason I can think of is that Oscar is a white man in a Black Country.
It’s South Africa so it has to be ‘about’ something.
The judge made it clear: the State had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt.
It can be a difficult test to pass. It has nothing to do with the usual modern psychobabble crap about how people feel, or the ‘mood’ in the country etc
Simply, Pistorius is a white South African who are still regarded as the most evil people in the world (after Israelis) by the left. This trumps his disability and the fact the learned judge is a black woman.
The BBC hates it when things don’t go their way, and likes nothing better than to see a successful white man brought down, the further down the better.
A simple fact of law – “Murder” involves intent and premeditation. The prosecution has to prove that and they failed, probably because almost everyone will agree that whatever happened, it was a spur of the moment thing, and was not premeditated, even if he intended to shoot to kill through the door. So if the judge had pleased the B-BBC by finding him guilty of murder then he would have got off on appeal. So she found him guilty of culpable homicide. This is a serious charge, and it is going to be a tough sentence – none of this only serving half your sentence, none of this “open prisons” stuff, none of this “weekends out to re-integrate into society” etc. Oscar may enjoy slightly better conditions than average on account of being disabled and well known, but it is going to be really tough, believe me.
I wait with interest to see how the B-BBC handles the Dewani trial, a trial where there is ample proof of premeditation, planning and the cold-blooded abandonment of a young woman sentenced to death by the accused – for some reason the B-BBC is staying very open-minded about this case, do they favour him because he is not white, or because he is guilty?
M’Learned Judge Masipa laid the foundations for the state to appeal due to her reasoning and her misinterpretation of “Dolus Eventualis”. She said that even though Pistorius fired four shots through the toilet door, he could not be expected to have foreseen the possibility of his act killing whoever was standing behind it. She also seemed to say that not being able to see the person being shot at cannot justify a charge of murder thereby laying the foundations for murder defences in future. She also contradicted herself on a number of occasions, most notably in saying Pistorius was an unreliable and evasive witness, yet believing his account and dismissing the accounts of prosecution witnesses.
It seems the media have highlighted Masipa’s detailed reasons for her verdict – previous case law, stated cases, etc. – yet failed to mention her many contradictions and inaccuracies in describing witness accounts. She couldn’t even say “Dolus Eventualis” properly.
How she can say that Pistorius couldn’t have foreseen that firing four dum-dum bullets through the door of a one metre square cubicle would kill someone is beyond reason.
Masipa may have previously had a good reputation in South Africa but she dropped the ball when considering the fine details of this case.
More on England’s ‘diverse’ present and future for INBBC not to report?:-
“EXCLUSIVE: London children as young as ten being ‘trained to be junior jihadis,’ warns Deputy Mayor, as extent of extremist threat in the capital is revealed”
Watching Mastermind tonight. I’ve noticed recently that when quiz shows like University Challenge or Mastermind have questions on politicians, it’s usually on Labour or Lib Dems ones. Tories only feature in questions on negative events such as scandals. I told my wife my theory earlier (she thinks I’m mad) while watching Mastermind tonight. Damn me a question comes up asking who the Secretary of State for education was from 1970 to 1974, the answer of course Margaret Thatcher. OK, I’m embarrassed. And then John Humphries saves the situation by answering ‘Thatcher’ in a vitriolic way, then adds ‘Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher’ to drive home the point. Can you imagine him saying ‘Blair, Blair, war starter’?
Blair, Blair where’s his taxes?
Well they’re at it again with the proms, a couple of knowledgeable people this week. A usual older male and the usual eye candy female.
It would appear that as women get older they know less and less and audiences become increasingly unable to accept that an older woman knows anything at all.
It wouldn’t bother me quite so much if the bullying fascists actually practiced the crap they bully the rest of us with constantly.
If they can’t live up to their own fascist crap then why do they expect any of the rest of us to?
They have form for this, with Countryfile firing off a woman because she became too old for their eye candy requirements in fact the BBC dropped 4 female presenters in their 40s & 50s not just Miriam O’Reilly.
Just to remind readers that the BBC was not just found guilty of age discrimination, it was also found guilty of victimisation which is where the employer actively attacks the claimant because of their claim. The damages for this are unlimited and punitive, – intended to punish the employer.
But hey what does that matter when you have a bottomless pit of money to call on, and it’s only licence payers money anyway?
The BBC has learned nothing and likely never will, but aside from all the Fascist bias we can add hypocrisy as well, and bullying. Because attacking others for failing what you yourself refuse to do is nothing short of both.
The Beebs absolute hypocrisy is everywhere all the time. It’s flagship Strictly Come Dancing ditched an older lady to replace her with a younger model. Similarily while a geriatric Sir Bruce was acceptable, he was accompanied by a suitably nubile leggy blonde woman. Even the agit-prop writers of Dr Who cast an old male actor to play the lead but assisted as ever by an easy on the eye young woman. It’s everywhere.
Anyone get the feeling that lefties are desperate for independence, in order for Scotland to be the new fantasy utopia, to replace Sweden (which incidentally is about to vote in another high spending, welfare loving, politically correct government)?
Just marvelling at Kirsty Wark’s ‘Newsnight’ mini-panel discussing Britishness in the wake of David Grossman’s piece on the alleged failing of such identity to play a big part in the referendum debate –
Ken Loach (“Britishness has no political point without common ownership of the means of production…Empire has sullied it beyond redemption” etc) and Okwo Eshun (“It’s all about individuals coming from all over the world, being welcomed, seizing opportunities”)
(ie Hobshawm vs Blair)
Thank you for inviting me to join you all for last orders, Mr Katz. You really have made sense of the world for silly dim little me.
I suspect that viewing figures for Newsnight will be briefly bolstered by those who have a morbid curiosity into how low it can sink. Thereafter it may just become a memory.
Presumably rape by aliens brings in a lot of revenue to the state, so it makes sense to Swedes to vote for more of the same.
Is Sweden still existing. ? I am surprised. No doubt the new government will vote to cease to exist as a nation as soon as possible. . They could move the entire population of Syria and Iraq in . That should do the trick.
I am sure tha average Swedish liberal ( aren’t they all ) can hardly wait.
Yes, I have just heard Ken Roache spouting the usual, leftist platitudes about Britishness on Newsshite. Apparently, Britishness is synonymous with Imperialism, Colonialism and the Oppression of Freedom Loving Peoples all over the world. No wonder that loons like Roache, Benn, Corbin, BBC types support the IRA as a progressive anti-imperialist force and detest Paisley as an agent of reaction. Thank God the “traditional British way of life” and its unpleasant jingoism and xenophobia will soon be destroyed by mass immigration.
Does Loach not realise the role Britain played in ending Slavery wherever we held power? And does he not realise that there exists today 72 million black slaves across Islamic countries, who still, to this day, practice slavery?
Sorry, that must make me a racist for bringing the topic up.
Just catching up with the first episoade of the Stonehenge project from BBC2 last night. All was going swimmingly – this is after all the kind of thing the BBC does very well – until 16 minutes 48 seconds in when this pearl was unexpectedly cast before me:
“Then around eight thousand two hundred years ago, climate change had a dramatic impact on the destiny of the Stonehenge landscape…”
Harrabin must be proud.
To be fair there was a massive climate change with the Earth coming out of the last ice age, however this is part of a continuing cycle and not something allegedly influenced by mankind.
“Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres. By this definition, we are in an interglacial period – the holocene, of the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.
“There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth’s past (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.”
So, the natural state of the Earth is to be ice free, and at this time we are coming out of an ice age period. Trying to preserve it is like King Knut trying to turn back the tide.
