Radio 2 hourly news gleefully telling us the Green Party has more members than UKIP.
Not quite as simple as that is it chaps? Many would like to join, but don’t because are fearful for their jobs, especially if the work in the public sector. Others maybe because they have foster kids etc…
And the source of all this?
Degrees of error?
Or are we talking Congress House, Met or union bloc votes from the Transition Town, wind turbine, waste partnerships and Council/EU types that rely on Greenspeak for their useless worthless livings?
As St Philip of Lynott sang “Don`t believe a Word”
The real test of opinion will be the ballot in May….and whereas I know loads of UKIP followers, I`ve yet to meet a new greenie.
One day trip to Brighton, one antipodean shrill harpie on the make like Natalie Bennett ought to compost the old Marxists in wellies-undercover Herrenvolk.
“Antipodean shrill harpie”……..Chris you ought to be on R 4, your ( and our ) form of humour will have the Islingtonites spluttering in their chilled drinkie poohs in outrage….!
The Greens in the BBC are very slow in updating facts, when the facts are not what they like. For instance, Global Warming is now 18 years out of date. But then, the environ mental twit, David Cameron has shown us a reason why he and people like him, could defect to the Green Party.
But I suppose on the one hand most possible UKIP supporters are the type of people who say they would never join a political party, but on the other hand, left-wing middle class idiots on taxpayer benefits, such as those with subsidised jobs in the Green blob, would regard joining the Green party as being part of their job.
Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.
On a plane from Sri Lanka to the Philippines, the largest Catholic majority country in Asia, the pope said freedom of speech was a fundamental human right but “every religion has its dignity”.
Asked about the attack that killed 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo – targeted because it had printed depictions of the prophet Muhammad – he said: “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.
“There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.”
Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.
As Mandy Rice Davies said: “He would, wouldn’t he?”
Christianity is fighting a passive rearguard action in the West, (i.e. it is retreating from its fundamentals and is cowed from proselytising by its submission to the great god of PC-ism), so it welcomes Islam as the militant arm of Faith. (If only Islam could be more like the Salvation Army, now there’s a thought!).
Funny how the useless new Pope gets wheeled out when it suits the BBC.
If it`s “climate change” or “the need to self censor in the face of Islam”…old Frank gets top billing on the BBC.
When, however he speaks of the EU being a useless old granny unwanted and ineffective…and has the temerity to say this in the hallowed halls of Brussels before all the EU leaders and quangoquacks…seems to get lost in translation, ignored.
This dopey Guardian approved Pope may well moan about Charlie Hebdo “insulting someones faith”.
Is that what got nuns killed and his predecessor Benedict quaking in his dinky red slippers during the Regensburg imbroglio of autumn 2006?
Did Benedict provoke that?…or simply give his old university some theological history on how Islam got the whip hand, rattan cane hand, Stanley knife hand from the Christians. Including their so-called shepherds and leaders like Frankie and Justin, Giles and Clifford.
No wonder the flock are all hallmarked for halal…no contest for the jihadists.
To address children’s learning needs, it is important that they also reflect the cultural context in which children are learning. In the UK, we take it for granted that we would not include references to sex, violence, or alcohol in our textbooks; to do so would be considered inappropriate and offensive to many. In order to make an impact around the world, there are other sensitivities that, although not necessarily obvious to some of us, are nonetheless extremely important to others…..
‘Managing cultural sensitivities isn’t about reducing educational quality, pandering to minority views, restricting freedom of speech or self-censorship. It’s about ensuring the educational value of our publishing is able to navigate the maze of cultural norms for the benefit of students around the world. We want to ensure we can make the widest possible impact.’
Obvious question: how do you apply this to a ‘multicultural’ society?
I jumped in the car this afternoon, turned the radio on to hear the back end of an interview with some writer, or other.
‘We’re doing a live debate on whether young people should vote…’, said the rather pompous Five Liver, ‘What do you think?’
‘Yes, they should,’ came the reply, ‘….to vote out this Government.’
Does it ever end?
It turns out that the interviewee was Josie Long, writer, stand up, political activist, UK uncutter and Owen Jones fan’.
Since the changes, the afternoon show on Five Live, ‘from the outset’, has had a procession of left wing guests. The question, to this one, was disingenuous and obviously elicited the desired response.
Blimey anyone hear R4 PM just now? Long interview on Boko Harem massacre. We’re told the group “doesnt have a cause” and is merely “anti government” due to economic grievances. So not an extremist Islamic organisation then?
I heard this too. I’d guess it’s the start of the BBC and its Common Purpose chums redefining Boko Haram because, as we’ve deduced for ourselves, they must be unique as there’s nothing else bears comparison, does it? Well, not in this particular broadcast anyway.
The BBC – proving at last that ‘Pack of lone wolves’ isn’t an oxymoron.
There i was thinking that Boko Haram was an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims and wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a “pure” Islamic state ruled by sharia law.
Silly me; it turns out they’re just a bunch of crazy people with long standing economic grievances.
I forgot to mention the supreme irony in this opinion piece, which was a disbelief that Boko Haram would want to take us back to pre-medieval times – tilling the fields with ox and plough etc.
Completely lost on the BBC who obviously haven’t thought our ‘climate change policy’ through to its logical conclusion.
Beeboids actively support the Islamisation of European Union (and campaign for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks).
When MARDELL was Europe Editor, based in Brussels, 2005-09, he ignored the threat contained in the way Islamisation has become the hegemonic force in Brussels.
And European Union bureaucrats in Brussels ignore the evidence of their eyes even in that city, and campaign for the Islamisation of the whole E.U.
“Anti-terror raid in Belgian town centre ‘leaves two dead after 10-minute gun battle with Islamic State cell sent back to carry out attacks on Europe’”
They’re probably lone wolves with a history of mental illness, driven to extreme measures as a last resort due to lack of opportunities and unemployment, fanned by Islamophobia and anger at Israel, or something.
Probably nothing to do with Islam – which preaches only love.
BBC moaning the Oscars are not diverse enough, and are not ‘inclusive either. In fact just about all the Fascist buzz words were used including an allegation of racism & Sexism because they dared to not include a Black woman film director !
Don’t worry BBC, this year they have a little film called ‘Selma’ which has been nominated for only 2 awards (suprising).
A very diverse film staring our own David Oyelowo, directed by Ava DuVernay (who she?) about Martin Luther King which ticks all the usual boxes and will no doubt walk away with the best film category to make everyone feel warm inside!
Why not disabled ones at the very least?
Surely a role for that small Shakespeare bloke or that Francesca Martinez?
This able-bodiedist approach to casting will surely be as bad as “blackface” like the Black and White Minstrels used to do.
Hate Crime!(revised versions 2015)
I feel a grievance coming on that deserves my quango networkings, my faux-grievances and a fat salary to stuff in ny disabiilty scooter basket…top of the range stretch one please with a velvet rope and blue tape to keep the walkie-talkie patronisers at (disabled) bay.
Then off to Lourdes for the cure-doing a Tom Robinson, verucca cured then selling my experiences as a survivor to the DWP.
Stuff the BBC…that`s lest Scott moans that this was not BBC specific.
I think we ought to crowd fund a remake of Zulu, and to bring it up to modern times it could be shot in Tower Hamlets with the British Army parts played by our many black actors ( Lenny Henry as Lt Bromhead anyone ? ) and the parts of the Zulus being played by thousands of East End ‘men’ , bound to be a winner, oh the diversity !
The bBC and tell a lie enough times Guantanamo Bay: What next for Cuba prison camp?
After years of stagnation, there’s been a burst of activity in transferring inmates out of the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Where will it end? Over the past year, 28 detainees have been transferred out of the prison and taken to countries such as Kazakhstan and Uruguay. This leaves 122 men who are still held at Guantanamo. One of them is Shaker Aamer, the last British resident being held in Guantanamo Bay. Mr Aamer, who is from London, has been held at Guantanamo since 2002.
British bBC, err no he’s a Saudi Arabian with a Saudi passport and he’s from Medina, Saudi Arabia.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.
Wasn’t there a messiah who was going to bring in ‘change’ that got all upset about that place and wasn’t he going to close it within months of getting the keys?
Forget his name, something Irish wasn’t it? O’bama or the like. Hardly hear about him on the BBC nowadays.
At last the BBC has heroically addressed religious extremism in one of its dramas – the daytime soap ‘Doctors’ (I watch it in the gym, ok?).
You know the sort of stuff: extreme fasting, child abuse ending in death, children withdrawn from mainstream education, abstaining from earthly pleasures, female slavery, women blamed for being raped etc etc
Oh, did I mention they were Christian ‘fundamentalists’?
Johnnythefish: LOL I saw that well half watched it as I was doing something else I couldn’t be bothered to turn off or over. Yes “Doctors” is another BBc seies I’ve seen running the BBc agenda on several occasions.
‘George Galloway is currently working on a less than flattering documentary about Alastair Campbell’s former employer, titled “The Killing Of Tony Blair”.’
Given Aunty is very much in the market and mood for fictional homicidal wish fulfilment these days, I wonder when this will grace her screens?
OT? Well, this looks almost like a cut & paste version of Tony ‘You can’t ask me questions, I’m a Lord’ Hall, boss of the world’s most trusted holder of power to account (others that is) national disgrace:
‘The Irvine Times called the office of the First Minister but they were not available for comment’
Seems like the SNP is learning from the masters of anonymous blow offs ’til the dust settles.
The Scots find out that some people are more important than others, i well remember as a child in Cardiff on Prince Charles’s investment day as Prince of Wales everyone was given a commemorative mug by some local worthy, worthy left and all the mugs were taken off the kids never to be seen again ( probably needed to do it again at another school ). Hated labour and all its ways ever since.
in other news, news 24 was talking to some oil industry expert around 5pm who thought the price of oil was going to stay around $60 a barrel for the next 3 years at least, and it was going to be hard on the UK tax take and Scottish jobs. How lucky is wee ‘eck for jumping ship just before it ran aground ? how sad for his successor, she’ll have to learn to live without sucking on the oil teat, i can see tears ahead in haggis land.
How will Wallace and Grommit pay for all their give aways now ?
See that Kate Middleton attended some special needs school earlier with Grayson Perry.
Aren`t those kids fragile enough not to be fit or willing to go to regular school-without some transvestite showing off his new frock?
