i say, i have no idea what you people are complaing about, the TV licence is outstanding value for money. Its worth paying for radio 4 alone, even with its right wing bias
good lord, im going to have to take tablets to sleep tonight, Any questions on Radio 4 actually has a tory on it. Luckily, my god daughters Bethany and Mirian will be there to shout him down. They do tea and scones for their friends in the local youth group the UAF, lovely bunch of people
Sorry Miss Smith, you know us biased bbc types, all hair trigger blunderbuss types who ought to have been put down in the cultural revolution. You know I did google your name thinking you might be some leftie relation of the great late General Farrar-Hockley, thankfully you’re not !
Journalist embroidered story scandal! After the fuss on the BBC about the Fox News journalist, it’s surprising that the Beeb haven’t jumped on the story of how Cathy Newman embroidered the story on how she was ‘ushered out of’ the South London Islamic Centre in Streatham. The Huffington Post have CCTV footage of her speaking to someone at the door and then, looking confused, leaving alone.
The dork went to the wrong place. It seems that she went to an all-male mosque by mistake, and so she has apologised. Now, you have to ask, if the Church Of England had all-male churches, wouldn’t Cathy Newman, and the Guardian, and the Beeboids seek them out to cause mischief? Double standards here, perhaps?
Reading the Guardian comments, all they can focus on is that she lied. The fact that the mosque illegally refused entry on grounds of gender is completely ignored.
The source for this is Labour Rotherham MP Sarah Champion. She is trying divert attention away from her own filthy sordid guilt.
But statistically is it reasonable to accept that 1 in 60 people have been raped by a Pakistani Paedophile? And when you factor in ages out of the equation 18yrs+ or -9yrs and are left with people aged 9-16 the figure becomes ludicrous .
Sarah Champion has coasted through the week smiling sweetly as she patted away soft deliveries from the Beeboids, Sky and C4. The highlight was her starring role as heroine in the BBCs Commons documentary.
Yesterday she was due to be interviewed on The Daily Politics, but she cried off. Rather unwisely, she came back today. The delay had just provided Brillo with an extra 24 hours to do his homework. The result was car-crash television. By the end she was rendered speechless; standing motionless like a zombie. You have to see this [from about 27:20]:
Neil on absolutely top form – and bristling with anger. He speaks for millions of people who remain furious about the evils in our midst – and the way these evils have been ignored and even protected.
She is also disingenuous, Oxford council has a mixture of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens. There hasn’t been a conservative councilor since 2000.
So we have a bunch of lefty paedo cover up merchants running Oxford.
Interesting also was Champion’s use of the word “disgusting” (twice, I think) about Nigel Farage’s visit and alleged attempts to make political capital out of the Rotherham child abuse affair.
This word is something of a fave with Leftists: the key is to pronounce it “dis-CUST-ing” with very heavy emphasis on the middle syllable. It is often used against the BNP, UKIP and ‘Tory cuts’. Another instance was the intervention by Labour plant and stupid bimbo Amy Rutland from the audience against Diane James of UKIP on Question Time a while ago. The viewers are meant to remember the word and associate it with the target’s party.
Are people on the Left trained in these media techniques? Typical of our time is the implicit appeal to emotion (i.e. disgust) rather than reason or fact.
If the mediocre Sarah was the Champion in the MP candidate selection process, after MacShane had to go, I wouldn’t want to listen to the second or third placed candidates. She was wrong about Oxford, as you say, and engaged in vague emoting rather than the precise thinking of Andrew Neil.
Did you also notice how the BBC allowed her to claim that the protesters keeping Farage and UKIP Jane Collins holed up in the UKIP shop were angry ‘locals’? They were nothing of the sort, but far-left agitators from a campaign group dominated by two Trotskyist parties: http://durotrigan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/sarah-champions-intimidation-in.html
The demolition of Labour was precise but the dethroning of Champion? I’m not sure. He could have simply asked her three questions: Firstly, when was she first aware of the wholesale sexual exploitation of white girls by Pakistan groups? Secondly, why only six months ago did she express the view that she didn’t know that the perpetrators were mainly Pakistani? Incidentally, why did she think they may have been Pakistani, but certainly not Muslim? Thirdly, what had she actually done when she discovered this scandal? Champion’s sole strategy responding to Neal was to cynically using the victims as a means of deflecting from the victimisers. Pretty low.
“An all male mosque” so peace understanding and equality. What happens to all male organisations in our universe not the 7th century universe of the cult.
Only the BBC and the quisling oafs at Channel 4 would tell me about the IS and its tale of a US aid worker(what else?).
God bless the child alright-but how the hell the liberal media choose to tell us that “the Jordanians killed an American in an air strike” as if it were Reuters itself, is utterly pitiful.
IS only recently lit a trail of petrol to a human being in a cage, then put it online…yet here we are being expected to treat selfsame sadist sick bastard spawn of Shaitan-Savile himself, as if they`d tell one word of the Truth.
Yet the likes of Channel 4 and the BBC dare still to believe.
Hence the gleeful reporting of their lefty nazis shutting down Farage just as the SNP did…and their treatment of Nick Griffin, Tommy Robinson and even Ann Cryer(Channel 4 News tonight) confirms their hatred of the white working class and those whistleblowers of Islamic abuse of whiteys kids.
Thankfully, we`re all onto it now-Vote Labour, get Rotherham, Mid-Staffs, France, Greece, Venezuela…all at one and the same time.
This ‘report’ was aired on BBC World Facebook earlier today.
Amongst a few posts that would have Albaman demanding apologies from Lord Pantone for the association (could happen), most were telling the bbc to suck it for failing to grasp life’s realities.
did you listen to george galloways quiet paronoid claim of bbc bias last night on question time.how ironic that this man george galloway complained last night that people were trying to restrict his freedom of speech,what hypcorisy from this man who asked the home secretary theresa may last year to ban the edl having a peacefull protest in bradford and tower hamlets restricting there freedom of speech,he failed by the way,see the hypocrisy here from galloway,also,george galloway is a man who will sue anybody at the drop of a hat for libel,how interesting last night that when jewish members of the audience pointed out to galloway that he supported hamas suicide bombers in palestine and incited anti semetic hatred in bradord when he declared bradford a isreali free zone galloway sat in the chair completely silent with no responce,thats says it all in my book,finally,galloway and his far left wing mattes do believe in freedom of speech but only for themselves but nobody else,galloway was exposed last night on question time for what he really is,he truly got the nick griffin treatment and he did not like it one bit.
Crikey – I have just watched QT on the Iplayer – the first time I have ever – ever – seen a vociferous right wing audience. The Leftists didn’t like it at all did they. Tristram hunt
They weren’t right wing, they were a reasonably balanced audience. You’ve got so used to the QT audience being left wing you see anything else as right wing!
You are right of course – I am so used to braying communists and placed leftist activists the sight of a middle aged man pointing out Labour hypocrisy turned my head!
Did you notice George ‘Take your Hands Off Me, Woman’ Galloway inadvertently acknowledge BBC left-wing bias? He was clearly taken aback that the great bulk of the audience in Finchley was hostile to him and likened himself to ‘Daniel in the lion’s den’. In his anger, he made a sarcastic remark about the BBC stuffing the audience full of lefties, as if the reaction of that one audience disproved the oft-heard claim.
Question Time moves around the country, presumably to best reflect the variation in local opinion. George knew he was in ‘enemy’ territoty – he has been tweeting his relish for this encounter all week. And he knew, as the anti-Israeli, he had few friends in that Jewish neighbourhood. But it’s clear that George and all those who the BBC invite to promote the Corporation’s values expect that corporation to ensure the audience is sympathetic to their message.
From time to time, we get amigos on this site expressing incredulity that we consider the BBC to be biased. Surely this reaction by George Galloway shows clearly that he expects nothing less than that the BBC should be biased on his behalf?
Guest Who has posted information from the man who asked the killer question, telling how he only informed the Beeb of the bland bit and then added the contentious dig at George on delivery. I’m sure George was angry at that too, probably blaming the Beeb again!
The Galloway volcano has exploded – he’s not a happy camper:
It is defamatory and worse and it was not the question that was asked. The question that was tabled and agreed was not the question that was asked.
He added his own words and David Dimbleby should have stopped and re-shot that question, as it’s not a live show.
David Dimbleby apologised to me afterwards for the man adding on that bit, but he should have made it clear to the audience that this trick had been played and not just apologise afterwards.
Gorgeous George complains of being set up by el-beebi and that there was not a single Muslim in the audience even though there were 50,000 who lived in the area. 2 points, 1, how did he know ? Are all Muslims the type who have dark skins and wear the usual garb or are some of them more western in outlook and appearance ? One of the women questioners I thought fitted that description. 2, knowing the ethnic make up of an area might make one think that the Gorgeous one had done some pre planning and was hoping to be playing before a home audience rather than a away game on a wet Thursday, bless his little cotton socks.
A few questions are inspired by this piece and quotes of statements made:
“David Dimbleby privately apologised to him afterwards.”
Is the BBC’s star chair in the habit of making such apologies? Or just when the venture off piste falls the wrong side of the mountain?
“an inclusion he said that had not been agreed beforehand”
So… Not only are questions from the audience pre-vetted by the BBC, but also by the panel?
I did not know this. Maybe a BBC spokesperson demonstrating the open nature of such debate could be called upon to clarify? As that sounds like more rigging than a man of war.
“David Dimbleby should have stopped and re-shot that question, as it’s not a live show”
Just goes to show, I thought it was live. So, all can be sorted in post? How very… narrative enhancing, should propaganda backed by censorship be a trend.
“He also took issue with the make-up of the audience, saying there was not a single Muslim among them”
Not one? How did he know? Looking for physical hints would be a bit profiling of him, surely? Or did the BBC give him access to their vetting forms?
If so, what does the BBC have to say about supposedly arbitrary vetting processes that highlight a religious affiliation and then use this to pack an audience to meet quota? Or not.
All in all, Gorgeous in the Graun has informed me of much about BBC stage management I was unaware of.
I am sure the BBC, and its ranks of belief-secure, anonymous spokespersonnel, are thrilled.
Snap back :-). Live, nah, never thought that, far too much chance of some nasty little pleb ruining the trick and saying the unsayable. There is a delay, is it shot the day before or on the night but around 7pm ? Can someone who has been there enlighten us ? I personally would be up to watch a HIGNFY with all the bloopers left in style of reprise show on bbc 4.
See, they do make mistakes, get tongue tied, and generally forget to show their better side to the nation, would the show exist otherwise ?
Ps, more needs to be said about the total lack of live discussion shows about issues of national concern these days, when I was growing up in the 60s and 70 s TV was full of live shows with an audience. ITV used to have them fronted by the late David Frost some ding dong battles, what are the media afraid of these days ? Someone dropping their ‘atches live ?
‘Surely this reaction by George Galloway shows clearly that he expects nothing less than that the BBC should be biased on his behalf? ‘
Actually, he suggested the audience wasnt balanced because there were no Muslims. He insinuated it wasnt balanced because many appeared hostile to him.
But you seem to think that if George believes it, it must be true. You should try to see & hear more clearly.
Brings to mind a QT a few years back when the ‘fragrant’ Y A Brown screeched, ‘ what is wrong with this audience?’ over being heckled over her comments on some issue…..her discomfiture was delicious to behold… the racist, preening bitch…
No BBC-NUJ interest in supporting the freedom of expression of anti-jihad Americans, Pamela Geller and and Robert Spencer.
But then they don’t work for Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera.
Decision against Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller ‘marks British descent into authoritarianism.'”
Why don’t you ask all the 1400,at the last count,abused girls in Rotherham how they are doing? Because you couldn’t care less, you really don’t want to upset the Religion of Peace do you. What a pathetic piece of humanity you really are.
Scotty, hi, how’s things ? I do like you more than your near namesake who is a paranoid old histrionic, you usually are full of wit and fun, why on here at 10-30 on a Friday night ? Ought you not be out doing what the young metro types do on a Friday ? Or are you just passing time whilst preloading ? Anyway hope not to see you on here tomorrow at 10-15 or I might feel a song coming on ( look it up, some of us barking mad fascists used to be punks too). Anyway have a good evening Scotty , oh and be careful out there.
