As you may have guessed, our server crashed on Monday, again! This is so annoying and worse still, some posts and comments have yet to be retrieved and indeed some won’t be. Please bear with us, this is so frustrating for me. In the meantime, here is a new Open Thread, approved by Harriet Harman for being breast-free.
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I guess getting everything back to normal takes a lot of somebody’s time and effort – just thanks to all involved. I do miss reading this site when its down.
I had noticed Craig and Sue’s site quoted the thread on here regarding that new woman running (ruining?) the “Comedy” Department and her nasty set of hate retweets. Hopefully that will return in time.
Have had to add ‘Word of Mouth’, a programme I previously used to enjoy, to my list of those that I might have to ditch due to bias. I have always known that Michael Rosen is a lefty as shown by his distasteful comments around the time of Baroness Thatcher’s death. Yesterday’s programme was in effect a hatchet job on the UK’s efforts to weed out bogus asylum seekers by determining their place of origin through linguistic analysis of their speech. Michael Rosen couldn’t disguise his incredulity that anybody should be denied asylum for any reason. He was determined to undermine everything said by Lars-Johan Lundberg of Verified, the Swedish company that the Government uses to carry out the analysis. It was heart warming to hear linguist Peter Patrick (whose invitation might have been based on the BBC’s shallow desire to tick various minority boxes) agree with most of what Mr Lundberg had to say thereby pulling the rug out from under Michael Rosen.
Worth a listen if you want to hear lefty propaganda being slipped quietly into schedules.
Seconded…I too mention elsewhere that I honestly thought that Rosen would be telling us the latest scientific efforts to spot the estuary English fakes like Blair, Jagger and Kennedy(N).
But no-that would be mocking of his betters in Labour hierarchies…so Rosen displaces his curiosity towards obscure Somali dialects in the hope that the Home Office can be shown to be scientifically racist in refusing yet another grandad with a grenade as one of Michael Jacksons kids.
The BBC work 24/7 to create this fetid little pool of pot-pourri privileges to nurse and to dilate about….todays 4pm slot has another failed old Trot playing the Wolfe Tones and polishing Stakeknifes Armalite as a Marxist awareness session on the splinters of the IRA as a response to Mrs McGoldricks efforts to live a decent life. And the IRAS response-Omagh, Guildford and Birmingham?
But Laurie likes a rumble-and if stumps can be measured, severed heads used as nightlights…then Laurie and the Hampstead Alliance can coo over the rebels and spit on the obstacles to their Socialist, Islam-compliant vision of utopia.
Despicable-and we continue to pay the likes of Taylor and Rosen..why so?…and how come their Poly Wally doodles have been incontinently allowed to run for so long.
I`d send the Faecal Brothers to analyse dyadic verse and hegemony in Raqqa for their respective blowhole shows.
Everything you need to know about Michael Rosen.
The man is clearly demented and not the full pound.
But that’s care in the community for you.
He looks like a distant relative of Gollum.
He auditioned but didn’t get the part. Too precious!
Let me say first of all that I have not (yet) listened to this latest “Word of Mouth” … and probably now will not do so, in the light of Steve Jones’ review of it. When I saw the advert and brief detail for the broadcast on the Radio 4 website, the thought flashed through my mind in an instant that Rosen would take exactly this line on the subject of voice recognition and bogus asylum seekers. How nice to have my ‘prejudices’ confirmed … and how typical of the rotten biased BBC!
BBC Facebook spreading the love site again I see…
BBC World News
Myanmar is investigating a speech by a prominent Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu in which he made offensive remarks about a UN envoy
Myanmar probes monk’s UN comments
Myanmar says it is investigating a speech by a Buddhist monk in which he insulted a UN envoy who called for rights for Muslims.
The comments thus far are… ‘colourful’.
But nice of the BBC to host it.
In contrast, the comments (from all ‘sides’) to this one are a hoot:
BBC News
Heather Watson said “girl things” contributed to her Australian Open defeat – and another British tennis star has praised her “bravery” in mentioning her period. Annabel Croft called this “the last taboo” in women’s sport:
“She is brave to speak about it so openly”
Annabel Croft on how sportswomen deal with periods when competing.
Best tea break investment in time for a long while…
The trouble is that if women acknowledge this as a problem then they are asking to be treated differently to men.
But the BBC and the feminists have spent years arguing that women are the same as men.
They can’t have it both ways, although no doubt they will try.
They already do have it both ways. Women get the same prize money as men at Wimbledon even though their matches are only three-sets instead of five.
And even though there is a 15% chance they are having their period and apparently playing at half-pace…
So all those Bodyform ads showing how brilliantly women can do sport when they’re on the blob were a load of old cods?
And I bet any troops who have lady troops next to them on the front line in future, are hoping that, when the balloon goes up, the person next to them, on whom they rely for survival, isn’t just having one (or even two, or three ?) of their regular ‘bad days’, so they weren’t quite up to doing their normal job.
But it’s OK lads – she’ll get a medal for her bravery in talking about it afterwards.
I’m with the Buddhist Ashin Wirathu on this, unlike the bbc;
‘But the BBC’s Jonah Fisher in Yangon says criticism of the comments has been muted because no politicians want the powerful monks to turn on them’.
Or, could it be that the politicians actually agree with Ashin, and aren’t cowardly appeasers like our lot, but don’t want to swim against the “we love muslims” brigade and be treated like the pariah of the world.
When the Buddhist monks have had enough you know you’re in trouble. Just another country where nazislam is bringing peace and enlightenment.
A bigger pile of gibberish, (the nicest word I could use)
… you ll struggle to find.
Why Buddhists are attacking the religion of paeds?
Unbelievable, a hatchet piece if there ever was one by the bbc desperately trying to prove their appeasement of nazislam.
Now Buddhism is as bloodthirsty as the Crusaders ever were and are the antagonists? There is a common denominator in many conflicts past and present….islam, wherever they are there is discord, even in their own caliphate!
“Islamic State plans 24-hour jihad TV channel
Why? … CNN, MSNBC and the BBC not enough for them? “
The Islamic State Plans own TV Channel”
Japanese PM:
“Extremism and Islam are completely different things”
The imam (Not-Quite-Honest Abe) joins his fellow imams Barack Obama, John Kerry, Joe Biden, David Cameron, Theresa May and others in explaining that what the Islamic State is doing has “nothing to do with Islam”
R Spencer
sheesh! (the puns are coming thick and fast this morning)
Anyway … on the day that 800, 000 join protests, NOT protesting against the murder of twelve cartoonists for drawing Mohamhead. … protesting AGAINST the Mohamhead cartoons,
Whilst in Niger: Muslim mobs torch 45 churches in Motoon riots
And nothing but whining complaints after a letter asks Imams to “do more” about extremism, led by “offence monger central” Al BBC
“Bradford mosques leader demands apology over terror letter”
… erm Muslims and Demand …. anyone see a pattern emerging?
A prescient point indeed, with this being a, maybe the biting topic
Sooo! what do we get as a phone in on BBC radio?
by N “the offended” Campbell?.
… your “Birthpool” experiences
Jeremy Vine Show today – still going on about Fox News Birmingham gaff (what a non-story); and that the Mayor of Paris is going to sue, because Fox also said there are Muslim no-go areas in France’s capital and other places throughout the country. Douglas Murray was on with some progressive, American academic from Birmingham University.
There’s a good clip of Murray on Al Jazeera last week, in which he gives the toadying presenter both barrels – metaphorically, of course…
I like Murray, he was on the odious campbell’s Big Questions a couple of weeks ago and took a muslim ‘spokesperson’ to the cleaners, he seems about the only person on TV who says it how it is regarding nazislam, particularly on the bbc.
Murray’s book ‘Islamophilia’ is required reading, for learning about the depth and extent of dhimmitude throughout the Western Elites.
