Here we go, an overdue Open Thread! BBC went into food bank frenzy yesterday. I was invited into the BBC NI studio to take part in a discussion on such. My view is that Food Banks are street theatre agitprop sponsored by the left. To my amusement, the BBC in Belfast put on a caller from Cheltenham (!) who gave a tale of woe and explained how Food Banks saved his life. The particularity becomes the generality in the eyes of the BBC, as they do everything possible to help Labour. With an improving economy and falling unemployment the Left need SOMETHING to keep the gospel of despair going so welcome to the great Food Bank meme.
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Bishop Hill makes a telling point about our favourite broadcaster, in his item, .
It’s to do with the anti-fracking case in Sussex, where the ecoloons are trying to overturn the planning permission awarded to Cuadrilla. This attempt has been rejected in court, in a judgement accompanied by withering comments on the illegality of the protesters’ practices.
As the Bishop points out, the Beebyanka didn’t ignore the case.
It just didn’t see any need to mention the judgement.
For Beeboids’ Harrabin et al to note:-
The concept of the rule of law is one that just has to go. It is out of date and one that old white men seem to be attached to so that is that then. Get rid of it and replace it with empathetic policy judgements based on what the liberal elite feels to be in our best interests. We need to be told what to do and think by our so much better and nicer self appointed legislators.
The rule of law? That is for old conservatives and rubbish like UKIp supporters. Oh and probably Daily Mail readers .
I see the BBC and the left are throwing their rattles out of the pram over the CIA’s excellent methods of making terrorist scum talk. I would like to personally congratulate the CIA on their methods and wholeheartedly support them. Whose side are the BBC and the left on?
torture is never an “excellent method” we knew this in England 500 years ago when it was outlawed. People being tortured will tell you what ever you want to hear. The evidence is worthless because it cannot be relied on.
If the Elizabethans knew that then why do you think torture is an ‘excellent method”?
Thanks for the little lesson; you appear to have a rare grasp of how best to obtain intelligence. Perhaps the CIA should hand over means for eliciting information to yourself. However, for the time being I think I will side with those intellects at the CIA who probably know a little more than you do regards how to bring terrorists to heel.
Waterboarding is baptism, and good for morale, and information obtained is a bonus.
Some say torture works, some say it doesn’t; although it was outlawed in England hundreds of years ago the Scots and the French still used methods of mild torture right up to the early seventeenth century. I couldn’t care less about terrorists getting tortured. They can rot as far as I’m concerned!
I suppose I was meaning just that UK Enrichment News; I have no problem with Jihadi lunatics getting water poured over them or being locked in a room for 48 hours with The Proclaimers played at full volume!!
Ah yes, the old Proclaimers methods! Enough to crack the most resilient of prisoners!!
I don;t usually comment as I just like to read the debates on here. But as an ex-soldier I feel compelled to state that although extreme torture may not always work (the evidence as UK Enrichment says is debatable), intelligence services have to use whatever means they have access to. Yes using informants is probably more productive but in the stressful and pressured circumstances agents find themselves in, anything is worth a try… and sometimes waterboarding can get results. Thoughtful would probably prefer singing Kumbaya to them though lol!
My blood is starting to boil over this lefty crap. Look who BLOODY CARES what happens to these vile butchering scum; I want them to drop dead. I’m sick of all these lefty vermin getting their sandals in a twist over torture. These jihadi filth are chopping heads off and yet people are crying over waterboards and a slap round the old coconut? Come on and get a grip!! I hope the CIA’s torture is painful and foul beyond belief; even if we get nothing out of them it’s still a great idea.
BBc continues it’s sofa outrage on “torture” on breakfast it’s so bad they have their serious faces on. So it must be serious!
On that thread who would care when it happened to you, or your children?
These things have a tendency to creep and become ‘normal’
You might trust our authoritarian government not to harm you, but I don’t and ANY power they decide to grant themselves needs to be carefully scrutinised.
They have misused powers before and they will do it again. No one in the public sector is ever held to account no matter how badly they misbehave unless of course they’re accused of Waycism or other non existent leftie crimes.
That’s not true at all ‘quiet observer’ why is it in internet discussions people always assume if you don’t agree whole heartedly with them that they somehow hold the extreme opposite position?
There are some very robust interrogation methods which are effective which are not torture, including hypnotism.
Chaining someone to a cold concrete floor until the freeze to death whilst gaining no information is unacceptable.
We live in an extremist authoritarian state where the powers they give themselves are already frequently misused (RIPA for example) the acceptance and normalisation of torture would very quickly lead to the Police feeling free to use it routinely as a method of questioning.
We must avoid that at all costs.
Er… ‘Hypnotism’? What did you read at university? Arts and Crafts?
There are lots of problems with this Congressional report – not least its timing (lame duck Senate, releasing a report to coincide with Obamacare hearings in the House of Representatives?).
I’m not in favour of outright torture, on moral grounds and on practical grounds. In ancient Rome, evidence from slaves was accepted in the courts only if it had been extracted by torture (the logic being that slaves were sub-human, so their testimony could not be believed otherwise).
The problem is that torture is not an effective way of obtaining information. As thoughtful says, the prisoner will say whatever he thinks the torturer wants to hear. I don’t think that the methods used by the Americans at Guantanamo amount to torture in that sense. They aren’t pleasant, but that is, sort-of, the idea; on the other hand, they cause no lasting injury.
To anyone who complains that the prisoners in Guantanamo are affected mentally by their treatment, I’d start off by saying that their mental state wasn’t much to write home about beforehand, but I’d also point out that playing with the enemy’s mind is perfectly legitimate and has been used before.
During WWII, MI5 intercepted every enemy agent sent here. They were offered the option: work for us, or swing. I think most people would consider waterboarding pretty mild, compared to an appointment with Mr Pierrepoint. Quite a lot of them did agree to change sides, but they had to make up their minds very fast.
You could characterize that as mental torture, but I’ve never heard any leftie criticize that policy. Isn’t it a shame that neither English law nor Scottish law now offers the high jump to traitors? The Doublecross System seems tailor-made for dealing with all those British-based psychopaths who choose to join the terrorists in the Middle East.
I would be in favour of the death penalty if confession was not regarded as evidence. All the miscarriages of justice were caused by confession. You don’t even need torture, just a lot of persuasion or a victim wanting the fame or notoriety of being a murderer or even wanting suicide by proxy.
But the death penalty for treason should be brought back for all those pro-EU traitors who abolished the death penalty for treason.
Gordon Brown did look very guilty when he signed the Lisbon Treaty, so there is plenty of evidence for that crime.
