Panto N Campbell, of course, has some Muslim clever clogs
on, to elucidate the Muslim position at length,
( I know its the BBC so is there any other?).
Lots of loss of identity … crisis … teen angst ya da ya da
How could, this girl have a loss of identity from her caring, loving family? … crisis? … to what erm “identity”, and “crisis” are they referring?
Panto of course doesn t ask,
Islamic, Quranic “identity”? … oops ISIS … better not say that eh!
Panto of course doesn t ask,
No “identity” or “crisis” issues for women, in Islamic families?
Panto of course doesn t ask,
So has she joined, those July, 16-year-old twins who flew from Manchester to Turkey and headed to Syria?
What they didn’t mention is her role – obviously being a ‘comfort woman’ for 10,000 jihadis is going to be a full-time job, I hope she ate her porridge before going!
This “Biased BBC” site is racist and rabidly right wing. Its contributors – David Vance and Alan, look like they have been set up by the BBC political establishment to counter criticism against the BBC, apparently by normalising its bias as not right wing enough.
What we need is a real BBC bias website that isn’t set up by these stooges of the BBC.
Excuse me John Jones, you are another white middle class left-wing prick THAT DOESN’T KNOW THEIR ARSE FROM THEIR ELBOW, but you are a keyboard warrior who has or hopes for pointless job with a charity or NGO. Which bit did I get wrong?
Last week the BBC Trust ruled that during one of its children’s programmes in the BBC ‘Learning Zone,’ Florence Nightingale was shown racially discriminating against the travelling Afro-Caribbean cook Mary Seacole. Of mixed race, she called herself a ‘yellow woman,’ and set up cafes for soldiers on the battlefield. She was never a nurse but wrote an interesting book about her time in the Crimea.
On line there is a photo from the programme of two very daft looking but sexy teenage girls who are supposed to represent those two powerful adult women. The crass depiction of Nightingale can be no surprise to anyone who has followed the rise of the Seacole myth over the last few years, lovingly fostered by the BBC. According to this story Seacole was a nurse who was unjustly overshadowed by Nightingale, a victim therefore of racist history. There are now whole housing estates in deprived, i.e. black areas called after her.
The attitude to Nightingale a mystery. A woman who spent her whole life after the Crimean war taking on the war office and reactionary men in government in order to improve conditions for the average British soldier, should be a hero of the Left, and of feminists. Instead she has been vilified, because she came from a wealthy background and became a Victorian establishment figure, and because she had a brief meeting with a woman from the Caribbean.
Of course this situation says nothing about the two women or their real worth but everything about the strange ideology of the left in the UK today, skewed with envy and hatred but also sunk in historical ignorance, unable to fathom the ideas and behaviour of our ancestors, imaginatively or through facts.
After all, for the BBC, racism is the worst crime in the world. ‘In the Committee’s view,’ they go on quite fairly, ‘the programme makers had provided no such evidence.’
In fact, the committee found, while Seacole did make five approaches to join the nursing corps, Nightingale was not personally involved in any of them. It added that children were ‘unlikely to regard the Seacole and Nightingale characters as representing anyone other than their historical counterparts,’ and the programme should have done more to make that clear.
But history is the story invented by the victors, and where history and education are concerned the victors are on the left, and represented by Ofsted and most teachers in state schools. But up against them this time were redoubtable members of the Nightingale Society, including Prof Lynn McDonald and Dr Eileen Eileen Magnello, who argued it was unfair to bolster Seacole’s achievements at the expense of Nightingale for reasons of ‘political correctness.’
Prof McDonald said it had been a ‘long struggle’ against the BBC, which had fought the accusations ‘all the way.’
‘They seemed to think that because Horrible Histories is funny, it doesn’t matter if it is inaccurate and you can just malign people,’ said Prof McDonald. ‘It is thoroughly dishonest. The portrayal of Mrs Seacole was a complete fabrication, and it made Florence Nightingale out to be a racist.’
Her views and the findings of the BBC Trust under pressure, are better late than never, but the propaganda against Nightingale, pitting her against Seacole in a racist battle, has been rumbling on for the last twenty years, and the BBC’s hard-left propaganda has been polluting minds unhindered until now.
Thom-as!!! Here’s an idea that will no doubt catch on at the BBC: racism in Tom and Jerry (see Apparently Amazon are to warn (sic) subscribers to their video rental service that the classic cartoon series “may depict scenes of racial prejudice”. Perhaps we can look forward to BBC news and children’s programmes being introduced with a warning message to the effect that “this programme contains a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities”. No, thought not, but no doubt the BBC’s Winston Smith Team are busy thinking up their own examples.
Well yes. Racial stereotypes, especially the recurring Mammy Two Shoes, a heavy set black housekeeper were a mainstay of Tom and Jerry.
The irony is that in later television versions she has been edited out, dubbed, or re-animated as a slim white woman. In the process of eliminating racial stereotypes Warner Bros. succeeded in eliminating all non Caucasians.
What else would she have been considering her location, accent and skin colour? Chinese?
Does anyone know if it is ever actually stated that she is a maid rather than the house owner. Granted she is more than likely to be a maid, given the house, but is a ‘master’ or ‘mistress’ ever mentioned? How do we know she is not the owner of the house?
Surely Amazon and the BBC are being racist by making such negative assumptions?
Didn’t they also cut out smoking scenes? I seem to remember Mary Whitehouse complaining about the level of violence in Tom and Jerry. A woman that I actually admired at the time, but I thought she was totally wrong on that one.
The PC feminazis are now taking aim at videogames because they are “sexist” and male dominated.
Check out Anita Sarkeesian and her fake tweets to “prove” that all gamers are sexist bigots. The Social Justice Warriors (as they are being called) use the tactics shown in the anti-smoking campaigners South Park episode. The episode takes the piss out of them by showing their lying, hypocrisy and “we know better” attitude.
The episode is called Butt Out and it is absolutely brilliant and shows the tactics of all PC groups to get what they want. Worth a watch and is on the Comedy Channel often as they show South Park on a loop
You can get versions where the skin colour has been changed to White, and the woman has an Irish accent. Presumably that’s ideal for white supremacists who like Tom and Jerry.
I find ‘The Wombles’ contains disgraceful stereotyping of Wimbledon residents as litter louts.
Also, ‘Stop the Pigeon’ paints a very non vegan, anti-avian portrait of the aerodrome dwelling community.
The increasingly bonkers Graham Linehan and Dylan Moran must be chewing their nails on future repeat fees from rescreenings of their collaborative work.
Post Horrible Histories, perhaps we can look forward to BBC news and children’s programmes with a warning message to the effect that “You know the bit about educate and inform? Well we’ve enhanced that”.
I always wonder when on the news they warn about a report containing “flash photography” if there is any basis to this or not? I assume its just elf n safety gone mad.
Basis? Err..yes, flashing lights can trigger Epileptic fits.
Sufferers would prefer therefore to avoid stuff such as strobe lighting, or rapid flash photography.
Strobes lighting is used when they hook folk up to an EEG to test for epliepsy.
The original complaint was made by members of the Nightingale Society, including Prof Lynn McDonald and Dr Eileen Eileen Magnello, who argued it was unfair to bolster Seacole’s achievements at the expense of Nightingale for reasons of “political correctness”.
Prof McDonald said it had been a “long struggle” against the BBC, which had fought the accusations “all the way”.
Ive quoted Orwell before on this subject but it so true it cant be repeated enough
“the man who controls he past controls the future and the man who controls the present controls the past”
Or as Chairman Mao Tse-tung more pitherly put it ” the past must be made to serve the present”
No more blatant example of a liberal rewriting history to suit the liberal fantasy. They say history is writtten by the victor. The liberal thinks he has won. Yet another delusion.
The policies on tackling extremism outlined by the UK Home Secretary yesterday and covered by the BBC reveal a frightening trend. Whilst she mentioned Isis and recruitment of terrorists it was clear, and certainly in following discussions, that the target was likely to be so called far right extremists – the EDL, BNP, Britiain First and possibly UKIP – anyone opposed to the spread of Islam. As she said, Islam is a religion of peace, and the terrorists are not Islamic. This clearly means that accusing Isis of being Islamic (an insult to Islam) or any form of criticism of Islam is extremist and must be outlawed. We are fighting a war in the ME and criticism of the enemy will land you in jail. Note also – there are plenty of powers already to deal with extremism – you can be arrested for quoting Churchill. Busy days ahead for Tell Mama and the UAF who seem to know how to define extremism. But even worse are the numerous academics who contribute to Home Office discussions on extremism, and very quickly insert far right extremism as the key element of concern.
I fear for the future of this blog – comments here, no matter how they are backed up with factual information, are likely to be interpreted as extremist.
It would be interesting, (if one could find a publisher/advertising hoarding owner brave enough), to put in public view verses from the Koran with no attribution or references, (i.e. no chapter numbers or indication of the source), to see if the authorities attempt a prosecution.
Let the ‘revealed’ word of the Supreme Being be revealed for public scrutiny.
As an aside, we are often told that the ‘bad’ verses are overwritten by the ‘good’ verses, but if the Supreme Being is ‘all knowing’ and the K-book isn’t the work of man but the SB’s ‘revealed’ words, why didn’t the SB get it right the first time?
There is a long boring bit in the Bible, in Numbers, where the elders consult Big G up on the mountain to find out how to divi up the Promised Land. First they get told that the leaders of the revolution get the big shares, (nothing changes!). Then someone points out that some of the leaders are now, (or may be), dead. Back to Big G. Now we are told that the sons of the dead leaders will inherit the cut. Then up pop two daughters, “What about us, we have no brother”. Back to Big G. OK they get a cut too. Even a third-rate solicitor could have been expected to anticipate these claims but not the ‘all-knowing’ Big G apparently!
Ridicule is the answer, (as long as it is directed at Jews, Christians, UKIP, ‘Tories’ and Daily Mail readers).
and I heard driving back a few minutes ago on BBC radio
the Bishop of Baghdad fears being the first to be beheaded
if ISIS take it over. looks like Al BBC news page needs updating.
You are right to be concerned. It will be necessary to silence the ethnic English. This will happen because liberalism ,and I include the Tory party elite here, has failed. Multiculturalism has failed. In fact all the edifice of the liberal fantasy from social through to economic policies is going to collapse unless the liberal establishment can hold the line. To do this all opposition must be silenced.
I do not say we are in the state of the old USSR and Stasi land but we are going to get close to that. Not so much executions as exclusions.
Remember the state is the coldest of all cold monsters.
As someone who is mostly indifferent but fearful of the loss of more freedoms from loonies like Cameron. Isn’t Farage against the bombing of the Islamic state, while Cameron has just ordered the bombing of the Islamic state because he seems to fear that the Islamic state is about to invade Britain, even though there are millions hear already.
If lefties like Cameron call Asians, British if they have British citizenship, why are they not arrested for treason for fighting against Britain, is it because Theresa May has classified them as foreign aliens while abroad but loyal Britons with protection from Human Rights and Race Relations laws at home, protecting them from criticism from ethnic Britons while in Britain.
Or will I now be arrested under Cameron’s new anti-free speech laws, for the above?
Farage is not against the bombing of Islamic State. However he rightly thinks that we need to have a proper plan, understandable and attainable goals backed with a serious and workable strategy with successful proven tactics.
We have none of those at present. We do not even know which groups are our enemies and friends over there. We are boming our enemies, and our enemies enemies. We are funding and arming our friends who are also the friends of our enemies and the more we help some of our friends, the more that we also help our enemies. This whole mess is the accumulation of 12 years of utter confusion, ignorance and inept arrogance in our foriegn policy.
I would add:
Climate change sceptics,
Pat condell’s website and all the other open discussion forums where the truth will out.
I fear for Old England and all that our fathers and grandfathers died for.
We can only hope she has a moment of enlightenment and realises the real threat to western civilisation …Islam.
R5: ‘Up all night, the interviewer calls the guest ‘from a right wing institute’, she replies ‘and you are from the left wing bBC’. at is at about 12minutes into the programme, she finally says, I suppose you should blame your producer for that remark.
Brilliant made Rod Sharp (who I used to listen to before 5lies became unbearable) look like a complete idiot.
Though in fairness I think she was right that he was toeing the party line, clearly with some discomfort.
So I watched Evan “a face for radio if ever there was one” Davis intervieweing Boris on Newsnight last night.
They were discussing political oration and who were the effective communicators and what made them so – keeping the message simple, straight talking, honesty
And do you know what was funny? Neither Evan or Boris once mentioned Nigel Farage, perhaps the greatest British political orator of his generation.
Could anybody possibly suggest why that might have been?
It seems that if the proof of what makes ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) remains by definition tricky, what most certainly is news can be readily appreciated..
Radio 4 “You and Yours” today – it seems that the energy companies have been charging for carbon-target related expenses, have made a billion or more, can’t account for it, and weren’t required to account for it, either. (‘Carbon’ targets?)
