“The jihadists killed the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists because they were blasphemers.
They killed these people in the Kosher supermarket because they were Jews, the worst enemies of the Muslims according to the Qur’an (5:82).”
R Spencer
France, Islamic mass murders
BBC asks … Who are the victims?
They ve been trying to portray a certain Religion of Paeds we could mention, in that light since it happened.
Fortunately John Simpson’s hero, President Hollande, has sorted out those naughty non-muslims in Paris so the BBC can get back to its main story, the ‘failure’ of the ConDem A&E system to cope with the, (increased – but why?), demand within arbitrarily set time limits.
It feels like an ‘Irish EU-Referendum’ moment – we will keep repeating the message until you give us the right result – riots on the streets, elevation of The Milibland to National Treasure or something newsworthy.
I remember the biased pro Islamic Pakistani worshipping Radio 4 ran a program on how the Police were institutionally waycist against their favourite brown eyed boys and were dismissing a disproportionate number of them for corruption.
No other side of the story was allowed to burst their bubble or dim the pink tinted fantasy that everyone is equally corrupt because that’s how Labour days you have to think !
And now this, the most jaw droppingly brazen example possible, straight out of Brewsters millions, but it still won’t even make a dent on the certainty of the insane who would be better served by a padded cell, not a microphone !
Here is something you will see,( or hear ) ad nauseum on the BBC
Islamofauxbia, Will attack spark backlash against Muslims?
Here is something you will never see on the BBC
Islamofauxbia, Will attack spark backlash against Muslims? … Where a droid CBC News presenter REALLY gets his arse put through the wringer by M Steyn
And now for the good news – Abu Hamza will spend the rest of his days in the Florence super max prison in Colorado.
The bad news is that his foreign born wife and kids, some of whom have carried out terrorist attacks in the Yemen, and most of whom have served terms of imprisonment in the UK, will continue to live in the £1.5 million house, courtesy of the taxpayer along with the munificent benefits they receive. Oh and there muslims who really ought not to be in the UK in the first place.
BBC 6 O’clock News trying to tell us that we had considered Abu Hamza to be a harmless ‘pantomime character’. Do they mean he was a loveable Widow Twanky sort of character? I thought he was a jihad-preaching hate merchant, but then my memory may be failing.
They’ve just done a phone interview with a French Jewish woman (didn’t catch who she was) on 5 live drive. Definitely not on message re Muslim exceptionalism in the victimhood stakes. I don’t think the Beeb will be calling her again somehow. ..
President Hollande has just been speaking and used the magical phrase “nothing to do with Islam”. Yet he also said that the attack at the supermarket was “an anti-semitic attack”. Hello? Earth to Hollande? Do you not notice some inconsistency here? Still, expect the first comment to be constantly repeated by the BBC.
The dire ‘Now show’ has a song by Mitch Benn called we’re still going to laugh at you which on listening to without analysis would easily be mistaken as a dig at the Muslim murders in Paris, how wrong could you be !
The song managed to name aspects of every religion, except for one & I betcha can’t guess what it is !
So there were sacred cows and bishops and Buddha, but nothing what so ever about an Imam or missing hands or beheadings or a mad paedophile psychopath who the nutters think is a good role model !
Typical of the BBC and even more typical of the Now Show.
Someone in the audience ought to have asked if they missed out a religion because just like Wallace ” they forgot” or maybe because they were just being their usual Lilly livered yellow cowards who would shit themselves if they upset the Muslims, answers on a postcard to
Bbc, television centre, London W1A 1AA
Amazing. The BBC will find every means of justifying the appearance of hate-preaching Islamic nutjobs on their programmes such as this one:
‘Defending the interview Newman told Warsi that Choudary was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him”later adding “you can’t expose extremist views until you hear them”.
Choudary, who was a leading figure in the now banned organisation al-Muhajiroun, is now the offical spokesman for Islam4UK.’
But a black guy who wants to protest about white middle class liberals censoring golliwogs on his behalf, by wearing a golliwog round his neck – oh, no – it might upset someone (and thus, unwittingly, in best leftist dim-as-pigshit traditions, proving his point).
I would have added ‘unbelievable’ but this being the BBC with its track record of gross hypocrisy, it’s not.
They’re not ‘liberals’. Never have been, never will be.
Let me explain how Saul Alinsky would. ‘Language is everything’.
The political and mainstream media elite have appointed themselves as representing ‘the centre ground’. And schmucks believe them. Unlimited mass immigration, something that, as far as I know has never been willingly attempted in recorded history, is NOT ‘centre ground’…it’s extreme.
So if you believe in what could be previously accepted as the ‘centre ground’, i.e. a managed immigration system, you can’t be ‘centre ground’….you must be a far right nutter.
I imagine the gobshites and faux-rebels that draw up the list of dead people that merit a mention at the BBCs aural wailing wall (Last Word, Fridays 4pm Radio 4) will be scanning the earth now for
1. Some Liberal Labour no mark who carried Joel Barnetts sporran
2. Some Syracuse Beat Poet lecturer in Transfat womens studies during the Reagan era
3. Some old BBC houri who read the news whilst Greenham Common was being hosed down
4. Some black colonial who taught us all that if you don`t mock a Benny Zephanaiah as a crap poet…you get Russell Brand next time around.
Tell you who you won`t get -an independent distinguished and published historian, who happened to document and source the right of Israel to exist…and no phaffing about.
Joan Rivers would not have had the bit between her teeth over the anti-Jewish media, had the likes of Joan Peters NOT put the scholarship and the spadework into showing the Palestinians claim to Canaan to be crap.
Now its TWO St Joans I now have to give thanks to God for…thank you ladies, may or God keep you!
At first read to someone like me the habit of the BBC, like most media, of referring to a ‘kosher’ shop is clear and accurate. But remember that episode of the BBC show The Apprentice where an alllegedly Jewish contestant thought and bought a ‘kosher’ chicken as one blessed by a Muslim.
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7390212.stm.
So maybe to avoid confusion ‘Jewish’ shop would be clearer even if less accurate.
Queen ELizabeth I thought it unwise to pry into men’s hearts. She was right. Yet the same BBC, as other media, which unquestioningly accepts that a French policeman who was murdered in the street was a muslim will contest till the cows come home that his killers are not muslim. Ditto we rightly hear of the muslims who condemn these attacks, but not so much from those who support the attacks.
How can moderate intelligent decent muslims be supported to reform Islam when the media chorus including the BBC sings the constant refrain that there is no problem with Islam. ‘No problem’ means there is no need to change. And how does that same lie not also feed sceptism among non-muslims about media accuracy in reporting?
Here is a report from Saudi Arabia overlooked by al Beeba http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/01/08/saudi_arabia_flog_man_facebook/
Ten years in prison and 1000 lashes for criticising Islam.
Hadda thanks for that correction. It’s nice to see that the multi-billion pound BBC has today caught up with a story posted yesterday in The Register. I’ll recheck next time and hopefully this is an encouraging sign.
Curiously listening to R4 news at 6pm they covered this story and were very critical of the sentence, shortly after I turned to R5 and they were running a Jewish lady being allowed to tell ( for the first time ?) of the hate attacks they have had in France , the daily dangers, their dislike of having to live in ghettos and send their children to Jewish only schools, not because of a desire to be apart but purely for self protection from the all pervading threat from Muslims, my god without the events of the last 48 hours I would have never have heard either of these two stories on beeb. So, something’s are changing what I’m not yet sure, it will need far more examples to see if this is something new or just an organisation in flux thrashing around, no change on any questions however, same old rubbish there.
In other news, just as I predicted the delightful “restless bishop”. Nick Baines writer of the ‘thought for today’ on R 4 two days ago slagging the Dresden marchers, has emerged from two days in the twitter wilderness with no reference to his own failings to correctly name who is the threat in Europe today. Any asking for forgiveness, no, any explanation of why he suddenly stopped twitting ( to stop putting his foot in his gob) not so far. Hoping his failings will, like the rest of his drivel be ignored, well not this time pal.
‘the hate attacks they have had in France , the daily dangers, their dislike of having to live in ghettos and send their children to Jewish only schools, not because of a desire to be apart but purely for self protection from the all pervading threat from Muslims’
I heard that. She was excellent. Strangely none of what she said was replayed in the roundup.
BBC: turning a blind eye to Islamic Jew-hatred since time immemorial.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
This morning, a journalist on Presseclub on German TV pointed out that a reputable social survey had discovered that around 50% of Muslims in Germany believe that the Koran is the word of god and that its junctures are not to be interpteted in any way but acted on. As the journalist pointed out, it is like 50% of christians organising their lives as if they were living in the times of the Old Testament, stonings for adultery, etc. There were also calls for a Muslim Martin Luther, also your suggestion. But I don’t think we should wait a couple of centuries in the vain hope that this might happen. It really is beyond belief that European political elites and their media catamites are effectively conspiring to reintroduce what are just codified, primitive, irrational tribal customs, like mutilating the genitals of your children. Nefas/fas, haram/helal are remnants of thought systems that believed in human sacrifice and food taboos. We will be soon accepting cannibalisation of dead relatives so that some minority group does not feel marginalised.
“….Mr Jones really is a walking talking example of how the modern Left’s thinking is so disfigured, so warped, so redundant, that it simply doesn’t deserve serious consideration anymore. As after Rotherham, I find myself offended by this newspaper that I’ve read all my life, it seems to have turned morally rotten at the core.”
You’re not wrong there love!
Scrap the tellytax. Don’t buy the Grauniad. Oh, and vote UKIP. 🙂
Owen jones, be careful son, people are soon going to be looking for a scapegoat and when the liberal utopia collapses you had better make sure that you can justify your line of business pal.
‘When the liberal utopia collapses’. We can hope, but I’m not holding my breath.
