The Tories have now decided that they want to withdraw from the European Human Rights Act – well perhaps – maybe ………
It seems that it’s yet another lie where they attempt to negotiate a change so that they can ignore the judgements as & when it suits them to do so.
Of course there isn’t a chance that this will or even can be allowed, so they will have to come out which they claim they can do by the terms of the treaty.
A question is asked on the Radio 4 today program by Humphries in the usual sneering mocking style, that the rest of Europe has to follow it what’s so different about them. Neither of them seemed to know that the legal systems of Europe are very different to that of the UK.
In the UK we use a system of precedent, where previous legal decisions influence and affect those in the future. So one bad decision can mean it cascades down into all future cases, until and unless Parliament changes it.
On the continent they have no precedent law, each case is discrete and a decision of a higher court does not filter down to affect the rest.
Personally I believe the European system is better, as it prevents unelected judges from making laws, or from frustrating the will of Parliament.
It is shocking that a senior MP and a senior BBC interviewer are not aware of the differences between Europe and the UK. The decisions made in the ECtHR affect the UK far more than they do in Europe and thanks to the way Tony BLiar implemented the act the UK Parliament do not have the power to change what it regards as unreasonable or bad decisions, whereas the rest of Europe can simply ignore them
Beeboids’ chum Ms S. Chakrabarti must surely be imminent to lecture British people on how we should:
-support the jihadists’ rights of Guantanamo,
-suppport unelected ECHR to dictate U.K. laws,
-and not criticise the Islamic State’s fascist elimination of all human rights.
Why suddenly so gobshite , on “Uman” rights?
Why not as militant on Europe itself?
Must be an election in the not to distant future?
No10 obviously needs a bigger “fag packet” …
soon be baby kissing time.
On Chukkibutti, she might have to find elbow room with Al BBCs fave pontificating Pakistani pixie, Mr Begg, he was was on BBC news again this morning, lots of the same old narrative too,
There has to be an Al BBC … “special” on the cards
pretty soon.
Chakrabarti was on The Daily Politics yesterday showing how much she cares about human rights and freedom of speech by sneering, jabbing her finger, waving her arms about and shouting over every comment she disagreed with.
Perhaps she should cover her face, wear the burka to demonstrate a woman’s right to choose , and perhaps we would not see her sneers and facial expressions which are so important to her style of argument.
Don t know whether it was intentional, but I must admit her hair cut does all look a bit “Adolf” …
only needs the little moustache,
could she grow one?
At least we know what Hitlers love child might look like, had he done his business(albeit with one ball!) with a Thai ladyboy.
“I `ate you Butler!” being her motto on the old school crest eh?
I did think that the presenter Jo Coburn should have told her to be quiet or perhaps switched her off at the mains. She is a really unpleasant person with a short fuse that her opponents should light more often and see her blow up on TV.
Racist comments like this discredit this site. There are plenty of good reasons to criticise Chakrabatti’s politics but casting blanket smears against those with brown skin just makes you and your 14 upvoters look like pillocks.
Ok just the child-raping fast-food running unlicensed taxi drivers. Lets give the rest of the 7th century-worshipping savages a free pass. Chilli, just too pat with your “waycist-smear” first line, doesn’t wash. White middle class left wing prick ring any bells for you?
You seem to have made a mistake. Racism is spelt with a “W” on this site. Unless of course the victim is White or Jewish; then, and only then, does it become a serious problem.
But never mind, because; “racism is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is an essential part of developing and sustaining any culture and society” [Alan, June 24, 2012]
Racism is natural & essential. Don’t you get it yet?
“Chakrabarti was on The Daily Politics yesterday showing how much she cares about human rights and freedom of speech by sneering, jabbing her finger, waving her arms about and shouting over every comment she disagreed with.”
I watched the clip and apart from Chakrabarti waving her arms about when she spoke (oh the horror) everything else in your account is entirely false. She didn’t “shout over every comment”. She didn’t “jab her finger”.
The BBC host directed every single question towards Douglas Murray.
The caption “Douglas Murray, Associate Director, Henry Jackson Society” appeared twice on screen. There was no cation for Shami Chakrabarti.
Douglas Murray got to speak for three and a half minutes.
Shami Chakrabarti got to speak for one and a half minutes.
Remind me again in which direction you think the bbc is biased?
As Thoughtful notes Humphrys interposed his usual sneering self between the Conservative protagonists on this. Consider, for a moment, his attitude were Labour to propose a similar policy. Of course (and setting logistics aside), the massive self-importance of the BBC meant that the spokesmen of the opposing sides were not in, or contactable from, the studio simultaneously. Accordingly, Humphrys had to be the interlocutor for 2 conversations 1 hour apart.
Thus we were prevented from hearing a balanced discussion but had to hear Humphrys’s meagre understanding of both the British constitution and the practice of Common Law ruin what could have been enlightening. This was a typical example of the Humphrys “I’m ignorant, me” style of interviewing which deliberately obfuscates the subject under review by repeated questions on parts of the subject which have been satisfactorily explained (eg that we don’t have a written constitution set down on one piece of sacred paper). God forbid that the little people listening be properly informed. On the BBC, everything must revolve around the BBC’s chosen position (in this case involving knee-jerk anti-Conservatism) and perforce has to be viewed through the dark lens of BBC bias.
Has anyone else notice that the sports headlines on Today have become increasingly less about sport and more about the BBC’s favoured causes?
Case in point: this morning at 8:30. The first two items, collectively taking up probably 80% of the bulletin, were:
1) Not enough black football managers
2) Women claiming discrimination because the World Cup in Canada is being played on synthetic surfaces and the men don’t have to
Memo to BBC. No-one outside your bubble gives a sh*t. Just give us the f-ing results.
As if football teams don’t want the best managers irrespective of ethnicity. Success isn’t just a function of pleasing the fans, it translates into profits. Choosing a crap manager because he happens to be black or Pakistani costs both financially and reputationally. I notice that no-one who disagreed with this notion of “ethnically correct” managership was allowed near the microphone. Moreover, no-one suggested that the “over-representation” of black footballers in the Premier (and other) leagues is discriminatory. No-one asked when we over-70s are going to be represented in the Spurs first team?
There is ageism against young managers as well as old players, and I don’t think a single woman has ever been a player in the World Cup finals. And the hypocrites at the BBC, discriminate against pure Afro-Blacks, Children, Women in Burqas as well as intelligent white people (without arts and drama qualifications) when it comes to appointing senior management.
But I have also noticed that UKIP women are older and more experienced and principled than the Cameron cuties and Blair/Miliband babes. Cameron cuties are all younger than Cameron, and joined the Tory party only because Cameron offered them a safe seat, while the best Tory women are in local Government, but older than Cameron. Therefore you can understand why Cameron has contempt for these ladies, its called ageism.
The BBC will always fail to get PC into the world of sport for one very important reason.
In every other area of life currently dominated by PC rules, they do not do anything.
In media, like journalism. They don’t do anything. They are there for when you stop doing what you do so they can tell you what other people who do something have done, when you were too busy doing things to notice what they were doing. If jounalists do not perform well, who the hell notices? Filling journalism with PC quotas makes no difference to the outcome of their “product”.
In entertainment, Actors do not do anything. they act. They are pretending to do things that someone else made up. Filling entertainment with PC quotas will make no difference to the outcome of their “product”.
In Sport they do something that is actually measurable. Race, gender, religion are irrelevant to the outcome. The starting gun and finish line do not care what colour the athelete’s skin is. The table and net and ball and bats do not care what race the table-tennis players are. The ball and the pitch and the goal do not care what colour the footballers are. The perfomance is measured against their competitors and the one, or team, who performs best wins. PC attitudes do not matter a jot!
The idea that there are not enough black football managers is ridiculous. RACE DOES NOT MATTER IN SPORT.
I do notice that they do not complain that there are not enough black sprinters in atheletics, but then, there are no “PC” quota’s there either are there?
Womens hour about 30 minutes in decided to interview a Muslim woman about ‘Islamophobia’, how it was and how it is now. It was filled with the usual lies and half truths. Consisting mainly of this womans fears and not actual facts, it mislead listeners into believing that Muslim women in London are in imminent danger every time they step outside their front door.
We heard the lie repeated that after the beheading of Lee Rigby there had been a rise in attacks against Muslims. This one claimed someone had let her tyres down and written ‘go home’ on the windscreen. I’m pretty sure that there was no attempt to corroborate the story or to check with the Police as to the veracity of the story at all.
There’s no way the BBC would ever run a story of a white woman living in a Muslim area and the very real racism which she and her family have to suffer every day.
This is of course real racism, and the BBC is a racist organisation in the way it ignores what is being done to white people whilst blowing out of all proportion the tiny amount done to their favourite brown eyed boys.
“someone had let her tyres down and written ‘go home’ on the windscreen. ”
It’s quite possible that it did actually happen but the Muslim community and the BBC need to get a sense of proportion. The correct response IMO would be “what do you seriously expect?”
Hardly a day goes by without some whining Muslim on the TV and, frankly, I don’t give a FF.
I was just coming on line myself, Thoughtful, to report the same interview. This is just the day befe Yom Kippur and it may have been appropriate to raise the issue of the huge rise in anti Semitic attacks in the UK. Last week was Rosh Hashonnah and it was the second day of that festival that Hamas had planned a huge attack on Israelis getting the terrorists into Israel using the tunnels. I had feared that because those plans had failed that there may be a major attack in a Jewish area of the UK. I therefore instructed my son to travel last Friday night by taxi (although worried about Muslim taxi drivers) and told him not to wear his kippa (yarmulke) on the street. I was not worried about attacks from the far right.
But this item about anti-Muslim attacks followed an item on the Ebola epidemic. Jenny Murray couldn’t resist asking whether UK government cuts were to blame (I thought the money had been ring fenced). The interviewed lady neatly sidestepped giving an answer but I couldn’t help asking myself whether the UK was really responsible for the health of all African children.
Not BBC bias but I am sure if the BBC notices the report they will make the most of it. The Telegraph reports about the number of homes with empty bedrooms (mainly in the rural areas) but the inner cities and that the burden of the overcrowding is ‘disproportionate on the ethnic minorities’ and highlights the Bagladeshi communities of Tower Hamlets and Newham in London. Now why would that be?
If they think they are overcrowded they can always leave , the country I mean. In fact rather than waste money building more homes , infrastructure etc etc , because of the pressure of mass immigration, which we were never consulted about , why not put the money to much better use and pay for their one way tickets.
I live in a rural community and have a number of unused but not ’empty’ bedrooms in my house. The house I worked long hours and multiple jobs to buy, the house I have because of the hard work I did and the sacrifices I made.
If others think they should have the same then work as hard and make the same sacrifices. Otherwise put up with what you have!
’imminent danger every time they step outside their front door.’
The BBC is not alone in its use, and the police and authorities bear a large part of the blame, but in the wonderful world of semantics, whilst ‘attack’ may be sort of accurate, it renders the word meaningless for when it could be used more appropriately.
For instance a gang of drunk girls setting upon another and pulling her hair out. Or the use of battery acid as some sort of non-denominational benediction.
Sadly all women, and men, and children, in many areas do seem to be justified in a certain caution, regardless of race, creed or faith. But the BBC’s cubicle gardens seem overstocked with those more empathetic to some over others.
Speaking of follow up, or lack of, has there been any further news about the poor Saudi girl murdered, which seemed to garner a lot of attention? Then, as can be the way, didn’t.
Woman’s Hour broadcast on the day that 15 people were murdered by homicide bombers in a bus explosion in Israel there was a “discussion” as to why Palestinian children want to become suicide bombers. It was quite incredible that Woman’s Hour did not mention that Palestinian Authority TV programmes and education was the cause. What was more outrageous was that the BBC contributed themselves to the hatred by justifying murder. It seems that they continue to support murderers by making them out to be the victims.
It’s because to the BBC (and most other left-leaning msm) Jews don’t count. The only time they are ever mentioned is to denigrate, undermine or belittle them. As someone who has recently toiled through both volumes of Mein Kampf (believe me, a turgid trudge all the way to the end) I weep for the dangerous ignorance of our msm when it comes to reporting on Israel and the all-pervasive anti-Israel bias which is so common across so many broadcasters.
The hatred and bile – all of it undisguised, all of it plainly on show – in Hitler’s risible tome (written in the 1920s, don’t forget, so it’s not as if anyone at the time couldn’t claim not have ample forewarning of maniac’s full intent towards Europe’s Jewish populations) is a warning to us all today about the ease with which casual anti-semitism can easily become not just the norm, but something far more dangerous.
Mein Kampf was an international best-seller in its day, making Hitler a multimillionaire in his own right (without needing to plunder the wealth of the Jews, for instance – which he and his criminal cronies did, anyway), so it’s shocking to see just how little we all seem to have learned since. The writing was (quite literally) on the wall for the imperiled Jews back in the 20s and 30s and it seems there are malevolent forces at work to this day, determined to stoke the flames of anti-semitism, whilst hiding behind their Pallywood wristbands.
It was a straight lift from an article on the Huffington Post the other day, with the examples of Islamaphobia (sic) provided by the discredited “Tell Mama a Lie” organisation.
The Manchester Evening News is a decidedly left leaning newspaper owned by Mirror Group. It sees fit today to carry an article of Ed Milliband coming to Heywood & Middleton. In case readers don’t know, this is the area where the Rochdale abuse was carried out.
The effects on Labours vote might be catastrophic and the most likely party to benefit is UKIP.
Nigel Farrage has also been in the constituency campaigning which is reported in the MEN.
Wonder why Humphrys is so “bovvered” about the ECHR crapola as spun out by Grayling-and Todays New Bezzie…called Dominic Greive.
