My Brother’s Keeper





Is Lenny Henry racist?

Lenny Henry believes that the colour of your skin determines how you act and think.

That is racist.  Even Obama thinks it is:

There’s no “authentic” way to be black, President Barack Obama told a group.


Henry complains that ‘news in Britain comes from one perspective. A perspective that is almost exclusively white, and predominantly male.’


Henry is clearly a proponent of the belief that Blacks should ‘act, and think, black’.…and that alters the way they see world events.

Black people, apparently, have a different way of looking at the world, one that means a black news reporter would report a story in a different way to a white one.

This approach has long been one used by black activists, black race hustlers, to bully other Black people who they see as ‘acting white’.

Here a black girl tells us that Henry is wrong….there is no such thing as ‘talking white’:



He complains that the BBC is white and male…’British news is dominated by a white, male perspective.   There is a better way.‘   Never mind the Today programme he guest edited has two female presenters, one of whom is of Pakistani origin….and numerous black news readers and presenters on the BBC as a whole….not to mention the Asian network.

He tells us that ‘We’ve had one day of diversity on Radio 4. Now for the other 364’

Fascinating his idea of diversity:

Lenny Henry with his team for his guest editorship of the Radio 4 Today programme


No whites included in the ‘Henry Plan’.

Does his concern widen out into nationality, religion or ‘other’ gender, left handers or right handers, redheads and blonds….are there enough lesbian welsh newsreaders or Muslims with conservative views on the BBC?


And just who is ‘black’ or one of this new race created by the diversity industry…the ‘Bames’.  Just how ‘black’ do you have to be to be considered authentically ‘black’?

Does the news have to be delivered in a Jamaican patois, the Queen’s English being a sign of ‘acting white’?

Henry is just another celebrity who has jumped on the ‘protest’ wagon as a way of furthering their career and gaining some sort of street credibility and authenticity ala Russell Brand…both of whom the BBC has prostrated itself before and delivered up the schedules for their personal use to rant and rave about their personal pet hates, thinking not required.



Maybe one day we will have a guest editor from UKIP or the likes of Tommy Robinson..somehow I doubt it……only one perspective allowed on the BBC…..the one that is of real concern….the one Henry misses out, and the one that does in fact put him and others of his new race, the Bames, into prominent positions because of their race…that of being Liberal.

365 days a year we get the Liberal perspective rammed down our throats and anyone who thinks differently is not just sidelined as Henry claims Bameans are, but actively maligned and attacked by the BBC….how often does the BBC claim people with black skin are perhaps closet racists or nazis that want to shoot immigrants…or indeed joke about shooting people who have  ‘unacceptable’ views about limiting immigration or Israel?  When they start doing that you might have a point about discrimination and the BBC Henry old chum.









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32 Responses to My Brother’s Keeper

  1. Fred Sage says:

    Why is Africa in such a mess?


  2. Lee says:

    There is actually very little diversity at the BBC. Irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or talent everyone has the same bloody mindset.


  3. hadda says:

    “there is no such thing as ‘talking white'”

    Indeed. I wonder how Henry feels about the very well spoken Trevor McDonald nowadays.


  4. deegee says:

    There’s no “authentic” way to be black, President Barack Obama told a group. Could that be because he himself falls into the category of ‘talking white’?


  5. David Brims says:

    Lenny could always go back to Africa, lots of die-versity there, they’re all black.


  6. Doublethinker says:

    Why doesn’t Mr Henry set up his own exclusively Black PTV channel. In fact if the BBC has to exist , I wish it didn’t but if it has to , why doesn’t it have an exclusive ethnic white channel and devote the rest to of its output to all manner of non white ethnic programming.
    My only condition is that the white channel does not have any silly multiculti nonsense on it. At least then I might find the odd programme free from the increasingly blatant social engineering that the BBC seems to slip into everything it does.
    Of course this would defeat the whole BBC attempt to turn Britain into a multiculti Utopia.


  7. Richard Pinder says:

    Its true that the BBC censors a lot of news about Black people because of political correctness, but that is because the BBC wants to be nice to Blacks by ignoring news about them. So for the BBC to turn its news service into reporting only good news about black people, would be very much more boring than it is at the moment.

    And when white people Black up, its seen as a criminal act.
    But it is quite common for black people to white up, especially black women, as I understand that sales of skin whitening cream have increased hugely in the past few years. The impression given is that Black people are upset when white people black up, but white people are not upset when black people white up.

    Also significant is that Lenny Henry married a white woman, and all his female presenters have lighter skin than the male presenters. Also at the BBC, the white presenters are unusually unrepresentative of even the middle class whites they are picked from. As in the real world, if the voting patterns in the shires and the ratio of Guardian/Independent to Mail/Telegraph readers are taken into account then middle class white people with low intelligence who go on to do the arts and media courses, as the only route into Oxford and the BBC, and also having a brain that makes them vote Labour, are only represent of about one in nine of white middle class people in Britain.

    But Lenny has a point, but as you can see, his solution only makes the poor representation only more visibly obvious. And I cannot see the political makeup of these people in this picture, it would help if the socialists tattooed a very big red star on their foreheads.


    • Barlicker says:

      I wonder if he’d object to the BBC producing a new series of that sit-com about a white female vicar…


  8. chrisH says:

    How come it`s offensive to a black person to be seen as white in liberal land?
    The likes of Chris Rock have surely shafted this one.
    But it seems not.
    I pray for the day when the likes of Tim Westwood, Professor Green and Plan B get hauled up before the courts for their mockery of black culture-and get wads of money for so doing.
    Racist Uncle Toms, patronising and insulting…the Black/White Wannabe Minstrel Show in negative format. The very opposite of inclusiveness and diversity, I`d argue-should I use such totemic bullshit weasel words as those.


