It seems that most readers of this website think that ISIS/ISIL/IS are authentically Islamic and if Muslims were to say otherwise it would be an example of “Taqqiyya”.
The “Islamic State” are a bogus. If they truly wished to resurrect the Caliphate they would have to FIRST & FOREMOST liberate the Hejaz from its current rulers. Instead they have been receiving aid from them. Not to mention the fact that the “Islamic State” have taken aid from a Judeo-Chrisitian alliance (NATO) in strict contravention to Islam.
Those ISIS fools are waging a “Yankee” Jihad in order to further demonize Islam around the world and further the Clash of Civilizations.
If they are not ‘ Islam’ then you and your fellow real Islam had better get your house in order as these men and girl are being groomed from with in the Muslim community by members of the Muslim community not some fake CIA conspiracy B/S !
M … The Islamic State, have taken the area they have in exactly the same manner that Islamic adherents did after Mohamhead, in the first sweeping ascendance of Islamic barbarity.
The atrocious slaughter, the beheadings, again following
Mohamheads example, he beheaded over 200 Jews on one occasion.
Also, I have to say for every Islamic State atrocity enumerated, there is Quranic sanction:
Beheading people: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4).
Subjugating women and girls: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them” (Qur’an 4:34).
Killing Muslims: “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya’ (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya’ (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them” (Qur’an 4:89).
Killing Christians: “Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29).
Even if the Islamic State, and its leaders are misinterpreting or misunderstanding these verses,
it is doing so in a way that accords with their obvious literal meaning, and chimes with countless thousands of Muslims, that’s why they are flocking from everywhere to join, and support it, the insanity of the Islamic “ummah” concept, means that “borg” like adherents are willing to commit violence, or worse over perceived grievances on the other side of the world.
It means without seriously addressing this, the Islamic problem, because it is totalitarian ideology not religion, (and Baghdadi is a
Islamic scholar, well versed in Islamic doctrine).
… another caliphate could pop up somewhere else, and Islamic terror atrocities will continue without any chance of abating.
You`ve made a good point sir!
The Hejaz argument seems fine by me…not sure though about the Yankee jihad bit,when I thought that taqqiya allows for co-opting the kuffars money in the righteous cause.
Hope to hear more from you.
Hi M. Nice to hear from you. I don’t know if IS are ‘authentically’ Islamic but I am sure they consider themselves Islamic and they act accordingly. I didn’t know they got NATO assistance, but NATO is certainly not a Judeo-Christian alliance. All NATO members are secular states and that includes Turkey.
Nice to hear a different view, but I still consider IS is Islamic, even though most of its victims are fellow Muslims.
@Mat October 5, 2014 at 5:13 pm & flexdream October 5, 2014 at 7:40 pm
It is true that the Muslims have failed. And the scholars of Islam have failed miserably. Utterly!! Our youth have no real authentic guidance (even though the Mosques are overflowing with worshipers…literally) and are prone to the machinations of those who wish to spread corruption…deliberately. However the “Islamic State” would not have achieved its (corrupt) aims if NATO (via its second largest military) did not covertly aid them plus NATO’s little friends (the Gulf States) providing financial and (corrupt) ideological aid.(This is why “IS” thinks of itself as authentic Islam).
Do you think that “IS” have war munitions factories set up in their territory producing weapons of war? These are the same rebel groups that were USED in Libya and were tried in Syria with a different name.
It is precisely in those Secular states, principally of Modern Western Civilization, that a Judeo-Christian rapprochement took root and ultimately gave rise to the Zionist movement. NATO is the military par excellence of Modern Western Civilization. It is unprecedented in its prowess in all of human history! This is why I call it a Judeo-Christian alliance. If those states were truly Christian (and perhaps once upon a time they were) there would be NO Judeo-Christian rapprochement.
You are right that Muslim majority Turkey, with her calls to prayer echoing out five times a day, is not truly Islamic. It is secular. In fact I do not think there is an authentic Islamic political model alive today.
“In fact I do not think there is an authentic Islamic political model alive today.”
Isnt that the IS position?
And I think “If those states were truly Christian (and perhaps once upon a time they were) there would be NO Judeo-Christian rapprochement.” is a revealing statement
“IS” cannot revive an authentic political Islamic model, which is Dar-ul-Islam with control over the Hejaz, whilst taking succor from a Judeo-Christian alliance in strict contravention of Islam! They might not know this but their bogus “Caliph” knows this!