They clearly intend to keep this live, as an example of how ‘the right are nutters’.
Clive Myrie interviewed the guy and make a great show of being incredulous. After all, Birmingham is a wonderful place, isn’t it? You’d wonder, given this interview that Myrie did himself, 18 months ago:
or this from 2002! …
Europes time bomb?
or continue to smear, giggle at Birmingham
This 8 minute video shows how Muslims have colonised vast areas of Birmingham, ethnically cleansed British people from the streets, built mosques, turned schools into Islamic centres
B Mail – Jasper Carrott: We must stop Birmingham being divided into ghettos
B Mail – The area of Birmingham that are no-go areas for white people
Virtual Tourist – Dodgy Areas, Birmingham
“The city centre is a hub of muggers from all ethnic groups but also has various violent people normally from “bad” areas . Also crime stats can be deceptive as lots of crime won’t be reported to the police especially in “bad” areas”
… The disturbing changing face of Birmingham
… Nurses warned to avoid “no-go” areas – BIRMINGHAM
… Ghettos of Birmingham
Welcome to Eurabia » Russian Reporter Visits ‘No Go Zone’ in Paris
Is it a ‘gaff’ or a cover-up? Areas of Birmingham do have high crime no-go areas. The Police may deny this as it is politically sensitive to state otherwise. What happens in France and Sweden will become a normal low level crime that cannot be reported (to the Police) for fear of giving ‘offense’ to those that cause it. War is ‘offensive’ so better to deny that there is any hope of changing anything in the EU.
As someone who spent 25 years in the police and then in the intelligence side of things, retiring in 2005, I can categorically assure you that no-go areas do exist and have existed for over 20 years, the only thing that is different is that their number are on the increase.
Rank and file police in the affected areas will speak off the record about it, but forget ACPO, a self serving, self seeking bunch of w*nkers who’d parrot the latest political line in furtherance of their own careers.
Most people in some Northern towns have known this for a long time. Alexandra Park in Oldham has been a no go area for whites for a long time, particularly after dark, as are other areas of Oldham.
The bbc would have us believe that the Oldham riots were caused by right wing scum but those that live there know better.
You don;t even need to go to the North. Luton has ‘no go’ areas and there are parts of London that clearly qualify.
For the BBC to pretend otherwise is simply further evidence of its role as a Quisling.
“European ‘No-Go’ Zones: Fact or Fiction?
Part 1: France”
by Soeren Kern.
Perception is everything and despite all the liberal huffing and puffing ,sulking and whining it is slowly becoming clear that the shire people are changing their habits.
It is a matter of individual choices.
Going to London is no longer an automatic treat. There , thanks to terrorist attacks, will always be an underlying worry. Those with children will stop and think- is it worth it?
Now statistically the risk is small indeed but statistics has nothing to do with perception.
This year will see a real drop in visitors from the USA.
They are always prone to stop coming if events look bad to them.
One of my daughters in law will never go to London again. Quite frankly she is fearful and some of her friends are of the same mind. This is how civil society starts to decay and fail.
This once peaceful and polite land has been exposed by an idiot elite to what should never have occured. The why is now irrelevant. Those responsible are beyond condemnation and for the rest of us it will be harsh days and harsh decisions.
The politicians and their media hangers on bemoan the apathy and cynicism now everywhere displayed. The blame is always with the leaders never the led.
Good post.
There is what should be, and there is what is.
I was born in London. Lived there a large chunk (through the IRA political campaign season – good time to be a glazier). Most school & Uni mates still there. I am sure if I still lived there I would be as cool as they are on busses or tubes or heading back from the station late at night.
Now, if we visit, it is car in and out. And even then the place gives me the creeps.
I recall being part of a gig in Camden that was supposed to be to several hundred. There were a dozen. It was just after some local backpackers showed it could happen here.
The multicultural no go areas seem to be defined by the ethnics is such areas. The BBC and demographic researchers would need to talk to criminal gangs, the police and the community leaders to accurately map such areas, with constant updating, as the areas expand with mass immigration. But at the moment, only the white people who live in these cities, would know where these areas are, which was a learning experience for a teenage relative of mine, who went to Bradford University, who I joked about it being about time we gave independence from the British Empire, to these people.
dave s,
“…it is slowly becoming clear that the shire people are changing their habits”
Ah yes, to be sure the simple shire folk are ever so ever grateful to be having the young Master Dave speaking to the Squires on their behalf.
European ‘No-Go’ Zones: Fact or Fiction?
Click to access TREMOLLET_DE_VILLERS.pdf
This story continues to be a picnic for the BBC-but they are on the wrong side of things as ever.
The French journalist that Vine spoke to joked that American Muslims would now be coming over instead, as the story encourages them that they`ll be welcome. No humour to be reciprocated though…beyond the pale for the liberals.
In comes a nasty Poly suckup called Scott Lucas-who laughs,sneers and dismisses anything that Murray says.
Scott Lucas has done his job though…we`ll be seeing much more of him.
Never heard such a quisling creep-and the added bonus of having an accent that suggests Kennedy flair means he can keep Glenn Griswalds seat warm until he gets back from Rio.
Vine of course gives Lucas both the first and final word…typical BBC bias..AND gives us a website to pop at Fox if we`d care to do so.
Vines a shit!
‘Paris will sue’ is to be one of the headline stories on C4 News tonight.
Quelle surprise.
The politics of victimhood has become so deranged that apparently even a city can now feel “offended”. But I wonder how often the Mayor of Paris goes for a carefree stroll around the “multicultural” banlieues of her poor, slighted city.
In the spirit of ‘la balance’, I share a post I was sent last night:
View at
And this:
But did notice this comment:
‘The NYT’s reported on them back in Dec 2005
““Branded by France’s police intelligence agency as one of the country’s 150 “no go zones,” where police officers should enter only with major reinforcements, La Courneuve was caught up in the violence in which rioters torched cars, trashed businesses and ambushed the police.”
Which was deemed trolling (balance, see), that should not be fed.
Thing is, I saw possible linked information, and googled it:
Maybe anyone with a more direct line to Mark Thommo could ask for a comment?
Mayor of Paris – Anne Hidalgo – member of the Socialist Party (PS) previously National Secretary for Culture and Media. A city so besieged by Roma beggars and theives, they had to close the Louvre. Just the woman for the job. Think electing Cherie Blair as Mayor of London.
Some HLMs are no go areas, places who celebrated New Year by torching over a thousand cars. Another great underclass tradition. Anne Hidalgo is a textbook socialist factory product.
Sue Fox or threatening to sue Fox? Which is the made up story or the real story. Don’t expect our leftie-journo’s to do their job.
BBC – Obama: ‘Shadow of crisis has passed’ ?
Jeez! … this guy lies as much as Cameron
interesting speech too
“As Americans, we respect human dignity, even when we’re threatened, which is why I’ve prohibited torture, and worked to make sure our use of new technology like drones is properly constrained. It’s why we speak out against the deplorable anti-Semitism that has resurfaced in certain parts of the world.
It’s why we? … (who? … me? you? them? … the BBC?)
continue to reject offensive stereotypes of Muslims?.”
“offensive?” … UH OH! the most important thing eh”
foremost in erm … “our” minds.
Looks like Buraq Hussein … is once again, jumping on the Islamowagon.
Server down! Well that’s a relief. I thought it was something I had said!! Not wishing to offend anyone of course. OK maybe just a few – those stuffed shirts that pretend to run the state-run media service on 33p per day are always going to be offensive. Thank goodness Mr Vance your back.
David Shukman doing the greens dirty work here by putting the boot in to fracking:
Nice title for the article. That word controversial keeps cropping up, how convenient. Fracking is controversial only to green zealots whose objections never bear close scrutiny.