This is all true, however in days of yore the seas rising and causing Britain to become an island would have been attributed purely to the ending of the ice-age. The use of the term ‘climate change’ seems at best forced.
Its because of all the log fires that they were burning then, – Simples !
“So, the natural state of the Earth is to be ice free” The last million years or so, the earth has mostly been in ice ages. It’s the interglacials which are rare.
Of course, that’s the logic that goes straight above their little air-heads. There was, as Thoughtful points out a number of ice ages, a number of mini-ice ages and periods of much warmer global climate. This was happening before man existed and when mankind was in its infancy as in the example you quote. There has always been climate change and man’s influence on it has been nought to negligible. Making that point shoots their man-made crap out of the water, one can call it an own goal to mix metaphors.
If you are sceptical of man made climate change you should be pleased that the BBC is reminding viewers that climate change has always happened and is not new. I don’t know if man made climate change is happening (AGW) but the climate is changing.
Yes, it certainly seems to be getting COLDER in the USA.
Must have been all those SUV’s they were driving around in
Nigel Farage was on LBC Breakfast phone-in show with Nick Ferrari Breakfast this morning (Friday) and a number of callers made some good points all honestly answered by Farage. This is refereshing to hear a poltician who shares our concerns without bluster. He changed my mind on the Scottish referendum which I thought would be good to get ‘rid’ of the expense of ‘Scotland but Nigel Farrage has stated what would actually happen is that the EU would then seek to undermine a UK union by offering Scotland the only other Euro ‘deal’ which would mean accepting the plummeting Euro (with the same conditions as similar states such as Greece or Portugal i.e. with full austerity measures. So Scotland would be worse off outside the UK for sure. As the falling Euro will have to be propped up for another predicted 20+ years the EU wankers will continue austerity until it breaks – this means an over reliance on Germany. Scotland will therefore find itself in worse state than being in tandem with England. It won’t have any more independence than Greece once had or any other small states once QVM starts this November under Lisbon Treaty it’s surrender or nothing. Scotland v EU is no contest as Ireland had found whn it tried to vote ‘against’ the EU.
The LBC radio show can be heard below, it was worth a listen.
(Phone Farage – 12 Sep 14 ) LBC Talk radio.
Farage strikes a chord with the ordinary folk. Odd in a refreshing way to hear on LBC two separate callers referring to the UK as a Christian country and not being challenged. I don’t recall anyone ever getting through onto the BBC’s Any Answers and saying anything like that.
Great Britain is one island, its like one big house with secure doors. Are the Scots and Al Beeb going to be the ones that ‘left the back door open’ ?
Norway and Iceland, both function as soveriegn states without membership if the European Union, as does Switzerland which is surrounded by EU countries. Denmark, another country with population as small or smaller than that of Scotland, functions within the EU yet not using, nor restrained by, the euro.
Why is it assumed that if independent from the United Kingdom Scotland would need to join the EU. and Euro currency ?
Scotland could well seek business and financial alliances with these other countries, specifically Norway, which may give to the country greater autonomy than being ruled from Westminster.
Try following the news.
Salmond has said that after a Yes vote Scotland would seek to join the EU. And the EU has already made it clear that any new members must join the Euro.
“Why is it assumed that if independent from the United Kingdom Scotland would need to join the EU. and Euro currency ?”
Because SNP policy is to stay in the EU. The rest of the UK wouldn’t agree a currency union with an independant Scotland, so Scotland would be stuck with the Euro.
But there is no reason to suppose that in the event of an independence vote, Scotland will be governed by the SNP. Indeed, the SNP will have fulfilled its purpose and be no longer relevant. Do you think that the existing mainstream parties in Scotland will cease to exist because they didn’t get their way on independence? They will be putting up candidates for the Scottish parliament in the usual way in the elections which follow hard upon independence, even if as seems more sensible the elections are held before formal independence so that a government can take charge from Day One.
Salmond will have the rules changed as soon as a ‘Yes’ vote goes through probably inventing some presidential post for himself and like Hitler in the 30’s start molding the country in his own Marxist image. The police force has now been all centralized to one organisation (Just like the SA) and he’s even written his own ‘Wee Blue Book’ complete with Nazi eagle emblem to rival Mao’s little red book.
Thank you for your answer to my question.
I do not understand why any country would seek independence from one dominant state to then immediately relinquish that independence to yet another
semi-democratic authority, the EU which is run by a non democartatic Commission.
Suggestion has been written of the idea of a partnership with non EU states, from where this originates i do not know; a politiacl party or other ?
for example ; “The potential to be partners in the North Sea with Norway one of the most solvent Nations in Europe. Opening the door to rebuilding Scotland’s heavy industries. ”
excuse the deviation from “biasedbbc” topic.
Back in the 1920’s it was realised that the UK only needed one steel maker but labour politics prevented the rationalisation process; who to choose Scotland, South Wales or North East England.
In the 21st century there is not a hope of setting up steel making or coal mining in Scotland and sell the products to the world, even supposing that Salmond’s ‘friends’ in the EU would allow it.
Similarly steel fabrication work on a large scale makes no sense, the raw materials needing to be brought in from the other side of the world and then, presumably shipped back? Small scale fabrication to supply a diminishing North Sea oil industry might be possible but that would only be viable for items that were expensive to ship or if extensive automation, (i.e. minimal employment), was used.
A major part of this ‘independence’ fantasy seems to be that ‘England’ or more precisely ‘Westminster’ is the enemy and that the rest of the world will be falling over itself to be friends with Scotland, putting aside their own interests to keep Salmond smiling. Dream on!
Scotland used to be noted for its canny prudence but it looks to have been taken over by the bonkers, bingo, buckfast, benefit, bail-out generation. Hardly the sort of people that foreign ‘friends’ would want to deal, employ or invest with.
Yes, it is ridiculous for Salmond to claim “independence” and then make Scotland utterly subservient to the EU and policies that accompany the Euro. Well spotted.
Maybe it’s not the true intention to join the EU ?
Every thing here is a second guess, and who can be sure that each player is showing an open hand ?
Everyone speaking from their own bias, either for or against, but who know what the real nature of the game is ?
Although I support UKIP, I hope Farage is wrong and that Spain (and others) veto’s Scotland’s application to join the EU.
Sign this petition for an independent inquiry into BBC bias regarding the referendum:
75,000 signatures are needed. 62,000 people have already signed.
Sign now and share the link on social media! Let’s see if we can hold the BBC’s feet to the fire!
Even Paul Mason has apparently accused the BBC of bias on this issue:
I say ‘apparently’ as the tweet appears to have been deleted…
‘The BBC faces accusations of anti-independence bias after its political editor, Nick Robinson, produced a report that wrongly claimed Alex Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference.
Calling into question the impartiality of the publicly-owned broadcaster, the veteran BBC correspondent edited out Salmond’s lengthy answer, in which the First Minister claimed the BBC had skewed facts and colluded with the Treasury to undermine the “Yes” campaign.’
“produced a report that wrongly claimed Alex Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference”
Maybe he could be asked why and what happened to it?
However, the BBC’s apparent immunity from answering awkward questions will likely still apply.
Al Beeb at it again! – Deliberate negative portrayal of UKIP in Scotland on the news this evening. They did not learn the lesson that they were taught during the Euro Elections. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“Even Paul Mason has apparently accused the BBC of bias on this issue:”
Maybe he could be asked what he meant and what happened to it?
