As you may have guessed, our server crashed on Monday, again! This is so annoying and worse still, some posts and comments have yet to be retrieved and indeed some won’t be. Please bear with us, this is so frustrating for me. In the meantime, here is a new Open Thread, approved by Harriet Harman for being breast-free.
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Peter Hennessey was a Prof at Queen Mary College in the Mile End Road, East London. If he coyuld not see the latent jihadism there he must be blind or utterly naive
BBC News 24 at 13.12. Brilliant!
Andrew Verity describes exactly how mass theft of people’s money through inflation (or QE) is undertaken and they don’t even need to print the money anymore.
Andrew correctly describes how a central bank ‘creates’ money out of thin air, how it is legitimised by our treacherous political representatives, and how the profit of this criminality is given directly to big banks. If the mafia, or me, had perpetrated such actions – we’d be put in prison. Mario Draghi and his ‘crew’ do it, and they are rewarded with big salaries.
We could look at the pattern in where these people come from to arrive at their publically funded posts. Mario Draghi, Mark Carney are former Goldman Sachs men, but they aren’t the only plants in government continuing the financial rape of our prudent citizens.
Andrew, like all the moral relativists at the BBC, fails to see the ‘wrong’ in this.
There’s a sickness, a cancer, in our society and the BBC will only assist in prolonging this sickness. Scrap the telly tax.
A certain gentlemen, whose name we dare not mention lest it cause paroxysms of rage among Guardian readers and apoplexy at CCHQ, made a speech at Chippenham in May 1968 on the subject of inflation.
“Governments, and their attendant host of commentators and propagandists, have executed what is perhaps the greatest confidence trick of all time, a confidence trick on a gigantic scale: they have caused inflation year after year, and at the same time persuaded everyone that somebody else was to blame. It is equivalent to stealing a man’s wallet and then getting him locked up for theft. The achievement is all the more remarkable because the facts are so blatant.”
Something else he was right about.
A politician now long gone once told me that the real reason Enoch had to go was that he was in danger of exposing the monetary corruption at the herart of government. The race row was a convenient excuse. Makes sense to me as it is always in this country about the money.
Bit like the Federal Reserve scam, it’s not Federal and it doesn’t have any reserves, a private bank that prints money out of thin air and charges the American citizen interest on it.
Thanks for that Mr N. An interesting read. A speech delivered before I was born, whilst of a time in its political specificity, it is timeless in its content. If Russell Brand had a brain, it’s the speech he’d want to make today, just different players in the chairs of power.
Until the past two months I have not read about Enoch Powell, nor considered his writings. As my political awareness developed as a youth, EP was embedded as a caricature in my mind: a pariah, racist, extremist etc. From what I have read recently, including his famous “rivers of blood” speech, he appears to have been a highly intelligent, caring, considered, far-sighted, thoughtful ‘man of the people’, and, a rare thing indeed in power, a patriot. Now my youthfulness is but a fond memory and I can see he was well nobbled by his peers.
Vote UKIP.
he appears to have been a highly intelligent, caring, considered, far-sighted, thoughtful ‘man of the people’
I’m old enough to remember Enoch. Indeed he was a caring, considerate, far-sighted, thoughtful ‘man of the people’, but he wasn’t unique in that. However, my memory of him is as being at a level of intelligence far above all those around. Sadly, he was throwing pearls before swine.
Indeed, if those qualities where important today. David Davies would be leader of the Tory party and Frank Field or Graham Stringer would be the Labour leader. But to morons like Cameron and Miliband, these people must seem to be like aliens. Cameron always has an expression of fear, in the presence of these type of principled MP’s. Its obvious that Cameron has nightmares about meeting Farage.
Enoch runs rings round David Frost.
BBC Newsnight. Weds 21st Jan 2015.
Kirsty Squawk really struggled to maintain an air of impartiality, as (white? Men?) Stubbornly continue their fight against the fascist left by showing the lovely curves of Nicole on Page 3 of the Sun Today. Why have the BBC and others been misreporting (non)news about editorial choices of a daily comic? Why have they not issued a formal correction for broadcasting a lie about the ‘end of page 3’?
She looked like she was chewing on a wasp. BBC comedy gold.
Scrap the telly tax.
I don’t mind what the Sun do as long as Kirsty is never featured on page 3. It would be enough to give one a wish for an alternative lifestyle……….loool
You swine! That image is refusing to go away! I’m going to need some expensive therapy to cure the effects of your thoughtless post.