Meanwhile, lets put all our money into windmills. Look how well they are doing here:
Providing 1% of demand which is about 5% of installed capacity. So, we have a potential bonanza of clean cheap energy being blocked and an expensive, intermittent environment ruining source having money thrown at it. You could not make this up. Ed Davey, you clown.
Labour Party (with Beeboid support) stop gas exploration in Lancashire.
The next time they feign to complain about unemployment, and economic growth levels in North West England, they should be reminded of this:-
“Cuadrilla Lancashire fracking application ‘should be refused’”
Labour s**t scared of the Greens. We all know that Green policies are based on the magical money tree growing in cloud-cuckoo land and the inevitable consequences of their activities would be a third-world subsistence economy.
Or, rather closer to May 2015, someone asking Ed Miliband on national TV or radio whether, in his desire to really address the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’, he will either cancel ‘GreenTaxes’ or shift the burden of them totally onto high earners & the wealthy or he will make them payable in proportion to income by rolling them up and adding them to the Income Tax bands.
The answer to that, a question that he could have been asking in Parliament since 2005 or in the media since the early 1990s when the Fuel Duty Esclator was introduced, could be interesting.
An apparent and notable lack of a map in the County Council report. Surprising.
Plenty of references to wildlife; birds, small mammals, trees, foliage, etc..
We seem to be happy to disturb prime land & seascapes and the wildlife there by installing roads, wind turbines & visiting them by fossil fuel burning vehicles and boats for installation & maintenance purposes.
Hmmn …..
BBc North West have been running pending decision to frack for the last few days.
Depending on where you fit into the political spectrum shapes your views as to who was the worst US president in the last 100 years.
My own was always Jimmy Carter for introducing the Community Reinvestment Act which legislated that banks, in effect, were forced to lend money to uncreditworthy borrowers. The ramifications of that finally manifested itself in the global collapse in 2007/8 due to the subprime lending collapse. That and his subservience to the Soviet Union.
No wonder his mother once opined that “When I look at my boys I think it would have been better if I’d stayed a virgin”
However Carter has been surpassed as the worst president in the last hundred year by the present incumbent. His foreign policy has been one unmitigating disaster after another. His pretence that AQ was smashed has proved to be hollow, His whole Mideast policy is an utter disaster. A new “Soviet Union” is in the making (remember the 2012 presidential debates and Romney’s prescient comments).
None of the US’ allies trust the foreign policy gibberish coming out of the White House any more.
Since he took office he has doubled the National Debt from 9 Trillion (George Washington to George Bush and all the wars in between) to over 18 Trillion Dollars. The affordable Care Act is crippling small business (even my time share maintenance fees in Montana have gone up thanks to Obamacare) and despite the trumpeting about the economy picking up more people than ever before have stopped registering for work. This is the hidden underbelly of the true unemployment state in the US and coupled with Obama’s disastrous immigration policies which will push the failure to register for work even further, the US economy will ultimately suffer. Whoever takes over in 2016 will have one hell of a mess to clear up.
Which leads me to the BBC!
Just cop a load of this utter crap from Jon Sopel:
“Obama seals his legacy”
Sopel must be on a different continent to me and now the BBC is in overdrive gush about the dangerous radical in the White House.
Quite correct, there is a strong argument that he should have been legally disqualified from being POTUS anyway: no one has had sight of his long form birth certificate, proving he was born in Hawaii, just a scan of something dubious and his father is Kenyan – when to be President both your parents are supposed to have been born in the U.S., to avoid potential divided loyalties in the C-in-C.
Also, how on earth did he survive the Benghazi Scandal? The: “minefield of lies” as Diana West described it in ‘No Fear’.
Anyone having doubts about how dangerous and far left he is should start from this:
There are close links here to Valerie Jarrett, the crypto communist in the heart of the White House.
I don’t know if you are aware but there are stories in the alternative press in the US that Frank Marshall Davis is, in fact, Obama’s real father.
At last! At long last, a Democrat I could fall in love with.
A Hindu of Samoan ancestry who is a Congresswoman representing Hawaii.
Eat your heart out Pelosi, you shriveled old crone.
And she’s ex-military!!!
Here is an innocuous little article about oil prices:
Harmless enough but read it again and bear in mind that the UK’s renewable energy policy, and the conclusions of the Stern Report, all require high oil prices to make them viable.
I am sure the BBC was blissfully unaware of this.
I am just listening to PM on R4 discussing the economy and how people are feeling about it. They had on a couple of guests who gave a relatively upbeat views . This clearly did not suit the BBC narrative and so the interviewer had to ask question after question to try and find some negatives which would chime with Labour’s so called cost of living crisis , which is rapidly being overtaken by a continuing raft of good economic news.
An excellent example of how the BBC bends over backwards to boost Labour and pour cold water over any good news for the Tories.
A quote from the BBC’s Trust’s consultation page…
“About you: equality and diversity
The BBC Trust is committed to engage with and represent all licence fee payers. In order to help us to see if we have reached a good cross section of the UK population with our consultation, please can you tell us a few things about yourself? These questions are optional and you can answer as many or as few as you wish. Any information you provide will only be used to analyse the range of respondents to this consultation and to help us identify and improve the way we consult with licence fee payers in the future.”
Umm, since when have they been listening? If the majoirty of heterosexual WASP’s replied would that mean less diversity on our screen? Probably not auntie knows best…
Answer the questionnaire here, and some others as well..
Geoff: Just filled in the questionnaire Strange they are cutting the dire BBc family guy repeat channel..err sorry bbc 3 with a hour later repeat channel and to extend children’s TV hours, where I assume the will fill the extra hours with repeats
“Fabricating a hero”
“France attacks: ‘Hero’ Lassana Bathily gets citizenship”
Oh dear, oh dear. Employment up, real wages up. A Tory government good news story, you can almost hear the news reader gritting her teeth. They don’t like it up’em do they?
Prejudice against UKIP.
Beeboids must be as aware of this as is ‘Sky News’, but are perhaps too busy campaigning for Gitmo Islamic jihadist suspects to mention it-
‘Sky News’-
“Students: UKIP Faces Prejudice At Universities.
“A student tells Sky News people have assumed he is ‘racist or homophobic’ because of his support for the party.”
“Honest Ukip can speak directly to the British people, says LEO MCKINSTRY”
I must admit that I feel far more comfortable with highly intelligent ethnics, who seem to turn out to be mainly Jews, Orientals and high cast Indians, rather than those who are thick and bitter about white people not doing enough for them. Because then you are under politically correct pressure to behave as though they are not thick, otherwise you would face a violent reaction from a middle-class white moron who votes Labour. So I am a UKIP supporting Mensa member who is not that honest in social situations, for tactful reasons.
This Chilcot enquiry.
This is a turd in Labours jacuzzi and , with a few months to go until the election: is it any surprise that it`s publication is being delayed.
Lest Labour get embarrassed,
Trust the BBC then to tell us that this is a “cross-party concern”.
I don`t think so-only ONE party was responsible for the shambles, the pointless loss of life, suspicious suicides and cover-ups. The sticky fingers of Blair and his oligarchs, the rise of the likes of Geoff Hoon and Bob Ainsworth?
It was Labour-no wonder the BBC don`t want to put the blame where it lies.
And am now enjoying PMQs-I imagine even the BBCs cut and paste merchants, trained in the art of editing Savile out of Top Of The Pops: will find it hard to find a Miliband soundbite to serve their cause in getting him elected.
As far as I can tell, their boy took one hell of a beating-so no BBC News leading story I bet.
Utterly venal, corrupt-and nigh-on collective mental delusions as a corporate illness.
At just after 6am this morning it was apparent that the BBC were putting their own spin on the Chilcot business.