Only a freak school with supine publicity-seekers in management would have allowed this….that it`s not even worth a comment by the elite really ought to bother any parent.
Basically schools are now backdrops for cultural marxist gestures…witness Blair announcing the start of the 2001 election(or 2005) from a London primary school…and the head did rather well out of that obeisance to the New Regime.
Perry is fine for consenting adults-but not for confused, unformed and troubled children who sought a sanctuary from pressure and publicity.
Who better then than Royalty and Cunard Queens in drag, rigged up like Cruellas simple maiden auntie?
Ah well-it`s only kids-they`ll soon get over it.
The Savile defence goes deep with out cultural elite does it not?…his big sin was to wear bling with his shellsuit?…outrageous.
What`s all this crap about Big Oil then?
Thought the Greens and liberal elite hated them and their trashing of Mother Earth…you know, rip off capitalists screwing the workers dry, not paying taxes.
Thankfully, Ed Daveys here to promise us a windmill near Chessington by 2030…until then, stock up on candles will you?
So today, Big Oil feels the squeeze and takes jobs out of the SNP playground in Aberdeen.
Oh dear-the BBC don`t like that either…apparently had Big Oil been allowed to dodge their taxes as did Russell, Jimmy etc…then the chances of the SNP getting off the hook for their malicious ignorant and punitive idiocies would have survived scrutiny past May..after which it would not matter.
Cue Union barons blaming the Tories, noboby blaming the SNP or Labour-who seem to have been running things up in Scotland these last forty years and more.
Still-the BBC and Guardian have yet another crocodile tear show of emoting…as if one person doesn`t know who f***ed up the economy before the current crew got on board.
SNP/Labour…the lefts insouciant arrogance and incompetence goes unmentioned-but the people know.
Hope to God that Labour are destroyed this year…then the BBC ought to go afterwards.
Two corpses propping each other up at the bus stop…no bus has ran since 1997, but hey?….
Bridget Christie returns in another series of her multi-award winning series about modern feminism.
Bridget thought that she’d be able to put her feet up after her last Radio 4 series, she expected it to bomb. Sadly it was a huge success. But it’s OK, because actually she’s solved the feminist struggle all by herself. In the second episode, she’s taken her activism to a whole new level. Well, sort of.
She’s assisted in this by the series’ token man, Fred MacAulay.
The series is written and performed by Bridget Christie and the producers are Alison Vernon-Smith and Alexandra Smith.
Citizen Khan surely the low water mark of “British Comedy”.
Bridget the Widget hopefully will come across Islam when it too sees humour in her schtick.
Rhona Cameron calls herself a comedian too…at least Alexei Sayle and Lenny Henry have long given up those aspirations….and gone all “Sconny” on us as men of letters.
Letter B today….bald, blather, bluster…Bshit!
Proud to say I’ve never watched CK, the reviews of it have been pretty dire, more promising new comedies haven’t made it past one series, yet this gets three, wonder why?
It should be a radio comedy on the Asian Network no more, but Auntie can’t help trying to diversify the majority, a 20 something Metrosexual might just find it funny not the rest of us.
Best news of the day: Belgian anti-terror raid in Verviers leaves two dead
Two people have been killed in an anti-terror operation in eastern Belgium, officials say. Prosecutors said a third person was wounded in the raid in the town of Verviers. No police or members of the public were harmed, they added. Suspects had opened fire on police with assault weapons, he said. “The suspects immediately and for several minutes opened fire with military weaponry and handguns on the special units of the federal police before they were neutralised,”
Nice to see the lesbian food blogger ,”jack” something or other on watchdog, sacked by sainsburys after saying david Cameron cashes in on his disabled sons death, still good enough for the bbbc though
Has anybody else heard the rumour of a mosque being firebombed in Luton (source – a local resident) followed by a news blackout?
Sounds similar to the refuse truck D notices.
I can’t imagine there’d be a news blackout on something like that with the victim culture the government and the BBC are spreading. Anyone harming the hair on the head of a Muslim would be headline news and off to prison.
I think what’s happening here is we as a nation no longer trust the government nor the media ( especially the bbc) to tell us unpleasant truths before they have had time to start turd polishing. Rumours start and without corroborative statements on TV and radio grow like wildfire especially in the age of twitter. We are going back to my youth in the 60s when all kinds of daft rumours would flow and for want of any rolling news to say if anything had really happened would escalate very quickly.
They have brought it all on themselves with their desire to manage bad news leading to loss of trust by the British people.
Medhi “Kaffirs/animals” Hasan … going to fork tongue about
Islam keeping the erm “moral” … high ground, I suppose?
… Until anyone tots up the bodycount
He could change the subject and give yet another example of his whining Islamofauxbia-phobia.
Despicable BBC giving this duplicitous cretin the airtime
… look on the bright side, maybe he ll want to talk cartoons
I see the hospital that john presscott visited his sister in the othr day (northampton general) and couldn’t beleive the bed blocking, today had a patient with suspected ebola. Not normally an illnesses linked with oaps eh? Weaponise the nhs my arse
BBC Chief Political Correspondent, Vicki Young, was beside herself with glee on BBC News Channel, reporting that the Greens membership is close to UKIP’s. She reckons this gives them the right to a place in any debate.
According to this, Vicki was previously a Lib Dem Press Officer while her husband was Chief Press Officer for Prime Minister Brown.
As well as a view inside the ROPs treatment of women LiveLeak also shows the other side of the idea that all US police are loony dangerous men who attack and kill at the drop of a hat;
Shows what happened to an officer when he just goes to talk to a boyfriend (white!) in a ‘domestic’ , no attack, no loud shouting, no drawn gun, just talking to someone. Is it any wonder that in a society awash with guns that sometimes police fire first when things look as if they are running out of control ? Somehow doubt the bbc will run with this, it doesn’t fit with their preconceived ideas about US white policemen being evil men rather than a man doing a job who can be shot dead by a stranger in an instant.
I think they were probably lone wolves with a history of mental illness, driven to extreme measures as a last resort due to lack of opportunities and unemployment, fanned by Islamophobia and anger at Israel etc etc.
Unlikely to be connected to Islam – which preaches only peace, love and fun.
The BBC reports that there is no connection between these European jihadists returning to Europe having fought for the Islamist cause in Syria and any attacks you may have heard about recently. No connection whatsover. Neither has it anything to do with the RoP (Religion of Peace) or TWAT (The War Against Terror).
European security services are continuing to co-operate over these unconnected unrelated events which have nothing in common.
Don’t you just love the way the BBC pretends to be a neutral observer sometimes?
Radio 4’s The World Tonight has just asked the question “If freedom of speech is so important why haven’t we heard about the Saudi blogger?”
I don’t know why BBC, aren’t you supposed to hunt these stories down for yourself rather than getting ‘upset’ when no-one reports them? Could it be a story that puts real, actual, fully-signed up, mainstream, in-your-face, mates of Cameron and Obama (shhh….muslims) in a bad light? Could it be that the BBC’s Saudi mates might get upset and not give ‘journalists’ free drink and accommodation on their next visit? Beats me, it’s a mystery isn’t it!
With the BBC, it would take me all day to list the answers to: “If freedom of speech is so important why haven’t we heard about”
But for the lefty Labour people at the BBC to present a self convincing Orwellian Newspeak illusion of impartiality, they have to censor a growing number of Journalists, Scientists and Politicians, especially the Politicians who are also Scientists, which could be fatal for the BBC this year.
Lord Hall’s response to this is to rely on the BBC’s Orwellian Newspeak censorship policy, to create the illusion that the politicians are the enemy of the licence fee payer.
Just occasionally the bbc does something right, Mark Urban, one of its few real professionals has just done a day in the life of the USS Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier at present taking the war to the IS scum. 10 minutes of enjoyment watching a ‘big stick’ in action.
Well, this link will just about mind f*ck all those Liberals at the BBC, but then how they forget why the Handsworth riots kicked off all those years ago in Birmingham. And for those BBC apologists that visit these pages on this blog, this one link is a present from me to you. Happy New Year! Enjoy your multicultural world.
The BBC ‘thinks’ that you don’t even have to own a TV set to have a TV license now! Lord Haw Haw explains to ‘plebs’ i.e English peoples with small mansions; ‘Householders could be required to pay the television license fee even if they do not own a television, under proposals being discussed by the BBC. ‘ Obviously Lord Haw Haw thinks the TV license can be applied to the BBC iPlayer and continue ‘as normal service’. All those wonderful World service listeners eager to pay to watch BBC ‘Top Gear’ or ‘Newsnight’ with Russel Brand?
Do we need the TV license (Telegraph poll today). Answer maybe obvious but then not to Lord sticky fingers.
It appears to miss out the right to own a screen to view a myriad of other things beyond BBC, or indeed other live broadcaster-supplied signals. Namely any catch-up to DVDs, gaming, etc.
Sloppy or on purpose?
The ownership of a TV, or one sitting in a room, serves only to make a TVL/capita snoop (lied about, mislead/conned or via search warrant) easier to turn into a prosecution. There are millions already out there. Working, not working and what used for, who knows… or should care. It is a tool that presents pretty pictures.
This seems to try and make it a vague choice between TV ownership or paying the BBC Poll tax (exempting broadcast-enabled PCs?). The council tax levy ignores even that. The ISP levy at least assumes a pipe and stream of signal.
All what James Purnell and fellow £multi-hundredkpa market rates are trying to sneak through.
As a matter of interest anyway, what is the Telegraph poll URL, or were/are the results?
The results are in (as it was 2014) probably even less BBC favourable now.. ‘More than half the public think the television licence fee should be scrapped and the BBC forced to find new ways to fund itself, according to a poll published today.’ (July 2014).. it goes on; ‘The results, from a survey of more than 2,000 people by ComRes, come as ministers and BBC executives prepare for the government’s review of the broadcaster’s charter in 2016. ‘
I really hope this is not a representation of our populous. The audience must have been vetted, or the country is a gonna.
Anna Sourbry – Appeaser of Islamist murderers.
Libtard daughter of rich bloke – Fence sitting appeaser of Islamist murderers.
David Starkey – Can’t fault him for effort. You can hold your head up sir.
Medhi Hasan – I can’t find the words. I’ll leave it at dissembling Muslim propagandist.
David Dimblebum –Arse plug. Rich one. And you paid for his feathered nest.