If it does, Owen could become productive and re-train as a road sweeper, or burger flipper, or perhaps a gardener (he looks like some fresh air might do him some good). Something more befitting his intellect. (No disrespect intended to road sweepers, gardeners or burger flippers.)
Surely the changes must be coming. I hope with all my heart for the sake of my children that people can now clearly see the “experiment with multiculti for what it is. Not just tony b liar ,but all of the liberal apologists rubbing our noses in it, owen jones et al. Keeping it bbc bias, look east tonight – Molesworth peace camp, libyans at Bassingbourn, camp standards not good enough. Ok then lads, off you go and rape. Wtf bbc.
The BBC can still do a good job. This informative report on R4 explains in part the apparently sudden rise of Islamic State. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04wwqcp
Bukhari (52:177) – Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
Strangely enough it is quoted in the charter of Hamas.
Reminds of a line in the film K19 The Widowmaker. A Soviet Russian describing the death of a cosmonaut in space says “he wasn’t patriotic enough to hold his breath.”
Just finished watching North West tonight at 22:30. I had been talking (as I frequently do) to Mrs Dave telling her about the comments the cult had made on the earlier 18:30 broadcast. Imagine my surprise, NOT! That that particular piece had been removed, strange when the program has been pushing the nothing to do with us line for the past few days. Instead it was replaced with the story that children are going to school hungry, you would have thought that there would still be turkey left over from winterfest wouldn’t you.
Yeah, I saw this pathetic story. The kids all sat there scoffing without a care in the world, not a one in 1930s style clothing with a begging bowl.
The report also said that the teachers were bringing their own food in for the kids! Is this the same lot who are constantly talking of striking because of the pressure they are under due to the nasty party’s scathing cuts?
I’m not sure a diet of caviar and truffles are good for young kids.
‘Instead it was replaced with the story that children are going to school hungry.’
So how come Eastern Europeans can come here in their hundreds of thousands, take up jobs the indigenous workshy ‘don’t want’ i.e. can’t be arsed getting out of bed for, find and pay for somewhere to live, have the money to feed and clothe themselves (they invariably look robustly healthy) and still have money left to send home, but there are British kids who are starving and only being kept alive because their left-wing teachers are bringing in food for them?
Sorry, BBC, but it just don’t compute and you need to get your 4000 journalists to get up off their lazy fat arses and ask some serious questions. If anyone gets offended, then tough.
Commentary on the fear of Jewish people for their safety in France – Anti Semitism evidently (not jihad). Narrative of Jewish flight to Israel due their alleged security fears. Anti-Semitism (not jihad).
Memes? ‘France’s 7/7.’ ……. ‘Charlie Hebdo had it coming’…..’Anti-Semitism’….ffs.
Following another day of murderous criminality on the streets of France, who are asked to provide ‘analysis’ as TV studio guests? To provide the viewers with insight into events as they are being interpreted by our so called ‘Muslim community’, framed with a reference to UKIP list of principles, quilted by expressions of solidarity from Muslims (solidarity with the murder victims? No! with the murderers! The cartoonists ‘had it coming’). And what is it that these guests have in common?
1. All 3 are women.
2. All 3 are muslim.
3. All are Vacuous with platitudes aplenty. (This is just my opinion)
4. Not one genuinely gives a toss about the dead.
The BBC can pretend that their so called ‘islamaphobia’, if it exists, is generated by ‘the far right’, whatever that is.
Perhaps their so called ‘islamaphobia’ is caused by Islamists murdering people, those murders being condoned and justified by ‘moderate’ muslims, and this justification being broadcast on BBC national television?
I just watched it. What a disgrace. Who were those mongs they interviewed in the fast food restaurant? I presume they’re the people that, as I’m assured by the BBC, are ‘going to pay our pensions’.
The ‘Today’ program decided that they would sportingly and in the interests of fair reporting give an opportunity for an MP from the ‘centre right’ in France to speak about the problems they are having with Muslims.
As soon as he started to disagree with the interviewer, the phone line began to break up and as he went on and said more things the BBC don’t like, the line became more & more distorted until it broke down altogether and they lost the connection.
It became really bad when the interviewer ran the BBC line – ‘they’re not all like that and it’s just a few’ to receive the response ‘no we’re at war with them’.
A phone line between London and Paris which is badly in need of attention or a BBC trick to silence someone they find unacceptable, but need to interview to maintain a semblance of balance?
I do not know where the BBC found a ‘centre right’ MP in France.
At the moment the Front Nationale are hardly more than Socialists.
Most Socialists are Communists; the rest are members of a useless, wishy-washy party.
The Communists are what you would call SWP; Trotskyists; Anarchists or just plain stupid.
The only possibility for our future in France, is when Marine Le Pen’s niece takes over the NF – Marion Maréchal Le Pen (as I believe that she surely will).
This is how civilised cultures react. Unfortunately, because of the nature of our enemy, it won’t be enough, but it’s still superior (and I make no apology for using that word).
“This attack only underscores the need for France to immediately engage in negotiations with French Muslims that will result in the creation of two states for two peoples, living side by side in peace and security, with Paris as a shared capital…”
If France isn’t willing or builds housing in the part the Muslims want, we will have to start a BDS movement against them.
BBC editorial guides for the depiction of Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave)
In respect for the sensitivities of the public sector Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) must not be represented in any shape or form.
Specifically, Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) must not be shown eating food (of any shape or form), must not be pictured in the street whilst dispensing alms to clandestine migrants (begging in plain sight) and especially not strolling on Hampstead Heath with his new friend Gavin the graphic designer and ordinary member of the public concerned that a mansion tax in London must be introduced to pay for 1000 new heart monitors for Scottish bin lorry drivers.
Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) will not be mocked by any BBC approved payroll comedians.
Farage (Nigel That Swine Must Be Cast own At All Costs) will be mocked at all times by BBC approved payroll comedians.
Wait a minute – je ai été une charlie ( I was mistaken) – whispers in the top floor corridor or perhaps a word in the ear at a media awards bash have just been officially mumbled and new guidelines are just in…..
Blur blur blur blah blah blah…. Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) blur blur blah blah
Why do people who’s only real skill in the World is to read an auto cue and make silly facial expressions think they have the right to lecture intelligent hard working people with real jobs.
Dover Sentry (above) asks “Notice how many times these Islamic Terrorists are known to the Police and Security Services?”
I’d like to pursue and expand that question a little further…
Has anyone noticed that police forces around Europe are now (and actually have been for some years) pleading that there are so many of these people known to the police, that it is impossible for them to track even the most seriously dangerous of them.
Hmmm….. but we’re also being told that it is such a teeny, tiny minority of of Muslims who are the problem. Just a tad of a discontinuity there, no ?
And when they are caught and imprisoned they are still inexplicably let out. The gunman in the Halal supermarket was sentenced to 5 years yet was let out after two months WTF?
Its as if the PTB are really not on ‘our’ side, or Muslim infiltration within our establisments allows such questionable actions.
Of course, hadda – but ‘teeny, tiny minority’ is the sort of phrase used as a description (often plugged by the BBC, for instance) to convey a picture in the mind of listeners/viewers of an extremely small number.
However, if someone was to use your figure (for instance) 1% of 3 million – quantify it…. i.e 30,000 – and then still try to convey that this sort of level of potentially lethal terrorists is what we have in our country today, but not to worry, this is insignificant – people might think to disagree that it really is a ‘teeny, tiny number’ after all.
And at that level, I can easily see that police can’t track that number of people 24/7 – but that’s the disconnect that arises when using phrases like this.
After they came for the
Middle East,
then came for the Jews,
and the Christians
now they come for the cartoonists?…
any non muslim children they can destroy,
then off duty police?,
or off duty forces?
anyone ripping up a book?
or going too near a mosque?
or calling a teddy bear Mohamhead?
or calling Chrstmas … erm … Christmas?
BBC 1 has … arrogant apologist … oops! I mean… News … Watch
Re BBC Mohamhead Guidelines, (they did show a carefully folded, pixelated image for a fleeting moment at 3 o clock in the morning
didn t they … sarc)
BBC 1 – 8.25 am
Then the grovelling really starts,
“its a deeply thoughtful time for everyone, all of us”
meaning, and I ll translate the Beebot for you.
… I would t dare publish, or show that, if i were you…
A helpful settee apologist pipes up.
“Muslims shouldn t have to distance themselves from the attack,
I mean … why should they? … any more than anyone else”
Meaning … don t dare think, kaffir, just repeat after me …
nothing to do with Islam.
Charlie Hebdo: first they came for the cartoonists, then they came for the Jews – Of course the Paris killers targeted a kosher supermarket: they’re a fascist death cult fighting a dirty little war
They conveniently omitted… Islamic … Fascist Death Cult
That follows the Quran, its rulings, its verses, and abrogation s
to the letter. That follows directly the hankering plea that EVERY
muslim recites as his wish EVERY day in the mosque.
A muslim maybe a erm “moderate” his Islam is not.
Whilst looking for the Hamas reaction to recent ‘events’ I came across this; http://english.palinfo.com/site/pages/details.aspx?itemid=69449
Some chap called Martin Kemp( surly som mistake ?) founder of the UK Palestine Mental Health Network, and he’s not a happy bunny with el-beeb is he ? Sometimes it seems you try and try and yet it all comes back in your face…….bbc, must try harder to be nicer to Hamas in 2015.
And further news from planet Hamas, yep, you thought the demo’s in Dresden and other German Cities was the voice of the ordinary man but in fact it’s all a plot stirred up by Israel to turn Europeans against their ” Muslim countrymen “.
Expect to see this ‘view’ expressed in the liberal media over here sometime soon.
That poor disabled muslim preacher (Abu Hamza) who Teresa May seemed to have problems in deporting has a life sentence in the US. Attached to the report is a note on how horrible the Supermax prisons are. However, the EU court of Human Rights see no problems but the BBC dredges up some critics.