Ed Davey not available at the moment. He’s probably furiously playing with a calculator, and his enigma “Lie” machine, preparing an “answer” for the future.
Man-made climate change/global warming/”carbon target/footprint”/CO2 poison – all a great, big SCAM.
Sure is. What it will mean is not just ‘higher costs’ for all our energy costs but the ensuing Left wing smug ‘political correctness’ will create a burgeoning legislative bureaucracy involving world-wide political corruption (selling shares in a giant ‘ponzi’ scheme) and our own homespun BBC mass hysteria of impending ‘crisis’ even when the overwhelming evidence is complete exaggeration and suspect.
On a long drive back from Gatwick this morning, I listened to Cameron’s speech to the Tory conference and I have to say I was pretty impressed – some real conservative policies and the bit about Labour’s hypocrisy on education and particularly the NHS was especially impressive.
I was, though, of course completely wrong. BBC / Labour’s Norman Smith (wearing his red tie) told me just how crap the speech was, what it was lacking and how it fell short of Miliband’s effort last week.
‘Though a Guardian poll ahead of the conference season showed that 83% of respondents agreed that the fee was the best way to fund the corporation – and the BBC’s own research also shows that the licence fee remains the top choice for funding’
Who.. might these ‘respondents’ be?
Luckily, the Graun’s own Ciffers were on hand to put that claim in better context. (Hint: just a bit rigged)
INBBC acts politicallly as though U.K is already an Islamic society, providing a narrative only from the perspective of a Muslim family ,and whether their offspring is now an active Islamic jihadist in Syria.
There is no INBBC critical narrative from non-Muslim British perspective to express concern that a Muslim based in U.K has gone to Syria to support the Islamic, Islamic State, whose jihadists are the proven barbaric enemy of the British people.
-more of the trend of Muslims in West supporting U.K’s enemy, Islamic, Islamic State:
“Schoolgirl jihadis: the female Islamists leaving home to join Isis fighters.
Hundreds of girls and women are going missing in the west, reappearing in Iraq and Syria to bear children for the caliphate.”
By Harriet Sherwood, Sandra Laville, Kim Willsher in Paris, Ben Knight in Berlin, Maddy French in Vienna and Lauren Gambino in New York.
There is a good reason for that. The BBC knows full well the power of ‘subliminal advertising”’ (developed by the US in the 1950’s and was used successfully by Blair and Mandelson (termed PR) was that required a cheap ‘State broadcaster’ hence the BBC license to bias. (Subliminal advertising is banned from ITV (although ‘product placement’ is similar advertising), however the BBC has managed to bypass any question of UK national security and fog any question of impartiality. Nothing on the BBC is ‘normal’, it is all deliberate (policies) and long planned by Leftists to drop the ‘message’ without costing them anything (as the License fee payer is unsuspecting of the State media). Subliminal messages are often repeated as ‘fact’.
‘Alice Gross disappearance now a murder inquiry after body found’
‘The family’s local MP, Stephen Pound [Labour], who lives on the same street as them in Hanwell, said there was an “an incredible sense of sadness”
‘He said there was also “anger that we’re dealing with a pretty cold, cunning predator here – someone who has concealed a body in a particularly effective way.’
“This is a pretty horrific business but now – our thoughts have to be with the family.”
It would be hard to disagree with Mr Pound’s sentiments here. But there were some – though their voices were not heard on the BBC – who disagreed with him back in 2008.
‘A Labour MP has called on the government to scrap the worker registration scheme for Eastern Europeans immediately.’
‘Ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on the subject on Tuesday, Stephen Pound said the scheme was an “absolute nonsense”‘
‘The scheme was introduced in 2004 when 10 new nations, mostly from the former Soviet bloc, joined the EU.’
‘However in an interview with, the Ealing North MP slammed the policy as a “waste of time” and “£90 for something that they were going to get free from next year anyway”.’
Lest we forget who it was who left the door wide open – eh?
‘Angie Bray, the Conservative MP for Ealing Central and Acton, has called for tighter immigration rules after convicted killer Arnis Zalkalns was allowed into Britain.’
‘A Labour MP has called on the government to scrap the worker registration scheme for Eastern Europeans immediately.’..
And concurrently paying redundancy back to their home country is apparently a EU directive… Which the UK is currently ignoring, quite right. Is there any country more generous than the stupid Brits following blindly EU laws of forced ‘integration’ and Labour ‘multicultural’ failures.
Well just as I said the Tories have thrown away their chances of election by attacking the poor – making sure that tens of millions of working families will not have a pay rise until 2018 at the earliest but then announcing a cut in inheritance tax (for those who do not merit that and hobbling those who can through tax)
And now the savings will be spent on more tax cuts !
I can see more people defecting to UKIP with this nutter in charge !
I wonder if Cameron has been influenced by spending time with ‘I’m from a different planet’ Clegg as he destroys his parties electoral chances.
All you Ukippers are really Labourites , you go on about the Conservatives not being right wing enough , so its Ukip, they will stop this n that blah ,blah . Yeah right , is any PM , going to close or burn down Mosques , deport all Muslims , you are living in fantasy world . It is not going to happen , voting Ukip means Millitwat will be PM , & all the stuff written on this site will be totally irreverent . You reap what you sow , I am now going to congratulate Miilitwat for being our next PM , 7 months early, even though I am voting Conservative , as they are SO left wing , no need to vote Labour as the Tories will look at Labour`s manifesto & implement it all . You are all totally mistaken , & in 5years time you will all be saying the same stuff , & Millitwat will have made ,the Bbc supreme , & banned Sky . Mark my words it will happen .
I asked a friend at the weekend who voted LibDem at the last election whether she really wanted Milipede as our next PM. She is sure that he will be deposed and that his brother will come sailing in to rescue the UK. D Milipede is just as Left wing as his brother – just without the goofy face.
She may be right, and have sussed the most brilliant long game in history.
While it’s true most would still vote a Labour rosette on a telegraph pole in, the blurring of policies with LibLabCon and new parties has caused a tremor in the Farce.
So what better than to install a goon like Ed as the patsy for saviour Dave.
No real difference in competencies, but it’s all about image and the relief it is not Ed likely to gurn into power would propel David in with ease.
Tonight has seen the BBC going into full panicked concerned mode as Yusra Hussien’s parents hold a news conference about their daughter believed to have gone to Syria. It’s quickly followed by a piece that there is no proof that this young woman was ‘radicalised’, well looking at the state of the parents and the Burka clad immediate family and you quickly realise that no one outside the family needed to ‘radicalise’ her!
She made a choice and it’s almost certainly influenced by her families zealotry.
On the other had another report today of yet another Pakistani Muslim man attempting to rape a white girl has been studiously ignored by the BBC. The fact that he received yet another pathetically low sentence also ignored.
There is no such thing as radical Islam. There is only Islam. ISIS are doing exactly what the Haddith preaches. To say that they are not Muslim because they are implementing the Haddith far more literally than Muslims in the UK is to claim that the Pope is not Christian, because there’s a bloke in the pub who claims to be a Christian, but doesn’t go to Church.
this is how it goes.
1. Parents radicalise child
2. Parents pay for said child to go to Syria
3. Said child goes to Syria
4. Pause whilst said child arrives in Syria
5. Parent claim shock and disbelief that their ‘normal’ child could do such a thing
Your child bunking off to go to a party I can believe. getting the funds, the passport booking flights etc without you knowing especially a Muslim girl knowing how tight a reign they are under I do not believe one bit
The bBC and how it covers racist hate crimes in the Uk: Muslim hate crime ‘rises 65% in London’ Hate crime against Muslims in London has risen by 65% over the last 12 months, Metropolitan Police figures show. Islamophobic hate crime offences have increased from 344 to 570 in the last year, with many attacks targeting women wearing traditional Islamic clothing.
Notice the huge headlines from the bBC, yeah those poor muslims. Yet London which has a population of just over 8 Million (2012 figures) has an Islamic population of over 1 million. 570 attacks isn’t that large a figure and the vast majority has been verbal abuse (or even dirty looks or Muslims feeling uncomfortable) But to the bbC this is a huge story. And yet the bBC doesn’t report that out of a UK population of 360,000 there were 302 anti-Semitic attacks in the month of July alone in the Uk.
A 400% increase, instead the bBC tells me that Muslims (the largest group of Intolerant bigots on the planet) can only be victims. The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Hate crime is so bad in Britain that even the Prime Minister is indulging in it in a big way by bombing the Islamic state. That means that Cameron is killing lots and lots of them, while the rest of us are just criticising them.
Its quite interesting that the Beeb uses the M word when the people in question are victims, but never when they are not. I listened to a news report on the World Service today about Bosnian Muslims and the Srebrenica massacre (which was appalling), lost count of the number of times the M word was used.
Maybe I am being a nit picker here, but I wonder just how many Isis (monsters) have been killed? I am not criticisng the RAF, but news from the US suggests that without suitably trained ground forces to direct the air strikes night bombing of empty garages whilst allowing the enemy to take precautions during 15 hours of daylight, is not adding to a reasonable body count.
On the theory that an enemy on the run shall never be allowed to have a moment’s rest, you bomb their known locations, hope you are lucky enough to kill a few holding down the fort, and make it so they cannot maintain supply depots, office space and billets. Supposedly this will induce them to act more rashly, and make the sorts of mistakes that get them killed, as they move from site to site.
Good point. Legally speaking I wonder if bombing them is defacto an extreme form of ‘discrimination’? On the other hand we commentators are simply bigots (or patriots) the word meaning the same to the BBC.
On another level The Spectator reported extreme bigotry by showing that the fun loving ‘British’ (in the Muslim area) are the source of the problem. The BBC I think would be pleased with their brief.
Compare and contrast the security arrangements outside a Jewish Temple, various denominations of Christian Churches, other places of worship and that of Mosques; then ask yourself which group is most at risk of hate crimes.
Do bBC honestly think listeners are both blind and thick? Oh, I forgot, critical thinking is not part of the curriculum or a prerequisite for a job at the bBC.
It depends upon which taxes are cut. Cutting taxes on exporting companies allows them to maximise profits, reinvest, employ more people who in turn pay income tax. That is a tax-cut which stimulates growth, brings revenue in and boosts the exchequer.
Raising tax allowances tends to cost money with very little boost to the economy, as most of the extra money is pissed away on foreign goods.
I bet all the left wing wankers at the bBC will be wanking themselves silly over how this peaceful Muslim has been treated harshly by the British police. I can’t wait for the day when some gay bBC twat bends over begging for Mozam to fill him in and instead gets his throat cut.
Makes you wonder who, and how many have been bloody falling over themselves, to pull all sorts of levers, to assist the old dodgy “cage” prisoner .
Shall we start a list?
Our old friend Jeremy Hardy continues his free-form rant against people he doesn’t like, complete with a lot of fictitious stereotypes.
It says a lot for the BBC that they regard this as comedy. Different rules for different groups obviously.
Mind I did laugh when Jeremy piled into Lord Lawson as being someone unqualified to talk about the religion of ‘Climate Change’, (what even the economic aspects?), when, of course, our Jeremy isn’t qualified to talk about anything!
Probably on his, (inevitable), next series there will need to be an announcement at the start explaining who ‘Thatcher’ and ‘The Miners’ were before Jeremy is pushed on in his political bath-chair.
I actually think this may be the worst ‘comedy’ slot filler the B-BBC have yet inflicted on us (and Brigstocke set the bar high).
Blatant far lefty opinion and world view delivered not even in comedy style but as a straightforward rant. The canned laughter they added was so inappropriate, it was kind of eerie. This is so far off the beam that I don’t know how it could be called comedy.
I was wondering how even the beeboids could be laughing at this until I realised that actually they are laughing at US!
“….delivered not even in comedy style but as a straightforward rant.”
Saw Jeremy Hardy at the Greenwich Theatre about 15 years ago. (Never mind why – don’t ask.) In the first half there was some attempt at humour but the second half degenerated into the sort of rant you describe.
Jeremy Hardy did the most appalling so called comedy sketch 10 years ago. When replying to my complaint he told me he wanted to emphasise that the Israeli’s did not make blood from the Palestinians to make the matzot ( special bread ) on the Passover. But by talking about Israeli helicopters overhead harassing the Palestinians it was a really nasty piece. There was a studio audience and much coughing rather than laughing at this “joke”
The date is October 2014, what is the betting that Hardy will at some point turn up the volume and start calling Jeffrey Archer A LIAR, LIAR and refer to his criminal conviction in the latter years of the last century!
Always up to date and topical, that’s our Jem.
See some bone headed council official painted over a Banksy in Clacton because it was “racist”. They managed to lose a new tourist attraction (and surely Clacton needs them), but at last they are get good PC marks.
