A very telling reaction from a Pakistani ‘heritage’ Sunni Muslim MP, Khalid Mahmood, on the Today programme (08:50) to suggestions that it was inappropriate to fly flags at half-mast on the death of King Abdullah.
Mahmood supported Saudi Arabia, in denial about the malignant effect of Saudia Arabian values on the world. He expressed surprise that we should have any concerns at all about those values, suggesting that there were far more unpleasant states in the world which had a far worse record on human rights for minorities including religious ones….India for instance….I suppose one surprise is he didn’t suggest Israel.
Remember this is the same Mahmood, that champion of human rights, who wanted to ban the EDL from expressing their views in Brimingham. He is Sunni, Saudi is Sunni. (Mehdi Hasan is Shia…and opposes Saudi.)
Now India isn’t perfect but in no way could it be compared to Saudia Arabia…unlike say Mahmood’s birthplace, Pakistan, where religious minorities live in constant fear and are the subject of vicious attacks both legal and vigilante, often backed by the State.
What this illustrates is how conservative Muslims in the UK are in thrall to the Saudi Islamic doctrine backed up by billions of petro-dollars pumped around the world to spread their fundamentalist ideology and in denial about the detrimental effects of the ideology.
The BBC et al are also in deep denial about some issues whilst being prepared to single out a particular country for its hostile reporting….Israel.
The BBC is more than happy not to challenge any Muslim who defends anti-Semitism, even the killing of Jews, on the grounds that Israel’s actions make such ‘retribution’ on European Jews justifiable…the BBC’s Tim Wilcox even promoting that savage narrative himself.
But such Muslims, and Wilcox, seem to ignore far worse suffering around the world, suffering at the hands of other Muslims….the victims being not just non-Muslims but Muslims themselves….the heroic Jihadis going to rescue their Muslim brothers from the Western oppressors are actually killing more Muslims, and prolonging the wars far beyond their natural span, than any Israeli or Western soldier.
Then there is Pakistan…a country created in the same way for Muslims as Israel was for Jews…but Pakistan has far less legitimacy…after all there are many Islamic countries around the world that can provide safe havens for the ‘Ummah’…there were none for the Jews.
The creation of Pakistan has created a storm of violence around the world, its own ‘malign influence’ spreading terrorism and war far and wide. Millions have died because of Pakistan’s actions…..so why are UK Pakistani Muslims so concerned about little Israel and not their own place of origin?
Nearly a million died and millions more were ethnically cleansed from the newly created Muslim state of Pakistan…but that’s not the whole picture….what about Bangladesh, or East Pakistan as it was once called? How many died in the war for its independence from Pakistan and how many millions fled in to exile? And why is no one interested in Bangladesh and Pakistan’s murderous actions?….
The genocide is still too little known about in the West. It is, moreover, the subject of shocking degrees of denial among partisan polemicists and manipulative historians.
Perhaps if this history was better known we could have some genuine perspective on Israel and its actions…..we could also look at the UK’s and the USA’s ‘collateral damage’ figures for Iraq and Afghanistan….Israel would be well ahead of those countries in the efforts it makes to prevent civilian deaths….and then there is Syria…200,000 dead reportedly. Killed by other Muslims…again those ‘heroic Jihadis’.
The BBC and responsible news providers should be making every effort to change the narrative…both for Israel and for UK foreign policy…so often the excuse for Muslims attacks on UK citizens……as you can see below even some ‘moderate Muslims’ say such a narrative is ‘dishonest and dangerous’...and yet it is the one that the BBC enthusiastically embraces, not just reporting others making such claims but making the connections themselves…thereby supporting the terrorist’s own jusitifications and feeding their narrative which makes for fertile recruiting grounds for an ever increasing amount of Jihadis.
It is a paradox that the BBC and the likes of the Guardian will defend such conservative Muslims and their values in the UK whilst doing their utmost to destroy critics of the same fundamentalist doctrine such as the EDL….and yet they also will denounce Saudia Arabia’s own laws and values which are the basis for many British conservative Muslims’ faith.