As he has now left, the BBC’s apparent immunity from answering awkward questions may no longer apply.
Newsnight tonight and who better to talk about Britishness than Ken fucking Loach and a Ghanian. For Loach, Britishness was ‘oppression and slavery’ … Echo waffled on about immigration and progressiveness. I mean, what could be more progressive than negro’s machine-gunning each other in our streets.
If Chris Morris ever changed sides he couldn’t have satrised ‘Newsnight’ better than they did themselves tonight. Shame they couldn’t find a trendy-but-radical Imam at short notice to complement the other two by stressing the “law and order” flavour of Sharia.
Seems the BBC’s ‘sack of rats’ executive style is pervading nicely throughout the rotting corpse of the BBC’s credibility.
I still feel Mr. Paxman could, during his glory days, have used his skills better to fillet all needing to be held to account equally, but here he does come out better as a wiser head than Mr. Katz; now more and more becoming the story than the storyteller.
When wearing no clothes, if unattractive naked it’s best not to court the limelight.
I remember that hillarious polemic “The power of nightmares” the three-part documentary claiming no such thing as Islamic terrorism…
When I think of the lefties (self-labelled liberal progressives) who are increasingly taking more and more blatant control over the BBC, I am reminded of the part about radical and extreme Islamic terrorists in (I think it was) Algeria, whose pursuit of ever more pure devotion to Islam led to them all killing each other as each of them were seen to be less pure than they should be.
When even the likes of Paxman leave Newsnight, because the liberal progressives are like children pushing a dream of liberal purity, we can all look forward to the pretence of impartiality being blown apart more and more and the BBC eating itself from the inside.
I love to see “diversity” of opinion on the union but that wasn’t it.
I have just watched Newsnight for the first time in a long while. In fact my first exposure since Mr Katz took over. They had a piece about Rev Paisley that was as scathing as you would expect from this programme. Then they moved on to the referendum and invited hard left film director Ken Loach to pontificate. Now I was prepared for him to speak leftist rubbish but I was amazed by the nonsense he came out with. He felt that Scotland could set up a new socialist state where everyone would be better off and the state could seize back control of major industry . He was full of sadness at the 80’s when British Rail, British Steel , the Coal Board etc were privatised, and the role of the state much reduced. He felt that this has led to a loss of British identity and consequent loss of community. ( He conveniently forgot that those were the most inefficient tax subsidised industries that cost the country billions in subsidy) His views were not challenged by Ms Wark nor by his co interviewee. Basically he was given a free run to spout this leftist dreamland rubbish.
Whilst I don’t object to the BBC having a aged member of the looney left spouting silly stuff not heard for decades, I do object that there was no one to contest and challenge what he was saying. Where is the balance? Is Newsnight exempt from the need to be impartial? Do we ever see a member of the far right ,as characterised by the BBC , being given a free run to spout their brand of rubbish? No we don’t, we just get a leftist view on everything. Why doesn’t anyone in government take the BBC to task on their never ending leftist bias?
I quite enjoyed it. Loach is living in a world quite detached from reality and makes the average liberal seem sensible.
But what a mistake to put him on. Newsnight is supposed to be serious. Loach turned it into a comedy show for geriatrics.
Wark looked bemused as well she might be.
The other guy, a modern liberal leftie (views predictable) , also looked bemused.
Comedy gold and an object lesson in how not to have a discussion about a serious matter.
Put Newsnight out of it’s misery please.
The Newsnight nomenklatura see Loach’s views as being so self-evidently reasonable that I doubt it even crossed their minds that any decent person could take issue with them. Like Wedgewood-Benn, it seems he has been appointed a progressive National Treasure.
Such is the uniformity of purblind opinion, the closed group-think, the partisan loyalty to the chosen ‘narrative’ displayed by the beeboids that you could be forgiven for thinking they were some in-bred community wilfully cut off from reality.
Imagine yourself walking down a leafy, ‘hideously white’ street in Barnes, west London, a secure, privileged enclave away from all that ‘diversity’, that enforced ‘enrichment’. Suddenly you hear twangy music, two instruments being played, perhaps, as if duelling with each other, reminiscent of a scene from the film ‘Deliverance’. You look up, & there on the branch of a tree are two rather odd looking men, not perhaps the finest specimens of humanity, but they seem content, absorbed, even. They are wearing straw hats, & bib ‘n’ brace overalls of a rather superior cut covered in student badges. They are playing banjos. A repetitive, rather unimaginative tune, a loop going around & around. It soon gets tedious.
Walking away, you can’t help thinking they look familiar. Surely one of them does that politics show on the BBC on Sunday mornings. And that scrawny little fellow, he fronts programmes extolling the virtues of mass immigration. So what’s he doing round here? White flight? Now, they’ve started singing, duetting; call & response. Something about how ‘Mah homegrown jihadist sweetheart girl left me to be an IS doctor & broke mah goddam heart. Left me with nothin’ but mah fossil guilt.’
Then it clicks. Randy Marr & Evan ‘Swampy’ Davis; two ‘good old boys’ revelling in a bit of ‘quality time’, having a bit of a hoedown. Nah, can’t be. You’re hearing things. Trick of the light bouncing off the water. Happens a lot down here by this part of the Thames. Down here by the big sanctuary houses. The Fabian cocoons.
“Why doesn’t anyone in government take the BBC to task on their never ending leftist bias? ”
Because they agree with it.
I note that the BBC are showing distinct signs of alarm about what happens after the Scottish referendum . They are realising that a No means that the Scots get another great slice of Labour sponsored devolution but that there are no firm plans for what happens in England, Wales and NI.
Labour and the BBC hope to a) keep the full quota of celtic socialist MPs in Westminster b) that these MPs retain the right to vote on English matters that they can’t vote on in their own constituencies, c) that their plan to ‘devolve’ a few meaningless powers to cities and regions in England will keep the English quiet. But they sense that the English won’t have this.
A Labour spokesperson said that there had been no demand for English devolution and that when tried the voters had rejected regional parliaments. The BBC suggested to John Redwood MP that devolving minor powers to the English regions would be sufficient to meet the wishes of the English. He quite rightly said that was insulting to the English and that only an English Parliament, with powers equivalent to those of the Scottish one, and possibly to the one that will soon be offered to Wales, could possibly be offered to the English. The English are realising that they are being shortchanged and have a MASSIVE democractic deficit opposite their celtic neighbours. The BBC will no doubt do all it can to suppress what they will characterise as English nationalism, a brand they hate, in marked contrast to the Scottish, Welsh and Irish versions. So lets sit back and watch how Labour and the BBC try to turn logic on its head and suppress the calls for an English Parliament whilst promoting Devo max in the celtic fringe.
Perhaps we English should regard Mr Salmond as the architect of the revival of our Nation.
It’s also dawned on Dan Hodges what a no vote will lead to for labour, given a no vote and further devolution and that that will lead to an English insistence that we get rid of the Scottish MPs involvement in English affairs. What a complete clusterfuck this is, but nobody can say the next few years are going to be boring.
“John Prescott, the Labour war horse, was trapped in a Glasgow cafe for an hour. Not everyone will be brimming over in sympathy.”
Not everyone possibly knew about it. Unlike when roughly the same happened to a pol the BBC is less keen on.
One thing this ‘campaign’ highlights is just how selective the BBC ‘reporting’ machine is when trying to ensure a very enhanced narrative.
“John Prescott, the Labour war horse, was trapped in a Glasgow cafe for an hour.”
The pantry where the pies were kept, no doubt.