  9. JimS says:

    Henry is the man who opened his Live At The Apollo show by celebrating the election of the USA’s first ‘black’ president and the Grand Prix achievement of ‘black’ racing car driver Lewis Hamilton and ‘black’ audience ‘celebrities’. Distinctly ‘black’ supremacist in tone.

    Henry is just miffed that he and his race have had its day in Britain. Being ‘black’ only ticks one box, ‘brown, homosexual and muslim’ trumps that any day.

    Perhaps we should feel sorry for him; we should have appreciated the Caribbean immigrants more, at least they spoke English, believed in a Christian god, respected the Queen and in many ways were more British than the British. Unfortunately none of that cuts any favour with the ‘progressives’, skin colour isn’t enough now to curry favour with them.


  10. Mice Height says:

    Oh Lawdy!


    • Simon says:

      look at that stupid hat he is wearing – another 40 something year old (50s?) who is still trying to be “down with the kids”


  11. Sinniberg says:

    I watched some video article the other day when this was on the BBC News website.

    It was a piece of “fly on the wall” film from the Today programme with Lenny Henry, Mishael Hussain and some other guy discussing the “diversity issue” and what Lenny Henry was trying to achieve.

    Now, I’m a reasonably switched on and intelectual person but after about two minutes my head was hurting and by three quarters of the way through I finally gave up and switched it off because it was just meaningless, unfathomable waffle.

    I can only describe it as a spoken version of the Empiror’s New Clothes where they were trying to discuss something that isn’t there.

    Even a slug would have looked at them and said “eh?”.


  12. +james says:

    Lenny Isn’t so racist when he asks white people to give money to feed the hungry black babies in Africa.


  13. johnnythefish says:

    Henry’s theme on Today was to explore ‘issues around race and diversity’.

    Not in fact. It was to promote the idea of yet more positive discrimination in favour of ethnic minorities, a well-tested branch of social engineering (see Labour Government 1997-2010, and since).

    The actual, serious issues around ‘race and diversity’ in 2015 Britain are there for all to see, but are too uncomfortable for the likes of Henry and the BBC to confront other than for the usual groupthink of leftist academics, ‘charities’, Labour politicians and ‘community leaders’ to conclude: ‘It’s coz Britain’s racist’.


    • jimbob says:

      if i hear another tosser say “around ” …

      or begin a sentence with “so…”

      i will go postal ! or perhaps i should say

      “So, I’m looking around the issues of going postal”


      • Larry Dart says:

        You could add the exclamation “Bless” which, when used, is a rhetorical device to avoid saying “I am a smug, patronising twat”.


        • John Anderson says:

          and such prats seldom have much standing to allow them to be patronising – they are often folk of limited worth and achievement, fairly inferior types who pretend a spurious superiority by using the stupid word “Bless”.

          No names, no packdrill, of course.


  14. jimbob says:

    does this new found wish for diversity extend to the white working class ?

    do the white working class have a chance of presenting the Today programme one day ? or are the leftists afraid of what they might hear ?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Tommy Robinson would be a refreshing change as guest presenter instead of Humphrys, Naughtie and company.


      • Mice Height says:

        Have you watched this?
        Very interesting to listen to what pushed him to create the EDL, and the way the police ignored their concerns, then went on to do all they could stop them from even voicing them. I should imagine there will be even more to come when he’s allowed to speak unhindered.

        Coincidentally, I was speaking to a friend’s girlfriend on NYE, and she was telling us about her experiences living in accommodation at Bury Park, Luton, whilst training to become an air hostess. Racist graffiti “white slags get out” type of thing, was a weekly occurrence as was being called “white whores” etc when walking the streets.
        The police weren’t at all interested.


        • Barlicker says:

          Having watched this, it has confirmed my view that Robinson is a political prisoner whose “crime” has been to show how Islamic extremists in this country are tolerated to the extent of even being protected by the police.


  15. flexdream says:

    Name one black person that’s funny?



  16. stuart says:

    look around you lenny henry from your mansion and great riches awarded to you on the back of all us white people who you seem to despise so much,look around you lenny at all the poor white people sleeping in doorways freezing over these winter months,look around you lenny at all these ex soldiers who served there country who have been abandoned by there own goverment and labour councils and are sleeping under archways and bridges,just look around you are not having it all bad are you mate.


  17. The Sage says:

    I agree with all of the above in regard to the ghastly Lenny Henry, but I would like to say that Riita Chakribarti and Zainab Badawi are two of the sexiest and classiest females on TV.


  18. Daves shoe says:

    Am old enough to remember when “Lenny” first hit the scene….a time when attitudes were shifting….so his lack of talent was largely ignored in favour of “refreshing diversity” (then in its infant stage)
    Adopted by the BBC Lenny became a BBC token showpiece…..a fine example of fairness and equality… mattered not that he was as funny as a Soviet Gulag…Lenny’s promotion was making a statement….And Lenny used to colour of his skin repeatedly in his self mocking act…..Lets face it if he did not laugh at himself…who would?
    Problem was of course Lenny’s lack of talent was not “contrasted” by in any other department which the public could embrace….and we all saw him for what he is….a very talentless unfunny chancer who had it not been for the “beeb” would be stacking shelves in Tesco’s
    Now…since the Beeb cannot any longer justify employing him on the strength of his comic talents/acting ability…..they have re-invented him as Lenny X, Martin Luther Lenny and Lenny Mandela all rolled into one….
    and guess what? His lack of talent shines there too!