I saw this headline in the Independent…..
This is the terrifying price we pay for free speech in a liberal democracy
……..and thought no, that’s bollocks.
The savage murder of twelve people is not the price for freedom of speech it’s the price of an extraordinarily dangerous experiment with immigration that the ‘elite’ has been playing whilst all the time lying to us.
In 2009 the Guardian, of all papers, published this:
Europe’s risky experiment
In a week in which the European election results have shown the potency of the anti-immigrant vote in many countries, including Britain, Christopher Caldwell’s contention that immigration has not only changed Europe but revolutionised it has a topical plausibility. Immigration, he says, and above all Muslim immigration, has planted in the heart of a weak and confused civilisation communities, rapidly growing in number, that have already changed Europe to suit their needs and beliefs. And the chances are, he insists, that in the future we will bend to their will rather than that they will bend to ours.
The truth is that immigration was not inevitable on the scale on which it took place, and that its effects have ranged from the pleasing – more ethnic food – to the positive – more cultural diversity – to the truly terrible – race riots, social tension, terrorist attacks.
When the Danish cartoons furore was at its height, newspapers the length and breadth of Europe upheld the right of free speech – yet the vast majority of them somehow neglected to reprint the offending sketches. The code insists, says Caldwell, that Islam must always be defined as a peaceful religion, yet ignores the way in which Muslim leaders in Europe lay down red lines that the non-Muslim majority is not supposed to cross. Once Muslim majorities emerge in certain towns and areas, Muslims will demand the right to live not only differently, but also separately, and Europe will lose control, Caldwell believes, of significant chunks of its territory.
He is right to argue that immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear. He is right that we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways. If his book sharpens a so far sluggish debate, it will have served an important purpose.
In 2009 then they were hoping that the debate about this ‘risky experiment’ and its consequences would have developed and taken on these important issues. Clearly that didn’t happen…..the results of which are being played out on the streets of Europe ever more frequently, ever more bloodily.
Unless politicians and the Media, especially the dominant BBC, start to challenge the false narrative that the West is to blame for all the ills in the Middle East, that our foreign policy is to blame for terrorism across the world, then there is no hope of dealing with the threats posed by an ideology that feeds off such a narrative despite it being absolutely untrue….after all the people of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan view the Jihadists as foreigners themselves…..so straight away there is a conflict with Muslim (Usually Pakistani) assertions that British foreign policy is the problem when they are the foreigners themselves invading and destroying those countries in an attempt to create their Islamic paradise on earth.
We keep hearing that the narrative must change…..so change it. And then start looking at immigration and major issues such as the importation of alien and extreme ideologies that seriously conflict with our values and beliefs long nurtured and defended over the course of two thousand years and not to be carelessly thrown away by a weak and submissive elite unwilling to stand up for their own beliefs whilst at the same time unwilling to bring themselves to challenge beliefs diametrically opposed to theirs however much that will lead to the destruction of their society and everything they presumably hold dear.
The cock suckers at the bBC will continue to defend intolerent Islam even when the gunman in front of them utters Allah ackba
I mean look at ‘ Frank’
Imam David Cameron has come out strongly for freedom of speech, and freedom of expression.
Meanwhile, there have been knife and axe attacks in Birmingham and Plymouth, and bin lorry Jihad in Glasgow. In all these attacks, the perpetrators have yet to be named, thougn the victims have been.
Glasgow City Council has announced that it “would never release” the names of the driver and his two colleagues who were in the cab when it crashed.
There is hardly any doubt that London has put a lid on the story, and Glasgow council is merely following orders.
So much for freedom of the press.
In the final analysis, freedom has to be defended with the gun, just as it can be extiguished with the gun. The gun is the final arbiter.
Churchill in The River Wars
“No terms but fight or death were offered.No reparation or apology could be made.
The red light of retribution played on the bayonets and lances, and civilization – elsewhere sympathetic, merciful, tolerant, ready to discuss or to argue, eager to avoid violence, to submit to law, to effect a compromise – here advanced with an expression of inexorable sternness, and, rejecting all other courses, offered only the arbitration of the sword”.
Rare is the felicity of the times, when you can think what you like and speak what you think— Tacitus, The History, I.
Muslims are trying to shut down freedom of speech and the press.
Alan …. cowardice has bought us here.
Not by the “ordinary joe”, but by those supposedly running the show, or as has been consistently shown by those quislings … running from it.
Now we have the most galling, incompetent, silver spoon
idiots supposedly in charge … in memory, abject capitulation from No10 down.
Look at the newspaper headlines, bleating the orchestrated crock, the lie of “Islamofauxbia” …
Look at the BBC this very morning, the handwringers on display on one of the very few daytime opportunities
for that ordinary voice to be heard, 5Live Your Call.
Twenty minutes in we ve had, Islamic forum, Ibrahim Mogra, some shameless simpering apologist, Abdul,
and Hasan along with N Campbell being the worst he has
ever been … 25 minutes now … another “plant” bleats the narative calling for “limits”, on free speech
“Je suis Charlie” ? … oh really?
Where are the cartoons then?
Which newspaper? … which TV channel?
Cowardice! … until ordinary Germans want to peacefully
march against such infringement on their lives that is.
