INBBC: still unwilling to identify Islamic nature of the enemy.
Reporting French demonstrations today, INBBC chooses to narrow down its political message by quoting a relative of the only Muslim victim murdered by Islamic jihadists. That message attempts to politically distance Islam from the Islamic jihad Paris massacres. That is the key propaganda of INBBC and BBC-NUJ.
It looked and read like fairly crude propaganda. I wonder what the people of old France think. You know those out in the provinces in their little towns and villages.
The Americans call these the people who live in flyover country. Well I have news for the BBc and it’s fellow bodysnatchers.
Flyover people are going to decide the fate of Europe not them.
Is that clear enough for them.?
Although not French, I live “out in the provinces in their little towns and villages”. Most of the folk around here have probably never seen a Muslim, and wouldn’t want to. And even though the Hollande hails from these parts, they’d like to see less of him, too…
I think the FN may be making a few strides, in the light of recent goings on.
We keep hearing the mantra from the BBC that young ‘British’ Muslims feel alienated (which is the reason they are attracted to violent, torturing, murderous, raping, maiming, child-slaughtering Jihad – apparently).
So these are young people born and raised in Britain – like any other young British person. So they have been through the same education system, been nurtured by the same health service, played the same sports, watched the same TV, listened to the same radio, watched the same films at the same cinemas, been to the same football matches, been on the same holidays home and abroad and generally been privileged to be brought up in arguably the most civilised, tolerant nation on earth.
So why are they different? Why do they feel ‘alienated’?
All good questions. Here’s another. Why is the same pattern being repeated around the world, including places where there can be no question of the ‘West’ having ‘provoked reactions’?
Sorry reported by mistake, the button is far to close to reply on an iPad.
Anyway your point is all too true, Muslims cause problems wherever they are more than a few sailors and Resturant workers. Burma, majority, Buddhist. Thailand, majority Buddhist. Philippines, majority Catholic. India, majority Hindu. China, Confucius, Buddhist and Taoism. I could go on but you might spot the common denominator by now, always akward, always wanting separation, always wanting special treatment and refusing to fit in with a majority. Why the European liberals and the bbc think things will be different in Europe is obviously their usual belief that if they say something will happen and be better than what is already there (the Euro) or that a wave of migration of an alien culture ( you know who) will work out fine is down to pure hubris and arrogance, well we’ve had that from our betters for nearly a thousand years and still we suffer their mistakes.
The proximity of the “report” button to the “comment” button has been, er, reported many times. They managed to include an edit facility, it might be a good idea to shift the “report” button, too – I’m sure many have reported in error.
Radio4 the ahem … BBCs … completely random “public” ??
speak “Any Answers”
targeting innocent Muslims,
the offence,
we live in a multi kulti community and now, have to …”adapt” to it.,
those racist cartoonists
our fault
etc etc
There has been much hand-wringing from various Muslim organisations deploring the killings in France (and much less so the 2000 women, children and old men in Nigeria).
However NOT ONE AFAIAA has made any suggestions as to how to correct the matter. None has suggested issuing a Fatwa abrogating various sections of the Haddith and Koran or providing instructions (to be followed) for Imams to preach certain sections of the Koran and Ignore others.
One has to assume, therefore, that these organisations are not leaders but followers, are basically toothless organisations full of toothless old men (there won’t be any women), are happy with the status quo (and taking our money) and as such are not part of the solution but part of the problem.
Neither have I heard any sort of apology from any Muslim, about any Muslim atrocity, anywhere, at any time.
The sort that says – I am really so very sorry that followers of my religion have taken such action and caused such suffering and distress. I ask for your forgiveness.
The difficulty is that in Islam there is no central authority (pope, synod, bishop, ecumentical council, magisterium) to make such a declaration, which is likely to be widely ignored in any case. Imams effectively appoint themselves, they’re not ordained, and they can interpret their ‘sacred’ text however they like. The nuttier ones attract nuttier followers, the more fervent and blinkered the better. A bit like the Southern Baptists, only more rabid, with bigger arsenals and horrifically violent tendencies,
Yes – in any closed society (one that denies the influx of new ideas) the end result is extremism of one form or another as there is only positive feedback, making the system unstable.
Regrettably ‘multiculturalism’ is by definition the creation of multiple closed societies.
And Islam – treating the Koran and Hadiths as Gospel – is the ultimate in refusal to accept an influx of new ideas.
This was being discussed on Fox yesterday by a “modernist” American Muslim.
His point was that the very fact the Mohammed (pbuh) had forbidden any discussion of his teachings or any questions of himself in itself stops any reformation.
Whilst the enlightened Christian theologians have tweaked the interpretations of Christ’s teachings through the ages there has been no such advance in Islam.
A new reference to Islam is now on the front page in the title of an article by Caroline Wyatt. Whilst written 3 days ago it has now been promoted to the Frontpage :
This is undoubtedly the most balanced piece of BBC journalism I have watched or read in the last three days.
Unfortunately, the article includes the irrelevant statement:
“ …..Today, mainstream Muslim organisations in the UK and France have unequivocally condemned the killings, saying that terrorism is an affront to Islam….”
Proclamations from Muslim organisations are utterly irrelevant, as Muslims are taught through the teachings of Islam that it is perfectly OK to lie to kuffar. This may however, have the consequence of providing a false sense of security to non-Muslims.
Also, the final paragraph (which Ms Wyatt may have felt necessary to attain editorial approval) signs off with the unfortunate BBC narrative of associating bad values with ‘right wing’ (good values with ‘liberally minded’ in previous para) and confusing what has happened (Muslims keep murdering human beings in the name of their beliefs), with what might happen but never seems to (Muslims will be subject to a backlash):
“……But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.”
The ‘backlash’ of ‘support for far right parties and groups’, is merely a symptom of the en-mass dereliction of duty, honour, diligence and morality of those representing the mainstream parties, aided by those employed in government institutions, including our schools.
The left don’t get it and don’t want to. Conservatives need to wake up, get a leader worthy of the name, and develop a strategy which will protect the values of liberty which is the birth right of my grandchildren.
Importing 300,000 in one year is impressive. Suppose, just suppose that it was considered desirable to deport that number of moslems each year. Sure there would be massive legal problems but just suppose they could be overcome. These people, like socialists, are not finding it easy to establish their culture as the dominant one; they find the morals, politics, and law of the west unacceptable and inferior to sharia, and might be better off if assisted to live in a moslem land, where there is only one faith, the true faith, and their wives and children would live according to the tenets of that faith. It would enhance their human rights. They could take their belongings with them and outcome from property sales, and we would still be better off. And suppose we need immigrants to replace them? There are millions in South America and China, who would love to come here and share our culture without trying to destroy it. 300, 000 out each year. It can be done.
by RUTH KING January 9, 2015
computer keyboard type
Hey, please don’t get me wrong….I am appalled and saddened by the jihad in Paris. But if I am going to “suis” (I am) anyone it is the following:
Je suis the people of Israel who have lived through jihad terror after jihad terror for all the years of their existence- random murders in markets, buses, bus stops, pizzerias, mangled strollers in cafes, babies executed in their beds…..the gruesome list goes on and on. And the media is as indifferent to this as it is to the metronomic regularity of jihad in Africa.
Je suis Geert Wilders whose bravery has trumpeted the cause and the locus of Ilamic jihad, namely the Koran, and for this he has been berated, sued, and ostracized for so called “Isalmophobia.”