Oh dear. If it isn’t terrorism, or a hate crime of a sort which bring in the Federales as the lead law enforcement agency, then it will be purely an Oklahoma state government matter, in which case it will be for murder of a sort which gets the perpetrator the Big Needle (albeit, years in the carrying out thereof, as all sorts of delaying tactics can and will be used to postpone the inevitable). Not to say that the Federal Government cannot execute people– after all, they put Timothy McVeigh, another Oklahoma murderer/terrorist to death– but in an Obama administration, not bloody likely that penalty will be sought, as a practical matter.
Quandary for those who, on the one hand say it’s not terrorism, but yet don’t want “Jah’Keem” executed– which way do you go on this? More to the point of this particular website, which way do you think this point will it be covered? (If at all?)
It would be interesting what the BBC’s hiring policies are, beyond the ability to look (as well as channel) Tom Watson.
Nice to see an insincere apology gets you right back in to keep on doing the exact same thing. Lessons not needed learning at Radio Sheffield, clearly. What’s anyone going to do? Not pay?
And there’s a surprise: last word from a ‘don’t call us again’ anonymous spokesweasel to again try and tell it again that the BBC is impartial.
I see the picture of the young muslim girl from Bristol who’s gone off to mother caliphate children shows her in her normal attire of a hijab. Described by the bbc as a normal teenager, happy, young & carefree. Are they kidding?
She obviously hasnt been radicalised, just taken a year out to take in the culture of the middle east!
All things considered, should her chosen path take its usual unfortunate turn, it will be interesting if the BBC revisionist reporting has her down as also having a promising career as a Doctor. If a male, it would be footballer, maybe accompanied by a photo of him holding up a football by its laces.
BBC 2 TV gives pro-socialist historian, David Reynolds another series to propagandise his largely anti-Churchill, pro-Atlee views on U.K 20th century history, as in episode 2 tonight
(i-Player) of ‘Ballots and Bullets’.
There was one fact that I noticed was censored, and which therefore destroyed his whole thesis. He explained that Britain was unique in Europe because we had a constitutional monarchy, then he moved on to the fascists and Mussolini in Italy, without mentioning King Victor Emmanuel III. I checked the facts, and yes Italy under Mussolini was a constitutional monarchy just like Britain. But he did mention Churchill’s support in 1926 for Mussolini’s regime as a bulwark against the perceived threat of communist revolution, but with a very anti-Churchill pro-Communist bias.
FWIW I thought Reynolds dealt excellently and fairly with his subject. Churchill was indeed a loose cannon for most of his long career: his support for Edward VIII is a case in point. However, Reynolds couldn’t have been clearer that on the issue of the day – confronting nazism – Churchill was completely correct. Mind you, I didn’t hear Reynolds comment that Labour voted consistently against re-armament until the last possible moment.
Even so, Reynolds, for the first time in my viewing of BBC history offerings, highlighted the economic successes of the pre WW2 National/Conservative governments from the early 30s onwards. Sure, these successes didn’t do much for the declining industries of the North but, absent WW2 and the borrow and spend Labour administration under Attlee (sound familiar?) it is arguable that the good economic news would have arrived there as well.
Frankly – and of course this is just my view – Reynolds is one of the good guys and not only knows but conveys his subject clearly and interestingly and, this is my point, impartially. It is incontrovertible that the majority of the British in 1945 wanted Attlee in power doing what he did. It was only the obvious ruin that Attlee and his party brought to the UK which reversed that choice in 1950/51.
As for Italy: certainly Italy was a constitutional monarchy but the king had no real choice but to accept Mussolini’s 1923 coup as a fait accomplis. It was his apparent enthusiasm for Mussolini and the identity of the monarchy with the Fascist regime over the next 20 years or so which led to the downfall of the monarchy. However, the constitutionality of the Italian monarchy was a sideshow in all this and, IMHO, Reynolds can be forgiven for not going into the minutiae of that particular aspect of Italian history.
now,i heard on the biased bbc today that the edl are holding a demo against isis,trojan horse,muslim child grooming gangs etc in birmingham on october the 11th,so,the leftists and the islamists have announced that they are going to protest against the ed holding this demo,how crazy is that the leftists are protesting against people who are protesting against isis, trojan horse,muslim child groomers etc,dont the left wing islamist alliance just make you want to puke,
Watch out for the anti EDL pro Trojan Horse, pro Isis, pro groomer UAF demo in Birmingham Oct 11.. Look out for the National Union of Teachers with their banner and of course the NUJ. Education and news, we know where they stand.
Even more biased than the BBC. NUJ perhaps? Article in Brummie paper about the forthcoming EDL demonstration, followed by your opportunity to vote against or in favour of allowing the demonstration. On these terms appeasing Teresa would vote for the ban.
The BBC needs to discipline the programme scheduler responsible for tonight’s short programme of old film of England. Not that old but to today’s liberal vandals it must be ancient history. The 60s and 70s of the last century.
Subversive is the word for it. What a dreadful country England was back then,.I hope our young were not watching. They would be appalled.
That vanished England was to bad to be true. It is so much better today. Multi cultural harmony is everywhere. It is so diverse now how did we ever live in such a monochrome dull country? Just think of the benefits of liberal rule over the last 40 odd years and be grateful. I know I am. To think London will soon have few ethnic English living there. How wonderful is that!
We English are such nasty vile people responsible for all the bad things in the entire world. So it is good thing we are being replaced. The wise Tony Blair and Jack Straw and the rest. How right they were.
I love the BBC .I love the Guardian. Please double the TV licence. We need to learn just how awful we are and only the righteous at the BBC can tell us the truth.
I love Big Brother.
The irony is, that in the left’s myopic worship of diversity and multiculturalism, they have opened the door to the one culture utterly dedicated to eradicating all other culture’s and turning us into a totalitarian monoculture under Sharia Law, which it will be in about 40 years. So in 80 years we will have gone from 99% white British, with freedoms and liberties, to multicultural, to totalitarian Sharia monoculture.
Here we go again, I see a concerted attack by both Al Beeb and the other independent channels on UKIP (this time a bit more subtle), ready for the next general election. Haven’t they learned the lessons of the EU elections?
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
The BBC apparently regard this as comedy too.
From the Radio Times
Thursday, 2 October Channel 4 10pm.
Scrotal Recall
New series 1/6
Comedy following 20-something Dylan as he contacts all of his conquests to inform them that he’s been diagnosed with chlamydia. Friends Evie and Luke join him on his trip down memory lane. In the opening episode Dylan casts his mind back to Abigail who[m!] he slept with at a wedding.
A sexually transmitted disease – of course, how hilarious.
Hmm yes a condition that if left undiagnosed can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences and in the worst cases blindness ? well if they love that then Ebola must be hysterical to them !
So now you don’t actually have to be racist – just have the potential to be so.
This is where the Fascists are heading, and we should all be very afraid.
Remember that Tendring council in control of Clacton is not Labour, it is in fact Conservative, and they are unapologetic about their stupidity, as one complaint about ‘potential racism’ was enough for them to take immediate action.
Heterosexual white Anglo Saxons are clearly potential racists and can already be perceived as such.
Also they have no culture worth celebrating or protecting, the racists.
This is actually quite true and has been for a long time. In cases of “race hate” there is no legal requirement to prove actual harm or even intent, merely that there was potential or likelihood.
I doubt I will be able the resist a gentle tease or two, especially when it provokes such hilarious high-horsing by the duty Flokkers, but there is cause for concern that those happy to mock and josh with words are fast being outnumbered by those with actual powers and no sense of the ridiculous only too happy to abuse them.
Real human beings with real jobs whose lives and freedoms who’d saw their wrists off with a FairTrade Hobnob during a diversity lecture at the UniPoly of W1A, are now under the thumbs of lobotomised drones who graduate from said institutions they are simply taking over because no sane person wants anything to do with them.
It takes but a little imagination to be insulted. Be warned. From Chesterton – The Man who was Thursday.
“This man has insulted me!” said Syme, with gestures of explanation.
“Insulted you?” cried the gentleman with the red rosette, “when?”
“Oh, just now,” said Syme recklessly. “He insulted my mother.”
“Insulted your mother!” exclaimed the gentleman incredulously.
“Well, anyhow,” said Syme, conceding a point, “my aunt.”
“But how can the Marquis have insulted your aunt just now?” said the second gentleman with some legitimate wonder. “He has been sitting here all the time.”
“Ah, it was what he said!” said Syme darkly.
“I said nothing at all,” said the Marquis, “except something about the band. I only said that I liked Wagner played well.”
“It was an allusion to my family,” said Syme firmly. “My aunt played Wagner badly. It was a painful subject. We are always being insulted about it.”
“This seems most extraordinary,” said the gentleman who was decore, looking doubtfully at the Marquis.
“Oh, I assure you,” said Syme earnestly, “the whole of your conversation was simply packed with sinister allusions to my aunt’s weaknesses.”
“This is nonsense!” said the second gentleman. “I for one have said nothing for half an hour except that I liked the singing of that girl with black hair.”
“Well, there you are again!” said Syme indignantly. “My aunt’s was red.”
“It seems to me,” said the other, “that you are simply seeking a pretext to insult the Marquis.”
“By George!” said Syme, facing round and looking at him, “what a clever chap you are!”
Having avoided the BBc output for a few days I caught BBc breakfast. So reassuring to know things are going ahead as normal, not that I thought it would be any different. Representatives of the cult informing us that they are under constant attack and that what other members of the cult are doing is nothing to do with the cult. No one of course to put forward a different view. Some one else, didn’t get any names as I was busy doing something else, letting us know about concerns that young people are drinking cheap alcohol at home…blah blah minimum alcohol price blah blah,The ever running alcohol story returns again. Lucky I never used to drink cheap alcohol at home in the 1970s….. Somewhere in the program someone stated or implied that the spread of ebola is down to a reduction in British aid….so that’s our fault as well now. Oh grief now it’s the abysmal job creation scheme that is “rip off Britain” bet they won’t by investigating the BBc any time soon.
Yes, I’m afraid Charlie Stayt and Sally Nugent cooed and emoted as their two Moslem xperts related the excuses for why these people get ‘ radicalised’. It was sait it only began after 9:11 when they saw their faith being demonised. Bit of a chicken/egg dilema there i’m afraid.
One of their guests was described as a ‘ former extremist’
What the actual fuck is a former extremist?
Can I be a former murderer?
The other sofa guest at great pains to point out ‘its nothing to do with islam’ time after time, all breathlessly lapped up by Charlie and Sally.
Any questions about why so many disparate groups all appear to musunderstand islam then! Nahhhhh….tumbleweed crosses the studio.
Boko Haram? Al Nusra? Al Shabbab? Al Quaeda?
Nah….fuck all.
£145 a year to pay that pair of useless bastards.
Presumably someone pointed out that demonising all alcohol drinkers with minimum pricing was unfair as those who cause trouble from drinking are nothing to do with the rest of those who drink?
Aan Korb is a new film and documentary festival in London, presented by BBC Arabic in partnership with the British Council.
The festival will screen the very best work across short films, documentaries and citizen journalism that have been created about the Arab world since the start of the uprisings in December 2010.
Taking place in the fantastic surroundings of the iconic BBC Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House, the festival will be packed with screenings, talks, debates and workshops.
Risked the 8am news headlines on Radio 4 this morning.
Oh yes…British cuts in Overseas Aid is a likely cause for the spread of ebola!
But of course…
As for all the immigration from West Africa, the indifference at our borders and in Whitehall/BBC…and, of course all those fey do-gooders who wish to spread the disease(sorry, LOVE) from Freetown to Houston, Texas by running out on their own countries to patronise the third world( and ever-diminishing to the seventh circle)…well there`s no BBC, no Parliamentary Labour/Liberal shill to discuss THIS potential spread of the virus.
Look-just get Clare Short back and stuff her saddlebags with moolah and condoms…THAT alone will assuage the BBC for the minute.
Stop our Gap Yah eejits from infecting the locals with ebola-and then bringing it all back home… their playing Nurse Susan/Doctor David(and vice versa these days!) is a costly roulette as far as I can see.
Islamic State ‘adapting to US-led air strikes’
IS is restricting their visibility, using mobile phones less, ditching conspicuous convoys. In short, they are adapting to the new reality.
Will they BBC report that there are no IS fighters, as they did in Gaza? BBC journalists are not the most observant observers in the world.
Islamic State crisis: Abadi opposes Arab strikes in Iraq Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has told the BBC he “totally” opposes Arab nations joining air strikes against Islamic State in his country. but apparently Western air cover is OK, even essential. Talking to the BBC in Baghdad, Mr Abadi said Iraq’s army would defeat IS “if we have good air cover” but stressed that no foreign ground troops were needed.
No one of the BBC’s correspondents apparently thought to ask why is an international coalition necessary but Arab forces unnecessary?
To be fair, Lyse caught the Iraqi PM’s out and out lie about IS being 100 kms from Baghdad. She noted that she had interviewed Iraqi soldiers on the ground 5 kms from Baghdad: they had said (and viewers saw black IS flags in the background) that the IS were less than 100 meteres away. The PM dismissed this by smoothly admitting to “pockets” of IS fighters nearer than 100 kms! Well do you believe Lyse or the iraqi PM?
