‘Sierra Leone has condemned Australia’s decision to suspend entry visas for people from Ebola-affected countries in West Africa as “counterproductive” and “discriminatory”.
‘Discriminate’ simply means to exercise judgement. For instance, if a convicted paedophile and pyromaniac applied for a position of school caretaker then it might be sensible to exercise judgement and discriminate against him on the basis that he may do it again. The Left confuses this – whether intentionally or through ignorance – with prejudice, which means to make a judgement without regards to the facts. In some instances there can be a fine line, but such comments as “fight against all forms of discrimination” are non-sensical.
Australia has imposed travel restrictions in response to the ebola outbreak? What, you mean like these countries did?
“Cameroon on 17 September reopened its borders to travellers from Senegal. An 18 August ban remains in place on travel from Nigeria, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Cape Verde on 9 October announced that it would now deny entry to non-resident foreigners coming from countries with ‘intense Ebola transmission’ – Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia – or who have been to those countries in the previous 30 days.
Chad on 21 August closed its land border with Nigeria at Lake Chad. The country previously reportedly banned the entry of any travellers originating or transiting through Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria or Sierra Leone, with airlines serving the country reportedly rerouting flights.
Côte d’Ivoire in early October reopened its borders with Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, having closed the borders of 23 August.
Equatorial Guinea is denying entry to travellers whose journeys originated in countries affected by Ebola.
Gabon stated on 22 August that it is restricting the issuance of entry visas to travellers from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria on a case-by-case basis.
Gambia on 1 September suspended entry of persons who have visited Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone or Nigeria in the 21 days prior to travel. Those travelling indirectly from any of the aforementioned countries to Gambia via another country also come under this measure.
Kenya on 10 October announced that it had closed the Suam border crossing (Trans-Nzoia county) with Uganda due to reports of an Ebola-related death in Bukwo district (Uganda). Earlier, the Kenyan authorities on 19 August suspended entry of passengers travelling from and through Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, excluding health professionals supporting efforts to contain the outbreak and Kenyan citizens.
Mauritania on 25 October closed its border with neighbouring Mali after an Ebola-related death in the border town of Kayes (Mali).
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months, rather than just citizens of those countries, as was the case previously. The authorities have announced that entry restrictions for travellers from Senegal and Nigeria will be lifted on 10 October and 17 October respectively, if no further cases of Ebola infection are reported.
Namibia’s foreign ministry on 11 September announced that foreigners travelling from countries affected by Ebola would be prohibited from entering the country.
Rwanda, according to the US Department of State on 22 August, has banned entry to travellers who have visited Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the 22 days prior to travel.
Senegal on 21 August closed its land border with Guinea, while the country’s sea and air borders will also be closed to vessels and aircraft from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Seychelles on 8 October suspended entry to travellers who have visited Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Nigeria or Congo (DRC) 28 days prior to their journey, with the exception of Seychellois citizens.
Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states – Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – have stated that travellers coming from Ebola-affected countries (according to the World Health Organisation, WHO) would be monitored for 21 days and that travel to member countries for any gatherings would be discouraged. The SADC provided no details as to how member countries will carry out the associated screening and follow-up and it is likely that countries will have individual processes. There are also reports that some countries require health documentation for entry. Travellers are advised to contact the embassy or health ministry of their destination country to clarify their individual circumstances and prepare their trips accordingly.
South Africa on 21 August restricted entry for all non-citizens travelling from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The government subsequently clarified that this was not a blanket ban and could be waived for ‘absolutely essential travel’.
South Sudan has placed a ban on travellers coming from Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia or Congo (DRC), or those who have travelled to those countries in the preceding 21 days. According to the health ministry, entry of travellers from Nigeria depends on their travel history in that country and whether they have visited Ebola-affected area”
To be fair the liklihood of Ebola reaching Australia is fairly tiny and I doubt that so many Sierra Leonians (is that the correct form?) are travelling there.
When INBBC next lines up Muslims to propagandise for Muslims to wear burqas and niqabs in public in Britain, it should indicate this:-
-from ‘Islamist Watch’-
“French burqa ban gets seal of approval from European court”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In a decision that will refocus the debate over burqas and niqabs, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has backed the French statute that proscribes concealing one’s face in public. Judges rejected a woman’s claims that she has suffered discrimination and that the limits on personal freedoms are incompatible with European law. Interestingly, the ECHR downplayed valid concerns about public safety and emphasized social cohesion instead. An official statement explains that the court was ‘able to understand the view’ that these coverings ‘call into question the possibility of open interpersonal relationships, which, by virtue of an established consensus, formed an indispensable element of community life within the society in question.’ Because the law is not targeted solely at religious dress and does not generally restrict freedom of movement, it ‘could therefore be regarded as proportionate to the aim pursued, namely the preservation of the conditions of ‘living together.’ Objections rang out, but there is no place to appeal.”
I don’t care if the Met Office has a new super computer that weighs the same as 16 double decker busses, my super duper piece of Devon seaweed tells me that some northern parts of G.B. will get some snow this time next week.
Here is the weather forecast for the next twelve months.
There will be periods of rain interspersed with periods of sunshine. Temperatures will vary in accordance with the seasonal norms. Wind of varying strength will come from most directions !
None. The foodbanks have an independent existence, unrelated to any real need. Other than perhaps provide employment for the Trussell Trust organisers and propaganda for the BBC and Labour Party?
I look forward to the day (not) when diversity, much championed by the far left BBC, arrives at the news bulletins on the BBC TV when those said bulletins are read out by someone wearing a niqab.
Not guilty on a technicality. Only one of the three (not Rowe) was judged to have been unfairly convicted and Rowe and another where released on the basis of ‘if one is not safe the others can’t be either’. Allegedly.
The Police in the meantime are not looking for anyone else in the matter.
Not the sort of person I’d employ nor want to work with – the criminals tied up and beat two homosexuals, killing one, and then poured petrol on them. Complete bastards.
Sandal-wearing, Postmodern Cultural Theorist says:
It’s bloody common sense for Christ’s sake! But the Left would rather countries grovel to the foul alter of political correctness (whilst being ravished by ebola in the process) than protect its citizens.
Having watched Al Beeb news reports this morning on ebola, immigration, child exploitation, EU border control etc. I am afraid only one thing that springs to mind. Cameron, Nero, fiddle and Rome.
That is 4 things (and you much malign Nero who couldn’t fiddle (the violin was still 1500 years in the future))
According to Tacitus, Nero was away from Rome, in Antium, when the fire broke out. He returned to the city and took measures to bring in food supplies and open gardens and public buildings to accommodate refugees. After six days the organized clearing of built-up areas brought the conflagration to a halt before it reached the Esquiline Hill. There was a further outbreak in the Aemilian district, involving the destruction of temples and arcades but less loss of life. However the fire was now under control. Of Rome’s 14 districts three were completely devastated and only four completely escaped damage.
I was thrilled that the police in Leeds were able to exonerate the blind jogger so quickly.
So why is it that any untrained eye can see what no BBC journalist could see and that is that the bloke veered left into Cameron when he saw him.
In anyone else’s book that was an assault.
If anyone was to veer into, Shameron, I would have sooner it been the Samoan front row, maybe Lima.
“assault” 😀 … hmmm , then again, it would be impossible for anyone
… no matter how large, to knock any sense at all, into that incompetent self serving traitor
Yesterday BBC news programmes set to work openly campaigning in a coordinated effort to promote a chosen socio-political cause – it is a campaign which their staff of presenters clearly relish, and it is a campaign that is obviously sanctioned and approved at the highest levels of the BBC’s corporate structure.
I am referring to the BBC fretting and shouting about the supposed inequality of sports prize money.
Although presented through ‘news’ platforms this was a prime example of ‘self-made’ news – an item given false prominence in bulletins simply for campaigning purposes – so as to push the idea of there being a problem and to make the a call for a solution.
“…a BBC Sport study into prize money found 30% of sports reward men more highly than women”
Now a sensible ‘man’ in the street might easily laugh off this liberal elite feminista nonsense…. someone in the office might had a little too little to do one quiet Wednesday afternoon….
“A total of 56 global sports were looked at in the extensive study”
Frankly the quasi-scientific looking tables of figures and supposed significant percentage ‘inequalities’ are a joke….
“Female footballers are rewarded significantly less than their male counterparts”
– Oh the humanity!
But this latest piece of BBC ‘inequality’ babble seems to have acquired Government approval….
“Sports need to engage “in the battle for gender balance and fairness”, says UK Minister for Sport Helen Grant” [Conservative]
How did the conversation go, I wonder?
Did the BBC nudge Helen for a sound bite?
‘Well, you’re the Minister for Sport and Equalities, what do you have to say about these shock figures uncovered by the BBC?’ – ‘Um, er, something must be done!’
Or is there something a little more sinister about this campaign?
Has a supposed ‘conservative’ Minister colluded rather more closely and at an earlier stage of this BBC effort at campaigning.
Could it simply be that Tories are in awe of and playing up to the liberal monster?
I think we should be told the truth.
Oh, and by the way, from Wiki…
‘Grant attracted media attention in November 2012 after it emerged she was allowed to claim the maximum expenses allowed within the IPSA rules for a London flat, despite her family home being within 20 miles of London’
As this little pet project of the BBC continues apace, I find myself wondering about about other areas of imbalance.
Do the new raft of Cohen Babe comediennes shoehorned into panel shows share equal fees with counterparts who are on occasion funny? Do they get propelled to stadium gigs by promoters no matter what?
Is some forgettable bozo on GMB on the same whack as the delectable ex-bbc Suze?
Or are some market rates less equally questioned than others?
In the BBC’s battle for gender balance and fairness, I don’t think even feminists would want equality in sport, as even they recognise female athletic inferiority, especially when it comes to thinking about the desegregation of Tennis and Athletics. How many medals would be won by women competitors in the Olympic Games if equality was included in the battle for gender balance and fairness. I cannot imagine a Women could ever beat a Black man in a 100 yard sprint, so in that case it would be unfair to have a socially engineered gender balance, such as the Gold medal going to the winner or last place loser, based on the throw of a coin.
Question: I wonder, has a BBC producer ever approached the Biased BBC web site to express any interest in our views on anything at all?
I ask because it happened for the chaps over there at ‘All That’s Left’
‘a blog for surviving the Coalition’
‘In 1992 four blokes just out of university shared a flat in Hackney. There was an election on which promised to bring to an end the long dark depressing days of Margaret Thatcher and the then much shorter but not inconsiderably depressing days of John Major. 13 years of unbroken Tory rule had led to the championing of the politics of selfishness and greed, the denial of the existence of society….’
Well, I think you get their general drift.
In the comments area of the blog up pops “Natalie” with a short missive…
“Natalie Steed January 20, 2013 at 7:07 pm
Hello – I wonder of(sic) you could let me have an email contact – I’m keen to talk to you about a radio programme I’m making Many thanks Natalie”
Goodness, you don’t think she might be… from the BBC, do you?
Could be….
‘Natalie Steed is an audio producer who has created work for the BBC for six years on programmes including Night Waves, Free Thinking, Something Understood, Words and Music, and Soul Music. In 2013 she produced a BBC Radio 3 Sunday Feature, presented by Dr Thomas Dixon, on the cultural history of weeping.’
“The Cultural History of Weeping” – how very very… apt.
How come the guys at ‘All That’s Left’ happen to have the BBC – in the form of that sensitive soul Natalie – come calling – and all we get is Dez?
I doubt that the Political classes will ever truly reform the way the BBC is funded for several differing reasons.
Labour reasons are obvious, the BBC is on its side and broadcasts almost exclusively on its behalf.
The Tories on the other hand have differing reasons:
They still have grandiose dreams about the influence of Britain and cannot see any good reason to scale back the World Service. To pay for all this the Tories decided that it should be funded by the licence fee – even though most UK people can’t even receive it !
It might be possible to privatise radio 1 & 2 or to sell them to another broadcaster, but Radio 3 has such a tiny audience that it could never survive, probably even as an internet station, and to be honest any reasonable broadcaster would have broadened its appeal to something like Classic FM which is what it should have been in the first place.
Radio 4 well if you want to hear spoken word and political discourse what’s the alternative, and although it has a decent sized audience it’s difficult to see how it might be sold off in a way which works. Add to that, that it’s the station of choice for many of the politicos and it is easy to see why they’re so protective of it.
Then there are the regional broadcasters, many of which have such mediocre output that it wouldn’t be economically feasible to expect them to stand on their own two feet.
Plus a slew of internet radio stations, and some ethinc ones which couldn’t possibly be allowed to fail!
The Television channels would almost certainly have to shrink considerably as no private broadcaster could afford the inefficiency of the BBC.
Channel four? Where would the funding to support that come from?
There is currently a lot of choice on TV channels, particularly if you have the money to afford the pay for view channels. Ministers worry about what would be left for those people unable or unwilling to pay for viewing.
We need to think about what would happen if the licence were to be abolished to ally the fears of politicos who see only the negatives, and how those consequences might be worked around.
Calling for the abolition of the licence fee without any kind of vision as to what might come afterwards isn’t going to cut it with the decision makers, many of whom have vested interests.
Perhaps we should have a sticky thread on the aftermath of what alternatives to the licence fee might be?
‘Calling for the abolition of the licence fee without any kind of vision as to what might come afterwards isn’t going to cut it with the decision makers, many of whom have vested interests.’
There’s also the small matter of the fight they’d have on their hands from a small but very vocal group.
Not to mention the logistics of what to do with 20,000 more than market raters, mostly with zero talent, and all on some odd golden redundancy deal designed to make the BBC too costly to wind up.
Which leaves the BBC as a make work program for the otherwise unemployable.
I suppose that is what it has become. In reality it would be very simple to privatise it .The market will buy what is worth keeping and the rest will just fade away.