Here is the Guardian…
King Abdullah embodied the wickedness of Saudi Arabia’s regime
Saudi’s influence on the outside world is almost wholly malign. The young men it sent to fight in Afghanistan turned into al-Qaida. The Sunni jihadis whom Saudis have funded in Iraq and Syria turned into Isis. It has spread a poisonous form of Islam throughout Europe with its subsidies, and corrupted western politicians and businessmen with its culture of bribery. The Saudis have always appealed to the worst forms of western imperialism: their contempt for other Muslims is as great as any American nationalist’s.
Can you imagine them saying that about conservative Muslims in the UK? And yet Saudi ideology is mainstream in UK Muslim communities. You know the BBC’s reaction to the Trojan Horse plot….one of denial and cover-up, downplaying it and then, when it could no longer be denied, suggesting that if that is what Muslim parents want for their children’s schooling then perhaps they should be allowed to have it in the interests of community cohesion.
Just who are practising that ‘poisonous form of Islam’ in Europe then?
You may rightly say hold on! What about Panorama? And of course that was one of the very few times the BBC has dared to be open about the problems of not just violent Muslim extremists but the Muslims who push by other means for the greater influence and dominance of Islam in the UK.
Here is John Ware in the Independent backing up his Panorama programme….
The British Muslims not afraid to fight extremism
A British version of Islam that embraces British culture, rather than seeking to eradicate it, will need to dispel the perception among Muslims that western foreign policy is the root cause of violent extremism. This is “dishonest and dangerous” says Deen. The fact that Islamist terrorism pre-dates Iraq and Afghanistan and that there are many millions of non-Muslims just as aggrieved at foreign policy who do not resort to violence, points to toxic theology as the real culprit.
Forging a British Islam will also require reversing an apparent trend towards more segregated Muslim communities in places such as Birmingham, London and northern mill towns. This is the decades-long consequence of a weakening collective identity, once celebrated as “multiculturalism”, now lamented as sleepwalking our way into segregation.
“I’m not afraid to confront this mafia now,” says Deen. “Before I had a fear that I would be ostracised from the community – it was an unspoken rule that you don’t have a different opinion because you will be shut down. It’s a bully force.
“But I know now that my position is cogent. I know that irrationality will not stand in the way of rationality.”
For all the abuse heaped on them for speaking out, they offer the only credible answer to forces within this country that threaten to divide us in the most dangerous way imaginable.
Do they, those ‘moderates’, have any chance at all against the Saudi, or Deobandi, inspired ‘mafia’? Not a chance in hell…especially when UK politicians, businessmen, academics, Sports, Royalty and some in the Media are so closely tied to the Gulf Arab States and their royal families.
Conservative Islam threatens to ‘divide us in the most dangerous way imaginable’….that’s not from Tommy Robinson, not from the BNP, not from some Islamophobic racist…..it’s from a BBC journalist.
But here’s the thing…Panorama is a one off, it’s conclusions don’t get followed through into the BBC’s general programming where Muslims must not be upset by having a few home truths spelt out to them in the interests, ironically, of ‘community cohesion’…which if John Ware is right is far from being the actual result of the BBC’s policy on Islam….the result being not to bond us toegther in one harmonious society but to ‘divide us in the most dangerous way imaginable’.
Here is the face of Islam in the UK that the BBC really works hard to promote in an article by
:Blasphemy, jihad and victimhood
Of course, most people still accept that the vast majority of Muslims are just as horrified and upset by militant Islamist violence as anyone else. But Muslims are under increasing pressure.
That is the most telling line in the piece…the essence of all BBC programming….the ‘vast majority of Muslims’ have no interest in actually practising their religion, fundamental Islam, as it should be practised, and no interest in violent propagation of Islam, and, they are just as much victims of that Islamist violence as non-Muslims as they become subject to Islamophobic attacks. But how true is any of that? How many cheered 9/11? How many secretly admire ISIS and will it to succeed?
has been reading a few blogs after Panorama and didn’t like what he saw saying…
Right-wing, media-monitoring blogs are celebrating the shift, praising any programmes and articles that hint that Islam is regressive.
