Sorry if this has already been posted, but I note that the tell-tale (R) symbol, indicating a repeat, has vanished from the beebyanka iplayer. If you click on a programme, you will still find when it was first broadcast (possibly when it was last broadcast, in fact), but that’s not really the same as looking at an entire evening’s listing and seeing (R) against every single item.
Anybody’d think the beeboids had something to hide.
While on the subject of protests, bet you never saw the report of the protest outside the B-BBC offices in Glasgow today – protesting against the bias of the BBC in the Scottish referendum :
Naga was forced to acknowledge the protest on breakfast this morning while doing a review of Scots front pages live from Edinburgh.
It was prominently displayed on one she held up.
Whatever next, a Newsnight investigation?
So, here we have a perfect example of where the biased nature of the bbc shows through……… Just pretend for a moment that you know nothing about the referendum and have a good look just at the photograph. Any ideas which side you think they support?
Just heard Nick Ferrari on LBC asking a muslim talking head how he can help the white population ‘assimilate’ into his local London community. OK, slip of the tongue perhaps but it’s a classic illustration of the mind set that the UK and BBC media have foisted on us for years. We now find we are aliens in our own country.
Now Nick’s giving a Brit a bad time for asking questions, and now hes aping Obama by using the term ISIL rather than ISIS. Obviously he’s been been briefed over the weekend, by his bosses (as has CamCon) on the preferred media term. Now Nick’s claiming nothing has changed in the country of England for hundreds of years. (Sorry, he corrects himself, Britain). Go to the Lake District Nick says, nothing’s changed.
Oxford, Rochdale, Birmingham, Rotherham etc. … nothing’s changed.
The SNP seem a pretty chippy lot, Salmond as slippery as they come, and the whole executive as devious as they are skilled in playing social media.
However, in this the media and especially BBC really only has itself to blame, because they have provided enough actual ammo to allow opportunistic defensive slurs to stick. The BBC is not trusted because it is not trustworthy. They take sides, play up what they like and down what they don’t. And when they don’t do what they have been relied upon to do because the Top Trumps triage kicks in, their usual activist base reacts like a spurned lover.
Deal with it. Which, clearly, they seem unable to do.
It’s a banner. A view. A… ‘Belief’. May be right; may be wrong. But it’s held by some and won’t get wished away. What do all these thin-skinned journos and their ideologically-affiliated political fellow travellers want? A ban on being miffed with biased reporting? No more nasty banners?
If so, they may ask themselves why they have for so long seemed so tolerant of banners waved by those they empathise with, often a lot scarier than demanding a sacking.
The BBC seems to have found itself at the wrong end of a law of unintended consequences it has had a huge hand in creating. Dish it out but can’t take it sums the situation up neatly.
That’s a most impressive banner. It has to be said that my HP printer would be struggling to make it, but isn’t it amazing what can be knocked together by a few concerned punters. Must have pooled their supplies of A4 paper and ink cartridges.
Or perhaps by a well-organised party machine determined to shout down opposing views. Tories take note. Could be too late up here, but believe me it ain’t going to end prettily whatever the result.
It’s more than impressive. And I’d be hard pressed to find a printer within 100 miles to do it without a hefty deposit and call back a week Thursday.
So yes, a well resourced party machine primed and ready for the next photo op.
What does amaze me is how similar facilities and turnarounds appear to exist in flyblown hell-holes where even basic utilities are apparently not available. What’s more, often in well structured, on message English.
And by sheer coincidence, these appear capable of being waved around in the background to any BBC OB where the message has resonated with the guys on the ground and back at the studio, so the cropping manages to keep it IN.
Oddly, when not so narrative-enhancing, often the cropping is a little more watertight oversight in nature. Indeed the entire story may not be deemed ‘news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady. Promoting or shutting down party acceptable or hive unacceptable views somewhat of a BBC specialty.
Like I say, in this case irony is a Cohen-acceptable canine.
Temping to say, ‘told you so…the BBC is biased’ but for once I think that Salmond is playing this to his own advantage. There are thousands of false flags protesting outside Atlantic Quay there.