Je suis the indefatigable Gisele Bat Y’eor who predicted that this barbarism would come to Europe in her book “Eurabia” and all her books and essays…all greeted with a major yawn by mainstream media.
And most of all je suis American- where jihad has struck and will continue to strike and claim victims until we stop babbling about Islamophobia and “the religion of peace”…
Ruth King, editorial board member of Family Security Foundation, Inc., is a freelance writer.
BBC1 News today showing end of siege at the Jewish supermarket. With sadness in the reporter’s voice we are told ‘he didn’t stand a chance’. No mention of the reports elsewhere that he had already murdered 4 hostages. They were the ones who didn’t stand a chance.
and he made sure the phone was off the hook so
everyone could hear his actions and supplications
to Allah, … poor lamb, he wanted to go out with a bang
and take Jews with him …..
… but hey … just like in “billy madison” or that Sci fi film
poor kid, he never stood a chance eh!
…….. scrap the BBC
Glorious ! Douglas Murray has been by far the clearest and most knowledgeable commentator these past few days, cutting through all the pious waffle. I watched and applauded this clip while inwardly groaning at the dumb and biased discussion led by Ed Stourton on Radio 4’s 7am Sunday gabfest.
Disgraceful ending by the presenter ‘Do you, in the far right….’ WTF, very subtle.
Douglas Murray, ‘far right’?!!
Worthy of a BBC gong in bias (and a job) in an attempt to close down any debate and by portraying any person with a contrary, right of centre position, as an Ebola like disease.
However DM came back with ‘Fascist Islamists’, priceless!
Great. Just talked about this on another thread. ‘They’ try and twist everything around to a ‘poor Muslims, boo-hoo-hoo.’ story.
Honestly, to listen to them you’d think non-muslims were killing muslims in terrorist attacks.
I get the feeling that people aren’t buying into it as much as they were.
Why aren’t there more honest journalists like D. Murray who are prepared to tell it like it is. Same with politicians, all keeping their heads down and filling their pockets by parroting the same old ‘on message’ rubbish.
Can’t find it now, but I’m sure al-Bowen used the same phrase, choking back the tears, about some Gazan terrorists emerging from their terrorist tunnels in Israel and being greeted by the IDF in the most appropriate lead-based manner.
Interestingly the BBC has switched to calling it a Jewish not kosher supermarket. Who advised them to change that phrasing? Are they feeling a tiny bit of pressure?
And just look at the photo they choose to lead with …
Lots about support for Muslims, lots about the one Muslim victim including a rather strange statement from his brother “……..anti-Semites should not confuse extremists with Muslims “? . Who is/are the anti -Semites here ?
The agenda is being firmly pointed in the required direction.
Nothing about the dead magazine staff, the other dead policeman, the dead black female officer, or the dead Jews apart from their names……
A message to Al Beeb…..
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the British people all the time.”
Has anyone noticed just how weird the BBC and every other media outlets’reporting of the “bin lorry tragedy” is?
There seems to be strong indications, including a D notice preventing reporting of the driver’s name, that it may well have been the “bin lorry jihad”.
One of the posts doing the rounds on that is “Bin Lorry Jihad?” at:
In this day and age more than ever, nature abhors a vacuum.
The longer it persists and grows, the greater the implosion if released.
I really hope the authorities, and establishment in support, know what they are doing.
Timely truth may be the least of unplatable alternatives, but a culture of long grass kicking has created few with leadership quapities to stand behind this.
Let us consider all those involved in this incident:
# UK Government
# Scottish Government
# Police Scotland
# Scottish Ambulance Service
# Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
# NH S Scotland
# Glasgow City Council
# The families of those killed and injured
# The relatives, friends and colleagues of the Council employees
# All those who have provided evidence and witnesses statements
# All those who in the immediate aftermath provided comments to the media.
If this is anything other than a tragic accident do you really think the “establishment” could suppress evidence from all those who have been directly or indirectly involved.
Probably the most accurate line from the article you cite.
“The local council and the police won’t release the name of the bin lorry driver or his two fellow crew members.”
Glasgow City Council are under no obligation to release the name of their employees. Police Scotland have never said the names won’t be released – the incident is still being investigated and a report for the Procurator Fiscal is still to be completed.
“Two weeks later and there has been no confirmation of the driver’s condition or injuries.”
Well, apart from the fact that his release from hospital has been widely reported!!
“At the end of the trail of destruction the driver is clearly pictured seated in an upright position. Not “slumped over the wheel” as was widely reported”
Apart from claims on “dodgy” anti – Islam websites do you have any evidence to support this assertion.
“There are reports and pictures which support the contention that the crew were of Middle Eastern appearance”
Really, if so why not cite the reports and show any photographic evidence.
“The accident took place during the most visible celebration of Christianity.”
Well that must settle things – accidents never happen At Christmas!!
Interesting precedent, especially for news organizations (and their apologists) who claim the right to ask questions and/or hold power to account, if even the sensitivities of a single individual can see a news blackout.
We shall just have to see how much the BBC and others respect the anonymity of those responsible (if not blamed) for serious compromises to the safety of the public, especially when ideological foes vs. friends of the family.
Wonder how the M25 fatality in the news will play out? Guess we’ll never know.
It would appear that in the latest case everyone present were with hours satisfied full H&S compliance was in place, and that was good enough for all media to lose all interest until what will presumably be some kind of inquiry to ensure nothing happened further precautions could prevent.
Interesting contrast this morning between BBC News and Sky (which is often no better than the BBC these days) over their reporting of the actions of “hero” Lassana Bathily.
I can’t remember this word for word but, after the BBC report, I was left with the clear impression that he had risked his life to direct customers into the freezer before locking them in.
In a translated interview on Sky, it appears that he took refuge in the freezer and others followed him in. He then told them to be quiet “or we will be discovered”.
No comment anywhere of course on the fact that a Kosher supermarket was happy to employ a Muslim in the first place.
I’m not trying to belittle this man in any way, but simply drawing attention to the way that it appears his actions are being manipulated.
On a slightly different note, I’ve yet to see anyone at the Place de la Republique give any indication that a backlash against Muslims is their primary concern right now, unlike politicians and media drones.
In the spirit of continuing the new BBC policy (the Evans rule) of referring to spent convictions shouldn’t the BBC use the formula “time served criminal” for all celebs etc who have served time at HMP?
Just a thought – if the BBC hate Evans for his vile crime so much why was it that they employed a man who was one of their stars who had murdered a German taxi driver. Is there any crime worse than murder?
Just watching German ARD news and they have broadcast the head of the prophet from Kurt Westgaard’s famous cartoon.
Can’t imagine the BBC doing that even with pixelisation. Spineless cunts.
I doubt we will see any images of the prophet on today’s anodyne Je suis Charlie demo. The heads of state present, according to ARD will bravely march 200 m then disappear -presumably to remove their soiled undergarments.
BBC – Germany protests: Dresden marches against the
anti-Islamists Pegida
“Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz urged supporters of Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) to change their minds and join the campaign against racism”
erm …. how! … many more times
In their Islamophile fervour … they appear to have missed this?
Zee News – German newspaper that reprinted Charlie Hebdo cartoons firebombed
“A German newspaper in the northern city of Hamburg that reprinted Prophet Muhammad cartoons from French paper Charlie Hebdo has been the target of an arson attack.”
“It’s an all-out war to destroy the freedom of speech and impose Islam’s blasphemy law restricting negative speech about Islam.