Then counter demo s get, political support, orchestrated
lighting switch offs, landmarks put into darkness, political intervention etc.
Abject, Political and Media Cowardice.
5Live s latest “plant” … bleats we don t know what or whose behind the murders
……….. off switch!
Islam? Germany not sure? De Maizière warns against panic-mongering,”
“Fox News has ‘no plans’ to air Charlie Hebdo cartoons,”
Fox, CNN, NBC (and the BBC) won’t show Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons
oops! … looks like disappearing message syndrome
“Where are the cartoons then?”
Yesterday you could see them on the One o clock news (it’s about 12 minutes in on the iplayer). On News 24. The Ten o clock news. On Newsnight. For a company that’s supposedly not showing these cartoons they keep appearing an awful lot. And not pixilated like the Telegraph.
I think that’s a brave decision and the BBC deserves praise.
“I think that’s a brave decision and the BBC deserves praise”
So, eventually, under public spotlight and pressure, they decided to breach their own Editorial Guidelines that should not have existed, or needed to?
Certainly sets an interesting, if as always variable, precedent.
I didn’t realise they weren’t publishing the names of those in that lorry- I just assumed it was just a tragic accident but that fact seems to suggest otherwise.
If you want proof that the authorities aren’t on our side then that is it
‘David Cameron has come out strongly for freedom of speech, and freedom of expression.’
I hear, and read, the platitudes that the likes of Mr. Cameron intone.
But then I do wonder if all in authority acting slightly differently have got that memo.
To be clear, like deployment of inappropriate charcuterie, this is provocative, and daft. However, it is within the confines of a personal bubble, and whilst in ‘public’ one that needs to be gone to, to be outraged, as directed by… who, now, before then heading to Super Mabs to deploy services appropriately.
Maybe Dave & Theresa need to ponder what messages they give out, to whom, and who understand what to suit, and who doesn’t believe a word they say.
‘When did the idiots take over?’
Good question. One if asked of the BBC they would have an FOI exemption ready before one could say ‘the calming effect of rampant double standards’.
Seems we are destined for a lot of questions to be secreted away, and powers no longer held to account.
Some meagre information on the bin lorry massacre in Glasgow.
This is the only pics that I have come across. All the rest have been scrubbed apparently.
“All the rest have been scrubbed apparently. ”
Really, so I suppose the photographs in this article from 2 days ago do not exist!!
I suppose all these images found using a simple search also do not exist!!
Thanks Albaman.
Yet it is strange that the name of driver, and the two people with him are not going to be released.
Further thoughts on the wayward Glasgow bin lorry.
If this incident was not a tragic accident, then it follows that Glasgow city councuil are responsible for the actions of their employees. This opens a whole can of worms, apart from litigation & responsibility to the citizens etc.
It also raises questions as to how many places are susceptible to such “incidents”.
Aviation fuel lorry drivers – can one imagine the consequences, next to a full loaded airplane
Access to highly explosive materials .
I’m sure one can think of several such places.
One can then understand why the authorities are not going to release the information – never, as it makes them liable . I think never is too strong. It is probably in a folder marked “Top Secret – redacted version to be released in 30 years, depending on circumstances ”
Suppressing facts is never a good idea, as it leads to speculation.
There is also the Plymouth and Birmingham knife and axe “incidents” which have gone down the memory hole.
“One can then understand why the authorities are not going to release the information – never, as it makes them liable .”
Only Glasgow City Council, the employer, has said that they will not release the name of their employee. Whether Glasgow City Council releases the names or not does not change their liability (if any) in any way.
‘Only Glasgow City Council, the employer, has said that they will not release the name of their employee.’
And what of the, presumably innocent if hapless colleagues in the cab?
Surely a few questions to be asked on precedent?
The BBC claims a proud tradition of holding others to account.
At what point does ‘don’t wanna’ suffice to make it all go away? And if it is just the employer being sensitive, what is stopping what is apparently extensive investigative might being deployed in other ways?
It might be an accident, or more, maybe even a crime. Who knows?
That a dodgy tweet or errant ex-con seeking job opportunities would doubtless see more enthusiasm for clarity and public right to know than multiple deaths in a city street seems suddenly odd priorities at best.
It’s not like the UK media are exactly laden with integrity glory post-Charli already.
But after all that has happened, or not in the case of many media, proudly hitting the archive trail to appear to counter with the Daily Mail publishing since the overall media memory hole descended is quite special, it must be admitted. At least all the top comments seem supportive of anonymity being maintained, with often enviable clarity on what happened since no one knows.
I wonder why oversees media, less constrained by establishment influences, have not taken an interest either, as the BBC often does around the globe in pursuit of the who, what, why, where, how.
Your point is??
DP111 claimed that “This is the only pics that I have come across. All the rest have been scrubbed apparently. ”
His assertion was patently wrong as proved.
As for : “But after all that has happened, or not in the case of many media, proudly hitting the archive trail to appear to counter with the Daily Mail publishing since the overall media memory hole descended is quite special, it must be admitted.”
I am sure that there is a point in there somewhere but I really don’t have the time to work it out.
‘I really don’t have the time to work it out.’
Making the investment of 5 paras to arrive at that an unusual one. Along with what you do have time for.
Welcome back to the forum. Any thoughts on BBC performance of late?
ps: Ian Hislop uses ‘apparently’ a lot, too. It does mean what he thinks it does.
