“Essentially when we’re watching these ‘political’ comedians cracking their piss-poor UKIP gags on the BBC, I think we need to be aware they are neither engaged nor passionate about their subject- but money-grubbing charlatans, toadying up to the militant liberals that pay their wages, mirroring their own beliefs back at them in an act of false flattery so that they’ll feel smug and validated and keep them on the BBC tax-payer funded gravy-train.
“Can’t help but notice increasingly, a lot ‘political’ comedians cracking cheap and easy gags about UKIP, to the extent that it’s got hack, boring and lazy very quickly.”
The jokes are 1960’s Schoolboy jokes. But it implies that the BBC Comedians are less informed than the UKIP voter, and therefore have no material to go on, either that or they are reluctant to make anti-democratic and pro-establishment jokes, despite being employed by the BBC.
Never heard of Andrew Lawrence, but he’s got a point. I’ve never like Darah O’Briain. And Darah, as an immigrant, this country’s policies are none of your business. If you don’t like them, leave.
‘Dara Ó Briain who presents ‘Mock The Week’ replied to Laurence on Twitter saying: “Hey Andrew, sorry I’m so aging, bald and fat, but as an an immigrant I’ll retain my disdain for anti-immigrant politics.”
He’s too thick to tell the difference between anti-immigration and pro-controlled immigration. he thinks either its a fully open door, or its mass deportations and nothing in-between. What a thicko.
10 years ago I watched a piss poor RTE panel comedy show called “Don’t Feed the Gondoliers” or some such. Who was on but the great Dara “erhhhh” (here comes the punchline) O’Brian.
It was the first time I came across him. He was playing to the audience with a derisory joke about banning drunken “English” stag parties coming to Dublin….to great hoots from the audience I might add.
I would llike to do a “aren’t the Irish thick” they shouldn’t come here and take British jobs (jokes?) But I don’t think he’d see the funny side and call me racist.
It’s a free country, O’Briain can “retain” his “disdain” for whatever he likes. But this does not give him – and his left-wing chums – the right to voice this “disdain” on the supposedly impartial BBC whenever he feels like it. Besides, UKIP is anti-mass immigration NOT “anti-immigrant”.
…And, of course, the corollary to all that, the insistence that there is nothing, whatsoever, funny about anyone on the left. Not Crashey Balls, not the Abbotpotamus and not even the millionaire Marxist weirdo who can’t even eat a bacon sandwich
Still makes me laugh with Abbotopotamus (add the o in the middle)
but will take a look at one of his shows as haven’t heard anything of him but at least I can guarantee it won’t be the painful Russell Howard politics dressed up as comedy act. Plus ticket is only £15
Dar ‘o Briain replied to his post on facebook saying that he was opposed to any politics which was anti-immigration, clearly aiming that at UKIP.
Well we all know that Dara likes to surround himself with famous scientists to try to pass himself off as intelligent, but it really will not wash. he is clearly too thick to know the difference between being anti-immigration and being pro-controlled immigration and being in favour of no immigration controls whatsoever. There is a very big difference in the social impacts between all three of those.
I have never seen Dara actually dare to challenge any of the liberal intellectual scientists on anything. This is because he is far to weak intellectually to be able to do so. He probably still believes that there is a 97% consensus on mankind’s emissions of CO2 being catastrophic to the climate.
If you are wealthy enough then you can have access to the latest trial cancer drugs if you have a couple of million pounds to spare.
Cue the person who set it up – If you are rich enough then you pay for 20 poorer people to benefit from the trial and if you still meet the criteria then you yourself will be included.
So nothing like the rich being able to buy access to cutting edge cancer treatments which the BBC were trying to suggest !
I could hardly believe my ears listening to Today this morning. There was a well-briefed John Humphrys politely but firmly tearing holes in Sir David Higgins (the Executive Chairman of HS2). Humphrys made mincemeat of Higgins’ arguments in favour of HS2: not by talking over Higgins but by asking the questions we would all like to have asked and pointing out the endless fallacies underpinning the HS2 policy. A Today first and, most probably, a Today last but nonethelesss welcome.
Just had a “how did we do” questionnaire in connection with my recent complaint. However when I got to the end all the relevant things like my sexual orientation, surprise on the ethnic origin part no option to put yourself as English. Yes you have “White British” and “White Irish” no English. Light blue touch paper and retire. I advised them they might like to change that. Oh yea the BBc response was exactly as I expected…rubbish
I had one of those the other week, arising from my complaint about Diane Abbot’s ludicrously ignorant assertion that the first Blacks in Britain were “probably Roman centurious hundres of years before Christ” (a complaint which was, of course, brushed aside with consummate insouciance).
I thought the survey itself was fairly well constructed, and gave ample opportunity to ‘speak my brains’, though I questioned the value and relevance of the demographic part at the end.
And I was, of course, politely scathing about the dismissive attitude and wholly unsatisfactory response shown towards my complaint by the drone who ‘dealt’ with it.
Lucky I didn’t see that item or I’d probably split my sides laughing. Funny enough I complained about the fact Abbot was on TV after her racist comments a while ago the beeb gave me some bull**** reply and obviously continued to put her on.
Yes, that was the Beeb droid’s get-out clause. I did point out that if there had been a proper editorial process such an egregious error wouldn’t see the light of day, but apparently it’s just an opinion piece (despite not being clearly marked as such, lack of disclaimer that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the BBC (yeah, right), and being effectively ‘endorsed’ by the BBC imprint) so they don’t give a flying one.
If & it’s a big if the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus was black, then he certainly was in Britain. Indeed he moved the capital from Rome to York where the Egyptian Gods were worshiped.
He died in 211AD so well after the birth of Christ, but the Romans didn’t invade until 43AD. Although there were plans to invade prior to this, they never came to fruition.
I expect that the BBC replied that they are not responsible for their guests insanity, but at the end of it all, they are responsible for who they invite onto their programs.
The first Roman Emperor to visit York was Hadrian in 122, then Septimius Severus from 208 to the 4th February 211 when he died of gout aged 65, and was buried on Severus Hill in York, until his son the Emperor Caracalla returned to York the same year, before returning to Rome with his fathers remains. Then in 305 Constantius came to York and then died of leukaemia in York on 25th July 306 aged 56, his son Constantine was then declared Emperor in York.
Septimius Severus was a Berber born near the present day capital of Libya in North Africa which at the time was populated by hideously white people, such as Berbers and the descendants of Greek, Phoenician and Roman colonists in the coastal towns, the indigenous Berbers further inland and the Barbarian Berbers not under Roman rule even further inland. Only Egypt suffered from the importation of Blacks brought up the Nile, some where used for entertainments in Roman coliseums, but the large Black minorities in North Africa today where brought in by the Islamic slave trade after the Arabs invaded North Africa from 640.
Unfortunately for the morons Septimius Severus like all the Roman Emperors have stone busts, so with this and North African street scenes in mosaics, it’s a bit difficult for them to rewrite history because we know what they looked like. But as well as this and the evidence from writings, skulls and genetics, it still seams that the truth is under attack from left-wing ideology as with other intellectual subjects, for instance we now have Roman York street scenes in the Museum, teaming with Blacks. York was as far away from Roman Egypt than you could get, yet they depict street scenes in Roman York with far more Blacks than you would find outside of the Museum today, and there are ‘Millions’ of Blacks in Britain today.
Like Severus, its all based on a woman found with ivory jewellery, and probably not even born in North Africa as was previously thought. Even the raw Ivory may not have been imported up the Nile from Black Africa.
Just an extra point of info, Claudius was the first Emperor in Britain in the first half of the first century AD.
His ancestor the general Julius Caesar was here decades before Christ’s birth, but the Romans didn’t stay until the time of Claudius.
Well Caesar invaded in 55 and 54BC that wasn’t hundreds of years before Christ. Also the Roman term Africa referred to North Africa not sub-Saharan Africa. North Africa was Latin speaking before the Arab invasion.
Besides Dianne Abbott is an ignorant woman who disrespects other people’s culture.
TWATO anchorwoman today curious as to why groups of Muslim extremists are to be found in Britain in the most unlikely places, such as University College London. The ongoing UCL-hosted stream of Islamic hatefests in front of segregated audiences that have been going on the past several years didn’t even get a passing mention.
Genuine ignorance or more the wilful variety?
Just Google ‘Muslim extremism’ and UCL’ and you get a plethora of links e.g.
Or maybe in the light of beheadings, mass rape and torture, buryings alive, religious cleansing etc., even the BBC was too coy to show its true hand which you bet is not a million miles away from this Guardian piece:
‘UCL, on the frontline of the student extremism debate
The college has a history of openness and its policy of constructive engagement is morally justified – despite the risks’
Yep, that’s right – ‘constructive engagement’. Beyond left-liberal bleeding heart parody, as is this surreally-worded example of surrendering basic but hard-won British freedoms:
‘”Assuming the side-by-side segregated seating arrangement is adopted, there does not appear to be any discrimination on gender grounds merely by imposing segregated seating. Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”
You despair that nobody is ever going to confront this apparently widespread and self-destructive agenda that promotes appeasement, apology and surrender. Gawd help us.
“…Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”
Before the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act homosexual men could marry women and homosexual women could marry men, just like ever other man and woman. In other words everyone was being treated ‘equally’. Another ‘Humpty Dumpty’ word to add to the list in ‘Modern’ English.
Of course, that’s an unfairness created by the left: A man cannot sit with his wife or girlfriend, and she not with him but gay couples still have that right. That’s a very heterophobic hate crime to segregate hetero couples but not homo couples.
the bbc and radio 5 live presenters have been asking the same question today,how can we stop so called british muslims being radicalsed into isis mass murderers,the answer to that is you cant until you get to the root of the problem which is driving them to all this madness and that is a book called the koran,yes the koran and it verses are always quoted by these muslim terrorists try to justify there acts of rape,murder and brutality against the non believers,the bbc can have debate after debate about islamic extremism as they always do but ignoring the koran which is root cause of all this islamist muslim extremism is just a cop out in my book and just turning a blind eye to the true issues about the koran.
It’s obvious that not all Muslims follow the call to Jihad, and indeed this is acknowledge by Robert Spencer himself.
Part of the problem is the BBC, and the rest of the Fascists left to even acknowledge there might be a problem with Islam and the Qur’an.
In a normal situation we would be able to discuss which verses in the Qur’an support Jihad, and those which argue against it. However to admit there are verses in the Qur’an which support war and violence would be to admit that there is some kind of religious mandate to Jihad. Everyone in the UK knows this, but the BBC and the Fascist left aren’t going to give them the evidence to support that.
As the Labour party canvasser told me, Labour party policy is that Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do. If you remember that then much of what you’ve typed becomes very clear.
The Quran the Hadith the Sira … that s Islam
Islam is the problem, if people are “get along guys” …
that s great, but it is in spite of Islam the not because of it …
If your “faith” is truly peaceful, being extreme is no issue.
Dealing with the facts above, seems to be a bigger issue for our political jellyfish.
Even when the apologists and appeasers of Islamic hatred and violence are finally forced to debate the Qur’an, they still fail to address the primacy of Jihad over the peaceful texts. They wilfully misinterpret the Qur’an to claim that the peaceful texts should take precidence over the call to Jihad, and claim Jihad is only ever defensive.
The Qur’ran is chronological and the later texts take precedence over the earlier texts. The Qur’an itself teaches this.
As for Jihad, it is indeed true, that it could only be called in self-defence. Only the authority of the caliph himself could declare offensive Jihad and compel all Muslims to fight, overtly or covertly through deception (Takiyya). Until recently there was no Caliph in existance and thus nobody within Islam with the authority to wage offensive Jihad. Just Islamists could rightly claim, that with no Caliph to declare Jihad, Islam, by its own rules, must be a peaceful religion.
But…. What happened very recently? The establishment of a caliphate, headed by a Caliph.
Islam is the Koran and the Koran is Islam.
The Koran is the unalterable revealed word of the all-knowing moon-god.
Later verses of the Koran contradict earlier verses, therefore the moon-god is not all-knowing and the Koran is alterable. Therefore the moon-god is false, the Koran is false and Islam is false.
Even Mehdi Hasan and Russell Brand should be able to get their heads around that.
Why oh why have we ignored for so long the key role played by men in the suffragette struggle?
Put down that cream pie and highlight it – yes I’m talking to you, Jenni Murray!
“The force is hunting a group of three men, described as being of Middle Eastern appearance with dark black hair, in relation to the attack on the man in his 20s yesterday.
“Two men, both in their early 20s, are also being sought for the sexual attack on a woman on Mill Road at 6.15pm on October 17.
“One man is described as being Arabic and of medium build, and the other is said to be slim with dark shaved hair.
[At least Plod’s on the case: three men have been arrested already. Rochdale rozzers et al. please note.]
Anybody watching the bBC revisionist treatment of the Baby P case.
According to the bBC the highly paid and well regarded professionals who let down Baby P are apprantly the real victims of this media witchhunt. Yes according to the bBC, its the Police who are at fault .
What a disgusting program.
I seem to remember at the time the Police were equally to blame as the social workers.
“Police mistakes meant a chance to charge Baby P’s mother with assaulting him was missed several weeks before his death, an unpublished report says. ”
From the BBC web page
“The horrific extent to which Baby P was failed by nearly everyone who came into contact with him was laid bare yesterday.
Social workers, doctors and police committed a catalogue of errors which led to the toddler’s death at the hands of his mother and her sadistic boyfriend.”
From the Daily Mail at the time in 2010.