I imagine a houseboy or two in the olive groves of the Peloponnese will be banking on Bwana John of the BBC to send a few Euros his way for upkeep of the dacha.
Hence the terrors of Humph, Davis and all other Labour lie-ins like Wor Polly, should UKIP get the Tories out of Europe, and its detestable meddlings and groomings in kiddies homes, prisons and-of course-Childrens TV and its Smiley Miley van…the one with Saviles grundies drying on the leopardskin seat coverings in Wood Lanes old car park.
F.OFF BBC…FOFBEEB being my word of the Day
‘Who are the women who inspire you? Who are those who have changed the world and motivated you to do the same?
This October, the BBC will be once again examining the stories that matter to women all across the globe, but we need your help.
In 2013, we sought to shine a light on life for women in the 21st Century. We hosted a day of events in London and brought together women leaders to discuss the risks, challenges and opportunities they face every day, no matter where they live.’
I’m not only paying for your journalists to write feminist articles like this one, but I’m also paying for you to host feminist events in London, even though you’re supposed to be non-political?!?
It sounds very sexist of the BBC, but as a provisional starter for the BBC’s sexist list. My top ten would include Margaret Thatcher, Melanie Phillips, Donna Laframboise, Margot Parker MEP, Julia Reid MEP, Jane Collins MEP, Louise Bours MEP, Jill Seymour MEP, Janice Atkinson MEP and Diane James MEP.
‘A key architect of the NFL’s ‘Rooney Rule’ believes British football “has nothing to lose” by adopting a similar regulation.
The rule requires teams to interview at least one black or minority ethnic candidate for a head coach vacancy.’ –
A totally biased article. They quote a black ex-player who wants to break into management:
“I’ve sent over 30 CV’s of and got two interviews. For me, there’s something wrong there.”
Why? If I applied for 30 jobs and get two interviews, I’d be happy. So would most people.
If he thinks that he’s not getting interviews because of racism (rather than because of his lack of management experience combined with huge competition from other ex-players), then he’s kidding himself.
Typical leftie doublethink.
Discrimination on the basis of somebody’s skin colour is bad. Unless you are discriminating in favour of someone in the basis of their skin colour when they happen to be black or brown. In which case it’s good, nay, desirable – or should that be doubleplusgood?
Can’t say I am surprised that the BBC has found another positively discriminatory tub to thump, but amazed that they have chosen such a weak example.
As pointed out, 2 in 30 is darn good odds for a CV to get a reply. Indeed don’t we usually get treated to tales of woe from moppets sending out thousands with their £27k uni degree in Death to Capitalism attached, and not even a KFC interested for some reason.
Applying does not ensure an interview or job, as anyone interested in a top slot at the BBC might discover. It would be only too typical if asking the BBC to account for this resulted in exemptions they would not accord other sectors in their… ‘reporting’.
Will white candidate quotas be imposed in the predominantly non-white footballing countries throughout the world?
Of course, white people are a minority ethnic group globally.
This is not scientific, merely a casual observation, but would it not be fair to point out that black players are disproportionately represented in the football league? Should we not do something to even things up for whites and Chinese?
No, I don’t think so either, but that is the level of debate we are being offered here.
Here in France they have just passed a law requiring an ” anonymous CV”. and oh horror of horrors they have now calculated that it will reduce the number of minority candidates called to interview by 50%.
It appears that the minorities are granted a certain indulgence that this new law will render impossible.
So that far from being discriminated against, some people benefit from the fact that people feel sorry for them!
A perfectly worthy human emotion.
Why then are nearly 100% of the kids in my local schools here in South London black? Mostly African (staying with relatives is the usual way in to a free education for Commonwealth-resident Africans), the rest West Indian.
What happened to the “97% population are white British”, Arthur? Cat got your tongue? BTW the teachers are 97% white British, in case the question causes your poor understanding of statistical probability to overload.
Can you imagine a situation where young British parents would like their children to grow up in their own culture? Every one I have known locally have simply moved. Nice theory, multiculturalism, shame about the practice.
This was meant to infer racial prejudice from the employment of footballer managers? Who gives a stuff?
Why is he kidding himself? the London fire brigade never employed ethnics until it was forced to change. Institutional racism still exists in pockets. Bit strange not one black manager is in the Premier league but a huge number of players are.
Actually its not that surprising at all. A large proportion of the players in the premiership are foreign and few of them settle here when their careers are finished – mainly because their careers often don’t end after they leave their Premier League team.
7 out of 20 managers are foreigners – not including the Scots 😉 Not black true but if we are talking racist clubs here …
Secondly the vast majority of managers in the premiership are over 50, about four are in their 40’s and one is 35 (Swansea). The oldest I think is nearly 70 (Harry Rednapp). So for the majority their playing careers ended 20 – 40 years ago when foreign players & black players were fewer in number.
Also if you take into account there are 92 teams in the top 4 leagues and two black managers that’s 2% of the current batch. Now what was the black (and I’m not assuming all BEMs here) percentage of the population in the 70’s and 80’s? 1-2%? Seems about right to me especially as football is a business and they want the best people. If there were more black managers of sufficient skill they’d be in employment. As it is the black population of England is still only around 3% it’s still not that far out.
NB No frothing over the numbers now – I’m talking official stats here which don’t, obviously, include illegals in the numbers.
I have recently watched an episode of the BBC series The Secret Life of Books, in which a journalist , unknown to me, called Bidisha reviewed/reappraised Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre was published in 1847.
Bidisha spent quite a lot of the programme examining the book and some other of Charlotte Bronte work, to see what her attitudes to feminism and slavery were. No I kid you not , she really does. She decides that the author was a bit racist and was definitely letting the feminists down very badly. After interviewing several learned folk who gently tried to persuade her that Miss Bronte held views we were mainstream at the time , Bidisha muses that perhaps her she is viewing Bronte through the perspective of her own 21st century politicised prejudices.
This is typical of the left and of the BBC, who give them free rein . They judge everything by the views that they hold at the present time, not even by the current mainstream view , let alone the standards of the time that they are considering. Hence the non stop attacks on the role Britain played in world history from the 18th century onwards and the constant hatred they display towards their, and our country. This of course does a lot of damage when these idiots are allowed to teach history in schools and results in children seeing things through the eyes of the left without any historical perspective at all.
At least Badisha, whoever she is, had the good sense to recognise how silly it was for her to try to judge Miss Bronte by the standards of the 21st century.
Completely agree. What a narrow minded appraisal compared with others in the series. Having watched the truly interesting examination of Mrs Darroway (and listened to the IOT programme on the same book) by Virginia Wolfe I have taken out my wife’s copy and started reading it!
Oh Bidisha.
Who else?-one of those cultural commentators of colour and no merit that populates all manner of BBC cultural shows.
An “author” who`s done nothing, written nothing, produced nothing as far as I can tell…without the excuse of having been tupped by John Lennon.
Alexis Sayle, Bidisha…down the alphabet to Ruby Wax…there is a scale here isn`t there?
Safe.stale thick lefties who use their Masters words…at least Anton Le Vey and Alastair Crowley were open in who THEY served!
The BBC can only dream of such once again, for the moment it has to be Russell Brand , I suppose…
Others hereabouts have pointed out how the BBC do love to echo our politicians in presuming to tell muslims what islam is all about : the ‘religion of peace’
To be fair the BBC – in the form of their (female post-holder replacing) Head of News, James Harding – is far from backward in coming forward about the Catholics and what he thinks their religion ought to be…..
His report has this rather leading question as click bait
‘Is Pope Francis the moderniser progressives hope for?’
I had to smile at this paragraph which subtly puts Harding and his BBC in their place…
‘Although not a Catholic myself, I, like thousands of journalists the world over, was intrigued – and started angling for an interview for the BBC. I began to discuss the possibility with a range of senior figures in the Church and then went to Rome to make the case to Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, that the Pope should consider the BBC, given its audience of 250 million people around the world. Father Lombardi, plainly inundated with such requests, smiled and with some charm left me with the impression that the Pope was having no trouble reaching a global audience.’
Apparently some in PR feel that what they submit to become news often is messed with by subs (the irony of this being in the Graun appeals too) to the extent they do not know why they bother.
Try being a force-funding audience, loves.
‘it’s difficult to take seriously a title that gets wrong the one sentence it tweaked from provided copy’
Or the entire story, on purpose.
A few nifty comments already, pro… and con…
‘It’s annoying to see so many “news” stories now that quote Tweets from random members of the public’
According to BBC WM … M Begg wants his “day in court” and claimed his detention was “unlawful”, “shows a knee jerk reaction”, me, me all about me etc.
The Muslim Council of Britain called for an “urgent investigation”.
The overarching narrative repeated here, community leaders are going to be pulled up (who by? … doesn t say?) for assisting the police?, … the BBC must be “all ears”
Another noticeable addition from the MCB … “whether the current imprecise definition of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ is leading to miscarriages of justice.”
What would be correct then? … any ideas? 😀
“nothing to do with Islam” TM?
Thus making the overly insular deeply problematic Islamic community, more Insular, and one can assume more problematic.
and …
No time to discuss rising numbers of wannabe Islamic mass murderers for Islamic Allah, that want to emulate Islamic Mohamhead, from Islamic families, after reading Islamic texts and watching Islamic websites, that rush to Islamic countries, to join Islamic Jihadis to the Islamic Calliphate, of the Islamic state …
oops nearly forgot … that … “has nothing to do with Islam” TM
I predict the B-BBC will be delighted to play the whining Moazzim Begg ‘maltreatment’ angle for all it is worth – little realising that every time they do so it just annoys ordinary people even more.
Last Word is telling me about some former Head of Mossad (1974-1982) who has died.
Apparently his Mossad crew went after people who “Israel would have regarded as terrorists”.
Black September?…Munich?…Entebbe? Mogadishu and the like?
“Israel regarded their like as terrorists?”…nobody else then?
Typical BBC mealy-mouthed crap to trash Israel…and forty years on, it`s not changed has it?
And-surprisingly enough-his death was NOT reported, Israel is not in Sharon mode?
This seems to be seen as criticism of our departed friend…I`d have thought that being a former head of Mossad, he would NOT want his ashes sent off in a Chinese lantern over a Gaza theme park to the strains of Katy Perrys “Firework”.
Which seems to surprise the BBC….wankers…..FOFFBEEB!
I had wondered whatever had become of Fluck and Laws Spitting Image puppets from the 80s.
Clearly Ken Clarkes has been re-animated, with (no doubt) a coming airing of the Lord Heseltines one to come any time soon.
The BBC seem to love their old Spitting Image puppet show don`t they?
If only somebody could figure out what Dominic Grieves looks like…until we do, we`ll be stuck with Jimmy Greaves had he been melded with John Majors empty suit…
The only Tories that the BBC seem to like are the zombie ones from Thatchers time…save for Tebbit and Lawson, who seem to know what the BBC do…and aren`t really allowed onto it…
ISIS Behead Alan Henning, and promise a US hostage will be next.
I do not see any BBC bias in their report, but we can look forward to Cameron and May drawing a net around the so called far right whilst they pander to the Muslim Council of Britain insisting it has nothing to do with Islam.
Cameron reacts to the murder.
“We will do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice.”
Yes Dave, send Knacker from the Yard to apprehend them. Make sure Teresa gets the paper work in order. Meanwhile we await a clampdown to avid a backlash against the good muslims.
Cameron reacts to the murder.
“We will do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice.”
Yes Dave, send Knacker from the Yard to apprehend them. Make sure Teresa gets the paper work in order. Meanwhile we await a clampdown to avoid a backlash against the good muslims.
They’ve already had a tame Muslim on 5live telling us that this is nothing to do with Islam, and that this is actually the result of Britain joining the bombing of ISIS which of course we should now withdraw from. No questions asked by the presenter. Didn’t even point out the previous murders were before we joined the fight.
And every time some idiot politician – or their lackeys in the msm – recites the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ line there should be a mandatory reminder that 2+2=5 in this strange new reality. If they say it often enough it will eventually become the truth, I’m sure.
If IS (as in, er, ‘Islamic State’), which is fighting a terrorist war in Islamic countries to create an Islamic Caliphate based on Islamic principles really is “nothing to do with Islam”, then surely the BBC (and Sky News is as bad) would have no need to wheel out a constant procession of Muslims to tell us that IS is “nothing to do with Islam”.
the beheading of alan henning tonight is sad but comes as no surprise,he was a freind of the muslim world but they still beheaded him no matter how much his freinds pleaded to these islamic state retards to save his life.lets not forget there is another british hostage john cantlie,these isis scum dont listen to pleas to save lifes,they hate all non muslims,but i have a worry here,it has already started with the left and the islamists blaming us for alan hennings beheading because of the air strikes we have launched against the isis retards.that is just a cop out as we all know that and they would of beheaded him anyway,but be worried now that the narrative from the bbc will be blaming the west and the us for alan hennings beheading,stephen nolan tonight on his show tried that narrative on that if we did not launch air strikes against the islamist retards alen hennings life might of been saved,that is a false and dangerous narrative that i hope the bbc wont be spinning in the coming days.i fear that wont be the case with the track record of he bbc and radio 5 live.
Self proclaimed Muslims behead another British citizen; INBBC immediately goes to Muslims in UK for response, while British non-Muslims are treated as uninvolved bystanders.
“British aid worker Alan Henning beheaded by Islamic State… who threatens to kill US war veteran next”
[Excerpt, by Pamela Geller]:-
“Every day. Beheadings every day in the post-American Obama era. The age of the primitive.
“The quran says, ‘When ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks.’ (47:4).
“But no worries, Obama says the Islamic State is not Islamic.
“Obama wants us to become inured to the sabotage terrors of jihad. Savages like them, like him.