I saw Lyse’s report and indeed the interviewees did say IS was just over the next hill. Of course, to believe Lyse, you have to believe her claim that she was, indeed, only 5 kms from Baghdad. For once I suspect that Lyse was telling the truth and that the Iraqi PM was caught with his evidential trousers round his ankles. OTOH (cf Orla Guerin in Lebanon at the time of the Israeli incursion and any BBC reporter you care to mention – including Lyse – in respect of Gaza) BBC reporters are not above massaging/omitting important evidence.
For IS it makes sense to push hard and enter Baghdad suburbs. Airstrikes hitting suburban targets, human shields, BBC film of wounded in bombed hospitals, and the photos of scores of children deliberately targeted by British and US air strikes. Interviews with sobbing parents and the reappearance of the man in the green (or was it blue) shirt. Anti war demonstrations here in the UK. Gaza again.
Today this morning spent a lot of time glorying in Begg’s non-trial. However, it failed to “learn” or, more to the point, tell us what item of info MI5 (?) had given to the CPS/police. Forgive my cynicism but I suspect (on no basis at all except the sliminess of the authorities and that of their protege) that there was no “new” info. It was probably very old info to the effect that a public trial of Begg would have put some very nasty evidence into the public domain which would have embarrassed our rulers and their policy of stout defence for all things Moslem.
BTW we still have no new – or any – information concerning last year’s anti-terror trial which was dropped ostensibly because the prosecution witnesses “failed to appear”: why shouldn’t the genuine cause of Begg’s surprise and sudden exculpation also be hidden? The appearance of “new” evidence is far too convenient.
Black police officer shoots unarmed white youth. At present information is sketchy and the police have not released a report. Just the kind of situation for the MSM and the BBC to support riots. Oops, my error, it was a white youth who has been shot. Bury the story.
Note to the readers: The above story, while biased on a real incident is SATIRE. Had the Officer and Victim’s race been reversed, the story could easily have been true. The point of this article is to show the hypocrisy of current public leaders, the administration and many of the people in our country.
IMHO there’s enough evidence of police/BBC prejudice against white victims of ethnic crime in the UK without dragging up a US fabricated story.
Surely it was “dragged up” to highlight the difference in treatment by the MSM, and the reaction to it. IMO, there’s nothing wrong with that. This blog covers many stories that, for one reason or another, are ignored by the MSM, and the BBC in particular.
It’s not a total fabrication. A foolish but unarmed youth was shot by a police officer. There are some similarities with the shooting of Michael Brown, which was widely reported in the UK.
Now that Griffith has been expelled from the BNP she must be taking up his case for massive compensation claims against the BBC whose secret filming led to him being prosecuted for exposing Muslim Pakistani grooming, rape, torture etc. gangs long before any charge were brought against them. Also against the police CPS both on prosecuting him and wilfully ignoring or failing to investigate the facts of his accusations and bring the culprits to justice years before anything was actually done.
He should get a lot more than an illegal asylum seeker held in custody for a few days over his allocated time…but I won’t hold my breath.
Isn’t this really the sort of case that Liberty was set up to deal with; wilful false prosecution by the State of a person and political party they want crushed.
I see Shami Chakrabati has surfaced on Daily Politics.
Where has she been I wonder? Working with the ISIL legal team in Syria?
In the face of a ukip economic spokesman she claims to not know just what ukip stands for, even after he explained it to her.
Just waiting now for her to be asked about ISIL.
Shami has developed that annoying habit that Labour MPs have picked up in their media training, to talk over anyone they disagree with. It’s worth a watch in iPlayer for its sheer audacity.
Stella Creasy on Question Time tonight for example.
When the hell will a Tory point it out?…sure as hell that Dimbleby will do nothing to stop it, seeing as his job is to continue the progressive onslaught on common sense and tradition?
Wake up Tories-look and act like you actually WANT to save this nation from the 666 Party that is Labour.
I suspect the reasons the BBC avoid political criticism of Qatar are more banal.
1) Qatar are blameless – nothing to see, move right along. Didn’t the United Nations Human Rights Council just praise Qatar for its important and pivotal role in promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without any kind of distinction and in a fair and equitable way?
2) The BBC has two foreign BUSINESS correspondents in Dubai. They don’t visit Qatar very often and when they do it’s not politics they are looking for.
3) The Arab world and presumably Qatar are major markets for BBC Arabic Service. BBC Arabic television claims 28 million viewers. Got to keep the customer satisfied.
Now that there are jokes about Islamic State on Syria media, will Beeboids now accept it is ‘politically correct’ to joke likewise on UK TV and radio?:-
Why on earth should a muslim be named as his court-appointed lawyer. Everyone I’ve heard on the BBC states that his actions are fundamentally at odds with Islam.
NHS is one of the biggest employers in the country, but Al beeb reports that there is a big shortage of nurses and doctors. So what the hell are all the other ’employees’ doing ? – pen pushing, accounting, or sitting as ‘fat cats’ on health boards ?
Vote UKIP and wake up the politically inept.
The NHS has a shortage of doctors, so what’s the solution?
In the sane world the solution would be easy – train more doctors, so what has leftie Dave done? Well in the spirit of greater immigration, he has inexplicably cut the number of training places at medical colleges !
Of course training doctors to a high standard is expensive, and there is a need for tax cuts for wealthy multi millionaires in Daves mind so the plebs will have to put up with badly trained doctors – if trained at all, from third world countries.
I look forward to these vermin trying this kind of thing in the likes of Texas USA, not that I want there to be victims of these creatures but the summary justice meted out would be gratifying. It saddens me that here we just take it.
When it is even put forward as a reasonable explanation you know that something is very badly wrong with the sanity of the Western elites.
It defies reality in such a way as to make me fearful of the future. These people cannot be entrusted with the future of the West. They must give way before it is too late.
How did it come to this?
Never thought I’d say this but Channe 4 is even more repugnant than the BB-Paedo-C. It’s a cobra’s nest or revolting anti-English metro-trendy leftism.
Bishoprick Snow-pint size pocket prince of the Raj that is Krishna-and bloody Anne of Cleves?
Yes, Channel 4 News is a new low…”purring” into oblivion, once the BBC has been excised from the body politic.
Thank you Jeremy Isaacs.
BBC-NUJ (and Sky News): put one point of view on European courts.
Both BBC TV News Channel and Sky News Channel tonight each had two commentators previewing Friday’s newspapers, and all four commentators supported European Human Rights legislation and all four were pro-E.U and anti-UKIP; and all four made cynical comments from their lofty political and moral plane about how pleased the ‘Daily Mail’ would be with this:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Tories vow to bring back ‘common sense’ with human rights overhaul.
Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, is pledging a fundamental overhaul of human rights laws which will end the “mission creep” of European courts.”
Criticising Islamic, Islamic State’s fascist abolition of human rights, which political left and Islamic supremacists are disinclined to do:-
“Isil commits human rights atrocities on ‘staggering’ scale, says UN.
Islamic State jihadists are committing such staggering atrocities in Iraq that they could amount to war crimes, says United Nations rights chief.”
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
Good old BBC eh?
Who better to promote more underage tolerance of sexual goings-on that a sex-change “woman” called Paris Lees?
Who better to “bang on” about the nasty Tories smashing up the welfare state that a cerebral palsy so called “comedian” called Francesca Martinez?…you didn`t need to follow her every word, because we all know the script of the Left, She used it.
Both misfits…sorry “radical challengers of the status quo ,and our beige vanilla prejudices against exotic birds of paradise such as these” was so typical of the BBC on its laughable “This Week” tonight.
Diversity in your face civilians…THESE are what the BBC requires for an opinion, if Joey Barton isn`t fit to show up!
The rest of us -white van man, white English working class blokes of a certain age-can just fuck off…once the license fee has been extracted from our tight prejudiced arses…to pay for Paris botox and Francescas speech therapy…”bedroom tax, corporate rip offs and evil George” being the exercise this month…and all the way up until May 2015 I imagine.
Take the BBCs money off it…send it to Saviles Estate, where it would be more honestly spent that was in evidence earlier.
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Interesting snippet on 5Live Breakfast re – girl suspected of joining ISIS
Panto N Campbell, of course, has some Muslim clever clogs
on, to elucidate the Muslim position at length,
( I know its the BBC so is there any other?).
Lots of loss of identity … crisis … teen angst ya da ya da
How could, this girl have a loss of identity from her caring, loving family? … crisis? … to what erm “identity”, and “crisis” are they referring?
Panto of course doesn t ask,
Islamic, Quranic “identity”? … oops ISIS … better not say that eh!
Panto of course doesn t ask,
No “identity” or “crisis” issues for women, in Islamic families?
Panto of course doesn t ask,
So has she joined, those July, 16-year-old twins who flew from Manchester to Turkey and headed to Syria?
What they didn’t mention is her role – obviously being a ‘comfort woman’ for 10,000 jihadis is going to be a full-time job, I hope she ate her porridge before going!
This “Biased BBC” site is racist and rabidly right wing. Its contributors – David Vance and Alan, look like they have been set up by the BBC political establishment to counter criticism against the BBC, apparently by normalising its bias as not right wing enough.
What we need is a real BBC bias website that isn’t set up by these stooges of the BBC.
What’s stopping you?
pardon me all over the place etc …
but which “race” are you referring to?
“BBC apologises for ‘racist’ Florence Nightingale sketch ”
lordy lordy … all over the place isn t it
He can’t afford the book ‘Websites for Dummies’.
Will you be providing a single example or just using false claims to divert from actual debate?
Take a refund and fuck off!
And i suppose you are a rabid conspiracy theorist type Mr Jones…..mmmm….no planes flew into the twin towers of course…….and so on…..
Excuse me John Jones, you are another white middle class left-wing prick THAT DOESN’T KNOW THEIR ARSE FROM THEIR ELBOW, but you are a keyboard warrior who has or hopes for pointless job with a charity or NGO. Which bit did I get wrong?
John Jones, please can you qualify your ‘racist’ claims . Thanks.
Last week the BBC Trust ruled that during one of its children’s programmes in the BBC ‘Learning Zone,’ Florence Nightingale was shown racially discriminating against the travelling Afro-Caribbean cook Mary Seacole. Of mixed race, she called herself a ‘yellow woman,’ and set up cafes for soldiers on the battlefield. She was never a nurse but wrote an interesting book about her time in the Crimea.
On line there is a photo from the programme of two very daft looking but sexy teenage girls who are supposed to represent those two powerful adult women. The crass depiction of Nightingale can be no surprise to anyone who has followed the rise of the Seacole myth over the last few years, lovingly fostered by the BBC. According to this story Seacole was a nurse who was unjustly overshadowed by Nightingale, a victim therefore of racist history. There are now whole housing estates in deprived, i.e. black areas called after her.
The attitude to Nightingale a mystery. A woman who spent her whole life after the Crimean war taking on the war office and reactionary men in government in order to improve conditions for the average British soldier, should be a hero of the Left, and of feminists. Instead she has been vilified, because she came from a wealthy background and became a Victorian establishment figure, and because she had a brief meeting with a woman from the Caribbean.
Of course this situation says nothing about the two women or their real worth but everything about the strange ideology of the left in the UK today, skewed with envy and hatred but also sunk in historical ignorance, unable to fathom the ideas and behaviour of our ancestors, imaginatively or through facts.
After all, for the BBC, racism is the worst crime in the world. ‘In the Committee’s view,’ they go on quite fairly, ‘the programme makers had provided no such evidence.’
In fact, the committee found, while Seacole did make five approaches to join the nursing corps, Nightingale was not personally involved in any of them. It added that children were ‘unlikely to regard the Seacole and Nightingale characters as representing anyone other than their historical counterparts,’ and the programme should have done more to make that clear.
But history is the story invented by the victors, and where history and education are concerned the victors are on the left, and represented by Ofsted and most teachers in state schools. But up against them this time were redoubtable members of the Nightingale Society, including Prof Lynn McDonald and Dr Eileen Eileen Magnello, who argued it was unfair to bolster Seacole’s achievements at the expense of Nightingale for reasons of ‘political correctness.’
Prof McDonald said it had been a ‘long struggle’ against the BBC, which had fought the accusations ‘all the way.’
‘They seemed to think that because Horrible Histories is funny, it doesn’t matter if it is inaccurate and you can just malign people,’ said Prof McDonald. ‘It is thoroughly dishonest. The portrayal of Mrs Seacole was a complete fabrication, and it made Florence Nightingale out to be a racist.’
Her views and the findings of the BBC Trust under pressure, are better late than never, but the propaganda against Nightingale, pitting her against Seacole in a racist battle, has been rumbling on for the last twenty years, and the BBC’s hard-left propaganda has been polluting minds unhindered until now.