I shall send you the bill! ;p
Bugger the harridans from beeboid Central, the delightful Indian born, ( Sikh ?) long time bbc midlands weather girl Shefali ( Chef) has given me many a disturbed night after the late news…….
More sexuality in her little finger than all the dried up Salford old bags.
Look forward to this story being on a prime spot on TV and radio tonight;
I mean, the beeb always likes a story of downtrodden women don’t it ? What do you mean going to be busy tonight what with the death of Leon Brittan and TV going to give us a 7 way fight before election night……sorry, bbc ? hello bbc ?……..bugger they put the phone down.
BBC Inside Science tells us that we owe our early knowledge of optics to Islamic Scholar Ibn al-Haytham. It isn’t made clear what part Islam played in his discoveries, probably as much as the Bible played in directing the science of Christian Fundamentalist Issac Newton.
Being the PR arm of ‘Islamism’, the BBC gives Ibn al-Haytham’s religion a positive boost, while poor Newton might just as well as have been an atheist.
The BBC does provide a link to Ibn Al-Haytham and the Legacy of Arabic Optics, proving that it is possible to live an informed life without the ‘I’ and ‘M’ words beloved by our state broadcaster.
I think BBC types may have been taken in by their own propaganda in the form of Robin Hood or The Three Musketeers. There is always a Moor or Saracen popping up with some form of advanced medicine, cipher or explosive that has primitive occidentals gurning in wonder. Things have slipped a little since then as according to Saudi text books there is hydrogen and there is oxygen and by the will of Allah they combine to form water.
“yelled “white power” before launching an attack on another man at a Tesco supermarket”
Supermarket attack, racism, white power
The BBC had been all over it, 5 different reports, strangely the last on the 16th made no mention of the “racism”.
nothing for 6 days? … and tonight
“Hundreds expected to unite in Mold in stand against racism”
… BBC to the hilt? should be all over it?
Is this correct?
“wrath of allah is to come” Zak Davies is Zak Ali?
I observe that there is no opportunity to comment on the Daily Post report.
I wonder if the protesters know that Zac Davies is a Muslim. Who, then, are they supporting?
Is the fix in ?
D Mirror
“The 24-year-old Asian shopper is still in hospital after the attack, The Muslim Council of Wales has …
… expressed fears over the attack”
“The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said it was “monitoring unfolding developments in Birmingham” after Muslim-owned businesses were shot at and attacked with hammers on Saturday and Monday”
Sikh Channel UK Terror attack
Comrade Martin Smith – Nick Lowles and the odious BBC are reporting that a white power neo Nazi attacked a Sikh in Mold….Here’s Comrade rapist lying his backside off via Twiiter…
Should we take a closer look at this “white power neo Nazi”?….
Liars, liars, liars, liars…One and f-n all…
A question …
Sure was he shouting powaaar! … or Achbaaar! ?
How tediously predictable that the BBC has decided to start eroding the reputation of Winston Churchill:
Apparently, we must set aside the fact that he was pivotal in defeating the Nazis and instead concentrate on his views on race, wimmins rights etc.
The man was a product of his age, get over it BBC. Only a deluded, arts educated, lefty would consider it appropriate to re-evaluate him in the context of modern values; those values being the ones inspired and lauded by the strain of rabid socialism popular with our favourite broadcaster.
If previous form is any guide, the BBC will continue to drip feed anti-Winston articles in whatever form is necessary.
I’ve just had the unpleasure of catching a so called comedy programme on Radio 4 tonight called “Mind The Gap”. I think this is a typo error and the title should be “Mind the Crap”. How much canned laughter can you get into a 30 minute segment? I don’t know, I switched off after 7 minutes and went to Classic FM.
Didn’t catch tonight’s episode but previous experience allows me to empathise with you. Bridget Christie whining on and on does not good comedy make. Maybe next week’s episode could be a funny take on how all those gullible feminists were taken in by The Sun’s Page 3 stunt this week. The plot could be along the lines of ultra-sophisticated metropolitan female self-elected elite types (eg female BBC newsreader) outwitted by the attractive bints they despise and deride. Now that would be funny.
I stumbled across this so-called “comedy” tonight.
Loads of offensive stuff aimed at men, loads of patronising tired cliches aimed at women.
Outrageous phoned in Spare Rib detritus from the late 70s.
I couldn`t help but include the word..Muslim, black in place of her vacuous observations about “men”…then there`d be a case for “incitement to racial hatred, defamation-those weasel words that shut down debate on Islam, on the Gas Gang types.