Sweden had the right idea in the 1980. TV was turned off after 12 pm,only to return the following day around 12 am.
Just think we could do something else more productive…..
I remember in the 60’s coming home from School, nothing on telly but a test card until 5pm, then in 1969, coming home to watch the new colour telly start a 4.30pm with unadvertised test films including a wooden Morris minor van, touring around the country, followed by Gold Hawn on the Laugh In.
When I came home from school, we had children’s TV from 3.45 until 5.45, that was it. Why the need today for 24 hours worth (over 2 channels) of kids programs throughout the day when most kids should be at school? Is it to ensure that our kids get their daily brainwash of multiculturalism and diversity?
It seems a distant memory, but as recently as the late 80’s, the national anthem was played when all the stations closed down around midnight (all four of them!)
The ‘Today‘ sports bulletin was at it again this morning.
The subject was Leeds Utd on their fourth manager this season, discussing with Lord Mawhinney whether there should be more security of tenure, fit and proper owners etc. Suddenly, the question of whether there are enough black managers popped out of nowhere. Who says the BBC has no agenda, for it keeps popping up and I’m not aware it’s a pressing subject of the fans who pay to watch?
No, the pressing subject of the fans is that they want a successful team on the park and it seems unlikely the chairmen of all the football clubs are passing up candidates who might provide that merely because of the colour of their skin. The shade of players we see week in week out would suggest colour isn’t a problem if you’re good enough.
Yet every time the BBC asks this question the football interviewee says yes it’s a problem and Something Must Be Done. Do they all seriously believe it or is it, as I suspect, that a culture has built up whereby you don’t dare question the orthodoxy in public, no matter how ridiculous?
In fairness to Al Beeb, they are broadcasting the ‘lack of care’ given to our injured servicemen servicemen i.e., the ‘Military Covenant’.
It does make you wonder if our government has got its ‘prioritises’ right. Millions going abroad in foreign aid, probably going to corrupt despots, and inadequate help for our own people that do our dangerous work for us. Farage and his party are the only ones with common sense.
I’m finding it harder and harder to contribute here as my consumption of bBC is rapidly approaching zero.
Even in last nights new drama the McCannesque ‘The Missing’ it would appear that the good guy journalist is a Muslim.
I bloody detest the bBC from radio to TV to News (local and national) to its insipid selective website, where to participate you must first tell all about your ethnicity and sexual orientation (for their information I’m a blind gay Muslim).
BBC4 my one refuge seems to now be one endless run of recent repeats (maybe in an effort to kill it off?) we just can’t have people being entertained, informed and educated can we?
The bBC has a huge back catalogue of some really entertaining, humorous and informative programs stretching back 50 years or more. I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t show them because they would only demonstrate just what Britain was, highlighting the failure of the diversity, political correctness and multiculturalism that the bBC now force on us with absolutely every production.
That is the Britain I want to see on TV, not the bBC’s lefty pink fluffy multicolored climate changing diversified take on it.
“I’m finding it harder and harder to contribute here as my consumption of bBC is rapidly approaching zero.”
My experience exactly. After so many annoyances and disappointments, I only bother if I hear a recommendation for a specific programme, and that’s rare. The last thing I watched with any enthusiasm was “Harry and Paul’s Story of the Twos” in May, and that was largely satire against the BBC.
I’m conscious of the fact that most of my recent contributions here have been short, smart-arse remarks. Not really what the site was set up for. However, the BBC seems to be attracting criticism all over the place these days so perhaps it’s a case of mission accomplished in getting the message across.
Me, too, and I no longer have the misfortune to reside in the Former UK. I listen, under duress, to “Today” and watch the odd remaining documentary on BBC 4 (usually the old ones – the new ones are utter crap, and full of CGI, repeated film clips, and self-obsessed “presenters”, always walking about).
Channel 4 is no better – especially the news – last evening, almost every “reporter” was of foreign origin, and looked and sounded like it, too.
Both channels hate UKIP with a vengeance, love climate change scariness, and are so in-your-face leftie that I cringe.
Strangely we’re watching ITV the most, at least their dramas are better (if you record and then skip the ads).
Had the Great Fire been a BBC production we would have already suffered a few ethnics traipsing around the London of 1666 Diane Abbott stylee. ITV have so kept it accurate and so far resisted.
Same here Geoff since my partner got Sky last week I have watched more interesting and informative programming then I have seen on the BBC in the last god know how many years I sat down and had a think and the last documentary series I watched on the BBC was ‘war walks’ last comedy ‘Mongrels ‘ and last drama ‘Gormenghast’ every thing else I want to see is made by the populist /evil commercial channels !
They’re all tainted to some extent though – I suspect that the BBC established the tone years ago.
On SKY this morning, the monumentally stupid Natasha Devon said about immigration and UKIP that we should learn from history and remember what happened last time Europe had a charismatic, far-right leader.
I suppose in SKY’s defence I should admit that she was a guest, not an employee, and of course I’m not obliged to pay for SKY. I’ve also heard Eamonn Holmes robustly defend immigration controls on other occasions, but he said relatively little this morning. Perhaps he thought it would be unkind to bully someone with a brain the size of a walnut.
I can tolerate Sky News, since they do not ram socialism down my throat and I personally find any left views they do portray, at least I know I have choice if I want to pay for them.
Which is were the big difference comes, when comparing the BBC.
I do not wish to pay for biased left views, especially those which deliberately go against a statutory granted licence, requiring balanced political reporting without fear and favour.
One does not have to be a member of this site to know the God dam awful track record of the BBC on this, but the following article puts it in a nutshell as far as the ‘flavour of the month’ immigration issue is concerned:
Given this report was published 17 months ago and nothing has changed we must presume;
1. The findings are rubbish.
2. We’re always right and therefore they are wrong.
One presumes you actually clicked on the link and read the report; right?
Any “open and transparent organisation” who were subject to an investigation by an independent organisation into the parameters of their operation would take note of their findings.
My comments relate to how the b-BBC have clearly taken zero notice of this report and I summarised their attitude to the report; rubbish because we are always right all the time because we say so.
You have either misinterpreted my intention or see the BBC as fine broadcasters.
Peter Allen on his 5Live show this morning said he wanted to hear some positive things about immigration. When do we ever hear anything else from the BBC?
Like ‘climate change’, the use of terms like ‘immigration’ happens on a tell it often enough basis to numb, confuse and/or deflect. On their own they can appear to mean everything, but actually are so vague as to mean nothing.
There nothing wrong with properly managed immigration on the basis of symbiosis between state, population and new contributors.
The BBC does not often seem to be thinking in those terms, but is doubtless happy if that is the impression taken.
On the BBC iplayer I’d recommend Strictly Come Dancing (just the good dances, skip the rest), Life Story (skip the last bit about the making of), Dr Who (if you’re not enjoying an episode after 10 mins skip it), Autumnwatch (skip any item you’re not interested in), The Apprentice (skip the last week, next week bits), Would I Lie To You and Not Going Out.
Nothing on the BBC matches Downton Abbey for entertainment.
Note most Bbc documentaries ,now have wimmin doing the narration, even if the doc is mainly of interest to men , like ones on ,trains , planes & automobiles ,& war / history ones. In the old days Tim Pigott – Smith would of narrated the lot.
I have done the same and I have found my emotional wellbeing has improved 110%, no more stress at work while listening to ‘5 barely alive’ and nicky campbell’s smug anti everything British, his liberal lefty superiority oozes through the speakers.
Richard Branson takes TV programmes from the BBC’s huge back catalogue of some really entertaining, humorous and informative programs stretching back 50 years or more
and puts them on Yesterday and Drama, Channels 19 and 20. Quest channel 37 has some good documentaries, made by Discovery Channel. Moviesformen channel 48 includes some interesting documentaries made by film companies. The family says that True Entertainment channel 61 has some good dramas, and RT channel 135 talks to intellectuals who are always infinitely more intelligent than Russell Brand.
Labour Rotherham and beyond: reporting Pakistani Muslim sex gangs.
“Labour’s record in Rotherham is criminal.
“From the way the Labour party dithered in Rotherham, you could be forgiven for thinking the issue was just a minor local government scandal, not the systematic and extensive rape and sexual abuse of 1,400 children.”
Parliament Square. The masses are rising against oppression. Ken Loach tells it as it is. I love the style. It made me think how the BBC could employ this communication skill when debating climate change.
Warner used to write for the Telegraph and the Scotsman – and everything I have ever seen by him was witty, sharp – and very right-wing. One of the best political journalists in Britain.
But I have NEVER heard him on the BBC. Now ain’t that odd ?
Excellent piece by Warner full of truths about the ‘future’ of the EU and the morons who are making up the rules as they go along..no wonder he doesn’t make the bbc, they don’t deal in truth.
The ‘tough guy’ act by camoron was funny and you can now see a pattern forming between him and milipede as they approach the General election. Both are trying to act tough to prove that they are worthy, the only problem is that both of them are morons surrounded by morons.
At least camoron is up front, milipede appears on MP’s questions, gives it the tough guy act for ten minutes and then disappears for two weeks, no doubt to berate and flagellate himself at raising his voice in public! The man has the charisma of a two week old lettuce that his been left in the sun! And ed balls?? I wouldn’t let him look after my piggy bank let alone the economy!
Yes, that is the fundamental error, they use the Arrhenius method with positive feedback, so if the CO2 levels rise, then the computer models can only show a warming. That’s why Piers Corbyn’s Weatheraction is able to show a cooling, because he is not a moron who sticks to positive feedback when negative feedback has been proven. And I think he also uses the new thermodynamics formula on a little home computer.
On the other hand the BBC and Met Office are dominated by left-wing morons with low intelligence, and therefore Paul Hudson has indicated that he can’t do much about that, so I’m afraid we have to wait until next year for further attacks on the BBC by my lot, but it would also help Astronomers and Mensa members if everyone voted UKIP.
Just so the bbc can tell us that the weather is going to be miserable, miserable and even more miserable…these leeches thrive on misery, it’s their reason for being. Even in summer there’s always a rain cloud on the way.
As ever, the comments can be the cherry on the cake.
‘The BBC Trust, the people supposed look after our interests, were complicit. Aware that the Pollard inquiry into the dropped Newsnight investigation was flawed – Pollard had admitted that he had omitted crucial evidence from his report and he regretted this – the Trust nevertheless stood by the report and saw no reason to probe further. That decision was apparently made by four ‘Trustees’ the names of who we are not allowed to know, or understand the reason for their lack of curiosity.
One can only hope such information was made available to the likes of The Future of the BBC inquiry.
Having now had a response from the replacement from the press complaints commission replacement IPSO, I can only wish the ‘hacked off’ group every success in getting this body abolished and replaced by government regulation.
I had complained about the use by a left wing newspaper of the lies by ‘Tell Mama’ something the PCC had already adjudicated on and upheld as lies. It should have been a dead cert complaint after the newspaper concerned refused to even open a complaints dialogue on the matter but no. Here’s the response:
“We noted your concern that reporting the findings of the organisation Tell Mama as fact was in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice because claims by Tell Mama have been proven to be false in the past. We took the view that the article made clear that it was reporting a claim made by Tell Mama by including the phrase “According to Tell Mama…”. We considered that the newspaper was entitled to report the claims of Tell Mama and had taken care that the claim was clearly attributed to them. We were satisfied that a reader would understand that the newspaper was reporting a claim of Tell Mama, and that the article was therefore not significantly inaccurate or misleading. There was no breach of Clause 1. ”
So basically a newspaper can report any falsehood it wishes to, even if the governing body has judged it to be lies, as long as it prefaces the lie with the word ‘according to’ or ‘claims made by’.
No wonder hacked off are so pissed at the new arrangement, it’s there merely to protect news media from complaints by the general public!
The sooner it’s abolished the better !
“Zambian President Sata death: White interim leader appointed”
[Excerpts and comments]:-
“Mr Scott becomes Africa’s first white head of state since FW de Klerk in apartheid South Africa.”
Zambia is not South Africa, BBC-NUJ, but let that one pass.
Beeboids could have said, but didn’t-
‘Mr Scott becomes Africa’s first white head of state since black power in Zambia.’ But, Beeboids, the white Mr Scott is only in ‘interim’ position.
And why only ‘interim’ for the white man?
“It is unclear if Guy Scott will be able to run for president because he is not a third generation Zambian.”
Without discussion or demur, the Beeboid report states, final sentence:-
“Mr Scott is of Scottish descent and his parents were not born in Zambia, so he may not be able to run for president in January because a constitutional clause on parentage could nullify his candidacy.”
Such a constitutional clause in USA would debar Obama, and in UK would debar Clegg from top office. (Perhaps UK should consider including such a clause, in a post-E.U Britain.) But, in reference to black power Zambia, apparently this discriminatory clause is not worth Beeboids mentioning.
Seems that despite telephone number levels of market rate remuneration, top tier types at broadcasters didn’t know you couldn’t can folk just because they looked crinkly in HD and didn’t wear the trousers.
At least, not in ways that get you caught.
The excuses being trotted out here are awesome.
And looking at the comments, not really winning folk over.
“Guardian’s Brian Whitaker: Most Arab states share Islamic State’s ideology”
-Does Mr Whitaker have political chums at INBBC who would publicly admit that too?:-
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’]-
“Brian Whitaker? Brian Whitaker in the Guardian? This is the Brian Whitaker who thinks that Gandhi ‘would undoubtedly have appreciated jihad’? This is the Brian Whitaker who hates Jihad Watch and thinks Prince Charles’s pandering to Islamic supremacists is a praiseworthy endeavor?
“Brian Whitaker is a notorious dhimmi columnist in a publication and a country that is thick with them, and yet even he, and the Guardian, are beginning to notice that the Islamic State is not as singular as the political and media elites insist. Sometimes reality breaks through, despite their best efforts to keep it out.”