Dougie Alexander – Appeaser of Islamist murderers.
Thoroughly depressing misunderstanding of those present, (Starkey excepted) of the unyielding steadfast birth rights of freemen of England.
Charlie Hebdo can publish whatever they wish. If it’s libelous, they’ll get sued. If its offensive, don’t buy it, suck it up and move on. If you think anybody in England should be prevented publishing a picture of the Peado Mohammed a$$f%^*ing a 9 year old girl, eating a hot dog whilst being licked by a dog, then you can go f@*k ya momma!
Starkey is right, never under estimate an oversexed 16 year old girl, yes the guy was wrong, but probably flattered. Cue the aborance of the rest of the Islam supporting panel and audience (Hassan especially) who conveniently forget that the prophet took a 9 year old wife….
Yes the audience is loaded, note the boo at the mention of Paul Nuttall appearing next week, no other politician or party is recieved in the same way.
Starkey was light years ahead of the rest of them in intelligence and ability. It was embarrasing to listen to the panel. They seemed unable to really comprehend most of Starkey’s arguments. Thick is how they looked and sounded.
For once I was entertained but that was Starkey’s doing. The rest were abysmal.
That the country is a “goner”, is in no doubt. The same sheeple who “voted” at the last election, will do so again, this time around, plus sundry others. UKIP government? Desperately needed, but not a chance in hell. More of the same, I’m afraid for the Former UK.
I think you’re absolutely right, Starkey was the only panellist worthy of the name. The appeasers and apologists are an affront to democracy. I simply couldn’t vote for any of the main stream parties having witnessed their craven and toe curling excuse making for this religious Nazism. As for the audience; the usual rag bag of idiotic left wing performing seals; students, Labour supporters, members of UAF and various soap dodgers. This is the BBC after all; what do you expect?
There are terrifying echoes of the nineteen thirties here and these pathetic, cowardly political pariahs blather on about “the religion of peace.”
Always makes me think of “Peace in our time.”
Remarkable programme. Nambila has posed as the perfect detached analyst for some years; it’s only this week she has become spokeswoman for the nutters. Maybe she is angling for a position with al Jazeera. whatever; just proves how one’s prejudice about hidden bias isn’t far off the mark.
We shouldn’t be surprised. The latest buzz in recruitment is the ‘values-based interview’. Don’t worry about your skills; we’re more interested in your ‘values’. You can be sure the BBC is leading the charge.
Slowly, slowly eh! – had to be 11.35 on a Thurs night
though, a refreshing start.
I did note, Brillo couldn t help himself , over
No Go Bham, without asking whether, there actually are any no go areas in Bham, (can take Brillo out of the BBC, can t take the BBC out of him).
Yes, a really great programme – your post prompted me to watch on iPlayer. Even Diane Abbott was attacking the awful Nabila woman ! Andrew Neil and Portillo were brutal with her. tearing apart her false arguments.
In a proper world, the BBC would quit using her so much, she is a crazy.
We have, apparently, to “educate out” homophobia, biphobia, trasnsphobia, from schools, and brainwash the kiddies to the LGBT way of thinking.
When I was at school, we’d never heard of “gays”, didn’t know what “lesbians” were, and “transexuals” were unheard of. We still managed to tease each other in the playground, though, about any perceived “differences” in other kids. It’s what children did, and still do. It’s harmless. All this LGBT stuff, though is insidious – it’s not as if they’re in a majority, either.
Before that, I was ‘entertained’ on “Thought for the Day” by a Muslim lady, who didn’t like her faith to be teased…
Bullying though is a different thing to teasing. And playground bullying is rarely to do with race or sexuality. Imagine two scenarios:
10 boys picking on one because he’s too tall, thin, short, fat or speaks with the wrong accent. One boy holds his arms while a couple of others take turns to hit him, The other seven taunting him all the time.
Or two equally matched boys, one white and one black fighting and name calling. The white boy calls the other one by the N word.
These days the teachers would take no action with the bullies in the first case (or at least not much more than a detention to include the victim). Whereas the white boy in the second instance will probably be suspended from school and made to undertake counselling.
This is why the hate crime laws are so wrong. A couple of rude names is not a major thing, whether it’s racist or not. Physical and mental intimidation is far worse for whatever reason (it could of course be racist intimidation) .
“Bullying though is a different thing to teasing.”
Quite. In infants and junior school in the 1950s, I clearly remember that “two onto one” was a general taboo, and we didn’t need teachers, social workers or plod to enforce it. “One onto one” was more or less OK, but weapons were never considered. It just didn’t happen in the schools I attended – and I’m talking about a working class/lower middle class neighbourhood with a sizeable council estate, not Hampstead.
Since then, hundreds of laws have been passed and we have armies of social workers and self appointed busybodies telling us how kids should be allowed to behave and, more to the point, what they should be allowed to SAY. Yet, for all that, six kids kicking the sh*t out of a seventh lying on the ground seems to be far from unusual.
Still, never mind, at least they’re not using inappropriate language. We’ve come a long way.
Wouldn’t it be sensible to educate everyone ‘out’ of Islam? Seriously has it done any peoples (as opposed to the elite) any good anywhere?
At the risk of being subjected to the modern lynch mob isn’t it self-evident ‘common-sense'(!) that all these sexual hang-ups are defects/abnormalities/disabilities (select or make up the current ‘acceptable’ code for the day) – we are a two-sex species, male/female, nothing else works. Yet the ever expanding list of ‘variation’ is the new super-normal, top of the pile the way to live. It is though we have to live in a mono-chrome world of no light and no sound less we upset the blind and deaf, (once thought of disabilities but now celebrated as different-abilities). That isn’t a joke either as there a ‘militant’ deaf parents that want their children to be deaf at birth. Have all our policy makers got Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
You get marked down by Ofsted without any brown faces (Chinese and Poles don’t count it seems) even in the remotest parts of the country.. One mixed School with Catholic intake was asked where are all the ‘lesbians’ (in class) ere and are you (boys) happy being dressed as ‘boys’? And this is from a the latest batch of government OfSted inspectors shows where the EU are going with this bullying tactic. They never go into Islamic School with this attitude. That would be ‘offensive’. Inappropriate sex education is very offensive to children… (and parents who are bullied into submission to follow the perverts ‘agenda’ or face persecution for speaking the obvious.
Paedophiles in Schools: In any other age, those who perpetrate such crimes, like Elly Barnes and Sue Sanders and Tony Fenwick of Schools Out would be hauled before the courts, along with convicted sex offender, Birmingham head teacher of Perry Beeches School, Liam Nolan:
Just as we get used to the BBC Question Time phenomena of mentions of UKIP being booed by the audience, now we see a new development – the audience clapping the reading out of the questions. No comment from the panel yet but applause for the question. Can this be a neutral reaction? Or does it reveal that the partizans are already pumped up?
Only the BBC could stage a show like QT in a town where UKIP had just trounced the opposition and manage to fill the entire audience with people with opposing views.
The BBC stinks.
I watched QT and was amazed at the positive response to Mehdi the mohamidan and others who accepted without question that a few drawings in a magazine were really offensive. Sure, a couple of speakers made the point that the right to say offensive things was to be protected in free society. But for God’s sake, where was the advice to grow up and recognise that such pictures could not offend sane people?
So many of the antagonisms between ordinary British people and the mohamidans would have been ironed out in daily interactions were it not for successive governments and the media who have protected these berks with laws and snoopers.
BBc Breakfast keeping the NHS shock horror outrage train a rollin’ with an article on advised staffing levels in A&E. Plus the Welsh NHS figures for December are due soon and are worse than the worst in England. Hang on, who runs NHS Wales I thought it was the assembly. Who runs the Welsh assembly? I thought it was Liebour. Then off to some fluffy fantasy world where if you like you can work into your old age. Well I’m sure that will apply to a few but for the majority exactly what are all these jobs going to be and where exactly are these jobs going to come from?
How careless of Labour. They know for definite that they imported these voters, now they have gone and lost them. A good place to start looking, I suggest, is any inner city A&E dept.
The comments at the second link aren’t going the BBC’s way at the moment. Stand by for them to close or a mysterious rush of BBC approved comments and voting.
And the Liberal Democrats accused Labour of “scaremongering”.
“Labour must have forgotten they began the policy of individual electoral registration while they were in government, and still support it in principle,” Tom Brake, deputy leader of the House of Commons, said.
He added: “Labour also seem keen to hide the fact that the coalition government has made it extremely easy to register to vote – it can be done online in a couple of minutes.”
This is the sort of detail found on the BBC website (this article read by….?) but inevitably missing from the Today programme (audience 6 million), yet triumphantly linked to by the likes of dezzz to demonstrate BBC impartiality.
And anyway, won’t this system discourage the voting fraud that has become so popular amongst – ahem – some of the more recent arrivals to these shores?
Not content with having a full house of geriatric female presenters, (a la Ripon, Hunniford, and Sommerville, combined age 209 years), of the BBC’s ‘Rip Off Britain’, virtually every complainant, or mouthpiece for the complaint is female, occasionally a token male is allowed. It’s patently obvious, the BBC initiated this programme, purely to give them employment, in the wake of the case re Miriam O’Reilly.
Likewise BBC ‘Blue Peter’ Breakfast, not only do females dominate the BBC regional presenters/weather forecasters, the default position seems to be :- All experts, persons appearing, no matter in what field, must where possible be female.
Likewise in BBC Sport. There is not one programme where sport is featured, where females have not infiltrated.
This is not equality, it is pure and simple gender bias.
Don’t believe me ? Watch.
This may (should) surprise you, but the BBC see their bias towards feminist ‘experts’ as a ‘feature’ rather than a ‘fault’. They’re proud of their ‘positive action’:
It’s been acknowledged by broadcasters across the industry that there aren’t enough expert female contributors appearing on air. BBC Expert Women is our attempt to redress the balance via a series of free training days that provide experiences, insight and networking opportunities that help demystify the media and boost skills.
It does not surprise me in the least. I’ve just read a piece in the Torydimlabourgraph, (who agree Quelle Surprise), that a select committee from the House of Lords, considers there is not enough female representation at the BBC, in fields of News and Current Affairs.
They obviously live in a parallel universe.
Not enough BBC ‘experts’ implies that there are already ‘experts’ lurking in the BBC already. Surely every woman is an ‘expert’ in something that then gets abused by the BBC media because she is not left wing enough for ‘Woman’s gynecological problems spot’. It never used to be like this.