Coming after several Jihad attacks in Western countries, what was surprising about the Glasgow bin lorry incident was that several days after the attack, there was no mention of the name of the driver. We were told the names of the victims, but nothing about the driver. Very strange, considering there were rumours that the driver had a heart attack, so no blame but sympathy was due.
That led me to think that there would be some pictures of the driver. Not unreasonable, as almost everyone has a smart phone.
There were hundreds of pictures of the victims and other material, but not one except the grainy one linked. Considering the many Islamic attacks over the last month, this surely was of interest.
Now we know , that the name of the driver, and his the two companions( who are they?). is never going to be released. What was surprising was, that in this day and age, there were no pictures of good definition of the driver, and his two companions. Is this mere coincidence? Considering the duplicity of politicians and media, and the fact we are being told lies by the dozen, one has reasons to be suspicious.
On the issue of liability.
If it was merely matter of financial liability, it is no skin of the noses for politicians., as they have bags of tax payers money. To deliberately and adamently refuse to release the names of the driver and his two companion, indicate that they are worried of the political fallout, and consequences to their political future.
There was an identical incident in Paris reported on RT, on the same day as the Glasgow incident. But RT was honest about the Islamic involvement.
Any evidence of this “Islamic involvement” Richard? The only sources suggesting an “Islamic involvement” in the Glasgow incident are even more biased than this site.
I see that Douglas Murray cuts through the cant by referring to following which makes it pretty clear that Charlie would not survive in the UK. I think it underplays the problem Charlie would face in our society with a powerful state and its media outlets – particularly the BBC – pushing into civil society.
”What if Charlie Hebdo had been published in Britain?’ spiked-online.com/newsite/articl…
Yesterday evening a couple of BBC women – in one of those incestuos reporter-to-reporter “discussions” – where normal service was resumed. There was some anxious hand wringing expressed but the BBC woman assured the anchor that people – presumably us – “got this”, this being that, of course, this had nothing to do with Islam. She never made it clear what it is to do with as presumably the standard go-to, “mental illness”, is not available.
The only bias on this site is that lifted from BBC broadcasts and websites – 99.99% of which you make no attempt to refute.
Re: “Allah uh ackbar”
The BBC and media organisations, translate “Allah uh ackbar”, as “God is great”. By this strategem they slander all religions, but mostly it is Christianity that is the target. They follow this up by stating all religions have a violent past. Again the target is Christianity. But I digress.
“Allah uh ackbar” actually means ” Allah (not God ) is greater, ie Allah is greater then your gods or Gods, or any values that you uphold.
Islam is by word, doctrine and its inherent violence, a supremacist ideology bar none. It has to be taken down.
I have always felt that it is in France, the home of the intellectual Left, that the fightback will start. Its begun already.
You tube must watch ‘marine le pen on muslims and nigel farage’. Another amazing politician standing up for her country and predicting these problems , just as we have our nigel trying to bring our borders back . Plain common sense unless you are making millions or causing murderous chaos from the eu’s pourus borders
West’s political class – mass immigration from Islamic countries – Woolwich/Hebdo, etc – blame ‘Islamophobia’.
‘Diversity’ = repression of freedom.
Start with any group you like
It could be teachers , nurses, public sector workers , trade unionists , lawyers , disabled , minorities , bankers , the aristocracy , armed forces , police , hang glider pilots , left handers , supermodels , campanoligists, mountaineers, train spotters ,
And religious leaders or community leaders .
Then give extra deference to the vociferous of that group .
The big mouths will get attention
A secondary faction will notice the attention they get and think This Is The Way Forward .
The rest then notice that they are more than what that thought , civilians in a country , but a special group that the PTB defer to .
Why let that slip ?
You left out homosexuals from your list.
And LGBT etc.
By the way can have a “#I’l ride with you” hashtag. I could do with some company, as I feel so isolated.
Brown people vote Labour to protect their unjustified entitlement. You think Liberals dont know that? US Blacks 95% Obama, French Muslims 95% Hollande. Its a expedient calculation. if it killls us all, well, shrug….
“The Charlie Hebdo massacre is the barbaric conclusion to the new intolerance.”
Is it really new?
The airport said on Twitter “Police officers responded to a situation @ departures curb about 1 pm; shots were fired; victim is deceased. No other injuries.”
No officers were hurt, the airport said. The man was identified only as a Columbus-area resident in his early 40s pending notification of his relatives.
Investigators said the man tried to buy an airline ticket using a fake ID Wednesday.
After returning to his illegally parked car, he lunged at an airport police officer with a knife during a confrontation, police said.
The man had multiple knives on him and suspicious items in his car that led to a bomb squad investigation, Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner said.
More news
No officers were hurt, the airport said. The man was identified Thursday as Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed, 41.
Investigators said Abdul-Rasheed tried to buy an airline ticket using a fake ID Wednesday.
After returning to his illegally parked car, he lunged at an airport police officer with a knife during a confrontation, police said.
Abdul-Rasheed had multiple knives on him and suspicious items in his car that led to a bomb squad investigation, Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner said.