The evidence based methods of Walsingham proved far better than the assumption based methods of torture. The National Socialists failed because they wasted time on torture, when we where treating prisoners nicely, while using all kinds of deception and infiltration techniques and listening devices. I think what has happened in the US is that you have these ex-left-wing student lefties who came to call themselves Neo-Cons, who think they discovered the reason for the success, of what they think are right-wing techniques.
Yes, “niceness” is the key. If you treat those Nazi chaps decently they will soon stop being beastly. Look what a fine chap that Ferkel woman has turned out to be. What I find totally incredible is your claim that British gentlemen would ever eavesdrop on others’ conversations even in time of war! We Britons are not sneaks. Damned bad form sir!. We never fail to hold the higher moral ground. Some in this forum even shout treason when our stout British lads go out to do their bit in Syria. Outrageous! Would anyone accuse Col Lawrence of treachery??
Col. Blimp
I think you will find the Elizabetians were masters of torture. Google Richard Topcliffe
Yes Topcliffe did torture people, but it was illegal under common law, and only permitted under a licence of the privy council. Come 1628 the courts resisted the privy council and Torture was then fully illegal.
Guy Fawkes was tortured ,& that was 1605 ,the period of the `House of Stuart` post Tudor .
‘People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf’.
George Orwell
Worth noting that the partisan report on CIA interrogations did not consider interviewing CIA officials. BBC and the MSM, together with what the BBC describe as a ‘top UN lawyer’, are not digging into this story for a full objective report.
(Duplicate comment deleted)
today is tuesday,but we all can predict what is going to happen on thursday on the biased bbc question time,yes, it wont be about the weeks issues but just one big hatefest against nigel farage and ukip.what odds would you give on the first question being asked by some student type labour party activist in the audience asking the leftist liberal panel about what they thought about nigel farages comments about immigration or breastfeeding this week.the question time audience will be set up by the bbc to boo and hiss nigel farage everytime he trys to make a comment,question time on thursday will be so predictable with its hate filled leftist audience and panel who will just attack ukip and nigel farage in what i expect will be the most biased hate filled anti ukip question time ever on the bbc.
The questions will be about food banks and the CIA torturing poor Muslims (ignoring their terrorist crimes)
They will of course completely ignore the involvement of Tony BLiar and the Liebour party, and the spineless Tory wet won’t be capable of actually telling the truth and setting the record straight.
Personally, I’m willing to bet that Russell Brand is barely out of the gates before he hurls the ‘waaaycist!’ word Nigel’s way, at the same time playing to The Mob in the audience (doubtless made up largely of the Russell Brand Fan Club).
Nigel Farage is going to have his work cut out for him tomorrow. Brand will act the clown, play to the gallery and sensationalise like never before – the BBC will focus inordinate amounts of camera time on those in The Mob nodding along with comrade Brand’s every sage word, whilst keenly highlighting those in the audience who choose to catcall and heckle Mr Farage’s replies.
I fully expect this to be a textbook case of BBC bias in action. I would urge everyone here to summon up the courage to watch tomorrow’s QT for a timely reminder as to why the BBC is FUBAR and why there can be no future for the hateful Corporation as a publicly-funded mouthpiece for the common purpose fascist left.
Agreed.Farage should refuse to appear. There is nothing in it for UKIP.
The BBC is quite clearly out to get him and UKIP .Time for discussion is past .It is now time to state what UKIP want and let the people decide. The BBC is irrelevant.
The BBC has decided it alone is the arbiter of debate. This must be refuted and no better way than to refuse to take part in it’s stage managed events. .
Being in France I’m tempted to watch QT on I-player as we cannot get it Real Time but there again that would be an hour of my life I wouldn’t get back as you just know how it’s going to go . Howling lefty mob led by St Russell Brand defeats NAZI Farage. How the Beeb will chuckle………I’ll settle for a good book and another glass of wine.
I wouldn’t worry about what happens on QT. The British public has shown it has seen through the BBC bullsh*t and QT will merely confirm they are right and generate many more converts against the BBC.
Russell Brand will make an idiot of himself but, again, don’t worry about him. When he doesn’t get his ego massaging revolution within his short attention span he will lose interest and go back to making insulting prank phone calls.
Islamising Turkey.
While Beeboids try to sell us this:-
“Cameron: UK and Turkey ‘hand in glove’ in extremism fight”
-BUT, meanwhile, Turkey’s other hand-
“Hamas’s Main Man From Turkey to Tehran.
One of Hamas’s most dangerous operatives seems to have found a comfortable new home in Turkey.”
‘Mr Cameron also hailed a growth in economic links between the UK and Turkey, saying bilateral trade had increased by 60% since 2010.’
Cameron’s main message is to reassure Turkey that he will push for their entry into the EU before he reneges on his referendum pledge.
Cameron will never never give us a referendum except on terms so absurd as to guarantee a vote to stay in the EU.
I am sick of the charade. The EU will not let us go. It will fold if we go and they all know it. It will lose prestige if we leave.
I would go so far as to say that the EU is quite prepared to subvert our democratic system and use force and violence against individuals to keep us in.
In the end it will come down to a battle for our freeedom as important as those of the past.
The EU does not understand what we, the English, mean by the word ” freedom”
In the lifetimes of many of us Germany, Italy and Spain and maybe even France were strangers to the word and strangers to democracy.
Don’t forget Greece, Portugal and any country that was formerly under the heel of the USSR.
The fact is that many, if not most, EU politicians have only had only a passing acquaintance with democracy as most in the UK would understand it.
And doesn’t it show?
Earlier news today was that police feared one of their PC colleagues would be kidnapped and possibly killed by unknown people. Well, a man has been arrested. Probably a druid.
Gee, will be interesting to find out what the religious beliefs are of the person apprehended.
He will have no religious beliefs. It’s nothing to do with Islam, remember.
Is the BBC capable anymore of providing ideology-free reporting? (Rhetorical pre-question to introduce rant.)
The BBC groupthink is so absorbed in racial, religious and gender identity that humanity has been lost, or edited out. The sadly missed (sic) David Bond former BBC Chief Sports Editor (remember him?) of ‘race-gate’ Andros Townsend/Roy Hodgson/Feed the Monkey/ ‘The Right Stuff’ fame, was quietly ‘moved on’ from the BBC [possibly because his overt racism had been clocked internally? More likely due to the volume of continual complaints about him being a racist?]. A sacrificial lamb. But the continuing race-baiting shows no sign of dying down at BBC (Big Brother Central), and new recruits are at hand to continue the theme.