Note also that when a male does present with a female (Brekky Time, local news etc) he isn’t that strong male role model, he is portrayed as the joke figure, the idiot and the fall guy. Its the same in TV adverts.
Yes Geoff, look at the specimens on Blue Peter Breakfast, Bill ‘Billy the Smarm’ Turnbull, Mike ‘Over excited schoolboy’ Bushell, and Charlie ‘I hate UKIP does it show?’ Stait.
… not only do females dominate the BBC regional presenters/weather forecasters, the default position seems to be :- All experts, persons appearing, no matter in what field, must where possible be female.
Their attitude is that they are ‘correcting’ male bias. Same with effnik positive discrimination. Rod Liddle protested when they gave Lenny Henry control of Today for a whine:
The irony of course is that Today – certainly when I was editor and probably even more so now, I would guess – had a complement of staff from ethnic minority backgrounds which was close to double the national average.
Likewise in BBC Sport. There is not one programme where sport is featured, where females have not infiltrated.
The most audacious move I’ve seen yet is the current campaign to ‘even up’ football. I can barely believe they have taken this on – it shows how confident they are. Male footballers transfer at £100m and earn £300k a week…. based on the money they bring in. Females play in front of a few dozen friends and relatives. But the BBC has taken this on… seriously.. they’re running articles about how tennis has achieved ‘equality’ and football is caught in the past. Witness the fuss over some Irish female competing for ‘Goal Of The Year’ – all part of the political moves.
Alice Arnold, in the Torygraph, says all this is just wonderful;
And there’s not been equality in tennis since women received the same prize money for half the work and to a far lower standard. If they want real equality the men and women should play in the same competitions and only have one singles and one doubles tounament. How far would even the amazonian women like the Williams sisters, Navratilova or Mauresmo have got against even the #100 ranked man!
This was all initiated by Maria Miller, when she was I think Tory Culture Minister. You must know her, she’s yet another one who’s still an MP despite allegedly fiddling expenses.
To change the subject completely . On Radio 4 drama at about 11am heard the sound of women sleeping together !!. This is what the BBC wants to promote to a young audience who are listening to the BBC that time of day . When I complained to the BBC 10 years ago about men seen in bed together on the lunchtime TV soap ” The Doctors “they accused me of homophobia.
More brave, free-thinking, well educated journalists needed in news and current affairs, Angryman says!
Doesn’t matter how dumb they are, just make sure they’re dickless! The only way I’d ever get an invite on the BBC, or a job with them, would be if I had a ‘gender reassignment’ , probably avaiable on the (inter)NHS.
Scrap the telly tax. Funding misandry, immorality and social engineering.
Biased? Hell yes! And the evidence just keeps coming. I predict the Labour Party may shelve this latest BBC funded ‘vote magnet’ test. How can a political party be as clueless as Liebor? The requirement, under threat of the removal of liberty by imprisonment, to fund this statist propaganda is untenable in a free England.
“Caps on fat, salt and sugar promised by Labour”
That’s right. Caps. Caps on energy bills yesterday, caps on fat, salt and sugar today. …..though they’ll probably ditch this ‘vote magnet’ by tomorrow. When Andy Burnham demonstrated his leadership credentials by confirming he couldn’t read a cereal packet and that a degree in chemistry was needed to read one, those with an IQ north of 80 would realise the guy is a bit dim. Labour must think people are really dumb… well, judging by the readers’ comments to this:
Anoraks may have noticed peculiarities in the BBC website comments sections. Vastly fewer articles are open to comment, particularly since the Russell Brand appearance on QT before Christmas and even fewer since the murder of 17 people by Islamic terrorists in Paris on 7/1/15. For the few ‘safe subject’ BBC articles that are open to comment, the comments make interesting reading, especially when filtered by best/worst. Comments also seem to be open during the traditional working day (or during the night), but close down double quick time. Only spontaneous comment is recorded.
First sentence of this report from Pakistan includes a reference to The Prophet Mohamid, which helps to legitimise what is basically an outbreak of insanity by a bunch of fruitcakes.- .If only we in the UK were allowed to laugh at the silly buggers.
What a surprise, RenewablesUK commissions a report whose findings make the case for more…renewables. Any half-decent journalist could shred this in seconds.
More wind would guard against price shocks due to fossil fuel prices. Oh good, that means we could have been saved from the imminent reductions in energy prices. Just when you thought the BBC could sink no lower.
These climate ‘scientists’ and renewables experts are so clever they can make the wind blow all the time.
No? Do you mean they can’t?
In that case have the BBC asked the question what happens when the wind isn’t blowing? No? How odd, them being chock full of the world’s greatest investigative journalists an’ all.
“We are however satisfied that the site’s precautionary health and safety alert processes worked well with local emergency services in attendance within minutes of the incident taking place.”
That’s all right, then. Don’t worry about the £500,000 lost.
Panic – and hostage taking – over. According to the Telegraph the perp was just an ordinary nutter, not a religiously inspired one. Consequently, if/when the BBC reports this one online, the “nothing to do with Islam” imprimatur will, for once, be accurate. Well “broken clocks” and all that . . . . . !
Woman usa reporter, one o’clock news, getting all worked up about obama. “He may not have good approval ratings in the usa, but here in Europe, hes something of a political rock star” maybe in your circles love, but not here ,in my part of England, not Europe.
Labour gets a mention in this article:
However, Labour isn’t mentioned in the context that it is responsible for NHS Wales. No, Labour comes in right at the end because it has threatened to protest against changes to response times.
BBC, you have left out a fundamental point regarding NHS Wales’ poor performance but then I think you know that.
‘The centrepiece of Labour’s programme of constitutional reform was undoubtedly devolution’…’The election on 6th May 1999 of a Parliament in Scotland, with extensive powers of primary legislation, and an Assembly in Wales, with powers of secondary legislation only, will have a profound impact on governance within the UK.’…’Promises of ‘revitalising’ local government, by granting it more powers in return for more stringent responsibilities, have largely been unrealised. The regions themselves have had since April 1999 regional development agencies, but these are national bodies appointed by ministers and not regional bodies directly answerable to an electorate.’…In the summer of 2002, John Prescott, the minister responsible for the regions, spoke of his desire to give to English regions more devolved power similar to those that Wales and Scotland have.’
‘Finally: ‘Tony Blair boasts that 100 years after the creation of the Labour Party, he has delivered three of Keir Hardie’s historic benchmarks for a Labour Government: the minimum wage, devolution and abolition of the hereditary peers.’
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Radio 2 hourly news gleefully telling us the Green Party has more members than UKIP.
Not quite as simple as that is it chaps? Many would like to join, but don’t because are fearful for their jobs, especially if the work in the public sector. Others maybe because they have foster kids etc…
And the source of all this?
Degrees of error?
Or are we talking Congress House, Met or union bloc votes from the Transition Town, wind turbine, waste partnerships and Council/EU types that rely on Greenspeak for their useless worthless livings?
As St Philip of Lynott sang “Don`t believe a Word”
The real test of opinion will be the ballot in May….and whereas I know loads of UKIP followers, I`ve yet to meet a new greenie.
One day trip to Brighton, one antipodean shrill harpie on the make like Natalie Bennett ought to compost the old Marxists in wellies-undercover Herrenvolk.
“Antipodean shrill harpie”……..Chris you ought to be on R 4, your ( and our ) form of humour will have the Islingtonites spluttering in their chilled drinkie poohs in outrage….!
Chris , should do a double act with Guess Who .
The Greens in the BBC are very slow in updating facts, when the facts are not what they like. For instance, Global Warming is now 18 years out of date. But then, the environ mental twit, David Cameron has shown us a reason why he and people like him, could defect to the Green Party.
But I suppose on the one hand most possible UKIP supporters are the type of people who say they would never join a political party, but on the other hand, left-wing middle class idiots on taxpayer benefits, such as those with subsidised jobs in the Green blob, would regard joining the Green party as being part of their job.
Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.
On a plane from Sri Lanka to the Philippines, the largest Catholic majority country in Asia, the pope said freedom of speech was a fundamental human right but “every religion has its dignity”.
Asked about the attack that killed 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo – targeted because it had printed depictions of the prophet Muhammad – he said: “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.
“There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.”
Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.
As Mandy Rice Davies said: “He would, wouldn’t he?”
Christianity is fighting a passive rearguard action in the West, (i.e. it is retreating from its fundamentals and is cowed from proselytising by its submission to the great god of PC-ism), so it welcomes Islam as the militant arm of Faith. (If only Islam could be more like the Salvation Army, now there’s a thought!).
Funny how the useless new Pope gets wheeled out when it suits the BBC.
If it`s “climate change” or “the need to self censor in the face of Islam”…old Frank gets top billing on the BBC.
When, however he speaks of the EU being a useless old granny unwanted and ineffective…and has the temerity to say this in the hallowed halls of Brussels before all the EU leaders and quangoquacks…seems to get lost in translation, ignored.
This dopey Guardian approved Pope may well moan about Charlie Hebdo “insulting someones faith”.
Is that what got nuns killed and his predecessor Benedict quaking in his dinky red slippers during the Regensburg imbroglio of autumn 2006?
Did Benedict provoke that?…or simply give his old university some theological history on how Islam got the whip hand, rattan cane hand, Stanley knife hand from the Christians. Including their so-called shepherds and leaders like Frankie and Justin, Giles and Clifford.
No wonder the flock are all hallmarked for halal…no contest for the jihadists.
JimS, I see your point but I doubt many Christians welcome militant Islam even if they have similar views on some social issues.
No doubt Martin Luther would have agreed.
Muslim Obama + Marxist Pope = BBC drool
No sex, violence, alcohol….. or pigs
To address children’s learning needs, it is important that they also reflect the cultural context in which children are learning. In the UK, we take it for granted that we would not include references to sex, violence, or alcohol in our textbooks; to do so would be considered inappropriate and offensive to many. In order to make an impact around the world, there are other sensitivities that, although not necessarily obvious to some of us, are nonetheless extremely important to others…..
You couldn’t make it up.
‘Managing cultural sensitivities isn’t about reducing educational quality, pandering to minority views, restricting freedom of speech or self-censorship. It’s about ensuring the educational value of our publishing is able to navigate the maze of cultural norms for the benefit of students around the world. We want to ensure we can make the widest possible impact.’