I don’t many how many readers have heard ‘the media show’ on Radio 4 but it’s well worth a listen.
First up the pally pally interview with the Grauniad and an intimation the Guardian wanted access to the BBC news site to host its stories, which was not shot down.
And then, on comes RT Russia Today, and a more hostile interview I have yet to hear.
The RT guest said that his company would broadcast the issues which the BBC refuses to cover because of political correctness, and it all got quite confrontational.
I don’t know how anyone could take Russia Today seriously. After all, Sheikh George Al Galloway presents his own show called Sputnik = Fellow Traveller on RT, or at least did. Not content with his role as Anilinctor-in-Chief for the Mad Mullahs on PressTV, he now seems to want to be a propaganda orifice for Putin. There’s a world of difference between being a mouthpiece for police states and leftwing bias on the BBC.
RT Bias & BBC Bias do not coincide, so you do see people on RT who are censored by the BBC. For instance, you are far more likely to see an Atmospheric Physicist or Solar Astronomer on RT than on the BBC.
Rattansi, the guest, is an old stalwart of PRESS TV. I don’t know why a peddler of Iranian propaganda should enjoy greater credibility than than the leftists at the BBC. You can be lied to simultaneously by more than one person.
If you like media shit-showers a RT freebie might be an attractive malodorous extra. But I would have thought most people don’t want to be showered in shit, free or not.
The Conservative Bill to ‘guarantee’ an EU referendum is dead. I nearly missed this story which is inconspicuous on the BBC website.
Surely it’s more newsworthy than the lead political story ‘[A single] Lib Dem urges local pacts with Greens’
And doesn’t this mean the BBC must caveat any statement by the PM ‘guaranteeing’ an EU referendum?
The guarantee was always worthless as the Tories will not win and even if they do somehow we will be swindled out of a real vote. It is pure window dressing and most of us have worked this out. Hence the rise and rise of UKIP.
Well you won`t get anything if Millipeed wins . apart from more taxes , more immigration , more money for the Bbc , more pc directives, whites having to bow & scrape to minorities , more reckless spending , more money for the EU & definitely No referendum , everything you all hate , but that will happen , cos voting ukip will let Labour in to win .
I think we’ve already had all these things during the past 4 years under Cameron, along with increased foreign aid, additional wars and marriage for homosexuals. The message is clear: not voting UKIP will let someone else in to win and it doesn’t really matter who that someone is – they want to do us down.
So vote Ukip , to stop Homosexuals `marrying` ,even if they happen to be Conservative MP`s or voters , very strange . I don`t care if they `marry` or not , but thats hardly a reason to put up with a 5 year, `Reign of Terror ` on England, from Millipeed, starting on May 8th 2015.
As far as I’m concerned it’s nothing to do with stopping homosexuals from marrying. It’s about deceit and Cameron ramming through Parliament a major change to our ways of doing things without having the courage to say he wanted to do it when standing for election.
You may prefer to vote for that sort of deceit because the other guy is worse, but others feel differently.
Thanks for the heads up, here it is… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04md56f
at 12m.12s but the ‘interview’ just fizzled out, it was only warming up!
Not sure about this Afshin Rattansi fella, a bit suspect. Here is a bit more of him…
There’s that word ‘povuteh’ again!! All the fault of colonialism in Africa of course, nothing to do with the likes of Mugabe and the rest of the tin pot dictators?
A bit like the morons who were on Sunday morning live not so long ago saying that slavery is THE direct problem of ALL blacks in the UK today, of course substantial compensation would go a long way to righting the wrong of our forebears…chief Empire hater, Nicky Campbell, wholeheartedly agreed.
i did agree with the guy in the funky shirt regarding conflict in Africa and media misconceptions, i mean, since when has tribalism or ethnic hatred had anything to do with African wars?
Even the Tutsis and the Hutus were fighting over Arsenal and Chelsea..all our fault again!! As for the machete? Ask anyone about the machete and African mass killings instantly spring to mind…oops, is that racist!
The bBC has a sob story about being Gay in Syria. Gay community hit hard by Middle East turmoil Jawad worked in sales in Syria before the war began. When his father found out he was gay, he had him arrested. After five years of hard labour, he emerged a broken man, only to find his country at war. Estranged from his family, he found himself dangerously exposed. Soon after his release, he was gang raped at gun point by four men from an armed group. “They could tell I was gay,” he told me, through stifled sobs, looking out over the Beirut cityscape.
So this man was shopped by his own father in Syria before the war there started and the bBC uses him as the main character in a story which headlines as the Arab gay community hit hard by ME turmoil. Hang on a minute this is the bBC so why was I not surprised to see this: ” In the Middle East at this time, same-sex relations were relatively commonplace and accepted. But colonialism brought the influence of Western prudishness and a codification of anti-gay laws.”
Nothing about how Allah informs the faithful to demand the gay man to turn away from a hairy backside and if they don’t to throw them off the highest mountain.
Nothing about how Allah informs the faithful to demand the gay man to turn away from a hairy backside and if they don’t to throw them off the highest mountain.
You seem awfully exercised about this. I trust you are also against such expressions throughout history against gay people from those of other faiths – say, Judaism and Christianity?
It never fails to amaze me how people like you turn the spotlight onto the past in which to excuse the intolerance of Islam.
The story is about today , about an evil cult the ethical latte drinking classes tell me is…a religion of peace.
“People like me” look at the past because it informs our present. Just as the article you linked to looked to the past and, quite accurately, demonstrated that the intolerance in the Middle East towards LGBT people was not always so.
In present day Africa, the drive against equality for LGBT people, and towards draconian laws that would impose imprisonment and even death sentences for homosexuality, is largely being driven by evangelical Christians. Can we get a condemnation from you in that regard, or are people like you driven by blind prejudice of one religion in particular?
Can we get a condemnation from you of Islam’s institutionalised oppression of minorities now and historically?
The point is that the BBC obfuscates and excuses on behalf of Islam in a way it doesn’t for Christianity (nor should it)
The example being how they falsely try to attribute draconian anti homosexual laws to European influence despite the fact that Islam , regardless of the prevalence of pederasty in the Ottoman empire, clearly casts homosexuality as haram.
No the BBC single it out with their preferential treatment of it
I sympathise with you ,caught on the dilemma of conflicting isms
Can I suggest you read homosexual activist Bruce Bower’s ‘While Europe slept’
(PS you were doing quite well with the new and constructive debating style Scott up until you succumbed to the compulsion to throw out an arbitrary ad homonym )
What I see here, is the usual attempt to obfuscate, to muddy the waters and deflect genuine criticism of islam by pointing out prejudice elsewhere.
Is there prejudice and persecution of gay people in non moslem countries? Yes of course.
When the media make programmes about ‘ the worst place in tne world to be gay’, they go to places like…errr…Uganda!
Yes thats right, Uganda, because there amongst the witch doctors they can attach the Christian label to it.
Iran?, Saudi Arabia? Nahhhh…best not go there, or even mention it. Top trumps holds sway once again, and islam trumps all.
Other commenters are correct, when Israel begins swinging gays from cranes, you’ll fucking well hear about it soon enough!
A fixation on issues concerning homosexuality
“I trust you are also against such expressions throughout history against gay people from those of other faiths”
Repeatedly returning to initial point
“Christians just as bad but you don’t care”
without even acknowledging rebuttal
“not about Islam attitude to gays but BBC’s attitude to moslems”
Ending in petulant outburst of personalised abuse
“it must be hard for you knowing who to ignorantly demonize first. ”
And then the name – ‘Filmfan’ – Bless.
“You seem awfully exercised about this”
maybe that s because BBC story was about modern day Syria. I’m sure if homosexuals start getting hung from cranes in Israel the BBC will let us know soon enough
Footballer fined £25K for Twitter comments… Rio Ferdinand – whom some have cruelly described as one of the dimmest looking footballers in Britain (and there is some serious competition) – has been fined £25,000 and suspended for 3 matches for comments he made on Twitter. According to the BBC (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/29826136): ‘it is believed the misconduct charge related to a comment where he used the word “sket”. The definition of the term is “a promiscuous girl or woman”‘ (it is a Jamaican slang word). Ferdinand “…is a member of FA chairman Greg Dyke’s commission looking at how to improve English football”. That will be Greg Dyke, ex-BBC chairman of “horribly white” fame. Presumably this respectful and colourful language is one of those improvement measures.
Could Greg Dyke be fined £25,000 for using the word “dyke”. The definition of the term is “a promiscuous lesbian girl or woman”‘ (it is an English slang word).
Did Ferdinand break some law? There seems to be something fascist about a sporting body taking on what is effectively the powers of the courts. It is one thing to penalise for on-field misbehaviour or misbehaviour while representing the sport e.g. a member of a team being arrested for urinating out of his hotel window while on an overseas trip but a tweet?
Sweden has no future as a European nation. I must say I will shed no tears. They have bought it on themselves.
I do not think it will ever happen here. We are not that sort of people.
Sweden seems to want to end itself as a nation and become the first third world European country. They must really suffer liberal guilt in spades.
The Jeremy Vine show’s producers today decided to explore the apparent dichotomy of the belated honours for Sir Nick Winton and his kindertransport efforts and the furnace-blast rage from listeners (canvassed via social media) towards the wholly-incommensurate nautical hordes heading this way from the Third World.
To ensure a dignified, wisdom-suffused view of these matters Yasmin Alibai-Falsehood was invited to share her hot tears with the listeners, during which she insisted that the plight of the bobbing opportunists was all the fault of this country in the first place, and that what has been happening to Britain in recent years has been no more extreme than when the Huguenots came over, to no audible opposition from the crazed “let them all in” callers who managed to get through –
His first charge -that the Eu election was unfair to UKIP is very serious.
That said UKIP is the political system’s last chance. The usual suspects in the BBC/liberal establishment are too stupid to understand this.
UKIP is essential if democracy in England is to survive. The sytem is broken and trust has gone and will not return. The old parties are too tainted.
It is impossible for any reasonable man or woman to vote for them. They have failed utterly. Failed the nation .
The best weapon UKIP has is the complacency and stupidity of the liberal elite.
The link to the apparent ‘UKIP hoodie’ was unbelievable, how desperate do the lefty morons have to be to think people won’t see through the propaganda?
I’m encouraged by the amount of people who are now starting to speak out against the liberal left garbage that is constantly being peddled in the media, It seems thought control hasn’t worked so far.
The lefties are so thick and arrogant that they never believed the day would come when normal people, or the far right lunatic racist fringe as the left like to call us, would have had enough and start to fight back. You can smell the fear.
Radio 4 news programme with yet another report on US domestic politics (yawn). Unable to find much support in Arkansas for Obama you’ll be unsurprised to find racism offered as an explanation (cue flash back to the 60s and the civil rights movement).
Er, would that be the same racism that saw Obama elected twice as President?
Jut watched the evening news. The top story was about how child abuse in parts of Manchester is a way of life for young girls. The story went into great detail , but was missing one salient fact. Just who were the men carrying out this abuse.
The irony here was the bBC spent an indordinate amount of time talking about how this ugly crime was ignored for so long by the powers that be.
I watched the local news on ITV, Rochdale was mentioned, abused girls were mentioned and ‘men’ were mentioned? Not a word about what race these men were? They are all liars.
In this Wednesdays Daily Mail letters (page 58) there is a written response by the BBC media director (James Heath who is responsible for BBC policy (not a frequent Daily Mail reader) but felt compelled to reply to a previous Daily Mail feature listing BBC abuses on anti terrorism laws. Heath claims the BBC has a ‘legitimate ‘right to snoop’ under UK ‘anti-terrorism’ laws, he states; ”The government gave the BBC the right to use these powers to authorise the detection of unlicensed TV usage’ (that would be Labour ‘rights’ activists who then privatised BBC collection to CIVITAS to combat those forgetful TV terrorists obviously). Heath goes on to say the BBC is not ‘mis-applying the ‘Anti terrorism’ act (by using covert state surveillance techniques approved by Mi5). ‘The BBC is regularly inspected by Independent regulators (that would be OFCOM who have no powers to snoop on the BBC freedom loving journalists can enjoy that (now famous) ‘impartial’ BBC ‘trust’ and ‘integrity’ in support for Islamic cultural values – who ALWAYS pay the BBC license fee with religious observance), I think not. Heath refutes any abuse ‘..and has always been open about using this power when there is no other option’. And yet In an earlier Daily Mail article on (page 30) Tory MP Whittingdale makes the point that the ‘TV license is worse than the poll tax’… John Whittingdale is the chairman of the commons Culture, Media and Sports committee overseeing the BBC 2016 Charter renewal. he stated ‘..I don’t think there is any serious possibility of the license fee going’….’beyond this one’. Quite, the text here differs slightly from the online edited version and it does leave us still questioning why the BBC TV license fee is being used to spread Islam over our English indigenous culture promoting violent behavior and openly using non-public funds – received from QATAR – to fund ‘sponsorship’ deals with very clear links to Muslim terrorists. Unless its all approved at head office (wherever that is)…
I think Whittingdale has told Peter Horrocks and James Harding that the licence fee is not going to survive, but if the BBC continues to resist, then I understand that there is still a lot of censored garbage that could be leaked to the Daily Mail, including stuff about Frazer Steel and his gang.
The BBC can go on to say whatever it likes about many things, but try as it might it won’t make their version of truthiness any more palatable on top of all their other semantic hypocritical gymnastics.
They are a state entity abusing legal powers for terrorism protections for commercial purposes.
Any other entity the BBC did not approve if tried that, they would be clamouring for them to be held to account, not penning weasel justifications to tabloids.
There is another thread running today about someone who has successfully sued CAPITA for hounding him over the TV Licence that he did not need.
