The BBC never fails to disappoint. I caught BBC radio 4 “Today” mocking the Conservative’s claims regarding Labour’s budget busting spending plans should they get back into power; then turned on BBC1 News to hear them give weird Ed Miliband a chance to rubbish the Conservatives. Not a sniff of bias there, no sirree. Anyway here is a NEW Open Thread.
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The BBC is discussing, whether because of sensitivities, banning the Burkha was a wise decision….
………. off switch!
BBC is rushing to the Ramadan Foundation,
for their views, and a discussion …
…………. TV …. off switch!
The Ramadhan Foundation know all about free speech, like the BBC.
But-but-but . . . surely it’s Nothing To Do With Islam? So why is the burkha ban relevant?
Compare and contrast, BBC and Sky news , what a difference in the reporting. Which one would you pay for ?
Sorry hit report by mistake I fully agree with you
BBC Favourite Nick Lowles, from Hope not Hate cries crocodile tears over Paris magazine attacked, whom he formerly called ‘Muslim haters & counter-jihadists’ who were ‘asking for it’
In case he forgets what he wrote, he said:
“The so-called ‘Counter-Jihadists’ …… last week there was the Innocence of Muslims video. This week we have a French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, publishing obscene cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Next week we will have Pam Geller’s outrageous “savage” posters…. These Muslim haters….”
Nick who? Don’t give him oxygen. Empty barrel, but it is interesting his latest article (today 17.25Hrs) is aligning his oft used word (fascism) with Islam.
It is also interesting to note that there appear to be No comments on his blog postings. I wonder if they have been removed, or whether ‘Hope not Hate’ simply doesn’t have an audience?
Whenever I hear of this guy my mind is drawn to the over familiar presenter of DIY SOS and helping desperate families out of their housing problems.
Nick Knowles is just too similar a name !
Execution of a police officer from Breitbart, taken originally of course from Sky news – as the ridiculous BBC are still asking “Who did this” and “What can we learn”…
You must know by now that you have to quickly switch away from BBC on BREAKING NEWS if you want the real story and facts. BBC so yesterday.
BBc damage limitation reporting now morphing into this was an attack on freedom of speech, not on western culture. Also the subtle tones of did the magazine go too far. Funny how the internet is way of the BBc, when they have exactly the same access as myself..
Jane Hill has an effect on me. I need a bucket. BBC 24Hrs News Rolling Bollox. 14.15hrs.
Did this particular magazine overstep ‘the mark’? Was there a feeling that this particular magazine went too far? She’s talking to a french commie from ‘Le Figaro’, inferring that the murder victims had it coming.
The bodies are not yet cold. Jane Hill, hang your head.
Now where’s that bucket.
Maybe Jane could flip over to covering rape cases here?
But that may not be the only flipping required.
1000s of Islamic child gang rapes … be perfect for her
Anyway BBC states that Hebdo magazine is … “controversial” in the sensitive French climate?
,,, hah! knew it …they have been asking for it all along
“There are many non muslims who have said about their comments and cartoons…. whoah … you have gone too far this time ”
but not this one, Frank
…. scrap the BBC
sack the bloody lot of them.
The Paris massacre will probably soon be shunted to one side now that this far more important story has broken.
Have a quick look at the clubs facebook page there are a large number of negative comments to this story and I can only assume a large proportion of them are from “fans” not other users. What intrigues me so much is why this club seems so determined to sign him in the face of losing it would appear two sponsors at least and the good will of a number of their supporters? Is it that he’s such a brilliant player his skill is going to get them promoted to the Premier division? I would state I have zero interest in football so I have no idea if he’s such a brilliant player or not. If anyone on here can think of a reason that Oldham seem so determined to sign him can you let me know.
BBCNEWS AT 2:15-2:30 PM DURING AN INTERVIEW WITH YET ANOTHER UNKNOWN `EXPERT ON THE PHONE` talking bullshit and being allowed to spout crap, then the BBC witch says something like this… (it`s not exact but later on iplayer will show the interview, but the main points are in the following paragraph i may not have typed the transcript `verbatim` but it`s all there…
…didn`t anyone there think surely we`re going too far by drawing THE PROPHET MOHAMMED is such a disparaging way and also critisizing Islam was `ASKING FOR TROUBLE` and they invited this attack by thier actions… Surely somebody there would have pointed out that it would lead to outrage and this kind of `INCIDENT`???