Leaving aside the notion of a judeo-christian alliance and the degree to which they ‘succor’ IS.
Are you saying that if they (IS), sourced their AK47’s and RPG 7’s from Pakistan or Iran only, they would then be authentic?
I was giving one major example of why “IS” are inauthentic. Another major example would be taking aid especially (corrupt) ideological aid from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Hence all the terrible acts of oppression against Shia Muslims and Orthodox Christians which are designed to foment a full out civil war between Shia & Sunni (I am talking about nation states going to war). Not to mention to prevent a future Muslim-Orthodox Christian alliance coming into existence.
If “IS” wanted to be authentic they would have liberate the Hejaz and have control over the Hajj. This would have to be the FIRST step.
Regarding your point about taking military aid from Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally. So unless Pakistan changes that status, it would inadmissible for an authentic Islamic movement to take military aid from Pakistan. By the way “IS” have somewhat more sophisticated weapons than AK47’s and RPG 7’s.
A brief point that is ,I think, important.
Young men in particular are very much attracted to war. In all cultures and at all times in history. Isis has appeal on this level and it should not be underestimated just how attractive war and danger are to the young. One hundred years ago the young men of Britain could not wait to volunteer to fight Germany. The appeal of war has little to do with ideology but is sadly part of being human. We must always bear this in mind.
If there were an authentic Islamic political model it would inevitably fail.
And for the same reason that the USSR failed and Catholic Europe failed.
Rigidity just does not work with human beings. It works for a while but always ends in tyrrany.
Freedom is the natural state of man. This is something that the West, however imperfectly, began to grasp at the end of the Middle Ages. Thus the 17th century with it’s dramatic explosion of ideas and discoveries. Fascism and Communism are dead ends but it took dreadful wars and suffering to grasp this.
Islam has to somehow set itself free from the rigidity of Sharia and the literal. interpretation of the Koran. Perhaps it cannot. There is a fundamental difference between the New Testament and the Koran. The NT is the record of the life of Christ and commentaries on it. The Koran, as I understand it, is the unalterable word of Allah. How the change will come to Islam I do not know but happen it must or the Islamic world will continue to lag far behind the West let alone the rising East Asian peoples. The Muslims in this country have a real chance to change things. It is up to them not the rest of the country to do it. This will have nothing to do with politics but everything to do with theology.
We will have to agree to disagree on whether an authentic political Islamic model will fail or not.
I do however agree with your comment regarding young men and their enthusiasm for violence.
New posts at the upper end of market ratedom sounds pricey; I do hope the contracts haven’t been been written to make redundancy even more juicy than to now, lest there be a sense the BBC is either spraying last days of empire cash around to profit from the publicly-funded mess the licence fee going subscription will be expected to cover, or ladling in top tier staff in an attempt to show it is too big and expensive to fail.
At least they seem to be holding interviews of sorts; lately the BBC’s reporting arm has got rather excited by HR practices outside the hive that rather uniquely those inside either get to ignore or go very coy about.
On it goes – Jihadists turns charity worker, Imams speak out against Jihad. Such nice people when they become moderate.
A couple of weeks of this, the Cameron and May take on those nasty extreme right wingers. Meanwhile the anti fascists plan their biggest ever anti- EDL demo in Brum for the 11th. BBC, Government and rent a mob in harmony
The appalling BH this morning closed its Radio RussellBrand with a nasty little song that lashed into Wonga.
Hope the shareholders or Ofcom(or other playdo totems of irrelevance) take the BBC out over this one…I`m no fan of Wonga, but they`re not mid-Staffs, not Rotherham, not Jimmy Saviles munchkins….none of who got a George Formby takedown as did a legal entity with shareholders and the right to trade.
The BBC paid Mason to do this…it`s cleverer than Mitch Benn, but the BBC have no right to do this, as they fail to mock Paul Flowers or Ed Milibands script at conference.
I have been out of the country a few weeks and it seems like the Rotherham scandal which should still be making headlines has been buried by the BBC and the rest of the media and the Establishment. Is that right? So the damaged lives of over 1100 girls counts for so little?
Another poster on this website has also usefully reminded me of the Saudi women who was murdered in the UK. Initially there was huge media interest then it all went quiet. The BBC promoted the possibility she was attacked because she was Muslim.