“The media condemn and shake their fists at our jihad awareness ads. Oh how they rage against us — but when they report on jihad, they are pragmatic, ‘objective’ almost sympathetic.”
A non-Beeboid, anti-Islamic jihad comment on latest beheading:-
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Alan Henning thought his work for a Muslim charity would save him from the Islamic State. This is one of the fundamental fallacies of the West’s entire approach to the global jihad. Western analysts and policymakers persist in the delusion that their concessions and acts of kindness will meet with reciprocal acts of kindness from Islamic supremacists and jihadists. This is not, in fact, the case. Instead, they’re just seen as signs of weakness, and regarded with contempt.”
“In new video, Islamic State beheads British aid worker who thought his work for Muslim charity would save him”
The deepest condolences to his family at their time of loss, and to all the families of the many many victims
Will it take long?
Who will it be?, Camoron?, May?, Hammond? maybe Brokenshire?
enlightening us, once again with their expertise in Islam
The Muslim Council Britain, only today …
“ whether the current imprecise definition of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ is leading to miscarriages of justice.”
… Obviously Islamic slaughter, Mandated by Islamic text
… committed by Muslims following said text,
… following example of Islam s so called “Prophet”
… in the name of Islam s so called god,
… needs some redefinition
What would the be correct, “definition” then?
any ideas?
“when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” – (Qur’an 47:4)
Yes its in there … look it up
when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either favour afterwards or ransom [them].”
… maybe its taken out of context?, just what would be a “good context” in which to mandate such action? … and it IS a ruling
any ideas?
cant understand why alan henning got kidnapped in that muslim charity convoy and the 7 british muslim charity workers with him were not touched,cant work that one out.
The BBC is trotting out bits of, the “100 Imams” vid ad nauseum this morning on breakfast, some Islamic clever clogs, some Salford imam … nothing yet from the MCB, who want to ….”redefine” … the term Islamic slaughter/terror to something else, in light of their outrage over M Begg..
Yes, Sally Nugent and Roger Johnson, hosting a veritable PR job for islam this morning.
Going live to an imam….i ask you, where to go to for independent views on islam….an imam. ?
Give me strength.
Their review of the papers with the 4th horseman, Urquart Stewart was done without seeing a single front page? Why?
What have those devious bastards covered up?
its said that some of his fellow travellers may have had links or at least sympathy with ISIS. The charity the group belonged to even named an ambulance after a female terrorist who is in prison and who ISIS want released.
the time will come when they get a nuke then watch the sparks fly.
Attack first hit the whole area hard,sorry but pussy footing around them will not work.Fire with fire and if they want to go to the other life then who are we to stop them.It will end in tears and we in the west wont win the battle.
bogtrott, I agree with you. If not a nuke, something equally capable of mass killing. But I am sure that if the BBC survives they will put on an edition of Question Time with an audience sympathetic to the killers – just as they did after 9/11.
David Cameron is going to make a statement about the murder of Alan Henning at 9.30am. Anyone willing to bet against him saying that it has Nothing To Do With Islam? Anyone?
Heard Farooq Siddique on R5L arguing that these beheadings are so far removed from Islam that, not only should the media not refer to The Islamic State, but nor should they call their followers jihadists because that might make people think it had something to do with Islam… Apparently, there is nothing in the Koran to justify beheadings. Of course, all this is swallowed whole by the presenter with no question.
Most worryingly, this is the guy who used to be in charge of the “Prevent” strategy. “A former senior government adviser on tackling radicalisation and extremism has defended the right of British Muslims to travel to Syria and fight.
Britons were free to join the Israeli Defence Force and return to the UK without censure, while those taking up arms against what they viewed as a tyrannical dictator, Assad, face arrest …
…. hmmm ….. how many ex IDF (which is on the front line against
fanatical Islamic mass murderers, whose aim is to exterminate, to enact a second holocaust)
… come home, or go to any city, to maim, mass murder, behead, blow up trains, buses etc?.
A lame brain statement, there is no equivalence, so vacuous, it is a no brainer.
… which only shows the disturbing muslim penchant,(mandated by Islamic text), for blaming Jewish people for everything.
Another do gooder who believed the Fascists lies about Islam is killed by them.
The BBC wheel on several Muslim apologists one of which actually blamed the British government !
The verse from the Qur’an which supports the killing is surprising one trotted out with depressing regularity, but only ever quoted in part:
5:32 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.”
So the British are bombing the ISIS troops – murdering them and spreading mischief in the land, and so as revenge the hostages are killed.
The very verse Islamic apologists use to defend it actually incites the faithful to murder!
The following verse 5:33 reiterates this:
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
In other words the killing of a member of a group who is waging war against Muslims is indeed following the Qur’an.
Then there is the law of retaliation or revenge taking:
5:45 And We ordained therein for them: Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it shall be for him an expiation. And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers . . .).
So the killing of Alan Henning is perfectly in accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an, and wholly Islamic in every way.
“We are concerned that parents are objecting to elements of the equality and diversity agenda which forms part of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum”.
Double speak for we are concerned that parents are pissed off with us for pandering to minorities (Muslims) and trying to brainwash our children into thinking that all is fine with that.
I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick with this story, unsurprising given the BBC way of never ever blaming Muslims for anything !
The parents resisting equality and ‘diversity’ are Muslims !
No one likes it white brown or yellow, and we all know that multiculturalism that Marxist dream of a way out of a failed integration police is another progressive failure.
What the Fascist left have achieved with the utopian dream is a set of ghettos where cultures and even laws are different, and attempts to force compliance are resisted.
“Sally Taylor, from the council said: “We are concerned that parents are objecting to elements of the equality and diversity agenda which forms part of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum.”
She said it was not acceptable for parents to “pick and chose between aspects of this agenda”. ”
Yes its not clear from Al Beeb report which parents are objecting to what elements of equality and diversity
Is it knuckle dragging EDL types that are resisting having their children’s noses rubbed in diversity? Or is the vibrant practitioners of the religion of peace that objects to women’s equality and sexual diversity?
BBC is still, trotting out bits of, the “100 Imams” vid ad nauseum this morning, there may be an factual objective report out there
… but not on the BBC
Mark Steyn … Belated Alarums
“Facing Islamism are cowardly wimps. By “cowardly wimps”, I suppose Mr Fatah has in mind chaps like David Cameron, whose instant, reflexive, need whenever one of his fellow Britons get decapitated, to hail Islam as “a religion of peace” is beginning to come across like a bad case of multiculti Tourette’s”
Heya i’m for the first time here. I found this board and I find It really useful & it
helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and
help others like you helped me.
“INSTANT VIEW: It’s Kristallnacht; execute the terrorists.”
“First up, do not, NOT, blame our fellow Muslim citizens in Western countries. But, and BUT, there has been far too much from certain mosques and Leftist groups (the BBC, the Guardian and the New York Times etc, who have been part of this), legitimising Islamist terrorism. ”
“Dateline London” again with a panel not representing the full spectrum of voices.
Esler referred to China and Russia at the UN. He mentioned that neither would vote for intervening in the affairs of other states (ergo. there would be no UN resolution on full military actions in Syria). I’m not sure why Esler’s ears have not heard about Russia in Ukraine. Stupid man.
I don’t think I’ve seen a link to this recent article on what happens when BBC licence non-payers (hardly dodging as they are at home) reach the courts.
It raises a lot of issues such as to whether TV access is a right or a luxury. With the two thirds of poorly paid workers about to be squeezed even more on benefits, one assumes more will default. there are no easy answers but the BBC can’t really continue with a revenue raising method that was OK when George VI was king but has outlived its time.
So many people “apologising unreservedly”. This is the British disease. It is why nothing changes. “I’m terribly sorry m’lud.” Nobody should apologise for this, especially not those struggling to pay the bills.
Also, it’s a shame the Guardian uses this otherwise very worthy article to bang on about the “bedroom tax” which isn’t a tax.
Just picked up the BBC report on Henings home town. Everyone likes the muslims, no one wants to see a backlash. Pass the sick bag. Cue to Cameron to squash any anti Islamic views. Its the muslims who need our sympathy
We don’t get to know who these ‘cabdrivers’ are, whether they are muslim or not. I can imagine if they are not and there may not be many, then ‘too upset’ is a BBC weasly way to put it. If they are muslim and I imagine there quite a lot, it will be impossible to find out what they really think. They will probably not speak the truth.
Obama who said ‘this is not a war of civilisations’ is wrong again. It is, and we have just seen another attack on ours by murdering barbarians. The leader of IS has said it is a religious war. Note what they say, see what they do.
Does any contributor/reader of this site personally know anyone who thinks that mass immigration has brought anything but anxiety ,fear and misery to our country? Let alone the cost of having these aliens living in our midst. I don’t! And I bet that people who do believe that mass immigration has been of benefit are well off and live far away from immigration hot spots.
The BBC is doing what the liberal left expect of it and trying hard to keep the lid on the simmering resentment of the indigenous population as they see their country being steadily overrun and their needs and fears being ignored. The BBC daily uses the following to try and keep things under control:
>suppression and distortion of news that exemplifies community ( racial) tensions
> telling outright lies in support of the above
> vilification of anyone who speaks the truth about immigration
> non stop propaganda to undermine British identity and heritage
Millions of people who now live here despise British culture and institutions and some of them are determined to impose their will on us. These radicals are actively or tacitly supported by many more in their communities than the left and the BBC will ever admit to. Resentment and hatred are growing on both sides.
The left have caused this problem and they know it is all going horribly wrong but can’t admit that to us. So they just bury their heads deeper in the sand and hope that time will solve the problem for them. Well it is very unlikely that it will and it would be much better to admit that we have a fundamental problem in our country and start working how to deal with that reality with the minimum pain to all involved. Otherwise there will be a spark and the resentment on both sides will explode.
One big problem with politics/politicians over the past 25/30 years; is making decisions of huge magnitude but not alerting the public that they have been made. Examples:
1) Major, not asking us if we wanted to be a part/join of the EU (Maastrict treaty) with all that entails.
2) Brown spending commitments under PFI, that amounted to a £200B undeclared debt.
3) Allowing mass immigration and never asking the public, started under Major and greatly expanded by Labour.
4) Mass infiltration of lefties into positions of power,
We are definitely the Mushroom nation ( Darkness and Bullshit), the citizens do not take enough interest into what these bastards do and how they do it.
To borrow a phrase its called “Rotherham Syndrome”.
Just like Rotherham its important for “community cohesion”. Suppress information, deny fact, humiliate complainants and vilify their claims.
The “establishment” see peace as the most important factor. The fact that there are casualties amongst the peasants is small price to pay for peace.
In 20 years another high and mighty official from the establishment will launch an enquiry into what when wrong. They will report all the wrong doing and officialdom will do lots of hand-wringing and lots of sorry this and sorry that and lessons learned……………………
There is nothing accidental in any of this. This country is run purely for the benefit of the establishment. When the establishment’s way of life is threatened then they will mobilise the peasants to fight and die for them again whilst they direct proceedings from their armchairs. If you have any doubt about this visit the history of WW1 exactly a hundred years gone.
On the BBC News, more clips of “100 imams”
onto D Cam-imam …
” Muslim friends at this special time of Eid ” etc., as part of the A Hemming press conference
The BBC then role out the MCB s very own …
Iqbal Sacranie , who bleats about the message of Islam that ISIS misunderstands …… this from the man that famously stated,
for Salman Rushdie
“Death, perhaps, is a bit too easy for him, his mind must be tormented for the rest of his life”.
so that, one can assume, must be the, “real” message of Islam?
MCB, that is the same MCB that responded to Prime Minister Cameron’s recent comments on radicalisation,
“the Muslim Council of Britain said in a statement,
‘This narrative will only add fuel to an already charged and Islamophobic? atmosphere’
on we go with more MCB-BC airtime, with another interview
One can only assume, those at the BBC have short memories.
I cannot believe that it is only the BBC behind this manipulation of the tragic death of a British hostage. Downing Street must be informing the BBC how to cover it. Next stage will be a clamp down by the government on those who are reacting in an islamophobic manner.
BBC News – Home:
“UK should’ve done more for Henning” BBC stirs the pot
As if hyping up UK Muslim sentiments about Henning wasn’t selective enough the BBC is now quoting Henning’s brother and using it as the headline.
Well BBC: not enough was done because thanks to your anti-war coverage over 10 years the public has been brainwashed to dislike interventionist policies.
The lack of help given to British hostages is a direct result of your underhanded reporting which led populist politics man: Ed Miliband to support Lib Dems, last year, in thwarting action in Syria.
Now the BBC wants to make Cameron appear cowardly/inconsiderate.
why no appeals,no vigils,no ribbons tied around trees from the muslim commnity for the british journalist john cantlie who is being held hostage by isil,
Yes, there seems to be a rather unpleasant subtext from the BBC that Henning was more deserving of “Islamic mercy” than other murdered hostages. Muslim thinking does not seem to
extend much beyond blind loyalty to family and faith, observance of ritual and taboo, and obedience to the village headman or “community leader” in modern BBC parlance. I have often wondered who these influential “community leaders” might be. It’s not really surprising that a Muslim with this worldview would see ISIS as true proponents of the faith as they are stricter observers of the faith. A pious Muslim living in what is essentially a backward Muslim rural enclave in Britain is going to feel more loyalty to his coreligionists than to godless Westeners.
I dunno. If someone was beheading hostages in the name of my religion, then yes, I would be protesting and going on marches. And I believe there are some opinion polls which show a shockingly large number of UK muslims tacitly support ISIS actions.
But he was a guy who ’embraced’ the ideals and narrative of the BBC’s multicultural Britain.
It would not be possible to be more Islam embracing than the unfortunate Hennings.
