There’s this from the Telegraph:
Scrap the Climate Change Act to keep the lights on, says Owen Paterson
And this from the Mail:
Britain will run out of electricity unless it axes green target, warns ex-Minister
And then there is this from the BBC:
…a big fat nothing.
Still when they get round to it here’s the format….a quick run down of what Paterson claims, then a range of ‘credible’ voices disparaging him and his views, then Ed Davey will pad out the rest of the report, ie nearly all of it, with his pro-green claptrap assuring us that the lights will shine even brighter when generated by attaching electrodes to climate sceptic’s doodahs and making them lick the skin of toxic toads, and that otherwise we are all doomed.
You know it all makes sense….or you would know if the BBC reported it.
The BBC. Heads in the sand. Never mind, a quick speed-dial to Naomi, who, of course is an expert in all things climatic, and everything will be all right.
Have a look out of the window!
There is no fact that you could hit Ed Davey’s skull with and get through it. The man is a blinkered zealot. I am looking forward to next year’s election coverage when the result from his ward comes in. Bye, bye Mr Ed.
I live next door to Ed Davey’s Surbiton constituency, looking forward to helping in the campaigning to get rid of the idiot-child.
Come on guys. Davey has the answer to the need for “Green Power” – windmills powered by unicorn farts.
Has Davey ever been seen in the same room as Wayne Rooney?
“..or you would know if the BBC reported it.”
Just had a look. Nothing obvious. The big stories appear to be female football fans and getting your beard stuck in your iPhone when triggering an IED.
Now it could just be that unique BBC assessment of what is, or is not ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
Or, simply pure propaganda backed by censorship editorial by omission.
But Yasmin A-B on her regular stint on BBC 24 last night at 10:30 commenting on the Sunday papers gave Owen her BBC-approved imperious thumbs down and “What can you do with idiots?” shrug of the shoulders when faced with the Telegraph headline.
BTW Yasmin let on that she comes from a so-called “progressive” Shia Moslem background. Accordingly she’s first in line at the IS death camps. No-one had the guts to tell her that there is no “progressive” Islam. As Daniel Greenfield writes, in the real world what the biens pensants call a “good” Muslim. is on Koranic principles and practice a very “bad” Moslem indeed. Oh and all those in the studio agreed that IS is “our” fault – or anyway the just consequences of Guantanamo and the Iraq war. You see, according to Yasmin and the BBC, nothing is the fault of any Moslem: in effect it was George W who beheaded Henning (and, probably, Lee Rigby).
I have just read this morning in the DM that warm weather is blame for poor sales at M&S and Next, I am just waiting for the BBC to report the same. But I can remember clearly hot October days, with sun shining and the fields being drilled in almost dust bowl conditions a few years ago, but this year I have been in thick jumpers and wooly tights for weeks.
If the climate is changing, when was there an optimal climate – and did this apply to the whole world? And has an optimal climate been defined?
And if, as the leftinuts claim,, that the climate is only changing now – when and for how long did it never change?
And if all this ‘climate change’ – much of it extreme cold weather conditions e.g. as experienced in the US last winter – is due to global warming, what kind of ‘climate change’ might we expect from global cooling?
Another OT (for now, but given the PR efforts being thrown behind this and the BBC’s open door to stories from folk whose campaigns they like, for howlong?). at least until JonDon grabs the first Jetstar flight there to assi… ‘report’, I just got this in my email in–box:
‘We’re going to shut down a coal port’
I won’t add the supporting stuff, but it links here:
Now protest is all well and democratic, but I sense shades of Greenpeace envy here, and what may not have worked as well with Russia may just do better with Oz, even with Mr. Abbott in charge.
That said, with him in charge now, the whole thing smacks of being rampantly political and provocative. A no lose of course for such as JonDon as his loathing for elected party in power and its leader is what appears to keep him going since they had to hoik him out of the ME beat as folk were starting to notice his ‘stories’ were not really helping the BBC trust and objectivity cause at all. He may even get joined by the ex-Anger and Protests Editor for Newsnight as this looks like a definite kick-off with potential.
I’ll be monitoring the reporting of this one, as the protest strikes me as barking on all sorts of levels, though cute lei-sporting moppets in canoes (and nifty airmiles points for later) does have clear visual potential.
But they are shamelessly talking about trying to shut down a key economic artery of a country.
That’s why I have travelled to Australia to shut it down for a day.
There are a lot of questions to ask, and that one sentence prompts many.
It will be interesting to see who asks the tricky ones, and who goes for other avenues of reporting.
“Energy: a policy goes wanting.”
By James Delingpole.
I think we need to introduce Nick Cleggs 5p carrier bag tax in this year never mind waiting until next
I’ll give you the 5p to buy a plastic one to tie over Nick Clegg’s head.
Those of us north of the border get that one in a week.
More paperwork for businesses who, of course, have nothing more important to do.
The UKIP man, Roger Helmer has the brains for the job, he as a Mathematics MA from Cambridge, so has never been fooled by the carbon dioxide warming scam, he causes problems for the morons by mentioning the censored scientists. Which could cause problems for the BBC, if they are forced to interview him.