BBC journalist thinks more censorship is the way to defy terrorists:
His next ‘views own’ tweet at best oddly phrased:
“When the prophet is insulted be patient.Koran doesnt justify anger Engaging in sensless violence misrepresents Islam https://t.co/OUMq7SKp6E”
Be patient? Surely he means tolerant?
Can’t currently view linked video but I hope it does not share the same sense.
Found a fix. The words seem placatory if passionate, but at the end I wonder what this ‘rage’ is all about.
People will hear what they want to and filter out the rest. Just as they do when a BBC Anger and Protests editor hands them a pulpit to vent outrage at how they feel vs. not much, if any, concern about what has been done.
At best a crisis management briefing a bit shy on acknowledgement of things done in their name.
12 more people are dead because one group can’t seem to handle what another say or write.
Telling folk to be patient with their rage that ‘it’ happened whilst ignoring the victims seems unlikely to ease that.
Muhammad: an assassination
How odd. I would have thought those that refuse to publish the cartoons for safety or not causing offence reasons are helping ‘the terrorists to achieve their goal’.
Funny old world, the BBC.
I find the moral inversion that is behind “the price we pay for freedom of speech” extraordinarily offensive. It is not a price, a natural consequence of freedom of speech, it is the cost of pandering to intolerance and being too pusillanimous to stand for the basic values of the west. IT is the price of moral relativism. It is the price of a failure to confront the unacceptable because some people somewhere have decided that I have to ‘tolerate’ and ‘celebrate’ other cultural values. This tolerance has become my primary moral purpose in life (apparently) and means that no criticism whatsoever is tolerated of any cultural beliefs or practices other than those of the corrupt and decadent western civilisation that has delivered the happiest, wealthiest, healthiest, best-educated and longest-lived populations of any culture that has ever existed anywhere.
Here is one thing. My values mean that, despite being very offended indeed by the murders and by the mind set that says that murder is a price to be paid for saying something, there is no possibility whatsoever that I will ever even contemplate the mass murder of journalists at the Independent or the Guardian or the BBC just because they offended my value set.
Oops ! reported instead of pressing reply .
If the BBC merely tolerated it would be one thing but it did far more than that !!! It actually promoted the terrorists right to express ideas to cause mayhem See http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html and also promoted an MP ideas that justified outright murder of innocent people as a means of solving grievances See http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/the-bbc-sponsers-supporter-of-terrorism.html.
This morning the BBC think it was just “a killing”. Not cold blooded terrorist murders by Islamic nut jobs from the 13 century. I am just waiting for the first BBC report on how this is affecting the Muslim communities in France, the UK and the rest of Europe.
What the BBC thinks, and when it thinks it, and what it wishes others to think, can be intriguing. Or… ‘news’, vs. ‘not news’ (c) A Newsroom Tealady.
The ever-forensic ITBB? shares an insight on often alternative priority sets:
Pooh sticks.
Two tiers of free speech: Anjem Cowpat seems to get away with what he wants (i’ve always thought he’s an agent to be honest as he’s such a joke) but the undeniable theme is apparent; Muslims can say what they want without condemnation, whilst everyone else…
That last tweat would appear to be mainstream Muslim dogma as it is often said.
In effect it elevates Mo to the status of ‘God’, (along with the no illustration stuff), and that, in common with all the Abrahamic religions, is haram. Yet another example of how this death-cult is internally inconsistent and why it should be ridiculed and not respected.
How about one of the BBC’s favourite Christians doing a Thought For The Day on Mathew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”? But then they, like all of our ‘leaders’ have pushed our ‘values’ to the bottom of the pile.
12 people died because of this and other cartoons. If we really want to respect the memory of the dead and defend their freedom to ridicule we should publish this cartoon wherever and whenever possible — and explain why we are doing it.

It is a good job that those members of UKIP aren’t as intolerant as our Muslim friends isn’t it BBC? But then, look what happens when you get nut jobs and fruitcakes? No amount of appeasement will help you will it?
Dan Hannan on twitter:
“The BBC news shows only anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish cartoons from #CharlieHebdo, rather proving @DAaronovitch’s point about cowardice.”
BBC staff tweets, personal (views their own) range from the stupid to professional dissembling of the most bizarre nature.
On Facebook they are being torn a new one for sending the usual rapid response crisis management squad of hotel balcony warriors to talk to other journos they like, whilst the girls wander the streets filtering vox pops for what fits the narrative.
And few are buying any more. Forced to fund still, but not buying.
Courtesy of @RT_com
“DETAILS: Explosion hits restaurant near mosque in Villefranche-sur-Saone, eastern France, no reports of injuries http://t.co/eMHcujzNVt”
I fear there may be a spate of such reports. Not sure what the blast radius proximity to iconic buildings needs to be to get a full BBC emoting team rushed there. The Mayor seems pretty clued up on precise causes already.
There will indeed be a spate of such reports. And it is not impossible that some or all of these will be ‘false flag’ operations mounted by the authorities themselves…
Many mosque attacks have turned out to be false flag operations by Muslims themselves. Muslims will be screaming ” backlash and Islamophobia ” for the next few days. Lets see what transpires.
Can we trust Lyse Doucet?
I’m no fan of Ms Doucet. I find her harsh momentous tones painful on the ear. Her odd transatlantic intonation also grates.