In the comments from CAPITA the spokesperson said; The course of action we pursue is necessary for the prevention of crime, which is itself necessary in a democratic society for public safety and protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”
So really see this as a crime and they are protecting public safety. This should be sent by everyone to their MP
Al Beeb reporting ‘desperate’ asylum seekers trying to get in from Calais. If they are that desperate why don’t they claim asylum in Calais?
How daft is Al Beeb?
I have been a fully paid up member of a union for over 30 years and was a labour voter.
Millipede forgets to mention immigration and deficit in his conference speech ?
What about “British jobs for British workers”. Where are the unions on this?
Immigrants are driving down the wages of the working man in this country along with the standard of living.
Vote UKIP its our last chance.
The ‘Left,’ inc BBC-NUJ, has its political sob stories for unending flow of illegal immigrants who take a calculated risk to force themselves into U.K, where they will get the highest rewards in terms of money and public benefits.
Given the ‘Left’s emotional surrender in this, it STILL campaigns for open-door, unlimited immigration, while censoring out the obvious negative impact on British people.
Thursday’s ‘Daily Express’-
“The political class is responsible for immigration mess.
“MASS immigration represents a colossal betrayal of our nation.”
Telegraph today: ‘An estimated 2,300 people live in squalid camps near the French port just waiting for the opportunity to sneak onto a vehicle such as his. ‘ The front line is now Calais.
Russell Howard’s Good News included an item in which two animated ebola viruses discussed whether to invade Europe or America. They had African accents. This, apparently, was hilariously funny. Contrast it with the recent Mike Reid calypso affair.
Then Russ interviewed a man who had one leg. Russell kept one of his own legs folded up under himself all the time. Was this leftist solidarity with the disabled?
Than a long winded totally gratuitous attack on UKIP. Oh dear.
“Executive producer Richard Bond said: “With support for Ukip growing in the polls, this is timely exploration of the effect their policies might have on Britain.”
That’s an interesting way to describe a preelection ‘might have’ fictional effort.
Still, Ch4 can do what they like one supposes. No conflict of interest there, and their tribal affiliations are their own affair.
The BBC, meanwhile, may have by then quietly un-sidestepped Jasmine to recommence her good works in complement. Maybe not overtly on twitter this time.
Wouldn’t want to be seen doing anything stupid. The BBC’s commitment to transparency can always be relied upon to keep their stupidity, and much else, less visible.
More feminist propaganda by the BBC as Cameron is slammed for not wearing a feminist T-shirt. BBC groupthink of course, dictates that anything to do with feminism must be laudable. There will never be any exploration of the petty, hypocritical and extreme side to some feminists which can make men wary of the term. Instead the BBC goes with Cameron must have a “woman problem”. Scum BBC activism at its worst.
‘Apparently’. ‘Claimed’. Mystery ‘criticism’. More “quotes” than an O-level English paper.
Yes, it’s a BBC ‘news’ story.
Not apparently mentioned is that, outside the Borg kindergarten, the whole thing was seen as lame publicity hustling, and Bandwagon Ed looking like an utter tool sporting his latest desperate PR stunt fail has not fared as well on the BBC twitterverse as they may have hoped.
Sandal-wearing, Postmodern Cultural Theorist says:
just got sent this a fake bbc news report……
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement.
The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death would be cut by 25% this February from 72 to 54. A spokesman said increases in recent years in the number of suicide bombings has resulted in a shortage of virgins in the afterlife.
The suicide bombers’ union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs (or B.O.O.M.) responded with a statement saying the move was unacceptable to its members and called for a strike vote. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, “Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don’t ask for much in return but to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth” Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands, Al Qaeda chief executive Haisheet Mapants explained, “I sympathize with our workers concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet their demands.
They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace. Thanks to Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It’s a straight choice between reducing expenditures or laying people off. I don’t like cutting benefits but I’d hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff that they won’t be able to blow themselves up.
Spokespersons for the union in the North East of England, Ireland, Wales and the entire Australian continent stated that the change would not hurt their membership as there are so few virgins in their areas anyway.
According to some industry sources, the recent drop in the number of suicide bombings has been attributed to the emergence of Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle. Many Muslim Jihadists now know what a virgin looks like and have reconsidered their benefit packages.
Just thinking about how oppressive this country has become, that anyone found in possession of a printed page like this at work would face instant dismissal, certainly in the public sector, and in many large private companies also.
How far away are we from the gulags and the re-education camps?
Yet this is not communism with its command economy, it is Fascism pure & simple. If anyone is under the impression that Fascism involves the murder of Jews and gays then take a look at countries like Spain & Argentina which were Fascist without any of that.
Mussolini had to be persuaded by Hitler to participate in the holocaust, and it seems increasingly likely that Hitler did indeed convert to Islam at some stage which drove his murderous ambitions.
The oppression will be self enforced. That is how liberalism works. Only extreme cases need prison or worse.
Disapproval, deprivation of livelihood and ostracism are the main liberal weapons.
The liberal decides what words you can use and then what thoughts you can have.
So the liberal goes for the institutions that really matter if you want control. Education , the law and the media.
Every single day the BBC/Guardian and C4 set the liberal agenda. The liberal brings the lie into the world ( Solzhenitsyn) and knows that it will soon be accepted as the truth.
There will soon be no need of prison or re education. We will bring the lies willingly into our world and learn to love it.
So there is a real battle on. Give nothing neither time nor effort to the liberal state. It is the enemy of our grandchildren’s future
I was thinking much the same thing after watching a C4 piece from Clacton about immigration. It was very depressing to note how cowed people have become when expressing their views on immigration. I used to find the same kind of reaction when I approached an “ordinary” person in the Soviet Union. People just did not want to say the “wrong thing” to a foreigner. Comsomol types who “knew what to say” were much more forthcoming. It’s amazing how such a meaningless term as “racist” can have such an effect on people’s thought and actions. Much more effective than “fascist” ever was. People feel they are being accused of some heinous crime, but are not quite sure what it is.
“Just thinking about how oppressive this country has become, that anyone found in possession of a printed page like this at work would face instant dismissal…”
Gosh, terrible isn’t it that you can’t do whatever you want whilst you’re at work. My boss told me that if I continued to play Hard-Core-Donkey-Sex videos on his office computer he would sack me. Now I have to wait until I get home. Which is exactly what it was like living under the Stasi and being sent to the Gulag, if not worse.
“Mussolini had to be persuaded by Hitler to participate in the holocaust…”
Yes, of course he was such a nice guy it took two whole trips to Nando’s before he even considered slaughtering thousands of Jews.
“…and it seems increasingly likely that Hitler did indeed convert to Islam at some stage…”
BBc Breakfast and they have another Charity person in (wonder how much she gets paid) to discuss child exploitation. They managed to get through the whole segment without mentioning the obvious. Oooh apart from mentioning take aways.
I wonder which will have the bigger impact on results in English towns next election – postal vote fraud, or anger over paedophile rape gangs? Could swing either way.
They’ve “found” a new species of tree frog on Staten Island. it’s very similar to an existing one, and it has been around for, well, probably for ever. But, we MUST look after it, after all, the eco-system is very fragile. This frog has survived, unnoticed, for God knows how long, and would, no doubt continue to survive unnoticed for another eon or two, had the frog-huggers not found it, and if they would only stop molesting it (and us).
Anyone catch, (omit the)”Newsnight” … last night
It had a ahem … “special” report on the epidemic of Muslim child Gang Rapists in the UK.
Surprisingly, “Muslim” wasn t mentioned … mind you “child gang rapists” wasn t either!.
I maybe wrong but I didn t catch, ” Asian” either … a fleeting mention to “the norm” , a blabber about “exploitation”, some orchestrated waffle about a “grooming issue”.
Right at the end, “Pakistani” got a mention, as did a “countrywide issue”, that it is such an infestation, “the police cannot cope” with the numbers! …
No changes in any media then?
All with out even the slightest hint of alarm, Muslim child gang rape now is “the norm” on our shameful media … it appears lying about it is too.
As are live beheadings …
As are, “holiday wannabe” mass murderers of non Muslims
As are hundreds of cells of said, wannabe mass murderers that want to do it right here… in the same fashion
“Houston … we have a problem”
“Ms Coffey said explicit music videos, sexting and selfies could be “fuelling the increased sexualisation of children”.
“could”?” … hmm a possibility eh? … any others?
“they,(young schoolgirls ) are living in an environment where it is felt to be ok to go and touch, and harass, and pester girls in uniforms”
Outside the school gates, in their uniforms – who by?, any clues?
anything distinct about the perverted perpetrators?
Has to be something? 14,712 of these children have now been reported as gone … “missing” over 13,000 cases of this gang rape have been reported to the police
You know, this reports, euphemisms this whitewash, because that’s what it is should be the end for those in charge, and a strong, sharp, message, a take no prisoners approach now, today if not sooner, should be enacted on the community directly involved, this is a revolting, disgusting national scandal
… this is so abhorrent … so obscene, and there will be many more to come of course, how many more towns? and cities?.
Just watch the last couple of minutes of that Newsnight report with M Oliver, see what she lets slip.
Sweden has been mentioned before on this site, we re going to be worse, in the end, the warning signs are all around us now today and yesterday.
unless of course … its just, “the norm”
I see that Russia Today will be broadcasting an English news programme on Former UK tv. There was a little bit of angst this morning about that on “Today”.
If it’s anything like Breitbart, on line, it’ll be a breath of fresh air, and a step away from the biased western main-stream media. To be welcomed.
That item was followed by an appeal for money for the Ebola situation – from one Lenny Henry. The BBC never learn, do they?
A complete irony by-pass at the BBC on that story, wasn’t there? One of the world champions of biased broadcasting sniping at one of its rivals for the rusty crown
I’m no Labour supporter but for me Jim Murphy was the most effective and convincing Unionist politician in the Independence debate. The BBC won’t like him though as he’s a Catholic so is suspect on the lifestyle issues favoured by the BBC. Same as the BBC doesn’t like the Australian PM.
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In the last Open Thread(5 days ago) I posted that the “Likes” on UKIP’s Facebook Page stood at 278,441.
Today it’s standing at 280,897. A rise of 2456 in 5 days.
If it breaks the 300,000 mark that will be an astonishing milestone.
‘Sierra Leone has condemned Australia’s decision to suspend entry visas for people from Ebola-affected countries in West Africa as “counterproductive” and “discriminatory”.
The move has also been criticised by Amnesty International.’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-29809863
If this measure could save lives, who outside of the London media bubble cares if it’s discriminatory?!?
I say we should discriminate against people who are statistically particularly likely to harm our country!
‘Discriminate’ simply means to exercise judgement. For instance, if a convicted paedophile and pyromaniac applied for a position of school caretaker then it might be sensible to exercise judgement and discriminate against him on the basis that he may do it again. The Left confuses this – whether intentionally or through ignorance – with prejudice, which means to make a judgement without regards to the facts. In some instances there can be a fine line, but such comments as “fight against all forms of discrimination” are non-sensical.
Australia has imposed travel restrictions in response to the ebola outbreak? What, you mean like these countries did?
“Cameroon on 17 September reopened its borders to travellers from Senegal. An 18 August ban remains in place on travel from Nigeria, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Cape Verde on 9 October announced that it would now deny entry to non-resident foreigners coming from countries with ‘intense Ebola transmission’ – Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia – or who have been to those countries in the previous 30 days.
Chad on 21 August closed its land border with Nigeria at Lake Chad. The country previously reportedly banned the entry of any travellers originating or transiting through Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria or Sierra Leone, with airlines serving the country reportedly rerouting flights.
Côte d’Ivoire in early October reopened its borders with Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, having closed the borders of 23 August.
Equatorial Guinea is denying entry to travellers whose journeys originated in countries affected by Ebola.
Gabon stated on 22 August that it is restricting the issuance of entry visas to travellers from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria on a case-by-case basis.
Gambia on 1 September suspended entry of persons who have visited Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone or Nigeria in the 21 days prior to travel. Those travelling indirectly from any of the aforementioned countries to Gambia via another country also come under this measure.
Kenya on 10 October announced that it had closed the Suam border crossing (Trans-Nzoia county) with Uganda due to reports of an Ebola-related death in Bukwo district (Uganda). Earlier, the Kenyan authorities on 19 August suspended entry of passengers travelling from and through Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, excluding health professionals supporting efforts to contain the outbreak and Kenyan citizens.
Mauritania on 25 October closed its border with neighbouring Mali after an Ebola-related death in the border town of Kayes (Mali).
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months, rather than just citizens of those countries, as was the case previously. The authorities have announced that entry restrictions for travellers from Senegal and Nigeria will be lifted on 10 October and 17 October respectively, if no further cases of Ebola infection are reported.
Namibia’s foreign ministry on 11 September announced that foreigners travelling from countries affected by Ebola would be prohibited from entering the country.
Rwanda, according to the US Department of State on 22 August, has banned entry to travellers who have visited Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the 22 days prior to travel.
Senegal on 21 August closed its land border with Guinea, while the country’s sea and air borders will also be closed to vessels and aircraft from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Seychelles on 8 October suspended entry to travellers who have visited Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Nigeria or Congo (DRC) 28 days prior to their journey, with the exception of Seychellois citizens.
Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states – Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – have stated that travellers coming from Ebola-affected countries (according to the World Health Organisation, WHO) would be monitored for 21 days and that travel to member countries for any gatherings would be discouraged. The SADC provided no details as to how member countries will carry out the associated screening and follow-up and it is likely that countries will have individual processes. There are also reports that some countries require health documentation for entry. Travellers are advised to contact the embassy or health ministry of their destination country to clarify their individual circumstances and prepare their trips accordingly.
South Africa on 21 August restricted entry for all non-citizens travelling from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The government subsequently clarified that this was not a blanket ban and could be waived for ‘absolutely essential travel’.
