Yes, I nearly choked on my cornflakes when the commentator on the “Today” programme at 08.00, stated that RT would be broadcasting on the former UK TV channel but then stated “would they be *fair* and *accurate*?” What like the BBC is? Unbelievable, so wrapped up in their own bubble, so removed from reality.
No surprise. I don’t rate any broadcast media outlet as fair and accurate. The self righteousness of the BBC does take some beating though. Still living off past glories.
Reporting sexual violence by Muslim men against English girls.
From its vantage point at Media City, Salford, will Beeboids now do some honest serious investigation, starting by dropping the inaccurate, misleading word, ‘Asian’?
“UK: Muslim child sex exploitation “now normal in parts of Greater Manchester”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“This report doesn’t mention it (which in itself is telling), but 75%, and probably more (since it is so politically unacceptable to report such things), of these rape and sexual exploitation gangs are ‘Asian,’ which is British Newspeak for ‘Muslim.’ Despite the continuing horror of these revelations, the British continue to take this with equanimity, for to resist it would be ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic.'”
Just how large is this Muslim ‘equal opportunities) population that the BBC states is the new ‘normal’ ?
Listening to the BBC you would think Muslims have the non-democratic right to rule over English nationals by sheer weight of numbers, and yet something here is not quite right. The Last national UK census put Islam at 4% but in reality ‘illegal immigration’ could double that figure). Even so 90% oppose the BBC world view that Islam is somehow superior to any other UK religon (Jews and Catholics face Islamic persecution first) and it’s all ‘sanctioned’ legal by the EU. The real enemy is the EU behind the BBC facade and the influence of Qatar money sponsoring Terrorism is clear to all of us (except our own collective government).
“Sleepers, sleepwalking, terrorism and Islam.
“The failure of the Ottoman Empire to take Vienna in 1683 put an end to the objective of Islamizing the whole of Europe, and extreme Islamists want this defeat rectified. We must wake up”
Has the BBC reported yet that Egypt has just given Gaza residents 48hrs to clear out of their homes so they can knock them down to build a buffer zone along the border (sensible idea)?
I look forward also to the ‘Boycott Egypt’ demos in central London sometime in the coming weeks…
My understanding is that Egypt is removing its own residents to create the buffer zone.
In my experience, with the possible exception of Sadat who made peace with Israel, and was ultimately assassinated for it, this is the best Egyptian regime – by far. Compensation has been offered to the displaced, except those whose homes are found to contain smuggling tunnels.
Some residents have complained that the government’s action is breeding anger. Forcible displacement is a criminal act under the Egyptian constitution.
Reading that in the article shows just who some of these Egyptian locals are supporting, and how it is Hamas has found it so easy till now to smuggle their arms in.
I thought this was more of a hoot (with satirical opportunity sure to be missed by BBC rapier wits as a professional and social courtesy – “It’s normally dog heaven up there..” I mean, really?), but yet again the joy of precedent has been presented…
‘“In continuing into this designated area, you irrevocably and unconditionally consent to being recorded in the filming.”
The sign sparked a debate over … whether such a sweeping catch-all clause should be allowed.
It brings to mind the advice to TVL targets on the WOIRA notice, often accompanied by YouTubes (until the trusted and transparent BBC demands evidence of their proxy staff misbehaving is withdrawn), and how legitimate telling them what they can and can’t do on private (as opposed to public parkland) property is.
But if the BBC’s contracted troops feel signs can tell the public what’s what in public space, they may struggle explaining the difference when the public deploys signs in private that are much more reasonable.
‘“If you enter Hampstead Heath, it is likely that you will be filmed and your image and/or voice may appear in our filming and may appear in the programme,” the sternly worded sign said, before warning: “In continuing into this designated area, you irrevocably and unconditionally consent to being recorded in the filming.”
If you’re living anywhere near Hampstead Heath, watch out for any changes to that consent wording because……
‘The film crew had paid the City to shoot scenes for London Spy, a drama promoted as an espionage thriller crossed with a gay love storyline.’
This is a case where taking action can be amusing and enjoyable. Just walk around in the park, taking care to be in the background of the filming, carrying a large placard saying ‘VOTE UKIP’. There’s no way they would have that in their programme.
“20 to 30 former Guantanamo detainees suspected of joining the Islamic State, other jihad groups”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“This is not surprising, since absolutely nothing was done at Guantanamo to disabuse these men of the beliefs that led them to wage jihad in the first place. Any such action would have been ‘Islamophobic’.”
Jerusalem holy site closure ‘declaration of war’ – Abbas
Let’s examine a couple of statements in this article following an incident where a Jewish campaigner in Jerusalem wanting access to the most holiest site in Judaism was shot by a Palestinian militant.
It is the holiest site in Judaism, and also contains the al-Aqsa Mosque – the third holiest site in Islam.
The al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are among Islam’s holiest sites because of their Koranic connections to the Prophet Mohammed
Would it make any difference to your understanding if you were told that this ‘third holiest site in Islam’ appears nowhere in the Koran? Neither, for that matter, does ANY REFERENCE to Jerusalem. I cannot believe if Jews were making a similar claim to a location in Mecca, without any real evidence to justify it, that the BBC wouldn’t be telling its audience of that fact. Yet when Muslims make claims to what definitively is the holiest site in Judaism, it is allowed to ride without any qualification.
Not only that, but in the second sentence the BBC actually write ‘the Dome of the Rock are among Islam’s holiest sites because of their Koranic connections to the Prophet Mohammed’, which is a complete fabrication.
But one which the BBC is happy to support.
The only supposed connection is Mohamheads, “I had a dream”
and? well?.
Its not as if that creature, (if he existed at all), was a paragon of honesty … is it?.
Dream? … so do I, and if I said I personally talked to god and wanted to mass murder, they wouldn t even let me home for my f–ckin pyjamas.
That site is simply a tool to attempt to imply the supremacism of Islam … that’s it.
So these Jordanian Arabs shot someone, and now have to put up with the consequence of that action.
The BBC eh! … Islamophile s to a man.
Shame on the BBC
The ‘religion’ of islam isn’t even a religion…it’s a cult. islam is basically a bastardization of Judaism and Christianity.
Everything in islam has to be bigger and better than any other Religion, so much so, that when they got bored of ‘out religioning’ Judaism and Christianity they turned on themselves with Sunnis being better than Shias and vice versa. Look where that has led the world!!
The running Miss World joke of ‘wanting world peace’ should now have a caveat stating ‘We want to get rid of islam so we can have World peace’.
The cult reminds me of the Stereophonics lyric;
‘if i had myself a flying giraffe
you’d have one in a box with a window’
They hijacked every sacred site in Jerusalem and basically claimed that mohammed did everything the prophets of Judaism and Christianity did..except x100, even today in the UK they are ‘out paedophiling’ Christianity to prove a point.
In MARDELL’s slight ‘analysis’ of U.K’s political relationship with European Union,
he manages to omit reference to the lack of democracy.
Mardell’s anti-Cameron headline is-
“Is EU challenge too much for Cameron to stomach?”
In contrast, for analysis of the E.U’s democracy deficit,
‘CIVITAS’ has this detailed account-
I liked this bit from Mardell:- “The problem is that while I could bore you to death with the technical details, really all you need to know is that they breach a sacred principle – free movement of people.”
I don’t for a moment think that Mardell has the slightest knowledge of ‘the technical details’ – in common with all our journalists, as Richard North on the EU Referendum blog frequently demonstrates.
Back in 1975 we were told “The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement of workers within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely to be similar.”
So the ‘sacred principle’ wasn’t expected to be put to the test! And, of course, we started out with the right to veto anything we didn’t like, now thrown away under ‘pooled sovereignty’ with ‘qualified majority voting’ putting us in a permanent minority.
Does anyone else think Mark tub-o-lard Mardell is losing it a bit?