“Police had been investigating whether Ms Almanea was targeted because of her Muslim religion, but said there were other possible motives for the attack.”
So, the police had several theories but the BBC chose just one to be highlighted. Funny eh? Odd how so little is said about the 19 year old arrested. What happened? And if he appears in court will the BBC sympathetically call him a ‘teenager’ as with some shooting victims in the US or more accurately call him a ‘man’.
Are there any lurking programme commisioners on here?
While at the gym today, I saw (sound off, thankfully) Ed Balls appearing on Sky’s “Murnaghan” programme and it gave me an idea for a new series.
How about “Strictly Question Time”, in which members of the political parties are strapped to a chair and asked questions about their past, current and future political plans. Each response would be marked – and the mark would correspond inversely to a person in the audience whose job it would be to slap the politician across the face. It’s marked inversely, so the slap a truthful appropriate answer would score 9 (meaning a little old granny with a featherlite slap), down to a blatant “Ed Balls” (total lies and irrelevant) which would score zero and result in a slap administered by a heavyweight boxer. As a hat-tip to “Just A Minute”, any hesitation, repetition or deviation when answering would increase the score (to the maximum of 10 – the “Ed Balls”).
I reckon it should at least get a pilot show – with Ed Balls as first guest.
So – does anyone think it’s a format that should be commisioned?
“Alan Henning ‘was certain he would be freed by Isil captors'”
Why would anyone in the nation informed by the world’s biggest and most impartial electronic news broadcaster not realise they could be in any danger? I’m baffled.
Like the way the BBC tuck away the “… growing population” bit. If the Left hadn’t flooded this country with millions of immigrants, we wouldn’t have to inject so much money into the NHS. But the latte-sipping Liberals don;t want to accept this, so they just stick to the mantra ‘ Tory cuts.’
Seems those tinkers have again found another weasel round their own rules on what to call those sharing their airwaves to educate and inform, so one man’s propagandist shill is another BBC one degree of separation ‘social commentator’.
Frankly not just with matters ME, a relatively safe presumption on any topic is that when a term like ‘social commentator’ (anyone describing their careers like this face to face would be simply laughed at) is used, head straight for Google to find out what it was that actually appealed to BBC producers.
BBC crew face gas attack. I should not laugh, but the video looks like something from Monty Python. Perhaps, in the interests of safety BBC reporters should manufacture their biased news from their comfortable studios in Salford. There must be plenty of Middle Eastern actors in Manchester to pose as activists and a sprinkling of sand – like Attenborough’s snow – would make the stories appear authentic.
‘BBC crew face gas attack’ I was struck by the fact our national broadcaster and arbiter of all things took this attack on their jounos relatively calmly – but of course this was the Turkish forces doing the shooting. Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar! Now if this had been a middle eastern nation with a blue star in their flag…..?
Of course, National Union of Journalists will continue to campaign for access of 80 million Muslim Turks’ entry into E.U.; and this NUJ political campaign will colour all BBC-NUJ reports on Turkey.
Yes,I noted Humphrys dishing the dirt and gossiping about taking of criminal action against trolls…and happily goading Mr McCann to “take action”…and even read it all too, because he had/would-and Gerry seemed a bit loath to do so!
Despicable incitement.
Yet all the BBC does this morning is put SKY in the frame for the suicide of this troll(if indeed she was….likelier than not maybe?).
No doubt HER Facebook will now be full of avenging trolls-none of who will be on Humphrys salary…but it`s the same job in the end.
Sky?…next the daily Mail?…but…of course NEVER the BBC!
That would be the end of Savilisation would it not?
Several of the front pages of today’s newspapers had the troll death as the main headline, linked to the fact that this followed the Sky incident. But the Today programme’s review of the newspapers omitted any mention of these headlines. Odd ?
Not under any circumstances will I comment on the McCanns, but I note how the BBC has kept developments in their story alive, and of course the connection with Hacked Off and Leveson.
There was an idiot from some university on Radio 4, at 7.30 this morning. He was inarticulate but driveled on about the psychology of trolls, said his profiles showed something or not about class. Garbage.
However, as trolling is likely to dminate the BBC for a whle I would point out how trolling can be a nuisance, but among leftish discussions political disagreement is dismissed as trolling; that is when it is not denounced as Waycist.
Start the Week on Radio 4 this morning had a bunch of climate evangelisers prattling on as if the FACT of the matter is that the climate is not heating up and the seas are not rising disastrously.
