Jon Donnison is infamous for his support for Hamas and his anti-Israel stance. He continues the same narrative in Australia where his preoccupation is with the Islamic side of life there….in particular of course the ‘wave of Islamophobia’ sweeping across racist Australia.
Today he tweets a link to his FOOC piece on this subject (He’s so proud of it he has pinned the Tweet to the top of his feed)…
Curiously he totally ignores the murder of a Shia Muslim , or Non-Muslim in the eyes of Sunnis, outside a mosque in Australia:
IS supporters shot man outside Greenacre mosque: Witness claims
A man who was shot outside a mosque in south-west Sydney was the victim of an attack by local Islamic State (IS) supporters, a witness has said.
Rasoul Al Mousawi, 47, was shot in the head in an industrial area on Rosedale Avenue, near the intersection of Brunker Road at 1:15am (AEDT).
A friend of the victim, a Shia Muslim who did not want to be identified, said a group of men drove past the Houssaineyat-Alnabialakram Association in Greenacre several times before the shooting, calling out “IS lives forever”.
“They called us ‘Shia dogs’ and they threatened to come back down tonight and kill you, shoot you, whatever,” the man said.
“We didn’t believe them and we went home and we got a phone call that one of our community members got shot in the head.
“He was walking his family home so he can come back and do the cleaning (at the mosque) and they shot him in front of his family.
Not sure why Donnison has a job at the BBC when he is so clearly biased, and not biased towards something relatively harmless but towards people who are extraordinarily dangerous and who influence the Muslim youth in this country to radicalise.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones told us, on the BBC (10:46), that we are in a major propaganda war about what kind of society we are, what kind of society is civilised and we must work hard to dissuade Muslims from joining organisations like IS.
She went on to say that the attraction towards IS by many young Britons is ‘a commentary on our ability to create inside our country an integrated society where people want to belong and pull together.’
She relates this to the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham where people live in enclaves and don’t want to belong….the BBC of course suggested we should just let them Islamise the schools if that is what the parents want.
She says that this failure to deal with the reluctance to integrate affects our ability to control terrorism.
The BBC’s journalists, promoting Islamism and Islamist terror groups along with continuing to feed into their narrative about foreign policy, create an atmosphere where Muslims feel they are victims, the West is attacking them (rather than the other way round) and that they are justified in attacking the West in ‘defence’ of Islam.
It is a propaganda war that the BBC has long served on the wrong side of.
Some graffiti on a wall, put there by who knows who, and Donnison claims Australia is Islamophobic. A Muslim is shot, probably by another Muslim, and he doesn’t want to know.
Hot foot to Australia from INBBC’s Cairo Bureau (where DONNISION appears to have obtained his Islamic victimhood badge), he censors out the growing threat of Islamic jihad and the imposition of repressive sharia law, and instead talks up the Islamic victimhood word ‘Islamophobia’.
In the few week he had been in Australia, Donnison has not only criticised that country’s MPs for banning the burqa, but at the end of his article (below) he politically PROMOTES the wearing of the burqa/niqab, referring to that hidious, threatening garment in a “wonderful gallery of photos.”
INBBC’s Donnison:-
“‘Burka ban’ – not parliament’s finest hour”
Is this how INBBC’s Islam apologist, Donnison intends to cement UK-Australia relations?
Alternative, non-INBBC view:-
“Ban the Burqa – and the Niqab Too”
by Daniel Pipes
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
For more on DONNISON’s Islamic propaganda in Australia, see:
‘Open Thread’, Start the Week thread, and Comments after 11 am today.
‘Islamophobia’ update for INBBC’s DONNISON:-
“Australia: Shi’ite leader shot outside mosque after threats from Islamic State supporters”
[Comment, by Robert Spencer]:-
“The Islamic State once again demonstrates its global appeal, as its supporters bring the Sunni-Shi’ite jihad to Australia.”
John Donnison should take a trip to Iraq-Syria border, and interview the very best of Islam in action.
I’d happily contribute towards his one-way ticket.
There is another ‘John’ out there in the desert who will be itching to meet him.
While the twin menace of Jihadist terrorism, and the existential demographic threat, continues to gather pace, our idiot leaders continue in their attempts to beguile us with lies – Islam is a religion of Peace, a tiny minority that are Jihadis, sharia is just like Common law but with more respect for women, nothing to do with Islam, and mass rapes by Muslims of non-Muslim girls, is nothing but love in action.
Trust us, Trust us, sayeth the BBC. We are the BBC after all.
“Jon Donnison, One More BBC Horror”
(August, 2014)
From 2012
“The BBC’s Jon Donnison, together with the head of the BBC Jerusalem Bureau and head of the Foreign Press Association, Paul Danahar, has been summoned by the Government Press Office in Israel to a hearing this coming Wednesday (November 28th) on the subject of Donnison’s Tweet of a picture of a child casualty from Syria as though it were from Gaza – as first publicised by BBC Watch on November 19th 2012.”
“BBC’s Jon Donnison loses what little credibility he still had”
(August, 2014).
When did the Australia tag return to the BBC News menu bar? Wasn’t it Oceania or Australasia before being removed?
Tough if you think New Zealand, Fiji or New Guinea might require coverage, at least occasionally. Calling it Australia is like calling the United Kingdom – England.
I would think that many Australians would prefer not having their country reported on at all, rather than be reported by Beeboids, such as Donnison.
British BBC licencepayers should not have to finance the likes of Donnison on Australia.
We should not have to pay for his Islamic agenda on the burqa and ‘Islamophobia’,
and his censoring of Islamic jihad there.
He’s only been there a few weeks, but that is his political agenda.
It’s so blatant, do his instructions come straight from HALL?