“John Prescott, the Labour wa$k horse, was trapped in a Glasgow cafe that was then set on fire .”
There that’s how karma should have written that !
Take a look at the BBC’s papers blog, link below. Can anyone explain why a photo of the UAF’s anti UKIP (say no to Racism) poster has been inserted next to a photo of Nigel Farage?
I think it is to counterbalance all the positive comments in the article below.
Well spotted Llareggub. The simple answer is because the bbbc is biased. I honestly do think that they are now incapable of presenting factual news. Every single item/remark or presentation they produce has some kind of minority agenda item running subliminally within it. Just today I briefly scanned through the bbbc website (I am afraid that’s all I can manage these days before it makes me feel annoyed). I noticed that invariably the pictures accompanying reports relating to the Scottish referendum that the placards pictured even have the ‘Yes’ showing in much bigger text than the much smaller ‘No’ pictures. How an organisation such as the bbbc can function in this way is a mystery. Surely, people would respect their news casting more if they just produced factual reports.
I truly believe the bbc are as significant an enemy of the State as the islamic fundamentalists
Blatant lies by Nick Robinson on the BBC regarding his questioning of Alex Salmond : evidence of the BBC bias.
” He didn’t answer the question . . .” says Robinson on his edited video clip.
Alex Salmond gave a lengthy clear and precise reply to the question.
Remember that twat pretending, Farage ignored his question
… turned out he was a distance away, and Farage was being interviewed by someone else
… bullsh-tter!
this … N Robinson?
Reporter Apologizes For Identifying London Stabber As Having “Muslim Appearance”
“…pretending Farage ignored his question
… turned out he was a distance away, and Farage was being interviewed by someone else..”
Such things can only be deliberate, and in getting repeated a very poor trend.
Often the tonality of a legitimate failure, or deliberate decision, not to respond can be easily perverted by all too precious, partial ‘reporters’ to turn something of innocence into a potent negative..
Mr. Robinson does it too often.
Not to say others are immune, and often I LoL when some tinpot Pultizer wannabee from the local rag or radio huffs that a person with possibly much better things to do, doesn’t feel the need to dance to their precious tune. Especially any with a habit of asking loaded questions, not asking questions but making points, and with an edit suite on standby to enhance whatever they get any way that suits.
Jim Sillars knows the way to a Beeboid’s heart. Interviewed this morning on “Today” (8.35ish)about his strong anti-business statements yesterday he quickly disarmed his interviewer by claiming that suggestions of nationalisation of BP were only said to produce an orgasm at the Daily Mail. Beeboid sniggered & from then on it was plain sailing. Two years notice of redundancy etc – no problem
Bill Nighy takes Pride in miners’ strike movie – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-29113849?ocid=socialflow_twitter
“The great thing about Pride is that it shows that Margaret Thatcher had it wrong when she said, famously, that there was no such thing as society, just individuals. This is the exact opposite of that terrible remark – it shows our longing to be part of something greater than ourselves, and what big things small acts of kindness can achieve,” concludes Nighy.
…and concludes this anti-Thatcher, pro-LGBT rights movement article, which doesn’t even make an attempt at balance.
When reading it, I wondered if author ‘Emma Jones’ is really Matthew Merryman.
This can’t be true!! (from the above article)
the movie, which documents the true story of how Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups became the biggest financial supporters of the miners,
Remarkable how that has been a very little known fact all these years, but I don’t suppose anyone at the TUC would now bother to challenge that claim.
Didn’t Libya and the Soviet Union also contribute?
Old Bill ‘anyone’s for an Argos cheque’ Nitty seems to have missed another quote from Thatcher at that time and strangely so has his new pink wash film ?
, “My reaction is one of anger at what this had done to a family of a person only doing his duty and taking someone to work who wanted to go to work.”
Truly amazing the film missed out the feel good potential and reforming loveliness of the murder of David Wilkie by two of the new wave glee club miners who actually were going to drop Corsages on to the taxi but picked up the wrong sack !!
Does anyone know who finances cr*p like this ? I mean its obvious this film isn’t financially viable. Are we looking at some kind of a tax fiddle or is this our old friend public money (via a quango) at work ?
I think you may find that this piece of cinematic agitprop was financed (in part or in whole) by the Lottery Fund. They have form for financing British films that no one wants to see.
The interesting thing about “Pride” is that the film’s trailers shown on TV mention nothing about the miners’ strike and its gay supporters. They make it look more like a whimsical Rom-Com. Even the film’s poster artwork makes no mention of its subject. Do you think its publicists know the subject won’t find widespread popularity among the cinema-going public?
No doubt the film will win plaudits from BBC News’ film critics and Gavin Esler.
Haven’t seen any TV spots, but every film trailer of Pride I’ve seen – and all the other publicity that surrounds the release of a film these days – have left viewers and readers in do doubt as to the subject matter.
Are there any cinemagoers who see only TV spots and choose films accordingly? I would have thought those spots act more as reminders to people who’ve already heard about the film, and would know what it is about anyway…
Of course, it *is* a rom-com. As well as being a film rooted in social history, and one which accurately reflects the tenor of the times.
Thanks for the info Andy I thought it had to be something like that. Glad to hear those Islington luvvies involved in the film don’t mind taking their earnings from the lower rungs of society who think they are giving a few quid to charity (as in a real charity) when they buy their Lotto tickets.
Its heavily advertised in posters and on public transport in these parts (Northern town) but you are right about the posters which make it look like a Carry On film.
I’ve already seen it, and it’s a really good film – heartwarming, funny and moving. The cinema we were in was full, which would suggest it’s a little more financially viable than you seem to want to believe.
The BFI Film Fund contributed £1m to the film in 2013 and a further £50,000 in 2014, according to their website. I don’t know how that funding works and how much money the film has to make before the BFI gets its money back, but even if it doesn’t get back every penny, it’s supporting an industry which employs hundreds of people whose craft and skills generate revenue for the UK by virtue of international filmmakers coming to this country to take advantage of their expertise.
I probably won’t have time to see the film, but I hope it shows something like the demonstration of miners passing through our town shouting to the women ‘Show yer tits for the lads’. It might even include a section shouting ‘Show yer bums to the lads’ . I do like history recorded in popular films.
Bill Nighy should read the entire interview with Mrs T, instead of just parroting “there’s no such thing as society”.
(Print, save as PDF; it runs to 25 sides and the relevant section is on pp 16-17)
She went on: “It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, because there is no such thing as an entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation”.
I come from the South Staffordshire coalfield (closed mainly by Harold Wilson’s government but in decline since before World War 1) and it was this mutual assistance that bound communities together, not the Welfare State.
> it was this mutual assistance that bound communities together, not the Welfare State.
And that’s what the film celebrates, as you’ll find out if/when you see it for yourself.
The mining community was so strong it split and led to the creation of the Union of Democratic Mineworkers because of the actions of Scargill and his Barnsley storm troopers. I suppose the film shows nothing of the violence and intimidation used against those miners wanting to work at the time. Nothing about dissident miners homes being trashed by Scargill’s thugs. As for embracing the gay community, my wife, who was born in Killamarsh a Derbyshire mining village near to the border with Sheffield told me she remembers a gay who was forced out of the area due to the homophobic intolerance shown by local miners. This was around the time of the 1984 pit strike.
Is the film a romanticised re-writing of history? The majority of miners I came across in the 1980s were virulently homophobic, but then again, Scargill and his mob were grubbing around and trying to obtain funds from anyone at the time who could cough up the lolly. I can remember them visiting Gaddafi and holding out the begging bowl, and I know they obtained suitcases full of cash from the KGB at the Russian Embassy in London.
