My aunt got me @NaomiAKlein 's book on link between capitalism & climate change for Xmas. Read it in 2 days. Buy it.
— Megha Mohan (@meghamohan) December 27, 2014
Is this the perfect BBC journo tweet?
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Or maybe this recent tweet from a BBC editor, celebrating the fact that Cuba is still a communist one-party dictatorship, epitomises the typical BBC journalist:
Do these people read these things before they hit send?
Maybe Sinjab would like to stay and immerse herself in the way of life there! Or, like the typical champagne socialist that infests the bbc, is she just there to get a feel of what a real socialist/communist state is like…but without actually living the life of course!
The life that her like wants the rest of us to live while they lord it over us, just what she’ll be doing with the poor Cuban servants.
The book on climate change must be really in depth and intellectual..two days to read it? Sit the reader down and grill him/her on the subject, I’d wager they couldn’t form a worthwhile argument using the context.
I’d rather have the embarrassing jumper to be honest, it would get more use.
I’m sure it takes less than two days to read it but she must be a slow reader!
Do you really think that tweet is ‘celebrating the fact that Cuba is still a communist one-party dictatorship’?
Being glad not to see McDonald’s etc does not equate to being glad they still have a communist dictatorship.
Like all those posers who like singing artists but only their ‘early work’. Rule #1 – never like anything everyone else has discovered.
The number of ‘McDonald’s etc’ is directly proportionate to the wealth and economic development of a country.
So enjoying the fact that there aren’t any is equivalent to enjoying others’ poverty.
To Ms Sinjab and her ilk Cuba is a human zoo.
Going there as a journalist or as a tourist and and enjoying the lack of international chains does not mean she wants Cubans to remain in perpetual poverty, or that she wants the Communist dictatorship to continue.
I was in Spain last year and I enjoyed the fact that there were no Starbucks. Not because I dislike Starbucks, as I don’t, but because it’s nice to go to another country where they have their own (in this case) coffee traditions.
Now obviously there are big differences between Spain and Cuba. My point is that, as a visitor, it was nice not to notice something that’s ever-present here. If I went to Cuba I, too, would enjoy it as it is now whilst recognising the need for complete change for the good of the Cuban people.
Would you insist on paying western prices for all the goods and services you benefitted from or would you pay the local going rate?
I imagine I would pay the local going rate. What’s your point?
No point.
How’s she getting there, I wonder? Surely not by using the nasty international globalised airline industry…
Guessing the upper echelons of The state broadcaster are still a bit hideously Cuban, though.
Likely on a pretty sweet deal, too.
Maybe Ms. Sinjab & Megha could agitate about such imbalance. See how it works out.
I love seeing those quaint little peasants living off $20 a month.
Each time a country or a community ends up bettering itself, it means we have less people to patronise.
Dear Linda Sinjab, you will have as much trouble finding internet access as the poor sods who are forced to live in Cuba. You weren’t aware that Cuba is a Marxist dictatorship where freedoms such as the internet, newspapers and mobile phones are tightly controlled? Heavens you must buy a newspaper some time.
Be aware Cuba has the highest number of imprisoned journalists in the world outside of China.
I hope this is helpful.
And you are a journalist? Beggars belief
“…And you are a journalist? Beggars belief.”
The terms ‘journalist’ and ‘BBC’ are mutually exclusive. The BBC doesn’t do ‘journalism’; it does ‘advocacy’ and ‘activism’.
‘Journalism’? Not so much.
It’s certainly true that the BBC doesn’t break stories at anything like a rate appropriate to its resources or staffing.
I’ve heard claims that it ‘isn’t the BBC’s job’ to look for exclusives but the fuss it makes on the rare occasion when it manages it (presumably by accident) gives the lie to that.
‘ that it ‘isn’t the BBC’s job’ to look for exclusives but the fuss it makes on the rare occasion when it manages it (presumably by accident) gives the lie to that.’
It does seem that way.
They were of course quite chuffed about bringing us McAlpine, until.. they were not.