And most of the Western media has already surrendered and submitted to this violent intimidation by refusing to run the cartoons”
R Spencer
The BBC tries to smear PEGIDA as being as “racist” as, say, it thought EDL was. But I bet there is a huge turnout in Dresden tomorrow – a spontaneous expression of concern about Islamisation.
The BBC and the rest of the dhimmies are trying to hang on to control of the agenda. But bit by bit they are losing it, thank God.
losing it?
… more like giving it away ..
yep! handing it over on a plate.
So typical of the inept, duplicitous, self serving
No10 traitors, perhaps a few quid from the sharia finance capital is heading their way, if they only look the other way, or cosy up to the instigators
Warn of the danger of the ‘far right’ exploiting the attacks and ‘capitalising’ on them to generate ‘islamophobia’ and cause a ‘backlash’. That’s the script.
The Musketeers Series 2:2 BBC
‘The musketeers must find and rescue d’Artagnan and the king. Can they save Louis from mortal danger and will they return him to the palace in time for the dauphin’s christening?’
Of course it’s a preposterous story but it could make an entertaining episode for a series that the BBC claim is ‘a thrilling world of action, adventure and romance inspired by Dumas.’ The disturbing part was a strangely irrelevant sub-thread to the story (outlined above), involving white slavers beating a black man with a flail, same unarmed black man being targeted and shot in the back and killed by a white slaver, and the musketeers later paying money (by way of compensation?) to the wife of the shot man.
When you consider that there must be a European/world (USA?) market for this series then there seems to me to be a worrying message being sent out to young people, or indeed, to anyone else watching the programme. The key point is the complete irrelevance of skin colour to the storyline other than as a means of introducing a race issue and BBC ‘waycism’ into the story.
Of course, as is the way of BBC drama these days, there are a lot of other revisionary cultural messages flying around the set and you don’t need to look for them: the black man had a heavy multiculti ‘black’ London accent which, amidst a group of excellent leading actors (of differing and mixed races) doing their damnedest to give the story credibility, made his acting seem very out of place; some of the actors portraying ‘villains’ had ‘white’ northern English accents (also out of place) and there were some powerful, controlling women and cowardly men. Well produced, filmed, and costumed ‘The Musketeers’ seems, unfortunately, to be another good idea for an enjoyable TV series deformed by the BBC tick list.
Here is something the public won’t learn from the BBC. For all its (growing) faults, it is from today’s Telegraph, and was written by Andrew Gilligan: It shows what we are up against and how far the cancer has spread,
“Last Tuesday, little more than 12 hours before the atrocities in Paris, there was a meeting at the House of Commons – hosted by a Labour MP, Yasmin Qureshi – at which Britain’s leading Islamists called for the country’s counter-terrorism policy, Prevent, to be scrapped. Among the attendees was Azad Ali, who has called for British troops to be killed, described al-Qaeda as a “myth,” and written of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric cited as a direct influence by one of the Paris murderers. ”
The demo in Paris a ‘utopian socialist’ one, which has banned Marine Le Pen
(who opposes the Islamisation of France) from participating, but demonstrates for its
‘alienated’ Muslims?
This politically suits INBBC.
And so the Islamisation of Europe will continue, with full support of ‘the left’.
We see the traitor Cameron going to Paris to deny any involvement of Islam in the Slaughter of a lot of people, and we hear his hollow words about freedom which he has done as much to destroy as anyone, but then to find that he is actively working on the release of a Saudi Terrorist from Guantanamo bay beggars all belief.
Worse still this Saudi Terrorist has a right of residence in the UK so no doubt he will come here and no doubt following precedent they will give him more than £1 million because they were a bit nasty to him while imprisoned.
The only explanation which actually holds water is that the leader of the greed mongers cares nothing for anything or anyone other than his own personal enrichment. It would not surprise me to hear that after Cameron leaves office he will receive his reward from Saudi Arabia, just like Tony Blair did.
After all when you have eliminated all the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
And Cameron-May-Clegg continue ban on American anti-Islamic jihadists, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from entering Britain. And Beeboids show no interest.
but come on Tom, this guys ok
“jailed for six years in 2007 after calling for British soldiers to be brought back from Iraq in bodybags.”
Now “he manages the Siddeeq Academy in Tower Hamlets, an Islamic …”tuition” centre in East London.
It seems clear what he is teaching there.
The UK allows this man to run an Islamic tuition centre while banning counter-jihadists from entering the country.
So what is Britain buying for its future?
Many, many more Mizanur Rahman
R Spencer
I now avoid bbbc as much as I can but today I turned on bbbc news 24 and realised just how threatened the bbbc must feel regarding this latest islamic atrocity……….They must be very worried so much so that they wheeled out the ‘big guns’ in the shape of that awful, awful Lyse Doucet. Realising her pro arab,pro islamic views I had no doubt that the afternoon would be full of her passing pro islamic comments and parading numerous extreme examples in front of the camera just to prove that islam is the religion of peace and most definitely not violent and all muslims are superb citizens in all ways so I quickly switched over……..At the close of the afternoon I switched bbbc news 24 back on again and there she was still parading various subjects as above and repeating as above………. I don’t suppose that she had any time to praise any of the security services for their bravery or interview Douglas Murray about his views or ask Nigel Farage what he thought. I expect that the gradual changing of words and meanings is now creeping in i. e. several ‘people’ died after a ‘man’ entered a supermarket armed with a gun and that the ‘militants’ in the printing factory were ‘killed’ by police and that several people died during the police operations. The other little subtle change is that they were continually referring to the French people as ‘European citizens’.
Why is it that the bbbc just don’t get it? Is it just that their invented world is a little bit under threat?
If the BBC really wanted to know what the religion of peace can be like they could ask those muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Nigeria who have suffered at the hands of fellow muslims.
Or they could find an academic in the West and ask them. That’s probably easier and safer.
I wonder if the BBC still believe this from its own website.
“What can justify Jihad?
There are a number of reasons, but the Qur’an is clear that self-defence is always the underlying cause.
Although the Prophet engaged in military action on a number of occasions, these were battles to survive, rather than conquest, and took place at a time when fighting between tribes was common.”
Unfortunately the BBC and others now regularly refer to the ‘Prophet Mohammed.’ However the simple use of the ‘Prophet’ here tells you who wrote the self-serving uncritical guff.
That Michal Hussain woman reporting from Paris. Just rub our noses in it won’t you. She couldn’t understand the fuss Israel was making over a few rockets killing only a few Jew’s not long ago. Now just look at her being shown at this historic event as if she’s neutral. Lady Haw Haw.
If the BBC had been around in 1605 to report on the Guy Fawkes incident, BBC managers would be imprisoned – or worse – for the impertinance and insensitivity of using Catholic presenters to cover the event and to preach at us.
Among 40 or so headlines on the main news page of the BBC I can see nil mention of the firebombing of a German newspaper office. (It is among the 20 headlines on the Sky website)
But tomorrow we will have endless BBC whining about the Pegida marches in Germany, how terrible they are.
Who at the bBC decides that Somerset is more diverse than Devon and subjects us to such sh1t? If I wanted to hear about Islamic Lectures I’d tune into Radio Mecca. Just to appease the tiny amount of incomers in Bristol, the whole of the region has to suffer this cra@p and on a Sunday evening as well.
Perhaps a better question would be, why wasn’t it broadcast on ‘The Asian Network’? Why else are we paying the ‘Living Room Tax’ for it? I don’t watch CBBC for the footie results.