I ask only because when I heard him on TWATO recently (for the first time since he got back from Obama worship and troublemaking duties in the USA) he made quite a few slips of the tongue, e.g. “Brokenshaw” instead of “Brokenshire” (a Tory MP) and “internal” when he clearly meant “international” (to a Labour spokesperson).
Stardate, 30102014, 17.00 to 18.00. Tuned in to the PM programme on Radio 4 and thought I’d got the wrong programme, that being Woman’s Hour. Nope, I was listening to the PM programme, which in this edition had turned hideously female, to paraphrase. Even the weather forecast at the end was given by a female voice, which itself was followed by a womans voice on a trailer, but one shouldn’t be too critical there was just but a single male voice heard in the whole of the hour. Not bad BBC, not bad, you must work so hard at this sort of stuff.
“Nope, I was listening to the PM programme, which in this edition had turned hideously female…”
Wimmin? On the Wireless? Disgusting.
“Even the weather forecast at the end was given by a female voice, which itself was followed by a womans voice on a trailer…”
Yes I know; only just managed to find the off switch before vomiting into my bucket of Bovril.
“…there was just but a single male voice heard in the whole of the hour.”
Apart from:
Interviews; with 4 Men (5 Women)
Audio clips; with 5 Men (3 Women)
Reports from journalists; with 4 Men (1 Woman)
Trailers for future programmes; with 5 Men (1 Woman)
‘Old Bloke’, I realise that telling lies is ‘de rigueur’ on Biased-BBC, but you could at least try to make them a little less transparent.
Gosh, your researchers have been busy for you there Dez, and about time too! Really beginning to wonder what the BBC do with that £4 billion a year.
Notice your lack of replies to the many posts exposing the blatant BBC equal pay for women in sport agenda – you know, like why don’t women footballers get the same as blokes playing in the Premiership – that sort of thing.
Woke up to the news that the BBCs wish to decriminalise drugs found new backing by yet ANOTHER report that features the druggies chosen nations such as Portugal and Uruguay…with a hat tip to Denver as well no doubt.
Yet no “international research” into how our Muslim chums deal with drug usage…
First news item tonight pushes the same drug “aspirations”-basically can Russell Brand and Richard Bacon have shooting galleries and UV light at the BBC(Savile Suite in Peel Towers)?…without the need to be illicit.
Pete Doherty-I mean-who knew?
Funnily enough the BBC spout the old line about criminalising drugs not preventing druggies doing their worst…but seem not to count how many VICTIMS of drug-induced crime would be added to the total should we be fool enough to follow Brand, Clegg and Branson…with a smiling Howard Marx speaking for the defence.
Any Marx will do these vacuous airheads…might as well be Howard as much as Karl.
BBC1 6pm News report on the international drug law situation majors on a couple who are presented as an advert for Cleggy’s approach of decriminalisation. We then get images to show how beastly is the Tory policy of maintaining their illegality – jail & doors broken down by police in dawn raids. But is this the reality of enforcement for drug possession rather than dealing? I think not, any jail time probably results from the associated life of thieving & even the Lib Dems are not suggesting decriminalising supply are they?
Personally I have a very liberal attitude to drugs & what sticks in my craw is that the Lib Dems, who want to regulate every aspect of my life, affect this position of tolerance for druggies.
That last is an excellent point. The Left has flown under a false flag for decades. It’s always the Left that controls and regulates people’s lives – down to criminalising any sentiments it doesn’t care for with its evil ‘hate speech’ laws. Yet when to comes to drug use, it starts waffling about ‘personal freedom’.
Their body of fatuous semantics, sanctimony and outright barking weasels has a long and ignoble history.
I’ll kick off with just two…
1) Islamic benediction
2) Watertight oversight
My thoughts and payers are with any unable to contribute at this difficult time (to be fair mainly at the door of Barry & Dave when called on to say something quick to avoid accusations of being slow to respond by such as the BBC).
How concerned is BBC-NUJ about Google and privacy?:-
“Another Glenn Beck Prediction Come True?”
(inc video clip)
“Beck has long maintained that Google is collecting too much information on its users, and he has been relentlessly mocked for voicing his concerns. Now, however, a new poll indicates his concerns may be shared by a majority of Americans.”
In the US, with its Constitutional prohibitions against unwarranted (in more than one sense) intrusions into people’s privacy, no less a celebrated legal light as the liberal Prof. Alan Dershowitz has said that, when it comes to data-mining, it is less a matter of the state collecting, compiling and collating the data per se, as the use it will be put to.
Important to note that Dershowitz was speaking with respect to international terrorism; his point was that violating personal privacy may result in a criminal case being thrown out of court for tainted evidence, and the state risk a suit for damages, but what if the state had never been interested in prosecution anyway, but rather, interdiction? In other words, less a question of prosecuting the American bad guy, as catching his foreign contacts and being able to strangle the baby in its crib. Obviously it will be a judgement call as to whether to “illegally” spy on the American and decide to forgo prosecuting him, in the interest of catching the “larger fish,” and it is one we should hope the state should be allowed to make, saith Dershowitz.
As to private citizens who pose no such threat, again, consider the use to which the information will be put. If private industry can have access to such easily-obtainable data, one can hardly tell the state it cannot operate in much the same way. It is the time, effort and money involved in the data-gathering, to no purpose in the vast preponderance of cases, that should attract the attention of those whose business it is to track and report on the doing of governmental entities. Haystack needles, and all that. Open-source intelligence gathering has always been a job description for internal security agencies even in the “freest” of nations, and exponential growth in the capacity to do so was always to be expected.
THESE are the considerations in play, and THIS is the sort of discussion that should inform any policy position taken by broadcasters and journalists as to whether governmental agencies can or should use search engines as a willing, or even unwitting, cat’s paw. That it is a state broadcaster whose funding derives from a poll tax of sorts complicates the issue, as it is the compilation of data as to who is paying the freight and who isn’t which is providing the funding which allows the broadcaster to even turn the lights on every morning.
It has been predicted that tomorrow might see us with the “warmest” temperatures in October for over 25 years in certain parts of the U.K. You will hear the glee in some voices when this is trumpeted across our nation, that Global Warming has reappeared and that this is proof that it is taking place. Just so that the members of this forum get a balance on the climate, August, across the U.K. was the coldest for over 100 year with record lows being recorded across our islands which could be indicative of Global Cooling. I wonder which the BBC will be promoting?
It seems every media outlet are in on the liberal crusade. I’ve just watched a 5 News bulletin which covered the countrywide grooming scandal by ‘men’ (it seems the crime now is raceless) and stated ‘that the whole country has to change its attitude to sex’.
I’m totally perplexed as to what this statement means? I’m guessing that they want us to fall in line with the Harriet Harmon/PIE/liberal view and accept paedophilia as a natural sexual act??
Either way, it seems the liberals are relying on their default excuse of…it’s not the fault of the muslims, it’s all our fault!!
Was subjected to 10 minutes of the nauseating Russell Howard, who’s show on BBC3 (yes, I know) is just a tirade of digs at Cameron however disingenuous and misrepresented and nasty. The Beeb will do ANYTHING for a cheap laugh at the Tories’ expense always aided and abetted by the vetted leftie audience, invited from the local streets of Salford or Clapham.
Opening news item at midday on R2 today was a story on how “the BBC has obtained information that the government is planning to reduce disability payments”. No reference to how, when, from whom etc. No context, no explanation. This statement was then followed quickly by an emotive comment from one of the disability interest groups confirming what an unhumane government we have if this is true. The scandal of the BBC news reporting continues to go unchecked; it was a shoddy, amateur and in all probability completely unfounded piece of reporting from an organisation that sees itself as nothing more than an opponent to the current government.
Further to Rod Liddle’s filet-o-phrases mentioned earlier, ‘the BBC has obtained information’ too often translates as ‘the BBC has been fed the latest attack line to run in complement with its political fellow travelers’.
