and the media … BBC?
every media outlet should have these cartoons on its front page
again and again … and back it up, that s the answer.
Offence? Islam will then, just have to … GET OVER IT
BBC? … show any of these cartoons?
Guidance on Stills, Photographs and Images appended to the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines
“Political, Religious and Topical Sensitivities”
It’s been wall to wall hypocrisy from the media and the press. It’s been quite sickening. Editor of that rag The Sun Stig Abell ” We wont show the Mohammad cartoon because it might cause offense.” Yet you’ve got no hesitation showing a topless female with her kit off on Page 3 which is not appropriate in a supposedly family ”newspaper.”
So if the murders at the magazine offices were an attack on free speech what was the attack on the deli an attack on ? Salt beef, bagels ? You guys know, but you won’t get the answer on the bbc.
The translation ” I am a Charlie” or “we are Charlies”
seems to be a perfect desciption for certain BBC types.
Especially the Mair/Naughtie duo. They seem to be in a continuous state of amazement that there are “French born” or “British born” muslims who delight in murdering people. They seem unable to grasp that the geographical location of your birth or the formal, legalistic procedure of being granted citizenship, does not make you culturally British or French , which is what most people mean when they say they are British or French. Anjem Choudry when asked why he became a British citizen replied that the British passport was an “enhanced travel document”. The Chinese government could grant me citizenship tomorrow, but I would not be able to speak Chinese nor know anything of Chinese culture as lived by Chinese people.
Yes, Wilders is still under the threat of death from various non-Muslims claiming to be Muslims and narrowly escaped being axed to death in his home by another non-Muslim claiming to be a Muslim. I don’t remenber much concern at the time from the BBC. But German TV gave the game away this morning revealing that Charlie Hebdo was very much a child of the May 68 Movement, like Daniel Cohen-Bendit, Joschka Fischer and the Baader Meinhof Gang. Would it be too far-fetched to suggest that the silencing of Wilders by non-Muslims claimimg to be Muslims would be less harrowing to the BBC, than the silencing of Charlie Hebdo by non- Muslims claiming to be Muslims?
Al Beeb and all its pacifist friends have seen the destruction and mass deaths that were caused during the attack on the Twin Towers in September 2001, the destruction and deaths during the London bombings of July 2005 and the bloody and cowardly murder of British soldier on the streets of London in May 2013, no backlash as yet?
But the cowardly broadcasting corporation keeps harping on with its overly concern with Muslim victim-hood? Where the hell is their concern for majority of the people of Great Britain?
France 24 seems even worse than the BBC!!!. I tuned in to get the latest news, but found a discussion program instead.
Just a day after the horrendous atrocity, four journalists were trotting out the usual, banal apologia for Islamic terrorism. Apparently the aim of the Muslim butchery was “to divide society”. These people really do believe they are living in a harmonious multicultural society. Society is already divided. That is why there is terrorism. They recommended that the French should not behave like stupid Americans and introduce a Patriot Act. This would be “counterproductive” and turn more “peace loving” Muslims into terrorists. More “non-violent anti-radicalisation measures” were necessary. All this means is giving Muslim communities or mini-caliphates more cash, or other concessions, like Sharia law, in the vain hope that they might be better disposed to the host nation. Much hand-wringing about a “backlash” from the National Front. The correct thing to do would be to commend members of the NF for their restraint in the face of extreme Muslim provocation. Europe really is finished if complacent bufoons of this type remain in positions of influence.
There is no such thing as a multicultural society and never can be. A society only exists when a body of people who broadly share common characteristics – including such things as history, tradition, religion, ethnicity, language, values – live together voluntarily under a common system in a defined geographical region. What liberals call multiculturalism is more akin to apartheid and can only be maintained short term through coercion and force before it explodes in conflict and civil war. A good example of this would be what happened in Yugoslavia.
All part of the plan: ‘Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested that the new proletariat be comprised of many criminals, women, and racial minorities.’…’Toward this end, Marcuse-who favored polymorphous perversion-expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics. Gramsci’s ‘long march’ was added to the mix, and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques. The end product was Cultural Marxism, now known in the West as multiculturalism.’
Why has the bbc not got that blair creature in an interview , explaining what has gone wrong with his idea of taking us to war to make our countries safer. And maybe he could explain that the A&E crisis is down to immigrants who are not regestered to a GP surgery using A&E , not to say the number of British medical staff emmigrating to outside the EU for a better life.
I was about to make a comment but your post tells people exactly what this is all about. It;s a power grab by the elite. As Rahm Emanual in the States has said ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’. And why wouldn’t you….when you can continually create crises.
This hasn’t happened by accident, And the more it happens, the more of your freedoms will be taken away, step by step.
Not just the last century, pretty much any time or place you care to mention. In 886 when Britain was divided between Anglo-Saxons and Danes, the wergeld for interethnic killings was set at eight half marks of gold, far higher than the standard wergeld for the highest social class. This is an early example that shows how fearful the authorities are of intercommunal violence. Today, higher penalties for “hate or race crime” serve the same purpose. Of course, in “diverse Britain” the scope for intercommunal violence has increased many fold. The warnings of Enoch Powell, well aware of intercommunal slaughter in India, have been shown to be well founded.
We are sorely without a man of his stature today, at a time when he is needed. I don’t think we have to wonder what he would think of it all, he saw it coming 50 years ago. If anyone wants to visit the great mans resting place it is in Warwick, worth a visit if you are passing.
“The age-structure of the present New Commonwealth ethnic population ensures that in the foreseeable future it will constitute one third or more of the population of Inner London and of cities and areas up and down England. That will be more than sufficient in our elective democracy to secure for it effective political control locally and nationally by dint of its distinctiveness and its solidarity. I have never been able to convince myself that this point could be reached or approached without civil strife of a degree that makes it indistinguishable from civil war.”
Note the date – 1988 – and that Enoch Powell could not have guessed at the mass immigration policy under New Labour after the year 2000.
The first part of Powell’s statement is really just simple arithmetic. In general, immigrants have more children than the indigenous population. I would imagine that no data on differential birthrates has ever be collected in Britain as this would be “racist”. In his book “The Abolition of Germany” Sarrazin cites German government figures!! which show a value less than 2 for indigenous Germans and about 4 for Turkish and North African immigrants. The civil war prediction looked far fetched but no one at that time, not even Powell, could have foreseen the creation of British mini-caliphates and their malign consequences. The BBC wants to convince its public, that the atrocity in Paris, say, has nothing to do with Muslims, by using terms like “Islamist” or “Jihadists”. But the point is that Islamists and Jihadists are Muslims who are “”strong in faith”. You may as well try and make a distinction between the beliefs of “moderate Nazis” and “extreme Nazis”, and claim that “extreme Nazis” are not “real Nazis” or have in some way misinterpreted the Nazi creed. Rank and file Nazis may not have murdered any Jews, but it does not mean they consider it a bad thing . Extreme Nazis are “good Nazis” precisely because they act in accordance with their beliefs not against them.
An additional factor is that, although immigrants do commonly have more children than the indigenous population, this tends to be for a single generation. Statistically, the second and subsequent generations tend to be very similar to the indigenous population, as they affected by the same economic factors (cost of housing, education etc). But there is a notable exception with some Muslim groups. In the case of immigrants from rural Pakistan, the custom of importing spouses from back home means that many households remain “first generation” for several real generations, with birthrates remaining higher than the national average. Secondly, some groups – Somalians are sometimes cited – have a high proportion of “economically inactive” members and follow the maxim of more children = more benefits (there are of course indigenous people who do likewise). The effect of this is that the proportion of Muslims within the overall ethnic population will continue to growth.
Yes, convergence would normally be the case but according to the Mark Steyn clip further down, the Pakistani immigrant birthrate converged in the 60s but then diverged again. It could simply be that the number of Pakistani immigrants reached a critical level that made moving to Britain no different to moving to a different region of Pakistan. After all, in the early days of immigration into the USA some Italian villages moved wholesale into remote areas and could remain isolated for decades.
The end days of Yugoslavia is an excellent example of what will happen when the pressure cooker formed by our inferior politicians and their compliant media finally gives up the ghost.
Meanwhile, they continue to appease the terrorists in our midst in the vain hope that it won’t happen here. Pathetic and dangerous to all but themselves.
No. France is not a multicultural society; first stage on the journey of Islam is to make it so. Then they can take it from there. Muslims living in non-Muslim lands are expected to make them Muslim.
Thanks for that, I suppose neither France 24 or the BBC thought it odd that socialist Hollande would invite the Palestinian leader to the rally, but not the leader of one of France’s own parties? How much of a rally for unity or indeed free speech could this be in that case?
Given all that has already passed into sad history, this seems a strange way to pose such a question, from BBC R4Today:
“Coming up: how likely is a UK terror attack? 8.10, we hear from a friend of Prince Andrew 7.20, this year’s @BAFTA awards 8.20 #r4today”
That would be ‘again’, or ‘another’, BBC. And yet civil society has stayed restrained so far, despite the claims of TellMama, dutifully promoted beyond confirmation by the BBC.
Why does one suspect that, like Gaza, if just one reaction goes too far, that will be when the BBC outrage clock gets reset to zero?
Francois Hollande inane address to the French nation, full of platitudes in which he babbled on about the Republic. Jean Raspail, author of The Camp of the Saints said ” There is two France’s, the ancient nation of France and the Republic, in 1789 the Republic hijacked France with its Liberte, Egalitre, Fraternite BS” and they’ve been suffering from this utopian garbage ever since.
From what I understand of it, the magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’ is a satirical mag along the lines of ‘Private Eye’. It takes the piss out of French politicians left and right in the same way exposing corruption and the hypocrisy of Islam (and the cult of Mohammed as the ‘religion of peace’. Oft repeated by Cameron and Hollande for EU ‘integration’ is stark reminder that you cannot ‘appease’ a clear and present danger. The French I think have had enough of Holland and his communists gov. who have been ‘sympathetic’ to Islam for so long. A good write up on it can be found here:
Private Eye used to take the piss out of all but, since its toadying little editor joined the HIGNFY gravy train, has recently aligned itself more with the liberal MSM.
