‘Urged’ to finish the job of reducing the deficit. Anyone would think from the BBC’s headline that the IMF or the EU has expressed concern over the nation’s mounting debt. But, read a few lines and all we have is the same old crap from, yep you guessed it, Ed Balls; the man who was central in the previous government’s utterly useless economic policy and fiscal irresponsibility. How the bBC can trumpet Balls is beyond me. But, as we al know, the BBC are desperate for a Labour return so they’ll do anything to aid the socialist cause.
I would have reluctantly to concede that the BBC is under an obligation to report what the shadow Chancellor has to say on the country’s finances. How that man has the nerve to open his mouth about them – well, that’s another matter.
bbbc……don’t you just love ’em
Further to the above post, I see Ed Balls (the absolute right hand enforcer of Gordon Brown) who must take a major responsibility for the economic ruin of UK is given an equal sized photo on the front page of the bbbc website……….bbbc often do this with differing subjects and usually betray their bias in this way
Hello I’m Ed Balls…I’m the guy who burnt your house down last time you let me through the front door. Now, please let me in again as I have some advice for you on fire prevention!
Roland, I think you have been BBC brainwashed. It is with increasing frequency that anything done by this government is counteracted by…..’But Labour says’. It can any old toffee but reported by the BBC as though the comment from Labour is correct. Even worse is when ‘Labour says’ precedes the announcement from the Government. It didn’t happen in Gordon’s time when the Conservative response would rarely be reported.
The BBC were silent when ‘Prudence’ was cocking everything up and never once reported the early warning signs that the economy was heading to the wall – and I’m talking about 2002-2004 when the spending and borrowing was getting way out of hand with no fall back cushion. All we got was the ‘longest period of growth ever’ mantra without once pointing out that the growth was falling year on year under Brown.
Instead they parroted labour’s press releases and rarely gave the Tories the opportunity to criticise uninterrupted.
When the shit really hit the fan in 2007 they used Labours excuse of blaming the bankers. But it was Gordon the Moron driving the bus and he drove us straight off the cliff, just as Healy did in 1978.
And people still blame the bankers because that is the only side of the story the BBC allows to be heard. Nothing about China’s role, nothing about Sub-Prime and nothing about the fuckwittery of a regulation system that took all control from the Bank of England and gave it to a couple of half-arsed Civil Servants to play with.
If you really want to know the cause of the bank crash then look to the USA and the “community reinvestment act” introduced by the Democrats, which forced the banks to lend to Blacks and Hispanics even if they could never afford to pay it back.
Absolutely correct, the original root of the collapse.
And you will, absolutely, NEVER read or hear about it from Auntie. After all, they were “Democrats”, and therefore incapable of error.
Obama was one of the lawyers prosecuting banks which failed to lend under the CRA.
Worse than all of that though, and despite all the question marks over the policy, almost unbelievably, Obama & the Democrats are trying to resurrect it !
And also Clinton repealed the glass-steagall act, which seperated banking and proprietary trading operations. That allowed the casino to run riot. Probably the stupidest thing done by any president. This was under pressure from US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, the then recently ex-co chairman of…Goldman Sachs!
“If you really want to know the cause of the bank crash then look to the USA and the ‘community reinvestment act’…”
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission [2011]:
“The Commission concludes the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of the high cost loans – a proxy for subprime loans – had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law.”
All irrelevant anyway, as a re-visit of the Northern Rock, Bradford and Bingley and HBOS balance sheets at the time will show – a homegrown UK debt binge on a cataclysmic scale, fully approved by Crash Gordon (having quietly sidelined the B of E from its supervisory role). Even so, the notion that there was nobody to tip him the wink about the scale and risk of the banks’ lending beggars belief (the FSA never looked at a balance sheet?). My guess is he knew but turned a blind eye to it as it was the rocket fuel for his miracle boom without end.
Brown was worse than Healey. Healey – and the redoubtable Joel Barnett as Chief Secretary – tried to restrain public expenditure against the spend spend spend ideas of their colleagues – but were not always supported by Callaghan in a fractious Cabinet.
On PM last night there was a review of the origins of the 2008 financial crisis and when we could expect the squeeze to end. This was done by a journalist from the Sunday Times. He clearly stated that the problems began when government spending went out of control from 2000 onwards and that by 2008 we already had an unsustainable deficit and a serious reduction in spending was required. The world wide financial crisis hit the UK when we were already in a financial mess and so our recession was much deeper and longer than it would have been had the government of the day followed a prudent course from 2000 onwards.
He did not use the words Labour, Brown , Balls , perhaps he was prohibited by the BBC from doing so. Eddie Mair didn’t mention Labour, Brown or Balls either, no doubt not wanting to remind people who was recklessly driving the car when it crashed so needlessly. I do note that the BBC are trying to claim that now Brown has retired from Westminster, thank God, he was a good Chancellor who made lots of ‘progressive’ reforms, ie ones they agreed with. This is code for he threw borrowed money, we couldn’t afford ,at voters to get them to vote Labour.
Imagine if the Tories had been at the wheel when the crisis hit in 2008 . Well of course the problems wouldn’t have been as bad but the above BBC review would have been peppered with references to the Tory government to make sure that we remembered who crashed the car. No question of covering up for those responsible.
Can you imagine how the BBC would have reported on a tory party giving knighthoods to the unqualified bankers who helped cause the banking crash, as labour did.
And how would the BBC report on any tory government implementing an income tax change that DOUBLED the level of income tax paid by the poorest workers? Like labour did. I remember when labour did it, the BBC reported it as an abolishment of a tax band, when in reality it was a doubling of it.
Yes, I Ken, I remember Brown increasing the rate from 10 to 20 percent. And the funny thing was that none of the workers realised what had happened until they received their pay packets. The increase was timed to be initiated some time after the budget announcement, which no working people have time to listen to. This happened where I work and I had to explain to them what Brown had done to them. The BASTARD.
My mother, bless her, is a calm soul who rarely swears or cusses. Mention Gordon Brown to her and she turns into Chubby Brown!
That utter bastard ruined the pensions she paid into for years and years and now has a vastly reduced sum to live on. How that man and indeed Balls have the temerity to show their faces I just don’t know.
They had Alistair Cambell on two days ago claiming that Gordon Brown, although flawed, was a brilliant Chancellor. Well that might be the opinion of a bigoted self professed alcoholic, but why would a ‘brilliant’ person sell the country’s gold at a knock down price after further reducing the value by announcing he was going to do it. Why would a ‘brilliant’ person be claiming “No more Boom and Bust” just three months before the biggest financial crash in modern times when Banks and other financial institutions were already reining back ( at the expense of their Clients) for some months before that? What was ‘brilliant’ about childishly refusing to tell the Prime Minister what was in his budget? What was ‘brilliant’ about imposing time wasting regimes of rigorous ‘box ticking’ and ‘form filling’ on The National Health Service, Educational Facilities and Government Departments which resulted in huge increase in the number of Civil Servants and a huge increase in the time taken to deliver ( or fail to deliver) their services ?……………………..need I go on ? But of course through all this diatribe, never once was Cambell challenged by the Interviewer.
You forgot the raiding of dividends on pension funds. Good god the man was a spendaholic. The infamous note left for the tories when they got in saying “there’s nothing left” says it all.
And, Rob, he will pick up a nice, fat pension, provided by the tax-payer, many of whom saw their own pensions de-valued or even destroyed by this repulsive cyclops…….and drew his salary without having the decency to turn up in parliament as often as he should, which was next to no time at all. He and his cronies have lost this country billions of treasure, and still people vote Labour…..utter cretins.
It’s the hottest Wednesday in December this year so far! Another day, another piece of outrageous global warming propaganda on the BBC website. Apparently, it is to be the “UK’s warmest year on record” (no, really. Stop giggling at the back), according to this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30304611.
One of the many criticisms of these sensationalist claims is that when they say ‘since records began’ they fail to mention that the records in question e.g. measurements from satellite, may only go back 30-40 years (they want the public to misread it as ‘since time began’). To address this, word has gone out from on high that to improve credibility (sic), longer term records should be cited and the BBC and other controlled news outlets have recently started doing so. Hence this article quotes the ‘Central England Temperature record’ and ‘meteorologists from the University of Reading (who) believe there is a 75% chance the year will turn out to be the hottest since the record began in 1772.’
It is worth looking at what this Central England Temperature record actually is. It comprises daily records going back to 1772 and monthly records going back to 1659. However, as the name suggests, it is not a record of UK temperature but rather of a triangular strip of land between Lancashire, London and Bristol. What happened in, say, Norwich, Newcastle, Glasgow or Penzance is not recorded. Also consider that accurate thermometers did not exist before the 19th Century. Or that the Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature scales did not exist in 1659 so what units were they measuring in and how accurate are the conversions?
Take a look at the data from the Met Office that the BBC article links to (http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/). It states that ‘Since 1974 the data have been adjusted to allow for urban warming’ – no prizes for guessing which way they have adjusted it. Look at the bizarre chart they use – it is not a record of temperatures from the period 1772 to 2014 but rather of ‘annual anomalies relative to the 1961-1990 average’. This is not just just cherry picking – it is selecting a single cherry from an entire orchard that meets predetermined requirements.
The BBC… about as trustworthy as a long term weather forecast.
Comrade Harrabin was on the Today programme this morning, reminding the proles that – yet again – this year ‘has been one of the hottest on record’. I started wondering how our American cousins, so recently the victims of unprecedented levels of snowfall, felt about that particular claim.
Nevermind. The BBC continues its daily business of dropping CAGW propaganda into news bulletins; not really because it can ever claim with any authority that what it is telling us about CAGW is actually true (because it can’t, not in the absence of any hard proof to back any of it up), but because for them just the act of saying it, repeatedly, is getting the job done.
And the BBC are past-masters at the art of repeating the lie until it somehow becomes a ‘fact’. It’s one way to spend the license fee, I suppose…
…and Harrabin is convinced that agreements will be reached in Lima and Paris, and that we’ll all have to throw £ trillions more at this mythical problem, in order to salve our consciences, and survive any minuscule warming there may be, even if it’s really beneficial to life. Of course, there’ll be no warming over the next thirty years or so, and there is a good chance that the planet will become cooler. Never mind, we won’t be producing so much CO2, apparently, which, if it DID heat the planet, may be rather welcome. As it is, any increase in that gas has made bugger all difference over the last nineteen years.
But the BBC will still tell us that catastrophic warming is taking place, even as the icicles form.
The head of Meteorology at the University of Reading is the BBC’s favourite and as far as I can see, only Solar Astronomy expert, Professor Mike Lockwood. Proof of the Svensmark theory was kept out of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report by CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer, with the production of a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays when the fact is that only the higher energy Cosmic Rays unaffected by the Earths magnetic field are relevant. Lockwood was the charlatan who produced the fraudulent rebuttal. Piers Corbyn also insults Lockwood as a charlatan. No wonder the Universities of Reading & East Anglia are more important to the BBC, than the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge, when it comes to Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. With Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London, the BBC only talks to Universities, pumped up by Charlatans, and censors everyone else.
Ian I have just followed up on your link, and I am absolutely incandescent with rage having just heard the crap that was broadcast by the BBC on the PM programme tonight. Nowhere did the BBC state that the data set used and adjusted was for a strip of land between, Bristol, London and Lancashire. Having spent a lifetime with Meteorology, this is the most blatant attempt to con the public yet. The HadCET is produced using an operational system which relies on a number of components but they do not say what those components are and on top of this as a way of a cop out for the Met Office Hadley Centre, they state that daily support is not available, therefore the data may occasionally not be fully up to date. If you encoiunter any problems or want to request A MORE RELIABLE SERVICE, please contact us.
What a croc, what a scam and I do hope those media journalists who read these pages print the real story concerning the HadCET data as soon as possible.
Boy am I angry!
The BBC and their favourite climate change campaigner Harrabin is on TV again, telling us it’s getting warmer. The figures are out soon it seems. Does he and they know what they are before the rest of us? Does he and they know they are up, or down, or not changed? I liked his line that the exceptionally cold temperatures in the east US only show us just how warm it has been elsewhere. Is he trying a distraction or discrediting ploy if they are not higher, or trying to frighten children and the timid. Maybe they are higher but why can’t the BBC wait for the facts?
Well yes, he does know what they are because this is not news in the accepted sense, it is simply propaganda for something agreed decades ago. And temperatures are always ‘up’, in the same sense that immigration is always ‘good’, the EU is always ‘beneficial’ and a certain religion is always ‘peaceful’.
But what he doesn’t say, in true BBC misleading fashion, is when the polar vortex slips down from the pole on one side of the globe, the other side of the globe tends to be mild. All pretty normal climate behaviour.
Cherry picking by the charlatan Lockwood of Reading University, especially as regards the long period of input of heat from the gulf stream this year, would provide the BBC with what it wants. The timing could also be an indication that they have bought a Weatheraction forecast, which tells them that a deep freezes on its way. But in the real World of the pause, I still think we are in a cooling period, which will become more apparent after 2018, after the thermal inertia period.
What the BBC were putting out on that climate change story this morning was basically, if its hotter, colder, wetter, drier, more windy, then its down to man made Co2 emissions (plant food).
When in reality it’s giving money we don’t have, to someone we didn’t elect, for something that doesn’t exist.
Indeed. Let’s spend trillions fighting a mythical threat made up by totalitarian lefties whilst the world’s economy – and western civilisation with it – goes to hell in a handcart.
He had that lugubrious northern manner combined with the right trendy-lefty politics but former Newsnight economics amateur Paul Mason eventually left the BBC to join Jon Snow’s flying circus at Channel 4.
He was always noticably disinterested when it came to the facts of the Euro currency crisis but you could always find him on the march red banner in hand on some dusty Catalonian track with the local communist shop stewards following in the foot prints of the international brigades. Then it was off to the cafe bar for quaffing and plotting the revolution with the young radicals.
According to our Paul it was ‘kicking off everywhere’. He was the cyber age Karl Marx – students of the euro unite, you have nothing to lose but your I-phone. Paul the Baptist to Christ Russell Brand. (So pleased we can laugh at our religion).
As the big story was the EU pulling the strings in Athens to override democracy Mason brought a tear to our eye with sob stories about sub-saharan shenanigans on the wrong side of the tracks and tickled our liberal bed time fancy with scary fairy tales of looming skinhead juntas lurking in the shadows.
You can have too much of a good thing so it was off to Channel 4 where he could give free rein to his ‘engaging story-telling’. Paul Jackanory Mason.
Just in case you wondered I’ll tell you what he’s up to now.
Last night the angry cycling liberal Jon Snow incongrously invited that Green Party Aussie woman to tell us what we should think about ‘Migrants’ to the EU. There was a time when enviro-mentalists were concerned with the likes of otters and brown bread but now it seems we need to hear their take on politics. Perhaps this is where that new word ‘migration’ came from?
But I digress. For their main news report last night Snow and Mason presented us with an appalling piece of exploitative liberal angst porn.
A rickety boat packed with would be immigrants from Africa and the Near East had sunk in the Med and tragically hundreds had drowned. Channel 4 News brought us the sub-titled testimony of a handful of survivors. The editorial line was that Europe ought to take in more of these people. The new buzzword ‘Stateless’ was banded about.
It was the way in which Channel 4 went about this that curdled the blood.
In an extended report as the survivors explained how relatives died around them in the sea the viewer was subjected to a music soundtrack worthy of a charity advert. When does over enthusiastic sensitiveness become insensitive? In places I was shocked to hear wave sound effects inserted into the edit.
Jon Snow was obviously so please with his team’s day at the office that the ‘director’ of the film got an on air credit – you know, in the way that when the bullets are really flying the war cameraman gets a name check.
It was awful. It was just part one and we can look forward to a second part follow up (sequel?) Liberal Angst Porn 2?
Jon Snow is a public menace and a becomes more and more of an immovable object at the p*sspoor Channel 4; the problem being, how on earth will anyone manage to force him out of his fiefdom at Channel 4, where he keeps a vice-like grip on his news anchor status and therefore feels entitled to ‘game’ the news to suit his particular sneering, hypocritical fascist left agenda.
Channel 4 itself is a steaming cesspit of leftwing agitprop – shameless promoters of the rainbows and unicorns that currently pass for so-called ‘climate science’, unapologetic cheerleaders for the redistribution of the wealth of rich nations to the corrupt governments of the poor, mouthpieces for every aggrieved, self-entitled NGO from Greenpeace to Friends of the Earth and back again (as long as they are on-message with Snow’s favourite hobby-horse, CAGW).
Channel 4 are a public liability and, of course, are only able to operate thanks to their sponging off the public purse, just like their cartel pals over at the BBC comintern.
We’re being mugged by these common purpose trolls – and they’re getting away with it, whilst laughing in our faces and posing as ‘journalists’.
I endured that rubbish with my fingers down my throat.
My partner and I wondered how much of a contribution the handwringing Snow, Bennet, Newman, et al were contributing to saving the poor boat people? Whether, indeed, they had already allocated rooms in their champagne-socialists style mansions, to accommodate a few of the unfortunate sailors?
We also wondered where these wretched “poor” people were able to lay their hands on the thousands of pounds that they were obliged to pay the “traffickers” for their passage?
We considered that, rather than rescue them, and allow them into Europe (and eventually, no doubt, the Former UK), it might be a good idea to rescue them, and then return them from whence they came. This would serve a number of purposes, 1). They wouldn’t have access to the necessary cash to pay for another trip, 2). They would be back where they came from, and 3). their return might be the best deterrent to others considering a similar venture.
I can’t abide Jon Snow, Murthy, or Newman – they raise the hackles at the back of my neck.
You can add to that list Jackanory Mason and yet another ex-Beeboid who turned up for his appearance fee last night on the great 7pm Strictly-lefty-celebrity-journo-Splash – that was Arbeit Matt Frei sticking his oar into the troubled waters.