If bereft of any context rather cack-handed and blatant, but they seem confident they can continue to get away with it.
So yesterday came and went without the BBC “celebrating” the sad demise of their favoured son, Sir James Savile of Roundhay and Wood Lane.
Who can forget where they were on hearing the news of the sad parting of Sir James of the BBC from his paddy wagon parked next to Sir Pangs Patton in the executive creative pod of loveliness and vision?
Three years ago to the day-Sir James left us with his marathon socks stewing in the washroom sink, string vest now a relic and shellsuit airing on the BBCs copious radiator.
Yet-as I checked the schedules yesterday-not a peep to commemorate the life of Sir James-who has surely raised issues and consciousness, re the future of childrens telly.
Any publicity is good is it not?
Ah well-imagine that Bradley Walsh is already rehearsing the Christmas Special by way of belated tribute to the REAL face of the BBC!
In the spirit if balance, it would seem in this case the BBC did not respond as directed, and actually solicited opinion from all sides.
Not always the case, sadly. In this one, the outbreak of independence and and professional integrity is to be applauded.
Who knows what inspired it?
Maybe editorial didn’t feel well disposed to instruction from this quarter as it might from others?
Certainly running with only the sources suggested in a pan-media press release would focus those recipients more critically inclined to focus on any who jumped, and how high.
Dear old Grauniad – typing arrors as ever ! The headline and the story are actually about Tony Blair warning against cutting back on IMMIGRATION – not inflation !
It is the front-page headline in today’s Metro as well.
Hmm , then your old party will be in government on 8/5/15 , you know that`s the only outcome. Ukip means Labour will be in Government , No `ifs ` No `but`s` that`s what will happen ,do not pretend otherwise .
It would appear Australia is facing more criticism. I wonder if ths is in any way connected to the ruthlessly impartial Jon Donnison being redeployed there?
I got this link from a BBC World News Facebook post. Not sure the critical comments were about Australia. May be the BBC will run a story about what critics are saying about their woeful partisan shit stirring?
Just another lefty attempt to paint Islam in a positive way. Those Muslims who fought as part of the British Empire in WW1 bear zero resemblance to those that occupy Rochdale and the like today.
There were other religions who fought in WW1, they don’t seen to be catered for.
It’s Friday it’s BBc Breakfast Label booze with calories. Combining obesity and alcohol. A report from the Royal society for public health. Who? Never heard of them Yep it’s another charity.
Re. RSPH. Just have a look at who the executives are. For a start there’s one Shirley Cramer CBD who also happens to be the chairman of British Future – a particularly odious group of fith columnists who want to erase native British identity. There’s also Baroness Cumberledge (Common Purpose / Kings Fund). Another tangeld web of bastards who want to control every aspect of our lives.
Well said, BB….it doesn’t take much to unmask these f***ers and then there they are, exposed for all to see, chipping away incessantly at our national and cultural identity. God, how I hate them!
The quality of the output by bbbc is woeful. Yesterday we had the very rich hippy Clegg the man who thinks everything should be free telling us all that we have all got the drugs legislation wrong. bbbc in their haste to support him wheel on a couple of junkies (both ex prisoners) to tell us about their life on drugs and what we should do.
This was then kept as a headline all day so that the bbbc could keep churning out the message ‘let’s liberalise drugs’ so that all the younger generation could get the message
The standard of journalism/broadcasting and the bias demonstrated by the bbbc never ceases to plumb greater depths….almost as if it were a mission goal for them.
Here’s some news for you which you probably won’t have heard, because the BBC hasn’t bothered to report it because it concerns an attack on Liebour by one of their own and further cover up and blame dodging on behalf of Pakistani Muslims by a Labour MP.
Simon Danczuk Labour MP for Rochdale has attacked Anne Coffeys report commissioned by self acknowledged Labour Fascist police commissioner Tony Lloyd.
“it appears to shift the responsibility from the perpetrators and police towards blaming the public.”
So yet again we see the Fascist Labour policy of ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do’ moving the blame back where they honestly believe it belongs, with the nasty white people !
I wonder if we can anticipate Today to Newsnight full-flounce coverage calling whole party and membership into question, and everyone from Hignfy to Dara taking the mickey?
Unless of course they agree with her? Then maybe best to not mention.
I note the prime 8:20 ‘Today‘ slot was again used to promote something only the BBC cares about. Following on from the interview with the founder of the resurrected Whig party earlier this week, getting a chance to dig at UKIP, we had…..
… an interview with the creator and star of the hilarious Citizen Khan. Well, it must be hilarious because Sarah had a jolly good guffaw at the clip they played. Oh how my sides ached.
Two points of interest to me. Firstly, the introduction. I quote from the running order which is pretty well verbatim, from my recollection:
“It is a challenging time for perceptions of the British Muslim community – young men going to fight in Syria – and a few months ago the allegations of an attempt to impose conservative Islam on some Birmingham schools.”
Erm, haven’t they missed out another pretty huge item? Rotherham, anyone? The BBC appears to be trying to sweep details of the perpetrators of that one under a bloody big carpet at present.
Included in the interview was a Muslim stand-up comedienne I’d never heard of. The question was asked what her parents thought of what she did. “Oh, I haven’t told them”, she said. Cue some jokes as to whether they might just have found out if they listened to the Today programme. But no, there was no chance they listened to it. Strangely, no-one thought to ask why she felt she could not tell them. It seemed a pretty obvious question to me, but perhaps it was felt the likely answer was also rather too obvious? We shall never know, I guess.
Now I’m no fan of Maureen Lipman. Well her politics at any rate. Anyone one who is a Labour supporter (and has been for the last 50 years or so she says AND starred in adverts for BT earning a pile to help promote that state company become private is a money grabbing hypocrite in my book).
However, I’ve just read The Independent on line and feel sorry for her. She will no longer, she says, vote Labour because of its stance on Palestine. Fair enough BUT my god the barely concealed hatred to her, Israel and Jews in general from the supposed liberal paper’s readers is astounding and very worrying in the Comments section that follow.
If a weekend thread is opened I am going to copy this there, but I need to get this off my chest…..
Don’t watch the BBC;s news output as a rule I catch it by accident more than design. Last night before starting a recording I caught a piece on This Week. A red headed woman who is obvious somebody to the metropolitan class but not me was talking about immigration. Its was a blatant anti-UKIP, voters are stupid, immigration is good, we are all immigrants, piece; it was an opinion piece so I didn’t expect balance and didn’t expect an opinion piece express contrary views.
She said, “We need immigrants. I buy my newspaper from a Muslim, my stamps from a Hindu, and my tax advisor is an Israeli. None of them ask me about my religion.”
We need immigrants? Where is your proof? Why conflate religion and race? She needs advice with her tax? So probably not too bothered by the government’s social policies because she can afford to circumvent them; another do as I say not as I do socialist, probably. Probably looking to pay as little tax as possible too; especially to an evil Tory government who are making “cuts”!
I buy my newspaper from an English person, I buy my stamps from an English person, and when I could afford to pay into my private pension my advisor was English. Did I go out to look for English persons with who to do business? No. Just here where I live happens to be outside metropolitan Britain and the vast majority of those who I encounter are English. Are there say Pakistanis in my community? Yes we have two curry houses in our village; we also have chip shops run by English people. It is nice to have two curry houses but do need them? No. My doctor is a Pakistani; he is a fantastic bloke. What concerns me is not him being a Pakistani more that socialist feminist policies in education have undermined STEM subjects here and undermined the education of male children that has impacted on the number of British doctors. Does he ask me about my religion? No. He knows that this being a European country that if I am following a religion it will be some form of Christianity and even if I am agnostic Christianity still underpins my culture. Lastly, Israeli doesn’t mean Jew. Israel is a secular state. There are lots of Jews in Israel. But there are lots of secular Israelis, Muslim Israelis, Christian Israelis…………….
She said (paraphrase), “I have Irish ancestors, a Danish ancestor, and some Huguenot too. We are all immigrants.”