I am warned at the top of the following BBC ‘article’ (article = a journalistic equivalent of mugging a pensioner and kicking him on the floor) that ‘This story contains language which you may find offensive’
I didn’t spot the language that may have offended me. Other than the whole thrust of the article from the BBC rent-a-racebaiter department. Also :
Dave Whelan says he’s not a racist. The BBC says he’s lying. Most sensible people listen to an argument, comment or discussion and consider if it is logical, whether in makes sense and holds true. Sensible people consider evidence and hard facts and if necessary, do research. They judge people on the content of their character, the excellence they bring to their work, the manner in which they conduct themselves within, and contribute to, their communities. Skin color or ethnicity is irrelevant. Like it is to Dave Whelan, a man who has given to his community through sporting and business efforts over a long life, helping to create a stadium and successful sports clubs in Wigan. When I visited Wigan in late 2013, the DW Stadium proudly housed the FA Cup, the RL [Rugby League] Challenge Cup and the RL Superleague trophies at the same time! Which northern English town would not want that? Folk in Leeds, Hull, Bradford and Huddersfield would!
So what hard facts could we consider?
1. Dave Whelan supports the local Chinese hot food retail sector.
2. The nationalities employed by Dave Whelan, who participated in the 2013 FA Cup included; a british-barbadian, spaniards (+spanish manager), paraguayan, austrian, scots, irish (we’ve already got “black and irish”), an omani, a cote d’ivorian, honduran, chilean, and a couple of english (one of whom, Ben Watson, scored the winning goal).
3. The team were proud to be lead out onto ‘the hallowed turf’ by their Chairman Dave Whelan.
4. The ‘non-whites’ were paid by Dave Whelan above the living wage. Well above the living wage.
5. Dave Whelan says he’s not racist.
Lets hope the FA consider some facts, but I doubt that it will. Will Dave be probed by Heather Rabbats, expert race baiter? [wiki – “In October 2013 she criticised the make-up of the Football Association’s commission to improve the national team as being “all-white, all-male”; Rio Ferdinand was subsequently added to the commission.” ])
Then again, maybe ‘old racist g*t’ fits the BBC narrative a bit better? Why not just lambast him for admitting that chinese immigrants were called chinks when he was a kid (and still were thirty years later. Still today?). Presumably the cerebrally handicapped BBC reporters don’t understand that in the 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s, colloquial terms such as ‘chink, paki, wog, spade, etc’ were commonly used words. Language may have ‘developed’ in the last 3 decades, but that doesn’t change history and the historical use of words. Whelan has been trapped by a race baiter, whose language set is so limited, whose knowledge of English history is lacking, and whose respect for the prudent, wise, law abiding successful elderly gentleman who has contributed greatly to the prosperity of many in his community and beyond, is absent.
Whelan made the mistake of thinking he was engaging with rational human beings when he gave the BBC/Guardian interviews. He was wrong. He was dealing with race-baiting, Newspeak autons. Will he tell the FA where to get off, and take them to court for impugning his name if they charge him with racism? At 78yrs, he probably can’t be bothered.
Yes, presented with anyone from a different culture / background (in this case, traditional English) the first concern for a BBC ‘journalist’ is about the race or ethnicity of the person concerned. Narrative is determined accordingly. It’s a pity BBC staff don’t see the people, just the skin.
BBC. No morals, no respect, no understanding, no humanity, no brains, no future.
Early doors on this morning’s Today there was a discussion about the Syrian refugee crisis and how ‘wealthy’ countries (def: those with a national debt of at least £1.4 trillion) should be doing more.
Imagine my surprise when the cloned Oirish Beeboid over in Islamic Hell-Hole Land told us that the wealthy Gulf nations e.g. Saudi, Abu Dhabi, have done zilch.
As the programme progressed there were more features on the problem, so I quickly concluded this was today’s ‘theme’.
Strangely, the Gulf States weren’t mentioned again but instead Blighty got a jolly good kicking.
Congratulations Ed., on your timely intervention.
i see that the bbc favorite islamist moazaam begg has crawled out of his cave and been doing the rounds today bleating on about how he was tortured by the cia.
CIA lied over ‘brutal’ interrogations – BBC news website headline
It’s misleading, given that we only find out in the article that this is merely the finding of a report compiled by Democrat senators, and not a statement of definite, incontrovertible fact.
It gets worse:
‘The fact that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, or torture by any other name, was stopped years ago or that some people at the top of the US administration may not have known its full extent, does not excuse the fact it took place at all.’
It’s not for the BBC to pass an opinion on a controversial political matter!
It goes on:
‘The authors concluded that in none of the cases they had looked at did these brutal methods stop a terrorist attack. Meaning that America’s reputation, and by extension that of the wider West, has been sullied for no tangible gain.’
It means no such thing. Dick Cheney stated that waterboarding ‘produced a lot of valuable information and intelligence’. Even if waterboarding didn’t stop a specific attack, it may have given America information that they could use to weaken Al Qaeda.
‘It can only be hoped this report’s publication means these practices will be consigned to history’s dustbin.’
It can only be hoped that the BBC and its jaw dropping political bias will be consigned to history’s dustbin.
Looking at the headlines and BBC report the CIA are getting some stick. It is worth remembering that America’s enemies want all Americans dead, and say so often enough. Same with the UK and our enemies. Thank goodness that we can sleep safely because rough people do the dirty work.
Outside Broadcaster
BBC tv news goes over to some chump outside Gatwick – ‘where Bristol businessman Shrien Dewani left via a rear exit earlier this morning’ (yes, I heard he preferred those) – cut to film of him leaving from an airport in South Africa
Over to a bonnie lassie in Scotland with a rain mac and a microphone – ‘where the main gales are some miles further north of where I’m standing’
Keep at it BBC – throw in enough resources and journos and at some point one of your reporters may actually stumble onto the scene of a news story.
“…Keep at it BBC – throw in enough resources and journos and at some point one of your reporters may actually stumble onto the scene of a news story.”
I think they’re all still smarting from the fact that despite leading all over the weekend on the recent Philippines Typhoon they didn’t quite get the death toll they were hoping for. Turned out to be a fairly average tropical storm for this time of the year and thankfully the death toll was miniscule, compared to last year’s ‘super storm’ – this didn’t stop the BBC continually referring to this fairly humdrum event as an ‘extreme weather event’. Apparently much of the population were already back in their homes clearing up even as the last vestiges of the storm was still passing overhead. Oops!
By last night, the talk had usefully switched to the UK’s cold spell, now being described both the BBC and their ever-willing pals at the discredited Met Office as a ‘weather bomb’. Oh…scary!
The BBC: never missing a chance to push the climate change agenda, even when it makes no sense at all to do so.
It’s what they do. The Typhoon must have been a BIG disappointment.
Likewise the unremarkable cyclogenesis in the north Atlantic – weather bomb, indeed. They just SO wanted this to be the harbinger of mayhem, death and destruction, didn’t they? Oh, woe, woe and thrice woe – how can they EVER successfully push the AGW agenda if the forecasts of doom keep failing to come to pass. As it is, the’ll keep hyping it up until it runs out of steam.