I’ll tell you what you are Scott….the type that, if, God forfend, we succumb to a foreign power or an Islamic takeover, to turn into a Quisling type, betraying people to the ‘power’, just to save your worthless, miserable skin.
Ah yes, and it was the far left systematically working for international communism that were in love with the workers paradise – with your choice of Siberian death camps or starvation at home. The home of lies. death and injustice – a death cult society that they wanted to impose on us. You know the sort of people – leftist fucks who would be happy to crack a few bourgeoise eggs to make a workers omelette and then be amazed as they were carted off to a camp themselves
The far left have systematically sold out this country – they continue to do so when they can – they refused to participate in the ‘Anglo/French imperialist war’ before July 1941 – organising strikes in coal mines and sapping morale because the British left were allied with Nazi Germany (on Stalin’s orders) right up until the point that the Nazi vermin attacked the USSR.
The left actively wanted to deconstruct Britain,
They still do and have largely succeeded
Still defining the National Socialists as Right Wing and Communists as Left Wing are we ? When reality shows they were both versions of a left wing creed leading to a peoples paradise. You decide which is further to the left than the other. To me and others it is just another version of Shia and Sunni….internecine warfare destructive to all and both worthless.
Me ? I’m just a Briton, son of Yeoman stock, I want nothing of foreign paths to glory, I do not believe in the simplistic schemes to a better life.
Stuff your Left and Right, stuff your sky pilots, I want what is mine, my land to do and go as I please without need of political or religious crutches. I have no need of outside beliefs, I believe in the honesty, integrity and sanity of the common British people.
I’m struggling to get my head round this. If I and 40 mates decided to blockade Ed Miliband in a shop and prevent him from speaking, would the police
(a) arrest us all
(b) tell Mr Miliband to call off his event?
Maybe I need to put it to the test. Anyone up for finding out next time he appears?
Given that if your local WI invited over a speaker some others don’t like and threaten to riot over, Theresa and Dave will ban them in the name of cohesion whilst muttering free speech platitudes to a credulous media, the answers to what passes for political leadership these days are getting depressingly consistent.
I was astounded that the police did not simply order the motley crew of protesters back and escort Farage outside and through them.
But then of course these are the same PCs who have been paralysed by Labour PeeCee, to the extent that they have allowed Muslim rape gangs to terrorise their community – and some of them have even been complicit in that foul abuse.
I guess once you have handed your community over to Muslim thugs practising Sharia ‘law’ on white girls, an opposition politician denied his right to campaign is no big deal.
Exactly. And probably the same ones who arrested the two fathers who tried to get their daughters back from the gangs.
On editing I suddenly realised we are probably talking about the same incident. But you know how it goes – there is so much crap on the planet from the devotees of the Religion of Peace it gets hard to keep track of it all.
So you keep saying, which has certain ironies attached.
PS: have to appreciate what is either a great new gibber-free word, or one of those autocorrect slips that so often catch out one proud poster here more than any. So much haste, so little else.
The answer is that you would be arrested. DNA would be taken forcibly if necessary they might even raid your house to look for weapons. They will then release you without charge in the early hours of the morning. Probably.
It is undeniably the case that the anti-UKIP protesters were from the hard-left and associated with the Trotskyist-dominated ‘Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Against Cuts’ (TUSC), which plainly does not believe in either parliamentary democracy, or free speech.
Thought corrupts language, and language can corrupt thought….
How right Orwell was……
…Why are they not using the word terrorist to describe this murderous, if not insane, group of fanatics? It is after all clearly one of the Home Office’s list of proscribed terrorist groups – and not one it minces its words about:
‘ISIL is a brutal Sunni Islamist terrorist group active in Iraq and Syria. The group adheres to a global jihadist ideology, following an extreme interpretation of Islam, which is anti-Western and promotes sectarian violence. ISIL aims to establish an Islamic State governed by Sharia law in the region and impose their rule on people using violence and extortion. The UK does not recognize ISIL’s claims of a restored Caliphate or a new Islamic State.’
The BBC, however, by describing ISIL as ‘militant’ behaves as though it does/might recognize ISIL’s claims.
I remember a BBC report from Syria not all that long ago. The violence was already in full swing though the full horror of what ISIL were doing had not been exposed at that point.
Basically the report set out to prove how some now living under the ISIL jackboot felt life had improved for them, very much in a law-and-order and ‘the trains now run on time’ vein, based upon the opinions of a couple of individuals. How long it took the BBC to unearth these poor benighted souls was anybody’s guess.
I remember at the time listening in utter disbelief. There seemed to be no limit to the lengths the BBC would go to in spinning the RoP in a positive light. Even now they call them ‘militants’ as though they are some Islamic equivalent of Deggsy’s far-left Liverpool-wreckers of the 80’s.
I can’t recall who the reporter was, but it was early doors on the Today programme sometime last summer. Unless he was being totally and utterly naive, which I doubt, to me he should have been held to account for his reckless and irresponsible reporting – as a minimum.
I do recall the near paradise of the rebel held Syrian areas unlike the hard cosh others were under in the hated Government areas. Why aren’t we bombing the Government, bomb them now. Or maybe I imagined it all.
A corrupt police officer and two councillors have been accused of having sex with victims of one of Britain’s worst child abuse scandals.
Two councillors and a police officer in Rotherham have been accused of having sex with victims of abuse in the South Yorkshire town, it has been claimed today.
A serving police officer at the centre of an undercover probe into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has died after being hit by a car, The Star can exclusively reveal.
THE PC “PC HASSAN ALI had been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission”
… Identities of THE COUNCILLORS ?
The ever astute George Igler incisively cuts through the crap, with no mincing of words
Canadian national television
will he be on BBC Breakfast tomorrow? 😀
“A serving police officer at the centre of an undercover probe into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has died after being hit by a car”
An interesting coincidence. Did he walk out in front of it? Was it deliberately driven at him? If so, who did it and why? I can think of several types of people who would have a motive to silence him permanently.
Good questions. Maybe out of respect for the driver and family, all usually concerned from the establishment with such things have again felt it best to not delve too deep, too early?
Quite the message being sent to any seeking extra-judicial means to accelerate their aims.
Non-Payment of Licence Fee to Remain Criminal Offense, Decide Lords
Non payment of the BBC licence fee will remain a criminal offence thanks to Peers in the House of Lords rejecting a government attempt to make it a civil offence.
Lord Grade, a former BBC Chairman conveyed concern that there were “dark forces at work”, amid fears throughout the chamber that watering down the offence would lead to thousand of households not paying the fee, blowing a hole in the BBC’s budget.
In the event, Lords voted 178 to 175 in favour of an amendment that retained the criminal penalty for non payment of the fee, which currently stands at £149.50 per household per year. The money goes directly toward funding the BBC.
Be interesting to ask him who he’d include in that, such as people simply fed up with compelled funding of inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and integrity. And unimpressed with the censorship of any vocal in concern at such propaganda.
But likely he’d get a spokesperson to say he shouldn’t have to answer, as he’s a Lord. Just like the guy supposedly accountable now for the BBC.
A unique, if unfit for purposes of, organization indeed.
I read this by Solzhenitsyn. “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations. ”
The liberal state will have it’s enquiries and it’s deliberations and all to keep the silence and to protect it’s descent into illusion and decadence.
These people are never to be trusted. We need new men and women. Otherwise this nation will go down..
Maybe the silly anti-UKIP protesters in Rotherham who were saying, “No to Bigatry” (sic) were against big hats since only small hats are needed for small-brained, leftist rent-a-mob types. Of course, not a scintilla of concern for the rape victims because that would be racist. And the Muslim men responsible were probably driven to it by Israel’s foreign policy.
I have noticed that since the Euro elections, when all the dirt the BBC and (nearly all) the rest of the MSM flung at UKIP didn’t have the desired effect; they are using the tactic of attempting to starve them of publicity as much as possible. That is unless it’s something like this stunt in Rotherham yesterday, which the Beeb etc can’t resist carping about. Though I think scenes like that still provide good publicity for UKIP: it just shows publicly how progressives will abuse the freedom of expression, democracy and the democratic process any and every way they can, if they believe it will be beneficial to them. They truly are the enemy within.
It’s all they got. They actually have little power in reality. What we see on our streets, schools, doctors surgeries etc tell us what is happening in our country. not the beeb. The BBC is not the only medium where we get our information. The Internet and choice of news outlets means we get information from other sources rather than “aunty”. UKIP nailed it in the Euro elections despite, as you said, Beeb muck chucking. No f@cker reads the Guardian and most these days don’t buy the Beeb’s impartiality bullshit and the “we mostly get it right” crapola they spew. Once trust has been broken and the beeb have done this repeatedly, as have the Labour and unfortunately the Tories there is no going back. The big three parties are redundant and so is the beeb. Put them out of their misery and ours. Before it’s too late. It’s time to finish them.
On yesterday’s BBC lunchtime news our intrepid reporter was briefing us on the sentence handed down to the ISIS terrorist who faked death and attempted to sneak back into the country with the help of his family.
Except in his four or so minutes he was in permanent hand-wringing mode, telling us what a great dilemma it was for the family knowing he was over there and what he was doing and – what should they do about it? Should they report him to the authorities?
Now let me see, there was the video footage of their subhuman little scumbag, armed to the teeth and holding a severed head in his hand. Hmmmm, let’s have a think about this…..yes, that’s it, let’s get him back to mummy and daddy undercover and tell him not to be a naughty little boy ever, ever again. Yep, that should do it. No need to involve Plod, what does he understand of our culture? Get the Imam to give him a telling off, too. Oh no, hang on, he was the one who…
Just when you thought the BBC couldn’t stoop any lower…..
Try cutting the head off a returned jihadist and posing outside your front door………..
Will the beeb send out a reporter to empathise with your world view and understand your reasons for the beheading……?
Will they see that your family was in a quandary about reporting you to plod…….?
Will the local Labour Party organise a demo in your support……”free the beheading one “………
For Beeboids to investigate? – The irresponsible extravagance of the NHS-
‘Daily Mail’-
“NHS boss pocketed £155,000 by retiring for just 24 hours:
She quit, cashed in pension, then got her job back!
“Sue James used loophole to bank bonus as Trust declared massive losses.
“She was rehired day later to continue earning salary of almost £200k a year.
“Once offered £250k to gag surgeon who spoke out about poor patient care.
“Executive now faces being investigated and could be fired under new laws .”
Well I suppose the NHS exec is pocketing thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money, courtesy of very dodgy employment practices, which might be better spent elsewhere. Plus there is a bribery allegation.
Whereas your Daily Mash article is taking ths piss out of politicians slamming tax-avoiding companies which are taking advantage of the laws passed by……politicians.
I don’t see the difference in terms of sleaze between NHS bosses stretching the rules as described in the Daily Mail, and businesses using highly artificial structures to reduce their tax bills. So far as the BBC is concerned however, the public sector invariably occupies the moral high ground.
I just included the Daily Mash thing because I thought it was funny.
As ‘some’ would point out, though, CEOs of large companies are appointed to maximise shareholder value. If they weren’t doing this – and that includes minimising tax obligations, as long as it is within the law – they’d get the sack. If politicians don’t like it, they should change the rules.
In contrast, public sector executives are paid to get best value for the taxpayer. Sadly, this is rarely the case as most of them seem intent on lining their own pockets at our expense.
At the risk of appearing to sit on the fence, I generally agree with that as well.
IMO, there’s a difference between creating an artificial, non-commercially motivated structure which transfers profits to a territory where no tax is payable, and where little or no work is done or value added, and a structure which acknowledges the global mature of modern trade and the fact that goods and services might not be wholly produced in the territory where the customer resides and where the public and Civil Service seem to think that tax should be paid.
However, and this is where the fence sitting comes in, I do think that various governments have tended to push the responsibility on to business because Revenue and Customs are incapable of getting to grips with what is really going on.
When I worked in commerce, a tax partner from our auditing firm (not PWC) came to us with a whizzo scheme for saving VAT on the company car fleet. It was so impractical, artificial and non commercial that we told him we wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole. We would have had to transfer the entire fleet into a new company set up solely for that purpose in the space of four weeks. In our opinion, it went well beyond merely looking after our interests.