And what happened to him? Bloody awful and disgraceful to the human race.
I had no faith in the appeals from the Muslim community here to spare him. Empty and cheap words to preserve and continue their own stranglehold on Britain via Political Correctness supported by the BBC and all Government institutions.
Should not the Border Agency also try to stop white naive British people such as Henning from heading off to these areas of terrible and vile retribution? It would perhaps save the lives of British servicemen ordered to try and rescue them?
British servicemen have been inflicted upon for far too long by politicians fighting from their Westminster armchairs.
until we wake up that its a war them or us we will be on the losing side of the argument.
The only way is to exterminate them before they do the same to us.
It is natural that people do not want to believe that there are evil people in the world and this reality is very difficult to grasp. But the BBC is making the world a more dangerous place by pretending that evil doesn’t exist and what is far worse giving evil people justifications for their actions with amongst other reasons blaming their treatment on what British society is doing to them or British foreign policy. eg ( It was even permissible for a university Professor Prof Ted Honderich to call for “civil disobedience ” as the only solution in changing pro Israel and American British foreign policy after a particularly nasty documentary ( Channel 5) BTW Ofsted ruled that Professor Honderich only meant it in a “metaphorical sense”)
Pretence on existences, or not, is one thing; active social meddling is another.
I have never understood how what certain politicians and media promote is deemed ‘diversity’ when it seems anything but.
Having lived and worked around the world, I have been privileged to enjoy true inter-cultural diversity practiced and where differences are respected and celebrated. It is only where one group decide it’s their way or no way and start imposing that the authorities got involved, with the support of the majority.
What we have with successive recent UK administrations, pushed by over-dominant state media and influential-beyond-representation media such as the Guardian, is a determination to create an impossible homogenous happy whole by whacking every peg through the demands of the smallest hole.
You mix every tube in the box on the palette, what you get to paint with is one shade of shit.
As to Prof Ted, that OFCOM joins the Newspeak trend excusing nasty advocacy they happen to like away with such terms is risible, joining BBC classics such as ‘Islamic Benediction’, ‘truthiness’ and ‘news by one person’s interpretation’.
“we will find many men and women in our communities who will sympathize with groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS”
“Aside from the legal conditions necessary to declare someone outside the fold of Islam – sorry, President Barack Obama does not suffice – we cannot deny that groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are part of Islam.”
“What we need is not the pacification of Islam vis a vis campaigns and rhetoric that are antithetical to our tradition and propel Jihad as only and primarily an internal struggle. ”
Pacification of Islam? seems to me that this is an admission that Islam is indeed a violent religion which sees peace as an alien concept.
On nearly every occasion open to them the Fascist left gets it completely & utterly wrong!
“Progressive” “thinking” has led to some of the most egregious human rights abuses in history. I wonder how many readers are aware that Eugenics was a progressive ideal back in the 1920s and I think we all know where that led.
It seems to have been forgotten or overlooked, the stance the deluded left took over Jihadis travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
In discussions about jihadists, many say “it is not illegal to fight in Syria”, justifying this assertion by comparing it to the Britons who fought in the Spanish Civil War in the late Thirties. George Monbiot did just this in a Guardian article this year.
In fact the Grauniad lauded those who went to fight Jihad in Syria, criticising the British government for making it a crime. Of course the BBC followed this line.
“Last week a British man who called himself Abu Suleiman al-Britani drove a truck full of explosives into the gate of Halab prison in Aleppo. The explosion, in which he died, allowed rebel fighters to swarm into the jail and release 300 prisoners. Was it terrorism or was it heroism? ”
I sure most people reading this will find the above absolutely sickening – naïve beyond belief, the product of a mind which has lost the ability to see anything bad about Islam what so ever, and still less to give voice to those criticisms.
This was the mainstream fascist left view not very long ago, the article in the Guardian was dated 10 February 2014, and I can remember several broadcasts on Radio 4 where they tried to equate ISIS jihadis with those who fought in the Spanish civil war.
How short memories are, it’s up to us to remember & remind the looney left of their idiocy and how quickly their views change when reality shows them to be wrong. The problem comes when they have the position in power to act on their madness, and then its us who have to pick up the pieces whilst they go round in a state of denial !
Could be a difficult for BBCs moral and religious flagship – Sunday Morning Live today?
With recent … “moral and religious” events of the past few days.
After 4 recent Islamic beheadings, and the sad demise of A Hemming, only this week, along with recent Islamic slaughters both here and in Oklahoma … by the Islamic State, and furore by adherents here that is not indeed Islamic etc.
well no sorry folks ……. the big religious question around is
is going to space, a waste of time?
I have just watched that odious Andrew marr (only on and off as I cannot take the whole programme without being physically sick)……I see they had the usual bbbc agenda. They are obviously still smarting from the pro UK vote at the Scottish referendum and cannot resist making negative comments about anything that is remotely centrist or even slightly right wing. Thankfully UKIP (their sworn enemy) didn’t get too much of a mention this week but they still make it obvious that they are the sworn enemy.
I cannot be alone in noticing this stuff. Together with the unwatchable Newsnight (which has become almost a ‘non-programme’) and the ‘This Week’ programme. I cannot think of a serious political discussion programme that the bbbc now has to offer. Of course there is that programme that they also broadcast after marr on a Sunday which is just another mouthpiece for any minority talking head….Sunday politics or Sunday live whatever they have named it.
One has to ask the question ‘Who are these programmes broadcast to? What audience do the bbbc think they have out there? Or, probably they don’t care as they are on their own political agenda I don’t know anyone who can take them seriously.
Why do we have to suffer this anti English,anti British, anti UK, pro EU, anti anything of traditional value, left wing fascist output. If they want to carry on let them but don’t make me pay a licence fee. Better still just close them down on Monday…..The money saved could probably wipe out the national debt!!!
UKIP seems to be a singular obsession with the bbc, and an itch they cannot resist scratching.
After Carswell, Reckless and the respective conference bubble bath that few outside Westminster and its media remoras registered much less cared about, I figured they’d be allowed to settle into that special place reserved for those who are not the LabCon system that serves their interests more.
But no.
I actually look forward to Mock the Week, as the brain power and wit is usually at a high calibre, except when those with an axe to grind let lose to the cheap seats.
Even my wife, not the most political of persons, noted that the ‘humour’ was not very funny, and pretty much targeted anywhere but Labour.
Given the source material Ed, Ed & Anyone in the Shadow Cabinet have provided, that this was ignored in favour of outright anti Con and UKIP trashing was blatant.
There was also at least one ‘joke’ about the party being the exclusive preserve of whites, when anyone with access to information beyond the Gaurdian and restricted Twitter feeds would be aware their membership and hierarchy is a lot more ‘diverse’ than the BBC market rate floor ever has been or will be.
The BBC does seem to be very racist by censoring the fact that two UKIP MEP’s are ethnics, instead all they showed was Carswell or Reckless waving to the Conference audience with the usual ‘sieg heil’ chanting from the BBC comedians, which got a laugh. There was also mention of Tories dressing up in German National Socialist uniforms, which also got a laugh, but they missed out any mention of the British Labour Socialist, Ed Balls, for some reason? Probably because it would not have got a laugh. The impression I got was that neither Hislop or Murton bothered to listen to the Conference, so could not make any jokes about the speakers or intellectual content of the Conference. They probably only watched the Labour Conference.
And INBBC feeds non-Muslim British people the deceit that the Islamic State has nothing
to do with Islam, when, of course, it has everything to do with Islam.
What would one think our National Broadcasters flagship religious affairs programme should be asking in the week when a British charity worker has just had his head chopped off by a British Islamist?
British Aid Workers should be forced to heed Foreign Office Advice before going into War Zones?
Are Muslim countries doing enough to combat the Islamic State?
Is the British Muslim Community doing enough to stop Jihad ism?
Wrong – none of these but:
“Is space exploration a waste of money?”
I find it pretty obvious now that my telly tax is being cowardly wasted by my National Broadcaster on its premier religious affairs programme by not informing us of the real problems facing our country.
Probably they do not want another 95% result like the ‘Multi-culti is not working’ vote they had a few Sunday’s ago.
If the BBC ‘public information’ obligation is unable to be met because the organisation is stuffed to the gunnels with PC, Liberal Lefty cowardly dreamers, then please Media & Sport Committee release them from it and let them go subscription model so we do not have to pay for such insulting indignity.
I think the decision to abolish the licence fee has already been made months ago, the replacement is what is under discussion. The BBC has been told, but is in denial, and the BBC loonies think they can keep the licence fee, as everyone they know wants to pay for it, because it is good value, if you are a rich lefty. Even so the BBC loonies seem to be aware that a subscription would be disastrous, because the poor and people who do not want to be forced by law to subscribe to a left-wing Broadcaster when subscribing to less biased digital services such as Sky.
People are not forced by law to pay for the Guardian, just because they want to buy the Daily Mail.
What’s in a name? BBC R4 Sunday religious programme today had interviewer and interviewee referring to the ‘so called Islamic State’ and Giles Fraser saying that the whole Sunni Shia thing was about politics not theology. Fraser’s faith might be more about politics than theology but are there many useful idiots left to fall for the line that Islam is innocent of everything at all times and in all places and in every situation?
Imam Fraser clearly able to distil a thousand years of Sunni-Shia hatreds and traditions into a spat between those who`d open the mosque to Occupy…or those who will open the minarets to selfsame Occupy, once the “nuances of the djinns on Salman Rushdies tie pin”has been resolved !
Tell you though, whose doors are not being opened to Richard Reids chemistry class practicals. or to carving balsa wood copies of Lee Rigbys martyrdom with Stanley knives…those of Imam Giles, who is happy enough to hide in the BBC Green Room when he ought to be on his knees in repentance in Canterbury…with a fetching orange jump suit nearby which illustrates his commitment to multifaith intra-Islamic dialectic.
The liberal , and Giles Fraser is a typical example is in deep trouble.
Isis adherents are quite clear as to their motivation. Only a fool would ignore their continual emphasis on what drives the desire for a caliphate.
The liberal is such a fool. it is probably easier to reason with Isis than with liberals. The Western liberal has abandoned reality in favour of fairy tales told to him by other deluded liberals. We will soon reach the stage where for the safety of our families and our country we must prevent the liberal from exercising power. The stakes are just too high now.
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The Tories have now decided that they want to withdraw from the European Human Rights Act – well perhaps – maybe ………
It seems that it’s yet another lie where they attempt to negotiate a change so that they can ignore the judgements as & when it suits them to do so.
Of course there isn’t a chance that this will or even can be allowed, so they will have to come out which they claim they can do by the terms of the treaty.
A question is asked on the Radio 4 today program by Humphries in the usual sneering mocking style, that the rest of Europe has to follow it what’s so different about them. Neither of them seemed to know that the legal systems of Europe are very different to that of the UK.
In the UK we use a system of precedent, where previous legal decisions influence and affect those in the future. So one bad decision can mean it cascades down into all future cases, until and unless Parliament changes it.
On the continent they have no precedent law, each case is discrete and a decision of a higher court does not filter down to affect the rest.
Personally I believe the European system is better, as it prevents unelected judges from making laws, or from frustrating the will of Parliament.
It is shocking that a senior MP and a senior BBC interviewer are not aware of the differences between Europe and the UK. The decisions made in the ECtHR affect the UK far more than they do in Europe and thanks to the way Tony BLiar implemented the act the UK Parliament do not have the power to change what it regards as unreasonable or bad decisions, whereas the rest of Europe can simply ignore them
Beeboids’ chum Ms S. Chakrabarti must surely be imminent to lecture British people on how we should:
-support the jihadists’ rights of Guantanamo,
-suppport unelected ECHR to dictate U.K. laws,
-and not criticise the Islamic State’s fascist elimination of all human rights.
Why suddenly so gobshite , on “Uman” rights?
Why not as militant on Europe itself?
Must be an election in the not to distant future?
No10 obviously needs a bigger “fag packet” …
soon be baby kissing time.
On Chukkibutti, she might have to find elbow room with Al BBCs fave pontificating Pakistani pixie, Mr Begg, he was was on BBC news again this morning, lots of the same old narrative too,
There has to be an Al BBC … “special” on the cards
pretty soon.
Chakrabarti was on The Daily Politics yesterday showing how much she cares about human rights and freedom of speech by sneering, jabbing her finger, waving her arms about and shouting over every comment she disagreed with.
Perhaps she should cover her face, wear the burka to demonstrate a woman’s right to choose , and perhaps we would not see her sneers and facial expressions which are so important to her style of argument.
Don t know whether it was intentional, but I must admit her hair cut does all look a bit “Adolf” …
only needs the little moustache,
could she grow one?
At least we know what Hitlers love child might look like, had he done his business(albeit with one ball!) with a Thai ladyboy.
“I `ate you Butler!” being her motto on the old school crest eh?
I did think that the presenter Jo Coburn should have told her to be quiet or perhaps switched her off at the mains. She is a really unpleasant person with a short fuse that her opponents should light more often and see her blow up on TV.
All her race are like her, shouty and arrogant, inbetween cheating and stealing from the taxpayer….
Racist comments like this discredit this site. There are plenty of good reasons to criticise Chakrabatti’s politics but casting blanket smears against those with brown skin just makes you and your 14 upvoters look like pillocks.
Ok just the child-raping fast-food running unlicensed taxi drivers. Lets give the rest of the 7th century-worshipping savages a free pass. Chilli, just too pat with your “waycist-smear” first line, doesn’t wash. White middle class left wing prick ring any bells for you?
“Racist comments like this discredit this site.”
You seem to have made a mistake. Racism is spelt with a “W” on this site. Unless of course the victim is White or Jewish; then, and only then, does it become a serious problem.