This never used to happen in the past – none of these stupid weather warnings for normal, seasonal weather – it is now beyond the pale.
And of course, when you get a weather warning every week, you stop paying any attention to them. Like the boy who cried “wolf!”.
Still Clive got a nice five star and front-of-plane holiday at our expense.
Don’t the BBC have any droids in SE Asia then?
BBC ‘keeping a lid on salaries’ for external consumption but doling out free holidays in lieu.
Cf Vicki Fuckingawfulshire in Brazil
Cf Rachel Boredom in Camp Bastion – ‘It’s very hot and dusty here’.
BBC doesn’t do advertising? How about this – an unashamed plug for Muslim online dating sites (see There are a couple of references to the global and multi-racial nature of Islam, plus two references to “Catherine, a British convert to Islam” (these are all GOOD THINGS to the BBC). But what is the additional inspiration behind the advertisment? Is it that a BBC employee or their partner has a financial interest in one of these sites? Or maybe that one of them has started using such a site and has written this as part of the process of their own self-justification? Try to ignore the fact that this is about Muslim dating sites rather than dating sites in general – should it not be the case that such articles are openly identified as advertisements or press releases rather than news or research articles?
Being charitable, the BBC never looks far when something catches its fancy and once it has found something it never goes elsewhere.
Perhaps you remember Friends Reunited? Hardly ever a day went by without it being ‘pushed’, either for what it did or how it ‘worked from a bedroom’. What never got mentioned was that free websites that did the same thing had been available for at least five years earlier. Ditto Last Minute DotCom, that worked so well that the IPO was a great success, even though most of the ‘value’ of the company was in its debt to the banks for funding the IPO, oh and giving the ‘sexy’ face of its founders jobs in government and a seat in the Lords.
Need a bit of financial advice? Look no further than the ‘wise’ woman that used to work for the BBC, (and effectively still does).
But, as always, ‘other broadcasters are available’, just don’t expect me to tell you who they are or for me to actually use them!
‘There will be millions of Americans scratching their heads, saying this was a difficult time and that the CIA was dealing with some very bad people and it did what it had to do.
But Barack Obama has a different agenda. He recognises America’s reputation around the world was damaged, and that is something he is seeking to put right by saying that bad things happened and they should not have done.’
So says Jon Sopel, who conveniently forgets to tell us about the civilians killed and maimed by Obama’s drone attacks.
I guess it’s OK to ruin someone’s life, as long as you’re not trying to extract valuable intelligence from them…
Beeboids are politically misusing US report to represent Islamic jihad suspect detainees in Gitmo as their heroes.
At the same time, Beeboids are portraying Islamic jihadists from Britain who join the Islamofascist Islamic State as misguided idealists, not as our enemies, which they are.
On the present UKIP sexual harrassment story: I listened to Today this morning at about 0615, and was informed that the texts published to support Roger Bird’s assertions that he was in a sexual relationship with Natasha Bolter were “ambiguous”.
Having just read a few of them on the Guy Fawkes site, I think that we need a new definition for ambiguity.
As an aside: It’s got to be said that Bird was punching way above his weight!
She said in that interview that UKIP were racist and sexist – see
Those claims went unchallenged. They shouldn’t have been. She should have been asked what evidence of racism and sexism she had seen, and been left to go ‘umm, umm’ and waffle when she realised that she had no basis for that allegation.
This came up on Phil Williams on 5 Live last night and, try as he might, he couldn’t land the killer punch against UKIP and so he passed it over to one his mates who was equally unsuccessful in managing to nail UKIP and even had to admit that UKIP acted on these accusations very quickly once they had been made.
Phil Williams finished off the piece by calling it “the latest machination for UKIP”. The dictionary definition of machination is “A clever scheme or artful plot usually crafted for evil purposes”
Ex Labour luvvie making accusations against member of UKIP hierarchy – I rest my case m’lud
Reminded me a bit of Slick Willie Clinton.
He: We had a sexual relationship.
She: I never slept with him.
To a lawyer, both statements could be correct.
Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do….
‘Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai ‘hopes to be Pakistan PM”
The BBC do realise that she lives in Birmingham?
My barber might fancy himself as president of Cyprus and the bloke in my corner shop may very well like to be King of the Belgians – but unless they live there…..
Malala who? Oh, yes – her – didn’t she get shot? Excellent PM material for Pakistan. What else did she do?
She ought to be very careful if she goes back and runs for prime minister of that particular country.
We all remember what happened to Benazir Bhutto don’t we ? Maybe el beeb could arrange for some members of their ‘award wining team of reporters ‘ to accompany her on the stump and take a few bullets for her in a good cause, just think of the shiny brass plaque they’ll put up in their memory in the ministry of lies…………….
First time I’ve seen Malala on the box without Mad Gordon McRuin hanging around in the background desperate for some reflected glory.
Ah yes, but as this article modestly tells us the BBC did “discover” the little princess after all. So perhaps the normal rules don’t apply? Or maybe Birmingham will become a province of Pakistan at some point in the future (or vice versa)? See
“the BBC did “discover” the little princess ”
… with their bloody links, AND SYMPATHY to every Muslim terror outfit going why am I, not surprised
“maybe Birmingham will become a province of Pakistan at some point in the future”
isn’t it already?
On Today Jon Sopel’s interview with Dianne Feinstein revealed, inadvertently, what the BBC has been seeking not to make too much fuss about viz that the “Senate” report into the CIA was in effect a report by the Democratic Party into goings on by the CIA under the previous (Republican) administration. Feinstein admitted that the report was released early since she feared that, when the Senate is taken over by the Republicans, the report [as presently targetted?] might have been buried.
It might be that everything in the report is true and that every fact has been brought into the open. This defence of the CIA and critcism of the report in the Telegraph – admitedly a partisan defence to a partisan report – points out, among other things the incredible fact that “no one involved in the [CIA interrogation] program was interviewed for a report that was in preparation for five years”.
Did I receive a nuanced report from the BBC on this one? Did the BBC tell me that this was a politically charged report by a Democratic (for the moment) Senate on a Republican president? No. This has been sold by the BBC (and most of the rest of the MSM) as a dispassionate, impartial inquiry. It isn’t and wasn’t. As I write, it might be all true. However, the BBC failed to inform its audience clearly and upfront the political manoeuvrings concerning the report. God forbid that the BBC’s listeners/viewers should be aware of all the facts so it can make its own mind up rather than have its mind made up for it by the BBC.