Well all my ancestors are English, English, and um English. According to the various amateurs genealogists in my family we have been here in this area for as long as there have been records. Sorry but I am more typical than you.Science has shown populations in the British Isles have been settled for millennia. Normans? Vikings who spoke French. Same ethnic group, similar culture. Vikings? Same ethnic group, similar culture. Saxons? Same ethnic group, similar culture. Romans? Never came here in large enough numbers to make a difference. Celts? If you believe in them then same ethnic group and a culture that shares roots with other North European cultures of time. There are immigrants and there are immigrants. Her ancestors didn’t come here to benefit Great Britain they came here to benefit themselves, to benefit from my country’s success, to get out of their less than “successful” countries (what does that say about their personalities? Though perhaps we shouldn’t be to harsh?) and did we need them no? One of the reasons empires are founded is to gain more territory to support a people, to support a culture. Oddly it is those of her political ilk who are forcing English and other British families to make the decision to become emigrants. Not to the blessed EU countries (even though we share some culture with them more than we do with the cultures of South Asia) but to the White Commonwealth with whom we share a culture. By saying you are an immigrant red headed BBC talking head and flaunting in my face you are saying you don’t value my culture. You are happy though to take the fee for the piece drawn out of BBC coffers which I and many other white British have to pay into because we are legally obligated.
All that from less than 2 minutes of watching the BBC.
Take heart. Their day is done. The lies and fantasies will end. Reality will be rerstored to England.
The English know who they are without any soul searching and recognise each other instantly. It is in our very being. Ancient people from an old land do not just vanish.
Liberals can go to hell
Anyone care to peruse BBC anti Israel propaganda above?
“In 1979 Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement, but it wasn’t until the early 1990s, after years of an uprising known as the intifada, that a peace process began with the …
Palestinians? ”
… Who? … you mean Jordanian Arabs renamed by Arafat as political tool?.
“Despite the handover of Gaza and parts of the West Bank to Palestinian control, a final agreement has yet to be reached.
The main stumbling blocks include the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlements”
Correction – main stumbling block – unending Islamic violence and terror rockets, the “fate” … of any Arab there can be peaceful (refrain from fanatic violence), or otherwise if they don t
… that’s it. The “status of Jerusalem” is also crystal clear It is the capital of Israel, It is the eternal capital of the Jewish people.
More recently, Jerusalem was declared as the capital of Israel in 1949, Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel extended its jurisdiction and administration over eastern Jerusalem, establishing new municipal borders.
It also ensured protection and freedom of access to the holy sites of the city.
Its simply not complicated, this cloudy obfuscation looks like its been written by M Abbas.
Looking at the guest list, I have to say most present, bar the naval man and medic, could reasonably be deemed ‘rhubarb producers’ given their apparent contributions to date.
But nice to see Danny ‘you will pay for betraying the BBC’ Cohen in such elevated company. One hopes he was happy with the gender mix.
Bet his colleagues back at the ranch, or second job bistros, were dead jealous.
BBC announce a drop in turnout for the Yorkshire Police Commissioner vote. Wow. That is a big drop. What are they telling us?
14.88% this year, down from 14.93% in 2012.
Whilst postal votes is a scandal that no-one dare mention, it seems, that would have been irrelevant if more than 14% of the electorate had cared enough about kiddy-fiddling to get off their fat arses to protest.
That they didn’t, in the face of such politically-correct depravity, is profoundly depressing.
If you want cheering up got YouTube and watch “the best of David Starkey part 2” where the brilliant Mr S. takes apart a middle-class-lefty-hypocrite-lying-snurt-public-school-girl-socialist-Guardian-writer and shows her for the disgusting liar and money grabber she really is.
The big financial news today comes from the Bank of Japan. This should be good news for its Chief Business Correspondent Linda Yueh who specialises in the Far East.
Oh be still my beating heart!
The brilliant Citizen Khan is back again tonight with all the Muslim flummery that Mishal Hussain and the BBC Toady Show can muster.
My sides have hardly recovered from the last riotously funny series…topped by the death of Denzil Dexter, which was-sadly-no less funny that anything he`d done in that camels graveyard of a show.
In short-this is just Mind Your Language/Curry and Chips-with no redeeming features like theirs.
Still-the “star/writer” of this gem for the ages-continued to tell us about our “burying our heads in the sand” re Islam and its comedy quotient.
Not the phrase I`d have used post Rigby/ISIS…but he`s the talent.
Tell you this-this execrable camels turd of a show will be getting commissioned and re-commissioned-until we get a laugh out of it…or at least, scoops up all those Mobos, Emmys, Grammys that will surely be doled out to this game changer of a community comedy that challenges us all out of our racism.
If you don`t laugh-you`re racist!
But of course Adil Ray…
Now for some actual context (which the BBC don’t mention at all):
“The reason it’s much milder than normal is a tropical continental air flow which is bringing warm and moist air to the UK from the Azores,” said Laura Young, a Met Office spokeswoman.
Well, I did warn forum members yesterday about how the news would be broadcast today. But just to bring in some balance, to remind those who might have missed it, August was the coldest in the U.K. for 100 years with some record breaking cold temperatures around. Oh, and my Devon seaweed is still telling me there will be snow in the North next week.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A looter jailed for 16 months after taking a single lick of an unwanted ice-cream cone stolen from a ransacked…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello Non Snowflake to serve only 40% of the time, maybe released even earlier for his own safety or good…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 13:55 Start the Week 24th February 2025 BBC says “It was the knife what did it. Blame the knife or the ricin, not the Black man who…
Non SnowflakeFeb 24, 13:51 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Ex-Labour MP Mike Amesbury jailed for 10 weeks for beating someone up. I wonder how long this will stay…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 HA HA HA! [img][/img]
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Starmer is useless and most of us know it, other than the bbc that is Trump has changed Ukraine conversation,…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The most IMPORTANT talk on the demographic crisis you will ever hear | Stephen Shaw
Eddy BoothFeb 24, 13:43 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Cinematic comic Zelensky video doing the rounds:
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Wow! If you get a free government house on benefits and say you are Jewish you get two kitchens? Excellent…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 BBC tell kids to chop off penis – ok. Man touches arm – fired! …………. Michael Fallon ‘apologised for touching…
Yes, I nearly choked on my cornflakes when the commentator on the “Today” programme at 08.00, stated that RT would be broadcasting on the former UK TV channel but then stated “would they be *fair* and *accurate*?” What like the BBC is? Unbelievable, so wrapped up in their own bubble, so removed from reality.
No surprise. I don’t rate any broadcast media outlet as fair and accurate. The self righteousness of the BBC does take some beating though. Still living off past glories.
‘stated “would they be *fair* and *accurate*?”
Well, power must be held to account and questions must be asked. Not of the BBC clearly.
They get to tell it often enough and ask but not get asked.
They are unique like that.
Looking at the BBC’s news webpage, it seems that one of the very top stories today is Apple chief: ‘I’m proud to be gay’.

Isn’t that Paul O’Grady? I thought we knew he was gay.
Reporting sexual violence by Muslim men against English girls.
From its vantage point at Media City, Salford, will Beeboids now do some honest serious investigation, starting by dropping the inaccurate, misleading word, ‘Asian’?
“UK: Muslim child sex exploitation “now normal in parts of Greater Manchester”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“This report doesn’t mention it (which in itself is telling), but 75%, and probably more (since it is so politically unacceptable to report such things), of these rape and sexual exploitation gangs are ‘Asian,’ which is British Newspeak for ‘Muslim.’ Despite the continuing horror of these revelations, the British continue to take this with equanimity, for to resist it would be ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic.'”
‘Daily Mail’-
“The towns where exploiting children ‘is the new normal’: New police report reveals scale of sex crimes… but critics condemn study as a whitewash”
Read more:
“Child sex exploitation ‘social norm’ in Greater Manchester”
Just how large is this Muslim ‘equal opportunities) population that the BBC states is the new ‘normal’ ?