Obvious question: how do you apply this to a ‘multicultural’ society?
I thought refs to (non-hetero) sex were compulsory in children’s textbooks these days?
I jumped in the car this afternoon, turned the radio on to hear the back end of an interview with some writer, or other.
‘We’re doing a live debate on whether young people should vote…’, said the rather pompous Five Liver, ‘What do you think?’
‘Yes, they should,’ came the reply, ‘….to vote out this Government.’
Does it ever end?
It turns out that the interviewee was Josie Long, writer, stand up, political activist, UK uncutter and Owen Jones fan’.
Since the changes, the afternoon show on Five Live, ‘from the outset’, has had a procession of left wing guests. The question, to this one, was disingenuous and obviously elicited the desired response.
Is there no respite from this blatant bias?
Blimey anyone hear R4 PM just now? Long interview on Boko Harem massacre. We’re told the group “doesnt have a cause” and is merely “anti government” due to economic grievances. So not an extremist Islamic organisation then?
I heard this too. I’d guess it’s the start of the BBC and its Common Purpose chums redefining Boko Haram because, as we’ve deduced for ourselves, they must be unique as there’s nothing else bears comparison, does it? Well, not in this particular broadcast anyway.
The BBC – proving at last that ‘Pack of lone wolves’ isn’t an oxymoron.
What would we do without the BBC educating us?
There i was thinking that Boko Haram was an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims and wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a “pure” Islamic state ruled by sharia law.
Silly me; it turns out they’re just a bunch of crazy people with long standing economic grievances.
I forgot to mention the supreme irony in this opinion piece, which was a disbelief that Boko Haram would want to take us back to pre-medieval times – tilling the fields with ox and plough etc.
Completely lost on the BBC who obviously haven’t thought our ‘climate change policy’ through to its logical conclusion.
That is deliberate misinformation – AKA the BBC lying to protect Islam
The BBC does not seem to know what Boko Haram means.
BREAKING NEWS, police raid in Belgium
Ongoing operation, ” jihadist related”
Beeboids actively support the Islamisation of European Union (and campaign for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks).
When MARDELL was Europe Editor, based in Brussels, 2005-09, he ignored the threat contained in the way Islamisation has become the hegemonic force in Brussels.
And European Union bureaucrats in Brussels ignore the evidence of their eyes even in that city, and campaign for the Islamisation of the whole E.U.
“The Islamization of Belgium”
(5 min video.)
And Antwerp, Belgium-
“Belgium: Jihad Mega-Trial Begins”
by Soeren Kern,
October, 2014.
Update for INBBC:-
“Anti-terror raid in Belgian town centre ‘leaves two dead after 10-minute gun battle with Islamic State cell sent back to carry out attacks on Europe’”
Read more:
‘militants’ according to the BBC.
They’re probably lone wolves with a history of mental illness, driven to extreme measures as a last resort due to lack of opportunities and unemployment, fanned by Islamophobia and anger at Israel, or something.
Probably nothing to do with Islam – which preaches only love.
BBC moaning the Oscars are not diverse enough, and are not ‘inclusive either. In fact just about all the Fascist buzz words were used including an allegation of racism & Sexism because they dared to not include a Black woman film director !
Don’t worry BBC, this year they have a little film called ‘Selma’ which has been nominated for only 2 awards (suprising).
A very diverse film staring our own David Oyelowo, directed by Ava DuVernay (who she?) about Martin Luther King which ticks all the usual boxes and will no doubt walk away with the best film category to make everyone feel warm inside!
Yep both Stephen hawking and Alan Turing could surely have been played by ethnic actors.
Why not disabled ones at the very least?
Surely a role for that small Shakespeare bloke or that Francesca Martinez?
This able-bodiedist approach to casting will surely be as bad as “blackface” like the Black and White Minstrels used to do.
Hate Crime!(revised versions 2015)
I feel a grievance coming on that deserves my quango networkings, my faux-grievances and a fat salary to stuff in ny disabiilty scooter basket…top of the range stretch one please with a velvet rope and blue tape to keep the walkie-talkie patronisers at (disabled) bay.
Then off to Lourdes for the cure-doing a Tom Robinson, verucca cured then selling my experiences as a survivor to the DWP.
Stuff the BBC…that`s lest Scott moans that this was not BBC specific.
I think we ought to crowd fund a remake of Zulu, and to bring it up to modern times it could be shot in Tower Hamlets with the British Army parts played by our many black actors ( Lenny Henry as Lt Bromhead anyone ? ) and the parts of the Zulus being played by thousands of East End ‘men’ , bound to be a winner, oh the diversity !
The bBC and tell a lie enough times
Guantanamo Bay: What next for Cuba prison camp?
After years of stagnation, there’s been a burst of activity in transferring inmates out of the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Where will it end? Over the past year, 28 detainees have been transferred out of the prison and taken to countries such as Kazakhstan and Uruguay. This leaves 122 men who are still held at Guantanamo. One of them is Shaker Aamer, the last British resident being held in Guantanamo Bay. Mr Aamer, who is from London, has been held at Guantanamo since 2002.
British bBC, err no he’s a Saudi Arabian with a Saudi passport and he’s from Medina, Saudi Arabia.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.
Wasn’t there a messiah who was going to bring in ‘change’ that got all upset about that place and wasn’t he going to close it within months of getting the keys?
Forget his name, something Irish wasn’t it? O’bama or the like. Hardly hear about him on the BBC nowadays.
At last the BBC has heroically addressed religious extremism in one of its dramas – the daytime soap ‘Doctors’ (I watch it in the gym, ok?).
You know the sort of stuff: extreme fasting, child abuse ending in death, children withdrawn from mainstream education, abstaining from earthly pleasures, female slavery, women blamed for being raped etc etc
Oh, did I mention they were Christian ‘fundamentalists’?
The spirit of the execrable Bonekickers lives on ..
Johnnythefish: LOL I saw that well half watched it as I was doing something else I couldn’t be bothered to turn off or over. Yes “Doctors” is another BBc seies I’ve seen running the BBc agenda on several occasions.
It’s always sad when those you feel could share so much fall out.
Ah well. I did in passing notice this, too:
‘George Galloway is currently working on a less than flattering documentary about Alastair Campbell’s former employer, titled “The Killing Of Tony Blair”.’
Given Aunty is very much in the market and mood for fictional homicidal wish fulfilment these days, I wonder when this will grace her screens?
Ther are particularly excellent sources of ‘Articles and Commentary’ at the ‘Religion of Peace’
site currently (front-page), which Beeboids do not even intellectually acknowledge-
E .g- from ‘Religion of Peace’ above-
“Europe’s Immigration Problem.
“Its unassimilated populations — often openly hostile to their host countries —
continue to grow. ”
By Rich Lowry.
And in other news….
OT? Well, this looks almost like a cut & paste version of Tony ‘You can’t ask me questions, I’m a Lord’ Hall, boss of the world’s most trusted holder of power to account (others that is) national disgrace:
‘The Irvine Times called the office of the First Minister but they were not available for comment’
Seems like the SNP is learning from the masters of anonymous blow offs ’til the dust settles.
The Scots find out that some people are more important than others, i well remember as a child in Cardiff on Prince Charles’s investment day as Prince of Wales everyone was given a commemorative mug by some local worthy, worthy left and all the mugs were taken off the kids never to be seen again ( probably needed to do it again at another school ). Hated labour and all its ways ever since.
in other news, news 24 was talking to some oil industry expert around 5pm who thought the price of oil was going to stay around $60 a barrel for the next 3 years at least, and it was going to be hard on the UK tax take and Scottish jobs. How lucky is wee ‘eck for jumping ship just before it ran aground ? how sad for his successor, she’ll have to learn to live without sucking on the oil teat, i can see tears ahead in haggis land.
How will Wallace and Grommit pay for all their give aways now ?
Check out my cartoon animation about BBC bia post Hebdo
Well done. However I don’t think the Beeb will offering you a job…
Spot on.
See that Kate Middleton attended some special needs school earlier with Grayson Perry.
Aren`t those kids fragile enough not to be fit or willing to go to regular school-without some transvestite showing off his new frock?
Only a freak school with supine publicity-seekers in management would have allowed this….that it`s not even worth a comment by the elite really ought to bother any parent.
Basically schools are now backdrops for cultural marxist gestures…witness Blair announcing the start of the 2001 election(or 2005) from a London primary school…and the head did rather well out of that obeisance to the New Regime.
Perry is fine for consenting adults-but not for confused, unformed and troubled children who sought a sanctuary from pressure and publicity.
Who better then than Royalty and Cunard Queens in drag, rigged up like Cruellas simple maiden auntie?
Ah well-it`s only kids-they`ll soon get over it.
The Savile defence goes deep with out cultural elite does it not?…his big sin was to wear bling with his shellsuit?…outrageous.
Talking of enforcer HALL’s phoney ‘diversity’ –
recent photos of national football teams-
a.) Nigeria
b.) England
What`s all this crap about Big Oil then?
Thought the Greens and liberal elite hated them and their trashing of Mother Earth…you know, rip off capitalists screwing the workers dry, not paying taxes.
Thankfully, Ed Daveys here to promise us a windmill near Chessington by 2030…until then, stock up on candles will you?
So today, Big Oil feels the squeeze and takes jobs out of the SNP playground in Aberdeen.
Oh dear-the BBC don`t like that either…apparently had Big Oil been allowed to dodge their taxes as did Russell, Jimmy etc…then the chances of the SNP getting off the hook for their malicious ignorant and punitive idiocies would have survived scrutiny past May..after which it would not matter.
Cue Union barons blaming the Tories, noboby blaming the SNP or Labour-who seem to have been running things up in Scotland these last forty years and more.
Still-the BBC and Guardian have yet another crocodile tear show of emoting…as if one person doesn`t know who f***ed up the economy before the current crew got on board.
SNP/Labour…the lefts insouciant arrogance and incompetence goes unmentioned-but the people know.
Hope to God that Labour are destroyed this year…then the BBC ought to go afterwards.
Two corpses propping each other up at the bus stop…no bus has ran since 1997, but hey?….
This is what the BBC now believes is comedy, have a listen and see what you think.
Bridget Christie returns in another series of her multi-award winning series about modern feminism.