I’m sure that most on here will have heard of or even felt the bad winter weather some of the U.K. is experiencing at the moment. In particular the term “Weather Bomb”. Well, to sound my own trumpet, this is the weather system I spotted last week and mentioned of it on this forum. The term “Weather Bomb” gives the listener/reader a sense of impending doom and catastrophe because that is what a bomb does. It is without doubt that in an extratropical storm, pressure can and does drop significantly over the short term. I’m a little surprised though that the Met Office have used the term “Weather Bomb” as this term is generally used for a deepening pressure gradient measured at 60 degrees north and to decrease in a measured magnitude over a 24 hour period. This current “Weather Bomb” is happening below 60 degrees North and as such has a different pressure gradient and close scrutiny of the pressure charts for this storm, to include the storm centre, shows that it might be questionable as to whether it is a “Bomb” at all? I guess (and without further examination of time scale (24 hours) and scrutiny of pressure gradients) it fits in with the narrative of “more severe weather” ” Climate Change” if this now weakening pressure system is described as a “Weather Bomb”.
I’m still concerned as to where the storm centre will track and even though the pressure centre is weakening, if it runs down the North Sea before it has a chance of losing its identity, then those along the U.K. East coast might well see a tidal surge or increased wave height. Keep an eye on it good people.
As a further comment, whilst being a very active storm, there have been others much worse (as defined by pressure) in the past. Look out for the “Climate Change” excuses.
The Old Bloke,
You appear to be analysing the weather in a wholly scientific and objective fashion. That will not do. As soon as the air stirs or there is a bit of drizzle, it must be linked to AGW. Also remember that is it only certain emissions of CO2 that causes AGW. The kind released by tens of thousands of delegates travelling to far off places for a climate conference doesn’t count.
Please now go back to your synoptic charts and find that AGW.
Hot on the heels of their hysterical coverage of a normal typhoon in the Philippines the BBC climate change disciples are now busy turning a normal December gale in the North of Scotland into an extinction level event. Apparently a “weather bomb” is the cause . Now they have got Burnham on full of righteous indignation because, apparently, the wicked Tory’s are decimating the NHS through privatisation…….off switch !
Yes Oldbob, don’t let anyone get fooled by the term “Super Typhoon”. Nothing “super” about them other than it was the name given to a reclassification of all tropical storms so that folk would have a better understanding of what was bearing down upon them. Typhoons are now into several unified categories and the strongest pressure centred ones (with inherent wind speeds) are classed as “Super Typhoons”. There have been “Super Typhoons” since any meaningful records began, but it does sound good to the *warmists* doesn’t it as it projects doom and gloom into the minds of the reader/listener.
Burnham is as dishonest now as he was when he was trying to dodge his accountability for what happened at Stafford.
The ‘privatisation’ of the NHS goes something like this;
The NHS has three contracts to award;
1) NHS Hospital A gets to do all the A&E and Elective surgery for their city. Value £4million
2) NHS Hospital B gets to do Maternity and Medical in-patient work for their city. Value £3.5million
3) Private Taxi Firm C gets to ‘taxi’ out-patients to and from their appointments. Value £10,000.
4) Andy Burnham is invited on to the BBC to scream blue murder that the private sector has been given one in three of the NHS contracts awarded.
5) Andy Burnham is not challenged on this by the BBC or on the fact that contracts awarded to the private sector are rising at a slower pace than when he was Health Secretary (and started the process in the first place)
5) The BBC follow this up, on his behalf and on behalf of their Labour colleagues (there is an election on the way, after all), with dishonest headlines and interviews with other ‘Save the NHS’ activists.
It all goes to show that you can’t trust the BBC
Labour PFI – the largest and costliest PRIVATISATION EVER:
Total Giraffe Neck size hypocrisy from LABOUR yet again!
‘Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai ‘hopes to be Pakistan PM”
Well what with the political daddy, and all the orchestrations and connections, no surprises there ….
wait a minute … isn t she the poor little girl, shot by the Taliban?
in some backwater? … just for wanting some education?, with much film of dusty distant impoverished villages?
… hmmm something amiss?
Nobel prizes? … didn t Obama get one?
maybe he ll want to be a leader some day.
oh for god’s sake………
You have to pay for admission even if you don’t go.
Watch out for the Jimmy Saville Rollercoaster.
Side attractions will include hide the hot dog.
Wonder who’ll win the coke concession?
Who’ll win the coke concession?
I hear Boooom Bacon is kicking his heels at the minute, between his 5 Dead sacking and the big syndicated show NBC are lining up for him in the US.
The new adage seems to be ‘heat or eat’ but It would be interesting to know of those who use foodbanks just how warm their homes are at this time of the year, and just how many gadgets and large screen TV’s are running all day.
I would wager that in many cases the heating is on all day all over the house and they’re wondering why their bills are so high.
I bet that many of us of a certain age grew up just having heat in just one room over winter – and we’re here to tell the tale. To heat the average modest semi at today’s gas prices in average winter temperatures for 12 hours costs approx £25 a week, to heat one room is obviously just a fraction of that, plenty of cash then left for food!
Its all about priorities and budgeting (common sense) but it would appear easier to get free food rather than free energy….
edit: applols that was meant to appear as a reply up thread.
To heat mine for just 4 hours a day maybe less costs at least £25 a day !
WTF are you burning Thoughtful? That’s so ludicrous, I don’t believe you. That’s almost £3000 for a winter quarter.
I have a four bedroomed house and my dual fuel for a year cost me around £1100 for the whole of the last twelve months that’s £90 per month – £3.01 a day. Actually I pay less than that as I get £200 WFP from HMG (£2.47 per day).
It does seem high from here, too.
We have a 4-bed house of vintage, meaning lagged lofts, double-glazing, etc, but no cavity walls. 10yo, 85% efficient boiler for the central heating. On 6-9am, 5-11pm (thermals during the day).
Our monthly gas DD (which includes cooking and water heating for showers, which with teens is no joke) is £96.
To match that in four days for half the running time is impressive.
Sure there’s not a special ‘crop’ in the Orangery or maybe him indoors is running a steel-smelting operation?
…yes! Something that needs lots of light and warmth
Might explain some of his wacky political choices.
Took some time out to check my bill the other day, was a little shocked to find out that I’m paying £5 per week before I’ve even used any energy in ‘Green initiatives’ masquerading as standing charges.
Its a bloody cartell !
Just checking the meter it’s burned around £200 in a month – £100 a week more like £15 a day ! A little less than first thought.
Of course all these things depend on tariffs etc.
Oh it’s just normal Gas although the energy efficiency people said at least £2K pa to heat it properly.
I think it’s the size of the place and the fact it can’t have cavity wall.
Believed to be the work of the Architect Charles Voysey
Tip for Thoughtful:
Stop using these and get mains gas installed.
Tell the idiots to buy a pullover and wear it when cold. Not only is that the way to keep warm at little cost it also reduces fossil fuel consumption. I’m surprised that this isn’t green party and lib dem policy! Hang on though perhaps thrift and common sense are the sole preserve of centre right parties. Obviously Labour think you are in fuel poverty unless you heat your house to 30 C and lie naked on the sofa in the tropical heat.