As far I’m concerned they can close all local radio stations, network the frequencies with Radio Two, just have a local brekky and drivetime show, and hourly local news, travel and weather, add to that the Asian Network, which is choosy as to which Asians it wants its audience to be, don’t wanna be forced to pay for it.
They’re just full of diverse cr@p anyway, how dare anyone play an 80 year old song using words that were acceptable back then…
My heart skipped a beat when I saw this evenings TV listing.
BBC2 8pm Kate Humble – Into the Volcano
Have BBC executives been reading this site and finally found ways to dispose of highly paid BBC presenters I thought?
Sadly, she did come out again at the end of the program. 🙂
(For the record I should state this is in jest, I have no particular animosity towards Kate Humble, although I find her permanently positive tone a little tiresome. Certainly no reason to chuck her in a volcano!).
I`ll be honest here. When I saw the likes of Merckel and Cameron linking arms, metaphorically doing the hokey-cokey, choreographing the birdie song and mincing around their handbags….I feel that Bin Laden is laughing from somewhere near the earths crust.
These gilded, manicured saps fly in for the day trip, showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, whilst they left its flank exposed and gave the come-on to Bin Ladens pubic lice that infest us now. And certainly never ambled more than a block away from nannys skirts in central Paris-imagine any of them daring to take the Metro to La Defence-especially Hollande, the little bumboil?
These people daily put me at risk-they provide nothing but lavender sachets and Gazza false boobs by way of “protection” against Islam nutjobs.
We`ll end up having to take our own defence into our own hands.
The liberal elite are all Juan Craven-never graduated beyond Newsround by way of current affairs….Craven f****ers!
I know it is a serious day in Paris with a serious point, but do you remember back in the USSR we used to have political commentators discussing who was up/down the politburo pecking order depending on how far away from the General Secretary they were? Well Merkel and Hollande were arm in arm today with the top Eurocrats right in the mix and Dave was away over to the side somewhere. Any kremlinologists like to tell us what that means?
10pm BBC1 News, Gavin Hewitt nearly choked as he reported that Hollande had said, ‘we are all Jewish in France now’. Good job that Mishal wasn’t scripted to say it.
Anyone who thinks the shootings in Paris will change the policy direction taken by every western liberal government for the last 50 years is sadly mistaken. It will take a lot more than a few deaths, either there, London, Madrid or anywhere else to change the status quo. The system is morally corrupt from top to toe. Change brought on by exposing their errors will not work, change will only come by one of three things. Either a majority of the population so frightened by events use their one remaining power and elect some hard men with some hard solutions or the level of violence grows to Nigerian levels and the elite see that actually they and their families might end up in the body bags before they have managed to steal enough gold to pay for a nice life elsewhere. The third alternative is no change of government from the liberal ones, continuing violence, and eventual civil war. I see no other end story for Europe, can anyone else offer any alternative ?
I think you’ve summed it up depressingly well there.
I suppose another [unlikely] alternative could be a large attack on UK soil in the next six months which could result in UKIP getting a balance of power in the UK elections. This could lead to some slight changes. However, I’m not convinced they aren’t just as keen on troughing themselves as the other lot, so maybe even this shock result would not matter a jot. UKIP do not generally strike me as a party that can cope with more than one idea at a time.
It’s hard to think what could possibly jolt the public and politicians to take action if the mass rape of tens, or hundreds of thousands of young girls by Muslims doesn’t do it.
Just think how different things could be if the BBC actually set out to protect children from sexual abuse (perish the thought, it’s a bit against their DNA isn’t it?). Imagine if they actually covered stories of young girls with their lives destroyed every day (like they do with the far-right bacon attacks on mosques). Imagine if every day they questioned ministers (and former Labour ministers) about what they were doing now to bring these rapists to justice and – more importantly – what are they doing to see that this never happens again. Imagine if every day they said “What is it about Islam that makes its followers do these things?”.
This is what so disgusts me about the BBC. They could do so much to contribute towards our culture but instead they spend our money treating us like we are dog s**t.
You’ve pointed out the moment the dogs ( literally, in the way they think of us ) did not bark. A rolling list of towns where Muslim men subjected young white girls to sexual violence and rape leading up to Rotherham. If a society is not going to take to the streets to deal with foreign rapists of its most precious youth then it never will for anything else.
If the bbc is prepared to ignore the assaults on their young bodies in the desire to protect their multi cultural bullshit then there is no hope for them either, they are hopeless “useful idiots” blinded by their liberal dreams to grim reality. It would need the mass rape of their women and daughters rather than as they see it the dregs of working class towns to open their eyes and minds. Seeing as they make sure they live behind big gates and walls this is not going to happen.
As you say UKIP might stir thing up a bit, but able and willing to carry out a huge change of direction ? Doubtful. If this happened 50 years ago I would expect the Army to take over to restore order, but now ? The Army is a pitifully small thing these days and licking its self inflicted wounds caused by allowing itself to be used fighting in the sandpit for the benefit of criminals.
I honestly expect a deteriorating situation leading to groups arming themselves to enforce order and then a version of the 1970s Lebanon civil war.
Russell Howard, alleged comedian. He appears on BBC. Somebody showed me a clip of him going completely lunatic, Dave Spart style. He was attacking UKIP, PM Cameron and basically taking a swing at everything that is not far left. All to canned laughing because their is no humour in a ranting, wild eyed fanatic. That’s kind; he is burnt into my mind as the image of a fascist screaming forever in your ear that he wants you dead because you are not left wing. Check out what you are paying for.
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Another from more innocent times
France, Britain, the World-
INBBC: still unwilling to identify Islamic nature of the enemy.
Reporting French demonstrations today, INBBC chooses to narrow down its political message by quoting a relative of the only Muslim victim murdered by Islamic jihadists. That message attempts to politically distance Islam from the Islamic jihad Paris massacres. That is the key propaganda of INBBC and BBC-NUJ.
Note how INBBC angles that propaganda-
“France attacks: Huge marches for victims”
It looked and read like fairly crude propaganda. I wonder what the people of old France think. You know those out in the provinces in their little towns and villages.
The Americans call these the people who live in flyover country. Well I have news for the BBc and it’s fellow bodysnatchers.
Flyover people are going to decide the fate of Europe not them.
Is that clear enough for them.?
Although not French, I live “out in the provinces in their little towns and villages”. Most of the folk around here have probably never seen a Muslim, and wouldn’t want to. And even though the Hollande hails from these parts, they’d like to see less of him, too…
I think the FN may be making a few strides, in the light of recent goings on.
We keep hearing the mantra from the BBC that young ‘British’ Muslims feel alienated (which is the reason they are attracted to violent, torturing, murderous, raping, maiming, child-slaughtering Jihad – apparently).
So these are young people born and raised in Britain – like any other young British person. So they have been through the same education system, been nurtured by the same health service, played the same sports, watched the same TV, listened to the same radio, watched the same films at the same cinemas, been to the same football matches, been on the same holidays home and abroad and generally been privileged to be brought up in arguably the most civilised, tolerant nation on earth.
So why are they different? Why do they feel ‘alienated’?
Or have I missed something, BBC?
All good questions. Here’s another. Why is the same pattern being repeated around the world, including places where there can be no question of the ‘West’ having ‘provoked reactions’?
Sorry reported by mistake, the button is far to close to reply on an iPad.
