Personally, I’ve never quite understood why so many of my co-religionists are so keen to kill or maim those who ‘insult’ Islam, Prophet Muhammad or the Quran.
Media Hasan 2012
Errrr…scrub that……
Good old Media Hasan, that Islamist opportunistic chancer…thought we’d lost him for a while but he’s crawled out from under his stone to make a comment, finally, about Charlie Hebdo.
Of course he was in a difficult position….support Charlie Hebdo and burnish his liberal, progressive, secular credentials as he is prone to do and really upset the Brothers, or support the killers and he’d be discredited and finished, he’d be sharing taxis with Nicky Campbell’s ex-mate Mo Ansar. Islam or Free Speech? Islam or Free Speech? One had to go. ‘fraid it was the Free Speech. Just as the choice he made with homophobia…he chose Islam whilst also paradoxically claiming not to be homophobic.
Amusing that he is so ‘tired’ of all the media attention asking for his comments…so unlike him…wonder why he doesn’t really want to comment.
Actually you know it’s Muslim news story week when Muslims slaughter cartoonists and Jews….never mind what is happening in the rest of the world….good old Boko Haram eh…2000 people massacred. Muhammed, forgiving and merciful, and peaceful, must be crying now.
Remember, the now media shy Media Hasan, once urged his fellow Muslims to become fellow media junkies and join the profession…in order to further the interests of Islam in the West, to push the Muslim point of view…to win the battle.
Guess he just doesn’t want to talk about this story too much.
And 4 BBC outlets? Why bother? Hasan is a charlatan and an Islamist….he’s about as trustworthy as David Cameron.
For example…here he is expressing his moral outrage at one of Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons:
Trouble is this is the man who said, not as satire, not using the analogy as some form of anti-racist critique, but as the truth from his God…that non-Muslims are ignorant cattle, immoral animals, kufir…. Unbelief is an infirmity, an illness, a disease of the human mind. Divisive, racist, demonising language? ‘us and them’ eh?
I just don’t buy your outrage Hasan…I think you are a fraud….it was you that said this wasn’t it?…
“No faith or community should be protected from criticism and even ridicule”.
Consider this…his latest piece now that he has worked out his ‘position’ on Charlie Hebdo…not so keen on all that free speech and blasphemy now…..
As a Muslim, I’m Fed Up With the Hypocrisy of the Free Speech Fundamentalists
Dear liberal pundit, [No longer he then]
I’m writing to you to make a simple request: please stop. You think you’re defying the terrorists when, in reality, you’re playing into their bloodstained hands by dividing and demonising. Us and them. The enlightened and liberal west v the backward, barbaric Muslims.
Yours faithfully,
Hasan says:
Has your publication, for example, run cartoons mocking the Holocaust? No? How about caricatures of the 9/11 victims falling from the twin towers?
The Holocaust or 9/11 being the goto ‘taboo’ subjects for defenders of the indefensible to make comparisons with cartoons of Muhammed or Islam. Mocking the Holocaust is mocking 6 million dead and mocking the actual victims of 9/11 as Hasan makes a comparison to would be highly inappropriate but mocking Islam is mocking an the difference between mocking the mass murder of people and an ideology…one that caused the death of so many people itself…..and having said that Charlie Hebdo did do a cartoon of 9/11 the following November after it happened showing Bin Laden saying ‘Look no hands’…as with all Charlie Hebdo cartoons there will be a context for that image and it should not be taken at face value as joking about 9/11…it is obviously a comment of some kind playing off events in November…perhaps a comment on the investigation into who committed the crime:
In fact here’s a cartoon that does mention the victims in a political comment showing how, just because it’s a cartoon, it doesn’t mean the victims or the subjects are being mocked or insulted:
And no one gets shot.
And as far as I can see Media Hasan has absolutely nothing to say about Dieudonné and his Muslim and Far Right friends who have adopted his anti-Semitic salute…La Quennelle…
Dieudonné not mocking Jews or ‘Zionism’ but inciting violence against them:
Hasan complains of ‘ crude caricatures of bulbous-nosed Arabs’…..get over it……Le Rosbif turn the other cheek…..But I guess that’s a Christian virtue….
