1. chrisH says:

    The more I see and hear the liberal media apologising for being so white and so Islamophobic for the benefit of IS and the rest of them…the more I see them as rotten maggot-infested old meat, legs splayed and begging Muslim vultures to come down and have their fill of us and our rotten culture too( as openly loathed and repeatedly published by selfsame liberal media).
    Were I a pigsticking Islamist scopey with no brain and a blunt knife, I too would think that this media whores itself about in the shop windows and markets because it speaks of richer pickings in the shop…and the fools at the back wantonly PAY for this self-loathing, moribund, corrupt set of sadsicks to “speak for the nation” “challenge the consensus”, “hold the authorities to account”.
    Whereas they don`t-they merely wander from souk to suck-begging for a merciful cut for the lower orders in the hope that they may yet get to Qatar in 2020, to Bahrain once more.
    IS need only watch the BBC, CNN and get the Guardian read to them to think that the rotten meat in the window is the best that this nation has to offer.
    More fool us for paying for them-and letting them get away with the notion that that have anything to say on the likes of IS.
    The day they crowed over 9/11 finished that-as did their cavilling over Bin Laden getting his raisins.
    If we don`t get this sack of vermin and toads off our backs and force them to lie at their own expense-not ours-the Islamic nuttas have won.
    WE are this country-the BBC and Guardain etc speak only for Shit`em…or Shaitan as we`ll soon be calling him.


  2. Steve Jones says:

    Has anyone else noticed what a scruffy tw@t Robert Peston has become? On last night’s news he looked like he had just woken up and immediately done a piece to camera. No tie, shirt untucked and unkempt hair.
    He needs reminding that, much as most on this board would be prefer not to be reminded, that in working for the BBC he represents Britain. Just to rub it in, the BBC probably has either a wardrobe or a wardrobe allowance that would clothe him properly at our expense.


    • Zytate says:

      Re Peston- Bit unfair,didn’t his wife pass away recently? Perhaps she used to straighten his tie for him.


      • Steve Jones says:

        Now that was funny. Incidentally, not wishing to intrude on Peston’s grief I looked him up. You are correct that his wife died in September 2012. More interestingly, he is the son of a Labour peer which would probably explain how he landed the job at the BBC. Although he should keep quiet about considering himself to be culturally Jewish.


  3. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    Want to know where your money went?

    (Reuters) – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has declared itself “extremely concerned” by photographs showing its food parcels being handed out in Syria with Islamic State logos on them.

    WFP alarmed by pictures of ISIS logos on its Syria food parcels

    The BBC did run a story before Christmas about a lack of funding for this programme. Strangely, they don’t seem to have picked up on the current story yet. I’m sure they’ll be on it soon….


  4. Neil says:

    Anyone listen to Vine on radio2 this lunchtime? I would have bet a Penny to a Pound that Balls would be given the last word to spout his economically illiterate bollocks after the junior Conservative bloke was ripped apart by that greasy turd Vine.


  5. Dominique du Slap says:

    The Labour rainbow yuppies, most of whom were privately educated, continue with their authoritarian minority hustling…


    Never mind falling academic standards and Islamic fascism spreading like cancer in UK schools, this goofy rich kid twat is focusing on name-calling!



    • Llareggub says:

      Very revealing was this sentence in the BBC report cited by Dominique du Slap

      “The word ‘gay’ is still used as an insult in playgrounds across the country and the amount of young people still taking their own lives for being seen as different is quite distressing.”

      And I thought the term ‘gay’ had been borrowed to neutralise negative associations with descriptions like brownhatters, bummers and the like. So now its an insult. Just shows that despite all efforts at newspeak, you cannot anchor the meaning of words to any specific ideology


  6. Llareggub says:

    I have now watched the complete video of the Jordanian pilot who was burned to death by the Daesh. I am not going to supply the link, but I saw the monsters posing around the cage, and the agony of the victim whose cries were drowned out by that heathen music. And finally the ton of rocks dropped on the victim who was then bulldozed away. And I thought how wonderful it would have been for a few snipers like Chris Kyle to have taken out these monsters. And I thought what hypocrites are Michael Moore, Kenneth Loach and those BBC enemies of the soldiers who have stood between those killers and us.


    • An English Gentleman says:

      Well put Llaregrub………..
      I suppose Cameroon’s thoughts are with the family of the victim…………..and then he will ‘listen harder’ and ‘redouble his efforts’ amd then march in a business like fashion away from the camera.
      What I find particularly embarrasing is so many of these filthy, animal, murdering creatures have travelled from the UK to behave like this in front of the world……and nothing is being done about it


      • Steve Jones says:

        Don’t forget, Cameron will also promise to get tough. ISIS will be sh*tting themselves.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Well put, English Gentleman !