Leading the pack was Naomi Klein whose new book is subtitled “Capitalism versus Climate” – get the drift ? She argues that is we don’t revolutionise the whole world economy by 2017 we are doomed. The others were less apocalytic, but the whole conversation was rooted in impracticality and eco-nonsense. Naomi was utterly against North American fracking, which has probably saved the US economy. Another American woman claiming some link with poor Bangladesh droned on about sea level rises swamping the country, so the consequent move to urban areas led somehow to deaths in garment factories.
Prattle prattle prattle.
The waffle was brought to an end by Anne McElvoy (Economist journalist !) saying that they had run out of time for their “climate debate”. Debate ? What debate ?>
The only difference of view was between economic/scientific twaddle and utter economic/scientific twaddle. That is what the BBC means by “debate”. Not a sceptical word in the whole programme, 45 minutes of pure alarmist propaganda.
What the Left ignore or in some cases are simply too biased or stupid to appreciate is that capitalism is even more interested than them in pushing the Green Agenda. Capitalists see huge amounts of money to be made: new power stations to be built; new cars required; new fridges and freezers and hundreds of other types of electrical appliances; refurbishment of existing properties; land to be sold or leased for wind farms; higher margins on electricity and gas; trading in bogus carbon offsets and so on. And often backed by huge government subsidies (i.e. our tax revenues) and with generous tax breaks. It’s the biggest bonus for the money makers since the Industrial revolution. Even if the watermelon environmentalists succeed in, say, resticting the supply of gas through their opposition to fracking, all this will simply do is push up prices and make even more money for the capitalists they profess to hate.
It’s not that the “debate” was patently rigged – it’s that the “debate” was so boring. We learned nothing from this prattle. Had Klein & Co been challenged from either a competent economist (Tol would have done) or a proper scientist (ie not one of the “peers”) it would have been, at least, an interesting half-hour or so. As it is, all we got – from the broadcasting envy of the world – was a dull, predictable mutually-masturbatory eco-fest.
If the climate and economic sceptics are so obviously wrong, it should be easy to discredit them on air. Indeed the warmists should take pleasure in continually humiliating sceptics in open discussion. The fact that sceptics are, effectively, banished from the airwaves is, at least, prima facie proof that they’re on to something. Certainly, if the only response to scepticism is to silence it or call sceptics names (eg “deniers”) then this points to manifest weakness in the warmist/anti-capitalist case.
A definite lack of coverage by the highly impartial state broadcaster on the forthcoming Clacton by-election. Ordinarily a Tory defeat would be a cause for celebration up Islington and Hampstead way. But of course there is an even worse result than a Tory win in prospect! Don’t expect those champagne bottles to be strewn anywhere near broadcasting house on Friday night!
“Criminals”… who exploited … “Women” across the north of England ?
I m sorry ….. I ll translate the “Beeb-ish” for our readers
… Yep … its Rotherham, and Muslim Paedophile Gang Rapists/Sex
Traffickers .
“Women”? … well … if 11 and 12 year olds count that is.
The BBC have the abject, and total insensitivity to send …
… Samira Ahmed … to get the harrowing story.
Plus, they illuminate us that it is a, “gender” issue not a “race”
issue … (the link is Islamic issue? .. hello anyone home?)
in this report on, “Muslim”? Paedophile gangs!.
The BBC show their overt protection for all things Islam, by a
shameful link , to a child who was abused by a white paedophile?
What has this got to do with Oxford, Derby, Bradford, Rotherham Keighley. Leeds etc … yep! … no I don t know either.
Is this what you get … “up north”?
Shame, SHAME! on the BBC
There is so much “wrong” here its hard to know where to start
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
In the interests of disclosure I am a Muslim.
It seems that most readers of this website think that ISIS/ISIL/IS are authentically Islamic and if Muslims were to say otherwise it would be an example of “Taqqiyya”.
The “Islamic State” are a bogus. If they truly wished to resurrect the Caliphate they would have to FIRST & FOREMOST liberate the Hejaz from its current rulers. Instead they have been receiving aid from them. Not to mention the fact that the “Islamic State” have taken aid from a Judeo-Chrisitian alliance (NATO) in strict contravention to Islam.
Those ISIS fools are waging a “Yankee” Jihad in order to further demonize Islam around the world and further the Clash of Civilizations.