But never mind, because; “racism is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is an essential part of developing and sustaining any culture and society” [Alan, June 24, 2012]
Racism is natural & essential. Don’t you get it yet?
“Chakrabarti was on The Daily Politics yesterday showing how much she cares about human rights and freedom of speech by sneering, jabbing her finger, waving her arms about and shouting over every comment she disagreed with.”
I watched the clip and apart from Chakrabarti waving her arms about when she spoke (oh the horror) everything else in your account is entirely false. She didn’t “shout over every comment”. She didn’t “jab her finger”.
The BBC host directed every single question towards Douglas Murray.
The caption “Douglas Murray, Associate Director, Henry Jackson Society” appeared twice on screen. There was no cation for Shami Chakrabarti.
Douglas Murray got to speak for three and a half minutes.
Shami Chakrabarti got to speak for one and a half minutes.
Remind me again in which direction you think the bbc is biased?
Dez, you should have gone to Specsavers!
yes, they’ve gone ape shit. I see they dragging up the Guildford 4 again and using them as a `hint hint`. there will be more.
stand by for a deluge of editorial opposition to change across tv, radio, news, current affairs, magazine programmes and `culture` shows.
As Thoughtful notes Humphrys interposed his usual sneering self between the Conservative protagonists on this. Consider, for a moment, his attitude were Labour to propose a similar policy. Of course (and setting logistics aside), the massive self-importance of the BBC meant that the spokesmen of the opposing sides were not in, or contactable from, the studio simultaneously. Accordingly, Humphrys had to be the interlocutor for 2 conversations 1 hour apart.
Thus we were prevented from hearing a balanced discussion but had to hear Humphrys’s meagre understanding of both the British constitution and the practice of Common Law ruin what could have been enlightening. This was a typical example of the Humphrys “I’m ignorant, me” style of interviewing which deliberately obfuscates the subject under review by repeated questions on parts of the subject which have been satisfactorily explained (eg that we don’t have a written constitution set down on one piece of sacred paper). God forbid that the little people listening be properly informed. On the BBC, everything must revolve around the BBC’s chosen position (in this case involving knee-jerk anti-Conservatism) and perforce has to be viewed through the dark lens of BBC bias.
Has anyone else notice that the sports headlines on Today have become increasingly less about sport and more about the BBC’s favoured causes?
Case in point: this morning at 8:30. The first two items, collectively taking up probably 80% of the bulletin, were:
1) Not enough black football managers
2) Women claiming discrimination because the World Cup in Canada is being played on synthetic surfaces and the men don’t have to
Memo to BBC. No-one outside your bubble gives a sh*t. Just give us the f-ing results.
As if football teams don’t want the best managers irrespective of ethnicity. Success isn’t just a function of pleasing the fans, it translates into profits. Choosing a crap manager because he happens to be black or Pakistani costs both financially and reputationally. I notice that no-one who disagreed with this notion of “ethnically correct” managership was allowed near the microphone. Moreover, no-one suggested that the “over-representation” of black footballers in the Premier (and other) leagues is discriminatory. No-one asked when we over-70s are going to be represented in the Spurs first team?
No-one asked when we over-70s are going to be represented in the Spurs first team?
The way Spurs play I would have thought they were already utilising pensioners … ;p
There is ageism against young managers as well as old players, and I don’t think a single woman has ever been a player in the World Cup finals. And the hypocrites at the BBC, discriminate against pure Afro-Blacks, Children, Women in Burqas as well as intelligent white people (without arts and drama qualifications) when it comes to appointing senior management.
But I have also noticed that UKIP women are older and more experienced and principled than the Cameron cuties and Blair/Miliband babes. Cameron cuties are all younger than Cameron, and joined the Tory party only because Cameron offered them a safe seat, while the best Tory women are in local Government, but older than Cameron. Therefore you can understand why Cameron has contempt for these ladies, its called ageism.
If it ain’t got a “phobia” or “Ism” in it, it just ain’t worth talking about on the Beeb.
The BBC will always fail to get PC into the world of sport for one very important reason.
In every other area of life currently dominated by PC rules, they do not do anything.
In media, like journalism. They don’t do anything. They are there for when you stop doing what you do so they can tell you what other people who do something have done, when you were too busy doing things to notice what they were doing. If jounalists do not perform well, who the hell notices? Filling journalism with PC quotas makes no difference to the outcome of their “product”.
In entertainment, Actors do not do anything. they act. They are pretending to do things that someone else made up. Filling entertainment with PC quotas will make no difference to the outcome of their “product”.
In Sport they do something that is actually measurable. Race, gender, religion are irrelevant to the outcome. The starting gun and finish line do not care what colour the athelete’s skin is. The table and net and ball and bats do not care what race the table-tennis players are. The ball and the pitch and the goal do not care what colour the footballers are. The perfomance is measured against their competitors and the one, or team, who performs best wins. PC attitudes do not matter a jot!
The idea that there are not enough black football managers is ridiculous. RACE DOES NOT MATTER IN SPORT.
I do notice that they do not complain that there are not enough black sprinters in atheletics, but then, there are no “PC” quota’s there either are there?
Leave PC out of sport!
Womens hour about 30 minutes in decided to interview a Muslim woman about ‘Islamophobia’, how it was and how it is now. It was filled with the usual lies and half truths. Consisting mainly of this womans fears and not actual facts, it mislead listeners into believing that Muslim women in London are in imminent danger every time they step outside their front door.
We heard the lie repeated that after the beheading of Lee Rigby there had been a rise in attacks against Muslims. This one claimed someone had let her tyres down and written ‘go home’ on the windscreen. I’m pretty sure that there was no attempt to corroborate the story or to check with the Police as to the veracity of the story at all.
There’s no way the BBC would ever run a story of a white woman living in a Muslim area and the very real racism which she and her family have to suffer every day.
This is of course real racism, and the BBC is a racist organisation in the way it ignores what is being done to white people whilst blowing out of all proportion the tiny amount done to their favourite brown eyed boys.
“someone had let her tyres down and written ‘go home’ on the windscreen. ”
It’s quite possible that it did actually happen but the Muslim community and the BBC need to get a sense of proportion. The correct response IMO would be “what do you seriously expect?”
Hardly a day goes by without some whining Muslim on the TV and, frankly, I don’t give a FF.
I was just coming on line myself, Thoughtful, to report the same interview. This is just the day befe Yom Kippur and it may have been appropriate to raise the issue of the huge rise in anti Semitic attacks in the UK. Last week was Rosh Hashonnah and it was the second day of that festival that Hamas had planned a huge attack on Israelis getting the terrorists into Israel using the tunnels. I had feared that because those plans had failed that there may be a major attack in a Jewish area of the UK. I therefore instructed my son to travel last Friday night by taxi (although worried about Muslim taxi drivers) and told him not to wear his kippa (yarmulke) on the street. I was not worried about attacks from the far right.
But this item about anti-Muslim attacks followed an item on the Ebola epidemic. Jenny Murray couldn’t resist asking whether UK government cuts were to blame (I thought the money had been ring fenced). The interviewed lady neatly sidestepped giving an answer but I couldn’t help asking myself whether the UK was really responsible for the health of all African children.
Not BBC bias but I am sure if the BBC notices the report they will make the most of it. The Telegraph reports about the number of homes with empty bedrooms (mainly in the rural areas) but the inner cities and that the burden of the overcrowding is ‘disproportionate on the ethnic minorities’ and highlights the Bagladeshi communities of Tower Hamlets and Newham in London. Now why would that be?
If they think they are overcrowded they can always leave , the country I mean. In fact rather than waste money building more homes , infrastructure etc etc , because of the pressure of mass immigration, which we were never consulted about , why not put the money to much better use and pay for their one way tickets.
I live in a rural community and have a number of unused but not ’empty’ bedrooms in my house. The house I worked long hours and multiple jobs to buy, the house I have because of the hard work I did and the sacrifices I made.
If others think they should have the same then work as hard and make the same sacrifices. Otherwise put up with what you have!
’imminent danger every time they step outside their front door.’
The BBC is not alone in its use, and the police and authorities bear a large part of the blame, but in the wonderful world of semantics, whilst ‘attack’ may be sort of accurate, it renders the word meaningless for when it could be used more appropriately.
For instance a gang of drunk girls setting upon another and pulling her hair out. Or the use of battery acid as some sort of non-denominational benediction.
Sadly all women, and men, and children, in many areas do seem to be justified in a certain caution, regardless of race, creed or faith. But the BBC’s cubicle gardens seem overstocked with those more empathetic to some over others.
Speaking of follow up, or lack of, has there been any further news about the poor Saudi girl murdered, which seemed to garner a lot of attention? Then, as can be the way, didn’t.
Woman’s Hour broadcast on the day that 15 people were murdered by homicide bombers in a bus explosion in Israel there was a “discussion” as to why Palestinian children want to become suicide bombers. It was quite incredible that Woman’s Hour did not mention that Palestinian Authority TV programmes and education was the cause. What was more outrageous was that the BBC contributed themselves to the hatred by justifying murder. It seems that they continue to support murderers by making them out to be the victims.
It’s because to the BBC (and most other left-leaning msm) Jews don’t count. The only time they are ever mentioned is to denigrate, undermine or belittle them. As someone who has recently toiled through both volumes of Mein Kampf (believe me, a turgid trudge all the way to the end) I weep for the dangerous ignorance of our msm when it comes to reporting on Israel and the all-pervasive anti-Israel bias which is so common across so many broadcasters.
The hatred and bile – all of it undisguised, all of it plainly on show – in Hitler’s risible tome (written in the 1920s, don’t forget, so it’s not as if anyone at the time couldn’t claim not have ample forewarning of maniac’s full intent towards Europe’s Jewish populations) is a warning to us all today about the ease with which casual anti-semitism can easily become not just the norm, but something far more dangerous.
Mein Kampf was an international best-seller in its day, making Hitler a multimillionaire in his own right (without needing to plunder the wealth of the Jews, for instance – which he and his criminal cronies did, anyway), so it’s shocking to see just how little we all seem to have learned since. The writing was (quite literally) on the wall for the imperiled Jews back in the 20s and 30s and it seems there are malevolent forces at work to this day, determined to stoke the flames of anti-semitism, whilst hiding behind their Pallywood wristbands.
“Mein Kampf was an international best-seller in its day”
I think you need to bring yourself up to date ! Mein Kampf is a best seller now !
check the date on this:
It was a straight lift from an article on the Huffington Post the other day, with the examples of Islamaphobia (sic) provided by the discredited “Tell Mama a Lie” organisation.
The Manchester Evening News is a decidedly left leaning newspaper owned by Mirror Group. It sees fit today to carry an article of Ed Milliband coming to Heywood & Middleton. In case readers don’t know, this is the area where the Rochdale abuse was carried out.
The effects on Labours vote might be catastrophic and the most likely party to benefit is UKIP.
Nigel Farrage has also been in the constituency campaigning which is reported in the MEN.
Here’s the article:
Compare this with what the BBC have on their website, and wonder why it is that they are so incapable of reporting the news as it is happening.
Bookies still have it as a Labour win, but it will be too close for comfort in what should be a safe seat for them.
Wonder why Humphrys is so “bovvered” about the ECHR crapola as spun out by Grayling-and Todays New Bezzie…called Dominic Greive.
I imagine a houseboy or two in the olive groves of the Peloponnese will be banking on Bwana John of the BBC to send a few Euros his way for upkeep of the dacha.
Hence the terrors of Humph, Davis and all other Labour lie-ins like Wor Polly, should UKIP get the Tories out of Europe, and its detestable meddlings and groomings in kiddies homes, prisons and-of course-Childrens TV and its Smiley Miley van…the one with Saviles grundies drying on the leopardskin seat coverings in Wood Lanes old car park.
F.OFF BBC…FOFBEEB being my word of the Day
‘Who are the women who inspire you? Who are those who have changed the world and motivated you to do the same?
This October, the BBC will be once again examining the stories that matter to women all across the globe, but we need your help.
In 2013, we sought to shine a light on life for women in the 21st Century. We hosted a day of events in London and brought together women leaders to discuss the risks, challenges and opportunities they face every day, no matter where they live.’
Let’s get this straight BBC.
I’m not only paying for your journalists to write feminist articles like this one, but I’m also paying for you to host feminist events in London, even though you’re supposed to be non-political?!?
I’m guessing “Margaret Thatcher” isn’t an answer that will get past the filters unscathed.
Or Ayn Rand
how about ayaan hirsi ali?….golda meir?…
It sounds very sexist of the BBC, but as a provisional starter for the BBC’s sexist list. My top ten would include Margaret Thatcher, Melanie Phillips, Donna Laframboise, Margot Parker MEP, Julia Reid MEP, Jane Collins MEP, Louise Bours MEP, Jill Seymour MEP, Janice Atkinson MEP and Diane James MEP.
Or Florence Nightingale
‘A key architect of the NFL’s ‘Rooney Rule’ believes British football “has nothing to lose” by adopting a similar regulation.
The rule requires teams to interview at least one black or minority ethnic candidate for a head coach vacancy.’ –
A totally biased article. They quote a black ex-player who wants to break into management:
“I’ve sent over 30 CV’s of and got two interviews. For me, there’s something wrong there.”
Why? If I applied for 30 jobs and get two interviews, I’d be happy. So would most people.
If he thinks that he’s not getting interviews because of racism (rather than because of his lack of management experience combined with huge competition from other ex-players), then he’s kidding himself.
Always enlightening to see which bandwagon the BBC decides to hitch an impartial ride on.
Sorry, did I say enlightening? I meant predictable.
Typical leftie doublethink.