Five Live were at pains to point out that;
– That the ‘Tories also voted for the war’
– ‘Ed Miliband wasn’t even an MP at the time’ and the ‘damage for Labour is limited’
BBC damage control to the rescue.
The Tories and other parties not in government at the time were lied to, time and again, by Tony Blair in Parliament, in order to get them to vote the way the Labour Government wanted them to. As was the populace of the UK.
The only party that this document could conceivably hurt (if it really isn’t a whitewash) is the Labour Party.
And as for Ed Miliband, I have never heard him come out and complain that the Labour Party deceived the UK into a disastrous war, and that he, as the current leader of the party, accepts that responsibility, and is ashamed of how his party and its leaders (many of them still in Parliament) behaved, never mind whether he was an MP at the time or not.
And for a change, more good news from the BBC…
Oh what a surprise. Der Furher of Pegida has been exposed as a closet Nazi. I’m sure we are all shocked as this voice of the people turns out to have odd grooming habits!
Funny Alan and the puppets are bit quiet on this, eh?
But don’t worry. Alan will be along to defend this muppet like he defended Fox, like he defended EDL, like he defended BNP and worst of all Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer.
What does everything Alan/Vance support has in common. Hazard a guess?
Tomorrow belongs to me!
Presumably this endorses Beeboid political support for the consequences of Snowden-
“Al Qaeda’s YouTube guide for jihadists: Security chiefs spooked over terror video that proves extremists are using leaks from US spy Edward Snowden to evade justice”
Read more:
“odd grooming habits”! …
He a member of the “Blakey” Appreciation Society?.
oh, and erm … Alan Vance … never heard of him
What does “Truth” support has in common
er… no thanks … I smoke my own
ain’t it “the truth” … cowardly lion … put em up! 😀
The truth, eh? You can’t HANDLE the truth!
Apols to Jack Nicholson but your post is garbage.
“The Nazi uniform?
“It was just a laugh: Balls brushes off university prank saying he is ‘not embarrassed’ about photo.
“Photo taken at Oxford University Christmas dinner.
“‘I went along with it for a laugh,’ says Balls.”
Read more:
Just where is Al Beeb on this ?
Imagine the response from the ‘so called’, impartial Al Beeb if it was Nigel Farage.
The truth, Do what your hero Tony Benn said, “focus on the issue not the personality “. His complaint was what you are guilty of always looking for a chink in a “personality. ” .the important thing going on in Germany is tens of thousands of ordinary people showing their dislike of the elites handiwork .
Are the ‘anti nazis ‘ going to attack their right democratic right to speak again ? They seem to like doing it in this country as well don’t they ? Can’t have the common plebs thinking for themselves and not being led by the noise by some posh liberal like yourself.
The terminology of thetruth appears similar to Dezzie?
too early in the evening
I have just been checking the opposition to Marine le Pen’s invitation to speak at Oxford Univ. Among the objectors one might expect the has been film maker, Kenneth Loach, and several of Bro Cameron’s pals in the UAF. But why are important members of the TUC and Unison so concerned about speakers at the Oxford Union? I thought they would be working every minute protecting their members from ToriKutz.
Thetruth, rather than making unfounded statements about Alan and David can we have your views on a state broadcaster repeatedly defending mass murderers?
“Der Furher of Pegida has been exposed as a closet Nazi.”
The criteria for being a Nazi seem pretty thin to you. Having a tache and hairstyle in a photo and calling someone a scumbag.
Any would be leader who behaves in a fashion that is unwise is well rid .
It is unwise to assume that all those who support Pegida are as keen on self publicising as the ex leader of Pegida.
On reflection though I would prefer the liberal to think that those Germans supporting Pegida are easily dismissed as of little account.
Much as I like to hear the liberal in England dismissing those who support UKIp as likewise deluded morons.
In the war for our civilisation and culture these are merely the opening skirmishes.
The more secure the liberal feels the better.
The liberal, as reality starts to intrude on his fantasy vision of the future, will only find security then in resorting to violence and tyrranny.
That will be the moment the liberal hegemony starts to crumble.
The truth is an Orwellian word meaning a lie. It comes from the hypocritical psychology of a socialist, another example. Socialist do not like people more intelligent than themselves, so in an emotional outburst, they would call such people thick, even though socialists are supposed to represent and like thick people more than any other ideology. This is why George Orwell identified such people as using the opposite meaning to the word used. So “The Truth” means he is lying.
Well done. Now turn that spotlight on the troublemaking violent muslims in this country.
If I remember correctly, Ed Balls dressed up as a Nazi, too.
Amazing, isn’t it, how the press can put a spin on two stories with more or less the same content but with completely different outcomes.
Funny that.
But Ed Balls gets no censure for dressing as a Nazi? Funny old world…
I just love this line from the International beeboid;
– but Maoist rebels fought an insurgency to overthrow the monarchy and install a new democratic republic.
Anyone spot the obvious lefty bollocks in this statement?
The words “democratic republic” should have been placed in scare quotes, as in “German Democratic Republic” for the Stasi-run East German dictatorship.
Whoopee! ‘MPs’ report ‘to call for the abolition of the BBC Trust” (announced in the Mail yesterday). ‘The governing body should be scrapped, a report by MP’s is expected to be recommended’. Wow! at last MP’s declare an interest that is OBVIOUS!.
But then I remember that this is not the solution we hoped. It has been tried before. (see Dr SMITH report) . Both the PRUFROCK and BURNS reviews reported on the future of the BBC declared the BBC governors to be incompetent and arrogant with power. One of the more memorable quotes was that the BBC was 1940’s thinking and highly criticised by the IEA quoted by the Freedom Association 2014 as being financially unsustainable. Furious BBC policy Director James Heath strenuously denied all charges in his the BBC Blog (yes they have one). No comments allowed.
I doubt weather changing the labels of these trumped up ‘elite’ civil-servants will make any difference whether they be called Trustees, Directors, Executives, Governors or common criminals. I expect more arrests will have to happen before MP’s cull the beast.
If they are going to call for a board of directors to oversee the BBC then it’s a cause for weeping not celebration, because it means simply more of the same with a repositioning of the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Why would you need such a thing if the BBC were going to lose the licence and be set up as a subscription service?
I think this is the clearest indication yet that the BBC will retain the licence fee with yet another load of useless overfed lazy upper middle class men who cannot think outside the box, and always take the easiest option. Patten was an excellent example of this.
So we have more of the same to look forward to and no doubt an ever increasing licence fee backed up by draconian punishment for those who refuse to pay.
‘Furious BBC policy Director James Heath strenuously denied all charges in his the BBC Blog (yes they have one). No comments allowed.’
Really? I thought it did. Ah, well, transparency in action.
I still treasure the Hugs one on holding power to account that allowed two, the first modded and the second mocking that, at which point it closed.
We have attempted to employ, but it really doesn’t works in any way.
site still keeps crashing on me
Multicuturalism killed Labour MP
No fool like an old fool, or a glutton. Dobbin was the MP for my locality, he was a decent man and ok at his job but he was liebour and constantly espoused their lefty views in the local paper but I never had him down as a ‘vodka’ socialist!!
Multiculturalism has indeed killed Dobbin, that and the obscene freeby trips that these people enjoy at our expense, all so he could invite a load more Polish over to the UK to slave in our mills and factories. Shame.
The German government and media really has turned on Pegida, and the people. They make it obvious whose side they are on, and it isn’t the indigenous population.
Murdering scumbags roam the streets of Europe trying to force their warped ideology on to the masses whilst killing innocent people and raping children yet the German’s at the top call the Pegida protesters Nazis?
You’d think of all people that the Germans would know the difference between Nazis and their opposition.
The appeasement knows no bounds.
because the money coming out of the oil rich Middle East is far too tempting for greedy politicos.