I imagine he means the likes of this site which may or may not be ‘right wing’ but is always right!
He goes on…
For years, they have routinely been asked by journalists to condemn violence. Now questions are also being asked about mainstream Muslim opinion on doctrinal issues such as blasphemy.
Many Muslims find now themselves described as extremists not because they support violence but because of their religious views.
That again pinpoints a problem with the BBC…in its eyes it is only the ‘violence’ that is extreme…it refuses to accept that Islam, in itself, is extremist when compared to a secular, democratic, liberal state.
He goes on…
While the Charlie Hebdo management sacked a cartoonist for anti-Semitism, it did not hesitate to publish anti-Islamic cartoons.
But there is a difference between anti-Semitism and cartoons that criticise Islamic values…or as he calls it…‘anti-Islamic cartoons’.
Anti-Semitism is a hatred based purely upon a racial identity whilst criticism of Islam is criticism of an idea, an ideology…not the same thing at all…it is not a hatred of Muslims as individuals.
You can be anti-Zionism or anti the teachings of the Torah or the Bible without being irrationally anti-Semitic or anti-Christians.
What Bennett-Jones doesn’t tell is is that the sacked cartoonist in question once said this:
‘Yes, I am anti-Semitic and I am not scared to admit it… I want all Jews to live in fear, unless they are pro-Palestinian. Let them die.’
Essentially Owen Bennett-Jones is trying to damn anyone who criticises Islam whilst excusing Muslim extremism as the result of ‘Islamophobia’ or racism…his final sentence summing up the general drift of the piece…
Others reckon the brothers were in fact using the blasphemy issue as a vehicle to express the frustration, anger and powerlessness that come with being the sons of Algerian migrants, alienated and unable to get a fair chance in the society they were born into.
That’s OK then….they aren’t to blame for the mass murder of journalists, police officers and Jews. Bit frustrated about life, not got a job? Go out and kill someone….stamp of approval from the BBC.
Such denial is rampant at the BBC….When the new King in Saudi Arabia took over the BBC reported on the web only that he said this in his speech:
Within hours of acceding to the throne, King Salman, 78, vowed to maintain the same policies as his predecessors.
“We will continue adhering to the correct policies which Saudi Arabia has followed since its establishment,” he said in a speech broadcast on state television.
The new king wrote on his official Twitter account: “I ask God to help me succeed in my service of the dear [Saudi] people.”
Now that one sentence, “We will continue adhering to the correct policies which Saudi Arabia has followed since its establishment,” is also very telling but rather cryptic for most people especially as the BBC has excised most of the parts of the speech that expand on that statement giving it its full meaning and relevance…..here are those missing, relevant, parts….
The following is the text of Saudi King Salman’s nationally televised speech Friday following the death of King Abdullah at age 90:
With hearts that believe in God and destiny, and are filled with sadness and grief, I go to the loyal Saudi people and the Arab and Islamic nations condoling the precious loss of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz, may God have mercy on him.
God Almighty chose him to be close to Him after having spent his life seeking obedience of his Lord and to uphold His religion, then to serve his country and his people and defend the Arab and Islamic nations.We will continue, with God’s grace and strength, committed to the true approach which was followed by this state since its inception.…… We will never deviate from this approach since our constitution is the book of Allah and the Sunnah (deeds and saying) of His Prophet, peace be upon him.
The Arab and Islamic nation is in dire need today to be united and maintain solidarity. We will continue in this country, that God has honored by choosing it as a platform for His message and as the direction Muslims must pray. Our march is to undertake everything possible to keep the unity of our ranks and the unity of word and in defense of our nation’s issues, guided by the teachings of our true Islamic religion which was favored by the Lord to us, the religion of peace, mercy and moderation.
I imagine you can spot the difference…….the Saudis are committed to the ‘Arabs’…not Pakistani Muslims then? Islam was, after all, revealed to the Arabs as one Arab said rather pointedly…. and the ‘Islamic nation’…hmmm…that’ll be some form of Caliphate then ala ISIS…
They will never deviate from the True Religion and its teachings and will act to spread them around the world bringing peace, mercy and moderation to one and all. Bless.