“Weather Bomb” update: It now looks certain that the recent storm (still affecting us) did not have a “Weather Bomb” as the storm centre pressure, whilst deepening, did not meet the standard requirements within a 24 hour period to make a “Weather Bomb”. In fact it didn’t come close. The storm centre tracked north of the 60 degree North latitude meridian and as such should have deepened greater than it did. The “Weather Bomb” that never was? I’m not alone in the world of meteorology who are beginning to question the Met Office terminology!
The bBC’s weatherbomb bombed.
Big Islam Not BBC, INBBC Arabic propaganda plug for Muslim on-line dating today:
“Why millions of Muslims are signing up for online dating”
By Lydia Green,
BBC Arabic.
Tomorrow, will INBBC does similar feature for Christians/Jews?
why not be free?, to marry anyone?,
any faith? for any Islamic female?
… simple question BBC?
“How do British officials think this is going to play out in ten or twenty or thirty years, in terms of the size of the Muslim population?
And what changes, if any, do they expect that it will herald in British society?”
… the cost of this?
“Mass polygamy in UK Muslim community
Censored by INBBC.
Does the site allow gay muslims to advertise for a partner?
I thought they went down the taxi rank for quick rape.
I posted a link to a video a while back proving how the BBC wanted to feature more voices in favour of UK eu membership. Unfortunately this site went down and that post was lost, so here it is again.
Of course this is blatant political interference and it’s nice to catch them red-handed
When the BBC is in receipt of European cash to further what exactly, you can understand why there would be institutional bias towards remaining within the E.U. Follow the money!
Westminster theatre, Pantomime special: deputy PMQs today-
this unintentional comedy of ‘mock the politically weak,’ is on a par with desultory Beeboid leftist output.
Labour Party’s Dame Harriet Harman, of high moral principle, urges not-so-saintly Lib Dem, Nick Clegg, to be “forthcoming” about his sexual exploits with women.
You seem to have forgotten George that according to Harm-men and her ilk, sex is something that nasty men do to (impose on) women.
Women do not like sex apparently. According to Harman, they would never contemplate participating in such an act were it not for the evil influence, pressure and harassment of the male species. And they most certainly would not initiate sex…or go out of their way to try try to attract men in the first place. I’m told that some even favour the burka to preserve their privacy, dignity and to stop men looking at them.
As you know Harman is faithful to this belief and avoids the accusation of hypocrisy, living as she does with a lady called Jacqueline…who topped the all-women short list to become a Birmingham MP.
The continuing Islamic repression of education in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
While INBBC has feature on Nobel awards today, which makes no mention of Taliban being Islamic jihadists, but mis-describes them as “gunmen,” the following is present-day state of ‘education/indoctrination’ in Pakistan, not reported by INBBC-
“Pakistan: School textbooks promote violent jihad”
Daily Politics today had White Dee on from Benefits Street.
You could see Shadow Secretary of State Mary Creagh was highly embarrassed when White Dee was talking about Labours benefits legacy especially when she said:
“they paying too much in benefits” –
“it pays better to stay at home rather than work”
“it is the Governments fault – they make the rules”
Blimey, then Andrew Neil also gave this Labour MP a further hard time on the last Governments GPs out of hours service being stopped, causing problems like A&Es to be overloaded.
You got to give that Andrew Neil his due for risking his P45 by going against Labour. It is so unusual to hear any criticism of Labour on the BBC.
The thing about Neil is that he earlier had a real go at the Tory (who I’d never heard of). He was merciless in his questioning of him and openly contemptuous at his politicing.
I’m not complaining, simply observing that Neil is hard but fair; impartial – he challenges everyone without fear or favour and hates evasion.
Neil is probably one of the few, possibly the only, interviewer left at the BBC with the intelligence and integrity to do his job properly.
If they had any sense the BBC would have a clear out at the failing Newsnight and start again with Brillo at the helm as Editor.
Newsnight seems to be specialising in ‘sources who say what sounds good’ no matter what the lessons of history.
I just watched their scoop with Johann Hari’s sister, Mata, and she came across as familiar with reality as her famous sibling.
No credit to UKIP for fast-tracking her into the fold, and serious Slick Willy black marks to go with any unfortunate dry cleaning for a senior officer, but so far it looks like the BBC have backed another winner.
In other news, I am so getting my kids off sciences to Russell Group unis that match their grade predictions, and onto Oxford PPEs.
Seems anyone with a pulse can get a first and the social life is clearly at a healthy level.
Alternative to Beeboid-Guardianista mock outrage at U.S-CIA report today:-
“Torturing America: The Democrats Join the Jihad — Islamic State, Muslim Fighters, Twitterati promise revenge over US torture report ”
– See more at:
I see the Guardian is looking for a new editor. According to its ideological twin, the Independent:
“Mark Thompson, the former Director General of the BBC, is regarded as an ideal candidate… Ian Katz, Rusbridger’s former deputy, would be likely to be on a shortlist, although he is still new to his current role as editor of the BBC’s Newsnight.” Who would have thought there were such strong links between the Guardian and the BBC?
I hope Mr. Katz stays. Though another Operation Clarke County could save the free world.
I know he is a few rungs down from talents such as Cohen, Harding & Hugs, but like them and their BBC he has deftly made Newsnight pretty much about him and not that funny cove they poached from Today, and of course anything to do with news. At least he has so far preserved the ‘night’ aspect.
As a symbol of the broadcast arm of a very low ABC-rated broadsheet, he keeps Newsnight’s profile of what BBC speaking at the people really means.
And they try to tell us they are not of one mind and one way of thinking. This is why the BBC is doomed. Too small a bunch of the like minded.
I heard a bit of the Media show on R4. Some BBC exec wanting to move on line with TVC3. Why not just stick to what we are forced to pay for which is radio and television. Leave the rest alone. The BBC is not wanted there. It is the natural enemy of independent thought and way of doing things.
Radio 4 carrying on with the poor Muzzies being tortured meme, invited some interviewee onto the news program.
It didn’t go to plan when he started to talk about ‘Jack Straw’ and the Labour party, and was quickly shut down with talk of legal action potentially and that ‘we don’t know that’.
So following on from that I thought I’d take a quick Google as to what allegations were floating around, and there’s a lot. They’re also in media such as the Guardian and Telegraph that Nu Liebour were well aware of the torture and that it was sanctioned at the highest levels.
I can’t imagine why the BBC haven’t reported on this, after all if the mainstream media can then there’s no legal reason why not.
‘..can’t imagine why the BBC haven’t reported on this, after all if the mainstream media can then there’s no legal reason why not.’