According to foreign sources, the 57 year old Glasgow bin lorry driver has a DA-Notice on the release of his name, there was also an Islamic attack on a Christmas market in Dijon France on the same day, which I saw on RT.
A DA-Notice could only mean that this was a terrorist incident. Also the driver has been released from hospital after only 17 days, which seems to confirm the evidence that he was sent to the wrong hospital in Glasgow, for heart problems, because he did not have heart problems.
The source is now blocked, but there was a 48 hour period when the Scotsman Newspaper announced that there was a D Notice. The courts must have imposed a superinjunction, which forbids the media from reporting on the DA-Notice and also the injunction itself. But this would not cover other foreign sources which would have seen the Scotsman article before it was pulled. So if you can get through to a foreign newspaper site, you may be able to see the report of a D Notice. But I think you would now have to travel abroad to get past the Liberal Fascist censorship in Britain.
I see….Ok, if you want to stand up to these fanatics, these MUSLIMS…print the cartoons that caused so much offence, or draw a new Mohamad one…until our press do that, these are no more than weasel words…tough talk by cowards who are supposed to hold up our finest values.
I also posted a similar message on the article on the newspaper website….guess what?…Moderated, never to be seen…That’s right, stand up to these Muslims, but, heaven forbid that you might call the paper out for not showing the very images that caused so much offence that 12 people had to die for them.
Will, UKIP don’t need to vet their candidates. The BBC have a whole team dedicated to investigating every one of them! Good use of BBC money for once, as it will help improve the standard of the UKIP candidates.
BBC 1 QT Last night, predictable Labour plant, (Local Watford Councillor Seamus Williams) nearly did not get a hearing, as he was not called to give his “NHS under Conservatives is dying” rant until the last 5 mins of the programme. You could feel the producer’s anguish through the screen that David would not call him in time!
Hah! I turned over for This Week , caught the tail end of QT and saw this guy. My immediate thought was that he looked like a Labour stooge, just from the well-rehearsed manner of delivery. So nice to find that one’s instincts are right.
And a well done to Brillo for his statement at the start of This Week.
Damn, I didn’t know it was from Watford….I had a quick look at the re-run of it later….not a single face in the audience was recognisable to me…and I have lived in the town for 7-8 years.
Quite a low turnout of our friendly neighbourhood pijama wearers was also noted….considering how many of the arseholes I saw piling out of the (very large) mosque on Exchange road on Friday afternoon….grinning like the c*nts they are as they prowled through the middle of town.
Frankly, I’m more concerned about the forward-lash
We shouldn’t be surprised at the BBC focus on their fear of so-called “backlash” – even before the forensics team have packed up. This reflex reaction is ingrained in the office culture of BBC lefties and efforts to warn us of it is one of the prime directives of BBC news.
I’ve posted hear previously about an old mate of mine (something of lefty) who has a senior position in a local council. The authority for which he works contains a significant potential terrorist target. When questioned about what sort of contingency plans may be in place, off pat this guy begins to spout about ‘community cohesion’. I know for a fact he has attended Common Purpose courses.
Perhaps the very same courses prompted Gavin Esler’s concerned expression “indeed” when a left-leaning journo he was interviewing left us with the thought that unfortunatley the ‘far right’ might gain advantage from the Paris murders.
The BBC is not a neutral provider of news. It is a partizan political and cultural force.
It’s given the BBC a shoe it to ask the Tories come uncomfortable questions and to make allegations straight out of the Labour party big book of silly statements.
This morning on ‘Today’ they were making allegations that this was proof that the private sector couldn’t & shouldn’t be involved in the NHS and this is evidence of much worse to come.
I expect that this is going to run & run as it’s a gift for Labours only real tool in the election campaign.
Well when you find out that Labour awarded them the contract and that they saved the Hospital from £40 million debt then you might have different opinions.
Those Pegida marchers, who were demonized in the MSM and by politicians such as the ridiculous Angela Merkin, have a much better understanding than those of us in Western Europe what living in a tyranny is really like. They were marching because they didn’t want to live under another left-fascist dictatorship, but must have felt vindicated by the terrible events in Paris. No doubt they wouldn’t have wanted to be vindicated in this way but they have shown that Merkin and the light dippers in Germany are on the wrong side of truth.
it’s dawning on me why bbc ‘news’ needs thousands of well-paid staff.
Managing the narrative so thoroughly, totally, relentlessly is actually very labour-intensive. Editorial by omission takes time and effort to get right.
Undertaking such a mammoth task requires lots of feet on the ground (and by ground I mean expensive floor space in central LDN).
‘Some men are going to shoot people at Charlie Hebdo in Paris.’
2.) INBBC ‘editor’ response:-
‘Go to a British mosque and get some interviews on it before it happens.’
3.) INBBC ‘journalist’:-
‘But I was just about to go out for a skinny latte with Adrian and Quentin!’
4.) INBBC ‘editor’ response:-
‘Okay, we’ll re-run the footage we took last time there was an incident That-Was-Nothing-To-Do-With_Islam ™. We run repeats at Christmas so why not here too?’
I despair at our childish media in general as on the Telegraph website they have a video describing the tactics the police will use to save the hostages in Paris….
I seriously hope those two don’t have access to the internet as it will help them to defend against the inevitable police breach. Usual fools in the whole of the MSM
BBC is now so yesterday! The new buzzword for them!
They have been given enough chances and warnings this last few years with the rise of social media and sites like this in addit ion to the parliament reception like at the Media Sport Committee. They have now conclusively proved they are incapable of rising through the red-mist with the institution so stuffed to the rafters with Labour placements and left recruitment that their ‘ethos’ is incapable of helping them change.
Just hope the upcoming Licence Review finally hammers the nails into the coffin. They cannot say they have not asked for it!
Were the state broadcaster deprived of its outrageous and outmoded funding, and forced to go subscription, what would it be reduced to relative to its current size?
Surely less than half, possibly a tenth? A fifth if you’re being kind?
Meet the Mipsterz – or Muslim Hipsters – just one example of the growing number of articulate, style-conscious, politically-savvy, headscarf-wearing young women who are confronting cultural stereotypes at the same time as they negotiate the sometimes difficult divide between their own, their families’ and society’s expectations.
The most recent census figures show that one in twenty children under five in England and Wales is a girl raised a Muslim – but who are they and how do they envisage their futures? The popular press and the mass media might leave the impression that Muslim girls are either all shy, submissive wallflowers or aspiring terrorists. And yet statistics show that young Muslim women growing up in the UK are among the most academically high-achieving of their peer group. Add to this the boom in social media and Instagram – which has offered them both the chance for self-expression and a window into a world of like-minded young Muslim women domestically and abroad – and what you’ve got is the very modern phenomenon of a new tribe of highly-educated, fiercely ambitious, pop-culture loving young women intent on claiming what they consider their birthright.
But as more and more gifted, young Muslim women assert their identities, what also needs to be acknowledged is that, within Islamic communities, there is a potential culture-clash waiting to happen. Will the backlash against secularism in many communities, the pressures of tradition and culture mean that, despite the glowing grades and the hijabi-swagger, the Mipsterz and their sisters may not achieve their dreams?
The writer Shelina Janmohamed investigates.
Produced by Anna McNamee
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.
As you might expect is an entirely positive piece without any criticism, questioning, or even allowing the other side to have a say. There’s no mention of the oppression of women within Islam, It’s an appalling example of the BBCs Islamophillia.
Yes just switched on now
Yes fine some licence payers are hijab wearers
1. The paradox is that it am incredibly visual thing, it annoys me when they keep doing visual things on the radio..suppose in this case they would have had to use animation or something
2. 5 mins in a factual prog ..probably interesting to lots of people, but half an hour ! Are there many half an hour progs on 1 particular type of clothing ?
‘The most recent census figures show that one in twenty children under five in England and Wales is a girl raised a Muslim – but who are they and how do they envisage their futures?’
A couple of years ago a young female BBC reporter visited a household in Oldham as part of an item on the aftermath of the riots, and whether ‘social cohesion’ had improved. It was the home of a young British-born Muslim couple of Pakistani ‘heritage’. Their young 3-year old daughter, who had obviously not read the script, asked ‘Who is the English lady, mummy?’
A nice little earner in yesterdays Daily Mail on a BBC employee ‘moonlighting’ for 46 years: Alan Yentob: ‘known for this TWO jobs which is on top of his BBC salary of £320,000 per year.’ Has finally quit his ‘other’ job as Director (which made £12,000 in share dividends) of a luxury goods company – ‘Dewhurst Dent)’. It’s Good to know how our peers invest wisely on such paltry salaries. Now that is what ‘Lord Tony Haw Haw means by excellent ‘value-for-money’ and ‘diversity employment’ for ‘part time workers’ on minimum wage. There is no doubt that should Yentob ‘retire; from his BBC position anytime soon his ‘golden goodbye’ will be well in excess of £100,000 (in line with other big ‘payoffs’ for this very select public service). One of many at the BBC luxury food and drink department.
Breaking News is crap BTW you guys do understand with 50 satellite trucks all reporting the same thing is a complete waste of time
– It’s called a boy in the well, it’s one of the cheapest forms of TV ..”Is he still down the well ? Yes he is ..what do you think of that ?” and they can go on and on about it ..saves them the expense of actually doing some proper investigative journalism like finding out why the public don’t trust the BBC on climate etc.
– For yourself you can always just watch the highlights tomorrow .. you wont miss anything exciting
You ever noticed that “lets go over to our correspondent who is live,actually miles away from the scene and knows nothing more than the people in the studio.
– The BBC doesn’t need to waste money in the frenzy ..all the commercial networks are going to be there in the disaster porn.
– If you really can’t find a proper book to read ..then go and watch it on a French network like TV5 or France 24 in English si vous pas parlez francaisSilliRosBif
BLOODY SICK of Ch4, BBC news, BBC radio – Re France,
bleating apologetics, airing victim mentality muslims,
and if I hear … “all religions and non” again, I think I ll dropkick the radio.
