Having a mooch around looking at various Muslim reactions to recent events and I came across this letter from the Home Office to one of these so called ‘interfaith’ groups…..whether you believe in the genuine good intentions of those who set it up others can better inform you than me.
If you cannot read that here it is:
Home office
James Brokenshire MP
2 Marsham Street, London SWlP 4DF
Mehri Niknam MBE
Executive Director
Council of lmams and Rabbis
The Joseph lnterfaith Foundation
Suite 2, Savant House
63-65 Camden High Street
CTS Reference: M1919811 1 2 1 NOV 2011
Thank you for your letter of 31 October informing the Home Secretary that the
Council of lmams and Rabbis of the Joseph lnterfaith Foundation has sought to
dispel the false perception that the Jewish Community supports the English
Defence League (EDL). I am responding as the Home Office Minister
responsible for policy in this area.
Although community cohesion is primarily the responsibility of the Department for
Communities and Local Government your letter has been noted at the Home
Office. We welcome your positive action to counter the divisive influence and
minimise the impact of EDL activity.
As a Government our position is clear, we will not tolerate groups like the EDL
who spread hate, seek to divide us and deliberately raise community fears and
We will:
- Speak out and condemn their views and actions where appropriate;
- Continue to develop an effective public order policing response;
- Engage with local areas to support local action to tackle the EDL;
- And develop our knowledge base so that we better understand the drivers of
EDL support and can develop successful approaches to deal with the
Local agencies know their communities best and we trust them to put in place
suitable local measures to counter the influence and minimise the impact of EDL
activity. We stand ready to provide advice and support where it is requested.
Signed James Brokenshire
I wonder if the BBC received a letter along similar lines as part of an orchestrated media campaign against the EDL?
Quite clearly the government set out to crush the EDL…despite it merely being an organistaion that spoke out about extremist Islam…..in fact it said what the BBC’s John Ware said on Panorama last night….only they were decried as Islamophobes and racists ‘polluting’ people’s minds if I remember correctly what Sarah Montague said…..the interview that Mehdi Hasan thought too easy going, so much so that he created his own list of questions that the BBC should ask Tommy Robinson….and you know what the BBC obliged, Andrew Neil, of all people, being Hasan’s stooge sent in to do his dirty work a couple of days later. Fast movers when they want to be in reaction to certain ‘listener’s complaints’!
No doubt the German government has learnt much from the British on how to malign, discredit and sideline such groups…groups like Pegida are in the firing line whilst Islamist groups like the MCB get handouts and knighthoods and extremists like Tariq Ramadan actually advise the government on Islam and freedom of religion! But then we did have the rather dodgy Baroness Warsi in charge of that….the same Baroness who wanted to disarm Israel and arm Hamas!
Couldn’t make it up could you?
Look forward to a John Ware investigation into that web of intrigue and betrayal.
And shielding of Islamic jihadists and supremacists continues under Obama-
“White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles”
[Excerpt- by Pamela Geller]-
“After ignoring the global jihad for the whole of his presidency, his silence amounted to nothing short of support. And that support let to empowerment and jihad success in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America.
“Now that the Jihad is raging, thanks in large part to his islamophiliac foreign policy, Obama’s solution to the bloodshed and the carnage is — don’t report it. If a tree falls in the woods and the media doesn’t cover it, then it doesn’t make a sound. Obama was elected President, but he behaves like a tinpot dictator.
“This is, by the way, exactly what Islamic supremacists have been demanding for years. That media stop reporting on jihad. The media have, in large part, complied. But when Sydney, Paris, Ottawa happen — it cannot be denied.
“I expect Obama to come after counter-jihad sites as well, because truth-seeking freedom lovers increasingly are going to the net for their news.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/01/white-house-obama-will-fight-media-to-stop-anti-jihad-articles.html/#sthash.CHEz2fxA.dpuf
Makes you wonder if the Islamists had murdered a bunch of right wing or nationalist journalists would our government have expressed much concern?
There does seem to be a hierarchy of victims, and for the BBC it seems that left wing cartoonists are currently Top Trumps, while Iraqi and Syrian muslims killed by IS are at the bottom.