And there are plenty in the BBC looking forward to an independent Socialist Scotland, and the dissolution of the UK…and happy to do Salmond’s bidding for him.
Beware the false flags, and remember for the hard left that have colonised the BBC, the BBC isn’t, for them, an end in itself…the BBC is a means to an end.
Not excuse for actual intimidation, which needs treating fast and hard, preferably on an equal basis (some groups could only wish), but this smacks of a major victimhood set-up or what so far (and with luck will remain) is them being subjected to no more than expressions of dissatisfaction with BBC service.
Maybe they are looking at unique ways to suppress even this too?
‘“Today’s demo at PQ seems to have passed off without incident but there have been reports of staff elsewhere being subject to harassment while out and about on stories,” stated Diamond ‘
Given all the journos around (at PG as well as BBC), this seems mighty vague. Anyone actually asked where these ‘reports’ are originating and what is deemed ‘harassment’?
The trend to claim ‘people are saying’ without proof to launch things to suit is getting pretty tired.
I spent yesterday with a Baverian friend visiting England. He is incredulous at the Scottish charade.
What he cannot grasp is that the central issues are not being addressed.
If an independent Scotland wants to join the EU ( it will have to apply) it must agree to introduce the Euro.
Likewise Nato. The application will have to be approved and if Salmond demands the removal of the subs then this will be unlikely as the base at Faslane is considered an important Nato asset.
Again this air of unreality in everything to do with the future of this island and it’s people. it is bizarre and getting worse.
The governors and would be governors are literally going insane.
BBC 5 live – Your Call …
what should happen after David Haines? lots of Islamic callers ………. why? who s interested in the Islamic view? …
Sorry to point out the blindingly obvious, Islam is at the root
of the problem, the perp s Islamic, in the Islamic state, following Islamic mandated doctrine.
Two so called experts, who have an enormous amount of airtime … with all their depth of knowledge, couldn t see any possible link between Al Quaida, ISIS, Taliban, Hamas, and those who fund them?….
But … on at least two occasions Israel gets a derogatory mention 😀 … would you believe it?
Cameron on Islamic State’s claim to be Islamic: “Nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace”
“His voice breaking with emotion, Haines read out a passage from the Koran saying: ‘Since good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou evil with something that is better.’” That’s Qur’an 41:34. Haines did not quote this passage: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” That’s Qur’an 47:4.
> that these people are “monsters not effing muslims”
Wasn’t there also a strategically placed… “effing” or is that only when he talks about his own party?
Great woman ! – she was the one who flashed back recently at a woman yapping about Islamophobia at a conference in the US – “stick it in the trash-can” etc.
Don`t know about you, but I had long been waiting for the lofty thoughts of that New Labour cabal who created the Blair Creature and his demonising project following the death of John Smith( have we had a proper enquiry into that one?). I myself fell that New Labours genesis has been downplayed by those tender desert orchids, Campbell, Prescott and Mandelson. So a joy to hear them come down off the cloud to advice the Demos, once again.
So it was that Sue McGregor was able to get heavyweights like Sue Nye, Peter Nyman and Margaret McDonagh…with the magic dust sprinkled on by Mandelson no less…be still my fainting black heart!
This Water Cooler(W,C) crap got 45 mins yesterday on Sunday morning…it`s as if the BBC are intent on paying for research, for reviews of their “methods”-to fortify the new breed of Titans like Emily Benn, Will Straw, Nick Prescott, Owen Jones.
Despicable horse shit-and really resent McGregor being giver her pension toppings with the ordure of Mandelson, Campbell and McBride.
Mc Donagh said that her heart “literally burst” at the time…and NO-ONE laughed at her fatuous ignorance of even basic grammar!
I’ve never understood why this wizened old hag gets so much media attention. What has she ever achieved? Who gives a flying f**k what her opinion is on anything?