Thom-as!!! Here’s an idea that will no doubt catch on at the BBC: racism in Tom and Jerry (see Apparently Amazon are to warn (sic) subscribers to their video rental service that the classic cartoon series “may depict scenes of racial prejudice”. Perhaps we can look forward to BBC news and children’s programmes being introduced with a warning message to the effect that “this programme contains a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities”. No, thought not, but no doubt the BBC’s Winston Smith Team are busy thinking up their own examples.
Well yes. Racial stereotypes, especially the recurring Mammy Two Shoes, a heavy set black housekeeper were a mainstay of Tom and Jerry.
The irony is that in later television versions she has been edited out, dubbed, or re-animated as a slim white woman. In the process of eliminating racial stereotypes Warner Bros. succeeded in eliminating all non Caucasians.
We assumed that the housekeeper was African-American, but we never saw her face IIRC.
What else would she have been considering her location, accent and skin colour? Chinese?
Does anyone know if it is ever actually stated that she is a maid rather than the house owner. Granted she is more than likely to be a maid, given the house, but is a ‘master’ or ‘mistress’ ever mentioned? How do we know she is not the owner of the house?
Surely Amazon and the BBC are being racist by making such negative assumptions?
Didn’t they also cut out smoking scenes? I seem to remember Mary Whitehouse complaining about the level of violence in Tom and Jerry. A woman that I actually admired at the time, but I thought she was totally wrong on that one.
Apparently we have
The PC feminazis are now taking aim at videogames because they are “sexist” and male dominated.
Check out Anita Sarkeesian and her fake tweets to “prove” that all gamers are sexist bigots. The Social Justice Warriors (as they are being called) use the tactics shown in the anti-smoking campaigners South Park episode. The episode takes the piss out of them by showing their lying, hypocrisy and “we know better” attitude.
The episode is called Butt Out and it is absolutely brilliant and shows the tactics of all PC groups to get what they want. Worth a watch and is on the Comedy Channel often as they show South Park on a loop
You can get versions where the skin colour has been changed to White, and the woman has an Irish accent. Presumably that’s ideal for white supremacists who like Tom and Jerry.
I find ‘The Wombles’ contains disgraceful stereotyping of Wimbledon residents as litter louts.
Also, ‘Stop the Pigeon’ paints a very non vegan, anti-avian portrait of the aerodrome dwelling community.
Some years ago, a muslim councillor got upset about Gerry Anderson’s “Captain Scarlet” because the traitorous baddie was called Captain Black !
But hey– “Spectrum is GREEN!” (*Da-dum, DUM, da dada DUM!*) That must count for SOMETHING!
The increasingly bonkers Graham Linehan and Dylan Moran must be chewing their nails on future repeat fees from rescreenings of their collaborative work.
So is Scarlet a commie?
Post Horrible Histories, perhaps we can look forward to BBC news and children’s programmes with a warning message to the effect that “You know the bit about educate and inform? Well we’ve enhanced that”.
The BBC. Warning – may contain nuts.
I always wonder when on the news they warn about a report containing “flash photography” if there is any basis to this or not? I assume its just elf n safety gone mad.
Basis? Err..yes, flashing lights can trigger Epileptic fits.
Sufferers would prefer therefore to avoid stuff such as strobe lighting, or rapid flash photography.
Strobes lighting is used when they hook folk up to an EEG to test for epliepsy.
Some forms of Epilepsy are set off by flashing lights, this affected one of my in-laws so she had time to look away.
Some epileptics can go into seizures from flash photography. I have seen it happen.
So then actually good advice from the Beeb! Glad Fiona isnt yet wearing a hi vis jacket.
Yes but they never warn of liberal smatterings if left wing bias in a report do they as this causes blood pressure spikes, nausea and boiling urine.
CBBC sketch ‘inaccurately’ painted Florence Nightingale as racist, BBC Trust finds –
The original complaint was made by members of the Nightingale Society, including Prof Lynn McDonald and Dr Eileen Eileen Magnello, who argued it was unfair to bolster Seacole’s achievements at the expense of Nightingale for reasons of “political correctness”.
Prof McDonald said it had been a “long struggle” against the BBC, which had fought the accusations “all the way”.
Didn’t we have an example last week, of Dr Lisa Jardine, fabricating history to suit their version of the world, seems to be part of the bBC psyche.
Ive quoted Orwell before on this subject but it so true it cant be repeated enough
“the man who controls he past controls the future and the man who controls the present controls the past”
Or as Chairman Mao Tse-tung more pitherly put it ” the past must be made to serve the present”
No more blatant example of a liberal rewriting history to suit the liberal fantasy. They say history is writtten by the victor. The liberal thinks he has won. Yet another delusion.
The policies on tackling extremism outlined by the UK Home Secretary yesterday and covered by the BBC reveal a frightening trend. Whilst she mentioned Isis and recruitment of terrorists it was clear, and certainly in following discussions, that the target was likely to be so called far right extremists – the EDL, BNP, Britiain First and possibly UKIP – anyone opposed to the spread of Islam. As she said, Islam is a religion of peace, and the terrorists are not Islamic. This clearly means that accusing Isis of being Islamic (an insult to Islam) or any form of criticism of Islam is extremist and must be outlawed. We are fighting a war in the ME and criticism of the enemy will land you in jail. Note also – there are plenty of powers already to deal with extremism – you can be arrested for quoting Churchill. Busy days ahead for Tell Mama and the UAF who seem to know how to define extremism. But even worse are the numerous academics who contribute to Home Office discussions on extremism, and very quickly insert far right extremism as the key element of concern.
I fear for the future of this blog – comments here, no matter how they are backed up with factual information, are likely to be interpreted as extremist.
It would be interesting, (if one could find a publisher/advertising hoarding owner brave enough), to put in public view verses from the Koran with no attribution or references, (i.e. no chapter numbers or indication of the source), to see if the authorities attempt a prosecution.
Let the ‘revealed’ word of the Supreme Being be revealed for public scrutiny.
As an aside, we are often told that the ‘bad’ verses are overwritten by the ‘good’ verses, but if the Supreme Being is ‘all knowing’ and the K-book isn’t the work of man but the SB’s ‘revealed’ words, why didn’t the SB get it right the first time?
There is a long boring bit in the Bible, in Numbers, where the elders consult Big G up on the mountain to find out how to divi up the Promised Land. First they get told that the leaders of the revolution get the big shares, (nothing changes!). Then someone points out that some of the leaders are now, (or may be), dead. Back to Big G. Now we are told that the sons of the dead leaders will inherit the cut. Then up pop two daughters, “What about us, we have no brother”. Back to Big G. OK they get a cut too. Even a third-rate solicitor could have been expected to anticipate these claims but not the ‘all-knowing’ Big G apparently!
Ridicule is the answer, (as long as it is directed at Jews, Christians, UKIP, ‘Tories’ and Daily Mail readers).
Actually, the Qu’ran is chronological and earlier peaceful passages are abrogated by the later violent passages.
It is in the Qu’ran itself: Surah 2:106
With your comment in mind, take a look at this.
new “terrorist” handbook
and I heard driving back a few minutes ago on BBC radio
the Bishop of Baghdad fears being the first to be beheaded
if ISIS take it over. looks like Al BBC news page needs updating.
You are right to be concerned. It will be necessary to silence the ethnic English. This will happen because liberalism ,and I include the Tory party elite here, has failed. Multiculturalism has failed. In fact all the edifice of the liberal fantasy from social through to economic policies is going to collapse unless the liberal establishment can hold the line. To do this all opposition must be silenced.
I do not say we are in the state of the old USSR and Stasi land but we are going to get close to that. Not so much executions as exclusions.
Remember the state is the coldest of all cold monsters.
As someone who is mostly indifferent but fearful of the loss of more freedoms from loonies like Cameron. Isn’t Farage against the bombing of the Islamic state, while Cameron has just ordered the bombing of the Islamic state because he seems to fear that the Islamic state is about to invade Britain, even though there are millions hear already.
If lefties like Cameron call Asians, British if they have British citizenship, why are they not arrested for treason for fighting against Britain, is it because Theresa May has classified them as foreign aliens while abroad but loyal Britons with protection from Human Rights and Race Relations laws at home, protecting them from criticism from ethnic Britons while in Britain.
Or will I now be arrested under Cameron’s new anti-free speech laws, for the above?
Farage is not against the bombing of Islamic State. However he rightly thinks that we need to have a proper plan, understandable and attainable goals backed with a serious and workable strategy with successful proven tactics.
We have none of those at present. We do not even know which groups are our enemies and friends over there. We are boming our enemies, and our enemies enemies. We are funding and arming our friends who are also the friends of our enemies and the more we help some of our friends, the more that we also help our enemies. This whole mess is the accumulation of 12 years of utter confusion, ignorance and inept arrogance in our foriegn policy.
Totally agree Llareggub,
I would add:
Climate change sceptics,
Pat condell’s website and all the other open discussion forums where the truth will out.
I fear for Old England and all that our fathers and grandfathers died for.
We can only hope she has a moment of enlightenment and realises the real threat to western civilisation …Islam.
R5: ‘Up all night, the interviewer calls the guest ‘from a right wing institute’, she replies ‘and you are from the left wing bBC’. at is at about 12minutes into the programme, she finally says, I suppose you should blame your producer for that remark.
Brilliant made Rod Sharp (who I used to listen to before 5lies became unbearable) look like a complete idiot.
Though in fairness I think she was right that he was toeing the party line, clearly with some discomfort.
So I watched Evan “a face for radio if ever there was one” Davis intervieweing Boris on Newsnight last night.
They were discussing political oration and who were the effective communicators and what made them so – keeping the message simple, straight talking, honesty
And do you know what was funny? Neither Evan or Boris once mentioned Nigel Farage, perhaps the greatest British political orator of his generation.
Could anybody possibly suggest why that might have been?
Biased, biased bastards
It seems that if the proof of what makes ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) remains by definition tricky, what most certainly is news can be readily appreciated..
The BBC securing Mr. Fry’s bum on exclusive sofas across the entire broadcast estate clearly a real scoop.
Hard to imagine what else may see the famously reticent luvvie wall to wall across the BBc broadcast estate.
One is sure he and Evan will have simply heaps to knock around.
FBI: US identifies masked militant in beheading videos
Who will bet against Jihadi John having been interviewed on the BBC, at least once? Match the voice signatures and you have got him.
Radio 4 “You and Yours” today – it seems that the energy companies have been charging for carbon-target related expenses, have made a billion or more, can’t account for it, and weren’t required to account for it, either. (‘Carbon’ targets?)
Ed Davey not available at the moment. He’s probably furiously playing with a calculator, and his enigma “Lie” machine, preparing an “answer” for the future.
Man-made climate change/global warming/”carbon target/footprint”/CO2 poison – all a great, big SCAM.
Sure is. What it will mean is not just ‘higher costs’ for all our energy costs but the ensuing Left wing smug ‘political correctness’ will create a burgeoning legislative bureaucracy involving world-wide political corruption (selling shares in a giant ‘ponzi’ scheme) and our own homespun BBC mass hysteria of impending ‘crisis’ even when the overwhelming evidence is complete exaggeration and suspect.
On a long drive back from Gatwick this morning, I listened to Cameron’s speech to the Tory conference and I have to say I was pretty impressed – some real conservative policies and the bit about Labour’s hypocrisy on education and particularly the NHS was especially impressive.
I was, though, of course completely wrong. BBC / Labour’s Norman Smith (wearing his red tie) told me just how crap the speech was, what it was lacking and how it fell short of Miliband’s effort last week.
Silly me.
Did he mean the edited version that Mr Miliband actually delivered or the full text including the bits he forgot?
‘Norman Smith (wearing his red tie) told me just how crap the speech was’
Not really his position, surely?
Anyway, a few other things out there to maybe focus the minds of the likes of our Norm when BBC largesse is less ensured.
I must say I stumbled quite quickly here…
‘Though a Guardian poll ahead of the conference season showed that 83% of respondents agreed that the fee was the best way to fund the corporation – and the BBC’s own research also shows that the licence fee remains the top choice for funding’
Who.. might these ‘respondents’ be?
Luckily, the Graun’s own Ciffers were on hand to put that claim in better context. (Hint: just a bit rigged)
INBBC acts politicallly as though U.K is already an Islamic society, providing a narrative only from the perspective of a Muslim family ,and whether their offspring is now an active Islamic jihadist in Syria.
There is no INBBC critical narrative from non-Muslim British perspective to express concern that a Muslim based in U.K has gone to Syria to support the Islamic, Islamic State, whose jihadists are the proven barbaric enemy of the British people.
-more of the trend of Muslims in West supporting U.K’s enemy, Islamic, Islamic State:
“Schoolgirl jihadis: the female Islamists leaving home to join Isis fighters.
Hundreds of girls and women are going missing in the west, reappearing in Iraq and Syria to bear children for the caliphate.”