“Police strongly believed that Baby P’s injuries were non-accidental, but ‘they did not do their duty by accepting the responsibility to investigate the injuries’. They also swallowed Connelly’s account of Barker’s limited involvement, which showed a ‘lack of thoroughness of the police investigation”
I can’t comment because I didn’t hear the program, but it’s important to differentiate from the BBC reporting someone elses biased report, and giving their own biased viewpoint.
Thoughtful, the bBC wrote the program to portray the social workers and the doctors as victims, who were overworked, vilified and scapegoated by the…Sun. The thing is these people were paid a lot of money for being in responsible jobs yet according to the bBC they shouldn’t have been forced out of their jobs. yet the bBC has no problem vilifying Mitchell for not calling anybody a Pleb, How about Fallon on Sunday. The bBC has no problem demanding the head of a Tory. But when its a Guardian reading socialist, then they can only be victims.
Regards the Police, they only get called in, when the social workers and Health staff call them in. If they didn’t are the Police really guilty.
Even Ed Balls came out of this smelling of rose, and yet this happened in 2007/2008 and yet the bBC had no problem mentioning Cameron ,even including him speaking at PMs question time. Loved the blue tie Ed Balls wore.
Then there was the Doctor, well according to the bBC, she shouldn’t have been employed in the Job, she cried for her Mother and demanded to be struck off the Medical register. Not once did the the bBC mention she fucked off to the ME, found another job and refused to come back for the hearing, instead we had her husband opining what a victim she was.
It was a fucking hatchet job by the bBC into making leftwing incompetent bastards into the real victims.
You are correct, I didn’t watch much of this, but I vividly remember newspaper reports of meeting minutes where one policeman in particular apparently was distraught and begged the protection agency to take Baby Peter into care, and they refused.
I don’t agree. I only saw the last half or so but this seemed to me to be a balanced report (apart from the anti Sun bias) which raised some damning questions about Ed Balls in particular. A crucial piece of evidence, I thought, were the various drafts of the Ofsted report which clearly showed government interference with the findings. Do we really want to sound like the sort of morons who made death threats against the social workers etc.?
As in the recent report about Rotherham, I wonder if the inter-agency approach used in the baby P case was hampered by all the different agencies being run by the labour authorities?
Of course it was! They all put their mates into every position, so when something goes wrong they all coverup, because the mate knows where the bodies are buried. Cue massive golden handshake and golden parachute into Environment Agency / NHS Trust management role at £150k pa.
Ross Hawkins (on Five Live – 29:00 mins, below) seems particularly excited by Cameron’s difficulties over the EU’s demand for another €2bn. His excitement is so barely contained he seems almost at the point of orgasm.
From the outset, Hawkins’ piece is troubling, disrespectful and overtly threatening, inappropriately so if the BBC’s claims of impartiality are to have any credence.
Tony Livesey, introducing Hawkins on Five Live Drive, suggests that Cameron will be ‘nit picking’ over the EU bill, ‘going through it with a fine tooth comb’. ‘Yes, and the rest of us are going to start nit picking as well, sneers Hawkins, ‘He (the PM) wants to start going through their maths and challenge that, the rest of us will look at the (PM’s) caveats….’ (so there!)
The BBC’s Hawkins (and the ‘rest’ of them) put Cameron on notice that he / they’ll be watching him. The PM is seemingly now fair game for the BBC .
Needless to say, though, in the balanced world of the BBC, apart from some praise, Hawkins has nothing whatsoever to say about their Europhile hero Miliband’s own difficulty in balancing his love for all things Europe, the EU’s outrageous demand and the public’s popular anti EU reaction.
Hawkins (who don’t forget, day after day, at the Leveson Inquiry took, shall we say, a unique view of what he was hearing (must have been getting lessons from Norman Smith)) was being partisan; his tone was unacceptable.
I’m still bemused by the recent ‘bill’ presented to the UK by the EU for £1.7Bn. How did an entity which has not had it’s accounts audit signed off for over 19 years, due to the industrial levels of corruption and bribery, ever manage to afford the polish for it’s brass neck?
Watching Al Beeb news reflecting on the day’s ‘Newspapers’, – why is it that every time immigration comes up as a subject, Al Beeb brings on two ‘spokes people’ to say how good immigration is for us, which runs contrary to the opinion of a vast majority of the people of Great Britain . Where is the balance there? More votes for UKIP I think.
C4 ran a piece on Peterborough. it was in connection with the use of the word ” swamping ” .
If anything worse than any BBC output. But so perfunctory and obvious was the propaganda I get the distinct impression they don’t believe their words themselves.
The liberal fantasies are unravelling now.
Even labour’s ex home Secretary Blunckett has admitted that the tory Minister was correct to use the word “swamped”. Clearly the Minister himself believes that being panicked into accidentily telling the truth is unacceptable, has apologised and will make extra effort not to tell the truth again.
What the media types do not understand is that mass immigration is now so extensive that it has had a massive impact outside places like London, Birmingham or Bolton.
In the small town in which I live, I can walk down the High Street and hear more conversations in a foreign language than in English. As a linguist I have no aversion to foreigners or the languages they speak, quite the opposite. Having lived in a German village for many years, the prospect of living in an English village did not seem too much to ask. Now, without any democratic approval whatsoever, the heartlands of the home nations are being turned into Pakistani or Polish or Romanian villages. Much the same point is made by Thilo Sarrazin the author of the German best-seller “Deutschland schafft sich ab Wie Wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen”(Germany’s Death Wish – How we are gambling with the future of our country) who says simply ” If I wanted to live in a Turkish village I would emigrate to Turkey”. Meaning that if the differential birthrate between the indigenous population and Muslim immigrants continues, sheer force of numbers within a generation or two will mean the character of Germany will have changed completely as German integration policies have failed. If Britain has Bolton and Rotherham, Germany has Kreuzberg and Neu-Koeln. Of course, he was subjected to a vicious campaign of vilification by the leftist media, he lost his job at the Bundesbank, there were attempts to exclude him from the SPD and his wife lost her job as a teacher because of political pressure.
Ordinary people should not have to put up with the superficial moralising and smug condescension of media buffoons, British or German. People have eyes, ears and minds and are no longer going to be told by the BBC what the reality of their lives is.
Last night I happened upon Have I Got News For You. It was such an anti-UKIP-fest of slander and garbage from the panelists – Victoria Coren Mitchell actually impressed me – she distinguished herself by being even-handed. I watched for 10 minutes as the brainless ones went round and round mocking UKIP based on no news at all, really. This American girl made a ‘joke’ about advising her sister to marry a black man, then everything would always naturally be blamed on him. The worst was ‘jokes’ about Oscar Pistorius killing Reeva Steenkamp. It is unbelievable what these lefties are allowed to say and get away with it – if Farage made a joke about that there would be ‘outrage’ for weeks. That was about 10 minutes into a 60 minute show, I bet there are a load of complaints to the B-BBC.
Yes, a super-duper computer that will be able to model what difference an additional (entirely theoretical) three degrees celsius will do to for the grape and mango harvest in Accrington.
I reckon all they need to do now is teach it to tell us what today’s weather is going to be, remembering that yesterday I sat in my car looking at the leaden skies while on the radio the Toady programme was telling me what a beautiful sunny morning we were having in my part of the world.
But much faster – it won’t predict any further into the future, but will predict more accurately what will happen in the time-periods already considered.
(The weather being chaotic is, by definition, unpredictable sufficiently far in the future)
Funny – on the Today show I heard the comment that “short term weather prediction is 86% accurate”. One day of listening to the forecast and monitoring the weather actually experienced will show the optimism in that little comment – but they still pretend!
A full out assault from the BBC this morning. As of 6.45am, the lead articles on their website are: Mental health spending ‘too low’; Met Office supercomputer unveiled (to improve “climate modelling”); Sport prize money equality urged; Children ‘lacking trust’ in police. The BBC’s new motto should be: The News, the News! Anything but the News!
Councils could struggle to tackle any future outbreak of E. coli food poisoning due to staff cuts, a spending…
There may well be a story of news value there, but this typifies the calibre of BBC ‘no space for accuracy’ tweeting, guided by agenda.
For a start there’s that ubiquitous ‘could’, which means anything could mean anything. Of course ‘the cuts’ are in there, and no mention of other pressures affecting public health.
But what bugs me is the lazy subbing, just lifting a blog story into twitter (coincidentally leaving in the juicy bits) and presuming folk will read on after the …
Curbing fertility no quick fix for green problems: BBC News – Population controls ‘will not solve environment issues’
As it stands it is pure propaganda advocacy.
There’s a statement they like, namely that numbers of people are insignificant to other factors. Then there’s a “quote” to back it up.
Who from… The BBC? They’ll get away with it as they’ll say all is revealed and context clarified once the link is clicked, but the way they twist twitter limitations is risible.
R4 6:40am – This must be a deliberate lie.
Talking about Cameron and the budget demands, they said that after a statement from Brussels, Cameron toned down his rhetoric.
My logic figures it this way: the Brussels announcement was either before or after his statement. If after, then how could Cameron have turned it down as he had already said it and it is in Hansard. If the statement came before, how did the bBC know what Cameron was going to say before he said it in parliament.
Clearly this is a lie, a deliberate embellishment by the bBC, as a throw away line that they think no one is going to pick up on.
The BBC is certainly going to town trying to limit the damage caused by the resignation of the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland Johann Lamont (& believe it or not that is a pretentious spelling of the name Joanne!)
The fact that she called the London Labour Party out of touch, dinosaurs, and treating Scotland like a “branch office” .
It seemed that at the start the BBC like the Labour Party didn’t know what to do about this, but now following the dramatic leap of Ed Milliband to do nothing as usual, the BBC have thought it necessary to do it for him!
Damage limitation is urgently needed because if Labour fail to return Scottish MPs then they lose the next election.
This is how it started out:
Here is a list of the potential candidates for your consideration:
Below is a cracking tick-box film review of an Arab road-movie. You couldn’t make it up!:
-‘It has references to homosexuality, jokes on masturbation, drunkenness and a Jewish love interest. It even has a semi-comic skirmish in Syria with a member of President Assad’s regime. But any “shocking” content, according to its makers, says more about Western stereotyping than actual cultural beliefs’.-
BBC tv News this morning gives a marvelously glowing positive report on behalf of the Met Office – who have blown an awful lot of tax payer cash on a new ‘super computer’. The report was done by David Shukman. He felt no obligation for any ‘some people might say….’ or ‘there are doubts….’ A quick ‘The Met Office have got some things wrong in the past’ was a single and lonely note of caution in what otherwise amounted to a beathless puff piece.
Perhaps Shukman was recalling this Met Office backtracking from January 2013…
‘The UK Met Office has revised one of its forecasts for how much the world may warm in the next few years.’
‘It says the average temperature is likely to be 0.43 C above the long-term average by 2017, as opposed to an earlier forecast suggesting a difference of 0.54C.’
‘The explanation is that a new kind of computer model using different parameters has been used.’
See here for the detailed story of the attempted cover up on behalf of the Met Office by Roger Harrabin and his mate David Shukman at the BBC
‘This was clearly an important story. But the BBC decided not to cover it at all that day. However, the following morning the BBC reported it.’
‘At 6.00 am [BBC Radio 4] the story was repeated but with the significant error saying that the Met Office expected temperatures ‘in Britain’ not to rise by 2017.’
‘Shukman also failed to mention that the forecasts made by the Met Office a few years ago have been proven wrong. All we get is an unnamed Met Office spokesman and nobody else. In the interests of balance and given that the story broke on sceptic websites and via the GWPF, a critic should have been quoted and the BBC should have insisted on a named spokesperson from the Met Office.’
All those thousands of trillions of calculations per second to do what? It is only as good as the program it is running. All that extra computing power will do is get the wrong answer even faster than before.
Have the Met office changed the parameters of the underlying assumptions coded into their long-range forecast models? Have they reduced their assumptions about the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity to be more in line with reality?
If not, then they will get the wrong answer much faster than before. I do not care how fast the computer is, GIGO will still apply!
Two articles in one day giving an incredibly one-sided account of exaggerated gender-based stories. The most hilarious hypocrisy of all is the article on sports pay inequality which is written by two women with five quotes from female voices and only two from male ones. Seems the BBC can’t practice what it preaches. Both are open to comments and, naturally, both have been swamped with comments pointing out how facile and biased the BBC’s journalism is becoming.
“Female footballers are rewarded significantly less than their male counterparts.”
Well, no shit, Sherlock. Only at the BBC could that be considered worth pointing out. Let me explain this carefully to any Beeboids listening in. NO ONE OUTSIDE THE BBC GIVES A STUFF ABOUT WOMEN’S FOOTBALL.
As one of our local wimmin coucillors said on a local radio phone in, ” female strippers are abused , repressed, exploited and goodness knows what”, but when asked if the same was true for male strippers claimed “no “they were just a laugh.
And as a note to the incumbent MP who only talks about bicycles, unilateral disarmament and closing all the lap dancing clubs in the city down, watch out UKIP is about.
The top 5 Arsenal male 1st team players earned £23M between them for the 23 games they play at home in the 2013 season. Assuming game receipts of 2.4million per game (avg. attendance 60k * £40 per ticket) gives a wage bill of 42% per match.
The top 5 Arsenal female players earned 80k between them for the 17 home games they played in 2013. The WSL apparently limits the pay of women players to a max of £20k as they are classed as ‘semi-pro.’ Ticket prices are £5 per match and avg attendance at Boreham Wood is 1000 giving a wage bill of 94% (game receipts £85kpa wages £80k)
So in terms of games receipts the women earn over twice what the men do. Isn’t maths fun? 😉
The above should not, of course be taken seriously. However what sort of business, and Arsenal FC is a business first and foremost, can afford to pay women the same as men when there is such a disparity between the average income per game?