But funnily enough are OK if aimed at white blokes, dads or women who aren`t lesbian, single or choose to look after their children, their families.
Can only imagine the “Phone Box Tour” this hopeless harpie will be on with the equally useless time serving Jeremy Hardy.
I got called to the phone so missed much of today’s offering, which seemed less biased than some but still not very funny. There was a comment by Bridget Christie at the end of the second of the four shows (a week ago) that she would go on doing the same stuff as long as they paid her. Is she saying that BBC ‘in-house preferences’ are influencing her content? Judge for yourselves from these targets of hers from episodes one and two:
the views of UKIP men on TV panels and Paul Nuttall in particular;
the historian David Starkey;
Michael Gove (who she said was “evil, ruining education”);
Comparison of the status of women in the UK should be with Scandinavia, say Sweden, not Saudi Arabia – she seemed unaware of the rape and sexual violence statistics from Sweden, one in four women claim to be victims I believe. Her ‘rape fantasy’ is “more prosecutions and longer sentences”.
Episode two had a very long attack on George Osborne, joking about supposed revelations from his butler, chauffeur, cook, cleaner et al. You get the point: he’s rich and evil … but is any of it true?
Bridget also admitted to hiding, binning and even vandalizing lad mag’s on sale with other family mag’s in supermarkets (using honey on the cover!) Several references to female sex organs, as in the third episode tonight.
The dire standard of female comedy on R4, as described above, makes the passing of Joan Rivers all the more lamentable. The difference is, comedians like Joan Rivers aren’t bound by an agenda and are free to direct their barbed comments as they see fit.
I miss Nora Batty.
I am afraid the BBC just ‘don’t do’ comedy any more. Just the usual light hearted play, smothered in canned laughter to inform you where they deem the funny bits are – its all very sad really.
Another good reason to get rid of the TV Licence.
The BBC is getting tiresome with their bias.
This time it’s associated with the phenomenon of ‘outing’ and demonising those who dress up as a Nazi.
The BBC is happy to report on Germans protesting and more Germans protesting about the other Germans who are protesting. With glee, the BBC informs us that ‘the leader’ of PEDIGA has dressed as a Nazi! Furthermore, report the BBC, according to Angela Merkel, someone who dresses as a Nazi is not fit to lead, the logic being they are either too stupid to avoid such a photo op, or they are extremists.
Best get that photo of Ed Balls dressed in SS attire out then eh?
Then again, this is the Beeb, so maybe not.
Sick to death of this faux outrage which emanates from the left.
Be it Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, Maggie Thatcher or even Leon Brittian (I wonder if how the left hounded him speeded his death) to the left these people can only be evil, but when the Swastika is on the other arm, well its all jolly japes.
Today on the front page of the guardian they ran yet another article about the Saudi blogger, who is paying the price for upsetting the ruling elite. The left are up in arms with protests around the world (London/Canada etc) in which to try and put pressure on SA. Yet the very same people not only remained silent on that woman who was beheaded last week in SA, they are the same ones who protested in their millions over sanctions agaisnt Saddam, about bombing Syria (which we didn’t do) about the Mo_Ham-head cartoons. in other words their message is what happens in the ME is none of our Bees Wax and we should keep our noses out, unless of course its a cause they support which usually means Israel.
The left wing lobby the biggest cock sucking bigots going.
The bBC and a somewhat low key reportage of a blackman getting shot dead by the Police in the US.
Video shows US police fatal shooting of black man
A video has been released which shows a black man being shot dead by US police officers as he stepped out of a car with his hands raised. Jerame Reid was a passenger in a car pulled over by police in Bridgeton, New Jersey, for going through a stop sign. Before opening fire, one officer warns his partner about seeing a gun. The case follows months of protests over the killings of unarmed black men by white police officers in New York and Ferguson, Missouri. However, one of the two officers involved in the Bridgeton altercation is black.
Watch the video the bBC post and now compare it with the unedited version.
Watch the second video. It shows that the shooter is….Black and that the dead man when told to remain in the car actually forces his way out of the car. Something the bBC don’t actually say, instead they say he stepped out of the car.
Watch the second video.
Yet on reading the bbC version you are not given any of that above salient information.
The bBC, robbing you of money in which to promote its biased leftwing agenda
Pounce. 1st link doesn’t work.
Here’s the correct link
Anyone notice on QT last night how much Abbott waves her jazz hands about while speaking?
She seems absolutely petrified of UKIP. I thought she was waving her hands because she had soiled her underwear.