If they are not ‘ Islam’ then you and your fellow real Islam had better get your house in order as these men and girl are being groomed from with in the Muslim community by members of the Muslim community not some fake CIA conspiracy B/S !
M … The Islamic State, have taken the area they have in exactly the same manner that Islamic adherents did after Mohamhead, in the first sweeping ascendance of Islamic barbarity.
The atrocious slaughter, the beheadings, again following
Mohamheads example, he beheaded over 200 Jews on one occasion.
Also, I have to say for every Islamic State atrocity enumerated, there is Quranic sanction:
Beheading people: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4).
Subjugating women and girls: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them” (Qur’an 4:34).
Killing Muslims: “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya’ (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya’ (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them” (Qur’an 4:89).
Killing Christians: “Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29).
Even if the Islamic State, and its leaders are misinterpreting or misunderstanding these verses,
it is doing so in a way that accords with their obvious literal meaning, and chimes with countless thousands of Muslims, that’s why they are flocking from everywhere to join, and support it, the insanity of the Islamic “ummah” concept, means that “borg” like adherents are willing to commit violence, or worse over perceived grievances on the other side of the world.
It means without seriously addressing this, the Islamic problem, because it is totalitarian ideology not religion, (and Baghdadi is a
Islamic scholar, well versed in Islamic doctrine).
… another caliphate could pop up somewhere else, and Islamic terror atrocities will continue without any chance of abating.
And the CIA were behind the twin towers attack no doubt.The second one that is,not the first that was the Freemasons
You`ve made a good point sir!
The Hejaz argument seems fine by me…not sure though about the Yankee jihad bit,when I thought that taqqiya allows for co-opting the kuffars money in the righteous cause.
Hope to hear more from you.
Hi M. Nice to hear from you. I don’t know if IS are ‘authentically’ Islamic but I am sure they consider themselves Islamic and they act accordingly. I didn’t know they got NATO assistance, but NATO is certainly not a Judeo-Christian alliance. All NATO members are secular states and that includes Turkey.
Nice to hear a different view, but I still consider IS is Islamic, even though most of its victims are fellow Muslims.
@Mat October 5, 2014 at 5:13 pm & flexdream October 5, 2014 at 7:40 pm
It is true that the Muslims have failed. And the scholars of Islam have failed miserably. Utterly!! Our youth have no real authentic guidance (even though the Mosques are overflowing with worshipers…literally) and are prone to the machinations of those who wish to spread corruption…deliberately. However the “Islamic State” would not have achieved its (corrupt) aims if NATO (via its second largest military) did not covertly aid them plus NATO’s little friends (the Gulf States) providing financial and (corrupt) ideological aid.(This is why “IS” thinks of itself as authentic Islam).
Do you think that “IS” have war munitions factories set up in their territory producing weapons of war? These are the same rebel groups that were USED in Libya and were tried in Syria with a different name.
It is precisely in those Secular states, principally of Modern Western Civilization, that a Judeo-Christian rapprochement took root and ultimately gave rise to the Zionist movement. NATO is the military par excellence of Modern Western Civilization. It is unprecedented in its prowess in all of human history! This is why I call it a Judeo-Christian alliance. If those states were truly Christian (and perhaps once upon a time they were) there would be NO Judeo-Christian rapprochement.
You are right that Muslim majority Turkey, with her calls to prayer echoing out five times a day, is not truly Islamic. It is secular. In fact I do not think there is an authentic Islamic political model alive today.
“In fact I do not think there is an authentic Islamic political model alive today.”
Isnt that the IS position?
And I think “If those states were truly Christian (and perhaps once upon a time they were) there would be NO Judeo-Christian rapprochement.” is a revealing statement
@stewart October 5, 2014 at 9:25 pm
“IS” cannot revive an authentic political Islamic model, which is Dar-ul-Islam with control over the Hejaz, whilst taking succor from a Judeo-Christian alliance in strict contravention of Islam! They might not know this but their bogus “Caliph” knows this!
Leaving aside the notion of a judeo-christian alliance and the degree to which they ‘succor’ IS.
Are you saying that if they (IS), sourced their AK47’s and RPG 7’s from Pakistan or Iran only, they would then be authentic?
@ stewart October 5, 2014 at 10:08 pm
I was giving one major example of why “IS” are inauthentic. Another major example would be taking aid especially (corrupt) ideological aid from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Hence all the terrible acts of oppression against Shia Muslims and Orthodox Christians which are designed to foment a full out civil war between Shia & Sunni (I am talking about nation states going to war). Not to mention to prevent a future Muslim-Orthodox Christian alliance coming into existence.