Discrimination on the basis of somebody’s skin colour is bad. Unless you are discriminating in favour of someone in the basis of their skin colour when they happen to be black or brown. In which case it’s good, nay, desirable – or should that be doubleplusgood?
Can’t say I am surprised that the BBC has found another positively discriminatory tub to thump, but amazed that they have chosen such a weak example.
As pointed out, 2 in 30 is darn good odds for a CV to get a reply. Indeed don’t we usually get treated to tales of woe from moppets sending out thousands with their £27k uni degree in Death to Capitalism attached, and not even a KFC interested for some reason.
Applying does not ensure an interview or job, as anyone interested in a top slot at the BBC might discover. It would be only too typical if asking the BBC to account for this resulted in exemptions they would not accord other sectors in their… ‘reporting’.
Still, at least Labour is there to offer balance:
Seems she didn’t tempt the trade descriptions act with ‘hard-working’ too. Given her place of employment and role, that would be a stretch.
Will white candidate quotas be imposed in the predominantly non-white footballing countries throughout the world?
Of course, white people are a minority ethnic group globally.
This is not scientific, merely a casual observation, but would it not be fair to point out that black players are disproportionately represented in the football league? Should we not do something to even things up for whites and Chinese?
No, I don’t think so either, but that is the level of debate we are being offered here.
Here in France they have just passed a law requiring an ” anonymous CV”. and oh horror of horrors they have now calculated that it will reduce the number of minority candidates called to interview by 50%.
It appears that the minorities are granted a certain indulgence that this new law will render impossible.
So that far from being discriminated against, some people benefit from the fact that people feel sorry for them!
A perfectly worthy human emotion.
” The black population formed around 3.3% of the UK’s population in 2011.”
2 out of 92 football managers are black.
No statistical significance.
Move on.
Why then are nearly 100% of the kids in my local schools here in South London black? Mostly African (staying with relatives is the usual way in to a free education for Commonwealth-resident Africans), the rest West Indian.
What happened to the “97% population are white British”, Arthur? Cat got your tongue? BTW the teachers are 97% white British, in case the question causes your poor understanding of statistical probability to overload.
Can you imagine a situation where young British parents would like their children to grow up in their own culture? Every one I have known locally have simply moved. Nice theory, multiculturalism, shame about the practice.
This was meant to infer racial prejudice from the employment of footballer managers? Who gives a stuff?
Why is he kidding himself? the London fire brigade never employed ethnics until it was forced to change. Institutional racism still exists in pockets. Bit strange not one black manager is in the Premier league but a huge number of players are.
Actually its not that surprising at all. A large proportion of the players in the premiership are foreign and few of them settle here when their careers are finished – mainly because their careers often don’t end after they leave their Premier League team.
7 out of 20 managers are foreigners – not including the Scots 😉 Not black true but if we are talking racist clubs here …
Secondly the vast majority of managers in the premiership are over 50, about four are in their 40’s and one is 35 (Swansea). The oldest I think is nearly 70 (Harry Rednapp). So for the majority their playing careers ended 20 – 40 years ago when foreign players & black players were fewer in number.
Also if you take into account there are 92 teams in the top 4 leagues and two black managers that’s 2% of the current batch. Now what was the black (and I’m not assuming all BEMs here) percentage of the population in the 70’s and 80’s? 1-2%? Seems about right to me especially as football is a business and they want the best people. If there were more black managers of sufficient skill they’d be in employment. As it is the black population of England is still only around 3% it’s still not that far out.
NB No frothing over the numbers now – I’m talking official stats here which don’t, obviously, include illegals in the numbers.
I have recently watched an episode of the BBC series The Secret Life of Books, in which a journalist , unknown to me, called Bidisha reviewed/reappraised Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre was published in 1847.
Bidisha spent quite a lot of the programme examining the book and some other of Charlotte Bronte work, to see what her attitudes to feminism and slavery were. No I kid you not , she really does. She decides that the author was a bit racist and was definitely letting the feminists down very badly. After interviewing several learned folk who gently tried to persuade her that Miss Bronte held views we were mainstream at the time , Bidisha muses that perhaps her she is viewing Bronte through the perspective of her own 21st century politicised prejudices.
This is typical of the left and of the BBC, who give them free rein . They judge everything by the views that they hold at the present time, not even by the current mainstream view , let alone the standards of the time that they are considering. Hence the non stop attacks on the role Britain played in world history from the 18th century onwards and the constant hatred they display towards their, and our country. This of course does a lot of damage when these idiots are allowed to teach history in schools and results in children seeing things through the eyes of the left without any historical perspective at all.
At least Badisha, whoever she is, had the good sense to recognise how silly it was for her to try to judge Miss Bronte by the standards of the 21st century.
Completely agree. What a narrow minded appraisal compared with others in the series. Having watched the truly interesting examination of Mrs Darroway (and listened to the IOT programme on the same book) by Virginia Wolfe I have taken out my wife’s copy and started reading it!
Oh Bidisha.
Who else?-one of those cultural commentators of colour and no merit that populates all manner of BBC cultural shows.
An “author” who`s done nothing, written nothing, produced nothing as far as I can tell…without the excuse of having been tupped by John Lennon.
Alexis Sayle, Bidisha…down the alphabet to Ruby Wax…there is a scale here isn`t there?
Safe.stale thick lefties who use their Masters words…at least Anton Le Vey and Alastair Crowley were open in who THEY served!
The BBC can only dream of such once again, for the moment it has to be Russell Brand , I suppose…
Others hereabouts have pointed out how the BBC do love to echo our politicians in presuming to tell muslims what islam is all about : the ‘religion of peace’
To be fair the BBC – in the form of their (female post-holder replacing) Head of News, James Harding – is far from backward in coming forward about the Catholics and what he thinks their religion ought to be…..
His report has this rather leading question as click bait
‘Is Pope Francis the moderniser progressives hope for?’
I had to smile at this paragraph which subtly puts Harding and his BBC in their place…
‘Although not a Catholic myself, I, like thousands of journalists the world over, was intrigued – and started angling for an interview for the BBC. I began to discuss the possibility with a range of senior figures in the Church and then went to Rome to make the case to Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, that the Pope should consider the BBC, given its audience of 250 million people around the world. Father Lombardi, plainly inundated with such requests, smiled and with some charm left me with the impression that the Pope was having no trouble reaching a global audience.’
Of course, Beeboids (along with Labour and Lib Dems) give their political support to:-
-expanding membership (to include Islamising Turkey) of E.U,
-expanding jurisdiction of European Court of Human Rights.
Melanie Phillips (2012)-
“The prisoner’s dilemma”
“MoD has spent £85m fighting ‘spurious’ ECHR lawsuits, Fallon reveals”
OT, but I thought relevant enough to share as it raised a smile.
Apparently some in PR feel that what they submit to become news often is messed with by subs (the irony of this being in the Graun appeals too) to the extent they do not know why they bother.
Try being a force-funding audience, loves.
‘it’s difficult to take seriously a title that gets wrong the one sentence it tweaked from provided copy’
Or the entire story, on purpose.
A few nifty comments already, pro… and con…
‘It’s annoying to see so many “news” stories now that quote Tweets from random members of the public’
Or, maybe, not so random.
#bbctrending, are your ears burning?
According to BBC WM … M Begg wants his “day in court” and claimed his detention was “unlawful”, “shows a knee jerk reaction”, me, me all about me etc.
The Muslim Council of Britain called for an “urgent investigation”.
The overarching narrative repeated here, community leaders are going to be pulled up (who by? … doesn t say?) for assisting the police?, … the BBC must be “all ears”
Another noticeable addition from the MCB … “whether the current imprecise definition of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ is leading to miscarriages of justice.”
What would be correct then? … any ideas? 😀
“nothing to do with Islam” TM?
Thus making the overly insular deeply problematic Islamic community, more Insular, and one can assume more problematic.
and …
No time to discuss rising numbers of wannabe Islamic mass murderers for Islamic Allah, that want to emulate Islamic Mohamhead, from Islamic families, after reading Islamic texts and watching Islamic websites, that rush to Islamic countries, to join Islamic Jihadis to the Islamic Calliphate, of the Islamic state …
oops nearly forgot … that … “has nothing to do with Islam” TM
I predict the B-BBC will be delighted to play the whining Moazzim Begg ‘maltreatment’ angle for all it is worth – little realising that every time they do so it just annoys ordinary people even more.
Last Word is telling me about some former Head of Mossad (1974-1982) who has died.
Apparently his Mossad crew went after people who “Israel would have regarded as terrorists”.
Black September?…Munich?…Entebbe? Mogadishu and the like?
“Israel regarded their like as terrorists?”…nobody else then?
Typical BBC mealy-mouthed crap to trash Israel…and forty years on, it`s not changed has it?
And-surprisingly enough-his death was NOT reported, Israel is not in Sharon mode?
This seems to be seen as criticism of our departed friend…I`d have thought that being a former head of Mossad, he would NOT want his ashes sent off in a Chinese lantern over a Gaza theme park to the strains of Katy Perrys “Firework”.
Which seems to surprise the BBC….wankers…..FOFFBEEB!
Mike Harari,
I had wondered whatever had become of Fluck and Laws Spitting Image puppets from the 80s.
Clearly Ken Clarkes has been re-animated, with (no doubt) a coming airing of the Lord Heseltines one to come any time soon.
The BBC seem to love their old Spitting Image puppet show don`t they?
If only somebody could figure out what Dominic Grieves looks like…until we do, we`ll be stuck with Jimmy Greaves had he been melded with John Majors empty suit…
The only Tories that the BBC seem to like are the zombie ones from Thatchers time…save for Tebbit and Lawson, who seem to know what the BBC do…and aren`t really allowed onto it…
We don’t need Spitting Image for Miliband, as he already looks as if he’s made of latex.
ISIS Behead Alan Henning, and promise a US hostage will be next.
I do not see any BBC bias in their report, but we can look forward to Cameron and May drawing a net around the so called far right whilst they pander to the Muslim Council of Britain insisting it has nothing to do with Islam.
Cameron reacts to the murder.
“We will do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice.”
Yes Dave, send Knacker from the Yard to apprehend them. Make sure Teresa gets the paper work in order. Meanwhile we await a clampdown to avid a backlash against the good muslims.
Cameron reacts to the murder.
“We will do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice.”
Yes Dave, send Knacker from the Yard to apprehend them. Make sure Teresa gets the paper work in order. Meanwhile we await a clampdown to avoid a backlash against the good muslims.
commiseration with his family
They’ve already had a tame Muslim on 5live telling us that this is nothing to do with Islam, and that this is actually the result of Britain joining the bombing of ISIS which of course we should now withdraw from. No questions asked by the presenter. Didn’t even point out the previous murders were before we joined the fight.
And every time some idiot politician – or their lackeys in the msm – recites the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ line there should be a mandatory reminder that 2+2=5 in this strange new reality. If they say it often enough it will eventually become the truth, I’m sure.
If IS (as in, er, ‘Islamic State’), which is fighting a terrorist war in Islamic countries to create an Islamic Caliphate based on Islamic principles really is “nothing to do with Islam”, then surely the BBC (and Sky News is as bad) would have no need to wheel out a constant procession of Muslims to tell us that IS is “nothing to do with Islam”.
the beheading of alan henning tonight is sad but comes as no surprise,he was a freind of the muslim world but they still beheaded him no matter how much his freinds pleaded to these islamic state retards to save his life.lets not forget there is another british hostage john cantlie,these isis scum dont listen to pleas to save lifes,they hate all non muslims,but i have a worry here,it has already started with the left and the islamists blaming us for alan hennings beheading because of the air strikes we have launched against the isis retards.that is just a cop out as we all know that and they would of beheaded him anyway,but be worried now that the narrative from the bbc will be blaming the west and the us for alan hennings beheading,stephen nolan tonight on his show tried that narrative on that if we did not launch air strikes against the islamist retards alen hennings life might of been saved,that is a false and dangerous narrative that i hope the bbc wont be spinning in the coming days.i fear that wont be the case with the track record of he bbc and radio 5 live.
Self proclaimed Muslims behead another British citizen; INBBC immediately goes to Muslims in UK for response, while British non-Muslims are treated as uninvolved bystanders.
“Full transcript of ISIS video claiming to show beheading of Alan Henning”
For INBBC to censor?:-
“UK Muslim Warns There Will Be More Beheadings on the Streets of Britain”
– See more at:
“British aid worker Alan Henning beheaded by Islamic State… who threatens to kill US war veteran next”
[Excerpt, by Pamela Geller]:-
“Every day. Beheadings every day in the post-American Obama era. The age of the primitive.
“The quran says, ‘When ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks.’ (47:4).
“But no worries, Obama says the Islamic State is not Islamic.
“Obama wants us to become inured to the sabotage terrors of jihad. Savages like them, like him.
“The media condemn and shake their fists at our jihad awareness ads. Oh how they rage against us — but when they report on jihad, they are pragmatic, ‘objective’ almost sympathetic.”
– See more at:
I read responses from everybody on the BBC site. Maybe you should take the blinkers off.
What INBBC is doing in its deference to Islamic propaganda in U.K on Islamic State-
“The New ‘Moderates’: ISIS Fig Leaf for Other Extremists”
by Samuel Westrop.
A non-Beeboid, anti-Islamic jihad comment on latest beheading:-
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Alan Henning thought his work for a Muslim charity would save him from the Islamic State. This is one of the fundamental fallacies of the West’s entire approach to the global jihad. Western analysts and policymakers persist in the delusion that their concessions and acts of kindness will meet with reciprocal acts of kindness from Islamic supremacists and jihadists. This is not, in fact, the case. Instead, they’re just seen as signs of weakness, and regarded with contempt.”