Instructions from HALL or ALLAH, what’s the difference? The BBC accept the word of the prophet and his interpreters in the SWP .
It takes very little to find any form of phobia if you want to, just interview selectively, and use opinion as a basis not fact.
It s al very predictable. Aussie Muslims go and join a terror group, the Aussie population is understandably concerned, and the BBC claims they are all Islamaphobes.
I was shocked at just how obviously Islamophillic his program was and that takes some doing these days.
Openly displaying a one sided view that promotes the victim status of Muslims whilst ignoring the evil acts they have been carrying out is typical of the Fascist left, and fully compliant with Labour policy ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do’.
Donnison’s political opinions on a foreign State’s legislation are surely a violation of the BBC Charter.
Whilst it is acceptable for him to report on events happening in Australia he has no mandated right to express an opinion on Parliamentary matters in that country. As an independent State whose politicians (supposedly) represent the views of their electorate they have the right to make any laws they like. The BBC have no right to have a “view” on these matters or pass judgement on these matters.
The following guidance – allegedly – has been given to staff:
Mary Hockaday, head of the BBC newsroom, sent an email to journalists on Thursday reminding them of the corporation’s “very clear social media guidance”……
She went on: “I’d also specifically draw your attention to the following section: ‘You shouldn’t state your political preferences or say anything that compromises your impartiality. Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way. Don’t be seduced by the informality of social media into bringing the BBC into disrepute.'”
That is dated 23/5/2014. Donnison and others continue to ignore it with impunity, so there was no substance whatsoever behind her words. What an undisciplined rabble.
But I guess nobody on this website is surprised, not even Dez.
It can hardly be a breach of that guideline if he’s pointing to his report on a BBC programme.
This is the usual Alan fantasy.
‘Islamophobic’ – subjective. So that’s BBC’s own impartiality guidelines breached too.
It’s a BOGOF.
And look what the wicked Zionists did to the Romans in a Romophobic attack!
Another BBC droid who will no doubt end up getting shot as he pleads of being a Muslim. I wonder if he carries little copies of the Koran with him like his other useless Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner.
Frank Gardner amazes me. They shot him, crippled him, and he still carries water for those maniacs. Unbelievable.
No – actually, it isn’t unbelievable.
None of our usual BBC defenders in any rush to support Donnison here.
Perhaps with this particular BBC agenda item they are beginning to see the light – waddya think, Dez?
Alan is infamous for making stuff up and lying through his teeth. He continues the same narrative here where his preoccupation is with the Islamic side of life.
As a matter of interest, beyond a post as long on assertion as it is short on… anything else, where and amongst whom is this notoriety most prevalent?
Not, by chance, a noted file circulated for kicks amongst certain staff at the end of each day?
But thank you for contacting BBBC. Rest assured your concerns will be accorded the full respect they warrant.
Ha! Admitted Yes, that was long on assertion as it was short on anything else. Perhaps you didn’t notice though how I adapted Alan’s own words?
‘Jon Donnison is infamous for his support for Hamas and his anti-Israel stance. He continues the same narrative in Australia where his preoccupation is with the Islamic side of life there’
I’m sure Alan will be deeply stung by your criticism.
Blimey, you and Jezza split the cab fare in?
Harry Sam/Jerry Fletcher….
DV’s left you behind and moved onto better things whilst you’re stuck teaching media studies at some backwater uni…..but don’t be bitter. Don’t spend 10 years bombarding his websites with your bile.
Oh..too late. You’ve already done that.
Whoops, sorry. Didn’t know it had registered already:)
Without wanting to reveal my name to the powers that be. There have been 6 attacks on people wearing uniform this past week.The Military have a warning out (but we are not supposed to tell you) That supporters of Islamic State in the UK are going to target a Remembrance parade and that they are going to target either cadets or a family group belonging to the Military. Personally I hope nothing transpires but it just goes to show the peaceful Muslim in the room.
If the peace lovers attack a poppy parade it could be the last straw on the camels back for many. The coward who attacked the teenage poppy hero in Manchester will, if caught, be well protected by the liberal scum who run our police poodle parlour.
The military top brass are the same, today’s revelations regarding the libyan army scum who were allowed out of Bassingbourne barracks to commit rape, abuse and harrassment on both male and female victims is nothing short of a scandal.
It’s now clear that the pathetic brainwashed liberal cockroaches infect every walk of life in this country, it is they who let Lee Rigby down, it is they who have let NINE victims of the libyans down…and these people are supposed to protect this country when the muslims go all out for total control?
It really does beggar belief.
I consider myself a law-abiding citizen, having never been in trouble with the police in my 50 years. However, recent videos on FB, reports of their mealy mouthed protection of anything Islamic, the relentless pursuit of ‘social media crime’ and their general antipathy to what we indigenous Brits would call ‘crime’ , leaves me in contempt of the UK Police force, and I hope I never need their services.
1571 – Don John of Austria defeats the Moslem fleet at Lepanto.
2014 – Jon Don of Australia supports the Moslems at every turn.
As this excellent site and contributors were recently raised…
see, i get sick and tired of the pc mob who want to pander and plead these hate filled anti western and anti british muslim jihadists living in the uk who want to go over to join nazi isis in iraq and syria.why prevent them from seeking a better life in there opinion where they will be full of happyness and rid from the uk which they hate and despise,preventing them from leaving the uk will just make them even more angry and hatefull and will put us all at risk from terrorism in a country which they would like to do harm to people they regard as infidels and dirtry kuffars,let them go i say,at least then we will know where they are 1000s of miles away from us and when the usa and the uk bomb isis we can be happy that we have contained and got rid of people who are just a severe threat to are security here,let them go,good riddance to the lot of them.