If “IS” wanted to be authentic they would have liberate the Hejaz and have control over the Hajj. This would have to be the FIRST step.
Regarding your point about taking military aid from Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally. So unless Pakistan changes that status, it would inadmissible for an authentic Islamic movement to take military aid from Pakistan. By the way “IS” have somewhat more sophisticated weapons than AK47’s and RPG 7’s.
A brief point that is ,I think, important.
Young men in particular are very much attracted to war. In all cultures and at all times in history. Isis has appeal on this level and it should not be underestimated just how attractive war and danger are to the young. One hundred years ago the young men of Britain could not wait to volunteer to fight Germany. The appeal of war has little to do with ideology but is sadly part of being human. We must always bear this in mind.
If there were an authentic Islamic political model it would inevitably fail.
And for the same reason that the USSR failed and Catholic Europe failed.
Rigidity just does not work with human beings. It works for a while but always ends in tyrrany.
Freedom is the natural state of man. This is something that the West, however imperfectly, began to grasp at the end of the Middle Ages. Thus the 17th century with it’s dramatic explosion of ideas and discoveries. Fascism and Communism are dead ends but it took dreadful wars and suffering to grasp this.
Islam has to somehow set itself free from the rigidity of Sharia and the literal. interpretation of the Koran. Perhaps it cannot. There is a fundamental difference between the New Testament and the Koran. The NT is the record of the life of Christ and commentaries on it. The Koran, as I understand it, is the unalterable word of Allah. How the change will come to Islam I do not know but happen it must or the Islamic world will continue to lag far behind the West let alone the rising East Asian peoples. The Muslims in this country have a real chance to change things. It is up to them not the rest of the country to do it. This will have nothing to do with politics but everything to do with theology.
@ dave s October 5, 2014 at 9:53 pm
We will have to agree to disagree on whether an authentic political Islamic model will fail or not.
I do however agree with your comment regarding young men and their enthusiasm for violence.
New posts at the upper end of market ratedom sounds pricey; I do hope the contracts haven’t been been written to make redundancy even more juicy than to now, lest there be a sense the BBC is either spraying last days of empire cash around to profit from the publicly-funded mess the licence fee going subscription will be expected to cover, or ladling in top tier staff in an attempt to show it is too big and expensive to fail.
At least they seem to be holding interviews of sorts; lately the BBC’s reporting arm has got rather excited by HR practices outside the hive that rather uniquely those inside either get to ignore or go very coy about.
On it goes – Jihadists turns charity worker, Imams speak out against Jihad. Such nice people when they become moderate.
A couple of weeks of this, the Cameron and May take on those nasty extreme right wingers. Meanwhile the anti fascists plan their biggest ever anti- EDL demo in Brum for the 11th. BBC, Government and rent a mob in harmony
The appalling BH this morning closed its Radio RussellBrand with a nasty little song that lashed into Wonga.
Hope the shareholders or Ofcom(or other playdo totems of irrelevance) take the BBC out over this one…I`m no fan of Wonga, but they`re not mid-Staffs, not Rotherham, not Jimmy Saviles munchkins….none of who got a George Formby takedown as did a legal entity with shareholders and the right to trade.
The BBC paid Mason to do this…it`s cleverer than Mitch Benn, but the BBC have no right to do this, as they fail to mock Paul Flowers or Ed Milibands script at conference.
I have been out of the country a few weeks and it seems like the Rotherham scandal which should still be making headlines has been buried by the BBC and the rest of the media and the Establishment. Is that right? So the damaged lives of over 1100 girls counts for so little?
Another poster on this website has also usefully reminded me of the Saudi women who was murdered in the UK. Initially there was huge media interest then it all went quiet. The BBC promoted the possibility she was attacked because she was Muslim.
“Police had been investigating whether Ms Almanea was targeted because of her Muslim religion, but said there were other possible motives for the attack.”
So, the police had several theories but the BBC chose just one to be highlighted. Funny eh? Odd how so little is said about the 19 year old arrested. What happened? And if he appears in court will the BBC sympathetically call him a ‘teenager’ as with some shooting victims in the US or more accurately call him a ‘man’.
Are there any lurking programme commisioners on here?