Curiously in 2012 Hasan took the opposite stance to today’s rant denouncing those ‘non-existent’ ‘backward, barbaric Muslims’…in fact this is the article that the BBC’s Mishal Husain linked to after the Charlie Hebdo attack to persuade us that Muslims can be restrained and civilised…curiously the New Statesman republished the article after the attack but rapidly withdrew it…could Media Hasan have had other plans, a different stance on ‘blasphemy’, and didn’t want to be shown up as a hypocrite? (see Daily Mail also!)
Mehdi Hasan on Islam and blasphemy: Muhammad survived Dante’s Inferno. He’ll survive a YouTube clip
Dear Muslim protester,
Where do I begin? Having watched you shout and scream in front of the world’s television cameras, throw petrol bombs and smash windows, I reluctantly decided to write this open letter to you.
Let me be blunt: you and I have little in common other than our shared Islamic faith, our common belief that there is no God but God and Muhammad is His Messenger.
If I’m honest, I have to say that, listening to your belligerent rhetoric and watching your violent behaviour, I struggle to recognise the Islam in which you profess to believe.
Like freedom, tolerance is not a western invention or innovation; it is an Islamic virtue. As the great Muslim caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib once wrote: “Remember that people are of two kinds: they are either your brothers in religion or your brothers in mankind.”
Yours faithfully, Mehdi.
Yours faithfully eh? LOL.
Oh, here he is again denouncing blasphemy laws….
Not In My Name: Islam, Pakistan and the Blasphemy Laws
Personally, I’ve never quite understood why so many of my co-religionists are so keen to kill or maim those who ‘insult’ Islam, Prophet Muhammad or the Quran.
I, for one, am fed up with politicians, mullahs and mobs using my religion to further their own vicious and sectarian agendas. So here’s my own very simple message to the bigots, fanatics and reactionaries of the Islamic world: whatever intellectual or theological disagreements we may have with them, the fact is that Christians (and, for that matter, Jews) are our brethren; the Quran respectfully refers to them as the “People of the Book“.
‘I, for one, am fed up with politicians, mullahs and mobs using my religion to further their own vicious and sectarian agendas.’?
Yep never see Media Hasan exploiting situations to further the Islamic cause and his own agenda….and just think on…Hasan tells Muslims that Islam should not bend to fit in with other societies.
Still the BBC seems to like him and think he has something of worth to say.
Watch out you dog lovers, music lovers, beer drinkers and people in same-sex relationships, you non-believers…Islam says you are transgressors….you are out and out Kafirs….watch the video.
Mehdi Hassan – “You’ll have to excuse me, there’s a muslim bandwagon passing by and I have to jump on it”
Mehdi Hassan= Islamic twat
Pounce the ex Muslim
did not medhi hasan once appear in some you tube video dressed in muslim garb and describing non muslims as dirty pigs and and other racist insults,i might be wrong but i am sure he did.
I have seen so many interviews, discussions, and blog comments during the past few weeks where individuals introduce themselves with the words ‘As a Muslim’.
I suggest a competition where a prize is awarded to the blog or TV programme with the most.
As for me. I think I will introduce myself thus: As a filthy subhuman dog loving, beer drinking white kaffir…
Just typical of the left, Muslim , liberal, guardian supporting idiots who spout their crap.
Reckon his regular meal tickets to hold forth re Islam might now be threatened by this Nabila Rahmadi.
Shameless shill and taqqiya merchant for the death cult of Islam.
Obviously not had time to cover her head between those numerous gassings with Kirsty, Cathy, Eddie and Evan…seen her at least on three occasions lately-AND on the radio too.
Been a good few weeks for her-no doubt all those fat fees will not be going home to the banlieus for yet more cultural enrichment as we saw in Paris.