Perhaps male tennis players at Wimbledon should complain about the inequality of having to play five set games in order to win their prize money against only three set games for female players who win the same amount. There aren’t many sports where women can play on an equal footing with men – and for the pedants I am aware of those few sports where women ARE the equal of men – so why should they get equal prize money?
BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ with John Humphries, clearly didn’t know anything about his subject when he interviewed some leftie about the boat people travelling from Libya to Europe.
When the Fascist claimed that people were travelling to escape repressive regimes, and were trying to get to countries where they could make use of their languages, Humphries should have reminded him of the Refugee treaty obligations that European countries have, and that Economic Migration is not among the clauses.
The reality was that the interviewee admitted that the people travelling were bogus asylum seekers and had no right to travel to the West. In addition he admitted that they intended to fraudulently claim asylum simply because they wanted to jump the immigration queue ahead of those who were trying to come here by legitimate methods.
I’m putting Humphries silence down to ignorance rather than bias, although it seems that people make sure they educate themselves on the issues which concern them!
Every single non-EU migrant that lands on these shores from any EU state, without going through the full immigration process, should be sent packing straight back to whatever country they were last in, because the refugee laws clearly state that they are obligated by law to seek assylum in the first safe country they arrive in. If they have crossed all of Europe to get here, then they cannot legally claim assylum and they are NOT assylum seekers, they are illegal aliens without any legal right to claim assylum and should be immediately kicked out.
If they land here on a plane from an unsafe country, then they can submit a claim for assylum. If they arrive by boat, which did not dock anywhere between their country and the UK, they can submit a claim for assylum. If they arrive under a lorry, in a container or washed up on the beach, then they should not even be given the chance to apply for assylum. They should be sent back to whatever country that they were last in immediately. If necessary, pack them into a transport aircraft with a parachute, and kick them out over France and then bill that nation for the full cost of the flight and the parachutes.
IF they have arrived in a way which legally permits a claim, then they still should not be seen as genuine refugees until their claim has been verified and accepted. Keep them detained in a high security holiday camp until their claims are accepted or rejected.
If after all that, they are a genuine refugee? Welcome them and help them get their life back on track and give them all the support they need.
That is not a plea for what we should ideally be doing and an unrealistic dream of how things should be, although it does feel like it…. That is actually the LAW as it is now. It is about time we upheld that law.
Unfortunately there’s a step they are entitled to which you have missed out – a judicial hearing at which the Home Office decision is reviewed.
Of course preparation of the case takes time, and it’s all paid for by legal aid, sometimes in spite of the evidence against the claimant. This is an area which even the Tories have failed to cut & so the rest of us have even less access to justice.
Alas there are far too many of them to house in high security camps and the cost would be prohibitive & also illegal !
When they are refused asylum as the vast majority are, then their benefits are stopped and they are expected to live on nothing until they are returned to their country, of course at this point many go missing, falling into the black economy and working for very low wages.
Once the hearing has taken place they should be detained, and following the decision immediately repatriated.
Even here there are problems though. Many have ‘lost’ their passport, or turn out not to have come from the country they have claimed, or the Home Office has lost their passport !
In the case of countries like China or Israel passports are not renewed and the false asylum seekers cannot be returned. Countries like Zimbabwe are deemed to dangerous even the liars cannot be returned.
Most of the 7.25 sports bulletin on Today was given over to a discussion on why the women’s squash champion doesn’t get the same amount of prize money as the men’s even though they play the same number of sets (that would be unlike effing tennis then, where the prize money is equal).
In the intro to the piece we were informed that there is a whole range of sports where women don’t get equal pay, including football and golf. Well blow me dahn wiv a fevver guv’ nah!
As we know the BBC have form with its disproportionate coverage of women’s sport – especially on Today. This is blatant equality campaigning – nothing more, nothing less – which, for a so-called ‘impartial’ national broadcaster, is bang out of order.
When the female champion can beat the male champion, then she deserves the same money as the men. Until then, she clearly is not equal.
This is why lefties hate sport. Unlike all the other areas of life where lefties spend all thier time complaining about nonsense, and they do not actually DO anything measurable. Sport is entirely measurable and rewards are entirely based on results of the individual’s, or teams performance. There is no shirking the diversity in levels of talent. Talent, skill, speed, strength, accuracy etc… are NOT equal, so equality does not apply. The only way to have equality truly apply in sport, is to pay every individual the same amount regardless of the results of competition, which would clearly be ludicrous and take all of the reward and effort out of sport.
Artficially creating equality based on Gender is not fair to those competitors who are better then the women, but still not good enough to win.
There are sports where men and women compete against each other totally fairly and on equal terms. Motorsports is one such sport. If the women beat the men on equal terms, then they deserve the same rewards.
sports fans pay to watch the best atheletes in the world in their specific disciplines. They pay to watch those extraordinary performances. IF those extraordinary, world class performances come from women, then they deserve the rewards for those performances.
For example when a woman can run the 100 meters in 9.59 seconds, then they will deserve the acclaim that currently goes to Usain Bolt.
The Women’s world record, set back in 1988, of 10.49 seconds, is not good enough to even qualify for the semi final heats of a men’s race. Without looking it up on Google, who can tell me who set the 26th fastest time in any 100 meter’s men’s competition at the Olympics? Why give such an athelete the same recognition as the best man? I shall demonstrate…
Jaysuma Saidy Ndure from Norway
Ángel David Rodríguez from Spain
Dariusz Kuć from Poland
Nilson André from Brazil
Masashi Eriguchi from Japan
Barakat Al-Harthi from Oman
Rytis Sakalauskas from Lithuania
Amr Ibrahim Mostafa Seoud from Egypt
Jason Rogers from St Kitts and Nevis
Ogho-Oghene Egwero from Nideria
Reza Ghasemi from Iran
Obinna Metu from Nigeria
Ramon Gittens from Barbados
Peter Emelieze from Nigeria
Jeremy Bascom from Guyana
Marek Niit from Estonia
Warren Fraser from Bahamas
Miguel López from Puerto Rico
Gérard Kobéané from Burkina Faso
Who are these people? They are 100 meter runners who failed to even qualify from their heats into the semi-final heats at the London Olympics. All unknown, all considered not very good at their sport.
They also ALL ran the 100 meters in the heats prior to the semi-final heats faster than the current, long standing women’s 100 meters world record.
IF we really support equality, as I do, then why should someone merely having a vagina mean that they get more recognition and reward for running a 100 meters time SLOWER than all the above named atheletes?
The Bbc only bid for sports rights to either deny ,ITV , SKY or BT getting hold of them, or to force the price up ,so the others have to pay more. This will ,in the eyes of Bbc , prevent them from spending on other programmes, or bidding for other sports rights.The Bbc can then get the rights ,the others can`t afford to buy, on the cheap, in the end.
The latest from hostage John Cantile. Is it Stockholm Syndrome, or
Lord Haw Haw and Tokio Rose combined?
He has a beard…has he converted?
Worth noting the hand gestures and reporting style – pure BBC middle east reporting.
I’d say that until any of us has found ourselves in his situation, we are in no position to judge his behaviour.
These videos are released purely for publicity. I’d prefer the BBC stopped obliging the terrorists by endlessly dissecting the videos, and restricted it to a brief mention.
Agree that the videos are published for publicity and are designed to serve the standpoint associated with Isis.
I have not seen a BBC dissection of the video.
However, given the biased nature of our national broadcaster and the dubious quality of some of the others, I do believe that some kind of informed discussion by rational members of the public is desirable. Bearing in mind, of course, that we are not in this person’s situation.
INBBC’s political stance seems more sympathetic to Islamic jihad “rebels” and “militants”
of Al Nusrah Front, than to Islamic jihadists of Islamic State.
Sports need to engage “in the battle for gender balance and fairness”, says Minister for Sport Helen Grant after a BBC Sport study into prize money found 30% of sports reward men more highly than women. –
Could that perchance be because, in most sports, men attract more viewers than women?
When the women’s FA Cup final is watched by as many people as the men’s, I’ll be more sympathetic to the equal pay in sports argument…
They are getting their tentacles into everything at the moment and what they fail to realise is women’s sport is a load of crap…total and utter crap when compared to the men’s versions.
I saw some highlights on a BBC show of a women’s game of Everton vs Chelsea I think it was and it was something like 6-3 to Chelsea and it didn’t look entertaining as the standard of football was embarrassing. It looked like a boy’s team of u18s could beat either team.
‘Thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is finally equal. The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains.’
8 out of 10 Cats last night and gargoyle faced beeboid Gabby Logan is talking about the UKIP calypso. ‘It’s at no 22 … can we listen to it’, asked Gabby’s daughter. ‘No, it’s dirty’ said Gabby. I’ll tell you whats dirty … when I turn on the BBC and it vomits lefty bias in my face.
‘It’s no 22 in the charts’ Gabby exclaimed, seemingly not believing what she’s saying. Can’t quite believe it can they, they’ll be jumping out of buildings in May.
My main problem is it’s embarrassingly shit’ said irascible Sean Locke. Er, it’s a bit of fun you miserable shit, it’s not supposed to be a fucking symphony. There used to be a time when we could laugh at ourselves … and then the liberals took over.
Impish virgin John Richardson said, ‘an accent is not racist unless the words you’re singing are racist and the accent you use is a bit racist’ … seemingly confusing himself. You can only sing calypso in a faux West Indian accent you fucking div. Anyway, what’s racist about ‘illegal immigrants in every town’ etc, it’s the truth isn’t it? Reminds me of that quote about truth being a revolutionary act.
And finally, ‘It’s completely illegal for Cameron to impose any kind of [immigration] cap’, says the BBC’s new Europe correspondent Gabby Yorath or Logan or whatever her fucking name is this week. This is the thing about the BBC, they mange to pollute all the other channels as well.
on polluting of other channels, Shelagh Fog – ex 5dead announced on LBC that embezzeling twat Dennis McShane of Rotheram was coming on later to talk about the 1.7bn euro bill /off switch
Need some free publicity? Want an interview on the Today programme during the prime 8:00 – 8:30 slot? No-one ever heard of you?
Fear not, for the BBC can help. Simply form your own political party using a name from the past and, providing you are prepared during the interview to state that you are doing it as an antidote to UKIP, a sympathetic slot can be arranged.
Yep, we were treated to some chinless wonder who has apparently resurrected the Whig party but has no idea about Edmund Burke and no policies whatsoever apart from, er, ehm, finding UKIP distasteful.
Brilliant, say the beeboids, let’s put him in the prime interview slot on the ‘Today’ programme.
“EU border control officials meet in Brussels later to discuss how best to deal with a surge in migrants trying to reach Europe. The conference is taking place as Italy prepares to hand responsibility for patrolling the Mediterranean to a new EU-force, called Operation Triton. Italian warships are estimated to have rescued about a 150,000 migrants over the past twelve months, mostly from north Africa and the Middle East. About 3,000 migrants have drowned already this year. Britain has said it will not support the new search and rescue operation, saying it will encourage more migrants to make the dangerous crossing. Daniel Habtey a refugee from Eritrea who lives and works as a Pastor in Huddersfield and Michael Diedring, Secretary General of the European Council on Refugees.”
So, which one do you think was in favour of the UK not supporting the search & rescue, and which one against? Daniel or Michael?
Ha! Trick question. They were both against it, naturally. Impartiality in its purest form.
almost every single sports reporter on the news is now female. I bet money they wouldn’t be able to name 5 teams outside the Premiership and probably don’t even realise there is a football pyramid that stretches down for leagues and leagues
Loved this comment: 703.
3 Minutes ago
I play football sometimes, on a Sunday morning with a bunch of other over weight middle aged men. Its 11 v 11 for 90 minutes, just the same as the premier league but we have to pay to use the pitch! Where is the equality in that? It must be discrimination because we are fat and old, im writing to my MP.
I heard a segment on equal pay on Woman’s Hour while driving.
Sounded bizarre.
Professional sport is a business. That is the crux of it. Pay is what the market decides.
Mind you if we had proper fight to the death gladiators then equal pay would probably be the rule.
The “market rate” argument is, of course, fine when justifying the bloated salaries of BBC superannuated Lefties such as the Dimbleby brothers and Humphrys, but becomes awkward once wimmin’s sport is discussed.
The BBC should take note that it is very difficult to force people to be interested in any sport, be it men’s, para-Olympic or women’s. Radio 1 fans are not force-fed with Radio 3, so why should we all have to swallow increasingly politicised sports reporting with a feminist agenda?
(And today’s ‘Guardian’ takes a pro-mass immigration political line on this.)
However harsh, BBC-NUJ and Guardianistas need to understand the necessity of applying ‘Lifeboat Ethics’ to Britain.
“Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor”
by Garrett Hardin.
[Opening excerpt]-
“Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a ‘spaceship’ in trying to persuade countries, industries and people to stop wasting and polluting our natural resources. Since we all share life on this planet, they argue, no single person or institution has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources.
“But does everyone on earth have an equal right to an equal share of its resources? The spaceship metaphor can be dangerous when used by misguided idealists to justify suicidal policies for sharing our resources through uncontrolled immigration and foreign aid. In their enthusiastic but unrealistic generosity, they confuse the ethics of a spaceship with those of a lifeboat.”
“The Camp of the Saints and the Golden Dawn.”
(Oct 2013.)
[Opening excerpt]:-
“‘The Camp of the Saints’ is a dystopian novel written by the French author Jean Raspail. Although it was first published as long ago as 1973, the author is still alive today. Now 88 years old, his brain remains remarkably sharp for a man his age.