That’s my impression too. Some of my family were miners and I find it very hard to believe they welcomed LGBTs with open arms. Pick ace handles yes.
I remember my cousin telling me, as if it was funny, how one new recruit had been beaten senseless because they ‘thought’ he was gay.
Lovely people miners, beacons of tolerance.
I come from the most working class town in Britain (according to the Guardian) and back when the miner’s strike was on, rampant homophobia was the absolute norm. Did this film ever have the words:
– Backs to the wall lads?
– Queer
-Shit stabber
-arse bandit
-turd burgler…..?
All were in common and normal usage as I recall back in the 1980s. There is no way most Miners would have accepted openly homosexual support. They would accept the money, so long as they could hide where it came from.
As a bisexual man who had a homosexual best-man at my wedding (sporting a massive black eye as he had been beaten up for being gay), I was very familiar with the overt and utterly normalised homophobia of the times.
Does this film accurately portray the homophobia as being a normal thing back then?
Thanks Scott.
More loony left re-writing of history. The truth is that the NUM had blackmailed successive governments for years for massive pay increases, culminating in the notorious Saltley coke depot siege in 1972 by the NUM and the AUEW. The result was that the mining industry along with so many other failed industries in Britain were allowed to bleed the country to bankruptcy. That is until Margaret Thatcher took over and turned the country around
In March 1984 Scargill’s Barnsley boot boys swaggered into Nottinghamshire with their thug tactics confident that they’d close down all the Notts pits. They went home with their tails between their legs.
Whats really hysterical is the trendy fake metro sexuals who will faun and flop all over this p%^& weak fantasy about the poor miners, are the same lot who so love greenpeas and frauds of the earth both who ironically would have destroyed the same mines these bed wetters from Hampstead whine about loosing !
You know the tragic story of the 7 year old shot (and now has died) by the father who then killed himself.
No doubt the BBC will be anxious to reveal the real story.
The BBC reports the police said: “We believe this is a domestic-related incident.”
No mate, it’s a fucking global problem.
I was puzzled by the muted BBC coverage. I should have remembered the rule about what it means when the Beeb doesn’t describe an attacker.
Sometimes the Beeb starts out with full coverage then their ‘reporter’ discovers the real (non PC) truth about an incident. When this happens a story can go from being the lead item on my local BBC radio station news one hour and then never be mentioned again.
Nothing but tragic.
As the BBC rushes around not finding out anything lest it lead in directions the BBC doesn’t feel comfy with, as the DM also seems not to have mentioned, I was also wondering where this gun came from, as post Dunblane & Hungerford I thought they were not easy to get hold of.
“Alromisse became a Community Safety Officer for Uttlesford District Council in Essex”
Possible a few questions to ask of those held in accountable power?
”’where this gun came from, as post Dunblane & Hungerford I thought they were not easy to get hold of.’
Don’t worry, I believe the repeal of the law banning handguns is UKIP policy. It came from the same source as most UKIP policies…
‘We heard somebody complaining about it in a pub’.
Perhaps if the past and present governments, whatever their political colour, had taken more notice and listened to the ‘man in the street’, ‘the taxi driver’ or even ‘the man in the pub’, we would be a far better nation in looking after our own people? Take immigration, defence, crime and punishment, human rights, Al Beeb, the European circus and indeed the Scottish fiasco.
UKIP is our only salvation.
Ah but the point is that the “elite” know best and have no need to talk to proles.
Interestingly what the Scots, and dare I say it old smart Alec, hve proved is that the political establishment sh*t themselves when they are pushed in to a corner and will do anything to keep the status quo.
However, how dirty do we think the BEEB and the three main parties will play if we have a referendum on the EU? Even if Camoron gives us a referendum (he won’t) it will be so stacked that a “lets leave” vote will lose and we, like the Scots, will never have a chance again.
Only UKIP will give it a positive go with a referendum and we know that they ain’t going to get in power very soon. However Ill not play the “vote UKIP get Milliband” game. If I’m to be f**cked over by any of the big three I’d rather just say No , vote UKIP and at least have the self-respect in knowing I didn’t vote for a party that wanted to erase my nation and my generally decent countrymen by stealth.
Or from the Telegraph
As opposed to Coalition policy making:
‘We heard somebody complaining about it in a Mosque’.
We will have an enquiry, fear not, lessons will be learned
Yep – you can bet your bottom dollar this Apostasy of the poor murdered girl’s mother will definitely not be published by the those Quisling, appeasing cowards in the BBC!
They will follow their Labour masters aiding and abetting the Muslim nightmare we are being sleep walked into by again attempting to hide the truth from us, so we do not put pressure on our leaders to do something about it.
They will learn nothing from the Rotherham Jay report or the same offences being committed in Rochdale, Nottingham, Oxford and all the other mainly Labour run councils overseeing mostly Pakistani Muslims raping and abusing underage non-Muslim girls.
Arthur, you realise you may be asked to apologise for identifying this murderer as “having Muslim appearance”?
FFS!, When first read of that case, it was presented more as a sort of “father’s for Justice” angle and the religion of peace was not mentioned at all.
Puts it all in a whole new light.
Mother rejects Islam… That is Apostacy, which according to Islam is punishable by death.
Two contrasting reports on Muslima Islamic jihadist, Aqsa Mahmood (ex-Glasgow):-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:- points out the Islamic jihad nature of the threat she poses-
“UK Muslima in Islamic State says she will only return to raise black flag of Islam in UK”
2.) INBBC:-does not talk of the Islamic jihad threat she poses, but only of her parents’ regret at her disappearance.
“Aqsa Mahmood’s parents ask her to come home to Glasgow”
– the black flags of Islam-
(-from Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV, 2013; scroll down for video clip)-
And Beeboids seem politically coy about Muslima jihadist Aqsa Mahmood and this:-
“How British jihadist ‘madams’ are running Isis brothels full of thousands of kidnapped Iraqi women.
“Al-Khanssaa brigade is female-only militia set up by Isis in Raqqa, Syria.
“3,000 women and girls have been taken captive from the Yazidi tribe.
“It’s believed they’re being forced into sex slavery in brothels for fighters.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2751506/Thousands-Iraqi-women-forced-sex-slavery-Isis-militants-kept-brothels-run-police-forceof-British-women-jihadis.html#ixzz3DE1RIiwF
Even the ‘Daily Mirror’ refers to Muslima Mahmood here:-
Interesting choice of lawyer for the family. Did they seek him out, or was he ambulance chasing?
Interesting as much for who is on station on this blog too on immediate deflection duty, and also with very little persuasive firepower.
“As usual, what the BBC did not tell us was that this refers only to their full “capacity”, when the sun is shining. But official figures show that the actual output of this environmental eyesore would only average a 10th of that”
I find it astounding that pr tripe such as ‘capacity’ is still routinely churned out as reporting over credible actual delivery. To promote such smoke and mirrors, if not fraud should be actionable.
Director General, Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL should replace Roger Harrabin
with Christopher Booker, in the interests of real diversity and truth.
But instead, we will get more of the same from HALL’s Beeboid political propaganda.