Anyway your point is all too true, Muslims cause problems wherever they are more than a few sailors and Resturant workers. Burma, majority, Buddhist. Thailand, majority Buddhist. Philippines, majority Catholic. India, majority Hindu. China, Confucius, Buddhist and Taoism. I could go on but you might spot the common denominator by now, always akward, always wanting separation, always wanting special treatment and refusing to fit in with a majority. Why the European liberals and the bbc think things will be different in Europe is obviously their usual belief that if they say something will happen and be better than what is already there (the Euro) or that a wave of migration of an alien culture ( you know who) will work out fine is down to pure hubris and arrogance, well we’ve had that from our betters for nearly a thousand years and still we suffer their mistakes.
The proximity of the “report” button to the “comment” button has been, er, reported many times. They managed to include an edit facility, it might be a good idea to shift the “report” button, too – I’m sure many have reported in error.
Radio4 the ahem … BBCs … completely random “public” ??
speak “Any Answers”
targeting innocent Muslims,
the offence,
we live in a multi kulti community and now, have to …”adapt” to it.,
those racist cartoonists
our fault
etc etc
Worthless show, The woman in charge has a so obvious agenda.
Just listen and watch. The liberal elite is unravelling fast.
There has been much hand-wringing from various Muslim organisations deploring the killings in France (and much less so the 2000 women, children and old men in Nigeria).
However NOT ONE AFAIAA has made any suggestions as to how to correct the matter. None has suggested issuing a Fatwa abrogating various sections of the Haddith and Koran or providing instructions (to be followed) for Imams to preach certain sections of the Koran and Ignore others.
One has to assume, therefore, that these organisations are not leaders but followers, are basically toothless organisations full of toothless old men (there won’t be any women), are happy with the status quo (and taking our money) and as such are not part of the solution but part of the problem.
Neither have I heard any sort of apology from any Muslim, about any Muslim atrocity, anywhere, at any time.
The sort that says – I am really so very sorry that followers of my religion have taken such action and caused such suffering and distress. I ask for your forgiveness.
The difficulty is that in Islam there is no central authority (pope, synod, bishop, ecumentical council, magisterium) to make such a declaration, which is likely to be widely ignored in any case. Imams effectively appoint themselves, they’re not ordained, and they can interpret their ‘sacred’ text however they like. The nuttier ones attract nuttier followers, the more fervent and blinkered the better. A bit like the Southern Baptists, only more rabid, with bigger arsenals and horrifically violent tendencies,
Yes – in any closed society (one that denies the influx of new ideas) the end result is extremism of one form or another as there is only positive feedback, making the system unstable.
Regrettably ‘multiculturalism’ is by definition the creation of multiple closed societies.
And Islam – treating the Koran and Hadiths as Gospel – is the ultimate in refusal to accept an influx of new ideas.
This was being discussed on Fox yesterday by a “modernist” American Muslim.
His point was that the very fact the Mohammed (pbuh) had forbidden any discussion of his teachings or any questions of himself in itself stops any reformation.
Whilst the enlightened Christian theologians have tweaked the interpretations of Christ’s teachings through the ages there has been no such advance in Islam.
BBC News Online Frontpage. 2106hrs.
A new reference to Islam is now on the front page in the title of an article by Caroline Wyatt. Whilst written 3 days ago it has now been promoted to the Frontpage :
‘Europe’s Struggle with Islamism’.
This is undoubtedly the most balanced piece of BBC journalism I have watched or read in the last three days.
Unfortunately, the article includes the irrelevant statement:
“ …..Today, mainstream Muslim organisations in the UK and France have unequivocally condemned the killings, saying that terrorism is an affront to Islam….”
Proclamations from Muslim organisations are utterly irrelevant, as Muslims are taught through the teachings of Islam that it is perfectly OK to lie to kuffar. This may however, have the consequence of providing a false sense of security to non-Muslims.
Also, the final paragraph (which Ms Wyatt may have felt necessary to attain editorial approval) signs off with the unfortunate BBC narrative of associating bad values with ‘right wing’ (good values with ‘liberally minded’ in previous para) and confusing what has happened (Muslims keep murdering human beings in the name of their beliefs), with what might happen but never seems to (Muslims will be subject to a backlash):
“……But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.”
The ‘backlash’ of ‘support for far right parties and groups’, is merely a symptom of the en-mass dereliction of duty, honour, diligence and morality of those representing the mainstream parties, aided by those employed in government institutions, including our schools.
The left don’t get it and don’t want to. Conservatives need to wake up, get a leader worthy of the name, and develop a strategy which will protect the values of liberty which is the birth right of my grandchildren.
Vote UKIP. Scrap the telly tax.
Beeboids and mass immigration.
Mass immigration is not only a European political issue, but also an American political issue, which Beeboids want to censor. E.g.-
“Obama Imported 300,000 Muslims Into the US in 2013”
Importing 300,000 in one year is impressive. Suppose, just suppose that it was considered desirable to deport that number of moslems each year. Sure there would be massive legal problems but just suppose they could be overcome. These people, like socialists, are not finding it easy to establish their culture as the dominant one; they find the morals, politics, and law of the west unacceptable and inferior to sharia, and might be better off if assisted to live in a moslem land, where there is only one faith, the true faith, and their wives and children would live according to the tenets of that faith. It would enhance their human rights. They could take their belongings with them and outcome from property sales, and we would still be better off. And suppose we need immigrants to replace them? There are millions in South America and China, who would love to come here and share our culture without trying to destroy it. 300, 000 out each year. It can be done.
by RUTH KING January 9, 2015
computer keyboard type
Hey, please don’t get me wrong….I am appalled and saddened by the jihad in Paris. But if I am going to “suis” (I am) anyone it is the following:
Je suis the people of Israel who have lived through jihad terror after jihad terror for all the years of their existence- random murders in markets, buses, bus stops, pizzerias, mangled strollers in cafes, babies executed in their beds…..the gruesome list goes on and on. And the media is as indifferent to this as it is to the metronomic regularity of jihad in Africa.
Je suis Geert Wilders whose bravery has trumpeted the cause and the locus of Ilamic jihad, namely the Koran, and for this he has been berated, sued, and ostracized for so called “Isalmophobia.”
Je suis the indefatigable Gisele Bat Y’eor who predicted that this barbarism would come to Europe in her book “Eurabia” and all her books and essays…all greeted with a major yawn by mainstream media.
And most of all je suis American- where jihad has struck and will continue to strike and claim victims until we stop babbling about Islamophobia and “the religion of peace”…
Ruth King, editorial board member of Family Security Foundation, Inc., is a freelance writer.
BBC1 News today showing end of siege at the Jewish supermarket. With sadness in the reporter’s voice we are told ‘he didn’t stand a chance’. No mention of the reports elsewhere that he had already murdered 4 hostages. They were the ones who didn’t stand a chance.
and he made sure the phone was off the hook so
everyone could hear his actions and supplications
to Allah, … poor lamb, he wanted to go out with a bang
and take Jews with him …..
… but hey … just like in “billy madison” or that Sci fi film
poor kid, he never stood a chance eh!
…….. scrap the BBC
D Murray, getting increasingly frustrated , and a few home truths for Al BBC, clone Al Jazeera
Glorious ! Douglas Murray has been by far the clearest and most knowledgeable commentator these past few days, cutting through all the pious waffle. I watched and applauded this clip while inwardly groaning at the dumb and biased discussion led by Ed Stourton on Radio 4’s 7am Sunday gabfest.