Bridget thought that she’d be able to put her feet up after her last Radio 4 series, she expected it to bomb. Sadly it was a huge success. But it’s OK, because actually she’s solved the feminist struggle all by herself. In the second episode, she’s taken her activism to a whole new level. Well, sort of.
She’s assisted in this by the series’ token man, Fred MacAulay.
The series is written and performed by Bridget Christie and the producers are Alison Vernon-Smith and Alexandra Smith.
Citizen Khan surely the low water mark of “British Comedy”.
Bridget the Widget hopefully will come across Islam when it too sees humour in her schtick.
Rhona Cameron calls herself a comedian too…at least Alexei Sayle and Lenny Henry have long given up those aspirations….and gone all “Sconny” on us as men of letters.
Letter B today….bald, blather, bluster…Bshit!
Proud to say I’ve never watched CK, the reviews of it have been pretty dire, more promising new comedies haven’t made it past one series, yet this gets three, wonder why?
It should be a radio comedy on the Asian Network no more, but Auntie can’t help trying to diversify the majority, a 20 something Metrosexual might just find it funny not the rest of us.
I believe this is her husband.
Best news of the day:
Belgian anti-terror raid in Verviers leaves two dead
Two people have been killed in an anti-terror operation in eastern Belgium, officials say. Prosecutors said a third person was wounded in the raid in the town of Verviers. No police or members of the public were harmed, they added. Suspects had opened fire on police with assault weapons, he said. “The suspects immediately and for several minutes opened fire with military weaponry and handguns on the special units of the federal police before they were neutralised,”
God bless the Belgium police.
There used to be an old joke, as to why Christ couldn’t be born in ________. Heaven must be running low of virgins these days.
Nice to see the lesbian food blogger ,”jack” something or other on watchdog, sacked by sainsburys after saying david Cameron cashes in on his disabled sons death, still good enough for the bbbc though
She didn’t say golliwog so that’s alright then.
the lesbian food blogger ,”jack” something or other
Wasn’t the feminist leading the witch hunt against Ched Evans called ‘Charlie’?
There’s a pattern. When they take a man’s name, you need to watch out.
A woman called Charlie ?
“Ground Force” had one on their programme IIRC.
Charlie not uncommon, as in Charlene or Charlotte, maybe.
Never heard Jack for bird a though – Jackie maybe, but not Jack.
Or les?
Man in Central London threatening to blow himself up after shouting Allah u Akbar.
Armed Police at Holborn tunnel (Underground?) in a
stand off.
Witnesses say Police are shouting at him, but he is refusing to give himself up.
Police are apparently claiming it’s a training exercise but witnesses say what they saw appeared very real.
Training exercise, eh? Didn’t they have one of those at the time of 7/7?
Still, the Americans had a training exercise of their own on 9/11:,_2001
Has anybody else heard the rumour of a mosque being firebombed in Luton (source – a local resident) followed by a news blackout?
Sounds similar to the refuse truck D notices.
I can’t imagine there’d be a news blackout on something like that with the victim culture the government and the BBC are spreading. Anyone harming the hair on the head of a Muslim would be headline news and off to prison.
I think what’s happening here is we as a nation no longer trust the government nor the media ( especially the bbc) to tell us unpleasant truths before they have had time to start turd polishing. Rumours start and without corroborative statements on TV and radio grow like wildfire especially in the age of twitter. We are going back to my youth in the 60s when all kinds of daft rumours would flow and for want of any rolling news to say if anything had really happened would escalate very quickly.
They have brought it all on themselves with their desire to manage bad news leading to loss of trust by the British people.
Question Time tonight. Dr David Starkey, Mehdi Hasan, Anna Soubry and Douglas Alexander.
Faced with such provocation, Dr Starkey could be evicted from the house.
Medhi “Kaffirs/animals” Hasan … going to fork tongue about
Islam keeping the erm “moral” … high ground, I suppose?
… Until anyone tots up the bodycount
He could change the subject and give yet another example of his whining Islamofauxbia-phobia.
Despicable BBC giving this duplicitous cretin the airtime
… look on the bright side, maybe he ll want to talk cartoons
I see the hospital that john presscott visited his sister in the othr day (northampton general) and couldn’t beleive the bed blocking, today had a patient with suspected ebola. Not normally an illnesses linked with oaps eh? Weaponise the nhs my arse
BBC Chief Political Correspondent, Vicki Young, was beside herself with glee on BBC News Channel, reporting that the Greens membership is close to UKIP’s. She reckons this gives them the right to a place in any debate.
According to this, Vicki was previously a Lib Dem Press Officer while her husband was Chief Press Officer for Prime Minister Brown.
Don’t think UKIP will get many favours from that quarter.
Lol !! I saw that. She nearly pissed herself with excitement.
As well as a view inside the ROPs treatment of women LiveLeak also shows the other side of the idea that all US police are loony dangerous men who attack and kill at the drop of a hat;
Shows what happened to an officer when he just goes to talk to a boyfriend (white!) in a ‘domestic’ , no attack, no loud shouting, no drawn gun, just talking to someone. Is it any wonder that in a society awash with guns that sometimes police fire first when things look as if they are running out of control ? Somehow doubt the bbc will run with this, it doesn’t fit with their preconceived ideas about US white policemen being evil men rather than a man doing a job who can be shot dead by a stranger in an instant.
Belgium, were they after poirot.
What excuse will the bbc trot out
I think they were probably lone wolves with a history of mental illness, driven to extreme measures as a last resort due to lack of opportunities and unemployment, fanned by Islamophobia and anger at Israel etc etc.
Unlikely to be connected to Islam – which preaches only peace, love and fun.
The BBC reports that there is no connection between these European jihadists returning to Europe having fought for the Islamist cause in Syria and any attacks you may have heard about recently. No connection whatsover. Neither has it anything to do with the RoP (Religion of Peace) or TWAT (The War Against Terror).
European security services are continuing to co-operate over these unconnected unrelated events which have nothing in common.
Don’t you just love the way the BBC pretends to be a neutral observer sometimes?
Radio 4’s The World Tonight has just asked the question “If freedom of speech is so important why haven’t we heard about the Saudi blogger?”
I don’t know why BBC, aren’t you supposed to hunt these stories down for yourself rather than getting ‘upset’ when no-one reports them? Could it be a story that puts real, actual, fully-signed up, mainstream, in-your-face, mates of Cameron and Obama (shhh….muslims) in a bad light? Could it be that the BBC’s Saudi mates might get upset and not give ‘journalists’ free drink and accommodation on their next visit? Beats me, it’s a mystery isn’t it!
With the BBC, it would take me all day to list the answers to: “If freedom of speech is so important why haven’t we heard about”
But for the lefty Labour people at the BBC to present a self convincing Orwellian Newspeak illusion of impartiality, they have to censor a growing number of Journalists, Scientists and Politicians, especially the Politicians who are also Scientists, which could be fatal for the BBC this year.
Lord Hall’s response to this is to rely on the BBC’s Orwellian Newspeak censorship policy, to create the illusion that the politicians are the enemy of the licence fee payer.
Still seems to be growing.
Just occasionally the bbc does something right, Mark Urban, one of its few real professionals has just done a day in the life of the USS Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier at present taking the war to the IS scum. 10 minutes of enjoyment watching a ‘big stick’ in action.
Nothing to do with Islam..
Excellent clip.
Neither dazed, nor confused.
Is that Stefan Molyneux’s English uncle?
Well, this link will just about mind f*ck all those Liberals at the BBC, but then how they forget why the Handsworth riots kicked off all those years ago in Birmingham. And for those BBC apologists that visit these pages on this blog, this one link is a present from me to you. Happy New Year! Enjoy your multicultural world.
The BBC ‘thinks’ that you don’t even have to own a TV set to have a TV license now! Lord Haw Haw explains to ‘plebs’ i.e English peoples with small mansions; ‘Householders could be required to pay the television license fee even if they do not own a television, under proposals being discussed by the BBC. ‘ Obviously Lord Haw Haw thinks the TV license can be applied to the BBC iPlayer and continue ‘as normal service’. All those wonderful World service listeners eager to pay to watch BBC ‘Top Gear’ or ‘Newsnight’ with Russel Brand?
Do we need the TV license (Telegraph poll today). Answer maybe obvious but then not to Lord sticky fingers.
Here’s a question. Is it fair to pay the licence fee if you own a television and do not watch the BBC?
Still a poorly phrased question and options.
It appears to miss out the right to own a screen to view a myriad of other things beyond BBC, or indeed other live broadcaster-supplied signals. Namely any catch-up to DVDs, gaming, etc.
Sloppy or on purpose?
The ownership of a TV, or one sitting in a room, serves only to make a TVL/capita snoop (lied about, mislead/conned or via search warrant) easier to turn into a prosecution. There are millions already out there. Working, not working and what used for, who knows… or should care. It is a tool that presents pretty pictures.
This seems to try and make it a vague choice between TV ownership or paying the BBC Poll tax (exempting broadcast-enabled PCs?). The council tax levy ignores even that. The ISP levy at least assumes a pipe and stream of signal.
All what James Purnell and fellow £multi-hundredkpa market rates are trying to sneak through.
As a matter of interest anyway, what is the Telegraph poll URL, or were/are the results?
The results are in (as it was 2014) probably even less BBC favourable now.. ‘More than half the public think the television licence fee should be scrapped and the BBC forced to find new ways to fund itself, according to a poll published today.’ (July 2014).. it goes on; ‘The results, from a survey of more than 2,000 people by ComRes, come as ministers and BBC executives prepare for the government’s review of the broadcaster’s charter in 2016. ‘
I really hope this is not a representation of our populous. The audience must have been vetted, or the country is a gonna.
Anna Sourbry – Appeaser of Islamist murderers.
Libtard daughter of rich bloke – Fence sitting appeaser of Islamist murderers.
David Starkey – Can’t fault him for effort. You can hold your head up sir.
Medhi Hasan – I can’t find the words. I’ll leave it at dissembling Muslim propagandist.
David Dimblebum –Arse plug. Rich one. And you paid for his feathered nest.
Dougie Alexander – Appeaser of Islamist murderers.
Thoroughly depressing misunderstanding of those present, (Starkey excepted) of the unyielding steadfast birth rights of freemen of England.