Listening to the BBC you would think Muslims have the non-democratic right to rule over English nationals by sheer weight of numbers, and yet something here is not quite right. The Last national UK census put Islam at 4% but in reality ‘illegal immigration’ could double that figure). Even so 90% oppose the BBC world view that Islam is somehow superior to any other UK religon (Jews and Catholics face Islamic persecution first) and it’s all ‘sanctioned’ legal by the EU. The real enemy is the EU behind the BBC facade and the influence of Qatar money sponsoring Terrorism is clear to all of us (except our own collective government).
British Election Survey on religious affiliation 2014.
• No religious affiliation: 44.7%
• Church of England/Anglican/Episcopal: 31.1%
• Roman Catholic: 9.1%
• Presbyterian/Church of Scotland: 3.1%
• Methodist: 2.5%
• Baptist: 1.3%
• United Reformed Church: 0.5%
• Free Presbyterian: 0.1%
• Brethren: 0.1%
• Judaism: 0.8%
• Hinduism: 0.6%
• Islam 1.6%
• Sikhism: 0.3%
• Buddhism: 0.4%
• Other: 3.7%
• (data: british election study – Feb-June 2014)
• Original post:
• Research post:
“Sleepers, sleepwalking, terrorism and Islam.
“The failure of the Ottoman Empire to take Vienna in 1683 put an end to the objective of Islamizing the whole of Europe, and extreme Islamists want this defeat rectified. We must wake up”
By Michael Curtis.
Has the BBC reported yet that Egypt has just given Gaza residents 48hrs to clear out of their homes so they can knock them down to build a buffer zone along the border (sensible idea)?
I look forward also to the ‘Boycott Egypt’ demos in central London sometime in the coming weeks…
My understanding is that Egypt is removing its own residents to create the buffer zone.
In my experience, with the possible exception of Sadat who made peace with Israel, and was ultimately assassinated for it, this is the best Egyptian regime – by far.
Compensation has been offered to the displaced, except those whose homes are found to contain smuggling tunnels.
Some residents have complained that the government’s action is breeding anger. Forcible displacement is a criminal act under the Egyptian constitution.
Reading that in the article shows just who some of these Egyptian locals are supporting, and how it is Hamas has found it so easy till now to smuggle their arms in.
“Hampstead Heath users ‘intimidated’ by BBC film crews”
I thought this was more of a hoot (with satirical opportunity sure to be missed by BBC rapier wits as a professional and social courtesy – “It’s normally dog heaven up there..” I mean, really?), but yet again the joy of precedent has been presented…
‘“In continuing into this designated area, you irrevocably and unconditionally consent to being recorded in the filming.”
The sign sparked a debate over … whether such a sweeping catch-all clause should be allowed.
It brings to mind the advice to TVL targets on the WOIRA notice, often accompanied by YouTubes (until the trusted and transparent BBC demands evidence of their proxy staff misbehaving is withdrawn), and how legitimate telling them what they can and can’t do on private (as opposed to public parkland) property is.
But if the BBC’s contracted troops feel signs can tell the public what’s what in public space, they may struggle explaining the difference when the public deploys signs in private that are much more reasonable.
‘“If you enter Hampstead Heath, it is likely that you will be filmed and your image and/or voice may appear in our filming and may appear in the programme,” the sternly worded sign said, before warning: “In continuing into this designated area, you irrevocably and unconditionally consent to being recorded in the filming.”
If you’re living anywhere near Hampstead Heath, watch out for any changes to that consent wording because……
‘The film crew had paid the City to shoot scenes for London Spy, a drama promoted as an espionage thriller crossed with a gay love storyline.’
This is a case where taking action can be amusing and enjoyable. Just walk around in the park, taking care to be in the background of the filming, carrying a large placard saying ‘VOTE UKIP’. There’s no way they would have that in their programme.
For Chakrabarti / INBBC:-
“20 to 30 former Guantanamo detainees suspected of joining the Islamic State, other jihad groups”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“This is not surprising, since absolutely nothing was done at Guantanamo to disabuse these men of the beliefs that led them to wage jihad in the first place. Any such action would have been ‘Islamophobic’.”
Jerusalem holy site closure ‘declaration of war’ – Abbas
Let’s examine a couple of statements in this article following an incident where a Jewish campaigner in Jerusalem wanting access to the most holiest site in Judaism was shot by a Palestinian militant.
It is the holiest site in Judaism, and also contains the al-Aqsa Mosque – the third holiest site in Islam.
The al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are among Islam’s holiest sites because of their Koranic connections to the Prophet Mohammed
Would it make any difference to your understanding if you were told that this ‘third holiest site in Islam’ appears nowhere in the Koran? Neither, for that matter, does ANY REFERENCE to Jerusalem. I cannot believe if Jews were making a similar claim to a location in Mecca, without any real evidence to justify it, that the BBC wouldn’t be telling its audience of that fact. Yet when Muslims make claims to what definitively is the holiest site in Judaism, it is allowed to ride without any qualification.
Not only that, but in the second sentence the BBC actually write ‘the Dome of the Rock are among Islam’s holiest sites because of their Koranic connections to the Prophet Mohammed’, which is a complete fabrication.
But one which the BBC is happy to support.
The only supposed connection is Mohamheads, “I had a dream”
and? well?.
Its not as if that creature, (if he existed at all), was a paragon of honesty … is it?.
Dream? … so do I, and if I said I personally talked to god and wanted to mass murder, they wouldn t even let me home for my f–ckin pyjamas.
That site is simply a tool to attempt to imply the supremacism of Islam … that’s it.
So these Jordanian Arabs shot someone, and now have to put up with the consequence of that action.
The BBC eh! … Islamophile s to a man.
Shame on the BBC
The ‘religion’ of islam isn’t even a religion…it’s a cult. islam is basically a bastardization of Judaism and Christianity.
Everything in islam has to be bigger and better than any other Religion, so much so, that when they got bored of ‘out religioning’ Judaism and Christianity they turned on themselves with Sunnis being better than Shias and vice versa. Look where that has led the world!!
The running Miss World joke of ‘wanting world peace’ should now have a caveat stating ‘We want to get rid of islam so we can have World peace’.
The cult reminds me of the Stereophonics lyric;
‘if i had myself a flying giraffe
you’d have one in a box with a window’
They hijacked every sacred site in Jerusalem and basically claimed that mohammed did everything the prophets of Judaism and Christianity did..except x100, even today in the UK they are ‘out paedophiling’ Christianity to prove a point.
In MARDELL’s slight ‘analysis’ of U.K’s political relationship with European Union,
he manages to omit reference to the lack of democracy.
Mardell’s anti-Cameron headline is-
“Is EU challenge too much for Cameron to stomach?”
In contrast, for analysis of the E.U’s democracy deficit,
‘CIVITAS’ has this detailed account-
“The Demise of the Free State”
By David Green.
[Whole of 100+ pages book is here]:-
Click to access TheDemiseoftheFreeState.pdf
Thank you. Much appreciated
I liked this bit from Mardell:-
“The problem is that while I could bore you to death with the technical details, really all you need to know is that they breach a sacred principle – free movement of people.”
I don’t for a moment think that Mardell has the slightest knowledge of ‘the technical details’ – in common with all our journalists, as Richard North on the EU Referendum blog frequently demonstrates.
Back in 1975 we were told “The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement of workers within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely to be similar.”
So the ‘sacred principle’ wasn’t expected to be put to the test! And, of course, we started out with the right to veto anything we didn’t like, now thrown away under ‘pooled sovereignty’ with ‘qualified majority voting’ putting us in a permanent minority.
Does anyone else think Mark tub-o-lard Mardell is losing it a bit?