And Nigerian Christians are below the bottom.
Next to Pakistani Christians (while there are still a few left).
if the Islamists had murdered a bunch of right wing or nationalist journalists would our government have expressed much concern?
I expect so. The major difference being the BBC and most other media would not have hesitated to publish the offensive artwork.
Or perhaps not. Mostly anti Jihadi agitation comes from the right — which shows how misleading left-right labels are when outside economics. The far Left has long been in bed with Islam.
Charlie Hebdo came from a religion-is-ridiculous perspective. The right come from a save-our-civilisation perspective. The enemy is the same.
“Interfaith”….The true Meaning….
@So called leaders of selected religions, races and groups, get together a couple of times a year for photo opportunity, at the bequest of our ruling elites, and at a cost to the British taxpayer…
Listening now to Ernie Reas show yesterday “Beyond Belief”.
A variety of talking heads spend thirty minutes trying to give Ernie an an alternative word to “fundamentalism” for those gunmen in Paris last week.
What an Islamic snow job…restricted codes, no different to Christians way back…and Ernie manages to get no words for Muslim Islamic psychopathic murdering scum…but boy he tries.
There seems to be one head that makes sense-but then he talks of saying his prayers “Allah Akbar”…and I feel I`m being duped.
I myself am happy to be regarded as a fundamentalist…but to see a load of academic liberals wriggling on semantic hooks of their own indulgence gives me the creeps.
Typical arcane semantics-and any excuse not to face the evils of Islam head on…when Islam is described as a “language” and “not a religion” then it`s time to say goodbye to the folks Gracie.
Shouldn`t we all be pestering our libraries to get a copy of Charlie Hebdo-to prevent us all having to buy it, and for us here in the UK to show support for the Parisian slain?
Seems pointless for us all to buy it…a loan, a periodical shelving for just a week or so…eco friendly, good for EU harmonisation and integration…and certainly makes a change from those godawful freesheets re rates, crime reduction or waste provision that they love to boast about.
Didn`t Alan Bennett and the like worry about libraries being reduced in funding-akin to child abuse.
Here`s their chance to -for once in their lives-to be relevant, make the news…set an example to stymie the Muslim `tards who want us to be as ill-read as they are.
Ah dream on…..
The Andrew Neil interview with Tommy, I well remember that.
Andrew caught a lot of flack over that loaded, disgusting character assassination, particularly on twitter as @afneil
He roundly responded to his critics by saying he’d just as happily treat an ‘ islamist’ in the same way.
You know what? I’m still awaiting that islamist interview.
I’m well aware that he is regarded as having the sun shine out of his arsehole by many on here, but at the end of the day, just as yellow as the rest of the shit on bbc and elsewhere.
Since one of our founding signatories became Prime Minister, we’ve gone from strength to strength.
There’s nothing more satisfying than watching the white working-class scum whinging about their teenage daughters getting raped, or their neighbourhoods being transformed into Turd World slums, then seeing them get arrested for it, whilst we’re allowed to smash up public and private property with impunity.
I’ve always wanted to join the UAF.
I’ve got a job and I am not dole scum is that a handicap?
Also I like to wash more than once a month.
Do you have a trust fund?
Yes and I have daddy issues as well.
Would you get me a pair of trainers, size 12, please?
“It would have been more meaningful if politicians had stayed away from Sunday’s Paris demo”
By Peter Hill.
They did stay way, and faked their attendance for the world’s media.
Here is the picture of them “leading” the march, from another angle…
They faked it!
That letter is chilling. It means that the power of the state will be used against those who do not accept the current doctrines of liberalism. Well I think that has always been the case.
And there they were,. Arm in arm in Paris in defence of free speech. Or so they would have us believe.
Hypocrisy and typical of the Europe we are letting come into being.
They must have not wanted Netanyahu there really. Now I know why he was there and so do all right thinking people.
And by taking the bodies of the murdered Jews back to Israel he is making clear just how we should regard these Europeans now.
A fine act by a good man.