“Now our bill for guarding WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange during his two-year stay in Ecuadorian embassy hits £10million.
“Julian Assange has claimed asylum at Ecuador embassy since June 2012.
“He faces arrest on a European Arrest Warrant if he leaves the building.
“Team of up to three police officers monitors the property 24 hours a day.
“Spend tops £10million to stop Assange avoiding extradition to Sweden.”
Don’t worry, Ed. The wheels may be coming of your election trolley but the Beeb will ride to your rescue. Prominent in yesterday’s news was a report on the Government’s NHS reforms which the BBC described as ‘scathing’ and ‘damning’. Perhaps ‘critical’ or even ‘highly critical’ would have been more appropriate, but obviously not emotive enough.
The report was from ‘the independent think-tank, the King’s Fund.’
This is the King’s Fund whose Chief Exec was an advisor to the last Labour government and who is a regular contributor of articles to The Guardian. ‘Independent’? Sure it is.
“Police officer who was being investigated as part of probe into Rotherham child sex scandal has died after he was hit by a car as he crossed the street.
“PC Hassan Ali has died a week after he was knocked down in Sheffield.
“South Yorkshire Police say his death is not treated as suspicious .
“PC was on ‘restricted duties’ over four allegations linked to Rotherham.
“One abuse victim had complained that he twice asked her on dates.
“His ‘devastated’ force has today paid tribute to the ‘well-liked’ police officer.”
According to the BBC this morning, experiments are under way to link sheep in Wales, to the internet, in order to monitor their movement. Presumably, the odd remotely administered electric shock will keep them in order, too. Who knows, in Yorkshire, they may even remotely stun them, prior to ritual Halal slaughter.
As an adjunct, it seems, because sheep congregate in certain places to pee and poo, a check may be kept on this activity in oder to, wait for it…
“Control the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of their defaecation”.
Every day, I am agog with amazement and wonder at what greenhouse gases can do, and how sheep may control our destiny. I wonder if those involved in this nonsense even know what a greenhouse gas is?
Presumably if the level of greenhouse gases gets too high there will be a supply of corks available to stick up the sheeps arses. Halal corks, naturally.
Not a great student of the stern end of livestock, I must confess, but I had imagined the release of gasses was pretty much an ongoing event, unrestricted to location of the nearest ovine bidet. And given the range of the herd, what goes out and up is pretty much going to be in the mix once a breeze blows. So other than Lobster’s cork concept, where they toot precisely seems moot.
Maybe a plot suggestion to Top Gear for a Swansea to Wrexham race with vehicles powered by V12 flatbed herbivore ranks with very, very carefully tuned carb feeds.
I had imagined the release of gasses was pretty much an ongoing event…
It is; but only if you have the moos – the people who know best think you shouldn’t eat meat. They think you should be vegetarian instead, because that only produces a fraction of the methane.
Actually; this was the hysteria some years ago, when the developed West consumed far more meat than the developing countries. Meat eating was disgustingly elitist, and anyone who did so should feel ashamed. The fuss has mostly died down in the past few years because eating meat is one of the first benefits the citizens of a developing country want to enjoy and now everyone is at. So more meat equals more gasses, but you can’t criticise foreigners like you can your own people.
I was shocked – very shocked, whilst listening to “Sounds of the Sixties” on Radio 2, this morning, to be obliged to listen to a tune called “Goodness, Gracious Me” by one Peter Sellers, and Sophia Loren.
This tune contained phrases spoken, and “sung” in a faux Indian accent, which I found to be racist, and hurtful. I have written a letter of complaint to the BBC, which I hope they will take seriously, in view of their moratorium on similar racist material.
Didn’t Sellars “black up ” in several films ? Vile horrible person, ought to be vilified and expunged from the record, none of his films ought to be shown on the bbc, ever. Didn’t Spike Milligan also “black up” ? He also needs to expunged and forgotten, hey this is fun soon there will be nothing made before 2000 available for the public to view, and a good thing too !
I’d love to know what their definition of ‘moderate’ is, judging by some of the opinion polls which have been carried out over the past several years. They show an alarmingly high percentage of worrying views on topics such as 9/11, homosexuality and ‘blasphemy’.
If you want to see the anti-english BBC in full flow, you could have looked no further than the otherwise excellent England v Wales rugby last night which was impacted hugely by the more than partial Eddie Butler (Wales) supported by Brian Moore (English and yellow carded in the past by the BBC for his pro-England sentiment) and Martyn Williams (Wales).
In the warmth of the half time analysis chamber were Sir Clive Woodward (England) Jeremy Guscott (England) and Jonathan Davies (Wales).
It wasn’t the numbers so much, as they balance out, but the actual commentary. Butler is so pro-welsh, he just bigs up everything a welsh player does, however basic, whilst Moore is so obviously not encouraged to say what he really thinks. Williams goes along with the welsh sentiment. We had 80 minutes of that, and 15 minutes of the more balanced interplay from the analysis team.
This all after what seemed like an ages long bit of Butler poetry setting out the brilliance of Wales against all sorts of odds.
‘Butler is so pro-welsh, he just bigs up everything a welsh player does, however basic, whilst Moore is so obviously not encouraged to say what he really thinks’
Yes. This is exactly how I experienced the BBC rugby coverage. And precisely how the BBC bias always works.
It goes beyond harmless and characteristic polite English self-deprecation when it crosses from sport to politics.
James Delingpole, I belive, has characterised the BBC as ‘elitist liberals treading on egg shells in their desperation not to offend’
The result – a constant drip drip drip of anti-Englishness
Was watching it in the Pub , could not pick out the commentary so much , but in the 1st half they kept reshowing the Welsh try , & penalty kicks even though the ball was still in play. Not so when England got the upper hand . I thought BBC Wales would of had their own local “More Bias” anti English Rugby Show . Then S4C would of had the same thing in translation .
Just some payback for all the years we had to suffer Peter West, or Nigel Starmer-Smith.
Oh, in the interim we had gentleman Bill Maclaren, who was jolly nice when the NZ team were kicking fuck out of anyone unfortunate to get in the way, and excusing it as just the way they play. Not so for any uk team tho.
A kind of forerunner to multi-culti excuses really.
Yeah , but your a fake Welshie D.C. , from England, I am actually 25% Welsh , 25% French , the rest Anglo Saxon ,but I was born & bred & live in Essex . So I only have a minor interest in Welsh Rugby , but I regard myself as English through & through . Only remember Peter West from cricket , but thought Bill Mclaren was a good commentator .
I’ve observed this precise anti-England bias a number of times. I recall listening to an England game, probably against Slovenia, on the World Service during the 2010 Football World Cup. When England scored, the commentator did not demonstrate the slightest enthusiasm, continuing to speak in a dull monotone.
Evidently he was backing the other side and didn’t even care who knew it. That was the only time I have ever experienced something that bizarre in years of listening to/watching football.
The BBC’s bias is so endemic it even intrudes into sport.
Impartial commentary by a true lover of the game ended with the passing of the wonderful Bill McLaren.
Every time I watch rugby it reminds me just how good he was.
Having worked in Wales I’ve actually been on the receiving end of some of the little anti-English racism jibes ironically almost always by persons who couldn’t even speak their own national language. I actually have less than zero interest in rugby however I did watch the “build up” and noticed a definite anti-English thread in the background. In fact a family member who keeps spouting anti-English diatribe despite living in England would have been crowing from the roof tops if they had won. Me if you remember my partners Welsh.
The BBC is well aware that a day doesn’t go by without the devotees of the Religion of Peace committing atrocities somewhere on the planet. The BBC also understands that it would look really suspicious not to report these atrocities and so it gives them the bare minimum of exposure so as not to show the devotees in too bad a light too often.
Anyone who has paid attention to the BBC’s ‘reporting’ on this issue for more than a week or so knows that to get the full story one has to go elsewhere. But it’s also well known that in order to try to divert attention from the atrocities the BBC pumps out wall to wall coverage of the allegedly enlightened aspects of this allegedly peaceful religion.
Last Sunday the World Service was in great form, downplaying Islamic terrorism with a brief mention on a newscast or two and then dwelling at length on phenomena such as a Muslim woman engaged in some profound rebellion against some dress code (look, gasp, she’s not a stereotypically-oppressed Muslim female) and that “open mosque” day, which was promoted with great devotion and sincerity by a UK convert to Islam.
It’s inadvisable to tune into the World Service on a Sunday. After all, how much propaganda can a person take?
I don’t live in the UK and therefore don’t watch much BBC TV so I’m afraid I’ll have to do without the popcorn.
Actually, in fairness, I recall that when the World Service was going on about the glorious open-mosque day, the host did question the convert quite sharply, even asking her whether her enthusiasm for the project might have something to do with the fact that she was a convert to Islam.
Could be that he was in mild opposition to the constant pro-Islam propaganda the World Service pushes.
Then again, he could simply have been pretending to be even-handed when it comes to Islam, to uphold that famed ‘impartiality.’
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has failed to report for the third day running the Rotherham scandal, and they are clearly relying on that old quip from Harold Wilson, “A week is a long time in politics.” This morning the “news” programme before nine o’ clock was concentrating on the subject of spitting in public, which the commentators endlessly referred to during the programme. Ah well, that is a change to the problems of having acne!! This silence on the part of the BBC towards the Rotherham scandal clearly demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of the organisation, which means that it can no longer be trusted as a national news channel. The next two days will be taken up with a diet of the Premier League and the Six Nations Rugby, which means that Aunty will be able to save the Labour Party further embarrassment.
However, Sky news did produce last night an interesting and impartial account of the South Yorkshire police constable, who had recently been killed in a road accident, and who had been linked to the Rotherham scandal. The reporter clearly referred to an official complaint made by one of the victims against the constable, despite the best efforts of the Chief Constable to try and ignore the matter in his statement offering condolences to the constable’s family.
Maybe they ve got enough “plants” and “speedial” narrators of the Al BBC line, for a Monday morning Panto special on “Your Call” …after all we ve had
creative sound engineers, Wed
acne sufferers, Thurs
ticket buying sport fans, Fri.
Obviously the most important, and burning “current issues” for debate?
I mean come on …Rotherham? … where s that?
“.. the BBC appears to go out of its way to neutralise the Casey findings.”
It also has located a dumb tweet on this from a UKIP account. Now as it decides what is not news, it will be interesting what it packs the airwaves with that it sees as more newsworthy.
Be interesting if they can get outraged about something without mentioning anything in context. Again.
By James Delingpole.
“Did you hear about the gangs of white taxi drivers in the market towns of Southern England who over a period of decades have been grooming, drugging and serially raping under-age girls of Pakistani Kashmiri heritage?”
Why doesn’t INBBC provide a ‘public service’ update online on this to include a photo of suspects in white van with distinctive number plate: ’74-GT-LF’ as here?
“CCTV released after beheading threat to cadets outside Gateshead Territorial Army Centre”
Common Purpose must love Panorama. In early December, Cameron went on one of his ‘new law’ PR stunts – a man can be done for ‘mental abuse’. No doubt SamCam said it would impress Mumsnet.
…Panorama hears from wives, mothers and children who have also endured non-violent domestic abuse, which is now likely to be made a criminal offence in its own right.
Presumably viewers would have been outraged by the idea of the state interfering in petty domestic squabbles, so the Beeb showed a nice little old lady who had been beaten black and blue, with the logic that mental abuse leads to this. Er.. right.
When I was a kid fifty years ago, there were ample laws to cover that sort of violence, not least GBH.
The new Greek Finance Minister is not impressed with the BBC according to what he says here, ……..”I must say I was appalled by the depths of inaccuracy in the reporting underpinning this interview (not to mention the presenter’s considerable rudeness).”
You’ve got to admit that there is a lot of flexibility with socialism. Thompson joins the roll-of-shame of Labour luvvies who would deny a good education to the plebs’ kids but send their own little darlings private.
Cherie Blair, Emily Thornberry, Diane Abbott, Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harperson; no doubt there are thousands more.