For pro-E.U, and pro-mass immigration Beeboids
(which is what BBC-NUJ officially is) –
here is something else they will want to censor:-
“Immigration: creating terminal political stresses”
“£1,000 bonuses for staff who hound BBC licence fee dodgers:
Move comes as MPs plan to drop threat of prison.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2754269/1-000-bonuses-staff-hound-BBC-licence-fee-dodgers-Move-comes-MPs-plan-drop-threat-prison.html#ixzz3DDzsri9U
I guess the develoved BBC License payers won’t be too cough up now they know the truth about the BBC…
Sundays Telegraph; (Nick Robinson has a local difficulty with the locals):
‘Hundreds of pro-independence supporters turn out at BBC’s Glasgow HQ, chanting ‘you can stick your license fee up your a***’
Salmond said, “If the BBC were covering, in my estimation, any referendum, in any democracy, anywhere in the world, they would cover it impeccably, in a balanced fashion. “What they don’t understand is they’re players in this.”
I would suggest ‘his estimation’ is as warped as the ‘balanced, impartial’ bBC. For example, one only has to look at coverage of the past two US Presidential elections to see how bizarre this statement is.
Anyone in Scotland watch Last Night of the Proms?
Apparently, the BBC didn’t broadcast Rule Britannia north of the border.
Wasn’t watching. but it was on in the background and I distinctly heard it!
Other countries get it so I don’t see why Scotland shouldn’t – whatever happens on Thursday.
“FCO Verifying British Aid Worker Beheading”
As BBC-NUJ knows, the perpetrators of this latest barbarism are the Islamic jihadists of the Islamic, Islamic State.
Such is the barbarity of the Islamic jihadists of the Islamic, Islamic State that NO British aid workers nor British aid should go anywhere near Islamic jihadists: they are our ENEMY, they are at war with us, as BBC-NUJ must make clear.
No mention of the ‘M’ word ?
Look into my eyes don’t look around the eyes! Your under..This has nothing to do with Islam! 3-2-1 your back in the room
Right. Seperationism is the only answer. All contact and that means all contact with ME states should cease.Build an iron frontier on the Greek, Italian and Spanish borders.
No tourism , no air traffic or any other. minimal diplomatic contact. No trade at whatever cost to the West.
It will not happen of course but it is the only way to preserve our civilisation and way of life.
It will even suit Isis and let them recreate the 7th century in the hellholes they are building.
Then maybe after several centuries we can start to resume contact.
Which just leaves the small issue of dealing …
those who enable, subvert, threaten, kill,, behead, child rape here, their motives aims and goals.
Said Camoron:
“We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes.” …
Everything, that is, except study and understand their motives and goals, and tell the truth about those motives and goals.”
Call Me Dave is so on the wrong side of reality he may almost be coming up around the other side.
Saw a great tweet earlier that said by his claimed logic (and that being pursued by the BBC) any peadophile priests caught in the spotlight of their activities are, despite their own claims and lifestyles, not Catholic.
Seems a whole new set of uniques being invented by the establishment to plaster over rather than confront the problem, and this never ends well.
Completely agree George R. We need politicians and government who will look into proposals for a cordon sanitaire around these countries, no trade, no visits, no immigration either way. Too severe? Then wait until it really hots up in Europe.
BBC News, in its coverage of the murder of David Haines, has just wheeled out a Muslim – some woman from the Islamic Society of Britain or some such – to tell us that Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. Well, quelle su-fucking-prise.
How come they are called ‘Islamic State’ then. The BBC just can’t seem to see the wood for the trees.
Seems to me the ‘Muslim Community’, however that is actually defined, needs to have a bit of a crisis conflab of their own, and pronto, as hiding being semantic designations and exceptions, even with the help of Call Me Dave and the National Disgrace, is not going to make the bleedin’ obvious go away on this one any time soon.
The could always hire a bunch of IP lawyers to demand IS/IS/IL rebrand.
Not sure I’d fancy delivering the cease & desist order though.
The poor chap, according to DroidNews was ‘taken by Isis’ I suppose in much the same way that your seven -year old might be ‘taken’ to the zoo.
Not being a terrorist-lover myself, I prefer the word ‘kidnapped’.
Two contrasting reports of same murder.
The key difference in the reports?
Clue: Islamic content.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Face of a killer: Father who shot his seven-year-old daughter dead when her mother rejected Islam then killed himself is pictured for the first time.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753754/Seven-year-old-girl-shot-father-arrived-home-school-dies-injuries.html#ixzz3DF126kaA
2.) INBBC:-
“Northiam shooting: Seven-year-old girl dies in hospital”
Still no mention of the ‘M’ word ?
Look into my eyes…oh forget it!
Even by the standards of the BBC, that is a masterpiece of passive tense subbing.
I don’t mean that in a good way.
“We are working with partner agencies and local leaders…”
Uh-oh. Which “local leaders” might these be? And what might their primary motivations be?
“We are trying to be as open and honest with the public as we can…”
“As we can”? Sounds like a bit of play down, move on and learn lessons already. BBC entirely on board.
I still await learning how a gun got in the hands of this chap.
Mind you, I haven’ t heard much about that poor Saudi girl murdered either. There was a lot of high profile inititially… the there wasn’t.
The BBC trying intellectualise Jihad, again… I can provide an explanation for their foul violence and ethnic and religious cleansing: you’ll find it in the pages of a certain book and the mindset of a particular religion’s devotees.
I know this is history but it is still important to know that the BBC was intellectualising evil hatred over 10 years ago eg when they gave an anarchist Moslem rap artist a platform so that his hatred sounded rational and promoted his DVD which before they gave him a voice was banned in the UK. See http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html
Australia: Islamic jihad, and INBBC’s ‘reporting’.
Although INBBC has this:
“Islamic State crisis: Australia to send 600 troops to UAE”
-INBBC censors this:-
“Australia: Elite Private School Muslim Girl Shot and Dismembered Waging Jihad in Syria.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/australia-elite-private-school-muslim-girl-shot-dismembered-waging-jihad-syria.html/#sthash.AnNrjSaq.dpuf
Dad seems upset.
Maybe he might be moved to campaign on realities to prevent further dismantlings by fellow… who again? That will really swing things so the youth settle down and get on with life in the lucky country. And each other.
No, me either.
“Rona Fairhead may have to bid farewell to the BBC licence fee”
By Peter Preston.
This coming from the Graun is a bit of a future shock to spoil the latte and croissants in any Purnell strategy meeting.
The comments are telling.
One garnering all the likes makes a rational point.
The other a toys ex pram hissy fit.
Plus ca change.
The Islamic jihadists’ beheading of British aid worker, David Haines.
In INBBC’s ‘analysis,’ Beeboid MUIR gives priority to the views of:
a.) various Islamic organisations in Britain;
b.) professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University.
“David Haines’s ‘evil murder’ condemned by PM”
In contrast, INBBC censors the following:-
1.) the views of the vast majority of non-Muslim British people;
2.)”The man who carried out the apparent beheading of British aid worker David Haines speaks with a British accent.”
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/france-says-930-citizens-or-residents-involved-in-jihad/article/403098#ixzz3DHOn6yTO
On 2.) above, the question arises: why doesn’t INBBC emphasise in its broadcasting to non-Muslim British people, that it was a Muslim Islamic jihadist barbarian with British connections who beheaded David Haines?
Is INBBC trying to sell ‘diversity’ or ‘social cohesion’ with the Islamic jihadist barbarians in our midst to we British non-Muslims?
I can live without emphasis, but as pertinent context sensible objective reporting will suffice and is professionally responsible.
Going into blue funk mode, saying anything but what’s in front of noses, or wheeling out the sorriest collection of cred-blown dissemblers and apologists… Not so much.
A Islamic “view”, is the last thing required here, for one it proven time and time again to be duplicitous.