Charlie Hebdo can publish whatever they wish. If it’s libelous, they’ll get sued. If its offensive, don’t buy it, suck it up and move on. If you think anybody in England should be prevented publishing a picture of the Peado Mohammed a$$f%^*ing a 9 year old girl, eating a hot dog whilst being licked by a dog, then you can go f@*k ya momma!
Starkey is right, never under estimate an oversexed 16 year old girl, yes the guy was wrong, but probably flattered. Cue the aborance of the rest of the Islam supporting panel and audience (Hassan especially) who conveniently forget that the prophet took a 9 year old wife….
Yes the audience is loaded, note the boo at the mention of Paul Nuttall appearing next week, no other politician or party is recieved in the same way.
Starkey was light years ahead of the rest of them in intelligence and ability. It was embarrasing to listen to the panel. They seemed unable to really comprehend most of Starkey’s arguments. Thick is how they looked and sounded.
For once I was entertained but that was Starkey’s doing. The rest were abysmal.
That the country is a “goner”, is in no doubt. The same sheeple who “voted” at the last election, will do so again, this time around, plus sundry others. UKIP government? Desperately needed, but not a chance in hell. More of the same, I’m afraid for the Former UK.
The country is royally stuffed.
Its about time the sheepdogs of logic and reason gathered together the flock of sheeple to graze on the grass of freedom and peace.
Where are the shepherds? Where are the sheepdogs?
Vote UKIP! and scrap the telly tax.
I think you’re absolutely right, Starkey was the only panellist worthy of the name. The appeasers and apologists are an affront to democracy. I simply couldn’t vote for any of the main stream parties having witnessed their craven and toe curling excuse making for this religious Nazism. As for the audience; the usual rag bag of idiotic left wing performing seals; students, Labour supporters, members of UAF and various soap dodgers. This is the BBC after all; what do you expect?
There are terrifying echoes of the nineteen thirties here and these pathetic, cowardly political pariahs blather on about “the religion of peace.”
Always makes me think of “Peace in our time.”
Oh Lord. Its dated last April 2014. That means it’s about to become true. License fee on top of your mansion tax. TV license stamps on the rates then.
BBC ‘This Week’. Brillo. Good TV. And inexpensive to make.
Islamists’ masks are slipping? Should be a Youtube hit, but I’m a technophobe with the interwebby.
Neil, Portillo reveal the inhumanity of the perspective of the “moderate” Muslim. Everybody should watch this.
Nabila who? What a disgusting waste of a human being. If this woman is not British, she should be deported. Now.
Wake up people. Sack the LibLabCon.
Remarkable programme. Nambila has posed as the perfect detached analyst for some years; it’s only this week she has become spokeswoman for the nutters. Maybe she is angling for a position with al Jazeera. whatever; just proves how one’s prejudice about hidden bias isn’t far off the mark.
We shouldn’t be surprised. The latest buzz in recruitment is the ‘values-based interview’. Don’t worry about your skills; we’re more interested in your ‘values’. You can be sure the BBC is leading the charge.
Of course; they’ve been selecting on this basis for years, but now they’re starting to brazenly formalize the process.
Churchill, Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Alan Moore, Ron Paul, Hayek. All warning us, but history is repeating.
The 1984 playbook has come out and its being played by the numbers.
BBC. Arm of the Ministry of Truth.
Scrap the telly tax and vote UKIP.
Slowly, slowly eh! – had to be 11.35 on a Thurs night
though, a refreshing start.
I did note, Brillo couldn t help himself , over
No Go Bham, without asking whether, there actually are any no go areas in Bham, (can take Brillo out of the BBC, can t take the BBC out of him).
Yes, a really great programme – your post prompted me to watch on iPlayer. Even Diane Abbott was attacking the awful Nabila woman ! Andrew Neil and Portillo were brutal with her. tearing apart her false arguments.
In a proper world, the BBC would quit using her so much, she is a crazy.
We have, apparently, to “educate out” homophobia, biphobia, trasnsphobia, from schools, and brainwash the kiddies to the LGBT way of thinking.
When I was at school, we’d never heard of “gays”, didn’t know what “lesbians” were, and “transexuals” were unheard of. We still managed to tease each other in the playground, though, about any perceived “differences” in other kids. It’s what children did, and still do. It’s harmless. All this LGBT stuff, though is insidious – it’s not as if they’re in a majority, either.
Before that, I was ‘entertained’ on “Thought for the Day” by a Muslim lady, who didn’t like her faith to be teased…
We live in a world of wimps.
Bullying though is a different thing to teasing. And playground bullying is rarely to do with race or sexuality. Imagine two scenarios:
10 boys picking on one because he’s too tall, thin, short, fat or speaks with the wrong accent. One boy holds his arms while a couple of others take turns to hit him, The other seven taunting him all the time.
Or two equally matched boys, one white and one black fighting and name calling. The white boy calls the other one by the N word.
These days the teachers would take no action with the bullies in the first case (or at least not much more than a detention to include the victim). Whereas the white boy in the second instance will probably be suspended from school and made to undertake counselling.
This is why the hate crime laws are so wrong. A couple of rude names is not a major thing, whether it’s racist or not. Physical and mental intimidation is far worse for whatever reason (it could of course be racist intimidation) .
“Bullying though is a different thing to teasing.”
Quite. In infants and junior school in the 1950s, I clearly remember that “two onto one” was a general taboo, and we didn’t need teachers, social workers or plod to enforce it. “One onto one” was more or less OK, but weapons were never considered. It just didn’t happen in the schools I attended – and I’m talking about a working class/lower middle class neighbourhood with a sizeable council estate, not Hampstead.
Since then, hundreds of laws have been passed and we have armies of social workers and self appointed busybodies telling us how kids should be allowed to behave and, more to the point, what they should be allowed to SAY. Yet, for all that, six kids kicking the sh*t out of a seventh lying on the ground seems to be far from unusual.
Still, never mind, at least they’re not using inappropriate language. We’ve come a long way.
Wouldn’t it be sensible to educate everyone ‘out’ of Islam? Seriously has it done any peoples (as opposed to the elite) any good anywhere?
At the risk of being subjected to the modern lynch mob isn’t it self-evident ‘common-sense'(!) that all these sexual hang-ups are defects/abnormalities/disabilities (select or make up the current ‘acceptable’ code for the day) – we are a two-sex species, male/female, nothing else works. Yet the ever expanding list of ‘variation’ is the new super-normal, top of the pile the way to live. It is though we have to live in a mono-chrome world of no light and no sound less we upset the blind and deaf, (once thought of disabilities but now celebrated as different-abilities). That isn’t a joke either as there a ‘militant’ deaf parents that want their children to be deaf at birth. Have all our policy makers got Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
You get marked down by Ofsted without any brown faces (Chinese and Poles don’t count it seems) even in the remotest parts of the country.. One mixed School with Catholic intake was asked where are all the ‘lesbians’ (in class) ere and are you (boys) happy being dressed as ‘boys’? And this is from a the latest batch of government OfSted inspectors shows where the EU are going with this bullying tactic. They never go into Islamic School with this attitude. That would be ‘offensive’. Inappropriate sex education is very offensive to children… (and parents who are bullied into submission to follow the perverts ‘agenda’ or face persecution for speaking the obvious.
Paedophiles in Schools: In any other age, those who perpetrate such crimes, like Elly Barnes and Sue Sanders and Tony Fenwick of Schools Out would be hauled before the courts, along with convicted sex offender, Birmingham head teacher of Perry Beeches School, Liam Nolan:
Just as we get used to the BBC Question Time phenomena of mentions of UKIP being booed by the audience, now we see a new development – the audience clapping the reading out of the questions. No comment from the panel yet but applause for the question. Can this be a neutral reaction? Or does it reveal that the partizans are already pumped up?
Only the BBC could stage a show like QT in a town where UKIP had just trounced the opposition and manage to fill the entire audience with people with opposing views.
The BBC stinks.
Good point.
Just goes to show you how much the bBC cannot be trusted
That would be (b).
I watched QT and was amazed at the positive response to Mehdi the mohamidan and others who accepted without question that a few drawings in a magazine were really offensive. Sure, a couple of speakers made the point that the right to say offensive things was to be protected in free society. But for God’s sake, where was the advice to grow up and recognise that such pictures could not offend sane people?
So many of the antagonisms between ordinary British people and the mohamidans would have been ironed out in daily interactions were it not for successive governments and the media who have protected these berks with laws and snoopers.
BBc Breakfast keeping the NHS shock horror outrage train a rollin’ with an article on advised staffing levels in A&E. Plus the Welsh NHS figures for December are due soon and are worse than the worst in England. Hang on, who runs NHS Wales I thought it was the assembly. Who runs the Welsh assembly? I thought it was Liebour. Then off to some fluffy fantasy world where if you like you can work into your old age. Well I’m sure that will apply to a few but for the majority exactly what are all these jobs going to be and where exactly are these jobs going to come from?
Is there not a legal requirement to announce ‘There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of The Labour Party‘ before those stories?
An interesting article about immigration here:
A quick check of the BBC’s website would suggest this hasn’t been covered. If anyone finds a relevant article please post the link.
Also, some more nasal whining from Red Ed here:
How careless of Labour. They know for definite that they imported these voters, now they have gone and lost them. A good place to start looking, I suggest, is any inner city A&E dept.
The comments at the second link aren’t going the BBC’s way at the moment. Stand by for them to close or a mysterious rush of BBC approved comments and voting.
The latest comment brought a smile:
602.Asset Stripper
Just now
This comment was removed because the moderators just felt like it.
And the Liberal Democrats accused Labour of “scaremongering”.
“Labour must have forgotten they began the policy of individual electoral registration while they were in government, and still support it in principle,” Tom Brake, deputy leader of the House of Commons, said.
He added: “Labour also seem keen to hide the fact that the coalition government has made it extremely easy to register to vote – it can be done online in a couple of minutes.”
This is the sort of detail found on the BBC website (this article read by….?) but inevitably missing from the Today programme (audience 6 million), yet triumphantly linked to by the likes of dezzz to demonstrate BBC impartiality.
And anyway, won’t this system discourage the voting fraud that has become so popular amongst – ahem – some of the more recent arrivals to these shores?
Light relief!
Wimmins hour has just had a piece on “Online sperm donating”.
My wife commented “That would make a bit of a mess of the computer”
Do they still crane that awful woman in to present Wimmin’s Hour?