There is ONE Pseudo Religion at point here, ONE that is continually
mass murdering innocents, ONE that is categorically more Totalitarian Ideology, more cult than a true religion anyway,
… and every genuine faith needs to distance itself as far as possible from it …
It is not Abrahamic, not holy and simply not acceptable.
but at about 5′ in, AN suggests UK security services are worried this could happen here.
I concede AK-47’s are a variation, but would suggest packpack bombs or meat cleavers have already made terror happen, which they go on to discuss oddly oblivious to this fact.
I am also trying to grasp the notion of ‘lone wolf cells with some training’ as anything other than an oxymoron.
The following were comments made after the German ‘lights out’ report in the Independent. They were made before the shootings in Paris
weejonnie 3 days ago
Even if there were to be an attack in Germany and the terrorists shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’ as they decapitated a hundred people in a shopping mall, the Germans would still deny any religious connotations.
Enzo Canuzzi
Enzo Canuzzi 3 days ago
You no northing. The radical Islamist scene is under observation from Police and Secret Services. There was a lot of discussion in the public especially after some clashes between Salafists and Kurds (who are Muslim too) over the situation in Syria. There is discussion how to deal with radical Islam and hate preachers. So you know nothing about our german situation.
weejonnie 3 days ago
All I can say is that Germany is walking a dangerous tight-rope. I DO hope they are walking it with their eyes wide open. Regrettably that seems not to be the case – they appear, literally, in the dark.
Turning the lights out seems to be symbolically ‘see no evil’.
Introduced to the program, not as ‘Convicted Perverter of the Course of Justice Vicky Pryce’, but as Vicky Pryce.
Which correspondents are organising petitions regarding proven dishonest convicts being given fee paid work by the BBC? Where is the feminazi furore about ‘role models’?
Vicky Pryce could also be ‘stacking shelves at Sainsburys’ could she not?
BBC. One rule for white welsh footballer bloke. Different rule for Greek establishment woman.
Spot On Angryman – Schadenfreude all day long today with the BBC – they even decided to change their cowardly, quisling – (sign up here conscientious objectors) – policy on depicting Mohammed .
Time for the Alan Johnston BBC Radical Islam Strange Love Award
(or How I Learnded To Stop Worrying And Love The Mullahs)
First nomination has to be Mr Frank ‘I can’t say what it looks like yet’ Gardner. By the way, no wonder the BBC could never have outed Jimmy Savile. Unless the seedy old bugger had ‘claimed responsibily’ or of course after some other news source had named him.
A strong contender is Lyse Doucet for her impromptu review of some VERY carefully folded French newpapers. Classy Lyse – provocative – without actually showing us anything at all.
Much as I would like to give the honour to the strident Doucet – it has to go to nice guy Gavin Esler. His earnestly concerned “indeed” to the suggestion that the French ‘far right’ might now benefit politically from terrorism appeared both genuine and personally heartfelt.
Runner up Ian Hislop, will he put the offensive cartoons on his front page ? …………………..non.
Look forward to someone in the audience at HIGNFY chucking a bag of white feathers at him at the next recording, he’ll get the significance of that, after his series on real men fighting and dying 100 years ago.
Uh-oh. I forecast an imminent announcement by the BBC that “some people” are calling for Steve Bruce to be sacked as Hull City manager for his remarks on CR Ched Evans.
Starting to get out of hand, first the nice man who runs the footballers trade union gets the bird and has to apologise and now Brucie, a firm favourite of beeboids, ( Northern, working class, ex Man U, funny, not a bit dodgy unlike ‘arry ) is not following the script. Expect the femnazis to start threatening to sit on his face any time now, ” ok, I surrender”
Bbc r5 in meltdown,
News Flash, Another hostage situation this time in NorthEastern Paris at a Jewish supermarket, shots fired, people wounded, hostages including children. Possibly the prick who killed the Black female traffic cop yesterday ( thank you jihadist, for your diversity.). Just as we were getting on top of things and establishing the fears of the poor Muslims in fear of a backlash then along come the bloody Jews forcing a decent chap to take them hostage, probably short changed him. As I said r 5 is melting as I type, ” oh the awards darling, just think of the awards! It will be worth not getting home early”.
I remember When Millwall Football club had more than it’s fair share of bad publicity because of the behaviour of (some of) their supporters.
It did not take long for the media to call them “notorious”.
News Flash, Shy now reporting ANOTHER incident, this time happening very near the Eiffel Tower, reporter standing at Jewish Hostage situation having to resort to holding up her IPhone to show a picture of police , guns drawn kneeling behind a bin.
Whether, this is terrorist related, whether this is just a copycat attack, this will be of immense interest for those wanting to harm us. Watching either in the UK, France, Germany, Syria or Yemen on satellite TV they can see that a series of small groups of 2-3 men using staggered attacks can nearly cause a collective nervous brake down, in a government, the police, definitely in the media and general population. France will only have so many special forces available to deal with this, if anyone spots a couple of Chinooks flying over The Channel then you will know they are in trouble and need help.
Flash, Eiffel Tower incident now said to be false alarm. Point still stands, businesses in Paris are now shutting early, Metros are missing out stations, fear and panic could easily be instigated with a couple more ‘incidents’ if not this time then maybe next, dangerous times.
Ahhh… The subtle bias of language, and word choice.
The BBC News online front webpage briefly included the word ‘islamist’ somewhere in the text earlier in the afternoon.At 14.34hrs, the words ‘islam’, ‘islamist’, ‘jihadi’ and other derivatives are absent.
We do have ‘gunmen’ (even though one is reported to be a woman), and we have ‘kosher shop’ twice.
A kosher shop, eh? Kosher, same as pukka, means good, proper, honest doesn’t it? So, it’s a good shop then, sort of French version of Waitose perhaps? Don’t want people thinking there is some sort of Jewish connection, do we BBC?
Actually it looks like they have been given guidelines now. The Paris incidents were the the headline news story on the Beeb website this morning and in the article it was only referred to as a “supermarket” no kosher or Jewish references whatsoever.
finally someone in football says what the non-twitter crowd has been thinking for quite a while(and a well respected person in football too)
Evans is a scumbag as far as I am concerned because as a rule I don’t like relationship cheats but from what I have read about the case and the video of the victim getting out of the cab says to me the prosecution was suspect…the appeal is already tainted thanks to a witch-hunt by social media but considering actual killers play football (Luke McCormick) and women beaters (Marlon King) were allowed back I can’t see why the feminazis are going so mad….
BBC Bias and documented implementation of restriction on the freedom of expression was admitted by David Dimbleby on QT last night.
It is written into the BBC Guidelines, that images of Pro-Mo (the islamists’ prophet Mohammed) can absolutely not be shown. Check it out, approximately 15mins in.
Freedom of speech? Time to reclaim our birthrights.
Don’t know the lady loyally making ‘but the BBC are unique’ noises at clip’s end, but she may have been caught out by events, now evolving on an hourly basis.
I remember when Mike Tyson was allowed into Britain. Brixton came to a standstill and he had to take refuge in a police station (oh the irony) because of all the people who wanted to worship him.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I applaud the decency of these chaps, waiting until the end of the Christmas holiday period before unleashing their distinctive brand of murder & mayhem.
There’s not many Jihadis around these days that would be so culturally sensitive !
Damned chivalrous too! The BBC tells us they spare women, when indulging in combat on the streets of Paris. I know these chaps go a bit overboard every now and then, but it’s beastly to insult their prophet. I mean how would we feel if someone insulted the Queen. What I can’t inderstand is those UKIP fellows, stirring things up all the time. Fifth columns? You would think these jihadis were Nazis. Such tommy rot. I always listen to QT on Fridays, I like to keep myself politically in the picture. I’m glad the awful UKIP woman was shown the error of her ways by the more enlightened members of the panel. There was even some ex-jihadi chap there who had come round to the British point of view. How the audience cheered its approval. Such tolerance, I’m so proud to be British. Well, I’m off to the club now. Might meet that splendid chap Grieves. Wasn’t he attorney general or something? He was on the Daily Politics show. Absolutely splendid piece he did on the right of true-born Brits fighting for freedom in Syria to return home. There are some who might say he was a deluded, complacent buffoon, but we Brits always uphold international law, Magna Carta and such like. How else could we defeat Hitler?. The BBC and British fair play.
Magna Carta dead? A strange jest. Is Tony Handcock one of those frightfully clever BBC alternative comedians we hear so much about today?
Magna Carta dead? What?
I only listen to informative programs like Any Answers. What a charming presenter. That woman from the Isle of Wight who was on first got it about right. You can take democracy and freedom of speech too far. There is just no need to go about insulting the prophet of these fellows. How would we feel if someone insulted the Quuen? Freedom of speech with responsibility that is the solution to all these misunderstandings in Paris. There’s no point in riling up god fearing muslim chaps and forcing them to behead you on a point of honour. Good heavens I’ve fought duels for less. No true Brit would insult another chap’s god. Have we lost all sense of decency? The BBC and France24 inform us that unspeakable cads have attacked mosques in France. No British officer and gentleman would dream of attacking a place of worship. Incroyable!. I suspect the Farage upstart and that ghastly French woman may be stirring up trouble again. Didn’t Farage’s mother sit knitting in front of the guillotine when France’s most noble were murdered? The BBC and British fair play that’s what kept us going during the war.
Col. Blimp
Luckily I doubt if the francophone Malian Islamist murderer in the Jewish bakery was up for watching BBC coverage in English. Perhaps next time the BBC will provide helpful simultaneous translation in the terrorists own language.
And there in a nutshell is what happens when multiculti thinking seeps into the ‘liberal’ brain – different groups in society are held to different standards.
I hope all those people who think freedom of speech has been attacked will now turn on the UAF . They preach “no platform” wich is just the same.
The BBC got Nick Griffin to court and he was proved right about grooming.
Free speech is exactly that. You can explore what anyone is saying from there.