Did anyone else notice this?? Is it just me being a bunker conspiricy theorist??
Also listen to the video footage shown on the BBC version… They have editing and redubbed the initial shouts of the gunmen so that the full “alluh akbar` proclamations of both men before they initiated an attack on the French police after getting out of the black car and firing upon them…
Listen to the bbc version then listen to the SKY version.. also the french news footage.. Thed BBC has redubbed their footage and also the translation of the Presidentz speech on the BBC is not being translated truthfully either… Go on the bbc site and copy/paste the bbc transcript of his speech then use babelfish etc. to see how the BBC spends your money and also lies about what is going on in its output when the topic is Islamic related..
They are now trying to promote some lone wolf bollocks and saying it is an attack on `journalists` and an attempt to threaten `freespeech` … WTF??!! F**&%$G bullsh*t!!! also apparently the true motive of this random mass shooting has no confirmed motive and as yet no information on the `attackers` backgrounds or what the `western` world has done `this time` to provoke Muslims… (Even though apparently they had nothing to do with any of it???!!
I can`t stomach watching it anymore any minute now Kieth Vaz will appear on the TV changing channels b4 i smash the screen in with rage!!
The magazine also lampooned in an outrageous manner the Pope and other religions without reaction. Muslims are angry people determined to find insults and insults there should be in plenty regarding their dirty, little, warmongering,murdering, misogynistic, pedophile Mohammed.
Some woman now being interviewed about the 6 million members of the cult who have suffered discrimination and how they recognise a hint of racism behind some of the magazines articles. How outrage was caused by comments about how islam is incompatible with democracy in the wake of the Arab spring
I couldn’t get to the off-switch in time and on Radio 4 World at One heard, I think, Harriet HarPieman opining on behalf of the Labour Party that the most important reaction to the Paris massacre is to avoid “Islamophobia”.
BTW I note that some twitterati have, for once, demonstrated some common sense by suggesting that every medium of the Western press publish all the Mo cartoons tomorrow in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo. Will the suggestion be taken up? Extremely unlikely in the UK; and certainly not by the BBC.
I`ll not get shot for joining in by posting this will i?
BBC Radio 2; Jeremy Vine @ 13:55 Said (if I heard it correctly) “They knew (Hebdo) that insulting Islam could incur a violent response so why do it?”
There you go typical BBC there is freedom of expression but not if you hurt someone else’s feelings. If you go ahead then if you know that person could turn violent then its what you deserve.
It’ll be interesting to see how the French public take this. Or are they as cowered by violence as the rest of Europe and I include the UK.
Justin, where has this come from ? I haven’t seen it before and don’t know to what the placards refer.
Think you mean the Islamic hate placards featured here:
Thanks but I have already seen those. I was referring to the one pictured above by Justin. Is it a spoof or a BBC edited version of a Muslim demonstration ?
just heard a presenter say ‘alleged attackers’. That’s seconds after showing the video. The stupidity of the bBC knows no depths.
Pretty pathetic ‘cartoon’, Justin, but it does illustrate the difference between the Christian and Islamic viewpoints: no one’s going to lose their life over it.
“The Islamization of France in 2014”
by Soeren Kern
Sometimes the overt bias of the stinking, pimping, Islamist BBC simply leaves you lost for words.
I have been watching the live news from Paris to see how soon it would take for the stinking c***s of the BBC to blame it on, errr, Islamophobia and sure enough, even before the blood is cleaned away, the swines deliver.
It starts, as ever, with several warnings of imminent “Islamophobia”. These intensify and finally we are rewarded with an interview with some illiterate Muslim halfwit called Nabila Ramdani – no doubt one of the BBC’s 30856 Islamist Apologist correspondents – who clearly, overtly, unapologetically puts the blame on “racist France”. What else can the poor Muslims do, she asks?
How on earth do they get away with this?
At 14:49 the Telegraph live feed reported an explosion outside a synagogue in Paris. As I write, it’s 15:23 and the BBC Live timeline remains silent on this one. I wonder why.
You just beat me to it. Won’t be reported unless they can tie it to ‘far right white extremists’, because no other groups in France are anti-Semitic, are they?
And it’s all Israel’s fault anyway, so they had it coming.