What do you think of Gary Gibbon , he is a friend of one of my relations ? I have seen him at a couple of wedding`s & other family do`s, & spoken to him quite often , he know`s I am true blue, too .
Gary Gibbon looks the part of a BBC reporter circa 1955. All NHS specs and untrendy haircut by a gents barber. I can’t recall overt on screen leftiness from him but given that he edits politics for Channel 4 he must dress to the left – but at least he keeps it tucked in. Perhaps he is the vital brain cell behind Jon’s No News.
It’s not difficult; take them to the nearest coastline which is more than likely the one ‘from whence they came’. I would guess that their crafts progress is monitored anyway. Whichever country that area belongs to should sort out the problem. They allowed it to go.
Hell yeah, Cuba & the US had the right idea when they told the SS St Louis to turn around and go back where it came from. We want more of that sort of thing.
Someone who was at one time always on the Beeb is professor Philip Stott. Now he really is a climate expert (unlike Harrabin and Monbiot etc) and was a favourite on Radio 4 and a regular on the Jeremy Vine show. Any climactic queries Jeremy would contact the good prof’ and he would enthusiastically explain just what was happening. Then he disappeared. Had he died? Had he been disabled by some appalling malaise. No, I’m afraid it was much more serious than that. Whisper this if you dare, but Prof’ Stott is a climate change sceptic. It’s not so much that he denies the climate is changing but explains that it has always done so. Indeed it always must. He scoffs at the ludicrous attempts we’re making to combat these changes, like posing politicians, pandering to the sandal wearers sticking windmills on their roofs and the vociferous green lobby populating our countryside with turbines. He points out that in Roman Britain it was up to five degrees warmer than it is now and these clever people produced a grape harvest the south of France would be proud of. I’m afraid that the professor has become so dangerously deluded that the excellent and honest journalist, George Monbiot, has asked for any information linking him to big business and the oil industry, etc. In footballing parlance this would be called playing the man and not the ball; a typical left wing tactic these days.
So, I’m pleased to tell you that professor Stott is alive and well, and as far as I know not confined to a padded cell.
I just can’t imagine why he’s not been on the BBC lately…
He does not subscribe to the prescribed agenda, and is therefore persona non grata. They have Delingpole on occasionally, but only because he doesn’t come across too well in broadcast media, so they are able to summon people to run rings round him, like Paul Nurse, etc. Shame, James is a good writer, and is shit hot on the subject of AGW.
I agree about Dellers. His writing is surgical and precise, like a well-aimed Exocet, but his public performances leave much to be desired. He’s not a media-savvy, camera-friendly pretty-boy like Owen Jones who can also run his mouth off at the speed of sound; Dellers tends to pause too much, to self-interrupt his own imprecise replies. A pity.
I enjoyed a radio interver that Delingpole gave in which he destroyed that trot Bacon on R5. That is well worth looking up for a good giggle. He made bacon admit that he knew nothing about the science of climate change.
Following the BBCs “so called” take over in Bham schools, the “so called” Islamic State, the “so called” Trojan Horse letter, now we have the BBCs next “so called” Islamic endeavour
Ah well … “men” of Pak, Afghan, Somali, Turk, Bangladeshi
and Iraqi erm Asian ” heritage origin”, have been repeatedly gang raping 10,000s of … “so called” … British children victims .. then?
The facts are clear and damning …
so with that in mind
BBC – Israeli Arabs ‘second class’ protest
more undermining anti Israel BBC propaganda http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-30223255
why can t the BBC pronounce … “so called” Palestinians in their
news pages
… “so called”? …. SCRAP the BBC!
“so called” impartial broadcaster.
‘He has now borrowed more money in five years than the Labour Party did in 13 years.’
This shows that the austerity that the BBC likes to go on about it a myth.
The BBC don’t want people to know that Osborne has been spending recklessly, as it might create an appetite to rein in spending (before it’s too late). Our economy has been kept alive by money printing, and when the music stops and interest rates rise we are in deep trouble.
Of the many crimes of this bad government it’s covering up of the true state of the nation’s finances is amongst the worst.
AS usual with an elitest power structure these people have made sure that the bulk of the responsibility for putting things right will fall on the middle class. They mistakenly assume that this class is docile and willing to accept the responsibility.
The rise of UKIP does not seem to register with them.
They are stupid. , UKIP is abut a lot more than the EU. I hope it’s leadership is aware of this and of the burden of expectation placed upon it.
It’s not ‘murder’ in the same way that insane murdering psychopaths are, according to the BBC, actually ‘militant jihadists’ or in the same way that Islamic State are ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
Correct. Lee Rigby was murdered. it was not manslaughter or any other form of killing but the murder of a British soldier on our streets. Shame on the BBC. So politically mealy mouthed when it wants to be and so afraid of using the correct words.
The BBC is worthless.
Personally I’d call it execution, as were James Foley, Steven Sotloff,David Haines, Alan Henning and Peter Kassig, but in bBC parlance they were ‘killed’
In relation to Peter Kassig, I sent a complaint into the beeb because they insisted on using his Islamic name when announcing his murder even though he converted whilst in captivity and we can make our own minds up as to why he did that. I found the use of the Islamic name tasteless to say the least. Anyway here is the reply
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
I understand you believe a report on Peter Kassig as Abdul-Rahman Kassig mistakenly gives credence to Islam, and his conversion and name change may have been forced.
In reporting the name Abdul-Rahman Kassig, and on the conversion, it’s neither stating Peter did so by his own freewill or had been forced to. It’s simply stating that he converted to Islam and changed his name as that’s the information available to us at present.
Nevertheless, we value your feedback about this issue. All complaints are sent to senior management and news teams every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
I notice that the two Michaels don’t get called by their chosen Islamic names by the beeb. Could it be that as usual they are appeasing Islam by not associating it with the disgusting murder they committed even though as far as the two ‘Michaels’ were concerned they were doing it in the name of Islam.
I pointed out that if the two Michaels had been Christian nut jobs then I’m sure the BBC would have taken a completely different approach which no doubt would have included an in depth look at where Christianity was going wrong.
The BBC thought long and hard about using the provocative word ‘killing’. Originally the headline was to be ‘Michael Adebolajo – allegedly in London on the day that Lee Rigby died…”
Perhaps the name of the Lawyers/Legal firm who ambulance chased this piece of shit and continued the distress for the Rigby family could be made public?
Even the Guardiansays he was charged with the murder of Drummer Rigby and attempted murder of a policeman.
“The jury of eight women and four men retired at 11.11am on Thursday to consider whether Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, murdered Rigby outside Woolwich military barracks on 22 May.”
“Adebolajo and Adebowale deny the count of murder and a count of attempted murder of a police officer.”
I would suggest that it’s entirely accurate if it is in the war sense, because there are plenty in the Muslim community who believe they are at war with us, even if most British people don’t see it, or don’t want it to be true.
In the main introductory article concerning the Autumn Statement on the BBC website at 12:35, the comments of the following parties concerning the mock-austerity perpetrated by the coalition were relayed: Labour, SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens. Does anyone notice which party has not been quoted/approached for comment? Is this deliberate? Is the Pope Catholic? Mind you, I’ve little idea what UKIP (which is polling in the mid/high teens) thinks about “austerity” but it would have been nice to know.
That was my point. You sense that they hate being in debt, but you don’t know what they would actually do about it. Now whether that’s because no-one reports it or because they haven’t formulated a policy, I’m not sure. But it’s not a great secret that Nigel doesn’t do detail and I fear that may prove his Achilles heel, as he tends to make it up on the spot and eventually contradicts himself.
Anyway, I seem to be Mr Contrary here today so will go away and do some work now.
”Nigel doesn’t do detail he tends to make it up on the spot.”
You mean like David Camoron, Gromit and Clegg promising the Scots 2 days before the Referendum vote DevoMax, made up and written on the back of a fag packet ?
The tsunami of abuse heaped on UKIP before the European elections by the London media industrial complex exemplified by sneering slime bucket James O’Brien’s asking a lot of gotcha questions to Nigel Farage didn’t work, it backfired spectacularly. The next tactic will be a media blackout of the party.
O’Brien is a snidey leftist champagne socialist who masquerades as an Ordinary Bloke.He is a fellow traveller of the LibLab media brotherhood and really belongs on AlJaBeeba.
LBC has deteriorated particularly quickly in recent years and is not worth listening to anymore. They fall over themselves to court the ‘new’ immigrant listener while denigrating their former demographic .So very Nu-Liebore!
Any pretence at ‘balance’ is purely in BB C terms i.e. soft left is the centre ground while true conservatism/UKIP views are ‘extreme’.
“Lacking reasoning and solid argument, you resort to insult.”
Teddy Bear,
“YOU are a bigot… ignorant and bigoted… your bigotry… like every bigot… you so love the sound of your own voice… ignorant moral coward… go screw yourself… you lack the intelligence and wit… You are ignorant… typical strategy for the mediocre… your just plain left-liberal ignorant… a fathead… This must show I am unaffected, witty, and dominant… Also, do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult… .”
Actually it’s not ‘some posts over time’. Dez took a few choice excerpts from your exchange with O’Brien. O’Brien is a right cock, but your borderline psychotic tone and dumb repetition of the word bigot make you sound even worse. The whole exchange is like watching two drunk idiots beating each other to a pulp on a Friday night in Glasgow – wishing that it was possible for both of them to lose.
Criticising others for resorting to “personal insult” whilst throwing them around quite as enthusiastically as yourself is little bit strange to say the least.
“I’m glad to think of you spending your time here on earth, searching – then cutting and pasting fragments of some posts of mine over time.”
Huh? I didn’t go “searching”. I followed the link you posted and copied all the personal insults you made against O’Brien whilst also saying; “do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult…”
Cognitive dissonance much?
“The only difference is there would have been some reasoning I would have given before or with those fragments.”
“would of been”? Don’t you even know what you said?
“Since you like to answer for Dez, perhaps you can answer this one he has ignored”
Quite happy to do that myself. On the subject of Question Time you said; “At the end of the day, one would expect the audiences to reflect the country as a whole.”
You then said; “The balance would pretty much match the circulation figures of our daily newspapers.”
Erm, no it wouldn’t, that’s just silly. Only a small minority of the population buy newspapers.
Why not just use national opinion polls? UKIP have 15% support, so the Question Time audience should be 85% non-UKIP supporters. What’s wrong with that?
You copy and paste – but don’t really read or understand what it is your copying. The only difference is there would have been some reasoning I would have given before or with those fragments.
Do you understand the difference – DIPSHIT?
The answer is CLEARLY NOT!
Even when you write what you think I wrote you put it as “would of been”? Don’t you even know what you said?
Would of been is not English. Would have been is the past tense of WOULD BE – meaning when you looked (in the past tense) there would have been…..
Now do you get it moron?
But you ignored what I told you WAS THERE to carry on your pathetic attempt to ridicule me. You succeeded in further ridiculing yourself.
So dipshit moron, and whatever other slur I called you, they come with an explanation of why, and every time you continue to evade answering the reason and logic given will continue to come your way.
Any clearer to you now?
As for Question Time -It seems to be your contention that the sales of newspapers do not represent the mindset of that portion of the public that buy newspapers.
I can understand why you want to dismiss it as ‘silly’, but whatever that minority is, it gives us a reflection of the public at large. Not silly at all.
It is you and your BBC supporting kind, vis a vis the Guardian, Independent, et al, that are the minority within the minority.
Let me know if it’s too complex for you to understand.
Yes I would have got it & admittedly it was a cheap shot, for which I apologise.
But still you throw around the personal insults with abandon whilst imploring others “to stick to intellectual debate”. Reality Check: calling people “ignorant, bigoted, mediocre, fathead, dipshit morons” is not intellectual debate; it’s attacking the person instead of the argument.
Your response of; “it’s-ok-when-I-do-it-because-it-comes-with-an-explanation-of-why”, is utterly facile, and obviously a myth you repeatedly tell yourself to excuse your repetitive personal insults.
“It seems to be your contention that the sales of newspapers do not represent the mindset of that portion of the public that buy newspapers.”
I didn’t say that. It gives a very vague representation of the people who buy newspapers. It doesn’t represent the mindset of the population as a whole. National opinion polls prove that quite clearly. Why are you even bothering to dispute this?
Dez, for the first time you’ve impressed me with your apology here, and for that reason I will accord you similar respect. Huh? I didn’t go “searching”. I followed the link you posted and copied all the personal insults you made against O’Brien whilst also saying; “do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult…”
The only thing is you ignored the reasons and explanations for accusing him of bigotry and anti_Semitism.
BTW – Accusing somebody of being a bigot is not an insult if they genuinely display bigotry, it is simply an honest appraisal.
I did not use insults until later when I saw he was avoiding the points I had put to him because he was in a corner and unable to counter, simply tried to diminish me – so he got what he was attempting to do to me.
If you were genuinely criticising my reasoning USING REASON I would have had a lot more respect. But to try and dismiss it as insulting without the context included is simply disingenuous and deceitful. Sensing this I consciously and PURPOSEFULLY put in the insults, but still with the reason why thrown in.
Regarding newspaper sales vs national opinion polls we may have to agree to disagree. I do believe that the former give a fairly accurate reflection of the public as a whole, but I can understand why the Guardian loving BBC supporters wouldn’t want that used.
If you’re going to be honest, I really doubt if you could say that you really believed the right/left audience representation we get weekly on Question TIme/Any Questions reflected the country as a whole, or that the BBC were even trying to. Any more than we get a right wing dominant panel to left on ANY of them either.
Would you like to enlighten me with why you believe it to be so? Then at least we can have a view of the worth of your argument that isn’t coloured by puerile insults.
First time i’ve seen or heard of Mr O’Brien……not a good impression……super snide….loves his own voice….i am full of admiration for Mr Farage for keeping his cool throughout…..wonder if the repulsive O’Brien walks down dark alleys at night.
OTOH on the BBC website leading article post the Autumn Statement UKIP economic spokesman Patrick O’Flynn was quoted. Mind you, the scrupulously fair and unfailingly wise BBC political editor Nick Robinson is quoted in the same article as saying “the headline announcements were “real electioneering” by the Conservative chancellor”: as if any government statement (except one issued by a Labour goverment of course) 6 months before a general election is likely not to be electioneering.
Listomania is a brand new panel show on BBC Radio 2, hosted by award-winning comedian, Susan Calman (star of The News Quiz, Susan Calman is Convicted, Don’t Drop The Baton and Dead Boss, amongst others). ‘
More vital programming from Droid Radio’s Hire-A-Leftie-Lesbian department.
Still-UKIP continue unbounded!
Noted my local branch moving into bigger offices, closer to the County Hall…same rent-much bigger-and getting all dolled up for next Mays fireworks display, apparently.
Kind of sense we`ll be alright( to quote Kinnochio)…and thanks to the BBC and the leftie suckbags in Liberalluvvieland…they`ll be weighing in the votes around here.
Both in imperial and in metric I`d guess!
Well, Labour are getting worried, very worried about UKIP in Wales.
UKIP have planted their flags among the daffodils in the valleys, and are holding a conference in Port Talbot this weekend.
This morning on Radio Five Live a pre-recorded meaasge announced the fact that the Chancellor was going to announce his statement this afternoon in Parliament. What was particularl;y galling about the message was that it stated that the deficit had not gone down and that the Chancellor had already given away his “goodies.” Unless there had been a leak, how could the Biased Broadcasting Corporation know in advance what would be in the statement? The BBC was clearly planning in advance to undermine the Chancellor’s position with its audience before the statement had been delivered, mindful as it is of Labour’s dire economic record. The BBC also brought on a white van driver who fully supports the Milliband/Balls economic lite policy!! If this is not blatant electioneering, I don’t know what is!
More and more, they seem to “report” news before it’s really happened – the PM, Miliband, or whoever are “going to say” or “expected to announce” all manner of things before they actually do, and the whole shebang is pulled to pieces in advance.
Why can’t they report news, rather than pre-empt it?
Made the error of listening to Ed Balls live on 5, as he “responded ” to whatever guff that Osborne had told us all in Parliament.
Balls was able to speak uninterrupted to the nation for at least twenty minutes I`m sure-all slurry and sexual smears, blaming the Tories for immigration and of defiling Labours NHS.
So when he finally shut the F Up…I was expecting Osborne to plant the bug-eyed f***er in a heap of what he left us by way of an economy in 2010.
I`d liked to have heard Osborne at least-but no-Rachel Burden or such decided that -Balls having done his piece to rote, for the rolling BBC “let`s back Labour” 24/7 slurry cycle-now was the time to speak to Ross Hawkins, John Pienarr and assorted FT pinkies and advocacy types.
As if we could not guess what THEY would say.
Is there any effort being made to track Labours/BBC joint black ops efforts?…this one was so obvious.
5L in general and Campbell in particular were a disgrace this morning. I’m amazed that they are not taken to task more often by UKIP and Conservative politicians.
Been enjoying the sojourn away from the BBC…having a wonderful time out there!
But Steve Wright DID say on his show a few minutes ago that Jim Broadbent was playing a cartoon role or such in “Paddington”…whereas he had just finished playing the role of a real person…SANTA CLAUS, no less…in another fillum that he`s got playing in our picture houses.
Who`s gonna tell Steve that Santa is not a “real person”…and if anyone is able to hear the name of the real person whose incarnation we`re SUPPOSED to be “celebrating”…one Mr Christ of Al Quds care Home…do let me know.
Have not even heard his name mentioned ONCE yet in any “Xmas” context…hell, they even removed his dad from that awful hames of a Geldof gelding that needs a stake through its arse.
“So tonight we`re reaching out and touching you” eh Bono?
Errr…not without a load of latex, hi viz and padded suits-and double glazed helicopter portholes you`re not , you winebibbing bloater you!