I ask only because when I heard him on TWATO recently (for the first time since he got back from Obama worship and troublemaking duties in the USA) he made quite a few slips of the tongue, e.g. “Brokenshaw” instead of “Brokenshire” (a Tory MP) and “internal” when he clearly meant “international” (to a Labour spokesperson).
Maybe he is channeling his inner Oborne, as Private Eye may once have coined, pre-Hislop? Allegedly.
Stardate, 30102014, 17.00 to 18.00. Tuned in to the PM programme on Radio 4 and thought I’d got the wrong programme, that being Woman’s Hour. Nope, I was listening to the PM programme, which in this edition had turned hideously female, to paraphrase. Even the weather forecast at the end was given by a female voice, which itself was followed by a womans voice on a trailer, but one shouldn’t be too critical there was just but a single male voice heard in the whole of the hour. Not bad BBC, not bad, you must work so hard at this sort of stuff.
The Old Bloke,
“Nope, I was listening to the PM programme, which in this edition had turned hideously female…”
Wimmin? On the Wireless? Disgusting.
“Even the weather forecast at the end was given by a female voice, which itself was followed by a womans voice on a trailer…”
Yes I know; only just managed to find the off switch before vomiting into my bucket of Bovril.
“…there was just but a single male voice heard in the whole of the hour.”
Apart from:
Interviews; with 4 Men (5 Women)
Audio clips; with 5 Men (3 Women)
Reports from journalists; with 4 Men (1 Woman)
Trailers for future programmes; with 5 Men (1 Woman)
‘Old Bloke’, I realise that telling lies is ‘de rigueur’ on Biased-BBC, but you could at least try to make them a little less transparent.
Ask Alan for a few hints; he can help 🙂
Gosh, your researchers have been busy for you there Dez, and about time too! Really beginning to wonder what the BBC do with that £4 billion a year.
Notice your lack of replies to the many posts exposing the blatant BBC equal pay for women in sport agenda – you know, like why don’t women footballers get the same as blokes playing in the Premiership – that sort of thing.
Woke up to the news that the BBCs wish to decriminalise drugs found new backing by yet ANOTHER report that features the druggies chosen nations such as Portugal and Uruguay…with a hat tip to Denver as well no doubt.
Yet no “international research” into how our Muslim chums deal with drug usage…
First news item tonight pushes the same drug “aspirations”-basically can Russell Brand and Richard Bacon have shooting galleries and UV light at the BBC(Savile Suite in Peel Towers)?…without the need to be illicit.
Pete Doherty-I mean-who knew?
Funnily enough the BBC spout the old line about criminalising drugs not preventing druggies doing their worst…but seem not to count how many VICTIMS of drug-induced crime would be added to the total should we be fool enough to follow Brand, Clegg and Branson…with a smiling Howard Marx speaking for the defence.
Any Marx will do these vacuous airheads…might as well be Howard as much as Karl.
BBC1 6pm News report on the international drug law situation majors on a couple who are presented as an advert for Cleggy’s approach of decriminalisation. We then get images to show how beastly is the Tory policy of maintaining their illegality – jail & doors broken down by police in dawn raids. But is this the reality of enforcement for drug possession rather than dealing? I think not, any jail time probably results from the associated life of thieving & even the Lib Dems are not suggesting decriminalising supply are they?
Personally I have a very liberal attitude to drugs & what sticks in my craw is that the Lib Dems, who want to regulate every aspect of my life, affect this position of tolerance for druggies.
That last is an excellent point. The Left has flown under a false flag for decades. It’s always the Left that controls and regulates people’s lives – down to criminalising any sentiments it doesn’t care for with its evil ‘hate speech’ laws. Yet when to comes to drug use, it starts waffling about ‘personal freedom’.
A little bit of OT (T) fun, but surely the BBc alone could be sourced to say as many in a heatbeat?
Their body of fatuous semantics, sanctimony and outright barking weasels has a long and ignoble history.
I’ll kick off with just two…
1) Islamic benediction
2) Watertight oversight
My thoughts and payers are with any unable to contribute at this difficult time (to be fair mainly at the door of Barry & Dave when called on to say something quick to avoid accusations of being slow to respond by such as the BBC).
How concerned is BBC-NUJ about Google and privacy?:-
“Another Glenn Beck Prediction Come True?”
(inc video clip)
“Beck has long maintained that Google is collecting too much information on its users, and he has been relentlessly mocked for voicing his concerns. Now, however, a new poll indicates his concerns may be shared by a majority of Americans.”
In the US, with its Constitutional prohibitions against unwarranted (in more than one sense) intrusions into people’s privacy, no less a celebrated legal light as the liberal Prof. Alan Dershowitz has said that, when it comes to data-mining, it is less a matter of the state collecting, compiling and collating the data per se, as the use it will be put to.
Important to note that Dershowitz was speaking with respect to international terrorism; his point was that violating personal privacy may result in a criminal case being thrown out of court for tainted evidence, and the state risk a suit for damages, but what if the state had never been interested in prosecution anyway, but rather, interdiction? In other words, less a question of prosecuting the American bad guy, as catching his foreign contacts and being able to strangle the baby in its crib. Obviously it will be a judgement call as to whether to “illegally” spy on the American and decide to forgo prosecuting him, in the interest of catching the “larger fish,” and it is one we should hope the state should be allowed to make, saith Dershowitz.
As to private citizens who pose no such threat, again, consider the use to which the information will be put. If private industry can have access to such easily-obtainable data, one can hardly tell the state it cannot operate in much the same way. It is the time, effort and money involved in the data-gathering, to no purpose in the vast preponderance of cases, that should attract the attention of those whose business it is to track and report on the doing of governmental entities. Haystack needles, and all that. Open-source intelligence gathering has always been a job description for internal security agencies even in the “freest” of nations, and exponential growth in the capacity to do so was always to be expected.
THESE are the considerations in play, and THIS is the sort of discussion that should inform any policy position taken by broadcasters and journalists as to whether governmental agencies can or should use search engines as a willing, or even unwitting, cat’s paw. That it is a state broadcaster whose funding derives from a poll tax of sorts complicates the issue, as it is the compilation of data as to who is paying the freight and who isn’t which is providing the funding which allows the broadcaster to even turn the lights on every morning.
It has been predicted that tomorrow might see us with the “warmest” temperatures in October for over 25 years in certain parts of the U.K. You will hear the glee in some voices when this is trumpeted across our nation, that Global Warming has reappeared and that this is proof that it is taking place. Just so that the members of this forum get a balance on the climate, August, across the U.K. was the coldest for over 100 year with record lows being recorded across our islands which could be indicative of Global Cooling. I wonder which the BBC will be promoting?
It seems every media outlet are in on the liberal crusade. I’ve just watched a 5 News bulletin which covered the countrywide grooming scandal by ‘men’ (it seems the crime now is raceless) and stated ‘that the whole country has to change its attitude to sex’.
I’m totally perplexed as to what this statement means? I’m guessing that they want us to fall in line with the Harriet Harmon/PIE/liberal view and accept paedophilia as a natural sexual act??
Either way, it seems the liberals are relying on their default excuse of…it’s not the fault of the muslims, it’s all our fault!!
Was subjected to 10 minutes of the nauseating Russell Howard, who’s show on BBC3 (yes, I know) is just a tirade of digs at Cameron however disingenuous and misrepresented and nasty. The Beeb will do ANYTHING for a cheap laugh at the Tories’ expense always aided and abetted by the vetted leftie audience, invited from the local streets of Salford or Clapham.
Opening news item at midday on R2 today was a story on how “the BBC has obtained information that the government is planning to reduce disability payments”. No reference to how, when, from whom etc. No context, no explanation. This statement was then followed quickly by an emotive comment from one of the disability interest groups confirming what an unhumane government we have if this is true. The scandal of the BBC news reporting continues to go unchecked; it was a shoddy, amateur and in all probability completely unfounded piece of reporting from an organisation that sees itself as nothing more than an opponent to the current government.