Not content with having a full house of geriatric female presenters, (a la Ripon, Hunniford, and Sommerville, combined age 209 years), of the BBC’s ‘Rip Off Britain’, virtually every complainant, or mouthpiece for the complaint is female, occasionally a token male is allowed. It’s patently obvious, the BBC initiated this programme, purely to give them employment, in the wake of the case re Miriam O’Reilly.
Likewise BBC ‘Blue Peter’ Breakfast, not only do females dominate the BBC regional presenters/weather forecasters, the default position seems to be :- All experts, persons appearing, no matter in what field, must where possible be female.
Likewise in BBC Sport. There is not one programme where sport is featured, where females have not infiltrated.
This is not equality, it is pure and simple gender bias.
Don’t believe me ? Watch.
This may (should) surprise you, but the BBC see their bias towards feminist ‘experts’ as a ‘feature’ rather than a ‘fault’. They’re proud of their ‘positive action’:
It’s been acknowledged by broadcasters across the industry that there aren’t enough expert female contributors appearing on air. BBC Expert Women is our attempt to redress the balance via a series of free training days that provide experiences, insight and networking opportunities that help demystify the media and boost skills.
Of course, the Guardian think it’s a wonderful idea:
It does not surprise me in the least. I’ve just read a piece in the Torydimlabourgraph, (who agree Quelle Surprise), that a select committee from the House of Lords, considers there is not enough female representation at the BBC, in fields of News and Current Affairs.
They obviously live in a parallel universe.
Not enough BBC ‘experts’ implies that there are already ‘experts’ lurking in the BBC already. Surely every woman is an ‘expert’ in something that then gets abused by the BBC media because she is not left wing enough for ‘Woman’s gynecological problems spot’. It never used to be like this.
Note also that when a male does present with a female (Brekky Time, local news etc) he isn’t that strong male role model, he is portrayed as the joke figure, the idiot and the fall guy. Its the same in TV adverts.
Yes Geoff, look at the specimens on Blue Peter Breakfast, Bill ‘Billy the Smarm’ Turnbull, Mike ‘Over excited schoolboy’ Bushell, and Charlie ‘I hate UKIP does it show?’ Stait.
… not only do females dominate the BBC regional presenters/weather forecasters, the default position seems to be :- All experts, persons appearing, no matter in what field, must where possible be female.
Their attitude is that they are ‘correcting’ male bias. Same with effnik positive discrimination. Rod Liddle protested when they gave Lenny Henry control of Today for a whine:
The irony of course is that Today – certainly when I was editor and probably even more so now, I would guess – had a complement of staff from ethnic minority backgrounds which was close to double the national average.
Good man, that Rod.
Likewise in BBC Sport. There is not one programme where sport is featured, where females have not infiltrated.
The most audacious move I’ve seen yet is the current campaign to ‘even up’ football. I can barely believe they have taken this on – it shows how confident they are. Male footballers transfer at £100m and earn £300k a week…. based on the money they bring in. Females play in front of a few dozen friends and relatives. But the BBC has taken this on… seriously.. they’re running articles about how tennis has achieved ‘equality’ and football is caught in the past. Witness the fuss over some Irish female competing for ‘Goal Of The Year’ – all part of the political moves.
Alice Arnold, in the Torygraph, says all this is just wonderful;
Why is she qualified to judge? Well; she used to work for the BBC… and she’s getting married to that other expert in male sport, Clare Balding.
And there’s not been equality in tennis since women received the same prize money for half the work and to a far lower standard. If they want real equality the men and women should play in the same competitions and only have one singles and one doubles tounament. How far would even the amazonian women like the Williams sisters, Navratilova or Mauresmo have got against even the #100 ranked man!
This was all initiated by Maria Miller, when she was I think Tory Culture Minister. You must know her, she’s yet another one who’s still an MP despite allegedly fiddling expenses.
Ahh yes! a recap on Maria Miller: Money is never enough is it. More than enough to fiddle expenses.
To change the subject completely . On Radio 4 drama at about 11am heard the sound of women sleeping together !!. This is what the BBC wants to promote to a young audience who are listening to the BBC that time of day . When I complained to the BBC 10 years ago about men seen in bed together on the lunchtime TV soap ” The Doctors “they accused me of homophobia.
I don’t see anything wrong with women sleeping together providing I can watch.
Depends entirety on the quality of the women.
BBC. Overt anti-male bias. Encouraged by the Lords.
Dementia + Establishment = Discriminatory statist misandrism [eq.1]
“More women needed in news and current affairs, Lords say”
More brave, free-thinking, well educated journalists needed in news and current affairs, Angryman says!
Doesn’t matter how dumb they are, just make sure they’re dickless! The only way I’d ever get an invite on the BBC, or a job with them, would be if I had a ‘gender reassignment’ , probably avaiable on the (inter)NHS.
Scrap the telly tax. Funding misandry, immorality and social engineering.
BBC 24Hr Labour Party Broadcasting Unit.
Biased? Hell yes! And the evidence just keeps coming. I predict the Labour Party may shelve this latest BBC funded ‘vote magnet’ test. How can a political party be as clueless as Liebor? The requirement, under threat of the removal of liberty by imprisonment, to fund this statist propaganda is untenable in a free England.
“Caps on fat, salt and sugar promised by Labour”
That’s right. Caps. Caps on energy bills yesterday, caps on fat, salt and sugar today. …..though they’ll probably ditch this ‘vote magnet’ by tomorrow. When Andy Burnham demonstrated his leadership credentials by confirming he couldn’t read a cereal packet and that a degree in chemistry was needed to read one, those with an IQ north of 80 would realise the guy is a bit dim. Labour must think people are really dumb… well, judging by the readers’ comments to this:
Anoraks may have noticed peculiarities in the BBC website comments sections. Vastly fewer articles are open to comment, particularly since the Russell Brand appearance on QT before Christmas and even fewer since the murder of 17 people by Islamic terrorists in Paris on 7/1/15. For the few ‘safe subject’ BBC articles that are open to comment, the comments make interesting reading, especially when filtered by best/worst. Comments also seem to be open during the traditional working day (or during the night), but close down double quick time. Only spontaneous comment is recorded.
Scrap the telly tax
Why doesn’t the BBC allow comments against every article on its website? It takes no effort whatsoever to add a comments section.
Haven’t seen or heard much of Brand since then. Don’t tell me his flush is busted already?
WARNING: This video contains footage of a man taking a bath which some viewers might find offensive.
Do you mean this Russell Brand?
Never tire of watching this.
Moderate ambassadors for the RoP on the march again:
First sentence of this report from Pakistan includes a reference to The Prophet Mohamid, which helps to legitimise what is basically an outbreak of insanity by a bunch of fruitcakes.- .If only we in the UK were allowed to laugh at the silly buggers.
Not like the BBC to miss the glaring ‘gender inequality’ in those crowds.
Breaking News from Paris. Gunman holding 3 Hostages claims to have grenades and Kalashnikov. Any wild guesses WHO.
A Quaker?
Don’t think this ever made the BBC. However, they do have a ‘Breaking News’ story running now:
2014 was hottest year on record
This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.
Their priorities haven’t changed.
Good old BBC. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story. ‘New solar theory predicts imminent global cooling’
More completely biased global warming propaganda b*llshit from your poll tax funded BBC:
What a surprise, RenewablesUK commissions a report whose findings make the case for more…renewables. Any half-decent journalist could shred this in seconds.
More wind would guard against price shocks due to fossil fuel prices. Oh good, that means we could have been saved from the imminent reductions in energy prices. Just when you thought the BBC could sink no lower.
These climate ‘scientists’ and renewables experts are so clever they can make the wind blow all the time.
No? Do you mean they can’t?
In that case have the BBC asked the question what happens when the wind isn’t blowing? No? How odd, them being chock full of the world’s greatest investigative journalists an’ all.
“We are however satisfied that the site’s precautionary health and safety alert processes worked well with local emergency services in attendance within minutes of the incident taking place.”
That’s all right, then. Don’t worry about the £500,000 lost.
BBC News. “So far there is no link to the attacks last week in Paris, and the foiled terror attack in Belgium”
Panic – and hostage taking – over. According to the Telegraph the perp was just an ordinary nutter, not a religiously inspired one. Consequently, if/when the BBC reports this one online, the “nothing to do with Islam” imprimatur will, for once, be accurate. Well “broken clocks” and all that . . . . . !
Aunty fares well, I feel…
‘Uniquely, the burden of proof is upon the defendant. And this protection is only available to the wealthy’
That word again.
Woman usa reporter, one o’clock news, getting all worked up about obama. “He may not have good approval ratings in the usa, but here in Europe, hes something of a political rock star” maybe in your circles love, but not here ,in my part of England, not Europe.
Saw It. Naomi Grimley. Thirty five/ thirty six year old woman acting like a starstruck teen when she mentioned Obama. She has ‘previous’:
Labour gets a mention in this article:
However, Labour isn’t mentioned in the context that it is responsible for NHS Wales. No, Labour comes in right at the end because it has threatened to protest against changes to response times.
BBC, you have left out a fundamental point regarding NHS Wales’ poor performance but then I think you know that.
As in ‘Labour run’?
Obviously not in vogue at the BBC, unlike ‘Tory controlled’ or ‘When the Conservatives were in power’ or ‘Under Margaret Thatcher’s government’.
‘The centrepiece of Labour’s programme of constitutional reform was undoubtedly devolution’…’The election on 6th May 1999 of a Parliament in Scotland, with extensive powers of primary legislation, and an Assembly in Wales, with powers of secondary legislation only, will have a profound impact on governance within the UK.’…’Promises of ‘revitalising’ local government, by granting it more powers in return for more stringent responsibilities, have largely been unrealised. The regions themselves have had since April 1999 regional development agencies, but these are national bodies appointed by ministers and not regional bodies directly answerable to an electorate.’…In the summer of 2002, John Prescott, the minister responsible for the regions, spoke of his desire to give to English regions more devolved power similar to those that Wales and Scotland have.’
‘Finally: ‘Tony Blair boasts that 100 years after the creation of the Labour Party, he has delivered three of Keir Hardie’s historic benchmarks for a Labour Government: the minimum wage, devolution and abolition of the hereditary peers.’
Wales has devolved NHS, now financially bust like the BBC claims to be. More money will make it better?