‘But current and former inmates, lawyers and others familiar with the prison describe it as an infernal environment in which even the design of the cells and the architecture of the prison conspire to render the inmates docile and drive them mad.
“People talk about it as being a cleaner version of hell,” says Colin Dayan, a professor of English at Vanderbilt University and author of The Law Is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons, who has studied high security prisons in the US.
An alternative explanation is that the BBC (and the rest pf the British media and political establishment) knows only too well that the great majority of Britons hasn’t been taken in by their deceitful nonsense and if they allowed comment it would be immediately obvious.
This morning R4 gave space to the deranged Labourite, Fiona MacTaggart, to spout almost every imaginable cliche about the current situation (‘peaceful religion’ ‘not really muslims’, ‘Nigel Farage blah blah’) without a word of challenge from the Daily GuardianGraph. hackette who was sitting there, you couldn’t help but think, nodding in agreement.
The establishment who conspired to let this happen are terrified. They know that once people realise that the overwhelming majority has had enough, then the dam will burst,. So they are silencing dissent where they can. They censor private conversations with fear of social disapproval (PC) what people say on the Internet (using laws the KGB would have admired) and, above all, they allow only a liberal monotone to appear on the media, which they control.
But once people fully realise that what they think in private is actually the overwhelming majority view, the self-styled elite will be done for – and they know it.
“The establishment who conspired to let this happen are terrified”
But they keep telling us that it is the European non-Muslims who are frightened and by jolly we are full of righteous anger with ……… our security services!! for failing to stop atrocities happening. Not that the media would allow those services to have any powers.
I don’t know about you but I am not frightened, I am angry & I would like to see the security services harass every suspected jihadi until they packed their bags & headed for Syria (or other fly blown Muslimland)
Cameron’s comrades in the UAF must have been instructed to help prevent a backlash over the Paris murders. I am sure they will be instructed to combat ‘far right extremists’ and islamophobes. Exciting times ahead.
From their Facebook page
Unite Against Fascism
We invite you to attend the emergency planning meeting to discuss how best to respond to the rise in Islamophobia and violent anti-Muslim attacks in France, following the Paris shootings.
Organised by Stand up to Racism and Unite Against Fascism
Yours sincerely
Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett
Will the ‘security services’ be attending to monitor the new ‘enemy within’ I wonder?
And that’s coming from a non-racist fascist hater. What an upside down world it is when ‘Stand up to Racism’ and ‘United Against Fascism’ are inhabited by delusional inhuman fascists.
I’m with the left wing cartoonists 100%. Showing how dumb deists are with pens and pencils. To be murdered by muslims in the name of Islam. Yes, an upside down world, ‘anti-fascists’ and ‘anti-racists’ supporting religious fascist ideology.
Pop onto the Independent’s facebook page, if you can be bothered, to see the infantile and moronic comments from their stalwart dhimmi readers. The Left is simply refusing to accept any criticism of Islam. It’s a little different, however, when it comes to criticising Christianity and Judaism.
one could imagine the vast majority wholeheartedly agree
For the public … it is THE line in the bitter islamic sand
For the No10 traitors? … their media quislings?
they better make a decision?
… or it could turn very nasty.
Honestly, it’s a miracle they even got an approximate figure. That’s a lot of folk to say ‘the Met Office computer has given us this wild punt, but looking out my window, as you are now…’
Rules, eh? Made to be broken. Unless they are Editorial Guidelines, and CECUTT needs to use them rigidly to bail from being held to account. Speaking of which…
On hols in Agardir.TV restricted to 2 English language news channels: IBBC & Sky. The Charlie Hebdo (Je suis Charlie) ‘righteous executions’ on the 24hrs. lope. A do do da da is all the have say to us. Poets, priests, journalist & politicians using words to ensure our Islam (submission). Theusual Muslim suspects endlessly paraded to tell us this has NOTHING to do with Islam & Muslims are the real victims. President Hollande repemated this last night in his address to the French nation. One senses that ollonde is realpissed off with the righteous ones for interrupting his shag fest.No security people to take him on his scooter . This must be a terrible form of coitus intteruptus.
But let me get to my point now. In the 1980’s I attended a conference at Broadmoor on risk assessment. There were several presentations on actuairan assessments. Tick the if this is present or not. Then psychodymamiic inclined Pyschiatrist made a profound point. He said he was treating a woman who can for family where was intergenerational sexual abuse. The woman had been abused as a child. She had then groomed her children for abuse, including holding down for others in the family to abuse them. Here the crux. He stated that shows she saw herself as victim and she would never be safe to release until she accepted that she had also been a perpetrator.
Listening to the parade of moderate Muslim spokesmen & women saying that ‘this has nothing to do with Islam’, I was struck that this denial allows them to claim victim status whilst requiring them to do nothing about examining the ideological basis of Islamism. They do have to reform islam or educate their children to accept the principles of eqaulity, inclusion, tolerance and respect for the unbelievers.
If it not there problem then it is our problem and we must change, we must submit.
Cameron Tweets. When he returns he will tighten up on extremists who object to the killing of reporters.
David Cameron ✔ @David_Cameron
I’ve accepted President Hollande’s invitation to join the Unity Rally in Paris this Sunday – celebrating the values behind #CharlieHebdo.
We are regularly told by the BBC that it is a tiny radical minority of muslims who support jiihad. The common figure quoted for the number of British jihadists is 600, so that represents a tiny minority.
How to square that with this
“More British Muslims fight in Syria than in UK Armed Forces” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11049851/More-British-Muslims-fight-in-Syria-than-in-UK-Armed-Forces.html
‘Khalid Mahmood estimated that at least 1,500 young British Muslims have gone to wage jihad since 2011…
… Recent figures released by the Ministry of Defence show 650 soldiers, sailors and airmen give their faith as Muslim.’
Maybe R4 stats show ‘More or Less’ could investigate? If even the lower figure of 600 jihadists is proof of how unpopular jihadism then what is 650 armed forces personnel proof of? And what if the higher figure of 1,500 jihadists is correct?
Heard on the (L)ibLab(B)roadcasting (C)ompany this morning, that INBBC favourite ‘Ming’ Camp bell, along with Living stone and M ellor (a triumvirate of yesterday’s liberal elite) congratulating the UK on the fact that we integrate our Moozalems better then the French do!!
Also , that the new description is not ‘Lone Wolf’ (as in ‘a Pack of’ ……) , but ‘Self-Starter’!!!
This makes Moozalem terrorists sound like new business start-ups!!
These people are in such an agenda-driven bubble , they need to be rudely apprised of Reality .
Oh well, it’s only a matter of time-hopefully , the ballet-box will jolt them (to Oblivion, I hope) before some more Enrichers want to kill offending K uffars.
Lot’s of sympathetic clucking by Anita Anand on Any Answers for the seemingly endless parade of “of course it was terrible, but Islam mustn’t be criticized” callers.
Until the last bloke……….
Listen to her spluttering in horror (about 25 mins in) at his distinctly off-message opinions!
This is a copy of a complaint i have sent to the BBC (I know!) regarding a broadcast on the CBBC channel on Thursday evening.
I believe this has already been reported and the BBC advised or confirmed that it would not show the broadcast again or not in the original format.
Well I don’t know what the original format was but any format containing the lyrics below should be met with the fiercest condemnation.
I will post any updates…
The other night I was watching Horrible Histories broadcast on CBBC children’s channel.
There was an article on the Crimean War and then a feature and song on Mary Seacole.
The Mary Seacole song contained the following lyrics
“When Crimean War broke out Me apply for Florence’s crew She turn me down because me black Yep, weird I know but true”
This stated that Mary Seacole wished to be a nurse in Florence Nightingales British womens nursing group but was turned down because she was black stating implicitly that Florence Nighingale was a racist.
This is a disgusting statement to make and is not borne out by any evidence or facts and is a slur on the character of a women who dedicated her life to easing the suffering of men thousands of miles away sometimes in horrific conditions.
That the fact that this was broadcast to young impressionable children who could be formed by this view without any evidence whatsoever beggars belief. It is a disgusting idea.
There is a whole myth growing up regarding Mary Seacole that the BBC seeks to perpetuate and while a lot of this sketchy on detail there is no evidence whatsoever that Florence Nightingale discriminated against her based on skin colour or because she was a racist. It is an appalling idea.
I believe that the BBC have already fallen foul in broadcasting this programme previously due to complaints made to the broadcast complaints commission and promised not broadcast this content again.
From 100 great black Britons site “Following the launch http://www.100greatblackbritons.com in 2003 and a nationwide voting campaign Mary Seacole was elected the ‘Greatest Black Briton’ by members of the voting public”
Although school history books are now treating her as an equal to Florence Nightingale, Seacole
never nursed in a hospital,
did not start a nursing school,
never wrote books or articles on nursing.
Indeed, she never did anything to rival Nightingale’s truly pioneering work to improve healthcare.
‘The hype that has built up surrounding this otherwise worthy woman is a disgrace to the serious study of history,’
William Curtis of the Crimean War Research Society.
She was an innkeeper who ran a bar in the Crimea, supplying booze and fags to the soldiers. And as such, she was much appreciated by the men. She didn’t provide medical services. She didn’t provide accommodation. She was mixed race, quite pale, describes herself as “yellow” in her autobography. Interesting character? Yes. Good person? Far as we know, yes. Same significance as Florence Nightingale? Hardly. Classic example of liberal racism – blacks are so useless that the bar has to be set a lot lower and any contribution whatsover has to be hyped up.
Interesting that the BBC reports – 3 hours ago -sentences imposed on 50 EDL demonstrators for their role in a demonstration in 2013. How convenient is this warning amidst widely expressed fears of the Backlash.