South Sudan has placed a ban on travellers coming from Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia or Congo (DRC), or those who have travelled to those countries in the preceding 21 days. According to the health ministry, entry of travellers from Nigeria depends on their travel history in that country and whether they have visited Ebola-affected area”
To be fair the liklihood of Ebola reaching Australia is fairly tiny and I doubt that so many Sierra Leonians (is that the correct form?) are travelling there.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): Burqas and Niqabs.
When INBBC next lines up Muslims to propagandise for Muslims to wear burqas and niqabs in public in Britain, it should indicate this:-
-from ‘Islamist Watch’-
“French burqa ban gets seal of approval from European court”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In a decision that will refocus the debate over burqas and niqabs, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has backed the French statute that proscribes concealing one’s face in public. Judges rejected a woman’s claims that she has suffered discrimination and that the limits on personal freedoms are incompatible with European law. Interestingly, the ECHR downplayed valid concerns about public safety and emphasized social cohesion instead. An official statement explains that the court was ‘able to understand the view’ that these coverings ‘call into question the possibility of open interpersonal relationships, which, by virtue of an established consensus, formed an indispensable element of community life within the society in question.’ Because the law is not targeted solely at religious dress and does not generally restrict freedom of movement, it ‘could therefore be regarded as proportionate to the aim pursued, namely the preservation of the conditions of ‘living together.’ Objections rang out, but there is no place to appeal.”
I don’t care if the Met Office has a new super computer that weighs the same as 16 double decker busses, my super duper piece of Devon seaweed tells me that some northern parts of G.B. will get some snow this time next week.
Here is the weather forecast for the next twelve months.
There will be periods of rain interspersed with periods of sunshine. Temperatures will vary in accordance with the seasonal norms. Wind of varying strength will come from most directions !
Is that “Climate Change” then?
Only if there’s a research grant up for grabs…
How many foodbanks could have been closed with that £100m spent on a weather predicting computer?
None. The foodbanks have an independent existence, unrelated to any real need. Other than perhaps provide employment for the Trussell Trust organisers and propaganda for the BBC and Labour Party?
The obese can afford to eat more junk food, if they don’t have to pay for the stuff they can find in a foodbank.
That’s why there is evidence for growing obesity in Britain, but no evidence for starvation.
I look forward to the day (not) when diversity, much championed by the far left BBC, arrives at the news bulletins on the BBC TV when those said bulletins are read out by someone wearing a niqab.
Do you think they’d dare?
They can hardly wait
Won’t happen. When Islam becomes that strong in the UK all the news readers will be men.
‘Lord Justice Mantell said that in the court’s view the case against all three appellants was “formidable”, and against Mr Rowe “overwhelming”.
Raphael Rowe, freed 12 years into a life sentence for murder, unsafe conviction etc.
On The One Show tonight and working for the BBC since 2001.
Amazing, no, how every man (and woman) at the BBC loves the smell of outlaw leather.
Not guilty on a technicality. Only one of the three (not Rowe) was judged to have been unfairly convicted and Rowe and another where released on the basis of ‘if one is not safe the others can’t be either’. Allegedly.
The Police in the meantime are not looking for anyone else in the matter.
Not the sort of person I’d employ nor want to work with – the criminals tied up and beat two homosexuals, killing one, and then poured petrol on them. Complete bastards.
It’s bloody common sense for Christ’s sake! But the Left would rather countries grovel to the foul alter of political correctness (whilst being ravished by ebola in the process) than protect its citizens.
Having watched Al Beeb news reports this morning on ebola, immigration, child exploitation, EU border control etc. I am afraid only one thing that springs to mind. Cameron, Nero, fiddle and Rome.
That is 4 things (and you much malign Nero who couldn’t fiddle (the violin was still 1500 years in the future))
According to Tacitus, Nero was away from Rome, in Antium, when the fire broke out. He returned to the city and took measures to bring in food supplies and open gardens and public buildings to accommodate refugees. After six days the organized clearing of built-up areas brought the conflagration to a halt before it reached the Esquiline Hill. There was a further outbreak in the Aemilian district, involving the destruction of temples and arcades but less loss of life. However the fire was now under control. Of Rome’s 14 districts three were completely devastated and only four completely escaped damage.
I was referring to the well known saying and phrase.
But thanks for the brief history, which I suspect was copied from wikipedia?
Yes and should have been acknowledged as such – mea culpa.
Not Al Beeb however….
‘Illegitimi non carborundum.’
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards,
I was thrilled that the police in Leeds were able to exonerate the blind jogger so quickly.
So why is it that any untrained eye can see what no BBC journalist could see and that is that the bloke veered left into Cameron when he saw him.
In anyone else’s book that was an assault.
If anyone was to veer into, Shameron, I would have sooner it been the Samoan front row, maybe Lima.
“assault” 😀 … hmmm , then again, it would be impossible for anyone
… no matter how large, to knock any sense at all, into that incompetent self serving traitor
Yesterday BBC news programmes set to work openly campaigning in a coordinated effort to promote a chosen socio-political cause – it is a campaign which their staff of presenters clearly relish, and it is a campaign that is obviously sanctioned and approved at the highest levels of the BBC’s corporate structure.
I am referring to the BBC fretting and shouting about the supposed inequality of sports prize money.
Although presented through ‘news’ platforms this was a prime example of ‘self-made’ news – an item given false prominence in bulletins simply for campaigning purposes – so as to push the idea of there being a problem and to make the a call for a solution.
“…a BBC Sport study into prize money found 30% of sports reward men more highly than women”
Now a sensible ‘man’ in the street might easily laugh off this liberal elite feminista nonsense…. someone in the office might had a little too little to do one quiet Wednesday afternoon….
“A total of 56 global sports were looked at in the extensive study”
Frankly the quasi-scientific looking tables of figures and supposed significant percentage ‘inequalities’ are a joke….
“Female footballers are rewarded significantly less than their male counterparts”
– Oh the humanity!
But this latest piece of BBC ‘inequality’ babble seems to have acquired Government approval….
“Sports need to engage “in the battle for gender balance and fairness”, says UK Minister for Sport Helen Grant” [Conservative]
How did the conversation go, I wonder?
Did the BBC nudge Helen for a sound bite?
‘Well, you’re the Minister for Sport and Equalities, what do you have to say about these shock figures uncovered by the BBC?’ – ‘Um, er, something must be done!’
Or is there something a little more sinister about this campaign?
Has a supposed ‘conservative’ Minister colluded rather more closely and at an earlier stage of this BBC effort at campaigning.
Could it simply be that Tories are in awe of and playing up to the liberal monster?
I think we should be told the truth.
Oh, and by the way, from Wiki…
‘Grant attracted media attention in November 2012 after it emerged she was allowed to claim the maximum expenses allowed within the IPSA rules for a London flat, despite her family home being within 20 miles of London’
As this little pet project of the BBC continues apace, I find myself wondering about about other areas of imbalance.
Do the new raft of Cohen Babe comediennes shoehorned into panel shows share equal fees with counterparts who are on occasion funny? Do they get propelled to stadium gigs by promoters no matter what?
Is some forgettable bozo on GMB on the same whack as the delectable ex-bbc Suze?
Or are some market rates less equally questioned than others?
In the BBC’s battle for gender balance and fairness, I don’t think even feminists would want equality in sport, as even they recognise female athletic inferiority, especially when it comes to thinking about the desegregation of Tennis and Athletics. How many medals would be won by women competitors in the Olympic Games if equality was included in the battle for gender balance and fairness. I cannot imagine a Women could ever beat a Black man in a 100 yard sprint, so in that case it would be unfair to have a socially engineered gender balance, such as the Gold medal going to the winner or last place loser, based on the throw of a coin.
Question: I wonder, has a BBC producer ever approached the Biased BBC web site to express any interest in our views on anything at all?
I ask because it happened for the chaps over there at ‘All That’s Left’
‘a blog for surviving the Coalition’
‘In 1992 four blokes just out of university shared a flat in Hackney. There was an election on which promised to bring to an end the long dark depressing days of Margaret Thatcher and the then much shorter but not inconsiderably depressing days of John Major. 13 years of unbroken Tory rule had led to the championing of the politics of selfishness and greed, the denial of the existence of society….’
Well, I think you get their general drift.
In the comments area of the blog up pops “Natalie” with a short missive…
“Natalie Steed January 20, 2013 at 7:07 pm
Hello – I wonder of(sic) you could let me have an email contact – I’m keen to talk to you about a radio programme I’m making Many thanks Natalie”
Goodness, you don’t think she might be… from the BBC, do you?
Could be….
‘Natalie Steed is an audio producer who has created work for the BBC for six years on programmes including Night Waves, Free Thinking, Something Understood, Words and Music, and Soul Music. In 2013 she produced a BBC Radio 3 Sunday Feature, presented by Dr Thomas Dixon, on the cultural history of weeping.’
“The Cultural History of Weeping” – how very very… apt.
How come the guys at ‘All That’s Left’ happen to have the BBC – in the form of that sensitive soul Natalie – come calling – and all we get is Dez?
You can wonder.
Just don’t ask.
How the BBC selects what gets brought to air is another of their cherished little secrets.
The ‘We like what you’re up into…. Give us a tinkle about helping’ tweet from BBC producers to various folk in the twitterverse can be a rich seam.
I doubt that the Political classes will ever truly reform the way the BBC is funded for several differing reasons.
Labour reasons are obvious, the BBC is on its side and broadcasts almost exclusively on its behalf.
The Tories on the other hand have differing reasons:
They still have grandiose dreams about the influence of Britain and cannot see any good reason to scale back the World Service. To pay for all this the Tories decided that it should be funded by the licence fee – even though most UK people can’t even receive it !
It might be possible to privatise radio 1 & 2 or to sell them to another broadcaster, but Radio 3 has such a tiny audience that it could never survive, probably even as an internet station, and to be honest any reasonable broadcaster would have broadened its appeal to something like Classic FM which is what it should have been in the first place.
Radio 4 well if you want to hear spoken word and political discourse what’s the alternative, and although it has a decent sized audience it’s difficult to see how it might be sold off in a way which works. Add to that, that it’s the station of choice for many of the politicos and it is easy to see why they’re so protective of it.
Then there are the regional broadcasters, many of which have such mediocre output that it wouldn’t be economically feasible to expect them to stand on their own two feet.
Plus a slew of internet radio stations, and some ethinc ones which couldn’t possibly be allowed to fail!
The Television channels would almost certainly have to shrink considerably as no private broadcaster could afford the inefficiency of the BBC.
Channel four? Where would the funding to support that come from?
There is currently a lot of choice on TV channels, particularly if you have the money to afford the pay for view channels. Ministers worry about what would be left for those people unable or unwilling to pay for viewing.
We need to think about what would happen if the licence were to be abolished to ally the fears of politicos who see only the negatives, and how those consequences might be worked around.
Calling for the abolition of the licence fee without any kind of vision as to what might come afterwards isn’t going to cut it with the decision makers, many of whom have vested interests.
Perhaps we should have a sticky thread on the aftermath of what alternatives to the licence fee might be?
‘Calling for the abolition of the licence fee without any kind of vision as to what might come afterwards isn’t going to cut it with the decision makers, many of whom have vested interests.’
There’s also the small matter of the fight they’d have on their hands from a small but very vocal group.
Not to mention the logistics of what to do with 20,000 more than market raters, mostly with zero talent, and all on some odd golden redundancy deal designed to make the BBC too costly to wind up.
Which leaves the BBC as a make work program for the otherwise unemployable.
I suppose that is what it has become. In reality it would be very simple to privatise it .The market will buy what is worth keeping and the rest will just fade away.
Sweden had the right idea in the 1980. TV was turned off after 12 pm,only to return the following day around 12 am.
Just think we could do something else more productive…..
I remember in the 60’s coming home from School, nothing on telly but a test card until 5pm, then in 1969, coming home to watch the new colour telly start a 4.30pm with unadvertised test films including a wooden Morris minor van, touring around the country, followed by Gold Hawn on the Laugh In.
When I came home from school, we had children’s TV from 3.45 until 5.45, that was it. Why the need today for 24 hours worth (over 2 channels) of kids programs throughout the day when most kids should be at school? Is it to ensure that our kids get their daily brainwash of multiculturalism and diversity?
It seems a distant memory, but as recently as the late 80’s, the national anthem was played when all the stations closed down around midnight (all four of them!)
Yes, Sir Patrick would say good night, national anthem, and then a humming noise.
The ‘Today‘ sports bulletin was at it again this morning.
The subject was Leeds Utd on their fourth manager this season, discussing with Lord Mawhinney whether there should be more security of tenure, fit and proper owners etc. Suddenly, the question of whether there are enough black managers popped out of nowhere. Who says the BBC has no agenda, for it keeps popping up and I’m not aware it’s a pressing subject of the fans who pay to watch?
No, the pressing subject of the fans is that they want a successful team on the park and it seems unlikely the chairmen of all the football clubs are passing up candidates who might provide that merely because of the colour of their skin. The shade of players we see week in week out would suggest colour isn’t a problem if you’re good enough.
Yet every time the BBC asks this question the football interviewee says yes it’s a problem and Something Must Be Done. Do they all seriously believe it or is it, as I suspect, that a culture has built up whereby you don’t dare question the orthodoxy in public, no matter how ridiculous?
(Why is this comment awaiting moderation?)
In fairness to Al Beeb, they are broadcasting the ‘lack of care’ given to our injured servicemen servicemen i.e., the ‘Military Covenant’.
It does make you wonder if our government has got its ‘prioritises’ right. Millions going abroad in foreign aid, probably going to corrupt despots, and inadequate help for our own people that do our dangerous work for us. Farage and his party are the only ones with common sense.
Beeboids’ propaganda for Mass Immigration and Colonisation of UK continues.
Ed West has-
“Border controls are a basic human right – is it un-Christian to oppose mass immigration?”