Now she pops up in Paris for the BBC. Given that much of her reporting is from the Middle East, and given the personal security concerns she must surely have in mind – can I really trust her to provide a balance dispassionate report on the subject of violent radical islam? Or may her journalism be tempered somewhat?
Gosh, no one wants to have to hold up a Je Suis Doucet poster.
She’ll be fine.
Didn’t see or hear anything.
“Can we trust Lyse Doucet?”
Who? This Lyse Doucet?
Where’s Dez?
Trying on burkas?
Lyse Doucet’s reporting from Isreal was so anit-Israeli, that it made al Jazeera look balanced.
Lyse Doucet hates Israel with such vitriol that that it has bubbled up from her guts, and is reflected in her face. Its truly astonishing what unbridled hate can do to one.
And Fergal `The Cat` Sharky pops up out of nowhere , just like he did at Dale Farm & the Ukraine . Dale Farm concern for pikey`s , Ukraine , ethnic Russians . Hmm he only files 5 or 6 reports a year , but must be on speed dial for any `effnick being oppressed` type report ,in Fergal & Bbc eyes.
Oi, leave me out of it. 😉
-INBBC shielding Islamic interests with only cryptic mentions of what is SECOND Islamic jihad attack on policeman and woman, south of Paris-
‘Daily Mail’-
Gunman arrested in Paris after male and female police officers are seriously wounded by ‘North African wielding assault rifle and wearing bullet-proof vest’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2901670/Gunman-arrested-Paris-police-officers-seriously-wounded.html#ixzz3ODmwPah3
‘Le Monde’ –
“Shooting south of Paris: a municipal police(woman) between life and death”
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2015/01/08/coups-de-feu-dans-le-sud-de-paris-deux-policiers-municipaux-a-terre_4551271_3224.html#BXYjG1uzBxjco9iu.99
Is this the cost of multiculturalism policy? By continuing indoctrination, of left wing Marxist ideologies. Do and say, what we say, when we say! we can’t identify the inside insurgent, but can’t insult or discriminate Islam, so must treat the domestic population all the same. Do not demand your freedom of speech/expression, you may be also a Islamic insurgent, terrorist! And if you have voice of concerns of ancestry inheritance to the lands of birth right, or have concerns for your future public domestic bloodline lineages, don’t even think about it, Racist!
Yesterday Cameron duly spouted on about our values, including free speech. But how can a country which has hate laws on its statute book be said to espouse free speech?
My thoughts exactly. How are these weasel words consistent with this?
Katie Hopkins’ tweets on ‘Ebola bombs’ examined by police
‘But how can a country which has hate laws on its statute book be said to espouse free speech?’
Maybe… by calling things like that ‘guidelines’, which you make up yourself and adhere to as the situation, or an off-books whisper in the corridor no one remembers, demands?
Between what is said, done, left unsaid and claimed but not enacted, the BBC is a credibility void now. Speaking of which…
‘These are also editorial decisions which the BBC would do well to explain to its funding public – particularly at this time’
Hugs must have a rapid response team of exemption lawyers in a Transit in the Jimmy Saville Memorial Carpark with the engine running 24/7 these days.
Anyone listening to this morning’s Today programme can be in no doubt that the establishment intends to learn nothing from this outrage. Their only worry appeared to be that it might encourage “right-wing extremists”.
Standing around in squares in solemn protest is all very well but…
There’s is really only one thing to do.
Reprint the Mohammad cartoons in every publication and website that says it believes in freedom of speech. The editor can even add a rider that he doesn’t personally like the tone of the pictures.
Shame those who won’t do it till they do. The BBC will no doubt be the last to be dragged into the age of enlightenment.
There’s a great post on this dream called: “I Have to Tell You Now” at:
As someone has already pointed out it’s as well that UKIP supporters aren’t as “tetchy” as our Muslim brothers. The BBC has done everything it can to “satirise” Nigel Farage; even depicting him as Hitler. Oh how they all chortled at that! Strangely I don’t believe hoardes of middle aged Kipppers stormed Broadcasting House. Don’t think anyone was beheaded…
I think the only way to combat this sub-stone age, third world fascism is to ridicule it. It’s time the media, both tv and print, grew some balls and showed the bloody cartoon. Do it en mass, perhaps on the same day and tell these moronic ragheads to fuck the hell off if they don’t like it.
Sadly, it ain’t gonna happen…
The BBC really is a nest of big wimps and jessies! Weasel words, censorship, grovelling, apologising etc.
Particularly odious is their use of the word ‘suspected’ here and their raising the point about not jumping to conclusions about the police shooting today. Dreadful dhimmis…. they are puppets of Islam. They have nothing to do with representing British values or culture. The opposite in fact.
Bbc fellow traveller Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, blogger, giver of Thought of the Day for January 7th ( how unfortunate for him)
“A restless bishop” , well he must have had a restless night because his twitter feed had stayed silent for a long time now;
Wonder what he’s wrestling with ? His comments about the Germans who do not want their blond daughters raped in the name of multiculturism ? Maybe his thought that fear and perception are more powerful than reality? Wonder what he thinks of his thoughts dreamt up for his paymasters now ? If this ‘holy man ‘ had any honour he would prostate himself before his congregation and beg forgiveness for his stupidity. Well, seeing the type of effete elite intellectual we make bishops from these days there will be a fat chance of that. No, he will not do a Damascus like turn of his beliefs from well meaning fantasy to grim reality, he will do what all the others like him do when found to have their foot well and truly stuck In his mouth, shut up for a few days and then carry on as though nothing has happened. It might be interesting to keep an eye on this bishops “restless” musings in the coming days to see how many somersaults his can do for his audience.