“In new video, Islamic State beheads British aid worker who thought his work for Muslim charity would save him”
Palestinians: We Hate You, Even If You Support Us
One day the penny might finally drop.
The deepest condolences to his family at their time of loss, and to all the families of the many many victims
Will it take long?
Who will it be?, Camoron?, May?, Hammond? maybe Brokenshire?
enlightening us, once again with their expertise in Islam
The Muslim Council Britain, only today …
“ whether the current imprecise definition of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ is leading to miscarriages of justice.”
… Obviously Islamic slaughter, Mandated by Islamic text
… committed by Muslims following said text,
… following example of Islam s so called “Prophet”
… in the name of Islam s so called god,
… needs some redefinition
What would the be correct, “definition” then?
any ideas?
“when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” – (Qur’an 47:4)
Yes its in there … look it up
when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either favour afterwards or ransom [them].”
… maybe its taken out of context?, just what would be a “good context” in which to mandate such action? … and it IS a ruling
any ideas?
cant understand why alan henning got kidnapped in that muslim charity convoy and the 7 british muslim charity workers with him were not touched,cant work that one out.
Well it can’t have anything to do with Islam.
The BBC is trotting out bits of, the “100 Imams” vid ad nauseum this morning on breakfast, some Islamic clever clogs, some Salford imam … nothing yet from the MCB, who want to ….”redefine” … the term Islamic slaughter/terror to something else, in light of their outrage over M Begg..
Yes, Sally Nugent and Roger Johnson, hosting a veritable PR job for islam this morning.
Going live to an imam….i ask you, where to go to for independent views on islam….an imam. ?
Give me strength.
Their review of the papers with the 4th horseman, Urquart Stewart was done without seeing a single front page? Why?
What have those devious bastards covered up?
its said that some of his fellow travellers may have had links or at least sympathy with ISIS. The charity the group belonged to even named an ambulance after a female terrorist who is in prison and who ISIS want released.
Slanderous weed hiding behind the keyboard. Never did anything for anyone unlike Alan.
Putrid trash
the time will come when they get a nuke then watch the sparks fly.
Attack first hit the whole area hard,sorry but pussy footing around them will not work.Fire with fire and if they want to go to the other life then who are we to stop them.It will end in tears and we in the west wont win the battle.
bogtrott, I agree with you. If not a nuke, something equally capable of mass killing. But I am sure that if the BBC survives they will put on an edition of Question Time with an audience sympathetic to the killers – just as they did after 9/11.
David Cameron is going to make a statement about the murder of Alan Henning at 9.30am. Anyone willing to bet against him saying that it has Nothing To Do With Islam? Anyone?
Heard Farooq Siddique on R5L arguing that these beheadings are so far removed from Islam that, not only should the media not refer to The Islamic State, but nor should they call their followers jihadists because that might make people think it had something to do with Islam… Apparently, there is nothing in the Koran to justify beheadings. Of course, all this is swallowed whole by the presenter with no question.
Most worryingly, this is the guy who used to be in charge of the “Prevent” strategy. “A former senior government adviser on tackling radicalisation and extremism has defended the right of British Muslims to travel to Syria and fight.
“As part of a Facebook conversation Siddiqui, 45, defended the right of an individual to be called a martyr if he took up arms against Assad, and questioned whether those who fought against the Syrian president should face arrest upon return to the UK.”
Britons were free to join the Israeli Defence Force and return to the UK without censure, while those taking up arms against what they viewed as a tyrannical dictator, Assad, face arrest …
…. hmmm ….. how many ex IDF (which is on the front line against
fanatical Islamic mass murderers, whose aim is to exterminate, to enact a second holocaust)
… come home, or go to any city, to maim, mass murder, behead, blow up trains, buses etc?.
A lame brain statement, there is no equivalence, so vacuous, it is a no brainer.
… which only shows the disturbing muslim penchant,(mandated by Islamic text), for blaming Jewish people for everything.
‘David Cameron is going to make a statement about the murder of Alan Henning’
Well, BBC news is telling me he’s been on Twitter – and what was that Cameron once said about twitter? Oh yes… Twat!
Another do gooder who believed the Fascists lies about Islam is killed by them.
The BBC wheel on several Muslim apologists one of which actually blamed the British government !
The verse from the Qur’an which supports the killing is surprising one trotted out with depressing regularity, but only ever quoted in part:
5:32 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.”
So the British are bombing the ISIS troops – murdering them and spreading mischief in the land, and so as revenge the hostages are killed.
The very verse Islamic apologists use to defend it actually incites the faithful to murder!
The following verse 5:33 reiterates this:
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
In other words the killing of a member of a group who is waging war against Muslims is indeed following the Qur’an.
Then there is the law of retaliation or revenge taking:
5:45 And We ordained therein for them: Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it shall be for him an expiation. And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers . . .).
So the killing of Alan Henning is perfectly in accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an, and wholly Islamic in every way.
The continuing Trojan Horse saga
“We are concerned that parents are objecting to elements of the equality and diversity agenda which forms part of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum”.
Double speak for we are concerned that parents are pissed off with us for pandering to minorities (Muslims) and trying to brainwash our children into thinking that all is fine with that.
I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick with this story, unsurprising given the BBC way of never ever blaming Muslims for anything !
The parents resisting equality and ‘diversity’ are Muslims !
No one likes it white brown or yellow, and we all know that multiculturalism that Marxist dream of a way out of a failed integration police is another progressive failure.
What the Fascist left have achieved with the utopian dream is a set of ghettos where cultures and even laws are different, and attempts to force compliance are resisted.
“Sally Taylor, from the council said: “We are concerned that parents are objecting to elements of the equality and diversity agenda which forms part of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum.”
She said it was not acceptable for parents to “pick and chose between aspects of this agenda”. ”
Yes its not clear from Al Beeb report which parents are objecting to what elements of equality and diversity
Is it knuckle dragging EDL types that are resisting having their children’s noses rubbed in diversity? Or is the vibrant practitioners of the religion of peace that objects to women’s equality and sexual diversity?
Best check the top trumps rule book
BBC is still, trotting out bits of, the “100 Imams” vid ad nauseum this morning, there may be an factual objective report out there
… but not on the BBC
Mark Steyn … Belated Alarums
“Facing Islamism are cowardly wimps. By “cowardly wimps”, I suppose Mr Fatah has in mind chaps like David Cameron, whose instant, reflexive, need whenever one of his fellow Britons get decapitated, to hail Islam as “a religion of peace” is beginning to come across like a bad case of multiculti Tourette’s”
just this issue
Heya i’m for the first time here. I found this board and I find It really useful & it
helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and
help others like you helped me.
4 likes? Blimey, there’s 4 born every minute.
I’m assuming they are bot likes and not real people. It makes life easier that way … 🙂
‘The Commentator’-
“INSTANT VIEW: It’s Kristallnacht; execute the terrorists.”
“First up, do not, NOT, blame our fellow Muslim citizens in Western countries. But, and BUT, there has been far too much from certain mosques and Leftist groups (the BBC, the Guardian and the New York Times etc, who have been part of this), legitimising Islamist terrorism. ”
“Dateline London” again with a panel not representing the full spectrum of voices.
Esler referred to China and Russia at the UN. He mentioned that neither would vote for intervening in the affairs of other states (ergo. there would be no UN resolution on full military actions in Syria). I’m not sure why Esler’s ears have not heard about Russia in Ukraine. Stupid man.
I don’t think I’ve seen a link to this recent article on what happens when BBC licence non-payers (hardly dodging as they are at home) reach the courts.
It raises a lot of issues such as to whether TV access is a right or a luxury. With the two thirds of poorly paid workers about to be squeezed even more on benefits, one assumes more will default. there are no easy answers but the BBC can’t really continue with a revenue raising method that was OK when George VI was king but has outlived its time.
So many people “apologising unreservedly”. This is the British disease. It is why nothing changes. “I’m terribly sorry m’lud.” Nobody should apologise for this, especially not those struggling to pay the bills.
Also, it’s a shame the Guardian uses this otherwise very worthy article to bang on about the “bedroom tax” which isn’t a tax.
Just picked up the BBC report on Henings home town. Everyone likes the muslims, no one wants to see a backlash. Pass the sick bag. Cue to Cameron to squash any anti Islamic views. Its the muslims who need our sympathy
We don’t get to know who these ‘cabdrivers’ are, whether they are muslim or not. I can imagine if they are not and there may not be many, then ‘too upset’ is a BBC weasly way to put it. If they are muslim and I imagine there quite a lot, it will be impossible to find out what they really think. They will probably not speak the truth.
Obama who said ‘this is not a war of civilisations’ is wrong again. It is, and we have just seen another attack on ours by murdering barbarians. The leader of IS has said it is a religious war. Note what they say, see what they do.
I am reminded of an exchange long ago between Neil Kinnock and Militant’s Derek Hatton, which developed along the following lines:
Kinnock (speaking to conference, about Labour): “We’ve got to say what we mean and mean what we say”.
Hatton (about Militant Tendency): “We not only say what we mean and mean what we say, but we DO what we say and we DO what we mean!”
“IS” do what it says in the Qu’ran, taking the book literally.
For INBBC to censor:-
Geert WILDERS on Islamic State
(2 Oct 2014, Dutch Parliament)
6 min video clip, with English subtitles.
Does any contributor/reader of this site personally know anyone who thinks that mass immigration has brought anything but anxiety ,fear and misery to our country? Let alone the cost of having these aliens living in our midst. I don’t! And I bet that people who do believe that mass immigration has been of benefit are well off and live far away from immigration hot spots.
The BBC is doing what the liberal left expect of it and trying hard to keep the lid on the simmering resentment of the indigenous population as they see their country being steadily overrun and their needs and fears being ignored. The BBC daily uses the following to try and keep things under control:
>suppression and distortion of news that exemplifies community ( racial) tensions
> telling outright lies in support of the above
> vilification of anyone who speaks the truth about immigration
> non stop propaganda to undermine British identity and heritage
Millions of people who now live here despise British culture and institutions and some of them are determined to impose their will on us. These radicals are actively or tacitly supported by many more in their communities than the left and the BBC will ever admit to. Resentment and hatred are growing on both sides.
The left have caused this problem and they know it is all going horribly wrong but can’t admit that to us. So they just bury their heads deeper in the sand and hope that time will solve the problem for them. Well it is very unlikely that it will and it would be much better to admit that we have a fundamental problem in our country and start working how to deal with that reality with the minimum pain to all involved. Otherwise there will be a spark and the resentment on both sides will explode.
One big problem with politics/politicians over the past 25/30 years; is making decisions of huge magnitude but not alerting the public that they have been made. Examples:
1) Major, not asking us if we wanted to be a part/join of the EU (Maastrict treaty) with all that entails.
2) Brown spending commitments under PFI, that amounted to a £200B undeclared debt.
3) Allowing mass immigration and never asking the public, started under Major and greatly expanded by Labour.
4) Mass infiltration of lefties into positions of power,
We are definitely the Mushroom nation ( Darkness and Bullshit), the citizens do not take enough interest into what these bastards do and how they do it.
To borrow a phrase its called “Rotherham Syndrome”.
Just like Rotherham its important for “community cohesion”. Suppress information, deny fact, humiliate complainants and vilify their claims.
The “establishment” see peace as the most important factor. The fact that there are casualties amongst the peasants is small price to pay for peace.
In 20 years another high and mighty official from the establishment will launch an enquiry into what when wrong. They will report all the wrong doing and officialdom will do lots of hand-wringing and lots of sorry this and sorry that and lessons learned……………………
There is nothing accidental in any of this. This country is run purely for the benefit of the establishment. When the establishment’s way of life is threatened then they will mobilise the peasants to fight and die for them again whilst they direct proceedings from their armchairs. If you have any doubt about this visit the history of WW1 exactly a hundred years gone.
On the BBC News, more clips of “100 imams”
onto D Cam-imam …
” Muslim friends at this special time of Eid ” etc., as part of the A Hemming press conference
The BBC then role out the MCB s very own …
Iqbal Sacranie , who bleats about the message of Islam that ISIS misunderstands …… this from the man that famously stated,
for Salman Rushdie
“Death, perhaps, is a bit too easy for him, his mind must be tormented for the rest of his life”.
so that, one can assume, must be the, “real” message of Islam?
MCB, that is the same MCB that responded to Prime Minister Cameron’s recent comments on radicalisation,
“the Muslim Council of Britain said in a statement,
‘This narrative will only add fuel to an already charged and Islamophobic? atmosphere’
on we go with more MCB-BC airtime, with another interview
One can only assume, those at the BBC have short memories.
oops nearly forgot … next up
BBC News, a live address from Manchester Central Mosque
from Imam Asim Hussein ya da ya da…
… just relentless
“Islam: The Awful Truth”
I cannot believe that it is only the BBC behind this manipulation of the tragic death of a British hostage. Downing Street must be informing the BBC how to cover it. Next stage will be a clamp down by the government on those who are reacting in an islamophobic manner.
He also condoned suicide bombings in Israel.
BBC News – Home:
“UK should’ve done more for Henning”
BBC stirs the pot
As if hyping up UK Muslim sentiments about Henning wasn’t selective enough the BBC is now quoting Henning’s brother and using it as the headline.
Well BBC: not enough was done because thanks to your anti-war coverage over 10 years the public has been brainwashed to dislike interventionist policies.
The lack of help given to British hostages is a direct result of your underhanded reporting which led populist politics man: Ed Miliband to support Lib Dems, last year, in thwarting action in Syria.
Now the BBC wants to make Cameron appear cowardly/inconsiderate.
Fuck you BBC.
30 minutes later and the BBC changes the headline.
But at least we know what the impartial BBC is really thinking, from its initial focus.