Jesus is the only reason for the Season-and how come the Godless clots who despise HIM don`t want Christmas banned as “insensitve to other faiths and those of none”?
Didn`t Jessie J say it`s not all about the money…she`d not be lying to me now would she?
Geez, it really bugs me that the BBC never give you a proper history of the real damage of the last Government – it is not as though do not have enough o go on:
NHS Wales
Just feel a little better sometimes, getting it off my chest after listening to the that prat Balls this morning!
These lists are really wqorth repeating at regular intervals.
A fine collection of all that is wrong with the country-and Labours sole role in the dismantling of so much of this countrys infrastructure and values.
Can I add the gambling crapola and the XXXX culture-plans to turn the nations teenagers into wife beaters and making Blackpool into Vegas…Levy and the cash for honours, Prescotts worship at The temple as the Queen mum lay in state next door.
Yes-a bunch of charmers were labour…real evil and incompetence is a rare brew.
The BBC seems to have entered a loony phase of cherry picking by the charlatan Lockwood of Reading University, especially as regards the long period of input of heat from the gulf stream this year, which has provided the BBC with what it wants. The timing has been caused by this below.
The head of Meteorology at the University of Reading is the BBC’s favourite and as far as I can see, only Solar Astronomy expert, Professor Mike Lockwood. Proof of the Svensmark theory was kept out of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report by CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer, with the production of a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays when the fact is that only the higher energy Cosmic Rays unaffected by the Earths magnetic field are relevant. Lockwood was the charlatan who produced the fraudulent rebuttal. Piers Corbyn also insults Lockwood as a charlatan. No wonder the Universities of Reading & East Anglia are more important to the BBC, than the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge, when it comes to Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. With Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London, the BBC only talks to Universities, pumped up by Charlatans, and censors everyone else.
I can’t get it to “paste”(my dodgy old computer) but there’s a fascinating story buried down on the left of the BBC News page about a snap General Election being called in Sweden.
It’s because the ruling “Centre Left” government’s Budget Plans were voted down by the other parties.
There’s a new political party called the Swedish Democrats which has swept onto the politcal landscape with concerns about Swedens appaling immigration problem.
I noticed the BBC have already taken it upon themselves to term this new party as “Far Right”.
I genuinely thought Sweden was finished but it looks like they have their very own UKIP!.
It is Sweden’s last chance but I would not hold out any hope for that sad country. It will be the first nation in history to voluntarily vote itself out of existence.
I’ve noticed recently that, as the country gradually turns on LibLabCon, they and their BBC and C4 buddies have tried to fight back with definitions rather than any cogent arguments, as they haven’t got any left.
Sinniberg’s example of the BBC describing opponents of mass immigration as ‘Far right’ is one example of this. Another is the way lamestream politicians say they must hold ‘the centre ground.’
Message to you beeboids and political has beens – It is not for YOU to say what is the centre ground any more, we the people will decide that, thank-you very much!
The liberal left is scared stiff. I suspect not for doctrinal reasons but because this bunch of parasites has made a lot of money out of forcing it’s rubbish on the country.
What will they do when the change comes?
Ukip is something they just did not see coming. So all they can do is mock and try to rubbish it.
What they are really doing is mocking the people of the shires and that 5-10% of natural leaders who are going to change this country come what may.
One young man said to me that in his view to vote for one of the three old parties is to betray the nation.
He is not interested in arguing with them but in driving them from power. He was well aware that the BBC/liberal media is not on his side but just did not care.
There are many like him. Youngish and with families and they are not going to let this country go down. They know that they have to succeed or the links that have bound the generations of us English will be broken forever.
What does the elite have to offer us now.? Nothing and nothing and nothing. So it is time to stop listening and cease arguing .
This Autumn statement is just so much Tory drivel.
Ignore it and concentrate on what has to be done if we are to hand on this land to our descendants as it should and always has been done.
Agreed. My view is that the entire establishment (though I wouldn’t argue with ‘liberal Left’, as that is what our establishment has become) is scared witless of a UKIP uprising. And an ‘uprising’ is exactly how they see it.
To them, the idea that anyone outside their circle of nomenklatura might dare challenge their right to rule is unthinkable – no different than the reaction of the king to the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381.
As far as they are concerned we are ignorant, barely civilised, reactionaries who believe in things they fondly imagined they had wiped out over the past 70 years.
Just as Richard II’s ‘divine right’ was challenged, so is theirs and they are no more willing cede power than he was.
But suddenly, their version of divine right is being challenged too and they are truly scared. It is starting to show and nowhere more visibly than on the BBC.
BBC – Sweden turns left as far right soars? … or
Sweden election: Left turn as far right soars?
As if they can t quite bring themselves to admit it
All the mainstream parties still consider them to be too radical to work with.
“I will not,” Stefan Lofven, the incoming prime minister, told BBC News …
Well said erm “boss” ……. election time then
The indigenous, patriotic, largely Christian, non-metropolitan majority have spoken, end of the gravy train?
Yes, Beeboids adopt politically biased terminology in misreporting Sweden’s politics:-.
-for Beeboids, Sweden’s Social Democrat government, which has an extreme ‘left’ policy of unlimited mass immigration, and gives access to all migrants from Syria, is described as merely
“left of centre!”
But the increaingly popular Sweden Democrats which oppose such nationally suicidal policies are described as “extreme right!”
And what Beeboids omit to mention in reporting Swedish ‘left’s extreme policy of mass immigration is that this negatively affects any U.K efforts to control our borders against such newly arrived immigrants from e.g. Middle East and Africa via Sweden.
The BBC’s analysis of the Autumn Statement seems to be to emphasise that Osborne has missed his borrowing (deficit) target.
As I write this Newsnight’s Duncan Weldon (ex TUC economist) is emphasising this, joined by Chris Cook (ex left leaning FT) and Allegra Stratton (ex BBC then Guardian and back to the BBC lefty).
No-one on the BBC has mentioned why the target has been missed; that the stabilisers had to be employed as the Eurozone twice went close to meltdown in 2011 -2012. In fact, unlike Brown, Osborne can be said to have steered the UK safely through those crises – when the great storm of 2008 struck, Jonah Brown had already holed the ship.
And perhaps, looking at the savings that still need to be achieved, someone ought to ask where all of those cuts were that they have been trumpeting for the last 4 years.
Emphasising that Osborn is borrowing £91bn more than the £89bn forecast, the BBC have suffered a severe short-term memory loss – telling us in the last few days that borrowing was going to be £100bn this year.
Newnight, is as usual as cynical and as dishonest as ever. The lot of them cannot be trusted.
Did anyone else listen in to the dreadful so called’ Comedy Slot’ on Radio Four at 6.30?
The BBC propaganda Dept really did cross a red line tonight. Now most of the ‘Comedy Slots’ are relatively gentle propaganda making fun of ethnic British people and French, kow towing to every other ethnic group, but tonight they had on one Paul Sinha , unfunny Asian and exceedingly ugly to boot (not that that’s importnat on radio) giving what felt like a lecture on the history of Asians in Britain, inaccurate (of course) and patronising, ‘testing’ the audience, all too crudely trying to ram home the mantra @there have always been immigrants in Britain. Yes Sinha, there have been ‘Lascars’ for generations (foreign sailors) but very very few, and no they didnt ‘stay here because they couldnt get home) they stayed because they managed to get work in the docks loading and unloading ships, and they didnt all stay for ever either and become permanent immigrants, nor did they all marry British women. Indeed I suspect very few did given the prejudices of the time and their isolation in a mostly male environment, most sought satisfaction with prostitutes (no mention of that of course). http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04pss53
‘The crew are all Lascars with the exception of the quartermasters, who heave the lead, and have other responsible duties. The Lascars are a race of sailors, and take kindly to seafaring ways. They are drawn from the Gulf of Kutch and from the Indian fishing villages north and south of Bombay, and are trained from childhood to handle boats under all conditions of wind and weather, and the whole ship’s crew comes as a rule from one village or community, and are all known to eachother.
They are in charge of a serang, or headman, who is responsible for them, and this system ensures the obedience and good conduct of the men, who are known and can be traced if they desert or misbehave. Not only would a deserter lose his accumulated pay, but he would be unable to return to his wife and family without being caught and punished. The crew sign on for two years, and are docile and easy to handle. Though it is little known, Lascars bear cold better than Europeans, provided they are not kept in it too long. This is due to the amount of caloric absorbed into their systems under their own tropical sun. they certainly add to the picturesqueness of the steamer, with their red sashes and turbans, and the quaint adornments that they love.’
A rather different picture to that proffered by the ‘comedian’.
Dulwich College educated, Asian, Homosexual, of course he’s funny, (unlike someone ‘who looks like the listeners’)!
He’s probably like the studio audience though. During the previous series he asked what newspaper people read and was wicked enough to point out they seemed to be the only people that read the Guardian after they all booed the far better selling Daily Mail.
In the thread above you refer to your exchange some years ago with James O’Brien of LBC.
Leaving aside your solid arguments that h is pig-ignorant about the Middle East – if maybe not explicitly anti-semitic, you made a wider point about the way he runs his programme. That is – at the start of an hour he announces what the topic is to be. As you say, that should take a minute or two – state the topic, maybe mention one or two arguments on either side – and THEN go to listeners’ calls.
I am not a regulare LBC listener these days. But I recall tuning in occasionally and hearing a false-cockney droning on for about 10 minutes after the top-of-the-hour news qwith HIS views on whatever the topc was. On and on and on – ten minutes is a long time on radio. He would often get to the 15-minute break (eg for a traffic report) before he took any calls.
And then, when the calls started he did not give them fair treatment. He was forever interjecting his own views. And was very ready to insult anyone who disagreed with him, or to cut them off.
Altogether an awful presenter, a smart-arse who was over-fond of the sound of his opn voice. I bet this could be shown statistically – his voice occupied a greater percentage of each hour than, say, Nick Ferrari.
All I recall was that if I casually tuned into LBC and heard his monotone I would soon carry on round the dial – even if the topic was possibly interested. He abuses his position as a presenter.
When the fuss blew up about the interview with Nigel Farage, I was not sure who this “James O’Brien” guy ,might be. But as soon as I played the clips on the Web, I knew – and was not surprised.
You got him to a T John.
He’s like a mini BBC – he controls the ‘argument’ by cutting off any callers who show a different way of seeing things than his own, and in this way he convinces himself that he’s intelligent.
BBC giving more prominence to another story about US police killing a black man.
Give it a rest.
Could all the Beeboids obsessed with spinning and stirring this unimportant issue just emigrate to the US and join an American news channel whose viewers are interested.
Was just watching the ” brilliant” bill o’ reilly just now on ” fox news”
He mentioned this true stat, that last year there was 3 times more white people killed by the american police force than black people.
Food for thought for us all, except for the bbc i suppose. You will never find out any facts there..
Was just watching the ” brilliant” bill o’ reilly just now on ” fox news”
He mentioned this true stat, that last year there was 3 times more white people killed by the american police force than black people.
Food for thought for us all, except for the bbc i suppose. You will never find out any facts there.
It’s breakfast it’s an “unarmed black”, it’s deja vu. This time police man found innocent after Eric Garner died. Strangely several days after I read about this on the internet. I wonder why the BBc has picked up on this story which of course has more or less zero relevance to the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30317807
If Classic FM’s top of the hour stir is any guide, it may be because the President of the United States has again selectively weighed in on a single case, and it’s all about to kick off again (the two may be related, which POTUS and his people may like to ponder. Ms. Abbot here likes to mouth off, but even Bandwagon Ed knows that country leaders are ill-advised to meddle or take sides).
Looks like the BBC may need to redirect even more from the programming budget (‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ looking good for next Christmas) for a US Anger & Protests Editor…. for things that they empathize with only, of course.
Oh in case you were wondering why the incident happened as the BBc don’t seem to actually tell you. The father of 6 was illegally selling cigarettes on July 17 when police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold. Police said he had been resisting arrest. You would have thought an important part of the story is what he had done to get arrested in the first place.
Presumably the BBCs racist agenda decides that it is newsworthy when a black man confronts the police WITHOUT a gun.
Because the liberals seem to think that Public Enemy/JayZ lyrics give the full “black street experience”.
So in BBC land the fact that a black bloke does NOT have a gun to “slot a pig” is of news worthiness.
Patronising racist bastards all at the BBC.
All time allotted to such race hustling, safe from the 42nd floor of the Lotus Four Season Auberge in DC is -in my opinion “Fergie Time”…endless reruns of Ferguson Missouri.
Trayvon Martinets trying it on-at our expense.
Tommy Robinson out yet?….
For those who haven’t seen the results of Eric Garner’s autopsy, he WASN’T strangled. The man had a number of health conditions – heart problems, sleep apnoeia, high blood pressure, asthma, morbid obesity (he weighed over 400 pounds). His friends have stated that he couldn’t cross the street without having to stop and gasp for breath. It looks very much as if the man was living on borrowed time. The cop didn’t put a choke hold on him, he was attempting a sleeper hold – i.e. trying to stem the flow of blood from the carotid arteries to the brain to render him semi- or totally unconscious. He’d already been arrested a previous eight times for selling “Loosies” (unpackaged cigarettes).
By the way, the law criminalising unpackaged cigarettes was created by the previous New York Mayor “Nanny” Bloomberg and enthusiastically supported by the current administration and the NYPD Commissioner who demanded his officers crack down on the perceived problem. The cops were actually called to the scene by a number of shopkeepers who reported Garner harassing passers-by in his attempts to sell his product.
I do note that the video broadcast by our MSM conveniently starts at the point where the cops actually grab hold of Garner. It shows nothing of the conversation and action BEFORE that point. Also of interest is the footage was filmed by Garner’s friend (accomplice?).
Interesting interview with Nick Robinson following the interview with Gideon on ‘Today’ this morning.
It was quite a disasterous interview for Humphries with Gideon all but accusing the BBC openly of bias.
The point of the two interviews was the cyclical nature of the arguments. Because of the failure of Gideon to control the debt we are in just as bad a position as we were going into the last election.
Nick Robinson came on though and had to make the economic argument on behalf of Labour, rather odd because you’d think Labour could do that themselves, but apparently not, the BBC has to do it for them!
So we hear that Labour ‘SHOULD SAY’ that the economy is being run badly and that if people had more money in their pockets the exchequer would receive more in taxes.
Now while there might be some merit in the argument and indeed it might be an alternative to the Tories economic policies, it should not be the BBCs responsibility to suggest what Labour policy might be. Indeed it should be the BBCs responsibility to report in no uncertain terms that Labour don’t have an answer to the Tories more of the same – impossible to implement economic issues.
“..had to make the economic argument on behalf of Labour”
George Osborne hits out at the BBC’s “totally hyperbolic coverage of spending cuts”. “Has the world fallen in? It hasn’t.” #r4today
A poster has weighed in with an angry defence of the BBC: Steve Rotheram (no sniggering at the back Irony Major) of Liverpool, Labour.
While the incompetence of the Opposition is clearly a frustration to the ambitions of the unelected national disgrace, it is not for the BBC to act as the unofficial one.
It’s only via Guido that I read some more factual number crunching from inside usually tribally supportive Tory media.
However the BBC’s inevitable, visceral bias and tribal counters have so tainted their news analysis, as with UKIP their crass attacks are actually backfiring by letting sound and fury obscure necessary holding to account.
An actually indepedent economics expert would be of much more value than 20,000 Smiths or Robinsons, and especially a Toynbee or Maguire wheeled out to screech ‘Tory Toffs’.
Katz likely setting up Brand for his next set of insights.
James Nastie doing his usual when interviewing one of his favourite sons – Balls.
Giving Balls lots of BBC free air for his party political broadcast while Nastie pretends to interject with ‘but wh..’ or ‘if I may…’ – the very epitome of a forensic interviewer unable to get a word in edgeways.
Except Nastie is just trying to appear as though he can’t get a word in edgeways.
From the Mail “But it was the BBC which found itself facing particular criticism yesterday after it emerged 62 percent of the festive output on BBC1 and BBC2 will be repeats. Campaigners claimed people do not pay the licence fee to watch programmes ‘for the umpteenth time’ and said the corporation must deliver better value for money.”
Both the BBC and ITV know full well that the average viewer will watch anything over Christmas. It’s the one time of the year when they need to make no effort to get the ideal (for them) audience: it is sitting there, stuffed full of turkey and alcohol, ready to do precisely what broadcasters want – shut up and watch.
The question is whether a broadcaster funded by a compulsory tax payable on pain of prison should be allowed to be that cynical.
To be honest the repeats are better that 95% of the multicult diverse modern crap they produce.
I’ll take the Porridge and Only Fools and Horses Christmas repeats over the Citizen Khan Christmas Special (??) any day.
Long gone are the days of originality, most of what the bBC produce these days trades on past glories, such as the revamped Open All Hours from last year.
Thought for the Day on Radio 2 this morning?
A trendy vicarette has flashing earrings and a solar powered star to get that attention on the tube…she spouts of Orions and space travel in Chris De Burgh speak…and hopes that one day Choudhry, Dawkins and their likes will place a Lush bath bomb at the feet of Bay Bee Day Vid.
Or maybe santa-who he grew into of course!
This fearless Cof E sparkler does the girlie birdy crap with Cox-and sneaks one mention of God in her penultimate sentence.
As for Jesus-the Christ-in Christmas remember?…well, shit-scared to mention HIM…
When will the church actually be worth the dum dums and persecution here?…Lena Martell seems to have been the last person to mention Jesus in a song…and that was 1976 or so.
The comic actor and campaigner Russell Brand has won the Plain English Campaign Foot in Mouth award, for the most baffling quotes by a public figure.
Awarded for his public speaking and writing, the judges said Brand was almost in a field of his own, and described his message as “entertainingly garbled”.