Try coming up with another explanation for their seeming inexplicable behaviour.
Nothing to do with middle east money. All to do with destabilisation. Destabilise the Middle East and bring that destabilisation to Europe.
Why? Because you will be shouting from the rooftops ‘do something’. And the power elite will. They’ll bring in laws to end free speech, take away your rights and take away your liberties. A power grab fully supported by
It’s happening right now. Just listen to these two recent speeches from Cameron and May and you may just get a glimpse of what is about to happen.
BBC Newshour
All during the night the BBC World Service news bulletins had :-
!st Item – The PEGODA leader had stood down as a photograph of him with his hair and a ‘tache like Hitler.
2nd Item – That a Buddhist monk in the Far East had call a (Muslim) UN representative nasty names.
Do you see the agenda? Anti-antimuslimism.
BBC – Does Islam have a problem with democracy – …. or is it vice versa?
Live debate on Islam and democracy with Tariq Ramadan, Shaimaa Khalil, Heba Raouf, Ezzat Shurooq, Amein and ……
….. Douglas Murray
A, erm pretty “fair” 😀 BBC debate then? … BBC “democracy day” ?
(mind you … if you simply cannot bare an hour of Brother Tariq
and co? )
… edited highlights
There is a nasty revenge porn attack in the news today. The victim was suicidal. Remarkably, given their usual concern, the BBC haven’t reported it. Maybe because it were a female wot done it?
What’s this to do with the so-called “BBC”?
The BBC doesn’t report stories that don’t fit their ‘narrative’. In BBC land, males do bad things to females, not vice-versa. Reporting stories like this would weaken their propaganda. So they avoid them. Don’t you think?
True enough.
BBC World Service on the radio still reacting to the Fox News Brum no go tale, and is having a Have Your Say on where you would take muslims and non-muslims to appreciate muslim culture.
We also get a radio panel of muslims and muslim presenter to make their suggestions. Among the many suggestions only Istanbul is in a muslim nation. You can see why the no go area of Mecca can’t be mentioned, but surely colourful Mosul or Nineveh merits a mention. Brick Lane gets a mention, but have these guys not heard from Tell Mama about the raging Islamophobia and hate which is the lot of British muslims?
It seems the best places to be a Muslim and to see Muslim culture are in the hated West.
Shock horror on the bBC Breakfast sofa tomorrow….
Well, well, well – I bet Ed Balls and the other Ed are really, really pleased at the German government lambasting ‘right-wing’ members of the Pegida Group.
But what’s this ? In the BBC article celebrating the resignation of the Pegida guy who posed for a photo as Hitler (although the photo has been described as a bit of joke…satire), we find the official German government view of this folly…..
“But the German government condemned it. Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild: “Anyone in politics who poses as Hitler is either a total idiot or a Nazi. Reasonable people do not follow idiots, and decent people don’t follow Nazis.”
So the German government thinks that Ed Balls, someone who aspires to be our Chancellor, is either a total idiot or a Nazi ! I bet the BBC will be onto this like a rat up a drainpipe, and pushing it for all it is worth over the next week or so (who the hell do I think I am kidding ?)
Couple that with the view that his current leader is considered to be not much better than a cartoon character……
But the BBC supports them anyway – which labels (as far as the German government is concerned) the BBC and its employees as not being reasonable or not decent. Pretty much what a significant proportion of the people of the UK think in all respects, but it’s good to hear the German government ratifying that view.
And our Prince Harry too presumably?
Nope – Herr Gabriel was specifically talking about politicians. So let’s not deflect the Vice-Chancellor’s aim, shall we ?
Newsnight is beyond a joke with the obama wank fest. Why are we paying for this tripe
Anybody noticed this article from the bBC about Democracy in ‘Palestine’.
How Palestinian democracy has failed to flourish
According to the bBCs Yolande Knell its all the fault of the West and the Jew. I quote:
Hamas went on to win a decisive victory in the Palestinian legislative elections in January 2006 – winning 74 of the 132 seats.
Turnout was high at 78% and international monitors said the vote was largely free and fair. But the result was met with dismay by Israel and Western donors – which prop up the Palestinian Authority (PA). They refused to deal with Hamas politically unless the group renounced violence and its commitment to the destruction of Israel. Funds to pay for vital services were stopped or diverted. While a new unity government was briefly set up a year later, it was soon dismissed amid bitter infighting between Fatah and Hamas….”We’re only allowed democracy if the West likes our choices,” comments one Qalqilya shopper as he reflects on this troubled political history. “They supported us when we went to the ballot boxes but did a u-turn when Islamists won.”
“We’re a democratic society. It’s in our blood,” Mr Dawood says. “We have long had different political factions and ideologies. There are public consultations. But in the end we cannot have a real democracy under Israeli occupation.”
“Palestinians say they cannot function as a proper democracy while under Israeli occupation”
That got me thinking, could I name any Islamic country which is also a democracy?
Libya,Morocco,Yemen, Tunisia and
IN fact I couldn’t think of one country. No if somebody who thinks he is telling the truth (He?) and points to Turkey. Err sorry the pocket dictator there is carving out his own little empire.
The common theme here is Islam. It is a faith which revolves around absolute power. Not only do we see how Muslims use power for their own means and not for the general good, but they have no problem trying it on in the west:
Voting fraud
Trojan horse
Rape gangs
Sharia patrols
Protesting about anything
All of the above entails control, under Islam he who is powerful is not only respected but a good man and they all use religion in which to remain in control by keeping the plebs quiet.
And the left keep telling me it is I who is wrong for pointing this out. Think i’m kidding remember the effort the bBC went into, in which to claim that free speech regards cartoons is a step too far. Here is something the bBC isn’t mentioning about the religion of of violent victimhood
Muslims tweet “I am Knife” in praise of Palestinian who stabbed 11 people in Israel today.
It appears that to muslims it is do as I say and not as I do.
IIRC, Hamas demonstrated their commitment to democracy by throwing their Fatah colleagues out of the windows.
And putting rocket launchers near the Schools of their children.
It appears that the BBCs print arms Journo and BBC contributor Barry Glendenning has been forced to apologise after calling the former chairman of Wolverhampton Wanderers as ‘a big, massive racist’
And that Sir Jack had once described himself as a ‘xenophobe’, adding: ‘At least he was open about it, but then so was Adolf Hitler and that doesn’t make him a nice guy does it?’
Typical of the Fascist left who don’t stop to think before they come out with the hate of anyone who doesn’t completely agree with them. No wonder they admire the Muslim way of doing things so much !
Ha ha ha ha! Not so smug now?
Mary Whitehouse is dead, but Harriet Harman is trying to take the credit for the victory of Victorian values. Hypocrisy has turned mammary of my teenage years upside down. The hypocrite Harman was an anti-Whitehouse pro-paedophile activist in those years.
Yes, Channel 4 featured Harridan, Germaine Greer and another tart in a piece about this the night before last, and it went on, and on, and on, and on.
Serves the silly cow right. Slice of PIE, anyone?
It’s quite ironic that the type of woman who is opposed to breasts on page 3 is generally the same as those advocating the right of woman to breast feed in public.
Can’t see what all the fuss is about. I have no inclination to ogle some ropy tart showing her surgically enhanced charlies on the third page of a ‘newspaper'(?) I would never read, but if some want to that is no big deal.
Got to say though, I thought it is priceless how they pulled this off, leaving just enough time to allow Harman et al to trumpet victory before restoring the status quo.
How embarrassing !!!
The term ‘Nazi’ has been so lazily overused and devalued by the political left that it has largely lost it’s power to shock, see for example the treatment of the PEGIDA founder. So watching as I am the BBC’s well made ‘The Eichmann Show’ it is well to be reminded of what the real Nazis were like, even if the communists have never been held similarily accountable for their crimes.