While at the gym today, I saw (sound off, thankfully) Ed Balls appearing on Sky’s “Murnaghan” programme and it gave me an idea for a new series.
How about “Strictly Question Time”, in which members of the political parties are strapped to a chair and asked questions about their past, current and future political plans. Each response would be marked – and the mark would correspond inversely to a person in the audience whose job it would be to slap the politician across the face. It’s marked inversely, so the slap a truthful appropriate answer would score 9 (meaning a little old granny with a featherlite slap), down to a blatant “Ed Balls” (total lies and irrelevant) which would score zero and result in a slap administered by a heavyweight boxer. As a hat-tip to “Just A Minute”, any hesitation, repetition or deviation when answering would increase the score (to the maximum of 10 – the “Ed Balls”).
I reckon it should at least get a pilot show – with Ed Balls as first guest.
So – does anyone think it’s a format that should be commisioned?
“Alan Henning ‘was certain he would be freed by Isil captors'”
Why would anyone in the nation informed by the world’s biggest and most impartial electronic news broadcaster not realise they could be in any danger? I’m baffled.
He probably thought that its a religion of peace and that listening to the bbc views wouldn’t damage your health.
Like the way the BBC tuck away the “… growing population” bit. If the Left hadn’t flooded this country with millions of immigrants, we wouldn’t have to inject so much money into the NHS. But the latte-sipping Liberals don;t want to accept this, so they just stick to the mantra ‘ Tory cuts.’
From those wonderful people who brought you Islamic Benedictions…
Seems those tinkers have again found another weasel round their own rules on what to call those sharing their airwaves to educate and inform, so one man’s propagandist shill is another BBC one degree of separation ‘social commentator’.
Frankly not just with matters ME, a relatively safe presumption on any topic is that when a term like ‘social commentator’ (anyone describing their careers like this face to face would be simply laughed at) is used, head straight for Google to find out what it was that actually appealed to BBC producers.
BBC crew face gas attack. I should not laugh, but the video looks like something from Monty Python. Perhaps, in the interests of safety BBC reporters should manufacture their biased news from their comfortable studios in Salford. There must be plenty of Middle Eastern actors in Manchester to pose as activists and a sprinkling of sand – like Attenborough’s snow – would make the stories appear authentic.
‘BBC crew face gas attack’ I was struck by the fact our national broadcaster and arbiter of all things took this attack on their jounos relatively calmly – but of course this was the Turkish forces doing the shooting. Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar! Now if this had been a middle eastern nation with a blue star in their flag…..?
On Islamising Turkey’s Trojan Horse activity as NATO member:-
“180 jihadists traded by Turkey for hostages: report”
Of course, National Union of Journalists will continue to campaign for access of 80 million Muslim Turks’ entry into E.U.; and this NUJ political campaign will colour all BBC-NUJ reports on Turkey.
Oh dear, the BBC endorsed Twitter thought crime patrol Gestapo claim their first victim.
‘A 63-year-old woman who was accused of targeting internet abuse at the family of Madeleine McCann has been found dead in a hotel.’
Remember pre-Blair…. what was that we once used to say about sticks and stones?
On Friday, Madeleine’s father, Gerry McCann, told the BBC: “Clearly something needs to be done about the abuse on the internet.
“I think we probably need more people charged.”
Yes,I noted Humphrys dishing the dirt and gossiping about taking of criminal action against trolls…and happily goading Mr McCann to “take action”…and even read it all too, because he had/would-and Gerry seemed a bit loath to do so!
Despicable incitement.
Yet all the BBC does this morning is put SKY in the frame for the suicide of this troll(if indeed she was….likelier than not maybe?).
No doubt HER Facebook will now be full of avenging trolls-none of who will be on Humphrys salary…but it`s the same job in the end.
Sky?…next the daily Mail?…but…of course NEVER the BBC!
That would be the end of Savilisation would it not?
Several of the front pages of today’s newspapers had the troll death as the main headline, linked to the fact that this followed the Sky incident. But the Today programme’s review of the newspapers omitted any mention of these headlines. Odd ?
Not under any circumstances will I comment on the McCanns, but I note how the BBC has kept developments in their story alive, and of course the connection with Hacked Off and Leveson.
There was an idiot from some university on Radio 4, at 7.30 this morning. He was inarticulate but driveled on about the psychology of trolls, said his profiles showed something or not about class. Garbage.