“Church leaders promoting an immigration policy that strengthens the power of Islam
in their country is not Christianity, it’s pathological altruism.”
I’m finding it harder and harder to contribute here as my consumption of bBC is rapidly approaching zero.
Even in last nights new drama the McCannesque ‘The Missing’ it would appear that the good guy journalist is a Muslim.
I bloody detest the bBC from radio to TV to News (local and national) to its insipid selective website, where to participate you must first tell all about your ethnicity and sexual orientation (for their information I’m a blind gay Muslim).
BBC4 my one refuge seems to now be one endless run of recent repeats (maybe in an effort to kill it off?) we just can’t have people being entertained, informed and educated can we?
The bBC has a huge back catalogue of some really entertaining, humorous and informative programs stretching back 50 years or more. I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t show them because they would only demonstrate just what Britain was, highlighting the failure of the diversity, political correctness and multiculturalism that the bBC now force on us with absolutely every production.
That is the Britain I want to see on TV, not the bBC’s lefty pink fluffy multicolored climate changing diversified take on it.
“I’m finding it harder and harder to contribute here as my consumption of bBC is rapidly approaching zero.”
My experience exactly. After so many annoyances and disappointments, I only bother if I hear a recommendation for a specific programme, and that’s rare. The last thing I watched with any enthusiasm was “Harry and Paul’s Story of the Twos” in May, and that was largely satire against the BBC.
I’m conscious of the fact that most of my recent contributions here have been short, smart-arse remarks. Not really what the site was set up for. However, the BBC seems to be attracting criticism all over the place these days so perhaps it’s a case of mission accomplished in getting the message across.
All we need now is abolition of the BBC Tax.
Me, too, and I no longer have the misfortune to reside in the Former UK. I listen, under duress, to “Today” and watch the odd remaining documentary on BBC 4 (usually the old ones – the new ones are utter crap, and full of CGI, repeated film clips, and self-obsessed “presenters”, always walking about).
Channel 4 is no better – especially the news – last evening, almost every “reporter” was of foreign origin, and looked and sounded like it, too.
Both channels hate UKIP with a vengeance, love climate change scariness, and are so in-your-face leftie that I cringe.
Strangely we’re watching ITV the most, at least their dramas are better (if you record and then skip the ads).
Had the Great Fire been a BBC production we would have already suffered a few ethnics traipsing around the London of 1666 Diane Abbott stylee. ITV have so kept it accurate and so far resisted.
Same here Geoff since my partner got Sky last week I have watched more interesting and informative programming then I have seen on the BBC in the last god know how many years I sat down and had a think and the last documentary series I watched on the BBC was ‘war walks’ last comedy ‘Mongrels ‘ and last drama ‘Gormenghast’ every thing else I want to see is made by the populist /evil commercial channels !
They’re all tainted to some extent though – I suspect that the BBC established the tone years ago.
On SKY this morning, the monumentally stupid Natasha Devon said about immigration and UKIP that we should learn from history and remember what happened last time Europe had a charismatic, far-right leader.
I suppose in SKY’s defence I should admit that she was a guest, not an employee, and of course I’m not obliged to pay for SKY. I’ve also heard Eamonn Holmes robustly defend immigration controls on other occasions, but he said relatively little this morning. Perhaps he thought it would be unkind to bully someone with a brain the size of a walnut.
I can tolerate Sky News, since they do not ram socialism down my throat and I personally find any left views they do portray, at least I know I have choice if I want to pay for them.
Which is were the big difference comes, when comparing the BBC.
I do not wish to pay for biased left views, especially those which deliberately go against a statutory granted licence, requiring balanced political reporting without fear and favour.
One does not have to be a member of this site to know the God dam awful track record of the BBC on this, but the following article puts it in a nutshell as far as the ‘flavour of the month’ immigration issue is concerned:
Given this report was published 17 months ago and nothing has changed we must presume;
1. The findings are rubbish.
2. We’re always right and therefore they are wrong.
Tiger – what is your point exactly about this in depth report covering period from 1997?
“we must presume” – you can if you want to but do not include me thank you.
One presumes you actually clicked on the link and read the report; right?
Any “open and transparent organisation” who were subject to an investigation by an independent organisation into the parameters of their operation would take note of their findings.
My comments relate to how the b-BBC have clearly taken zero notice of this report and I summarised their attitude to the report; rubbish because we are always right all the time because we say so.
You have either misinterpreted my intention or see the BBC as fine broadcasters.
OK – thanks – understood.
Peter Allen on his 5Live show this morning said he wanted to hear some positive things about immigration. When do we ever hear anything else from the BBC?
Like ‘climate change’, the use of terms like ‘immigration’ happens on a tell it often enough basis to numb, confuse and/or deflect. On their own they can appear to mean everything, but actually are so vague as to mean nothing.
There nothing wrong with properly managed immigration on the basis of symbiosis between state, population and new contributors.
The BBC does not often seem to be thinking in those terms, but is doubtless happy if that is the impression taken.
On the BBC iplayer I’d recommend Strictly Come Dancing (just the good dances, skip the rest), Life Story (skip the last bit about the making of), Dr Who (if you’re not enjoying an episode after 10 mins skip it), Autumnwatch (skip any item you’re not interested in), The Apprentice (skip the last week, next week bits), Would I Lie To You and Not Going Out.
Nothing on the BBC matches Downton Abbey for entertainment.
Note most Bbc documentaries ,now have wimmin doing the narration, even if the doc is mainly of interest to men , like ones on ,trains , planes & automobiles ,& war / history ones. In the old days Tim Pigott – Smith would of narrated the lot.
I have done the same and I have found my emotional wellbeing has improved 110%, no more stress at work while listening to ‘5 barely alive’ and nicky campbell’s smug anti everything British, his liberal lefty superiority oozes through the speakers.
Richard Branson takes TV programmes from the BBC’s huge back catalogue of some really entertaining, humorous and informative programs stretching back 50 years or more
and puts them on Yesterday and Drama, Channels 19 and 20. Quest channel 37 has some good documentaries, made by Discovery Channel. Moviesformen channel 48 includes some interesting documentaries made by film companies. The family says that True Entertainment channel 61 has some good dramas, and RT channel 135 talks to intellectuals who are always infinitely more intelligent than Russell Brand.
Yesterday and Drama tend to show the same drama’s and comedies on loop, Terry and June and Lovejoy ad infinitum .
Labour Rotherham and beyond: reporting Pakistani Muslim sex gangs.
“Labour’s record in Rotherham is criminal.
“From the way the Labour party dithered in Rotherham, you could be forgiven for thinking the issue was just a minor local government scandal, not the systematic and extensive rape and sexual abuse of 1,400 children.”
By Clare George-Hilley.
“Asian girls ‘also victims of sex grooming’ in Rotherham.”
By Manveen Rana.
“What would a Ukip win in the South Yorkshire PCC by-election tell us?”
By Isabel Hardman.
Parliament Square. The masses are rising against oppression. Ken Loach tells it as it is. I love the style. It made me think how the BBC could employ this communication skill when debating climate change.
Be honest. How many stuck it out until the end?
Super article by Gerald Warner attacking Cameron for his false anger over Europe – the Mr Angry of Downing Street pantomime :
Warner used to write for the Telegraph and the Scotsman – and everything I have ever seen by him was witty, sharp – and very right-wing. One of the best political journalists in Britain.
But I have NEVER heard him on the BBC. Now ain’t that odd ?
Excellent piece by Warner full of truths about the ‘future’ of the EU and the morons who are making up the rules as they go along..no wonder he doesn’t make the bbc, they don’t deal in truth.
The ‘tough guy’ act by camoron was funny and you can now see a pattern forming between him and milipede as they approach the General election. Both are trying to act tough to prove that they are worthy, the only problem is that both of them are morons surrounded by morons.
At least camoron is up front, milipede appears on MP’s questions, gives it the tough guy act for ten minutes and then disappears for two weeks, no doubt to berate and flagellate himself at raising his voice in public! The man has the charisma of a two week old lettuce that his been left in the sun! And ed balls?? I wouldn’t let him look after my piggy bank let alone the economy!
So £3.7bn BBC licence fee collected + £100m weather computer = £3.8bn.
275,000 frontline nurses.
10,000,000 in UK relative poverty.
That could pay for a £13,818 pay rise for each of them.
Or £380 for each person in ‘relative poverty’ in the UK.
Surely these BBC and Guardian types should be falling on their swords to help their fellow comrades?
Is Met Office’s computer programmed to show only global warming, not global cooling?
Yes, that is the fundamental error, they use the Arrhenius method with positive feedback, so if the CO2 levels rise, then the computer models can only show a warming. That’s why Piers Corbyn’s Weatheraction is able to show a cooling, because he is not a moron who sticks to positive feedback when negative feedback has been proven. And I think he also uses the new thermodynamics formula on a little home computer.
On the other hand the BBC and Met Office are dominated by left-wing morons with low intelligence, and therefore Paul Hudson has indicated that he can’t do much about that, so I’m afraid we have to wait until next year for further attacks on the BBC by my lot, but it would also help Astronomers and Mensa members if everyone voted UKIP.
But the BBC have stated and have irrefutable proof that all right wingers are morons 🙂
Just so the bbc can tell us that the weather is going to be miserable, miserable and even more miserable…these leeches thrive on misery, it’s their reason for being. Even in summer there’s always a rain cloud on the way.
“Paul Dacre:
Watch out, BBC. The political class may come for you next”
As ever, the comments can be the cherry on the cake.
‘The BBC Trust, the people supposed look after our interests, were complicit. Aware that the Pollard inquiry into the dropped Newsnight investigation was flawed – Pollard had admitted that he had omitted crucial evidence from his report and he regretted this – the Trust nevertheless stood by the report and saw no reason to probe further. That decision was apparently made by four ‘Trustees’ the names of who we are not allowed to know, or understand the reason for their lack of curiosity.
One can only hope such information was made available to the likes of The Future of the BBC inquiry.
As sure as night follows day, you can bet on a future judicial inquiry into Al Beeb and its trustees and they will be held to account.
Having now had a response from the replacement from the press complaints commission replacement IPSO, I can only wish the ‘hacked off’ group every success in getting this body abolished and replaced by government regulation.
I had complained about the use by a left wing newspaper of the lies by ‘Tell Mama’ something the PCC had already adjudicated on and upheld as lies. It should have been a dead cert complaint after the newspaper concerned refused to even open a complaints dialogue on the matter but no. Here’s the response:
“We noted your concern that reporting the findings of the organisation Tell Mama as fact was in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice because claims by Tell Mama have been proven to be false in the past. We took the view that the article made clear that it was reporting a claim made by Tell Mama by including the phrase “According to Tell Mama…”. We considered that the newspaper was entitled to report the claims of Tell Mama and had taken care that the claim was clearly attributed to them. We were satisfied that a reader would understand that the newspaper was reporting a claim of Tell Mama, and that the article was therefore not significantly inaccurate or misleading. There was no breach of Clause 1. ”
So basically a newspaper can report any falsehood it wishes to, even if the governing body has judged it to be lies, as long as it prefaces the lie with the word ‘according to’ or ‘claims made by’.
No wonder hacked off are so pissed at the new arrangement, it’s there merely to protect news media from complaints by the general public!
The sooner it’s abolished the better !
Definitely one for the ‘two wrongs’ file.
It would appear that all media, print or broadcast, are held to the highest standards unless they are not.
Of course the general public can be made aware of abuse by private media and show their displeasure by withdrawal of wallet or eyeball.
The public-funded BBC has more than enough semantic get out clauses within its internal oversight system, and uses them with impunity. A lot.
Tell Mama is also one they still accord much to, and seldom with much by way of context.
What makes you think government regulators would be any less corrupt?
BBC-NUJ’s reporting of black power-
“Zambian President Sata death: White interim leader appointed”
[Excerpts and comments]:-
“Mr Scott becomes Africa’s first white head of state since FW de Klerk in apartheid South Africa.”
Zambia is not South Africa, BBC-NUJ, but let that one pass.
Beeboids could have said, but didn’t-
‘Mr Scott becomes Africa’s first white head of state since black power in Zambia.’ But, Beeboids, the white Mr Scott is only in ‘interim’ position.
And why only ‘interim’ for the white man?
“It is unclear if Guy Scott will be able to run for president because he is not a third generation Zambian.”
Without discussion or demur, the Beeboid report states, final sentence:-
“Mr Scott is of Scottish descent and his parents were not born in Zambia, so he may not be able to run for president in January because a constitutional clause on parentage could nullify his candidacy.”
Such a constitutional clause in USA would debar Obama, and in UK would debar Clegg from top office. (Perhaps UK should consider including such a clause, in a post-E.U Britain.) But, in reference to black power Zambia, apparently this discriminatory clause is not worth Beeboids mentioning.
A little bit of popcorn-grabbing internecine fragging to savour…
Seems that despite telephone number levels of market rate remuneration, top tier types at broadcasters didn’t know you couldn’t can folk just because they looked crinkly in HD and didn’t wear the trousers.
At least, not in ways that get you caught.
The excuses being trotted out here are awesome.
And looking at the comments, not really winning folk over.
“Guardian’s Brian Whitaker: Most Arab states share Islamic State’s ideology”
-Does Mr Whitaker have political chums at INBBC who would publicly admit that too?:-
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’]-
“Brian Whitaker? Brian Whitaker in the Guardian? This is the Brian Whitaker who thinks that Gandhi ‘would undoubtedly have appreciated jihad’? This is the Brian Whitaker who hates Jihad Watch and thinks Prince Charles’s pandering to Islamic supremacists is a praiseworthy endeavor?
“Brian Whitaker is a notorious dhimmi columnist in a publication and a country that is thick with them, and yet even he, and the Guardian, are beginning to notice that the Islamic State is not as singular as the political and media elites insist. Sometimes reality breaks through, despite their best efforts to keep it out.”