As another indication that Sky News these days is often no more than a pale imitation of the BBC, they’ve just had on a ‘debate’ – “Is James Bond past his sell-by date?” – featuring, yep, three women. One of whom being of the type that says profoundly insightful things like, “almost all film media is sexist”.No doubt the BBC will be asking itself; damn, why didn’t we come up that one? Meanwhile, isn’t the appallingly sexist “Women’s Hour” way past its sell-by date?
I’ve completely given up on Sky. I have no idea what game Murdoch is playing (or if he even knows how insipid Sky has become) but you’re right: it is no better than the BBC.
Of course, given that both organisations recruit from essentially the same tiny gene pool, that perhaps isn’t to be wondered at.
Its across the board, nearly all adverts now are multicult and diverse in the extreme.
Since the bBC did away with 50% of their F1 coverage, I’ve watching some of the races on German TV (RTL) – OK I’ve had to suffer ad breaks, but those adverts seem ‘hideously Aryan’ compared to the agenda our media outlets push. The Germans, like us are not ashamed of their ingenuousness , but unlike us are taught to be proud and to show it….
One of my pastimes is observing the propaganda in adverts, not only are they multiculti, they’re now promoting miscegenation, bank adverts are the worst.
As we all know nothing in this world happens by accident, the power elites have an agenda, abolishing our nations by third world mass immigration, erasing our borders and now miscegenation to ethnically cleanse the indigenous inhabitants. Easier to control a people when it’s just a sea / blob of humanity with no allegiance to the country I suppose.
I was reminded of Nicolas Sarkozy and his threat to the French people.
Halifax bank advert, what has miscegenation got to do with selling mortgages ? This guy is like Jesus, practically got a halo above his head, the white man at 20 seconds is portrayed as an irritating twit. Agenda, what agenda ?
This is no accident – and lest any of our BBCophiles is even thinking about chiming in with a ‘Right wing paranoid’ comment, I can confirm that it is explicit policy in many sectors of the advertising business. I have had this first hand from the imbeciles.
The reason their clients don’t tell them to stop it is, of course, because they are terrified of being accused of ‘racism’ – that and they are often similarly feeble minded Leftists playing political games with shareholders’ money.
As I have said previously – all broadcasting and media organisations are signed up to an outfit calling themselves The Creative Diversity Network. Google them and look at their website. The media are supinely giving in to all their insidious aims.
Couldn’t a black woman play James Bond? Perhaps a lesbian in a wheelchair, wearing a headscarf? That’s not much to ask for. I’ve also heard that Morgan Freeman, Eddie Murphy and Will Smith are in contention to play the lead role in the BBC remake of ‘Snow White’.
Surely the time for Bond to be ‘outed’ is long overdue. Don’t Craig’s brooding performances presage a thrilling denouement – say, right in the middle of a car chase when he is momentarily distracted by a pink tuxedo in the window of ‘Julian and Sandy’s Dolly Omipalone’?
You are not getting that all these wimmin who gain a degree in Mejah studies need to earn a living afterwards do you ? Do you expect them to work in MacDonalds fur gawd ‘s sake. ? Ditto Wimmin ‘s hour, jobs for the girls innitt ?
I love the BBC’s smug comment at the end.
Now repeat after me
The BBC is never wrong
The BBC is the fountain of all truth.
The BBC is infallible
The BBC is perfection itself.
The BBC is like God should be.
I love the BBC.
Nurse nurse my medication please. !
‘A BBC spokesman said: “We’re satisfied our coverage has been fair and balanced and we’ll continue to ask ministers the questions our audience want answered”. ‘
The problem though is that Norman Smith (AGAIN) wasn’t asking questions, he was giving an opinion, his opinion. Not something that it is for a state funded ‘impartial’ broadcaster to do.
Now with regard to actual questions…THIS listener would like some answered, like;
(Of Rachel Reeves) What will be the implications of Labour’s decision to include the state pension in the benefits cap for millions of those who have saved and planned for their retirement? (NB: Although this is known about at the BBC, it is seemingly a piece of dynamite that the BBC don’t wish to share with the electorate and embarrass Labour).
(of the BBC) When are you going to sack the overtly biased Norman Smith?
(of the new Chair of the BBC ‘Trust’, Rona Fairhead) When are you going to get your finger out and end this pantomime?
There was a time when being savaged in the bear-pit was still effective at cranking up martyr empathy from silent observers outside the baying mob.
In this case I see little to gain in debate points from what will be an ugly spectacle, and once the edit has been crafted in BBC studios, a lot to lose if not totally on top of his game and avoiding any quirks, jokes or traps.
One against the chair, panel, question-posters and crowd seems poor odds.
Though Russell going #parklife postal may get a few wondering just what it is that attracts him to the BBC so.
Russie Wussie is in Waterstone’s Piccadilly at 4.30 Friday signing his book which I haven’t seen but I think is entitled ‘Utterly Vacuous Twaddle For Gullible F*ckwits’.
Waterstone’s are doing a BOGOF with Thomas Picketty’s ‘700 Pages You Will Never Ever Read’.
Give that man a seat on Breakfast now ! i wonder what he’d say to those short skirted women about their attire, i can imagine the offence !! Oh, the humanity !! help nurse, give me another happy pill………what would Ms Derbyshire say………….the horror, the horror.
Some BBC news clown just now telling us that Osbourne has called the BBC out for hyperbole, who then retorts that Osbourne also enlightened them that the stamp duty changes will also mean that it will actually bring in several billions more by 2017 than the old system would have. “So rather than a tax cut it is an increase” says the clown gleefully. Now my simple understanding is that the pain will move up the ladder to the higher value purchasers and that lower value purchasers will see significant reductions. So the “millionaires” who got the “tax cuts for millionairs” will take the pain and the “hard working people” will get the gain. No sign that this fact had registered with the f**kwit clown though, let alone any sense of hypocrisy from the worlds biggest parallel universe.
Pretentious, self-victimhood nonsense and another attempt to portray the police as racist and the thugs they have to defend themselves against with split-second judgement as victims. The BBC will be the death of western civilisation.
In his rant Clive slips in another contentious item – well a load of bollocks actually – as below:
“You have electoral boards across America saying they want to stamp out voter fraud, so they introduce rules that disproportionately affect black Americans and Hispanics – making it difficult for them to vote.”
What Clive omits to tell us is that the “rules” would insist that those voting show some form of ID to those administering the polling stations. This would avoid multiple voting as well as preventing those non-registered or, paticularly, non-US citizens voting in the first place. As the distinguished black commentator, Thomas Sowell writes here such rules would certainly “disproportionately affect black Americans and Hispanics” since they are the ones who are disproportionately perpetrating such frauds (in the Democratic interest of course).
Accordingly, it appears that through Clive’s opinion piece the statutorily “impartial” BBC is just indulging in another bit of race hustling while supporting electoral corruption in the interests of the left. I’m sure that having and voicing such opinions is good for Clive’s career at the BBC but, you know, always playing the victim card gets tedious after a while especially when the “victim” turns out not to want equal treatment before the law but, on the contrary, indulgent biased treatment.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the pre-pro meetings for such stories when who best to cover them is assigned, based no doubt on merit.
But Clive certainly appears to have grasped what will waft well around the whispering corridors of astounding uncuriosity, selective Alzheimers and FOI-safe no recorded minutes
The media generally has a Man U bias not just the BBC……..Sun/Mirror/etc all salivating over every player etc……….Like their general bias they are quiet when Ferdinand avoiding drug tests, but he’s headline news when calling for more black players/managers/etc.
Going slightly off-piste here, as while I normally comment on the social and/or political output of our state broadcaster, I wanted to ask if anyone had noticed the bias TOWARDS one of the most hated football teams in our Premier League, namely Man Utd? Apologies to any Man U fans who regularly post here but felt it my duty to mention this observational nonsense, based on quite careful analysis of the BBC coverage. Stands to reason of course; the shirt is the right colour, their former manager of many years was a fully paid up champagne socialist and the BBC’s new Salford head-quarters is within a stone’s throw of the so called Theatre of Dreams (aka Old Trafford). So it ticks all their right boxes. The allegiances of true locals of course, lie firmly on the side of sky Blues of Man City.
There are more United fans than City ones around the Manchester area. Fact.
Also, the BBC hate United which is why Alan, “I have always hated United” Green is allowed to get away with blatant bias whenever he commentates on them. Plus all the old “comedy” shows dealing with football made sure there were a number of attacks on United every programme.
I`m a United fan, but honestly don`t give a stuff about them in reality.
All money and kissing badges…and not a Manc in sight now the likes of Scholes have jumped,
If United get a womens team-and have a disabled lesbian in a wheelchair at the heart of the midfield…reckon the BBC would like that.
Maybe an intersex goalie as well.
I gave thanks to God when we won the treble in 1999-since then it`s all been a bonus or crap.
Footballs dying on its arse…i`ll give it five years before it eats itself!
Oh dear Demon. You are clearly tuned into a very different BBC than the rest of us. United is the BBC’s team – Fact! It’s just an informed observation. Personally, I couldn’t really give a fig. I’m Brentford, man and boy, Pride of West London! The BBc’s output on all things political is somewhat more concerning.
America land of racists. No objectivity here. BBC fully accepts the US is racist narrative. US cops can shoot blacks without problems.
‘The riots in Ferguson, I believe, were a cry for help from a community that feels downtrodden’
And the black President has let them down.
I felt pretty paranoid this morning, After recent heavy-duty cardiac surgery I have been getting much better very quickly, but I sensed the BBC were setting out to send me backwards. It started with all the bias about the Autumn Statement. Calmed down a bit with Melvyn Bragg’s cosy chat about Zen – but at 9.45 am on came a Pakistani author who was painting Islam as just a bundle of joy, claiming he had never heard about FGM, all women have free choices yada yada yada.
Islamophobia is the real sin in this world, he seemed to be saying.
This was Part 4 of Book of the Week – I am still catching up on radio stuff so I had not reached this guy’s anodyne twaddle. I have never heard such a bunch of confused – or deliberately confusing crap for a long time, even on the BBC.
Smith must go Norman Smith, the BBC’s Assistant Political Editor, said on Today: “I think it was a hugely politically astute Autumn Statement but we could probably all do with a few Alka Seltzer this morning because there’s a real feeling of the morning after the night before.
“While there was a lot of enthusiasm on the Conservative benches and political joy at a lot of the popular measures, when you sit down and read the Office for Budget Responsibility report it reads like a book of doom. It is utterly terrifying, suggesting that spending will have to be hacked back to the levels of the 1930s as a proportion of GDP. That is an extraordinary concept, you’re back to the land of Road to Wigan Pier
Drama queen!!
A BBC spokesman said: “We’re satisfied our coverage has been fair and balanced and we’ll continue to ask ministers the questions our audience want answered
I’m convinced that most people in media and politics don’t understand the concept of percentages. There is no intrinsic reason why government should spend more of GDP pro rata now than in the 1930’s.
We see this in exam results where pass rates must improve year-on-year, (until they reach 100%, what then?). We see it in the envy of the rich and tax rates. They don’t seem to realise that a 20% rate on an income of £1.5M produces a far greater tax-take than 20% on an income of £15k, particularly when personal tax allowance is taken into account. The rich must pay more, 50%, 60%, 120%!
It seems Beeboids’ Politbureau has decided to hot up its anti-Tory, anti-Cameron ‘impartial’ propaganda as the General Election nears-
E.g. MARDELL has this ‘impartial’ piece-
[opening excerpt]-
“To watch David Cameron in action is as thrilling and as empty an experience as watching a Hollywood blockbuster.
“It seems impossible that he can survive the forces ranged against him, but he buys time, survives for a precious minute, which gives him an hour, which gives him a day.
“But there is a hollowness too, for it dawns on the viewer that this is all about survival, buying time until it is time to fight the next battle, but there is no plan, no plot, no narrative – which makes what happens after the election, if he wins, fascinating and troubling.”
Propaganda, 😀 no need to, just tell the truth about him.
The jerks incompetent, a total fake, a preening arrogant idiot that embodies the absolute worst of British characteristics, not got a clue what he’s doing, how to do it, why he’s doing it, or the implications of anything he does … his one driving force, is that
he s “born to rule” and look after his arrogant crooked Tory cronies.
… grade .A. prick
Fedup2Feb 10, 20:34 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Taffman – reform is now the ‘default ‘ vote because decent people won’t vote blue or red … reform really…
taffmanFeb 10, 20:06 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Hot off the press!…….. Reform UK & Nigel Farage get the full support of the majority of the people of…
Philip_2Feb 10, 19:50 Start the Week 10th February 2025 How Trump is halting the funding of BBC bias “AS THE Trump administration begins reorganizing and cutting major funding to…
MarkyMarkFeb 10, 19:38 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Small boat – filled with lots of people! Small – repeat – small – nothing of interest – small boat.
pugnaziousFeb 10, 19:35 Start the Week 10th February 2025 The BBC admits… ‘Immigration is a massive concern to so, so many people – and so it matters in and…
Fedup2Feb 10, 19:32 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Vlad – if I may correct you Obama still want to kill Trump .. JD needs to be ready to…
vladFeb 10, 19:26 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Biden and his administration wanted to kill Trump. Fact check that, BBC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq8gPnRc5DU
pugnaziousFeb 10, 19:18 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Nothing really much to see here…just a load of tractors and farmers…complaining about the inheritance tax and saying they’ve had…
‘Urged’ to finish the job of reducing the deficit. Anyone would think from the BBC’s headline that the IMF or the EU has expressed concern over the nation’s mounting debt. But, read a few lines and all we have is the same old crap from, yep you guessed it, Ed Balls; the man who was central in the previous government’s utterly useless economic policy and fiscal irresponsibility. How the bBC can trumpet Balls is beyond me. But, as we al know, the BBC are desperate for a Labour return so they’ll do anything to aid the socialist cause.
I would have reluctantly to concede that the BBC is under an obligation to report what the shadow Chancellor has to say on the country’s finances. How that man has the nerve to open his mouth about them – well, that’s another matter.
bbbc……don’t you just love ’em
Further to the above post, I see Ed Balls (the absolute right hand enforcer of Gordon Brown) who must take a major responsibility for the economic ruin of UK is given an equal sized photo on the front page of the bbbc website……….bbbc often do this with differing subjects and usually betray their bias in this way
Good point, English Gentleman. The cheek of Balls!
Hello I’m Ed Balls…I’m the guy who burnt your house down last time you let me through the front door. Now, please let me in again as I have some advice for you on fire prevention!
Roland, I think you have been BBC brainwashed. It is with increasing frequency that anything done by this government is counteracted by…..’But Labour says’. It can any old toffee but reported by the BBC as though the comment from Labour is correct. Even worse is when ‘Labour says’ precedes the announcement from the Government. It didn’t happen in Gordon’s time when the Conservative response would rarely be reported.
Too bloody right,
The BBC were silent when ‘Prudence’ was cocking everything up and never once reported the early warning signs that the economy was heading to the wall – and I’m talking about 2002-2004 when the spending and borrowing was getting way out of hand with no fall back cushion. All we got was the ‘longest period of growth ever’ mantra without once pointing out that the growth was falling year on year under Brown.
Instead they parroted labour’s press releases and rarely gave the Tories the opportunity to criticise uninterrupted.
When the shit really hit the fan in 2007 they used Labours excuse of blaming the bankers. But it was Gordon the Moron driving the bus and he drove us straight off the cliff, just as Healy did in 1978.
And people still blame the bankers because that is the only side of the story the BBC allows to be heard. Nothing about China’s role, nothing about Sub-Prime and nothing about the fuckwittery of a regulation system that took all control from the Bank of England and gave it to a couple of half-arsed Civil Servants to play with.
If you really want to know the cause of the bank crash then look to the USA and the “community reinvestment act” introduced by the Democrats, which forced the banks to lend to Blacks and Hispanics even if they could never afford to pay it back.
Absolutely correct, the original root of the collapse.
And you will, absolutely, NEVER read or hear about it from Auntie. After all, they were “Democrats”, and therefore incapable of error.
and Obama was chief defender of the corrupt US housing-finance agencies, and the biggest recipient of funding from them.
Obama was one of the lawyers prosecuting banks which failed to lend under the CRA.
Worse than all of that though, and despite all the question marks over the policy, almost unbelievably, Obama & the Democrats are trying to resurrect it !
And also Clinton repealed the glass-steagall act, which seperated banking and proprietary trading operations. That allowed the casino to run riot. Probably the stupidest thing done by any president. This was under pressure from US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, the then recently ex-co chairman of…Goldman Sachs!
It’s a funny old game, innit?
“If you really want to know the cause of the bank crash then look to the USA and the ‘community reinvestment act’…”
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission [2011]:
“The Commission concludes the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of the high cost loans – a proxy for subprime loans – had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law.”
All irrelevant anyway, as a re-visit of the Northern Rock, Bradford and Bingley and HBOS balance sheets at the time will show – a homegrown UK debt binge on a cataclysmic scale, fully approved by Crash Gordon (having quietly sidelined the B of E from its supervisory role). Even so, the notion that there was nobody to tip him the wink about the scale and risk of the banks’ lending beggars belief (the FSA never looked at a balance sheet?). My guess is he knew but turned a blind eye to it as it was the rocket fuel for his miracle boom without end.
Brown was worse than Healey. Healey – and the redoubtable Joel Barnett as Chief Secretary – tried to restrain public expenditure against the spend spend spend ideas of their colleagues – but were not always supported by Callaghan in a fractious Cabinet.
Brown LED the excessive spending.
Bit like the difference between being shot and being stabbed though isn’t it?
On PM last night there was a review of the origins of the 2008 financial crisis and when we could expect the squeeze to end. This was done by a journalist from the Sunday Times. He clearly stated that the problems began when government spending went out of control from 2000 onwards and that by 2008 we already had an unsustainable deficit and a serious reduction in spending was required. The world wide financial crisis hit the UK when we were already in a financial mess and so our recession was much deeper and longer than it would have been had the government of the day followed a prudent course from 2000 onwards.