Disgraceful ending by the presenter ‘Do you, in the far right….’ WTF, very subtle.
Douglas Murray, ‘far right’?!!
Worthy of a BBC gong in bias (and a job) in an attempt to close down any debate and by portraying any person with a contrary, right of centre position, as an Ebola like disease.
However DM came back with ‘Fascist Islamists’, priceless!
Great. Just talked about this on another thread. ‘They’ try and twist everything around to a ‘poor Muslims, boo-hoo-hoo.’ story.
Honestly, to listen to them you’d think non-muslims were killing muslims in terrorist attacks.
I get the feeling that people aren’t buying into it as much as they were.
Why aren’t there more honest journalists like D. Murray who are prepared to tell it like it is. Same with politicians, all keeping their heads down and filling their pockets by parroting the same old ‘on message’ rubbish.
Can’t find it now, but I’m sure al-Bowen used the same phrase, choking back the tears, about some Gazan terrorists emerging from their terrorist tunnels in Israel and being greeted by the IDF in the most appropriate lead-based manner.
Interestingly the BBC has switched to calling it a Jewish not kosher supermarket. Who advised them to change that phrasing? Are they feeling a tiny bit of pressure?
The 5% leap in support for UKIP in the latest yougov opinion poll might be one reason.
Shame I hope although the BBc does not seem to understand the meaning of the word.
I don’t think this is a big deal. Jews refer to such establishments as ‘kosher’ not Jewish, there’s nothing insidious about it. YMMV
Muslims are the new black.
Scotty is the new blonde….
But with fewer brain cells.
How dare you.
I know every ABBA song off my heart.
… been on the pink rinse again?
Pimms young man.
How have the BBC missed this?
Islamists. 2000 (yes two thousand) feared dead. Thats more than ebola in three months.
Perhaps its the staff shortages in the BBC news department. Champagne in Gay Paris?
Scrap the telly tax.
Bbc news puts this up on its web site
And just look at the photo they choose to lead with …
Lots about support for Muslims, lots about the one Muslim victim including a rather strange statement from his brother “……..anti-Semites should not confuse extremists with Muslims “? . Who is/are the anti -Semites here ?
The agenda is being firmly pointed in the required direction.
Nothing about the dead magazine staff, the other dead policeman, the dead black female officer, or the dead Jews apart from their names……
A message to Al Beeb…..
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the British people all the time.”
Has anyone noticed just how weird the BBC and every other media outlets’reporting of the “bin lorry tragedy” is?
There seems to be strong indications, including a D notice preventing reporting of the driver’s name, that it may well have been the “bin lorry jihad”.
One of the posts doing the rounds on that is “Bin Lorry Jihad?” at:
In this day and age more than ever, nature abhors a vacuum.
The longer it persists and grows, the greater the implosion if released.
I really hope the authorities, and establishment in support, know what they are doing.
Timely truth may be the least of unplatable alternatives, but a culture of long grass kicking has created few with leadership quapities to stand behind this.
Let us consider all those involved in this incident:
# UK Government
# Scottish Government
# Police Scotland
# Scottish Ambulance Service
# Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
# NH S Scotland
# Glasgow City Council
# The families of those killed and injured
# The relatives, friends and colleagues of the Council employees
# All those who have provided evidence and witnesses statements
# All those who in the immediate aftermath provided comments to the media.
If this is anything other than a tragic accident do you really think the “establishment” could suppress evidence from all those who have been directly or indirectly involved.
Probably the most accurate line from the article you cite.
“The local council and the police won’t release the name of the bin lorry driver or his two fellow crew members.”
Glasgow City Council are under no obligation to release the name of their employees. Police Scotland have never said the names won’t be released – the incident is still being investigated and a report for the Procurator Fiscal is still to be completed.
“Two weeks later and there has been no confirmation of the driver’s condition or injuries.”
Well, apart from the fact that his release from hospital has been widely reported!!
“At the end of the trail of destruction the driver is clearly pictured seated in an upright position. Not “slumped over the wheel” as was widely reported”
Apart from claims on “dodgy” anti – Islam websites do you have any evidence to support this assertion.
“There are reports and pictures which support the contention that the crew were of Middle Eastern appearance”
Really, if so why not cite the reports and show any photographic evidence.
“The accident took place during the most visible celebration of Christianity.”
Well that must settle things – accidents never happen At Christmas!!
…but terrorist offences often do…
It may be that the “right to be forgotten” controversy has made the media sensitive to publishing people’s names.
If it was an innocent accident then the driver arguably should be allowed to move on without having his name on the internet for decades to come.
May be.
Be nice to get beyond what ‘may’ or not… ‘be’.
Interesting precedent, especially for news organizations (and their apologists) who claim the right to ask questions and/or hold power to account, if even the sensitivities of a single individual can see a news blackout.
We shall just have to see how much the BBC and others respect the anonymity of those responsible (if not blamed) for serious compromises to the safety of the public, especially when ideological foes vs. friends of the family.
Wonder how the M25 fatality in the news will play out? Guess we’ll never know.
But it was fine to name the driver in this incident.
It would appear that in the latest case everyone present were with hours satisfied full H&S compliance was in place, and that was good enough for all media to lose all interest until what will presumably be some kind of inquiry to ensure nothing happened further precautions could prevent.
Any chance that you can repost the above in plain English.
Probably because it went to a court case subsequent to an investigation being concluded.
Interesting contrast this morning between BBC News and Sky (which is often no better than the BBC these days) over their reporting of the actions of “hero” Lassana Bathily.
I can’t remember this word for word but, after the BBC report, I was left with the clear impression that he had risked his life to direct customers into the freezer before locking them in.
In a translated interview on Sky, it appears that he took refuge in the freezer and others followed him in. He then told them to be quiet “or we will be discovered”.
No comment anywhere of course on the fact that a Kosher supermarket was happy to employ a Muslim in the first place.
I’m not trying to belittle this man in any way, but simply drawing attention to the way that it appears his actions are being manipulated.
On a slightly different note, I’ve yet to see anyone at the Place de la Republique give any indication that a backlash against Muslims is their primary concern right now, unlike politicians and media drones.
Emily Thornberry makes a come back. Suprise suprise it’s on Radio 5 this morning.
Good old BBC, they never let a good old friend go.
Vicki Pryce has been on to lecture us too….nice to be told what to think by a jailbird.
In the spirit of continuing the new BBC policy (the Evans rule) of referring to spent convictions shouldn’t the BBC use the formula “time served criminal” for all celebs etc who have served time at HMP?
Just a thought – if the BBC hate Evans for his vile crime so much why was it that they employed a man who was one of their stars who had murdered a German taxi driver. Is there any crime worse than murder?
Just watching German ARD news and they have broadcast the head of the prophet from Kurt Westgaard’s famous cartoon.
Can’t imagine the BBC doing that even with pixelisation. Spineless cunts.
I doubt we will see any images of the prophet on today’s anodyne Je suis Charlie demo. The heads of state present, according to ARD will bravely march 200 m then disappear -presumably to remove their soiled undergarments.
If Christians in Pakistan behave the way Islamics behave in Europe….what would be the outcome?
Just a thought.
The BBC is going all out, Islamophile over Pegida, like this :-
BBC – Germany protests: Dresden marches against the
anti-Islamists Pegida
“Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz urged supporters of Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) to change their minds and join the campaign against racism”
erm …. how! … many more times
In their Islamophile fervour … they appear to have missed this?