With the honourable exception of Andrew Neill (Paisley Grammar School), no one at the BBC ever flags up the hypocrisy of these scoundrels.
Perhaps someone can persuade Emma to “crack open” Gaia’s little private schoolroom and allow in a suitably enriching ethnically and socially diverse group of fellow students … just as Emma herself argued that we needed to “crack open” the hideously White and middle class Exeter University. After all, we wouldn’t want poor Gaia to grow up deprived of the full richness of modern Britain now would we?
So much for Tristrams Hunt campaign against unqualified teachers then!
To be honest-I know that most state schools ARE a crock of shite-but I`d have thought that labours luvvies would have found something nice in Hampstead, Highgate,Islington or Notting Hill.
Rest assured Emma won`t be classified as a dodgy home-schooling class traitor( in a literal sense here)-the media will simply cite privacy and confidentiality…at least until Tristram gets into the Dept for Kiddies, LGBTQ,Islam and civil partnerships-condoms and obesity to be made compulsory.
If only White Dee would shack up with Anjem Chodhury-THEN we`d get the preferred client-base to keep Labour in power forever….until we get Al Britanni at least.
It is truly amazing that these ‘scares’ (many of which are effectively from NHS Union organisations and so-called ‘independent’ think-tanks which never appear to see anything but from the perspective of the political left) somehow seem to serendipitously, at least from a Labour viewpoint, eke themselves out at a rate of one per day or thereabouts, is it not ?
One might have assumed, for instance, that random happenstance would dictate that the authors of all these reports and analyses would be rushing hard to get their erudite compositions out into the field at the earliest possible date, but there never seem to be two of these efforts published on a single day – nor are there any significant gaps between them – at least not as far as the BBC is concerned.
One might almost conclude that a cosy little cartel is operating in the background – ably assisted (and perhaps even orchestrated) by a certain publicly-funded media organisation.
BBC NHS News Channel now getting mileage out of how NBC broadcaster Brian Williams is going to stand down. Martine Croxall told the story and then handed over to the Washington correspondent, Rajini Vaidyanathan, to do it to death.
See Rajini ,born in England , works in USA , no affinity to our culture , she says she is an Indianfile , so she should be working for Radio Bombay or TV New Deli .Fucking Evil BBC .
BBC Bias. Rotherham. Catastrophic failure of public institutions, Council, Police Service, Labour Party. Continuing r@pe of girls and …. inaction. Dirty little secrets. Uncomfortable truths.
As I predicted on Wednesday “……The BBC will drop this ‘uncomfortable truth’ story ASAP so they can climb back in their cotton wool lined protective bubble, report on page three on women on the boards of the FTSE 100, or interface with ‘Hopenothate’ ‘research’…..”. I was wrong. It has turned into a ‘Bash UKIP for the Rotherham failings‘. This is evidenced by : the basic lack of coverage ‘across’ the BBC since Wednesday. Then there is this article (following a pretty stupid ‘tweet’)
with the headline “UKIP sorry for PC Ali Hassan death ‘karma’ tweet”, which is the main headline story associated with the Rotherham situation. No journalist is credited with this piece.
Then we had the celebration of a mob of SWP/Labour/union activists hounding Nigel Farage who had a scheduled visit to open the local UKIP office of (a genuine straight talking Yorkshire lass) Jane Collins (who actually gives a shit that the institutions are failing and wants to do something about it). The MSM had been informed, and the orchestrated obstruction of the public highway and prevention of free public discourse was facilitated by the efficient and trustworthy South Yorkshire Police. Mob rule facilitated by cops? How can you fight that? Is this England? Yes, England 2015, wake up.
Then there is this article by BBC’s Dan Johnson. (A piece credited to a journalist, as in my view, all BBC News articles should be)
Now I am not going to be critical of young Dan, who appears regularly on Look North in the Yorkshire region and who has reported fairly, within his (enforced?) linguistic restrictions. This article, (I suspect due to policy? /editor? / Dan?) yet again fails to use the word ‘Labour’.
There appears to be a policy within the BBC (Andrew Neil excepted [dare they not sack him?]) to actively disassociate the Labour Party itself and individual public servants, from an ongoing problem of national importance, yet the ‘word’ ‘UKIP’ appears in the former Rotherham associated article (about a dumb-ass tweet) on eight occasions.
It’s not even subtle anymore. I’m sure cleverer word counters than I could look into this more deeply.
What’s the point of BBC News (public service broadcasting) if it cannot even report fully, openly, investigatively, and diligently where institutions of state (Rotherham MBC, South Yorkshire police) and a political organisation – the Labour Party – are failing, criminally, in their roles as Public Servants? Or have the words ‘public’ and ‘servant’ been redefined by the government or the OED without me looking?
Those who have removed the blinkers know the answers. The BBC acts in the interests of the establishment and takes the piss out of honest license fee payers, polluting their brains. Public service my arse. Any chance our country will survive Common Purpose? It could be nearing the time when patriotic tax payers need to starve this sick establishment of their funds.
Scrap the telly tax. F*&k the LibLabCon. Vote UKIP.
“Readers may find this link to a searchable version of the BBC Academy’s News Style Guide interesting and useful.”
Clearly as useful as BBC staff find it. But like Editorial, the word ‘guide’ offers great scope to adhere, or not, on whim. Just as integrity can ‘guide’ what is ‘news’ or not, all luckily free of accountability thanks to trusted and transparent exemptions.
Seek, and ye shall find. Unless it doesn’t suit. That’s what production suites are for.
tomoMar 28, 21:20 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/b58Jsgr7/chrome-u-L8-DDNZEXx.png[/img]
wwfcMar 28, 21:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 first lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEDTdtXattk
ZephirMar 28, 20:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 I remember a live music TV show called Revolver, hosted by Peter Cooke, no less, playing the ignorant “club owner”,…
ZephirMar 28, 20:04 Midweek 26th March 2025 You must have had a slush fund then ? And what happened if you didn’t sell it fast enough ?…
ScrobleneMar 28, 20:03 Midweek 26th March 2025 One issue I have with lefties, is their arrogant distaste for anything commercial. Years ago, I sold concrete to various…
Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
i say, i have no idea what you people are complaing about, the TV licence is outstanding value for money. Its worth paying for radio 4 alone, even with its right wing bias
support the BBC and NUJ and #saynotoukip
Harriet, it could be dangerous to stop taking your tablets at this stage.
good lord, im going to have to take tablets to sleep tonight, Any questions on Radio 4 actually has a tory on it. Luckily, my god daughters Bethany and Mirian will be there to shout him down. They do tea and scones for their friends in the local youth group the UAF, lovely bunch of people
Hello Scotty.
Scotty or Scott ? Albaman ? Lots of dummies with time to waste. think they are being cleaver but really are rather sad and needy.
jeez, it was saracsm.
Sorry Miss Smith, you know us biased bbc types, all hair trigger blunderbuss types who ought to have been put down in the cultural revolution. You know I did google your name thinking you might be some leftie relation of the great late General Farrar-Hockley, thankfully you’re not !
I thought it was very good, Harriet. I do hope we hear from you on a regular basis. I salute your courage, your strength, and your indefatigability.
Oh dear. You clearly ain’t.
Please see your post on the open thread – Feb 7 at 2.07pm.
Oh dear.
Journalist embroidered story scandal! After the fuss on the BBC about the Fox News journalist, it’s surprising that the Beeb haven’t jumped on the story of how Cathy Newman embroidered the story on how she was ‘ushered out of’ the South London Islamic Centre in Streatham. The Huffington Post have CCTV footage of her speaking to someone at the door and then, looking confused, leaving alone.
The dork went to the wrong place. It seems that she went to an all-male mosque by mistake, and so she has apologised. Now, you have to ask, if the Church Of England had all-male churches, wouldn’t Cathy Newman, and the Guardian, and the Beeboids seek them out to cause mischief? Double standards here, perhaps?
Channel 4’s Cathy Newman apologises for ‘misunderstanding’ over mosque
Where’s the NUJ when you need them? Oh yes – probably denying free speech to Farage or Le Pen.
Reading the Guardian comments, all they can focus on is that she lied. The fact that the mosque illegally refused entry on grounds of gender is completely ignored.
Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK
IF this is any where near the truth, then this is war.
That’s the Mirror though, traditionally the popular “left wing” newspaper, the one for the working class.
If this is Labour’s new strategy it’s a risky one, could backfire badly.
The source for this is Labour Rotherham MP Sarah Champion. She is trying divert attention away from her own filthy sordid guilt.
But statistically is it reasonable to accept that 1 in 60 people have been raped by a Pakistani Paedophile? And when you factor in ages out of the equation 18yrs+ or -9yrs and are left with people aged 9-16 the figure becomes ludicrous .
Sarah Champion has coasted through the week smiling sweetly as she patted away soft deliveries from the Beeboids, Sky and C4. The highlight was her starring role as heroine in the BBCs Commons documentary.
Yesterday she was due to be interviewed on The Daily Politics, but she cried off. Rather unwisely, she came back today. The delay had just provided Brillo with an extra 24 hours to do his homework. The result was car-crash television. By the end she was rendered speechless; standing motionless like a zombie. You have to see this [from about 27:20]:
Neil on absolutely top form – and bristling with anger. He speaks for millions of people who remain furious about the evils in our midst – and the way these evils have been ignored and even protected.
Just saw the interview. Christ, Neil tore her a new one. It is clear that Neil doesn’t suffer from BBC group think. I’m surprised it was aired.
She is also disingenuous, Oxford council has a mixture of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens. There hasn’t been a conservative councilor since 2000.
So we have a bunch of lefty paedo cover up merchants running Oxford.
Interesting also was Champion’s use of the word “disgusting” (twice, I think) about Nigel Farage’s visit and alleged attempts to make political capital out of the Rotherham child abuse affair.
This word is something of a fave with Leftists: the key is to pronounce it “dis-CUST-ing” with very heavy emphasis on the middle syllable. It is often used against the BNP, UKIP and ‘Tory cuts’. Another instance was the intervention by Labour plant and stupid bimbo Amy Rutland from the audience against Diane James of UKIP on Question Time a while ago. The viewers are meant to remember the word and associate it with the target’s party.
Are people on the Left trained in these media techniques? Typical of our time is the implicit appeal to emotion (i.e. disgust) rather than reason or fact.
If the mediocre Sarah was the Champion in the MP candidate selection process, after MacShane had to go, I wouldn’t want to listen to the second or third placed candidates. She was wrong about Oxford, as you say, and engaged in vague emoting rather than the precise thinking of Andrew Neil.
Are people on the Left trained in these media techniques?
Need you ask?
Did you also notice how the BBC allowed her to claim that the protesters keeping Farage and UKIP Jane Collins holed up in the UKIP shop were angry ‘locals’? They were nothing of the sort, but far-left agitators from a campaign group dominated by two Trotskyist parties: http://durotrigan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/sarah-champions-intimidation-in.html
The demolition of Labour was precise but the dethroning of Champion? I’m not sure. He could have simply asked her three questions: Firstly, when was she first aware of the wholesale sexual exploitation of white girls by Pakistan groups? Secondly, why only six months ago did she express the view that she didn’t know that the perpetrators were mainly Pakistani? Incidentally, why did she think they may have been Pakistani, but certainly not Muslim? Thirdly, what had she actually done when she discovered this scandal? Champion’s sole strategy responding to Neal was to cynically using the victims as a means of deflecting from the victimisers. Pretty low.
Her first utterance – not just the council remember, police as well – as if that in someway fuckin exonerates them.
Utterly brazen. Utterly disgusting. Common Purpose through and through.
And in the same programme Kevin Maguire celebrated Farage’s SWP haranguing by stating that “UKIP’s politics of hate” were not welcome in Rotherham.
The Labour Party, your Labour Party Kevin, stood idly by whilst at least 1,400 children were raped by Muslim men.
Should we not be focussing on the hatred in that Kev you champagne socialist twat?
Will all end in tears
You are absolutely right – Politically correct Labour were in control and they are to blame, no ‘ifs or buts’ – Simples
Spot on Merched Becca.
And what I cannot understand is why anybody, anybody at all, would vote for the bastards again.