He did not use the words Labour, Brown , Balls , perhaps he was prohibited by the BBC from doing so. Eddie Mair didn’t mention Labour, Brown or Balls either, no doubt not wanting to remind people who was recklessly driving the car when it crashed so needlessly. I do note that the BBC are trying to claim that now Brown has retired from Westminster, thank God, he was a good Chancellor who made lots of ‘progressive’ reforms, ie ones they agreed with. This is code for he threw borrowed money, we couldn’t afford ,at voters to get them to vote Labour.
Imagine if the Tories had been at the wheel when the crisis hit in 2008 . Well of course the problems wouldn’t have been as bad but the above BBC review would have been peppered with references to the Tory government to make sure that we remembered who crashed the car. No question of covering up for those responsible.
Can you imagine how the BBC would have reported on a tory party giving knighthoods to the unqualified bankers who helped cause the banking crash, as labour did.
And how would the BBC report on any tory government implementing an income tax change that DOUBLED the level of income tax paid by the poorest workers? Like labour did. I remember when labour did it, the BBC reported it as an abolishment of a tax band, when in reality it was a doubling of it.
Gordon Browns finest hour, What a two faced scumbag creep, Gillian Duffy Bigotgate.
Yes, I Ken, I remember Brown increasing the rate from 10 to 20 percent. And the funny thing was that none of the workers realised what had happened until they received their pay packets. The increase was timed to be initiated some time after the budget announcement, which no working people have time to listen to. This happened where I work and I had to explain to them what Brown had done to them. The BASTARD.
My mother, bless her, is a calm soul who rarely swears or cusses. Mention Gordon Brown to her and she turns into Chubby Brown!
That utter bastard ruined the pensions she paid into for years and years and now has a vastly reduced sum to live on. How that man and indeed Balls have the temerity to show their faces I just don’t know.
They had Alistair Cambell on two days ago claiming that Gordon Brown, although flawed, was a brilliant Chancellor. Well that might be the opinion of a bigoted self professed alcoholic, but why would a ‘brilliant’ person sell the country’s gold at a knock down price after further reducing the value by announcing he was going to do it. Why would a ‘brilliant’ person be claiming “No more Boom and Bust” just three months before the biggest financial crash in modern times when Banks and other financial institutions were already reining back ( at the expense of their Clients) for some months before that? What was ‘brilliant’ about childishly refusing to tell the Prime Minister what was in his budget? What was ‘brilliant’ about imposing time wasting regimes of rigorous ‘box ticking’ and ‘form filling’ on The National Health Service, Educational Facilities and Government Departments which resulted in huge increase in the number of Civil Servants and a huge increase in the time taken to deliver ( or fail to deliver) their services ?……………………..need I go on ? But of course through all this diatribe, never once was Cambell challenged by the Interviewer.
You’ve forgotten his love affair with prudence !
You forgot the raiding of dividends on pension funds. Good god the man was a spendaholic. The infamous note left for the tories when they got in saying “there’s nothing left” says it all.
And, Rob, he will pick up a nice, fat pension, provided by the tax-payer, many of whom saw their own pensions de-valued or even destroyed by this repulsive cyclops…….and drew his salary without having the decency to turn up in parliament as often as he should, which was next to no time at all. He and his cronies have lost this country billions of treasure, and still people vote Labour…..utter cretins.
The end to boom and bust.
In fairness he did put an end to the boom.
His ideological cousin, hilary clinton, has some interesting remarks recently.
apparently, the private sector doesn’t create jobs – only the government does.
who knew!
It’s the hottest Wednesday in December this year so far! Another day, another piece of outrageous global warming propaganda on the BBC website. Apparently, it is to be the “UK’s warmest year on record” (no, really. Stop giggling at the back), according to this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30304611.
One of the many criticisms of these sensationalist claims is that when they say ‘since records began’ they fail to mention that the records in question e.g. measurements from satellite, may only go back 30-40 years (they want the public to misread it as ‘since time began’). To address this, word has gone out from on high that to improve credibility (sic), longer term records should be cited and the BBC and other controlled news outlets have recently started doing so. Hence this article quotes the ‘Central England Temperature record’ and ‘meteorologists from the University of Reading (who) believe there is a 75% chance the year will turn out to be the hottest since the record began in 1772.’
It is worth looking at what this Central England Temperature record actually is. It comprises daily records going back to 1772 and monthly records going back to 1659. However, as the name suggests, it is not a record of UK temperature but rather of a triangular strip of land between Lancashire, London and Bristol. What happened in, say, Norwich, Newcastle, Glasgow or Penzance is not recorded. Also consider that accurate thermometers did not exist before the 19th Century. Or that the Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature scales did not exist in 1659 so what units were they measuring in and how accurate are the conversions?
Take a look at the data from the Met Office that the BBC article links to (http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/). It states that ‘Since 1974 the data have been adjusted to allow for urban warming’ – no prizes for guessing which way they have adjusted it. Look at the bizarre chart they use – it is not a record of temperatures from the period 1772 to 2014 but rather of ‘annual anomalies relative to the 1961-1990 average’. This is not just just cherry picking – it is selecting a single cherry from an entire orchard that meets predetermined requirements.
The BBC… about as trustworthy as a long term weather forecast.
Comrade Harrabin was on the Today programme this morning, reminding the proles that – yet again – this year ‘has been one of the hottest on record’. I started wondering how our American cousins, so recently the victims of unprecedented levels of snowfall, felt about that particular claim.
Nevermind. The BBC continues its daily business of dropping CAGW propaganda into news bulletins; not really because it can ever claim with any authority that what it is telling us about CAGW is actually true (because it can’t, not in the absence of any hard proof to back any of it up), but because for them just the act of saying it, repeatedly, is getting the job done.
And the BBC are past-masters at the art of repeating the lie until it somehow becomes a ‘fact’. It’s one way to spend the license fee, I suppose…
…and Harrabin is convinced that agreements will be reached in Lima and Paris, and that we’ll all have to throw £ trillions more at this mythical problem, in order to salve our consciences, and survive any minuscule warming there may be, even if it’s really beneficial to life. Of course, there’ll be no warming over the next thirty years or so, and there is a good chance that the planet will become cooler. Never mind, we won’t be producing so much CO2, apparently, which, if it DID heat the planet, may be rather welcome. As it is, any increase in that gas has made bugger all difference over the last nineteen years.
But the BBC will still tell us that catastrophic warming is taking place, even as the icicles form.
The head of Meteorology at the University of Reading is the BBC’s favourite and as far as I can see, only Solar Astronomy expert, Professor Mike Lockwood. Proof of the Svensmark theory was kept out of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report by CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer, with the production of a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays when the fact is that only the higher energy Cosmic Rays unaffected by the Earths magnetic field are relevant. Lockwood was the charlatan who produced the fraudulent rebuttal. Piers Corbyn also insults Lockwood as a charlatan. No wonder the Universities of Reading & East Anglia are more important to the BBC, than the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge, when it comes to Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. With Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London, the BBC only talks to Universities, pumped up by Charlatans, and censors everyone else.
Ian I have just followed up on your link, and I am absolutely incandescent with rage having just heard the crap that was broadcast by the BBC on the PM programme tonight. Nowhere did the BBC state that the data set used and adjusted was for a strip of land between, Bristol, London and Lancashire. Having spent a lifetime with Meteorology, this is the most blatant attempt to con the public yet. The HadCET is produced using an operational system which relies on a number of components but they do not say what those components are and on top of this as a way of a cop out for the Met Office Hadley Centre, they state that daily support is not available, therefore the data may occasionally not be fully up to date. If you encoiunter any problems or want to request A MORE RELIABLE SERVICE, please contact us.
What a croc, what a scam and I do hope those media journalists who read these pages print the real story concerning the HadCET data as soon as possible.
Boy am I angry!
The BBC and their favourite climate change campaigner Harrabin is on TV again, telling us it’s getting warmer. The figures are out soon it seems. Does he and they know what they are before the rest of us? Does he and they know they are up, or down, or not changed? I liked his line that the exceptionally cold temperatures in the east US only show us just how warm it has been elsewhere. Is he trying a distraction or discrediting ploy if they are not higher, or trying to frighten children and the timid. Maybe they are higher but why can’t the BBC wait for the facts?
Well yes, he does know what they are because this is not news in the accepted sense, it is simply propaganda for something agreed decades ago. And temperatures are always ‘up’, in the same sense that immigration is always ‘good’, the EU is always ‘beneficial’ and a certain religion is always ‘peaceful’.
But what he doesn’t say, in true BBC misleading fashion, is when the polar vortex slips down from the pole on one side of the globe, the other side of the globe tends to be mild. All pretty normal climate behaviour.
Please stop confusing people by stating scientifically accurate facts – just get with the narrative, please.
The BBC do not deal in facts, except the ones they have made up!
Cherry picking by the charlatan Lockwood of Reading University, especially as regards the long period of input of heat from the gulf stream this year, would provide the BBC with what it wants. The timing could also be an indication that they have bought a Weatheraction forecast, which tells them that a deep freezes on its way. But in the real World of the pause, I still think we are in a cooling period, which will become more apparent after 2018, after the thermal inertia period.
Was that Harbin on Breakfast just now telling us it’s been one of the warmest years ever?
What the BBC were putting out on that climate change story this morning was basically, if its hotter, colder, wetter, drier, more windy, then its down to man made Co2 emissions (plant food).
When in reality it’s giving money we don’t have, to someone we didn’t elect, for something that doesn’t exist.
Indeed. Let’s spend trillions fighting a mythical threat made up by totalitarian lefties whilst the world’s economy – and western civilisation with it – goes to hell in a handcart.
That’s why I’ve just spent 10 minutes in the car warming it up with ice on the windscreen. Or am I confusing weather with climate?
ask alba(nia)man, he’s the forum expert.
It was.
Lubos Motl, however, rather doubts it:
He had that lugubrious northern manner combined with the right trendy-lefty politics but former Newsnight economics amateur Paul Mason eventually left the BBC to join Jon Snow’s flying circus at Channel 4.
He was always noticably disinterested when it came to the facts of the Euro currency crisis but you could always find him on the march red banner in hand on some dusty Catalonian track with the local communist shop stewards following in the foot prints of the international brigades. Then it was off to the cafe bar for quaffing and plotting the revolution with the young radicals.
According to our Paul it was ‘kicking off everywhere’. He was the cyber age Karl Marx – students of the euro unite, you have nothing to lose but your I-phone. Paul the Baptist to Christ Russell Brand. (So pleased we can laugh at our religion).
As the big story was the EU pulling the strings in Athens to override democracy Mason brought a tear to our eye with sob stories about sub-saharan shenanigans on the wrong side of the tracks and tickled our liberal bed time fancy with scary fairy tales of looming skinhead juntas lurking in the shadows.
You can have too much of a good thing so it was off to Channel 4 where he could give free rein to his ‘engaging story-telling’. Paul Jackanory Mason.
Just in case you wondered I’ll tell you what he’s up to now.
Last night the angry cycling liberal Jon Snow incongrously invited that Green Party Aussie woman to tell us what we should think about ‘Migrants’ to the EU. There was a time when enviro-mentalists were concerned with the likes of otters and brown bread but now it seems we need to hear their take on politics. Perhaps this is where that new word ‘migration’ came from?
But I digress. For their main news report last night Snow and Mason presented us with an appalling piece of exploitative liberal angst porn.
A rickety boat packed with would be immigrants from Africa and the Near East had sunk in the Med and tragically hundreds had drowned. Channel 4 News brought us the sub-titled testimony of a handful of survivors. The editorial line was that Europe ought to take in more of these people. The new buzzword ‘Stateless’ was banded about.
It was the way in which Channel 4 went about this that curdled the blood.
In an extended report as the survivors explained how relatives died around them in the sea the viewer was subjected to a music soundtrack worthy of a charity advert. When does over enthusiastic sensitiveness become insensitive? In places I was shocked to hear wave sound effects inserted into the edit.
Jon Snow was obviously so please with his team’s day at the office that the ‘director’ of the film got an on air credit – you know, in the way that when the bullets are really flying the war cameraman gets a name check.
It was awful. It was just part one and we can look forward to a second part follow up (sequel?) Liberal Angst Porn 2?
Jon Snow is a public menace and a becomes more and more of an immovable object at the p*sspoor Channel 4; the problem being, how on earth will anyone manage to force him out of his fiefdom at Channel 4, where he keeps a vice-like grip on his news anchor status and therefore feels entitled to ‘game’ the news to suit his particular sneering, hypocritical fascist left agenda.
Channel 4 itself is a steaming cesspit of leftwing agitprop – shameless promoters of the rainbows and unicorns that currently pass for so-called ‘climate science’, unapologetic cheerleaders for the redistribution of the wealth of rich nations to the corrupt governments of the poor, mouthpieces for every aggrieved, self-entitled NGO from Greenpeace to Friends of the Earth and back again (as long as they are on-message with Snow’s favourite hobby-horse, CAGW).
Channel 4 are a public liability and, of course, are only able to operate thanks to their sponging off the public purse, just like their cartel pals over at the BBC comintern.
We’re being mugged by these common purpose trolls – and they’re getting away with it, whilst laughing in our faces and posing as ‘journalists’.
I endured that rubbish with my fingers down my throat.
My partner and I wondered how much of a contribution the handwringing Snow, Bennet, Newman, et al were contributing to saving the poor boat people? Whether, indeed, they had already allocated rooms in their champagne-socialists style mansions, to accommodate a few of the unfortunate sailors?
We also wondered where these wretched “poor” people were able to lay their hands on the thousands of pounds that they were obliged to pay the “traffickers” for their passage?
We considered that, rather than rescue them, and allow them into Europe (and eventually, no doubt, the Former UK), it might be a good idea to rescue them, and then return them from whence they came. This would serve a number of purposes, 1). They wouldn’t have access to the necessary cash to pay for another trip, 2). They would be back where they came from, and 3). their return might be the best deterrent to others considering a similar venture.
I can’t abide Jon Snow, Murthy, or Newman – they raise the hackles at the back of my neck.
‘I can’t abide Jon Snow, Murthy, or Newman’
You can add to that list Jackanory Mason and yet another ex-Beeboid who turned up for his appearance fee last night on the great 7pm Strictly-lefty-celebrity-journo-Splash – that was Arbeit Matt Frei sticking his oar into the troubled waters.
What do you think of Gary Gibbon , he is a friend of one of my relations ? I have seen him at a couple of wedding`s & other family do`s, & spoken to him quite often , he know`s I am true blue, too .
Gary Gibbon looks the part of a BBC reporter circa 1955. All NHS specs and untrendy haircut by a gents barber. I can’t recall overt on screen leftiness from him but given that he edits politics for Channel 4 he must dress to the left – but at least he keeps it tucked in. Perhaps he is the vital brain cell behind Jon’s No News.
I seem to remember he had a brother called “Funky”.
Is he still around
“ it might be a good idea to rescue them, and then return them from whence they came.”
In theory, an excellent idea. But if they’ve destroyed their papers, how do you know from whence they came?
It’s not difficult; take them to the nearest coastline which is more than likely the one ‘from whence they came’. I would guess that their crafts progress is monitored anyway. Whichever country that area belongs to should sort out the problem. They allowed it to go.
We, in Europe, should not be responsible.
Nelson would have had the right idea. “Repel boarders ?”
John Anderson,
“Nelson would have had the right idea.”
Hell yeah, Cuba & the US had the right idea when they told the SS St Louis to turn around and go back where it came from. We want more of that sort of thing.
Well, what’s for sure Dez is we need less of the sort of thing we’re getting at the moment. Didn’t you realise the country’s full up?
Someone who was at one time always on the Beeb is professor Philip Stott. Now he really is a climate expert (unlike Harrabin and Monbiot etc) and was a favourite on Radio 4 and a regular on the Jeremy Vine show. Any climactic queries Jeremy would contact the good prof’ and he would enthusiastically explain just what was happening. Then he disappeared. Had he died? Had he been disabled by some appalling malaise. No, I’m afraid it was much more serious than that. Whisper this if you dare, but Prof’ Stott is a climate change sceptic. It’s not so much that he denies the climate is changing but explains that it has always done so. Indeed it always must. He scoffs at the ludicrous attempts we’re making to combat these changes, like posing politicians, pandering to the sandal wearers sticking windmills on their roofs and the vociferous green lobby populating our countryside with turbines. He points out that in Roman Britain it was up to five degrees warmer than it is now and these clever people produced a grape harvest the south of France would be proud of. I’m afraid that the professor has become so dangerously deluded that the excellent and honest journalist, George Monbiot, has asked for any information linking him to big business and the oil industry, etc. In footballing parlance this would be called playing the man and not the ball; a typical left wing tactic these days.
So, I’m pleased to tell you that professor Stott is alive and well, and as far as I know not confined to a padded cell.
I just can’t imagine why he’s not been on the BBC lately…
He does not subscribe to the prescribed agenda, and is therefore persona non grata. They have Delingpole on occasionally, but only because he doesn’t come across too well in broadcast media, so they are able to summon people to run rings round him, like Paul Nurse, etc. Shame, James is a good writer, and is shit hot on the subject of AGW.
I agree about Dellers. His writing is surgical and precise, like a well-aimed Exocet, but his public performances leave much to be desired. He’s not a media-savvy, camera-friendly pretty-boy like Owen Jones who can also run his mouth off at the speed of sound; Dellers tends to pause too much, to self-interrupt his own imprecise replies. A pity.
I enjoyed a radio interver that Delingpole gave in which he destroyed that trot Bacon on R5. That is well worth looking up for a good giggle. He made bacon admit that he knew nothing about the science of climate change.
