Just a little tale in praise of the NHS….something the BBC doesn’t tell you about….we hear of the 7.4% who don’t get treated within 4 hours at A&E but what of the 92.6% who do?
My neighbour felt some chest pain during Friday night. 111 was called and as he was feeling relatively OK they sent paramedics only first thing in the morning.
Taken to hospital for a thorough check up he then had a more serious attack and needed an operation. He was moved to another hospital to have that…successfully. Amazingly he is due out and back home on Tuesday.
So even during this ‘crisis’ in the NHS they still manage to do the business and do it quickly when urgency is required.
Perhaps the BBC should stop putting so much emphasis on the relatively small things that go wrong and look at what goes right as millions of people are treated and go home happy and fit.
I have always argued that if the BBC and the Government placed more emphasis on people leading a healthy lifestyle, then the demand on A and E Departments would decrease. Prevention is better than cure!
Same story happened to me just 2 months ago at Royal Sussex Hospital Brighton.
I personally had a cardiac stent fitted into left descending artery, (concurrently discovering right coronary artery totally blocked), all discovered from making a 111 call.
Cannot thank these brilliant NHS professionals enough. Absolutely life saving epitome of cardiac care anywhere on this planet. Thank you the fantastic NHS for saving my life and such brilliant, timely service.
No wonder you were classed as the best in the world:
One should not forget, it is Labour who have given the BBC the electioneering agenda and indoctrination plan to put the NHS on trial in the run-up to the the election.
Just as we have come to expect, we have a torrent of propaganda and indoctrination delivered in buckets from our state broadcaster in support of Labour.
It is unjustified and does not add up. Just do not ask about:
LABOUR NHS Wales, (who have much bigger problems – see how much and carefully the BBC avoids putting that on the agenda).
Stafford (Plus around 11 other NHS Trusts failing under Labour). Not quite Chilcott standard but so many coffins it certainly deserves to be listed as treason.
Labour Placements in CQC which did not do their job and tried to cover up for Burnham and Co.
PFI under LABOUR – Privatisation in other words – £300 bn PFI to be repaid by our kids and grand kids to these badly negotiated LABOUR Government awarded contracts to private companies with gold plated conditions appertaining for the next 30 years:
2004 – LABOUR negotiagted GPs contracts which took away most of the out of hours service and made our GPs the highest paid in the world for this decreased service. This was in the knowledge of earth shattering immigration figures which was adding millions more to be treated.
see also:
Although inflating our population by 4 million, (plus god knows how many illegals), during the time Labour were in office, they never built that into:
NHS plans to cover, (especially since now out of hours services were curtailed and there was only A&E left).
Same with schools, transport, housing nor cultural cohesion.
Yep, Mr D last spring – we rang 111 and within an hour and a half he was on the ward having had 2 stents fitted. Clean wards and very grateful users of the NHS.
Meanwhile my Mum last week should have gone to hospital with chest infection, but she won’t go because of the messages put out by the BBC and Labour. If she develops pneumonia it is their politicking that will have caused it.
I also wrote this on one of the threads here last week:
Convinced NHS A&E crisis definitely concocted as ‘anti tory’ by a combined Labour and BBC stitch up.
Got to be, since Labour NHS Wales is 10% worse than NHS England, but hardly a mention, particularly not on BBC:
BBC: Breaking News: A&E summit is needed to find a fix, Labour tells government:
But go and check Channel 4 news “Is A&E in Crisis” clip – 3 mins in – Andy Burnham – Tackled about NHS Wales which has 10% worse A&E waiting times than NHS England – but Burnham tries to brush this off and says this is about NHS England!
Not surprised and it is entirely predictable with BBC nowadays.
Part of the malaise afflicting this country is the existence of two parallel moralities and two parallel sets of beliefs. We have the ‘official’ line and the ‘real life’ line. It’s a bit like Victorian England. The Victorians had strict official sexual morality, but on the quiet they were at it like rabbits.
An example of this mass hypocrisy has just come to my attention. The official line about the A & E problems says that it has been caused by deficiencies in the GP service and too many old people. I’ve recently been privileged to hear the ‘real life’ line, from a group of NHS managers. They all agree, privately, that the population increase (60% of which is caused by immigration), NHS freeloaders from abroad, the chronic bad health of many immigrants, and the language difficulties, are the real problems. There’s absolutely no way any of the people I was listening to would say any of these things ‘officially’. They would be dismissed.
The other big problem is the sheer stupidity of many patients. I was told of people who for instance turn up at 10.30pm to complain of a bleeding finger nail, the injury having been done that morning.
I wonder if the NHS crisis had anything to do with the fact that it was the Christmas party period when alcohol is consumed in huge quantities, also more people are at home and it is a known fact that most accidents happen in the home?
What gets me though is that liebour and the bbc paint us a doomsday scenario regarding the NHS, they are very good at using words like ‘crisis’ but without explaining why… but they don’t need to, it’s already done the damage that they require.
Milipede was asked on this morning’s Marr show about his comment that “the NHS would disappear under the tories” and why it hasn’t?
The weasel shit couldn’t, he just said that he meant “it wouldn’t survive as we know it” or, as we really knew it under liebour,…a free for all service that wasted billions, killed people and has never recovered. It didn’t matter though, milipede’s lies had done the job.
Between now and May there will be many ‘doomsday’ scenarios painted with many apocalyptic descriptions given but most will never be actually proven or explained but they will be believed by many braindead morons up and down the country..therein lies the problem.
The NHS is still there, as are millions of immigrants, but that’s the elephant in the room that milipede will never talk about.
What is clear is that the “ageing” population, despite the determination of the BBC to say otherwise, cannot be the explanatory causal factor. Consider: the ageing of the population is a significant long term – and predictable – cumulative trend and can easily be factored into the NHS modelling of medical needs of the population. The reporting of the A & E crisis by the BBC is noticeably lacking statistics which would demonstrate whether this is true. Anybody going to A & E – as I have – will not particularly notice a preponderence of old people. The factor that explains A & E is population size and the main driver of that is immigration.