INBBC knows that the Islamic State and its barbaric Islamic jihadists are Muslims,
but it puts out daily propaganda to deny the truth.
why no appeals,no vigils,no ribbons tied around trees from the muslim commnity for the british journalist john cantlie who is being held hostage by isil,
Yes, there seems to be a rather unpleasant subtext from the BBC that Henning was more deserving of “Islamic mercy” than other murdered hostages. Muslim thinking does not seem to
extend much beyond blind loyalty to family and faith, observance of ritual and taboo, and obedience to the village headman or “community leader” in modern BBC parlance. I have often wondered who these influential “community leaders” might be. It’s not really surprising that a Muslim with this worldview would see ISIS as true proponents of the faith as they are stricter observers of the faith. A pious Muslim living in what is essentially a backward Muslim rural enclave in Britain is going to feel more loyalty to his coreligionists than to godless Westeners.
“why no appeals,no vigils,no ribbons tied around trees from the muslim community…”
How many appeals or vigils have you been on stuart? Guess that means you don’t give a shit huh?
I dunno. If someone was beheading hostages in the name of my religion, then yes, I would be protesting and going on marches. And I believe there are some opinion polls which show a shockingly large number of UK muslims tacitly support ISIS actions.
“I dunno. If someone was beheading hostages in the name of my religion, then yes, I would be protesting and going on marches.”
Really? So how many marches did you go on when Christians raped and massacred tens of thousands of Muslims in Bosnia?
“And I believe there are some opinion polls which show a shockingly large number of UK muslims tacitly support ISIS actions.”
Cite please…
How do you know that Chilli is a Christian?
Did you organise one ?
Was Hennings a convert to Islam?
But he was a guy who ’embraced’ the ideals and narrative of the BBC’s multicultural Britain.
It would not be possible to be more Islam embracing than the unfortunate Hennings.
And what happened to him? Bloody awful and disgraceful to the human race.
I had no faith in the appeals from the Muslim community here to spare him. Empty and cheap words to preserve and continue their own stranglehold on Britain via Political Correctness supported by the BBC and all Government institutions.
Should not the Border Agency also try to stop white naive British people such as Henning from heading off to these areas of terrible and vile retribution? It would perhaps save the lives of British servicemen ordered to try and rescue them?
British servicemen have been inflicted upon for far too long by politicians fighting from their Westminster armchairs.
Just my thoughts…
until we wake up that its a war them or us we will be on the losing side of the argument.
The only way is to exterminate them before they do the same to us.
It is natural that people do not want to believe that there are evil people in the world and this reality is very difficult to grasp. But the BBC is making the world a more dangerous place by pretending that evil doesn’t exist and what is far worse giving evil people justifications for their actions with amongst other reasons blaming their treatment on what British society is doing to them or British foreign policy. eg ( It was even permissible for a university Professor Prof Ted Honderich to call for “civil disobedience ” as the only solution in changing pro Israel and American British foreign policy after a particularly nasty documentary ( Channel 5) BTW Ofsted ruled that Professor Honderich only meant it in a “metaphorical sense”)
OOPs! I meant , Offcom .
Pretence on existences, or not, is one thing; active social meddling is another.
I have never understood how what certain politicians and media promote is deemed ‘diversity’ when it seems anything but.
Having lived and worked around the world, I have been privileged to enjoy true inter-cultural diversity practiced and where differences are respected and celebrated. It is only where one group decide it’s their way or no way and start imposing that the authorities got involved, with the support of the majority.
What we have with successive recent UK administrations, pushed by over-dominant state media and influential-beyond-representation media such as the Guardian, is a determination to create an impossible homogenous happy whole by whacking every peg through the demands of the smallest hole.
You mix every tube in the box on the palette, what you get to paint with is one shade of shit.
As to Prof Ted, that OFCOM joins the Newspeak trend excusing nasty advocacy they happen to like away with such terms is risible, joining BBC classics such as ‘Islamic Benediction’, ‘truthiness’ and ‘news by one person’s interpretation’.
1984 is a bit later than predicted, but here.
Why I won’t condemn ISIS by a Muslim woman.
“we will find many men and women in our communities who will sympathize with groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS”
“Aside from the legal conditions necessary to declare someone outside the fold of Islam – sorry, President Barack Obama does not suffice – we cannot deny that groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are part of Islam.”
“What we need is not the pacification of Islam vis a vis campaigns and rhetoric that are antithetical to our tradition and propel Jihad as only and primarily an internal struggle. ”
Pacification of Islam? seems to me that this is an admission that Islam is indeed a violent religion which sees peace as an alien concept.
On nearly every occasion open to them the Fascist left gets it completely & utterly wrong!
“Progressive” “thinking” has led to some of the most egregious human rights abuses in history. I wonder how many readers are aware that Eugenics was a progressive ideal back in the 1920s and I think we all know where that led.
It seems to have been forgotten or overlooked, the stance the deluded left took over Jihadis travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
In discussions about jihadists, many say “it is not illegal to fight in Syria”, justifying this assertion by comparing it to the Britons who fought in the Spanish Civil War in the late Thirties. George Monbiot did just this in a Guardian article this year.
In fact the Grauniad lauded those who went to fight Jihad in Syria, criticising the British government for making it a crime. Of course the BBC followed this line.
“Last week a British man who called himself Abu Suleiman al-Britani drove a truck full of explosives into the gate of Halab prison in Aleppo. The explosion, in which he died, allowed rebel fighters to swarm into the jail and release 300 prisoners. Was it terrorism or was it heroism? ”
I sure most people reading this will find the above absolutely sickening – naïve beyond belief, the product of a mind which has lost the ability to see anything bad about Islam what so ever, and still less to give voice to those criticisms.
This was the mainstream fascist left view not very long ago, the article in the Guardian was dated 10 February 2014, and I can remember several broadcasts on Radio 4 where they tried to equate ISIS jihadis with those who fought in the Spanish civil war.
How short memories are, it’s up to us to remember & remind the looney left of their idiocy and how quickly their views change when reality shows them to be wrong. The problem comes when they have the position in power to act on their madness, and then its us who have to pick up the pieces whilst they go round in a state of denial !
Could be a difficult for BBCs moral and religious flagship – Sunday Morning Live today?
With recent … “moral and religious” events of the past few days.
After 4 recent Islamic beheadings, and the sad demise of A Hemming, only this week, along with recent Islamic slaughters both here and in Oklahoma … by the Islamic State, and furore by adherents here that is not indeed Islamic etc.
well no sorry folks ……. the big religious question around is
is going to space, a waste of time?
………… click! …………….
A waste of time? Not while (some) Muslims believe the earth is flat because the Koran (written in the 7th century) says so.

If the Koran says it is flat then Galileo and those after him must be racists
I have just watched that odious Andrew marr (only on and off as I cannot take the whole programme without being physically sick)……I see they had the usual bbbc agenda. They are obviously still smarting from the pro UK vote at the Scottish referendum and cannot resist making negative comments about anything that is remotely centrist or even slightly right wing. Thankfully UKIP (their sworn enemy) didn’t get too much of a mention this week but they still make it obvious that they are the sworn enemy.
I cannot be alone in noticing this stuff. Together with the unwatchable Newsnight (which has become almost a ‘non-programme’) and the ‘This Week’ programme. I cannot think of a serious political discussion programme that the bbbc now has to offer. Of course there is that programme that they also broadcast after marr on a Sunday which is just another mouthpiece for any minority talking head….Sunday politics or Sunday live whatever they have named it.
One has to ask the question ‘Who are these programmes broadcast to? What audience do the bbbc think they have out there? Or, probably they don’t care as they are on their own political agenda I don’t know anyone who can take them seriously.
Why do we have to suffer this anti English,anti British, anti UK, pro EU, anti anything of traditional value, left wing fascist output. If they want to carry on let them but don’t make me pay a licence fee. Better still just close them down on Monday…..The money saved could probably wipe out the national debt!!!
Excellent post! They can go as far Left as they want and still get paid huge salaries.
UKIP seems to be a singular obsession with the bbc, and an itch they cannot resist scratching.
After Carswell, Reckless and the respective conference bubble bath that few outside Westminster and its media remoras registered much less cared about, I figured they’d be allowed to settle into that special place reserved for those who are not the LabCon system that serves their interests more.
But no.
I actually look forward to Mock the Week, as the brain power and wit is usually at a high calibre, except when those with an axe to grind let lose to the cheap seats.
Even my wife, not the most political of persons, noted that the ‘humour’ was not very funny, and pretty much targeted anywhere but Labour.
Given the source material Ed, Ed & Anyone in the Shadow Cabinet have provided, that this was ignored in favour of outright anti Con and UKIP trashing was blatant.
There was also at least one ‘joke’ about the party being the exclusive preserve of whites, when anyone with access to information beyond the Gaurdian and restricted Twitter feeds would be aware their membership and hierarchy is a lot more ‘diverse’ than the BBC market rate floor ever has been or will be.
The BBC does seem to be very racist by censoring the fact that two UKIP MEP’s are ethnics, instead all they showed was Carswell or Reckless waving to the Conference audience with the usual ‘sieg heil’ chanting from the BBC comedians, which got a laugh. There was also mention of Tories dressing up in German National Socialist uniforms, which also got a laugh, but they missed out any mention of the British Labour Socialist, Ed Balls, for some reason? Probably because it would not have got a laugh. The impression I got was that neither Hislop or Murton bothered to listen to the Conference, so could not make any jokes about the speakers or intellectual content of the Conference. They probably only watched the Labour Conference.
Islamic, Islamic State: growing support from Islamic jihadists globally.
“Global jihadists recognize Islamic State.”
(July, 2014.)
“Alliance from hell:
Al Nusra fighters in Syria want to merge with ISIS – creating united army of fanatics.”
Read more:
“Pakistani Taliban declare allegiance to Islamic State and global jihad” jihadist support Islamic state
And lagging behind ‘Jihadwatch’, in timing and analysis, is INBBC’s (Muslim?) rep,
Shaimaa Khalil, in Islamabad-
“Pakistan Taliban vow support for IS in Syria and Iraq”
And INBBC feeds non-Muslim British people the deceit that the Islamic State has nothing
to do with Islam, when, of course, it has everything to do with Islam.
Sunday Morning Live vote of the week.
What would one think our National Broadcasters flagship religious affairs programme should be asking in the week when a British charity worker has just had his head chopped off by a British Islamist?
British Aid Workers should be forced to heed Foreign Office Advice before going into War Zones?
Are Muslim countries doing enough to combat the Islamic State?
Is the British Muslim Community doing enough to stop Jihad ism?
Wrong – none of these but:
“Is space exploration a waste of money?”
I find it pretty obvious now that my telly tax is being cowardly wasted by my National Broadcaster on its premier religious affairs programme by not informing us of the real problems facing our country.
Probably they do not want another 95% result like the ‘Multi-culti is not working’ vote they had a few Sunday’s ago.
If the BBC ‘public information’ obligation is unable to be met because the organisation is stuffed to the gunnels with PC, Liberal Lefty cowardly dreamers, then please Media & Sport Committee release them from it and let them go subscription model so we do not have to pay for such insulting indignity.
Is it my imagination, or has the site slowed to a crawl again? Also the edit facility seems to have vanished.
It does and the contributors seem to have dwindled to a handful of regulars. I hope its just a temporary hitch as this site is much needed.
One of these idiotic stories that makes me want to punch a BBC journalist – “why short men make better husbands”:
Can you imagine the outcry if the story was “why short women make better wives”?
It was always going to be idiotic, but just how idiotic only is revealed when reading the thing.
If he got paid to write it… well, being the BBC I would not be in the least bit surprised.
Frankly renowned social anthropologist Mrs. Merton may have offered insights of more value.
“MPs consider trashing compulsory BBC licence fee for subscription service”
I think the decision to abolish the licence fee has already been made months ago, the replacement is what is under discussion. The BBC has been told, but is in denial, and the BBC loonies think they can keep the licence fee, as everyone they know wants to pay for it, because it is good value, if you are a rich lefty. Even so the BBC loonies seem to be aware that a subscription would be disastrous, because the poor and people who do not want to be forced by law to subscribe to a left-wing Broadcaster when subscribing to less biased digital services such as Sky.
People are not forced by law to pay for the Guardian, just because they want to buy the Daily Mail.
What’s in a name? BBC R4 Sunday religious programme today had interviewer and interviewee referring to the ‘so called Islamic State’ and Giles Fraser saying that the whole Sunni Shia thing was about politics not theology. Fraser’s faith might be more about politics than theology but are there many useful idiots left to fall for the line that Islam is innocent of everything at all times and in all places and in every situation?
Imam Fraser clearly able to distil a thousand years of Sunni-Shia hatreds and traditions into a spat between those who`d open the mosque to Occupy…or those who will open the minarets to selfsame Occupy, once the “nuances of the djinns on Salman Rushdies tie pin”has been resolved !
Tell you though, whose doors are not being opened to Richard Reids chemistry class practicals. or to carving balsa wood copies of Lee Rigbys martyrdom with Stanley knives…those of Imam Giles, who is happy enough to hide in the BBC Green Room when he ought to be on his knees in repentance in Canterbury…with a fetching orange jump suit nearby which illustrates his commitment to multifaith intra-Islamic dialectic.
The liberal , and Giles Fraser is a typical example is in deep trouble.
Isis adherents are quite clear as to their motivation. Only a fool would ignore their continual emphasis on what drives the desire for a caliphate.
The liberal is such a fool. it is probably easier to reason with Isis than with liberals. The Western liberal has abandoned reality in favour of fairy tales told to him by other deluded liberals. We will soon reach the stage where for the safety of our families and our country we must prevent the liberal from exercising power. The stakes are just too high now.