I have that audio on my site here. I wonder if Richard bacon ever checked the veracity of the 97% figure? I think I know the answer to that.
Haha!! I really enjoyed listening to that interview. Shame on the BBC, yet again. Coke, anyone?
Following the BBCs “so called” take over in Bham schools, the “so called” Islamic State, the “so called” Trojan Horse letter, now we have the BBCs next “so called” Islamic endeavour
Ah well … “men” of Pak, Afghan, Somali, Turk, Bangladeshi
and Iraqi erm Asian ” heritage origin”, have been repeatedly gang raping 10,000s of … “so called” … British children victims .. then?
The facts are clear and damning …
so with that in mind
BBC – Israeli Arabs ‘second class’ protest
more undermining anti Israel BBC propaganda
why can t the BBC pronounce … “so called” Palestinians in their
news pages
… “so called”? …. SCRAP the BBC!
“so called” impartial broadcaster.
In graphs: How George Osborne learned to stop worrying and love the debt – http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/12/in-graphs-george-osborne-fought-the-debt-and-the-debt-won/
‘He has now borrowed more money in five years than the Labour Party did in 13 years.’
This shows that the austerity that the BBC likes to go on about it a myth.
The BBC don’t want people to know that Osborne has been spending recklessly, as it might create an appetite to rein in spending (before it’s too late). Our economy has been kept alive by money printing, and when the music stops and interest rates rise we are in deep trouble.
Autumn Statement: UK economy – in 90 seconds
Fast forward to 1:25.
‘Ahead of the general election, the big parties won’t like talking about that.’
It seems that the BBC think that the Lib Dems are a big party, but not UKIP.
Of the many crimes of this bad government it’s covering up of the true state of the nation’s finances is amongst the worst.
AS usual with an elitest power structure these people have made sure that the bulk of the responsibility for putting things right will fall on the middle class. They mistakenly assume that this class is docile and willing to accept the responsibility.
The rise of UKIP does not seem to register with them.
They are stupid. , UKIP is abut a lot more than the EU. I hope it’s leadership is aware of this and of the burden of expectation placed upon it.
“Breaking News”……
“Michael Adebolajo, found guilty of KILLING soldier Lee Rigby in London, loses appeal against conviction”.
Maybe I’m splitting hairs but I would have thought that what was committed that day was nothing less than murder.
I remember our host DV, highlighting the BBC using the word “killed” rather than “murdered” when the crime was committed.
Killing or being killed is what happens in war.
It’ll be interesting to see if the updated version is worded differently.
It’s not ‘murder’ in the same way that insane murdering psychopaths are, according to the BBC, actually ‘militant jihadists’ or in the same way that Islamic State are ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
*Orwell turns mournfully over in his grave*
Poor old Orwell, his bones must be like a jigsaw puzzle the amount of spinning in his grave he’s done.
Correct. Lee Rigby was murdered. it was not manslaughter or any other form of killing but the murder of a British soldier on our streets. Shame on the BBC. So politically mealy mouthed when it wants to be and so afraid of using the correct words.
The BBC is worthless.
Personally I’d call it execution, as were James Foley, Steven Sotloff,David Haines, Alan Henning and Peter Kassig, but in bBC parlance they were ‘killed’
In relation to Peter Kassig, I sent a complaint into the beeb because they insisted on using his Islamic name when announcing his murder even though he converted whilst in captivity and we can make our own minds up as to why he did that. I found the use of the Islamic name tasteless to say the least. Anyway here is the reply
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
I understand you believe a report on Peter Kassig as Abdul-Rahman Kassig mistakenly gives credence to Islam, and his conversion and name change may have been forced.
In reporting the name Abdul-Rahman Kassig, and on the conversion, it’s neither stating Peter did so by his own freewill or had been forced to. It’s simply stating that he converted to Islam and changed his name as that’s the information available to us at present.
Nevertheless, we value your feedback about this issue. All complaints are sent to senior management and news teams every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for contacting us.
Kind regards
Philip Young
BBC Complaints
The usual bullshit reply.
I bet the BBC wouldn’t have called Kunta Kinte by the name of Toby though
I notice that the two Michaels don’t get called by their chosen Islamic names by the beeb. Could it be that as usual they are appeasing Islam by not associating it with the disgusting murder they committed even though as far as the two ‘Michaels’ were concerned they were doing it in the name of Islam.
My bloody edit didn’t post!
I pointed out that if the two Michaels had been Christian nut jobs then I’m sure the BBC would have taken a completely different approach which no doubt would have included an in depth look at where Christianity was going wrong.
The BBC thought long and hard about using the provocative word ‘killing’. Originally the headline was to be ‘Michael Adebolajo – allegedly in London on the day that Lee Rigby died…”
Perhaps the name of the Lawyers/Legal firm who ambulance chased this piece of shit and continued the distress for the Rigby family could be made public?
Even the Guardian says he was charged with the murder of Drummer Rigby and attempted murder of a policeman.
“The jury of eight women and four men retired at 11.11am on Thursday to consider whether Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, murdered Rigby outside Woolwich military barracks on 22 May.”
“Adebolajo and Adebowale deny the count of murder and a count of attempted murder of a police officer.”
I would suggest that it’s entirely accurate if it is in the war sense, because there are plenty in the Muslim community who believe they are at war with us, even if most British people don’t see it, or don’t want it to be true.
Yes, and to be honest in light of what they did that day, frankly their “appeal” and the obvious outcome of it should not even have been reported.
What purpose does the reporting of it serve?.
Indeed, whether it’s legally allowed or not 99% of people would feel that they should never have been allowed to appeal.
Placing it under the headline “Breaking News” the BBC give the impression that it’s important and the result is a shock!.
Perhaps it is ‘important’ to the BBC? Perhaps they consider the poor ‘Michaels’ ‘misunderstood’..?
In the main introductory article concerning the Autumn Statement on the BBC website at 12:35, the comments of the following parties concerning the mock-austerity perpetrated by the coalition were relayed: Labour, SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens. Does anyone notice which party has not been quoted/approached for comment? Is this deliberate? Is the Pope Catholic? Mind you, I’ve little idea what UKIP (which is polling in the mid/high teens) thinks about “austerity” but it would have been nice to know.
Sadly, UKIP probably has little idea what it thinks about austerity, because Nigel might have changed his mind since yesterday.
Wrong. My sense is that UKIP is the only party that REALLY hates the idea of Britain being up to its neck in debt – and wants it radically reduced.
That was my point. You sense that they hate being in debt, but you don’t know what they would actually do about it. Now whether that’s because no-one reports it or because they haven’t formulated a policy, I’m not sure. But it’s not a great secret that Nigel doesn’t do detail and I fear that may prove his Achilles heel, as he tends to make it up on the spot and eventually contradicts himself.
Anyway, I seem to be Mr Contrary here today so will go away and do some work now.
”Nigel doesn’t do detail he tends to make it up on the spot.”
You mean like David Camoron, Gromit and Clegg promising the Scots 2 days before the Referendum vote DevoMax, made up and written on the back of a fag packet ?
Sorry Roland
Farage can’t do everything. But what he really does need to do – I agree with you here – is find the right economic spokeman / policy geezer
With slack from the public cut as the Russell Brands of the right, it is proper that Ukip are held to account on crucial detail.
The problem comes when others are equally all at sea, and the BBC suddenly goes from terrier to pussycat.
Ed Balls on stamp duty changes:”We will suppress these proposals”. Labour will vote for them.
The tsunami of abuse heaped on UKIP before the European elections by the London media industrial complex exemplified by sneering slime bucket James O’Brien’s asking a lot of gotcha questions to Nigel Farage didn’t work, it backfired spectacularly. The next tactic will be a media blackout of the party.
O’Brien is a snidey leftist champagne socialist who masquerades as an Ordinary Bloke.He is a fellow traveller of the LibLab media brotherhood and really belongs on AlJaBeeba.
LBC has deteriorated particularly quickly in recent years and is not worth listening to anymore. They fall over themselves to court the ‘new’ immigrant listener while denigrating their former demographic .So very Nu-Liebore!
Any pretence at ‘balance’ is purely in BB C terms i.e. soft left is the centre ground while true conservatism/UKIP views are ‘extreme’.
Here’s an exchange I had with O’Brien back in 2006 that shows his mindset quite clearly. I noted at the time how similar it was to those at the BBC.
Superb, you handed his arse to him on a plate.
Cheers Larry 😉
Your head is clearly situated somewhere up your posterior.
Lacking reasoning and solid argument, you resort to insult.
A perfect demonstration of those who populate or support the BBC.
Keeping my eye on you lot is enough, I have no further desire to get closer to shit
Teddy Bear,
“Lacking reasoning and solid argument, you resort to insult.”
Teddy Bear,
“YOU are a bigot… ignorant and bigoted… your bigotry… like every bigot… you so love the sound of your own voice… ignorant moral coward… go screw yourself… you lack the intelligence and wit… You are ignorant… typical strategy for the mediocre… your just plain left-liberal ignorant… a fathead… This must show I am unaffected, witty, and dominant… Also, do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult… .”
Why is dez creeping around in the early hours of the morning when decent folk are abed ? Making stealthy personal attacks.
Don’t trolls do that sort of thing ?
John Anderson [1:38 am],
“Why is dez creeping around in the early hours of the morning when decent folk are abed? Making stealthy personal attacks.”
Self Awareness Fail ;p
I was up because my sleep is disturbed by all the medications I am taking following major heart surgery.
You were creeping around because ? – better pay on the BBC night shift ?
I’m glad to think of you spending your time here on earth, searching – then cutting and pasting fragments of some posts of mine over time.
The only difference is there would have been some reasoning I would have given before or with those fragments.
Do you understand the difference – DIPSHIT?
Something more for you to cut and paste for future – idiot.
Actually it’s not ‘some posts over time’. Dez took a few choice excerpts from your exchange with O’Brien. O’Brien is a right cock, but your borderline psychotic tone and dumb repetition of the word bigot make you sound even worse. The whole exchange is like watching two drunk idiots beating each other to a pulp on a Friday night in Glasgow – wishing that it was possible for both of them to lose.
I’ll leave it for others to judge if your ‘ass-essment’ is correct.
Since you like to answer for Dez, perhaps you can answer this one he has ignored
Teddy Bear,
Criticising others for resorting to “personal insult” whilst throwing them around quite as enthusiastically as yourself is little bit strange to say the least.
“I’m glad to think of you spending your time here on earth, searching – then cutting and pasting fragments of some posts of mine over time.”
Huh? I didn’t go “searching”. I followed the link you posted and copied all the personal insults you made against O’Brien whilst also saying; “do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult…”
Cognitive dissonance much?
“The only difference is there would have been some reasoning I would have given before or with those fragments.”
“would of been”? Don’t you even know what you said?
“Since you like to answer for Dez, perhaps you can answer this one he has ignored”
Quite happy to do that myself. On the subject of Question Time you said; “At the end of the day, one would expect the audiences to reflect the country as a whole.”
You then said; “The balance would pretty much match the circulation figures of our daily newspapers.”
Erm, no it wouldn’t, that’s just silly. Only a small minority of the population buy newspapers.
Why not just use national opinion polls? UKIP have 15% support, so the Question Time audience should be 85% non-UKIP supporters. What’s wrong with that?
You copy and paste – but don’t really read or understand what it is your copying.
The only difference is there would have been some reasoning I would have given before or with those fragments.
Do you understand the difference – DIPSHIT?
The answer is CLEARLY NOT!
Even when you write what you think I wrote you put it as “would of been”? Don’t you even know what you said?
Would of been is not English.
Would have been is the past tense of WOULD BE – meaning when you looked (in the past tense) there would have been…..
Now do you get it moron?
But you ignored what I told you WAS THERE to carry on your pathetic attempt to ridicule me. You succeeded in further ridiculing yourself.
So dipshit moron, and whatever other slur I called you, they come with an explanation of why, and every time you continue to evade answering the reason and logic given will continue to come your way.
Any clearer to you now?
As for Question Time -It seems to be your contention that the sales of newspapers do not represent the mindset of that portion of the public that buy newspapers.
I can understand why you want to dismiss it as ‘silly’, but whatever that minority is, it gives us a reflection of the public at large. Not silly at all.
It is you and your BBC supporting kind, vis a vis the Guardian, Independent, et al, that are the minority within the minority.
Let me know if it’s too complex for you to understand.
Teddy Bear,
“Now do you get it moron?”
Yes I would have got it & admittedly it was a cheap shot, for which I apologise.
But still you throw around the personal insults with abandon whilst imploring others “to stick to intellectual debate”. Reality Check: calling people “ignorant, bigoted, mediocre, fathead, dipshit morons” is not intellectual debate; it’s attacking the person instead of the argument.
Your response of; “it’s-ok-when-I-do-it-because-it-comes-with-an-explanation-of-why”, is utterly facile, and obviously a myth you repeatedly tell yourself to excuse your repetitive personal insults.
“It seems to be your contention that the sales of newspapers do not represent the mindset of that portion of the public that buy newspapers.”
I didn’t say that. It gives a very vague representation of the people who buy newspapers. It doesn’t represent the mindset of the population as a whole. National opinion polls prove that quite clearly. Why are you even bothering to dispute this?
Dez, for the first time you’ve impressed me with your apology here, and for that reason I will accord you similar respect.
Huh? I didn’t go “searching”. I followed the link you posted and copied all the personal insults you made against O’Brien whilst also saying; “do try to stick to intellectual debate instead of resorting to personal insult…”
The only thing is you ignored the reasons and explanations for accusing him of bigotry and anti_Semitism.
BTW – Accusing somebody of being a bigot is not an insult if they genuinely display bigotry, it is simply an honest appraisal.
I did not use insults until later when I saw he was avoiding the points I had put to him because he was in a corner and unable to counter, simply tried to diminish me – so he got what he was attempting to do to me.
If you were genuinely criticising my reasoning USING REASON I would have had a lot more respect. But to try and dismiss it as insulting without the context included is simply disingenuous and deceitful. Sensing this I consciously and PURPOSEFULLY put in the insults, but still with the reason why thrown in.
By coincidence, James Delingpole at the Spectator covers this dynamic quite well today.
Regarding newspaper sales vs national opinion polls we may have to agree to disagree. I do believe that the former give a fairly accurate reflection of the public as a whole, but I can understand why the Guardian loving BBC supporters wouldn’t want that used.
If you’re going to be honest, I really doubt if you could say that you really believed the right/left audience representation we get weekly on Question TIme/Any Questions reflected the country as a whole, or that the BBC were even trying to. Any more than we get a right wing dominant panel to left on ANY of them either.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.
Would you like to enlighten me with why you believe it to be so? Then at least we can have a view of the worth of your argument that isn’t coloured by puerile insults.
First time i’ve seen or heard of Mr O’Brien……not a good impression……super snide….loves his own voice….i am full of admiration for Mr Farage for keeping his cool throughout…..wonder if the repulsive O’Brien walks down dark alleys at night.
OTOH on the BBC website leading article post the Autumn Statement UKIP economic spokesman Patrick O’Flynn was quoted. Mind you, the scrupulously fair and unfailingly wise BBC political editor Nick Robinson is quoted in the same article as saying “the headline announcements were “real electioneering” by the Conservative chancellor”: as if any government statement (except one issued by a Labour goverment of course) 6 months before a general election is likely not to be electioneering.
‘ Listomania
Listomania is a brand new panel show on BBC Radio 2, hosted by award-winning comedian, Susan Calman (star of The News Quiz, Susan Calman is Convicted, Don’t Drop The Baton and Dead Boss, amongst others). ‘
More vital programming from Droid Radio’s Hire-A-Leftie-Lesbian department.
Meh, I’ll pass, thanks.
I thought that was a soundtrack album by Rick Wakeman …
Another great article by Gerald Warner – how can UKIP keep ducking the slurs and lies from the other parties and the BBC ?
Still-UKIP continue unbounded!
Noted my local branch moving into bigger offices, closer to the County Hall…same rent-much bigger-and getting all dolled up for next Mays fireworks display, apparently.
Kind of sense we`ll be alright( to quote Kinnochio)…and thanks to the BBC and the leftie suckbags in Liberalluvvieland…they`ll be weighing in the votes around here.
Both in imperial and in metric I`d guess!
Well, Labour are getting worried, very worried about UKIP in Wales.
UKIP have planted their flags among the daffodils in the valleys, and are holding a conference in Port Talbot this weekend.
Come the revolution comrades, the useful idiots at the BBC will be the first to be purged.
Considering the crap they come out with the last thing they need is a laxative!
H/T to Guido for the link to this story concerning the face of ‘London Young Labour’
Suffice to say an on line search of the so-called London-centric BBC comes up with nowt, by ‘eck!
Now if only this chap had been UKIP, he might have been famous
Young Labour are useful idiots who will be purged come the revolution.
This morning on Radio Five Live a pre-recorded meaasge announced the fact that the Chancellor was going to announce his statement this afternoon in Parliament. What was particularl;y galling about the message was that it stated that the deficit had not gone down and that the Chancellor had already given away his “goodies.” Unless there had been a leak, how could the Biased Broadcasting Corporation know in advance what would be in the statement? The BBC was clearly planning in advance to undermine the Chancellor’s position with its audience before the statement had been delivered, mindful as it is of Labour’s dire economic record. The BBC also brought on a white van driver who fully supports the Milliband/Balls economic lite policy!! If this is not blatant electioneering, I don’t know what is!
The BBC are clairvoyant. Didn’t you know?
More and more, they seem to “report” news before it’s really happened – the PM, Miliband, or whoever are “going to say” or “expected to announce” all manner of things before they actually do, and the whole shebang is pulled to pieces in advance.
Why can’t they report news, rather than pre-empt it?
It pisses me off, royally.
Risking the parapet, the BBC is not alone in this, but certainly were early and now overenthusiastic adopters.