And yet even the Rotherham electorate did in the Police Commissioner election.
I despair. I really do.
Unfortunately, it would seem that Rotherham is a Labour pocket borough. Who knows what it would take to get the locals to turf the party out.
Sadly, a lot of people who vote Labour are, actually, terminally stupid, they really are.
He got 50.02% of the vote of 14.8% of the electorate! That’s 7% of the total vote.
Not an endorsement at all. Down, no doubt to the party faithful and postal votes.
NB Billings is a friend of the BBC.
Hope Absolute Radio`s Sarah Champion , sue`s the Labour one ,do not confuse her with the evil Labour one .
Did you watch the item after Sarah Chapman about Redcar. It is worth a watch.
Typical Mirror understatement. It was 2 million.
“An all male mosque” so peace understanding and equality. What happens to all male organisations in our universe not the 7th century universe of the cult.
Only the BBC and the quisling oafs at Channel 4 would tell me about the IS and its tale of a US aid worker(what else?).
God bless the child alright-but how the hell the liberal media choose to tell us that “the Jordanians killed an American in an air strike” as if it were Reuters itself, is utterly pitiful.
IS only recently lit a trail of petrol to a human being in a cage, then put it online…yet here we are being expected to treat selfsame sadist sick bastard spawn of Shaitan-Savile himself, as if they`d tell one word of the Truth.
Yet the likes of Channel 4 and the BBC dare still to believe.
Hence the gleeful reporting of their lefty nazis shutting down Farage just as the SNP did…and their treatment of Nick Griffin, Tommy Robinson and even Ann Cryer(Channel 4 News tonight) confirms their hatred of the white working class and those whistleblowers of Islamic abuse of whiteys kids.
Thankfully, we`re all onto it now-Vote Labour, get Rotherham, Mid-Staffs, France, Greece, Venezuela…all at one and the same time.
This ‘report’ was aired on BBC World Facebook earlier today.
Amongst a few posts that would have Albaman demanding apologies from Lord Pantone for the association (could happen), most were telling the bbc to suck it for failing to grasp life’s realities.
Quite refreshing.
Trying to understand this gibberish it would appear you annoyed that the BBC doesn’t embrace your far right views.
Too true.
Who wants to be ruled by inarticulate morons like yourself!
On the subject of inarticulate morons…
Trying to understand this gibberish it would appear you are annoyed that the BBC doesn’t embrace your far right views.
Who wants to be ruled by inarticulate morons like
did you listen to george galloways quiet paronoid claim of bbc bias last night on question time.how ironic that this man george galloway complained last night that people were trying to restrict his freedom of speech,what hypcorisy from this man who asked the home secretary theresa may last year to ban the edl having a peacefull protest in bradford and tower hamlets restricting there freedom of speech,he failed by the way,see the hypocrisy here from galloway,also,george galloway is a man who will sue anybody at the drop of a hat for libel,how interesting last night that when jewish members of the audience pointed out to galloway that he supported hamas suicide bombers in palestine and incited anti semetic hatred in bradord when he declared bradford a isreali free zone galloway sat in the chair completely silent with no responce,thats says it all in my book,finally,galloway and his far left wing mattes do believe in freedom of speech but only for themselves but nobody else,galloway was exposed last night on question time for what he really is,he truly got the nick griffin treatment and he did not like it one bit.
For FS are you channelling James Joyce or is your medication running out?
Stuart’s writing style is I agree rather unusual, but it’s always possible to understand what he’s on about, and he makes good points.
Crikey – I have just watched QT on the Iplayer – the first time I have ever – ever – seen a vociferous right wing audience. The Leftists didn’t like it at all did they. Tristram hunt
They weren’t right wing, they were a reasonably balanced audience. You’ve got so used to the QT audience being left wing you see anything else as right wing!
You are right of course – I am so used to braying communists and placed leftist activists the sight of a middle aged man pointing out Labour hypocrisy turned my head!
Did you notice George ‘Take your Hands Off Me, Woman’ Galloway inadvertently acknowledge BBC left-wing bias? He was clearly taken aback that the great bulk of the audience in Finchley was hostile to him and likened himself to ‘Daniel in the lion’s den’. In his anger, he made a sarcastic remark about the BBC stuffing the audience full of lefties, as if the reaction of that one audience disproved the oft-heard claim.
Question Time moves around the country, presumably to best reflect the variation in local opinion. George knew he was in ‘enemy’ territoty – he has been tweeting his relish for this encounter all week. And he knew, as the anti-Israeli, he had few friends in that Jewish neighbourhood. But it’s clear that George and all those who the BBC invite to promote the Corporation’s values expect that corporation to ensure the audience is sympathetic to their message.
From time to time, we get amigos on this site expressing incredulity that we consider the BBC to be biased. Surely this reaction by George Galloway shows clearly that he expects nothing less than that the BBC should be biased on his behalf?
Guest Who has posted information from the man who asked the killer question, telling how he only informed the Beeb of the bland bit and then added the contentious dig at George on delivery. I’m sure George was angry at that too, probably blaming the Beeb again!
The Galloway volcano has exploded – he’s not a happy camper:
It is defamatory and worse and it was not the question that was asked. The question that was tabled and agreed was not the question that was asked.
He added his own words and David Dimbleby should have stopped and re-shot that question, as it’s not a live show.
David Dimbleby apologised to me afterwards for the man adding on that bit, but he should have made it clear to the audience that this trick had been played and not just apologise afterwards.
George Galloway accuses BBC over Question Time ‘set-up’
Gorgeous George complains of being set up by el-beebi and that there was not a single Muslim in the audience even though there were 50,000 who lived in the area. 2 points, 1, how did he know ? Are all Muslims the type who have dark skins and wear the usual garb or are some of them more western in outlook and appearance ? One of the women questioners I thought fitted that description. 2, knowing the ethnic make up of an area might make one think that the Gorgeous one had done some pre planning and was hoping to be playing before a home audience rather than a away game on a wet Thursday, bless his little cotton socks.
A few questions are inspired by this piece and quotes of statements made:
“David Dimbleby privately apologised to him afterwards.”
Is the BBC’s star chair in the habit of making such apologies? Or just when the venture off piste falls the wrong side of the mountain?
“an inclusion he said that had not been agreed beforehand”
So… Not only are questions from the audience pre-vetted by the BBC, but also by the panel?
I did not know this. Maybe a BBC spokesperson demonstrating the open nature of such debate could be called upon to clarify? As that sounds like more rigging than a man of war.
“David Dimbleby should have stopped and re-shot that question, as it’s not a live show”
Just goes to show, I thought it was live. So, all can be sorted in post? How very… narrative enhancing, should propaganda backed by censorship be a trend.
“He also took issue with the make-up of the audience, saying there was not a single Muslim among them”
Not one? How did he know? Looking for physical hints would be a bit profiling of him, surely? Or did the BBC give him access to their vetting forms?
If so, what does the BBC have to say about supposedly arbitrary vetting processes that highlight a religious affiliation and then use this to pack an audience to meet quota? Or not.
All in all, Gorgeous in the Graun has informed me of much about BBC stage management I was unaware of.
I am sure the BBC, and its ranks of belief-secure, anonymous spokespersonnel, are thrilled.
Snap back :-). Live, nah, never thought that, far too much chance of some nasty little pleb ruining the trick and saying the unsayable. There is a delay, is it shot the day before or on the night but around 7pm ? Can someone who has been there enlighten us ? I personally would be up to watch a HIGNFY with all the bloopers left in style of reprise show on bbc 4.
See, they do make mistakes, get tongue tied, and generally forget to show their better side to the nation, would the show exist otherwise ?
Ps, more needs to be said about the total lack of live discussion shows about issues of national concern these days, when I was growing up in the 60s and 70 s TV was full of live shows with an audience. ITV used to have them fronted by the late David Frost some ding dong battles, what are the media afraid of these days ? Someone dropping their ‘atches live ?
Guest Who superb post on how would Galloway know the ethnic makeup.
‘Surely this reaction by George Galloway shows clearly that he expects nothing less than that the BBC should be biased on his behalf? ‘
Actually, he suggested the audience wasnt balanced because there were no Muslims. He insinuated it wasnt balanced because many appeared hostile to him.
But you seem to think that if George believes it, it must be true. You should try to see & hear more clearly.
Blimey, more of that and you’ll have certain folk from the ‘hood in apoplexy.
Looking forward to hearing how that ‘suggestion’ was informed, and answered. Preferably by more than pointing at ‘because the BBC say so’ guidelines.
Brings to mind a QT a few years back when the ‘fragrant’ Y A Brown screeched, ‘ what is wrong with this audience?’ over being heckled over her comments on some issue…..her discomfiture was delicious to behold… the racist, preening bitch…
Isn’t the woman in the keffiyah one of Gorgeous George’s wives?
No BBC-NUJ interest in supporting the freedom of expression of anti-jihad Americans, Pamela Geller and and Robert Spencer.
But then they don’t work for Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera.
Decision against Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller ‘marks British descent into authoritarianism.'”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/u-k-affirms-ban-on-pro-israel-activists/#xTuiysoLBfdpk15r.99
lol@george galloway last night.
so how are all you little englanders doing?
Why don’t you ask all the 1400,at the last count,abused girls in Rotherham how they are doing? Because you couldn’t care less, you really don’t want to upset the Religion of Peace do you. What a pathetic piece of humanity you really are.
Scotty, hi, how’s things ? I do like you more than your near namesake who is a paranoid old histrionic, you usually are full of wit and fun, why on here at 10-30 on a Friday night ? Ought you not be out doing what the young metro types do on a Friday ? Or are you just passing time whilst preloading ? Anyway hope not to see you on here tomorrow at 10-15 or I might feel a song coming on ( look it up, some of us barking mad fascists used to be punks too). Anyway have a good evening Scotty , oh and be careful out there.
I’ll tell you what you are Scott….the type that, if, God forfend, we succumb to a foreign power or an Islamic takeover, to turn into a Quisling type, betraying people to the ‘power’, just to save your worthless, miserable skin.
It was the far right who were going to sell this country out in 39.
Still would.
You are a quisling.
Ah yes, and it was the far left systematically working for international communism that were in love with the workers paradise – with your choice of Siberian death camps or starvation at home. The home of lies. death and injustice – a death cult society that they wanted to impose on us. You know the sort of people – leftist fucks who would be happy to crack a few bourgeoise eggs to make a workers omelette and then be amazed as they were carted off to a camp themselves
The far left have systematically sold out this country – they continue to do so when they can – they refused to participate in the ‘Anglo/French imperialist war’ before July 1941 – organising strikes in coal mines and sapping morale because the British left were allied with Nazi Germany (on Stalin’s orders) right up until the point that the Nazi vermin attacked the USSR.
The left actively wanted to deconstruct Britain,
They still do and have largely succeeded
Still defining the National Socialists as Right Wing and Communists as Left Wing are we ? When reality shows they were both versions of a left wing creed leading to a peoples paradise. You decide which is further to the left than the other. To me and others it is just another version of Shia and Sunni….internecine warfare destructive to all and both worthless.
Me ? I’m just a Briton, son of Yeoman stock, I want nothing of foreign paths to glory, I do not believe in the simplistic schemes to a better life.
Stuff your Left and Right, stuff your sky pilots, I want what is mine, my land to do and go as I please without need of political or religious crutches. I have no need of outside beliefs, I believe in the honesty, integrity and sanity of the common British people.
Well it is England in which we are living – not la-la land. If you don’t like England – well there are 190 other countries you can pick.
Hint – you probably won’t like it – but no one’s stopping you emigrating. Who knows – it will probably improve the average IQ of both countries.
You mean Britain. I don’t live in England. Like many others I live elsewhere in the UK.
The ‘Daily Express’ describes the blockaders of Nigel Farage and UKIP more explicitly than do Labour Party-supporting Beeboids-
“A [UKIP] party spokesman branded the 40-strong group of demonstrators ‘hard-line Socialist Workers’.
“Mr Farage added that he was the victims of ‘trade union-funded’ bullying.”