The “explosion” is now being reported as a “mechanical” failure. So feasible I was once in a motorway service station when a near by car just caught fire on it’s own.
We did not any further proof that Islam is incompatible with Western values, but we have just had another tragic example. How many more shocking and disgusting examples will there have to be for the liberal left elite to finally admit that their highly dangerous social experiments all over Europe has put us all in danger?
Not until a bunch of them are storming Westminster or the BBC fun palace with their dicks out firing AK 47s, waving swords and shouting allah akbar and even then they will be rushing to be first to show them their inclusiveness and diversity training certificates !
For Beeboids:-
“Charlie Hebdo massacre. The price of Western cowardice?
“The slaughter of French journalists at Charlie Hebdo by Islamist fanatics should shock everyone but surprise no-one. Things have been heading this way for years. The Islamists have got the message that our leaders are weak and that their commitment to free speech is meaningless piffle.”
The thing that seems to be missing is the disconnect between the rational and irrational in power plays.
The principles of MAD would be useless with these characters, though Kim Wrong Un is a worry on that count too as he seems beyond bonkers on the legacy front. Even Hitler had a basic, if perverted grasp of survival, though at the end he was prepared to take every German kid down with him too.
The insincere platitudes on free speech and clear actions in counter to phrases dishonoured certainly don’t help make nihilistic deathcultists think twice, but best I can see they want all-out carnage and simply notch it up a bit more each time they don’t drag all into their death spiral. They probe and test and test again, and though lives are lost the establishment has devoted vast effort to soothing propaganda to the near exclusion of all else. It almost seems now we have a National Twitter Force with a small division working on police services.
And eventually the pressure cooker will blow.
And all those keeping the lid on, either suppressing outlets or cranking up the heat by protecting fires from spreading, are responsible. Just as there cannot be a little bit of pregnancy, there can’t be oddly variable boundaries of taste, or offence in public ‘speech’. And to even hint that ‘asking for it’ is justification for getting it is a duplicity of standard too far.
I won’t be going on the rampage. I doubt any here will. But there will be those who see provocation only as a means to pushing their prejudices back, and violence excused if not tolerated in others as a precedent. It won’t work out like that of course, but too late.
Once that happens, with clear divisions created, too often with official complicity, the consequences will be hard to pop back in the bottle.
Already we appear at a stage of lessers of evils. And I can’t see any statesmanship anywhere remotely likely to confront that, still hoping weasel words will plaster over it all. Again. Tough choices and actions were required long ago. Each delay simply has made them tougher and with more dire consequences.
A video just seen again highlighted on Guido – if you not seen it, you really are missing something about how ISIS all came about: Highly recommended – is very popular with many worldwide views:
How do you guys stick watching News 24? its so transparent.
Have they shown the shooting video yet?
12 dead in Paris, maybe the people of Dresden have a point after all.
No doubt the incident will help sales of Houellebecq’s “provocative” book.
I’m going to buy a copy as an act of solidarity with the French people …
Can someone explain something to me that I’m not understanding. How does publishing pictures of Mohammed in any small way whatsoever excuse what was done in France?
And assuming no-one thinks it does, why in the name of all that is sane is the BBC even raising the point?
It behoves us all to print out the pictures and attach them to every lamp post we can find. Before people decide to attach the politicians to the lamp posts instead, because that is where we are heading.
‘..why in the name of all that is sane is the BBC even raising the point?’
I see what you did there.
It is all about power and Mao had it neatly summarised at what point that comes from.
All that’s needed are excuses, and they can become legitimised if allowed to embed.
Anything can be arbitrarily assigned a status from which offence can be taken and, in bonkers extreme cases, then acted upon to restore whatever daft notions inspired it.
A no-go area here, a whinge industry and funded whinge merchants given sofa space there, and the rot sets in and has done what rot does, especially to foundations.
The metaphor with the BBC is clear. In a sane world, if you do not appreciate or want what they seek to establish, you have the option to politely choose elsewhere. However, somewhere along the line they get imposed anyway, with injury atop insult by using your dime to do it; no democratic voting opportunity involved to offer proxy support to where you feel comfortable.
Simply propaganda and, if that fails to serve, censorship on top.
Very poor historical precedent.