Update for INBBC, which seems slow with its ‘editing’-
“Gunman takes six hostages including woman and four children in kosher grocery – and police fear it is the SAME killer who killed policewoman yesterday.
“Two people have been killed and up to six others thought to have been taken hostage in eastern Paris.
“The suspected gunman has been named as Amedy Coulibaly, who is suspected of killing policewoman yesterday.
“Armed police have swarmed over the area in the eastern Paris suburb of Porte de Vincennes.
“Authorities say he screamed ‘you know who I am’ when he stormed the kosher bakery, taking up to six hostages.
“It comes two days after Cherif and Said Kouachi massacred 12 people at the satirical magazine offices in Paris.
“The two brothers today took a hostage near an airport in northern France, where they remain surrounded by police.
“Coulibaly has threatened to kill the hostages should police attempt to storm the brothers, it has been claimed.”
According to More or Less Oxfam lied when they said that 85 people own half the worlds wealth, when the reality it is closer to 700 million people !
Quite a margin of error, yet one the BBC has gleefully picked up and run with because it says what they want to hear.
Unusual for this normally left wing biased program, but I guess the ‘error’ was just too great to ignore.
More people have been butchered this afternoon in France, how on earth can Al Beeb or anyone else make excuses for this deliberate slaughter of innocent people by these murdering animals? There aren’t any.
just think of the “backlashTM” ?..
the rise in rampant, “Islamofauxbia”?
all the bbc airtime and reports from Paree s Grand Mosque?
The al bbc reporter who inadvertently see s a women going from the subway. crying, yes tears, because …
she s removing her hijab,
…. she rushes over to her, and in a true al bbc concerned fashion says, you must put it back on, yes … she bleats, you must , must, must wear it
don t worry sister # I ll ride with you … but just not to :-
the Charlie Hebdo office
the gas station
the Jewish supermarket
the police corden or
the warehouse
Well said merched becca. These idiotic government s were voted in to serve us and put our rights first. Now, as a Christian country, I am fed up with the constant sucking up to islam, and I know for a fact that lots of people who live in britain are too. Im not mad keen on ukip, but the other clowns are all cut from the same yellow cloth.
Agreed. UKIP seem basically to be shallow -thinking morons, but I agree with some of what they say and besides I cannot imagine voting for any of three main parties ever again.
So I guess I’ll be voting UKIP, it does not matter much to me which of the negligent legacy parties form what they call our ‘government’. At least I’ll have a protest vote.
I would like to see the simple addition of a ‘vote against’ a particular candidate, thus taking a vote off the candidate at the count. This would have quite wide ranging effects and would help disenfranchised people to make their vote ‘count’ at last.
The odious BBC is already trotting out the sympathy for Muslims – will there be a backlash? – Hugh Edwards on the 5 o’clock Newschannel. The BBC describes ‘hostage takers’ ‘gunmen’ etc. No mention of terrorists. Edwards interviews a so-called academic clearly a muslim, who says to Edwards ‘as you know this is nothing to do with Islam’.
It doesn’t matter how many innocent people are murdered by Islamists, the BBC will immediately give sympathy to the perpetrators.
When is something going to be done about this corrupt and subversive organisation?
Well posted, Dover Sentry. Perhaps they can be interned over in the ISIS caliphate minus their passports and banned from our shores, forever.
I hope future Prime Minister Farage is thoroughly understanding the ramifications of these atrocities with a view to our own security.
I suppose cameroon was out with his islamic mates this afternoon enjoying a (free) curry telling them how pleased he would be to see a muslim prime minister
Jon Snow is a most appalling so-called journalist. His arrogance and Leftist political views know no bounds. I dare say he recites ‘this is nothing to do with Islam’ every morning and every night.
Snow is completely out of touch with reality. He accuses Wilders of wanting to initiate some kind of Endlösung for Muslims, when it is in fact Muslims ,for religous reasons, who are attempting to make France, Holland, Britain unsafe for Jews. If Snow is worried about history repeating itself he should look at the real treat of Islamification which has lead to the butchery of Jews all over the world because the Prophet so wills it, rather than UKIP or the VVP whose members are more likely to be murdered bu Muslims than the other way round.
“Notice how many times these Islamic Terrorists are known to the Police and Security Services?”
Is it every time?
What could the explanation be?
(1) Just amazing coincidence.
(2) The security forces and police are staggeringly incompetent.
(3) These people are being allowed to operate.
(4) The security forces and police are too busy dealing with the really serious people, such as those who eat bacon sarnies within a mile of a mosque.
(5) Tory Cuts.
The police and security services in my opinion are very competent. What we have is a political left elite, the bbc, UAF, Liberty, labour and lib parties and partly the TORY party who are just to afraid to stand up this this religion, or who actually support there evil views.
Yes a UK Guantanamo Bay would be very useful. I’m not sure what the criteria for release should be though, is it possible for a victim of the Islamic ‘religion’ (surely more of a ‘cult’) to reform? Islam allows and encourages lies and deception for the furtherance of itself, so could any reformer be believed?
Alternatively there could be a tax on mosques, requiring them to at least compensate society in some small way for the cost of policing the religion of peace.
In my ideal world, it would be – goodbye to islam-so sorry but this country is sick of the cult of islam so like it or lump it, the mosque’s and all of the cult followers can go back to the place that you came from. Go away, you are not welcome!
have you noticed something strange has happened at radio 5 in the last few days in there description of these islamic terrorists in france, the bbc producers have seemed to have told there presenters to dump the word militant and describe these people as gunmen and fugitives as if they was characters out of a bonnie and clyde movie,not once have the bbc or radio 5 live used the word islamic or muslim even or militant to describe these terrorists,i find that so cowardice and politacaly correct by the bbc and radio 5 live.and yes the muslim victimhood and grievance industry have not been off the bbc complaning about this imaginary paranoid backlash against there community which i see no evidence of.
The new tactic agreed between government and media, in the name of ‘community cohesion’, us to frame terrorist acts as ‘just another crime’.
It actually makes sense. When the UK Muslim population increases and these events become common place, then they will be ‘just another crime’.
All ‘joking’ aside, I live multi racial Britain. My wife is ethnically ‘Asian’ (Chinese, but she loves being lumped in with the RoP by the BBC), my friends are from multiple nationalities and races and I couldn’t give a monkey’s if somebody is gay. I do, however, hate this paedo, moon god death cult we’ve imported into the UK. Things are only going to get worse.
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David Camoron said the Paris murders was ” an attack on fweedom of speech, blah blah blah”
Bit ironic that since he and Lib Lab Con banned Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Michael Savage from Britain.
There’s nothing quite like a bit of hypocrisy, is there ?
and the media … BBC?
every media outlet should have these cartoons on its front page
again and again … and back it up, that s the answer.
Offence? Islam will then, just have to … GET OVER IT
BBC? … show any of these cartoons?
Guidance on Stills, Photographs and Images appended to the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines
“Political, Religious and Topical Sensitivities”,%20Religious
From BBCWatch
je suis Charlie … BBC?
It’s been wall to wall hypocrisy from the media and the press. It’s been quite sickening. Editor of that rag The Sun Stig Abell ” We wont show the Mohammad cartoon because it might cause offense.” Yet you’ve got no hesitation showing a topless female with her kit off on Page 3 which is not appropriate in a supposedly family ”newspaper.”
Douglas Murray talks to Asshair Butthairy
So if the murders at the magazine offices were an attack on free speech what was the attack on the deli an attack on ? Salt beef, bagels ? You guys know, but you won’t get the answer on the bbc.
Asghar Bukhari – what a vile gobby twisted young man … I’m speechless. Thank you for posting this, I’m sorry I missed it. Douglas Murray, bravo.
Asshair typical aggressive Muslim, unable to see freedom of speech, don’t tell me this thug resides in this country..
The translation ” I am a Charlie” or “we are Charlies”
seems to be a perfect desciption for certain BBC types.
Especially the Mair/Naughtie duo. They seem to be in a continuous state of amazement that there are “French born” or “British born” muslims who delight in murdering people. They seem unable to grasp that the geographical location of your birth or the formal, legalistic procedure of being granted citizenship, does not make you culturally British or French , which is what most people mean when they say they are British or French. Anjem Choudry when asked why he became a British citizen replied that the British passport was an “enhanced travel document”. The Chinese government could grant me citizenship tomorrow, but I would not be able to speak Chinese nor know anything of Chinese culture as lived by Chinese people.
Yes, Wilders is still under the threat of death from various non-Muslims claiming to be Muslims and narrowly escaped being axed to death in his home by another non-Muslim claiming to be a Muslim. I don’t remenber much concern at the time from the BBC. But German TV gave the game away this morning revealing that Charlie Hebdo was very much a child of the May 68 Movement, like Daniel Cohen-Bendit, Joschka Fischer and the Baader Meinhof Gang. Would it be too far-fetched to suggest that the silencing of Wilders by non-Muslims claimimg to be Muslims would be less harrowing to the BBC, than the silencing of Charlie Hebdo by non- Muslims claiming to be Muslims?
Al Beeb and all its pacifist friends have seen the destruction and mass deaths that were caused during the attack on the Twin Towers in September 2001, the destruction and deaths during the London bombings of July 2005 and the bloody and cowardly murder of British soldier on the streets of London in May 2013, no backlash as yet?
But the cowardly broadcasting corporation keeps harping on with its overly concern with Muslim victim-hood? Where the hell is their concern for majority of the people of Great Britain?
France 24 seems even worse than the BBC!!!. I tuned in to get the latest news, but found a discussion program instead.
Just a day after the horrendous atrocity, four journalists were trotting out the usual, banal apologia for Islamic terrorism. Apparently the aim of the Muslim butchery was “to divide society”. These people really do believe they are living in a harmonious multicultural society. Society is already divided. That is why there is terrorism. They recommended that the French should not behave like stupid Americans and introduce a Patriot Act. This would be “counterproductive” and turn more “peace loving” Muslims into terrorists. More “non-violent anti-radicalisation measures” were necessary. All this means is giving Muslim communities or mini-caliphates more cash, or other concessions, like Sharia law, in the vain hope that they might be better disposed to the host nation. Much hand-wringing about a “backlash” from the National Front. The correct thing to do would be to commend members of the NF for their restraint in the face of extreme Muslim provocation. Europe really is finished if complacent bufoons of this type remain in positions of influence.