At least today no-one is calling for the extermination of Jews or celebrating the Holocaust.
At the moment, the BBC has a censorship policy for causational climate science, attribution climate scientists and scientific debate. But the BBC’s environmental activists, who pose as the best scientific experts, do seem to suggest mass murder as a way for them to win a debate about the role of Carbon Dioxide in Atmospheric Physics, if the BBC is forced into a corner by future events. At the moment, the scientists are non-existent non-persons, but I presume Piers Corbyn would be the first to go on the pile of bodies.
I also watched “The Eichmann Show” and thought that, on the whole, it was a well acted drama. But, being made by the BBC, they just couldn’t help themselves by adding their digs at Israel. It seems they made the (real life) character of Leo Hurwitz played by Anthony LaPaglia into a mouthpiece for the BBC’s leftist dislike of Israel. In one conversation with another of the play’s characters “Hurwitz” says that “Fascism didn’t die with Hitler……” and that care should be taken that other nations didn’t continue their philosophy ( my paraphrasing as I can’t remember the exact lines spoken). The clear implication being that Israel is turning itself into a fascist nation. I’m sure Hurwitz never said anything like that – this was supposed to be 1961, before the Six Day War , the Yom Kippur War and the rise of the P.L.O., Fatah and Hamas. This was more likely invented by the writer. Later on the same Hurwitz character said that the land comprising of the then young nation of Israel belonged to the Arabs before the Jews, as though no Jews lived there before 1948 – something a real Jew would know was untrue.
Now I understand the real Hurwitz was blacklisted in the USA during the McCarthy era, but the dialogue given to him by the programme’s writer seemed a little anachronistic and more like an effort to comply with BBC attitudes towards Israel. For me these little additions spoiled what was a very interesting and little covered aspect of the Eichmann trials.
Andy – I shared your thoughts. The scene where his hotelier explained fighting for Israel did feel like an anti-Israel addition. The attempt to show we could all be Eichmanns was unconvincing and the final speech to camera was weak. I’ve learnt that dramatisations of real events are unreliable, but this was still a well made drama.
I was pondering giving it a view; still sounds worth it.
These bolt-ons do sound more like the ‘input’ of the BBC executive layers, who we are assured do not interfere with editorial or creative processes, but surely have to do something to justify their salaries and status. I winder if writers and directors see these nuggets as the price of getting anything commissioned.
Was watching the well-resourced Musketeer fluff (acting not a strong point, but who cares?) with family, and the latest episode jogged along predictably but still entertainingly around a Moorish version of Semtex.
Even the family registered the points at which the committee had made a few script suggestions the director clearly felt wise to include to ensure the chekkies keep coming.
Excellent Guido Fawkes thing here on the BBC going to find some hard-hatted horny-handed sons of toil with the howlingly transparent class assumption they must be devout evangelical Sun readers and Page 3 fans. Those white working class men eh?
Hopefully, in the interests of balance, we’ll see a follow up report on how middle class women are voracious consumers of online pornography.
I was amused by From Our Own Correspondent on R4.
All those Syrian refugees in Lebanon seem to have considerably increased unemployment amongst the indigenous population, increased rents and lowered wages,. Curfews have had to be introduced to prevent social unrest. As the BBC argues that any level of immigration is beneficial, it cannot then claim that the small size of Lebanon is the reason for these negative impacts as they tried to do. Its GDP is bigger, the Lebanese should be dancing with joy at the prospect of rejuvenation and cultural enrichment
ID: That sounds like a re-hash of a TV report from Jordan a few weeks ago. Increased indigenous unemployment, increased rents & lowered wages. can’t happen here.
Breakfast is on I’m not really watching but was that a look of distain on Louise’s face when Charlie informs us the sun is still showing tits. Unlike the BBc which is full of….
Philip Hammond is on now talking about measures to counter ISIS. Louise mentions Paris, it appears the ISIS inspired atrocity in Sydney has now been forgotten about.
And so it goes on Article about people driving cars with known problems. Woman from “charity” BRAKE( ) is on when asked what was the last defect she fixed on a car she gazes upwards and doesn’t know. When asked if she does weekly checks she informs us she doesn’t drive! She lives in an area with lots of public transport. Not like here then. North West bulletin suddenly revives NHS waiting times. I’m going out to de ice the car now.
According to Martina Navrativlova this morning on “Today”, whilst talking about sporting ladies’, er, monthly “problem”, declared that it affected her driving. So, how many menstruating woman are on the road, at any one time, ready to cause potential mayhem? Maybe menstruation should be added to the list of illegal things undertaken whilst driving a motor vehicle.
Anyway, women declare they are “equal” to us men, so they should just get on with it, and shut up.
So those that think they know best want to stop us from smoking by de-glamourising cigarettes. They ‘think’ that it might just stop kids from taking the habit up and running the risk of a miriad of diseases.
Conversely these same people and the bBC in their programming (Eastenders especially) are happy to heavily promote to our kids homosexuality, promiscuity, gay marriage etc, arguably practice’s that also run the risk of disease.
I have no problems with people participating in either, its their choice, but can anyone see the double standards operating here? But be clear NEITHER should be promoted to kids.
I was late to the BBC1 10:00 news last night (having switched over at the end of the excellent Wolf Hall) and I discovered Hugh Pym (the BBC Health Correspondent) having an orgasm on air. Apparently – joy unconfined! – Dave has reacted to another of Sam’s blow jobs (cf gay “marriage”, intervention in Syria etc: she must have the mouth that launched a thousand ships) by authorising concrete steps towards the introduction of plain packaging on cigarettes. This is the latest (but not the last) example of policy-making evidence used to back up . . . er . . (BBC approved) policy and reported enthusiastically by the BBC. Hugh’s palpable pleasure almost surpassed Frank Gardner’s glee when Gardner announced the probable responsibility (if not complicity) of the security services in the Lee Rigby murder.
Hugh Pym (the BBC Health Correspondent)
I thought that was Tulip’s beat? Or is there a lot of health needs sharing around?
Apparently Hugh is “Health Editor” and Tulip is “Global Health Correspondent”. They’re only reporters of course but, given title inflation, Hugh will in due course be named “Health Supremo” and Tulip “Global Health Editor-in-Chief”.
Imperial tobacco share price down 34 p at the moment, good, hope it continues to slide it has risen too much lately, dividend pay day was last week and hopefully by the time my reinvestment of them comes through I will get even more shares ! They have been a strong tip in the last few years, the share price keeps going up as do the divi’s , what happens in this little country matters little to such as IMT for their profits and good luck to Wallace and Grommit if they try to get their hands on any of it after the election, I think their Lawyers will be better then Wallace’s . In any case, do not the beeboids pension funds rely on such as the tobacco firms to keep them in their accustomed lifestyle ?
So those that think they know best
i.e., medical experts (I’m guessing poor Geoff isn’t one)
want to stop us from smoking by de-glamourising cigarettes. They ‘think’ that it might just stop kids from taking the habit up and running the risk of a miriad of diseases.
Where by ‘think’, the truth is “have established that where similar rules have been implemented, there is evidence that the number of younger people starting to smoke has decreased.
I don’t think Geoff’s too keen on evidence-based conclusions, do you?
the bBC in their programming (Eastenders especially) are happy to heavily promote to our kids homosexuality, promiscuity, gay marriage etc,
Because they’re all the same, aren’t they. Poor Geoff hasn’t realised that “acknowledging gay people exist and not being a complete dickhead about it” isn’t the same as “promoting”. Unless Geoff is keen on “promoting being a prize idiot who amuses solely by his inability to be in any way sane.”
gay marriage etc, arguably practice’s that also run the risk of disease.