Further to Rod Liddle’s filet-o-phrases mentioned earlier, ‘the BBC has obtained information’ too often translates as ‘the BBC has been fed the latest attack line to run in complement with its political fellow travelers’.
If bereft of any context rather cack-handed and blatant, but they seem confident they can continue to get away with it.
So yesterday came and went without the BBC “celebrating” the sad demise of their favoured son, Sir James Savile of Roundhay and Wood Lane.
Who can forget where they were on hearing the news of the sad parting of Sir James of the BBC from his paddy wagon parked next to Sir Pangs Patton in the executive creative pod of loveliness and vision?
Three years ago to the day-Sir James left us with his marathon socks stewing in the washroom sink, string vest now a relic and shellsuit airing on the BBCs copious radiator.
Yet-as I checked the schedules yesterday-not a peep to commemorate the life of Sir James-who has surely raised issues and consciousness, re the future of childrens telly.
Any publicity is good is it not?
Ah well-imagine that Bradley Walsh is already rehearsing the Christmas Special by way of belated tribute to the REAL face of the BBC!
BBC-NUJ, Labour Party and Scotland-
‘i’ newspaper, page 1 headline, Friday-
“Labour facing complete annihilation in Scotland as poll reveals party could win as few as four seats”
“Labour faces ‘big challenge’ in Scotland, says Miliband”
-New ‘OPEN THREAD’ please.
“Clegg aide tried to spin drug report:
He urged BBC to give airtime to lobbyists who want legislation ”
Read more:
-How close is Clegg’s political relationship with Beeboids?
And how close is Beeboids’ political relationship with Clegg?
In the spirit if balance, it would seem in this case the BBC did not respond as directed, and actually solicited opinion from all sides.
Not always the case, sadly. In this one, the outbreak of independence and and professional integrity is to be applauded.
Who knows what inspired it?
Maybe editorial didn’t feel well disposed to instruction from this quarter as it might from others?
Certainly running with only the sources suggested in a pan-media press release would focus those recipients more critically inclined to focus on any who jumped, and how high.
As a person who used to vote Labour, the main reason why we should be strong and vote UKIP…..
Dear old Grauniad – typing arrors as ever ! The headline and the story are actually about Tony Blair warning against cutting back on IMMIGRATION – not inflation !
It is the front-page headline in today’s Metro as well.
Hmm , then your old party will be in government on 8/5/15 , you know that`s the only outcome. Ukip means Labour will be in Government , No `ifs ` No `but`s` that`s what will happen ,do not pretend otherwise .
It would appear Australia is facing more criticism. I wonder if ths is in any way connected to the ruthlessly impartial Jon Donnison being redeployed there?
I got this link from a BBC World News Facebook post. Not sure the critical comments were about Australia. May be the BBC will run a story about what critics are saying about their woeful partisan shit stirring?
And this morning, aljabeeba gives us:
The poppy hijab!
Yes, you really couldnt make it up!
Just another lefty attempt to paint Islam in a positive way. Those Muslims who fought as part of the British Empire in WW1 bear zero resemblance to those that occupy Rochdale and the like today.
There were other religions who fought in WW1, they don’t seen to be catered for.
It’s Friday it’s BBc Breakfast Label booze with calories. Combining obesity and alcohol. A report from the Royal society for public health. Who? Never heard of them Yep it’s another charity.
Re. RSPH. Just have a look at who the executives are. For a start there’s one Shirley Cramer CBD who also happens to be the chairman of British Future – a particularly odious group of fith columnists who want to erase native British identity. There’s also Baroness Cumberledge (Common Purpose / Kings Fund). Another tangeld web of bastards who want to control every aspect of our lives.
Well said, BB….it doesn’t take much to unmask these f***ers and then there they are, exposed for all to see, chipping away incessantly at our national and cultural identity. God, how I hate them!
The quality of the output by bbbc is woeful. Yesterday we had the very rich hippy Clegg the man who thinks everything should be free telling us all that we have all got the drugs legislation wrong. bbbc in their haste to support him wheel on a couple of junkies (both ex prisoners) to tell us about their life on drugs and what we should do.
This was then kept as a headline all day so that the bbbc could keep churning out the message ‘let’s liberalise drugs’ so that all the younger generation could get the message
The standard of journalism/broadcasting and the bias demonstrated by the bbbc never ceases to plumb greater depths….almost as if it were a mission goal for them.
Close them down.please
Here’s some news for you which you probably won’t have heard, because the BBC hasn’t bothered to report it because it concerns an attack on Liebour by one of their own and further cover up and blame dodging on behalf of Pakistani Muslims by a Labour MP.
Simon Danczuk Labour MP for Rochdale has attacked Anne Coffeys report commissioned by self acknowledged Labour Fascist police commissioner Tony Lloyd.
“it appears to shift the responsibility from the perpetrators and police towards blaming the public.”
So yet again we see the Fascist Labour policy of ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do’ moving the blame back where they honestly believe it belongs, with the nasty white people !
BBC : Legalise it, we’ll advertise it
Once again a supposedly neutral and balanced BBC News anchor throws in his lot behind a left-of-centre campaign issue.
Yesterday Simon McCoy on BBC News Channel introduced a guest on the subject of the review into drugs laws
– “At last!” enthuses McCoy.
I think he just declared an interest, don’t you?
News just in – cannabis was decriminalised many years ago.
Possession of class A drugs is more often than not handled by a ‘caution’.
This country can’t handle alcohol. Let’s add floor to ceiling crack cocaine in Tesco to the mix see how well that’s handled.
Seems a political party member has gone off the deep end again.
I wonder if we can anticipate Today to Newsnight full-flounce coverage calling whole party and membership into question, and everyone from Hignfy to Dara taking the mickey?
Unless of course they agree with her? Then maybe best to not mention.
How many dead in the Congo from the current war?
Five million is it?
Does the lefty bubble care?
Their ‘compassion’ seems to be very selective.
I note the prime 8:20 ‘Today‘ slot was again used to promote something only the BBC cares about. Following on from the interview with the founder of the resurrected Whig party earlier this week, getting a chance to dig at UKIP, we had…..
… an interview with the creator and star of the hilarious Citizen Khan. Well, it must be hilarious because Sarah had a jolly good guffaw at the clip they played. Oh how my sides ached.
Two points of interest to me. Firstly, the introduction. I quote from the running order which is pretty well verbatim, from my recollection:
“It is a challenging time for perceptions of the British Muslim community – young men going to fight in Syria – and a few months ago the allegations of an attempt to impose conservative Islam on some Birmingham schools.”
Erm, haven’t they missed out another pretty huge item? Rotherham, anyone? The BBC appears to be trying to sweep details of the perpetrators of that one under a bloody big carpet at present.
Included in the interview was a Muslim stand-up comedienne I’d never heard of. The question was asked what her parents thought of what she did. “Oh, I haven’t told them”, she said. Cue some jokes as to whether they might just have found out if they listened to the Today programme. But no, there was no chance they listened to it. Strangely, no-one thought to ask why she felt she could not tell them. It seemed a pretty obvious question to me, but perhaps it was felt the likely answer was also rather too obvious? We shall never know, I guess.
Now I’m no fan of Maureen Lipman. Well her politics at any rate. Anyone one who is a Labour supporter (and has been for the last 50 years or so she says AND starred in adverts for BT earning a pile to help promote that state company become private is a money grabbing hypocrite in my book).
However, I’ve just read The Independent on line and feel sorry for her. She will no longer, she says, vote Labour because of its stance on Palestine. Fair enough BUT my god the barely concealed hatred to her, Israel and Jews in general from the supposed liberal paper’s readers is astounding and very worrying in the Comments section that follow.
Mind you the left and hypocrisy go hand in hand.
Within 10 years this country will be hostlle territory for a Jew. Israel is going to be far far safer.
If a weekend thread is opened I am going to copy this there, but I need to get this off my chest…..