By Harriet Sherwood, Sandra Laville, Kim Willsher in Paris, Ben Knight in Berlin, Maddy French in Vienna and Lauren Gambino in New York.
There is a good reason for that. The BBC knows full well the power of ‘subliminal advertising”’ (developed by the US in the 1950’s and was used successfully by Blair and Mandelson (termed PR) was that required a cheap ‘State broadcaster’ hence the BBC license to bias. (Subliminal advertising is banned from ITV (although ‘product placement’ is similar advertising), however the BBC has managed to bypass any question of UK national security and fog any question of impartiality. Nothing on the BBC is ‘normal’, it is all deliberate (policies) and long planned by Leftists to drop the ‘message’ without costing them anything (as the License fee payer is unsuspecting of the State media). Subliminal messages are often repeated as ‘fact’.
‘Alice Gross disappearance now a murder inquiry after body found’
‘The family’s local MP, Stephen Pound [Labour], who lives on the same street as them in Hanwell, said there was an “an incredible sense of sadness”
‘He said there was also “anger that we’re dealing with a pretty cold, cunning predator here – someone who has concealed a body in a particularly effective way.’
“This is a pretty horrific business but now – our thoughts have to be with the family.”
It would be hard to disagree with Mr Pound’s sentiments here. But there were some – though their voices were not heard on the BBC – who disagreed with him back in 2008.
‘A Labour MP has called on the government to scrap the worker registration scheme for Eastern Europeans immediately.’
‘Ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on the subject on Tuesday, Stephen Pound said the scheme was an “absolute nonsense”‘
‘The scheme was introduced in 2004 when 10 new nations, mostly from the former Soviet bloc, joined the EU.’
‘However in an interview with, the Ealing North MP slammed the policy as a “waste of time” and “£90 for something that they were going to get free from next year anyway”.’
Lest we forget who it was who left the door wide open – eh?
‘Angie Bray, the Conservative MP for Ealing Central and Acton, has called for tighter immigration rules after convicted killer Arnis Zalkalns was allowed into Britain.’
‘A Labour MP has called on the government to scrap the worker registration scheme for Eastern Europeans immediately.’..
And concurrently paying redundancy back to their home country is apparently a EU directive… Which the UK is currently ignoring, quite right. Is there any country more generous than the stupid Brits following blindly EU laws of forced ‘integration’ and Labour ‘multicultural’ failures.
Well just as I said the Tories have thrown away their chances of election by attacking the poor – making sure that tens of millions of working families will not have a pay rise until 2018 at the earliest but then announcing a cut in inheritance tax (for those who do not merit that and hobbling those who can through tax)
And now the savings will be spent on more tax cuts !
I can see more people defecting to UKIP with this nutter in charge !
I wonder if Cameron has been influenced by spending time with ‘I’m from a different planet’ Clegg as he destroys his parties electoral chances.
All you Ukippers are really Labourites , you go on about the Conservatives not being right wing enough , so its Ukip, they will stop this n that blah ,blah . Yeah right , is any PM , going to close or burn down Mosques , deport all Muslims , you are living in fantasy world . It is not going to happen , voting Ukip means Millitwat will be PM , & all the stuff written on this site will be totally irreverent . You reap what you sow , I am now going to congratulate Miilitwat for being our next PM , 7 months early, even though I am voting Conservative , as they are SO left wing , no need to vote Labour as the Tories will look at Labour`s manifesto & implement it all . You are all totally mistaken , & in 5years time you will all be saying the same stuff , & Millitwat will have made ,the Bbc supreme , & banned Sky . Mark my words it will happen .
I asked a friend at the weekend who voted LibDem at the last election whether she really wanted Milipede as our next PM. She is sure that he will be deposed and that his brother will come sailing in to rescue the UK. D Milipede is just as Left wing as his brother – just without the goofy face.
She may be right, and have sussed the most brilliant long game in history.
While it’s true most would still vote a Labour rosette on a telegraph pole in, the blurring of policies with LibLabCon and new parties has caused a tremor in the Farce.
So what better than to install a goon like Ed as the patsy for saviour Dave.
No real difference in competencies, but it’s all about image and the relief it is not Ed likely to gurn into power would propel David in with ease.
They are leaving it late, though.
“most would still vote a Labour rosette on a telegraph pole”
The one unsolved mystery of my tiny world, who TF actually. Votes Limp Dumb?
What planet are they really on?
Tonight has seen the BBC going into full panicked concerned mode as Yusra Hussien’s parents hold a news conference about their daughter believed to have gone to Syria. It’s quickly followed by a piece that there is no proof that this young woman was ‘radicalised’, well looking at the state of the parents and the Burka clad immediate family and you quickly realise that no one outside the family needed to ‘radicalise’ her!
She made a choice and it’s almost certainly influenced by her families zealotry.
On the other had another report today of yet another Pakistani Muslim man attempting to rape a white girl has been studiously ignored by the BBC. The fact that he received yet another pathetically low sentence also ignored.
Shows where the BBCs priorities lie.
There is no such thing as radical Islam. There is only Islam. ISIS are doing exactly what the Haddith preaches. To say that they are not Muslim because they are implementing the Haddith far more literally than Muslims in the UK is to claim that the Pope is not Christian, because there’s a bloke in the pub who claims to be a Christian, but doesn’t go to Church.
Manchester Crown Court heard how Ali (41) of Fern Street
Fern Street, the exact Street I used to live in as a child…
We moved out due to the influx of Pakistani immigrants in 1980, a wise move considering I have a sister who would have been aged 11 at the time.
this is how it goes.
1. Parents radicalise child
2. Parents pay for said child to go to Syria
3. Said child goes to Syria
4. Pause whilst said child arrives in Syria
5. Parent claim shock and disbelief that their ‘normal’ child could do such a thing
Your child bunking off to go to a party I can believe. getting the funds, the passport booking flights etc without you knowing especially a Muslim girl knowing how tight a reign they are under I do not believe one bit
The bBC and how it covers racist hate crimes in the Uk:
Muslim hate crime ‘rises 65% in London’
Hate crime against Muslims in London has risen by 65% over the last 12 months, Metropolitan Police figures show. Islamophobic hate crime offences have increased from 344 to 570 in the last year, with many attacks targeting women wearing traditional Islamic clothing.
Notice the huge headlines from the bBC, yeah those poor muslims. Yet London which has a population of just over 8 Million (2012 figures) has an Islamic population of over 1 million. 570 attacks isn’t that large a figure and the vast majority has been verbal abuse (or even dirty looks or Muslims feeling uncomfortable) But to the bbC this is a huge story. And yet the bBC doesn’t report that out of a UK population of 360,000 there were 302 anti-Semitic attacks in the month of July alone in the Uk.
A 400% increase, instead the bBC tells me that Muslims (the largest group of Intolerant bigots on the planet) can only be victims.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Hate crime is so bad in Britain that even the Prime Minister is indulging in it in a big way by bombing the Islamic state. That means that Cameron is killing lots and lots of them, while the rest of us are just criticising them.
Its quite interesting that the Beeb uses the M word when the people in question are victims, but never when they are not. I listened to a news report on the World Service today about Bosnian Muslims and the Srebrenica massacre (which was appalling), lost count of the number of times the M word was used.
Maybe I am being a nit picker here, but I wonder just how many Isis (monsters) have been killed? I am not criticisng the RAF, but news from the US suggests that without suitably trained ground forces to direct the air strikes night bombing of empty garages whilst allowing the enemy to take precautions during 15 hours of daylight, is not adding to a reasonable body count.
A £120,000 bomb to destroy a clapped out toyota pick up with a gun on the back – whoopee.
And approximately 30 sorties flown before that was hit. At this rate we should have degraded ISIS by the year 2157 ish.
On the theory that an enemy on the run shall never be allowed to have a moment’s rest, you bomb their known locations, hope you are lucky enough to kill a few holding down the fort, and make it so they cannot maintain supply depots, office space and billets. Supposedly this will induce them to act more rashly, and make the sorts of mistakes that get them killed, as they move from site to site.
I never said it was a GOOD plan, now did I?
Good point. Legally speaking I wonder if bombing them is defacto an extreme form of ‘discrimination’? On the other hand we commentators are simply bigots (or patriots) the word meaning the same to the BBC.
On another level The Spectator reported extreme bigotry by showing that the fun loving ‘British’ (in the Muslim area) are the source of the problem. The BBC I think would be pleased with their brief.
Compare and contrast the security arrangements outside a Jewish Temple, various denominations of Christian Churches, other places of worship and that of Mosques; then ask yourself which group is most at risk of hate crimes.
Do bBC honestly think listeners are both blind and thick? Oh, I forgot, critical thinking is not part of the curriculum or a prerequisite for a job at the bBC.
BBC1 News at Six today – Commenting on Cameron’s Party Conference speech BBC drone: “Tax cuts cost the government money”
The BBC correspondent obviously fails to understand the government has no money that it’s not already extorted out of tax payers.
“Tax cuts cost the government money”
Which as Margaret Thatcher proved is a lie. The more they cut taxes, the more tax money rolled into the treasury.
The Laffer curve – surely the Tories have heard of it?
It depends upon which taxes are cut. Cutting taxes on exporting companies allows them to maximise profits, reinvest, employ more people who in turn pay income tax. That is a tax-cut which stimulates growth, brings revenue in and boosts the exchequer.
Raising tax allowances tends to cost money with very little boost to the economy, as most of the extra money is pissed away on foreign goods.
I see the bBCs fav (innocent) Pakistani terrorist has been released:
Moazzam Begg released after terror charges dropped
I bet all the left wing wankers at the bBC will be wanking themselves silly over how this peaceful Muslim has been treated harshly by the British police. I can’t wait for the day when some gay bBC twat bends over begging for Mozam to fill him in and instead gets his throat cut.
The bBC the apologists for Islamic terrorism.
Charges dropped by the CPS.
Now if he had been Dave Lee Travis….
Makes you wonder who, and how many have been bloody falling over themselves, to pull all sorts of levers, to assist the old dodgy “cage” prisoner .
Shall we start a list?
Do you think there s any chance that a BBC exclusive, is on the cards?
Can you imagine?
Our old friend Jeremy Hardy continues his free-form rant against people he doesn’t like, complete with a lot of fictitious stereotypes.
It says a lot for the BBC that they regard this as comedy. Different rules for different groups obviously.
Mind I did laugh when Jeremy piled into Lord Lawson as being someone unqualified to talk about the religion of ‘Climate Change’, (what even the economic aspects?), when, of course, our Jeremy isn’t qualified to talk about anything!
Probably on his, (inevitable), next series there will need to be an announcement at the start explaining who ‘Thatcher’ and ‘The Miners’ were before Jeremy is pushed on in his political bath-chair.
I actually think this may be the worst ‘comedy’ slot filler the B-BBC have yet inflicted on us (and Brigstocke set the bar high).
Blatant far lefty opinion and world view delivered not even in comedy style but as a straightforward rant. The canned laughter they added was so inappropriate, it was kind of eerie. This is so far off the beam that I don’t know how it could be called comedy.
I was wondering how even the beeboids could be laughing at this until I realised that actually they are laughing at US!
“….delivered not even in comedy style but as a straightforward rant.”
Saw Jeremy Hardy at the Greenwich Theatre about 15 years ago. (Never mind why – don’t ask.) In the first half there was some attempt at humour but the second half degenerated into the sort of rant you describe.
Nasty nasty little man.
Don’t mean to be picky, but surely Brigstocke set the bar LOW; to what may be called Brigstockian levels?
Having said that, Hardy has been ‘sub-Brigstockian’ for years.
Jeremy Hardy did the most appalling so called comedy sketch 10 years ago. When replying to my complaint he told me he wanted to emphasise that the Israeli’s did not make blood from the Palestinians to make the matzot ( special bread ) on the Passover. But by talking about Israeli helicopters overhead harassing the Palestinians it was a really nasty piece. There was a studio audience and much coughing rather than laughing at this “joke”
never heard of him but I see he is a southerner, writes for the guardian, supports the IRA and is an out-and-out W@nker.
The date is October 2014, what is the betting that Hardy will at some point turn up the volume and start calling Jeffrey Archer A LIAR, LIAR and refer to his criminal conviction in the latter years of the last century!
Always up to date and topical, that’s our Jem.
See some bone headed council official painted over a Banksy in Clacton because it was “racist”. They managed to lose a new tourist attraction (and surely Clacton needs them), but at last they are get good PC marks.
I see nothing racist about it at all, it is a piece of political commentary, part of what makes a democratic society.
The other bird is obviously a swallow.
The BBC will be falling over themselves rushing to give a breathless report on this:
“Arabs Praise Israel for Their Treatment of Palestinian Workers”
Then again, perhaps not.
Impeccable logic on the Oklahoma beheading. Hey BBC and Dave, he is your man.