And given their daft ‘has learned’ pretension, I’m surprised they don’t try and pitch such mass pre-release ‘PR as news’ as an exclusive.
The funny part comes when what is ‘reported’ will be said… Isn’t what gets said at all.
I think Labour have dropped Nick Robinson in it this way before.
Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia but not NEWS.
Made the error of listening to Ed Balls live on 5, as he “responded ” to whatever guff that Osborne had told us all in Parliament.
Balls was able to speak uninterrupted to the nation for at least twenty minutes I`m sure-all slurry and sexual smears, blaming the Tories for immigration and of defiling Labours NHS.
So when he finally shut the F Up…I was expecting Osborne to plant the bug-eyed f***er in a heap of what he left us by way of an economy in 2010.
I`d liked to have heard Osborne at least-but no-Rachel Burden or such decided that -Balls having done his piece to rote, for the rolling BBC “let`s back Labour” 24/7 slurry cycle-now was the time to speak to Ross Hawkins, John Pienarr and assorted FT pinkies and advocacy types.
As if we could not guess what THEY would say.
Is there any effort being made to track Labours/BBC joint black ops efforts?…this one was so obvious.
5L in general and Campbell in particular were a disgrace this morning. I’m amazed that they are not taken to task more often by UKIP and Conservative politicians.
Been enjoying the sojourn away from the BBC…having a wonderful time out there!
But Steve Wright DID say on his show a few minutes ago that Jim Broadbent was playing a cartoon role or such in “Paddington”…whereas he had just finished playing the role of a real person…SANTA CLAUS, no less…in another fillum that he`s got playing in our picture houses.
Who`s gonna tell Steve that Santa is not a “real person”…and if anyone is able to hear the name of the real person whose incarnation we`re SUPPOSED to be “celebrating”…one Mr Christ of Al Quds care Home…do let me know.
Have not even heard his name mentioned ONCE yet in any “Xmas” context…hell, they even removed his dad from that awful hames of a Geldof gelding that needs a stake through its arse.
“So tonight we`re reaching out and touching you” eh Bono?
Errr…not without a load of latex, hi viz and padded suits-and double glazed helicopter portholes you`re not , you winebibbing bloater you!
Jesus is the only reason for the Season-and how come the Godless clots who despise HIM don`t want Christmas banned as “insensitve to other faiths and those of none”?
Didn`t Jessie J say it`s not all about the money…she`d not be lying to me now would she?
The BBC’s Norman Smith’s twitter thread never ceases to impress for sober objectivity from a political editor.
Geez, it really bugs me that the BBC never give you a proper history of the real damage of the last Government – it is not as though do not have enough o go on:
NHS Wales
Just feel a little better sometimes, getting it off my chest after listening to the that prat Balls this morning!
These lists are really wqorth repeating at regular intervals.
A fine collection of all that is wrong with the country-and Labours sole role in the dismantling of so much of this countrys infrastructure and values.
Can I add the gambling crapola and the XXXX culture-plans to turn the nations teenagers into wife beaters and making Blackpool into Vegas…Levy and the cash for honours, Prescotts worship at The temple as the Queen mum lay in state next door.
Yes-a bunch of charmers were labour…real evil and incompetence is a rare brew.
what did the liebor party do for us…..sanitation…..roads…..wine….etc
“Free” healthcare and “free” education, paid for in tax hikes.
The BBC seems to have entered a loony phase of cherry picking by the charlatan Lockwood of Reading University, especially as regards the long period of input of heat from the gulf stream this year, which has provided the BBC with what it wants. The timing has been caused by this below.
Click to access WANews14No44.pdf
The head of Meteorology at the University of Reading is the BBC’s favourite and as far as I can see, only Solar Astronomy expert, Professor Mike Lockwood. Proof of the Svensmark theory was kept out of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report by CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer, with the production of a bogus rebuttal of the theory using low energy Cosmic Rays when the fact is that only the higher energy Cosmic Rays unaffected by the Earths magnetic field are relevant. Lockwood was the charlatan who produced the fraudulent rebuttal. Piers Corbyn also insults Lockwood as a charlatan. No wonder the Universities of Reading & East Anglia are more important to the BBC, than the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge, when it comes to Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. With Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London, the BBC only talks to Universities, pumped up by Charlatans, and censors everyone else.
I can’t get it to “paste”(my dodgy old computer) but there’s a fascinating story buried down on the left of the BBC News page about a snap General Election being called in Sweden.
It’s because the ruling “Centre Left” government’s Budget Plans were voted down by the other parties.
There’s a new political party called the Swedish Democrats which has swept onto the politcal landscape with concerns about Swedens appaling immigration problem.
I noticed the BBC have already taken it upon themselves to term this new party as “Far Right”.
I genuinely thought Sweden was finished but it looks like they have their very own UKIP!.
It is Sweden’s last chance but I would not hold out any hope for that sad country. It will be the first nation in history to voluntarily vote itself out of existence.
Yes, sadly on reflection you’re probably right 🙁
BBC eh since, and how can they possibly decide a political direction?
They thought Hitler was “far right”
It will have to move a bit smartish to beat us to it!
I’ve noticed recently that, as the country gradually turns on LibLabCon, they and their BBC and C4 buddies have tried to fight back with definitions rather than any cogent arguments, as they haven’t got any left.
Sinniberg’s example of the BBC describing opponents of mass immigration as ‘Far right’ is one example of this. Another is the way lamestream politicians say they must hold ‘the centre ground.’
Message to you beeboids and political has beens – It is not for YOU to say what is the centre ground any more, we the people will decide that, thank-you very much!
The liberal left is scared stiff. I suspect not for doctrinal reasons but because this bunch of parasites has made a lot of money out of forcing it’s rubbish on the country.
What will they do when the change comes?
Ukip is something they just did not see coming. So all they can do is mock and try to rubbish it.
What they are really doing is mocking the people of the shires and that 5-10% of natural leaders who are going to change this country come what may.
One young man said to me that in his view to vote for one of the three old parties is to betray the nation.
He is not interested in arguing with them but in driving them from power. He was well aware that the BBC/liberal media is not on his side but just did not care.
There are many like him. Youngish and with families and they are not going to let this country go down. They know that they have to succeed or the links that have bound the generations of us English will be broken forever.
What does the elite have to offer us now.? Nothing and nothing and nothing. So it is time to stop listening and cease arguing .
This Autumn statement is just so much Tory drivel.
Ignore it and concentrate on what has to be done if we are to hand on this land to our descendants as it should and always has been done.
Agreed. My view is that the entire establishment (though I wouldn’t argue with ‘liberal Left’, as that is what our establishment has become) is scared witless of a UKIP uprising. And an ‘uprising’ is exactly how they see it.
To them, the idea that anyone outside their circle of nomenklatura might dare challenge their right to rule is unthinkable – no different than the reaction of the king to the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381.
As far as they are concerned we are ignorant, barely civilised, reactionaries who believe in things they fondly imagined they had wiped out over the past 70 years.
Just as Richard II’s ‘divine right’ was challenged, so is theirs and they are no more willing cede power than he was.
But suddenly, their version of divine right is being challenged too and they are truly scared. It is starting to show and nowhere more visibly than on the BBC.
Thanks Charlatans.
Oh, btw, fellow members, talking of Sweden my user name is just a local place-name.
One of many “-bergs”!.
BBC – Sweden turns left as far right soars? … or
Sweden election: Left turn as far right soars?
As if they can t quite bring themselves to admit it
All the mainstream parties still consider them to be too radical to work with.
“I will not,” Stefan Lofven, the incoming prime minister, told BBC News …
Well said erm “boss” ……. election time then
The indigenous, patriotic, largely Christian, non-metropolitan majority have spoken, end of the gravy train?
‘Extreme immigration policy’ – love it !
The Swedish government’s one ‘achievement’ is screwing Israel.
Yes, Beeboids adopt politically biased terminology in misreporting Sweden’s politics:-.
-for Beeboids, Sweden’s Social Democrat government, which has an extreme ‘left’ policy of unlimited mass immigration, and gives access to all migrants from Syria, is described as merely
“left of centre!”
But the increaingly popular Sweden Democrats which oppose such nationally suicidal policies are described as “extreme right!”
And what Beeboids omit to mention in reporting Swedish ‘left’s extreme policy of mass immigration is that this negatively affects any U.K efforts to control our borders against such newly arrived immigrants from e.g. Middle East and Africa via Sweden.
The BBC’s analysis of the Autumn Statement seems to be to emphasise that Osborne has missed his borrowing (deficit) target.
As I write this Newsnight’s Duncan Weldon (ex TUC economist) is emphasising this, joined by Chris Cook (ex left leaning FT) and Allegra Stratton (ex BBC then Guardian and back to the BBC lefty).
No-one on the BBC has mentioned why the target has been missed; that the stabilisers had to be employed as the Eurozone twice went close to meltdown in 2011 -2012. In fact, unlike Brown, Osborne can be said to have steered the UK safely through those crises – when the great storm of 2008 struck, Jonah Brown had already holed the ship.
And perhaps, looking at the savings that still need to be achieved, someone ought to ask where all of those cuts were that they have been trumpeting for the last 4 years.
Emphasising that Osborn is borrowing £91bn more than the £89bn forecast, the BBC have suffered a severe short-term memory loss – telling us in the last few days that borrowing was going to be £100bn this year.
Newnight, is as usual as cynical and as dishonest as ever. The lot of them cannot be trusted.
Two BBC-NUJ political ‘principles’:-
1.) unlimited public borrowing and debt;
2.) unlimited mass immigration into U.K.
On the news about the only person they could find to rubbish Osborne was some guy I have never heard of from Plaid Cymru!
Did anyone else listen in to the dreadful so called’ Comedy Slot’ on Radio Four at 6.30?
The BBC propaganda Dept really did cross a red line tonight. Now most of the ‘Comedy Slots’ are relatively gentle propaganda making fun of ethnic British people and French, kow towing to every other ethnic group, but tonight they had on one Paul Sinha , unfunny Asian and exceedingly ugly to boot (not that that’s importnat on radio) giving what felt like a lecture on the history of Asians in Britain, inaccurate (of course) and patronising, ‘testing’ the audience, all too crudely trying to ram home the mantra @there have always been immigrants in Britain. Yes Sinha, there have been ‘Lascars’ for generations (foreign sailors) but very very few, and no they didnt ‘stay here because they couldnt get home) they stayed because they managed to get work in the docks loading and unloading ships, and they didnt all stay for ever either and become permanent immigrants, nor did they all marry British women. Indeed I suspect very few did given the prejudices of the time and their isolation in a mostly male environment, most sought satisfaction with prostitutes (no mention of that of course).
A quote about Lascars in 1913
A rather different picture to that proffered by the ‘comedian’.
Dulwich College educated, Asian, Homosexual, of course he’s funny, (unlike someone ‘who looks like the listeners’)!
He’s probably like the studio audience though. During the previous series he asked what newspaper people read and was wicked enough to point out they seemed to be the only people that read the Guardian after they all booed the far better selling Daily Mail.
Hi Teddy Bear
In the thread above you refer to your exchange some years ago with James O’Brien of LBC.
Leaving aside your solid arguments that h is pig-ignorant about the Middle East – if maybe not explicitly anti-semitic, you made a wider point about the way he runs his programme. That is – at the start of an hour he announces what the topic is to be. As you say, that should take a minute or two – state the topic, maybe mention one or two arguments on either side – and THEN go to listeners’ calls.
I am not a regulare LBC listener these days. But I recall tuning in occasionally and hearing a false-cockney droning on for about 10 minutes after the top-of-the-hour news qwith HIS views on whatever the topc was. On and on and on – ten minutes is a long time on radio. He would often get to the 15-minute break (eg for a traffic report) before he took any calls.
And then, when the calls started he did not give them fair treatment. He was forever interjecting his own views. And was very ready to insult anyone who disagreed with him, or to cut them off.
Altogether an awful presenter, a smart-arse who was over-fond of the sound of his opn voice. I bet this could be shown statistically – his voice occupied a greater percentage of each hour than, say, Nick Ferrari.
All I recall was that if I casually tuned into LBC and heard his monotone I would soon carry on round the dial – even if the topic was possibly interested. He abuses his position as a presenter.
When the fuss blew up about the interview with Nigel Farage, I was not sure who this “James O’Brien” guy ,might be. But as soon as I played the clips on the Web, I knew – and was not surprised.
You got him to a T John.
He’s like a mini BBC – he controls the ‘argument’ by cutting off any callers who show a different way of seeing things than his own, and in this way he convinces himself that he’s intelligent.
BBC giving more prominence to another story about US police killing a black man.
Give it a rest.
Could all the Beeboids obsessed with spinning and stirring this unimportant issue just emigrate to the US and join an American news channel whose viewers are interested.
Was just watching the ” brilliant” bill o’ reilly just now on ” fox news”
He mentioned this true stat, that last year there was 3 times more white people killed by the american police force than black people.
Food for thought for us all, except for the bbc i suppose. You will never find out any facts there..
Was just watching the ” brilliant” bill o’ reilly just now on ” fox news”
He mentioned this true stat, that last year there was 3 times more white people killed by the american police force than black people.
Food for thought for us all, except for the bbc i suppose. You will never find out any facts there.
It’s breakfast it’s an “unarmed black”, it’s deja vu. This time police man found innocent after Eric Garner died. Strangely several days after I read about this on the internet. I wonder why the BBc has picked up on this story which of course has more or less zero relevance to the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30317807
If Classic FM’s top of the hour stir is any guide, it may be because the President of the United States has again selectively weighed in on a single case, and it’s all about to kick off again (the two may be related, which POTUS and his people may like to ponder. Ms. Abbot here likes to mouth off, but even Bandwagon Ed knows that country leaders are ill-advised to meddle or take sides).
Looks like the BBC may need to redirect even more from the programming budget (‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ looking good for next Christmas) for a US Anger & Protests Editor…. for things that they empathize with only, of course.
Oh in case you were wondering why the incident happened as the BBc don’t seem to actually tell you. The father of 6 was illegally selling cigarettes on July 17 when police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold. Police said he had been resisting arrest. You would have thought an important part of the story is what he had done to get arrested in the first place.
Presumably the BBCs racist agenda decides that it is newsworthy when a black man confronts the police WITHOUT a gun.
Because the liberals seem to think that Public Enemy/JayZ lyrics give the full “black street experience”.
So in BBC land the fact that a black bloke does NOT have a gun to “slot a pig” is of news worthiness.
Patronising racist bastards all at the BBC.
All time allotted to such race hustling, safe from the 42nd floor of the Lotus Four Season Auberge in DC is -in my opinion “Fergie Time”…endless reruns of Ferguson Missouri.
Trayvon Martinets trying it on-at our expense.
Tommy Robinson out yet?….
For those who haven’t seen the results of Eric Garner’s autopsy, he WASN’T strangled. The man had a number of health conditions – heart problems, sleep apnoeia, high blood pressure, asthma, morbid obesity (he weighed over 400 pounds). His friends have stated that he couldn’t cross the street without having to stop and gasp for breath. It looks very much as if the man was living on borrowed time. The cop didn’t put a choke hold on him, he was attempting a sleeper hold – i.e. trying to stem the flow of blood from the carotid arteries to the brain to render him semi- or totally unconscious. He’d already been arrested a previous eight times for selling “Loosies” (unpackaged cigarettes).
By the way, the law criminalising unpackaged cigarettes was created by the previous New York Mayor “Nanny” Bloomberg and enthusiastically supported by the current administration and the NYPD Commissioner who demanded his officers crack down on the perceived problem. The cops were actually called to the scene by a number of shopkeepers who reported Garner harassing passers-by in his attempts to sell his product.
I do note that the video broadcast by our MSM conveniently starts at the point where the cops actually grab hold of Garner. It shows nothing of the conversation and action BEFORE that point. Also of interest is the footage was filmed by Garner’s friend (accomplice?).
Interesting interview with Nick Robinson following the interview with Gideon on ‘Today’ this morning.
It was quite a disasterous interview for Humphries with Gideon all but accusing the BBC openly of bias.
The point of the two interviews was the cyclical nature of the arguments. Because of the failure of Gideon to control the debt we are in just as bad a position as we were going into the last election.
Nick Robinson came on though and had to make the economic argument on behalf of Labour, rather odd because you’d think Labour could do that themselves, but apparently not, the BBC has to do it for them!
So we hear that Labour ‘SHOULD SAY’ that the economy is being run badly and that if people had more money in their pockets the exchequer would receive more in taxes.
Now while there might be some merit in the argument and indeed it might be an alternative to the Tories economic policies, it should not be the BBCs responsibility to suggest what Labour policy might be. Indeed it should be the BBCs responsibility to report in no uncertain terms that Labour don’t have an answer to the Tories more of the same – impossible to implement economic issues.
“..had to make the economic argument on behalf of Labour”
George Osborne hits out at the BBC’s “totally hyperbolic coverage of spending cuts”. “Has the world fallen in? It hasn’t.” #r4today
A poster has weighed in with an angry defence of the BBC: Steve Rotheram (no sniggering at the back Irony Major) of Liverpool, Labour.
While the incompetence of the Opposition is clearly a frustration to the ambitions of the unelected national disgrace, it is not for the BBC to act as the unofficial one.
At least, it shouldn’t be.
It’s only via Guido that I read some more factual number crunching from inside usually tribally supportive Tory media.
However the BBC’s inevitable, visceral bias and tribal counters have so tainted their news analysis, as with UKIP their crass attacks are actually backfiring by letting sound and fury obscure necessary holding to account.
An actually indepedent economics expert would be of much more value than 20,000 Smiths or Robinsons, and especially a Toynbee or Maguire wheeled out to screech ‘Tory Toffs’.
Katz likely setting up Brand for his next set of insights.
James Nastie doing his usual when interviewing one of his favourite sons – Balls.