INBBC subservience to Islamic interests continues.:-
the deference to Islamic propagandists,
the spinning of ‘Islamophobia’ as the real enemy,
the commitment to more rapid Islamisation of Europe.
I have Just listened to a speech by John Kerry on Al Beeb, re today’s slaughter in France. I am afraid It sounded much more statesmanlike than anything I have heard so far from our Prime Minister.
My dog sounds more statesmanlike than that incompetent
two faced traitor
Davey … it wont be long
Just (16:50) looked at the BBC News website lead story on the Paris shooting. We are warned that the linked video “contains some disturbing images”. Yet what do we see? Some men in black with guns and lots of vehicles and a ‘smudge’ on a wall.
That ‘smudge’ is a policeman shot in cold-blood, his plea for mercy and his shooting are cutout.
I can’t help but feel that the BBC, Cameron, Merkel, Obama et al would, given half a chance, ‘smudge’ the whole of the reality of Islam out of sight. But why? For ‘community cohesion’? What ‘community’? Certainly not the community of the ‘blitz’ and its descendents.
In other news, and by heavens it may be needed now, I note this:
‘At the top is strategy for handling the delayed Dame Janet Smith Review..’
One imagines a budget for another large carpet and broom will be instantly signed off as a priority.
‘I wonder who is paying’
Wild guesses?
It is just typical BBC bias in portraying the victim as the culprit.
Time now for no comment. Let us watch our leaders and our media carefully and stay silent ourselves.
This attack is reality coming full speed down the road at our world.
Maybe we have the leaders able to cope but this is very very doubtful.
The temptatation will be for these European leaders and the liberal commentators to strike out wildly at those they think they can silence easily. They will do this to cover up their inadequancy and preserve their power. That is the conservative opposition. Angela Merkel has already set the tone with her wild condemnation of Pegida.
Here and in much of old Europe the people must watch and wait.
Now is the time for the people of the shires of England and the countryside of France and Germany to fall silent.
Wait for the world to turn and those new men and women emerge from out of nowhere.
I note with interest on BBC News’ front page, the ‘Key Points’ DO NOT INCLUDE the gunmen shouting “We have avenged the prophet, Allahu Ackbar!”
From breitbart comments
Gareth Mailer • 2 hours ago
My complaint to the BBC, feel free to copy and paste:…
I find it sickening that the BBC news correspondent, and the the BBC in general, allowed questions of the nature broadcast in the aftermath of the terrorist atrocity in France, without challenge and without contrary opinion.
One of the questions posed by the correspondent was deeply offensive, notably: “How would you respond to those who say the cartoonists brought it upon themselves?”
It was a satirical cartoon. He didn’t murder someone, he did his job, he expressed his views in a democracy, as is his entitlement. To imply that his actions in some way justified his death is nothing short of sickening.
This was preceded by an interview with a Muslim spokesman, whose views went unchallenged:
“These sort of satirical cartoons are an affront to our faith and something I oppose.”
“This confuses people. Don’t let ISIS form your opinion on Islam.”
I am appalled by the lack of impartiality, and more significantly a standard of bias by omission, shown by the correspondents.
The price of western cowardice … erm like this?
Telegraph France faces rising tide of “Islamofauxbia”
“Indignant Britons have written to me in recent weeks, saying I am being too hard on the UK. Clearly I am not being hard enough. It has surrendered to the jihad agenda. Might as well turn out the lights and close the books on what was once a great nation.”
As Beeboids will have noted in Paris:
-there has been an impressive turn-out of French people at the Place de la Republique in Paris today in solidarity with the victims of the Islamic jihad massacre at Charlie Hebdo.
(‘Je suis Charlie.’)
Let us hope that this can set an example for people of the political ‘right’ and ‘left’ to unite in France (and in Britain) against the common enemy amongst us: the Islamic jihadist barbarians.
Al Beeb now reporting on vigil of support held in London’s Trafalgar Square. I am sure we look forward to millions of British Muslims marching in support through London carrying banners with the words “Deaths in France – not in our name”
BBC News Online FrontPage. 18.47.
Words completely absent from the terrible news from Paris.
Islam. Jihad.
BBC. No morals. No integrity. No future.
Scrap the telly tax.
How many murders after “Life of Brian ” took the piss out of Christians ?
The difference here is between civilisation and savages.