Like watertight oversight, it seems to be one of those great commitments to journalistic integrity that can depend more on factors beyond the facts and objectivity of the story alone.
Certainly whatever it is qualifies a person to be planted in the cubicle gardens, it’s hard to see brain or ability playing too significant a part. As those ‘don’t print anything stupid in public’ emails from high would suggest the top floor are aware. Shame all staff ignore those… for them. It offers great source material elsewhere.
In passing, I also noticed this:
Beyond the now inevitable breeding colony of telephone number market rates being still created, there is this:
‘The timing of this manoeuvre couldn’t be worse. The short term benefits of getting things “off the books” will weigh heavily with the cash-strapped Executive.’
Given ‘the Executive’, apparently strapped for cash only in areas it matters, usually can deal with anything on the books with a quick spokesweasel denial or sending Hugs and a half dozen lawyers ‘for the ‘purposes of..’, it seems odd this would weigh any more or less than the rest of their fiscal juggling.
Surely the book shown above should be reviewed as the link between “Communism and Climate Change”?
Communism dried up the Aral Sea when two of its feeder rivers were diverted to irrigate cotton crops as part of the USSR’s five-year plans.
What’s left of the sea is a toxic wasteland IIRC.,60.456633,508895m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
The Communists get the money from the Politics, thanks to the IPCC, and, the Capitalists get the money from the Green subsidies.
We the taxpayer, pay both the Communists and the Capitalists for this fraud.
But the Capitalists are able to make money honestly and legitimately, if we withdraw all the Fuel Policy subsidies for the Capitalists.
Therefore, vote UKIP.
The BBC is homophobic.
She forgot to mention the tonnes of pollutants the jet she was flying in spewed into the atmosphere during her trip. Just a lapse of memory I suppose.
Those are good pollutants. Spewed forth for the cause and the greater good.
If you want a good laugh, read any review of any of Naomi Klein’s books written by an adult. She writes the most risible pap imaginable and, in her case, it mostly is imagined.
That a BBC ‘journalist’ would market a book for her is absolutely typical of what the BBC has become.
This latest book of nonsense will be required reading for the BBC’s Science/Environment team; none of whom has a single scientific qualification between them. Isn’t that strange?
I think Cubans are slightly better off than North Koreas, but that is only due to Cuba being slightly more Capitalist than North Korea.
I believe that the Communist elite in both countries are able to buy Burgers of some description from shops only available to the socialist elite, and in the case of Cuba, tourists.
Naomi Klein’s book and others in a similar vein are based on a “Never-got-beyond-Sixth-Form-politics” understanding of the World. Leftists long for an Arcadian world in which everyone works in sunlit, green fields, picking fruits and vegetables, singing songs, enjoying the camaraderie and undisturbed by thoughts of material possessions. You can see it portrayed in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics, in which rural Merry Old England is ruined by the smokestacks of the nasty industrials and capitalists. A generation ago, leftists placed their faith in the Soviet Union to bring down the capitalist West for them. When the Soviet Union collapsed, they turned overnight into watermelon environmentalists in the hope that would achieve the same goal.
The problem with this is that those who are not in the know fail to understand that the capitalists do not have any sort of ideological commitment to oil, coal, fracking, nuclear energy or anything else that the super-annuated students don’t approve of. Rather, their ideological commitment is simply to making money. Yes, there are considerable investements in oil and motor cars that have to be managed for now, but if there is more money to be made long term in building windmills, trading carbon credits or bottling Unicorn farts for energy, then that is what they will do. And the capitalists may be quite left wing themselves; Al Gore, for instance, has made a pretty penny (alright, maybe a billion dollars) through his “ecological” investments.
This Changes Everything? No. The BBC hive mind is firmly trapped in a cloud of marijuana smoke, dated 1968, complete with posters on the wall of Che Guevara and of that tennis player scratching her arse.
Your middle para is excellent.
Klein seems to have published quite a few books.
Wonder if she pockets the profit like a good capitalist, or does she just give away the proceeds?
So hypocritical she must be a mate of Al Gore’s.