Geddit. No bad behaviour in response to Paris. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-30760075
I think I live in an alternative universe to the BBC and the elite. I must be or else in need of compulsory re education or prison whichever is most effective.
And on this subject please please remember that free speech now is no longer guaranteed under this current regime.
The liberal left cannot hold off from tyrrany much longer or it will risk losing power. The situation is as dangerous for us free men as it has ever been in England.
Anyway back to the alternative universe. R4 tonight on the French situation and a conversation between a Rabbi and an Iman.
Much worry about security and backlashes and the usual.
I did wonder, although it was not mentioned, just who was attacking the French Jews.
Nobody seemed to be the general consensus. It could have been anyone.
I thought I knew who was but obviously not. Off to a re education camp then to learn the truth.
If a liberal says reality is not the truth then soon you better believe it. Your freedom and your family’s life will soon depend on it.
We, the old free men and women of this country are staring at the end of our taken for granted for too long freedoms .Not that the BBC and the liberal media will care one jot. Inside all of them are the tyrants of the future just waiting to justify the destruction of our centuries old way of doing things.
Take care now and watch what you say. This is now no longer a free land.
I will guarantee that free speech will be maintained, for as long as I can communicate.
I will of course take care of what I say, that’s a matter of personal integrity, but will not be cowed, instructed or influenced by illegitimate laws established by treacherous bureaucrats in Westminster, which I have and will continue to ignore.
Government has no legitimate business interfering in the word choices of men. Only fascists and authoritarians would consider that it does. That our establishment is crammed with ignoramuses who do not understand this is sad, and damages the foundation of our culture and civilisation as has been laid bare for all to see over the past few days.
I own my speech. And I give it freely. No charge.
Sack LibLabCon – traitors to our forefathers’ dreams. Scrap the telly tax and vote UKIP.
The murders by islamists in France still dominate the front page of the BBC’s Online News ‘service’. Within the text of the journalistic offerings, reference to Islam is limited to but one headline. The reference to Islam:
“…….’Pretend Muslims’ killed my brother….”
The minds of those (especially the young) who get their news from the BBC are being shaped to perceive the events of the previous three days in a particular manner. There can be no doubt that editorial decisions are being made at the BBC, to actively disassociate the events of the past three days from Islam.
The BBC is a disgrace and an enemy to lovers of truth, of our children, of our liberty, of brotherhood and of the freedoms which our forefathers fought and died for.
Paris attack highlights Europe’s struggle with Islamism
“By Caroline Wyatt
Religious affairs correspondent, BBC News”
Read the above on the BBC news website.
It ends…
“But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia'”
No shit Sherlock! Hands up who didn’t expect this mad fiasco was gonna happen when a religion in its medieval stage of it development (assuming Islam will ever have one) is allowed to go it alone in modern western Europe.
This terrorist war will continue for decades. I’d like to thank the BBC, multiculturalism, the Labour party, useless Conservatives, the Liberals, the liberal Left media for fermenting a war without end within Europe. They are already squirming, the liberal left, (read Owen Jones sickening article yesterday?) to justify the madness they introduced us to, Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Terrorists with a fifteenth century dogma now have 21st century weapons. Hampstead is thata way…
Not just Paris…not the NHS, the BBC today have opened up and turned their attention to the Tories plans to ensure that there is a proper mandate for strike action in the public sector.
Of course the BBC don’t actually use the words ‘a proper mandate for strike action’, they prefer to illustrate how workers will be forbidden to strike. There’s a brief perfunctory interview with a minister, but the BBC have yet again taken a position; disenfranchised workers….an assault on democracy…a quote from Labour….in stereo from the TUC (in effect Labour’s second comment on the story)….objections from the Liberals….and a pointed reference to MP’s being elected with less than 50% of the vote – ignoring the fact that the lives of people (the public) who have no say on the strike action are significantly disrupted(unlike a general election where they do get a vote) .
The BBC reporter tells us ‘a strike of teachers would have been illegal’…a different strike would not have been. But in true BBC editorial fashion, ‘the world’s most trusted broadcaster’ only tell you part of the story. They don’t even attempt to say WHY those strikes would have been illegal.
Consider this. Several years ago the hard left Civil Service union, PCS, balloted for a strike the turnout was pathetically small, the vote in favour, marginal. We calculated that of the entire PCS membership, only around 12% voted for a strike. That ‘mandate’, by manipulating the rules, has been used by the PCS to organise ongoing strikes for years after the original ballot, without going back to consult the workers again.
With the BBC there’s no balance – it’s only half the story. Broadcasting House has become an integrity free zone.
Of course again what happens on this story is that those of us with a memory recall that Liebour didn’t changing any of the laws relating to strike action brought in by the Thatcher government. I remember as I was a, not ,hard left representative for CPSA & later PCS (which I was never very keen on) although my office did have around 95% membership back in the late 1990s.
Match of Ze Day has just finished over here in France on Canal+ ( 7 hours of English Premier League). The end credit, on a black screen in white writing was ‘ JE SUIS CHARLIE’
Can’t imagine that on the BBC!
Now watching French Rugby. The crowd signs are ‘ Le Rugby est Charlie’. The players are in T Shirts with ‘ Nous Somes tous Charlie” The crowd are applauding. That Cultural enrichment really worked then.
And a minutes silence followed by a spontaneous rendition of Le Marseillaise. I did not see any recognition of the tragedy of the last few days here in France by the English Premier League. I know the last bit is nothing to do with the BBC, but it just proves how lucky we are to escape.
Please, no primer league clubs showing ’empathy ‘ with the events in France, football is not the place to show any sympathy with the victims of mass murder. Barely a week goes by without clubs having a minutes silence ( or more likely a minutes clapping ) for all and sundry, ex-players, local worthies, the kit mans sister, the start of a war, the end of a war, the footie match in the middle of a war, etc, etc, enough! No more, thanks but no thanks, play football, leave all that stuff for where it ought to be, the local cathedral ( a worthwile job for bishop nick Baines ? Anyway keep the bugger busy and not writing shit ‘thoughts for the day’).
And that is the point. Why have applause for the player I have never heard of, and then ignore the dead shot by the bloody Mussy Murderers. The interviews with support staff are all conducted in French, not just Arsene Wenger. There are so many French Players and support staff that I am appalled there was no recognition by the English Premier League.
Thing is old son, where do you draw the line?, give ’em a chance and it will be standing in circles to clap the air Asia plane, the Malaysian plane x2, the air France, plane, any old ship sinking, bus crashes, landslides earthquakes, and on and on. They will be having 5 separate clappings a week if you let them, he premier being watched everywhere the PR bods will be saying,we have to do it for this, that and the other. To my mind it ought to be only ex players/ managers from the last 10 years whose death is unexpected, 80 y/o’s no, members of staff no, anything ‘national’ no. The more it’s done the more it becomes meaningless, just my opinion.
It won’t be long before the bBC start issuing the call to prayer for Muslims and no doubt the PC crowd will police this by attacking those who don’t stick their arses in the air 5 times a day in submission to the gay death cult.
Check out Mitch Benn’s full-frontal musical assault on Islamic terrorists.
He’s up there with Geert Wilders for his bravery. No messing about or attempts to avoid mentioning the religion of these nut jobs, from this bold soldier of free-speech.
He can be heard at the 26:15 mark – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04wwvnq
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“The jihadists killed the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists because they were blasphemers.
They killed these people in the Kosher supermarket because they were Jews, the worst enemies of the Muslims according to the Qur’an (5:82).”
R Spencer
“‘Hostages Killed’ In Paris Supermarket Siege,” Sky News, January 9, 2015
France, Islamic mass murders
BBC asks … Who are the victims?
They ve been trying to portray a certain Religion of Paeds we could mention, in that light since it happened.
Fortunately John Simpson’s hero, President Hollande, has sorted out those naughty non-muslims in Paris so the BBC can get back to its main story, the ‘failure’ of the ConDem A&E system to cope with the, (increased – but why?), demand within arbitrarily set time limits.
It feels like an ‘Irish EU-Referendum’ moment – we will keep repeating the message until you give us the right result – riots on the streets, elevation of The Milibland to National Treasure or something newsworthy.
Despite the atrocity’s occurring in France it’s always nice to know the BBc has time to continue to report on the NHS. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-30740956
Amazing – unbelievable !
I remember the biased pro Islamic Pakistani worshipping Radio 4 ran a program on how the Police were institutionally waycist against their favourite brown eyed boys and were dismissing a disproportionate number of them for corruption.
No other side of the story was allowed to burst their bubble or dim the pink tinted fantasy that everyone is equally corrupt because that’s how Labour days you have to think !
And now this, the most jaw droppingly brazen example possible, straight out of Brewsters millions, but it still won’t even make a dent on the certainty of the insane who would be better served by a padded cell, not a microphone !
Here is something you will see,( or hear ) ad nauseum on the BBC
Islamofauxbia, Will attack spark backlash against Muslims?
Here is something you will never see on the BBC
Islamofauxbia, Will attack spark backlash against Muslims? … Where a droid CBC News presenter REALLY gets his arse put through the wringer by M Steyn
This has nothing to do with the wider communities, welfare, unemployment benefits; it has everything to do with Muslims who do not respect
If it took him turning up in a Ferrari to get busted, it makes me wonder how many of his ‘type’ are getting away with Jags.
And now for the good news – Abu Hamza will spend the rest of his days in the Florence super max prison in Colorado.
The bad news is that his foreign born wife and kids, some of whom have carried out terrorist attacks in the Yemen, and most of whom have served terms of imprisonment in the UK, will continue to live in the £1.5 million house, courtesy of the taxpayer along with the munificent benefits they receive. Oh and there muslims who really ought not to be in the UK in the first place.