I think one council banned it. I suppose those were the bad old days when racist and reactionary Britain was intolerant, unlike our more enlightened current times.
Usual crap from the BBC and Newsnight about Merckels visit to Cameron.
Turns out that Merckel is pivotal to all things British-Cameron must not use it for political purposes, poor lad`s a no mark at the heart of Europe compared to Angela,
lets not see anything into the fact that Ed Miliband is nowhere to be seen-in a parallel universe this could be seen as a snub to the irrelevant body double for Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray…but to the BBC and Guardian it`s no doubt due to the Great Man being above party politics.., the Universal Statesman.
But Nick Robinson DID say something of interest(Today 8/1/15…7,15am etc)-apparently words to the effect that a vote for Labour will be seen as a slap in the face to the whole EU Project-and a personal snub to Merckel herself.
So then-a vote for Labour is a vote to destroy European harmony…oh dear, the BBC seem awful confused-they want us to vote Labour AND to slap Merckels face whilst risking the EU disintegrating at one and the same time.
Pathetic!,,,and typical Labour/EU knickerpicking!
The BBC 6 o’Clock News was absolutely desperate not to let a minor hiccough get in the way of their prepared agenda: a few minutes coverage of the ‘gun attack’ at Charlie Hebdo, a very controversial and provocative magazine. What else could they have expected under the circumstances? (Jihadists everywhere, please understand that we’re not a bit like them and that we love you lots and lots really.) OK, now back to the studio while we still have time for the ‘reports’ we prepared earlier: NHS, Food Banks, and the EU contribution to our economic recovery (WTF???).
I’m sure there was some indispensable football news still to come but I was feeling queasy by then and had to turn off.
Frank Gardner “BBc Security expert” talking about the attacks in Paris mentions Woolich. But it would appear he can’t remember Lee Rigby’s name.
Professor of Islamic studies in Oxford now on BBc telling us that this is not part of islam.
BBC Staff code for the day:
1. Say “Nothing to do with Islam”.
2. Say “As we have all just agreed..”
3. GOTO line 1
I can deal with the anger, but I feel physically ill today. I never thought the BBC could have such an effect on me.
They need to stop and just stick to telling me how s*&t the NHS is and how Labour are our only hope.
Sounds like INBBC’s political chum, untrustworthy on Islam, Muslim Tariq Ramadan-
Book (2008)-
“Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan”
By Caroline Fourest.
(or is that ‘taqqiya’ Ramadan?)
Anybody able to tell me why Addenbrookes hospital see fit to declare a “Black Alert/Major Incident” over a pinch at their A&E-all so convenient re suiting Labours/BBCs narrative re “a few months to save the NHS for Labour to firetorch”…whereas their continued employment of Myles Bradley-paediatric paedophile-didn`t merit any such “flagging up of a serious failure by the NHS”.
Getting Labour elected?…fine, get the cameras to Cambridge, get Millies phone number…don`t worry how, Piers might help?
NHS Paedos?…mid Staffs, Lincs?….er, bloody Westboro Baptists up to their old tricks in Paris surely?
Screens nurse…and shoot the f**in lying old nag that is the BBC behind them, so those who still mourn Patch won`t suffer unduly.
Fray Bentos anybody?
Ahmed Merabet was the poor Police officer shot today by the two Muslim soldiers in Paris. It appears the pair were brothers Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad.
How is it that every time a Muslim commits an atrocity the authorities know exactly who the perpetrators are within a few hours ?
None of the BBC stories regarding this wholly unjustifiable attack has a HYS comments section. Can’t think why.
Thanks to the left wing scum quislings in organisations like the BBC it looks like it has finally taken a tragic event like this to act as a wake up call.
We here at the BBC are worried that all this anti-Islamic rhetoric after todays unfortunate evennements may yet prejudge the Boston bombing trial.
We therefore you not rather not discuss it any further than Tariq Ramadan would wish it…worry about the plight of shiploads of Muslims who might like to come and enrich us all…and above all-fight Islamophobia-which discussing why Islam condones,even urges such atrocities among the dirty kuffar.
So, you`ll understand why we`re dusting down our testcard-calling you to clear the streets(and let any passing Jews clean them when Galloway gets in)-and photoshopping a hijab on the girls teddy in the test card…not called Muhammad either, lest THAT be the next excuse for why ISIS want us dead here.