Many years ago Ms Westwood appeared on the old BBC Wogan early evening chat show. It was to be the usual puff piece with Ms Westwood and some models to show her latest clothing collection. Except the audience hadn’t been selected properly and things went wrong quickly. At first the audience was polite when shown Ms Westwoods bonkers clothes then one person started laughing and that opened the flood gates. Within 30 seconds the entire audience was in floods of laughter and Ms Westwood started to loose it yelling at poor Terry Wogan to tell them to all stop laughing at her. For me it was classic TV but I don’t think I have ever seen it repeated or even mentioned since.
Also one further thing. Does anyone understand how Ms Westwood’s business keeps going ? Standard ‘up market’ designer fashion labels loose money hand over foot but act to create a brand. The real money is made in the perfume range and in the tat that is imported from China and is then stamped with the brand symbol and sold at a massive mark up.
As far as I’m aware Ms Westwood has none of this. So where does the money come from ?
Given that for years the BBC has been peddling the lie that the Marie Antoinette fashion industry contributes to the countries trade balance ( many ludicrous figures have been given by them) I wouldn’t be surprised if she is funded by some sort of government business grant i.e. the PAYE milch-cow
Like all the other elitists extravagances that Shiraz socialist love so much ,Films ,Operas,and plays that no one out side Islington goes to see ,books that cant be read and conceptual art that offends the rational eye
As no-one is posting much lest their carefully-worded prose remain infuriatingly unread on a defunct open thread, perhaps it’s time to lighten the mood.
What an icon of the liberal inquisition that cadaverous old hag is. Whether by stupidity or cosmic scale arrogance she throws open the shutters on the boiling cauldron of self-hate and hypocrisy that is at the heart of their new religion
The sleep of reason really does bring forth monsters
Following John Sweeny’s anti-Putin BBC Panorama special and Steven Rosenberg’s most recent piece ‘Traitors in Vladimir Putin’s Russia’ (audio only on BBC radio 4s Today this morning) and audio + film on BBC world news, I notice that Russia Today has retaliated with full coverage and pics of the anti-BBC demo in Scotland with a catching headline:
There’s a temptation to dismiss this as simple inter-national media pot-pissing and rather funny, but there are serious aspects.
For a start, where once such a thing would see a surge of national righteousness in defence of ‘Aunty’… now, not so much.
Reading through, one reason of a few may be presented:
‘The BBC faced accusations of anti-independence bias after Robinson produced a report that wrongly claimed Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference in Edinburgh last week.’
Hardly subjective. If he did, he did. Question on bias comes from whether it was a mistake, one of those BBC ‘no space for truth’ efforts or an actual stitch-up attempt. I have seen little discussion around the facts and likely explanations on these points. It’s not like the BBC has not now a bit of a reputation for playing up what it likes and consigning what it doesn’t to the cutting room floor. Do it too often and things accumulate before erupting.
Glad to see he’s back up there smoothing the waters. Trouble is, damned now whatever he does.
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I note that the tell-tale (R) symbol, indicating a repeat, has vanished from the beebyanka iplayer. If you click on a programme, you will still find when it was first broadcast (possibly when it was last broadcast, in fact), but that’s not really the same as looking at an entire evening’s listing and seeing (R) against every single item.
Anybody’d think the beeboids had something to hide.
While on the subject of protests, bet you never saw the report of the protest outside the B-BBC offices in Glasgow today – protesting against the bias of the BBC in the Scottish referendum :
It was shown prominently on the Scottish headlines after the main bulletin tonight.
Personally I think this is the SNP getting ready their excuses for not accepting the result should they lose.
Naga was forced to acknowledge the protest on breakfast this morning while doing a review of Scots front pages live from Edinburgh.
It was prominently displayed on one she held up.
Whatever next, a Newsnight investigation?
The Social Democrats are back in Sweden. So a chance now to rebuild their welfarist utopia. I wonder if the SNP will be sending observers.
Yes, but the Sweden Democrats came third.
Shock election in Sweden as the far-right Sweden Democrats become no3 party
So, here we have a perfect example of where the biased nature of the bbc shows through……… Just pretend for a moment that you know nothing about the referendum and have a good look just at the photograph. Any ideas which side you think they support?