Giving Balls lots of BBC free air for his party political broadcast while Nastie pretends to interject with ‘but wh..’ or ‘if I may…’ – the very epitome of a forensic interviewer unable to get a word in edgeways.
Except Nastie is just trying to appear as though he can’t get a word in edgeways.
A Grade One Shit in a truly corrupt organisation.
From the Mail “But it was the BBC which found itself facing particular criticism yesterday after it emerged 62 percent of the festive output on BBC1 and BBC2 will be repeats. Campaigners claimed people do not pay the licence fee to watch programmes ‘for the umpteenth time’ and said the corporation must deliver better value for money.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2859956/Here-Christmas-TV-repeats-Two-thirds-programmes-major-channels-festive-period-runs.html#ixzz3Kv194AqG
Both the BBC and ITV know full well that the average viewer will watch anything over Christmas. It’s the one time of the year when they need to make no effort to get the ideal (for them) audience: it is sitting there, stuffed full of turkey and alcohol, ready to do precisely what broadcasters want – shut up and watch.
The question is whether a broadcaster funded by a compulsory tax payable on pain of prison should be allowed to be that cynical.
To be honest the repeats are better that 95% of the multicult diverse modern crap they produce.
I’ll take the Porridge and Only Fools and Horses Christmas repeats over the Citizen Khan Christmas Special (??) any day.
Long gone are the days of originality, most of what the bBC produce these days trades on past glories, such as the revamped Open All Hours from last year.
Thought for the Day on Radio 2 this morning?
A trendy vicarette has flashing earrings and a solar powered star to get that attention on the tube…she spouts of Orions and space travel in Chris De Burgh speak…and hopes that one day Choudhry, Dawkins and their likes will place a Lush bath bomb at the feet of Bay Bee Day Vid.
Or maybe santa-who he grew into of course!
This fearless Cof E sparkler does the girlie birdy crap with Cox-and sneaks one mention of God in her penultimate sentence.
As for Jesus-the Christ-in Christmas remember?…well, shit-scared to mention HIM…
When will the church actually be worth the dum dums and persecution here?…Lena Martell seems to have been the last person to mention Jesus in a song…and that was 1976 or so.
Russell Brand wins prize for baffling speech
The comic actor and campaigner Russell Brand has won the Plain English Campaign Foot in Mouth award, for the most baffling quotes by a public figure.
Awarded for his public speaking and writing, the judges said Brand was almost in a field of his own, and described his message as “entertainingly garbled”.
As another indication that Sky News these days is often no more than a pale imitation of the BBC, they’ve just had on a ‘debate’ – “Is James Bond past his sell-by date?” – featuring, yep, three women. One of whom being of the type that says profoundly insightful things like, “almost all film media is sexist”.No doubt the BBC will be asking itself; damn, why didn’t we come up that one? Meanwhile, isn’t the appallingly sexist “Women’s Hour” way past its sell-by date?
I’ve completely given up on Sky. I have no idea what game Murdoch is playing (or if he even knows how insipid Sky has become) but you’re right: it is no better than the BBC.
Of course, given that both organisations recruit from essentially the same tiny gene pool, that perhaps isn’t to be wondered at.
Its across the board, nearly all adverts now are multicult and diverse in the extreme.
Since the bBC did away with 50% of their F1 coverage, I’ve watching some of the races on German TV (RTL) – OK I’ve had to suffer ad breaks, but those adverts seem ‘hideously Aryan’ compared to the agenda our media outlets push. The Germans, like us are not ashamed of their ingenuousness , but unlike us are taught to be proud and to show it….
One of my pastimes is observing the propaganda in adverts, not only are they multiculti, they’re now promoting miscegenation, bank adverts are the worst.
As we all know nothing in this world happens by accident, the power elites have an agenda, abolishing our nations by third world mass immigration, erasing our borders and now miscegenation to ethnically cleanse the indigenous inhabitants. Easier to control a people when it’s just a sea / blob of humanity with no allegiance to the country I suppose.
I was reminded of Nicolas Sarkozy and his threat to the French people.
Spot on about the miscegenation, the portrayal of males as downtrodden incompetents is another well used and damaging theme.
Halifax bank advert, what has miscegenation got to do with selling mortgages ? This guy is like Jesus, practically got a halo above his head, the white man at 20 seconds is portrayed as an irritating twit. Agenda, what agenda ?
This is no accident – and lest any of our BBCophiles is even thinking about chiming in with a ‘Right wing paranoid’ comment, I can confirm that it is explicit policy in many sectors of the advertising business. I have had this first hand from the imbeciles.
The reason their clients don’t tell them to stop it is, of course, because they are terrified of being accused of ‘racism’ – that and they are often similarly feeble minded Leftists playing political games with shareholders’ money.
David Brims,
“Yesup we dunt want no filthy nigros contaminatin us white folks”
He was merely pointing out the repetitive theme of black people being showed in a positive light, not objecting to the presence of a black man per se.
You really do have a problem with verbal reasoning.
As I have said previously – all broadcasting and media organisations are signed up to an outfit calling themselves The Creative Diversity Network. Google them and look at their website. The media are supinely giving in to all their insidious aims.
I think James Bond passed it sell by date when Sean Connery left the role. Pierce Bosnan wants a black man to play Bond, groan.
But surely it is a woman’s turn first?
Couldn’t a black woman play James Bond? Perhaps a lesbian in a wheelchair, wearing a headscarf? That’s not much to ask for. I’ve also heard that Morgan Freeman, Eddie Murphy and Will Smith are in contention to play the lead role in the BBC remake of ‘Snow White’.
So let me get this straight….
James Bond, a traditionally white British character, to be played by a black man = good idea
A calypso, a traditionally black form of music, sung by a white man = racist
Idris Ebola ?
I believe Felix leiter went darker in one or more of the films.
Leiter… darker.
You all saw what I did there, right?
Surely the time for Bond to be ‘outed’ is long overdue. Don’t Craig’s brooding performances presage a thrilling denouement – say, right in the middle of a car chase when he is momentarily distracted by a pink tuxedo in the window of ‘Julian and Sandy’s Dolly Omipalone’?
You are not getting that all these wimmin who gain a degree in Mejah studies need to earn a living afterwards do you ? Do you expect them to work in MacDonalds fur gawd ‘s sake. ? Ditto Wimmin ‘s hour, jobs for the girls innitt ?
No has blamed Islam for anything for 5 minutes, what’s wrong?
You do realise that Harpo was mute don’t you?
…but he could still theoretically have used a keyboard eh, amirightoramiright?
With that hair? No, no, no. ;p
I thought he was dumb?
Ah brilliant – pedantry corner returns.
I think he was dumb and therefore mute.
Could it be that Dave, at last, has woken up?
I’ve been awake for hours thank you very much.:-)
I love the BBC’s smug comment at the end.
Now repeat after me
The BBC is never wrong
The BBC is the fountain of all truth.
The BBC is infallible
The BBC is perfection itself.
The BBC is like God should be.
I love the BBC.
Nurse nurse my medication please. !
‘A BBC spokesman said: “We’re satisfied our coverage has been fair and balanced and we’ll continue to ask ministers the questions our audience want answered”. ‘
The problem though is that Norman Smith (AGAIN) wasn’t asking questions, he was giving an opinion, his opinion. Not something that it is for a state funded ‘impartial’ broadcaster to do.
Now with regard to actual questions…THIS listener would like some answered, like;
(Of Rachel Reeves) What will be the implications of Labour’s decision to include the state pension in the benefits cap for millions of those who have saved and planned for their retirement? (NB: Although this is known about at the BBC, it is seemingly a piece of dynamite that the BBC don’t wish to share with the electorate and embarrass Labour).
(of the BBC) When are you going to sack the overtly biased Norman Smith?
(of the new Chair of the BBC ‘Trust’, Rona Fairhead) When are you going to get your finger out and end this pantomime?
Bit late now for Tories to start righting the undoubted ‘BBC bias’. The Coalition parliament is nearly over!
The indoctrination department has nearly reached MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in any event!
No. Dave cannot wake up.
Can anyone spot the BBC plan in the invitation of both the beloved Russell Brand and the much derided Nigel Farage onto Question Time next week?
Now what could the agenda be there, I wonder?
Farage would be well advised to refuse to appear on such a silly little show. Nothing in it for him. The time for indulging the left is passed.
There was a time when being savaged in the bear-pit was still effective at cranking up martyr empathy from silent observers outside the baying mob.
In this case I see little to gain in debate points from what will be an ugly spectacle, and once the edit has been crafted in BBC studios, a lot to lose if not totally on top of his game and avoiding any quirks, jokes or traps.
One against the chair, panel, question-posters and crowd seems poor odds.
Though Russell going #parklife postal may get a few wondering just what it is that attracts him to the BBC so.
The little twat Brand admits that he knows nothing about economics – Farage would be wise to bear that in mind.
Russie Wussie is in Waterstone’s Piccadilly at 4.30 Friday signing his book which I haven’t seen but I think is entitled ‘Utterly Vacuous Twaddle For Gullible F*ckwits’.
Waterstone’s are doing a BOGOF with Thomas Picketty’s ‘700 Pages You Will Never Ever Read’.
I’ll be the one *not* there.
A free bucket with your pile of sh**e
“Now what could the agenda be there, I wonder?”
Giving Farage yet more free publicity. This will make it twenty six[!] appearances in the last four years.
Obviously this can only be explained as blatant anti-Farage bias.
‘Obviously this can only be explained as blatant anti-Farage bias.’
You obviously spotted the kangaroo court environment the BBC oh so accidentally sets up for Farage – every time (audience reaction last night?!).
Well done, Dez – you’re learning.
I suppose it couldn’t be that they are trying to split the Tory vote believing, wrongly, that UKIP are solely disaffected Tories eh?
So how will the multiculty moslem supporting BBC handle people who wish each other Merry Christmas? Must not give offence.
He’s a happy friendly bunny ? Maybe a friend of Harpo’s ?
Toujours la diversite !
Give that man a seat on Breakfast now ! i wonder what he’d say to those short skirted women about their attire, i can imagine the offence !! Oh, the humanity !! help nurse, give me another happy pill………what would Ms Derbyshire say………….the horror, the horror.
Some BBC news clown just now telling us that Osbourne has called the BBC out for hyperbole, who then retorts that Osbourne also enlightened them that the stamp duty changes will also mean that it will actually bring in several billions more by 2017 than the old system would have. “So rather than a tax cut it is an increase” says the clown gleefully. Now my simple understanding is that the pain will move up the ladder to the higher value purchasers and that lower value purchasers will see significant reductions. So the “millionaires” who got the “tax cuts for millionairs” will take the pain and the “hard working people” will get the gain. No sign that this fact had registered with the f**kwit clown though, let alone any sense of hypocrisy from the worlds biggest parallel universe.
Pretentious, self-victimhood nonsense and another attempt to portray the police as racist and the thugs they have to defend themselves against with split-second judgement as victims. The BBC will be the death of western civilisation.
In his rant Clive slips in another contentious item – well a load of bollocks actually – as below:
“You have electoral boards across America saying they want to stamp out voter fraud, so they introduce rules that disproportionately affect black Americans and Hispanics – making it difficult for them to vote.”
What Clive omits to tell us is that the “rules” would insist that those voting show some form of ID to those administering the polling stations. This would avoid multiple voting as well as preventing those non-registered or, paticularly, non-US citizens voting in the first place. As the distinguished black commentator, Thomas Sowell writes here such rules would certainly “disproportionately affect black Americans and Hispanics” since they are the ones who are disproportionately perpetrating such frauds (in the Democratic interest of course).
Accordingly, it appears that through Clive’s opinion piece the statutorily “impartial” BBC is just indulging in another bit of race hustling while supporting electoral corruption in the interests of the left. I’m sure that having and voicing such opinions is good for Clive’s career at the BBC but, you know, always playing the victim card gets tedious after a while especially when the “victim” turns out not to want equal treatment before the law but, on the contrary, indulgent biased treatment.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the pre-pro meetings for such stories when who best to cover them is assigned, based no doubt on merit.
But Clive certainly appears to have grasped what will waft well around the whispering corridors of astounding uncuriosity, selective Alzheimers and FOI-safe no recorded minutes
The media generally has a Man U bias not just the BBC……..Sun/Mirror/etc all salivating over every player etc……….Like their general bias they are quiet when Ferdinand avoiding drug tests, but he’s headline news when calling for more black players/managers/etc.
Going slightly off-piste here, as while I normally comment on the social and/or political output of our state broadcaster, I wanted to ask if anyone had noticed the bias TOWARDS one of the most hated football teams in our Premier League, namely Man Utd? Apologies to any Man U fans who regularly post here but felt it my duty to mention this observational nonsense, based on quite careful analysis of the BBC coverage. Stands to reason of course; the shirt is the right colour, their former manager of many years was a fully paid up champagne socialist and the BBC’s new Salford head-quarters is within a stone’s throw of the so called Theatre of Dreams (aka Old Trafford). So it ticks all their right boxes. The allegiances of true locals of course, lie firmly on the side of sky Blues of Man City.
There are more United fans than City ones around the Manchester area. Fact.
Also, the BBC hate United which is why Alan, “I have always hated United” Green is allowed to get away with blatant bias whenever he commentates on them. Plus all the old “comedy” shows dealing with football made sure there were a number of attacks on United every programme.
I`m a United fan, but honestly don`t give a stuff about them in reality.
All money and kissing badges…and not a Manc in sight now the likes of Scholes have jumped,
If United get a womens team-and have a disabled lesbian in a wheelchair at the heart of the midfield…reckon the BBC would like that.
Maybe an intersex goalie as well.
I gave thanks to God when we won the treble in 1999-since then it`s all been a bonus or crap.
Footballs dying on its arse…i`ll give it five years before it eats itself!
Oh dear Demon. You are clearly tuned into a very different BBC than the rest of us. United is the BBC’s team – Fact! It’s just an informed observation. Personally, I couldn’t really give a fig. I’m Brentford, man and boy, Pride of West London! The BBc’s output on all things political is somewhat more concerning.
Their studios are full of ex-Liverpool players. Need I say more!
America land of racists. No objectivity here. BBC fully accepts the US is racist narrative. US cops can shoot blacks without problems.
‘The riots in Ferguson, I believe, were a cry for help from a community that feels downtrodden’
And the black President has let them down.
Nothing to add…
With apologies… the image appeared when I posted!!
I felt pretty paranoid this morning, After recent heavy-duty cardiac surgery I have been getting much better very quickly, but I sensed the BBC were setting out to send me backwards. It started with all the bias about the Autumn Statement. Calmed down a bit with Melvyn Bragg’s cosy chat about Zen – but at 9.45 am on came a Pakistani author who was painting Islam as just a bundle of joy, claiming he had never heard about FGM, all women have free choices yada yada yada.
Islamophobia is the real sin in this world, he seemed to be saying.
This was Part 4 of Book of the Week – I am still catching up on radio stuff so I had not reached this guy’s anodyne twaddle. I have never heard such a bunch of confused – or deliberately confusing crap for a long time, even on the BBC.
I have adjusted my medications accordingly.
No doubt the BBC will give Robert Spencer the right to reply ?
Oh-a recent mention of Jesus on Radio 2-well done Simon Mayo!
Smith must go
Norman Smith, the BBC’s Assistant Political Editor, said on Today: “I think it was a hugely politically astute Autumn Statement but we could probably all do with a few Alka Seltzer this morning because there’s a real feeling of the morning after the night before.
“While there was a lot of enthusiasm on the Conservative benches and political joy at a lot of the popular measures, when you sit down and read the Office for Budget Responsibility report it reads like a book of doom. It is utterly terrifying, suggesting that spending will have to be hacked back to the levels of the 1930s as a proportion of GDP. That is an extraordinary concept, you’re back to the land of Road to Wigan Pier
Drama queen!!
A BBC spokesman said: “We’re satisfied our coverage has been fair and balanced and we’ll continue to ask ministers the questions our audience want answered
There’s a surprise
I’m convinced that most people in media and politics don’t understand the concept of percentages. There is no intrinsic reason why government should spend more of GDP pro rata now than in the 1930’s.
We see this in exam results where pass rates must improve year-on-year, (until they reach 100%, what then?). We see it in the envy of the rich and tax rates. They don’t seem to realise that a 20% rate on an income of £1.5M produces a far greater tax-take than 20% on an income of £15k, particularly when personal tax allowance is taken into account. The rich must pay more, 50%, 60%, 120%!
It seems Beeboids’ Politbureau has decided to hot up its anti-Tory, anti-Cameron ‘impartial’ propaganda as the General Election nears-
E.g. MARDELL has this ‘impartial’ piece-
[opening excerpt]-
“To watch David Cameron in action is as thrilling and as empty an experience as watching a Hollywood blockbuster.
“It seems impossible that he can survive the forces ranged against him, but he buys time, survives for a precious minute, which gives him an hour, which gives him a day.
“But there is a hollowness too, for it dawns on the viewer that this is all about survival, buying time until it is time to fight the next battle, but there is no plan, no plot, no narrative – which makes what happens after the election, if he wins, fascinating and troubling.”
Keep at it, Blobby Mardell. You and Norman Smith et al.
Keep bashing those nails into the coffin of the licence fee !
Propaganda, 😀 no need to, just tell the truth about him.
The jerks incompetent, a total fake, a preening arrogant idiot that embodies the absolute worst of British characteristics, not got a clue what he’s doing, how to do it, why he’s doing it, or the implications of anything he does … his one driving force, is that
he s “born to rule” and look after his arrogant crooked Tory cronies.
… grade .A. prick
Tomorrow, Mardell will not to write an equally negative piece about the Beeboids’ Labour Party and Miliband.
Lardell is just a fat sweaty Labourite………..possibly what most victims of the Labour 25 saw when looking up