There is no such thing as a multicultural society and never can be. A society only exists when a body of people who broadly share common characteristics – including such things as history, tradition, religion, ethnicity, language, values – live together voluntarily under a common system in a defined geographical region. What liberals call multiculturalism is more akin to apartheid and can only be maintained short term through coercion and force before it explodes in conflict and civil war. A good example of this would be what happened in Yugoslavia.
agreed – multcult is an oxymoron.
And the notion that there is strength in diversity is contradicted by evidence throughout the last century.
All part of the plan: ‘Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested that the new proletariat be comprised of many criminals, women, and racial minorities.’…’Toward this end, Marcuse-who favored polymorphous perversion-expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics. Gramsci’s ‘long march’ was added to the mix, and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques. The end product was Cultural Marxism, now known in the West as multiculturalism.’‘
Why has the bbc not got that blair creature in an interview , explaining what has gone wrong with his idea of taking us to war to make our countries safer. And maybe he could explain that the A&E crisis is down to immigrants who are not regestered to a GP surgery using A&E , not to say the number of British medical staff emmigrating to outside the EU for a better life.
Probably because he’s refusing to appear on TV because he knows what a disastrous failure his time as PM has been.
I was about to make a comment but your post tells people exactly what this is all about. It;s a power grab by the elite. As Rahm Emanual in the States has said ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’. And why wouldn’t you….when you can continually create crises.
This hasn’t happened by accident, And the more it happens, the more of your freedoms will be taken away, step by step.
Another ripper wrinkle!
Not just the last century, pretty much any time or place you care to mention. In 886 when Britain was divided between Anglo-Saxons and Danes, the wergeld for interethnic killings was set at eight half marks of gold, far higher than the standard wergeld for the highest social class. This is an early example that shows how fearful the authorities are of intercommunal violence. Today, higher penalties for “hate or race crime” serve the same purpose. Of course, in “diverse Britain” the scope for intercommunal violence has increased many fold. The warnings of Enoch Powell, well aware of intercommunal slaughter in India, have been shown to be well founded.
We are sorely without a man of his stature today, at a time when he is needed. I don’t think we have to wonder what he would think of it all, he saw it coming 50 years ago. If anyone wants to visit the great mans resting place it is in Warwick, worth a visit if you are passing.
John Enoch Powell, you served your country well, Rest In Peace.
Enoch Powell – the greatest prime minister we never had.
Enoch Powell (writing in January 1988):
“The age-structure of the present New Commonwealth ethnic population ensures that in the foreseeable future it will constitute one third or more of the population of Inner London and of cities and areas up and down England. That will be more than sufficient in our elective democracy to secure for it effective political control locally and nationally by dint of its distinctiveness and its solidarity. I have never been able to convince myself that this point could be reached or approached without civil strife of a degree that makes it indistinguishable from civil war.”
Note the date – 1988 – and that Enoch Powell could not have guessed at the mass immigration policy under New Labour after the year 2000.
The first part of Powell’s statement is really just simple arithmetic. In general, immigrants have more children than the indigenous population. I would imagine that no data on differential birthrates has ever be collected in Britain as this would be “racist”. In his book “The Abolition of Germany” Sarrazin cites German government figures!! which show a value less than 2 for indigenous Germans and about 4 for Turkish and North African immigrants. The civil war prediction looked far fetched but no one at that time, not even Powell, could have foreseen the creation of British mini-caliphates and their malign consequences. The BBC wants to convince its public, that the atrocity in Paris, say, has nothing to do with Muslims, by using terms like “Islamist” or “Jihadists”. But the point is that Islamists and Jihadists are Muslims who are “”strong in faith”. You may as well try and make a distinction between the beliefs of “moderate Nazis” and “extreme Nazis”, and claim that “extreme Nazis” are not “real Nazis” or have in some way misinterpreted the Nazi creed. Rank and file Nazis may not have murdered any Jews, but it does not mean they consider it a bad thing . Extreme Nazis are “good Nazis” precisely because they act in accordance with their beliefs not against them.
An additional factor is that, although immigrants do commonly have more children than the indigenous population, this tends to be for a single generation. Statistically, the second and subsequent generations tend to be very similar to the indigenous population, as they affected by the same economic factors (cost of housing, education etc). But there is a notable exception with some Muslim groups. In the case of immigrants from rural Pakistan, the custom of importing spouses from back home means that many households remain “first generation” for several real generations, with birthrates remaining higher than the national average. Secondly, some groups – Somalians are sometimes cited – have a high proportion of “economically inactive” members and follow the maxim of more children = more benefits (there are of course indigenous people who do likewise). The effect of this is that the proportion of Muslims within the overall ethnic population will continue to growth.
And finally, words of wisdom on the BBC
Yes, convergence would normally be the case but according to the Mark Steyn clip further down, the Pakistani immigrant birthrate converged in the 60s but then diverged again. It could simply be that the number of Pakistani immigrants reached a critical level that made moving to Britain no different to moving to a different region of Pakistan. After all, in the early days of immigration into the USA some Italian villages moved wholesale into remote areas and could remain isolated for decades.
The end days of Yugoslavia is an excellent example of what will happen when the pressure cooker formed by our inferior politicians and their compliant media finally gives up the ghost.
Meanwhile, they continue to appease the terrorists in our midst in the vain hope that it won’t happen here. Pathetic and dangerous to all but themselves.
Absolutely agree.
No. France is not a multicultural society; first stage on the journey of Islam is to make it so. Then they can take it from there. Muslims living in non-Muslim lands are expected to make them Muslim.
Thanks for that, I suppose neither France 24 or the BBC thought it odd that socialist Hollande would invite the Palestinian leader to the rally, but not the leader of one of France’s own parties? How much of a rally for unity or indeed free speech could this be in that case?
Given all that has already passed into sad history, this seems a strange way to pose such a question, from BBC R4Today:
“Coming up: how likely is a UK terror attack? 8.10, we hear from a friend of Prince Andrew 7.20, this year’s @BAFTA awards 8.20 #r4today”
That would be ‘again’, or ‘another’, BBC. And yet civil society has stayed restrained so far, despite the claims of TellMama, dutifully promoted beyond confirmation by the BBC.
Why does one suspect that, like Gaza, if just one reaction goes too far, that will be when the BBC outrage clock gets reset to zero?
Hopefully the backlash will come via the ballot box……..
Not while they still allow postal votes for anyone who asks.
Littlejohn spells shit out….but will anyone in power take ANY notice?
I think the voting in the comments should be pointed out to our cowardly political class.
Francois Hollande inane address to the French nation, full of platitudes in which he babbled on about the Republic. Jean Raspail, author of The Camp of the Saints said ” There is two France’s, the ancient nation of France and the Republic, in 1789 the Republic hijacked France with its Liberte, Egalitre, Fraternite BS” and they’ve been suffering from this utopian garbage ever since.
From what I understand of it, the magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’ is a satirical mag along the lines of ‘Private Eye’. It takes the piss out of French politicians left and right in the same way exposing corruption and the hypocrisy of Islam (and the cult of Mohammed as the ‘religion of peace’. Oft repeated by Cameron and Hollande for EU ‘integration’ is stark reminder that you cannot ‘appease’ a clear and present danger. The French I think have had enough of Holland and his communists gov. who have been ‘sympathetic’ to Islam for so long. A good write up on it can be found here:
Private Eye used to take the piss out of all but, since its toadying little editor joined the HIGNFY gravy train, has recently aligned itself more with the liberal MSM.
Spot on, just another member of the establishment it once held to ridicule.
No doubt Private Eye will mark the Charlie Hebdo massacre by courageously showing on its cover a cartoon of….Nigel Farage.
Is Nigel Farage “firmly grabbing the wrong end of the stick.”? Or is
is Nick Clegg real ?
According to foreign sources, the 57 year old Glasgow bin lorry driver has a DA-Notice on the release of his name, there was also an Islamic attack on a Christmas market in Dijon France on the same day, which I saw on RT.
A DA-Notice could only mean that this was a terrorist incident. Also the driver has been released from hospital after only 17 days, which seems to confirm the evidence that he was sent to the wrong hospital in Glasgow, for heart problems, because he did not have heart problems.
Got a link to these sources?
The source is now blocked, but there was a 48 hour period when the Scotsman Newspaper announced that there was a D Notice. The courts must have imposed a superinjunction, which forbids the media from reporting on the DA-Notice and also the injunction itself. But this would not cover other foreign sources which would have seen the Scotsman article before it was pulled. So if you can get through to a foreign newspaper site, you may be able to see the report of a D Notice. But I think you would now have to travel abroad to get past the Liberal Fascist censorship in Britain.
A DA notice would only be invoked specifically for a national security issue.
I cannot imagine a bin lorry driver’s name being a national security issue, unless, of course…you know what.
I see….Ok, if you want to stand up to these fanatics, these MUSLIMS…print the cartoons that caused so much offence, or draw a new Mohamad one…until our press do that, these are no more than weasel words…tough talk by cowards who are supposed to hold up our finest values.
I also posted a similar message on the article on the newspaper website….guess what?…Moderated, never to be seen…That’s right, stand up to these Muslims, but, heaven forbid that you might call the paper out for not showing the very images that caused so much offence that 12 people had to die for them.
Does anyone on this site know if UKIP is making a serious effort to recruit and vet viable candidates for the GE?
Will, UKIP don’t need to vet their candidates. The BBC have a whole team dedicated to investigating every one of them! Good use of BBC money for once, as it will help improve the standard of the UKIP candidates.
Scrap the telly tax and vote UKIP.
It’s Friday. It’s BBc breakfast and yes the sofa dwellers are still talking about the NHS.
Hmm, I wonder why…
Shameless… and of course unaccountable.