The chilling phrase in this document is: “Continue to develop an effective public order policing response”.
The police are required to apply the law consistently and there is long tradition of equality before the law. Now, James Brokenshire, a Parliamentary Undersecretary, is explicitly saying to this lobby group that he directing the police to use the Public Order Act against one identified group. This makes clear a hierarchy of application of this law at which point the police have become explicitly a politicised force. He should have said the police will maintain law and order without favour – equally- instead of doing the bidding of a lobby group. I would think there are grounds for judicial revue of arrests and convictions because clearly the application of the Public Order Act is applied only when evidentially it is justified. For him to give this undertaking, regarding a direction to British police forces, suggests strongly to apply this law regardless of the facts of the behaviour of particular group in a particular situation. In short, he is asking for this Act to be used as a means of repressing public protest, a pillar of democracy. Who else is so targeted? Extraordinary!
You’re right. This should be a massive story. I’ve heard nothing.
Absolutely correct. Labour politicised the police more than any previous Government. The coalition are going even further with it.
UKIP are the only party who believe in ONE law equally for ALL.
James Brokenshire says that the government needs to “better understand the drivers of EDL support”. Really?
How about this for a “driver”: a disruptive, pushy, medieval, intolerant and violent ideology that despises the host culture?
The only thing driving support for the EDL, is the state protecting Islamic extremism, whilst suppressing non-Muslim’s opposition to such extremism.
“Although community cohesion is primarily the responsibility of the Department for Communities and Local Government your letter has been noted at the Home Office. We welcome your positive action to counter the divisive influence and minimise the impact of EDL activity.
As a Government our position is clear, we will not tolerate groups like the EDL who spread hate, seek to divide us and deliberately raise community fears and tensions.”
Those paragraphs explain why I cannot vote for any party which has been in Government for the past 20 years.
Either the government is so incredibly ignorant as to get things completely assbackwards, or the state is engaged in a wilfull attempt to break our society down and destroy this country.
The EDL, never ever set out to “spread hate, seek to divide us and deliberately raise community fears and tensions” Tommy Robinson set out, in clear easy to understand language, exactly what happened to cause the rise of the EDL, and how the EDL only existed to raise awareness of the EXACT same Islamic extremism growing unaposed and with the state’s assistance in our towns and cities, that Panorama exposed only this week. The EDL was all about uniting the country in defence of decent tolerant British values. The same values enjoyed by Brits, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Blacks, Asians and every other part of our diverse society.
Tommy, (and thousand of others) experienced the intolerance, hate, prejudice and bigotry from Muslims and warned us all about the dangers of tolerating such hatred. I still cannot understand how the liberal progressives can refuse to tolerate mild levels of bigotry, in tackling “everyday” or “casual sexism” “Casual racism” and other low levels of intolerance, yet give Islam a complete free pass, and even state protection to promote Islamic hatred, and to commit mass gang rapes of children, savage mutilation of women and direct encitement to mass murder.
If anyone is trying to divide society, it is the progressive liberals in government and media pushing their divisive Politically Correct ideology, which divides society into competing adversarial victim groups, whilst stamping down on traditional British values and nakedly surrendering to vile alien philosophies of hatred, slavery and oppression under Sharia law.
I find it difficult to understand how vile extremist hatemongers are given police protection, and those warning of the hatemongers are attacked by the state, the police and the media.
Tommy Robinson is this country’s most misunderstood man, he tried to warn us all, and people still, wrongly, claim he is just a racist thug. To me, he is a very brave, rational, sane, and correct human being.
I meant to include the video of Tommy speaking to the Oxford Union, explaining why the EDL ever became necessary.
As stage-managed ‘responses’ seem de rigeur, it seems the latest Charlie Hebdo publication in France has seen the massed ranks of the BBC heading straight to every over-inflated imam in the UK to whinge how offended they are and may not be able to restrain their flock’s anger.
Not too clear which community is meant to live in fear here.
It’s like that Panorama was a one-off.
Written by Paul Weston.
“Foreign Office Advisory Group on freedom of religion or belief”!
Taqiyya Ramadan?
Good start—–