“Today” – That referendum: ‘ Yes’ may really be ‘No’, and ‘No’ may really be ‘Yes’, yadayadayada…
Just heard Nick Ferrari on LBC asking a muslim talking head how he can help the white population ‘assimilate’ into his local London community. OK, slip of the tongue perhaps but it’s a classic illustration of the mind set that the UK and BBC media have foisted on us for years. We now find we are aliens in our own country.
Now Nick’s giving a Brit a bad time for asking questions, and now hes aping Obama by using the term ISIL rather than ISIS. Obviously he’s been been briefed over the weekend, by his bosses (as has CamCon) on the preferred media term. Now Nick’s claiming nothing has changed in the country of England for hundreds of years. (Sorry, he corrects himself, Britain). Go to the Lake District Nick says, nothing’s changed.
Oxford, Rochdale, Birmingham, Rotherham etc. … nothing’s changed.
Next subject.
“help the white population ‘assimilate’ into his local London community.”
Didn’t Cameron suggest that that’s what we should be doing?
It’s all going a bit Borg, isn’t it?
Only without the cheeky grins and snappy dress sense.
Interesting to see how the UK establishment has decided resistance is fu… to be crushed with propaganda.
An interesting phenomenon highlighted:
The SNP seem a pretty chippy lot, Salmond as slippery as they come, and the whole executive as devious as they are skilled in playing social media.
However, in this the media and especially BBC really only has itself to blame, because they have provided enough actual ammo to allow opportunistic defensive slurs to stick. The BBC is not trusted because it is not trustworthy. They take sides, play up what they like and down what they don’t. And when they don’t do what they have been relied upon to do because the Top Trumps triage kicks in, their usual activist base reacts like a spurned lover.
Deal with it. Which, clearly, they seem unable to do.
It’s a banner. A view. A… ‘Belief’. May be right; may be wrong. But it’s held by some and won’t get wished away. What do all these thin-skinned journos and their ideologically-affiliated political fellow travellers want? A ban on being miffed with biased reporting? No more nasty banners?
If so, they may ask themselves why they have for so long seemed so tolerant of banners waved by those they empathise with, often a lot scarier than demanding a sacking.
The BBC seems to have found itself at the wrong end of a law of unintended consequences it has had a huge hand in creating. Dish it out but can’t take it sums the situation up neatly.
Karma can do irony pretty well.
That’s a most impressive banner. It has to be said that my HP printer would be struggling to make it, but isn’t it amazing what can be knocked together by a few concerned punters. Must have pooled their supplies of A4 paper and ink cartridges.
Or perhaps by a well-organised party machine determined to shout down opposing views. Tories take note. Could be too late up here, but believe me it ain’t going to end prettily whatever the result.
It’s more than impressive. And I’d be hard pressed to find a printer within 100 miles to do it without a hefty deposit and call back a week Thursday.
So yes, a well resourced party machine primed and ready for the next photo op.
What does amaze me is how similar facilities and turnarounds appear to exist in flyblown hell-holes where even basic utilities are apparently not available. What’s more, often in well structured, on message English.
And by sheer coincidence, these appear capable of being waved around in the background to any BBC OB where the message has resonated with the guys on the ground and back at the studio, so the cropping manages to keep it IN.
Oddly, when not so narrative-enhancing, often the cropping is a little more watertight oversight in nature. Indeed the entire story may not be deemed ‘news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady. Promoting or shutting down party acceptable or hive unacceptable views somewhat of a BBC specialty.
Like I say, in this case irony is a Cohen-acceptable canine.
By way of balance (at least to the sombre realities):
Frankly a wee bit more effective than Nick Robinson in the the edit suite twiddling what sources say, others didn’t, or he didn’t hear, or….
Temping to say, ‘told you so…the BBC is biased’ but for once I think that Salmond is playing this to his own advantage. There are thousands of false flags protesting outside Atlantic Quay there.