“Last night a BBC spokesman refused to comment”
A luxury the BBC seldom affords those they demand questions needing answered. Unless they work for Glasgow Council.
It’s a no lose. Public money poured into the application…If it fails written off. A win… the market rate notches up.
Like BBC unique pensions, things can go up or really up.
BBC 1 QT Last night, predictable Labour plant, (Local Watford Councillor Seamus Williams) nearly did not get a hearing, as he was not called to give his “NHS under Conservatives is dying” rant until the last 5 mins of the programme. You could feel the producer’s anguish through the screen that David would not call him in time!
Hah! I turned over for This Week , caught the tail end of QT and saw this guy. My immediate thought was that he looked like a Labour stooge, just from the well-rehearsed manner of delivery. So nice to find that one’s instincts are right.
And a well done to Brillo for his statement at the start of This Week.
Damn, I didn’t know it was from Watford….I had a quick look at the re-run of it later….not a single face in the audience was recognisable to me…and I have lived in the town for 7-8 years.
Quite a low turnout of our friendly neighbourhood pijama wearers was also noted….considering how many of the arseholes I saw piling out of the (very large) mosque on Exchange road on Friday afternoon….grinning like the c*nts they are as they prowled through the middle of town.
BBC: “Backlash!”
Frankly, I’m more concerned about the forward-lash
We shouldn’t be surprised at the BBC focus on their fear of so-called “backlash” – even before the forensics team have packed up. This reflex reaction is ingrained in the office culture of BBC lefties and efforts to warn us of it is one of the prime directives of BBC news.
I’ve posted hear previously about an old mate of mine (something of lefty) who has a senior position in a local council. The authority for which he works contains a significant potential terrorist target. When questioned about what sort of contingency plans may be in place, off pat this guy begins to spout about ‘community cohesion’. I know for a fact he has attended Common Purpose courses.
Perhaps the very same courses prompted Gavin Esler’s concerned expression “indeed” when a left-leaning journo he was interviewing left us with the thought that unfortunatley the ‘far right’ might gain advantage from the Paris murders.
The BBC is not a neutral provider of news. It is a partizan political and cultural force.
I’m surprised no one has picked up on this yet:
A company which became the first private firm to manage an NHS hospital says it wants to “withdraw from its contract”.
Circle Holdings, which operates Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire, said its franchise is “no longer viable under current terms”.
It’s given the BBC a shoe it to ask the Tories come uncomfortable questions and to make allegations straight out of the Labour party big book of silly statements.
This morning on ‘Today’ they were making allegations that this was proof that the private sector couldn’t & shouldn’t be involved in the NHS and this is evidence of much worse to come.
I expect that this is going to run & run as it’s a gift for Labours only real tool in the election campaign.
Miliband must be cursing and cursing that the Paris siege has taken it off the headlines – not even the Beeb can manage that big a priority swap
That’s going to be interesting then. Because according to Guido it was none other than Labour who set in motion the “privatisation”.
The BBC obviously aren’t going to let that be known.
the BBC just won’t bother to report that inconvenient fact
left = liars by nature
Well when you find out that Labour awarded them the contract and that they saved the Hospital from £40 million debt then you might have different opinions.
Those Pegida marchers, who were demonized in the MSM and by politicians such as the ridiculous Angela Merkin, have a much better understanding than those of us in Western Europe what living in a tyranny is really like. They were marching because they didn’t want to live under another left-fascist dictatorship, but must have felt vindicated by the terrible events in Paris. No doubt they wouldn’t have wanted to be vindicated in this way but they have shown that Merkin and the light dippers in Germany are on the wrong side of truth.
it’s dawning on me why bbc ‘news’ needs thousands of well-paid staff.
Managing the narrative so thoroughly, totally, relentlessly is actually very labour-intensive. Editorial by omission takes time and effort to get right.
Undertaking such a mammoth task requires lots of feet on the ground (and by ground I mean expensive floor space in central LDN).
And of course they have all got to watch on each other.
Is this how the INBBC ‘newsroom’ works?:-
1.) INBBC ‘journalist’:-
‘Some men have shot people at Charlie Hebdo in Paris.’
2.) INBBC ‘editor’ response:-
Go to a British mosque and get some interviews on it.’
Or maybe:
1.) INBBC ‘journalist’:-
‘Some men are going to shoot people at Charlie Hebdo in Paris.’
2.) INBBC ‘editor’ response:-
‘Go to a British mosque and get some interviews on it before it happens.’
3.) INBBC ‘journalist’:-
‘But I was just about to go out for a skinny latte with Adrian and Quentin!’
4.) INBBC ‘editor’ response:-
‘Okay, we’ll re-run the footage we took last time there was an incident That-Was-Nothing-To-Do-With_Islam ™. We run repeats at Christmas so why not here too?’
Mark Steyn:
“Muslims fear backlash after tomorrow’s train bombing”
I despair at our childish media in general as on the Telegraph website they have a video describing the tactics the police will use to save the hostages in Paris….
I seriously hope those two don’t have access to the internet as it will help them to defend against the inevitable police breach. Usual fools in the whole of the MSM
…and was anyone with a previous conviction for rape involved?
Watching bBC News yesterday it occurred to me that not a lot has changed since I was a kid and watched John Cravens Newsround.
The presentation is identical, fluffy, selective, condescending and stopping short of the grim truth…!
This is what happens when you watch the Lame Steam Media News, the only thing that’s missing is Kirsty Squawk presenting.
Thanks for that David, I needed a laugh.
JC’s NR was marginally more challenging.
BBC is now so yesterday! The new buzzword for them!
They have been given enough chances and warnings this last few years with the rise of social media and sites like this in addit ion to the parliament reception like at the Media Sport Committee. They have now conclusively proved they are incapable of rising through the red-mist with the institution so stuffed to the rafters with Labour placements and left recruitment that their ‘ethos’ is incapable of helping them change.
Just hope the upcoming Licence Review finally hammers the nails into the coffin. They cannot say they have not asked for it!
Were the state broadcaster deprived of its outrageous and outmoded funding, and forced to go subscription, what would it be reduced to relative to its current size?
Surely less than half, possibly a tenth? A fifth if you’re being kind?
BBC radio 4 “Hip in a Hijab”
Meet the Mipsterz – or Muslim Hipsters – just one example of the growing number of articulate, style-conscious, politically-savvy, headscarf-wearing young women who are confronting cultural stereotypes at the same time as they negotiate the sometimes difficult divide between their own, their families’ and society’s expectations.
The most recent census figures show that one in twenty children under five in England and Wales is a girl raised a Muslim – but who are they and how do they envisage their futures? The popular press and the mass media might leave the impression that Muslim girls are either all shy, submissive wallflowers or aspiring terrorists. And yet statistics show that young Muslim women growing up in the UK are among the most academically high-achieving of their peer group. Add to this the boom in social media and Instagram – which has offered them both the chance for self-expression and a window into a world of like-minded young Muslim women domestically and abroad – and what you’ve got is the very modern phenomenon of a new tribe of highly-educated, fiercely ambitious, pop-culture loving young women intent on claiming what they consider their birthright.
But as more and more gifted, young Muslim women assert their identities, what also needs to be acknowledged is that, within Islamic communities, there is a potential culture-clash waiting to happen. Will the backlash against secularism in many communities, the pressures of tradition and culture mean that, despite the glowing grades and the hijabi-swagger, the Mipsterz and their sisters may not achieve their dreams?
The writer Shelina Janmohamed investigates.
Produced by Anna McNamee
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.
As you might expect is an entirely positive piece without any criticism, questioning, or even allowing the other side to have a say. There’s no mention of the oppression of women within Islam, It’s an appalling example of the BBCs Islamophillia.
Yes just switched on now
Yes fine some licence payers are hijab wearers
1. The paradox is that it am incredibly visual thing, it annoys me when they keep doing visual things on the radio..suppose in this case they would have had to use animation or something
2. 5 mins in a factual prog ..probably interesting to lots of people, but half an hour ! Are there many half an hour progs on 1 particular type of clothing ?
Maybe they could show us a picture of Prophet Mo (Peas be upon him) on the radio…
‘The most recent census figures show that one in twenty children under five in England and Wales is a girl raised a Muslim – but who are they and how do they envisage their futures?’
A couple of years ago a young female BBC reporter visited a household in Oldham as part of an item on the aftermath of the riots, and whether ‘social cohesion’ had improved. It was the home of a young British-born Muslim couple of Pakistani ‘heritage’. Their young 3-year old daughter, who had obviously not read the script, asked ‘Who is the English lady, mummy?’
A rare revealing moment on the BBC.
A nice little earner in yesterdays Daily Mail on a BBC employee ‘moonlighting’ for 46 years: Alan Yentob: ‘known for this TWO jobs which is on top of his BBC salary of £320,000 per year.’ Has finally quit his ‘other’ job as Director (which made £12,000 in share dividends) of a luxury goods company – ‘Dewhurst Dent)’. It’s Good to know how our peers invest wisely on such paltry salaries. Now that is what ‘Lord Tony Haw Haw means by excellent ‘value-for-money’ and ‘diversity employment’ for ‘part time workers’ on minimum wage. There is no doubt that should Yentob ‘retire; from his BBC position anytime soon his ‘golden goodbye’ will be well in excess of £100,000 (in line with other big ‘payoffs’ for this very select public service). One of many at the BBC luxury food and drink department.
yentob’s a bargain at twice the price. That sort of charisma don’t come cheap.
Breaking News is crap BTW you guys do understand with 50 satellite trucks all reporting the same thing is a complete waste of time
– It’s called a boy in the well, it’s one of the cheapest forms of TV ..”Is he still down the well ? Yes he is ..what do you think of that ?” and they can go on and on about it ..saves them the expense of actually doing some proper investigative journalism like finding out why the public don’t trust the BBC on climate etc.
– For yourself you can always just watch the highlights tomorrow .. you wont miss anything exciting
You ever noticed that “lets go over to our correspondent who is live,actually miles away from the scene and knows nothing more than the people in the studio.