I’d love to know how marriage runs the risk of disease. Reckon it’s just Groff’s keen desire to demonstrate how little of a medical expert he is? Does he see sensible facts approaching, and run in the opposite direction as fast as he can until he can hide from them?
I have no problems with people participating in either, its their choice, but can anyone see the double standards operating here?
There aren’t any, Geoff. Unless you’re a bewildered twat whose anti-gay feelings are stronger than any desire for truth. So yes, there will be some people on Biased BBC who agree with you. But only because, like you, they don’t function in the real world.
Since those innocent far off days when we let the merry japes of Sir Edmund Black-and-White-Minstrel-Adder wash over us we have watched the developement of a BBC that teaches us that no dark backwater of costume drama can go without the bright light of liberal…. err… enlightenment.
So we watch Wolf Hall and after an initial -what was all the fuss about? We next think -gosh, I wonder when we will catch a glimpse of Sir Lenny of Henry over there in the court yard having a quick game of cup and ball with a hey nonny nonny.
But 60 minutes go by and not even a Charlie Pride record is heard anachronistcally playing at Hampton Court.
God’s Teeth! Surely, Dame Hilary will have written in the character of Lord Henry, Ambassador to the Sultan of K’tanga-K’tanga?
Come on BBC, if you can shoehorn a black musketeer into the religious ferment, plots and assassination attempts of 17th century Paris….
Be still you quivering liberal hearts. An hour of telly can not and will not go by without a nod to your sensibilities.
Meet Sir Thomas Cromwell son of a blacksmith, politician, wheeler dealer – but rather a humourless and unsympathetic character. Tony Soprano he ain’t.
So how do we sympathise? Well, he’s working class – so his father must have been a brute, of course. Anyone care to show us the historical references for this? Calling Starky!
Then an odd quirk of dialogue. Cardinal Wolsey has fallen from favour and is being rowed the wrong way up the river. He muses “Why do the English always have to bring down a great man?”
Cromwell comes right back at him “It’s not just the English!”
What on earth did that mean?
An oblique reference to Henry VIII? But he was never brought down – he did the bringing down of Wolsey – it wasn’t ‘the English’.
I know we can’t have English particularism – so perhaps that’s all there is to it?
I suggest you read the book, last nights episode followed it very closely.
Ah the book! If only we’d known there was a book we might have saved £145
Yes, I too was waiting for the moment when the odd scullery maid or boat rower appeared with a dark skin, but appearance there was not, I wonder why ? Maybe some lesser Lord or ambassador will arrive later with a healthy sun tan, maybe the bbc has decided that playing with history is ok for such as the three musketeers or dr who but when you get to their flagship production for the year of the sell out at Stratford, them racial diversity can go hang and we’ll just chuck them some more time on bbc3 to chew on. I wonder what Saint Hillery of Mantel thinks ? Ought they have brought in some residents of Tottenham for lesser parts or would she have had a mighty strop if they messed with her offspring. I do think Sir Leonard of Dudley ought to find out ( with a trailing camera from C4 ) who made the decision to keep it all ” hideously White “
‘Come on BBC, if you can shoehorn a black musketeer into the religious ferment, plots and assassination attempts of 17th century Paris….’
I was quite happy at the adaptation, but the last episode suggests further shoehorning of a lot more in.
Having offed his chavvy ex-squeeze (maybe too much of an homage to every bank or building society commercial), he has a dalliance with a more complementing version. Still, as all women in the series are, trained to Ninja-feisty standard, just as all men liked in those days (h/t Joan of Arc).
However, she tells him that though he thinks he’s one of them (the Musketeers), he’ll never be really accepted by them (despite, so far, everyone accepting him), before swanning off back to North Africa, where in those days the lads really knew how to treat a lass who read books and made ’em look stupid.
Much staring into the distance and trembling of lower lip.
Hope Porthos hasn’t got radicalised.
I watched it in great expectation because of the build up,but found it a let down.The main charactor was bland and expressionless. May be it will improve .I cant say I saw any BBC bias in it. I havent read the book but I gather it is the authors dramatised interpretation of the charactors rather than historical evidence.
I too watched Wolf Hall but, having read the book, without any great expectation. I was not disappointed. More watchable than the book was readable. For those of you who have not read the book it is written in the first person. But who is using ‘I’ changes frequently, even sometimes within a paragraph – leaving the reader perplexed. At least we could see the actors but the pace reflects the book. But it is a story from history – the BBC could have done this series without paying the well known Labour Luvvie anything but told the story more cogently.
I thought it was quite good. Interesting that it was directed by Peter Kosminsky, who once did a rather ambiguous story that alternated between modern day Israel and British Mandate Palestine. It would be nice to see more like Wolf Hall. The BBC seems to think that if, say, 10% of programming has to be ‘diverse’ then it means 10% of each individual programme should be diverse, rather than say 10% of the total and with 90% of programmes not diverse. I can always switch off the EastEnders/Holby City crap as not to my liking, whilst recognising that some people like it. The real objection is the inappropriate product placement of ethnics and unconventional lifestyles in every programme for the sake of it.
“Running costs at BBC’s flagship Broadcasting House hit £14k per worker”
No George it’s worse than that. Today’s Express: THE BBC’s new HQ costs £89million a year to run! (today’s Express) – ‘The £89million a year bill for BBC Broadcasting House amounts to a third of the overall running cost of every building the state broadcaster uses, says The National Audit Office’…. ‘At £1,422 per square metre the annual cost is 49 per cent higher than average for central London..’… ‘Margaret Hodge, Labour chair of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, described the scale of the costs as “staggering”. Lord Haw Haw thinks its splendid ‘value-for-money’ (but lets not forget the other missing millions other missing millions and hidden pay-offs). It’s a different world at the BBC.
‘Margaret Hodge, Labour chair of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, described the scale of the costs as “staggering”.
How ungrateful of her.
Always up for a bit of inter-media sniping, but was tempted to skip this one.
Glad I didn’t.
‘A BBC spokesperson…
Is there any other kind?
…’said: “Broadcasting House is not comparable to other buildings. It makes around half of all BBC output, houses the biggest newsroom in Europe and broadcasts globally 24 hours a day every day of the week, which requires unique levels of technology and security.”
Pity said droid was the usual suspect anonymous spout and run, as that may have been worth a few more questions.
Not comparable to other buildings? Like which? I imagine HMG and associated public-funded entities have more than a few hunks of real estate that may attract attention requiring unique (be still, my aching sides) levels of security, perhaps beyond that which sees ‘technology’ such as laptops and iAnything evaporate at epidemic level at the drop of a claim form to HR.
BBC News 24 . 11.27.
Vicky Pryce gets another gig and another fee from BBC.
Yet again, the BBC fail to be consistent in their treatment of criminals.
Ms Pryce was not introduced as “convicted perverter of the course of justice Vicky Pryce”, but just ‘Vicky Price’.
This is typical of the misandist double standards of the BBC on show again. Ched Evans is hounded out of any potential job by a BBC led reporting campaign (white/british/man??), whilst Vicky (off-white/foreign/woman) is ‘rehabilitated’ back into her former gravy train, trough snouting media world with the assistance of fees from the BBC, as a so called ‘economic expert’.
Scrap the telly tax.
That would be Vicky Pryce, ‘friend’ of convicted MP Denis MacShane:
On 18 November 2013 he pleaded guilty to false accounting at the Old Bailey..
Yes, that would be Vicky Pryce, convicted perverter of justice, spouse?, ex-spouse? of convicted perverter of justice and public lier Chris Huhne, friend of convicted fraudster Dennis McShane. Can the “epithets of shame” be extended further?
How BBC ‘news editors’ operate on our behalf, at our expense-
Beeboid editors:-
‘ A political joke in Spain?’
‘We’ve nothing else better to do, so send a Beeboid to Madrid to propagandise
the politically correct line on this joke.’