“Raspail has published many books, but the one for which he will be chiefly remembered is ironically his most atypical one. Over forty years ago, ‘The Camp of the Saints’ predicted a Third World mass invasion of Europe, causing the downfall of Western civilization. This process was compressed in time so that what might take fifty years in real life took fifty days in the book. Also, the main bulk of illegal immigrants in the novel came from India. Today, while immigration to Europe comes from every corner of the planet, much of it comes from the Islamic world and Africa.
“Apart from that, the novel was remarkably prescient in describing the dysfunctional mindset of the modern Western world. We have become so wedded to unsustainable humanitarian ideals that we are mentally incapable of defending our own continued national existence. When faced with millions of people coming from the global South, we simply raise a white flag and say that they are welcome to colonize our countries.”
Is that result the same kind of rogue poll that predicted a “YES” victory in the Scottish Independence vote? It’s just one poll and I haven’t seen any others which corroborate that result.
I wonder what a grade 11 package is, for basically sending out ‘don’t do anything stupid’ emails on behalf of even more eyewateringly-remunerated market rates to 16-20,000 people, who will ignore them?
But at least they have values (shades of W1A), even if they are mostly ignored with impunity.
Or laughable on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis.
Trust is the foundation of the BBC; we are independent, impartial and honest
Not really about bias but the mid morning to lunchtime slot on R5 has gone from bad to awful. Adrian Chiles is even worse than Drearyshire and that takes some doing. I,as a man, am fed up to my back teeth with the radio basically sounding like ‘womans hour’ all the time. If I want to hear all about peoples woes in a ‘sensitive way’ then I’ll bloody well buy a womans magazine. Oh for a viable alternative.
I actually like Adrian Chiles when he presents the football on ITV. He came out with that funny and harmless line about not being able to find a plumber when England played Poland before that crunch game at Wembley last year and they had 20,000 odd in the stadium and the usual rent-a-offended pc mob turned on him
I had no idea Poland was a race. I just thought they were European and in the UK earning money due to EU rules. So where was the rascism? It seems to me as an observation but obviously not to the professionally hand wringing offended on behalf of someone they dont know or really care about. They just want to appear cool to their lefty liberal Mates.
Slippery and hard to measure; one can see the appeal.
– Posting a mission statement and ethics policy: Bingo! Aunty is on a roll.
– More disclosure about the process Uh-oh. That has rather foundered on the ‘purposes of’ reef.
– Citations (via links) and corrections Ah well, it started out OK. And one out of three in BBC terms would be pretty much ‘getting it about right’ anyway. Sorted.
I have a rule of thumb, and that is if a person says’ trust me’ or, worse, sticks the word on the door… check your wallet, back or life expectancy.
Listening to the 2pm news on Radio 4 it was reported that another British(?) youth has been killed in Syria. But why does it have to be in the same voice as the reports of soldiers’ deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan? At the very least, if the BBC were reporting these deaths as a warning to others thinking of going, would be to say that this is the hundredth or whatever to have been killed out there.
I would be offended if the Guardian had praised our armed forces, given their hostility to them and how they have consistently sought examples of bad behaviour from serving soldiers in an attempt to portray them as an oppressive hostile force in whatever country they have fought. Not to mention the consistent line that any show of pride in this country indicates support for fascism. This kind of journalism is what we expect from the Guardian
Yes, i heard this too lunchtime…….if the prick had been within arms reach i would have ripped his effete, worthless head off, so angry was i…..good to see some of the grauns readership cast him out too, imbecile.
Sky News has been a breath of fresh air this afternoon. An interview with an energy supply expert who talked absolute sense. This interview was totally unlike anything you’d hear on the BBC. Kay Burley made the point that the cause has been 20 years’ lack of investment and blamed, “this government and previous ones”.
Over on the BBC Caroline Flint, Labour’s shadow energy and climate change secretary was allowed to say, unchallenged, “The security of our energy supply has not been helped by the fall in investment under this government.” And of course, no mention of the real cause of the problem: the greenies and the EEC.
On Sky a woman from the CEGB tried to make out that there is no chance of power cuts this winter. Miss Burley’s questioning was firm but fair (if waspish!), and she elicited with some difficulty some weasel words from the spokeswoman that ‘the costs will pass along the chain to the end user’ (or something like that.)
Kay Burley also said, on the subject of the Muslim murder in Canada, “…shot him four times, IN THE BACK” and I guess many of us rather liked that emphasis and thought yes, well, they’re all cowards; think of Lee Rigby’s murder. The BBC’s version was “He was shot dead.”
Five Live interviewed (sorry interrogated) a woman from the National Grid at lunchtime, but she impressively stood her ground.
You could see where they were going, but they never actually got to put the Government in the frame for the potential power cuts this winter.
They did though get an admission, as Fred says above, that price negotiations would mean a price increase for consumers this winter. AN INCREASE OF ONE WHOLE POUND, it turns out. Choosing to ignore the £1 thing, there were Pavlovian howls of anguish from the Five Live presenters (and from another BBC numpty who said that there would be a collective groan around the country at that news) who as I turned off were encouraging the masses to ring in and vent their anger.
£1? Preprogramed, they just can’t help themselves. Even if there is nothing to moan about they’ll find it…even if it is about a pound. I bet it was Thatcher’s fault.
I have just had a well deserved week’s holiday from work, normally I listen to ‘5 barely alive’ on a daily basis whilst driving around, I found the difference in my state of mind whilst on holiday and ‘5 barely alive’ free to be invigorating,,,no angst, no shouting, no swearing, no sense of injustice…it was fantastic!!
I’m back at work and on Monday I turned the radio on, I listened to ‘5’ for about ten minutes and turned it over. I’ve not tuned in since and it feels great not to listen to garbage anymore. I recommend people try it, the more their listener numbers go down the better the case for getting rid.
Flint is fast becoming my favourite labour hate figure, I doubt she’ll ever usurp diane abbot though. I absolutely detest that ugly, arrogant, bigoted woman.
On BBC PM we had another disgusting report from Rotherham which highlighted more sexual abuse of girls by Pakistani men , this time of their own community. The report said that the investigators met a wall of silence from the Asian community because of its code of honour. The girls are left in misery, afraid of what their own families may do , if they report it. The local Labour MP , who has been in post for 18 months, was quite frank that she expected that there would be more scandals and that fear of being labelled racist was a significant factor in causing the authorities to avoid grappling with the problem. Coincidentally, there was news on the programme that 11 ‘men’ had been arrested in Manchester for more sex abuse. I expect that they will be Muslims as well. How many more cases will there be?
The BBC presenter was shocked by such a frank admission by the MP. It seems to escape the BBC that their policy, shared with the rest of the liberal left, of attacking anyone and anything that tried to raise any concerns about anything to do with immigrants , multiculturalism, Muslims etc, and of hounding them as racists, has been the most significant factor in setting this climate of fear and relentless Political Correctness amongst the authorities.
These Muslims are probably just behaving as they would in their native lands. They do this in England because, owing to the spurious doctrine of multiculturalism and moral relativeness, they have never been challenged to change their behavious and accept our values. Chickens are coming home to roost. Many, many more will be doing so in the coming years.
Note they mention “Asian” girls as victims. It’s not the ethnicity of the victims it’s the religious background of the offenders. If, and it’s a big “if”, there are any Asian victims, then they are likely to be Sikh, Hindu or Christian. You could bet your pension there’ll be no Muslim victims. Grooming of young girls on this huge scale is encouraged in the religious teaching by the “community’s” elders and their contempt for non-believers. It’s not just Pakistani gangs who commit these disgusting offences, it’s also those of Middle Eastern origin. The sole common denominator is their religion. But I guess that’s taboo for our MSM and political class.
What amazes me about all this child rape, is not only the failure of the government bodies to take strong action all years, but also the silence coming form our children’s charities that are quick to collect money from us every year to care for vulnerable children like these victims.
“Boston Marathon jihad mass murderer’s friend convicted of lying to the FBI”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
What would it take for you to aid a mass murderer in destroying evidence of his crime? Would you do it because he was your good old college buddy? Would you do it because you were ‘too high on marijuana’ to be responsible for your actions? Or would you not help him for any reason other than a sympathy for what he did?”
“Boston Marathon bombings: Robel Phillipos guilty of lying”
Apparently, those detector vans are a gimmick, with no equipment in them, they are a gigantic bluff…….withold your fee and watch TV anyway, they will be bankrupt in no time.
As far as I’m aware the TV is a passive receiver and doesn’t emit any signals. Therefore how a radio detector detects a non emitting site is a non starter plus you’d have to triangulate the signal to get a position. The much easier option is to get a list of addresses and cross reference them with non payers. I’ve never seen a TV detector van in real life and it looks like the BBc refuse to answer FOI requests on the issue. When we had no TV and made the mistake of contacting them we were told that they could send someone with a hand held detector although I’ve yet to see any of the collector goons carrying anything that looks like a detector. Just remember if you don’t have a licence never never enter into communication with them.
Everyone knows that. Why do you think you have to give your details over when you buy a TV its so they can check against the electoral role and identify possible gaps then go in a check. There is a guy with a clipboard and a list of addresses. My mate used to do it, he loved it. The excuses people came up with were superb
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“Essentially when we’re watching these ‘political’ comedians cracking their piss-poor UKIP gags on the BBC, I think we need to be aware they are neither engaged nor passionate about their subject- but money-grubbing charlatans, toadying up to the militant liberals that pay their wages, mirroring their own beliefs back at them in an act of false flattery so that they’ll feel smug and validated and keep them on the BBC tax-payer funded gravy-train.
“Can’t help but notice increasingly, a lot ‘political’ comedians cracking cheap and easy gags about UKIP, to the extent that it’s got hack, boring and lazy very quickly.”
The jokes are 1960’s Schoolboy jokes. But it implies that the BBC Comedians are less informed than the UKIP voter, and therefore have no material to go on, either that or they are reluctant to make anti-democratic and pro-establishment jokes, despite being employed by the BBC.
Never heard of Andrew Lawrence, but he’s got a point. I’ve never like Darah O’Briain. And Darah, as an immigrant, this country’s policies are none of your business. If you don’t like them, leave.
‘Dara Ó Briain who presents ‘Mock The Week’ replied to Laurence on Twitter saying: “Hey Andrew, sorry I’m so aging, bald and fat, but as an an immigrant I’ll retain my disdain for anti-immigrant politics.”
How very Junkeresque.
He’s too thick to tell the difference between anti-immigration and pro-controlled immigration. he thinks either its a fully open door, or its mass deportations and nothing in-between. What a thicko.
He’s no fool, just a media lefty with an agenda.
10 years ago I watched a piss poor RTE panel comedy show called “Don’t Feed the Gondoliers” or some such. Who was on but the great Dara “erhhhh” (here comes the punchline) O’Brian.
It was the first time I came across him. He was playing to the audience with a derisory joke about banning drunken “English” stag parties coming to Dublin….to great hoots from the audience I might add.
I would llike to do a “aren’t the Irish thick” they shouldn’t come here and take British jobs (jokes?) But I don’t think he’d see the funny side and call me racist.
Maybe I’m wrong…
It’s a free country, O’Briain can “retain” his “disdain” for whatever he likes. But this does not give him – and his left-wing chums – the right to voice this “disdain” on the supposedly impartial BBC whenever he feels like it. Besides, UKIP is anti-mass immigration NOT “anti-immigrant”.
If one comedian is prepared to say it and damage his career, then you can be sure others think it.
…And, of course, the corollary to all that, the insistence that there is nothing, whatsoever, funny about anyone on the left. Not Crashey Balls, not the Abbotpotamus and not even the millionaire Marxist weirdo who can’t even eat a bacon sandwich
Still makes me laugh with Abbotopotamus (add the o in the middle)
but will take a look at one of his shows as haven’t heard anything of him but at least I can guarantee it won’t be the painful Russell Howard politics dressed up as comedy act. Plus ticket is only £15
Comedians?????? – you’ve got to be joking.
Dar ‘o Briain replied to his post on facebook saying that he was opposed to any politics which was anti-immigration, clearly aiming that at UKIP.
Well we all know that Dara likes to surround himself with famous scientists to try to pass himself off as intelligent, but it really will not wash. he is clearly too thick to know the difference between being anti-immigration and being pro-controlled immigration and being in favour of no immigration controls whatsoever. There is a very big difference in the social impacts between all three of those.
I have never seen Dara actually dare to challenge any of the liberal intellectual scientists on anything. This is because he is far to weak intellectually to be able to do so. He probably still believes that there is a 97% consensus on mankind’s emissions of CO2 being catastrophic to the climate.
What a dunce!
What a superb put-down of the likes of Hardy, Hislop, the Now Show etc………hope they all read this, the cretins.
BBC never questions why a ‘British’ Doctor was in Syria at all:
Just being a Doctor
BBC doesn’t question why public money is being spent on an inquiry.
Apparently when a British Doctor travels to the rebel-controlled areas in Syria his death, in the hands of the regime, somehow merits an inquiry.
How was a British Doctor being funded? Do we fund British Doctors to work in war-torn areas outside the UK, when the UK isn’t involved militarily?
I think we all know what happened here. I don’t want my money being spent on such inquiries and the BBC should question this fact.
Bbc breakfast are half way towards making him a saint this morning.
BBC Radio 4 PM
If you are wealthy enough then you can have access to the latest trial cancer drugs if you have a couple of million pounds to spare.
Cue the person who set it up – If you are rich enough then you pay for 20 poorer people to benefit from the trial and if you still meet the criteria then you yourself will be included.