        Camoron will also say:

        ‘Lessons have been learned…’


  7. Tom atkins says:

    News night are trying a new one: the uk death rate this January. Carefully crafted stats were used to show deaths are running 3000 a week higher than the 5 UK average. Now this January was cold to bloody cold. Last year saw the mildest January ever. The BBC are trying to imply that this is down to Torry cuts.
    Then another kind of Balls came on.


  8. Angrymanupnorth says:

    Newsnight 3.2.15.

    Ed Balls is the platitude king. Empty barrel. Vacuous c*^t. The bullshit is so fluid it dribbles from his lip. Gorgias would have been proud of his sophistic oratory.

    He appeals to the amoeba brains, the fools, the uneducated, the blind.


    • hadda says:

      A man who knows of Gorgias! Respect (unless you’re Stephen sodding Fry showing off)


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Would that be Gorgias Galloway of Respect?


      • Angrymanupnorth says:

        Gorgias. Essential reading and oh so relevant today as it was when Plato penned it 2400 years ago. Balls is an A* pupil. Socrates would have despised Ed Balls and verbally ripped him to shreads.


  9. Angrymanupnorth says:

    Bias test. A call to the BBC. Britain needs to know!

    Will the two Labour Eds and David Cameron put themselves up to one to one interviews with ‘yorker’ Brillo? Can’t see it, because he has the right questions. Not the long hops that Davis and Maitlis keep chucking. They want to ruin our, sorry, run our country, yet they haven’t got the tatties to be questioned by Andrew Neil?

    Come on BBC! Set it up!


  10. Angrymanupnorth says:

    Newsnight 3.2.15

    The Milo chap from Breitbart was sensible, rational and nailed it. All teachers should respect the innocence of children and not take it upon themselves to do the job of parents. Teach in scools. Parent at home.

    Hold your head high young Milo!

    And vote UKIP.


  11. Brian Mac says:

    A brave pilot from Jordan, was shown being burned to death on the latest isis video. One cannot imagine what that poor man went through.
    Lead story on tonight’s newsnight, about homophobic 5 year olds at school, and the abuse of gay teachers.
    Fuck off bbc!! Just Fuck off!!!!


    • Pounce says:

      Come on what else can you expect from the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.in the uk.


  12. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    As Neil Kinnock said: ‘I warn you not to be White, I warn you not to be Male’…. well OK, he didn’t quite say that, but he should have. Following on from their successful fast-tracking of female ‘experts’, the BBC is now fast-tracking BAMEs.

    BBC looking for on-air experts from ethnic minorities

    No need to demonstrate that you are a leader in your field, having spent a lifetime reaching the pinnacle of your profession. Instead, just attend a training day in Salford. (I’m sure there will be some nice coffee and biscuits provided, courtesy of the licence-payers).

    Expert Voices: BAME Talent Days

    The more alert among you may have spotted that the ‘talent’ in this ad is not only BAME but it is also hideously female. How odd.


  13. hadda says:

    Islamic State: Can its savagery be explained?

    Clue’s in the name, f*ckwits.


  14. Pounce says:

    I see one of the bBCs fav Islamic protest groups MPACUK is trying to excuse the immolation of the Jordanian pilot by trying to accuse Isreal of doing the same thing
    Isn’t life so simple for the followers of Allah , and the bBC tells me it is a peaceful religion which shows so much understanding to others, be they females, sheep, gays and of course non Muslims.


  15. Pounce says:

    I wonder when the bBC will get round to mentioning the human rights of the terrroists executed by Jordan?


    • Llareggub says:

      It will be very soon Pounce. The first stage is to present the execution of these terrorists as blind revenge. Then an interview with family members who will say they were virtuous. Here is stage one

      ‘With the murdered pilot’s powerful tribe demanding revenge, Wednesday’s executions were probably inevitable. But having bowed to tribal instinct, King Abdullah must now find a way to get back on the front foot, at a time when others seem to be dictating events’.



    • JohnM says:

      I’m worried about the ‘elf and safety of the men who poured the oil on the victim, especially for the one who had to set it alight.

      Someone could have been injured.

      Was a risk assessment carried out ?


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC tv news trails an upcoming report on the conservation of Mountain Gorillas – or given BBC-speak should we call them ‘Militant Monkeys’? Hell. I give up. Let me guess the BBC solution : Chuck in an EU passport and Bob’s your Monkey’s Uncle.