Oh dear. If it isn’t terrorism, or a hate crime of a sort which bring in the Federales as the lead law enforcement agency, then it will be purely an Oklahoma state government matter, in which case it will be for murder of a sort which gets the perpetrator the Big Needle (albeit, years in the carrying out thereof, as all sorts of delaying tactics can and will be used to postpone the inevitable). Not to say that the Federal Government cannot execute people– after all, they put Timothy McVeigh, another Oklahoma murderer/terrorist to death– but in an Obama administration, not bloody likely that penalty will be sought, as a practical matter.
Quandary for those who, on the one hand say it’s not terrorism, but yet don’t want “Jah’Keem” executed– which way do you go on this? More to the point of this particular website, which way do you think this point will it be covered? (If at all?)
“Calm yourself down.”
“Have you got your hearing aid in love, I’m talking to you.”
These are the people who are outraged at comments like ‘calm down, dear’
At least she got some in…
“You talk outta yer arse, actually.”
Oh well. Have a listen. It’s a larf.
It would be interesting what the BBC’s hiring policies are, beyond the ability to look (as well as channel) Tom Watson.
Nice to see an insincere apology gets you right back in to keep on doing the exact same thing. Lessons not needed learning at Radio Sheffield, clearly. What’s anyone going to do? Not pay?
And there’s a surprise: last word from a ‘don’t call us again’ anonymous spokesweasel to again try and tell it again that the BBC is impartial.
Good luck with that.
I see the picture of the young muslim girl from Bristol who’s gone off to mother caliphate children shows her in her normal attire of a hijab. Described by the bbc as a normal teenager, happy, young & carefree. Are they kidding?
She obviously hasnt been radicalised, just taken a year out to take in the culture of the middle east!
All things considered, should her chosen path take its usual unfortunate turn, it will be interesting if the BBC revisionist reporting has her down as also having a promising career as a Doctor. If a male, it would be footballer, maybe accompanied by a photo of him holding up a football by its laces.
Suggest all listen to tonight’s PM on R4 (iPlayer) for the “interview” with the Ed Sec about Cameron’s speech.
Blatant, mind boggling, bias and somewhat nasty interview technique were handled very well indeed.
Sort of Blatant, Boggling & Cynical?
BBC 2 TV gives pro-socialist historian, David Reynolds another series to propagandise his largely anti-Churchill, pro-Atlee views on U.K 20th century history, as in episode 2 tonight
(i-Player) of ‘Ballots and Bullets’.
There was one fact that I noticed was censored, and which therefore destroyed his whole thesis. He explained that Britain was unique in Europe because we had a constitutional monarchy, then he moved on to the fascists and Mussolini in Italy, without mentioning King Victor Emmanuel III. I checked the facts, and yes Italy under Mussolini was a constitutional monarchy just like Britain. But he did mention Churchill’s support in 1926 for Mussolini’s regime as a bulwark against the perceived threat of communist revolution, but with a very anti-Churchill pro-Communist bias.
FWIW I thought Reynolds dealt excellently and fairly with his subject. Churchill was indeed a loose cannon for most of his long career: his support for Edward VIII is a case in point. However, Reynolds couldn’t have been clearer that on the issue of the day – confronting nazism – Churchill was completely correct. Mind you, I didn’t hear Reynolds comment that Labour voted consistently against re-armament until the last possible moment.
Even so, Reynolds, for the first time in my viewing of BBC history offerings, highlighted the economic successes of the pre WW2 National/Conservative governments from the early 30s onwards. Sure, these successes didn’t do much for the declining industries of the North but, absent WW2 and the borrow and spend Labour administration under Attlee (sound familiar?) it is arguable that the good economic news would have arrived there as well.
Frankly – and of course this is just my view – Reynolds is one of the good guys and not only knows but conveys his subject clearly and interestingly and, this is my point, impartially. It is incontrovertible that the majority of the British in 1945 wanted Attlee in power doing what he did. It was only the obvious ruin that Attlee and his party brought to the UK which reversed that choice in 1950/51.
As for Italy: certainly Italy was a constitutional monarchy but the king had no real choice but to accept Mussolini’s 1923 coup as a fait accomplis. It was his apparent enthusiasm for Mussolini and the identity of the monarchy with the Fascist regime over the next 20 years or so which led to the downfall of the monarchy. However, the constitutionality of the Italian monarchy was a sideshow in all this and, IMHO, Reynolds can be forgiven for not going into the minutiae of that particular aspect of Italian history.
now,i heard on the biased bbc today that the edl are holding a demo against isis,trojan horse,muslim child grooming gangs etc in birmingham on october the 11th,so,the leftists and the islamists have announced that they are going to protest against the ed holding this demo,how crazy is that the leftists are protesting against people who are protesting against isis, trojan horse,muslim child groomers etc,dont the left wing islamist alliance just make you want to puke,
Perhaps they think ISIS means Ignorant Socialists in Solihull or Islamist & Socialist Insurance Society?
I wonder if they will be heading to the pub afterwards?
Or beheading at the pub, perhaps.
Watch out for the anti EDL pro Trojan Horse, pro Isis, pro groomer UAF demo in Birmingham Oct 11.. Look out for the National Union of Teachers with their banner and of course the NUJ. Education and news, we know where they stand.
Even more biased than the BBC. NUJ perhaps? Article in Brummie paper about the forthcoming EDL demonstration, followed by your opportunity to vote against or in favour of allowing the demonstration. On these terms appeasing Teresa would vote for the ban.
BBC-NUJ unswervingly campaigns for Islamising TURKEY’s entry into E.U;
so relegates reporting this:-
“Ninth Hagia Sophia Church converted into a mosque in Turkey.”
The BBC needs to discipline the programme scheduler responsible for tonight’s short programme of old film of England. Not that old but to today’s liberal vandals it must be ancient history. The 60s and 70s of the last century.
Subversive is the word for it. What a dreadful country England was back then,.I hope our young were not watching. They would be appalled.
That vanished England was to bad to be true. It is so much better today. Multi cultural harmony is everywhere. It is so diverse now how did we ever live in such a monochrome dull country? Just think of the benefits of liberal rule over the last 40 odd years and be grateful. I know I am. To think London will soon have few ethnic English living there. How wonderful is that!
We English are such nasty vile people responsible for all the bad things in the entire world. So it is good thing we are being replaced. The wise Tony Blair and Jack Straw and the rest. How right they were.
I love the BBC .I love the Guardian. Please double the TV licence. We need to learn just how awful we are and only the righteous at the BBC can tell us the truth.
I love Big Brother.
The irony is, that in the left’s myopic worship of diversity and multiculturalism, they have opened the door to the one culture utterly dedicated to eradicating all other culture’s and turning us into a totalitarian monoculture under Sharia Law, which it will be in about 40 years. So in 80 years we will have gone from 99% white British, with freedoms and liberties, to multicultural, to totalitarian Sharia monoculture.
U.S security chief, Ms Pierson’s resignation:-
two contrasting reports:-
1.) Debbie Schlussel:-
“Told Ya So: Chick Secret Service Agent Overpowered by WH Intruder; Did She Break a Nail?”
By Debbie Schlussel. (Written before Pierson’s resignation.)
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Secret Service director Julia Pierson resigns”
“Julia Pierson: As Incompetent Secret Service Chick Chief Resigns,
Read This Funny Dilbert Comic”
By Debbie Schlussel.
Maybe Ed can swing a BBC-style side-step work exchange with Rotherham Council?
Here we go again, I see a concerted attack by both Al Beeb and the other independent channels on UKIP (this time a bit more subtle), ready for the next general election. Haven’t they learned the lessons of the EU elections?
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
Muslim females go to Islamic State as breeders for Islamic jihadists.
Where are Beeboids and ‘feminists’ politically on this?:-
“Men seeking women: Must love jihad.
Militants recruit females as ‘baby factories’ for future terrorists.”
Read more:
E.g. will Ms GREER criticise the Muslim women jihad breeders in anything like the terms she denounces the Duchess of Cambridge?
The BBC apparently regard this as comedy too.
From the Radio Times
Thursday, 2 October Channel 4 10pm.
Scrotal Recall
New series 1/6
Comedy following 20-something Dylan as he contacts all of his conquests to inform them that he’s been diagnosed with chlamydia. Friends Evie and Luke join him on his trip down memory lane. In the opening episode Dylan casts his mind back to Abigail who[m!] he slept with at a wedding.
A sexually transmitted disease – of course, how hilarious.
Hmm yes a condition that if left undiagnosed can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences and in the worst cases blindness ? well if they love that then Ebola must be hysterical to them !
I recall many a critique that ended with ‘As funny as a dose of..” Seems some bright spark had a lightbulb moment in a brainstorming.
If it’s on Channel 4 I’m not sure we can blame the Beeb this time. Same mindset, I’m sure.
No true Roland but can’t shake the feeling that the revolving door between C4 and the BBC taints C4 with the same wide brush !
A new offence is born !
concerning the Banksy artwork:
It could be potentially racist.
So now you don’t actually have to be racist – just have the potential to be so.
This is where the Fascists are heading, and we should all be very afraid.
Remember that Tendring council in control of Clacton is not Labour, it is in fact Conservative, and they are unapologetic about their stupidity, as one complaint about ‘potential racism’ was enough for them to take immediate action.
Actually the mash up potential is limitless: “the potential to be perceived as racist”.
Perhaps we should lock up all potential criminals. Better than waiting for them to do it.
Minority Report, eat your heart out.
Heterosexual white Anglo Saxons are clearly potential racists and can already be perceived as such.
Also they have no culture worth celebrating or protecting, the racists.
This is actually quite true and has been for a long time. In cases of “race hate” there is no legal requirement to prove actual harm or even intent, merely that there was potential or likelihood.
Art reflects life.
Or here, humour made tragic by reality.
I doubt I will be able the resist a gentle tease or two, especially when it provokes such hilarious high-horsing by the duty Flokkers, but there is cause for concern that those happy to mock and josh with words are fast being outnumbered by those with actual powers and no sense of the ridiculous only too happy to abuse them.
Real human beings with real jobs whose lives and freedoms who’d saw their wrists off with a FairTrade Hobnob during a diversity lecture at the UniPoly of W1A, are now under the thumbs of lobotomised drones who graduate from said institutions they are simply taking over because no sane person wants anything to do with them.
Stealthy. Clever. But a worry.
It takes but a little imagination to be insulted. Be warned. From Chesterton – The Man who was Thursday.
“This man has insulted me!” said Syme, with gestures of explanation.
“Insulted you?” cried the gentleman with the red rosette, “when?”
“Oh, just now,” said Syme recklessly. “He insulted my mother.”
“Insulted your mother!” exclaimed the gentleman incredulously.
“Well, anyhow,” said Syme, conceding a point, “my aunt.”
“But how can the Marquis have insulted your aunt just now?” said the second gentleman with some legitimate wonder. “He has been sitting here all the time.”
“Ah, it was what he said!” said Syme darkly.
“I said nothing at all,” said the Marquis, “except something about the band. I only said that I liked Wagner played well.”
“It was an allusion to my family,” said Syme firmly. “My aunt played Wagner badly. It was a painful subject. We are always being insulted about it.”
“This seems most extraordinary,” said the gentleman who was decore, looking doubtfully at the Marquis.
“Oh, I assure you,” said Syme earnestly, “the whole of your conversation was simply packed with sinister allusions to my aunt’s weaknesses.”
“This is nonsense!” said the second gentleman. “I for one have said nothing for half an hour except that I liked the singing of that girl with black hair.”
“Well, there you are again!” said Syme indignantly. “My aunt’s was red.”
“It seems to me,” said the other, “that you are simply seeking a pretext to insult the Marquis.”
“By George!” said Syme, facing round and looking at him, “what a clever chap you are!”
Having avoided the BBc output for a few days I caught BBc breakfast. So reassuring to know things are going ahead as normal, not that I thought it would be any different. Representatives of the cult informing us that they are under constant attack and that what other members of the cult are doing is nothing to do with the cult. No one of course to put forward a different view. Some one else, didn’t get any names as I was busy doing something else, letting us know about concerns that young people are drinking cheap alcohol at home…blah blah minimum alcohol price blah blah,The ever running alcohol story returns again. Lucky I never used to drink cheap alcohol at home in the 1970s….. Somewhere in the program someone stated or implied that the spread of ebola is down to a reduction in British aid….so that’s our fault as well now. Oh grief now it’s the abysmal job creation scheme that is “rip off Britain” bet they won’t by investigating the BBc any time soon.
Yes, I’m afraid Charlie Stayt and Sally Nugent cooed and emoted as their two Moslem xperts related the excuses for why these people get ‘ radicalised’. It was sait it only began after 9:11 when they saw their faith being demonised. Bit of a chicken/egg dilema there i’m afraid.
One of their guests was described as a ‘ former extremist’
What the actual fuck is a former extremist?
Can I be a former murderer?
The other sofa guest at great pains to point out ‘its nothing to do with islam’ time after time, all breathlessly lapped up by Charlie and Sally.