BBC 6 O’clock News trying to tell us that we had considered Abu Hamza to be a harmless ‘pantomime character’. Do they mean he was a loveable Widow Twanky sort of character? I thought he was a jihad-preaching hate merchant, but then my memory may be failing.
I won’t say what I’d like to happen to them.
They’ve just done a phone interview with a French Jewish woman (didn’t catch who she was) on 5 live drive. Definitely not on message re Muslim exceptionalism in the victimhood stakes. I don’t think the Beeb will be calling her again somehow. ..
President Hollande has just been speaking and used the magical phrase “nothing to do with Islam”. Yet he also said that the attack at the supermarket was “an anti-semitic attack”. Hello? Earth to Hollande? Do you not notice some inconsistency here? Still, expect the first comment to be constantly repeated by the BBC.
The dire ‘Now show’ has a song by Mitch Benn called we’re still going to laugh at you which on listening to without analysis would easily be mistaken as a dig at the Muslim murders in Paris, how wrong could you be !
The song managed to name aspects of every religion, except for one & I betcha can’t guess what it is !
So there were sacred cows and bishops and Buddha, but nothing what so ever about an Imam or missing hands or beheadings or a mad paedophile psychopath who the nutters think is a good role model !
Typical of the BBC and even more typical of the Now Show.
Someone in the audience ought to have asked if they missed out a religion because just like Wallace ” they forgot” or maybe because they were just being their usual Lilly livered yellow cowards who would shit themselves if they upset the Muslims, answers on a postcard to
Bbc, television centre, London W1A 1AA
As with their weather hyperbole now the BBC wants to set all-time records with security operations…
Lyse Doucet : “the largest security crisis France has ever seen”
I think she’ll find May 1940 holds that distinction.
1870 was pretty serious too. Zola called that one ‘La Débâcle’
And as I recall my French history the Battle of the Marne in 1914 was fairly touch and go.
Not to mention the Jaquerie. But given her general ignorance about her main beat, it comes as no surprise she knows SFA about French history.
And what about this ?
Yep and Agincourt, Crecy…….etc
Names engraved on my heart.
And even Waterloo!
The 200 th anniversary. The girl needs to go back to school.
Idiocy beyond words:
Amazing. The BBC will find every means of justifying the appearance of hate-preaching Islamic nutjobs on their programmes such as this one:
‘Defending the interview Newman told Warsi that Choudary was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him”later adding “you can’t expose extremist views until you hear them”.
Choudary, who was a leading figure in the now banned organisation al-Muhajiroun, is now the offical spokesman for Islam4UK.’
But a black guy who wants to protest about white middle class liberals censoring golliwogs on his behalf, by wearing a golliwog round his neck – oh, no – it might upset someone (and thus, unwittingly, in best leftist dim-as-pigshit traditions, proving his point).
I would have added ‘unbelievable’ but this being the BBC with its track record of gross hypocrisy, it’s not.
Its about time for a European revolution, bye bye liberals
They’re not ‘liberals’. Never have been, never will be.
Let me explain how Saul Alinsky would. ‘Language is everything’.
The political and mainstream media elite have appointed themselves as representing ‘the centre ground’. And schmucks believe them. Unlimited mass immigration, something that, as far as I know has never been willingly attempted in recorded history, is NOT ‘centre ground’…it’s extreme.
So if you believe in what could be previously accepted as the ‘centre ground’, i.e. a managed immigration system, you can’t be ‘centre ground’….you must be a far right nutter.
Got it?
Ripper Wrinkle!
BBC submits Cliff Richard story for award – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-30747823
Breathtaking arrogance.
Since when is using unethical behavior to get a scoop about a celeb being arrested worthy of an award???
Let’s hope this outrageous hubris is another nail in the coffin.
I imagine the gobshites and faux-rebels that draw up the list of dead people that merit a mention at the BBCs aural wailing wall (Last Word, Fridays 4pm Radio 4) will be scanning the earth now for
1. Some Liberal Labour no mark who carried Joel Barnetts sporran
2. Some Syracuse Beat Poet lecturer in Transfat womens studies during the Reagan era
3. Some old BBC houri who read the news whilst Greenham Common was being hosed down
4. Some black colonial who taught us all that if you don`t mock a Benny Zephanaiah as a crap poet…you get Russell Brand next time around.
Tell you who you won`t get -an independent distinguished and published historian, who happened to document and source the right of Israel to exist…and no phaffing about.
Joan Rivers would not have had the bit between her teeth over the anti-Jewish media, had the likes of Joan Peters NOT put the scholarship and the spadework into showing the Palestinians claim to Canaan to be crap.
Now its TWO St Joans I now have to give thanks to God for…thank you ladies, may or God keep you!
At first read to someone like me the habit of the BBC, like most media, of referring to a ‘kosher’ shop is clear and accurate. But remember that episode of the BBC show The Apprentice where an alllegedly Jewish contestant thought and bought a ‘kosher’ chicken as one blessed by a Muslim.
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7390212.stm.
So maybe to avoid confusion ‘Jewish’ shop would be clearer even if less accurate.
BREAKING NEWS: Two held hostage in southern French city of Montpellier in third siege in three days
Unknown at this time if it is an angry representative of the religion of peace…
Queen ELizabeth I thought it unwise to pry into men’s hearts. She was right. Yet the same BBC, as other media, which unquestioningly accepts that a French policeman who was murdered in the street was a muslim will contest till the cows come home that his killers are not muslim. Ditto we rightly hear of the muslims who condemn these attacks, but not so much from those who support the attacks.
How can moderate intelligent decent muslims be supported to reform Islam when the media chorus including the BBC sings the constant refrain that there is no problem with Islam. ‘No problem’ means there is no need to change. And how does that same lie not also feed sceptism among non-muslims about media accuracy in reporting?
Here is a report from Saudi Arabia overlooked by al Beeba
Ten years in prison and 1000 lashes for criticising Islam.
“overlooked by al Beeba”
Not exactly
Hadda thanks for that correction. It’s nice to see that the multi-billion pound BBC has today caught up with a story posted yesterday in The Register. I’ll recheck next time and hopefully this is an encouraging sign.
True it was hidden behind the ‘Beware of the Leopard’ sign; I just happen to have noticed it right before I read your comment.
Curiously listening to R4 news at 6pm they covered this story and were very critical of the sentence, shortly after I turned to R5 and they were running a Jewish lady being allowed to tell ( for the first time ?) of the hate attacks they have had in France , the daily dangers, their dislike of having to live in ghettos and send their children to Jewish only schools, not because of a desire to be apart but purely for self protection from the all pervading threat from Muslims, my god without the events of the last 48 hours I would have never have heard either of these two stories on beeb. So, something’s are changing what I’m not yet sure, it will need far more examples to see if this is something new or just an organisation in flux thrashing around, no change on any questions however, same old rubbish there.
In other news, just as I predicted the delightful “restless bishop”. Nick Baines writer of the ‘thought for today’ on R 4 two days ago slagging the Dresden marchers, has emerged from two days in the twitter wilderness with no reference to his own failings to correctly name who is the threat in Europe today. Any asking for forgiveness, no, any explanation of why he suddenly stopped twitting ( to stop putting his foot in his gob) not so far. Hoping his failings will, like the rest of his drivel be ignored, well not this time pal.
‘the hate attacks they have had in France , the daily dangers, their dislike of having to live in ghettos and send their children to Jewish only schools, not because of a desire to be apart but purely for self protection from the all pervading threat from Muslims’
I heard that. She was excellent. Strangely none of what she said was replayed in the roundup.
BBC: turning a blind eye to Islamic Jew-hatred since time immemorial.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
This morning, a journalist on Presseclub on German TV pointed out that a reputable social survey had discovered that around 50% of Muslims in Germany believe that the Koran is the word of god and that its junctures are not to be interpteted in any way but acted on. As the journalist pointed out, it is like 50% of christians organising their lives as if they were living in the times of the Old Testament, stonings for adultery, etc. There were also calls for a Muslim Martin Luther, also your suggestion. But I don’t think we should wait a couple of centuries in the vain hope that this might happen. It really is beyond belief that European political elites and their media catamites are effectively conspiring to reintroduce what are just codified, primitive, irrational tribal customs, like mutilating the genitals of your children. Nefas/fas, haram/helal are remnants of thought systems that believed in human sacrifice and food taboos. We will be soon accepting cannibalisation of dead relatives so that some minority group does not feel marginalised.
Owen Jones. BBC’s go to young idiot journo’ of the left. Continues to demonstrate the gulf between his ‘thinking’ and any understanding of humanity.
One commenter offered Owen this feedback:
“….Mr Jones really is a walking talking example of how the modern Left’s thinking is so disfigured, so warped, so redundant, that it simply doesn’t deserve serious consideration anymore. As after Rotherham, I find myself offended by this newspaper that I’ve read all my life, it seems to have turned morally rotten at the core.”
You’re not wrong there love!
Scrap the tellytax. Don’t buy the Grauniad. Oh, and vote UKIP. 🙂
Owen jones, be careful son, people are soon going to be looking for a scapegoat and when the liberal utopia collapses you had better make sure that you can justify your line of business pal.
‘When the liberal utopia collapses’. We can hope, but I’m not holding my breath.
If it does, Owen could become productive and re-train as a road sweeper, or burger flipper, or perhaps a gardener (he looks like some fresh air might do him some good). Something more befitting his intellect. (No disrespect intended to road sweepers, gardeners or burger flippers.)
Surely the changes must be coming. I hope with all my heart for the sake of my children that people can now clearly see the “experiment with multiculti for what it is. Not just tony b liar ,but all of the liberal apologists rubbing our noses in it, owen jones et al. Keeping it bbc bias, look east tonight – Molesworth peace camp, libyans at Bassingbourn, camp standards not good enough. Ok then lads, off you go and rape. Wtf bbc.