Laughing the BBC into the dustbin of history…but they`re a danger-not at all funny.
BBC News at 10.
Bias economic analysis. And dumb-assery.
Meme? Deflation is bad. And its due to oil prices falling.
As a net importer of oil, this is good for people in Britain – prices fall, stuff costs less, got more to spend on more stuff (or even save [older contributors will be familiar with the concept ‘save’]), which means businesses will do more business. That’s how we get more wealthy as a society. It really isn’t that hard to understand is it? Deflation is not bad (for people) even though it may be bad (for certain corporations/special interest groups)
The BBC’s concept of impartiality in economics? Balance between unrestrained socialism (Labour without Bliar) and socialist democracy (Cameron ‘red’ Tories). No room for sound money and basic common sense.
Scrap the telly tax. Oh, and vote UKIP in GE2015.
@YanniKouts Via @Dreuz_1fo 23:18 : Info still fragile, but 2 Arrested, one killed .#Kouachi #CharlieHebdo #Reims
10:29 PM – 7 Jan 2015,7340,L-4612718,00.html
Another French newspaper, Le Point, reported that police investigators identified the three suspects as 32-year-old Said and 34-year-old Sherif Kouachi, and 18-year-old Hamid Mourad using the ID cards left in the Citroen C3 with which they escaped the scene of the attack.
Seriously! How likely is it that seeming trained gunmen would even take their IDs in the getaway car, let alone leave them there?
‘Fluent French-speaking gunmen’ says Evan Davis to the opening of Newsnight. Those damned Frenchies! Except later, there was an admittance that the gunmen were of Algerian descent. Followed by a ripped Koran in a crowd. Oh, the horror! Later, a quite bizarre interview with Bulgarian philosopher (what’s it got to do with him?) Tvetavan Todorov. Here’s a few of the lowlights – ‘far right’, ‘anti-muslim attitudes’, ‘xenophobic attitudes’, ‘impact will be total blaming of muslim community’, ‘friends (ie. The National Front) of these parties (i.e. the gunmen)’, ‘it’s not about Islam at all, it was about revenge and resentment’, ‘aggression against their identity as muslims’. Even Maitliss sounded incredulous. Sheesh, and I thought we had some loonies over here.
I am just wondering if we can bear arms ourselves now, as I for one feel threatened by Muslims. They can spin it ,tony Blair style, all they like, but I personally think that the cancer of islam is a threat to our western civilisation, thanks to the wet liberals in charge. I myself am sick to death of hearing about bloody islam. If they hate us so much piss off back to the dessert. Rip to the French.
As a totally law abiding UK citizen I never thought I would ever start thinking where I might procure a gun.
Now I am starting to wonder whether I should be thinking ahead and learning to shoot and finding how one goes about getting hold of a firearm. If we leave it until after civil unrest starts it will be too late, the thugs will have all the guns.
I am concerned that with my age and lack of fitness me and my family are a sitting duck.
The police will be no help, they’ll all be standing around mosques in case any islamophobe throws a rasher of bacon at them.
I wish to express my undying gratitude to the left, whose smug arrogance has led my country to somewhere I am thinking I don’t want to live anymore. Thanks a bunch lefties!
Guy’s. I have to agree with you there. There is a strong left wing vortex in this country, with the establishment and the media and its getting out of control.
‘ We’ the ordinary law abiding citizens of this country, the so called ‘Silent Majority’ are being oppressed. And its only going to get worse.
If Labour were to get into power in a few months time with that marxist Miliband in charge, then i realy do think the tipping point will be reached and then there will be huge civil disorder, mass protests, and violence on our streets.I
BBC News 24 Rolling Bollox. 23.27.
More economic bias. Sorry to be boring.
‘Customers will hold off buying if prices are likely to fall…..leading to economic downturn.’ Erm….no. Thats not what people do, its not how people act. If I need diesel, I buy diesel. If I need to eat, I buy food.
Other more obvious examples:
Cars. People keep buying them, yet historically, their price falls with respect to wages.
Mobile phones.? Computers? Cameras? Washing machines? If we waited for the prices of these to stop falling, no-one would have a phone, or a telly, or a computer, or a ……
Back to school beeboid, and pay attention in class this time! The economic bollox spouted by these BBC economic ‘experts’ is laughable.