So nothing like the rich being able to buy access to cutting edge cancer treatments which the BBC were trying to suggest !
I could hardly believe my ears listening to Today this morning. There was a well-briefed John Humphrys politely but firmly tearing holes in Sir David Higgins (the Executive Chairman of HS2). Humphrys made mincemeat of Higgins’ arguments in favour of HS2: not by talking over Higgins but by asking the questions we would all like to have asked and pointing out the endless fallacies underpinning the HS2 policy. A Today first and, most probably, a Today last but nonethelesss welcome.
Just had a “how did we do” questionnaire in connection with my recent complaint. However when I got to the end all the relevant things like my sexual orientation, surprise on the ethnic origin part no option to put yourself as English. Yes you have “White British” and “White Irish” no English. Light blue touch paper and retire. I advised them they might like to change that. Oh yea the BBc response was exactly as I expected…rubbish
I had one of those the other week, arising from my complaint about Diane Abbot’s ludicrously ignorant assertion that the first Blacks in Britain were “probably Roman centurious hundres of years before Christ” (a complaint which was, of course, brushed aside with consummate insouciance).
I thought the survey itself was fairly well constructed, and gave ample opportunity to ‘speak my brains’, though I questioned the value and relevance of the demographic part at the end.
And I was, of course, politely scathing about the dismissive attitude and wholly unsatisfactory response shown towards my complaint by the drone who ‘dealt’ with it.
Lucky I didn’t see that item or I’d probably split my sides laughing. Funny enough I complained about the fact Abbot was on TV after her racist comments a while ago the beeb gave me some bull**** reply and obviously continued to put her on.
The full idiocy, for your amusement, is here.
I note the use of the word probably. I didn’t laugh after all I just almost lost the will to live.
“I note the use of the word probably”
Yes, that was the Beeb droid’s get-out clause. I did point out that if there had been a proper editorial process such an egregious error wouldn’t see the light of day, but apparently it’s just an opinion piece (despite not being clearly marked as such, lack of disclaimer that the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the BBC (yeah, right), and being effectively ‘endorsed’ by the BBC imprint) so they don’t give a flying one.
Well, at least I’m not paying for ’em anymore.
Can’t do it. Want to sleep in the next couple of hours.
Just humiliated her with this stupidity on her facebook page, i suggest others do the same, work it into her, she deserves it.
If & it’s a big if the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus was black, then he certainly was in Britain. Indeed he moved the capital from Rome to York where the Egyptian Gods were worshiped.
He died in 211AD so well after the birth of Christ, but the Romans didn’t invade until 43AD. Although there were plans to invade prior to this, they never came to fruition.
I expect that the BBC replied that they are not responsible for their guests insanity, but at the end of it all, they are responsible for who they invite onto their programs.
I did this in local history.
The first Roman Emperor to visit York was Hadrian in 122, then Septimius Severus from 208 to the 4th February 211 when he died of gout aged 65, and was buried on Severus Hill in York, until his son the Emperor Caracalla returned to York the same year, before returning to Rome with his fathers remains. Then in 305 Constantius came to York and then died of leukaemia in York on 25th July 306 aged 56, his son Constantine was then declared Emperor in York.
Septimius Severus was a Berber born near the present day capital of Libya in North Africa which at the time was populated by hideously white people, such as Berbers and the descendants of Greek, Phoenician and Roman colonists in the coastal towns, the indigenous Berbers further inland and the Barbarian Berbers not under Roman rule even further inland. Only Egypt suffered from the importation of Blacks brought up the Nile, some where used for entertainments in Roman coliseums, but the large Black minorities in North Africa today where brought in by the Islamic slave trade after the Arabs invaded North Africa from 640.
Unfortunately for the morons Septimius Severus like all the Roman Emperors have stone busts, so with this and North African street scenes in mosaics, it’s a bit difficult for them to rewrite history because we know what they looked like. But as well as this and the evidence from writings, skulls and genetics, it still seams that the truth is under attack from left-wing ideology as with other intellectual subjects, for instance we now have Roman York street scenes in the Museum, teaming with Blacks. York was as far away from Roman Egypt than you could get, yet they depict street scenes in Roman York with far more Blacks than you would find outside of the Museum today, and there are ‘Millions’ of Blacks in Britain today.
Like Severus, its all based on a woman found with ivory jewellery, and probably not even born in North Africa as was previously thought. Even the raw Ivory may not have been imported up the Nile from Black Africa.
Only Egypt suffered from the importation of Blacks?
Not sure that’s the phrase I would have used.
“Not sure that’s the phrase I would have used.”
Oh, I dunno, if the Egyptians imported millions of little Dianne Abbots, I’d call it suffering.
Just an extra point of info, Claudius was the first Emperor in Britain in the first half of the first century AD.
His ancestor the general Julius Caesar was here decades before Christ’s birth, but the Romans didn’t stay until the time of Claudius.
Well Caesar invaded in 55 and 54BC that wasn’t hundreds of years before Christ. Also the Roman term Africa referred to North Africa not sub-Saharan Africa. North Africa was Latin speaking before the Arab invasion.
Besides Dianne Abbott is an ignorant woman who disrespects other people’s culture.
I believe the term Africa originates from a hideously white Berber tribe called the Afri.
A reply to Dave’s comment at 5.56 about the ethnicity question on the form.
Of course, under the rules you can self-select your ethnicity and there is no need to be consistent from one questionnaire to another.
You might get a fuller response from the BBC if you select Afro Caribbean.
TWATO anchorwoman today curious as to why groups of Muslim extremists are to be found in Britain in the most unlikely places, such as University College London. The ongoing UCL-hosted stream of Islamic hatefests in front of segregated audiences that have been going on the past several years didn’t even get a passing mention.
Genuine ignorance or more the wilful variety?
Just Google ‘Muslim extremism’ and UCL’ and you get a plethora of links e.g.
Or maybe in the light of beheadings, mass rape and torture, buryings alive, religious cleansing etc., even the BBC was too coy to show its true hand which you bet is not a million miles away from this Guardian piece:
‘UCL, on the frontline of the student extremism debate
The college has a history of openness and its policy of constructive engagement is morally justified – despite the risks’
Yep, that’s right – ‘constructive engagement’. Beyond left-liberal bleeding heart parody, as is this surreally-worded example of surrendering basic but hard-won British freedoms:
‘”Assuming the side-by-side segregated seating arrangement is adopted, there does not appear to be any discrimination on gender grounds merely by imposing segregated seating. Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”
You despair that nobody is ever going to confront this apparently widespread and self-destructive agenda that promotes appeasement, apology and surrender. Gawd help us.
“…Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”
Before the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act homosexual men could marry women and homosexual women could marry men, just like ever other man and woman. In other words everyone was being treated ‘equally’. Another ‘Humpty Dumpty’ word to add to the list in ‘Modern’ English.
Of course, that’s an unfairness created by the left: A man cannot sit with his wife or girlfriend, and she not with him but gay couples still have that right. That’s a very heterophobic hate crime to segregate hetero couples but not homo couples.
One man’s journey to cancelling his TV licence and escaping the harassment of the BBC’s heavy-handed TV Licensing enforcers:
the bbc and radio 5 live presenters have been asking the same question today,how can we stop so called british muslims being radicalsed into isis mass murderers,the answer to that is you cant until you get to the root of the problem which is driving them to all this madness and that is a book called the koran,yes the koran and it verses are always quoted by these muslim terrorists try to justify there acts of rape,murder and brutality against the non believers,the bbc can have debate after debate about islamic extremism as they always do but ignoring the koran which is root cause of all this islamist muslim extremism is just a cop out in my book and just turning a blind eye to the true issues about the koran.
It’s obvious that not all Muslims follow the call to Jihad, and indeed this is acknowledge by Robert Spencer himself.
Part of the problem is the BBC, and the rest of the Fascists left to even acknowledge there might be a problem with Islam and the Qur’an.
In a normal situation we would be able to discuss which verses in the Qur’an support Jihad, and those which argue against it. However to admit there are verses in the Qur’an which support war and violence would be to admit that there is some kind of religious mandate to Jihad. Everyone in the UK knows this, but the BBC and the Fascist left aren’t going to give them the evidence to support that.
As the Labour party canvasser told me, Labour party policy is that Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do. If you remember that then much of what you’ve typed becomes very clear.
The Quran the Hadith the Sira … that s Islam
Islam is the problem, if people are “get along guys” …
that s great, but it is in spite of Islam the not because of it …
If your “faith” is truly peaceful, being extreme is no issue.
Dealing with the facts above, seems to be a bigger issue for our political jellyfish.
Even when the apologists and appeasers of Islamic hatred and violence are finally forced to debate the Qur’an, they still fail to address the primacy of Jihad over the peaceful texts. They wilfully misinterpret the Qur’an to claim that the peaceful texts should take precidence over the call to Jihad, and claim Jihad is only ever defensive.
The Qur’ran is chronological and the later texts take precedence over the earlier texts. The Qur’an itself teaches this.
As for Jihad, it is indeed true, that it could only be called in self-defence. Only the authority of the caliph himself could declare offensive Jihad and compel all Muslims to fight, overtly or covertly through deception (Takiyya). Until recently there was no Caliph in existance and thus nobody within Islam with the authority to wage offensive Jihad. Just Islamists could rightly claim, that with no Caliph to declare Jihad, Islam, by its own rules, must be a peaceful religion.
But…. What happened very recently? The establishment of a caliphate, headed by a Caliph.
The game just changed. Massively.
The left would rather pretend that it has not.
Islam is the Koran and the Koran is Islam.
The Koran is the unalterable revealed word of the all-knowing moon-god.
Later verses of the Koran contradict earlier verses, therefore the moon-god is not all-knowing and the Koran is alterable. Therefore the moon-god is false, the Koran is false and Islam is false.
Even Mehdi Hasan and Russell Brand should be able to get their heads around that.
Wimmin !!
Why are so few WW1 Wimmin heroes remembered, the BBC asks.
My Answer: Because there were so few…!!
Why oh why have we ignored for so long the key role played by men in the suffragette struggle?
Put down that cream pie and highlight it – yes I’m talking to you, Jenni Murray!
Cambridge News
“The force is hunting a group of three men, described as being of Middle Eastern appearance with dark black hair, in relation to the attack on the man in his 20s yesterday.
“Two men, both in their early 20s, are also being sought for the sexual attack on a woman on Mill Road at 6.15pm on October 17.
“One man is described as being Arabic and of medium build, and the other is said to be slim with dark shaved hair.
[At least Plod’s on the case: three men have been arrested already. Rochdale rozzers et al. please note.]
BBC News:
Anybody watching the bBC revisionist treatment of the Baby P case.
According to the bBC the highly paid and well regarded professionals who let down Baby P are apprantly the real victims of this media witchhunt. Yes according to the bBC, its the Police who are at fault .
What a disgusting program.
Anybody else get the impression that David Cameron was the PM at the time?
I seem to remember at the time the Police were equally to blame as the social workers.
“Police mistakes meant a chance to charge Baby P’s mother with assaulting him was missed several weeks before his death, an unpublished report says. ”
From the BBC web page
“The horrific extent to which Baby P was failed by nearly everyone who came into contact with him was laid bare yesterday.
Social workers, doctors and police committed a catalogue of errors which led to the toddler’s death at the hands of his mother and her sadistic boyfriend.”
From the Daily Mail at the time in 2010.
“Police strongly believed that Baby P’s injuries were non-accidental, but ‘they did not do their duty by accepting the responsibility to investigate the injuries’. They also swallowed Connelly’s account of Barker’s limited involvement, which showed a ‘lack of thoroughness of the police investigation”
I can’t comment because I didn’t hear the program, but it’s important to differentiate from the BBC reporting someone elses biased report, and giving their own biased viewpoint.
Thoughtful, the bBC wrote the program to portray the social workers and the doctors as victims, who were overworked, vilified and scapegoated by the…Sun. The thing is these people were paid a lot of money for being in responsible jobs yet according to the bBC they shouldn’t have been forced out of their jobs. yet the bBC has no problem vilifying Mitchell for not calling anybody a Pleb, How about Fallon on Sunday. The bBC has no problem demanding the head of a Tory. But when its a Guardian reading socialist, then they can only be victims.
Regards the Police, they only get called in, when the social workers and Health staff call them in. If they didn’t are the Police really guilty.
Even Ed Balls came out of this smelling of rose, and yet this happened in 2007/2008 and yet the bBC had no problem mentioning Cameron ,even including him speaking at PMs question time. Loved the blue tie Ed Balls wore.
Then there was the Doctor, well according to the bBC, she shouldn’t have been employed in the Job, she cried for her Mother and demanded to be struck off the Medical register. Not once did the the bBC mention she fucked off to the ME, found another job and refused to come back for the hearing, instead we had her husband opining what a victim she was.
It was a fucking hatchet job by the bBC into making leftwing incompetent bastards into the real victims.
You are correct, I didn’t watch much of this, but I vividly remember newspaper reports of meeting minutes where one policeman in particular apparently was distraught and begged the protection agency to take Baby Peter into care, and they refused.
I don’t agree. I only saw the last half or so but this seemed to me to be a balanced report (apart from the anti Sun bias) which raised some damning questions about Ed Balls in particular. A crucial piece of evidence, I thought, were the various drafts of the Ofsted report which clearly showed government interference with the findings. Do we really want to sound like the sort of morons who made death threats against the social workers etc.?
As in the recent report about Rotherham, I wonder if the inter-agency approach used in the baby P case was hampered by all the different agencies being run by the labour authorities?