That kind of stereotyping about manual workers are deeply offensive.
And I will invoke my right to offend you.
How dare you? I declare Jihad on you revolting infidel scum. You will feel the righteous revenge of Allah.
Oh wait….
Careful, he’s holding a pencil!
BBC Calls this convicted terrorist a ‘Radical Cleric’
Is a Radical Cleric the same as a Radical Vicar who likes loud ties?
Probably a bit like the boss of the CoOp – rent boys, coke, ketamine – generally good times for the BBC Christmas Party.
The BBC can still do a good job. This informative report on R4 explains in part the apparently sudden rise of Islamic State.
BBC News ticker :
Hostages killed in Paris supermarket died before police operation to storm the building, initial reports suggest
That’s damn bad luck, fancy dying before they were rescued, how silly of them! No BBC, they were murdered before the police could rescue them.
Bukhari (52:177) – Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
Strangely enough it is quoted in the charter of Hamas.
Reminds of a line in the film K19 The Widowmaker. A Soviet Russian describing the death of a cosmonaut in space says “he wasn’t patriotic enough to hold his breath.”
Just finished watching North West tonight at 22:30. I had been talking (as I frequently do) to Mrs Dave telling her about the comments the cult had made on the earlier 18:30 broadcast. Imagine my surprise, NOT! That that particular piece had been removed, strange when the program has been pushing the nothing to do with us line for the past few days. Instead it was replaced with the story that children are going to school hungry, you would have thought that there would still be turkey left over from winterfest wouldn’t you.
Yeah, I saw this pathetic story. The kids all sat there scoffing without a care in the world, not a one in 1930s style clothing with a begging bowl.
The report also said that the teachers were bringing their own food in for the kids! Is this the same lot who are constantly talking of striking because of the pressure they are under due to the nasty party’s scathing cuts?
I’m not sure a diet of caviar and truffles are good for young kids.
‘Instead it was replaced with the story that children are going to school hungry.’
So how come Eastern Europeans can come here in their hundreds of thousands, take up jobs the indigenous workshy ‘don’t want’ i.e. can’t be arsed getting out of bed for, find and pay for somewhere to live, have the money to feed and clothe themselves (they invariably look robustly healthy) and still have money left to send home, but there are British kids who are starving and only being kept alive because their left-wing teachers are bringing in food for them?
Sorry, BBC, but it just don’t compute and you need to get your 4000 journalists to get up off their lazy fat arses and ask some serious questions. If anyone gets offended, then tough.
Bias? You decide.
BBC Newsnight. Evan Davies and Kirsty Walk.
Commentary on the fear of Jewish people for their safety in France – Anti Semitism evidently (not jihad). Narrative of Jewish flight to Israel due their alleged security fears. Anti-Semitism (not jihad).
Memes? ‘France’s 7/7.’ ……. ‘Charlie Hebdo had it coming’…..’Anti-Semitism’….ffs.
Following another day of murderous criminality on the streets of France, who are asked to provide ‘analysis’ as TV studio guests? To provide the viewers with insight into events as they are being interpreted by our so called ‘Muslim community’, framed with a reference to UKIP list of principles, quilted by expressions of solidarity from Muslims (solidarity with the murder victims? No! with the murderers! The cartoonists ‘had it coming’). And what is it that these guests have in common?
1. All 3 are women.
2. All 3 are muslim.
3. All are Vacuous with platitudes aplenty. (This is just my opinion)
4. Not one genuinely gives a toss about the dead.
The BBC can pretend that their so called ‘islamaphobia’, if it exists, is generated by ‘the far right’, whatever that is.
Perhaps their so called ‘islamaphobia’ is caused by Islamists murdering people, those murders being condoned and justified by ‘moderate’ muslims, and this justification being broadcast on BBC national television?
BBC. A moral vacuum.
Scrap the telly tax.
I just watched it. What a disgrace. Who were those mongs they interviewed in the fast food restaurant? I presume they’re the people that, as I’m assured by the BBC, are ‘going to pay our pensions’.
National Broadcaster? Repugnant.
The ‘Today’ program decided that they would sportingly and in the interests of fair reporting give an opportunity for an MP from the ‘centre right’ in France to speak about the problems they are having with Muslims.
As soon as he started to disagree with the interviewer, the phone line began to break up and as he went on and said more things the BBC don’t like, the line became more & more distorted until it broke down altogether and they lost the connection.
It became really bad when the interviewer ran the BBC line – ‘they’re not all like that and it’s just a few’ to receive the response ‘no we’re at war with them’.
A phone line between London and Paris which is badly in need of attention or a BBC trick to silence someone they find unacceptable, but need to interview to maintain a semblance of balance?
I do not know where the BBC found a ‘centre right’ MP in France.
At the moment the Front Nationale are hardly more than Socialists.
Most Socialists are Communists; the rest are members of a useless, wishy-washy party.
The Communists are what you would call SWP; Trotskyists; Anarchists or just plain stupid.
The only possibility for our future in France, is when Marine Le Pen’s niece takes over the NF – Marion Maréchal Le Pen (as I believe that she surely will).
Did the BBC report on this:
London’s orchestra on the Square for Charlie Hebdo
Maybe it did, but I didn’t see it.
This is how civilised cultures react. Unfortunately, because of the nature of our enemy, it won’t be enough, but it’s still superior (and I make no apology for using that word).
“This attack only underscores the need for France to immediately engage in negotiations with French Muslims that will result in the creation of two states for two peoples, living side by side in peace and security, with Paris as a shared capital…”
If France isn’t willing or builds housing in the part the Muslims want, we will have to start a BDS movement against them.
I do not know where you found that quotation, Jackde, but it is superb.
It naturally follows on from the recent vote in the French Parliament to recognise the Terrorist (Hamas and Fatah) government of Palestine.
The French Socialist Government – Hoisted by their own petard.
BBC editorial guides for the depiction of Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave)
In respect for the sensitivities of the public sector Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) must not be represented in any shape or form.
Specifically, Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) must not be shown eating food (of any shape or form), must not be pictured in the street whilst dispensing alms to clandestine migrants (begging in plain sight) and especially not strolling on Hampstead Heath with his new friend Gavin the graphic designer and ordinary member of the public concerned that a mansion tax in London must be introduced to pay for 1000 new heart monitors for Scottish bin lorry drivers.
Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) will not be mocked by any BBC approved payroll comedians.
Farage (Nigel That Swine Must Be Cast own At All Costs) will be mocked at all times by BBC approved payroll comedians.
Wait a minute – je ai été une charlie ( I was mistaken) – whispers in the top floor corridor or perhaps a word in the ear at a media awards bash have just been officially mumbled and new guidelines are just in…..
Blur blur blur blah blah blah…. Miliband (Ed, Labour Leader That Is, Not His Brother Dave) blur blur blah blah
Why do people who’s only real skill in the World is to read an auto cue and make silly facial expressions think they have the right to lecture intelligent hard working people with real jobs.
Dover Sentry (above) asks “Notice how many times these Islamic Terrorists are known to the Police and Security Services?”
I’d like to pursue and expand that question a little further…
Has anyone noticed that police forces around Europe are now (and actually have been for some years) pleading that there are so many of these people known to the police, that it is impossible for them to track even the most seriously dangerous of them.
Hmmm….. but we’re also being told that it is such a teeny, tiny minority of of Muslims who are the problem. Just a tad of a discontinuity there, no ?
And when they are caught and imprisoned they are still inexplicably let out. The gunman in the Halal supermarket was sentenced to 5 years yet was let out after two months WTF?
Its as if the PTB are really not on ‘our’ side, or Muslim infiltration within our establisments allows such questionable actions.
A teeny minority can still be a large number. 1% of 3 million is…?
Of course, hadda – but ‘teeny, tiny minority’ is the sort of phrase used as a description (often plugged by the BBC, for instance) to convey a picture in the mind of listeners/viewers of an extremely small number.
However, if someone was to use your figure (for instance) 1% of 3 million – quantify it…. i.e 30,000 – and then still try to convey that this sort of level of potentially lethal terrorists is what we have in our country today, but not to worry, this is insignificant – people might think to disagree that it really is a ‘teeny, tiny number’ after all.
And at that level, I can easily see that police can’t track that number of people 24/7 – but that’s the disconnect that arises when using phrases like this.
After they came for the
Middle East,
then came for the Jews,
and the Christians
now they come for the cartoonists?…
any non muslim children they can destroy,
then off duty police?,
or off duty forces?
anyone ripping up a book?
or going too near a mosque?
or calling a teddy bear Mohamhead?
or calling Chrstmas … erm … Christmas?
BBC 1 has … arrogant apologist … oops! I mean… News … Watch
Re BBC Mohamhead Guidelines, (they did show a carefully folded, pixelated image for a fleeting moment at 3 o clock in the morning
didn t they … sarc)
BBC 1 – 8.25 am
Then the grovelling really starts,
“its a deeply thoughtful time for everyone, all of us”
meaning, and I ll translate the Beebot for you.
… I would t dare publish, or show that, if i were you…
A helpful settee apologist pipes up.
“Muslims shouldn t have to distance themselves from the attack,
I mean … why should they? … any more than anyone else”
Meaning … don t dare think, kaffir, just repeat after me …
nothing to do with Islam.
Grainard headline
Charlie Hebdo: first they came for the cartoonists, then they came for the Jews – Of course the Paris killers targeted a kosher supermarket: they’re a fascist death cult fighting a dirty little war
They conveniently omitted… Islamic … Fascist Death Cult
That follows the Quran, its rulings, its verses, and abrogation s
to the letter. That follows directly the hankering plea that EVERY
muslim recites as his wish EVERY day in the mosque.
A muslim maybe a erm “moderate” his Islam is not.