This amused…
I liked from about 5. on especially.
And any ejected from the BBC complaints labyrinth and faced with starting all over again, at least there is empathy from within.
‘”We really value your opinion”, have found that the “computer says no”
It’s like they say it but don’t mean it. Or care.
I don’t many how many readers have heard ‘the media show’ on Radio 4 but it’s well worth a listen.
First up the pally pally interview with the Grauniad and an intimation the Guardian wanted access to the BBC news site to host its stories, which was not shot down.
And then, on comes RT Russia Today, and a more hostile interview I have yet to hear.
The RT guest said that his company would broadcast the issues which the BBC refuses to cover because of political correctness, and it all got quite confrontational.
It’s certainly worth a listen !
RT is state funded media unaccountable to commercial pressure and with a political agenda. Does that remind you of any other media outlet?
True. Ironic that I find its admittedly-skewed coverage a necessary means to compensate for some of what passes for news here in Occupied Britain.
I don’t know how anyone could take Russia Today seriously. After all, Sheikh George Al Galloway presents his own show called Sputnik = Fellow Traveller on RT, or at least did. Not content with his role as Anilinctor-in-Chief for the Mad Mullahs on PressTV, he now seems to want to be a propaganda orifice for Putin. There’s a world of difference between being a mouthpiece for police states and leftwing bias on the BBC.
“There’s a world of difference between being a mouthpiece for police states and leftwing bias on the BBC”
???? Really???
RT Bias & BBC Bias do not coincide, so you do see people on RT who are censored by the BBC. For instance, you are far more likely to see an Atmospheric Physicist or Solar Astronomer on RT than on the BBC.
Rattansi, the guest, is an old stalwart of PRESS TV. I don’t know why a peddler of Iranian propaganda should enjoy greater credibility than than the leftists at the BBC. You can be lied to simultaneously by more than one person.
But I’m not forced to pay for RT.
If you like media shit-showers a RT freebie might be an attractive malodorous extra. But I would have thought most people don’t want to be showered in shit, free or not.
Two shit showers, perhaps, but one of them extorts £145 pa in protection money and THEN shits on you.
You must like paying AND getting shit on?
The Conservative Bill to ‘guarantee’ an EU referendum is dead. I nearly missed this story which is inconspicuous on the BBC website.
Surely it’s more newsworthy than the lead political story ‘[A single] Lib Dem urges local pacts with Greens’
And doesn’t this mean the BBC must caveat any statement by the PM ‘guaranteeing’ an EU referendum?
The guarantee was always worthless as the Tories will not win and even if they do somehow we will be swindled out of a real vote. It is pure window dressing and most of us have worked this out. Hence the rise and rise of UKIP.
Well you won`t get anything if Millipeed wins . apart from more taxes , more immigration , more money for the Bbc , more pc directives, whites having to bow & scrape to minorities , more reckless spending , more money for the EU & definitely No referendum , everything you all hate , but that will happen , cos voting ukip will let Labour in to win .
I think we’ve already had all these things during the past 4 years under Cameron, along with increased foreign aid, additional wars and marriage for homosexuals. The message is clear: not voting UKIP will let someone else in to win and it doesn’t really matter who that someone is – they want to do us down.
So vote Ukip , to stop Homosexuals `marrying` ,even if they happen to be Conservative MP`s or voters , very strange . I don`t care if they `marry` or not , but thats hardly a reason to put up with a 5 year, `Reign of Terror ` on England, from Millipeed, starting on May 8th 2015.
As far as I’m concerned it’s nothing to do with stopping homosexuals from marrying. It’s about deceit and Cameron ramming through Parliament a major change to our ways of doing things without having the courage to say he wanted to do it when standing for election.
You may prefer to vote for that sort of deceit because the other guy is worse, but others feel differently.
Vote Tory, get Labour.
Yep thoughtful, that interview was so good I nearly crashed the car cheering. Definitely one to find and keep
Thanks for the heads up, here it is…
at 12m.12s but the ‘interview’ just fizzled out, it was only warming up!
Not sure about this Afshin Rattansi fella, a bit suspect. Here is a bit more of him…
at 4m.25s
There’s that word ‘povuteh’ again!! All the fault of colonialism in Africa of course, nothing to do with the likes of Mugabe and the rest of the tin pot dictators?
A bit like the morons who were on Sunday morning live not so long ago saying that slavery is THE direct problem of ALL blacks in the UK today, of course substantial compensation would go a long way to righting the wrong of our forebears…chief Empire hater, Nicky Campbell, wholeheartedly agreed.
i did agree with the guy in the funky shirt regarding conflict in Africa and media misconceptions, i mean, since when has tribalism or ethnic hatred had anything to do with African wars?
Even the Tutsis and the Hutus were fighting over Arsenal and Chelsea..all our fault again!! As for the machete? Ask anyone about the machete and African mass killings instantly spring to mind…oops, is that racist!
The bBC has a sob story about being Gay in Syria.
Gay community hit hard by Middle East turmoil
Jawad worked in sales in Syria before the war began. When his father found out he was gay, he had him arrested. After five years of hard labour, he emerged a broken man, only to find his country at war. Estranged from his family, he found himself dangerously exposed. Soon after his release, he was gang raped at gun point by four men from an armed group. “They could tell I was gay,” he told me, through stifled sobs, looking out over the Beirut cityscape.
So this man was shopped by his own father in Syria before the war there started and the bBC uses him as the main character in a story which headlines as the Arab gay community hit hard by ME turmoil.
Hang on a minute this is the bBC so why was I not surprised to see this:
” In the Middle East at this time, same-sex relations were relatively commonplace and accepted. But colonialism brought the influence of Western prudishness and a codification of anti-gay laws.”
Nothing about how Allah informs the faithful to demand the gay man to turn away from a hairy backside and if they don’t to throw them off the highest mountain.
Yep, all the fault of the western world, no doubt heavily influenced by Lawrence of Arabia! If not that…blame it on Thatcher!
Lets see how many openly same sex relationships are on show when the World cup visits the hard line islamic cultist country of Qatar!
Nothing about how Allah informs the faithful to demand the gay man to turn away from a hairy backside and if they don’t to throw them off the highest mountain.
You seem awfully exercised about this. I trust you are also against such expressions throughout history against gay people from those of other faiths – say, Judaism and Christianity?
It never fails to amaze me how people like you turn the spotlight onto the past in which to excuse the intolerance of Islam.
The story is about today , about an evil cult the ethical latte drinking classes tell me is…a religion of peace.
“People like me” look at the past because it informs our present. Just as the article you linked to looked to the past and, quite accurately, demonstrated that the intolerance in the Middle East towards LGBT people was not always so.
In present day Africa, the drive against equality for LGBT people, and towards draconian laws that would impose imprisonment and even death sentences for homosexuality, is largely being driven by evangelical Christians. Can we get a condemnation from you in that regard, or are people like you driven by blind prejudice of one religion in particular?
Can we get a condemnation from you of Islam’s institutionalised oppression of minorities now and historically?
The point is that the BBC obfuscates and excuses on behalf of Islam in a way it doesn’t for Christianity (nor should it)
The example being how they falsely try to attribute draconian anti homosexual laws to European influence despite the fact that Islam , regardless of the prevalence of pederasty in the Ottoman empire, clearly casts homosexuality as haram.
But Islam isn’t exclusive in that regard – and yet you single it out.
I mean, I sympathise. When it comes to gay people versus Islam, it must be hard for you knowing who to ignorantly demonize first.
No the BBC single it out with their preferential treatment of it
I sympathise with you ,caught on the dilemma of conflicting isms
Can I suggest you read homosexual activist Bruce Bower’s ‘While Europe slept’
(PS you were doing quite well with the new and constructive debating style Scott up until you succumbed to the compulsion to throw out an arbitrary ad homonym )
What I see here, is the usual attempt to obfuscate, to muddy the waters and deflect genuine criticism of islam by pointing out prejudice elsewhere.
Is there prejudice and persecution of gay people in non moslem countries? Yes of course.
When the media make programmes about ‘ the worst place in tne world to be gay’, they go to places like…errr…Uganda!
Yes thats right, Uganda, because there amongst the witch doctors they can attach the Christian label to it.
Iran?, Saudi Arabia? Nahhhh…best not go there, or even mention it. Top trumps holds sway once again, and islam trumps all.
Other commenters are correct, when Israel begins swinging gays from cranes, you’ll fucking well hear about it soon enough!
Surely the Candyman cannot have returned?
I must check back on comments regarding pseudonymonous posting.
Though that was of course a different time.
A fixation on issues concerning homosexuality
“I trust you are also against such expressions throughout history against gay people from those of other faiths”
Repeatedly returning to initial point
“Christians just as bad but you don’t care”
without even acknowledging rebuttal
“not about Islam attitude to gays but BBC’s attitude to moslems”
Ending in petulant outburst of personalised abuse
“it must be hard for you knowing who to ignorantly demonize first. ”
And then the name – ‘Filmfan’ – Bless.
Oh. I read it as flimflam.
“You seem awfully exercised about this”
maybe that s because BBC story was about modern day Syria. I’m sure if homosexuals start getting hung from cranes in Israel the BBC will let us know soon enough
If anyone started getting hung from cranes in Israel.
@deegree .I’m not so sure they would worry too much if it were Jews
Footballer fined £25K for Twitter comments… Rio Ferdinand – whom some have cruelly described as one of the dimmest looking footballers in Britain (and there is some serious competition) – has been fined £25,000 and suspended for 3 matches for comments he made on Twitter. According to the BBC (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/29826136): ‘it is believed the misconduct charge related to a comment where he used the word “sket”. The definition of the term is “a promiscuous girl or woman”‘ (it is a Jamaican slang word). Ferdinand “…is a member of FA chairman Greg Dyke’s commission looking at how to improve English football”. That will be Greg Dyke, ex-BBC chairman of “horribly white” fame. Presumably this respectful and colourful language is one of those improvement measures.
Could Greg Dyke be fined £25,000 for using the word “dyke”. The definition of the term is “a promiscuous lesbian girl or woman”‘ (it is an English slang word).
I take it Dick van Dyke should stay clear of the UK under that logic … 😉
I recall a children’s story about a little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dyke.
wrong place ?
Did Ferdinand break some law? There seems to be something fascist about a sporting body taking on what is effectively the powers of the courts. It is one thing to penalise for on-field misbehaviour or misbehaviour while representing the sport e.g. a member of a team being arrested for urinating out of his hotel window while on an overseas trip but a tweet?
the reality of Beeboids’ Utopian society-
mass immigration + ‘multiculturalism’ are imposed on Sweden people-
“Sweden: Police point out 55 Muslim-dominated areas where ‘criminals’ have taken control of the area”
Sweden has no future as a European nation. I must say I will shed no tears. They have bought it on themselves.
I do not think it will ever happen here. We are not that sort of people.
Sweden seems to want to end itself as a nation and become the first third world European country. They must really suffer liberal guilt in spades.
The Jeremy Vine show’s producers today decided to explore the apparent dichotomy of the belated honours for Sir Nick Winton and his kindertransport efforts and the furnace-blast rage from listeners (canvassed via social media) towards the wholly-incommensurate nautical hordes heading this way from the Third World.
To ensure a dignified, wisdom-suffused view of these matters Yasmin Alibai-Falsehood was invited to share her hot tears with the listeners, during which she insisted that the plight of the bobbing opportunists was all the fault of this country in the first place, and that what has been happening to Britain in recent years has been no more extreme than when the Huguenots came over, to no audible opposition from the crazed “let them all in” callers who managed to get through –
I apologise if this link is wrong, and it turns out I was listening to an early chapter in the audiobook of ‘The Camp Of The Saints’ by mistake.
Gay community hit hard by Middle East turmoil
One refuge in the region for some is Israel, one of the most progressive countries in the world for LGBT rights.
While that is true, Israel is not likely to admit a Syrian refugee, gay or straight. He is still a citizen of a state at war with Israel.
By James Delingpole.
His first charge -that the Eu election was unfair to UKIP is very serious.
That said UKIP is the political system’s last chance. The usual suspects in the BBC/liberal establishment are too stupid to understand this.
UKIP is essential if democracy in England is to survive. The sytem is broken and trust has gone and will not return. The old parties are too tainted.
It is impossible for any reasonable man or woman to vote for them. They have failed utterly. Failed the nation .
The best weapon UKIP has is the complacency and stupidity of the liberal elite.
The link to the apparent ‘UKIP hoodie’ was unbelievable, how desperate do the lefty morons have to be to think people won’t see through the propaganda?
I’m encouraged by the amount of people who are now starting to speak out against the liberal left garbage that is constantly being peddled in the media, It seems thought control hasn’t worked so far.
The lefties are so thick and arrogant that they never believed the day would come when normal people, or the far right lunatic racist fringe as the left like to call us, would have had enough and start to fight back. You can smell the fear.
Radio 4 news programme with yet another report on US domestic politics (yawn). Unable to find much support in Arkansas for Obama you’ll be unsurprised to find racism offered as an explanation (cue flash back to the 60s and the civil rights movement).
Er, would that be the same racism that saw Obama elected twice as President?
Jut watched the evening news. The top story was about how child abuse in parts of Manchester is a way of life for young girls. The story went into great detail , but was missing one salient fact. Just who were the men carrying out this abuse.
The irony here was the bBC spent an indordinate amount of time talking about how this ugly crime was ignored for so long by the powers that be.
I watched the local news on ITV, Rochdale was mentioned, abused girls were mentioned and ‘men’ were mentioned? Not a word about what race these men were? They are all liars.
It’s not lying.
It’s not editorial by omission.
It’s editorial decisions.
But what drives them is protected by exemptions for the purposes of journalism, art and anything the BBC doesn’t fancy.