In other news, as we all predicted el beeb is spinning for Mecca today, neary every story and voice is all about ‘islamophobia’ and fear of backlash………….in other, lesser news a French policewoman has been shot in the back and died. And now more about our main story, the fear of the poor ordinary Muslims ………………………don’t watch or listen if you suffer high blood pressure.
‘….he will do what all the others like him do when found to have their foot well and truly stuck In his mouth, shut up for a few days and then carry on as though nothing has happened.’
Absolutely spot on.
PARIS: another Islamic Jihadst murder – of policewoman-
INBBC has to report it now, but its ‘journalists’ are apparently bewildered-
“It is unclear if the incident is related to the Charlie Hebdo massacre, which traumatised France.” (!)
“Charlie Hebdo massacre: New police killing rocks Paris”
Maybe it is time to deploy BIJ/Newsnight again?
At least they had clarity quickly, and have now learned lessons on confirming source claims.
Paying £4Bpa for the BBC to eventually report, too often through its filter, or with government or self-imposed oversight blinkers, what one has read hours earlier and in much more detail via twitter, seems a poor investment in time and money.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Female police officer shot dead in Paris and street cleaner injured by
‘North African wielding assault rifle and wearing bullet-proof vest'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2901670/Gunman-arrested-Paris-police-officers-seriously-wounded.html#ixzz3OEJyCUZC
INBBC has now virtually edited out this latest Islamic jihad murder of Paris policewoman and subsumed it under Charlie Hebdo (Islamic jihad) massacre!
The liberal elites who have run most European countries for decades are ultimately only a little less responsible for these disgusting anti Western acts as the perpetrators themselves.
In the first place everyone could see that mass immigration would lead to problems. So what did the elites do? They managed to avoid ever having a democratic discussion about it and so robbed their people of their democratic right. They then used every tick in the book to suppress free speech as regards immigration. In the UK they actually went and invited millions into our country without any mandate.They then started a decades long process of appeasement of immigrants, particulary Muslims. Whenever immigrants, usually Muslims, broke the law the elites looked the other way and bunged them more money made more concessions. If anyone dared to stand up for the rights of the indigenous population they were attacked by liberal left media, the BBC being well to the front, and in some cases imprisoned. In Germany the government is still wanting more Muslims to move to Germany despite the people clearing saying no! They really must be mad.
The West is going to hell in a handcart because its leaders and most of its media are weak and refuse to confront a clear danger. I salute those poor French men and women who did confront Islam and dies for it. Muslims are at war with the West , perhaps not all of them are soldiers in this conflict but many are offering tacit support. If Muslims really oppose Islamic terror in Europe then why don’t we see them handing over the perpetrators, being outspoken in defence of Western values. Above all, why don’t we see our leaders forcing them to confront the problem of living in the West but having values which can’t coexist with ours?
The liberal elites are more responsible. As Cicero wrote more than two thousand years ago:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
A perfect prediction of the BBC, give the man a posthumous Nobel prize !
Some actual truth on the daily politics, the liberal elite in this country have let the Islam run this country and our politicians along with the bbc have totally let this country again..
Suggested BBC Tag-line:
Are the French being attacked by A PACK OF LONE WOLVES??????
A No 10 spokesman has said “this is not ISLAM.” Now we know.
A good time to remember another ‘enemy within’, the real movers and shakers behind ‘Hacked Off’ who would use the powers mooted during the Levison enquiry to make sure the press never printed anything that could be construed as critical of Islam (amongst other favoured leftist causes), let alone publish ‘blasphemous’ cartoons.
‘But though Hacked Off acts in the name of victims of the press, victims are not its central concern. Unknown to most of the people it lobbies, Hacked Off is a campaign not just to tame the press, but to claim the country for the authoritarian Left. It does want to stop newspapers victimising individuals. But it also wants to force the press to serve defined social and political objectives – at the expense, if necessary, of the right to free expression…..
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting. ‘
Anybody know why the bBC haven’t opened a HYS on the killings in France.
Because there’s no need. It was simply a pack of lone wolves, nothing to do with Islam and discussion would give succour to right wing extremists.
Because they don’t want to know what the majority outside of their bubble are thinking….ie the truth.
A reprise-
Paris attack result of ‘fifth column’ who hate us”
(inc 4 min video clip)
Multiculturalism: the manure in which Islamic extremism grows.
Well, we can’t have Nigel stating the bleedin’ obvious, can we.
BBC and Cleggy to the rescue.
‘The Lib Dem leader said that if the attackers did turn out to be Islamist extremists, “law-abiding British Muslims” were the “greatest antidote to the perversion of Islam”.
He added: “To immediately… imply that many, many British Muslims who I know feel fervently British but also are very proud of their Muslim faith are somehow part of the problem rather than part of the solution is firmly grabbing the wrong end of the stick.”