Whilst looking for the Hamas reaction to recent ‘events’ I came across this;
Some chap called Martin Kemp( surly som mistake ?) founder of the UK Palestine Mental Health Network, and he’s not a happy bunny with el-beeb is he ? Sometimes it seems you try and try and yet it all comes back in your face…….bbc, must try harder to be nicer to Hamas in 2015.
And further news from planet Hamas, yep, you thought the demo’s in Dresden and other German Cities was the voice of the ordinary man but in fact it’s all a plot stirred up by Israel to turn Europeans against their ” Muslim countrymen “.
Expect to see this ‘view’ expressed in the liberal media over here sometime soon.
That poor disabled muslim preacher (Abu Hamza) who Teresa May seemed to have problems in deporting has a life sentence in the US. Attached to the report is a note on how horrible the Supermax prisons are. However, the EU court of Human Rights see no problems but the BBC dredges up some critics.
‘But current and former inmates, lawyers and others familiar with the prison describe it as an infernal environment in which even the design of the cells and the architecture of the prison conspire to render the inmates docile and drive them mad.
“People talk about it as being a cleaner version of hell,” says Colin Dayan, a professor of English at Vanderbilt University and author of The Law Is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons, who has studied high security prisons in the US.
Sylvie Beghal wife of Djamel Beghal mentor of the French murderers has decided to move to a place she can surround herself with fellow Muslims and live in a Muslim environment, Afgan, no.
IS town, no.
Iraq, no.
Yemen, no.
No, she chose god fearing, Leicester.
Will we have a interview on the bbc, so she can tell us why she felt the need to find happiness in the UK ?
Interesting that not one story on the bbc website about the Paris massacres have been opened up to allow comments.
To me this proves the Muslims have won and freedom of speech has been curtailed for fear of upsetting a certain religion.
Same with the Telegraph.
An alternative explanation is that the BBC (and the rest pf the British media and political establishment) knows only too well that the great majority of Britons hasn’t been taken in by their deceitful nonsense and if they allowed comment it would be immediately obvious.
This morning R4 gave space to the deranged Labourite, Fiona MacTaggart, to spout almost every imaginable cliche about the current situation (‘peaceful religion’ ‘not really muslims’, ‘Nigel Farage blah blah’) without a word of challenge from the Daily GuardianGraph. hackette who was sitting there, you couldn’t help but think, nodding in agreement.
The establishment who conspired to let this happen are terrified. They know that once people realise that the overwhelming majority has had enough, then the dam will burst,. So they are silencing dissent where they can. They censor private conversations with fear of social disapproval (PC) what people say on the Internet (using laws the KGB would have admired) and, above all, they allow only a liberal monotone to appear on the media, which they control.
But once people fully realise that what they think in private is actually the overwhelming majority view, the self-styled elite will be done for – and they know it.
Bring it on.
“The establishment who conspired to let this happen are terrified”
But they keep telling us that it is the European non-Muslims who are frightened and by jolly we are full of righteous anger with ……… our security services!! for failing to stop atrocities happening. Not that the media would allow those services to have any powers.
I don’t know about you but I am not frightened, I am angry & I would like to see the security services harass every suspected jihadi until they packed their bags & headed for Syria (or other fly blown Muslimland)
Cameron’s comrades in the UAF must have been instructed to help prevent a backlash over the Paris murders. I am sure they will be instructed to combat ‘far right extremists’ and islamophobes. Exciting times ahead.
From their Facebook page
Unite Against Fascism
We invite you to attend the emergency planning meeting to discuss how best to respond to the rise in Islamophobia and violent anti-Muslim attacks in France, following the Paris shootings.
Organised by Stand up to Racism and Unite Against Fascism
Yours sincerely
Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett
Will the ‘security services’ be attending to monitor the new ‘enemy within’ I wonder?
And that’s coming from a non-racist fascist hater. What an upside down world it is when ‘Stand up to Racism’ and ‘United Against Fascism’ are inhabited by delusional inhuman fascists.
I’m with the left wing cartoonists 100%. Showing how dumb deists are with pens and pencils. To be murdered by muslims in the name of Islam. Yes, an upside down world, ‘anti-fascists’ and ‘anti-racists’ supporting religious fascist ideology.
I agree with Murdoch on this. But, predictably the howls and screams from the intolerant, fascist and Muslim apologist Left is excruciating:
Pop onto the Independent’s facebook page, if you can be bothered, to see the infantile and moronic comments from their stalwart dhimmi readers. The Left is simply refusing to accept any criticism of Islam. It’s a little different, however, when it comes to criticising Christianity and Judaism.
The Left is making a lot of noise and its comrades in the media are amplifying it.
I don’t believe the majority of people are even slightly convinced.
one could imagine the vast majority wholeheartedly agree
For the public … it is THE line in the bitter islamic sand
For the No10 traitors? … their media quislings?
they better make a decision?
… or it could turn very nasty.
In other news, slightly lighter fare:
Honestly, it’s a miracle they even got an approximate figure. That’s a lot of folk to say ‘the Met Office computer has given us this wild punt, but looking out my window, as you are now…’
Rules, eh? Made to be broken. Unless they are Editorial Guidelines, and CECUTT needs to use them rigidly to bail from being held to account. Speaking of which…
Seems it was all good enough to make this a worthy pursuit. Though it’s possible even fans not too sure.
And then, there’s what goes up, can come down…
And stay down, at least until things blow over…
An error occurred
Sorry, there has been a problem
A problem maybe, but no error. The BBC is in a funk and is desperately seeking a tunnel out of this hole. Maybe Hamas can advise?
On hols in Agardir.TV restricted to 2 English language news channels: IBBC & Sky. The Charlie Hebdo (Je suis Charlie) ‘righteous executions’ on the 24hrs. lope. A do do da da is all the have say to us. Poets, priests, journalist & politicians using words to ensure our Islam (submission). Theusual Muslim suspects endlessly paraded to tell us this has NOTHING to do with Islam & Muslims are the real victims. President Hollande repemated this last night in his address to the French nation. One senses that ollonde is realpissed off with the righteous ones for interrupting his shag fest.No security people to take him on his scooter . This must be a terrible form of coitus intteruptus.
But let me get to my point now. In the 1980’s I attended a conference at Broadmoor on risk assessment. There were several presentations on actuairan assessments. Tick the if this is present or not. Then psychodymamiic inclined Pyschiatrist made a profound point. He said he was treating a woman who can for family where was intergenerational sexual abuse. The woman had been abused as a child. She had then groomed her children for abuse, including holding down for others in the family to abuse them. Here the crux. He stated that shows she saw herself as victim and she would never be safe to release until she accepted that she had also been a perpetrator.
Listening to the parade of moderate Muslim spokesmen & women saying that ‘this has nothing to do with Islam’, I was struck that this denial allows them to claim victim status whilst requiring them to do nothing about examining the ideological basis of Islamism. They do have to reform islam or educate their children to accept the principles of eqaulity, inclusion, tolerance and respect for the unbelievers.
If it not there problem then it is our problem and we must change, we must submit.
Cameron Tweets. When he returns he will tighten up on extremists who object to the killing of reporters.
David Cameron ✔ @David_Cameron
I’ve accepted President Hollande’s invitation to join the Unity Rally in Paris this Sunday – celebrating the values behind #CharlieHebdo.
And th think, so many believe comedy is dead.
We are regularly told by the BBC that it is a tiny radical minority of muslims who support jiihad. The common figure quoted for the number of British jihadists is 600, so that represents a tiny minority.
How to square that with this
“More British Muslims fight in Syria than in UK Armed Forces”
‘Khalid Mahmood estimated that at least 1,500 young British Muslims have gone to wage jihad since 2011…
… Recent figures released by the Ministry of Defence show 650 soldiers, sailors and airmen give their faith as Muslim.’
Maybe R4 stats show ‘More or Less’ could investigate? If even the lower figure of 600 jihadists is proof of how unpopular jihadism then what is 650 armed forces personnel proof of? And what if the higher figure of 1,500 jihadists is correct?
Heard on the (L)ibLab(B)roadcasting (C)ompany this morning, that INBBC favourite ‘Ming’ Camp bell, along with Living stone and M ellor (a triumvirate of yesterday’s liberal elite) congratulating the UK on the fact that we integrate our Moozalems better then the French do!!
Also , that the new description is not ‘Lone Wolf’ (as in ‘a Pack of’ ……) , but ‘Self-Starter’!!!
This makes Moozalem terrorists sound like new business start-ups!!
These people are in such an agenda-driven bubble , they need to be rudely apprised of Reality .
Oh well, it’s only a matter of time-hopefully , the ballet-box will jolt them (to Oblivion, I hope) before some more Enrichers want to kill offending K uffars.
Lot’s of sympathetic clucking by Anita Anand on Any Answers for the seemingly endless parade of “of course it was terrible, but Islam mustn’t be criticized” callers.
Until the last bloke……….
Listen to her spluttering in horror (about 25 mins in) at his distinctly off-message opinions!
This is a copy of a complaint i have sent to the BBC (I know!) regarding a broadcast on the CBBC channel on Thursday evening.
I believe this has already been reported and the BBC advised or confirmed that it would not show the broadcast again or not in the original format.
Well I don’t know what the original format was but any format containing the lyrics below should be met with the fiercest condemnation.
I will post any updates…
The other night I was watching Horrible Histories broadcast on CBBC children’s channel.
There was an article on the Crimean War and then a feature and song on Mary Seacole.
The Mary Seacole song contained the following lyrics
“When Crimean War broke out Me apply for Florence’s crew She turn me down because me black Yep, weird I know but true”
This stated that Mary Seacole wished to be a nurse in Florence Nightingales British womens nursing group but was turned down because she was black stating implicitly that Florence Nighingale was a racist.