Maybe Lord Pantone, Danny Cohen, Hugs, Mary Hockaday James Harding, Rona etc could be pressed for comment… preferably not via the medium of spokesweasel.
They do seem keen to ‘engage’ directly these days.
On why the BBC is trusted and transparent, mainly. And needs to be left alone to do that thing it does.
I see as per usual the bBC is lying out of its arse about the death of the a Palestinian.
link text
A Palestinian minister has died after a confrontation with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank. Palestinian medics told the BBC Ziad Abu Ein had died from complications related to tear gas exposure in the incident near the village of Turmusaya. But several witnesses said the minister had been hit and shoved by soldiers. One said he had been hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister fired by them.
So the bBC reports on the death of a man jailed for murdering 2 children in 1979 as only they can. “Its all the fault of the jew” Read the article, watch the bBC video at the bottom and look at this picture the bBC use and naturally you will think, fucking nasty jew. which is of course what the bBC want you to think.

Now watch this video on the Daily Mail and see exactly who the violent bastards really are. Now watch this RT video and wonder why the man who clearly has a heart condition is allowed to be treated behind the line of Israeli troops, not in front and then wonder, well just where is the tear gas. finally with all those camera men why is there no footage of him been hit.
and here is the NBC version watch the video
‘ One said he had been hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister fired by them’
Yeah, stay classy, droids, stay classy.
I see the odious bbC is trying to take the credit for that Pakistani girl receiving the Nobel peace prize.
Malala: How BBC Urdu ‘discovered’ Nobel Peace Prize winner
Malala is now a global icon, but the BBC Urdu service discovered Malala and commissioned a diary from her in 2009, when the Taliban had taken over the SWAT valley and was shutting down girls’ schools
So lets look at what the bBC isn’t telling you as reported here
In nutshell, the bBC exposed this child to grave danger, she was shot in the face, now lives abroad and the bBC wants to take credit. Actually they should be taken to court for child abuse.
The BBC’s repeated playing of the Jacintha Saldanha (Royal baby nurse) hoax recording was also shameful. In an attempt to have a laugh at the Royals they placed this innocent woman under a pressure-cooker weight of exposure. The results were tragic.
Just as a matter of interest, has anybody noticed the bBC referring to the Islam as a relgious of peace of late. No!!! Gee I wonder why?
I noticed that. I think it’s ironic use by impartial observers of muslim violence may have had some effect.
Strangely the BBC and our politicians never afforded any other religion this title. How peculiar.
I see the bBC is allowing Oxfam to berate the UK for not taking in any Syrian refugees. (Actually I think you’ll find we have taken in a lot more than what the wankers at the bbC say)
Well, here’s my POV, Fuck them, let their so called Islamic brothers take them in. in my eyes the UK has taken in enough of the worlds refugees. here’s what Oxfam is currently saying:
A means assessment by Oxfam of rich countries – supported by 35 other major international charitable organisations – claims that for the UK to play its role in managing the refugee crisis, it would need to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees on its soil by the end of 2015.
So much for handing over more money than anybody else in the world towards poor Islamic countries.
I’d suggest making an exception for the Christians and Jews and welcome them. Let the states that are members of the Organisation of Islamic Conferences look after the rest. Surely there is heaps of room in Saudi, Sudan etc for their Muslim refugee brothers and sisters?
So screw atheists then? Import more fairyologists?
BBC TV News Channel and this evening the on screen news headlines ticker informs me that the editor of the Guardian has stepped down.
A case, if ever there was one, where the supposed news item is of more importance to BBC staff than it is to the Licence Payer.
Put it up on the notice board in your staff canteen if you really must but please don’t bother us with it.
The BBC like to know who the next senior manager will be.
I note the BBC are going large on the culpability of the Scout Association and individual scoutmasters in child abuse cases.
I guess they`re rather hoping that, seeing the BBC didn`t plant Jimmy Savile in a scout troupe for Jim`ll Fix It..then the bloody military muscular christian types can get smeared, and satisfy the Woodcraft Folk Peacenik/white feather club that is the BBC.
Oh dear-the BBC will no doubt find this one will be back to pin them…two words GANG SHOW!
Believe it ran for quite a while on the BBC…and I`ll be surprised if assorted BBC staff didn`t take the chance to wiggle a woggle as the chance came up.
Another OG for the BBC a coming I`d say.
When Reith came up with his notions for the BBC, I can`t imagine that he would have been demanding that the likes of Ed Sheeran, Arctic Monkeys and Jessie J would have been been getting all manner of state-funded garlands and freebies from the hard-pressed taxpayer.
Enter the BBCs “Music Awards” Ceremony coming up tomorrow-Evans has spoke of little else this last week.
It`s not as if their likes don`t have ENOUGH bleeding award ceremonies to blow each other off in mutual hand spankings…there`s hardly a day goes by without these minstrels getting yet more self-esteem and more money, promotions.
Bet Adele is blackballed for smiting SaBob and his execrable “Banned/Deaf Aid 30” crap…Ed showed up as did Coldplay-so we can expect THEM to be on tomorrow night.
What`s the cost of Yentobs Jamborees such as this…the cost of satellites alone will be a scandal…especially when the likes of Prince or Yossou N`Dour are all ready to be told they`ve lost.
As ever-the BBC see themselves as party bag impressarios with a chance of osmosis re talent (If caterwauling to a third rate tribute to Whitney counts as such)…and all that news and need to inform can get jettisoned, now that they can all be stars like Richard Bacon.
Awful-and why are we paying-were we asked?…as if!
BBc music awards I guarantee they won’t have on a single band I’ve seen this year or a band who’s record I’ve bought this year.
Why do the Bbc have a new Music Award`s ceremony ? We have the Brit`s ,which came out of the `Nationwide Rock & Pop Awards` , Mercury Music Prize , Ivor Novello Award`s ,The Q Awards ,plus others. I hear they are hiring Earls Court too.What a waste of licence payers money .
I find it disgusting that Nick Griffin and the BNP, whatever your views on him or the the party, were bullied by the BBC and the left for highlighting what is now common knowledge – that Muslim gangs were and are targeting white girls and gang raping them. The BNP’s information should have been noted and acting upon, but what happened? The BBC tried to have Nick Griffin arrested for stirring up community tensions. His name was smeared by the pathetic BBC. Tells you everything you need to know about the BBC, that they and their fellow Guardian turd brains care more about trying to cover up paedos than helping uncover the foul truth.
Just switched to BBC news the 21:00 news headlines. It’s winter storms in the winter complete with shots of big waves.
They’re not just ordinary size big waves they’re ‘weather bomb’ size waves exploding all over our global-warming afflicted country!
Apparently the regular river event out West is now too boring, and will in future be referred to as ‘the Severn tsunami’.. By hyperbolic media
OMG, OMG! Run for the hills!