Of course it was! They all put their mates into every position, so when something goes wrong they all coverup, because the mate knows where the bodies are buried. Cue massive golden handshake and golden parachute into Environment Agency / NHS Trust management role at £150k pa.
Ross Hawkins (on Five Live – 29:00 mins, below) seems particularly excited by Cameron’s difficulties over the EU’s demand for another €2bn. His excitement is so barely contained he seems almost at the point of orgasm.
From the outset, Hawkins’ piece is troubling, disrespectful and overtly threatening, inappropriately so if the BBC’s claims of impartiality are to have any credence.
Tony Livesey, introducing Hawkins on Five Live Drive, suggests that Cameron will be ‘nit picking’ over the EU bill, ‘going through it with a fine tooth comb’. ‘Yes, and the rest of us are going to start nit picking as well, sneers Hawkins, ‘He (the PM) wants to start going through their maths and challenge that, the rest of us will look at the (PM’s) caveats….’ (so there!)
The BBC’s Hawkins (and the ‘rest’ of them) put Cameron on notice that he / they’ll be watching him. The PM is seemingly now fair game for the BBC .
Needless to say, though, in the balanced world of the BBC, apart from some praise, Hawkins has nothing whatsoever to say about their Europhile hero Miliband’s own difficulty in balancing his love for all things Europe, the EU’s outrageous demand and the public’s popular anti EU reaction.
Hawkins (who don’t forget, day after day, at the Leveson Inquiry took, shall we say, a unique view of what he was hearing (must have been getting lessons from Norman Smith)) was being partisan; his tone was unacceptable.
BBC bias at a gobsmacking level.
I’m still bemused by the recent ‘bill’ presented to the UK by the EU for £1.7Bn. How did an entity which has not had it’s accounts audit signed off for over 19 years, due to the industrial levels of corruption and bribery, ever manage to afford the polish for it’s brass neck?
Will Hamas-supporting Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report this?:-
“Mother of jihad terrorist who murdered baby girl:
‘Praise Allah he’s a martyr.'”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]-
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.
Support Israel. Defeat jihad.”
Watching Al Beeb news reflecting on the day’s ‘Newspapers’, – why is it that every time immigration comes up as a subject, Al Beeb brings on two ‘spokes people’ to say how good immigration is for us, which runs contrary to the opinion of a vast majority of the people of Great Britain . Where is the balance there? More votes for UKIP I think.
C4 ran a piece on Peterborough. it was in connection with the use of the word ” swamping ” .
If anything worse than any BBC output. But so perfunctory and obvious was the propaganda I get the distinct impression they don’t believe their words themselves.
The liberal fantasies are unravelling now.
Even labour’s ex home Secretary Blunckett has admitted that the tory Minister was correct to use the word “swamped”. Clearly the Minister himself believes that being panicked into accidentily telling the truth is unacceptable, has apologised and will make extra effort not to tell the truth again.
I’m voting UKIP.
What the media types do not understand is that mass immigration is now so extensive that it has had a massive impact outside places like London, Birmingham or Bolton.
In the small town in which I live, I can walk down the High Street and hear more conversations in a foreign language than in English. As a linguist I have no aversion to foreigners or the languages they speak, quite the opposite. Having lived in a German village for many years, the prospect of living in an English village did not seem too much to ask. Now, without any democratic approval whatsoever, the heartlands of the home nations are being turned into Pakistani or Polish or Romanian villages. Much the same point is made by Thilo Sarrazin the author of the German best-seller “Deutschland schafft sich ab Wie Wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen”(Germany’s Death Wish – How we are gambling with the future of our country) who says simply ” If I wanted to live in a Turkish village I would emigrate to Turkey”. Meaning that if the differential birthrate between the indigenous population and Muslim immigrants continues, sheer force of numbers within a generation or two will mean the character of Germany will have changed completely as German integration policies have failed. If Britain has Bolton and Rotherham, Germany has Kreuzberg and Neu-Koeln. Of course, he was subjected to a vicious campaign of vilification by the leftist media, he lost his job at the Bundesbank, there were attempts to exclude him from the SPD and his wife lost her job as a teacher because of political pressure.
Ordinary people should not have to put up with the superficial moralising and smug condescension of media buffoons, British or German. People have eyes, ears and minds and are no longer going to be told by the BBC what the reality of their lives is.
Excellent post. Thank you
The balance will be established over an indeterminable period of time. Apparently.….< racist scum
Last night I happened upon Have I Got News For You. It was such an anti-UKIP-fest of slander and garbage from the panelists – Victoria Coren Mitchell actually impressed me – she distinguished herself by being even-handed. I watched for 10 minutes as the brainless ones went round and round mocking UKIP based on no news at all, really. This American girl made a ‘joke’ about advising her sister to marry a black man, then everything would always naturally be blamed on him. The worst was ‘jokes’ about Oscar Pistorius killing Reeva Steenkamp. It is unbelievable what these lefties are allowed to say and get away with it – if Farage made a joke about that there would be ‘outrage’ for weeks. That was about 10 minutes into a 60 minute show, I bet there are a load of complaints to the B-BBC.
I hear the Met office have found a new use for the old climate-change computer.
Yes, a super-duper computer that will be able to model what difference an additional (entirely theoretical) three degrees celsius will do to for the grape and mango harvest in Accrington.
I reckon all they need to do now is teach it to tell us what today’s weather is going to be, remembering that yesterday I sat in my car looking at the leaden skies while on the radio the Toady programme was telling me what a beautiful sunny morning we were having in my part of the world.
But much faster – it won’t predict any further into the future, but will predict more accurately what will happen in the time-periods already considered.
(The weather being chaotic is, by definition, unpredictable sufficiently far in the future)
Funny – on the Today show I heard the comment that “short term weather prediction is 86% accurate”. One day of listening to the forecast and monitoring the weather actually experienced will show the optimism in that little comment – but they still pretend!
A full out assault from the BBC this morning. As of 6.45am, the lead articles on their website are: Mental health spending ‘too low’; Met Office supercomputer unveiled (to improve “climate modelling”); Sport prize money equality urged; Children ‘lacking trust’ in police. The BBC’s new motto should be: The News, the News! Anything but the News!
The BBC does like its cuts, and consequences..
Councils could struggle to tackle any future outbreak of E. coli food poisoning due to staff cuts, a spending…
There may well be a story of news value there, but this typifies the calibre of BBC ‘no space for accuracy’ tweeting, guided by agenda.
For a start there’s that ubiquitous ‘could’, which means anything could mean anything. Of course ‘the cuts’ are in there, and no mention of other pressures affecting public health.
But what bugs me is the lazy subbing, just lifting a blog story into twitter (coincidentally leaving in the juicy bits) and presuming folk will read on after the …
And the next…
Curbing fertility no quick fix for green problems: BBC News – Population controls ‘will not solve environment issues’
As it stands it is pure propaganda advocacy.
There’s a statement they like, namely that numbers of people are insignificant to other factors. Then there’s a “quote” to back it up.
Who from… The BBC? They’ll get away with it as they’ll say all is revealed and context clarified once the link is clicked, but the way they twist twitter limitations is risible.
R4 6:40am – This must be a deliberate lie.
Talking about Cameron and the budget demands, they said that after a statement from Brussels, Cameron toned down his rhetoric.
My logic figures it this way: the Brussels announcement was either before or after his statement. If after, then how could Cameron have turned it down as he had already said it and it is in Hansard. If the statement came before, how did the bBC know what Cameron was going to say before he said it in parliament.
Clearly this is a lie, a deliberate embellishment by the bBC, as a throw away line that they think no one is going to pick up on.
The BBC is certainly going to town trying to limit the damage caused by the resignation of the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland Johann Lamont (& believe it or not that is a pretentious spelling of the name Joanne!)
The fact that she called the London Labour Party out of touch, dinosaurs, and treating Scotland like a “branch office” .
It seemed that at the start the BBC like the Labour Party didn’t know what to do about this, but now following the dramatic leap of Ed Milliband to do nothing as usual, the BBC have thought it necessary to do it for him!
Damage limitation is urgently needed because if Labour fail to return Scottish MPs then they lose the next election.
This is how it started out:
Here is a list of the potential candidates for your consideration:
Maybe yet the web pages haven’t caught up with the message, but radio output certainly has.
BBC News Website today.
‘Agenda’ items. Many!
Climate Modelling £97m new Met Computer
Children have profound lack of trust in Police
America used Nazis as Spies
Below is a cracking tick-box film review of an Arab road-movie. You couldn’t make it up!:
-‘It has references to homosexuality, jokes on masturbation, drunkenness and a Jewish love interest. It even has a semi-comic skirmish in Syria with a member of President Assad’s regime. But any “shocking” content, according to its makers, says more about Western stereotyping than actual cultural beliefs’.-
Wimmin menstruating in India:
Wimmin equality in sport:
Wimmin and respect:
And more…
BBC tv News this morning gives a marvelously glowing positive report on behalf of the Met Office – who have blown an awful lot of tax payer cash on a new ‘super computer’. The report was done by David Shukman. He felt no obligation for any ‘some people might say….’ or ‘there are doubts….’ A quick ‘The Met Office have got some things wrong in the past’ was a single and lonely note of caution in what otherwise amounted to a beathless puff piece.
Perhaps Shukman was recalling this Met Office backtracking from January 2013…
‘The UK Met Office has revised one of its forecasts for how much the world may warm in the next few years.’
‘It says the average temperature is likely to be 0.43 C above the long-term average by 2017, as opposed to an earlier forecast suggesting a difference of 0.54C.’
‘The explanation is that a new kind of computer model using different parameters has been used.’
See here for the detailed story of the attempted cover up on behalf of the Met Office by Roger Harrabin and his mate David Shukman at the BBC
‘This was clearly an important story. But the BBC decided not to cover it at all that day. However, the following morning the BBC reported it.’
‘At 6.00 am [BBC Radio 4] the story was repeated but with the significant error saying that the Met Office expected temperatures ‘in Britain’ not to rise by 2017.’
‘Shukman also failed to mention that the forecasts made by the Met Office a few years ago have been proven wrong. All we get is an unnamed Met Office spokesman and nobody else. In the interests of balance and given that the story broke on sceptic websites and via the GWPF, a critic should have been quoted and the BBC should have insisted on a named spokesperson from the Met Office.’
All those thousands of trillions of calculations per second to do what? It is only as good as the program it is running. All that extra computing power will do is get the wrong answer even faster than before.
Have the Met office changed the parameters of the underlying assumptions coded into their long-range forecast models? Have they reduced their assumptions about the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity to be more in line with reality?
If not, then they will get the wrong answer much faster than before. I do not care how fast the computer is, GIGO will still apply!
Two articles in one day giving an incredibly one-sided account of exaggerated gender-based stories. The most hilarious hypocrisy of all is the article on sports pay inequality which is written by two women with five quotes from female voices and only two from male ones. Seems the BBC can’t practice what it preaches. Both are open to comments and, naturally, both have been swamped with comments pointing out how facile and biased the BBC’s journalism is becoming.
“Female footballers are rewarded significantly less than their male counterparts.”
Well, no shit, Sherlock. Only at the BBC could that be considered worth pointing out. Let me explain this carefully to any Beeboids listening in. NO ONE OUTSIDE THE BBC GIVES A STUFF ABOUT WOMEN’S FOOTBALL.
Are male strippers paid as much as female strippers, I wonder?
If not, why not?
(Not that I’m interested in male strippers, you understand!)
As one of our local wimmin coucillors said on a local radio phone in, ” female strippers are abused , repressed, exploited and goodness knows what”, but when asked if the same was true for male strippers claimed “no “they were just a laugh.
And as a note to the incumbent MP who only talks about bicycles, unilateral disarmament and closing all the lap dancing clubs in the city down, watch out UKIP is about.
Male catwalk models are paid a lot less than their female counterparts. I don’t see the BBC complaining about that.
Male strippers are paid by the inch. Bit like Subway rolls…
Eurgh! You’ve put me right off my lunch.
… and as unappetising too.
I read or saw an article about the American Porn industry that women are paid 5 times as much as men.
The top 5 Arsenal male 1st team players earned £23M between them for the 23 games they play at home in the 2013 season. Assuming game receipts of 2.4million per game (avg. attendance 60k * £40 per ticket) gives a wage bill of 42% per match.
The top 5 Arsenal female players earned 80k between them for the 17 home games they played in 2013. The WSL apparently limits the pay of women players to a max of £20k as they are classed as ‘semi-pro.’ Ticket prices are £5 per match and avg attendance at Boreham Wood is 1000 giving a wage bill of 94% (game receipts £85kpa wages £80k)
So in terms of games receipts the women earn over twice what the men do. Isn’t maths fun? 😉
The above should not, of course be taken seriously. However what sort of business, and Arsenal FC is a business first and foremost, can afford to pay women the same as men when there is such a disparity between the average income per game?
Perhaps male tennis players at Wimbledon should complain about the inequality of having to play five set games in order to win their prize money against only three set games for female players who win the same amount. There aren’t many sports where women can play on an equal footing with men – and for the pedants I am aware of those few sports where women ARE the equal of men – so why should they get equal prize money?
BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ with John Humphries, clearly didn’t know anything about his subject when he interviewed some leftie about the boat people travelling from Libya to Europe.
When the Fascist claimed that people were travelling to escape repressive regimes, and were trying to get to countries where they could make use of their languages, Humphries should have reminded him of the Refugee treaty obligations that European countries have, and that Economic Migration is not among the clauses.
The reality was that the interviewee admitted that the people travelling were bogus asylum seekers and had no right to travel to the West. In addition he admitted that they intended to fraudulently claim asylum simply because they wanted to jump the immigration queue ahead of those who were trying to come here by legitimate methods.