Curious someone at the BBC didn’t want you to see that…surely a fairly major part of the speech that indicated exactly what Saudi Arabia intends to do….carry on as before spreading its ‘malign’ message and influence around the world….and our politicians, media, academics, royalty and businessmen will continue to look the other way as long as the money keeps flowing into their pockets.
The narrative has to change….the narrative on Israel must be put into perspective with the mass murder by Muslims of Muslims being a priority…..as well as the various ethnic cleansings and mass exodus of peoples forced out by Islamic nation’s wars….reminding people that the Palestinian refugee’s problems pale into insignificance in the light of such revelations.
The West’s foreign policy must be examined more closely and the preferred lazy and agenda driven narrative that terrorism is purely the result of an anti-Islamic attack by the West proven wrong. The West has long supported the Islamist cause…that was its mistake…we gave them safe harbour in Londonistan and they turned on us, we supported them in Afghanistan and they turned on us, we got rid of Saddam as Bin laden wanted to do, and they turned on us, we supported the Arab Spring and they turned on us, we refused to go into Syria as politicians bowed to the Muslim communities’ demands that we end ‘western intervention’ in Muslim countries and they turned on us for not intervening.
The BBC has a responsibility to lay out the facts, the history, the realities of who is doing what to whom and yet it fails to do so….it has taken the decision to side, in effect, with the terrorists, with the Jihadis, with the conservative Muslims.
The BBC’s discourse is dishonest and dangerous. The absolute refusal to tackle the ingrained Muslim narrative of victimhood and the refusal to recognise the Koran’s insidious influence on the minds of the extremists means that the problem will never be tackled other than by continued massive surveillance and arrests in the Muslim community as the pro-Jihadi undercurrents continue to flow and swell fed by the BBC itself….a couple of programmes like Panorama will do nothing to stem this tidal wave of Islamism sweeping through Muslim communities as the BBC’s daily programmes continue with their diet of denial and their reports from the Middle East, and its Jihadi outpost in Australia, continue to justify and cheer on Hamas and ISIS who are tearing up the maps drawn up when ‘France and Britain carved up the Middle East between them’ as so many BBC journalists like to provocatively, and falsely, claim….things were a lot more complicated than that.
Alan, you should be pointing out the massive bias towards Pakistani Muslims that these statements make, on the BBC, and the slander against a decent country which is civilised and attempting to modernise itself.
“Home Office Minister Des Browne said India was “generally a safe country”.”
It is only because of the animosity that Pakistanis feel towards India over Kashmir that these lies are stated.
India is in no way like Saudi Arabia, yet again we see Muslims on the BBC being allowed to lie with impunity and with no one prepared to challenge these lies. A great shame the Indian Ambassador does not take the BBC to court over these lies which it allowed to be broadcast, and which are easily provable.
“Others reckon the brothers were in fact using the blasphemy issue as a vehicle to express the frustration, anger and powerlessness that come with being the sons of Algerian migrants, alienated and unable to get a fair chance in the society they were born into”.
It can be argued that statement is not just ‘explaining’ (sic) events in Paris, but is borderline incitement. Notice the reference to ‘Others’ – an unattributable group who cannot therefore be accused of incitement. Who are the ‘Others’? Would they be BBC political staff who cut their teeth demonstrating outside the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square in 1968 and who remain trapped in a time warp by any chance?
There is a reasonable case to be made that Pakistan is not a genuine country at all, but rather a breakaway province from India whose secession was engineered by the British and which should be returned to its rightful owners. Discuss.
One can make reasonable case, but I dont think Hindus in India will like to have 150 million Muslim Pakistanis in India. It would be the end of demoicratioc India.
Further it was the insistence of Jinnah, that Muslims would not live under majority Hindu India, that led to the partition of India, and the inevitable slaughter that Muslims started.
I concur, totally.
“What Bennett-Jones doesn’t tell…” is pretty much BBC SOP these days on what used to be termed ‘reporting’.