– The BBC doesn’t need to waste money in the frenzy ..all the commercial networks are going to be there in the disaster porn.
– If you really can’t find a proper book to read ..then go and watch it on a French network like TV5 or France 24 in English si vous pas parlez francaisSilliRosBif
BLOODY SICK of Ch4, BBC news, BBC radio – Re France,
bleating apologetics, airing victim mentality muslims,
and if I hear … “all religions and non” again, I think I ll dropkick the radio.
There is ONE Pseudo Religion at point here, ONE that is continually
mass murdering innocents, ONE that is categorically more Totalitarian Ideology, more cult than a true religion anyway,
… and every genuine faith needs to distance itself as far as possible from it …
It is not Abrahamic, not holy and simply not acceptable.
Douglas Murray for PM!
Good stuff.
but at about 5′ in, AN suggests UK security services are worried this could happen here.
I concede AK-47’s are a variation, but would suggest packpack bombs or meat cleavers have already made terror happen, which they go on to discuss oddly oblivious to this fact.
I am also trying to grasp the notion of ‘lone wolf cells with some training’ as anything other than an oxymoron.
The following were comments made after the German ‘lights out’ report in the Independent. They were made before the shootings in Paris
weejonnie 3 days ago
Even if there were to be an attack in Germany and the terrorists shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’ as they decapitated a hundred people in a shopping mall, the Germans would still deny any religious connotations.
Enzo Canuzzi
Enzo Canuzzi 3 days ago
You no northing. The radical Islamist scene is under observation from Police and Secret Services. There was a lot of discussion in the public especially after some clashes between Salafists and Kurds (who are Muslim too) over the situation in Syria. There is discussion how to deal with radical Islam and hate preachers. So you know nothing about our german situation.
weejonnie 3 days ago
All I can say is that Germany is walking a dangerous tight-rope. I DO hope they are walking it with their eyes wide open. Regrettably that seems not to be the case – they appear, literally, in the dark.
Turning the lights out seems to be symbolically ‘see no evil’.
To confirm. BBC Gender Bias:
The Daily Politics. Vicky Pryce.
Introduced to the program, not as ‘Convicted Perverter of the Course of Justice Vicky Pryce’, but as Vicky Pryce.
Which correspondents are organising petitions regarding proven dishonest convicts being given fee paid work by the BBC? Where is the feminazi furore about ‘role models’?
Vicky Pryce could also be ‘stacking shelves at Sainsburys’ could she not?
BBC. One rule for white welsh footballer bloke. Different rule for Greek establishment woman.
Scrap the Telly Tax.
Spot On Angryman – Schadenfreude all day long today with the BBC – they even decided to change their cowardly, quisling – (sign up here conscientious objectors) – policy on depicting Mohammed .
Anyway BBC is yesterday!
Je Suis Cowardly Custard
Time for the Alan Johnston BBC Radical Islam Strange Love Award
(or How I Learnded To Stop Worrying And Love The Mullahs)
First nomination has to be Mr Frank ‘I can’t say what it looks like yet’ Gardner. By the way, no wonder the BBC could never have outed Jimmy Savile. Unless the seedy old bugger had ‘claimed responsibily’ or of course after some other news source had named him.
A strong contender is Lyse Doucet for her impromptu review of some VERY carefully folded French newpapers. Classy Lyse – provocative – without actually showing us anything at all.
Much as I would like to give the honour to the strident Doucet – it has to go to nice guy Gavin Esler. His earnestly concerned “indeed” to the suggestion that the French ‘far right’ might now benefit politically from terrorism appeared both genuine and personally heartfelt.
Well done Gavin.
Runner up Ian Hislop, will he put the offensive cartoons on his front page ? …………………..non.
Look forward to someone in the audience at HIGNFY chucking a bag of white feathers at him at the next recording, he’ll get the significance of that, after his series on real men fighting and dying 100 years ago.
Uh-oh. I forecast an imminent announcement by the BBC that “some people” are calling for Steve Bruce to be sacked as Hull City manager for his remarks on CR Ched Evans.
Ched Evans: Steve Bruce questions rape conviction
I once heard a BBC sports journo say that he thought Steve Bruce looks a bit like Nick Griffin. That’ll be enough to hang him, then.
Starting to get out of hand, first the nice man who runs the footballers trade union gets the bird and has to apologise and now Brucie, a firm favourite of beeboids, ( Northern, working class, ex Man U, funny, not a bit dodgy unlike ‘arry ) is not following the script. Expect the femnazis to start threatening to sit on his face any time now, ” ok, I surrender”
You simply DO NOT apologise. Difficult it ain’t.
I wonder if they are the same “some people” who threatened to rape the daughters of Oldham Athletic officials.
Bbc r5 in meltdown,
News Flash, Another hostage situation this time in NorthEastern Paris at a Jewish supermarket, shots fired, people wounded, hostages including children. Possibly the prick who killed the Black female traffic cop yesterday ( thank you jihadist, for your diversity.). Just as we were getting on top of things and establishing the fears of the poor Muslims in fear of a backlash then along come the bloody Jews forcing a decent chap to take them hostage, probably short changed him. As I said r 5 is melting as I type, ” oh the awards darling, just think of the awards! It will be worth not getting home early”.
Awards are topical too, true.
As the BBC’s credibility continues to fall off a Cliff.
Will INBBC continue to politically shield latest Iislamic jihad attack in Paris by censoring out reference to Jewish shop as target?-
“France: Gunman takes hostage at kosher supermarket in eastern Paris”…
“Paris Kosher Supermarket Attacked — At Least 5 Hostages Held
1 Wounded in Attack on Porte De Vincennes Shop”
Read more:…
I remember When Millwall Football club had more than it’s fair share of bad publicity because of the behaviour of (some of) their supporters.
It did not take long for the media to call them “notorious”.
Wonder How many Terrorists are watching how this incident is dealt with.
News Flash, Shy now reporting ANOTHER incident, this time happening very near the Eiffel Tower, reporter standing at Jewish Hostage situation having to resort to holding up her IPhone to show a picture of police , guns drawn kneeling behind a bin.
Whether, this is terrorist related, whether this is just a copycat attack, this will be of immense interest for those wanting to harm us. Watching either in the UK, France, Germany, Syria or Yemen on satellite TV they can see that a series of small groups of 2-3 men using staggered attacks can nearly cause a collective nervous brake down, in a government, the police, definitely in the media and general population. France will only have so many special forces available to deal with this, if anyone spots a couple of Chinooks flying over The Channel then you will know they are in trouble and need help.
Flash, Eiffel Tower incident now said to be false alarm. Point still stands, businesses in Paris are now shutting early, Metros are missing out stations, fear and panic could easily be instigated with a couple more ‘incidents’ if not this time then maybe next, dangerous times.
Ahhh… The subtle bias of language, and word choice.
The BBC News online front webpage briefly included the word ‘islamist’ somewhere in the text earlier in the afternoon.At 14.34hrs, the words ‘islam’, ‘islamist’, ‘jihadi’ and other derivatives are absent.
We do have ‘gunmen’ (even though one is reported to be a woman), and we have ‘kosher shop’ twice.
A kosher shop, eh? Kosher, same as pukka, means good, proper, honest doesn’t it? So, it’s a good shop then, sort of French version of Waitose perhaps? Don’t want people thinking there is some sort of Jewish connection, do we BBC?
In fairness to the Beeb, some reporters on the World Service described it as a Jewish supermarket.
No doubt they’ll be suitably reprimanded for this oversight.
Actually it looks like they have been given guidelines now. The Paris incidents were the the headline news story on the Beeb website this morning and in the article it was only referred to as a “supermarket” no kosher or Jewish references whatsoever.
finally someone in football says what the non-twitter crowd has been thinking for quite a while(and a well respected person in football too)
Evans is a scumbag as far as I am concerned because as a rule I don’t like relationship cheats but from what I have read about the case and the video of the victim getting out of the cab says to me the prosecution was suspect…the appeal is already tainted thanks to a witch-hunt by social media but considering actual killers play football (Luke McCormick) and women beaters (Marlon King) were allowed back I can’t see why the feminazis are going so mad….
BBC Bias and documented implementation of restriction on the freedom of expression was admitted by David Dimbleby on QT last night.
It is written into the BBC Guidelines, that images of Pro-Mo (the islamists’ prophet Mohammed) can absolutely not be shown. Check it out, approximately 15mins in.
Freedom of speech? Time to reclaim our birthrights.
Scrap the telly tax. Lend UKIP your vote.
Guido has it.
Don’t know the lady loyally making ‘but the BBC are unique’ noises at clip’s end, but she may have been caught out by events, now evolving on an hourly basis.
I remember when Mike Tyson was allowed into Britain. Brixton came to a standstill and he had to take refuge in a police station (oh the irony) because of all the people who wanted to worship him.
RIP Lance Percival.
“His TV career began performing satirical calypso songs on comedy shows such as the That Was The Week That Was” (my emphasis)
I wonder what would happen if anyone did that nowadays.
A great, engaging entertainer.
Those calypsos were a joy when I was a kid.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I applaud the decency of these chaps, waiting until the end of the Christmas holiday period before unleashing their distinctive brand of murder & mayhem.
There’s not many Jihadis around these days that would be so culturally sensitive !
You are quite right. We should obviously all respect this great religion because of their human decency towards the people they intended to kill.
Perhaps the BBC will start a ‘hug-a-muzzy’ campaign.
Damned chivalrous too! The BBC tells us they spare women, when indulging in combat on the streets of Paris. I know these chaps go a bit overboard every now and then, but it’s beastly to insult their prophet. I mean how would we feel if someone insulted the Queen. What I can’t inderstand is those UKIP fellows, stirring things up all the time. Fifth columns? You would think these jihadis were Nazis. Such tommy rot. I always listen to QT on Fridays, I like to keep myself politically in the picture. I’m glad the awful UKIP woman was shown the error of her ways by the more enlightened members of the panel. There was even some ex-jihadi chap there who had come round to the British point of view. How the audience cheered its approval. Such tolerance, I’m so proud to be British. Well, I’m off to the club now. Might meet that splendid chap Grieves. Wasn’t he attorney general or something? He was on the Daily Politics show. Absolutely splendid piece he did on the right of true-born Brits fighting for freedom in Syria to return home. There are some who might say he was a deluded, complacent buffoon, but we Brits always uphold international law, Magna Carta and such like. How else could we defeat Hitler?. The BBC and British fair play.