The liberal media simply pine for these shills….yet David Aaronovitch destroyed her clunking volte-faces at every tricky dilemma she threw up in her ceaseless double minded taqqiya.
The BBC no doubt training her up at Anjems Academy at our expense for next time.
Alan wrote: “as the truth from his God”
Allah is not God, as Muslims themselves proclaim “Allah is Akhbar” ie allah is greater then anything else.
We should stop giving Allah the status of God, as we understand it.
As someone who does not buy into all this Sky-Fairy nonsense I probably have the wrong end of the stick, but in a monotheistic religion surely there is nothing greater than the deity in question? Otherwise why worship it?
You would think that expressing views like that would get you excluded from the BBC et al but that’s not the case. No doubt too busy analysing every breath Jeremy Clarkson takes for ‘racism’.
The bBC is going well out of its way in which to send the message that ‘British’ Muslims are unhappy about the cartoon of their pedophile founder ‘Mo-ham-head . However as followers of a religion of peace they have been told not to do anything that may upset the infidel.
Yet I’ve never seen the bBC do likewise for Non Islamic British subjects after:
The Poppy burning
The abuse at British soldiers marching through Luton
Halal food
The Trojan horse affair
The numerous rape cases
The beheading of a British soldier
The blowing up of London
Bradford riots
The banning of eating in front of Muslims during Ramadan
Allowing ,more than one wife
The Islamic penchant for murder
Those idiots who demand Sharia law
Those idiots who practice Sharia law
Referring to a paedophile as a Prophet (And I don’t mean Ian Watkins )
Refusing to carry a blind person and his dog in a taxis
The large number of mosques built without planning permission
Demanding extra holidays for their gay death cult
How Muslims restrict freedom of speech and expression
Yet the much lesser issue of a cartoon of somebody who died 1400 years ago and its a human rights crime to the left wing arseholes at the bBC
The same bBC I should add which took no notice of the upset over ‘Jerry Singer the opera’
Allowing ,more than one wife
A wife and a mistress is hard enough; two wives? Crazy!
This is today’s Times: for Muslim that don’t tow-the-line then this is a bleak racist future (against England’s hard fought freedoms). And the if you do tow-the-line (as a Muslim) it’s a a bleak Islamic future, hostile to all western nations not yet Muslim. The Muslim mafia of (BBC) choice is corrupting those it seeks to influence. BBC motto Muslim = Labour votes = Benefits. Simple and basic propaganda.
Mr Hasan, is another lefty TWAT that the BBC love, he is as punchable as Ed Balls.
Has Inayat Bunglawala (or Bungles, as I affectionately call him) surfaced yet on the BBC, or any other media, with regard to the Charlie Hebdo massacre?
Cuddly-but-vicious Bungles was once media secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain. I remember reading on his blog that he felt the world was a better place following the death of Christopher Hitchens in light of Hitchens’ remark that the “Koran was laughable”. Charming.
“Still the BBC seems to like him and think he has something of worth to say”
By his account, Four different outlets’ worth in the space of 24 hrs.
After the Ware Panorama, I wondered why so few reasoned Members of the Islamic faith were ever approached post latest ‘event’, as opposed to divisive sound bite merchants and ‘community in fear’ whinge specialists.
It certainly appears the BBC is overwhelming now staffed with those whose iPhones, and attitudes, are programmed in a particular way.
So ludicrous, the BBC made a bee line for him to share his thoughts on QT.
The state media serving up a propagandist. I guess they see it as a commitment to free speech to balance out those they are more circumspect around.
I see the cock suckers at the bbc have loaded their question audience with leftwing arsehole. To them all to a man, Islam is a religion of peace.
I saw the QT audience laughing and applauding when Mehdi the mohamidan made a joke about having the legal right to fart in a lift. No one asked him whether he was concerned about Satan farting in response to his prayers, and that it would be very offensive to pray in public and encourage Satan to fart. My point is simple. How long would it take for sane British people to laugh this crap out of existence were it not for the BBC and the politicians.