Zee News – German newspaper that reprinted Charlie Hebdo cartoons firebombed
“A German newspaper in the northern city of Hamburg that reprinted Prophet Muhammad cartoons from French paper Charlie Hebdo has been the target of an arson attack.”
“It’s an all-out war to destroy the freedom of speech and impose Islam’s blasphemy law restricting negative speech about Islam.
And most of the Western media has already surrendered and submitted to this violent intimidation by refusing to run the cartoons”
R Spencer
The BBC tries to smear PEGIDA as being as “racist” as, say, it thought EDL was. But I bet there is a huge turnout in Dresden tomorrow – a spontaneous expression of concern about Islamisation.
The BBC and the rest of the dhimmies are trying to hang on to control of the agenda. But bit by bit they are losing it, thank God.
losing it?
… more like giving it away ..
yep! handing it over on a plate.
So typical of the inept, duplicitous, self serving
No10 traitors, perhaps a few quid from the sharia finance capital is heading their way, if they only look the other way, or cosy up to the instigators
If PEGIDA announce this demonstration as support for the French Journalists murdered, what will the BBC do?
Ignore it and run a repeat of Harrabin and Shukman’s last climate change Armageddon movie.
Warn of the danger of the ‘far right’ exploiting the attacks and ‘capitalising’ on them to generate ‘islamophobia’ and cause a ‘backlash’. That’s the script.
The Musketeers Series 2:2 BBC
‘The musketeers must find and rescue d’Artagnan and the king. Can they save Louis from mortal danger and will they return him to the palace in time for the dauphin’s christening?’
Of course it’s a preposterous story but it could make an entertaining episode for a series that the BBC claim is ‘a thrilling world of action, adventure and romance inspired by Dumas.’ The disturbing part was a strangely irrelevant sub-thread to the story (outlined above), involving white slavers beating a black man with a flail, same unarmed black man being targeted and shot in the back and killed by a white slaver, and the musketeers later paying money (by way of compensation?) to the wife of the shot man.
When you consider that there must be a European/world (USA?) market for this series then there seems to me to be a worrying message being sent out to young people, or indeed, to anyone else watching the programme. The key point is the complete irrelevance of skin colour to the storyline other than as a means of introducing a race issue and BBC ‘waycism’ into the story.
Of course, as is the way of BBC drama these days, there are a lot of other revisionary cultural messages flying around the set and you don’t need to look for them: the black man had a heavy multiculti ‘black’ London accent which, amidst a group of excellent leading actors (of differing and mixed races) doing their damnedest to give the story credibility, made his acting seem very out of place; some of the actors portraying ‘villains’ had ‘white’ northern English accents (also out of place) and there were some powerful, controlling women and cowardly men. Well produced, filmed, and costumed ‘The Musketeers’ seems, unfortunately, to be another good idea for an enjoyable TV series deformed by the BBC tick list.
Here is something the public won’t learn from the BBC. For all its (growing) faults, it is from today’s Telegraph, and was written by Andrew Gilligan: It shows what we are up against and how far the cancer has spread,
“Last Tuesday, little more than 12 hours before the atrocities in Paris, there was a meeting at the House of Commons – hosted by a Labour MP, Yasmin Qureshi – at which Britain’s leading Islamists called for the country’s counter-terrorism policy, Prevent, to be scrapped. Among the attendees was Azad Ali, who has called for British troops to be killed, described al-Qaeda as a “myth,” and written of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric cited as a direct influence by one of the Paris murderers. ”
The demo in Paris a ‘utopian socialist’ one, which has banned Marine Le Pen
(who opposes the Islamisation of France) from participating, but demonstrates for its
‘alienated’ Muslims?
This politically suits INBBC.
And so the Islamisation of Europe will continue, with full support of ‘the left’.
Good comment, George R, and I have taken the liberty of re-posting it (in your name) on Breitbart – hope you don’t mind.
Hollande’s hijacking of the event was as cringeworthy as Bliar’s hijacking of the death and funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales.
We see the traitor Cameron going to Paris to deny any involvement of Islam in the Slaughter of a lot of people, and we hear his hollow words about freedom which he has done as much to destroy as anyone, but then to find that he is actively working on the release of a Saudi Terrorist from Guantanamo bay beggars all belief.
Worse still this Saudi Terrorist has a right of residence in the UK so no doubt he will come here and no doubt following precedent they will give him more than £1 million because they were a bit nasty to him while imprisoned.
The only explanation which actually holds water is that the leader of the greed mongers cares nothing for anything or anyone other than his own personal enrichment. It would not surprise me to hear that after Cameron leaves office he will receive his reward from Saudi Arabia, just like Tony Blair did.
After all when you have eliminated all the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
And Cameron-May-Clegg continue ban on American anti-Islamic jihadists, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from entering Britain. And Beeboids show no interest.
but come on Tom, this guys ok
“jailed for six years in 2007 after calling for British soldiers to be brought back from Iraq in bodybags.”
Now “he manages the Siddeeq Academy in Tower Hamlets, an Islamic …”tuition” centre in East London.
It seems clear what he is teaching there.
The UK allows this man to run an Islamic tuition centre while banning counter-jihadists from entering the country.
So what is Britain buying for its future?
Many, many more Mizanur Rahman
R Spencer
Michael Savage also banned by our freedom-of-speech loving politicians.
I now avoid bbbc as much as I can but today I turned on bbbc news 24 and realised just how threatened the bbbc must feel regarding this latest islamic atrocity……….They must be very worried so much so that they wheeled out the ‘big guns’ in the shape of that awful, awful Lyse Doucet. Realising her pro arab,pro islamic views I had no doubt that the afternoon would be full of her passing pro islamic comments and parading numerous extreme examples in front of the camera just to prove that islam is the religion of peace and most definitely not violent and all muslims are superb citizens in all ways so I quickly switched over……..At the close of the afternoon I switched bbbc news 24 back on again and there she was still parading various subjects as above and repeating as above………. I don’t suppose that she had any time to praise any of the security services for their bravery or interview Douglas Murray about his views or ask Nigel Farage what he thought. I expect that the gradual changing of words and meanings is now creeping in i. e. several ‘people’ died after a ‘man’ entered a supermarket armed with a gun and that the ‘militants’ in the printing factory were ‘killed’ by police and that several people died during the police operations. The other little subtle change is that they were continually referring to the French people as ‘European citizens’.
Why is it that the bbbc just don’t get it? Is it just that their invented world is a little bit under threat?
Oh, and doesn’t cameroon make the nation proud?
If the BBC really wanted to know what the religion of peace can be like they could ask those muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Nigeria who have suffered at the hands of fellow muslims.
Or they could find an academic in the West and ask them. That’s probably easier and safer.
I wonder if the BBC still believe this from its own website.
“What can justify Jihad?
There are a number of reasons, but the Qur’an is clear that self-defence is always the underlying cause.
Although the Prophet engaged in military action on a number of occasions, these were battles to survive, rather than conquest, and took place at a time when fighting between tribes was common.”
‘The Prophet’, eh?
Not the so-called prophet or the muslim prophet.
Yet ISIL is always ‘so called’.
Unfortunately the BBC and others now regularly refer to the ‘Prophet Mohammed.’ However the simple use of the ‘Prophet’ here tells you who wrote the self-serving uncritical guff.