Don’t watch the BBC;s news output as a rule I catch it by accident more than design. Last night before starting a recording I caught a piece on This Week. A red headed woman who is obvious somebody to the metropolitan class but not me was talking about immigration. Its was a blatant anti-UKIP, voters are stupid, immigration is good, we are all immigrants, piece; it was an opinion piece so I didn’t expect balance and didn’t expect an opinion piece express contrary views.
She said, “We need immigrants. I buy my newspaper from a Muslim, my stamps from a Hindu, and my tax advisor is an Israeli. None of them ask me about my religion.”
We need immigrants? Where is your proof? Why conflate religion and race? She needs advice with her tax? So probably not too bothered by the government’s social policies because she can afford to circumvent them; another do as I say not as I do socialist, probably. Probably looking to pay as little tax as possible too; especially to an evil Tory government who are making “cuts”!
I buy my newspaper from an English person, I buy my stamps from an English person, and when I could afford to pay into my private pension my advisor was English. Did I go out to look for English persons with who to do business? No. Just here where I live happens to be outside metropolitan Britain and the vast majority of those who I encounter are English. Are there say Pakistanis in my community? Yes we have two curry houses in our village; we also have chip shops run by English people. It is nice to have two curry houses but do need them? No. My doctor is a Pakistani; he is a fantastic bloke. What concerns me is not him being a Pakistani more that socialist feminist policies in education have undermined STEM subjects here and undermined the education of male children that has impacted on the number of British doctors. Does he ask me about my religion? No. He knows that this being a European country that if I am following a religion it will be some form of Christianity and even if I am agnostic Christianity still underpins my culture. Lastly, Israeli doesn’t mean Jew. Israel is a secular state. There are lots of Jews in Israel. But there are lots of secular Israelis, Muslim Israelis, Christian Israelis…………….
She said (paraphrase), “I have Irish ancestors, a Danish ancestor, and some Huguenot too. We are all immigrants.”
Well all my ancestors are English, English, and um English. According to the various amateurs genealogists in my family we have been here in this area for as long as there have been records. Sorry but I am more typical than you.Science has shown populations in the British Isles have been settled for millennia. Normans? Vikings who spoke French. Same ethnic group, similar culture. Vikings? Same ethnic group, similar culture. Saxons? Same ethnic group, similar culture. Romans? Never came here in large enough numbers to make a difference. Celts? If you believe in them then same ethnic group and a culture that shares roots with other North European cultures of time. There are immigrants and there are immigrants. Her ancestors didn’t come here to benefit Great Britain they came here to benefit themselves, to benefit from my country’s success, to get out of their less than “successful” countries (what does that say about their personalities? Though perhaps we shouldn’t be to harsh?) and did we need them no? One of the reasons empires are founded is to gain more territory to support a people, to support a culture. Oddly it is those of her political ilk who are forcing English and other British families to make the decision to become emigrants. Not to the blessed EU countries (even though we share some culture with them more than we do with the cultures of South Asia) but to the White Commonwealth with whom we share a culture. By saying you are an immigrant red headed BBC talking head and flaunting in my face you are saying you don’t value my culture. You are happy though to take the fee for the piece drawn out of BBC coffers which I and many other white British have to pay into because we are legally obligated.
All that from less than 2 minutes of watching the BBC.
Take heart. Their day is done. The lies and fantasies will end. Reality will be rerstored to England.
The English know who they are without any soul searching and recognise each other instantly. It is in our very being. Ancient people from an old land do not just vanish.
Liberals can go to hell
Anyone care to peruse BBC anti Israel propaganda above?
“In 1979 Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement, but it wasn’t until the early 1990s, after years of an uprising known as the intifada, that a peace process began with the …
Palestinians? ”
… Who? … you mean Jordanian Arabs renamed by Arafat as political tool?.
“Despite the handover of Gaza and parts of the West Bank to Palestinian control, a final agreement has yet to be reached.
The main stumbling blocks include the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlements”
Correction – main stumbling block – unending Islamic violence and terror rockets, the “fate” … of any Arab there can be peaceful (refrain from fanatic violence), or otherwise if they don t
… that’s it. The “status of Jerusalem” is also crystal clear It is the capital of Israel, It is the eternal capital of the Jewish people.
More recently, Jerusalem was declared as the capital of Israel in 1949, Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel extended its jurisdiction and administration over eastern Jerusalem, establishing new municipal borders.
It also ensured protection and freedom of access to the holy sites of the city.
Its simply not complicated, this cloudy obfuscation looks like its been written by M Abbas.
And in other news, a bit of Friday Fun at week’s end to serve as tail end Charlie to the Start the Week thread, surely soon to close?;
Looking at the guest list, I have to say most present, bar the naval man and medic, could reasonably be deemed ‘rhubarb producers’ given their apparent contributions to date.
But nice to see Danny ‘you will pay for betraying the BBC’ Cohen in such elevated company. One hopes he was happy with the gender mix.
Bet his colleagues back at the ranch, or second job bistros, were dead jealous.
BBC announce a drop in turnout for the Yorkshire Police Commissioner vote. Wow. That is a big drop. What are they telling us?
14.88% this year, down from 14.93% in 2012.
Looks like a Labour win in South Yorkshire with 80% of the vote from postal votes.
Big round of applause for the unelected community leaders eh.
Whilst postal votes is a scandal that no-one dare mention, it seems, that would have been irrelevant if more than 14% of the electorate had cared enough about kiddy-fiddling to get off their fat arses to protest.
That they didn’t, in the face of such politically-correct depravity, is profoundly depressing.
Sad inditement of the people of Rotherham. Actually shameful.
If you want cheering up got YouTube and watch “the best of David Starkey part 2” where the brilliant Mr S. takes apart a middle-class-lefty-hypocrite-lying-snurt-public-school-girl-socialist-Guardian-writer and shows her for the disgusting liar and money grabber she really is.
40 seconds in if you can’t wait!
Laurie Penny is this self inflated snurt’s name from a public school in Brighton. Up The Workers!
Laurie of Left Unity – a socialist organization that is heavily into censorship and support for the socialist paradise in Venuzuela
Start the week at this late time of the week?
Come on Alan, you’ve been starting other threads how about a midweek one or a weekend one ?
The big financial news today comes from the Bank of Japan. This should be good news for its Chief Business Correspondent Linda Yueh who specialises in the Far East.
Oh well perhaps another time!
Oh be still my beating heart!
The brilliant Citizen Khan is back again tonight with all the Muslim flummery that Mishal Hussain and the BBC Toady Show can muster.
My sides have hardly recovered from the last riotously funny series…topped by the death of Denzil Dexter, which was-sadly-no less funny that anything he`d done in that camels graveyard of a show.
In short-this is just Mind Your Language/Curry and Chips-with no redeeming features like theirs.
Still-the “star/writer” of this gem for the ages-continued to tell us about our “burying our heads in the sand” re Islam and its comedy quotient.
Not the phrase I`d have used post Rigby/ISIS…but he`s the talent.
Tell you this-this execrable camels turd of a show will be getting commissioned and re-commissioned-until we get a laugh out of it…or at least, scoops up all those Mobos, Emmys, Grammys that will surely be doled out to this game changer of a community comedy that challenges us all out of our racism.
If you don`t laugh-you`re racist!
But of course Adil Ray…
BBC climate change trolls never sleep…
Warmest UK Halloween on record
Now for some actual context (which the BBC don’t mention at all):
“The reason it’s much milder than normal is a tropical continental air flow which is bringing warm and moist air to the UK from the Azores,” said Laura Young, a Met Office spokeswoman.
The BBC: some of the news, some of the time.
Well, I did warn forum members yesterday about how the news would be broadcast today. But just to bring in some balance, to remind those who might have missed it, August was the coldest in the U.K. for 100 years with some record breaking cold temperatures around. Oh, and my Devon seaweed is still telling me there will be snow in the North next week.