I’m putting Humphries silence down to ignorance rather than bias, although it seems that people make sure they educate themselves on the issues which concern them!
Every single non-EU migrant that lands on these shores from any EU state, without going through the full immigration process, should be sent packing straight back to whatever country they were last in, because the refugee laws clearly state that they are obligated by law to seek assylum in the first safe country they arrive in. If they have crossed all of Europe to get here, then they cannot legally claim assylum and they are NOT assylum seekers, they are illegal aliens without any legal right to claim assylum and should be immediately kicked out.
If they land here on a plane from an unsafe country, then they can submit a claim for assylum. If they arrive by boat, which did not dock anywhere between their country and the UK, they can submit a claim for assylum. If they arrive under a lorry, in a container or washed up on the beach, then they should not even be given the chance to apply for assylum. They should be sent back to whatever country that they were last in immediately. If necessary, pack them into a transport aircraft with a parachute, and kick them out over France and then bill that nation for the full cost of the flight and the parachutes.
IF they have arrived in a way which legally permits a claim, then they still should not be seen as genuine refugees until their claim has been verified and accepted. Keep them detained in a high security holiday camp until their claims are accepted or rejected.
If after all that, they are a genuine refugee? Welcome them and help them get their life back on track and give them all the support they need.
That is not a plea for what we should ideally be doing and an unrealistic dream of how things should be, although it does feel like it…. That is actually the LAW as it is now. It is about time we upheld that law.
Unfortunately there’s a step they are entitled to which you have missed out – a judicial hearing at which the Home Office decision is reviewed.
Of course preparation of the case takes time, and it’s all paid for by legal aid, sometimes in spite of the evidence against the claimant. This is an area which even the Tories have failed to cut & so the rest of us have even less access to justice.
Alas there are far too many of them to house in high security camps and the cost would be prohibitive & also illegal !
When they are refused asylum as the vast majority are, then their benefits are stopped and they are expected to live on nothing until they are returned to their country, of course at this point many go missing, falling into the black economy and working for very low wages.
Once the hearing has taken place they should be detained, and following the decision immediately repatriated.
Even here there are problems though. Many have ‘lost’ their passport, or turn out not to have come from the country they have claimed, or the Home Office has lost their passport !
In the case of countries like China or Israel passports are not renewed and the false asylum seekers cannot be returned. Countries like Zimbabwe are deemed to dangerous even the liars cannot be returned.
It’s not as simple as it first appears !
Most of the 7.25 sports bulletin on Today was given over to a discussion on why the women’s squash champion doesn’t get the same amount of prize money as the men’s even though they play the same number of sets (that would be unlike effing tennis then, where the prize money is equal).
In the intro to the piece we were informed that there is a whole range of sports where women don’t get equal pay, including football and golf. Well blow me dahn wiv a fevver guv’ nah!
As we know the BBC have form with its disproportionate coverage of women’s sport – especially on Today. This is blatant equality campaigning – nothing more, nothing less – which, for a so-called ‘impartial’ national broadcaster, is bang out of order.
When the female champion can beat the male champion, then she deserves the same money as the men. Until then, she clearly is not equal.
This is why lefties hate sport. Unlike all the other areas of life where lefties spend all thier time complaining about nonsense, and they do not actually DO anything measurable. Sport is entirely measurable and rewards are entirely based on results of the individual’s, or teams performance. There is no shirking the diversity in levels of talent. Talent, skill, speed, strength, accuracy etc… are NOT equal, so equality does not apply. The only way to have equality truly apply in sport, is to pay every individual the same amount regardless of the results of competition, which would clearly be ludicrous and take all of the reward and effort out of sport.
Artficially creating equality based on Gender is not fair to those competitors who are better then the women, but still not good enough to win.
There are sports where men and women compete against each other totally fairly and on equal terms. Motorsports is one such sport. If the women beat the men on equal terms, then they deserve the same rewards.
sports fans pay to watch the best atheletes in the world in their specific disciplines. They pay to watch those extraordinary performances. IF those extraordinary, world class performances come from women, then they deserve the rewards for those performances.
For example when a woman can run the 100 meters in 9.59 seconds, then they will deserve the acclaim that currently goes to Usain Bolt.
The Women’s world record, set back in 1988, of 10.49 seconds, is not good enough to even qualify for the semi final heats of a men’s race. Without looking it up on Google, who can tell me who set the 26th fastest time in any 100 meter’s men’s competition at the Olympics? Why give such an athelete the same recognition as the best man? I shall demonstrate…
Jaysuma Saidy Ndure from Norway
Ángel David Rodríguez from Spain
Dariusz Kuć from Poland
Nilson André from Brazil
Masashi Eriguchi from Japan
Barakat Al-Harthi from Oman
Rytis Sakalauskas from Lithuania
Amr Ibrahim Mostafa Seoud from Egypt
Jason Rogers from St Kitts and Nevis
Ogho-Oghene Egwero from Nideria
Reza Ghasemi from Iran
Obinna Metu from Nigeria
Ramon Gittens from Barbados
Peter Emelieze from Nigeria
Jeremy Bascom from Guyana
Marek Niit from Estonia
Warren Fraser from Bahamas
Miguel López from Puerto Rico
Gérard Kobéané from Burkina Faso
Who are these people? They are 100 meter runners who failed to even qualify from their heats into the semi-final heats at the London Olympics. All unknown, all considered not very good at their sport.
They also ALL ran the 100 meters in the heats prior to the semi-final heats faster than the current, long standing women’s 100 meters world record.
IF we really support equality, as I do, then why should someone merely having a vagina mean that they get more recognition and reward for running a 100 meters time SLOWER than all the above named atheletes?
The Bbc only bid for sports rights to either deny ,ITV , SKY or BT getting hold of them, or to force the price up ,so the others have to pay more. This will ,in the eyes of Bbc , prevent them from spending on other programmes, or bidding for other sports rights.The Bbc can then get the rights ,the others can`t afford to buy, on the cheap, in the end.
The latest from hostage John Cantile. Is it Stockholm Syndrome, or
Lord Haw Haw and Tokio Rose combined?
He has a beard…has he converted?
Worth noting the hand gestures and reporting style – pure BBC middle east reporting.
More like Sheik Haw Haw.
Why would he do that when it’s ‘nothing to do with islam?’
I’d say that until any of us has found ourselves in his situation, we are in no position to judge his behaviour.
These videos are released purely for publicity. I’d prefer the BBC stopped obliging the terrorists by endlessly dissecting the videos, and restricted it to a brief mention.
Sadly the BBC not filling its 24/7 dead air (pun not intended) with every gob and wild guess analysis possible is a pipedream.
Agree that the videos are published for publicity and are designed to serve the standpoint associated with Isis.
I have not seen a BBC dissection of the video.
However, given the biased nature of our national broadcaster and the dubious quality of some of the others, I do believe that some kind of informed discussion by rational members of the public is desirable. Bearing in mind, of course, that we are not in this person’s situation.
INBBC’s political stance seems more sympathetic to Islamic jihad “rebels” and “militants”
of Al Nusrah Front, than to Islamic jihadists of Islamic State.
INBBC uses language like this:-
“Syria conflict: Nusra Front rebels attack Idlib”
Here’s someone sympathetic to the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusrah Front jihadists-
“Pro-al Qaeda Saudi ideologue criticizes jihadist leaders in Syria, calls for unity”
Read more:
Sports need to engage “in the battle for gender balance and fairness”, says Minister for Sport Helen Grant after a BBC Sport study into prize money found 30% of sports reward men more highly than women. –
Could that perchance be because, in most sports, men attract more viewers than women?
When the women’s FA Cup final is watched by as many people as the men’s, I’ll be more sympathetic to the equal pay in sports argument…
more feminist bulls**t.
They are getting their tentacles into everything at the moment and what they fail to realise is women’s sport is a load of crap…total and utter crap when compared to the men’s versions.
I saw some highlights on a BBC show of a women’s game of Everton vs Chelsea I think it was and it was something like 6-3 to Chelsea and it didn’t look entertaining as the standard of football was embarrassing. It looked like a boy’s team of u18s could beat either team.
‘Thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is finally equal. The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains.’
I would bet good money on the BBC never showing that film – it might cause people to think critically about the so-called equality they champion.
2081 – Hardly a movie that would be likely to inspire the BBC Mark Kermode-Gavin Esler film approval axis.
Search as hard as I can on line for some comment or review Kermode seems to have ignored it.
Well, 12 Years a Slave was a film that they ‘had to like’.
Recently on Fury ‘urgh, a war film’ [I paraphrase the do-good-duo only slightly]
BBC : Movies carefully measured against a strict left liberal approval calibration.
8 out of 10 Cats last night and gargoyle faced beeboid Gabby Logan is talking about the UKIP calypso. ‘It’s at no 22 … can we listen to it’, asked Gabby’s daughter. ‘No, it’s dirty’ said Gabby. I’ll tell you whats dirty … when I turn on the BBC and it vomits lefty bias in my face.
‘It’s no 22 in the charts’ Gabby exclaimed, seemingly not believing what she’s saying. Can’t quite believe it can they, they’ll be jumping out of buildings in May.
My main problem is it’s embarrassingly shit’ said irascible Sean Locke. Er, it’s a bit of fun you miserable shit, it’s not supposed to be a fucking symphony. There used to be a time when we could laugh at ourselves … and then the liberals took over.
Impish virgin John Richardson said, ‘an accent is not racist unless the words you’re singing are racist and the accent you use is a bit racist’ … seemingly confusing himself. You can only sing calypso in a faux West Indian accent you fucking div. Anyway, what’s racist about ‘illegal immigrants in every town’ etc, it’s the truth isn’t it? Reminds me of that quote about truth being a revolutionary act.
And finally, ‘It’s completely illegal for Cameron to impose any kind of [immigration] cap’, says the BBC’s new Europe correspondent Gabby Yorath or Logan or whatever her fucking name is this week. This is the thing about the BBC, they mange to pollute all the other channels as well.
on polluting of other channels, Shelagh Fog – ex 5dead announced on LBC that embezzeling twat Dennis McShane of Rotheram was coming on later to talk about the 1.7bn euro bill /off switch
effoff back to 5dead love.
just call her Tranny Logan
Need some free publicity? Want an interview on the Today programme during the prime 8:00 – 8:30 slot? No-one ever heard of you?
Fear not, for the BBC can help. Simply form your own political party using a name from the past and, providing you are prepared during the interview to state that you are doing it as an antidote to UKIP, a sympathetic slot can be arranged.
Pretty sure a guest slot on HIGNFY will likely follow, even if crushingly unfunny.
Yep, we were treated to some chinless wonder who has apparently resurrected the Whig party but has no idea about Edmund Burke and no policies whatsoever apart from, er, ehm, finding UKIP distasteful.
Brilliant, say the beeboids, let’s put him in the prime interview slot on the ‘Today’ programme.
And, shortly before on Today was this:
“EU border control officials meet in Brussels later to discuss how best to deal with a surge in migrants trying to reach Europe. The conference is taking place as Italy prepares to hand responsibility for patrolling the Mediterranean to a new EU-force, called Operation Triton. Italian warships are estimated to have rescued about a 150,000 migrants over the past twelve months, mostly from north Africa and the Middle East. About 3,000 migrants have drowned already this year. Britain has said it will not support the new search and rescue operation, saying it will encourage more migrants to make the dangerous crossing. Daniel Habtey a refugee from Eritrea who lives and works as a Pastor in Huddersfield and Michael Diedring, Secretary General of the European Council on Refugees.”
So, which one do you think was in favour of the UK not supporting the search & rescue, and which one against? Daniel or Michael?
Ha! Trick question. They were both against it, naturally. Impartiality in its purest form.
BBC balance is awesome.
Like their pensions, which can go up as well as really up, thanks to the unique way the licence fee funds can be diverted.
We’re a Nation of disgusting sexists I tell you…The glorious BBC has the full narative, demanding that women in sport are paid the same as men…
You know, because womens premier league footabll is attended at a greater ratio than their mens counterparts..
I’ve also noticed quite a few questions on women’s sport appearing in BBC quiz shows. No-one seems to know the answers – not even the women.
Any stats on the topless darts?
I am immediately ashamed of myself and withdraw that cheap sexist comment.
We get your points. You really hit the bullseye with that.
almost every single sports reporter on the news is now female. I bet money they wouldn’t be able to name 5 teams outside the Premiership and probably don’t even realise there is a football pyramid that stretches down for leagues and leagues
Loved this comment:
3 Minutes ago
I play football sometimes, on a Sunday morning with a bunch of other over weight middle aged men. Its 11 v 11 for 90 minutes, just the same as the premier league but we have to pay to use the pitch! Where is the equality in that? It must be discrimination because we are fat and old, im writing to my MP.
I heard a segment on equal pay on Woman’s Hour while driving.
Sounded bizarre.
Professional sport is a business. That is the crux of it. Pay is what the market decides.
Mind you if we had proper fight to the death gladiators then equal pay would probably be the rule.
The “market rate” argument is, of course, fine when justifying the bloated salaries of BBC superannuated Lefties such as the Dimbleby brothers and Humphrys, but becomes awkward once wimmin’s sport is discussed.
The BBC should take note that it is very difficult to force people to be interested in any sport, be it men’s, para-Olympic or women’s. Radio 1 fans are not force-fed with Radio 3, so why should we all have to swallow increasingly politicised sports reporting with a feminist agenda?
Ed Milliband on Labour Facebook, after promoting Feminism appears to be getting slagged off all over their site:
You wonder why young impressionable Muslims are being radicalised on the Internet…. …
I love it! I wonder if they will bring out a Christmas Annual?