‘Asked about attitudes towards free speech, there was little support for freedom of speech if it would offend religious sensibilities. 78% of Muslims thought that the publishers of the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed should be prosecuted, 68% thought those who insulted Islam should be prosecuted and 62% of people disagree that freedom of speech should be allowed even if it insults and offends religious groups.’
Good luck with that, then, Nick.
What the hell are we going to do when couple of thousand Syrian War veterans come back to the UK?
“Je suis Charlie. Really?
“After the slaughter in Paris it’s now become all the rage to say:
Je suis Charlie, in an apparent show of solidarity. But the Islamist threat is not simply one to carry out criminal acts, it is one of continuing war against the West. From the US to Europe, do our leaders really get that?”
By Michael Curtis.
It’s another fad (particularly for the liberal left) to emote on, rather than addressing the real issues involved. It gets them on TV, it shows ‘they care’, it makes it look as though they are really, really affronted by all of this, and lets them have a night out.
Why do I think this ? Well, does anyone remember all the liberal emoting, outpourings of grief, and therapeutic mass movement to ‘social media’ regarding #bringbackourgirls ? That lasted a long time did it not (????), and, of course got the results they wanted (like Michelle Obama, for instance), namely some publicity, demonstrable collective grief, and the chance to have their photo up there with the ‘elite’.
And just like #bringbackourgirls, I suspect that #jesuischarlie will end up the same way. But hey, solving the real problem is just so hard, so we won’t go there – let’s just emote to show our ‘solidarity’.
Took the words out of my mouth, Richard, emoting is everything today, dealing with inconvenient truths too difficult and to be ignored.
Radio 4’s “TWATO” was at it again today, after 13:15, when discussing the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo outrage. There was a longish interview with a French Muslim academic (Karim something?) in which we had the usual “cliche bingo” where you find yourself just waiting for your favorite phrase to come up: ‘… also, in a sense, an attack on French Muslims themselves’, ‘will increase support for the far Right Front National’, ‘attacks on mosques’, ‘backlash against Muslims’, etc. The usual BBC obsession with the sensitivities of minorities, by which it seeks to show how internationalist and superior it is.
A Cartoon about Islam, of which Beeboids will politically approve?:-
Martha Kearney is quick off the mark at midday news in a 5 minute interview with a brother of a person beheaded by IS who has been visiting mosques to, I suppose, reassure them. The sole purpose of this was to get to the “backlash” theme, which she did explicitly. He did as required falling just short of saying ROP but making it clear with seeming authority that this atrocity has nothing to do with Islam. Ms Kearney not mention that said person is part of organisations. Same old story; at what point do you question this BBC policy response and to ask whether it actually works. “Backlash” narrative is plainly not a strong response to such atrocities and quite clearly is meant to make the non-Muslim population feel in some way guilty.
The ever-diligent BBC Watch comes up with a goodie on why they seem so evasive about showing the cartoons:
The BBC Editoial Guidelines . . . categorically states: “The Prophet Mohammed must not be represented in any shape or form.”
Mr Prime Minister, isn’t it about time that the British Broadcasting Corporation started broadcasting in the interest of, and for the majority of the British population? The British people that are forced to pay for a service, of which they have no representation?
The elections are nearly upon us Mr Prime Minister!
On the Beeb live updates the amount of appeasement emails is starting to increase. don’t you know it’s the fault of the magazine Charlie Hebdo for offending everyone. FFS.
It’s certainly become very noticeable in the past hour. Presumably because (a) the Establishment think they can now manage the situation to their advantage and have sent out the word and (b) the unwashed student brigade have gotten out of bed.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” had a debate about yesterday’s murders in Paris. At one stage Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell appeared to adopt a fairly aggressive stance towards one Moslem speaker, and I began to wonder whether the journalista at the BBC had finally woken up to threat posed by the Trojan horse within our midst. Sadly, this attitude did not survive the hour. When a caller from Milton Keynes suggested that that this country tends to adopt a more reverential attitude towards Moslems as opposed to other sections of the community, “Gameshow” immediately interrupted him and made it very difficult for the speaker to get his point across. Why does the BBC find it so difficult to be impartial when it comes to the question of debating Islam and the West? Mr. Campbell needs to revisit his Homer as a matter of priority!
Even in the face of 12 people being murdered for satirising a theistic belief system, the BBC is still doing its best to try and portray this as some sort of moral grey area. Look at the comments being published in the live feed http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-30722098
A hugely disproportionate number of them are coming from the increasingly small smattering of reverse-racist pinko socialist scumbags who always side with the aggressor provided they’re non-Caucasian and the victim is a white European. The posts suggesting that we are somehow at fault for questioning the logic of Islam and that slaughtering people somehow validates the need to ‘tolerate’ and ‘respect’ the views that led to such an attack are typically symptomatic of the absolutely loathsome liberal paradigm that will do everything to convince the believer that the white man is the cause of all evil in the world. How else can you explain why they claim to be feminists yet also support Islam which makes a point of treating women as second-class citizens? Not to mention they’ll treat any kind of warfare – even in defence e.g. the Falklands – as justifying their idiotic mindset of Britain being a post-colonial warmongering force yet believe shooting cartoonists is ok. Evil is the only word to describe them.
Anyway, the BBC will claim this misrepresentation is ‘neutrality’ but we all know damn well it isn’t.