    From that flight of fancy to this…

    I notice the tone of Islamic State reporting has turned from intial shock and outrage to….well, gosh, many Jordanians are saying “is the cost of this war worth it….?” “Is this really our war or an American war….?” You soon get the BBC picture – when it’s been properly tuned-in overnight.

    This fits nicely with Thought for the Day’s notion of “Let’s talk to the Tailban”. Why not go the whole hog, make a complete dog’s breakfast of it and recognise them at the UN. To hell with it – let Bowen/Simpson/Guerin/Doucet juniors all have their gap years over there.


    • Llareggub says:

      Yes I heard it again this morning on Radio 4, and they were quoting some Jordanian academic who said that the was with Isis is not Jordan’s war and how the country was divided. Yep, draw the conclusions: American capitalists driven by Zionist Jews are running another war against Moslems.
      It is time to cut the BBC down. Leave it with a subscription service for the Moslem community and sell off the rest.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      “Is this really our war?”

      I’ve heard that one mentioned many times this morning. What I’ve not yet heard is, to me, the obvious question – “Do you really want a group of psychopathic religious nutters like that wandering unchecked in your neighbourhood?”. Of course it’s their war – unless they support that kind of barbarity.


  17. Steve Jones says:

    Woman’s Hour currently discussing the crisis in the NHS. It was looking good for a while then a GP decided to blame the elderly again.


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      I had a quick view of the news earlier. Sky had the most dramatic pictures of a plane crash I’ve ever seen. The BBC were discussing the capacity of the NHS 111 service. They moved on to how, in future, 50% of people will get cancer. The lead in was that due to unhealthy lifestyles…. blah …. blah….

      So there you have it; you thought the NHS was over-stretched due to uncontrolled immigration, but the BBC is there to inform you that it’s your own fault, you lazy slob!


  18. George R says:

    “Watching ISIS burn a man alive was the most abominable thing I have ever seen – and any Muslim who won’t stand up to these barbarians must watch it too.”



    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2938746/PIERS-MORGAN-Watching-ISIS-burn-man-alive-abominable-thing-seen-Muslim-won-t-stand-barbarians-watch-too.html#ixzz3QlsNooyN


  19. Steve Jones says:

    Being something of a masochist, have continued listening to Woman’s Hour. This is the current topic:

    ‘Deeyah Khan
    As a teenager Deeyah Khan abandoned a promising singing career because of violent harassment by Islamists. Since then, over twenty years later as a film-maker and activist, she is a passionate advocate for the freedom of expression. She talks to Jenni about being forced to leave her home, family and career and start a new life campaigning for the rights of women.’
    Obviously, this will force a rethink at the BBC about its editorial stance regarding the RoP…


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      A pig just flew past….followed by another…and more….
      Meanwhile tumbleweed blows across the deserted set….


  20. Fred Bloggs says:

    BBC news: Using a variation of the terrorist v militant view. They described the Rotherham abusers as ‘Asian’. I think that is deliberately inaccurate. Muslim would be an accurate description.


    • Fred Bloggs says:

      May is just as bad, calling the abuse victims ‘survivors’. Will they never stop!!


    • dave s says:

      This description is very offensive to our Chinese citizens. Just ask them.I have two friends who are and they find it very offensive indeed.


  21. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    Brillo is engaged in a brutal hatchet-job on Labour on The Daily Politics. It’s embarrassing to watch. The killer fact is that business is against Labour. Miliband is utterly useless and even the wall-to-wall NHS coverage from the mainstream Beeboids can’t rescue him.

    There’s a message here for those who think Call Me Dave’s referendum is a genuine piece of democracy. Make no mistake; Lib, Lab, Greens, Euro-Cons will pile in behind a propaganda campaign organised by the BBC. Every day you will hear how yet another business leader predicts abject poverty for the UK if we leave the EU.

    Vote UKIP.


    • Guest Who says:

      Brillo seems to be engaged on a brutal hatchet job on anyone who thinks that they can lead a country just because they were born and/or bred to do so. Pater, Patronage & Exclusivity degrees are not really cutting it any more.

      On another thread I refer to the potential Darwinian benefits to the country of this, and a lot of Red Princes and Green Babes seem to be falling at the first hurdle. Some may say because actually being held to account after so long is catching the poor dears out.

      Thing is, DP or Newsnight are watched by the bubble heads, wonks, a few considered voters and few else.

      The key policy shaping comes with what is popped out during the bulletins.

      Are these car crashes top of the hour, on the hour, all week?

      Or are the sofa-sheep treated to Nic ‘sources close to the BBC’ Robinson or Norman ‘Labour says’ Smiff reading out press releases or snippets from Graun Op-Eds?