The public do not and will not trust it, as having any validity at all …
The BBC have been shown clearly by the public who fund their propaganda, time and again,(in the few opportunities that they get).
They want nothing from Islam, it has nothing to offer, it is a throwback retrograde and dangerous ideology.
In true “Bradfordistan” style, they don t want more Mosques, more Halal, or more Muslim schools, more traitors, terrorists
or the Muslim view on anything
Palmira Silva was beheaded in Edmonton a couple of weeks ago. That’s Edmonton in London, not some obscure post colonial ghetto in Iraq or Syria.
Minimal coverage after the initial (mainly tabloid) outburst, no Cobra meeting, move along now.
ISIS, or whatever it calls itself this week, claims it is going to destroy the British state. How would it do that exactly – B52s over Birmingham? No, it would have to do it from within. That’s the problem we need to address, Mr Cameron.
What does Warsi make of this?
She resigned over British policy on the Middle East to demonstrate her loyalty to her tribe.
The BBC draws attention to the Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust.
Perhaps it might dissuade many muslims from denying that the Holocaust took place, and others, including leftist supporters of Hamas, from demanding another one. I will not forget anti-Israel banners in London calling for the re-opening of the gas ovens.
Perhaps the BBC needs to look at Haj Amin Al Husseini one of the architects of the holocaust.
There’s no denying it when you go to Germany to inspect the concentration camps, including Auschwitz Birkenau and report back your approval to the Muslim world.
Just look at the cover up job the BBC did of the Balkan war which exploded after communism took the lid of simmering resentment of 50 000 Muslims who joined Hitlers SS during the war.
Or perhaps the thousands that joined the SS in Palestine to fight the British !
Husseini really does need more publicity for the things he did and the legacy he left behind.
Even in an article about a world leader speaking out against anti-Semitism, the BBC still manages to negtively portray Israelis/Jews. Check out the pictures and subtle/not-so-subtle difference in the wording of the accompanying captions.
1) ‘The Palestinians’, labelled as ‘protesters’, apparently calmly standing by, with a sign accusing Netanyahu of war crimes.
2) ‘The Israelis’, labelled as ‘demonstrators’, focused on a woman aggresively, shouting and pointing.
Why the difference? What is the BBC getting at?
“British jihadist medical student, 21, is pictured holding severed head while wearing her white doctor’s jacket ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2755210/British-jihadist-medical-student-21-pictured-holding-severed-head-wearing-white-doctor-s-jacket.html#ixzz3DHqrrqYi
Glasgow Arrivals, this… I have wonder what version of the Hippocratic oath these guys take.
Still, the PM has agin come in on a Sunday to say this all simply beastly. But nothing to do with anything at all.
No thoughts. Hasn’t got a prayer.
Not an article which, it seems, INBBC is capable of producing-
“Sexually enslaving kids: A Muslim-world problem.
If you thought the terrible sex-slave scandal in the English city of Rotherham was an exception you’d be sadly wrong. Muslim groups all over the world have been committing similar atrocities, ignored by mainstream media.”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
It always makes me wonder what on earth a UK hostage is doing to get themselves captured by a group like ISIS, and more often than not, it turns out it’s because of their rose tinted idiocy.
The surviving British captive is there because he stupidly decided to take part in an ‘aid convoy’ which crossed from Turkey into Syria, soon after doing so he was captured.
The UK should be telling their idiots that if they do choose to take part in these convoys of ignorant rose tints that should the inevitable happen they are on their own. We should not be hearing anything about them on the media, nor should there be any reaction when they are inevitably decapitated.
It is the publicity ISIS wants, to spread its terror and the media are helping the to do that. You try to help them, they try to kill you !
Funny though that the BBC et al never want to tell the story of how these fools came to land up where they are, probably because that might spoil the rose tinted illusion.
Could we not help organise ‘aid’ trips to Syria & Iraq for all the do-gooders and lefty utopians to meet their muslim heroes?
And Cameron could tell these ISIS or ISIL chaps how they have it all wrong and are misunderstanding Islam.
Freedom is the right to say 2 plus 2 equals four’
ISIS has nothing to do with Islam Winston. Look into my eyes and say ‘Isis has nothing to do with Islam’.
Winston replies that ISIS is Islamic, and is hit with an electric shock.
This happens over and over again. Finally, Winston pleads with his educator saying, “How can I say anything but ISIS is Islamic?” His educator says, “Yes, sometimes ISIS is Islamic. But sometimes it’s not, and sometimes it’s both at the same time.” Winston is confused. How can this be? The answer he is given is that reality exists only in the mind and the BBC controls the mind. If it is in the BBC’s best interest for ISIS not to be Islamic then it is not.
Once again we are reminded what strange and surreal times we live in. The idea of ‘truth’ takes another savage beating at the hands of political correctness and a cowardly aversion western democracies have towards the Religion of Special Pleading.
I’ve just watched the brother of the latest victim of an Islamic State beheading give a statement on BBC news. In the clearly ‘prepared’ statement (and I urge you to go seek it out for yourselves) this unfortunate man, evidently grieving for the loss of his sibling at the hands of savages, tells us that his brother’s death ‘was nothing to do with Islam’. He then reads out a couple of Quranic verses.
By these new definitions of ‘truth’ this is now a universe in which the Inquisitions were ‘nothing to do with’ Christianity, in which the Crusades were ‘nothing to do with’ religion.
This is where liberal progressive cowards and dissemblers have led us to. And ‘truth’, whatever that once was, now lies in a bloodied heap, just another victim of Islamic State.
We are through the looking glass, people – tumbling helplessly down a bottomless rabbit hole. A chill runs over the grave of Orwell. 1984 was a warning not an instruction manual.
One can only sympathise with the poor soul, and if that is what he believes and offers comfort, so be it.
I will search the statement out, but usually these stage-managed relative read outs are either cringeworthy or so stage-managed credibility is stretched past breaking.
It always amazes me that a close family member coming to terms with the loss of a loved one is asked and/or agrees to one these media bun fight spectacles. I’d just want to lock myself away.
As to ‘the Establishment’, political and compliant media both, I’m getting a wee bit tired of what things are not, and a marked reluctance to inform the public what they are then.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Create one with this level of delusional band-aiding and what fills it may not be to their tastes at all.
My heart goes out to this gentleman s family at this time of their tragic loss.
Phil I have not seen or heard the report to which you refer.
Objectively, these Islamic murders appear to have been committed at the same place, probably at the same time, the cruelty starkly evident of this technique of terror, lasting out the anguish, and (for ISIS) the media coverage.
Snatched from an Islamic charity camp … the reality, no non muslim citizen from UK should even be there, it is too dangerous for them.
They are simply targets, the Islamic charity system that is proven to be, time and again. not trust worthy.
In the end it is foolhardy, gives Islamic groups the opportunity to gain perceived advantage for their insane ideology, and heartbreak for the workers own loved ones and family, the most upsetting … it was and is in the end, unnecessary.
Lovely day in the garden.
Now back in to enjoy the daily round-ups.
One that has caught my eye is the spat betwixt the SNP (and its very… ‘passionate’… supporter base, who seem to own the social media estates of twitter and FaceBook) and the BBC, often in the specific form of Nick Robinson.
Part of me sees this taking a dark turn with no winners, but it is also interesting to see the BBC staring down the barrel of a very organised bloc of folk with the power to make things uncomfortable where it hurts. It won’t take long to see anger with perceived bias translate into cancelled licence fees.
It’s also hard not to see the BBC as very much as architects of their own pickle here.