This is a disgusting statement to make and is not borne out by any evidence or facts and is a slur on the character of a women who dedicated her life to easing the suffering of men thousands of miles away sometimes in horrific conditions.
That the fact that this was broadcast to young impressionable children who could be formed by this view without any evidence whatsoever beggars belief. It is a disgusting idea.
There is a whole myth growing up regarding Mary Seacole that the BBC seeks to perpetuate and while a lot of this sketchy on detail there is no evidence whatsoever that Florence Nightingale discriminated against her based on skin colour or because she was a racist. It is an appalling idea.
I believe that the BBC have already fallen foul in broadcasting this programme previously due to complaints made to the broadcast complaints commission and promised not broadcast this content again.
That it has again is reprehensible.
It’s likely, then, that you’ve already read either this or the actual book:
How the BBC, school text books and even exam boards have twisted history to smear Florence Nightingale and make a saint of this woman
Thats a good article although can’t remember reading it – thanks for the link
From 100 great black Britons site “Following the launch http://www.100greatblackbritons.com in 2003 and a nationwide voting campaign Mary Seacole was elected the ‘Greatest Black Briton’ by members of the voting public”
Although school history books are now treating her as an equal to Florence Nightingale, Seacole
never nursed in a hospital,
did not start a nursing school,
never wrote books or articles on nursing.
Indeed, she never did anything to rival Nightingale’s truly pioneering work to improve healthcare.
‘The hype that has built up surrounding this otherwise worthy woman is a disgrace to the serious study of history,’
William Curtis of the Crimean War Research Society.
Nurse and the Doctress, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
She was an innkeeper who ran a bar in the Crimea, supplying booze and fags to the soldiers. And as such, she was much appreciated by the men. She didn’t provide medical services. She didn’t provide accommodation. She was mixed race, quite pale, describes herself as “yellow” in her autobography. Interesting character? Yes. Good person? Far as we know, yes. Same significance as Florence Nightingale? Hardly. Classic example of liberal racism – blacks are so useless that the bar has to be set a lot lower and any contribution whatsover has to be hyped up.
Interesting that the BBC reports – 3 hours ago -sentences imposed on 50 EDL demonstrators for their role in a demonstration in 2013. How convenient is this warning amidst widely expressed fears of the Backlash.
Geddit. No bad behaviour in response to Paris.
I think I live in an alternative universe to the BBC and the elite. I must be or else in need of compulsory re education or prison whichever is most effective.
And on this subject please please remember that free speech now is no longer guaranteed under this current regime.
The liberal left cannot hold off from tyrrany much longer or it will risk losing power. The situation is as dangerous for us free men as it has ever been in England.
Anyway back to the alternative universe. R4 tonight on the French situation and a conversation between a Rabbi and an Iman.
Much worry about security and backlashes and the usual.
I did wonder, although it was not mentioned, just who was attacking the French Jews.
Nobody seemed to be the general consensus. It could have been anyone.
I thought I knew who was but obviously not. Off to a re education camp then to learn the truth.
If a liberal says reality is not the truth then soon you better believe it. Your freedom and your family’s life will soon depend on it.
We, the old free men and women of this country are staring at the end of our taken for granted for too long freedoms .Not that the BBC and the liberal media will care one jot. Inside all of them are the tyrants of the future just waiting to justify the destruction of our centuries old way of doing things.
Take care now and watch what you say. This is now no longer a free land.
Angryman puts serious hat on.
I will guarantee that free speech will be maintained, for as long as I can communicate.
I will of course take care of what I say, that’s a matter of personal integrity, but will not be cowed, instructed or influenced by illegitimate laws established by treacherous bureaucrats in Westminster, which I have and will continue to ignore.
Government has no legitimate business interfering in the word choices of men. Only fascists and authoritarians would consider that it does. That our establishment is crammed with ignoramuses who do not understand this is sad, and damages the foundation of our culture and civilisation as has been laid bare for all to see over the past few days.
I own my speech. And I give it freely. No charge.
Sack LibLabCon – traitors to our forefathers’ dreams. Scrap the telly tax and vote UKIP.
Bias? I’d say so.
BBC News Front Web Page. 1750Hrs.
The murders by islamists in France still dominate the front page of the BBC’s Online News ‘service’. Within the text of the journalistic offerings, reference to Islam is limited to but one headline. The reference to Islam:
“…….’Pretend Muslims’ killed my brother….”
The minds of those (especially the young) who get their news from the BBC are being shaped to perceive the events of the previous three days in a particular manner. There can be no doubt that editorial decisions are being made at the BBC, to actively disassociate the events of the past three days from Islam.
The BBC is a disgrace and an enemy to lovers of truth, of our children, of our liberty, of brotherhood and of the freedoms which our forefathers fought and died for.
Scrap the Telly tax.
Paris attack highlights Europe’s struggle with Islamism
“By Caroline Wyatt
Religious affairs correspondent, BBC News”
Read the above on the BBC news website.
It ends…
“But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia'”
No shit Sherlock! Hands up who didn’t expect this mad fiasco was gonna happen when a religion in its medieval stage of it development (assuming Islam will ever have one) is allowed to go it alone in modern western Europe.
This terrorist war will continue for decades. I’d like to thank the BBC, multiculturalism, the Labour party, useless Conservatives, the Liberals, the liberal Left media for fermenting a war without end within Europe. They are already squirming, the liberal left, (read Owen Jones sickening article yesterday?) to justify the madness they introduced us to, Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Terrorists with a fifteenth century dogma now have 21st century weapons. Hampstead is thata way…
fifteenth century? You think they’re that advanced?
Not just Paris…not the NHS, the BBC today have opened up and turned their attention to the Tories plans to ensure that there is a proper mandate for strike action in the public sector.
Of course the BBC don’t actually use the words ‘a proper mandate for strike action’, they prefer to illustrate how workers will be forbidden to strike. There’s a brief perfunctory interview with a minister, but the BBC have yet again taken a position; disenfranchised workers….an assault on democracy…a quote from Labour….in stereo from the TUC (in effect Labour’s second comment on the story)….objections from the Liberals….and a pointed reference to MP’s being elected with less than 50% of the vote – ignoring the fact that the lives of people (the public) who have no say on the strike action are significantly disrupted(unlike a general election where they do get a vote) .
The BBC reporter tells us ‘a strike of teachers would have been illegal’…a different strike would not have been. But in true BBC editorial fashion, ‘the world’s most trusted broadcaster’ only tell you part of the story. They don’t even attempt to say WHY those strikes would have been illegal.
Consider this. Several years ago the hard left Civil Service union, PCS, balloted for a strike the turnout was pathetically small, the vote in favour, marginal. We calculated that of the entire PCS membership, only around 12% voted for a strike. That ‘mandate’, by manipulating the rules, has been used by the PCS to organise ongoing strikes for years after the original ballot, without going back to consult the workers again.
With the BBC there’s no balance – it’s only half the story. Broadcasting House has become an integrity free zone.
Of course again what happens on this story is that those of us with a memory recall that Liebour didn’t changing any of the laws relating to strike action brought in by the Thatcher government. I remember as I was a, not ,hard left representative for CPSA & later PCS (which I was never very keen on) although my office did have around 95% membership back in the late 1990s.
Match of Ze Day has just finished over here in France on Canal+ ( 7 hours of English Premier League). The end credit, on a black screen in white writing was ‘ JE SUIS CHARLIE’
Can’t imagine that on the BBC!
Now watching French Rugby. The crowd signs are ‘ Le Rugby est Charlie’. The players are in T Shirts with ‘ Nous Somes tous Charlie” The crowd are applauding. That Cultural enrichment really worked then.
And a minutes silence followed by a spontaneous rendition of Le Marseillaise. I did not see any recognition of the tragedy of the last few days here in France by the English Premier League. I know the last bit is nothing to do with the BBC, but it just proves how lucky we are to escape.
Please, no primer league clubs showing ’empathy ‘ with the events in France, football is not the place to show any sympathy with the victims of mass murder. Barely a week goes by without clubs having a minutes silence ( or more likely a minutes clapping ) for all and sundry, ex-players, local worthies, the kit mans sister, the start of a war, the end of a war, the footie match in the middle of a war, etc, etc, enough! No more, thanks but no thanks, play football, leave all that stuff for where it ought to be, the local cathedral ( a worthwile job for bishop nick Baines ? Anyway keep the bugger busy and not writing shit ‘thoughts for the day’).
And that is the point. Why have applause for the player I have never heard of, and then ignore the dead shot by the bloody Mussy Murderers. The interviews with support staff are all conducted in French, not just Arsene Wenger. There are so many French Players and support staff that I am appalled there was no recognition by the English Premier League.
Thing is old son, where do you draw the line?, give ’em a chance and it will be standing in circles to clap the air Asia plane, the Malaysian plane x2, the air France, plane, any old ship sinking, bus crashes, landslides earthquakes, and on and on. They will be having 5 separate clappings a week if you let them, he premier being watched everywhere the PR bods will be saying,we have to do it for this, that and the other. To my mind it ought to be only ex players/ managers from the last 10 years whose death is unexpected, 80 y/o’s no, members of staff no, anything ‘national’ no. The more it’s done the more it becomes meaningless, just my opinion.
It won’t be long before the bBC start issuing the call to prayer for Muslims and no doubt the PC crowd will police this by attacking those who don’t stick their arses in the air 5 times a day in submission to the gay death cult.
Check out Mitch Benn’s full-frontal musical assault on Islamic terrorists.
He’s up there with Geert Wilders for his bravery. No messing about or attempts to avoid mentioning the religion of these nut jobs, from this bold soldier of free-speech.
He can be heard at the 26:15 mark –
So he insults sacred cows (Hindus) and Bishops (Christians) but nothing to do with the Muzzies.
Mitch Benn sucks the sweat from Jimmy Savile’s balls.