That’s what makes the BBC so unique.
In this Wednesdays Daily Mail letters (page 58) there is a written response by the BBC media director (James Heath who is responsible for BBC policy (not a frequent Daily Mail reader) but felt compelled to reply to a previous Daily Mail feature listing BBC abuses on anti terrorism laws. Heath claims the BBC has a ‘legitimate ‘right to snoop’ under UK ‘anti-terrorism’ laws, he states; ”The government gave the BBC the right to use these powers to authorise the detection of unlicensed TV usage’ (that would be Labour ‘rights’ activists who then privatised BBC collection to CIVITAS to combat those forgetful TV terrorists obviously). Heath goes on to say the BBC is not ‘mis-applying the ‘Anti terrorism’ act (by using covert state surveillance techniques approved by Mi5). ‘The BBC is regularly inspected by Independent regulators (that would be OFCOM who have no powers to snoop on the BBC freedom loving journalists can enjoy that (now famous) ‘impartial’ BBC ‘trust’ and ‘integrity’ in support for Islamic cultural values – who ALWAYS pay the BBC license fee with religious observance), I think not. Heath refutes any abuse ‘..and has always been open about using this power when there is no other option’. And yet In an earlier Daily Mail article on (page 30) Tory MP Whittingdale makes the point that the ‘TV license is worse than the poll tax’… John Whittingdale is the chairman of the commons Culture, Media and Sports committee overseeing the BBC 2016 Charter renewal. he stated ‘..I don’t think there is any serious possibility of the license fee going’….’beyond this one’. Quite, the text here differs slightly from the online edited version and it does leave us still questioning why the BBC TV license fee is being used to spread Islam over our English indigenous culture promoting violent behavior and openly using non-public funds – received from QATAR – to fund ‘sponsorship’ deals with very clear links to Muslim terrorists. Unless its all approved at head office (wherever that is)…
I think Whittingdale has told Peter Horrocks and James Harding that the licence fee is not going to survive, but if the BBC continues to resist, then I understand that there is still a lot of censored garbage that could be leaked to the Daily Mail, including stuff about Frazer Steel and his gang.
The BBC can go on to say whatever it likes about many things, but try as it might it won’t make their version of truthiness any more palatable on top of all their other semantic hypocritical gymnastics.
They are a state entity abusing legal powers for terrorism protections for commercial purposes.
Any other entity the BBC did not approve if tried that, they would be clamouring for them to be held to account, not penning weasel justifications to tabloids.
There is another thread running today about someone who has successfully sued CAPITA for hounding him over the TV Licence that he did not need.
In the comments from CAPITA the spokesperson said; The course of action we pursue is necessary for the prevention of crime, which is itself necessary in a democratic society for public safety and protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”
So really see this as a crime and they are protecting public safety. This should be sent by everyone to their MP
Al Beeb reporting ‘desperate’ asylum seekers trying to get in from Calais. If they are that desperate why don’t they claim asylum in Calais?
How daft is Al Beeb?
Maybe the BBC could ask all the countries passed through why asylum seekers are not safe from persecution there? I’d be interested in the replies.
Pro-Mass Immigration Beeboids refer to PMQs clash between Cameron and Miliband on immigration, but Beeboids omit the following on Miliband’s record-
“Ed Miliband Reveals New ‘Immigration Crackdown’,
After Doing Just That 7 Times Before.”
I have been a fully paid up member of a union for over 30 years and was a labour voter.
Millipede forgets to mention immigration and deficit in his conference speech ?
What about “British jobs for British workers”. Where are the unions on this?
Immigrants are driving down the wages of the working man in this country along with the standard of living.
Vote UKIP its our last chance.
The ‘Left,’ inc BBC-NUJ, has its political sob stories for unending flow of illegal immigrants who take a calculated risk to force themselves into U.K, where they will get the highest rewards in terms of money and public benefits.
Given the ‘Left’s emotional surrender in this, it STILL campaigns for open-door, unlimited immigration, while censoring out the obvious negative impact on British people.
Thursday’s ‘Daily Express’-
“The political class is responsible for immigration mess.
“MASS immigration represents a colossal betrayal of our nation.”
By Leo McKinstry.
Telegraph today: ‘An estimated 2,300 people live in squalid camps near the French port just waiting for the opportunity to sneak onto a vehicle such as his. ‘ The front line is now Calais.
Russell Howard’s Good News included an item in which two animated ebola viruses discussed whether to invade Europe or America. They had African accents. This, apparently, was hilariously funny. Contrast it with the recent Mike Reid calypso affair.
Then Russ interviewed a man who had one leg. Russell kept one of his own legs folded up under himself all the time. Was this leftist solidarity with the disabled?
Than a long winded totally gratuitous attack on UKIP. Oh dear.
Haven’t seen him on Mock the Week for a while, since Danny’s quota system thinned the herd.
Maybe this offering of a long-winded gratuitous attack on ‘the only thing in political satire that matters’ will get him invited back on?
That and wearing a T-shirt with the right (on) kind of slogan. But no mocking.
This is what an agenda-driven broadcaster looks like.
Anyway, the BBC can always fall back on the tried and mistrusted ‘But everyone else is doing it, miss!’. Relentless bunch, it seems.
“Executive producer Richard Bond said: “With support for Ukip growing in the polls, this is timely exploration of the effect their policies might have on Britain.”
That’s an interesting way to describe a preelection ‘might have’ fictional effort.
Still, Ch4 can do what they like one supposes. No conflict of interest there, and their tribal affiliations are their own affair.
The BBC, meanwhile, may have by then quietly un-sidestepped Jasmine to recommence her good works in complement. Maybe not overtly on twitter this time.
Wouldn’t want to be seen doing anything stupid. The BBC’s commitment to transparency can always be relied upon to keep their stupidity, and much else, less visible.
More feminist propaganda by the BBC as Cameron is slammed for not wearing a feminist T-shirt. BBC groupthink of course, dictates that anything to do with feminism must be laudable. There will never be any exploration of the petty, hypocritical and extreme side to some feminists which can make men wary of the term. Instead the BBC goes with Cameron must have a “woman problem”. Scum BBC activism at its worst.
‘Apparently’. ‘Claimed’. Mystery ‘criticism’. More “quotes” than an O-level English paper.
Yes, it’s a BBC ‘news’ story.
Not apparently mentioned is that, outside the Borg kindergarten, the whole thing was seen as lame publicity hustling, and Bandwagon Ed looking like an utter tool sporting his latest desperate PR stunt fail has not fared as well on the BBC twitterverse as they may have hoped.
The PC brigade just cannot bring themselves to say the ‘M’ word;
just got sent this a fake bbc news report……
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement.
The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death would be cut by 25% this February from 72 to 54. A spokesman said increases in recent years in the number of suicide bombings has resulted in a shortage of virgins in the afterlife.
The suicide bombers’ union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs (or B.O.O.M.) responded with a statement saying the move was unacceptable to its members and called for a strike vote. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, “Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don’t ask for much in return but to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth” Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands, Al Qaeda chief executive Haisheet Mapants explained, “I sympathize with our workers concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet their demands.
They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace. Thanks to Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It’s a straight choice between reducing expenditures or laying people off. I don’t like cutting benefits but I’d hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff that they won’t be able to blow themselves up.
Spokespersons for the union in the North East of England, Ireland, Wales and the entire Australian continent stated that the change would not hurt their membership as there are so few virgins in their areas anyway.
According to some industry sources, the recent drop in the number of suicide bombings has been attributed to the emergence of Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle. Many Muslim Jihadists now know what a virgin looks like and have reconsidered their benefit packages.
Just thinking about how oppressive this country has become, that anyone found in possession of a printed page like this at work would face instant dismissal, certainly in the public sector, and in many large private companies also.
How far away are we from the gulags and the re-education camps?
Yet this is not communism with its command economy, it is Fascism pure & simple. If anyone is under the impression that Fascism involves the murder of Jews and gays then take a look at countries like Spain & Argentina which were Fascist without any of that.
Mussolini had to be persuaded by Hitler to participate in the holocaust, and it seems increasingly likely that Hitler did indeed convert to Islam at some stage which drove his murderous ambitions.
The oppression will be self enforced. That is how liberalism works. Only extreme cases need prison or worse.
Disapproval, deprivation of livelihood and ostracism are the main liberal weapons.
The liberal decides what words you can use and then what thoughts you can have.
So the liberal goes for the institutions that really matter if you want control. Education , the law and the media.
Every single day the BBC/Guardian and C4 set the liberal agenda. The liberal brings the lie into the world ( Solzhenitsyn) and knows that it will soon be accepted as the truth.
There will soon be no need of prison or re education. We will bring the lies willingly into our world and learn to love it.
So there is a real battle on. Give nothing neither time nor effort to the liberal state. It is the enemy of our grandchildren’s future
I was thinking much the same thing after watching a C4 piece from Clacton about immigration. It was very depressing to note how cowed people have become when expressing their views on immigration. I used to find the same kind of reaction when I approached an “ordinary” person in the Soviet Union. People just did not want to say the “wrong thing” to a foreigner. Comsomol types who “knew what to say” were much more forthcoming. It’s amazing how such a meaningless term as “racist” can have such an effect on people’s thought and actions. Much more effective than “fascist” ever was. People feel they are being accused of some heinous crime, but are not quite sure what it is.
“Just thinking about how oppressive this country has become, that anyone found in possession of a printed page like this at work would face instant dismissal…”
Gosh, terrible isn’t it that you can’t do whatever you want whilst you’re at work. My boss told me that if I continued to play Hard-Core-Donkey-Sex videos on his office computer he would sack me. Now I have to wait until I get home. Which is exactly what it was like living under the Stasi and being sent to the Gulag, if not worse.
“Mussolini had to be persuaded by Hitler to participate in the holocaust…”
Yes, of course he was such a nice guy it took two whole trips to Nando’s before he even considered slaughtering thousands of Jews.
“…and it seems increasingly likely that Hitler did indeed convert to Islam at some stage…”
No it doesn’t.
“…which drove his murderous ambitions.”
You’re an idiot.
Obviously not the same rules apply at BBC towers?
BBc Breakfast and they have another Charity person in (wonder how much she gets paid) to discuss child exploitation. They managed to get through the whole segment without mentioning the obvious. Oooh apart from mentioning take aways.
“..concern that, as in Rotherham, groups of Pakistani men had been “grooming” children.”
I wonder which will have the bigger impact on results in English towns next election – postal vote fraud, or anger over paedophile rape gangs? Could swing either way.
They’ve “found” a new species of tree frog on Staten Island. it’s very similar to an existing one, and it has been around for, well, probably for ever. But, we MUST look after it, after all, the eco-system is very fragile. This frog has survived, unnoticed, for God knows how long, and would, no doubt continue to survive unnoticed for another eon or two, had the frog-huggers not found it, and if they would only stop molesting it (and us).
Anyone catch, (omit the)”Newsnight” … last night
It had a ahem … “special” report on the epidemic of Muslim child Gang Rapists in the UK.
Surprisingly, “Muslim” wasn t mentioned … mind you “child gang rapists” wasn t either!.
I maybe wrong but I didn t catch, ” Asian” either … a fleeting mention to “the norm” , a blabber about “exploitation”, some orchestrated waffle about a “grooming issue”.
Right at the end, “Pakistani” got a mention, as did a “countrywide issue”, that it is such an infestation, “the police cannot cope” with the numbers! …
No changes in any media then?
All with out even the slightest hint of alarm, Muslim child gang rape now is “the norm” on our shameful media … it appears lying about it is too.
As are live beheadings …
As are, “holiday wannabe” mass murderers of non Muslims
As are hundreds of cells of said, wannabe mass murderers that want to do it right here… in the same fashion
“Houston … we have a problem”
Following on from the disgraceful Newsnight report outlined above
“Ms Coffey said explicit music videos, sexting and selfies could be “fuelling the increased sexualisation of children”.
“could”?” … hmm a possibility eh? … any others?
“they,(young schoolgirls ) are living in an environment where it is felt to be ok to go and touch, and harass, and pester girls in uniforms”
Outside the school gates, in their uniforms – who by?, any clues?
anything distinct about the perverted perpetrators?
Has to be something? 14,712 of these children have now been reported as gone … “missing” over 13,000 cases of this gang rape have been reported to the police
You know, this reports, euphemisms this whitewash, because that’s what it is should be the end for those in charge, and a strong, sharp, message, a take no prisoners approach now, today if not sooner, should be enacted on the community directly involved, this is a revolting, disgusting national scandal
… this is so abhorrent … so obscene, and there will be many more to come of course, how many more towns? and cities?.
Just watch the last couple of minutes of that Newsnight report with M Oliver, see what she lets slip.
Sweden has been mentioned before on this site, we re going to be worse, in the end, the warning signs are all around us now today and yesterday.
unless of course … its just, “the norm”
I see that Russia Today will be broadcasting an English news programme on Former UK tv. There was a little bit of angst this morning about that on “Today”.
If it’s anything like Breitbart, on line, it’ll be a breath of fresh air, and a step away from the biased western main-stream media. To be welcomed.
That item was followed by an appeal for money for the Ebola situation – from one Lenny Henry. The BBC never learn, do they?
A complete irony by-pass at the BBC on that story, wasn’t there? One of the world champions of biased broadcasting sniping at one of its rivals for the rusty crown
BBC-NUJ and Labour Party.
BBC-NUJ, still pushing as its lead propaganda- for 2nd day- ‘Politics’ page, a secondary story for Scottish Labour Party, and a Mr Murphy.
I’m no Labour supporter but for me Jim Murphy was the most effective and convincing Unionist politician in the Independence debate. The BBC won’t like him though as he’s a Catholic so is suspect on the lifestyle issues favoured by the BBC. Same as the BBC doesn’t like the Australian PM.