“Nigel Farage trapped in Ukip’s Rotherham office for two hours by chanting protestors”
I’m struggling to get my head round this. If I and 40 mates decided to blockade Ed Miliband in a shop and prevent him from speaking, would the police
(a) arrest us all
(b) tell Mr Miliband to call off his event?
Maybe I need to put it to the test. Anyone up for finding out next time he appears?
Would love to but I can’t get the time off work.
Given that if your local WI invited over a speaker some others don’t like and threaten to riot over, Theresa and Dave will ban them in the name of cohesion whilst muttering free speech platitudes to a credulous media, the answers to what passes for political leadership these days are getting depressingly consistent.
I’m also struggling with it.
I was astounded that the police did not simply order the motley crew of protesters back and escort Farage outside and through them.
But then of course these are the same PCs who have been paralysed by Labour PeeCee, to the extent that they have allowed Muslim rape gangs to terrorise their community – and some of them have even been complicit in that foul abuse.
I guess once you have handed your community over to Muslim thugs practising Sharia ‘law’ on white girls, an opposition politician denied his right to campaign is no big deal.
And probably the same PCs who helped the council take back the Eastern European kids from their experienced and loving UKIP-supporting foster parents.
Irony on a massive scale, ignored by the BBC and its ‘satirical’ comedy writers.
Exactly. And probably the same ones who arrested the two fathers who tried to get their daughters back from the gangs.
On editing I suddenly realised we are probably talking about the same incident. But you know how it goes – there is so much crap on the planet from the devotees of the Religion of Peace it gets hard to keep track of it all.
Different one, I think, TT:
Contrast the council’s version of events with that of the foster parents.
That is a relevant observation Roland……count me in for your gallant 40….put the absurd, and patently corrupt Police on the spot.
As Vance has often discovered there is no support whatsoever from the lunatics here.
The right wing frustcaked who post here have never stood up for anything except at a urinal.
So you keep saying, which has certain ironies attached.
PS: have to appreciate what is either a great new gibber-free word, or one of those autocorrect slips that so often catch out one proud poster here more than any. So much haste, so little else.
The answer is that you would be arrested. DNA would be taken forcibly if necessary they might even raid your house to look for weapons. They will then release you without charge in the early hours of the morning. Probably.
It is undeniably the case that the anti-UKIP protesters were from the hard-left and associated with the Trotskyist-dominated ‘Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Against Cuts’ (TUSC), which plainly does not believe in either parliamentary democracy, or free speech.
‘Breitbart’ provides a snapshopt of the sort of ‘diverse’ England,
which Beeboids and Tony ‘diverse’ HALL politically promote-
Thought corrupts language, and language can corrupt thought….
How right Orwell was……
…Why are they not using the word terrorist to describe this murderous, if not insane, group of fanatics? It is after all clearly one of the Home Office’s list of proscribed terrorist groups – and not one it minces its words about:
‘ISIL is a brutal Sunni Islamist terrorist group active in Iraq and Syria. The group adheres to a global jihadist ideology, following an extreme interpretation of Islam, which is anti-Western and promotes sectarian violence. ISIL aims to establish an Islamic State governed by Sharia law in the region and impose their rule on people using violence and extortion. The UK does not recognize ISIL’s claims of a restored Caliphate or a new Islamic State.’
The BBC, however, by describing ISIL as ‘militant’ behaves as though it does/might recognize ISIL’s claims.
Kathy Gyngell: ISIL’s brutes are terrorists. But only militants to the BBC
I remember a BBC report from Syria not all that long ago. The violence was already in full swing though the full horror of what ISIL were doing had not been exposed at that point.
Basically the report set out to prove how some now living under the ISIL jackboot felt life had improved for them, very much in a law-and-order and ‘the trains now run on time’ vein, based upon the opinions of a couple of individuals. How long it took the BBC to unearth these poor benighted souls was anybody’s guess.
I remember at the time listening in utter disbelief. There seemed to be no limit to the lengths the BBC would go to in spinning the RoP in a positive light. Even now they call them ‘militants’ as though they are some Islamic equivalent of Deggsy’s far-left Liverpool-wreckers of the 80’s.
I can’t recall who the reporter was, but it was early doors on the Today programme sometime last summer. Unless he was being totally and utterly naive, which I doubt, to me he should have been held to account for his reckless and irresponsible reporting – as a minimum.
It would be interesting to hear it again.
I do recall the near paradise of the rebel held Syrian areas unlike the hard cosh others were under in the hated Government areas. Why aren’t we bombing the Government, bomb them now. Or maybe I imagined it all.
following on from this
A corrupt police officer and two councillors have been accused of having sex with victims of one of Britain’s worst child abuse scandals.
Two councillors and a police officer in Rotherham have been accused of having sex with victims of abuse in the South Yorkshire town, it has been claimed today.
A serving police officer at the centre of an undercover probe into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has died after being hit by a car, The Star can exclusively reveal.
THE PC “PC HASSAN ALI had been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission”
… Identities of THE COUNCILLORS ?
The ever astute George Igler incisively cuts through the crap, with no mincing of words
Canadian national television
will he be on BBC Breakfast tomorrow? 😀
“A serving police officer at the centre of an undercover probe into the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has died after being hit by a car”
An interesting coincidence. Did he walk out in front of it? Was it deliberately driven at him? If so, who did it and why? I can think of several types of people who would have a motive to silence him permanently.
Good questions. Maybe out of respect for the driver and family, all usually concerned from the establishment with such things have again felt it best to not delve too deep, too early?
Quite the message being sent to any seeking extra-judicial means to accelerate their aims.
Non-Payment of Licence Fee to Remain Criminal Offense, Decide Lords
Non payment of the BBC licence fee will remain a criminal offence thanks to Peers in the House of Lords rejecting a government attempt to make it a civil offence.
Lord Grade, a former BBC Chairman conveyed concern that there were “dark forces at work”, amid fears throughout the chamber that watering down the offence would lead to thousand of households not paying the fee, blowing a hole in the BBC’s budget.
In the event, Lords voted 178 to 175 in favour of an amendment that retained the criminal penalty for non payment of the fee, which currently stands at £149.50 per household per year. The money goes directly toward funding the BBC.
We should have a referendum on keeping the TV Licence, or not?
Dark forces?
That’s quite a statement, if very vague.
Be interesting to ask him who he’d include in that, such as people simply fed up with compelled funding of inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and integrity. And unimpressed with the censorship of any vocal in concern at such propaganda.
But likely he’d get a spokesperson to say he shouldn’t have to answer, as he’s a Lord. Just like the guy supposedly accountable now for the BBC.
A unique, if unfit for purposes of, organization indeed.
I read this by Solzhenitsyn. “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations. ”
The liberal state will have it’s enquiries and it’s deliberations and all to keep the silence and to protect it’s descent into illusion and decadence.
These people are never to be trusted. We need new men and women. Otherwise this nation will go down..
Or to put it simply …
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
dave s. Excellent post re Solzenhitsyn.
“Tristram Hunt” – isn’ that rhyming slang of some sort?
It definitely should be. George Galloway is certainly a “Tristam Hunt”; an indefatigable one.
Ask Jim Naughtie – different Hunt, though…
Maybe the silly anti-UKIP protesters in Rotherham who were saying, “No to Bigatry” (sic) were against big hats since only small hats are needed for small-brained, leftist rent-a-mob types. Of course, not a scintilla of concern for the rape victims because that would be racist. And the Muslim men responsible were probably driven to it by Israel’s foreign policy.
A report on the adequacy of public sector complaints systems in the NHS.
By the BBC.
Funny old world.
The Rotherham Child Rapes Report has gone down the BBC “memory hole”. UKIP non story from that sad fractured place still remains on the BBC Website.
I have noticed that since the Euro elections, when all the dirt the BBC and (nearly all) the rest of the MSM flung at UKIP didn’t have the desired effect; they are using the tactic of attempting to starve them of publicity as much as possible. That is unless it’s something like this stunt in Rotherham yesterday, which the Beeb etc can’t resist carping about. Though I think scenes like that still provide good publicity for UKIP: it just shows publicly how progressives will abuse the freedom of expression, democracy and the democratic process any and every way they can, if they believe it will be beneficial to them. They truly are the enemy within.
“UKIP dismayed after police fail to stop protesters in Rotherham”
Mr Glodstone. Good post on the enemy within.
It’s all they got. They actually have little power in reality. What we see on our streets, schools, doctors surgeries etc tell us what is happening in our country. not the beeb. The BBC is not the only medium where we get our information. The Internet and choice of news outlets means we get information from other sources rather than “aunty”. UKIP nailed it in the Euro elections despite, as you said, Beeb muck chucking. No f@cker reads the Guardian and most these days don’t buy the Beeb’s impartiality bullshit and the “we mostly get it right” crapola they spew. Once trust has been broken and the beeb have done this repeatedly, as have the Labour and unfortunately the Tories there is no going back. The big three parties are redundant and so is the beeb. Put them out of their misery and ours. Before it’s too late. It’s time to finish them.
On yesterday’s BBC lunchtime news our intrepid reporter was briefing us on the sentence handed down to the ISIS terrorist who faked death and attempted to sneak back into the country with the help of his family.
Except in his four or so minutes he was in permanent hand-wringing mode, telling us what a great dilemma it was for the family knowing he was over there and what he was doing and – what should they do about it? Should they report him to the authorities?
Now let me see, there was the video footage of their subhuman little scumbag, armed to the teeth and holding a severed head in his hand. Hmmmm, let’s have a think about this…..yes, that’s it, let’s get him back to mummy and daddy undercover and tell him not to be a naughty little boy ever, ever again. Yep, that should do it. No need to involve Plod, what does he understand of our culture? Get the Imam to give him a telling off, too. Oh no, hang on, he was the one who…
Just when you thought the BBC couldn’t stoop any lower…..
That would probably be INBBC’s Mr Dominic Casciani, who seems very empathetic to problems relating to Islam.
Try cutting the head off a returned jihadist and posing outside your front door………..
Will the beeb send out a reporter to empathise with your world view and understand your reasons for the beheading……?
Will they see that your family was in a quandary about reporting you to plod…….?
Will the local Labour Party organise a demo in your support……”free the beheading one “………
Will they ? ………yeah right.
But he said sorry…amazed he`s not the new Crime Commissioner for Luton by now.
For Beeboids to investigate? – The irresponsible extravagance of the NHS-
‘Daily Mail’-
“NHS boss pocketed £155,000 by retiring for just 24 hours:
She quit, cashed in pension, then got her job back!
“Sue James used loophole to bank bonus as Trust declared massive losses.
“She was rehired day later to continue earning salary of almost £200k a year.
“Once offered £250k to gag surgeon who spoke out about poor patient care.
“Executive now faces being investigated and could be fired under new laws .”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2943471/NHS-boss-pocketed-155-000-retiring-just-24-hours-quit-cashed-pension-got-job-back.html#ixzz3R3NzZzTC
How is this different from the artificial structures used by some businesses to reduce their tax bills?
Big accountancy firm accused of saving people money
Well I suppose the NHS exec is pocketing thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money, courtesy of very dodgy employment practices, which might be better spent elsewhere. Plus there is a bribery allegation.
Whereas your Daily Mash article is taking ths piss out of politicians slamming tax-avoiding companies which are taking advantage of the laws passed by……politicians.
No connection whatsoever as far as I can see.
I probably didn’t explain my point very well.
I don’t see the difference in terms of sleaze between NHS bosses stretching the rules as described in the Daily Mail, and businesses using highly artificial structures to reduce their tax bills. So far as the BBC is concerned however, the public sector invariably occupies the moral high ground.
I just included the Daily Mash thing because I thought it was funny.
Point taken.
As ‘some’ would point out, though, CEOs of large companies are appointed to maximise shareholder value. If they weren’t doing this – and that includes minimising tax obligations, as long as it is within the law – they’d get the sack. If politicians don’t like it, they should change the rules.
In contrast, public sector executives are paid to get best value for the taxpayer. Sadly, this is rarely the case as most of them seem intent on lining their own pockets at our expense.
At the risk of appearing to sit on the fence, I generally agree with that as well.