What he highlights vs. leaves out are masterpieces of the Editor’s craft in the world’s least trustworthy propagandist and censor.
“It is also apparently BBC policy to mislead audiences by downplaying or erasing from audience view..”
Policy? Cannot be; there is no top down interference with editorial integrity, except when it keeps being required. Apparently.
Clearly a simple matter… set if matters… of ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady, or ‘no space for accuracy’.
Yes, it seems that Beeboids’ main political enemy is still the anti-Islamic jihad and anti-sharia, English Defence League.
The Islamic State, Beeboids describe as merely ‘militant,’ not as the murderous, ISLAMOFASCIST outfit it is.
INBBC: always politically campaigning for the Islamisation of Britain and Europe.
West’s political class (inc INBBC) refuses to see the Islamic link between practices of Islamic State, and e.g. of Saudi Arabia.
“Cameron slams ‘murderous barbarity’ of ISIS after Japanese hostage ‘beheading’ as he faces fresh condemnation for paying respects to ruler who oversaw death by stoning for adultery and regular beheadings.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2924539/Prince-Charles-David-Cameron-arrive-Saudi-Arabia-pay-respects-King-Abdullah-despite-backlash-home-ruler-oversaw-death-stoning-adultery-regular-beheadings.html#ixzz3PpYcP7lB
so according to the mp, india’s minorities are treated incredibly badly….which is why there are nearly 200 million muslims there…
christians can worship freely and are in the majority in manipur and have a significant presence in goa and kerala…zoroastrians are not persecuted in mumbai…sikhism is strong in punjab, but sikhs have spread across the nation and contribute to its growth…
and there’s even the historic keralan jewish community…
how many jews does pakistan have? how does it treat its sikhs, hindus and christians? come to that, how does it treat its shia and ahmadi minorities?…
secular, tolerant india moves forward….pakistan however retreats into theocratic insanity…
Mahmood has always struck me as a bit thick, inarticulate and simple…in the same way that a Ronnie Campbell or John Prescott were.
That said, he was pretty outspoken and brave re the Trojan Horse stuff in Brum last year. Much more so than Sadiq Khan and that smoothie-chops breed of Muslim MP.
Life`s too short to work out who`s bezzies with who,whose Muslim affiliation is Shia or Sunni-and in a functioning democracy in GB, we`d not give a stuffed olive.
As Kissinger once said-keep them fighting, back the losing side until its winning-then reverse the funding and arming, until the whole Godless lot of warring Western-hating cancer is gone.
Then Muslims can finally come into the light.
Chris H
That is precisely what we are doing. It does not matter if the Arab/.Muslim country is friend or foe – destablise, then sit back and provide aid as when required. Also continue insisting that Islam is RoP , ” Nothing to do with Islam”, “tiny minority” etc.
Every leader in the West has maintaind this policy as part of the War on Terror. . No exception
I sometimes think that the West is leading Muslim countries by the nose, to a place where they wont like it.
In the past, the victims of the game sat down on the nearest tree stump in despair. Today, when the UK is welfare provider to the world, they load up the truck like the Beverly Hillbillies and head for Calais.
I believe that the events have bypassed both politics and religion. Groups like ISIS simply enjoy the killing of defenceless people and the sense of power it engenders. Events give them the justification.
Any Muslim who puts themselves forward on the media should be asked… ‘What’s your view on 9/11?’
I guarantee that there will be no condemnation, but a flow of meaningless words.
If the term ‘innocent deaths’ is used, their word ‘innocent’ refers to muslims who were killed and not kafirs.
Try it!
“Try ‘and’ instead of ‘but’ and you’ll find that America and Israel are not to blame for all the world’s atrocities.
“The ‘But Brigade’ has turned its monosyllabic screw until cartoonists become complicit in their own demise.”
I do like the use by Salman Rushdie of the term “The But Brigade” for anti-Semite deniers; Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the BBC, our very own “But Brigade”.