Did they say it, did they say it?
Palestinian minister dies at West Bank protest
Classic BBC. Begin with the Palestinian claims, even if they are contradictory. Palestinian medics told the BBC Ziad Abu Ein had died from complications related to tear gas exposure.
But several witnesses said the minister had been hit and shoved by soldiers. One said he had been hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister fired by them. This guarantees that any Israel counter claim if reported at all will be so far down as to be irrelevant.
Ignore details that might make the ‘victim’ less sympathetic such as, Ziad Abu Ein was sentenced to life in prison by an Israeli court in 1982 for his role in a bombing that murdered two Israeli teenagers in Tiberias in 1979. He was released in 1985 in prisoner swap.
Ignore the video that shows Abu Ein assaulting a soldier before being pushed (albeit roughly) back.
Ignore him giving an active interview after the alleged attack.
Ignore signs of a heart attack.
Ignore medical aid given to him by Israeli medic.
Apologies to Pounce. I didn’t see that he had beat me to it. That NEWER – OLDER replies thing tricked me.
Some extras. Will the BBC think they are important enough to report?
British Reporter: Palestinians Prevented Israeli Medic From Aiding PA Official and Convicted Terrorist Ziad Abu Ein The reporter was Sky News broadcaster, Middle East correspondent Tom Rayner.
Palestinians, Israeli dispute results of PA official’s autopsy Israel’s autopsy showed Abu Ein’s death caused by blockage of the arteries. Suffering from heart disease he was found with more than 80% blockage of blood vessels leading to his heart.
i can understand the BBC refusing to take sides although one would think constant fabrications by the Palestinians would favour Israel’s Ministry of Health version.
Ironically sick Palestinians have no shame about going to Israel for medical attention. Perhaps the fact that he was a murdering bastard may have denied him entry.
Add an extra ‘eye witness’ claim. Palestinian witnesses said he was struck by the butt of a rifle, though an Israeli reporter at the scene disputed that account.
So now we have causes of death, take your pick.
1) Struck by the butt of a rifle;
2) Hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister;
3) Tear gas inhalation;
4) Heart attack from pre-existing condition brought on by stress.
1,2,3,4 Good riddance.
INBBC is politically content to use the wrong word, ‘Islamophobia,’ to designate critics of Islam.
But INBBC is not politically content to use the right word, ‘Islamikaze,’ to designate Islamic jihad motived suicide bombers, as in Nigeria-
“Nigeria violence: Two suicide attacks near busy Kano market”
Question for INBBC:
-when does an Islamikaze massacre become mere “violence”?
A review of:-
“Islamikaze- Manifestations of Islamic Matryrology”
By Raphael Israeli
“The Spread of Islamikaze Terrorism in Europe: The Third Islamic Invasion”
by Raphael Israeli
This week has seen quite a lot of coverage in the print press about protests in Dresden against the Islamisation of Germany. There has been no coverage by the BBC on this at all as far as I am aware. Surely this is news? Maybe it is because these protesters are normal Germans rather than neo-Nazi thugs.
The BBC don’t want to give the proles ideas above their station.
Free the airwaves and media from the BBC stranglehold.
Vote UKIP to get UKIP, including a vastly reduced BBC.
Some of the protesters in Germany are described as ‘Islamophobic Muslims’.
The BBC will have to take advice on how to present this (or ignor it) from the comrades in the SWP and UAF, who inform on Islamophobia. Perhaps a reference to UKIP might help.
Ed Miliband is most effective the less the public see of him.
For some reason Labour policies seem to get a pretty good write up in the media when the dear leader lies low.
This morning BBC duo Naga Munchetty and Charlie Stayt inform that he is about to break cover later today – be still my beating heart.
Even BBC man Iain Watson – who usually gives Labour a sympathetic spin – struggles to convince as he tells us ‘what Miliband will say in his speech later today’ – regarding ‘cuts’.
As far as I could understand from Watson’s premonitions about the forthcoming speech, Foreign Aid, NHS and Education were ring fenced (sounds familiar) it’s just that Labour would be ‘nicer’ about their ‘cuts’.
Oh, and of course they would magically increase our ‘living standards’ – presumably so they could tax us more.
Naga – often victim to a slip of the tongue lately – sums up with : ‘well, whatever he says about cuts…. we’ll bear the brunt of them’ – if only luv, if only.
Credit where due. This via a Facebook posting:
It remains to be seen the profile it is elevated to, and how it is monitored and referenced by bbc colleagues reporting and especially analysing round the world
Phew… back on track:
The BBC’s new Australia Editor just asking questions, playing politics, as you do…
BBC wasting your money.
Some fun comments to it.
I thought this was best:
Will we have to buy a BBC Theme Park Licence if we want to go to Alton Towers?
Apparently the Royal Society has issued a guide to climate science to challenge the “ill-informed pub bore or the family know-it-all”. So, no evidence of agenda there from that august body of eminent scientists. Just the facts, I’m sure.
How do I know this? Because the BBC told me, on this morning’s Today programme. So, off they toddled to a pub called something like “The Boar’s Head”. Oh, my aching sides. And of course had a few ’tis-’tisn’t exchanges. Obviously some non-experts get to have their say on the BBC.
I’d lay good money that somewhere on the web this document is being torn to shreds by some rather better-informed commenters. What’s the chance of them getting invited on to Today to discuss it?
I see Bishop Hill is already on the case.
‘I particularly enjoyed the sea-level graph starting at 1960 so that the viewers can’t see that such rises have been seen for as long as we have records. I think we could call this technique “hide the incline”.‘
#editorialbyomission plus #sciencebysnapshot = the perfect storm?
I am following a related thread fascinating not just for the topic itself, but the forces being deployed on it, offering an insight into new public sector advice on how to try to make the nasty men go away.
It has got everything, kicking off with the quaint notion that the public sector is above criticism on account of a collection of dubious qualifications, mostly of the ‘it just is’ variety.
There are also many and varied players: reasoned debaters and unreasonable debaters for sure, but also false flags and the new complements, namely the sacrificial martyr, leading to the full flouncer. The latter exist to serve the former and self-destruct to try and distract from them getting pwnd.
There are of course also the Stockholm Syndrones, who are essentially decent folk but so desperate to retain counter-engagement that they plead with everyone to let arrogant if sensitive shills off the hook just to keep a poster from the daft side of the Farce around by letting them spout whatever they like.
Not for INBBC’s ‘Education & Family’ online news pages-
“Mass polygamy in UK Muslim community – claim”
This is the ‘diversity’ which Beeboids enable, through their propaganda.
And they spent yesterday puffing an on-line Muslim dating service on news site and 5Live. I don’t recall such a fuss when was launched.