Col Blimp
Looks like Tony Hancock was right all along and Magna Carta did die in vain.
Magna Carta dead? A strange jest. Is Tony Handcock one of those frightfully clever BBC alternative comedians we hear so much about today?
Magna Carta dead? What?
I only listen to informative programs like Any Answers. What a charming presenter. That woman from the Isle of Wight who was on first got it about right. You can take democracy and freedom of speech too far. There is just no need to go about insulting the prophet of these fellows. How would we feel if someone insulted the Quuen? Freedom of speech with responsibility that is the solution to all these misunderstandings in Paris. There’s no point in riling up god fearing muslim chaps and forcing them to behead you on a point of honour. Good heavens I’ve fought duels for less. No true Brit would insult another chap’s god. Have we lost all sense of decency? The BBC and France24 inform us that unspeakable cads have attacked mosques in France. No British officer and gentleman would dream of attacking a place of worship. Incroyable!. I suspect the Farage upstart and that ghastly French woman may be stirring up trouble again. Didn’t Farage’s mother sit knitting in front of the guillotine when France’s most noble were murdered? The BBC and British fair play that’s what kept us going during the war.
Col. Blimp
15.02pm BBC 24 hr rolling Bollox.
Christian Slater at it again.
Live on TV he confirms that a female in her 30’s is in the basement of a shop where hostages are being held by ‘gunmen’.
BBC, providing the location of potential victims for terrorists live on TV.
Maybe he can text ’em bomb setting advice too?
Luckily I doubt if the francophone Malian Islamist murderer in the Jewish bakery was up for watching BBC coverage in English. Perhaps next time the BBC will provide helpful simultaneous translation in the terrorists own language.
Amazing how the cowards at the BBC fail to link Mysogony with Islam. Probably cant see ant link with a Jewish shop being a target either.
And there in a nutshell is what happens when multiculti thinking seeps into the ‘liberal’ brain – different groups in society are held to different standards.
I hope all those people who think freedom of speech has been attacked will now turn on the UAF . They preach “no platform” wich is just the same.
The BBC got Nick Griffin to court and he was proved right about grooming.
Free speech is exactly that. You can explore what anyone is saying from there.
Update for INBBC, which seems slow with its ‘editing’-
“Gunman takes six hostages including woman and four children in kosher grocery – and police fear it is the SAME killer who killed policewoman yesterday.
“Two people have been killed and up to six others thought to have been taken hostage in eastern Paris.
“The suspected gunman has been named as Amedy Coulibaly, who is suspected of killing policewoman yesterday.
“Armed police have swarmed over the area in the eastern Paris suburb of Porte de Vincennes.
“Authorities say he screamed ‘you know who I am’ when he stormed the kosher bakery, taking up to six hostages.
“It comes two days after Cherif and Said Kouachi massacred 12 people at the satirical magazine offices in Paris.
“The two brothers today took a hostage near an airport in northern France, where they remain surrounded by police.
“Coulibaly has threatened to kill the hostages should police attempt to storm the brothers, it has been claimed.”
Read more:
According to More or Less Oxfam lied when they said that 85 people own half the worlds wealth, when the reality it is closer to 700 million people !
Quite a margin of error, yet one the BBC has gleefully picked up and run with because it says what they want to hear.
Unusual for this normally left wing biased program, but I guess the ‘error’ was just too great to ignore.
More people have been butchered this afternoon in France, how on earth can Al Beeb or anyone else make excuses for this deliberate slaughter of innocent people by these murdering animals? There aren’t any.
just think of the “backlashTM” ?..
the rise in rampant, “Islamofauxbia”?
all the bbc airtime and reports from Paree s Grand Mosque?
The al bbc reporter who inadvertently see s a women going from the subway. crying, yes tears, because …
she s removing her hijab,
…. she rushes over to her, and in a true al bbc concerned fashion says, you must put it back on, yes … she bleats, you must , must, must wear it
don t worry sister # I ll ride with you … but just not to :-
the Charlie Hebdo office
the gas station
the Jewish supermarket
the police corden or
the warehouse
5.20pm BBC news constantly going on about ‘muslim backlash’ and ‘nothing to do with islam’ .
Well said merched becca. These idiotic government s were voted in to serve us and put our rights first. Now, as a Christian country, I am fed up with the constant sucking up to islam, and I know for a fact that lots of people who live in britain are too. Im not mad keen on ukip, but the other clowns are all cut from the same yellow cloth.
Nigel Farage and Douglas Murray are the only people so far, with the common sense to say it as it is. Well done them !
Agreed. UKIP seem basically to be shallow -thinking morons, but I agree with some of what they say and besides I cannot imagine voting for any of three main parties ever again.
So I guess I’ll be voting UKIP, it does not matter much to me which of the negligent legacy parties form what they call our ‘government’. At least I’ll have a protest vote.
I would like to see the simple addition of a ‘vote against’ a particular candidate, thus taking a vote off the candidate at the count. This would have quite wide ranging effects and would help disenfranchised people to make their vote ‘count’ at last.
The odious BBC is already trotting out the sympathy for Muslims – will there be a backlash? – Hugh Edwards on the 5 o’clock Newschannel. The BBC describes ‘hostage takers’ ‘gunmen’ etc. No mention of terrorists. Edwards interviews a so-called academic clearly a muslim, who says to Edwards ‘as you know this is nothing to do with Islam’.
It doesn’t matter how many innocent people are murdered by Islamists, the BBC will immediately give sympathy to the perpetrators.
When is something going to be done about this corrupt and subversive organisation?
Tragically the BBC has been giving sympathy to murderers who it sees as the victims for over a decade. This is now a well established idea in the minds of many people. Even a programme like Woman’s Hour was used to force home the message See this from 2002:
Notice how many times these Islamic Terrorists are known to the Police and Security Services?
If that is the case, they should be Interned. There aren’t the resources to put all suspects under 24/7 surveillance.
The stakes now are high.
They won’t stop now. This is only the beginning.
Well posted, Dover Sentry. Perhaps they can be interned over in the ISIS caliphate minus their passports and banned from our shores, forever.
I hope future Prime Minister Farage is thoroughly understanding the ramifications of these atrocities with a view to our own security.
I suppose cameroon was out with his islamic mates this afternoon enjoying a (free) curry telling them how pleased he would be to see a muslim prime minister
Jon Snow (PBUH) gets the ” only small change” treatment from Geert Wilders … video
Jon Snow is a most appalling so-called journalist. His arrogance and Leftist political views know no bounds. I dare say he recites ‘this is nothing to do with Islam’ every morning and every night.
@ Cull:
I reckon he recites it 5 times a day, on a rug with his arse in the air, shoes off, facing Mecca.
Never ever watched channel 4 news and will never bother. Typical he quotes national Socialists, hmmm far left party Mr snow.
Snow is completely out of touch with reality. He accuses Wilders of wanting to initiate some kind of Endlösung for Muslims, when it is in fact Muslims ,for religous reasons, who are attempting to make France, Holland, Britain unsafe for Jews. If Snow is worried about history repeating itself he should look at the real treat of Islamification which has lead to the butchery of Jews all over the world because the Prophet so wills it, rather than UKIP or the VVP whose members are more likely to be murdered bu Muslims than the other way round.
“Notice how many times these Islamic Terrorists are known to the Police and Security Services?”
Is it every time?
What could the explanation be?
(1) Just amazing coincidence.
(2) The security forces and police are staggeringly incompetent.
(3) These people are being allowed to operate.
(4) The security forces and police are too busy dealing with the really serious people, such as those who eat bacon sarnies within a mile of a mosque.
(5) Tory Cuts.
The police and security services in my opinion are very competent. What we have is a political left elite, the bbc, UAF, Liberty, labour and lib parties and partly the TORY party who are just to afraid to stand up this this religion, or who actually support there evil views.
Yes a UK Guantanamo Bay would be very useful. I’m not sure what the criteria for release should be though, is it possible for a victim of the Islamic ‘religion’ (surely more of a ‘cult’) to reform? Islam allows and encourages lies and deception for the furtherance of itself, so could any reformer be believed?
Alternatively there could be a tax on mosques, requiring them to at least compensate society in some small way for the cost of policing the religion of peace.
“I’m not sure what the criteria for release should be though….”.
How about when their body temperature equals the ambient temperature ?
The location being Baffin Island.
In my ideal world, it would be – goodbye to islam-so sorry but this country is sick of the cult of islam so like it or lump it, the mosque’s and all of the cult followers can go back to the place that you came from. Go away, you are not welcome!
have you noticed something strange has happened at radio 5 in the last few days in there description of these islamic terrorists in france, the bbc producers have seemed to have told there presenters to dump the word militant and describe these people as gunmen and fugitives as if they was characters out of a bonnie and clyde movie,not once have the bbc or radio 5 live used the word islamic or muslim even or militant to describe these terrorists,i find that so cowardice and politacaly correct by the bbc and radio 5 live.and yes the muslim victimhood and grievance industry have not been off the bbc complaning about this imaginary paranoid backlash against there community which i see no evidence of.
The new tactic agreed between government and media, in the name of ‘community cohesion’, us to frame terrorist acts as ‘just another crime’.
It actually makes sense. When the UK Muslim population increases and these events become common place, then they will be ‘just another crime’.
All ‘joking’ aside, I live multi racial Britain. My wife is ethnically ‘Asian’ (Chinese, but she loves being lumped in with the RoP by the BBC), my friends are from multiple nationalities and races and I couldn’t give a monkey’s if somebody is gay. I do, however, hate this paedo, moon god death cult we’ve imported into the UK. Things are only going to get worse.