Any questions about why so many disparate groups all appear to musunderstand islam then! Nahhhhh….tumbleweed crosses the studio.
Boko Haram? Al Nusra? Al Shabbab? Al Quaeda?
Nah….fuck all.
£145 a year to pay that pair of useless bastards.
Presumably someone pointed out that demonising all alcohol drinkers with minimum pricing was unfair as those who cause trouble from drinking are nothing to do with the rest of those who drink?
Or beating the crap out of them as they leave the pub worse for wear. Tends to inform on the level of tolerance in certain parts of the country.
Too many repeats? No cricket on BBC tv? Dumbed-down cheap celeb-based plugs for this that and the other?
Don’t worry, your tax is hard at work schmoozing the Arabs…
Aan Korb is a new film and documentary festival in London, presented by BBC Arabic in partnership with the British Council.
The festival will screen the very best work across short films, documentaries and citizen journalism that have been created about the Arab world since the start of the uprisings in December 2010.
Taking place in the fantastic surroundings of the iconic BBC Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House, the festival will be packed with screenings, talks, debates and workshops.
Risked the 8am news headlines on Radio 4 this morning.
Oh yes…British cuts in Overseas Aid is a likely cause for the spread of ebola!
But of course…
As for all the immigration from West Africa, the indifference at our borders and in Whitehall/BBC…and, of course all those fey do-gooders who wish to spread the disease(sorry, LOVE) from Freetown to Houston, Texas by running out on their own countries to patronise the third world( and ever-diminishing to the seventh circle)…well there`s no BBC, no Parliamentary Labour/Liberal shill to discuss THIS potential spread of the virus.
Look-just get Clare Short back and stuff her saddlebags with moolah and condoms…THAT alone will assuage the BBC for the minute.
Stop our Gap Yah eejits from infecting the locals with ebola-and then bringing it all back home… their playing Nurse Susan/Doctor David(and vice versa these days!) is a costly roulette as far as I can see.
Islamic State ‘adapting to US-led air strikes’
IS is restricting their visibility, using mobile phones less, ditching conspicuous convoys. In short, they are adapting to the new reality.
Will they BBC report that there are no IS fighters, as they did in Gaza? BBC journalists are not the most observant observers in the world.
Islamic State crisis: Abadi opposes Arab strikes in Iraq
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has told the BBC he “totally” opposes Arab nations joining air strikes against Islamic State in his country. but apparently Western air cover is OK, even essential. Talking to the BBC in Baghdad, Mr Abadi said Iraq’s army would defeat IS “if we have good air cover” but stressed that no foreign ground troops were needed.
No one of the BBC’s correspondents apparently thought to ask why is an international coalition necessary but Arab forces unnecessary?
To be fair, Lyse caught the Iraqi PM’s out and out lie about IS being 100 kms from Baghdad. She noted that she had interviewed Iraqi soldiers on the ground 5 kms from Baghdad: they had said (and viewers saw black IS flags in the background) that the IS were less than 100 meteres away. The PM dismissed this by smoothly admitting to “pockets” of IS fighters nearer than 100 kms! Well do you believe Lyse or the iraqi PM?
I saw Lyse’s report and indeed the interviewees did say IS was just over the next hill. Of course, to believe Lyse, you have to believe her claim that she was, indeed, only 5 kms from Baghdad. For once I suspect that Lyse was telling the truth and that the Iraqi PM was caught with his evidential trousers round his ankles. OTOH (cf Orla Guerin in Lebanon at the time of the Israeli incursion and any BBC reporter you care to mention – including Lyse – in respect of Gaza) BBC reporters are not above massaging/omitting important evidence.
For IS it makes sense to push hard and enter Baghdad suburbs. Airstrikes hitting suburban targets, human shields, BBC film of wounded in bombed hospitals, and the photos of scores of children deliberately targeted by British and US air strikes. Interviews with sobbing parents and the reappearance of the man in the green (or was it blue) shirt. Anti war demonstrations here in the UK. Gaza again.
In view of her probable fate if captured by IS, I admire her courageous action.
She will be helicoptered out of there long before they reach her.
Today this morning spent a lot of time glorying in Begg’s non-trial. However, it failed to “learn” or, more to the point, tell us what item of info MI5 (?) had given to the CPS/police. Forgive my cynicism but I suspect (on no basis at all except the sliminess of the authorities and that of their protege) that there was no “new” info. It was probably very old info to the effect that a public trial of Begg would have put some very nasty evidence into the public domain which would have embarrassed our rulers and their policy of stout defence for all things Moslem.
BTW we still have no new – or any – information concerning last year’s anti-terror trial which was dropped ostensibly because the prosecution witnesses “failed to appear”: why shouldn’t the genuine cause of Begg’s surprise and sudden exculpation also be hidden? The appearance of “new” evidence is far too convenient.
The old “failed” case is here
Black police officer shoots unarmed white youth. At present information is sketchy and the police have not released a report. Just the kind of situation for the MSM and the BBC to support riots. Oops, my error, it was a white youth who has been shot. Bury the story.
Call this a protest? Don’t have a clue, do they:
This was at the end of that US story:
Note to the readers: The above story, while biased on a real incident is SATIRE. Had the Officer and Victim’s race been reversed, the story could easily have been true. The point of this article is to show the hypocrisy of current public leaders, the administration and many of the people in our country.
IMHO there’s enough evidence of police/BBC prejudice against white victims of ethnic crime in the UK without dragging up a US fabricated story.
Surely it was “dragged up” to highlight the difference in treatment by the MSM, and the reaction to it. IMO, there’s nothing wrong with that. This blog covers many stories that, for one reason or another, are ignored by the MSM, and the BBC in particular.
It’s not a total fabrication. A foolish but unarmed youth was shot by a police officer. There are some similarities with the shooting of Michael Brown, which was widely reported in the UK.
Now that Griffith has been expelled from the BNP she must be taking up his case for massive compensation claims against the BBC whose secret filming led to him being prosecuted for exposing Muslim Pakistani grooming, rape, torture etc. gangs long before any charge were brought against them. Also against the police CPS both on prosecuting him and wilfully ignoring or failing to investigate the facts of his accusations and bring the culprits to justice years before anything was actually done.
He should get a lot more than an illegal asylum seeker held in custody for a few days over his allocated time…but I won’t hold my breath.
Isn’t this really the sort of case that Liberty was set up to deal with; wilful false prosecution by the State of a person and political party they want crushed.
I see Shami Chakrabati has surfaced on Daily Politics.
Where has she been I wonder? Working with the ISIL legal team in Syria?
In the face of a ukip economic spokesman she claims to not know just what ukip stands for, even after he explained it to her.
Just waiting now for her to be asked about ISIL.
Shami has developed that annoying habit that Labour MPs have picked up in their media training, to talk over anyone they disagree with. It’s worth a watch in iPlayer for its sheer audacity.
Stella Creasy on Question Time tonight for example.
When the hell will a Tory point it out?…sure as hell that Dimbleby will do nothing to stop it, seeing as his job is to continue the progressive onslaught on common sense and tradition?
Wake up Tories-look and act like you actually WANT to save this nation from the 666 Party that is Labour.
Islamic Emirate of QATAR.
Do Beeboids avoid political criticism of Qatar because of the following?:-
Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera employs many ex-Beeboids in London and in Doha;
Qatar and Al Jazeera are, as are Beeboids, politically sympathetic to Muslim Brotherhood.
Interesting article by Simon Heffer on Qatar:-
“What will it take for us to stop doing business with Qatar?
We’ve let the desert state face both ways on funding extremism.”
“Qatar called upon to ‘cease any type of involvement in all forms of Islamic terrorism, slavery, and drug trafficking'”
I suspect the reasons the BBC avoid political criticism of Qatar are more banal.
1) Qatar are blameless – nothing to see, move right along. Didn’t the United Nations Human Rights Council just praise Qatar for its important and pivotal role in promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without any kind of distinction and in a fair and equitable way?
2) The BBC has two foreign BUSINESS correspondents in Dubai. They don’t visit Qatar very often and when they do it’s not politics they are looking for.
3) The Arab world and presumably Qatar are major markets for BBC Arabic Service. BBC Arabic television claims 28 million viewers. Got to keep the customer satisfied.
Beeboid jokes about Islamic State now?
Now that there are jokes about Islamic State on Syria media, will Beeboids now accept it is ‘politically correct’ to joke likewise on UK TV and radio?:-
Oklahoma jihad beheading: update for INBBC to censor?-
“Oklahoma beheader wants a Muslim to be named as his court-appointed lawyer”
– See more at:
Why on earth should a muslim be named as his court-appointed lawyer. Everyone I’ve heard on the BBC states that his actions are fundamentally at odds with Islam.
NHS is one of the biggest employers in the country, but Al beeb reports that there is a big shortage of nurses and doctors. So what the hell are all the other ’employees’ doing ? – pen pushing, accounting, or sitting as ‘fat cats’ on health boards ?
Vote UKIP and wake up the politically inept.
It’s the 5th largest employer in the world! Also more than ten times larger than the next largest UK employer, the British Army.
The NHS has a shortage of doctors, so what’s the solution?
In the sane world the solution would be easy – train more doctors, so what has leftie Dave done? Well in the spirit of greater immigration, he has inexplicably cut the number of training places at medical colleges !
Of course training doctors to a high standard is expensive, and there is a need for tax cuts for wealthy multi millionaires in Daves mind so the plebs will have to put up with badly trained doctors – if trained at all, from third world countries.
Oh the Vibrancy !
Four guilty of child sex charges
This is the BBC so, four _____ guilty of child sex charges
(fill in the blanks)
shame! on the BBC
“men” ?
I look forward to these vermin trying this kind of thing in the likes of Texas USA, not that I want there to be victims of these creatures but the summary justice meted out would be gratifying. It saddens me that here we just take it.
Global warming to blame for ISIS?
Academics are now claiming global warming helped to create
…. the Islamic State?
has BBCs “horrible” Harribin moved from the BBC?
Absolute Hilarity from Ezra Levant … classic
When it is even put forward as a reasonable explanation you know that something is very badly wrong with the sanity of the Western elites.
It defies reality in such a way as to make me fearful of the future. These people cannot be entrusted with the future of the West. They must give way before it is too late.
How did it come to this?
Never thought I’d say this but Channe 4 is even more repugnant than the BB-Paedo-C. It’s a cobra’s nest or revolting anti-English metro-trendy leftism.
Bishoprick Snow-pint size pocket prince of the Raj that is Krishna-and bloody Anne of Cleves?
Yes, Channel 4 News is a new low…”purring” into oblivion, once the BBC has been excised from the body politic.
Thank you Jeremy Isaacs.
BBC-NUJ (and Sky News): put one point of view on European courts.
Both BBC TV News Channel and Sky News Channel tonight each had two commentators previewing Friday’s newspapers, and all four commentators supported European Human Rights legislation and all four were pro-E.U and anti-UKIP; and all four made cynical comments from their lofty political and moral plane about how pleased the ‘Daily Mail’ would be with this:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Tories vow to bring back ‘common sense’ with human rights overhaul.
Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, is pledging a fundamental overhaul of human rights laws which will end the “mission creep” of European courts.”
Criticising Islamic, Islamic State’s fascist abolition of human rights, which political left and Islamic supremacists are disinclined to do:-
“Isil commits human rights atrocities on ‘staggering’ scale, says UN.
Islamic State jihadists are committing such staggering atrocities in Iraq that they could amount to war crimes, says United Nations rights chief.”
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Human rights court ‘is a threat to democracy’:
Ex-Lord Chief Justice blasts
unelected Strasbourg judges”
Read more:
The solution ? – vote UKIP !
Vote Ukip & get Labour, to take us back to the` Dark Ages` you know its true.Thats the only outcome next May .
Good old BBC eh?
Who better to promote more underage tolerance of sexual goings-on that a sex-change “woman” called Paris Lees?
Who better to “bang on” about the nasty Tories smashing up the welfare state that a cerebral palsy so called “comedian” called Francesca Martinez?…you didn`t need to follow her every word, because we all know the script of the Left, She used it.
Both misfits…sorry “radical challengers of the status quo ,and our beige vanilla prejudices against exotic birds of paradise such as these” was so typical of the BBC on its laughable “This Week” tonight.
Diversity in your face civilians…THESE are what the BBC requires for an opinion, if Joey Barton isn`t fit to show up!
The rest of us -white van man, white English working class blokes of a certain age-can just fuck off…once the license fee has been extracted from our tight prejudiced arses…to pay for Paris botox and Francescas speech therapy…”bedroom tax, corporate rip offs and evil George” being the exercise this month…and all the way up until May 2015 I imagine.
Take the BBCs money off it…send it to Saviles Estate, where it would be more honestly spent that was in evidence earlier.
Saw it ! It was very biased – I noticed the ‘pack attack’ on UKIP Suzanne Evans.