And there are plenty in the BBC looking forward to an independent Socialist Scotland, and the dissolution of the UK…and happy to do Salmond’s bidding for him.
Beware the false flags, and remember for the hard left that have colonised the BBC, the BBC isn’t, for them, an end in itself…the BBC is a means to an end.
They probably need a #TelloorTony or equivalent.
Not excuse for actual intimidation, which needs treating fast and hard, preferably on an equal basis (some groups could only wish), but this smacks of a major victimhood set-up or what so far (and with luck will remain) is them being subjected to no more than expressions of dissatisfaction with BBC service.
Maybe they are looking at unique ways to suppress even this too?
‘“Today’s demo at PQ seems to have passed off without incident but there have been reports of staff elsewhere being subject to harassment while out and about on stories,” stated Diamond ‘
Given all the journos around (at PG as well as BBC), this seems mighty vague. Anyone actually asked where these ‘reports’ are originating and what is deemed ‘harassment’?
The trend to claim ‘people are saying’ without proof to launch things to suit is getting pretty tired.
I spent yesterday with a Baverian friend visiting England. He is incredulous at the Scottish charade.
What he cannot grasp is that the central issues are not being addressed.
If an independent Scotland wants to join the EU ( it will have to apply) it must agree to introduce the Euro.
Likewise Nato. The application will have to be approved and if Salmond demands the removal of the subs then this will be unlikely as the base at Faslane is considered an important Nato asset.
Again this air of unreality in everything to do with the future of this island and it’s people. it is bizarre and getting worse.
The governors and would be governors are literally going insane.
BBC 5 live – Your Call …
what should happen after David Haines? lots of Islamic callers ………. why? who s interested in the Islamic view? …
Sorry to point out the blindingly obvious, Islam is at the root
of the problem, the perp s Islamic, in the Islamic state, following Islamic mandated doctrine.
Two so called experts, who have an enormous amount of airtime … with all their depth of knowledge, couldn t see any possible link between Al Quaida, ISIS, Taliban, Hamas, and those who fund them?….
But … on at least two occasions Israel gets a derogatory mention 😀 … would you believe it?
Cameron on Islamic State’s claim to be Islamic: “Nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace”
“His voice breaking with emotion, Haines read out a passage from the Koran saying: ‘Since good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou evil with something that is better.’” That’s Qur’an 41:34. Haines did not quote this passage: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” That’s Qur’an 47:4.
UK: Beheaded aid worker’s brother says Islam “not to blame”
ISIS not Moslem eh Mr Cameron and your BBC.
Hopefully the BBC will cover this keynote speech. No connection between Hamas and ISIS and all?
ISIS not Moslem eh Mr Cameron and your BBC.
> that these people are “monsters not effing muslims”
Wasn’t there also a strategically placed… “effing” or is that only when he talks about his own party?
Great woman ! – she was the one who flashed back recently at a woman yapping about Islamophobia at a conference in the US – “stick it in the trash-can” etc.
Don`t know about you, but I had long been waiting for the lofty thoughts of that New Labour cabal who created the Blair Creature and his demonising project following the death of John Smith( have we had a proper enquiry into that one?). I myself fell that New Labours genesis has been downplayed by those tender desert orchids, Campbell, Prescott and Mandelson. So a joy to hear them come down off the cloud to advice the Demos, once again.
So it was that Sue McGregor was able to get heavyweights like Sue Nye, Peter Nyman and Margaret McDonagh…with the magic dust sprinkled on by Mandelson no less…be still my fainting black heart!
This Water Cooler(W,C) crap got 45 mins yesterday on Sunday morning…it`s as if the BBC are intent on paying for research, for reviews of their “methods”-to fortify the new breed of Titans like Emily Benn, Will Straw, Nick Prescott, Owen Jones.
Despicable horse shit-and really resent McGregor being giver her pension toppings with the ordure of Mandelson, Campbell and McBride.
Mc Donagh said that her heart “literally burst” at the time…and NO-ONE laughed at her fatuous ignorance of even basic grammar!