IMO, there’s a difference between creating an artificial, non-commercially motivated structure which transfers profits to a territory where no tax is payable, and where little or no work is done or value added, and a structure which acknowledges the global mature of modern trade and the fact that goods and services might not be wholly produced in the territory where the customer resides and where the public and Civil Service seem to think that tax should be paid.
However, and this is where the fence sitting comes in, I do think that various governments have tended to push the responsibility on to business because Revenue and Customs are incapable of getting to grips with what is really going on.
When I worked in commerce, a tax partner from our auditing firm (not PWC) came to us with a whizzo scheme for saving VAT on the company car fleet. It was so impractical, artificial and non commercial that we told him we wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole. We would have had to transfer the entire fleet into a new company set up solely for that purpose in the space of four weeks. In our opinion, it went well beyond merely looking after our interests.
Beeboid-Guardianista hero, ASSANGE-
“Now our bill for guarding WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange during his two-year stay in Ecuadorian embassy hits £10million.
“Julian Assange has claimed asylum at Ecuador embassy since June 2012.
“He faces arrest on a European Arrest Warrant if he leaves the building.
“Team of up to three police officers monitors the property 24 hours a day.
“Spend tops £10million to stop Assange avoiding extradition to Sweden.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2943486/Now-bill-guarding-WikiLeaks-Julian-Assange-two-year-stay-Ecuadorian-embassy-hits-10million.html#ixzz3R3T2txmb
Tax…. it’s the foundation on which Leftism is predicated. And Leftism only works until it runs out of other people’s money.
fDominique du slap. Tax and the left. Superb and succinct post.
Don’t worry, Ed. The wheels may be coming of your election trolley but the Beeb will ride to your rescue. Prominent in yesterday’s news was a report on the Government’s NHS reforms which the BBC described as ‘scathing’ and ‘damning’. Perhaps ‘critical’ or even ‘highly critical’ would have been more appropriate, but obviously not emotive enough.
The report was from ‘the independent think-tank, the King’s Fund.’
This is the King’s Fund whose Chief Exec was an advisor to the last Labour government and who is a regular contributor of articles to The Guardian. ‘Independent’? Sure it is.
Two contrasting report on latest from Rotherham-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Police officer who was being investigated as part of probe into Rotherham child sex scandal has died after he was hit by a car as he crossed the street.
“PC Hassan Ali has died a week after he was knocked down in Sheffield.
“South Yorkshire Police say his death is not treated as suspicious .
“PC was on ‘restricted duties’ over four allegations linked to Rotherham.
“One abuse victim had complained that he twice asked her on dates.
“His ‘devastated’ force has today paid tribute to the ‘well-liked’ police officer.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2942899/Police-officer-investigated-probe-Rotherham-child-sex-scandal-died-hit-car-crossed-street.html#ixzz3R3Wvfeol
“Rotherham abuse scandal: South Yorkshire PC dies after car crash”
Aussie T.V. is as politically correct as Al-Beeb it seems….
My theme tune
Scotty, an Alex Jones fan!
Alex Jones is way better than the BBC.
According to the BBC this morning, experiments are under way to link sheep in Wales, to the internet, in order to monitor their movement. Presumably, the odd remotely administered electric shock will keep them in order, too. Who knows, in Yorkshire, they may even remotely stun them, prior to ritual Halal slaughter.
As an adjunct, it seems, because sheep congregate in certain places to pee and poo, a check may be kept on this activity in oder to, wait for it…
“Control the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of their defaecation”.
Every day, I am agog with amazement and wonder at what greenhouse gases can do, and how sheep may control our destiny. I wonder if those involved in this nonsense even know what a greenhouse gas is?
Presumably if the level of greenhouse gases gets too high there will be a supply of corks available to stick up the sheeps arses. Halal corks, naturally.
Not a great student of the stern end of livestock, I must confess, but I had imagined the release of gasses was pretty much an ongoing event, unrestricted to location of the nearest ovine bidet. And given the range of the herd, what goes out and up is pretty much going to be in the mix once a breeze blows. So other than Lobster’s cork concept, where they toot precisely seems moot.
Maybe a plot suggestion to Top Gear for a Swansea to Wrexham race with vehicles powered by V12 flatbed herbivore ranks with very, very carefully tuned carb feeds.
I had imagined the release of gasses was pretty much an ongoing event…
It is; but only if you have the moos – the people who know best think you shouldn’t eat meat. They think you should be vegetarian instead, because that only produces a fraction of the methane.
Actually; this was the hysteria some years ago, when the developed West consumed far more meat than the developing countries. Meat eating was disgustingly elitist, and anyone who did so should feel ashamed. The fuss has mostly died down in the past few years because eating meat is one of the first benefits the citizens of a developing country want to enjoy and now everyone is at. So more meat equals more gasses, but you can’t criticise foreigners like you can your own people.
‘According to the BBC this morning, experiments are under way to link sheep in Wales, to the internet, in order to monitor their movement.’
But we all know that would be backwards and forwards, in a gentle rocking motion, don’t we?
I was shocked – very shocked, whilst listening to “Sounds of the Sixties” on Radio 2, this morning, to be obliged to listen to a tune called “Goodness, Gracious Me” by one Peter Sellers, and Sophia Loren.
This tune contained phrases spoken, and “sung” in a faux Indian accent, which I found to be racist, and hurtful. I have written a letter of complaint to the BBC, which I hope they will take seriously, in view of their moratorium on similar racist material.
I heard it the other day too, on BBC local radio , I kept quite about it, for fear, a perfectly innocent presenter would of been sacked .
And I’m sure Sophia Loren’s performance on that wonderful record would nowadays be considered ‘demeaning to women’.
Hope that they`ll dig up Peter Sellars and give him a show trial.
Sophia was forced into it all….and Sellars is white and the patriarchal oppressor.
Didn’t Sellars “black up ” in several films ? Vile horrible person, ought to be vilified and expunged from the record, none of his films ought to be shown on the bbc, ever. Didn’t Spike Milligan also “black up” ? He also needs to expunged and forgotten, hey this is fun soon there will be nothing made before 2000 available for the public to view, and a good thing too !
Shouldn’t the presenter be sacked immediately? There is precedent.
That will be Brian Matthew & “Cardboard Shoes ” then ,2 for the price of one, & both “Hideously White”.
According to the BBC, our salvation from the Extremist Radical Fighters will be from the ‘moderate’ Muslims.
Is Islam the only religion in the world that has ‘moderates’ ??
And why?
What percentage are moderates?
I’d love to know what their definition of ‘moderate’ is, judging by some of the opinion polls which have been carried out over the past several years. They show an alarmingly high percentage of worrying views on topics such as 9/11, homosexuality and ‘blasphemy’.
0 – or a bit less.
For BBC-NUJ and Labour Party-
“Rotherham: What the police did with teenage ‘prostitutes’,
Pakistani men and complicit councillors.”
Brilliant article:
“..seems fairly incompetent of the BBC to have not known that a person named ‘Steven’ is a bloke”
Maybe they are Fleetwood Mac fans?
But incompetence is, whilst endemic, here unlikely.
More Danny Cohen walking the corridors whispering quotas to any whose careers depend on senior management not interfering with editorial integrity.
If you want to see the anti-english BBC in full flow, you could have looked no further than the otherwise excellent England v Wales rugby last night which was impacted hugely by the more than partial Eddie Butler (Wales) supported by Brian Moore (English and yellow carded in the past by the BBC for his pro-England sentiment) and Martyn Williams (Wales).
In the warmth of the half time analysis chamber were Sir Clive Woodward (England) Jeremy Guscott (England) and Jonathan Davies (Wales).
It wasn’t the numbers so much, as they balance out, but the actual commentary. Butler is so pro-welsh, he just bigs up everything a welsh player does, however basic, whilst Moore is so obviously not encouraged to say what he really thinks. Williams goes along with the welsh sentiment. We had 80 minutes of that, and 15 minutes of the more balanced interplay from the analysis team.
This all after what seemed like an ages long bit of Butler poetry setting out the brilliance of Wales against all sorts of odds.
‘anti-english BBC in full flow’
‘Butler is so pro-welsh, he just bigs up everything a welsh player does, however basic, whilst Moore is so obviously not encouraged to say what he really thinks’
Yes. This is exactly how I experienced the BBC rugby coverage. And precisely how the BBC bias always works.
It goes beyond harmless and characteristic polite English self-deprecation when it crosses from sport to politics.
James Delingpole, I belive, has characterised the BBC as ‘elitist liberals treading on egg shells in their desperation not to offend’
The result – a constant drip drip drip of anti-Englishness
Was watching it in the Pub , could not pick out the commentary so much , but in the 1st half they kept reshowing the Welsh try , & penalty kicks even though the ball was still in play. Not so when England got the upper hand . I thought BBC Wales would of had their own local “More Bias” anti English Rugby Show . Then S4C would of had the same thing in translation .
Just some payback for all the years we had to suffer Peter West, or Nigel Starmer-Smith.
Oh, in the interim we had gentleman Bill Maclaren, who was jolly nice when the NZ team were kicking fuck out of anyone unfortunate to get in the way, and excusing it as just the way they play. Not so for any uk team tho.
A kind of forerunner to multi-culti excuses really.
Just saying.
Yeah , but your a fake Welshie D.C. , from England, I am actually 25% Welsh , 25% French , the rest Anglo Saxon ,but I was born & bred & live in Essex . So I only have a minor interest in Welsh Rugby , but I regard myself as English through & through . Only remember Peter West from cricket , but thought Bill Mclaren was a good commentator .
Well well, Essex Man, so you were at both my conception and my birth eh? Fuck that’s quite some feat?
I get everywhere, will be over in Wales soon , are all the pubs still closed on Sunday?
I’ve observed this precise anti-England bias a number of times. I recall listening to an England game, probably against Slovenia, on the World Service during the 2010 Football World Cup. When England scored, the commentator did not demonstrate the slightest enthusiasm, continuing to speak in a dull monotone.
Evidently he was backing the other side and didn’t even care who knew it. That was the only time I have ever experienced something that bizarre in years of listening to/watching football.
The BBC’s bias is so endemic it even intrudes into sport.
Calm down butties, you won the ruddy game didn’t you ?
Impartial commentary by a true lover of the game ended with the passing of the wonderful Bill McLaren.
Every time I watch rugby it reminds me just how good he was.
I agree with you about Bill McLaren.
I loved his phraseology. e.g. “He’s hoisted one, it’s got snow on it” and “The referee is the sole judge of fact”.
Having worked in Wales I’ve actually been on the receiving end of some of the little anti-English racism jibes ironically almost always by persons who couldn’t even speak their own national language. I actually have less than zero interest in rugby however I did watch the “build up” and noticed a definite anti-English thread in the background. In fact a family member who keeps spouting anti-English diatribe despite living in England would have been crowing from the roof tops if they had won. Me if you remember my partners Welsh.
The BBC is well aware that a day doesn’t go by without the devotees of the Religion of Peace committing atrocities somewhere on the planet. The BBC also understands that it would look really suspicious not to report these atrocities and so it gives them the bare minimum of exposure so as not to show the devotees in too bad a light too often.
Anyone who has paid attention to the BBC’s ‘reporting’ on this issue for more than a week or so knows that to get the full story one has to go elsewhere. But it’s also well known that in order to try to divert attention from the atrocities the BBC pumps out wall to wall coverage of the allegedly enlightened aspects of this allegedly peaceful religion.
Last Sunday the World Service was in great form, downplaying Islamic terrorism with a brief mention on a newscast or two and then dwelling at length on phenomena such as a Muslim woman engaged in some profound rebellion against some dress code (look, gasp, she’s not a stereotypically-oppressed Muslim female) and that “open mosque” day, which was promoted with great devotion and sincerity by a UK convert to Islam.
It’s inadvisable to tune into the World Service on a Sunday. After all, how much propaganda can a person take?
That Open Mosque thingie seems to have been a real PR triumph, not just for those who came up with it, but those reporting on it, or trying to.
Some rather ‘robust’ twittersassination now going down over C4 Cathy possibly overegging the wrong end of the stick as it were.
Thing is, this little bubble world consuming each other can often serve more to aid the sale of popcorn than affecting much else.