“#FreeSpeechStories: The limits of Spanish humour.”
‘Biased Mainstream Media Practically Justifies Tel Aviv Terror Attack’ … BBC plays it’s usual role in demonising Israel
Fascinating revelation from Lord Hennessy of Lalaland, distinguisehed historian, on Daily Politics. He had been “naive” in thinking that “good British fellows” brought up and educated in Britain could ever have become “home-grown” islamic terrorists. They were “part of us”. Does it never occur to buffoons of this type that you may be, in one sense, “brought up in Britain” but in another sense actually be brought up in a subculture that has nothing to do mainstream British culture and even detests it? I can’t say I feel any antagonism towards immigrants for this problem. The fault lies squarely with politicians who have based policy on moral platitudes and wishful thinking rather than rational thought based on facts and the wishes of the indigenous population.
Peter Hennessey was a Prof at Queen Mary in the Mile End Road in the East End. If he did not see the latent jihadism there he must be blind as a bat. Or just utterly naive.
‘You and Yours’ today lunchtime, rabbiting on about how we can’t be trusted with plastic bags. Apparently, the proposed lack of them will have an effect on “climate change”. I’m not quite sure what effect, they didn’t say…
About time the bbc and others started a campaign not against carrier bags but the bane of life around here, the rise and rise of ‘charity ‘ bags left on doorsteps by Polish and other Eastern European ‘workers’. Some have recognisable names of well known charities, most do not. Just a walk around any middle class suburb will show few if any carrier bags but literary 100s and 100s of these things on doorsteps, in bushes, gutters, everywhere. There is an old farm near me where some of these people are based, about 10 old artic trailers stuffed full of filled bags. Occasionally foreign registered trucks come and collect and take them god knows where but so how I doubt any British charity gains anything.
And I look forward to the day when mainstream shops demand I pay for a bag to carry out goods such as trousers, shoes, electrical items, a curt ” I am not paying, give me the bag or lose the sale” and we’ll see what happens.
In BBCland doesn’t every-sodding-thing have an effect on climate change?
I hear Prince Andrew is in DAVOS. Wonder what he’s up to?
The BBC sure are giving him an easy time considering the trouble he’s causing for his mum and the other minions at Buckingham Palace. But he denies using ‘sex slaves’ of course.
I guess he’ll be engaging in some winter sports.
BBC Daily Politics.
Where do they find these experts?
Ann Pettifor is a Director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics, Honorary Research Fellow at the Political Economy Research Centre at City University and a fellow of the New Economics Foundation, London.
Must be pretty clever huh??
Ann suggests that the evidence tells us that Quantitative Easing has nothing to do with inflation. Shit me! What is the problem in academia and economics? Mass mis-education.
The Orwellian world of mis-information saturates our broadcast media.
Inflation has historically had a definitive meaning; the increase of the money supply, i.e.
Quantitative Easing = Inflation [Eq. A]
[Oxford English Dictionary. OED 1959] inflation….abnormal increase of the currency e.g. by the issue of inconvertible legal-tender notes…”
And increasing prices were an inevitable symptom and consequence of inflation, as each unit of money is devalued by the act of QE (or inflation).
However, an increasing number of ‘experts’ dowsed in a lifetime of unlearning, ignorance and misinformation are now comfortable to use the word ‘inflation’ as a term to describe the symptom of inflation. This is reflected in the latest OED, at the heart of the ‘Ministry of Truth’, where Inflation is now defined as:
“…a general increase in prices and the fall in the purchasing value of money…” The Ministry of truth in action – subtle but absolutely necessary to keep the sheeple in line.
I am struggling to think of a BBC ‘economic expert’ who appears to even understand what money is (or isn’t).
BBC – Hiding mass theft. Assisting the government in hiding the real mechanism which ensures the flow of wealth from poor to rich continues unabated.
“Ann suggests that the evidence tells us that Quantitative Easing has nothing to do with inflation”
I hate to break it to you, but she’s right. QE has not caused inflation commensurate with some expectations 1) because in the first place, the money is leaving the country; it’s not staying local. Much of it has gone abroad to foreign bond holders, and was always going to – it’s not luck this happened.
The inflation we’ve had is down to demand/supply constraints, not QE. I have read for years now that QE was going to cause hyperinflation, which is just wrong.
2) The money that doesn’t go abroad is used to buy assets off UK banks’ balance sheets.
Remember that this is not a one way street – when £50m is printed, £50m of assets are removed from the balance sheets of the banks (and go onto the balance sheet of the BoE), meaning there are no net new assets made in the deal. For that to be the case, the BoE would simply have to credit the accounts of the banks, and receive nothing in return. But they’re not doing that. The money they get is not finding its way into the economy via loans (and causing inflation) because nobody wants to borrow, as the economy is in poor shape, people are uncertain, and the banks can make more money trading their own book. So that’s why the financial markets are looking good, and the real economy not so good.
You can of course start arguing about mark-to-market etc, and how crappy are the assets – but there is no inflation caused by QE.
It’s the boring answer nobody wants to hear, but I’m afraid that’s the case.
I’m hearing you joeb. Thanks for your response.
Evidently, you believe inflation is not the increase in the money supply? Apparently you believe apparitions to be assets? Sounds like obfuscatory bankers talk to me. In my world, assets exist. You can touch them, live in/on them, use them, drive them. To financiers, economists, banker’s etc, ‘assets’ may or may not exist. They can be merely data on a computer, or a mass delusion (such mass delusion was revealed in 2008 no? Maybe you missed that?)
“….There is no inflation caused by QE…”. Look back in ten years and tell me that. Of course price adjustments take time to filter through the economy, but you use the term inflation incorrectly, associating it with the symptom of inflation (price rise rates) rather than the correct phenomenon of the increase in money supply (QE, money printing). If you trace the price of any ‘asset’ (an asset whose essential nature remains unchanged) over a significant time frame, for example a humble egg, or a two bedroom terrace in Burnley, you will see the effect of inflation in destroying saved wealth in a currency over a lifetime – and the results of such enquiry expose the theft clearly.
You say it all: “..That’s why the financial markets are looking so good…”. Of course they are! Financial institutions being given money invented out of thin air, to ‘invest’ in equities – there’s only one way that bubble is going!
And you acknowledge that “…..the real economy not so good…..” Exactly my point. The real economy is real. Everything else is just propaganda to deceive the plebs into thinking they are not being buttf&%ked by the state, in cahoots with their corporate mates in the City and elsewhere.
Still, you are correct that Inflation is not caused by QE, because
Scrap the telly tax. Vote UKIP.
I’ll gladly come back here in ten years, and you’ll see I’m right. I’m looking right now, back to ’08, and there is no inflation caused by QE.
QE is a liquidity swap – there are no net new assets created in the transaction. They swap a less liquid asset for the most liquid asset, cash. As I said, £50m for £50m, or whatever it is. No more, no less.
That’s all it is. It’s certainly bullsh*t – I never said it wasn’t – but the point here is simply how the mechanism works.
QE hasn’t achieved what it set out to here or in the US, and it won’t in the EZ either. And that is for banks to lend that swapped money into the real economy, to create inflation, to increase the velocity of money. The BoE sets interest rates after looking at demand for money – if there isn’t any demand, rates remain low. The current rate is 0.5%, and has been since March ’09. People simply aren’t going into banks and asking for loans despite us having the lowest interest rates not just in British history, but in all of recorded history. That’s going back to the Byzantine Empire in about 2000BC.
That’s a sure sign the economy is screwed. If people aren’t going into banks and asking for loans, what are the banks going to do with the cash they now have after swapping out their assets? They won’t just let it sit there, that would be dumb. If they could make money lending it out, they would. But they can’t. So they trade their own book, hence the stock market rally.