However, as trolling is likely to dminate the BBC for a whle I would point out how trolling can be a nuisance, but among leftish discussions political disagreement is dismissed as trolling; that is when it is not denounced as Waycist.
And on and on it goes.
Start the Week on Radio 4 this morning had a bunch of climate evangelisers prattling on as if the FACT of the matter is that the climate is not heating up and the seas are not rising disastrously.
Leading the pack was Naomi Klein whose new book is subtitled “Capitalism versus Climate” – get the drift ? She argues that is we don’t revolutionise the whole world economy by 2017 we are doomed. The others were less apocalytic, but the whole conversation was rooted in impracticality and eco-nonsense. Naomi was utterly against North American fracking, which has probably saved the US economy. Another American woman claiming some link with poor Bangladesh droned on about sea level rises swamping the country, so the consequent move to urban areas led somehow to deaths in garment factories.
Prattle prattle prattle.
The waffle was brought to an end by Anne McElvoy (Economist journalist !) saying that they had run out of time for their “climate debate”. Debate ? What debate ?>
The only difference of view was between economic/scientific twaddle and utter economic/scientific twaddle. That is what the BBC means by “debate”. Not a sceptical word in the whole programme, 45 minutes of pure alarmist propaganda.
What the Left ignore or in some cases are simply too biased or stupid to appreciate is that capitalism is even more interested than them in pushing the Green Agenda. Capitalists see huge amounts of money to be made: new power stations to be built; new cars required; new fridges and freezers and hundreds of other types of electrical appliances; refurbishment of existing properties; land to be sold or leased for wind farms; higher margins on electricity and gas; trading in bogus carbon offsets and so on. And often backed by huge government subsidies (i.e. our tax revenues) and with generous tax breaks. It’s the biggest bonus for the money makers since the Industrial revolution. Even if the watermelon environmentalists succeed in, say, resticting the supply of gas through their opposition to fracking, all this will simply do is push up prices and make even more money for the capitalists they profess to hate.
It’s not that the “debate” was patently rigged – it’s that the “debate” was so boring. We learned nothing from this prattle. Had Klein & Co been challenged from either a competent economist (Tol would have done) or a proper scientist (ie not one of the “peers”) it would have been, at least, an interesting half-hour or so. As it is, all we got – from the broadcasting envy of the world – was a dull, predictable mutually-masturbatory eco-fest.
If the climate and economic sceptics are so obviously wrong, it should be easy to discredit them on air. Indeed the warmists should take pleasure in continually humiliating sceptics in open discussion. The fact that sceptics are, effectively, banished from the airwaves is, at least, prima facie proof that they’re on to something. Certainly, if the only response to scepticism is to silence it or call sceptics names (eg “deniers”) then this points to manifest weakness in the warmist/anti-capitalist case.
Umbongo – agreed, even the slightest spark of argument would have made the programme more lively.
I have been island hopping for a couple of weeks and this was the first taste of the BBC on my return. If anything – it gets worse.
-the barbaric Islamic jihad CHECHEN actions are not only against Russia.
“Chechen unit from Islamic State reportedly fighting at Kobane”
Read more:
A definite lack of coverage by the highly impartial state broadcaster on the forthcoming Clacton by-election. Ordinarily a Tory defeat would be a cause for celebration up Islington and Hampstead way. But of course there is an even worse result than a Tory win in prospect! Don’t expect those champagne bottles to be strewn anywhere near broadcasting house on Friday night!
Anyone catch “Inside Out”? BBC 1?
“Criminals”… who exploited … “Women” across the north of England ?
I m sorry ….. I ll translate the “Beeb-ish” for our readers
… Yep … its Rotherham, and Muslim Paedophile Gang Rapists/Sex
Traffickers .
“Women”? … well … if 11 and 12 year olds count that is.
The BBC have the abject, and total insensitivity to send …
… Samira Ahmed … to get the harrowing story.
Plus, they illuminate us that it is a, “gender” issue not a “race”
issue … (the link is Islamic issue? .. hello anyone home?)
in this report on, “Muslim”? Paedophile gangs!.
The BBC show their overt protection for all things Islam, by a
shameful link , to a child who was abused by a white paedophile?
What has this got to do with Oxford, Derby, Bradford, Rotherham Keighley. Leeds etc … yep! … no I don t know either.
Is this what you get … “up north”?
Shame, SHAME! on the BBC
There is so much “wrong” here its hard to know where to start