There’s a chappie called Max who I think I once saw on Newsnight, who may no longer see the warm hand of profile extended by the bbc, either.
It’s so sad when family falls out
I don’t live in the UK and therefore don’t watch much BBC TV so I’m afraid I’ll have to do without the popcorn.
Actually, in fairness, I recall that when the World Service was going on about the glorious open-mosque day, the host did question the convert quite sharply, even asking her whether her enthusiasm for the project might have something to do with the fact that she was a convert to Islam.
Could be that he was in mild opposition to the constant pro-Islam propaganda the World Service pushes.
Then again, he could simply have been pretending to be even-handed when it comes to Islam, to uphold that famed ‘impartiality.’
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has failed to report for the third day running the Rotherham scandal, and they are clearly relying on that old quip from Harold Wilson, “A week is a long time in politics.” This morning the “news” programme before nine o’ clock was concentrating on the subject of spitting in public, which the commentators endlessly referred to during the programme. Ah well, that is a change to the problems of having acne!! This silence on the part of the BBC towards the Rotherham scandal clearly demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of the organisation, which means that it can no longer be trusted as a national news channel. The next two days will be taken up with a diet of the Premier League and the Six Nations Rugby, which means that Aunty will be able to save the Labour Party further embarrassment.
However, Sky news did produce last night an interesting and impartial account of the South Yorkshire police constable, who had recently been killed in a road accident, and who had been linked to the Rotherham scandal. The reporter clearly referred to an official complaint made by one of the victims against the constable, despite the best efforts of the Chief Constable to try and ignore the matter in his statement offering condolences to the constable’s family.
Maybe they ve got enough “plants” and “speedial” narrators of the Al BBC line, for a Monday morning Panto special on “Your Call” …after all we ve had
creative sound engineers, Wed
acne sufferers, Thurs
ticket buying sport fans, Fri.
Obviously the most important, and burning “current issues” for debate?
I mean come on …Rotherham? … where s that?
“.. the BBC appears to go out of its way to neutralise the Casey findings.”
It also has located a dumb tweet on this from a UKIP account. Now as it decides what is not news, it will be interesting what it packs the airwaves with that it sees as more newsworthy.
Be interesting if they can get outraged about something without mentioning anything in context. Again.
By James Delingpole.
“Did you hear about the gangs of white taxi drivers in the market towns of Southern England who over a period of decades have been grooming, drugging and serially raping under-age girls of Pakistani Kashmiri heritage?”
“No of course not.”
Indeterminate perpetrators for INBBC in this, a footnote of merely local news, much below an item on ‘Newcastle Brown Ale’–
“Gateshead girls ‘violently threatened’ leaving TA centre”
“Teenage girls terrified after men threaten ‘beheading’ as they left army reserve centre”
Why doesn’t INBBC provide a ‘public service’ update online on this to include a photo of suspects in white van with distinctive number plate: ’74-GT-LF’ as here?
“CCTV released after beheading threat to cadets outside Gateshead Territorial Army Centre”
If genuine, apparently the above number plate is Dutch.
If Beeboids have politically convenient short memories-
“Gateshead Army Cadets ‘Threatened With Beheading’ In Echo Of Lee Rigby Murder”
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/feb/06/george-galloway-accuses-bbc-over-question-time-set-u…bleating george galloway gets apology from david dimbleby,will nigel farage get one as well ?
Labour’s campaign is now attacking tax havens and people who use them:
Coincidence that Panorama is focusing on the same subject on Monday night?
Common Purpose must love Panorama. In early December, Cameron went on one of his ‘new law’ PR stunts – a man can be done for ‘mental abuse’. No doubt SamCam said it would impress Mumsnet.
…Panorama hears from wives, mothers and children who have also endured non-violent domestic abuse, which is now likely to be made a criminal offence in its own right.
Panorama – Domestic Abuse: Caught on Camera
Presumably viewers would have been outraged by the idea of the state interfering in petty domestic squabbles, so the Beeb showed a nice little old lady who had been beaten black and blue, with the logic that mental abuse leads to this. Er.. right.
When I was a kid fifty years ago, there were ample laws to cover that sort of violence, not least GBH.
The new Greek Finance Minister is not impressed with the BBC according to what he says here, ……..”I must say I was appalled by the depths of inaccuracy in the reporting underpinning this interview (not to mention the presenter’s considerable rudeness).”
This is the reason for the article:
The people’s flag is deepest red….
Just last October, Emma Thompson admitted sending her daughter to a private school:
Lifelong Labour supporter Emma Thompson admits sending daughter to private school
Now, it seems, she is to be educated at home because Gaia had decided shortly before her GCSEs that school “wasn’t for her”.
Mr Wise and Ms Thompson have built a school room at the end of their garden in West Hampstead, north London, where tutors will teach Gaia.
He said: “Although I won’t be teaching her. We’ve got tutors and I’ve built her a school room in the garden.”
Emma Thompson and husband decide to educate daughter Gaia at home
You’ve got to admit that there is a lot of flexibility with socialism. Thompson joins the roll-of-shame of Labour luvvies who would deny a good education to the plebs’ kids but send their own little darlings private.
Cherie Blair, Emily Thornberry, Diane Abbott, Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harperson; no doubt there are thousands more.
With the honourable exception of Andrew Neill (Paisley Grammar School), no one at the BBC ever flags up the hypocrisy of these scoundrels.
Perhaps someone can persuade Emma to “crack open” Gaia’s little private schoolroom and allow in a suitably enriching ethnically and socially diverse group of fellow students … just as Emma herself argued that we needed to “crack open” the hideously White and middle class Exeter University. After all, we wouldn’t want poor Gaia to grow up deprived of the full richness of modern Britain now would we?
So much for Tristrams Hunt campaign against unqualified teachers then!
To be honest-I know that most state schools ARE a crock of shite-but I`d have thought that labours luvvies would have found something nice in Hampstead, Highgate,Islington or Notting Hill.
Rest assured Emma won`t be classified as a dodgy home-schooling class traitor( in a literal sense here)-the media will simply cite privacy and confidentiality…at least until Tristram gets into the Dept for Kiddies, LGBTQ,Islam and civil partnerships-condoms and obesity to be made compulsory.
If only White Dee would shack up with Anjem Chodhury-THEN we`d get the preferred client-base to keep Labour in power forever….until we get Al Britanni at least.
Calling your daughter Gaia; what a load of pretentious crap.
Grounds for social worker involvement, surely?
What will the BBC lead with tomorrow? Well; at seven minutes past eight, the Grauniad posted the latest NHS scare…. long wait to see a GP:
NHS patients face long wait to see doctor as GP shortage starts to bite
The article uses ‘population growth’ as a euphemism for the movement of people that cannot be mentioned in polite company.
No doubt the Beeb will have it tomorrow.
It is truly amazing that these ‘scares’ (many of which are effectively from NHS Union organisations and so-called ‘independent’ think-tanks which never appear to see anything but from the perspective of the political left) somehow seem to serendipitously, at least from a Labour viewpoint, eke themselves out at a rate of one per day or thereabouts, is it not ?
One might have assumed, for instance, that random happenstance would dictate that the authors of all these reports and analyses would be rushing hard to get their erudite compositions out into the field at the earliest possible date, but there never seem to be two of these efforts published on a single day – nor are there any significant gaps between them – at least not as far as the BBC is concerned.
One might almost conclude that a cosy little cartel is operating in the background – ably assisted (and perhaps even orchestrated) by a certain publicly-funded media organisation.
“…nor are there any significant gaps between them”
Volley fire is more effective, as those keen to weaponise will tell you.
At, for instance, special briefings.
UKIP sorry for PC Ali Hassan death ‘karma’ tweet – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-31194605
Why is a tweet from an anonymous UKIP volunteer worthy of a article?!?
It’s not like the guy is a party official or elected representative.
It’s a complete non-story.
And I love the way the BBC quotes twitter users who were offended, to things up.
Gutter journalism.
BBC NHS News Channel now getting mileage out of how NBC broadcaster Brian Williams is going to stand down. Martine Croxall told the story and then handed over to the Washington correspondent, Rajini Vaidyanathan, to do it to death.
Rajini Vaidyanathan Twitter
Still no mention of how Cathy Newman embroidered her story about being ‘ushered to the door’ of a mosque.
See Rajini ,born in England , works in USA , no affinity to our culture , she says she is an Indianfile , so she should be working for Radio Bombay or TV New Deli .Fucking Evil BBC .
BBC Bias. Rotherham. Catastrophic failure of public institutions, Council, Police Service, Labour Party. Continuing r@pe of girls and …. inaction. Dirty little secrets. Uncomfortable truths.
As I predicted on Wednesday “……The BBC will drop this ‘uncomfortable truth’ story ASAP so they can climb back in their cotton wool lined protective bubble, report on page three on women on the boards of the FTSE 100, or interface with ‘Hopenothate’ ‘research’…..”. I was wrong. It has turned into a ‘Bash UKIP for the Rotherham failings‘. This is evidenced by : the basic lack of coverage ‘across’ the BBC since Wednesday. Then there is this article (following a pretty stupid ‘tweet’)
with the headline “UKIP sorry for PC Ali Hassan death ‘karma’ tweet”, which is the main headline story associated with the Rotherham situation. No journalist is credited with this piece.
Then we had the celebration of a mob of SWP/Labour/union activists hounding Nigel Farage who had a scheduled visit to open the local UKIP office of (a genuine straight talking Yorkshire lass) Jane Collins (who actually gives a shit that the institutions are failing and wants to do something about it). The MSM had been informed, and the orchestrated obstruction of the public highway and prevention of free public discourse was facilitated by the efficient and trustworthy South Yorkshire Police. Mob rule facilitated by cops? How can you fight that? Is this England? Yes, England 2015, wake up.
Then there is this article by BBC’s Dan Johnson. (A piece credited to a journalist, as in my view, all BBC News articles should be)
Now I am not going to be critical of young Dan, who appears regularly on Look North in the Yorkshire region and who has reported fairly, within his (enforced?) linguistic restrictions. This article, (I suspect due to policy? /editor? / Dan?) yet again fails to use the word ‘Labour’.
There appears to be a policy within the BBC (Andrew Neil excepted [dare they not sack him?]) to actively disassociate the Labour Party itself and individual public servants, from an ongoing problem of national importance, yet the ‘word’ ‘UKIP’ appears in the former Rotherham associated article (about a dumb-ass tweet) on eight occasions.
It’s not even subtle anymore. I’m sure cleverer word counters than I could look into this more deeply.
What’s the point of BBC News (public service broadcasting) if it cannot even report fully, openly, investigatively, and diligently where institutions of state (Rotherham MBC, South Yorkshire police) and a political organisation – the Labour Party – are failing, criminally, in their roles as Public Servants? Or have the words ‘public’ and ‘servant’ been redefined by the government or the OED without me looking?
Those who have removed the blinkers know the answers. The BBC acts in the interests of the establishment and takes the piss out of honest license fee payers, polluting their brains. Public service my arse. Any chance our country will survive Common Purpose? It could be nearing the time when patriotic tax payers need to starve this sick establishment of their funds.
Scrap the telly tax. F*&k the LibLabCon. Vote UKIP.
Good post!
“Readers may find this link to a searchable version of the BBC Academy’s News Style Guide interesting and useful.”
Clearly as useful as BBC staff find it. But like Editorial, the word ‘guide’ offers great scope to adhere, or not, on whim. Just as integrity can ‘guide’ what is ‘news’ or not, all luckily free of accountability thanks to trusted and transparent exemptions.
Seek, and ye shall find. Unless it doesn’t suit. That’s what production suites are for.
“…paints a bleak picture of life in modern Britain and features storylines involving rape…”
Not, presumably, the Rotherham kind?
One also might wonder what it was about this Labour donor penned tome that so appealed to the Labour peer colleague of the Labour peer Current DG?
How to write about the radicalisation of young people in the UK without mentioning Islam.
The Indy shows what clearly is news…
Why gay men take more drugs, according to Newsnight present Evan Davies: http://t.co/dMnmAXsvEb http://t.co/AqmhL1kw4a