I think I will use the term again in the future.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) Arabic TV:
– financed by we licence-payers, to provide Arabic-speaking Muslims with the Islamic propaganda they want-
“BBC Arabic head Tarik Kafala on the channel’s increasing significance in the modern world”
Close down INBBC Arabic TV, NOW !
“We must not call Charlie Hebdo killers ‘terrorists’, says BBC boss.
“Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, says using the term ‘terrorism’ is too ‘loaded'”
-from the loaded Islam Not BBC (INBBC) Arabic.
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“How about ‘Islamic jihadists’? Not on your life — not on the BBC or anywhere else in the mainstream media, which is indefatigably dedicated to keeping people ignorant and complacent about the jihad threat.”
and today on the sunday politics show on the bbc the leader of the green party the australian leader natalie bennett and her deputy muslim leader shahrar ali on stephen nolans show tonight at 11.15 pm have said that that they think it should not be a crime to be a member of isis and al qaeda in this country,let me remind that disgusting natalie bennett and her deputy leader shahrar ali that isis are a neo fascist islamist genocidal organisation who are not only commiting genoicide against christians and other non muslims in iraq and syria but they are raping children and there mothers on a industrial scale in these countrys and forcing them into sexual slavery,the green party have proved they are not fit to be a politacal party in the uk and i hope the good people of this country will let natalie bennett and her her deputy shahrar ali know by by e mail,twitter and facebook that you are disgusted with there support for these 2 terrorist groups called isis and al qaeda.just disgusting are these people and should be kicked out of british politics.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) Arabic TV service + Green Party censor on Islamofascism,
press for Islamisation of Britain.
Somewhat off topic but it has been reported that
The original Independent article can be seen here
So, Cameron says the aren’t Muslims and the BBC says they aren’t terrorists – I suppose that it the rest of us who are at fault.
INBBC Arabic: censors Islamic jihad, in interests of Islam-
“Charlie Hebdo killers should NOT be called ‘terrorists’, claims BBC executive.
“Head of BBC Arabic Tarik Kafala says term ‘terrorist’ is too ‘loaded’ to use.
“Said and Cherif Kouachi and accomplice Amedy Coulibaly murdered 17.
“The brothers killed 12 people in a massacre at offices of Charlie Hebdo.
“+Coulibaly murdered a policewoman and then four others in Kosher deli.
“But Mr Kafala insists at the BBC: ‘We avoid the word terrorists.’
“He added: ‘Two men killed 12 people in an attack on the office of a satirical magazine. That’s enough.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2926375/Paris-Charlie-Hebdo-extremists-murdered-17-people-not-called-terrorists-says-BBC-executive.html#ixzz3PvhIRrcj
This how INBBC dangerously obfuscates: –
by blocking understanding of Islamic jihad motive, and the nature of our Islamofascist enemy.
“Tag Archives: Tarik Kafala.
“BBC promotion of the myth of a non-violent first Intifada.”
“BBC top news whitewashes all mention Charlie Hebdo killers were Muslim.
“Incredibly, the BBC’s top story on the Islamist terror outrage against Charlie Hebdo has performed the almost impossible in not informing readers that the killers were Muslim”
( 8 Jan, 2015.)
“Shifty BBC’s new strategy for whitewashing Islamist terror.
“The BBC has had a lot of criticism for whitewashing islamist terrorism by air-brushing all reference to the Islamist motivations of the terrorists. It still does that. But now it has a shify new technique for getting around the outcry at their slavish political correctness.”
(15 Jan, 2015.)
Will ‘Panorama’ mention Islam tonight, or will INBBC Arabic censor?:-
“Rescued from a Forced Marriage”
“British girls are being forced into marriage against their will even though it is now a criminal offence. Jane Corbin goes with a team from the British High Commission in Pakistan as they rescue a victim and Panorama has exclusive access to the government’s Forced Marriage Unit in London as they race against time to find girls vulnerable to abuse, rape – even murder.”
(BBC 1 TV, 8:30 pm tonight.)
“Britain’s Underage Muslim Marriage Epidemic”
by Soeren Kern,
(October, 2013)
‘Diversity’, indeed.