The BBC has decided to show solidarity with Charlie Hebdo. In an act of almost suicidal bravery, the BBC has authorised a single News Bulletin, to be broadcast in the early hours of tomorrow and then scrubbed, to mention that the murderers of the Charlie Hebdo staff and policemen may have been Islamists . In order to maintain the famous BBC balance, the same report will then spend the next 15 minutes explaining that an Islamist is
one, or several, of the following:
Lone Wolf
A Man
An Asian
A Non Muslim
Guilty of anti Muslim behaviour
A victim
An attention seeker
Misunderstands the Koran
May have a grievence against Western society
His Immam says he was a good boy who would never hurt a flie
A BBC spokes person said that the corporation was bracing itself for retaliatory action by Islamists and hastened to point out that the BBC had been biased in favour of Palestine for years and hated Israel. He went on to say that the BBC was fully prepared to convert en mass to Islam if alcohol was still available in the restaurant in Broadcasting House and female news readers didn’t have to wear the burka.
The actual value of the BBC twitterati, FLOTUS and their fellow travelers saying one thing, even getting it embroidered as another hashtag on a designer ‘T’, rather highlighted here:
You kind of need the points on the board with actions too to carry it off credibly.
This was fantastic, Douglas Murray is so straight and down the line, I only wish the whole item could have been posted, as the Muzzie got his arse torn a new hole, he did the usual, ranting about racism & foreign policy…if anyone can find and post the full debate, please do so, as it is well worth a watch, and shows,m in no uncertain terms what “Moderates” think.
(Update, the full item is now online)…see new link.
For goodness sake, what is wrong with sky, this item seems to have been “bumped” by Kate Burley….you should be able to see it on the youtube sidebar….sorry for any inconvenience chaps…
“Sky News Debate: Is Freedom Of Speech More Important Than Freedom Of Religion?”
Douglas Murray should stand for Parliament. He is a better statesman than our Prime Minister or any of the other party leaders.
Of course, Sky now operates ‘Sky News Arabia,’ and won’t want to offend
its Middle East customers.
Similarly, INBBC with-
“BBC Arabic Television” –
“BBC Arabic Television is a television news channel broadcast to the Middle East by the BBC. It was launched at 0956 GMT on 11 March 2008.
It is run by the BBC World Service and funded from the British television licence fee.”
Writing in the Telegraph, Padraig Reidy had it just right: “provocation,” he wrote, “is beside the point. Jihadists kill because that is what they do. It does not matter if you are a French cartoonist or a Yezidi child, or an aid worker or journalist: if you are not one of the chosen few, you are fair game. Provocation is merely an excuse used by bullies to justify their actions, while ensuring the world bows to their will.”
The only questions we ought to entertain, today and any other day, are these: what is it that we stand for, and what is it that we are willing to do to defend the values we hold dear. These are not complicated questions. Smarter men and women had bequeathed us succinct answers long ago: liberty, and whatever it takes. Before we turn to hunt the animals who shot up Charlie Hebdo —as well as their funders and supporters, their foot soldiers and their ideologues, their associates and their champions and anyone else in their bloody orbit—let’s begin by making sure that we get smarter, not by fretting about the meaning of some scribbles but by clearly assessing the grave danger each of us—in Paris or in Peshawar or in Manhattan— or London-face every day.
INBBC’s journalistic principles on reporting France and Islam:-
1.) don’t mention Islam, except to say it isn’t involved;
2.) don’t mention that these barbaric murderers are Muslims and Islamic jihadists;
3.) don’t mention that Islam motivates their Islamic jihad barbarity;
4.) don’t mention that these Islamic jihadist barbarians shouted ‘allahu akbar’-
Allah is the greater god- as they murdered;
5.) don’t mention that this is Islamofascism;
6.) do mention the role of ‘Islamophobia’, a lot.
Is it stretching things too far to make a comparison between
being free to draw cartoons of Mo, but “we don’t because it might offend someone” and being free to employ a footballer, but “we don’t because it might offend someone”?
Is the ‘freedom’ of the Marxist Utopia worth anything?
I suppose the BBC could re-employ Rolf Harris. Is that stretching things too far?
…and if you do employ a footballer, the “offended” mob will threaten to rape your daughters.
Hope that the French Embassy heard the shameless racist rantings on Todays news bulletins this morning.
There was me thinking that it was the usual Muslim psychopaths that had committed the atrocities in Paris yesterday…the usual Islamist supremacists with guns, no courage and hapless helpless unarmed people at their mercy…and both backs and arses covered by Shiner, Robertson, Abbott and Juncker.
But no-the scum in the run turn out only to be “brothers”,,,and both were-of course “French Citizens”.
Aren`t the French finally going to rise up and shaft the BBC for implying that being a “French Citizen” is tantamount to being a cold blooded stone headed scumma who shoots unarmed helpless policemen and comic creators and illustrators?
No BBC-there is absolutely NO LINK between being a French Citizen and being a killer, a paedo, a rapist, a beheader or an incestuous FGM dealing grievance monger…whereas stats that care to check the prevalence of such things in Islamic spheres of influence end towards?…well , you tell me Tim Harford and Co.
Still though-calling them French ______of _____descent – seems far easier to the BBC that stating their allegiance to old Mo.
Brothers eh?…like Boston then?
Oh focal Allah eh