BBC-NUJ: its continual political campaign for Mass Immigration and Colonisation of Europe and U.K, from Africa and Asia.
“UK opposes future migrant rescues in Mediterranean”
(And today’s ‘Guardian’ takes a pro-mass immigration political line on this.)
However harsh, BBC-NUJ and Guardianistas need to understand the necessity of applying ‘Lifeboat Ethics’ to Britain.
“Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor”
by Garrett Hardin.
[Opening excerpt]-
“Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a ‘spaceship’ in trying to persuade countries, industries and people to stop wasting and polluting our natural resources. Since we all share life on this planet, they argue, no single person or institution has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources.
“But does everyone on earth have an equal right to an equal share of its resources? The spaceship metaphor can be dangerous when used by misguided idealists to justify suicidal policies for sharing our resources through uncontrolled immigration and foreign aid. In their enthusiastic but unrealistic generosity, they confuse the ethics of a spaceship with those of a lifeboat.”
Britain should NOT commit national suicide by attempting to act as global benefactor and host to the world’s poor.
“The Camp of the Saints and the Golden Dawn.”
(Oct 2013.)
[Opening excerpt]:-
“‘The Camp of the Saints’ is a dystopian novel written by the French author Jean Raspail. Although it was first published as long ago as 1973, the author is still alive today. Now 88 years old, his brain remains remarkably sharp for a man his age.
“Raspail has published many books, but the one for which he will be chiefly remembered is ironically his most atypical one. Over forty years ago, ‘The Camp of the Saints’ predicted a Third World mass invasion of Europe, causing the downfall of Western civilization. This process was compressed in time so that what might take fifty years in real life took fifty days in the book. Also, the main bulk of illegal immigrants in the novel came from India. Today, while immigration to Europe comes from every corner of the planet, much of it comes from the Islamic world and Africa.
“Apart from that, the novel was remarkably prescient in describing the dysfunctional mindset of the modern Western world. We have become so wedded to unsustainable humanitarian ideals that we are mentally incapable of defending our own continued national existence. When faced with millions of people coming from the global South, we simply raise a white flag and say that they are welcome to colonize our countries.”
Now here’s a poll the BBC seems to have missed. In fact everyone seems to have ignored it.
Contrary to all the mass of articles coming out of the media, there is a backlash against leaving the EU with the majority wanting to stay in.
Wonder why the BBC didn’t mention it?
Is that result the same kind of rogue poll that predicted a “YES” victory in the Scottish Independence vote? It’s just one poll and I haven’t seen any others which corroborate that result.
With the BBC controlling 70% of any political or economic debate on the EU, surely it’s only reasonable to expect a majority to be in favour?
BBC TV Licensing goons trying to dishonestly up their commission payments by adding extra comments to calling cards:
Nice work if you can get gifted it…
Well, other than the sack of rats thing.
I wonder what a grade 11 package is, for basically sending out ‘don’t do anything stupid’ emails on behalf of even more eyewateringly-remunerated market rates to 16-20,000 people, who will ignore them?
But at least they have values (shades of W1A), even if they are mostly ignored with impunity.
Or laughable on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis.
Trust is the foundation of the BBC; we are independent, impartial and honest
Not really about bias but the mid morning to lunchtime slot on R5 has gone from bad to awful. Adrian Chiles is even worse than Drearyshire and that takes some doing. I,as a man, am fed up to my back teeth with the radio basically sounding like ‘womans hour’ all the time. If I want to hear all about peoples woes in a ‘sensitive way’ then I’ll bloody well buy a womans magazine. Oh for a viable alternative.
How spooky that our posts express exactly the same view and I swear I never read yours before posting mine.
You’ve got to stick on a few Morrisey tracks just to get over 5 minutes of Chiles.
And yes, how the country needs a viable alternative.
I actually like Adrian Chiles when he presents the football on ITV. He came out with that funny and harmless line about not being able to find a plumber when England played Poland before that crunch game at Wembley last year and they had 20,000 odd in the stadium and the usual rent-a-offended pc mob turned on him
always seen him as a decent bloke
Not too sure Carole Thatcher experienced the full force of his decency.
I would think a decent person would object to casual racism but maybe you and I differ there.
So by implication those that don’t subscribe to the construct of anti-racism are not decent?
I had no idea Poland was a race. I just thought they were European and in the UK earning money due to EU rules. So where was the rascism? It seems to me as an observation but obviously not to the professionally hand wringing offended on behalf of someone they dont know or really care about. They just want to appear cool to their lefty liberal Mates.
lucky you mean dating Christine Bleakley with a face like his
Five Live is nothing more than one, long Misery Memoir.
I thought things might brighten up when the fragrant VD left.
But no – Chiles is – impossibly – worse.
Fucking misery, misery, misery
Just an observation
Oh, and it seems those “men” have been at it again;
“We have forged strong links with our partner agencies, including Barnardo’s and NSPCC,”
That inspire you with confidence? …
You can feel the genuine anger from Eamon Holmes on Sky here.
As the word gets too easily invoked, bandied about, claimed or simply stuck on the wall by some…
Slippery and hard to measure; one can see the appeal.
– Posting a mission statement and ethics policy: Bingo! Aunty is on a roll.
– More disclosure about the process Uh-oh. That has rather foundered on the ‘purposes of’ reef.
– Citations (via links) and corrections Ah well, it started out OK. And one out of three in BBC terms would be pretty much ‘getting it about right’ anyway. Sorted.
I have a rule of thumb, and that is if a person says’ trust me’ or, worse, sticks the word on the door… check your wallet, back or life expectancy.
Listening to the 2pm news on Radio 4 it was reported that another British(?) youth has been killed in Syria. But why does it have to be in the same voice as the reports of soldiers’ deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan? At the very least, if the BBC were reporting these deaths as a warning to others thinking of going, would be to say that this is the hundredth or whatever to have been killed out there.
At this rate they’ll be getting the Prime Minister to read the names out at the start of PMQs.
Cameron is probably holding a vigil for them at the Chipping Norton Mosque.
Instead of putting a positive spin on the News, like our terror level threat has just been reduced by 0.007% (1/1500*100)
Islamic jihadisation of England, continuing: e.g. Brighton-
‘Daily Mail’
“Brother of teenager who died fighting in Syria is also killed: British Muslim, 17, left home in Brighton to wage jihad in war-torn country”
Read more:
Just when you thought the lefty scum and shite couldn’t sink any lower………………………
I would be offended if the Guardian had praised our armed forces, given their hostility to them and how they have consistently sought examples of bad behaviour from serving soldiers in an attempt to portray them as an oppressive hostile force in whatever country they have fought. Not to mention the consistent line that any show of pride in this country indicates support for fascism. This kind of journalism is what we expect from the Guardian
Yes, i heard this too lunchtime…….if the prick had been within arms reach i would have ripped his effete, worthless head off, so angry was i…..good to see some of the grauns readership cast him out too, imbecile.
Sky News has been a breath of fresh air this afternoon. An interview with an energy supply expert who talked absolute sense. This interview was totally unlike anything you’d hear on the BBC. Kay Burley made the point that the cause has been 20 years’ lack of investment and blamed, “this government and previous ones”.
Over on the BBC Caroline Flint, Labour’s shadow energy and climate change secretary was allowed to say, unchallenged, “The security of our energy supply has not been helped by the fall in investment under this government.” And of course, no mention of the real cause of the problem: the greenies and the EEC.
On Sky a woman from the CEGB tried to make out that there is no chance of power cuts this winter. Miss Burley’s questioning was firm but fair (if waspish!), and she elicited with some difficulty some weasel words from the spokeswoman that ‘the costs will pass along the chain to the end user’ (or something like that.)
Kay Burley also said, on the subject of the Muslim murder in Canada, “…shot him four times, IN THE BACK” and I guess many of us rather liked that emphasis and thought yes, well, they’re all cowards; think of Lee Rigby’s murder. The BBC’s version was “He was shot dead.”
Five Live interviewed (sorry interrogated) a woman from the National Grid at lunchtime, but she impressively stood her ground.
You could see where they were going, but they never actually got to put the Government in the frame for the potential power cuts this winter.
They did though get an admission, as Fred says above, that price negotiations would mean a price increase for consumers this winter. AN INCREASE OF ONE WHOLE POUND, it turns out. Choosing to ignore the £1 thing, there were Pavlovian howls of anguish from the Five Live presenters (and from another BBC numpty who said that there would be a collective groan around the country at that news) who as I turned off were encouraging the masses to ring in and vent their anger.
£1? Preprogramed, they just can’t help themselves. Even if there is nothing to moan about they’ll find it…even if it is about a pound. I bet it was Thatcher’s fault.
I have just had a well deserved week’s holiday from work, normally I listen to ‘5 barely alive’ on a daily basis whilst driving around, I found the difference in my state of mind whilst on holiday and ‘5 barely alive’ free to be invigorating,,,no angst, no shouting, no swearing, no sense of injustice…it was fantastic!!
I’m back at work and on Monday I turned the radio on, I listened to ‘5’ for about ten minutes and turned it over. I’ve not tuned in since and it feels great not to listen to garbage anymore. I recommend people try it, the more their listener numbers go down the better the case for getting rid.
they are happy to talk about extra charges for bbc shows though….what is it with people on the left not being able to see the hypocrisy?
Flint is fast becoming my favourite labour hate figure, I doubt she’ll ever usurp diane abbot though. I absolutely detest that ugly, arrogant, bigoted woman.
Horrible woman with her gap tooth and jazz hands.
“He was shot dead” is a huge step forward for aljabeeba, they are prone to using ‘ died after an incident’
On BBC PM we had another disgusting report from Rotherham which highlighted more sexual abuse of girls by Pakistani men , this time of their own community. The report said that the investigators met a wall of silence from the Asian community because of its code of honour. The girls are left in misery, afraid of what their own families may do , if they report it. The local Labour MP , who has been in post for 18 months, was quite frank that she expected that there would be more scandals and that fear of being labelled racist was a significant factor in causing the authorities to avoid grappling with the problem. Coincidentally, there was news on the programme that 11 ‘men’ had been arrested in Manchester for more sex abuse. I expect that they will be Muslims as well. How many more cases will there be?
The BBC presenter was shocked by such a frank admission by the MP. It seems to escape the BBC that their policy, shared with the rest of the liberal left, of attacking anyone and anything that tried to raise any concerns about anything to do with immigrants , multiculturalism, Muslims etc, and of hounding them as racists, has been the most significant factor in setting this climate of fear and relentless Political Correctness amongst the authorities.
These Muslims are probably just behaving as they would in their native lands. They do this in England because, owing to the spurious doctrine of multiculturalism and moral relativeness, they have never been challenged to change their behavious and accept our values. Chickens are coming home to roost. Many, many more will be doing so in the coming years.
Note they mention “Asian” girls as victims. It’s not the ethnicity of the victims it’s the religious background of the offenders. If, and it’s a big “if”, there are any Asian victims, then they are likely to be Sikh, Hindu or Christian. You could bet your pension there’ll be no Muslim victims. Grooming of young girls on this huge scale is encouraged in the religious teaching by the “community’s” elders and their contempt for non-believers. It’s not just Pakistani gangs who commit these disgusting offences, it’s also those of Middle Eastern origin. The sole common denominator is their religion. But I guess that’s taboo for our MSM and political class.
What amazes me about all this child rape, is not only the failure of the government bodies to take strong action all years, but also the silence coming form our children’s charities that are quick to collect money from us every year to care for vulnerable children like these victims.
and the children’s commissioner. Vocal on smacking, less so on child rape and child sexual slavery.
Boston marathon Islamic jihad update-
Two contrasting reports on latest conviction-
“Boston Marathon jihad mass murderer’s friend convicted of lying to the FBI”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
What would it take for you to aid a mass murderer in destroying evidence of his crime? Would you do it because he was your good old college buddy? Would you do it because you were ‘too high on marijuana’ to be responsible for your actions? Or would you not help him for any reason other than a sympathy for what he did?”
“Boston Marathon bombings: Robel Phillipos guilty of lying”
“BBC licence fee is ‘worse than the poll tax’ and needs to be overhauled,
says senior Tory MP John Whittingdale”
Read more:
‘…Said it could be added to council tax to make it cheaper for the poor’
Er… John, word in your shell-like…
Making it impossible to not uniquely fund, and even less accountable… I do not think so, squire.
This little nugget kept cropping up all through the inquiry. Colour me concerned.
There is also an impressively dedicated poster in the comments, called ‘cp’. Not sure what that might stand for.
How many foodbanks could be closed with £145 per household per year?
Apparently, those detector vans are a gimmick, with no equipment in them, they are a gigantic bluff…….withold your fee and watch TV anyway, they will be bankrupt in no time.
As far as I’m aware the TV is a passive receiver and doesn’t emit any signals. Therefore how a radio detector detects a non emitting site is a non starter plus you’d have to triangulate the signal to get a position. The much easier option is to get a list of addresses and cross reference them with non payers. I’ve never seen a TV detector van in real life and it looks like the BBc refuse to answer FOI requests on the issue. When we had no TV and made the mistake of contacting them we were told that they could send someone with a hand held detector although I’ve yet to see any of the collector goons carrying anything that looks like a detector. Just remember if you don’t have a licence never never enter into communication with them.
Everyone knows that. Why do you think you have to give your details over when you buy a TV its so they can check against the electoral role and identify possible gaps then go in a check. There is a guy with a clipboard and a list of addresses. My mate used to do it, he loved it. The excuses people came up with were superb