We know that Labour’s mass immigration policy was a secret scheme to ‘brown Britain’, to rub the Right’s nose in diversity, and that it was to be done without alerting the working classes who would undoubtedly see it for what it was…a policy designed to eliminate them from their place in Britain…to be replaced by a compliant workforce who will work cheaply and come ready educated and trained….something Labour failed to do for the British working class people they abandoned.
Today we can see that attitude blatantly on show on the BBC (20 mins) ….when Bill Oddie opines that Brits should be put on the scrapheap and their jobs, homes and school places taken by lovely immigrants……..
Bill Oddie claims working-class Brits should be ‘contained’
Bill Oddie has sparked outrage on Twitter after suggesting in a live television debate that British working-class families need to be “contained”.
The Springwatch presenter claimed the answer to Britain’s over-population problem was not curbing immigration, but instead restricting the size of British working-class families.
Oddie made his controversial comments on BBC1’s Sunday Morning Live during a debate entitled: “Is the UK too hostile to immigration?”
The 73-year-old said: “There should just as likely be a restriction on the number of children that British people have because over-population is what you are talking about here, the big problem.
“So you say these perfectly well-qualified people can’t come in, but the woman down the road has just had her tenth baby.
“Well I’m sorry, but they are the people that really should be contained. It would make a difference.”
Oddie has three daughters from two different marriages and lives in affluent Hampstead in north London with his second wife Laura Beaumont.
Earlier in the programme he claimed he was “ashamed” to be British and described the British as being a “terrible race”.
He said: “Historically, we seem to have built up this ridiculous idea that: ‘Oh, we are British, this is our island and we don’t want anybody else in it’.
“I personally loathe that kind of chauvinism and I’m happy to say I’m not proud to be British. In fact, I’m very often ashamed to be British.
All sentiments, simplistic and naive, we have heard expressed on the BBC, by presenters, all too often.
Curiously whilst the Left make an enormous racket about the Tories ‘demonising’ the working class, and who can forget Owen Jones’ ‘Chavs..The Demonization of the Working Class’, there is not a peep about Oddie’s comments…not from the BBC nor from the Guardian, or indeed from Jones himself…champion of the downtrodden and demonised.
I guess that much as they did with the likes of Rotherham the BBC will look away from something they would normally consider appalling in order to support their own agenda and favoured projects…in this case the BBC are probably, as you read this, trying to work out a way to report the story without making supporters of mass immigration like Oddie seem irresponsible nutters verging on fascist.
At least we get the truth though…Britain is overpopulated. Shame Oddie’s solution is to replace Brits with just about anyone who can worm their way in.
Sunday Morning Live’s introduction to the already slantedly titled programme, ‘Is UK too hostile to immigration?’, was naturally the usual BBC happy clappy ‘aren’t immigrants wonderful’ approach telling us to look at how much racism from nasty Brits they have to put up with..all caused by nasty ‘certain sectors of the media’….they brought us a football team in Northern Ireland made up of immigrants…why bother? Any Premiership team would surely suffice….curious that the BBC is quite happy to ask whether football teams should have quotas for foreign players in order to promote British players….and no mention of crime and little emphasis on the massive infrastructure problems on the programme….oh hang on immigration has given us more than it has taken away.
All the guests were pro-immigration and all too ready to dismiss this as alarmist scaremongering by those ‘certain sectors of the media’ along with the innate hostility and hatred Brits feel towards any foreigner…..Dr Lez Henry, the dreadlocked black speaker, steeped in hostility and grievance, Bill Oddie in his Liberal issue sandals oozing hatred for Britain and Britons.
There is a lack of ‘true facts’ apparently….but credit where due…we did get from two of them, Charlie Wolf, Michelle Dewberry, the message that uncontrolled immigration is bad for Britain….however wrapped up in the usual qualifications about alarmism and ‘untrue facts’….presumably along the lines of one ‘ethnic voice’ the BBC brought to us and who told us that essentially….’Britain is a very harsh place for immigrants…they get no benefits at all and have to rely on foodbanks to feed their children….Britain is not an attractive prospect at all for immigrants, life is very hard.’ Sian Williams agreed totally with that statement.
Thank god Britain is so unattractive…can’t imagine if it were attractive…perhaps we would have more than the 270,000 masochistic foreigners who emigrated here last year….where would they all go?
Just the usual BBC propaganda about immigration.
Shame…the propaganda failed.…
Poll result: 27% of people who responded said Yes the UK is too hostile to immigration, while 73% said No.