Having initially toyed (and in some student union studios still playing the Braveheart meets Wolfie card) with sticking it to Westminster, the realities of what happens to their BFF’s South of the border and, in turn, their nice little gravy train in perpetuity, they have rather swung mainly into being the voice of the establishment.
No matter that many of the arguments are rational, sound and deserve being covered, but like a lover spurned, now the SNP is not feeling the love it expects, and demands, it’s all going a bit bunny boiler.
I’d be mainly grabbing the popcorn to enjoy two (actually more, as Labour’s finest hypocrites are treating such as a poster (they don’t like) as the end of free speech and democracy as we know it… plain daft. It’s a poster. Like those the BBC covers all the time being waved by ideological chums they can live with) entities I have little fondness for knock spots of each other, but I have a nasty feeling this will drag me and mine in, and down, too.
BBC radio 4 :
The collapse of the Rana Plaza clothing factory in Bangladesh was the deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry. It brought about a series of recriminations, alliances, promises and calls for change.
With Bangladesh’s clothing industry, predicted to quadruple in size over the next twenty years, a New York based private equity firm has come up with an idea to make Bangladesh’s factories sustainable and efficient – as well as profitable. With backing from the Soros family, Tau Investment Management’s plan is a bold one. They aim to provide a capitalist solutions to capitalism’s failures.
The Guardian’s Sarah Butler travels to Dhaka to meet Tau’s owners and asks whether the Bangladesh factory owners need their help.
The BBC is now using Guardian staffers as reporters now?
She asks a Western principle who is insisting on raising standards if he isn’t just dome form a modern colonialist !
It’s amazing! Only a hard left nutter would even think of such a thing! Most people would think that they guy is bringing jobs and badly needed income in one of the poorest countries in the world, but for the Fascist leftie, the self loathing is too great and out it all spills.
Then there’s the swipe at Primark who had the temerity to increase their profits following the collapse of the Bangladeshi garment factory. She sounded genuinely disappointed that the company would give an interview, and it was obvious what would have happened if they had!
Total bias, nothing much positive about her, and capable of turning every positive initiative into some kind of ‘Waycist’ colonialism.
The BBC are using a lot of Guardian staffers on their website I’ve noticed recently. Interesting development.
“The BBC are using a lot of Guardian staffers”
As this goes beyond jelly-nailing areas of editorial decision to hard fact, it might be worth asking what guides the national broadcaster to engage so many staff from a very small, unrepresentative member of the press sector in such frequent and predictable ways.
Though the answer will doubtless deemed another of their little secrets.
Has anyone managed to find the 1000+ demonstrators outside BBC Scotland protesting at BBC bias on the beeb website? I cant find that. Wonder why?
Like this one perhaps?
A shoe in for Newsnight I would think
The Guardian says the EDL are “trying to divide Rotherham”. No mention of the of the real dividers.
The EDL are white and working class. Disgusting bunch!Lets not listen to them! …which was the basic problem with the girls that were abused.
Yep he’s a typical patrician class brat, loyal foot-soldier of the liberal inquisition still,even now after everything that has come out,putting his twisted concept of community cohesion above all else.
Like Ive said before no blood sacrifice of other peoples children is to great a price to pay to achieve their multicultural utopia.
The Guardian is the print arm of the BBC.
I have just watched Cameron on the BBC news telling me that IS is evil, but guess what, ……….and how could I be so unenlightened and none progressive…they have nothing to do with Islam because Islam is a peaceful religion…yea right Dave got it……how could I be so stupid!
Well now Dave, here is a little bit of advice old lad. Some of us have minds of our own and have been around a bit. I am 66 and have always voted conservative, but congratulations Dave you have finally convinced me to vote UKIP at the GE. Don’t continue to insult my intelligence you spineless pr bullshitting clown………Islam…religion of peace my arse……….and one final observation Dave, I am pretty sure that thousands like me will have today reached the same conclusion.
Spot on Bob.
I first supported the Conservatives at the 1951 general election, delivering leaflets for my mam in a strong Labour area.
I too am sickened listening to the claptrap spouted by all politicians.
”We will not be defeated, we will not be cowed into submission by these militants”
Pardon? Aren’t they a couple of thousand untrained rabble, who waste half their ammunition shooting into the sky to show how tough they are.
I would guess the UK alone, outnumber them by several million to one.
That’s apart from facing the best trained army on the planet, in the unlikely event that they dare venture out of the desert.
Why do our stupid politicians, particularly Cameron, give them so much creedence.
There are a host of ripe comments here, relating to this story, including some of mine. Mr. Cameron is NOT a popular man…
Just watch and wait. The liberal establishment bus is out of control. The brakes have failed and that wall called reality is just ahead.
The crash when it comes is going to be all the more final. Many of us have kept trying to warn but have been derided and vilified.
Cameron is way way out of his depth as are most of them.
The liberal really believed that unreal idealism was a substitute for the first duty of a governor. That is to maintain the security of the nation at all costs and to protect the culture of the people as it is handed down the generations.. That is a governor’s function. The rest is play.
Scottish independence: Crowd protests against ‘BBC bias’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29196912
A BBC spokesperson said: “We believe our coverage has been fair and impartial and has adhered fully to the requirements of our Editorial and Referendum Guidelines.”
I never saw that coming…
Easiest job in the world. Keep parroting “we are right”
I think I live in a different world to those at the BBC. I am sure the weatherman on Countryfile remarked on the warm weather we have been having in September. Well having debated whether to return to the winter duvet and very possibly a hot water bottle as well I can only conclude I live in a parallel universe.
U.K and Muslim Brotherhood.
Will the following apply to INBBC’s Cairo Bureau operation too?
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Britain to curb Muslim Brotherhood’s operation in London.”
Just following on from the Scottish biased BBC demo and the ‘We Believe’ response, I complained to the BBC trust about this and they fired the complaint back to the complaints department telling them that ‘we believe’ is not an acceptable response. This was months ago and as yet I am yet to receive a reply, probably because they can’t manage to get past the mountain of supporting evidence I sent in.
Today I received another predictable response about the product placement of the Guardian on Doctor Who explaining that they aren’t allowed to do this unless there was some kind of context in the story – “we believe there was”.
Of course it’s a ridiculous response and many months ago I warned that this was a new tack the complaints department were taking. It is unacceptable as the Trust have told them, but they’re not listening.
Black is white – we believe it is.
Up is down – we believe it is
A circle is a square – we believe it is.
If you receive a response along these lines then re complain and tell them that the Trust has found this to not be acceptable and that they need to provide a proper explanation.
Ex-BBC presenter who sued over age discrimination could be Labour candidate for Heywood and Middleton by-election
Again another presenter will more than close association with the Labour party.
Perhaps that’s ‘because they can afford it’ at the BBC…
Always a chance of a little sinecure come the next Labour government on the other hand if not they can pop back to the BBC for a pay increase and a job back!
In light of the pro Islamic state and Scottish articles from the bBC here is my counter foil to them all:
I’m doing my bit for the Scottish Referendum : Japanese Whisky
Interesting, the bBC reports on the German President stating:” Fighting anti-Semitism is German duty” and they publish two photos from the pro and anti -Israel camp. Want to guess which one looks the most intolerant:
Pro-Palestinian protesters were reported to have shouted anti-Semitic slogans during rallies in July
Pro-Israel demonstrators took to the streets in July as well, facing up to pro-Palestinians in Berlin
If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Jews are the one throwing the abuse here.
The bBC, the biggest promoter of anti-Semitism in the West , a fifth column and the traitors within our midst