My pooch has more “prophet” qualities than old Mohamhead, he had quite a few ….. lets say “issues”
only 50 reasons? I ve only just seen your reply
That Michal Hussain woman reporting from Paris. Just rub our noses in it won’t you. She couldn’t understand the fuss Israel was making over a few rockets killing only a few Jew’s not long ago. Now just look at her being shown at this historic event as if she’s neutral. Lady Haw Haw.
If the BBC had been around in 1605 to report on the Guy Fawkes incident, BBC managers would be imprisoned – or worse – for the impertinance and insensitivity of using Catholic presenters to cover the event and to preach at us.
Among 40 or so headlines on the main news page of the BBC I can see nil mention of the firebombing of a German newspaper office. (It is among the 20 headlines on the Sky website)
But tomorrow we will have endless BBC whining about the Pegida marches in Germany, how terrible they are.
News vs. Not news (c) A. Newsroom Tealady.
Don’t ask them to explain it; they don’t have to.
Something about transparency. Apparently.
Why when whilst living in the wilds if Somerset do I have to suffer Islamic Lectures from Radio Bristol
Yet over the border on Radio Devon I can get a tribute to Ray Steadman Allen
Who at the bBC decides that Somerset is more diverse than Devon and subjects us to such sh1t? If I wanted to hear about Islamic Lectures I’d tune into Radio Mecca. Just to appease the tiny amount of incomers in Bristol, the whole of the region has to suffer this cra@p and on a Sunday evening as well.
FRO dhimmi bBC…
Perhaps a better question would be, why wasn’t it broadcast on ‘The Asian Network’? Why else are we paying the ‘Living Room Tax’ for it? I don’t watch CBBC for the footie results.
As far I’m concerned they can close all local radio stations, network the frequencies with Radio Two, just have a local brekky and drivetime show, and hourly local news, travel and weather, add to that the Asian Network, which is choosy as to which Asians it wants its audience to be, don’t wanna be forced to pay for it.
They’re just full of diverse cr@p anyway, how dare anyone play an 80 year old song using words that were acceptable back then…
French unity…except for
How much did they get at the European Elections 25%
My heart skipped a beat when I saw this evenings TV listing.
BBC2 8pm Kate Humble – Into the Volcano
Have BBC executives been reading this site and finally found ways to dispose of highly paid BBC presenters I thought?
Sadly, she did come out again at the end of the program. 🙂
(For the record I should state this is in jest, I have no particular animosity towards Kate Humble, although I find her permanently positive tone a little tiresome. Certainly no reason to chuck her in a volcano!).
Surely, though, we must appease mother Gaia with some human sacrifice because we are nasty capitalist polluters.
I`ll be honest here. When I saw the likes of Merckel and Cameron linking arms, metaphorically doing the hokey-cokey, choreographing the birdie song and mincing around their handbags….I feel that Bin Laden is laughing from somewhere near the earths crust.
These gilded, manicured saps fly in for the day trip, showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, whilst they left its flank exposed and gave the come-on to Bin Ladens pubic lice that infest us now. And certainly never ambled more than a block away from nannys skirts in central Paris-imagine any of them daring to take the Metro to La Defence-especially Hollande, the little bumboil?
These people daily put me at risk-they provide nothing but lavender sachets and Gazza false boobs by way of “protection” against Islam nutjobs.
We`ll end up having to take our own defence into our own hands.
The liberal elite are all Juan Craven-never graduated beyond Newsround by way of current affairs….Craven f****ers!
I know it is a serious day in Paris with a serious point, but do you remember back in the USSR we used to have political commentators discussing who was up/down the politburo pecking order depending on how far away from the General Secretary they were? Well Merkel and Hollande were arm in arm today with the top Eurocrats right in the mix and Dave was away over to the side somewhere. Any kremlinologists like to tell us what that means?
This shows us where Labour’s priorities are, and hence those of the bBBC. Don’t mention the murdered cartoonists but emphasise the Muslim policeman.
10pm BBC1 News, Gavin Hewitt nearly choked as he reported that Hollande had said, ‘we are all Jewish in France now’. Good job that Mishal wasn’t scripted to say it.
Anyone who thinks the shootings in Paris will change the policy direction taken by every western liberal government for the last 50 years is sadly mistaken. It will take a lot more than a few deaths, either there, London, Madrid or anywhere else to change the status quo. The system is morally corrupt from top to toe. Change brought on by exposing their errors will not work, change will only come by one of three things. Either a majority of the population so frightened by events use their one remaining power and elect some hard men with some hard solutions or the level of violence grows to Nigerian levels and the elite see that actually they and their families might end up in the body bags before they have managed to steal enough gold to pay for a nice life elsewhere. The third alternative is no change of government from the liberal ones, continuing violence, and eventual civil war. I see no other end story for Europe, can anyone else offer any alternative ?
I think you’ve summed it up depressingly well there.
I suppose another [unlikely] alternative could be a large attack on UK soil in the next six months which could result in UKIP getting a balance of power in the UK elections. This could lead to some slight changes. However, I’m not convinced they aren’t just as keen on troughing themselves as the other lot, so maybe even this shock result would not matter a jot. UKIP do not generally strike me as a party that can cope with more than one idea at a time.
It’s hard to think what could possibly jolt the public and politicians to take action if the mass rape of tens, or hundreds of thousands of young girls by Muslims doesn’t do it.
Just think how different things could be if the BBC actually set out to protect children from sexual abuse (perish the thought, it’s a bit against their DNA isn’t it?). Imagine if they actually covered stories of young girls with their lives destroyed every day (like they do with the far-right bacon attacks on mosques). Imagine if every day they questioned ministers (and former Labour ministers) about what they were doing now to bring these rapists to justice and – more importantly – what are they doing to see that this never happens again. Imagine if every day they said “What is it about Islam that makes its followers do these things?”.
This is what so disgusts me about the BBC. They could do so much to contribute towards our culture but instead they spend our money treating us like we are dog s**t.
You’ve pointed out the moment the dogs ( literally, in the way they think of us ) did not bark. A rolling list of towns where Muslim men subjected young white girls to sexual violence and rape leading up to Rotherham. If a society is not going to take to the streets to deal with foreign rapists of its most precious youth then it never will for anything else.
If the bbc is prepared to ignore the assaults on their young bodies in the desire to protect their multi cultural bullshit then there is no hope for them either, they are hopeless “useful idiots” blinded by their liberal dreams to grim reality. It would need the mass rape of their women and daughters rather than as they see it the dregs of working class towns to open their eyes and minds. Seeing as they make sure they live behind big gates and walls this is not going to happen.
As you say UKIP might stir thing up a bit, but able and willing to carry out a huge change of direction ? Doubtful. If this happened 50 years ago I would expect the Army to take over to restore order, but now ? The Army is a pitifully small thing these days and licking its self inflicted wounds caused by allowing itself to be used fighting in the sandpit for the benefit of criminals.
I honestly expect a deteriorating situation leading to groups arming themselves to enforce order and then a version of the 1970s Lebanon civil war.
Russell Howard, alleged comedian. He appears on BBC. Somebody showed me a clip of him going completely lunatic, Dave Spart style. He was attacking UKIP, PM Cameron and basically taking a swing at everything that is not far left. All to canned laughing because their is no humour in a ranting, wild eyed fanatic. That’s kind; he is burnt into my mind as the image of a fascist screaming forever in your ear that he wants you dead because you are not left wing. Check out what you are paying for.