Rarely do the luvvie left-liberal on-trend-marxians voice their true feelings quite so succinctly….
‘when asked by reporters why she felt Alex Salmond’s campaign for an independent Scotland was best for the country, she said: ‘I hate England.’
‘I like Scotland because somehow I think they are better than we are’
BBC sentiment to a tee. For Scotland simply insert whatever or wherever.
I’ve never understood why this wizened old hag gets so much media attention. What has she ever achieved? Who gives a flying f**k what her opinion is on anything?
Many years ago Ms Westwood appeared on the old BBC Wogan early evening chat show. It was to be the usual puff piece with Ms Westwood and some models to show her latest clothing collection. Except the audience hadn’t been selected properly and things went wrong quickly. At first the audience was polite when shown Ms Westwoods bonkers clothes then one person started laughing and that opened the flood gates. Within 30 seconds the entire audience was in floods of laughter and Ms Westwood started to loose it yelling at poor Terry Wogan to tell them to all stop laughing at her. For me it was classic TV but I don’t think I have ever seen it repeated or even mentioned since.
Also one further thing. Does anyone understand how Ms Westwood’s business keeps going ? Standard ‘up market’ designer fashion labels loose money hand over foot but act to create a brand. The real money is made in the perfume range and in the tat that is imported from China and is then stamped with the brand symbol and sold at a massive mark up.
As far as I’m aware Ms Westwood has none of this. So where does the money come from ?
Given that for years the BBC has been peddling the lie that the Marie Antoinette fashion industry contributes to the countries trade balance ( many ludicrous figures have been given by them) I wouldn’t be surprised if she is funded by some sort of government business grant i.e. the PAYE milch-cow
Like all the other elitists extravagances that Shiraz socialist love so much ,Films ,Operas,and plays that no one out side Islington goes to see ,books that cant be read and conceptual art that offends the rational eye
As no-one is posting much lest their carefully-worded prose remain infuriatingly unread on a defunct open thread, perhaps it’s time to lighten the mood.

Imagine the future fate of any Beeboid voicing opinions perceived to be critical of Salmond’s rule.
Can you REALLY imagine a Beeboid voicing opinions critical of Salmond’s rule.
“The following report comes from Kate Adie in Edinburgh and may we remind viewers that it is subject to the Scottish Press restrictions”
Never Happen – or will it?
Clever bit of photoshopping, that.
I assume it IS photoshopped?
What an icon of the liberal inquisition that cadaverous old hag is. Whether by stupidity or cosmic scale arrogance she throws open the shutters on the boiling cauldron of self-hate and hypocrisy that is at the heart of their new religion
The sleep of reason really does bring forth monsters
Following John Sweeny’s anti-Putin BBC Panorama special and Steven Rosenberg’s most recent piece ‘Traitors in Vladimir Putin’s Russia’ (audio only on BBC radio 4s Today this morning) and audio + film on BBC world news, I notice that Russia Today has retaliated with full coverage and pics of the anti-BBC demo in Scotland with a catching headline:
‘Stick your license fee up your a***!’ Hundreds of pro-indy Scots denounce ‘liar’ BBC journalist in protest
There’s a temptation to dismiss this as simple inter-national media pot-pissing and rather funny, but there are serious aspects.
For a start, where once such a thing would see a surge of national righteousness in defence of ‘Aunty’… now, not so much.
Reading through, one reason of a few may be presented:
‘The BBC faced accusations of anti-independence bias after Robinson produced a report that wrongly claimed Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference in Edinburgh last week.’
Hardly subjective. If he did, he did. Question on bias comes from whether it was a mistake, one of those BBC ‘no space for truth’ efforts or an actual stitch-up attempt. I have seen little discussion around the facts and likely explanations on these points. It’s not like the BBC has not now a bit of a reputation for playing up what it likes and consigning what it doesn’t to the cutting room floor. Do it too often and things accumulate before erupting.
Glad to see he’s back up there smoothing the waters. Trouble is, damned now whatever he does.